How to grow a beautiful cyclamen on your windowsill. cyclamen flower

It can be grown from seeds or from seedlings, according to which, planting will vary.

Before planting seeds, prepare a solution of pale pink potassium permanganate and place cyclamen seeds in it for 12 hours.

In the prepared land, a groove of 10 millimeters is formed and watered abundantly. Cyclamen seeds are placed at a distance of two to three centimeters and sprinkled with a layer of earth on top. After planting, the container is covered with a layer of polyethylene or glass.

The speed of seed germination depends on the variety: some germinate in six months, others in a month and a half, subject to optimal temperature conditions of +20ºC.

With the appearance of the first sprouts, the film or glass is removed, and the plants are moved to a well-lit place so as to avoid sunlight from falling on them.

When two good leaves are formed on the shoots, they are seated in pots, placing two plants in each. When transplanting cyclamen, the tubers must be completely covered with soil.

Six months later, the plants are planted in pots with a large diameter so that the growing point is above the surface of the earth, and approximately two-thirds of the tuber is located underground.

Location and lighting

Blooming cyclamen is especially picky about location and lighting. He needs to find a cool room that does not get the sun's rays, but at the same time it is bright enough. AT winter period the temperature should be between +10 ºC and +14 ºC. If the room temperature exceeds the specified limits, cyclamen is sprayed daily with water. Make sure that moisture does not get on the flowers and the sprout zone.

Spring lighting:

If the cyclamen is delayed with the flowering period and blooms in the spring, it is very important to avoid sunlight, you can hang additional chintz curtains on the windows.

After flowering, cyclamen enters a dormant period, during which it is better for the pots to choose a location in the shade.

pot size

The size of the pot for cyclamen is selected depending on the structure of its root system. A plant with roots that have grown to the walls of the pot is planted in a pot of a larger diameter. If cyclamen let go root system in depth, then new pot selected above the previous one.

Basically, the size of the pots is chosen based on the age of the plant, or rather, its tuber.

Cyclamens do not feel comfortable in large pots, so optimal diameter a pot for an adult plant is considered 14 centimeters. If the pot is smaller, this is fraught with weak and premature flowering of the plant, large pots, in turn, lead to decay of the root system.

One and a half year old cyclamens are planted in pots with a diameter of 8 centimeters, three-year-old plants - up to 15 centimeters in diameter.

Please note that a cyclamen pot, regardless of material, must have a hole of at least one and a half centimeters in the base to ensure the unhindered passage of water.

The soil

All types of cyclamen prefer light soils that freely pass moisture and air. The soil for planting can be purchased at the store or prepared with your own hands, taking into account the requirements of the variety.

Persian cyclamen will feel comfortable in a mixture prepared from sand, soddy, humus and leafy soil in equal proportions, with the additional addition of lime.

European cyclamen prefers soil, which is a mixture of soddy and leafy soils, peat, humus, sand and lime.

To prevent pests from entering cyclamen through the soil, the soil must be steamed before planting.


Cyclamen needs to be transplanted no more than once every couple of years. Most often, the plant is transplanted when the old pot is not suitable in size. Transplanted cyclamen immediately after the end of the dormant period. Best of all, cyclamen will bloom in pots with a distance of up to three centimeters between the bulb and the wall.

After choosing a suitable pot, pour a layer of expanded clay for drainage, and then a layer of potting mix. Place the bulb in the pot, without separating it from the earthy coma, and add the soil mixture so that one third of the tuber rises above the surface. Try to transplant as little as possible to injure the plant. Compact the soil well. It is necessary to fertilize transplanted plants no earlier than 30-35 days after planting.

Fertilizers and top dressing

Fertilizers are applied under cyclamen during periods of growth and flowering. Most often, mixtures with a high content of potassium are used as fertilizers. Top dressing is carried out every 14 days when watering.

Basic rules for feeding cyclamen:

  1. Excessive fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers prevents plants from flowering.
  2. An excess of mineral fertilizers in the soil has a bad effect on cyclamen, therefore, when preparing the soil for young plants, their amount is minimized.
  3. During the development of cyclamen foliage and the formation of flower seeds, mineral fertilizers with microfertilizers are applied under cyclamen. From mid-August in the nutrient solution, reduce the proportion nitrogen fertilizers to prevent bulb rot.
  4. Top dressing stops when the plant begins to actively bloom.
  5. Top dressing is carried out only in previously watered soil to prevent the accumulation of salts in the soil.
  6. The first feeding is allowed only after the appearance of sprouts.
  7. Top dressing is carried out only for healthy plants.
  8. Adjust fertilizers depending on the composition of the soil in which the cyclamen is planted. For example, plants planted in special soil mixtures do not require additional fertilization.


Watering is especially important for cyclamen during the growth period, however, you should not overdo it.

If you want to be sure that the plant receives required amount moisture, use the bottom method of watering. To do this, the pot is placed in a basin of water until the moisture rises to the topsoil. After that, the pot with the plant is removed from the water and the excess drains.

This method of watering reduces the risk of tuber rot, since water does not fall on the growing point.

Hard water is not suitable for irrigation, so tap water must be filtered. Make sure the water temperature is not too low.

In hot rooms, watering should be accompanied by spraying the plant.


Cyclamen will thrive in well-lit, well-ventilated areas. The ambient temperature can be from +12 ºC to +14 ºC, the main thing is to avoid overheating.


Cyclamen prefer high humidity indoors. Spraying cyclamen should be carried out very carefully so that water does not fall on the tuber and flowers. For spraying only soft water is taken. To maintain the desired level of humidity, the pot with the plant is placed on expanded clay balls. It is very important that cyclamen does not stand in water or in wet peat.


Pruning cyclamen is not difficult. Basically, the plants are cut in the fall withered leaves. It is strictly forbidden to prune flowering cyclamen. During transplantation, plants are removed dead leaves and rotting roots.

Pests and diseases

No pests and diseases are afraid of cyclamen, provided proper care. The main pest of cyclamen is spider mite, which appears when the level of soil moisture is insufficient. In addition to ticks, cyclamen is threatened by aphids and thrips.

If an aphid is found on the plant, remove it with a damp cotton pad, bathe the plant in the shower and treat with an insecticide.

Insecticides are also used to control thrips, but it is much better to prevent them from appearing.

Prevention of thrips - regular spraying of the plant and the placement of tape traps for insects.

Cyclamen disease always follows from the conditions of its content:

1. Yellowing foliage

If the foliage turns yellow while observing the watering regimen, most likely the plant is hot. Spray frequently or move the pot to a cool place.

If the yellowing of the leaves began after the end of cyclamen flowering - do not worry - it is preparing for a dormant period.

2. Cyclamen does not bloom

The reason that cyclamen does not bloom for a long time may be a lack of moisture in the soil or in the air.

Difficulties with flowering can occur in warm rooms, especially plants that are not accustomed to high temperatures feel uncomfortable.

3. Deformed leaves of small size

Most likely, the plant is affected by mites or aphids.

cyclamen bloom

Cyclamen blooms in winter or in summer period. How long cyclamen will bloom depends on how the plant feels.

Optimal conditions for long flowering cyclamen:

  1. Good illumination.
  2. Temperature from +10 ºC to +20 ºC.
  3. Watering the plants through the pan, without getting moisture on the flowers.
  4. Timely pruning of wilted flowers.


In addition to propagation by seeds, cyclamen is characterized by reproduction by tubers, rosettes and babies.

Reproduction by tubers

It is carried out only during the rest period. The bulb is removed from the ground, dried and cut so that each part includes a kidney and roots. The cut is made with a sharp knife. The cut parts are dried in a shaded place, then they are covered with activated charcoal for disinfection.

At this time, a container for planting is being prepared: a small pot, with drainage and soil based on soddy land.

After planting the tuber, the flower should be at a temperature of about + 15 ° C and watered regularly.

Reproduction by children

This method of reproduction is reduced to the separation of children from mother plant. Children are planted in separate containers, plunging only half into the soil. After planting, the plant needs abundant watering. The first feeding is carried out a week after planting. The soil should be loose and soft, containing peat or humus.

rosette propagation

Cyclamen sockets should be large. The separation of rosettes occurs after the end of the flowering period. Before planting the outlet in a pot, it is usually placed in a small greenhouse or under a plastic bag. After planting, the outlet does not need abundant watering, but prefers to be in a temperature not exceeding + 18 ° C.

rest period

When the flowering period of cyclamen is over, the plant enters a dormant period. You can understand that cyclamen is preparing for a dormant period by the appearance on it yellow leaves. Yellowed foliage is removed from the plants: it is preferable to unscrew the leaf until it is completely separated from the bulb, and not cut it off. When yellow leaves appear, watering is gradually reduced. The resting cyclamen tuber is rarely watered, the pot is usually placed in a shaded place until the end of the dormant period.

Plant toxicity / beneficial properties

The beneficial properties of the plant help in solving various problems.

Cyclamen tubers contain a substance that allows naturally carry out cleansing of the paranasal sinuses, so this plant is very useful for sinusitis.

To prepare the medicine, the peeled tuber of cyclamen is rubbed on a grater and the juice is squeezed out of it through several layers of gauze. Then diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 4.

If the tuber does not give juice, the grated mixture is poured with water and insisted in the refrigerator for two days.

Cyclamen not only eases the treatment of flu and colds, but also helps fight depression.

For nervous disorders, take 30 drops of cyclamen alcohol tincture three times a day. To prepare the tincture, you will need 10 g of grated fresh cyclamen tubers, pour 100 ml of an alcohol solution of 70% and leave for one week in a cool, dark place.

Thanks to the beneficial properties of cyclamen, you can easily get rid of insomnia.

Alcohol tincture of cyclamen normalizes sleep and relieves psycho-emotional excitability.

For the treatment of headaches, cyclamen insist on boiling water. To do this, a teaspoon of crushed roots is poured with two glasses of boiling water, infused for two hours and filtered. This tincture is taken after a meal, one tablespoon. Store in the refrigerator for two days, after which a new tincture is prepared.

1. Please explain the difference between cyclamen, Persian, European and Neapolitan.

Answer: Nepolitan cyclamen - species, it can be grown in open field. Blooms in autumn pink flowers, and flowers appear first, and after flowering leaves grow. The tuber is flat with a cork surface, the leaves are oblong-heart-shaped, with a silvery pattern on top. The roots are located on the top of the tuber, so it should be buried in the soil.

Persian cyclamen - the most common in room culture. Blooms from autumn to spring. The tuber is spherical, tuberous on top, up to 15 cm in diameter, the roots extend from the bottom of the tuber. The leaves are heart-shaped (up to 15 cm in diameter), with a silver-gray pattern on top. Flowers are mostly pink in color.

Answer: Nepolitan cyclamen can be grown in gardens. Blooms in autumn. The flowers are pink, the tuber is flat with a cork surface, the leaves are oblong-heart-shaped, with a silvery pattern on top. In nature, Neapolitan cyclamens (Ivy cyclamen, or Neapolitan - C. hederifolium = C. neapolitanum Ten. = C. linearifolium Dc) bloom in September-October, with flowers appearing first, and leaves grow after flowering. The roots are located on the top of the tuber, so it should be buried in the soil.
Persian cyclamen - the most common in room culture. Blooms from autumn to spring. The tuber is spherical, tuberous on top, up to 15 cm in diameter, the roots extend from the bottom of the tuber. The leaves are heart-shaped (up to 15 cm in diameter), with a silver-gray pattern above, green below. Flowers vary in color from pink to lavender and white with purple spots at the base. It has a dormant period and requires a cool temperature content. Propagated by seeds.

European cyclamen - evergreen, not shedding foliage, without a dormant period. The leaves are much smaller than those of Persian cyclamen (about 2-4 cm in diameter). The flowers are also smaller, mostly pink in color and with a pleasant aroma. Tubers about 10 cm in diameter, spherical or irregular shape- elongated, elongated, flattened, with roots located over the entire surface. Unlike Persian cyclamen, it grows well on windowsills throughout the year at a temperature of 18-20 ° C and an air humidity of 30-35%. Propagated by seeds and daughter tubers.

2. Is it necessary to send cyclamen to rest?

Answer: Hibernation occurs in May-June. If by this time the flower does not fall asleep, then it is not necessary to force it to be laid. It is only necessary to protect from hot rays by placing them in the shade. Young cyclamens may not go into a dormant period at all, continuing to bloom and bloom. The main thing is to provide them optimal conditions and do not forget about top dressing, so as not to deplete. Over the years, they will "enter the regime."

3. Is it true that cyclamen sheds all its leaves during its dormant period?

Answer: Not always. It is just better to keep the old leaves, as well as the roots. It is necessary to distinguish: do the leaves die off on their own, or do they simply burn in the spring-summer sun? In the first case, this process is gradual, in the second, the leaves begin to dry out and turn yellow at the same time, even the youngest ones.

4. Do I need to clean cyclamen in a dark place after flowering?

Answer: After flowering, the tuber gains strength and nutrients for future flowering and continues to grow. Therefore, after flowering, watering is not reduced, but top dressing is reduced. Lighting conditions do not change either. You can remove the flower from the windowsill if the cyclamen has dropped all the leaves, but not in a dark place, but in a less lit one.

5. Do I need to water cyclamen during dormancy?

Answer: The roots of cyclamen do not die off during dormancy, so at this time the tubers need moderate soil moisture, that is, in other words, do not let the earth dry out completely. Thus, the roots will be preserved, and the flower will quickly grow. And, of course, water only in the pan.

6. When should cyclamen "wake up"?

Answer: Summer. By August, tiny buds should appear in order to bloom by November.

7. When the temperature rises above 12 degrees, the leaves turn yellow and small buds dry. How to accustom cyclamen to a higher temperature?

Answer: Cyclamen just needs to get used to the new conditions. In winter, he is not so much afraid of the temperature itself as dry hot air. The "Dutch" are especially hard to endure the change of conditions. Now regular "wet wipes", a humidifier or a saucer of water placed nearby, regular watering can help. In the summer, the cyclamen will begin a new growing season, and by that time, as a rule, it will successfully adapt. At this time, it must be protected from direct sunlight and take care of timely watering and feeding.

8. They gave me a cyclamen - big already, beautiful. When is it better to transplant it and should it be done at all?

Answer: Cyclamens are transplanted after a dormant period, at the first sign of awakening. The soil should be loose, ideally based on high-moor peat. I add some perlite for loosening. 1/3 of the tuber should remain above the ground.

9. I have cyclamen grown from seeds (planting - February) was transplanted in the summer. first he released small buds, in November they took and withered, but he went to throw away the leaves, which he still continues to do ... The conditions of detention have not changed. With what it can be connected?

Answer: This is due to lack of watering. It is necessary to water more often and better from the bottom into the pan, so the flower does not take excess water.

10. I also have a small cyclamenchik grown from seeds. Sowed in August. It has 4 leaves now. Does it need to be transplanted? It is clearly not cramped in a pot, it grows slowly. And are there any "special" recommendations for caring for such babies?

Answer: If it’s not crowded and everything is in order with the soil, you don’t need to replant. They are so tender when little! Make sure that the tuber is not buried.

11. I have 4 tsikamenchiki already 3 months ago, but they still have one leaf on a long stem (about 5 cm), and more leaves do not appear. Something is wrong?

Answer: The acidity of the environment strongly affects the growth of cyclamens. Its optimal value is from 6.0 to 7.0; pH below 5.5 greatly slows down the growth of seedlings. If the seedlings do not grow well, it is necessary to pour chalk or dolomite flour into the pots.

12. How do you know that the cyclamen has become cramped in the pot and it is time to transplant it, and what volume of the pot should be chosen?

Answer: Cyclamens do not need large pots. You need to look at how much the tuber has grown. On average, a pot 1-2 cm wider than the previous one is suitable for young plants. The height and width of the pot should roughly match, or the width should be slightly larger. In any case, a transplant with partial renewal of the soil should be done every year at the first sign of awakening.

13. Do you always water from a pan? Or can you gently water the ground from above ...?

Answer: Irrigation in the pan I think is optimal. So you never fill up. Thus, the flower will be freely saturated with water from the pan.

14. How does cyclamen start growing? I have now finally fallen asleep cyclamen, grown from seeds, which bloomed for three years in a row without rest. So, the nodule, although small, but the “stumps” on it are already high (this is where the old leaves gradually fell off). All the leaves gradually fell off recently, the cyclamen fell asleep. I carefully examined it, found many potential points of growth on the tuber, but I did not notice the main one. Everything is dry on top of this stump, no living embryos of the leaves are visible ... Is it supposed to be like this? Are they activated then? Or maybe this stump needs to be cut off?

Answer: don't touch the stumps. Perhaps the leaves will reappear on it, otherwise it will wither itself. There is no main point on an adult tuber. There are always several.

15. A month and a half ago, I sowed cyclamen, 7 seeds, 2 sprouted. What should I do next, how to water, when to transplant. In general, please describe the further complete cultivation technology.

Answer: Now the main thing is that the growth point does not rot. That is why the seeds cannot be buried when sowing: so that the seedlings have a growth point with the top of the tuber immediately above the ground, then it definitely will not rot. Water, like all cyclamens, in a pan (by the way, drainage is not needed), maintaining moderate soil moisture. Replant the later the better. Small cyclamens are very tender, so they should be disturbed only if necessary - when they will be crowded. In the first year of cultivation, it is usually brought up to a 10-12 cm pot. You don't need a big pot. Well, in general, the most difficult period is before the appearance of 2-3 true leaves. Then it's easier. Very often it turns out like this: a cotyledon leaf comes out, which in a month or two is bent. It's not scary. After a while, a new sheet will appear.

16. Some kind of incomprehensible cyclamen is growing in me: at first it bloomed, without leaves, with tiny lilac flowers. Started blooming in early summer, faded in August. Then he began to grow leaves. What kind of variety is this?

Answer: This is Neapolitan cyclamen. Species cyclamen. In Europe, it is planted in gardens, it naturalizes there, i.e. lives on its own, multiplies.

17. Cyclamen buds dry and leaves turn yellow. Why?

Answer: This can happen for two reasons: 1. It is hot (cyclamen prefers a temperature of no higher than +15 degrees); 2. Insufficient watering.

18. When is the best time to sow cyclamens? What kind of land should be - oily or not so? How long to wait for shoots?

Answer: Indoor cyclamens can be sown at any time of the year.
As a substrate, it is best to use a mixture of peat and sand (1: 1). Seed germination is also strongly affected by the acidity of the environment. Its optimal value is from 6.0 to 7.0; pH below 5.5 greatly slows down the growth of seedlings.
On average, cyclamens germinate in 30-40 days, but some seeds can germinate up to 5 months. First, a small nodule is formed, and then the first leaf appears above the ground, its petiole is first bent in the form of a question mark.

Cyclamen - beautifully flowering houseplant. Its flowers on gracefully curved pedicels with upturned petals resemble fluttering butterflies above a rosette of leaves. The leaves of cyclamen are no less decorative, the silvery pattern on the leaves on a dark green background resembles a pattern covered with hoarfrost.

The genus Cyclamen (Cyclamen) includes several dozen plants growing wild in the Eastern Mediterranean in mountainous forest areas and on rocks. The name cyclamen is probably given because of its tuber, because the word "cyclos" in Greek means "circle". A round, slightly flattened tuber in a flowering cyclamen is usually 3-4 cm in diameter, but in adult specimens it can reach up to 15 cm. Buds are located on the surface of the tuber, from which leaves and flowers grow on high pedicels.

The heart-shaped leaves have a beautiful silvery mesh pattern along the veins on a green background. Since cyclamens are ephemeroids, i.e. in the cool season, they begin to grow and bloom, and the rest of the time, after flowering, the leaves die off and the exposed tuber is at rest. In cyclamen from areas with snowless winters, the period of growth and flowering occurs in late autumn and winter, in other species, flowering occurs in spring or early autumn.

Most cyclamen grown as houseplants are cyclamen persian(C. persicum) or European cyclamen(C. Eurapaeum). The first blooms in autumn and winter, and the second species in spring and summer. The flowers of the European cyclamen are slightly smaller than those of the Persian and the leaves do not die off during the dormant period.

Persian cyclamen is popular due to its large graceful flowers, which can be of various shades of white, pink, red, lilac, cream, sometimes with a bright contrasting throat and border.

Now many varieties of cyclamen have been created, different not only in color and size of flowers, but also in size of the plant itself. So the smallest cyclamens grow up to 10-15 cm high, they are grown respectively in small pots. Medium cyclamens grow up to 15-20 cm in height, and ordinary or large ones up to 25 cm.

Cyclamen cannot be called unpretentious houseplant, for successful cultivation need to know itconditions of detention and rules of care. The best time for the purchase of cyclamen - from October to May. Choose a plant with strong stems and buds. When buying a tuber, carefully inspect it, it should not be wrinkled and light, and buds are visible at the top.

Temperature. For many flower growers, after buying a blooming cyclamen, it quickly fades and disappears. The main reason for this is the high temperature in the apartment. Since cyclamens are kept in cool, humid greenhouses before buying, changing conditions negatively affect them and in a warm room, cyclamen will fade faster and the leaves will turn yellow. To prolong flowering, the plant contains cool place with a temperature of +12 ... +16 0 С, with this content, flowering will last up to 3 months.

Lighting. Blooming cyclamen should be placed in a bright place without direct sunlight. Windows with a western or eastern direction are well suited.

During flowering, new buds and leaves appear from the base of the rosette. Withering flowers and yellowed leaves should be removed with the stem, carefully twisting it at the base. During flowering, cyclamen can produce up to 70 flowers.

Watering and humidity. After the end of flowering, watering is reduced to a minimum, but at the same time, not allowing the earthy coma in the pot to dry out completely. Gradually, all the leaves turn yellow, they should be removed, and the pot with the exposed tuber can be moved to a darker place in the garden, on the balcony or on the north window. During the dormant period, the ground around the tuber is occasionally watered so that the roots of the plant do not die off. In autumn, with the beginning of the growth of new leaves, the pot is moved to a bright place and they begin to water it regularly so that the earth is constantly moist, but not wet. Wet air also favorable to them, but you can not spray flowering plants. To increase humidity, place a tray of wet pebbles or peat nearby. The room where the flower is located should be regularly ventilated.

Water the cyclamens with soft water. When watering, make sure that water does not fall on the tuber or rosette of leaves. You can water the plant from the pan, removing excess water after a couple of hours.

top dressing. During the beginning of the growth of new leaves and the laying of buds, cyclamen is fed with complex mineral fertilizer in small doses once a week. Cyclamens respond well to infusions organic fertilizers. During flowering and in the subsequent dormant period, top dressing is stopped until the next phase of the beginning of growth.

Cyclamen transplant do annually at the beginning of the growth of young leaves after a dormant period. The pot for planting the tuber should not be large and too deep. The tuber is buried in the ground, leaving ¼ part above the surface. Deeper depths increase the risk of infection. fungal diseases, and with a less deep planting, shoots are poorly formed.

Land for planting cyclamen should be rich in organic matter and well drained. The substrate can be made independently from leafy soil, humus, peat and sand. At the bottom of the pot, be sure to lay a drainage layer of any material.

Propagate cyclamen seeds or tuber division, the latter is only possible for professionals. Seeds are sown in small greenhouses or pots, which are covered with glass on top. For germination, the greenhouse is placed in a warm place with a temperature of + 18 ... + 20 0 С and regularly moisten the ground. Seedlings should appear in a month. Young seedlings will bloom in 2-3 years.

Often mistakes in caring for cyclamen lead to the appearance of diseases, rotting of the roots, tuber, stem base, this can occur due to excessive watering and top dressing, poor drainage. When pests such as mites and aphids appear, the leaves of the plant begin to deform and wither, in this case, treat the plant.

perennial herbaceous plant, whose flowers in beauty resemble a flock of bright butterflies, is cyclamen. Another name for cyclamen is alpine violet. It comes from the Mediterranean, is also distributed in northeast Africa, Spain.

At cyclamen original flowers and a very wide range of colors. There are white, purple cyclamens, the whole range of pink shades, red and burgundy. And what is especially pleasant, flowering lasts up to 3.5 months.

Alpine violet blooms from the second half of October to the end of March. Cyclamen is not a very fastidious plant, but some people get the opposite impression. In fact, if you follow certain recommendations, there will be no difficulties with the flower.

How to choose the right cyclamen in the store

Seeing in flower shop a scattering of colorful beautiful flowers, it's hard to resist buying. According to the rules, the choice of a flowerpot depends not only on the color of the inflorescences, it is worth paying attention to other parameters of the plant. The selection procedure includes an examination of the condition of the roots, which are visible in the drainage hole of the pot. It is important that the roots are in good condition and free of rot.

The flowerpot should not have yellow leaves and it is good when there are a lot of unblown buds on it. The larger the tuber, the better. The leaves of the plant should be elastic, there should be no rotten flower stalks or their remains on the flowerpot.

Caring for cyclamen during flowering

Caring for cyclamen at home involves being attentive in choosing a place for a flowerpot, organizing temperature regime, proper watering, timely top dressing and compliance with the necessary air humidity for the plant.

Choice of location and lighting

Cyclamen loves light. It should be placed on the windowsills of windows that do not receive direct sunlight, but at the same time there is a lot of daylight. Usually the best place for cyclamen is a window on the north side of the house.

Temperature and humidity

Cyclamen during the flowering period should be cool. He will be comfortable temperature + 12-15 ° C. It is bad if the temperature drops below 10 degrees or rises above 20 degrees.

For better growth and well-being of the flower, the air around it must be moistened. A regular sprayer will help with this. But at the same time, care must be taken that the sprayed moisture does not fall directly on the plant itself.

Watering and fertilizing the soil

In order for the plant to be comfortable during the flowering period, it must be watered regularly. When watering, water should not fall on the germ zone of the corm, on the leaves and flowers of the plant. good ways watering - closer to the edge of the pot, or pour water into the pan. At any time during the life of the plant, it is important not to overmoisten the soil.

Top dressing of cyclamen during the flowering period is done once every 2 weeks. For this, they are used mineral fertilizers. For feeding, you can cook phosphorus-potassium fertilizer: take 1 g of superphosphate and 0.5 g of potassium sulfate for 1 liter of water.

Caring for cyclamen during dormancy

Many plants actively grow and develop in the summer, give flowers and fruits. But as for cyclamen, this plant blooms in the cold season. Caring for cyclamen in the summer is no less important than caring for the flowering period. How the flower will bloom in its active period depends on the correct care during the dormant period.

Important! There is an opinion that if during the calendar dormant period the plant continues to actively bloom, then it must be artificially sent to rest - that is, unscrew the buds and leaves. But such an experience does not lead to anything good, such flowerpots get sick and often die.

In preparation for the dormant period, cyclamen may continue to form new leaves, while the old ones turn yellow and die off. Dead leaves must be removed. At the same time, the tuber stores nutrients, which will be consumed at the next flowering.

It is important to follow the rules on how to water cyclamen at home during rest. It is a misconception that cyclamen does not need to be watered during this period. If you allow the soil to dry out, and then water the plant abundantly, cracks may appear on the tuber. These cracks are not dangerous, but only if they do not get water. If they are covered with crushed coal, the cracks will become covered with a dense crust in a few days.

During the dormant period, moderate watering is required to prevent tuber rot. Fertilizers for cyclamen are not applied during this period. To prevent rot, a few drops of phytosporin can be added to the water during irrigation.

In terms of lighting in summer, the plant should be protected from bright direct sunlight. Coolness is not necessary, but if it is possible to place a flower in a cool shade, then he will be comfortable there.

The rest period lasts 2-3 months, after which new leaves and buds begin to appear.

Proper cyclamen transplant

When buying, you need to be prepared for the fact that a cyclamen transplant is required. Dutch plants are usually supplied in a peat substrate, which is designed to carry flowers but is not suitable for long-term plant growth.

Transplantation can be done once a year, until the flowerpot blooms. The most suitable time is the end of August and September, when the lower air temperature has a beneficial effect on growth.

For transplanting, you will need ordinary purchased soil. It can be prepared from the following components: peat, humus, sand and leafy soil. There should be more leafy ground in the mixture than the rest of the ingredients. The plant must be removed from the pot and carefully clean the roots of excess peat remaining on them. If rotten cuttings appear in the process, they must be removed.

Before transplanting, you need to determine which pot is needed for cyclamen. The size of the pot depends on the age of the flower. For cyclamen aged 1-1.5 years, a pot with a diameter of up to 8 cm is selected. For a three-year-old cyclamen, a pot with a diameter of up to 15 cm is suitable.

At the bottom of the pot should be drainage holes, if they are not there initially, you can do them yourself. After that, drainage is laid on the bottom - expanded clay or pebbles. With the help of drainage, waterlogging of the plant can be avoided.

Before planting cyclamen in new soil, it is recommended to bake it in the oven for one hour. Or you can do it in a pan or treat the soil with potassium permanganate. Such measures are necessary in order to protect the plant from possible infection with fungal diseases.

In the process of transplanting itself, the earthen mixture in the pot does not need to be rammed. A few old leaves should be removed from the plant, which helps to strengthen the health of the plant.

Important! You need to remove old leaves by twisting, and not just tearing them off.

The flower itself must be carefully placed in the middle of the new pot, holding it in weight so as not to damage the root system. The roots must be straightened and carefully covered with earth. The tuber itself does not need to be completely covered with earth, it should peek out a little on the surface.

After transplanting, the soil is watered and the water is allowed to soak. Then watering is repeated, and earth is added to the pot. But even after this stage, the tuber should partially remain above the ground.

Important! After transplantation, cyclamen should not be fertilized for two to three weeks.

Two ways to reproduce cyclamen

There are two most common ways to propagate cyclamen:

  • seeds;
  • tuber division.
When propagated by seeds, it will take longer to bloom than when propagated by a tuber. The best time for sowing seeds is August.

Before sowing, the seeds are poured with a 5% sugar solution. Only the seeds that have sunk to the bottom are taken, the ones that have surfaced are not suitable. For another day, the seeds are soaked in a solution of zircon.

Seeds are sown in a mixture of earth and peat - they are laid out on the surface and lightly sprinkled on top with a thin layer of earth. The optimum temperature for germination should be 20°C. From above, the sowing area is covered with a transparent film, which is sometimes removed for watering and airing the soil. Seedlings should germinate in 30-40 days.

After emergence, the shading is removed, young plants are placed in an environment without direct sunlight and at a temperature of 15-17°C. After the appearance of two or three leaves and the formation of a small tuber, the plants dive. This happens around December. After picking, the plants can be fed a diluted dose of flower fertilizer in a week.

In individual pots, cyclamen from seeds are planted in April - May. They bloom 13-15 months after sowing.

In addition to propagation by seeds, cyclamen can be propagated by dividing the tuber. Such reproduction can only be carried out during the dormant period of the plant. The bulb is taken out of the ground, dried a little. After that, it is cut into several parts. Each part must have strong living roots and buds. All parts of the root are processed with crushed coal and dried again. On about the third day, parts of the tuber can be planted in the ground, each in its own pot.

Reproduction by division of the tuber is not always successful, there is a risk of losing the plant irretrievably.

The healing properties of cyclamen

Cyclamen contains substances that have medicinal properties. Among them are cyclamine, saponin, bitter substances.

Did you know? Cyclamine has specific toxicity. But in a humid environment, it undergoes hydrolysis and turns into cyclamiretin, which has a healing effect.

Cyclamen juice has the following effects:

  • destroys viruses;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • antiseptic action;
  • inhibits the pathogenic flora that causes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • relieves pain in rheumatism, gout, diseases of the joints and bones.

Fresh cyclamen juice cleans the maxillary sinuses. It is prepared from a fresh tuber, which is crushed to a mushy state. 10 parts of water are added to the cyclamen gruel and everything survives through gauze. The resulting medicine can be instilled into the nose for 1-2 drops. The same mixture in the form of douching is used for gynecological diseases.

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Tatyana Pankratova 08/28/2014 | 5752

Summer is the season of active growth and development for most flowers. But for Persian cyclamen, which delighted in winter with bright butterfly flowers, this is a period of rest. The subsequent flowering depends on how well and correctly they rest.

There is an opinion: if the time of rest is approaching, and the flower continues to grow and bloom, you need to forcibly send it to rest. To do this, cut the leaves and twist the buds. As practice shows, nothing good comes of it. Forcibly "put to sleep" cyclamens get sick and may die.

Several years of observation of these plants allowed me to draw the following conclusion: if cyclamen wants to grow and bloom, then it can do it even in summer, in the heat, when, according to all the rules, it should rest, and vice versa. It is not worth forcing him; over time, the flower will enter the desired rhythm on its own.

Cyclamen prepares for rest

Going to rest, cyclamen stops forming buds, but can continue to unfold new leaves. At the same time, the old leaves turn yellow, they are removed after complete death. At this time, the tuber actively stores nutrients for future flowering, so cracks may appear on it, especially if the earthen coma is allowed to dry out and then watered abundantly. Cracks are not dangerous if water does not get on them. It is enough to sprinkle them with crushed coal, and after a few days the wounds will be covered with a dense crust. Cyclamen rarely sheds all the leaves.

Does cyclamen need watering during rest?

One of the most dangerous misconceptions is that during the rest period it does not need to be watered. How many cyclamens have been thrown away thanks to such "recommendations"! After several months without water, best case the tuber is waiting for a long resuscitation, at worst, the plant dies. Watering during the dormant period should be moderate to exclude the possibility of tuber rot. Naturally, fertilizers are not used. To prevent rot, you can add a few drops of Fitosporin to the water.

Place for "sleeping" cyclamen

Cool content for cyclamen in summer is optional, but if possible, the plant can be put on a balcony, loggia, terrace, with shading from direct sunlight. On average, the dormant period of cyclamens lasts two to three months. Its end is characterized by the growth of new leaves and buds. Watering is gradually increased, fertilizing with a weak solution of fertilizer is acceptable.

Transplant and top dressing

If necessary, the plant is transplanted into fresh soil, partially cleaning the roots. Full cleaning is recommended in the presence of a large number of rotten and dead roots. When planting, the tuber is buried in the ground by 2/3 of the height. The soil must be loose, breathable and nutritious (for example, any universal purchased soil with the obligatory addition of baking powder: perlite, vermiculite, coarse sand, coco-soil). It is permissible to add a small amount of humus, biohumus, coniferous soil. At the bottom of the pot, drainage from expanded clay, pieces of foam or bricks must be placed.

After transplantation, the plant is not fertilized for two to three weeks. As a top dressing for cyclamen, fertilizers with a low nitrogen content have proven themselves well: Kemira Lux, Ideal, Pokon. At the same time, you should not get too carried away with top dressing, otherwise cyclamens will build up a lush leaf mass to the detriment of flowering.

Most right time for plant transplantation - the end of August - September. Lower day and night temperatures favor growth, and a sufficient amount of sunlight contributes to the formation of a neat and compact leaf rosette.

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