Guidelines for external insulation of the facade of the house. Insulation of facades Insulation and decoration of private houses

High-quality insulation of the facade is a question that worries the owners of both new and old housing. His decision depends not only on heating costs, but also on the comfort in the house.

A lot of materials are offered on the market for insulating the facade of a private house. Moreover, each manufacturer and seller claims that it is his product that is the best. An objective assessment of insulation materials often gives different results.

In addition to the physical and mechanical properties of heaters, the technology of their installation has a great influence on the final result. This article will help you understand the nuances of the quality of the material and the intricacies of performing work on the thermal insulation of the facade.

Heaters. How to choose a "fur coat" for your home?

All insulation materials are divided into two categories:

  • Organic.
  • Inorganic.

The first group is more numerous. It includes such products of the chemical industry as polystyrene and polystyrene foam, as well as natural insulation, ecowool.

Answering the question of how to properly insulate the facade, you must first of all consider the physical properties of the materials offered on the market.

Styrofoam and penoplex

Foamed polymers, which include foam, are by definition not durable. The aging process inherent in any plastic is much faster here. The reason for this is the huge contact area of ​​polystyrene with the air contained in its structure. Therefore, manufacturers' statements about a 50-year, and even more so a 100-year, service life cannot be considered serious and objective. Such insulation will last no more than 20 years, after which it will have to be changed.

- the same polystyrene foam, but obtained by extrusion (at elevated temperature and pressure). It is more durable and stronger than regular foam, but still falls short of the 50 years of operation promised by advertising.

If you can somehow come to terms with the relatively short service life of the foam, then one can argue with statements about its "super-environmental friendliness". As it ages, this insulation degrades, releasing toxic styrene. Although its concentration is low, and the diffusion process into living quarters through the walls is difficult, nevertheless, this fact casts doubt on the vigorous statements of manufacturers.

The second incorrect statement about foam is its excellent soundproofing qualities. This material is quite tough and at the same time very light. This combination of properties is not characteristic of effective sound insulators. Therefore, the insulation of the facade with foam plastic does not have a noise suppressing effect.

Insulation of the facade with foam - saves heat, does not absorb sound

The undoubted positive qualities of polystyrene and polystyrene foam are ease of installation and ease of decoration. Due to the rigid structure of the insulation, lightweight ceramic tiles can be applied or glued to it.

Speaking about the insulation of the facade with expanded polystyrene, you should pay attention to thermal panels with clinker tiles. This composite material does not require any finishing. It is obtained by foaming polystyrene in one form with facing tiles. This is how a strong adhesion of the insulation to the outer finish is achieved.

More expensive thermal panels are produced using polyurethane foam instead of foam. Installation of composite insulating cladding is carried out on a special glue, joining the panels with serrated protrusions.


The opposite of foam and other foamed polymers. It is made from natural cellulose, so it deserves the name of an environmentally friendly insulation. It contains minerals - borax and boric acid. They are safe for health and are designed to protect the cellulose from rot, fire and rodents.

Ecowool has high sound-absorbing characteristics. Its loose structure dampens acoustic vibrations well. The breathability of this insulation corresponds to that of natural wood. Take this fact into account when deciding what is the best way to insulate the facade.

The disadvantage of ecowool is the impossibility of applying it to the facade using a dry method. Therefore, wet technology is most often used for insulation. It consists in spraying wet ecowool on the walls. Drying, it forms a dense and warm shell, which adheres well to a vertical surface. Ecowool finish - plaster, magnesite slab or blockhouse.

Wet way of insulation with ecowool

The dry method of insulation is only suitable for frame buildings. They have cavities between the outer and inner lining, into which the ecowool is blown.

Mineral wool and glass wool

The second group of materials for insulation is represented by basalt mineral wool and glass wool. Glass wool insulation is rarely used today. During installation, it emits the smallest particles of glass that enter the respiratory system and harm the body. Mineral wool is safer in this regard.

It should be noted that loose rock wool roll insulation is not suitable for the facade. Therefore, in practice, semi-rigid or rigid slabs are used (density from 90 to 200 kg / m3). They are fixed to the walls with construction glue and disc dowels.

Facade cladding with hard mineral wool slab

When deciding what is best for insulating a house with foam or mineral wool, many owners prefer a more durable basalt material.

Insulation technologies

Despite the difference in physical and mechanical properties, the technologies for installing heaters on the facade do not have any fundamental differences.

Thermal insulation can be installed in two ways:

  • Wet.
  • Dry.

Wet insulation is preferable, since they provide a tighter and more reliable contact with the wall. The main disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of carrying out work at negative air temperatures.

Dry installation of insulation can be carried out all year round. In this case, no adhesive solution is used, so the work goes faster. The density of adhesion of the insulation to the wall in this case is lower than with a wet installation. This reduces the energy-saving properties of the building.

It should be noted that the choice of insulation technology largely depends on the type of finish. If the facade insulation with mineral wool is carried out under plaster, then the installation of the plates must be carried out with a wet method on glue. If the walls are sheathed with crate siding, then it is better to stay on dry technology.

Installation of mineral wool slabs using dry technology for siding. The arrangement of the slabs in two layers with overlapping joints reliably protects the wall from cold penetration.

Installation of insulation is carried out in rows, starting from the lower part of the facade. With the dry method, they are fixed to the wall between the guides of the battens, to which the facing material will be attached. Having completed the installation of the insulation from bottom to top, it is closed with a windproof vapor-permeable film. After that, the installation of the external cladding begins.

With the wet method, the walls are insulated from the outside with penoplex or mineral wool in the same sequence as with dry installation. Heat-insulating plates are glued to the wall and additionally fixed to it with disc dowels. Before gluing the thermal insulation, the facade surface is cleaned of dirt. If necessary, it is leveled with cement mortar. After it dries, the walls are treated with a primer.

The first row of insulation is placed on the starting profile. It is needed for the reason that before the glue sets, the slabs can "float" along the facade, shifting a few centimeters down. The width of the starting profile is chosen equal to the thickness of the insulation.

Without a starter profile, raw glue will not keep the insulation boards from slipping.

How to choose the right thickness of insulation?

The easiest and most affordable way is to use a special program "heat engineering calculator". It can be found on sites dedicated to facade insulation.

By adding the initial data to the specified calculator (thickness and type of wall material, interior decoration, type and estimated thickness of external insulation), you will see whether your option is passing according to the norms or not.

Approximate prices for insulation for 1m2

The cost of work on the installation of mineral wool and polystyrene is kept by the finishers at the level of 350-390 rubles / m2. At the same time, the price of penoplex with a density of 35 kg / m3 and a thickness of 5 cm starts from 250 rubles / m2. Cheaper PSB-S foam plastic can be bought for 160-180 rubles / m2.

A semi-rigid mineral wool slab with a density of 75 kg / m3 and a thickness of 10 cm, used for installation under siding and a blockhouse, is sold at a price of 170 rubles / m2. A rigid slab of mineral wool of the same thickness can be purchased starting at 440 rubles / m2.

For applying ecowool on the facade with a wet method (layer thickness 5-7 cm), performers on average ask for 400 rubles / m2. Dry blowing of this insulation in the cavity between the facade and the outer cladding is cheaper - from 260 rubles / m2.

The cost of ecowool 10 cm thick in terms of 1 m2 of surface is about 120 rubles.

The rise in energy prices puts the issue of home insulation in the first place. This will save about 30-40% of the heating costs. To determine the options for insulation materials, it is worth considering the advantages and disadvantages of existing technologies.

It occupies a leading position among other heaters due to its affordable price and low thermal conductivity (0.0028-0.0033 W / m / K). A large number of domestic manufacturers reduce the cost of transportation when delivering material to the installation site. Expanded polystyrene is produced by extrusion, produced in plates of different density and thickness.


Possesses excellent thermal insulation properties;

Simple installation technology;

Easy to process;

Does not absorb moisture;

Affordable prices, both for material and installation work.


Low air throughput;

After installation, finishing is required;

The loose structure is easily damaged by mechanical stress.

Important! Such a lack of foam, such as low vapor permeability, is easily corrected by arranging a ventilation system in the dwelling, which ensures the circulation of air masses.

Installation features

The technology of insulating facades with expanded polystyrene provides the following stages:

Cleaning the working surface from crumbling and damaged fragments;

Sealing gaps and cracks with cement mortar;

Fixation along the bottom line of the facade of the starting profile;

Laying insulation boards on glue, starting from the bottom (rows are formed in a checkerboard pattern);

Fastening the foam with special dowels (performed after the glue has dried);

Sealing slab joints;

Read also: Wall decoration with liquid wallpaper (photo). Pros of liquid wallpaper

Laying on the surface of the reinforcing mesh;

Application of a layer of plaster;

Wall priming;

Painting with facade paint.

When calculating the thickness of polystyrene plates, the following are taken into account: thermal conductivity of the walls, heat losses of the room, the power of the heating system.

Of the mineral heat insulators, basalt wool is more popular due to its low moisture absorption rate and other equally valuable qualities:

Low thermal conductivity (0.0035 W / m / K);

Water vapor permeability;

Soundproofing characteristics;

Hypoallergenic composition, absence of toxic substances in it;

Fire safety (flammability class G1);

Resistance to external factors and microbiological processes.

The disadvantages include:

The need to install a batten (made of wood or metal profiles);

The formation of cracks at the joints of the canvases as a result of shrinkage;

High price.

Reference! For insulation of facades, basalt wool with a density of 90-135 kg / m3 is often chosen.

Installation features

Facade insulation technology with basalt wool consists of the following stages:

Preparation of the working surface for installation (cleaning, sealing holes and cracks);

Installation of the crate (the parameters of the cells must correspond to the dimensions of the rolls);

Fastening the vapor barrier membrane (some craftsmen fix it under the frame elements);

Laying mineral wool in cells (it should fit snugly on all sides, but not deform);

Shelter of the insulation with a waterproofing film (fixation is carried out to the crate with a construction stapler);

Installation of facing material (siding, finishing boards, panels).

Important! Declared properties correspond only to insulation made by a bona fide manufacturer. Before buying, you should familiarize yourself with user reviews regarding the quality of the products. The material, the production of which was carried out without taking into account state standards, is not capable of creating reliable thermal protection.

Thermal panels with clinker tiles

This material has all the advantages of expanded polystyrene and polyurethane insulation, but unlike them, it does not require additional costs for facing work. The panel consists of an insulating layer and clinker tiles imitating brickwork. Installation is easy, but it contains a number of nuances, which are available to every developer to master. The only disadvantages are the high price.

Read also: DIY marble floor grinding

Installation features

The technology of thermal insulation of facades with thermal panels consists of the following stages:

Surface preparation (cleaning, sealing of deformations);

Installation of a basement profile;

Fixing on glue each element with a winding in the grooves of the previous panel;

Additional fastening of panels with special dowels;

Sealing joints at joints with polyurethane foam;

Grouting with a frost-resistant compound;

Removing grout residues from surfaces.

Important! It is necessary to start warming the facades of a new building only after the structure has completely shrunk.

Other heaters for facades

Among the huge selection of building materials, others deserve attention, which are distinguished by no less high performance characteristics. This:

Polyurethane (applied with special equipment by spraying);

Panels "Eco-Shield" (has a layer of expanded polystyrene);

Special heat-protective plaster (Lamb, Bark beetle, etc.).

Watch the video "How and how to insulate the walls of the house outside"

Mistakes that are more often made when insulating facades

When performing any installation work, it is recommended to follow the technological process in order to avoid gross errors; additional funds and time are subsequently spent on their correction. According to expert reviews, a list of common violations has been compiled.

1. Installation of insulation materials should not be performed on the facades of dilapidated buildings. There will be little sense from such thermal protection. The walls must be strong and reliable without signs of deformation (cracks, cracks).

2. Many owners purchase thermal insulation without preliminary calculations of the thermal conductivity of the walls of the house, believing that it is better to choose something averaged or the most dense material. This is wrong, as it increases the risk of wasting money in vain (when buying a thick heat insulator) or a decrease in the effectiveness of the heat-shielding layer (when buying an insufficiently dense product). The average thickness of mineral wool or foam for most regions of our country is 10 cm.

Insulation and decoration of the facade of the house- two interconnected technological processes in construction, which solve several problems at the same time. The house will not only look beautiful and solid, but also protected from various atmospheric manifestations.

Figure 1. Insulation and finishing of the facade of the house.

High-quality insulation of the facade will save on heating costs and make your stay in the house comfortable. There are various methods of facade insulation, they must solve important tasks:

  • keep warm inside the building;
  • significantly reduce heating costs;
  • improve sound insulation performance;
  • eliminate obstacles that prevent the removal of condensate formed on the walls. Prevention of fungus and mold;
  • to preserve the operational features of the building is a guarantee of durability.

What materials can be used to insulate a house

Heaters are divided into two categories - organic and inorganic. The first ones belong to the numerous insulation materials, which include polystyrene, polystyrene foam and the natural product ecowool. In order to produce high-quality insulation of the facade, it is necessary to consider the classification of the goods offered on the construction market. Also, special attention should be paid to the thickness of the insulation, which is determined by building codes and regulations.

Styrofoam and penoplex

Insulation is made from foamed polymers. Polyfoam does not differ in durability, and polystyrene refers to durable and long-lasting materials. Thanks to simple installation and light finishing, plaster can be easily applied to the surface or lightweight ceramic tiles are glued. There are thermal panels with clinker tiles on sale. Styrofoam and penoplex does not require additional finishing.


It is the opposite of foam and foamed polymer panels. Ecowool is made from a natural cellulose component, which serves as an environmentally friendly insulation. The recipe for the product includes minerals - borax, boric acid. Insulation has properties to absorb sounds, "breathe" like natural wood. Minus option - wet way application. The substance is distributed on the surface in a wet state. After drying, a dense shell forms. Such insulation is sewn up with plaster, blockhouse, magnesite slabs.

Extruded polystyrene foam

The main component of the product is expanded polystyrene... The raw material enters the furnace, where it is converted into a liquid state. Under the influence of heat, foaming and an increase in the size of the granules occurs. The melt moves into the extruder and then under pressure enters the mold. The completely filled form cools down, and after cooling, the finished block is removed and packed. This technique provides the product with high density and strength.

Mineral wool and glass wool

Materials are presented in one group. Glass wool insulation in modern construction is not often used. Due to the fact that during installation work, the product releases small pieces of glass, which penetrate the respiratory system of the body. It is safer to insulate with mineral wool... For insulation of facades, slabs of a rigid and semi-rigid type are used. Their density ranges from 90 to 200 kg per cubic meter. The elements are fixed using construction glue and special dowels.


Insulating and environmentally friendly structural element. In its production, chips (shavings) and cement mortar are used. Timber concrete is produced in pressed blocks and slabs. For the installation of elements use mortar for masonry... The insulation is not flammable, is not afraid of fungus, and has a low cost. Among the disadvantages, high hygroscopicity is noted.

Figure 2. Arbolite for house facade insulation.

Polyurethane foam

PPU is a type of insulation material that belongs to the class of foam plastic. The main feature of polyurethane foam is high adhesion to many types of building materials: brick, concrete, wood, metal base. Due to the high expansion ratio, it is possible to carry out sealed seamless insulation. The finished coating will definitely need a protective layer from various atmospheric manifestations, and especially from UV radiation.


Refers to a type of foam and has excellent thermal insulation performance. Thickness slabs is 10-20 mm. The main advantage is low flammability. Of the shortcomings, not plasticity and high hygroscopicity are noted. For this reason, the mipora is not used for covering rooms with high humidity. Most often, mipora is used in frame construction options, as cladding and filler.


It has similarities in composition with arbolite. Plates are made from cement composition, water and wood chips. Thanks to wood, high flexural and compressive strengths are obtained. The wood component is impregnated with liquid glass or calcium chloride. The resulting raw material mass is molded and passed under a press. As a result, slabs with a density of 0.25 to 0.5 t / m3 are obtained. m.

Thermal panels

Facade thermal panels have a complex technological structure. Between the insulation and the front part can be an additional functional layer. The main part of the building unit is insulation, which is protected outside strong finishing layer. Facade decoration will undoubtedly be of high quality and simplified.

Facade cladding materials

Besides decoration, cladding should provide for the installation heaters. Thermal insulation mounted between the building frame and cladding elements. Plaster is not the only solution that can be applied in practice. Depending on the weight of the facing fragments and the dimensions of the house, the frame structure is constructed from wooden beams, steel corners, channels and pipes with a rectangular cross section.

Figure 3. One of the varieties of finishing a private house.

Cladding with sheet materials

Sheet products include metal corrugated board. It is recommended to combine it with mineral insulation. The end result is an affordable and inexpensive type of cladding. In addition to the low price, profiled sheets have a lot of qualities:

  1. Products are manufactured with double-sided polymer coatings. Plus a huge selection of colors.
  2. Aesthetic variety of the wave profile - semicircular fragments that imitate logs are performed with different wave pitch. The surface is similar to planks or siding.
  3. Increased resistance to mechanical damage.

Wood cladding

It is possible to insulate and revet the facade with the help of natural elements - wood. The method is significantly more expensive, additional care and periodic treatment with antiseptic solutions are required. The appearance and natural texture convey the individual and unique atmosphere of the house. Consumers separately mark the option using polymer composite boards. The building unit is durable, does not need maintenance and additional impregnation. The board is made with grooves special for fastening.

A wide selection of composite boards makes it possible to implement any design projects. The resulting walls wooden house will have a respectable and solid appearance.

Cladding with stone and facade tiles

Varieties finishes facade of a private house allow the use of various options insulation product. This type of finish is the most expensive. Manufacturing plants offer a wide range of building materials made from artificial and natural components. The constituent part of the product includes cement, clay or gypsum elements. Installation technology includes the use cement for masonry.

The positive qualities when using this or that type will depend on the main structure on which the stone or tile will be laid. If the facade is insulated with foam, it is recommended to use gypsum stone. Because it will not be able to withstand heavier decorative surfaces. You will need strong scaffolding for the work. For the supporting frame, manufacturers of finishing tiles produce special clamps. Thanks to such holders, the tiles will be fixed more securely.

The video shows the process of finishing the facade tiles:

Finishing materials options

The technology and type of material are considered at the project stage. The exterior of the house should be in harmony with the landscape. In addition to decorative functions, the front layer should insulate, protect and soundproof the building. Facade finishing must comply with all hygienic standards - be resistant to mold and mildew. Not only new buildings need cladding, but also building that have been in operation for a long time.

The video shows the technology ventilated facade:

Siding trim and insulation

Cost, ease of finishing and a variety of colors are the main positive qualities of siding. The cladding panels will decorate the building and serve as protection from adverse weather conditions. The texture is not subject to the processes of decay, burnout and corrosion. Siding mounted using additional materials, DIY masonry is performed in the following order:

  1. A horizontal crate is mounted and fixed to the base.
  2. A heat-insulating layer is laid.
  3. The supporting vertical crate is installed.
  4. The starting strip and joint tape are fixed.
  5. Installation of siding directly.

Vinyl products are the most popular. In terms of external characteristics, the panel resembles a board. But vinyl material is characterized by increased strength and durability. The surface is easy to clean and does not adhere to dirt. Installation work is easy to do yourself. First, a frame structure made of wood is attached to the facade, after installation of insulation guides and accessories are installed. Finally, panels are installed on the cottage.

Mineral plaster cheap and beautiful

A fairly reliable and popular finish option. Plastered buildings in the "bark beetle" or "pebble" style have an attractive appearance. The cost of material and work is cheaper than clinker brick or natural stone. The plaster surface can be made in any color scheme. Front finishing technology, it is recommended to carry out insulation and install a reinforcing mesh.

The wet facade technique includes: thermal insulation, base layer and decorative coating. When choosing a method, it is recommended to study all Advantages and disadvantages wet facade.

The pluses include:

  • acceptable price;
  • dew point displacement;
  • optimal weight;
  • durability;
  • vapor barrier and a wide range of products.


  • temperature mode during work -5 to +50 degrees Celsius;
  • air humidity no more than 40%;
  • excessive heating in hot climates leads to accelerated evaporation of liquid from the plaster.

Acrylic finishing materials

Unlike mineral plasters, acrylic mixes are flexible. They do not create cracks on the finished surface, which are formed during the shrinkage of the building. The texture of the material is elastic, durable and retains excellent external qualities for many years.

Figure 4. Plaster as a facade finish.

Acrylic-based plaster is frost-resistant, not afraid of moisture. The only negative is that the coating gets dirty quickly. Home construction using acrylic-based plaster will cost more than mineral-based ones. The substance is flammable; it should not be used for cladding facades with mineral wool insulation.

Features of silicate plaster

The finish is moisture resistant and durable - it lasts from 20 to 30 years. External features and performance characteristics do not lose properties for a long time. The surface is easy to clean and practically dust-free. The building material has a large selection of color palette. The surface layer does not crack when the structure shrinks. The application technique should be done at a fast pace. For this reason, it is better to invite experienced craftsmen. In addition exterior walls of the house you will definitely need to prime it.

Silicone plaster

Siloxane plasters are ideal for facades. The only drawback of the material is its high cost. The silicone surface has high wear resistance, durability and goes well with any heat-insulating building materials. The substance is easily distributed over the plane. The finished surface is self-cleaning under the influence of atmospheric precipitation. Consumption of solutions ranges from 2.5 to 4.8 kg / m2.

September 5, 2016
Specialization: professional approach to architecture, design and construction of private houses and cottages, new products on the market of building materials and finishes. Hobby: growing fruit trees and roses. Breeding of meat and decorative rabbits.

Considering how to clad a shell house covered with ordinary rough cement plaster, I decided to choose panels with insulation. Facing front panels with insulation are a convenient and interesting option, but finishing with this material has many nuances and subtleties.

I will share my experience on the example of panels made of a cement mixture with additives of a beautiful texture, insulated with a layer of foam. But first, the options that can be found at a large hardware store.

Panel types - advantages and disadvantages

The very principle of the thermal panel device is several layers of decoration. Insulation layer, adhesive base and decorative coating with additional protective functions. Today there are four sandwich options that are quite affordable.

  • Clinker tiles as a decorative layer - it looks stylish and allows you to create any facade design. In this finish, the carrier layer is made of OSB, which gives the material additional rigidity.
    For the base, it is better to choose a material that is additionally reinforced with pressed-in metal or plastic bushings. It is safer. In addition, such a cladding can be easily assembled with your own hands.

  • A layer of decorative plaster on expanded polystyrene - there are many options. As a decor, you can choose the addition of marble chips or quartz. The advantage of such panels is the ability to create a perfect seamless finishing surface.

In the photo - the rules for installing metal panels

  • The metal coating is reliable and durable. Insulation on both sides is protected by aluminum or profiled sheet. You can choose any - under a tree or under a stone, but it will cost more.
    Minus metal - heavy finishing, the instruction does not recommend installation on old walls without additional reinforcement and reinforcement.

Concrete coating with additional reinforcing additives and an interesting "torn" texture. Insulation - a layer of foam. The most budgetary option.

You can buy at mini-factories twice as cheap as in a store. I chose this finish for myself. It can be painted both under the stone-sandstone, and under the marble or wild stone.

Panels for insulating the facade of a house made of pressed concrete with the addition of strengthening and water-repellent additives can be mounted on any walls with rough plaster. Perfectly smooth out all imperfections and irregularities.

Cladding rules for any sandwich panels

Since I am familiar with many problems firsthand, I will share the main nuances that are important to pay attention to.

Rule # 1

It is important to calculate the loads on the foundation and walls, especially in older buildings with shallow strip foundations. Some insulated facade panels are heavy (concrete or metal). For clinker tiles, the installation of the lathing will be required.

Architects advised against choosing a tree for the lathing in any case. Even treated with a deep penetration primer, it quickly begins to rot, and besides, woodworm beetles love it very much. Only metal lathing, as for drywall.

It is also important to consider the strength of the walls. If the building is old, then it is necessary to carry out additional reinforcing reinforcement with a metal mesh and apply a layer of starting leveling plaster with reinforcing additives.

If there is no desire to pay for the calculations of the architects for the bearing capacity of the walls, then it is better to opt for a lightweight option for exterior decoration - on a metal frame or light clinker tiles.

Rule # 2

Be sure to look for a professional construction team, because it will be problematic to fix bad work. This is exactly what happened to me. She hired craftsmen, they assured me that they had worked with this material, and received not walls - but a chessboard without worn seams. I had to spend money on additional painting with decorative additives.

Let the masters show their work, do not be lazy, go and look at the object, talk to the owners. Now there are a lot of "craftsmen" who can "do everything", but in the end they just spoil good material.

Rule # 3

When choosing thermal panels for insulating the facade of a house, immediately think over the design concept of the entire facade. Now for five thousand rubles in the design office, you can order sketches with different finishes in texture and color.

Then remodeling and purchasing materials will be not only more troublesome, but also significantly more expensive. Of the most interesting options, I can recommend inexpensive and beautiful combinations:

  • Metal base and decorative plaster;
  • A plinth made of textured pressed cement and wood-like siding - the plinth can then be decorated with a timber or wild stone. Many decor options.
  • Clinker tiles are very "delicate"; it is good to use them as decorative inserts for panels covered with "torn" plaster.

For the basement of an old house, a thermal panel made of metal "like a brick" is ideal, and above it can be insulated with light plastered plates.

Rule # 4

Decide immediately what layer of insulation you need. The thicker the layer, the more expensive the finish.... But in some cases it is worth paying more. This applies to the basement and those walls of the house where there is most traffic.

Here, the finish must be durable and resistant to soil moisture. Metal panels protected on both sides are the safest for the base / plinth and corners.

If there are strong temperature changes or severe winters in the region, then it is worth choosing not ordinary foam, but bulk. This material retains heat better and is not afraid of moisture.

Rule # 5

When finishing the facade with sandwich panels, one cannot save on protective and disinfecting impregnations, because then the entire cladding will have to be changed.

  • It is imperative to treat the walls with an antiseptic and reinforcing deep penetration primer before installing the sheathing. Northern walls even in two doses at intervals of a day.
  • If the lathing for finishing is made of wood, then we treat the wood with a protective soil, and in addition, you can also paint it.
  • It is important not to forget about the organization of ventilation gaps - this applies to all materials that are attached to the crate, no matter whether it is metal or wood.
  • If the site has a close occurrence of groundwater, then additional waterproofing of the basement is required. A resin coating or roofing felt will do.

Thermal panels for insulating the facade of a house save up to 40 percent of heating costs, plus they guarantee dry walls and a comfortable indoor climate.


In the video presented in this article, it is described in detail about the installation of thermal panels on a metal crate.

I will be glad to discuss this interesting topic in the comments, and in the near future I promise a detailed article with photos of the "masterpiece" of my craftsmen. Maybe someone will advise an interesting painting option.

What other facade work do you do?

In addition to wall work, we do terraces, canopies, fences, spotlights, facade electrics, gutters, everything related to the exterior of the house.

I need to finish building a box at home

No. We only take on a house if it already has walls and a roof.

I need to make a terrace.

Yes. We make terraces, winter gardens, entrances and sheds from general construction works.

What's included in the price?

The price includes everything that will happen after the conclusion of the contract. Visits to the facility - depending on the distance and complexity of the starting work (inspection of the house and the territory, assessment of the condition, photographing the facades and their details, consulting on possible finishing materials, measurements, tool-free inspection of the house - from 2500 to 11000 rubles. Detailed calculation of the calculation with selection materials, and marketing prices - from 5,000 to 30,000 rubles.Remote consultations, assistance in drawing up the terms of reference, preliminary cost estimate - free of charge.

What is the payment scheme?

Payment is phased. The cost of work is divided into parts of 300-400 thousand rubles. taking into account individual stages. Purchase of materials in money is more often obtained according to the scheme 40% + 40% + 20% during the period of work.

What materials do you work with?

We have developments for different budgets with partner discounts. For example, QuickMix, Ceresit, Murexin, Knauf, Nichiha, Konoshima. These materials can be obtained at a lower price than on the market. We also work with any materials in which you are sure.

How long does it take to finish the facade?

2-3 months. The time frame is shorter if you have a new home for finishing. Longer if you need to dismantle old finishes, repair the facade or strengthen the foundation.

What affects the cost?

Material of the supporting structure of the wall. Foundation arrangement and soil geology (the foundation can be movable). The number of style elements of the facade (stucco, fences). Terrace platforms. The shape of the windows. Number of storeys. Configuration of architectural volumes and roofs. The remoteness of the house from Moscow. And, of course, the type of coverage you like.

Which insulation is better?

Let's say mineral. The choice of mineral insulation is extensive, you need to carefully select in each case. It is better to insulate the foundations with extruded polystyrene - it does not absorb moisture. And there is also glass wool, polyurethane foam and other exotic options. If you haven't decided yet, we will help you choose the best one.