Why do tomatoes turn yellow in the open field and in the greenhouse. Why the seedlings wither and fall, why it turns yellow and may even die The leaves of the tomato planted in the ground turned yellow

Nowadays, tomatoes are one of the most popular crops due to their valuable and nutritious properties. For normal development and growth, a tomato must be observed temperature regime within 23-25C.

Soil humidity should be approximately 70..80%, while air humidity should not exceed 60%. It is very important to provide tomatoes with air. With a lack of air in the soil, the normal nutrition process is disrupted.

why do tomatoes turn yellow in a greenhouse - tomato diseases Probably everyone who does garden work, I had to deal with the disease of my favorite plants. And what a shame, when so much work, effort has been spent, so many wise books have been read, to find yourself in front of a helpless tomato bush, the leaves of which are colored yellow. Very often in a greenhouse, where, it would seem, absolute care and care are provided, tomatoes also turn yellow. What causes chlorosis of tomato leaves in a greenhouse?

When the seedlings are overgrown, the roots do not have enough space in boxes or pots and they begin to die. Such roots are woven into a ball.

When the plant is planted in a greenhouse, the dead roots are replaced by new, regrown ones, and young green leaves appear, while the old leaves no longer receive any nutrients and they begin to turn yellow. There is nothing wrong with that. The main thing is that the transplant does not happen too late.

The soil temperature may also be unsuitable for the plant, leading to leaf chlorosis.

Another cause of yellowing is an excess of water. In greenhouses, water does not evaporate as quickly as outdoors, so do not be too zealous with watering.

When the weather is too hot and dry, it is difficult for plants to acclimatize. This is another reason for the yellowing of the leaves.

Also, an excess of fertilizer leads to yellowness. Perhaps you should not be too zealous with them. List of causes of yellowing leaves due to chlorosis

The root can also be damaged mechanically, through the fault of a person, then it turns yellow only Bottom part plants. But the yellowness will pass as soon as the root grows.

Lack of calcium, sulfur or iron also leads to leaf chlorosis.

When the soil is poor in copper (for example, peaty), the leaves also take on an unhealthy yellow color.

When the leaves not only turn yellow, but also begin to dry out, this is a sign that the plants lack manganese.

An excess of phosphorus also causes the leaves to change their color, but its lack will not bring much harm, the yellowed areas are quickly restored.

Even plants may lack nitrogen, then they have a yellow-green color. Why do tomato leaves turn yellow?

After planting, I found yellowed lower leaves of a tomato bush. - It's not scary. Perhaps the bush suffered a little during transplantation, but as soon as it takes root, everything will be fine.

Sometimes when weeding I find grubs Maybug- white worm. - The fact is that this worm, damaging the rhizomes of a tomato, disrupts the supply of the bush with moisture and substances useful for the tomato.

The soil in my garden is mostly peaty. – Feed your tomatoes with a fertilizer that contains copper.

The yellow leaves on the tomato bushes have become hard. - Nourish the tomatoes with sulfur.

I water my tomatoes every day. - Tomatoes like to be watered rarely, but plentifully.

I water the tomatoes with a jet of water from above. - The tomato bush does not like watering from above, try to pour water between the rows.

The tomato bed is on open area, the direct sun hits. - If the temperature on summer days does not exceed 30 degrees - everything is fine; but, if the mark on the thermometer goes off scale - the sheet simply burns. When planning the garden, try to provide light shade.

The leaves of the tomato turned yellow and the bush stopped growing. – Maybe Fusarium wilt got to your tomatoes. it fungal disease. It is necessary to update the seeds (since the fungus can be transmitted through them), change the bed. It is better to burn the affected tops.

Henceforth, before planting seedlings, the tomato bush (root) must be treated with a Bordeaux mixture.

Every day I water the tomatoes with fertilizer. - Try to temporarily stop feeding the bushes - perhaps they are oversaturated with minerals and vitamins. Yes, and you absorb excess fertilizer - nothing.

Tomatoes grow in a greenhouse. - Most likely your pets - a little too much moisture. Provide ventilation. I hope my test was useful for you and your pet tomatoes will now be beautiful and juicy. And you will enjoy gardening and the taste of tomato dishes.

How to save tomatoes from yellowing leaves?

The moment of planting the plants in the greenhouse is very important. You should not keep them at home for too long, so that the roots outgrow, you need to adhere to certain deadlines in everything.

Or, if you can’t say goodbye to your favorite tomatoes, keep the seedlings in large boxes so that the roots do not intertwine and die off.

But these are, so to speak, preliminary warnings. And when the tomatoes are already planted and their roots turn yellow, only spraying can help here.

The fertilizer solution must be made weak, approximately one percent (the plants are still young and a high concentration of fertilizers can simply burn them). Solutions of fertilizers such as nitrates, phosphates, chlorides and others like them help well.

First of all, you need to ensure that the plants do not have a lack of moisture. Water them well in the morning and evening.

Mullein tincture with ashes also helps well: one liter of mullein per ten liters of water, you need to take a glass of ash per liter of water, insist for two days, then pour tomatoes with this mixture.

Tomatoes love it green manure. Any green grass is mowed. Then it fills a plastic container, according to the calculation of 23, and fills it with water. Fertilizer should be infused for two weeks.

Then a liter of top dressing is diluted in a bucket of water and the tomatoes are poured with this solution.

Thrill-seekers can pour yellowed tomatoes with a solution chicken manure. One liter per ten liters of water.

You can find a sufficient amount of fertilizers in a store or on the market, they will be especially useful when plants lack potassium or nitrogen trace elements, the main thing is to follow the instructions exactly.

Tomatoes can be “feeded” with fertilizer prepared by oneself. To do this, put dandelion grass, nettle with a root in a barrel, fill it with water, then cover it with a lid and infuse in a sunny place for 10-14 days, stirring occasionally. Then take out the grass, add the solution 1-2 liters per bucket of water.

© medmoon.ru

Comments: 67, to the article "Why do tomatoes turn yellow in a greenhouse"

  • Nina

    for 2 days, the tops on all tomato bushes turned yellow, and yellow veins appeared on the lower leaves. What to do? Sprayed today with a solution of "phytosporin-M". What else can be done?

    tomato expert

    There is no source data to even try to guess. Weather conditions, top dressing, age of plants, growing conditions, varieties, what was / did with plants before that ... Even better - photos ... Then MAYBE you will be able to guess what happened ...

    Nina 27.06.2010 at 04:39 Reply

    The weather is bad before last week until June 19 it was cold, during the day 14-16 at night 8-11 degrees and it was constantly raining. Now, for several days, it’s t25 and it’s raining every day. On June 23, I sprayed both tomatoes and cucumbers with the “ovary” preparation, and on June 24 I fed the AGRICOLA tomatoes for tomatoes and on June 25 the tops turn pale, and yesterday they almost turned yellow.

    tomato expert

    Does Agricola contain boron? Just the ovary is, as far as I remember, a solid forest. If there is also a lot of it in agricole, there could be, for example, an excess of boron. Signs of an excess (overdose) of boron: “The leaves of the plant turn yellow and deform, while they can turn down and take a domed shape. Older leaves are affected first. The upper leaves first have a normal appearance, then curl. Signs of damage to young leaves and the top of the plant in advanced cases of excess boron can be mistaken for a lack of boron ”(I’m guessing here on coffee grounds, so you know, the probability of the correctness of the assumption is not as high as we would like)

  • Regina 13.06.2011 at 06:12 Reply

I planted tomatoes and after two weeks the leaves on some bushes began to disappear and only sticks remain. I looked at the rest of the bushes - everything is fine there - there are no signs of damage (neither caterpillars, nor snails, so that it could be said that something ate the leaves).

The same goes for eggplant and cucumbers. I’m very worried! I’ve been gardening for the first year! I so wanted to help my garden with something!

Alexander 02.05.2012 at 15:27 Reply

I have been growing tomato seedlings in greenhouse soil for several years. This year there were big bald patches. The seeds did not sprout, and if they did, the seedlings did not grow. A previous analysis of the soil pathology did not reveal.

Didn't check for salt. Your councils except for analyses. How to help the growth of seedlings ?, what to do with the soil?

Hello, please advise how to close the tomato from the cold at night, I planted it in the ground on May 20. They transmit frosts, how to close each root?

Alena Andreeva

Probably put the arcs in a tunnel and lutrasil from above. And if one is not high, then cut off the 5-liter bottle from above.

Petr Dmitriev

Hello, there are no problems with the tomato except for the yellowing of the leaves of the bush, tell me how you can fix the situation? Thank you in advance

tomato expert

It depends on how and which leaves turn yellow, if only immediately after transplanting into a greenhouse or exhaust gas, then you should not worry, wait a week and a half.

Viktor Shtrants

Hello, for some reason, the tomato leaves began to turn yellow for some reason a week after planting in the greenhouse, how many years we have been planting this, and on the cucumbers, the edges of the leaves along the contour have become light green, please tell me. Thank you.

tomato expert

Hello Victor. Was there any weather anomalies this year, maybe the earth is a bit cold?

hello on leaves yellow spots and light green underside. What to do?

tomato expert

Hello, it would be nice to look at the pictures, but offhand - there may be cladosporiosis if you have them in the greenhouse ... Although with it the coating from below is brown, but at the beginning it can be light.

But two weeks after planting, the newly formed leaves began to turn yellow. When it's cold outside. It rains almost every day. Turn on the heating at night.

tomato expert

If the earth is cold (measure - bury the thermometer 10-15 cm), then it remains to wait until it warms up. Must be 14 degrees or higher. Cover the ground with transparent polyethylene so that it heats up faster.

Only not black - it is of little use.

Hello. I planted tomatoes in the greenhouse, they started normally, new leaves, flowers and fruits appeared, but now the leaves are starting to turn yellow, the flowers are turning yellow and falling off. The bushes dry up. How to save?

Pomodorologist 06/06/2013 at 19:22 Reply

Well, if the bushes dry up right, I don’t know how to save them. In general, it cannot happen that your pets are starving? .. Then give them saltpeter by leaf, calcium!

Or potassium. It depends on the soil... If, on the contrary, you feel unwell, due to illness or bad weather, then you need to determine and think.

It is better to insert photos on the forum, well, or through third-party services - insert a link to the photo.

I don't think they are hungry. Maybe I'm a lot cow dung added to the beds before planting? Can manure give such an effect?

tomato expert

SW. Vitaly, tomatoes “do not like” excess nitrogen, with strong overfeeding, flowers / ovaries may fall off and a characteristic torsion of the top and upper leaves is observed. Yellowing with excess nitrogen - theoretically possible if very strongly overfed, but I can not say for sure.

Thank you, I'll try to spill it with water, maybe I'll save it.

Vitaly 07/06/2013 at 00:35 Reply

Hello, dear Pomodoroved. thanks for good advice and tips. Most of the bushes were saved and restored. After “washing” the roots with water, the fruits were cracked and burst.

Now everything is back to normal. All the best.

There is an opinion that without a timely pick to grow a healthy and strong seedlings tomato is impossible. This is not entirely true. Some gardeners quite successfully grow tomatoes without a pick.

To grow tomato seedlings without picking, the seeds must be sown immediately in individual cups or pots.

Preparing the greenhouse for planting tomato seedlings

Tomato seedlings are planted in a greenhouse in late April - early May, so by this time the greenhouse should be ready. Preparing the greenhouse for planting tomato seedlings consists in covering the greenhouse with a film, equipping window vents and preparing the soil.

When and how to plant tomato seedlings in a greenhouse

Many summer residents prefer to grow tomatoes not in open field, but in a greenhouse. Tomato seedlings intended for growing in a greenhouse are planted in closed ground in late April - early May. Exist various schemes planting tomatoes.

The planting pattern mainly depends on the variety of tomato and their height.

Growing a tomato in a greenhouse: 7 things every gardener needs to know

To get in the future good harvest, tomato seedlings after planting in the greenhouse must be provided proper care, which consists in creating favorable conditions for the growth and development of this crop: sufficient lighting, timely watering, ventilation, tying up, pinching, pollination and top dressing.

When and how to plant tomato seedlings in open ground

Some mistakes when planting tomatoes in open ground can ruin seedlings. To prevent this, before planting seedlings in open ground, you need to clearly define the timing and planting pattern, as well as further care for the tomatoes in the garden.

How to care for tomatoes after planting seedlings in open ground

Good seedlings are the key to a good harvest, but improper care of tomatoes after planting them in open ground can nullify all your efforts to grow seedlings. In order to prevent various diseases of tomatoes, falling flowers, reducing yields, deteriorating the taste and size of fruits, tomatoes in the garden must be properly cared for.

How to avoid diseases of tomatoes when growing in a greenhouse

Everyone who has experienced the cultivation of tomatoes knows firsthand that they are prone to numerous diseases that can spoil the quality of the fruit and significantly reduce the yield. This problem is especially acute when growing tomatoes indoors.

Many factors contribute to the development of various diseases of tomatoes in the greenhouse. To learn how to reduce the risk of tomato infection when growing them in a greenhouse, read here.

How to protect tomatoes from pests

Pest control causes gardeners a lot of trouble every year. Pests can significantly spoil the quality of the fruit and reduce the amount of the crop. To protect tomatoes from pests, you must be able to identify them and know how to deal with them.

That is what we will talk about today.

Is there something wrong with your tomatoes? Maybe it's a fungus

You so carefully selected seeds for sowing, grew seedlings, planted in the ground, protected young plants from frost and drought in the hope of getting a good harvest, and suddenly your tomatoes began to deteriorate before your eyes. If this goes on, it seems that soon there will be nothing left of the plants: the leaves of the tomatoes dry, become stained, the disease mercilessly affects the green tomatoes and the stem. It is most likely caused by a fungus.

Viral and mycoplasmal diseases of tomatoes

Unfortunately, tomatoes are prone to so many diseases that it can sometimes be difficult for a gardener to identify the cause of plant damage. In addition to the fungal diseases that we talked about in the previous article, tomatoes can suffer from viral and mycoplasmal diseases.

There are no effective methods to deal with them, but there is an opportunity to reduce the likelihood of their development. Knowing the signs of the disease, you can identify it and analyze the causes of its occurrence in order to prevent such mistakes in the future when growing tomatoes.

How to water tomatoes after planting

17.05.2014 |

Today I will tell you how to water tomatoes after planting seedlings on permanent place. Correct Mode watering is able to protect plants from diseases and death, contributes to good survival, quick adaptation to a new place. In order for planted tomatoes to feel good, simple watering and temperature rules should be followed.

When purchasing seedlings, ask: where it was grown, in a greenhouse or a cold greenhouse. After all, it depends on the conditions in which tomato seedlings grew. further care behind them. If the seedlings were grown by yourself, it will be easier for you to navigate the correct care for them.

Grown in the house on the windowsill, tomatoes need additional hardening. It is good if they were taken outside during the day so that they get used to the wind and the sun. If not, the plants will be very sick when planted, if not killed at all.

The same with greenhouse seedlings: pampered leaves will suffer greatly from exposure to direct sunlight and fresh air.

How to water tomatoes after planting them in the ground

Do not forget that watering the planted tomato seedlings depends on several factors:

  1. Quality of planted seedlings of tomatoes (tomatoes); Physical qualities of the soil; Weather conditions.

Hardened seedlings do not require shading, you can water it once a day plentifully. The average water consumption is as follows: 2.5-3 liters of water per hole (one bucket of water for 4 holes). If the plants were planted in a trench, calculate the consumption according to the number of plants in the trench.

Watering better in the morning before the sun comes up. If the scorching sun has time to dry the earth before the evening, then you can also water it after the heat subsides, the consumption is about 1.5-2 liters per plant. This way you provide the seedlings with moisture, while maintaining the lightness of the soil: the roots also need oxygen.

If the soil is too compacted, the tomatoes will begin to suffer from a lack of oxygen. So don't overfill them.

It is enough to provide light soil moisture, this will be enough for the plants to feed and take root. Daily watering is carried out for 7-10 days, until the tomato seedlings take root and begin to grow. When you notice that the plants have begun, you can loosen the soil.

In the hole, loosening is carried out very carefully so as not to damage the roots (to a depth of no more than 3 cm). this is the so-called "dry watering". So you break capillary formations, reducing evaporation from the surface of the earth, plus delivering oxygen to the roots of tomatoes. Alternate abundant watering with loosening and rest: after you walk with a chopper, loosening the ground well, you can not water for 3-7, sometimes up to 10 days ( overcast weather).

When the tomatoes become tall, powerful, it is better to completely mulch the soil: cover it with young grass with a layer of 5 cm. This way you protect the soil from overheating, there is no need to fight weeds, you will have to water less often: moisture will remain in the ground much longer. When planted in the ground unhardened seedlings, you should take care of its shading. To do this, it is covered from the sun and wind with agrofiber or spandbond for a while until it is accepted. Watering will be needed in the morning and in the evening, for each plant about 1.5-2 liters, depending on the weather, the composition of the soil. Remember simple rules watering quality control:

  1. Water should not for a long time stagnate: otherwise the soil will compact and acidify; Moisture should be enough at least until the evening, when you water a second time if necessary. If the earth in the evening is much darker than the one around the hole, you can only water it in the morning. And vice versa: light color, almost the same as around, says that you need to water; If a day after watering you find that the earth is still very wet, compacted and cracked, water consumption should be reduced.

When the tomatoes began to grow and began to grow, it is not necessary to water them manually. It is quite acceptable to water the leaves by sprinkling from a hose with a water gun, a turntable and other devices. If you have any questions about how to water tomatoes after planting in the ground, ask, I will definitely answer.

Many gardeners are engaged in growing tomatoes on their plots. Tomatoes are used in the diet of almost any inhabitant of our country, and tomatoes obtained from their own plot are much more aromatic and tastier than those brought from the store. But often the owners of personal plots have a problem - during the cultivation of tomatoes, their leaves begin to turn yellow.

A reasonable question arises - why do tomato leaves turn yellow in the open field? To eliminate this trouble, you need to find the cause of its appearance, to figure out if the climate of the region or the soil features on your site affect it.

Lack of space for roots

Most often, this trouble occurs due to the fact that the tomato plants are planted too densely. It may seem that this only happens when planting tomatoes in greenhouses, but this is not true. This can happen if the tomato bushes in the garden are very close to save space.

The leaves also turn yellow if the tomato seedlings have been in pots for too long. Such plants will have weak roots, unable to feed a powerful leaf apparatus. The root system of tomatoes in young plants develops quickly, for this reason it is important to provide a sufficient amount of free space between the seedlings.

Attention! If you notice yellowed lower leaves on tomato bushes, then make sure that the plants are not planted too densely and that there is enough space for the root system.

To prevent yellowing of the leaves, sow the seeds and transplant the seedlings in containers of sufficient volume. In addition, do not delay transplanting seedlings to the garden. If, nevertheless, you did not manage to plant the tomato plants on time and the roots occupied the entire volume of the pot, then feed the plants after transplanting. For this, complex fertilizers containing the main nutrients are suitable. The concentration of the feeding solution should not exceed 1%, so you can save the bushes and restore their strength.

Advice! Formulas that are sold in liquid form contain nutrients at a lower concentration than powdered formulas.

Diagnostics of the state of plants

Too little or too much light

If tomato plants are planted very densely, then the leaves may turn yellow (the lower leaves immediately change color, to which the sun's rays do not penetrate well). To eliminate this problem, you need to place the tomatoes at a certain distance. But an excessive amount of sunlight can lead to yellowing of the leaves, in which case it will be necessary to create an artificial shadow.

Soil composition

One of the common causes of yellowing leaves in tomato plants is a lack of nutrients in the soil. Basically lack of nitrogen. If this problem is not solved in time, then the tomato stalk will grow thin and weak. Little leaves will grow, and they will be pale. Yellowing occurs gradually, first small yellowish spots form at the tips of the leaves, then they come together to form one line. At the end of this process, the leaf tissues die off, and the leaves on the plant begin to crumble, which will end in the death of the tomato bush.

If the soil contains an insufficient amount magnesium, then on leaf blades yellowness appears primarily between the veins. After a while, they will begin to connect with each other, and the edge of the sheet will begin to rise. These symptoms are also present with a lack of molybdenum, but this microelement is very rarely lacking. If the young leaves on the tomato bushes are faded, then this may indicate a lack of sulfur. At the same time, adult leaves begin to turn yellow, and a reddish tint appears on their veins. If this deficiency is not eliminated, then after some time not only the leaves of the tomatoes will suffer, but the stem of the plant itself will also become weak.

The lack of iron in the soil causes iron chlorosis. The leaves acquire a pale yellowish color, green veins are clearly visible on the plates. The development of the tomato plant stops, the leaves on the top of the tomato turn pale and you cannot do without emergency help.

If there is not enough calcium in the soil, then light yellow patches form on the leaves, and top rot appears on the fruits. But the worst thing is that this disease begins to move to other tomatoes. After a while, the upper part of the fruit acquires Brown color and pushes inward. Tomato fruits in this form are not suitable for cooking, so that the disease does not spread further, they must be destroyed.

How to treat nutrient deficiencies in the soil

If certain nutrients are lacking in the soil mixture, then, of course, it is necessary to fertilize it with a suitable fertilizer. For example, nitrogen starvation is easy to quickly eliminate if you do foliar top dressing urea plants. For work, a solution is prepared by diluting 1 tablespoon of urea in a bucket of water.

To introduce the nitrogen necessary for plants into the soil, the bed is fed with infusion of mullein. To do this, cow manure is soaked for 3 days with water in the proportion: 1 volume of manure per 4 volumes of water. Before use, mullein infusion is diluted in water, diluting 1 liter of solution with 3 liters of water. Pour 1 liter of this mixture under each tomato plant.

Potassium deficiency can be quickly eliminated by foliar feeding with potassium nitrate. For the treatment of plants with yellowed leaves, a solution is prepared from 1 liter of water and 1 teaspoon of saltpeter. For root dressing, dissolve 1 tablespoon of saltpeter in a bucket of water. In addition, plants in the garden can be fed with wood ash.

lack of moisture

If the leaves of tomatoes turn yellow too early in the open field, then this may indicate a banal lack of moisture in the soil. Untimely watering during a drought causes the leaves to turn yellow. Tomatoes tolerate drought well, but if they are not watered for a long time, the leaves will begin to turn yellow.

Tomatoes need to be watered once a week, but the soil needs to be soaked deeply. The root system of this culture can penetrate to a depth of 1 meter. So the plant is able to provide itself with moisture if the soil on the surface begins to dry out. But for a long time a tomato bush will not be able to grow like this, many nutrients are missing in the deep layers of the earth. If the tomatoes do not have enough moisture, then they must be well watered, and the leaves will regain their normal color.

The consequences of transplanting seedlings

The appearance of painful yellowness on the plants after they are planted in the garden suggests that the seedlings were injured during transplantation. Adult tomato plants can be damaged during loosening of the soil, this can also cause yellowness.

The leaves of tomatoes turn yellow due to injuries, the lower leaf blades mainly suffer. With this trouble, you just need to let the plants reanimate. In the absence of other causes of yellowing and good care the leaves of tomatoes in the open field, after a short time, will independently restore their color.

fungal diseases

If there is an infection in the soil, then the leaves of the tomatoes may turn yellow. To eliminate this shortcoming, it will take a lot of effort. At the slightest suspicion of infection of the site, it is necessary to dig up the beds in the fall. In this case, it is necessary to dig deep into the soil, to the maximum possible depth. This way you will destroy most of the infection, and the chance of infecting tomato bushes will be much reduced.

Please note! It is almost impossible for a gardener to destroy an infection at a time; it will take several years of work.

Not only the soil in the beds can become infected, the infection can also be present in seed, and on the tools that you use when working on the site. If the inventory is infected, then it cannot be used on healthy beds, as it can spread throughout the site. Sanitization of the tool used during work will be required.

Tomato bushes can become infected with a fungal infection at any stage of development. A rapidly spreading disease can cause yellowing of the foliage, the bush will become weak and the yield will noticeably decrease. For this reason, the gardener needs to constantly monitor the sanitary condition of the site, and at the first sign of the onset of the disease, quickly take action. Seed material should be used only after preventive treatment. Disinfect the instrument regularly.

Tomato bushes are often affected by Fusarium. From this disease, the leaves of tomatoes in the open field turn yellow, after which they quickly wither, as with a lack of moisture. To fix the problem, you need to process the leaves special formulations once every 1–12 days (taking into account the degree of development of the disease), only in this way can plants be cured. The most effective drugs for treating plants from a fungal infection are Fitocid and Fitosporin.

Consequences of exposure to low temperatures

When planting seedlings in a permanent place, the leaves on it may turn yellow, the reason for this may be hypothermia. Tomato seedlings should be planted in the garden only when the night air temperature does not fall below +12 degrees.

Cooling during transplantation can cause:

  • Delays in the development and growth of the plant;
  • Poor absorption of the soil solution by the roots;
  • Poor root development
  • Depletion of the root system.

If tomato plants have been exposed to cold, then they appear yellow leaves with a bluish tint. From such bushes you will get only a late harvest, the fruits will grow tasteless and small size. To prevent such a problem, do not rush to plant plants in the garden.

Recommendation! If you cannot wait and want to plant seedlings as soon as possible, but an unexpected cold snap has come, then protect the plants with temporary film shelters or at least cover the seedlings at night with film or cardboard.

If you don’t know why tomato leaves turn yellow in the open field, then you first need to determine the cause of the trouble. After that, you need to eliminate it, and after a certain period of time the leaves will acquire a normal color.

Almost every gardener is engaged in growing tomatoes today. With a properly selected variety, compliance with all the rules of agricultural technology, it is possible to collect a high and high-quality crop. But things don't always go so smoothly.

Often, yellowing can be detected on the leaves of tomatoes immediately after they are planted in the ground. It is necessary to deal with this problem at the initial stage of its development, otherwise it may lead to loss of yield.

Causes of yellowed leaves

The most common cause yellowed tomato leaves are bad weather conditions or various ailments. So before moving on to solving the problem that has arisen, it is necessary to understand what led to its development. Very often, the leaves not only turn yellow, but also fall out. But you should not worry here, because after transplantation this process is natural. After the old leaves have fallen off, new ones will grow in their place. It is also worth learning more about which varieties of tomatoes are resistant to late blight, and what they are called, is indicated.

On the video - why the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow:

Wrong transplant

Often the cause of yellowing of the leaves is the fault of the gardener himself. The fact is that during transplantation, no matter how hard he tries, the roots of the plant are still damaged. As a result, their direct function is violated - the saturation of tomatoes with essential substances. This cannot be avoided, but if the tomatoes were able to take root, then they will again become green and healthy.

When transplanting young tomato seedlings, it is affected by lower temperatures. Mineral substances dissolved in the soil can also affect yellowing, which, when interacting with the roots of the culture, lead to the development of this symptomatology.

Read about feeding tomatoes in a greenhouse during flowering.

In order to prevent the development of yellowness on the leaves of tomatoes, it is worth taking a more responsible approach to the date of planting seedlings. If planting activities are carried out too early, then the plants will face such a problem as frost. A greenhouse can help with such a problem, but this is how tomato seedlings are grown in a greenhouse, it is indicated.

Influence too low temperatures on weak seedlings can lead to its death.

Another reason for the development of yellowness on the leaves is a poor-quality transplant. If a too dense earthen ball is formed at the root, this will lead to insufficient nutrition of the plant, and will also cause the development of diseases. As a result root system will die. If such seedlings manage to survive, then this process will be too long.

nutritional deficiency

If this reason takes place, then, most likely, plants need nitrogen and other microelements. Because of this, the bushes will slowly die, and their leaves will turn yellow and dry. To prevent this, it is necessary to make top dressing in a timely manner.

A fungal disease such as fusarium can also affect the development of yellowness. Tomatoes affected by this disease are easy to distinguish from healthy ones. They will be absent in development and look as if they do not have enough fluid.

Fusarium tomato

Yellowing of tomato foliage is not the most dangerous and terrible symptom of this disease. If Fusarium occurs, then browning of the vessels occurs on the cut of the petioles of the leaves. Excessive humidity and heat soil.

How to treat

To prevent the appearance of yellowness on the leaves of a tomato after they are planted in the ground, it is necessary that the substrate be fertile and contain all the nutrients in sufficient quantities. So, you can solve the problem of yellowed leaves using the following methods:

  1. After planting plants, nitrogen is extremely important to them.(By clicking on the link, you can find out about this. This component is contained in sufficient quantities in urea. To prepare the solution, it is worth taking 10 liters of water and 20 g of urea. Use for watering the plant. But you can only use the resulting solution after it forms on the bushes 3 full leaves.

    nitrogen for tomatoes

  2. If top dressing did not give the desired result and the leaves turned yellow anyway, then after 7 days you can treat the soil surface with a solution of nitrophoska. The dosage of the drug is determined taking into account the recommendations of the manufacturer. Most often, 20 g of the drug is used per 1 liter of water. It may also be useful for you to know how it happens.

    Nitrophoska solution

  3. The leaves of the plant will turn green again if the roots of the plant are watered with a solution consisting of water and compost.. Take 1 liter of water and 40 g of the substance. Biohumus is perfect for this. If it is difficult to use such drugs, then you can use those that are specially designed for this vegetable crop. They will help strengthen the bushes and their supplementary food. To use quality compost, you need to know about .
  4. If the leaves of recently transplanted tomatoes began to turn yellow after picking, then you need to remember that this process is always quite painful for many plants. To solve the problem, it is necessary to perform, watering nitrogen fertilizers suitable for tomatoes. It's also worth knowing more about it. which ones exist.
  5. Even to eliminate yellowed leaves of tomatoes planted in open ground, you can use a solution with diluted mullein. To do this, take 10 liters of water and 2 liters of mullein to infuse the remedy for 14 days, while making sure that there is no access to oxygen. Strain the resulting mixture, and then dilute with 500 ml of 10 liters of water. Use for watering tomatoes.

    Solution with diluted mullein

  6. You can use green manure to feed tomatoes. For this you can use any green grass. Put it in a plastic container, fill it with water. It is necessary to infuse fertilizer for 14 days. Then filter the resulting mixture, dilute 1 liter of top dressing with 10 liters of water. Use a watering agent for bushes. It may also be useful for you to learn how to use dry bird droppings as fertilizer, for this you should go to.

On the video - how to treat tomatoes:

Of course, yellowed leaves on tomatoes are an unpleasant symptom, which often leads to loss of yield. In this case, it is important to understand in time what led to the development of this problem, and only then direct all efforts to combat it. You can use both homemade and specialized preparations for this.

He will tell about the treatment of tomatoes with iodine from phytophthora.

It is important for beginner gardeners to figure out why tomato seedlings turn yellow, what to do to correct the situation and prevent it. There is a certain list of factors that can provoke this problem. You can cope with yellowness with fertilizers and folk methods.

Tomato seedlings turn yellow - what to do?

If a problem is found, then attempts should be made to deal with it, as well as take into account recommendations for preventing it.

  1. If you overdid it with watering, then it is better to remove the seedlings and assess the condition of the roots. After a transplant is carried out in a nutrient composition.
  2. It is recommended to maintain the air temperature within 23-26°C.
  3. If tomato seedlings turn yellow, then it is better to use the supplement immediately, but only if the whole point is not acidity and not excessive moisture.
  4. When the seedlings have hatched and there are too many of them, then it is better to divide or thin out and provide the necessary light.

Yellow leaves on tomato seedlings - causes

With improper care and creation adverse conditions for cultivation, seedlings may turn yellow, and after that they may even die. It is important to understand the precipitating factors in order to eradicate them. If you are interested in why the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow, then pay attention to the main factors:

  1. Earth. It is important to use fertile soil and it is better to buy it in a store. Unsuitable soil, for example, garden, as well as heavy and acidic soils.
  2. Watering. For tomato seedlings, uniform and moderate watering is important. Describing what to do if the seedlings turn yellow, you should know that you can not pour the plantings and dry out the soil.
  3. Top dressing. Foliage turns yellow due to a lack or excess of nitrogen. If the color of only the tips of the leaves has changed, then this indicates a lack of potassium.
  4. Lighting. Describing why tomato seedlings turn yellow and what to do, this reason should not be overlooked, so for this crop it is important that the daylight hours last at least 12 hours.

Why do tomato seedlings turn yellow after picking?

The process is a real stress for plants, so often after it is carried out, the seedlings begin to turn yellow and wither. A problem may arise if the plants were injured during the procedure or the picking was carried out very early. If, after diving seedlings, tomato leaves turn yellow, then keep in mind that for the procedure it is taken fertile soil, in which there should not be a lot of peat or an insufficient amount of nitrogen or potassium. The reasons may be related to improper watering and various diseases.

Yellow plaque on the ground near the seedlings

The yellowish crust on the surface of the earth is saline, and provokes its predominance of evaporation of water from the soil. This may be due to such reasons:

  1. The heavy mechanical composition of the soil, which provokes its capillarity.
  2. The absence or holes at the bottom of the pot, which leads to increased evaporation of moisture from the surface of the earth.
  3. Yellow plaque on the ground for seedlings of tomatoes can be triggered by errors in watering, applying a large amount of fertilizer. In addition, the cause may be caused by too much capacity, as well as dry air and too hard water.

Tomato seedlings turn yellow - how to feed?

If fertile soil was used to plant the seeds, then fertilizers should not be applied. After the seedlings are transferred to the open ground, it is important to carry out feeding in a week and repeat it after two weeks. It is important to know if the seedlings turn yellow, how to feed the tomatoes in order to save the seedlings:

  1. Fertilizer, important for the greenery of plants, since it contains more than 45% nitrogen. When describing what to do if the seedlings turn yellow, it is worth considering that urea is applied after germination, and then every 14-20 days. To prepare the solution, put 20-30 g of urea in a bucket.
  2. Potassium permanganate. A tool that will help make up for the lack of manganese is used as a foliar spray every 10 days during the growing season. You need to use only a slightly pink solution.
  3. Ash. One of the most proven means that you should pay attention to those who are interested in what to do if the seedlings turn yellow - wood ash. These supplements contain several important elements. To prepare fertilizer in a bucket of water, put 1 tbsp. ash. You can use it for watering and for spraying.

Tomato seedlings turn yellow - what to do, folk remedies

Since in most cases the reason for the yellowing of seedlings is a lack of nitrogen, you can use one of the popular folk remedies- hold, and it does not matter dry or pressed. If the tomato seedlings have yellow leaves, then prepare such a solution by mixing 10 liters of water and 100 g of dry yeast (200 g of pressed yeast is taken per 1 liter of water), and also put a couple of large spoons of sugar. After that, everything is infused for 22-3 hours, and then the seedlings should be watered under the root, pouring 0.5 tbsp. under the plant.