If the petunia has sprouted very thickly, what to do. Secrets of the abundant flowering of petunias

How annoying it can be when expensive petunia seeds that you have been looking for on sale for a long time (and finally found!), Refuse to germinate. Or they sprout, but after a while they begin to hurt and die. The feelings that a failed florist experiences at the same time are difficult to convey in words. Of course, everything has a reason and the sudden pestilence also arose for a reason. You have made a mistake in some way. Let's try to figure out what exactly, and at the same time eliminate the consequences of the situation that has arisen.

Situation number 1. Petunia does not grow well

You have planted the seeds and are waiting for the first heralds of spring. You look hopefully into the landing tank: what if? But the 5 days stated on the package pass, and then the same amount, and nothing happens. Possible reasons:

1. "dead" seeds (old or dead if stored improperly)
2.deep planting (you need to sow petunia superficially, seeds sprout only in the light)
3.use of pelleted seeds (sometimes the pellets are too hard and you need to break them or soak them by hand)

Situation number 2. Seeds sprout, but do not shed the seed coat

This is bad and suggests that the sprout does not have the strength to drop the seed on its own.

There can be two reasons for this trouble:

1. dry air, which makes the seed shell "impenetrable
2.old or improperly stored seeds, the sprouts of which come out frail and difficult to adapt to independent life

In the second case, the sprouts may not be worth saving. Even if you save them from the "cap", there is a high probability that they will soon die out from something else - the immunity of such plants is too weak and the survival rate is scanty. But in the first case, it is very possible to fight for the life of seedlings. First, try to increase the humidity in the air. For example, cover the container with seedlings with foil (if you have not done this before). Try to soak the shell - drop it with water from a pipette or syringe, wait until it softens, and then carefully tuck it out with a needle and remove it. This must be done, otherwise, if the cotyledons do not unfold, the sprout will die.

Situation number 3. The stem of the sprout becomes thinner at the base and breaks. Seedlings fall

Many novice florists have a question why petunia shoots are falling. Most likely, the seedlings suffered a serious illness with an interesting name - "black leg". It manifests itself as follows: a dark area forms at the base of the stalk, which softens and begins to rot. Very soon the sprout ceases to support its own weight, falls, the stalk breaks.

Blackleg is a fungal disease, that is, soil fungi are its causative agents. They live in any substrate, but they behave completely peacefully. However, in some situations, they begin to pest and destroy green spaces. This usually happens when the humidity of the air and soil is high. Some growers like to create "greenhouses" for their seedlings, arranging there extreme humidity at 100% and at the same time forgetting to ventilate them. In such a climate, the "black leg" is almost guaranteed! Greenhouses need to be ventilated every day, the covering material (film, glass) should be wiped from a drop of condensed water. High humidity- the main reason why petunia shoots fall. Also, thickened plantings and excessive enthusiasm contribute to this disease. nitrogen fertilizers... If you notice the manifestations of the "black leg" on your seedlings, immediately get rid of the affected sprouts - nothing will help them. Let's try to keep what's left. For this, it is very desirable to completely change the soil, but this is not always possible, and particles of earth and fungal microorganisms will still remain on the roots of the sprouts. Therefore, it is more realistic to simply disinfect the soil. A 40% formalin solution is very effective in this regard. You can also use a strong solution of potassium permanganate or any fungicide, for example, "Maxim".

Situation number 4. Petunia seedlings turn yellow

Yellowness on petunia seedlings not only looks ugly, but is also a sign that not everything is in order with the plants. If the upper, young leaves turn yellow, and not evenly, but between the veins (the veins remain green), then this is chlorosis - a lack of iron. The seedlings stopped assimilating this trace element, began to turn yellow and weaken. Chlorosis occurs when the soil is alkalized, due to its poor quality or excessive watering. Usually, the external introduction of iron in a form accessible to the plant - chelated - helps to correct the situation. Iron chelate is a part of all drugs against chlorosis, for example, such as Ferovit, Iron Chelate, etc.

If yellowness is affected lower leaves, then the matter is in the overflow or lack of nitrogen. Begin to feed the seedlings with nitrogen-containing complex fertilizers or adjust the watering.

Situation number 5. Petunia seedlings are pulled

Petunia seedlings are pulled out from a lack of light and heat (relative, of course, for seedlings and 25 ° C - already very warm). Therefore, it is undesirable to sow petunia in February if you do not have good backlighting. Natural light is still very poor, and the batteries are burning with might and main. The seedlings will drag on.

If something like this happened with your seedlings, you should not despair. First, trim (pinch) the tops of the sprouts and submerge the stems along the cotyledon, then either provide enough light for the seedlings or lower the temperature in which they are kept. Then the appearance of your little petunias will bounce back.

Situation number 6. Petunia seedlings stopped growing

Seedlings cease to develop with a small soil volume, when all the food that was originally "eaten". Cut the sprouts into larger containers, and after 2 weeks begin to "feed" vigorously. If there is enough soil, but the seedlings still stopped growing, then, in any case, they lack trace elements. Often bora. Many complex fertilizers contain this trace element, but you can use a simpler and efficient way- spraying seedlings with a solution of boric acid (0.7 g per 1 liter of water). After targeted feeding, growth is usually restored after 7-10 days.

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How to plant petunias for seedlings.

Then I dive, and plant the ground in May. Many are already beginning to bloom by that time, so May-July is the time for petunias to bloom in my garden.

  • If you want to dive more than once (which is completely unnecessary), then the petunia will quite calmly endure. Moreover, then do not dive, but do the transshipment, minimally traumatizing the roots.
  • We carefully insert the stalk into the hole until the first leaves and press the soil around with a skewer or squeeze the tablet with our hands. Everything, landing is made. Now we put everything on a bowl, or in a transparent container made of disposable dishes, like this one, cover it with an ordinary transparent bag so that it does not dry out. -this is done to preserve the turgor of the leaves of the cuttings.
  • Then spray from a spray bottle with a fine spray warm water... Cover with glass or cling film to retain moisture, put the bowls or cassettes in a warm, bright place and watch the shoots appear every day. Usually petunia emerges on the third eighth day, granular can germinate up to 2 weeks, the germination time depends on the vigor of seed germination.
  • Another way is to reduce watering while lowering the room temperature. This will reduce the growth of plants and make them more resistant to planting in the ground.

Seedlings of petunia

Let him sit in pots. In the chill and water less, pinch off the long branches. She even tolerates transplantation with flowers.

Rainbow. Producer Garden of Wonders. Organo-mineral fertilizer for root and foliar dressing of any color.

  • First, dive one sprout at a time into seedling cells measuring 5 by 5 cm, then transplant into pots. 3 sprouts will feel great in a pots with a diameter of 20-25 cm.
  • I know the secret of how to grow petunia seedlings at home. More precisely, I always thought that there was no secret here, until the neighbor began to complain that she had petunia seedlings, well, it wasn’t growing. They don't sprout from her. Then I began to ask how she sows petunia seeds, then I understood what her mistake was. She buried small seeds in the ground. This is by no means possible. Most likely, they will not ascend this way. Petunia seeds are small.

Can be planted in February until early March. Her seeds are very small, pour their millet into the ground from above, without sprinkling. You need to cover with glass or salafan so that the soil does not dry out quickly. Our seedlings will be very small, each must be planted separately, for independent growth.

Petunia can be planted now. She has very small seeds, so they are simply poured onto damp (watered) soil, you cannot cover the seeds with earth. The pot of seeds can be shoved into a plastic bag or closed with a napkin, but so that there is air access and the earth does not dry out. In such conditions the seeds will sprout quickly. At first, the seedlings will be very small, you need to let them grow, only then transplant into another dish.

The dive is carried out once, if the container is small, do the transfer to a large container.

  1. Or, like in the photo, we cover a small glass with a surfinia handle with a half-liter bottle.
  2. Condensation on film or glass can be removed by tilting the dish to the side. When shoots appear, the film is removed gradually, opening more and more every day.

Fertilizing plants contributes to the development of more strong seedlings and it doesn't stretch like that, feed every 10 days.

Cabbage seedlings

Pinch. More light, lower temperature.

Biohumus "FERTimix" for garden flowers.

When to sow petunias for seedlings in 2016.

Dive into cassettes, and then into separate cups. The plant is kept in a small volume until the roots fill the entire container, and then transplanted into the next largest pot or container.

  • Elite seeds of terry petunia are sold in granules, and it is much easier to sow such petunia. You can immediately sow in a balcony box at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other and no longer transplant flowers. However, it happens that the seeds of terry petunia do not germinate and most often this is due to the fact that they are buried in the ground. Do not do this. The seeds are already in the shell, they just need to be placed on a properly prepared soil mixture and moistened so that sprouts appear.
  • You need to plant petunias for seedlings in February-March. In this case, you need to focus on the weather forecast in your region. If you live in middle lane, it is better to plant in March or at the end of February, so that the seedlings do not overgrow.
  • I always plant in late February and early March. If the winter is warm, then at the end of February.

I keep them together at first. Then - I grew up, I dive. And then already on permanent place planting. That is, picking the essence of ONE.

We air the cuttings every day for 10-15 minutes. We put it under illumination, if there is one, for 12-16 hours a day, or on a bright window, but not in direct sunlight. It is better to shade the glass with a cloth, newspaper, tulle, mosquito net or put cuttings between plants with large leaves. They will provide light partial shade for rooting cuttings. Everyone chooses the conditions himself. In winter and spring, be sure to put the cuttings under the backlight. If it is possible to use a backlight, then it is best to highlight the seedlings for the first 7 days for 16 hours, then, up to 30 days for 14 hours, and after about 12 hours, taking into account the increasing daylight hours.

How to feed petunia seedlings.

The temperature needs to be lowered. You can take it out on a glazed loggia, if frost is transmitted, arrange a mini-greenhouse. For example, from transparent containers from under the cake.

Pepper seedlings

  • Petunia seedlings need light almost around the clock, you will need to provide not only daytime supplementary lighting of seedlings in gloomy weather, but also leave a dim light for the night;
  • Organo-mineral liquid dressing Ideal.
  • The advantage of the second method is to save space, ease of watering and feeding.

To properly grow petunia seedlings at home, you need to know how to plant petunia seedlings. Sow petunia correctly as follows:

In March I sow bush petunia, and sow cascade in February, it needs more time to start blooming in full force. Now I'll look at the lunar calendar and add it.

Last year I tried to put it on sale, but I was worn out - it’s too much space.

I dive during the transfer 2 times. And for the first time with the root in pots with a diameter of 3 cm. When there are 7-8 leaves, I take them out of the pot and cut the roots with scissors for a more convenient transplant. Some of the first batch have already been planted, the second batch is just emerging.

As soon as the roots have appeared in the cuttings and braided all the soil in a transparent cup, you can open the film and grow the petunia further, like an ordinary plant. The new intensive growth of the leaves will make it clear that everything is fine.

  • Watering seedlings can be done in different ways: with a spoon or a small syringe, a sports bottle with a drinking spout (it turns out weak pressure), by immersing the pots or bowls in a cup of water, poured no more than 3 cm, for 1-5 minutes.
  • It is good to sprinkle the seedlings with "epin", this allows the seedlings to adapt well to unfavorable conditions.
  • Seedling tomato

Petunia on the balcony.

Do not allow a crust to appear on the ground, otherwise the seedlings will suffocate;

Remember that an overabundance of one or another element, and especially a trace element, can cause plant poisoning, so carefully read the instructions for use before feeding the petunia.

Prepare a low seedling box with fertile soil;


Petunia seedlings are outgrowing, what should I do?

◄ GMO-free

By lunar calendar you can sow flowers with seeds in February 24-25, and in March 1-5,14,23-25,27-29.


In my experience, if the seedlings are not dived, then all the flowers will be small. So if you just need it for yourself, plant it in a large bowl, but then dive and plant it in pots, at the beginning of summer in large flowerpots. Then the flowers will be good.

dasha kikhtenko

I, too, have enough once, already at the dacha I transplant immediately into place.
If you need to pinch the growth point for further tillering, you can do it. Usually, over 5-6 sheets. Transfer from a small glass to a slightly larger one is done as the roots fill the volume.
Seedlings of petunia photo Olga Mokhovaya (Lobelia)
The overgrowth of seedlings is bad because it is too stretched, and a more mature plant is more difficult to tolerate a transplant. On the first point, in addition to feeding, it is worth buying a lamp for supplementary lighting. They are appropriately labeled, they are sold in supermarkets for building materials and goods for home and summer cottages, in Ukraine we took them from Epicenter, in Russia, to be honest, I don’t know.
Seedlings of cucumbers

When the roots of the plant fill the entire coma of earth, transplant the petunia into a larger container;


How and when to feed petunia seedlings

with you

How to grow a lush petunia


Water and sweep the earth from above so that it is even, dense and moist;


Elena Mango

Petunia is a wonderful flower. So much beauty, blooms almost all summer.

Victoria Shovkun

I don't dive it at all. I'll put it in a pill, as the roots seem, put it in a glass and cover it with earth. Plants grow without root damage and stress. And without unnecessary hassle, which is also important.

The seedlings are starting to outgrow. What if it's too early to plant?

By spring, cuttings may not go into hibernation, continuing to grow. something shouldn't scare you. Young twigs stretched out with a lack of light in winter are pruned again in February, using for cuttings, and the pruned young plants will give new greenery that will grow and bloom all spring and summer.

Initially, the term picking did not refer to planting seedlings, but to pinching the tip of the root. Removing the central growth point promotes the formation of lateral roots and a stronger root system, which ultimately increases the vitality of the plant. Because the roots often break off themselves during this action, the term in practice has lost its original meaning.

Very good way to slow down the growth of any seedlings is a common pick of plants. Any seedlings, be they flowers or vegetable crops, if they are grown on windowsills, suffer from a lack of light and therefore begin to stretch. I usually do this: after the plants have sprung up and the first two true leaves have already appeared, I dive them, that is, I transplant them into fresh, good soil less often so that the plants can grow freely. By the way, the thickening of the seedlings also contributes to stretching. the seedlings will grow, the thicker and stronger they will be. Then, somewhere in 2-3 weeks, with moderate watering, the seedlings are already fully adapted after transplanting and begins to grow and develop well. It is at this time that it is especially important to apply the following method of gentle picking. What does it mean? You first need to loosen the plant well, trying not to damage the roots and carefully pour fresh soil under the root of each plant right under the very neck of the plant. After that, you need to water the seedlings abundantly and you can forget about it for several days. Then try to water regularly, but very little, practically sprinkling the ground a little. It is necessary to constantly air the seedlings by opening the window for a short time, but try not to chill it. It is best to ventilate a couple of hours after watering, which also slows down the pulling of seedlings. This will allow you to get strong healthy seedlings for planting, which will delight you with abundant flowering, and vegetable crops with a good harvest.

Seedling eggplant

If you notice that the seedlings are too elongated, add a little potting soil;

I practically don't feed petunias that grow on flower beds in the garden, only when planting I add nitrogen fertilizers in granules. Another good thing to feed petunia is with organic infusion. If you water tomatoes, cucumbers with organic matter, then water the petunia at the same time.

To grow lush petunia bushes, you need to form a plant. Usually non-hybrid plants are pulled to make them lush, pinch over a third pair of true leaves. Some varieties grow well on their own. It happens that the seedlings outgrow if they were sown too early, as well as when there is a lack of light, which also leads to the elongation of the shoot.Sow the seeds evenly from above,


It depends on what region you live in. The closer to the south, the sooner you need to sow for seedlings.

One drawback is to grow through seedlings. But if you do not waste time, you can get good seedlings petunias.

Not only do I not dive it, but I sow it straight into small togfy pots so as not to damage it during planting.


You need to dive for petunia at the stage of the first pair of true leaves, or, in the cotyledon. But the plants should not be elongated due to lack of lighting; such plants should be buried along the cotyledon with a toothpick or pencil when picking. We make a dimple in the soil or a tablet in advance, pry on a seedling with a lump of earth with a stick, hold it only by the leaf, even if it breaks off accidentally, the trunk and the growth point will remain intact. We immerse the roots in the hole, you can not let go of the leaf, press the soil to the trunk around with your fingers or a stick.


Sowing dates.


Begins to outgrow


For growing expensive and rare varieties, use peat tablets.

Petunia can be grown both in a flower bed and in a flowerpot. And since there is little soil in the flowerpot, and I plant the petunia thicker than necessary, then more nutrients are needed for the petunia. Therefore, I must feed the petunia in flowerpots and balcony boxes with liquid top dressing from Kemir or any other that is sold in gardening stores. Liquid top dressing is absorbed quickly. I water it about once every 2 weeks.


Most auspicious days for planting petunias in 2016, seedlings can fall on both the growing and the waning moon. Here greater importance has a sign through which the moon passes.

Cover the planting with glass and put it in a warm place.

No, it's not time, otherwise it will outgrow, it will hurt. I plant cascading every year at the end of February.


The most favorable time for planting petunias is late February - early March.


What kind of soil to choose? Which pots are suitable? How many plants to plant in one pot?

Lyudmila Savelyeva



Petunia propagation by seeds and cuttings on FloralWorld.ru

We propagate petunia by seeds.

Edited by Marina Mityaeva (Asio Otus)

In order for bush and terry varieties petunias branch better, then you need to pinch the growth point. It is better to do the pinching lower, so the bush will be more magnificent, but pinching, you can not lower than 3 internodes, otherwise the plant will not have the strength to grow. If you pinch the petunias above the 6th node, then it will overgrow with shoots for a long time and it is not a fact that evenly.

In central Russia, the usual time from sowing petunias to planting in open ground are 10-12 weeks. For pots, boxes, flowerpots, the terms are increased by 2 weeks. Planting time for ampel varieties is mid-February, bush varieties mid-March. Sown strictly within these terms, adjusted for the climate of your area (region, country).

It was when the seedlings began to outgrow, and it was too early for planting. I did this: I removed all the seedlings from the windowsill and moved them to the floor in the coldest corner closer to the balcony door.

At first, the seedlings of petunias will grow rather slowly, do not worry - the plants are forming a root system. After about 1.5 months, the aerial part of the petunia will develop no less actively.

Method of sowing petunias.

If you decide to properly grow large quantities of petunia, then you need to prepare the feeding very carefully. Sowing petunias for seedlings in February 2016 - from 9th to 19th February; Seedlings will appear in about 2 weeks. Petunia rises slowly, so be patient. As soon as the first shoots appear, remove the glass from above. When germinating seeds, spray the soil with a spray bottle, maintain sufficient moisture.

Any petunia is planted in the second half of March. It's too early now. It will stretch out and will not take root well. Even in the south, it is too early to plant seedlings. now they are planted in greenhouses only for an early harvest.

In May, this wonderful flower will already delight everyone with its luxurious flowering.

Petunia seedlings are very delicate and fragile. You need to plant it when 3-4 leaves appear. Convenient to seat in disposable plastic cups(200 ml) one petunia each. The primer can be used commercially available, universal. Make a depression in the soil with your finger, water, insert the plant into this depression, and gently press down with the soil so that the entire stem to the leaves is deepened. Only leaves should remain on the surface. After such a dive, petunias begin to bush. By planting in open ground in May, you will have pretty, almost blooming petunias.

Read about how to grow petunia in the main article on the site, and you can also ask questions in the topic on the forum.

In time spent pinching for bush eptunias petunias we get even seedlings and in the future a bush. But it should be noted that it comes not about an elongated petunia (these are plants grown in low light conditions).

As a rule, a petunia sown during these periods by mid-May has a fully formed flowering bush, ampelous varieties bloom a little later, but all seedlings have decorative view by June. To receive good quality petunia seedlings need illumination, so if this is not possible, then you need to focus on the later planting dates. Overgrown seedlings take root worse, break down more often and require more care.

Petunia pick.

Naturally, I installed fluorescent lamps and pinched the tops of all plants (peppers and tomatoes). Thus, the seedlings stood for about three weeks, and did not grow any more. however, it was quite sturdy.

Did you pick one thing at a time? .. pinch it to bush .. it will bloom, it's okay .. you will admire the flowers.

Pinching petunia seedlings.

Prepare one millionth part of the fertilizer, for this, 1 g of fertilizer is dissolved in 1 liter of water and a concentration of 1000 ppm is obtained.

Growing petunias from seeds at home has such a feature that the seedlings grow on a thin stalk and die. Most often this happens due to improper over-watering, lack of light or nutrients. Therefore, while the sprouts are small, spray them on top with small drops or water them from below, into cups. Keep containers with seedlings near the south window, where there is more light.

Transfer of petunia seedlings.

Create additional lighting. If it will outgrow, plant at home in flower pots, which you will then use for the street.

Landing in the ground and in flowerpots

I grow this beautiful flower every year.

Cutting petunias.

I will tell you how I transplant petunias. Seedlings grow in cassettes and in peat. pills, exotics mostly. I usually cut eggplants from under the mineral water into bowls and trays all winter, the bowl must be large, at least 0.5 liters, since the water must go out, there will be stagnation - there will be a black leg. I buy soil in a store for flower seedlings. If the pitunia is in a peat tablet, I remove the outer shell from it, sprinkle it with earth until the first leaf. I water it with vitamins. If the seedlings begin to outgrow - I remove them to the northern windows.

I dive 2 times, first in 200ml cups, then in 500ml, and already into open ground or container for permanent residence)

Ampel varieties do not need to be formed, their tendency to grow is genetically inherent, but the experience of recent years shows that this does not prevent her from building up the same magnificent mass of lashes. You can pinch at the very beginning of the growth of the lashes (side branches), which gives an incentive to the formation of additional stepsons and the future tillering of the bush. A little later, when the lateral lashes grow to a length of about 15-20 cm, you can use cuttings for rooting and get an additional number of seedlings. But from the side cuttings, you will not get the same lush and wide petunia bush, because cuttings continue to grow sideways and branch worse. Therefore, it is better to plant rooted cuttings in a flowerpot of 3-5 pieces.

Therefore, if there is an opportunity to overexpose seedlings April May on a glazed loggia, in winter garden, it is better to start sowing in the first or second decade of March.

When transplanting into a greenhouse, no difficulties occurred, absolutely all the plants took root, the harvest was not narrower than in previous years.

Rejoice! mine barely took hold after the transplant. and soon summer - she still does not have a fig

At the stage of planting and picking, use a weak solution of 25 - 75ppm (for this, the solution with a concentration of 1000 ppm is diluted 40 times more).

In April, you can plant petunias only if you did not have time to do this earlier, for this, the 8th, 9th, 10th and 12th are suitable.

To properly grow petunia seedlings at home, you will need to transplant it and dive when transplanting. A pick is made of flower seedlings when two true leaves appear and transplanted into:

If you want to hang out the planter with flowering plant, then it's time to plant, I don't like petunia, but I'm planting balsam, I've already sown

You need to plant petunia seeds

When to plant petunia and when will it bloom?


How many times can Petunia dive ...?

Just me

I grew up in peat tablets before planting in a permanent place. The roots, however, climbed out of the net. But, usually everything takes root. If you don't pull it out of the cassette, but just cut it, then there will be 100% survival rate.


The grown seedlings are transferred into larger pots if the roots have already completely braided the entire previous volume. Usually, a scheme is followed to increase the volume of 100g-200g-500g-1000g (if necessary for ampel varieties).
Or you can not take out the seedlings in cool loggias or greenhouses, but open the sowing petunias on the 20th of March, followed by planting the grown and hardened seedlings directly into the garden.


In general, I always try to plant seedlings later than "recommended", if you plant one seedling at the beginning of March, and the second at the end, then on the day of planting the plants practically do not differ, that is, the younger one catches up with the "old" one. So take your time with the landings.

Elena Lyakh

And what is the temperature overboard? Mine has been growing on the balcony for a long time. Moscow region. I already planted Lobelia in flowerpots at the dacha, I think at the weekend and petunia there too. They are not scared to zero, especially if not on the ground, but somewhere higher. In extreme cases, you can drag a flowerpot into the house or throw a piece of lutrasil. Marigolds and balsams are sissy, and petunia tolerates normally low temperatures.

ღ M @ rin @ ღ

After the sprouts have grown up and before planting they are fed with fertilizers with a concentration of 150-200 ppm, here fertilizing can be carried out with each watering.
Favorable days for picking petunias are the time of the growing moon, in March these days come from the 10th to the 22nd. Try not to dive plants on Full Moon and New Moon.


Individual pots or a large container, with a distance between shoots of 2 cm, if you plan to plant flowers in a flower bed;

Vita Milkin

Good site for petunias:

Lelya Casanova

In march


I already planted, two weeks ago. She has already ascended from me. I planted it thickly, this is probably wrong. I just poured all the seeds into one pot, then I will plant them, although it is probably better to plant 5-7 females in one pot, it sprouts well. I hope it will bloom in May. If it stands in the sun, it is sun-loving, it will not bloom in the shade.

Svetlana Klochkova

When transplanted without a lump of earth, the plant inhibits growth. Sometimes this special technique is used if the seedlings outgrow.


Plant seedlings of petunias at the main landing dates for all annuals in your region. In the south of Russia it is May 1-10. In the middle zone May 25-June 10, if there is no threat of return frosts. Petunias intended for growing in pots, boxes, pots and hanging baskets can be planted a few days earlier. If the temperature drops, bring it into the greenhouse, house, any room or cover with a covering material.

How to properly transplant petunia seedlings into pots?

Petunia seeds are sown in bowls with a substrate (soil), peat or coconut tablets, in cassettes. The substrate (soil) should be light, neutral (

Mila Juju

Any seedlings are pulled out when there is little light, warmth and enough water and nutrition. This means that in order to slow down the growth of seedlings, it is necessary to deprive it of what it makes it grow intensively. To do this, we first provide light, i.e. We illuminate at least a simple fluorescent lamp, at least an expensive special lamp for plants, if only there was enough light and at least 10 hours a day, even if it is sunny outside. Then we lower the temperature. To do this, even on an unheated, but glazed balcony, we take out, at least we fence off the room with a film for the entire width and height of the window, and inside this "hut" we open the window or put the window on micro-ventilation and monitor the temperature so that it does not drop below 15-18 degrees. Then we reduce watering. Water only when the soil in the pots is dry. If all these three conditions for seedlings are created at the same time, the seedlings seem to freeze, stop growing in height, their stems turn purple and gradually increase in diameter. Well, in conclusion, you can use plant growth inhibitors, there are now such drugs. I used one last year, it's called Atlant, but most likely there are others. After using this drug, the seedlings did not stretch up, but began to increase in diameter, start to get fat. And any cutting off of the roots of tomatoes is a barbaric method, the yield suffers from this first of all.


It can also be transplanted with flowers. If the ends of the shoots are stretched out, pinch off


When to plant petunias for seedlings?

I really like how petunias grow on the balcony. Everything becomes so alive at once. To plant petunias on the balcony, you need to adhere to the correct flower planting scheme and leave the distance between the shoots at 10 - 15 cm so that there is room for side shoots. You also need to prevent the shoots from pulling out - pinch them so that the bushes grow lush. It is best to plant curly or ampelous petunias on the balcony, they hang very beautifully. And of course, you need to feed the petunias on the balcony throughout the season and remove faded inflorescences.


Miniature terry petunia "Minifamous Double Blue calibrachoa


Balcony box or flowerpot, if you plan to grow ampelous petunia, with a distance between shoots of 10-15 cm.


Alena Solnechnaya

(I usually plant in the first few days), and the seeds do not need to be covered with earth - they need to be pressed a little into the soil and poured from a sprinkler on top, and covered with glass. I already have seedlings in a week.

If we talk about central Russia, then we plant petunia seeds in late February to mid-March. Petunia begins to bloom at the age of 60 days. Flowers are propagated by seeds, because petunia cannot stand long and severe frosts.


In theory, twice, shoots and then again, but how often the ideas do not coincide with our capabilities. Such a small petunia in a cassette is still large, it will be difficult to water, so as not to overflow and overfill


Petunia is cut, like all plants. A young twig about 5-6 cm long with 3-5 nodes is cut off, i.e. buds with leaves. The lower leaves are trimmed with small scissors or plucked out with a fingernail. We do not touch the upper ones, but you can simply cut them with scissors across in half or obliquely. The lower plucked buds will go into the ground and will be future roots, while the upper ones will continue to grow and give life to new twigs and lashes.

In order to prevent the seedlings from overgrowing, it is necessary to lower the temperature and increase the illumination. If the weather permits, then take out the seedlings for the day on the balcony or loggia. There is an ATLANT preparation, you can try to treat plants with it. In pepper and eggplant plants, pinch the top to stimulate the formation of side shoots and inhibit the growth of the central stem. The same can be done with petunia seedlings. But I don't grow cabbage seedlings at home, it's a useless business, no matter how hard you try, the seedlings turn out to be thin, frail. I plant in April under a film in the country. even if it does not grow as beautiful as it is sold on the market, but it takes root well.


Pinch it. She will be bushy, lush.

You can plant petunias not in pots, but in a long balcony box by mixing them with other annual flowers. For example, plant petunias in the first row on one balcony box, and other flowers in the second row: marigolds, viola, nasturtium. Flower arrangements of different flowers look more interesting.

If you want to grow ampelous, terry or large-flowered petunias at home, then when picking them you need to transplant them into pots with a diameter of 10 cm.


There, on the forum, look at Petunias 2009 - a lot of interesting things.

How to grow petunias. detailed instructions

Seedlings of petunias and lobelia have sprung up. Oh, and I do not like fiddling with small seeds! I prefer to propagate petunia by cuttings. But what can you do if this time you didn't leave at least a couple of bushes for wintering for grafting.

I propose to exchange experience in growing these stunted plants. For beginners, it will be useful to know who is growing them and how.
Lobelia and petunia shoots are very small. They grow slowly - and it is difficult for such a hurry to be in a hurry to wait until they get stronger. And there is also a risk of ruining the seedlings at the very beginning. So I have adapted to save in this way.
Since these little ones at the beginning need very little earth, I sow them in separate cells - in a box of eggs.

Sowing is superficial, i.e. I do not sprinkle the seeds with earth, but simply cover with a transparent film. And I put it on a warm windowsill - on a sheet of styrofoam. Seeds germinate in warmth and light: both in lobelia and petunia.

And if I sow a lot of lobelia, then petunias are now sold in granules - I lay them out in 4-5 pieces per cell. Not all have ascended today. But it will be more spacious for them to grow.

There is a hole in each cell at the bottom. The whole box is worth in a pallet, which is made from the lid of the same egg packaging. I pour water for irrigation into the pallet. This way you do not have to water from above, which can lead to lodging of these small shoots. Although, you can spray with a very fine spray bottle.

In the initial period, they all stand under a lamp - up to which no more than 15 cm.

When the first true leaves appear and grow, and the seedlings get stronger, I begin to dive. With a teaspoon or fork, I pick up the whole clod of earth in the cell and transplant it into separate glasses. At the same time, I divide the lump with lobelia into two or even three parts: after all, it is densely sown, but unevenly. It turns out several seedlings in each glass.

I divide by eye, so the number of plants in one glass is different. After transplanting, I water it with Zircon.

In a separate "apartment" the leaves will begin to grow faster. Moreover, by this time in the afternoon I am already taking out to the glazed balcony, and there is a lot of light.

In some glasses, 7-10 plants are obtained.

And somewhere there is a large group. Later, pots await them. different sizes: some are wider, others are narrower.

In glasses, seedlings, after 10 days I begin to fertilize.
Over time, I pinch some varieties of lobelia so that they bush.

Well, then I plant it in pots. Here are three glasses with bush lobelia

Petunias dive one piece into each glass. They need a lot more land. I do this at the moment when they have two true leaves (except for the first two cotyledons)

I plant glasses in 100 g, which I put in a common container.

Before planting in the ground or in a pot, you have to transplant the seedlings into larger glasses several times.

After transplants, I spray and water with a root formation stimulant - Radifarm or Zircon.

During this period, there is a lot of sun on the balcony.

You can feed it with any complex fertilizer - in two weeks. Complex fertilizer with a predominance of nitrogen - NPK 30-10-10. For example, Plantofol. You can - Kemiroi suite.
Petunias love when they alternate root dressing and leaf dressing (spraying). And they begin to grow rapidly.

If there are a lot of petunias, it is very convenient to dive into cassettes - 4 by 4 cm.

At the 6th week, you can transplant from cassettes into glasses of 200 g. But since they were planted with me at once in 100 g, my seedlings stayed in them longer in them longer.

And then I immediately moved to 400 ml pots.

The first pinching (removal of the growth point) I do after the appearance of several pairs of true leaves, but only when they are properly strengthened - after 1.5 - 2 months after sowing.

Usually, by this time, bush petunias have 4 - 5 pairs of true leaves. It all depends on the type and variety. I pinch off the 9-10th sheet. This is necessary in order to form side shoots and afterwards there were many flowers on each bush.

Have ampel petunias and without pinching, lateral shoots grow well. In addition, in modern bush varieties, side shoots also appear on their own - without any effort on your part. So look at the grade.

By the way, the rapid formation of lateral shoots is facilitated by a decrease in night temperatures. I do it in a simple way... By nightfall, I turn off the battery, which is under the windowsill in my bedroom. And in the morning I turn it on again. Seedlings love it. And me too - it's cooler to sleep
And if the temperature outside allows it, then I leave it on a closed balcony overnight.

To accelerate flowering, you can spray it with a boron solution once (boric acid - 1 g per 1 liter)

Growing petunias from cuttings
I have been asked several times to repeat this theme.

Since autumn, I leave a couple of young bushes for the winter. That is, in the middle of summer, I cut a stalk from a blooming petunia bush - I grow a young bush until autumn. I pinch it several times. They hibernate next to the lamp. Build up foliage.

In early February, and some even earlier, they begin to bloom. If the sun, of course, is enough. In a dark winter, they are unlikely to bloom. God forbid to hold out until spring, when it's dark. Petunias are very light dependent plants.

And in early March, I cut cuttings from them.

Usually, I leave the top two leaves on the handle. Sometimes four. If I cut a long branch, I divide it into several parts. Too much big leaves I halve it to avoid excess moisture evaporation. But more often than not, this is not required.

I deepen the stalk 1.5 - 2 cm into the soil for seedlings - I spill it with Zircon. And I cover it with a large transparent glass with a hole in the bottom - for airing. I pinch every fifth leaf on the side branches so that the bush becomes lush.

In summer, petunias bloom magnificently both on the balcony and in the flower garden near the house. On the balcony, I like cascading, ampelous.

And in flower beds - terry bush.
From two small autumn bushes left for the winter in the house, a meter-long flower bed is obtained in the summer.

And most importantly, a lot of time is saved. They bloom much earlier than from seeds. And no picking and fiddling with small crops.
But there is also a minus, of course. A place on the windowsill in winter for the mother bushes will have to be allocated. Even though they are small, but still. Well, you will have to provide additional light. Without it, they will either get sick or die altogether.

True, in the last year I have adapted to hang them in pots on lateral surface window opening to save space.
And now I didn't leave it for the winter at all. The winters have become very dark. So I grow from seeds.

Comments (1)

    There are no holes in the containers. I don’t remove the film, but you can handle the condensate by tilting the tray, the drops will flow down the stretched film in one direction.

    The seeds have swollen and even burst in places, but it seems to me that the seeds are not to blame (BIOTECHNIKA). And my not skillful agricultural technique with TABLETS.
    CONCLUSION: I will spray and will no longer use tablets for petunias, they may not be my option.
    Sister, make one last try (with the same seeds, in the same tablets) I do not know what your tablets are in, but it is most convenient to use plastic food containers (from salads, cookies, etc.), or a container with rather high ( above the tablet height with sides). Make tablets with seeds in it and pour water on the bottom - not cold and settled. Kiss the "puddle" straight. Wait a few minutes. If the water is completely absorbed, add more boldly. When the water stops decreasing, gently pour the rest over the edge, holding the tablets. close with a lid or put in a transparent bag if it is not available. Place in a bright, warm place. In your case ("The seeds have swollen and even burst in places"), wait literally a couple of three days. Everything will come up fine. Further, when about half of the shoots appear, open the lid. I do this: first, in the afternoon I open it for 1-1.5-2 hours, then I close it. Later in the evening I open it, for example, seven o'clock, and watch until we go to bed. If the sprouts do not wither, they look vigorous, I do not close them at night. And then in the afternoon - depending on where they stand - if it's hot and dry - I cover it for a while, but I try to remove the cover completely on the same day. The water that you pour will most likely last for almost a week, but watch the condition of the tablet surface. If it is "reddened" and the tablet is dry to the touch, pour it in the same way through the pallet. This is usually enough for several days. I try not to spray the seedlings unnecessarily for those reasons that in a humid environment on the surface all sorts of "byaki" such as mold and black legs are more likely to start. And second, when you water from below, you seem to force the developing root to reach deep into the pill. Those. make it grow and fulfill its function.
    Try it. Everything will work out. Good luck!

    Tell me, the label says: "Dissolve 2.5-3 ml in 1 liter of water", how much did you dilute?
    At the initial stage, I used liquid fertilizers based on humates Florist Rost and Florist Micro (alternately). I also alternated root (watering) and foliar (spraying) dressings. It was these fertilizers that I diluted exactly according to the instructions (not weaker). If my memory serves me there was written 5 ml per 1 liter of water. I measured milliliters using an ordinary medical 5-cc syringe - very convenient and not only for these fertilizers. In general, if while the plants are small, you are afraid to burn them, it is recommended to reduce the concentration of the fertilizer. But, I say again, it was with these fertilizers that nothing terrible happened when breeding according to the instructions.
    Later she began to use the Kemiru station wagon. For the first time, she was diluted at half of the recommended concentration.
    A novice florist just needs to know how to pinch a petunia. Nothing complicated, but there are several important points.
    Do not tighten with a pinch, it is better to do it earlier than to be late.

    Do not pinch too much, leave 5-6 sheets and remove the shoot above them.

    Perform the procedure a couple of times a month.

    Place the remote shoot in a jar of water and wait for it to develop small roots. Now it can be used as a cutting to grow a new petunia. Before planting the plant in a container with soil, cut off all the leaves from it, leaving only a couple of the top ones.

    Helpful advice
    Keep a close eye on the flowering petunia bush. Remove all faded and withered flowers. This will promote the formation of new buds. In addition, dried petals spoil the appearance of an ornamental bush, especially in double petunias and varieties with large flowers.

? Is it possible to grow petunia in an apartment?

If your windows are on the south side, then be sure to grow petunia seedlings for yourself in order to enjoy the beauty of this annual all summer and autumn.

If the windows are on the north side, then the flowering of the petunia will not be as abundant. Basically, petunia will produce green tops rather than flower buds.

? Petunia on the balcony. Can you grow?

If you have a sunny balcony, then growing petunia on the balcony - enjoy it. Daily flower beauty can delight not only you, but also your neighbors, since the petunia pots can be placed both inside the balcony and behind the balcony.

?How long does it take to grow petunia seedlings?

In order to get seedlings of petunias from the moment of sowing to the formation of a bush with 2-3 flowers, it takes 2.5 months. For terry petunia - 3 months.

?When is it better to sow petunia?

If you plan to grow petunia for yourself, then it is better to sow it at the end of February - in the beginning of March.

? How to grow petunia correctly?

At the first stage of germination, it is necessary to create high level soil moisture within 22-24 ° C. When sowing, do not cover the seeds with soil!

At the stage of root and cotyledon emergence, it is necessary to reduce the soil moisture level to 20 ° C. Use maximum lighting 25,000 Lux

At the stage of appearance of a true leaf, it is necessary to allow the soil to dry out between waterings, the soil temperature drops to 18-21 ° C. Use lighting maximum 50,000 Lux. Fertilizers are applied at this stage.

At the fourth stage of growing petunias, the first transplant (picking) is carried out. Use a medium humidity level. The soil temperature is lowered to 16-18 ° C. Lighting maximum 55,000 Lux

Growth regulators and fertilizers are used.

The second transplant is carried out in pots: for trailing - 17-20 cm, for other petunias - 10.5-13 cm.After transplanting, it is necessary to maintain night temperatures within - 13-18 ° C, daytime - 16-20 ° C and maximum illumination ...

? What fertilizers should be used for different stages growing seedlings of petunias?

When the root and cotyledons appear and before the first pick, it is necessary to use calcium nitrate, which is responsible for the plant skeleton. At this point, phosphorus is excluded, since phosphorus and ammonium nitrogen contribute to the stretching and lodging of seedlings.

After the first pick (transfer, transshipment), i.e. damage to the root, it is necessary to give phosphorus so that the roots develop well. You can use Monophosphate, or you can use Aquarin "Super" N - 18%, P2O5 - 18%, K2O - 18%, MgO - 2%, S - 1.5% + a complex of microelements in a chelated form.

Before planting, to accelerate flowering, you can give foliar dressing with 1% boron.

After disembarking, we give phosphorus again.

During flowering, an increased dose of potassium is required (15: 5: 30).

? What are the conditions for the growth of the root system in petunias?

For better growth the roots of petunia, it is necessary to observe the agricultural technique.

In petunias, the growth of the root in the cool overtakes the one whose seedlings are grown in warmer conditions. However, if it is not possible to grow petunias in cool-warm mode, the problem can be solved by using more light when growing seedlings. With good lighting and warmth, petunia seedlings will turn out to be good too.

Also, when watering, you need to let the seedlings dry out between waterings. It is better to water the petunia into the pallet.

It is necessary to fertilize petunias with a fertilizer containing a large amount of phosphorus, which is responsible for the active development of the root system. If you water petunia with fertilizers from infancy. containing a large amount of potassium - a frail plant with a weak root system will grow.

To build up the root, they use Radifarm - a herbal complex of extracts enriched with vitamins and microelements. Radifarm stimulates the development of lateral and additional roots, helps the plant survive trauma during transplantation, as well as high temperature, excess moisture. When picking petunias, it is good to shed the plants 2-3 times with an interval of a week.

Also, if there is no radiopharm, you can use zircon.

?Why do petunia leaves curl?

One of common reasons twisting and yellowing of petunia leaves is the presence of pests. The first pest is the spider mite. If you look at the leaves in the light and the leaves will seem to be beaten with a needle, this is exactly the tricks of a spider mite. Treat all plants with Taurus urgently.

For prophylaxis against spider mites, you need to process petunia seedlings with phytoverm or actofit.

Also, curling of leaves in petunia can occur due to the fact that the temperature is very high, dry air and there is no light. The higher the temperature, the more light, if, on the contrary, at a low degree there is a lot of light, then the plant lays many points of growth and a more compact plant is obtained, but if you have a warm, above 20 ° C and light is small and even dry air, the plant tries to avoid moisture loss by rolling the sheet.

? How do you get your petunia to be squat, plump and bushy?

In order for the petunia not to stretch, it is necessary to observe the agrotechnology of growing petunias: to withstand day and night temperatures. Low temperatures at night (up to 5 degrees Celsius) and high (16-18 ° C) during the day, the petunia will be plump and bushy without a lot of pinching.

? Why does petunia grow in one stick with a bud at the end?

At high temperatures (about 18 ° C) and without day and night differences, all terry petunia seedlings grow in 1 stick.

Petunias need to be pinched for bushiness. Without pinching, lack of light and keeping petunia seedlings in a warm place, an elongated and non-curious plant will grow.

? When should you pinch petunia?

You need to pinch petunia after 2 pairs of true leaves. This promotes the growth of axillary shoots.

?How to feed petunia?

It is better not to feed the petunias with anything before the dive, but to start fertilizing the dived seedlings 2 weeks after the dive.

Petunia loves to alternate root and foliar feeding. If you have a lot of seedlings, it is more convenient to use the leaf feeding method. The plant assimilates nutrients better when using leaf dressing. It is better to spray in the evening or early in the morning.

?How to feed petunia?

10-14 days after picking, you can sprinkle petunia seedlings with radiopharm (root formation stimulant).

Then you can use complex fertilizers - Kemiru lux, solution, aquarin or plantafol (nitrogen 10/30/10, potassium 10.54.10, phosphorus 5.15.45) in turn with a frequency of about 7-10 days.

?What conditions are needed for petunias to bloom?

Petunias need a long day and strong light to bloom.

? What contributes to the formation of side shoots?

For the formation of lateral shoots, pinching and a low night temperature (13-15 ° C) are needed.

?How to achieve long lashes from an ampelous petunia?

Petunia is a "gluttonous" plant. Therefore, the larger the volume of land for petunias, the longer the whips will be at the ampelous and the more luxurious the bush at the bush. From this we conclude that the less land and food the petunia has, the less attractive the plant will be and vice versa.

? Why doesn't petunia bloom (or is it empty on petunia)?

If the sun is not enough, then the petunia can gain a lot of decent greenery and not bloom.

Also, in a small container, the roots of petunia have nowhere to roam, there is less nutrition and flowering will be rare or not at all. Petunia is a gluttonous plant that loves feeding. During the flowering period, there should be little nitrogen in fertilizers, and more phosphorus and potassium.

Please note that the first petunia flowers are almost always half-empty, later the plant will gain strength and delight with gorgeous flowers.

If you were fond of pinching, then this one also delays flowering.

? How to speed up the flowering of petunias?

To accelerate flowering, when the bush has formed, they give fertilizing with a predominance of potassium. Feed on the leaf once, before flowering at the rate of 1 g. boric acid per 1 liter of water.

H What affects the brightness of petunia flowers?

The reason for the change in the brightness of the color of petunia flowers can be: lack of light, pests, damage to the roots during transplantation, lack of certain nutrients, acidity of the soil.

To enhance the color of petunia flowers, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used. If you overdo it with nitrogen fertilizers, the color may fade.

? Why did petunia leaves turn blue-purple?

With a lack of phosphorus, petunia leaves can turn purple. If measles is good, that is not the reason.

With a difference in day and night temperatures in winter, petunias can also turn purple leaves.

? What to do if petunia leaves chlorosize (turn yellow)?

Usually, the problem of chlorosis in petunias is dealt with with the help of iron chelate, with which the plant is treated either on the leaf or at the root. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. It all depends on the manufacturer of the chelate and the expiration date.

A very convenient and less costly method is to water the chlorous seedlings of petunia with citric acid at the rate of (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) or (1 g per 1 liter). After two weeks, the pale, yellow seedlings turn green again. However, keep in mind that yellowing of the leaves is not always an indicator of a lack or indigestibility of iron. This may be a lack of manganese, nitrogen and other trace elements.

From a lack of nitrogen, small and yellow leaves... From a lack of iron, light yellow or white leaves are formed, the apical shoot is affected.

From the lack of magnesium, which manifests itself on the lower leaves - the leaves acquire variegated color, turn brown and fall off.

Usually, for the prevention of chlorosis, a concentration is used citric acid at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water. If you have few plants, then you get 1 g per 1 liter. 1 g is about a few crystals of citric acid.

?How to make your own iron chelate?

In 3 liters of cold boiled water dissolve 12 g of citric acid. 7.5 g of ferrous sulfate is introduced into this solution. The result is a complex ferrous salt of light orange color. This solution is suitable for spraying a diseased plant and for root feeding. The rest of the unused solution can be poured under garden flowers.

?What are the most common diseases in petunias?

Seedlings of petunia are susceptible to black leg lesions.

The most common petunia problem is leaf chlorosis, which occurs from frequent watering and non-compliance with agricultural techniques for growing petunias.

Petunia can be preserved in winter. Many people think that petunia is an annual, and on packs with seeds they often write that petunia is annual plant... However, it is possible to extend the life of our beauties until next year. To do this, at the end of August, cuttings are cut from beautiful favorites and rooted. These cuttings, which will have time to grow stronger and grow the root system, will overwinter. Petunia should overwinter in cool conditions. It is advisable to leave it on a cool balcony with a positive temperature. If this is not possible, you can bring the petunia into the room and put it on the coldest windowsill. In the room, due to the dry air in winter, it is possible that the petunia is affected by a spider mite, therefore periodically (a couple of times a month) it is necessary to treat the mother plant with phytoverm or actofit.

In the spring, cut the cuttings from the petunia mother liquor and root. These cuttings will be the new plants. Rooting of cuttings will take about 2 weeks, as opposed to sowing petunias with seeds, which will take more than 2 months.

?When are petunias cuttings?

You can cut petunias at any time of the year, if you have the opportunity to illuminate them with phytolamps.

After rooting the cutting, if it has taken root well after 2 weeks, you can safely cut off half of this cutting to a new one. This will force the plant to sprout new shoots from the leaf sinuses and get another seedling.

? What is petunia pinching?

In order for the petunia to bush and not grow into one lash, pinch it. Pinch the tip of the crown with a fingernail. Keep in mind that it is not a leaf, but the tip of the top. Pinching pushes flowering for 2-3 weeks, but later there will be a beautiful bush.

? What to do if the petunia seedlings are outgrown (stretched out)?

If the petunia seedlings are elongated, there are two ways out of this situation.

The first - you can pinch.

Second, you can transfer the seedlings into large cups. For example, if the petunia was 200 gr. glass, transfer it to 500 gr. glass and add earth. Petunia, like all nightshades, normally tolerates transplanting.

? How to achieve a large cap of flowers in an ampelous petunia?

The more soil and feeding, the larger the cap of flowers will grow in the petunia.

? When will the bush petunia planted at the end of February bloom?

Bush petunia sown at the end of February with additional light of 14-16 hours and temperatures above 25 degrees will bloom by the end of April.

? Why do the lower leaves of petunia turn yellow?

The lower leaves of petunias usually turn yellow from overflow, lack of nitrogen or a small amount of soil.

? Petunia is affected by a whitefly. What medications to take for whitefly?

For whitefly, you can use Aktara, which is sprayed with petunia and shed. Aktara is good because it almost does not smell. Please note that the developmental cycle of the whitefly is about 21 days, the larvae themselves cover themselves with a wax coating, therefore they are well protected from external influence(unlike the common aphid).

?Why did petunia seedlings stop growing?

The growth arrest may be due to a lack of boron, as a result of which the apical growth points die off. To solve the problem, you can spray the petunia with a solution of boric acid (7 grams per 10 liters of water). The result should appear in 10 days.

? What to do to make the plants take root better when picking?

After diving the petunia into other containers, there may be damage to the root system. Therefore, after a week, it is better to give the plants monophosphate or fertilizers with a high phosphorus content in order to take root better.

? Why are they picking off blooming flowers from a petunia?

Those flowers that have faded from petunias are cut off not only for aesthetic purposes, but also to stimulate flowering.

?How often to water the petunia growing on the balcony?

Petunia loves to drink. Therefore, petunias on the balcony need regular watering once or twice a day. The top ground ball must not completely dry out. Water the flower abundantly on hot days. Petunia easily tolerates if watering is too abundant. The only thing that can negatively affect is stagnant water. Regular watering of petunias will provide you with luxurious bloom and lush bushes.

For watering petunias, the acidity of the water is of great importance. Petunia loves more water with an acidic reaction. As you know, most of us have hard water. Therefore, there are two options: either acidify the water for irrigation, or simply plant the plant in an acidic soil mixture.

? How often to fertilize an adult petunia plant?

For petunia to please beautiful flowers an adult petunia plant should be fertilized at least every 10 days.

? How to cut petunia?

Petunia can be grafted different ways... The success of rooting a petunia cuttings is an earthen mixture. It should be airy.

You can prepare the following mixture: 2 parts moss + 1 part vermicult + 1 part terra soil, some sand.

We moisten the earthen mixture and insert the cuttings into the cups. The cuttings are deepened by 1.5 cm. Tear off the lower leaves.
Cover with cellophane. After 10-12 days, depending on the variety, the first roots will appear.

Our grandmothers, growing garden strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, were not particularly worried about mulching. But today this agricultural practice has become fundamental in achieving high quality berries and reducing crop losses. Someone might say that it is troublesome. But practice shows that labor costs in this case are repaid a hundredfold. In this article, we invite you to get acquainted with the nine best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very diverse. Despite the fact that "babies" have always been considered more fashionable, to the assortment of succulents with which you can decorate modern interior, it is worth taking a closer look. After all, colors, sizes, patterning, degree of prickle, influence on the interior are just a few of the parameters by which you can choose them. In this article, we will tell you about the five most fashionable succulents that amazingly transform modern interiors.

Mint was used by the Egyptians as early as 1.5 thousand years BC. It has a strong aroma due to the high content of various essential oils with high volatility. Today mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article, we will consider the most interesting varieties of mint, and also talk about the features of growing this plant in the open field.

People began to grow crocuses as early as 500 years before the advent of our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the heralds of spring next year. Crocuses are one of the earliest primroses that bloom as soon as the snow melts. However, flowering times may vary depending on species and varieties. This article focuses on the earliest crocus varieties that bloom in late March and early April.

Cabbage soup from early young cabbage on beef broth - hearty, aromatic and easy to prepare. In this recipe, you will learn how to cook a delicious beef broth and cook light cabbage soup in this broth. Early cabbage cooks quickly, so it is put into the pot at the same time as the rest of the vegetables, unlike fall cabbage, which takes a little longer to cook. Ready-made cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. The present cabbage soup is tastier than the freshly cooked one.

Looking at the variety of tomato varieties, it is difficult not to get confused - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced gardeners are sometimes confused by it! However, it is not so difficult to understand the basics of selecting varieties "for yourself". The main thing is to delve into the peculiarities of culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest tomato groups to grow are varieties and hybrids with limited growth. They have always been appreciated by those gardeners who do not have a lot of energy and time to care for the beds.

Once very popular under the name of indoor nettles, and then forgotten by everyone, Coleus today are one of the brightest garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking primarily for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, Coleus require constant monitoring. But if you take care of them, the bushes of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon ridge baked in Provencal herbs is a "supplier" of tasty pieces of fish pulp for a light salad with fresh leaves of wild garlic. Champignons are lightly fried in olive oil and then poured with apple cider vinegar. These mushrooms are tastier than regular pickled mushrooms and are better for baked fish. Ramson and fresh dill get along well in one salad, emphasizing the aroma of each other. The garlic pungency of wild garlic will saturate both the flesh of the salmon and the pieces of mushrooms.

Conifer tree or a shrub on the site is always great, and a lot of conifers are even better. Emerald needles of various shades adorn the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils secreted by plants, not only aromatize, but also make the air cleaner. As a rule, most zoned adults conifers, are considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require competent care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics in the shade flowering trees have long been an integral part of the meeting of spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The financial and academic year begins here on April 1, when the magnificent cherry blossoms are in full bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese are marked by their blossoming. But sakura grows well in cooler regions - certain species can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

I am very interested in analyzing how the tastes and addictions of people to certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and was an object of trade lost its value over time and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince has been cultivated for over 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century BC. NS. about 6 varieties of quince were known, and even then methods of its reproduction and cultivation were described.

Delight your family and make themed Easter egg-shaped cottage cheese cookies! Your kids will be happy to take part in the process - they will sift the flour, combine all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut out intricate figures. Then they will watch with admiration how the pieces of dough turn into real Easter eggs, and then with the same enthusiasm they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such an original cookie for Easter, read our step by step recipe!

There are not so many decorative leafy pets among tuberous crops. And Caladium is a true star among the variegated inhabitants of interiors. Not everyone can decide to start a Caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all - to care. But still, rumors about the extraordinary capriciousness of the Caladiums never justify. Care and attention will help to avoid any difficulties in growing caladiums. And a plant can almost always forgive small mistakes.

We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply elementary dish for you today. This gravy is one hundred percent universal, as it goes with every side dish: vegetables, pasta, or whatever. Gravy with chicken and mushrooms will save you in moments when there is no time or you don't want to think too much about what to cook. Grab your favorite side dish (you can do it ahead of time to keep everything hot), add the gravy and lunch is ready! A real lifesaver.

Among the multitude different varieties We will tell you about three of these most popular vegetables, which differ in excellent taste and relatively unpretentious growing conditions. Characteristics of the varieties of eggplants "Almaz", "Black Beauty" and "Valentina". All eggplants are medium-firm. For Almaz it is greenish, while for the other two it is yellowish-white. They are united good germination and excellent yield, but at different times. Skin color and shape are different for everyone.