Thematic dictation in the Russian language. Control dictations in the Russian language



Yegorushka listened a little, and it began to seem to him that the mournful, viscous song made the air stifler, hotter and more still ... (220 words) (According to A.P. Chekhov)

Spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word, checked by stress. Spelling of non-stressed vowels. Spelling n and nn in adjectives; endings of entities; indefinite pronouns with - then; adverbs; not and nor with different parts of speech; derivative prepositions; particles would with other words.

Punctuation marks in compound and complex sentences with several subordinate clauses. Punctuation marks for homogeneous members of the sentence (with repeated unions and with a generalizing word); with separate definitions expressed by adjectives and participial phrases; at comparative speeds.


written test

in Russian (dictation)

in grade 11

("Zero" slice).


Yegorushka, panting with the heat, which was especially felt now after eating, ran to the sedge, from here he looked around the area. He saw the same thing that he saw before noon: the plain, the hills, the sky, the lilac distance. From behind a rocky hill, another, wider, towered; a small village of five or six courtyards was molded on it. There were no people, no trees, no shadows to be seen near the huts, as if the village had suffocated in the hot air and dried up. Out of nothing to do, Yegorushka caught the violinist in the grass.

Suddenly soft chanting was heard. Somewhere not close a woman was singing. The song, quiet, viscous and mournful, similar to crying and barely perceptible by the ear, was heard now from the right, now to the left, now from above, now from under the ground, as if an invisible spirit was hovering over the steppe and singing. Yegorushka looked around and did not understand where this strange song came from. Then, when he listened, it began to seem to him that it was the grass that was singing. In her song, she, half-dead, already perished, without words, but plaintively and sincerely persuaded someone that she was not guilty of anything, that the sun had burned her out in vain; she insisted that she longed to live, that she was still young and would be beautiful if it were not for the heat and drought; There was no guilt, but she nevertheless asked someone for forgiveness and swore that she was unbearably hurt, sad and sorry for herself.

Yegorushka listened a little, and it began to seem to him that the mournful, viscous song made the air stifler, hotter and more still ... (220 words) (According to A.P. Chekhov)


    Parse words by composition: strange, sun, listened

    Perform a phonetic parsing of the words: Yegorushka, singing.

    Parse the sentence.

Out of nothing to do, Yegorushka caught the violinist in the grass.


written test

in Russian (dictation)

in grade 11

("Zero" slice).

From early childhood to ripe old age, a person's entire life is continuously connected with language.

The child has not yet learned how to speak properly, and his ears are already catching the murmur of grandmother's fairy tales, a mother's lullaby. But fairy tales and jokes are a language.

The teenager goes to school. A young man walks to college or university. Through the lively conversations of teachers, through the pages of hundreds of books, for the first time he sees the immensely complex Universe reflected in the word. Through the word, he learns for the first time that his eyes have not yet seen.

New person is related to ancient thoughts, with those that formed in the minds of people thousands of years before his birth. He himself acquires the opportunity to appeal to his great-grandchildren, who will live centuries after his death. And all this thanks to the language.

And you, and me, and each of us - we all constantly think. Is it possible to think without words?

Everything that people do in the truly human world is done with the help of language. You cannot work in concert without it, together with others. Without his mediation, it is inconceivable to advance science, technology, crafts, art a single step.


    Write out the keywords of the text.

    Find synonyms and antonyms for words:

joyful -


written test

in Russian (dictation)

in grade 11

Renaissance art.



written test

in Russian (dictation)

in grade 11

Renaissance art.

What was new in the art of the Renaissance was that ideas about deity and heavenly forces are no longer interpreted as an incomprehensible mystery and, most importantly, this art is imbued with faith in a person, in the power of his mind, and creative capabilities.

Art sought not only to fill churches and palaces, but also to find a place for itself in city squares, street crossings, on the facades of houses and in their interiors. It was difficult to find a person indifferent to art. Princes, merchants, artisans, clergy, monks were often people versed in art, customers and patrons of artists.

The development of art was greatly facilitated by the fact that quickly acquired wealth accumulated in large cities. But easy success did not spoil even the most avid artists for fame and profit, since the strict foundations of the guild organization of artistic labor were still strong. Young people were trained, working as an assistant to a mature master, which is why the artists knew the craft so well. The works of art were done with care and love. Even in those cases when they do not bear the imprint of talent or genius, we are invariably admired for their excellent workmanship.

(From the encyclopedia of a young artist) (168 words)


    Select a complex sentence from the text and parse it.

    Write down phrases with the most frequently occurring word in the text.

First half of the year

1 quarter


When the boy was seated, he seemed to calm down a little. Despite the strange sensation that overwhelmed his entire being, he nevertheless began to distinguish between individual sounds. The dark gentle waves rushed uncontrollably as before, and it seemed to him that they were penetrating into his body. But now they brought with them now the bright trill of a lark, now the quiet rustle of a blossoming birch tree, now the barely audible splashes of the river. The swallow whistled with a light wing, describing bizarre circles not far off, midges rang.

But the boy could not grasp these as a whole, could not connect them. They seemed to fall, penetrating the dark head, now quiet, indistinct, now loud, bright, deafening. At times they crowded at the same time, unpleasantly mixing into incomprehensible disharmony.

And the wind from the field kept whistling in his ears, and it seemed to the boy that the waves were running faster and their roar obscured all other sounds. And as the sounds grew dimmer, a feeling of some kind of tickling languor poured into the boy's chest. The face twitched rhythmically over it; the eyes first closed and then opened again, the eyebrows moved anxiously, and a question, a heavy effort of thought and imagination, broke through in all features. The consciousness, which had not yet strengthened and was overflowing with new sensations, began to faint: it was still struggling with the impressions that had surged from all sides, trying to stand among them, merge them into one whole and thus master them, defeat them.

But the task was beyond the powers of the child's dark brain, which lacked visual representations for this work.

The boy groaned softly and lay back on the grass. His mother quickly turned to him and screamed too; he lay on the grass in a deep swoon. (245 words) (According to V.G. Korolenko)

Spelling of prepositions, conjunctions, particles.

Spelling of vowels and consonants at the root of the word; vowel in verb suffixes. Spelling of adverbs.

Punctuation marks for homogeneous members of a sentence; in proposals with detached members; in a complex and non-union complex sentences. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with different kinds communication.


Chekhov is on the way.

(I. Stepanov)

3 quarter


Chekhov is on the way.

Already many painful road inconveniences and griefs have been experienced, but nowhere have you seen such a difficult road, such an impassable crossroads, as between Tomsk and Krasnoyarsk. Here, together with the coachmen, without rest, they had to fight the cold, spring slush, colossal floods of rivers, and dirty pits. How many times has the cart broken! How many it was necessary to sit on the banks of different rivers in the rain, cold, wind and spend days and nights waiting for ferries and boats. And how sad it was to get off the cart and in felt boots to spank on ice puddles, mud, swear, not sleep for twenty-four and thirty hours in a row, eat only bread and tea, and even starve in the provincial cities of Siberia, for it was impossible to get any sausage in the shops , no cheese, no meat and even herring.

He never lacked life observations. The impressions of adolescence and youth were not forgotten, and he, as an artist, was able to expand them, tone them up, and thanks to this, sitting

on Malaya Dmitrovka in Moscow, he could write 120 - 130 stories a year. But on the road, I could hardly manage only to keep a travel diary, send short letters to relatives and small correspondences to Suvorin for "New time".

A whitish mist crept low on the ground. It was gloomy in the silent ocean of the cold taiga. The cold pestered me relentlessly, and it already seemed that summer in Siberia would never come.

It was sad to look at the ugly road, which seemed

some monstrous black pox was picking out everything, it was even more sad to think that this road, which is deadly for people and horses, is the only thread along which civilization stretches from Europe to Siberia. (250 words)

(I. Stepanov)


annual test

in Russian (dictation)

in grade 11

Another day passed, and the hussar completely recovered. He was extremely cheerful, joking incessantly with Dunya, then with the caretaker, whistling songs, talking with the passers-by, writing their traveller's notes in the postal book, and he was so fond of the kind caretaker that on the third morning he was sorry to part with his beloved guest. The day was Sunday; Dunya was getting ready for mass. Gusar was handed a wagon. He said goodbye to the caretaker and Duneia and volunteered to take her to the church, which was on the edge of the village. Dunya stood at a loss.

“What are you afraid of? - said her father, - after all, his nobleness is not a wolf and will not eat you: take a ride to the church. Dunya sat down in the wagon next to the hussar, the servant jumped on the irrigation chair, the coachmen whistled, and the horses galloped off.

The poor caretaker did not understand how he himself could have let his Duna ride with the hussar, how he was blinded, and what then happened to his mind. Less than half an hour had passed when his heart began to ache, and anxiety seized him to such an extent that he could not resist and went to Mass himself.

(A.S. Pushkin. Stationmaster) (172 words)


    Find obsolete words in the text and give them an interpretation.

    Sort out the words: deliver, third, guest, dazzle, allow.

    Select a sentence with different kinds of relationship and parse it.

\ Control and measuring materials

in Russian for grades 5-11

Control dictation in Russian

(in grade 5)

at the end of the 1st quarter

The autumn time has come. The weather is rainy. A sharp cold wind blew yesterday. He picks leaves from trees and carries them along the groves, along the roads. The last birds fly away. The rooks flew away yesterday. Before leaving, they circle around the grove for a long time, screaming. At dawn, the rooks sat on the birches, got up and disappeared.

And we have winter guests. Siskins and goldfinches are sitting on a birch tree. Birds peck tasty birch and alder seeds. Red-breasted bullfinches nestled on a mountain ash and pecked berries. Winter guests will look everywhere for their food.

Grammar assignment

    Headline the text

    Designate parts of speech 1 option in 4 sentence 2 paragraph, 2 option in 3 sentence 2 paragraph

    Find in the text of the dictation a word with a dubious consonant at the root (option 1), an unverifiable consonant at the root (option 2), indicate the spelling

    Indicate the declension and case of all nouns in the 8th sentence of 1 paragraph (1 option), in the 7th sentence of 1 paragraph (2 option)

at the end of the 2nd quarter

In the winter forest.

For a long time winter struggled with a rainy autumn. In November, the snow covered the forest with a fluffy outfit, and the deputy came.

A blizzard is walking in the field. Everything in the forest drowns under a white cover. You will go into the wilderness and you will not recognize familiar places. The branches of fir trees are densely covered with fluffy and lush flakes of snow.

Hedgehogs hide in a burrow, squirrels hide in winter nests from frost. Bad for birds in winter. They often die from cold and hunger. How can I help them?

Stock up on bird food in the fall. Make feeders for them. Birds are our friends. Help them!

Grammar assignment

    Title the text;

    Execute morpheme parsing words:

Option 1 - walking, forest;

Option 2 - mink, winter;

    Find one synonym for the words:

Option 1 - fought;

Option 2 - die;

    Parse the sentences. Draw a diagram.

Option 1 - Offer 5;

Option 2 - Offer 6

    Write out an incentive sentence.

Test In Russian

(dictation) in grade 5 (age norm)

by the end of the 3rd quarter


The breeze intensified, the power of the wind increased, and the ship ran faster. It seemed that it hurries rather to the port, like a horse reaches for a house when it senses danger. Now the helmsman tensed and listened keenly. Suddenly the ear caught an inexplicable, distant noise. The noise approached, intensified, and soon turned into a furious roar.

A sharp gust of wind flew into the ship, shot at the sails, and the ship swiftly fell to the port side. Kovalev could not stay on his feet and flew into the hatch, draggingboatswain. On deck something rumbled, rang, crackled and groaned. It seemed that the ship would severin two .

(According to B. Zhitkov)

The spelling of the underlined words in the text is reported.

Grammar assignment

    Parse the sentence: Option 1 - 5 sentence 1 paragraph, Option 2 - 3 sentence 2 paragraph

    Perform a morphemic parsing of the words: option 1 - ran, option 2 - caught

Test work in the Russian language

(dictation) in grade 5 (age norm)

by the end of the year

Ryabka the dog

I lived by the sea. I had a boat, nets and different fishing rods. There was a booth in front of the house, and Ryabka, a huge dog, was sitting on a chain. He was shaggy, covered in dark spots... The dog guarded the house. We fed him with fish.

Ryabka is used to talking to him. I asked him: "Ryabka, where is Volodya?" The grouse will wag its tail and turn its muzzle in the direction where Volodya has gone. Sometimes you come from the sea without a fish, and Ryabka is waiting for her, stretches out on a chain, squeals. "Our business is bad, Ryabka!" - you will say angrily. He will sigh, lie down, put his head on his paws. He doesn’t ask, he understands.

What a clever dog!

(According to B. Zhitkov)

Grammar assignment

    What is indicated in the title: theme or main idea? Is there a sentence in the text itself that expresses the main idea? If yes, underline this sentence.

    Parse the sentence: Option 1 - 2 sentence 1 paragraph, Option 2 - sentence 6 sentence 2 paragraph

    Find the dictation in the text and make diagrams: Option 1 - SSP, Option 2 - SPP

6th grade

Test work in the Russian language

at the end of the 1st quarter

Nature in autumn

The Central Russian Territory is in the grip of autumn. The wave of cold subsides, and again warmth settles in. The air is warmed up, and it gets hot in the sun. Cobwebs tremble in the calm air. The starlings have revived, they are invigorated by the warmth. Rooks walk importantly in the stubble, stick together in order to get ready for an imminent departure. In the forest, the aspen turned red, soon the leaf will begin to crumble. Its trunks turned gray from the excess of starch, as if powdered.

The forest is exactly painted. Oaks are especially happy with the warmth and full of charm. Old oaks drop acorns. The fruits lie exactly under the tree. Crystal days are quiet, the horizon has moved away because of the clear air and reveals the distance. And without the wind, sluggish leaves fly off. Nature is quiet.

Grammar assignment

    Parse the sentences: Option 1 - Sentence 2 of 1 paragraph, Option 2 - Sentence 5 of 1 paragraph.

    Perform a morphemic parsing of words: 1 option - hot,

hold on, blushed, option 2 - livened up, subsides, painted

3. Use the word literally and figuratively: 1

option - powder, option 2 - crystal

Test work in the Russian language

(dictation) in grade 6 (age norm)

at the end of the 2nd quarter


A small slender bird runs in the reed along the river. She has long, thin legs and a very long tail. It incessantly shakes its black tail and pecks at insects.

Wagtails come to us from the south in early spring. Only the rivers are beginning to free themselves from ice, and the wagtails are already here. They run in small flocks on the ice, along the river banks, looking for food for themselves.

A month after arrival, the wagtails build nests from the stems and leaves of plants.

Inside the nest is lined with animal hair and horsehair. Chicks appear in a month. They are terrible gluttons. Caring parents have to bring their insatiable children food more than three hundred times a day.

Distinguishing chicks from adult birds is not difficult. They have scanty tails and soft plumage. At the end of summer, wagtails gather in small flocks and fly to warm countries.

Grammar assignment

    Perform morphemic word parsing: early, in flocks, caring, gather;

    Perform morphological analysis of words: horse, (1 var.) Terrible (2 var.)

    Choose a synonym without NOT for the word insatiable (1 var.), Dim (2 var.)

Test work in the Russian language

(dictation) in grade 6 (age norm)

by the end of the 3rd quarter

I'm no stranger to the mountains, but I've never seen such a gloomy heap of rocks.

You walk, and as if someone stubbornly stares in your back, you will turn around, but you will not see anyone.

It is difficult to walk when you do not expect anything ahead, there is no one to talk to.

The evening found me high in these wild rocks, a sharp north-east wind was blowing.

Gathering bundles of thorny grass to light a fire and prepare some hot food.

Blessed are the desired moments when, after the exhausting strength of the climbs, you climb into a raincoat-tent, into a soft sleeping bag.

Silence. A strained ear catches the distant roar of the waterfall, never ending.

Morning came, but I was still dozing. Some strange sounds were heard that finally woke me up. They were vultures - huge birds of mountain heights.

Grammar assignment

    List all participles in the text. Perform morphemic and morphological analysis of one of the participles (optional);

    Parse the sentence: Option 1 - 2 sentence 7 paragraph, Option 2 - 2 sentence 8 paragraph.

    Come up with 1 participle or adverbial sentence on the topic "In the mountains"

    Specify the spelling in pronouns and the conditions for their writing

Test work in the Russian language

(dictation) in grade 6 (age norm)

by the end of the year

Somehow in windy weather a chick fell out of the nest. He didn't know how to fly yet. I caught it, took it by its unusually sharp, like an awl, beak, and brought it home.

The chick's golden eyes seemed unkind. I held the heron's beak with my hand so that it could not gouge my eyes out. I arranged the young bird on the veranda, where my dog ​​Fram was placed on an armful of hay.

The heron ignored Fram. She soon got used to it and willingly swallowed some small fish. I brought this fish to her.

Fodder was served to the frame in a tin bowl. The heron at this time slowly approached the dog, carefully examined the bowl, bones, turned and slowly returned to its corner.

I did not keep the angry heron for a long time, then I released it into the wild. She flapped her wings, rose and soon disappeared.

(According to I. Sokolov - Mikitov).

Grammar assignment

    Title the text;

    Find in the text of the dictation two examples per spelling: "Unstressed vowel at the root of the word", "-Н- and -НН- in adjective suffixes" "Not with adjectives." Indicate the conditions for choosing these spellings;

    Write out three word combinations of different structures from the text: noun-noun, n-adj., Gl.-noun, gl.-nar. Indicate parts of speech;

    Perform a morphological analysis of the words: golden, released, (on) an armful (option 1), unkind, approached, wings (option 2).

7th grade

Test work in the Russian language

at the end of the 1st quarter


"Alyonushka" V.P. Vasnetsova is one of the most poetry Russian painting of the late nineteenth century. The picture is written on the plot of the folk tale about sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.

The image of a lonely and gentle girl with a loving heart and a sympathetic soul is taken from folk poetry. The artist gave the image an extraordinary tenderness and penetration.

In Russian fine art, there are few works where the fusion of man with nature is so poetically shown. In the middle of the dense forest, a pond strewn with golden leaves froze. The Christmas tree froze in silence, the water surface is also motionless. Sad, brooding autumn seems to fetter nature. A quiet sadness is spread all around.

Alyonushka ran into the thicket to cry her grief, sat down on a stone, lowered her head and became sad. The whole nature surrounding the heroine is also sad with her.

Grammar assignment

    Write out a sentence with a participle from the text, explain the punctuation graphically, make a diagram (1 option from 3 paragraphs; 2 option from 4 paragraphs);

    Write out the words from the text and mark the spelling in the prefix, suffix, root, ending (1 option from 3 paragraphs; 2 option from 4 paragraphs)

    Write down which paintings by the famous artist V.P. Do you know Vasnetsov?

Test work in the Russian language

(dictation) in grade 7 (age norm)

at the end of the 2nd quarter

It was early morning. In the vast forest there was a thin vapor that filled everything with strange visions. The hunter, who had just left his fire, moved along the river. The gap of its air voids shone through the trees, but the hunter did not approach them, he examined the fresh bear trail heading towards the mountains.

With a branch broken off from a tree, the hunter marked the trail and made his way to the water. The fog hasn't cleared yet. The outlines of a huge ship, slowly turning towards the mouth of the river, were extinguished in it. His coiled sails, straightened by the wind, came to life. The wind blowing from the shore lazily fiddled with them. The air pressure increased, dissipated and poured over the yards into light scarlet forms. Everything was white except for the sails.

The hunter, looking from the shore, rubbed his eyes in surprise, struck by a miracle. The sails were scarlet.

Grammar assignment

    Find all participles in the text, identify real or passive, and also indicate the time

    Parse the sentence: Option 1 - 2 sentence 1 paragraph, Option 2 - 3 sentence 2 paragraph, make a diagram

    Headline the text

Test work in the Russian language

(dictation) in grade 7 (age norm)

by the end of the 3rd quarter

Ivan Kulibin is a talented Russian inventor. Many of his inventions are widely known. This is the first telegraph in Russia, pedal-driven carriages. The projects of wooden bridges developed by Kulibin are ingenious.

There were almost no Russian watchmakers in Russia at that time. The Germans were busy with the clock, and they spread the opinion in every possible way that the Russian person would never comprehend the complexity of the clockwork.

Kulibin had a love for the clock that taps the time from childhood and remained throughout his life. He began to make extraordinary, unprecedented watches, which even now it is impossible not to marvel at.

Also striking is the clock made by the master in the form of an egg, in which gilded doors were opened every hour, and a performance was played to the music.

Kulibin's watch revealed the master's talent, being a miracle of Russian technology.

Grammar assignment

    Headline the text

    Perform morphemic parsing: Option 1 - a valid participle; Option 2 - passive participle

    Highlight in the text: Option 1 - adverbial turnover; Option 2 - participle

    Highlight 2 adverbs in the text, a preposition (including a derivative), a union. Perform morphological analysis of one adverb

Test work in the Russian language

(dictation) in grade 7 (age norm)

by the end of the year

Over the course of many millennia, the shape and height of the surface have changed, and where the sea used to rustle, land has subsequently formed. The same thing happens with rivers and lakes as with the seas. The mountains do not remain unchanged either. Rocks consisting of several component parts... Since these parts expand and contract in different ways, cracks form between them. Water gets into them. When frozen, it increases in volume and tears apart the hardest stones with tremendous force.

Plants and animals also play a large role in the destruction of rocks. The roots of plants secrete an acid that eats away at the stone. If a seed gets into a crack in the rock, then it grows and, gradually thickening, will push it apart. As a result, weathering occurs. It happens very slowly, but over the course of many years the most durable rocks are destroyed, falling apart.

Grammar assignment

    1. Title the text;

      Determine the style and type of speech of the text;

      Mark all conjunctions and prepositions (option 1 - in 1 paragraph; option 2 - in 2 paragraph);

      Make a morphological analysis of one union and one preposition (option 1 - from 1 paragraph; option 2 - from 2 paragraph).

8th grade

Test work in the Russian language

following the repetition


I remember a thunderstorm that caught us on the road.

I sat with my mother in a wooden shed under a thatched roof. Lightning flashed through the open gate in blue zigzags. Mother hurriedly crossed herself, clutching me to her chest. I listened to the sound of the rain, to the heavy rolling of thunder, to the audible crackling of blows, to the restless rustling of mice in the oat straw.

Having risen, we saw at the gate a diamond mesh of rain, and through the transparent drops the joyous summer sun was already shining, shimmering with rays.

The father harnessed the horses frightened by the thunderstorm, impatiently and restlessly shifting their legs. The road, lined with birches, washed with rain, seemed even more cheerful. A multicolored rainbow hung over the meadow, and the bright sun glittered on the backs of the briskly running horses. I sat next to my father, looking at the glistening puddles winding in front of the road, at the leaving dark, sunlit and still formidable cloud, at the column of white smoke rising in the distance above the barn lit by a thunderstorm. I listened to the cheerful voices of birds in the washed, wonderful sunny world that opened up to me.

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Grammar assignment

    Headline the text

    Write out 1 sentence from the text (option 1)

with participle; (Option 2) with a verbal adverbial turnover. Explain the placement of punctuation marks graphically

3. Perform morphemic parsing of 1 verb, 1 participle, 1 participle (1 option from 2 paragraphs; 2 option from 4 paragraphs)



Examination (dictation with grammar task)

at the end of the 1st quarter in grade 8 (normal)

I left the house at night because I decided to get to duck lake by dawn. He walked along a dusty road, descended into shallow ravines, climbed hills, crossing rare pine forests with a stagnant smell of resin and strawberries, and again went out to the field.

No one overtook me, and I did not meet with anyone. Rye ran along the road. She was already ripening and stood motionless, a little brighter in the dark. Soon the road turned to the left, and I stepped onto a solid path winding along the bank of a small but deep river. The logs floating on it occasionally collided with each other, and then a faint sound was heard, as if someone was knocking an ax on a tree.

On the other side of the river, a fire burned like a bright dot, and a narrow, intermittent streak of light stretched far from it along the water.

I quickened my pace, passed the aspen undergrowth, and in a small hollow, surrounded on all sides by a dense forest, I saw a fire. Near him, resting his head on his hand, a man settled down. He was humming something softly.

Grammar assignment

    Title the text;

    Write out phrases with different types of communication from the text, parse them (1 option - from 2 paragraph, 2 option - from 4 paragraph);

    Find in the text sentences with participles and participles, label them graphically (option 1 - from paragraph 2, option 2 - from paragraph 4). Make diagrams;

    Perform a morphemic analysis of 1 participle, 1 gerunds, 1 adverb (option 1 - from 2 paragraph, 2 option - from 4 paragraph).

Test work in the Russian language

He was born in a Siberian village and early began wandering with his father in the taiga region. Travel left the boy with an unquenchable love for native land, to the taiga with its forests, swamps, numerous rivers.

In the long evenings at the post stations, in the villages on the Ob, Ershov listened to fairy tales and the innumerable stories of coachmen and postmen. The boy saw experienced people who drove caravans across Lake Baikal to the eastern lands.

Long winter evenings were good, when people gathered in the house and talked about the mysterious "China", about the mountains supporting the sky, about outlandish peoples. Intricate speech flowed slowly, one fairy tale was replaced by another.

These fairy tales were remembered by the impressionable boy, deposited in his memory, and then wonderfully embodied in the scenes of "The Little Humpbacked Horse".

"The Little Humpbacked Horse" is a work that immortalized the name of its author. The virtues of a fairy tale in realistic pictures, in an interesting plot, in a beautiful light verse, in a figurative language.

(According to V. Utlov)

Grammar assignment

    Headline the text

    Write down the different types of predicate from the text.

    Perform a graphical analysis of the sentence (option 1 - 3 paragraph 2 sentence; 2 option - 6 paragraph 1 sentence)

    Perform morphemic analysis of 1 verb, 1 participle, 1 adverb

Test work in the Russian language

(dictation) in grade 8 following the results of the 2nd quarter

It got dark. In the west, the gaps between the trees went out. A frosty oncoming haze surrounded the lowland. It was quiet here, but the night wind was blowing over the tops of the pines, the forest was noisy, sometimes lulling, then gusty, then alarming. Snow fell across the lowlands, rustling softly, tingling his face.

Inexperienced in forestry, Alexei did not take care of an overnight stay or a fire in advance. Caught up in pitch darkness, feeling the unbearable pain in his broken, strained legs, he did not find the strength to go for fuel, climbed into the dense coniferous growth of a young pine forest and froze, eagerly enjoying the peace and immobility that had come.

He slept like a stone, hearing neither the even noise of the pines, nor the hooting of an owl moaning somewhere near the road, nor the distant howling of wolves - none of those forest sounds with which the dense and impenetrable darkness surrounded him was full.

Grammar assignment

    Title the text;

    Select the basis in one-part sentences, indicate their type.

    Determine the type of unions and formulate the meaning they express (option 1 - 1 paragraph, option 2 - 2 paragraph);

    Explain graphically the punctuation in the last sentence, make a diagram.

Test work in the Russian language

(dictation) in grade 8 (age norm)

by the end of the 3rd quarter

During his stay in London, the famous French artist Claude Monet was impressed by the Cathedral of St. Peter and, of course, decided to paint it.

As you know, London is a city of fogs. On that day, the fog was so thick that the outlines of buildings were barely visible through it. Monet, of course, portrayed everything like that.

Londoners, seeing the picture at the exhibition, were annoyed. The fog on the canvas, to their amazement, was not gray, but pink. When the outraged visitors of the gallery went out into the street, they were dumbfounded. Indeed, the fog was pink.

The fact is that London is a city of old brick buildings. Red brick dust hangs in the air and, mixing with the fog, gives it a red tint. The artist saw what others did not notice. Since then, Monet has even been called the singer of the London fog.

Often people pass by the most curious phenomena, but do not notice them, remaining indifferent to them. But the artist comes and reveals to us the unusual in the ordinary.

Grammar assignment

    Title the text;

    Write out all the introductory words from the text in a column and determine their semantic groups;

    Explain graphically the setting of punctuation marks in the sentence (option 1 - 1 sentence 2 paragraph, option 2 - 1 sentence 5 paragraph);

    Formulate the main idea of ​​this text.

Test work in the Russian language

(dictation) in grade 8 (age norm)

by the end of the year

The night is long, and I am still wandering through the mountains to the pass. I am wandering in the wind among the cold fog, and hopelessly, but obediently, a tired horse follows me, tinkling with empty stirrups.

Resting at the foot of the pine forests, behind which this desert ascent begins, I looked into the immense depths below me with that special feeling of pride and strength with which you always look from a great height. You could still make out the lights in the darkening valley below, on the coast of the narrow bay, which, going to the east, expanded and embraced half the sky, rising like a hazy blue wall. But the night had already fallen in the mountains. It was getting dark quickly. I approached the forests, and the mountains grew darker and more majestic, and in the spans between them with violent impetuosity, long clouds of thick fog, driven by a storm from above, fell down. He fell from the plateau, which he enveloped in a gigantic ridge, and by his fall seemed to increase the gloomy depth of the chasms between the mountains. He had already begun to smoke the forest, advancing on me along with the unsociable rumble of pines. There was a breath of freshness, it was carried by snow and wind.

Grammar assignment

    Determine your speech style

    Determine the types of one-part sentences

    Reorganize one-part sentences into two-part sentences where possible and determine how the color and shades of the sentence meanings have changed

Grade 9

Test work in the Russian language

(dictation) in grade 9

at the end of the 1st quarter

I put out the fire and went down the river. With every step she took, she seemed more mysterious and more picturesque. Along the steep banks, a gray wall stood aspen undergrowth, and a hollow willow lay across the river. The river turned into the woods in a solemn turn.

At the shores, the water either flowed over the washed sands, then stood as deaf deep pools. On the edge of the whirlpools, bog oaks lying on the bottom were dimly visible.

In one place, a slope opened up, and in the thickets of maples an old chapel with a rusty dome was visible.

At sunset I walked out to a country road. She walked near the shore. Rafts overgrown with grass appeared on the river again. From a distance they looked like islands. The sun was setting, and something shone intolerably on one raft.

I stepped carefully onto the raft and saw an ordinary bottle with a folded letter inside. I pulled it out, but I couldn't read it. It was written in pale pencil, and the twilight was rapidly deepening. I had to hurry. From the thickets the smell of leaves was drawn, in the glades there was a dim light, and high in the sky a cloud was burning out with a crimson flame.

Grammar assignment

    Title the text;

    Write down the BSC from the text, analyze it graphically, draw up a diagram. Determine the semantic relationship between its parts;

3. Count the number of SSPs in the text.

Test work in the Russian language


at the end of the 2nd quarter

The haymaking has not yet passed, we have not yet run over enough in empty carts to fetch hay, have not yet drunk ourselves in stacks of new hay, as cherries are beginning to ripen in the garden. For a long time you walk around them, climb into the tall weeds that always grow near the fence, and look out from there to see if there is, luckily, at least one red one.

And finally, everything is red, dark red, almost black, filled with juice, hanging on the branches, like a rain of blood-red rubies. You climb a bending tree, sit on a fork and, holding on with one hand so as not to fly into the weeds, tear the juicy and sweet cherries hanging over your head, both from the sides and below, and crush with your tongue until you are tired.

The blessed sun burns, and one after the other the long-awaited berries ripen. There, mysteriously blushing with a matte side under the leaves, plums hang, the first pears turn yellow on the top of the head, where they cannot be reached.

(According to P. Romanov)

Grammar assignment

1. Title the text.

2. Write out a complex sentence from the text, determine the type of the clause, indicate the means of communication between the main part and the clause. Make horizontal and vertical diagrams. (1 option from 1 paragraph; 2 option from 2 paragraph)

Test work in the Russian language


in grade 9 (age norm)

by the end of the 3rd quarter

It was Savelich that I liked the most, it was his appearance that I was waiting for with the greatest joy.

What was beautiful in him that made us love him in spite of the hateful slavery and servitude?

There was devotion. The greatest feeling, the beauty of which Pushkin sang so many times in poetry ...

In the image of Savelich, Pushkin arranged a feast for himself, which he could not always afford in life. Here devotion appears in all guises. Devotion is the willingness to give his life for the life of a barchuk. Devotion - the willingness to take care of each of his things, as their own thing and even stronger.

Devotion that works wonders of courage with a timid person. And devotion, reaching in his blinding to the point that Savelich starts a conversation with Pugachev about a zipun when his life is on a hair's breadth from the gallows.

But even this is not enough for Pushkin. The commandant of the Belogorsk fortress is as devoted to the queen as Savelich is to his barchuk. The commandant's wife, as grumpy as Savelich, is herself devoted to her husband until the last hour, as she is devoted to her master Savelich. The same can be said about Masha and young Grinev. In short, there is a triumph of devotion.

(According to F. Iskander)

Grammar assignment

    Write out from the text 1 SPP with a relative clause (1 option - from 3 paragraphs, 2 option - from 4 paragraphs)

    Parse the sentence (Option 1 - 3 sentence of 4 paragraphs, Option 2 - 4 sentence of 6 paragraph)

Test work in the Russian language


in grade 9 (age norm)

by the end of the year

When the moon rises, the night becomes pale and languid. The air is clear, fresh and warm, you can clearly see everywhere * and you can even distinguish individual weed stalks by the road. Wide shadows walk across the plain like clouds across the sky, and in an incomprehensible distance, if you peer into it for a long time, foggy, bizarre images rise, pile on top of each other. A little creepy. And you will look at the pale green sky strewn with stars, on which there are no clouds or spots, and you will understand why the warm air is motionless, why nature is afraid to move. She is terribly and sorry to lose at least one moment of her life. The immense depth of the sky can be judged only at sea and in the steppe at night when the moon is shining. It is scary, beautiful and affectionate, looks and beckons to itself, and from its caress the head is spinning.

You drive for an hour or two. A silent old man-mound comes across on the way, ** a night bird will fly silently over the earth, and little by little the steppe legends, stories of the people he met and everything that he himself was able to see and comprehend with his soul come to mind. And then in the chatter of insects, in the deep sky, in the moonlight, in the flight of a night bird, *** in everything that you see and hear, the triumph of beauty, youth, flourishing of strength and a passionate thirst for life begin to seem homeland, and I want to fly over the steppe with a night bird.

(According to A.P. Chekhov)

Note. At the place indicated by *, the setting of a comma should not be considered an error, ** - the absence of a hyphen should not be considered an error, *** - setting a dash is acceptable.

Grammar assignment

    Determine the style and type of speech of the given text

    Write out 1 SPP from the text, determine the type of subordinate part, draw up horizontal and vertical diagrams

    Perform morphemic analysis of one participle, verb, adverb

    Underline the grammatical foundations of one-part sentences

For many schoolchildren (and adults as well), writing dictations causes difficulty and even fear. Experienced teachers are convinced that everyone can learn to write dictations in their native language, it is only important to train and follow certain rules.

Basic rules for writing a dictation

Listen carefully to the text the first time you read it. At this stage, your task is to determine the general structure and style of the text, mentally highlight its semantic parts. Try to immediately grasp the structure of each sentence, this will help to correctly place punctuation marks. Careful listening to the text of the dictation allows you to tune in to work, identify difficult places, understand which spelling and punctogram will be checked.

When writing a dictation, you need to be extremely focused. After writing one sentence, don't get stuck on mistakes you may have made. Immediately switch to the next phrase, think about what you are writing at the moment. Enough time is given to check, and you will have the opportunity to think things over.

When you finish dictation, pause briefly and then start checking. Check spelling first, then punctuation. It is important to be able to distance yourself from the text that lies in front of you, as if it were not written by you. If you succeed in doing this, many mistakes themselves will catch your eye.

How to prepare for a dictation

To write dictations well (and in general to be a literate person), you need to diligently and diligently study your native language. Important:

Learn the rules, be able to apply them when writing;

Constantly train in writing dictations and other exercises. For this purpose, you can write dictations, rewrite texts, complete grammar tasks. Today, there are numerous audio recordings with dictated texts to help the student.

On the eve of the control dictation, you need to repeat once again the rules passed over a certain period of time (for example, during the academic quarter). Ask your parents to dictate the text to you to rehearse the upcoming dictation.

The most common mistakes (what to look for)

There are several reasons for mistakes in dictations. This is elementary illiteracy, ignorance of the rules, inattention, fear. Successful writing of a dictation is a thorough preparation, as well as the ability to concentrate, be extremely attentive, and not be distracted. You can fight fear with constant training. If you regularly write dictation, you will get used to this type of assignment and you will feel confident in class.

Control dictations. 10 - 11 grades

Extraordinary days

Voropaev entered Bucharest with an unhealed wound he received in the battle for Chisinau. The day was bright and, perhaps, a little windy. He flew into the city in a tank with scouts and then was left alone. As a matter of fact, he should have been in the hospital, but do you really go to bed on the day of entry into a dazzling white city seething with excitement? He did not sit down until late at night, but kept wandering the streets, engaging in conversations, explaining something, or simply embracing someone without words, and his Chisinau wound healed, as if healed with a magic potion.

And the next wound, accidentally received after Bucharest, although it was lighter than the previous one, healed for an inexplicably long time, almost until Sofia itself.

But when, leaning on a stick, he got out of the staff bus to the square in the center of the Bulgarian capital and, without waiting to be hugged, he himself began to hug and kiss everyone who fell into his arms, something pinched in the wound, and she froze. ... Then he could hardly stand on his feet, his head was spinning, and his fingers were cold - he was so tired during the day, for he spoke for hours on the squares, in the barracks and even from the pulpit of the church, where he was brought in his arms. He spoke of Russia and the Slavs as if he were at least a thousand years old.


Silence fell, all that was heard was the snorting and chewing of the horses and the snoring of the sleeping. Somewhere a lapwing was crying and from time to time there was a squeak of snipe, who flew in to see if the uninvited guests had left.

Yegorushka, panting with the heat, which was especially felt after eating, ran to the sedge and from here looked around the area. He saw the same thing that he saw before noon: the plain, the hills, the sky, the lilac distance. Only the hills were closer, and there was no mill, which was left far back. Out of nothing to do, Yegorushka caught the violinist in the leopard, brought him to his ear in his fist and listened for a long time as he played his violin. When he got tired of the music, he chased a crowd of yellow butterflies that flew to the sedge to drink, and he himself did not notice how he found himself again near the chaise.

Suddenly soft chanting was heard. The song, quiet, viscous and mournful, similar to crying and barely perceptible by the ear, was heard now from the right, now from the left, now from above, now from underground, as if an invisible spirit was hovering over the steppe and singing. Yegorushka looked around and did not understand where this strange song came from. Later, when he listened, it began to seem to him that the grass was singing. In her song, she, half-dead, already perished, without words, but plaintively and sincerely convinced someone that she was not guilty of anything, that the sun had burned her out in vain; she insisted that she longed to live, that she was still young and would be beautiful if it were not for the heat and drought. There was no guilt, but she still asked someone for forgiveness and swore that she was unbearably hurt, sad and sorry for herself.(According to A.P. Chekhov) (241 words)


Often in the fall, I closely watched the falling leaves in order to catch that imperceptible fraction of a second when the leaf separates from the branch and begins to fall to the ground. I've read in old books about the rustling of falling leaves, but I've never heard that sound. The rustle of leaves in the air seemed to me as implausible as the stories about hearing the grass sprout in the spring.

I was, of course, wrong. It took time for the ear, stupefied by the grinding of city streets, to rest and catch the very clear and precise sounds of the autumn earth.

There are autumn nights, deaf and dumb, when calmness stands over the black wooded edge.

It was such a night. A lantern illuminated a well, an old maple tree under the fence, and a wind-blown nasturtium bush.

I looked at the maple and saw how carefully and slowly a red leaf separated from the branch, shuddered, stopped for a moment in the air and began to fall obliquely at my feet, rustling and swaying slightly. For the first time I heard the rustle of a falling leaf - an indistinct sound like a child's whisper.

Dangerous profession

In pursuit of interesting shots, photographers and cinematographers often cross the border of reasonable risk.

It is not dangerous, but it is almost impossible to photograph wolves in nature. It is dangerous to shoot lions, it is very dangerous to shoot tigers. It is impossible to say in advance how the bear will behave - this strong and, contrary to the general idea, very mobile animal. In the Caucasus, I broke a well-known rule: I climbed a mountain where a she-bear with her cubs was grazing. The calculation was that, they say, autumn and the mother is no longer so jealous of the offspring. But I was mistaken ... When the camera clicked, capturing two babies, a mother, who was dozing somewhere nearby, rushed towards me like a torpedo. I understood: in no case should you run - the beast would rush after me. On the spot, the remaining man puzzled the bear: she suddenly braked sharply and, looking intently at me, rushed after the baby.

Taking pictures of animals, you must, firstly, know their habits and, secondly, do not get on the rampage. All animals, except perhaps the crankshafts-bears, tend to avoid meeting people. Analyzing all the misfortunes, you see: the carelessness of the person provoked the attack of the beast.

Telephoto lenses have long been invented to take pictures of animals without frightening them and without risking being attacked, most often forced. In addition, unafraid animals, not implying your presence, behave naturally. Most of the expressive shots are obtained with knowledge and patience, an understanding of the distance, which is unreasonable and even dangerous to break.

Path to the lake

The morning dawn flares up little by little. Soon a ray of sunshine will touch the bare tops of trees in autumn and will gild the shiny mirror of the lake. And nearby there is a smaller lake, of a bizarre shape and color: the water in it is not blue, not green, not dark, but brownish. They say that this specific shade is due to the peculiarities of the composition of the local soil, the layer of which covers the lake bottom. Both of these lakes are united under the name of Borovoye Lakes, as in time immemorial they were christened by the old residents of these places. And to the southeast of Borovoye Lakes, there are giant swamps. These are also former lakes that have been overgrown for decades.

In this early hour of the wonderful golden autumn, we are moving towards the lake with the unpleasant name - Pogany Lake. We got up a long time ago, even before dawn, and began to get ready for the journey. On the advice of the watchman who sheltered us, we took waterproof raincoats, hunting bog boots, prepared road food so as not to waste time lighting a fire, and set off.

For two hours we made our way to the lake, trying to find convenient approaches. At the cost of supernatural efforts, we overcame the thickets of some tenacious and thorny plant, then half-rotted slums, and the island appeared in front of us. Not reaching the wooded hillock, we fell into the lily of the valley thickets, and its regular leaves, as if aligned by an unknown master who had given them a geometrically precise shape, flashed across our faces.

In these thickets for half an hour we indulged in peace. Raise your head, and above you the tops of the pines rustle, resting against the pale blue sky, through which not heavy, but summer-like, semi-airy clouds are moving, fidgety. Having rested among the lilies of the valley, we again began to look for the mysterious lake. Located somewhere nearby, it was hidden from us by a dense growth of grass.(247 words)


The supernatural efforts made by the hero to overcome all kinds of road obstacles were not in vain: the visit promised to be by no means uninteresting.

As soon as Chichikov, stooping down, entered the dark wide entrance, attached somehow, he immediately breathed cold, as if from a cellar. From the vestibule he entered a room, also dark, with the curtains drawn down, slightly illuminated by light that did not descend from the ceiling, but ascended to the ceiling from under a wide gap at the bottom of the door. Throwing open this door, he finally found himself in the light and was overwhelmed by the presented disorder. It seemed as if the floors were being washed in the house and all things were brought down here and piled up at random. On one table there was even a broken chair and here - a clock with a stopped pendulum, to which the spider had already attached a bizarre web. There was also a cabinet leaning sideways against the wall with antique silver that had almost disappeared under a layer of dust, decanters and excellent Chinese porcelain, acquired by God only knows when. On the bureau, laid out by the once lovely mother-of-pearl mosaic, which had already fallen out in places and left behind only yellow grooves filled with glue, there was a great many things: a heap of papers speckled with small handwriting, covered with a green marble press with a handle in the form of a testicle at the top, some sort of an old leather-bound book with a red edge, a lemon, all shriveled up, no more than a hazelnut in height, a broken handle of long-fallen apart chairs, a glass with some unattractive liquid and three flies covered with a letter, a piece of a cloth raised somewhere, and two feathers, stained with ink. To complete the strange interior, several paintings were rather cramped and stupidly hung on the walls.

(According to N.V. Gogol)


I remember with inexplicable joy my childhood years in an old manor house in central Russia.

Quiet, summer-like clear dawn. The first ray of sun through the loosely closed shutters gilded the tiled stove, freshly painted floors, recently painted walls, hung with pictures on themes from children's fairy tales. What colors shimmering in the sun played here! Against a blue background, lilac princesses came to life, the pink prince took off his sword, hurrying to help his beloved, the trees in winter hoarfrost glowed blue, and a spring lily of the valley blossomed nearby. And outside the window, a lovely summer day is gaining strength.

The dewy freshness of the early flowers of peonies, light and delicate, bursts into the wide open old window.

The low house, hunched over, leaves, grows into the ground, and over it the late lilac still blooms violently, as if in a hurry with its white-purple luxury to cover its squalor.

On the narrow wooden steps of the balcony, also rotten from time and swaying under our feet, we go down to swim to the river located near the house.

After swimming, we lay down to sunbathe not far from the coastal reed thickets. A minute or two later, touching a branch of a dense hazel tree growing on the right, closer to the sandy slope, sits on a tree magpie. What does she not rattle about! A resounding chirping rushes to her forever, and, growing, gradually a polyphonic bird hubbub fills the garden, which is brightly colored in summer.

After enjoying the swim, we go back. The glass door leading from the terrace is ajar. On the table, in a simple clay pot, is a bunch of skillfully picked, just picked, not yet blossoming flowers, and next to it, on a snow-white linen napkin, is a plate of honey, over which bright golden toilers-bees are hovering with an even hum.

How easy it is to breathe in the early morning! How long have I remembered this feeling of happiness, which you experience only in childhood!

The greatest shrine

Through the care of a dear friend, I received from Russia a small box of Karelian birch, filled with earth. I belong to people who love things, not ashamed of feelings and not afraid of crooked smiles. In youth, this is forgivable and understandable: in youth we want to be self-confident, reasonable and cruel - rarely respond to an insult, control our face, restrain a tremor of the heart. But the burden of years wins, and strict consistency of feelings no longer seems to be the best and most important. Right now, as it is, I am ready and can kneel before the box with Russian soil and say out loud, without fear of other people's ears: "I love you, the land that gave birth to me, and I recognize you as my greatest shrine."

And no skeptical philosophy, no clever cosmopolitanism will make me ashamed of my sensitivity, because love guides me, and it is not subject to reason and calculation.

The earth in the box dried up and turned into lumps of brown dust. I pour it carefully and carefully so as not to scatter it in vain on the table, and I think that of all the things of a person, the earth has always been both the most beloved and closest.

For you are dust, and you will turn to dust.

(According to M.A. Osorgin)

the Rose

In the early morning, as soon as dawn broke, I returned to familiar places by untouched paths. In the distance, vague and foggy, I already dreamed of a picture of my native village. Walking hastily on the unmown grass, I imagined how I would approach my house, lopsided from antiquity, but still friendly and dear. I wanted to see as soon as possible a familiar street from my childhood, an old well, our front garden with bushes of jasmine and roses.

Immersed in my memories, I imperceptibly approached the outskirts and, surprised, stopped at the beginning of the street. At the very edge of the village stood a dilapidated house that hadn't changed at all since I left here. All these years, over the years, wherever fate has thrown me, no matter how far from these places, I have always invariably carried in my heart the image of my home, as a memory of happiness and spring ...

Our house! He, as before, is surrounded by greenery. True, there is more vegetation here. In the center of the front garden, a large rose bush grew, on which a delicate rose bloomed. The flower garden is neglected, weeds are intertwined on flower beds and paths that have grown into the ground, which have not been cleared by anyone and have not been sprinkled with sand for a long time. The wooden lattice, far from new, has completely peeled off, cracked and collapsed.

The nettles took up a whole corner of the flower garden, as if serving as a backdrop for a delicate pale pink flower. But next to the nettle was a rose, and nothing else.

The rose blossomed on a good May morning; when she opened her petals, the morning dew left a few tears on them, in which the sun played. Rose seemed to be crying. But everything around was so beautiful, so clean and clear on this spring morning ...


Behind the big house was old garden, already feral, drowned out by weeds and bushes. I walked along the terrace, still strong and beautiful; through the glass door one could see a room with parquet flooring, it must have been a living room; antique piano, and on the walls engravings in wide mahogany frames - and nothing else. From the former flower beds, only peonies and poppies survived, which raised their white and bright red heads from the grass; young maples and elms, already plucked by cows, grew along the paths, stretching out, interfering with each other. It was thick, and the garden seemed impassable, but this was only near the house, where there were still poplars, pines and old linden trees of the same age, which had survived from the former alleys, and further behind them the garden was cleared for haymaking, and there was no longer soaring, the cobweb did not climb into the mouth and eyes, the breeze blew; the further into the depths, the more spacious, and already in the open space were growing cherries, plums, spreading apple trees and pears so high that it was hard to believe that they were pears. This part of the garden was rented by our city traders, and a fool man who lived in a hut guarded it from thieves and starlings.

The garden, thinning more and more, turning into a real meadow, descended to the river, overgrown with green reeds and willows; near the mill dam there was a deep and fishy stretch, a small mill with a thatched roof rustled angrily, frogs croaked furiously. On the water, smooth as a mirror, circles occasionally walked, and river lilies trembled, disturbed by the cheerful fish. A quiet blue stretch beckoned to itself, promising coolness and peace.


It happens that a knot will fall out of a white pine body in the forest of some golden-red pine. A year or two will pass, and a zoryanka will look at this hole - a small bird exactly the same color as the bark of a pine tree. This bird will drag feathers, senz, fluff, twigs into an empty twig, build a warm nest for itself, jump out on a branch and sing. And so the bird begins spring.

After some time, or even right here, after the bird, a hunter comes and stops by a tree in anticipation of the evening dawn.

But the songbird, from some height on the hill, was the first to see the signs of dawn, and whistled its signal. The zoryanka responded to him, flew out of the nest and, jumping from knot to knot higher and higher, from there, from above, also saw the dawn and responded to the signal of the songbird with her signal. The hunter, of course, heard the signal of the blackbird and saw how the zoryanka flew out, he even noticed that the zoryanka, a small bird, opened its beak, but he simply did not hear what she squeaked: the voice of the little bird did not reach the ground.

The birds were already praising the dawn above, but the man standing below could not see the dawn. The time has come - the dawn has risen over the forest, the hunter saw: high on a knot, the bird will open and close its beak. This is the zoryanka singing, the zoryanka praises the dawn, but the song is not heard. The hunter still understands in his own way that the bird glorifies the dawn, and why he does not hear the songs is because it sings to praise the dawn, and not to be glorified in front of people.

And so we believe that as soon as a person begins to glorify the dawn, and not to be famous for the dawn, so the spring of the person himself begins. All our true amateur hunters, from the smallest and common man to the biggest, they only breathe in order to glorify the spring. And how many of these good people is in the world, and none of them knows anything good about themselves, and so everyone will get used to him that no one even guesses about him how good he is, that he only exists in the world to glorify the dawn and begin his the spring of man.


The dawn was breaking, it was getting fresh, and it was time for me to get ready for the journey. Passing through dense reed thickets, making my way through a thicket of bent willow trees, I went to the bank of the river and quickly found my flat-bottomed boat. Before sailing, I checked the contents of my canvas bag. Everything was in place: a can of pork stew, smoked and stewed fish, a loaf of black bread, condensed milk, a skein of strong twine and many other things needed on the road.

Having driven away from the shore, I let go of the oars, and the boat quietly drifted downstream. Three hours later, around the bend of the river, the gilded domes of the church, clearly visible against the background of leaden clouds at the horizon, appeared, but, according to my calculations, it was still not close to the city.

After walking a few steps along the cobbled street, I decided to fix my boots, or chebots, which had long been soaking wet. The shoemaker was a dashing man of gypsy appearance. There was something extraordinarily attractive about the precise movements of his muscular arms.

After satisfying my hunger in the nearest cafe, where beet borscht, liver with stewed potatoes and borzh were at my service, I went to wander around the city. A plank stage, where multi-colored flags fluttered, caught my attention. The juggler had already finished his performance and bowed. He was replaced by a freckled dancer with reddish bangs and a yellow silk fan in her hands. Having danced some kind of dance that resembled a tap dance, she gave way to a clown in a star-shaped leotard. But the poor fellow was devoid of talent and was not at all funny with his antics and jumps.

Having walked around almost the whole town in half an hour, I settled down for the night on the bank of the river, covered with an old waterproof raincoat.

In the 11th grade, students are focused on a unified state exam, solve tests. It would seem, why do they need dictations?

It is recommended to carry out diagnostic work at the beginning of the year; 3-4 control dictation can be carried out throughout the year. All the proposed dictations are different, there are texts with tasks. But this option is used at the request of the teacher.

Grade 11

Diagnostic dictation

There is no end to the world ...

It is now the end of September, but the willows have not yet turned yellow. But from behind the houses, from the backyards, you can see the tops of yellow and purple-red trees.

The grass, which has overgrown the entire village, like the willows, would be completely green if the old linden trees growing in the fence did not begin to shed yellowed foliage. And since yesterday there was a strong wind, there were enough leaves to dust the entire village, and now the green of the grass can be seen through the fallen leaves. Among the yellow-green, a narrow road gleams brightly.

There is a strange combination of naive blueness and dark, slate clouds in the sky. From time to time the clear sun peeps through, and then the clouds become even blacker, the clear areas of the sky are even bluer, the foliage is even yellower, the grass is even greener. And in the distance an old bell tower peeps through the half-fallen lindens.

If from this bell tower, having climbed the half-rotted beams and stairs, now look in all directions of the white world, then the horizons will immediately expand. We will take a look at the entire hill on which the village stands, we will see, perhaps, a river winding around the foot of the hill, villages standing along the river, a forest that embraces the entire landscape as a horseshoe.

Imagination can lift us higher than the bell tower, then horizons will be heard again, and the village that was just around us will seem as if consisting of toy houses, merged into a small flock in the middle of the earth, which has a noticeable planetary curvature.

We will see that the earth is entwined with many paths and roads. Those that are brighter, fatter, take away to the cities that can now be seen from our height. (According to V. Soloukhin.)


Clouds appeared over the mountains - at first light and airy, then gray, with ragged edges. And the sea immediately changed its colors - it began to darken.

Clinging to the wooded peaks of the mountains, the clouds sank lower and lower, captured gorges and hollows, turned into heavy, impenetrable clouds. Only the mountains seemed to hold them back now, but the mountains could not do anything either: a gray shroud crawled from the mountains to the sea.

Clouds came from the mountains, sank lower and lower, towards the sea. They, as if reluctantly, covered the water with a haze - from the shore and beyond. They crawled not only along the slopes, where the houses of the upper streets nestled, but also covered the lower, main street with fog. The drivers turned on their headlights and gave more and more signals. And the trains went now, buzzing nervously, with lighted lanterns.

The sea was darkening from the shore. Quiet, seemingly hidden, with a smooth surface and a barely audible surf, it went now white, now black spots, now incomprehensible stains, as if another water had been thrown into it from the air.

The wait lasted an hour. Thunder struck in the mountains, and torrents of rain gushed forth, and the sea raged. It flooded the coast, beat against the concrete embankment, against the stairs and blocks of rocks, it thundered and shuddered, groaned and delighted, wept and roared.

The sky above the sea became not gray or black, but somehow unnaturally brown. Lightning struck the sky now to the left, now to the right, now in front, now behind, now somewhere over the very coast. The sea swallowed them, swallowed them along with the brown sky and thunderclaps.

(232 words.)

For mushrooms

On Saturday early morning, barely perceptible behind the gray shroud of wide, calm rain, I went into the forest to pick mushrooms. There was also a comrade, a young officer, the son-in-law of the hostess of the neighboring dacha, who called me now Volodya, now Sasha, although my name is not that, and not that way. His name was Valera. He provided me with a long officer's cape-tent, he also covered himself with the same cape, only with a hood, and put on rubber fishing boots.

It was raining, like yesterday, the small river Kashirka, which skirted the village, overflowed, and when we approached the ford, it turned out to be impossible for me to cross without flooding my boots. Then the companion kindly substituted his hips, which I took advantage of, not without secret joy: in the army I was just a soldier, and I could not even dream that I would ever be able to ride on the officer's back. Crossing the river, we climbed the wet steep slope of the hill and found ourselves in a birch forest.

Between the trees, twisting and unraveling narrow paths, knocked out by cattle, twisted - the village herd is usually driven through this forest. The long grassy manes between the paths glittered, thickly showered with raindrops, in the grass stood out yellow valuy, savory and slimy. There were so many Valuevs that it even became somehow unpleasant: completely harmless mushrooms, which are even salted, now aroused some kind of disgust. There were also many russula - gray, pink, deep crimson.

I felt cheerful: I already knew, had a presentiment that I would have mushrooms today. (235 words.)

Spring evening

The street, cleanly swept and still damp from recently melted snow, was deserted, but beautiful with a sustained a little heavy beauty. Large white houses with stucco decorations along the cornices and in the walls between the windows, painted in a subtle pinkish tint by the spring rays of the setting sun, looked at the light of God with concentration and importance. The melting snow washed away the dust from them, and they stood almost close to each other so clean, fresh, well-fed. And the sky above them shone with the same solidity, light and content.

Pavel walked and, feeling himself in complete harmony with those around him, lazily thought about how well you can live if you do not demand much from life, and how presumptuous and stupid those people who, possessing pennies, demand from life in rubles are arrogant and stupid.

Thinking so, he did not notice how he walked out onto the embankment of the street. Below him stood a whole sea of ​​water, glistening coldly in the rays of the sun, far on the horizon, slowly sinking into it. The river, like the sky reflected in it, was solemnly calm. No waves, no frequent ripples were visible on its polished-cold surface. Swinging wide, she, as if tired of this swing, calmly fell asleep. And on it the purple-gold velvet streak of sunset rays languidly melted. Far away, already shrouded in the gray haze of the evening, a narrow ribbon of earth could be seen, separating the water from the sky, cloudless and deserted, like the river it covered. It would be nice to swim as a free bird between them, powerfully cutting through the blue fresh air with a wing! (223 words.)


No one knows for sure when a person first mastered fire. Could lightning have ignited a tree near its primeval dwelling? Or hot lava, spewed out at the dawn of mankind by a volcano, led our ancient ancestors to the first thought of fire?

But man needed fire for a long time. And it is not without reason that one of the most beautiful and proud legends of antiquity is dedicated to the one who discovered for man the secret of fire protected by the gods. That was, as the legend says, the fearless and independent Prometheus. He himself came from a family of celestial gods, but, contrary to their strict prohibition, he brought fire to the inhabitants of the earth - people. The angry gods threw Prometheus to earth and doomed him to eternal torment.

From time immemorial, fire has become a constant faithful sign of man. The traveler, caught at night on the road, seeing a fire in the distance, probably knew: there are people!

Man needed fire for light, for strength: it illuminated and heated the dwelling, helped to prepare food. And then man learned to use its heat to extract powerful steam from the water that propels machines.

Fire has long been considered a sign of hospitality and friendship. The fire scared the beast away from human habitation, but it called man to man. And people still say, inviting them to visit: "Come to the light!"

But, like many other benefits that a person obtained for himself by taking from nature, good fire became evil and misfortune for many. Greedy, predatory people took possession of the fire, forcing others to give them all their strength. The fire gave rise to weapons, which became known as firearms. (According to L. Cassil.)

Control dictation based on the results of the 1st half of the year

Child education

Continuing yourself in your child is great happiness. You will look at your child as the only one in the world, a unique miracle. You will be ready to give everything, if only your son was good. But do not forget that he must first of all be a man. And the most important thing in a person is a sense of duty to those who do you good. For the good that you will give to the child, he will experience a feeling of gratitude, gratitude only when he himself will do good for you - father, mother, in general for people of older generations.

Remember that children's happiness is inherently selfish: the good and the good created for the child by the elders, he takes for granted. Until he felt, did not experience from his own experience that the source of his joys is the work and sweat of his elders, he will be convinced that the father and mother exist only to bring him happiness. It may turn out that in an honest working family, where parents do not cherish the soul in children, giving them all the strength of their hearts, children will grow up to be heartless egoists.

How can you ensure that the grains of gold that you will give your son turn into gold deposits for other people? The most important thing is to teach the child to understand and feel that for every spark of his joys and blessings, someone is burning his strength, his mind; every day of his serene and carefree childhood adds worries and gray hair to someone. When you have a child, teach him to see, understand, feel people - this is the most difficult thing. (According to G. Sukhomlinsky.)

Grammar assignment

Option 1

1. From 1 paragraph, write out the word (s), which is (s) formed (s): by the prefix method; 2. in a complex-suffix way.

2. From 1 paragraph 3 of the sentence, write out the subordinate phrase with the connection adjoining; 2.from 1 paragraph 6 of the sentence with the connection agreement.

3. Among the sentences in paragraph 2, find one that has a separate definition; 2. isolated circumstance. Write his number.

4. Among the sentences in paragraph 2, find a complex sentence with an explanatory clause; 2. with a relative clause. Write his number.

Option 2

1. Write out all possessive pronouns from paragraph 2; 2. from paragraph 3, all attributive pronouns.

2. Among the sentences of 1 paragraph, find complex sentences that include one-part impersonal; 2.from 2 paragraph. Write the numbers of these complex sentences.

3. Among the sentences of the 3rd paragraph, find a complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses; 2. from 1 paragraph with parallel subordination of clauses. Write the number of this complex sentence.

4. Write down the phraseological unit from paragraph 2; 2. write out the contextual antonyms from paragraph 3.


Orlik in the past was a large handicraft settlement. Skilled shoemakers, fur coppers, coopers, blacksmiths, tailors lived and worked here. Women and girls embroidered, crocheted, knitted, bobbin, weaved carpets and rugs.

Crochet is a bright, unique phenomenon national culture... Its history takes us back to the distant past. At first, knitting was an exclusively masculine craft, and the crochet hook looked like a flat, smooth stick. Then they made a protrusion at the end so that the thread did not slip, so it became much easier to work. As time went on, this occupation completely passed into the hands of women. With the help of a simple tool - a hook - products of extraordinary beauty and elegance are created.

In Orlik and the surrounding villages, very beautiful things have been crocheted from time immemorial: curtains for windows and tablecloths, bedspreads on beds and pillows, laces for sheets, pillowcases, towels.

There are as many patterns as there are lacemakers. They shared with each other, dropped something, added something of their own, it turned out new, individual. From under sensitive nimble hands comes a magic canvas, a delicate openwork miracle. How many souls, how many feelings have been invested in it!

The constant companion of the craftswomen was the Russian song, lively and cheerful, lingering and sad. It freely pours from the cramped hut, and the cherished dream, desire, and hope ring and beat in it.

Grammar assignment

Option 1

1. Determine the way of forming the word past (2 paragraph, 2 sentence); 2. companion (5 paragraph, 1 sentence).

2. From the 5th paragraph of the last sentence, write out the subordinate phrase with the connection adjoining; 2. from 1 paragraph 2 of the sentence with the connection agreement.

3. Among the sentences of the 5th paragraph, find one in which there is a separate definition; 2. Among the sentences 1-2 paragraphs, find one in which there is a stand-alone application. Write his number.

4. Write out the grammatical basis from paragraph 1 of 1 sentence; 2. Write out the grammatical basis from paragraph 2 of 1 sentence.

Option 2

1. Write down all prepositions from paragraph 4; 2. from 2 paragraph all adverbs.

2. Among the sentences of the 2nd paragraph, find a complex sentence, which includes a one-part impersonal; 2. Among the sentences in paragraph 2, find the vaguely personal. Write the number of this complex sentence.

3. Among the sentences 1-2 paragraphs, find one that includes the clause of the goal; 2. among the sentences 3-4 paragraphs, find a sentence with homogeneous members and
a generalizing word. Write the number of this sentence.

4.determine lexical meaning the words "coopers" (2nd sentence of the 1st paragraph); 2. Determine the lexical meaning of the word "lacemaker" (4 paragraph, 1 sentence).


The samovar is designed to heat water for tea. The first samovar factory was opened in Tula in 1778, so coal samovars in the museum collection are probably more than two hundred years old.

Inside the samovar there is a firebox, where coals are placed, which burn and give their heat to the water poured into the samovar. Charcoal is an irreplaceable fuel, and it was stocked up in advance. If the coals in the furnace suddenly go out, then an ordinary boot came to the rescue, old, worn out, already unusable. His bootleg was put on the upper part of the firebox, and the boot in the hands of a person performed the same work as bellows in a furnace-forge.

The hostess watched all the time how the coals were burning: whether they smoldered, whether they burned well or barely. Sometimes he doesn't see it - and the water in the samovar will boil away. Rather, a new one should be installed: suddenly, inadvertently, someone will come in. Hardworking housewives polished their samovar so that you look at it like in a mirror. The hostess will admire herself and smile. And a smile, as you know, beautifies everyone.

Previously, in any hut, a samovar on the table was assigned the most prominent and honorable place. The family had to move to a new hut - first of all, the samovar was transported, and then everything else. If in late autumn or cold winter someone was equipped on a long journey, then they often put a hot samovar in the sleigh. Near him, like a stove, you can warm up on the road and drink boiling water if you want. The charcoal samovar is remarkable because, until the coals in it are burned out, the water remains hot.

Grammar assignment

Option 1

1. From the 3rd sentence of the 2nd paragraph, write out the word (s), which is (s) formed (s): by the prefix method; 2. from 1 paragraph, 1 sentence in a suffix way.

2. From 1 sentence of paragraph 4, write out the subordinate phrase with the connection adjoining; 2. from 1 sentence 3 paragraph with a link agreement.

3. Among the sentences in paragraph 1, find one that has separate definitions; 2. Find the introductory words in the text. Write their numbers.

4. Among the sentences of the 4th paragraph, find a complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses; 2. from 2 paragraph with successive subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this complex sentence.

Option 2

1. From paragraph 3, write out all subordinate unions; 2. from paragraph 3, all compositional conjunctions.

2. Among the sentences of the 3rd paragraph, find complex sentences, which include a one-part impersonal; 2.from 4 paragraph. Write the numbers of these complex sentences.

3. Among the sentences 1 of the paragraph, find one that includes the clauses of the consequence; 2. among the sentences of the 2nd paragraph, find the attributive clause. Write the number of this complex sentence.

4. Write down a vernacular word from 3 paragraphs; 2. write out the term from paragraph 2.

Capercaillie song

1) In the springtime it is good in the forest: the air is especially fresh and fragrant, the smell of rotten leaves and thawed earth is carried everywhere. 2) The impressions associated with the spring hunting for wood grouse are indelible in my memory. 3) It has not yet dawned at all, and a transparent night silence floats over the sleeping forest, in which every rustle and whisper is clearly heard. 4) A branch crunches underfoot, an ice crust cracks, covering a shallow but wide swamp, and again it is quiet.

5) When you walk through the forest, from time to time you stop and listen. 6) I would like to get to the place of the current in time, when the wood grouse has not yet begun his song. 7) You listen attentively, and suddenly a sharp, abrupt cry is heard in the air. 8) Soon someone else answers him - and a resounding roll call begins in the swamp.

9) Intensively peering into the forest darkness, constantly glancing at the hands of the clock. 10) In the east, in the depths of the forest, between the tops of the trees, an almost imperceptible light dawns, and the darkness of the night begins to dissipate little by little. 11) But now, in the distance of the forest, the sounds of a capercaillie song, elusive for an inexperienced hunter, are heard. 12) A characteristic clicking, chirping is heard from a distant thicket and fills the pre-dawn forest silence, shimmering in the air with mysterious and exciting sounds. 13) One has only to shut up the wood grouse, as you freeze in place and stand motionless. 14) In the crimson light of dawn, the capercaillie looks like a massive chiseled figure of ebony. 15) Only a slightly noticeable movement of this figure indicates that this is not a dead object. (According to V. Astafiev.)


Option I

AT 2. Among the sentences, find a compound with a clarifying circumstance. Indicate his number.

AT 3. Among sentences 7-15, find the simple, definite personal. Indicate his number.

AT 4. Write out the noun of the 3rd declension from sentence 4.

AT 5. Among sentences 1-3, find the complex with a non-union connection. Indicate his number.

AT 7. From sentence 12, write out a word that has two prefixes.

AT 8. Indicate the way the word is formed tensely (sentence 9).

AT 9. Write out the verbal adjective from sentences 13-15.

Option II

AT 2. Among the sentences, find a simple one with a separate definition. Indicate his number.

AT 3. Among sentences 5-8, find the complex with the impersonal part. Indicate his number.

AT 4. Write out the noun of the 3rd declension from sentence 11.

AT 5. Among sentences 1-4, find a sentence with a compositional and subordinate connection. Indicate his number.

AT 6. Write out the adverb from sentence 15.

AT 7. From sentence 2, write out a word that has two prefixes.

AT 8. Indicate the way the word is formed little by little (sentence 10).

AT 9. Write out short adjectives from sentences 1-5.


1) There was an inexplicable joy, incomprehensible unless an inveterate city dweller, waking up as a child in his cozy bedroom in a light reed bed in the morning from a shepherd's horn. 2) The first ray of sun through pretended shutters gilded a tiled stove, freshly painted floors, recently painted walls, hung with pictures on themes from children's fairy tales. 3) What colors, iridescent in the sun, did not play here! 4) The dewy freshness of early cherry blossoms bursts into the wide open old window. 5) A low house, hunched over, goes into the ground, lilacs bloom violently above it, as if in a hurry to cover up its squalor with its white-purple luxury.

6) By wooden steps balcony, also rotten from time and swaying under your feet, you go down to swim to the river located near the house. 7) The closed locks of a small mill raised the waters of the river, forming a narrow, but deep backwater. 8) In greenish transparent water flocks of silver fish slowly pass, and on an old dilapidated barrel, which lacks several boards, a huge green frog sits, watching the sunbeams playing on the ash-gray board walls of the bathhouse - the favorite place of the frog couple.

9) Touching a branch of dense hazel, a talkative magpie sits on the top of a blue-green young Christmas tree. 10) What is she just not rattling about! 11) A resounding chirping rushes towards her, and, growing, gradually the many-voiced bird noise fills the garden. 12) The glass door from the terrace is open. (According to D. Rosenthal.)


Option I

IN 1. Find a sentence in the text that reflects the main idea of ​​the text. Indicate his number.

AT 2. Among sentences 1-5, find a sentence with homogeneous additions and a separate definition. Write his number.

AT 3. Find the non-union complex among sentences 4-7. Indicate his number.

AT 4. Write out a preposition from sentence 11.

AT 5. Write out the noun of the 3rd declension from sentence 2.

AT 6. Write out the adverb from sentence 4.

AT 7. Indicate the way the word was formed by rotten (sentence 6).

AT 8. Write down the phrase (sentence 12), built on the basis of management.

AT 9. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 1.

Option II

IN 1. How else could the text be titled? Write down 2 of your headings to the text.

AT 2. Among sentences 7-12, find a simple sentence with a separate definition. Indicate his number.

AT 3. Among sentences 6-8, find the complex with different types of communication. Indicate his number.

AT 4. Write out a particle from Proposition 1.

AT 5. Write out the masculine noun from Proposition 5.

AT 6. Write out the adverb from sentence 8.

AT 7. Indicate how the word blue-green was formed (sentence 9).

AT 8. Write down the phrase (sentence 3), built on the basis of agreement.

AT 9. Write down the grammatical foundations of sentence 8.


1) In the spring, the steppe is like a green sea. 2) And in the summer, when the white feather grass thickens, the steppe will become a white sea. 3) Humpbacked waves of mother-of-pearl will roll over the sea, pearl ripples will become silvery. 4) Feather grains slope, creep, rustle. 5) And the wind, like a golden eagle, falls on open wings, whistling freely and dashingly. 6) And then suddenly the steppe will seem like a bare snowy plain, and as if the drifting snow sweeps over it, curls and spreads.

7) At sunrise, the feather grass is like a lunar ripple on the water: the steppe trembles, crushes, sparkles. 8) At noon, she is like a huge flock of curly sheep: the sheep huddle one to the other, trample fractionally and endlessly flow and flow to the edge of the earth.

9) But a wonderful miracle - the steppe at sunset! 10) Iridescent fluffy panicles creep towards the setting sun, like pink tongues of cold ghostly fire. 11) And until the sun drowns behind the earth, these icy flashes will rush and sparkle throughout the steppe. 12) Then the moon will rise over the gloomy steppe - like a bubble of air from water! - and the stacks of feather-grass hay seem to be covered with frost. 13) The steppe is good both day and night! (According to N. Sladkov.)


Option I

IN 1. Find a sentence in the text that reflects the main idea of ​​the text. Indicate his number.

AT 2. Find an offer with comparative turnover among offers 1-5. Indicate his number.

AT 3. Find the simple uncommon among sentences 3-6. Indicate his number.

AT 4. Write out a reflexive verb from sentence 8.

AT 5. Indicate the way the word will emerge (sentence 12).

AT 6. Among sentences 1-10, find a complex with a subordinate tense. Indicate his number.

AT 7. From sentences 1-5, write out words with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

AT 8. Write down the phrase (sentence 6), built on the basis of the contiguity.

AT 9. Write down the grammatical basis for sentence 7.

Option II

IN 1. How else could the text be titled? Write down 2 of your headings to the text.

AT 2. Find an offer with comparative turnover among offers 9-11. Indicate his number.

AT 3. Among sentences 7-10, find a complex sentence with a simple uncommon part. Indicate his number.

AT 4. Write out a derivative preposition from sentences 9-13.

AT 5. Indicate the way the word icy was formed (sentence 11).

AT 6. Among sentences 11-13, find the complex with a subordinate tense. Indicate his number.

AT 7. From sentences 6-8, write out the words with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

AT 8. Write down the phrase (sentence 7), built on the basis of agreement.

AT 9. Write down the grammatical foundations of sentence 11.


1) At the end of October, when the days are still tender in autumn, Balaklava begins to live a peculiar life. 2) The last resort visitors, burdened with suitcases and trunks, leave, enjoying the sun and the sea during the long local summer, and immediately becomes spacious, fresh and businesslike at home, as if after the departure of sensational uninvited guests. 3) Fishing nets are spread across the embankment, and on the polished cobblestones of the pavement, they seem delicate and thin, like a spider's web.

4) Fishermen, these toilers of the sea, as they are called, crawl along spread nets, as if gray-black spiders spreading a torn air veil. 5) The captains of the fishing boats are sharpening stale beluga hooks, and at the stone wells, where the water babbles in a continuous silver stream, gossip, gathering here in free moments, dark-faced women are local residents.

6) Sinking over the sea, the sun sets, and soon a starry night, replacing the short evening dawn, envelops the earth. 7) The whole city falls into a deep sleep, and the hour comes when not a sound is heard from anywhere. 8) Only occasionally does the water squelch on the coastal stone, and this lonely sound further emphasizes the unbroken silence. 9) You feel how night and silence merged in one black embrace. 10) Nowhere, in my opinion, will you hear such perfect, such ideal silence as in the night Balaklava. (According to A. Kuprin.)


Option I

AT 2. Write out a separate agreed definition from sentences 1-3.

AT 3. Among sentences 6-10, find the simple, definite, personal. Indicate his number.

AT 4. Write out all the pronouns from Proposition 7.

AT 5. Find a sentence with an introductory construction among sentences 1-5. Indicate his number.

AT 6. From sentence 5, write out a word with an alternating vowel at the root.

AT 7. Indicate the way of formation of the word fishing (sentence 5).

AT 8. Write down the phrase (sentence 3), built on the basis of the contiguity.

AT 9. Find complex subordinate clauses among sentences 5-10. Indicate their numbers.

Option II

IN 1. How else could the text be titled? Write down 2 of your headings to the text.

AT 2. Write out a separate circumstance from sentences 4-5.

AT 3. Among sentences 1-3, find a complex with a one-part impersonal part. Indicate his number.

AT 4. Write down all the particles from Proposition 8.

AT 5. Find a sentence with an introductory word among sentences 6-10. Indicate his number.

AT 6. From sentences 1-3, write out the words with an alternating vowel at the root.

AT 7. Indicate how the word coastal was formed (sentence 8).

AT 8. Write down the phrase (sentence 1), built on the basis of agreement.

Q9. Among sentences 1-4, find a complex with a subordinate tense. Indicate his number.

Pancake week

1) Shrovetide ... 2) Thaws more and more often, the snow is getting oil. 3) From the sunny side icicles hang with a glass fringe, melt, clink on ice. 4) You jump on one skate, and you feel how it cuts softly, as if on thick skin. 5) Goodbye winter!

6) It can be seen from the jackdaws: they are circling in huge "wedding" flocks, and their clattering hubbub beckons somewhere. 7) You sit on a bench, swing your skate and watch their black flock in the sky for a long time. 8) Hidden somewhere.

9) And now the stars appear. 10) The breeze is damp, soft, smells like baked bread, delicious birch smoke, pancakes. 11) On Saturday, after the pancakes, we go skiing down the mountains. 12) The zoological garden, where our mountains are arranged (they are wooden, covered with shiny ice), is littered with blue snow, only paths have been cleared in the snowdrifts. 13) Neither birds nor animals are visible. 14) Tall mountains on ponds. 15) Colorful flags flutter over the fresh wooden pavilions on the mountains.

16) High sledges with velvet benches rush from the mountains along icy paths, between the banks of snow with Christmas trees stuck in them. 17) We climb to the top of the mountain and slide down. 18) Christmas trees, glass, multi-colored balls hung on wires are flickering. 19) Snow dust flies, a Christmas tree falls on us, sledges upward with runners, and we are in a snowdrift. (According to I. Shmelev.)


Option I

IN 1. In one or two sentences, state the main idea of ​​the text.

AT 2. Among sentences 10-16, find a sentence with a clarifying circumstance. Indicate his number.

AT 3. Among sentences 7-14, find an offer with a plug-in design. Indicate his number.

AT 4. Write out the participle from sentences 17-19.

AT 5. Find the simple impersonal among sentences 9-13. Indicate his number.

AT 6. From sentences 9-15, write out a word with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

AT 7. Indicate the way the word dampish is formed (sentence 10).

AT 8. Write down the phrase (sentence 4), built on the basis of the contiguity.

AT 9. Write out the first grammatical base from Proposition 6.

Option II

IN 1. How else could the text be titled? Write down 2 of your headings to the text.

AT 2. Among sentences 16-19, find a simple sentence with a separate definition. Indicate his number.

AT 3. Find the sentence with the appeal among sentences 1-6. Indicate his number.

AT 4. Write out the verbal adjective from sentences 9-15.

AT 5. Among sentences 6-10, find the simple definite personal. Indicate his number.

AT 6. From sentences 16 - 19, write out a word with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

AT 7. Specify the way of forming the word Shrovetide (sentence 1).

AT 8. Write down the phrase (sentence 18), built on the basis of management.

AT 9. Write down the grammatical foundations of sentence 4.

Old poplar

1) The old poplar has seen a lot in its lifetime! 2) For a long time, a thunderstorm blow split the top of the poplar, but the tree did not die, coped with the disease, throwing up two trunks instead of one. 3) Spreading branches, like senile hooked fingers, stretched out to the ridge of the plank roof, as if they were about to grab the house in an armful. 4) In the summer, rope-like hop shoots thickly curled on the branches.

5) The poplar was majestic and huge, nicknamed the Holy Tree by the Old Believers. 6) The winds bent it, mercilessly whipped with hail, bore the winter blizzards, covering the fragile shoots of juveniles on mature branches with a crust of ice. 7) And then he, all gray from frost, tapping with branches like bones, stood quiet, whipped through by a fierce wind. 8) And rarely did any of the people look at him, as if he were not even on earth. 9) Is it only the crows, flying from the village to the floodplain, resting on its two-headed summit, blackening with clods.

10) But when spring came and the old man, reviving, dissolved the brown juices of sticky buds, first meeting the southern hothouse, and his roots, which penetrated deep into the earth, carried life-giving juices into a powerful trunk, he somehow immediately dressed up in fragrant greenery. 11) And it was noisy, noisy! 12) Quiet, peaceful. 13) Then everyone saw him, and everyone needed him: both the peasants who sat under his shadow on hot days, rubbing their difficult life in their calloused palms, and random travelers and children. 14) He greeted everyone with the coolness and gentle trembling of the foliage. (According to A. Cherkasov.)


Option I

IN 1. In one or two sentences, state the main idea of ​​the text.

AT 2. Find an offer with comparative turnover among offers 1-5. Indicate his number.

AT 3. Find the compound word among sentences 1-7. Indicate his number.

AT 4. Write out the adjective from sentence 2.

AT 5. From Proposition 5, write out a word that has two roots.

AT 6. From sentences 1 - 4, write out a word with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

AT 7. Specify the way of forming the word living-being (sentence 13).

AT 8. Write down the phrase (sentence 8), built on the basis of the contiguity.

AT 9. Write down the grammatical basis for sentence 3.

Option II

IN 1. How else could the text be titled? Write down 2 of your headings to the text.

AT 2. Find an offer with comparative turnover among offers 6-9. Indicate his number.

AT 3. Among sentences 10-14, find the complex with a generalizing word. Indicate his number.

AT 4. Write out a valid participle from sentence 7.

AT 5. From Proposition 9, write out a word that has two roots.

AT 6. From sentences 10-14, write out a word with an alternating unstressed vowel at the root.

AT 7. Indicate the way the word hooked was formed (sentence 3).

AT 8. Write down the phrase (sentence 14), built on the basis of agreement.

AT 9. Write down the grammatical foundations of sentence 13.

Spring in the mountains

1) Spring in the mountains sometimes makes you wait a long time, but when it appears, it goes quickly. 2) Below, in the valleys, seedlings are already green, young trees are firmly on their feet, and the blossoming foliage begins to cast a shadow. 3) Then spring surrenders its affairs to the summer, and itself, picking up a bright green, flowery hem, dragging along the ground, rushes into the mountains.

4) In the mountainous zone, spring has its own laws and its own unique charms. 5) In the morning it is snowing, after lunch the sun will peep through, the snow will move, float, evaporate, one-day flowers will bloom, and by the evening the earth will dry up. 6) During the night, ice will freeze in rivers and streams. 7) And the next morning you will look from the top - and it will take your breath away, to which a pure and impenetrable spring is in the mountains. 8) The sky is clear, blue, not a speck. 9) The earth is like a young girl in a new outfit, green, washed with dew, and, it seems, laughs shyly ... 10) And if you shout, then your voice will be heard for a long time in the high-altitude distance over the mountain ridges, in the clear air it flies far -long away...

11) No snow, fogs, rains and winds can hold back the spring, it, like a green fire, blazes from mountain to mountain, from top to top, higher and higher, under the very eternal ice... (According to Ch. Aitmatov.)


Option I

IN 1. In one or two sentences, state the main idea of ​​the text.

AT 2. Among sentences 1-5, find a sentence with a clarifying circumstance. Indicate his number.

AT 3. Among sentences 3-7, find a simple one with homogeneous additions. Indicate his number.

AT 4. Write out the participle from sentence 3.

AT 5. Among sentences 1-3, find the complex with a non-union and compositional connection. Write the number of this sentence.

AT 6. From sentences 1-4, write out a word with a prefix in -з, -с.

AT 7. Indicate the way the word will freeze (sentence 6).

AT 8. Write down the phrase (sentence 9), built on the basis of the contiguity.

AT 9. Write down the grammatical foundations of sentence 7.

Option II

IN 1. How else could the text be titled? Write down 2 of your headings to the text.

AT 2. Among sentences 8-11, find a sentence with a clarifying circumstance. Indicate his number.

AT 3. Find an offer with a comparative turnover among offers 6-10. Indicate his number.

AT 4. Write out all the pronouns from sentence 3.

AT 5. Among sentences 4-8, find the complex with a non-union and compositional connection. Write the number of this sentence.

AT 6. From sentences 5-10, write out the words with the prefix in -з, -с.

AT 7. Indicate the way the word far, far is formed (sentence 10).

AT 8. Write down the phrase (sentence 11), built on the basis of the contiguity.

AT 8. Write down the grammatical foundations of sentence 2.

Control final dictation for the academic year

bird home

Nikolai Sergeevich and his wife for the first time in their lives came to Abkhazia from Moscow and lived at the summer cottage of the artist Andrei Tarkilov, who rarely visited here.

Swallow's nests were molded under the roofs of peasant houses, past which they passed to the sea. Strange, but under the roof of the dacha there was not a single nest, although the house was built more than ten years ago. The old village teacher explained it this way:

Andrei is rarely here, and swallows build nests under the roof of a human house, because they seek protection from him.

And so the wife of Nikolai Sergeevich once said that it would be happiness for her to wake up to the twittering of swallows. And he suddenly replied that this could be arranged: we must ask the old teacher for permission to move one swallow's nest from under the roof of his house to him. Superstitious horror flashed in the eyes of the teacher, but he was a very patriarchal person: he must give the guest what he asks for.

The watchman guarding the store noticed Nikolai Sergeevich walking somewhere with a stepladder in the middle of the night, but soon lost sight of him. When Nikolai Sergeevich took off the nest, it seemed to him that he would not keep his balance and would crash down. And each time, imagining his fall, he mentally stretched his arms up so as not to crush the swallows.

When he turned towards the house, the watchman recognized him again and noticed also that now this man, without a stepladder, was holding something to him - most likely a precious thing. Having called out to him, the watchman realized that the man had gone faster, and was convinced that he was a criminal.

It seemed to Nikolai Sergeevich that he was falling, and he stretched his arms forward so as not to damage the nest. The swallows flew out of the nest, and the chicks crawled to the grassy slope of the groove. With the last, dying movement, Nikolai Sergeevich threw his hand aside swallow's nest and she, already dead, fell onto the nest. (According to F. Iskander.)

Uncle Sasha

We drove quickly. Uncle Sasha, unbuttoning his cloak, from under which a red order star flashed on his jacket, continued to look with aloof look at the road running towards him. A gigantic truck swept past with a dull roar, like a prehistoric beast, and a grayish-yellow beet could be seen in its back. Twins, dump trucks, rushed after them, they also carried beets: people were in a hurry to cope with the harvest.

The plain in these Kursk fields gradually began to hilt, and the height mark probably exceeded two hundred meters. In ancient times, this land could not be overcome by a glacier advancing from the north; dividing in two, he crawled further, bypassing the hills to the right and left. This means that it is no coincidence that an unprecedented battle broke out at these heights, which the ice shell had never overcome, from which, as Uncle Sasha thought, the saved peoples could start a new chronology. The enemies who threatened Russia with a new glaciation were stopped and thrown from the heights. You will never forget those days, you will never confuse those events with anything.

In August 1943, Sasha, then a young lieutenant-artilleryman, dropped by for half a day in his native village - Prokhorovka. The mutilated tanks left after an unprecedented battle were brought here from the surrounding fields, and they formed a monstrous cemetery, among which it was not difficult to get lost. But the defeated tanks, it seemed, still, like people, hate each other. Now this tank cemetery is gone: it has been plowed up and sown with bread, and the scrap iron of the war has long been consumed by open-hearth furnaces. People leveled and smoothed the trenches, and only along the hills were carefully guarded mass graves left on the Kursk land. (According to E. Nosov.)

(232 words.)


Early in the morning, when everyone was asleep, I tiptoed out of the stuffy hut and, as if I was not in the front garden, but went out into the quiet, inexplicable transparency of the water.

Tall, untouched grass raged beyond the gate itself. I ran off the embankment to the left and walked along the river towards its current. There was nothing remarkable around. A car stopped at a distance, and the noisy company that arrived in it settled down to rest, pulling a linen sheet in the form of an awning.

The path skirted a sand pit and took me out to a spacious meadow, along which trees grew alone and in groups.

The still air, which has not yet become sultry, pleasantly refreshes the larynx and chest. The sun, which has not entered into force, warms gently and gently. After some half an hour, a seasoned pine forest surrounded me. Unusually well-groomed, marked trails stretched near the road. From time to time, here and there, neatly laid light chocolate rugs of cuckoo flax - this indispensable inhabitant of pine forests, came across.

Along the trunk of an aspen, with the briskness of a mouse, a bird darted up and down.

There was a swamp with coffee-brown, but not at all muddy water. I climbed over it, jumping onto a slippery log, from a log - onto a log thrown by someone. And here is the river with such cold water, despite the hot days.

The hut, which I wanted to find at all costs, turned out to be a log hut. On one side it adjoined the forest, on the other side there was a vast meadow. (According to V. Soloukhin.)

Turgenev's works

The evening wind barely rustles in the dense foliage of the Turgenev oak, in the park, empty after the day's revival, bird voices are silent. Gradually approaching light shadows of a summer night give a ghostly, light and imperceptible, outlines of trees, visible in the intervals between linden trees, the silhouette of a silent house ...

This was probably the case many, many years ago in the estate that was deserted after the death of the owner: not a single light in the long row of closed windows, no one in the grassy alleys ...

It is not hard to imagine the owner, still a young man, pondering on a bench under his beloved oak tree, dreams and plans swarming in his head. He then just started to carry out the work destined for him by fate, which firmly lay at the foundation of the national literary heritage. A century has passed since there is no writer, and his "Notes of a Hunter" is still fresh and fragrant, their poetry and humanity are not subject to time. And from the pages of "Noble Nest", "Fathers and Children", "On the Eve", "First Love", "Asi" and his other novels and stories, captivating, unfading images of Russian girls, whom we call "Turgenev", appear.

Meanwhile, we live in a world distant by an immeasurable abyss from the heroines of Turgenev and his time: ideas and assessments have shifted, sometimes it seems to us that the feelings and hopes that worried them were petty and vain, naive ideas. But the incomparable artistic height of Turgenev's works made them immortal: his books will be read by our distant descendants, according to them the literary taste and dignity of the style and language of the works of our compatriots will be verified, as long as "our great, mighty and free Russian language is alive!" (According to O. Volkov.)