Planck with employees: effective plan. Technology of effective meetings and planners in the sales department

In Russia, it is not customary to be collected in the team on working challenges. This is due to the fact that everyone is in a hurry to make their affairs at work, and not to sit at meetings and caring obvious topics. But what if such meetings are useful for everyone, will they pass efficiently and quickly? Then it is stupid to refuse them. Therefore, we introduce such an event as a "tablet" in your company, on the basics of ready-made templates.

Maybe we should not?

Have you ever tried to carry out planners with employees? If so, then you are confident at the end of the event with such statements as "again talked about anything." It is a classic situation and is connected with ignorance of how to carry out plates, and not with what, it is generally bad and inefficient.

And in order to immediately arrange all the points, let's fix the concept itself what is a tablet. And pay attention, I take it not from my head, but from any dictionary by type: Ozhegov, Efremov, Dahl, Tikhonov or Kuznetsov. All of them give, plus-minus, the same description.

The tablet is a short meeting to evaluate and determine the progress of the tasks.

Keyword - Short meeting. This is exactly what is distinguished by the schedule from the meeting. And since everything in the world is relatively, we will define the maximum limit how much such a meeting lasts is 60 minutes. Everything else is not a tablet, but as we said, meeting.

Types of planar

Planque planker Mint. At first glance, they are all the same, but in the reality of their structure and the purpose of carrying out among themselves. Therefore, you need to know their types and use exactly those that need your team.

Time spending

We can split all the plates for three times: daily, weekly and monthly. Usually, the company has only one of these options, everyone else is considered unnecessary. Although they all carry different tasks and are carried out in different plan.

  1. Daily tablet. Need in case of active activities or employee motivation. Its duration does not exceed 15 minutes, everything is short and in the case.
  2. Weekly tablet. We use in order to sum up the last week and build plans for the future. The duration of such a meeting is up to 30 minutes.
  3. Monthly tablet. Mandatory event to assess the results obtained for the month of work, which has developed from all days and weeks. Duration up to 1 hour.

Often the monthly plant stretches up to 2-3 hours. In this case, according to the rules of the Russian language, this is already a meeting. But since it is more important to us as an actual name, but a real purpose, we can allow such a meeting to 3 hours. The main thing is that all this is in the case.

It is also necessary to consider that there are not systemic meetings to solve urgent or urgent questions. Such planners are called - unscheduled. Going, conducted and end pretty quickly. But they are and not to run away from them.

It was noticable if all, or at least many companies worked as a joke above. But, alas, such a scheme is almost never found. Therefore, go further to the topics of the tablet.

Topic of the meeting

In addition to the fact that the plates are divided into temporary intervals, they are still divided into themes. Although for the majority, the tablet is an assessment of the tasks performed for the week and summing up to achieve the sales plan. Such a format is also there, but everything is gradually.

  1. Distribution of tasks. The goal and the result of such a meeting is the ears of the workforced employees in the near future.
  2. One question. Most often these are unscheduled meetings, the topic for which is separate questions on the agenda.
  3. Brainstorm. We often practice short collections with a small part of the team to generate ideas on the topic.
  4. Information. The same tablet, to which we are all so accustomed, visiting the actual situation on this moment time.
  5. Motivational. People need to be charged, especially if they have very stressful work. Through such meetings you will have the opportunity to do it., Because it is an excellent motivation method.
  6. Tutorial. Small knowledge in a short period of time. It will not bother and will be useful, especially if you do it often.

In the conditions of realities, our planners look like a snowball from different topics. It's not bad. The main thing is that everything managed to pay sufficient attention. The strategy "Hop to Europe" will not lead to anything good, since the fish eat, and the frying pan does not wash - it will not work. It is a myth.

We are already more than 45,000 people

Components of successful plates

Before we turn to specific templates of the planner, let's determine the main points of such a meeting. Because it is important not just that, but also to hold. All gradually colleagues are not hurry.

  • Reason meeting. With this we figured out, each meeting should have a reason. And everyone should know about him;
  • People. Who will participate in the planner you need to know in advance and notify the participants about it;
  • Location. Conference room, office or corridor - decide for yourself. Sure it is not difficult;
  • Time spending. It is necessary for a specific time, it is also preferably the same thing to work out;
  • Regulations of the meeting. You and employees should know the bottom and the timing of this meeting;
  • Additional materials. Flipchart, paper, handles and other attributes must be prepared before meeting;
  • Curator. Typically, the leading planner is a boss or one of the managers, but this may well be an employee;
  • Secretary. Man, the score will record all the results of the planner, the so-called protocol, for further distribution.

If you consider these components, the effectiveness of the planner will be significantly higher because you can properly prepare for it and you will know exactly what to speak on the planner.

Part of the list are obvious things. But you think about how each items can be improved relative to the situation now. For example, what people besides sales managers can still be called to meet. Or can make part of the plates who hold the staff themselves.

And one more weighty plus for those who still doubt, look in the video below.

Plan for Implementation

I do not really like templates and samples, as they do not take into account individual characteristics Each company. But every business is specific (I hear it constantly from managers). But if you are not a man from a timid, then with ease you can remake this sample to the plan of the planner for your company.

This is a plan for how to carry out a plan for the sales department once a week, the monthly option will look more large, and the daily planner plan will look more modest. And, of course, the results will be supplied either for the month or per day. But already on the basis of this, you can form your plan regardless of what you have - retail, wholesale or services.

Lovers of chips or important nuances

Any action can be done better. Therefore, when we are asked to appreciate the effects of the plane, we can closed eyes to say that there are moments for improvement. Many of them or a little, and most importantly impressive they or not, this is another question. But you can find them right. And here is your list of the most popular improvements from our practice.

Plateka in Skype. If employees cannot meet in life, this is not a reason to cancel the meeting. Spend it in Skype. You can also connect across Skype those who could not come, and to hold the planner at the same time offline and online.

Only positive. Try to talk about such meetings about everything from "How to improve" and "what was done well", then your meetings will bear more motivational and positive.

Bonuses for presence. By default, you can fine for the lack of or delaying on the planner, and you can give a premium to those who did not miss and one.

Lailed standing. Those who are late, not only get a reprimand and a lot of contemptuous views, but also the entire planor is carried out standing on the legs. Fun? You definitely, and not very late.

Miscaling. Determine each block a specific amount of time, and if you go out for it, then just break the conversation. First it will be bad, then learn to be more efficient.

Snack to the planner. Pour coffee and fool the cookies only to the planner. After starting the mode - "who did not have time, he was late."

Gift active. The most active can be encouraged. You can highlight each planner for those who participate a lot and give a mini-gift for it. Trifle, but nice.

Factory outcome. When the "Secretary of the Meeting" will like the result, it must be defined to everyone or, even better, put it in the most prominent place for better assimilation.

Briefly about the main thing

In all my team, 90% of people are team players, so we love small meetings before fanaticism. Since we have a relatively young team (up to 35 years old), we are very difficult to hold a tablet, because everyone strives to laugh and talk "for life." We could carry out a plan for 3-4 hours. But it was so before.

Now we are a team that really realizes the power, the process of the tablet and what they need. We have internal rules (No phones, talking in the language of decisions, no negative, etc.), we have ready-made regulations, there are responsible persons (every time new) and much more. All this helps us to be more efficient.

When we come to the company on marketing consulting, then the tablet is one of the first tools that we introduce. And every time we see how "the cart is barely moving." But everything goes. And the main rule is not only the quality of the planner, but also its regularity. Therefore, here you can use a bit changed famous phrase - "Having tried several times, eat now." Successful introduction. There will be questions, write in the comments.

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How to conduct a planer

Planners, RAM and meetings are an integral part of the working day of almost every employee. The head sooner or later faces the need to independently carry out a daily planer. But as often happens, no one does not particularly teach it. Therefore, the question often arises - how to carry out a planor?

Planners' objectives

The first thing to do is to determine the goals that you want to achieve a planer. As a rule, the main goal of such meetings is the creation of a single information space among all employees, as a consequence of achieving a higher motivation of personnel and coherence. Planners help solve the following tasks:

  1. Setting goals and tasks for the team;
  2. Bringing general information to the whole team;
  3. Solving general issues;
  4. Motivation and involvement of personnel;
  5. Employee training, due to the transfer of best practices;
  6. Team building

Agree, achieving such goals is of great interest to any managerial. Therefore, the practice of the plane is so much common in business. But it is not so easy to achieve efficiency from meetings, it is important to stick to a clearly prescribed action plan and prepare for each planenke.

Planner Plan

So, we determined that the meeting of the thing is important and useful, but not to turn this tool into another useless torture subordinates, the head should be approached with all seriousness to the preparation of the plan. Earlier, we discussed the goals of the meeting, the task of the manager, depending on the purpose of making a plan for the planner. Naturally, the meeting for sellers and for top managers will be radically different from each other. Although the structure itself will be approximately the same.

Very important moments in holding any meeting, as soon as possible to give the opportunity to speak out subordinates. It is desirable from the first minutes to involve as much as possible the participants of the planer. This will help you configure the command.

Secrets of Success Planerney

The most important! In order for the meeting to be interesting, you should prepare for him. The success of the meeting depends on several important factors:

  1. Informational component. The information that is made at the meeting should be useful and interesting. If the information is boring and monotonous, then make an interesting way to submit information. Remove boring and not useful information;
  2. Emotional component. Even SAMIA interesting topic It can be ruined incorrect feed. Remember your teachers from the university, on some lectures the whole audience is sleeping, and on other full allocrants.
  3. The leader who holds a meeting. The more authoritative lead, the better the audience perceives it. If your authority is not high, work carefully over 1 and 2 points.

Planering rules

Failed employees

At the meeting, someone relieves late. Such employees contribute a large destructive and take off, it is necessary to fight desperately. Forgive us to negotiate with all team members what we do with late. There are a few examples: late brings all coffee or fruits, late tells the anecdote, who is late sings a song, etc. The most important thing is that the rules everyone knows and all followed them. If the rule is thought out and adopted by the team, you will reduce the late to a minimum.

Same meeting time

It is very important to comply with a clear schedule for meetings. There is nothing worse than unscheduled assemblies, it disrupts subordinate plans, does not give them normally prepare. To such meetings, the relationship is initially negative, which does not have a working way.

Any meeting should be notified in advance, it is best not to change the dates and time of assembly without any need.

Do not tighten the meeting time

It is very important to follow timing if you have determined that the meeting should not last more than 30 minutes, then keep the word. The longer the meeting, that it is less efficient. If you need to solve complex issues and requires a long time on working out parts, then create work groups of competent staff. Often, most of the meeting is spent on working out organizational moments, and most of the listeners will generally fly out of the dialogue.

Says only lead

Often I am watching the picture when employees fear their boss and eventually the meeting turns into a monologue of the dictator. As a rule, all this happens in coffin silence, and the air is felt tension. The directive management style is not appropriate at meetings, it contradicts the essence of this event. Ideally, all participants should speak on the glider.

Discussion of private issues

Sometimes one of the participants of the Planerney may try to use this event to solve their private question. An employee of the public formulation is usually beneficial. This approach can turn the meeting to Balagan. Therefore, you need to immediately stop similar manipulations and designate the time to solve private issues.

Influence of meeting

All about what you agreed at the meeting should be performed and controlled on your part. If there is no control, employees quickly adapt and stop performing your orders.

How to check the effectiveness of the meeting

The collection efficiency is fairly easy to check. Ask your subordinates what was at the meeting? 5 minutes after the meeting, after 3 hours and the next day. Answers to these questions is feedback for the organizer of the planer. If there is a lot of information, force employees to record. But all the information should be fixed in any case.

"Planer" as a way to increase company personnel loyalty

If the number of your company is from two people and more, then communication, that is, the exchange of information is an integral element of your management activities. After all, the information is a link between all parts of the organization. Communication violation (errors when transferring information, poorly built exchange, etc.) in levels, for example, the boss - the subordinate or sales department - the procurement department, always entails a decrease in performance performance indicators. And then one of your main tasks is to provide employees not only to tools or raw materials, but also the most important, information for qualitative implementation His duties, and, it means to increase the profits of your business.

Communications in organizations can have a variety of forms and implemented in various ways. A good example of communication is the "Planer" (meetings, "Pilot") with employees. The fact that such a plan is, as well as, most importantly, why regularly collect workers in one place, we will talk today within a series of HR posts in our blog.

Why do we need a planer?

"Planer" can be described as a short operational meeting on discussing the results of work and current problems. Options for solving these problems can also be discussed, but then it will be a longer meeting on a specific issue. And the main goal of Planerney is to control the current situation and monitoring topical problems in the work of the company.

We'll figure it out what to talk on the glider and what questions you answer together with employees:

  • what happened to do yesterday (the day before yesterday, last week) why;
  • that failed to do why;
  • what and how we plan to do today (tomorrow, next week), what results we expect.

It is also necessary to note the role of "glider" in the formation of the loyalty of the company's staff. Personnel loyalty, or, speaking simple languageThe company's loyalty is formed by employees not only and not so much due to wages and other material goods (although they certainly play a role). Loyalty is not bought. Then how to spend the planer to increase it? Loyalty arises through properly built communication. Thus, the Planerman can become an excellent tool for increasing this very loyalty.

During the "glider", the barriers between the departments of the company are destroyed, dismissal is reduced. All that happens in the company (plans, tasks, problems) becomes closer and clearer to each employee, which increases the motivation and interest of people. After all, if the employee is unknown (incomprehensible) long-term and short-term goals of the company, performance indicators of its work, tasks for the next week, it inevitably leads to demotivation and, as a result, worsening the results of work and loss of manageability.

On the other hand, if you know how to spend the planer, the staff well understand what is happening in the company, in each department, rejoice in general "luck" and achievements, share (simply divided, even if they do not solve together) problems. It is through such experiences that can be obtained on the "glider" and is formed loyalty, team spirit.

Well organized "Planer" allows you to quickly and effectively stimulate the staff on the solution of daily tasks, to motivate to achieve common goals. This is one of perfect tools The formation of the Command Spirit has employees - in connection with this, it is necessary to emphasize that it is especially important to carry out planners during the introduction of changes in the company. Through the "Planer" it is easy to receive feedback from personnel and adjust the plan of innovations.

The signs of the planer's effectiveness are its results - something planned, received feedback, allowed the disputed situation, distributed or collected new information, etc. By the way, it happens that employees, and sometimes managers perceive the "glider" as a loss of time, but In fact, it is possible to say only about the ineffective, incorrectly organized "planer". From this article you will learn how to lead the planer so that it brings benefits.

Rules of the organization "Planer"

First, the start and end time must be fixed and known in advance to all participants. More than 30 minutes of employees are better not to collect: the company's work or the "get up". If the firm is small, you can collect all the departments together, if large - only the leaders of the departments (internal "gliders" they will hold themselves) - one way or another need an adequate approach to the composition of the participants.

Secondly, at the place of "Planering". How to carry out planners in the sales department, if there is no separate room, negotiation? You can collect everyone in the office of the head or simply in the largest office. By the way, if there is little space, the "planer" is even better to spend standing - people will not "configured" for a long conversation: everything is brief and clearly, in the case.

In addition, today there are services to hold meetings and online conferences (for example, Skype). This is a good option if your company is very large or its departments are localized in different geographic points.

Thirdly, how to properly spend the planers in the sales department and how often do you need to do it? The frequency of this event may be different. In some companies, it is customary to "gather" every morning, in others - on Mondays or at the beginning and at the end of the week. It all depends on the specifics of the Company's work, intensity of business processes, arrival speeds new information and the quality of ties between the departments.

Fourth, like any other efficient communication, the "glider" better start with a positive and positive to complete. It is necessary to discuss the problems, but it's good when "Planerna" ends with some inspirational words of leadership, a call to action ("We are a team!").

In conclusion, we emphasize that Planerna, as a form of communication within the organization, is an excellent way to increase the loyalty of your employees, make them "more faithful" companies. And loyal employees unequivocally bring profits, while dismidental carry only rumors, speculation and distrust.

Recognition from colleagues, praise bosses, friendly, warm atmosphere The team is all the "right planers", which forms a healthy desire to "break" competitors for their company. This is what you need - move forward. So "Planning" competently - collect everyone together, solve problems and inspire!

High conversions!

Daria Horomskaya, Head of HR-Department Lpgenerator

image Source Pavel Kirillov

why and how to hold, pros and cons - skb contour

The glider is a derivative of the English Plan, a short workshop dedicated to the implementation of the planned plan. By typology, all the planes can be divided into categories in three criteria - species, temporary and quantitative.

According to the species criterion, all planners are divided into reporting (short meetings on which managers report on the progress of the relevant tasks), discussion (briefings on the possible change in the selected way of achieving one goal) and motivational (meetings on which tasks are distributed and roles are determined In the process of working on the question, task).

According to the temporary criterion of the planer, it can be a daily, weekly, monthly process.

According to the quantitative criterion of the planer, it can be both massive (for all employees) and closed (for a separate initiative group, managers, board of directors of the company.)

Why make a planer?

If you organize this process as a good tradition before the start of the working day, it will help discipline the team (reduce the number of morning desets), more clearly outlines the goals and objectives before employees (after all, as is known, the rational plan on the day is much more efficient than the plan for the half year) will give the opportunity to see real results Works are more clearly (in the event that the reporting of the team in front of the head and leader before the team will become mandatory elements of the planenna). In addition to the above-mentioned advantages, a well-held morning meeting can give strength to employees, increase labor productivity, stimulate to efficient operation during the day. This psychological aspectdefinitely playing important role In establishing a positive relationship between the employee and the employer, and also contributes to the cohesion of the collective.

Why many people consider the planer with the remnant of the past?

First, the very emergence of this process, most people relate to those times when they did not hear about the phone, but what the Internet and multimedia technologies were not guessed at all. It turns out that the only way to meet live and discuss important working moments were just the same planers. For the lack of operational means of communication, the QUESTION accumulated, and the time such an action took a lot (on average three to four hours). On this occasion, one famous American economist has somehow noticed: "If there is a glider in your company, then you are on the right track. It remains only to dismiss all those who go there, and leave all those who work at this time. "

Secondly, most office workers negatively belong to the gliders just because this is paid to about 20% of the time, and according to many of them, the Speech's speech lasts on average half of the time drawn to this process.

Thirdly, if the planenoks in the firm are held daily, then in a short time it will definitely turn into a kind of formality. After all, most tasks that the successful businessman puts are long-term, and the daily report in two sentences will sound like this: "Everything is fine, we work on it." The need for a daily planning pops ups usually at the moment when the company begins to perform a new strategic task in critical deadlines or during the crisis. At such moments, it is really necessary to constantly monitor the situation, follow the slightest changes.


Anyone, even the shortest planner, should have its own regulations. He one way or another helps much more productively work outward questions, make the process more dynamic and efficient. In the rules of good tone, making the regulations for employees in the evening so that they can think about all the affected issues and make a constructive, meaningful offer. Among other things, it is worth considering that by the time of the morning meeting, each employee must have a copy of the regulations on his hands. It is important to impose responsibility on a certain person who would follow during the time (if the speaker comes out of the temporary limitation described in the Regulations, this delays the process of holding a meeting and, as a result, negatively affects the mood of the collective).

Conduct or not to conduct? That is the question

The planers, of course, an important process, at least in the context of timely goaling and motivation of employees, but it was time to go beyond the ordinary understanding of this term. Perhaps not so fundamentally collect every day the whole team in the stuffy office, but to master the conference technology in Skype. It is also important to take into account the aspect that the structural planter should last no more than 15-20 minutes. Reporting on the activities of each department can be accepted and discuss with managers during the day, and morning to devote solely by the placement of forces, the definition of tasks and priorities.

In any case, each entrepreneur chooses its management concept, however, to a little more weigly realize whether short meetings are necessary for your working staff, it is necessary to weigh everything for and against:

Disciplines the team;

The possibility of morning motivation of employees;

Clear setting of goals and objectives;

The ability to show creative and pursue a planer in unconventional style;

Printing planers tire and reduce employee performance;

Unregulated planes are usually ineffective.

Secrets of an effective plate -

The tablet is an important part of the workflow. However, it can be like becoming an incentive for an employee, a supporting point and a springboard, and completely repel all the desire to work. How to effectively hold meetings to "ignite" subordinates? How to behave at meetings to spend time with benefits?

What are planners for?

For about a year I worked in the editorial office of the magazine about construction and houses. Publisher, she is the owner, really loved the plates. We gathered in her office every morning for one and a half or two hours and watched the performance of one actor. The voiced goal of this meeting is to tell, at what stage is the relationship with advertisers. Hidden - explain what losers gathered at this table. To me (editor) and designer also needed to be present. "Liberation" received only an accountant: she had to constantly monitor the account for the receipt of money, which did not come. Because instead of work we sat on the planner.

We would have been glad to listen to what our employer thinks about us, and see how she can sell on the phone, but the work was stood. The fact is that money in the editorial will appear if the managers sell advertising. To appoint a meeting with a potential advertiser, you need to get through to it. And to catch someone in the place is real only from 9 to 10, after the people diverged according to their plates, production and meetings. In general, you needed to call just at the time when we were sitting in the boarding office.

To break this vicious circle has not been possible. No, we said that the managers need to do with the phone, and the editor with the designer would like to return to magazine bands. We asked for many times to transfer the planner at another time. But if you collect the sake of a meeting, forgetting about the benefit for the company, good times will come soon.

1. Make a plan:

    what is the main purpose of the meeting: to tell about innovations, listen to opinions, solve the problem, collect reports, etc.,

    what questions need to be discussed first

    what can be skipped and solved in working order, if there is no time, etc.

2. Determine the goal

Word a query in the result format. Do not "discuss the problem", but "develop a solution to the problem."

3. Fix the arrangements and secure responsibility with terms

If a proposal arises, the meeting result will be an agreement on what steps will be responsible and what time frame.

4. Install the "convenient" time

For employees do not stretch reports, they thought more collected and faster, appoint a meeting an hour before a lunch break or end of the working day. Tightened - miss dinner or go home later. And this, it is clear, I do not want anyone.

5. Be closer to the people

If you want to achieve frank from subordinates, listen to what they really think about this issue, sit among them. When you head the table, you are the boss, and your opinion is priority. When you sit next to an employee, you are a colleague, ready for a joint discussion and finding a solution.

general Director of Welzovka LLC, Network of Individual Storage Warehouses (Self Storage), Skladovka.Ru

The meeting should always be prepared by the head in terms of the questions you want to discuss. Before started, it is better to send the agenda that you want to receive an answer or organize a discussion. The meeting should end the protocol, where the decisions are recorded, the execution date and responsible.

Each meeting is carried out according to the principle of continuity so that people understand the logic of development of projects and have the opportunity to give feedback, report on issues that originated during the execution of decisions.

Very useful meetings at objects, and not in the head office. On the spot it is immediately seen that it really happens on the object that you need to do for him so that it reaches the intended goals.

The working meetings of the head of the Organization with representatives of the divisions will eventually monitor whether each unit and enterprise generally goes to the intended goal or deviates from it.

director of Development of the Company "Centragro"

Our company meetings are classified in our company: advice, committees, meetings, which in turn have a clear temporary regulation and agenda. Only situational meetings on force majeures do not have a predetermined agenda. The rest are preparing documents in advance and send by mail to interested parties.

The meetings set rules:

    do not interrupt each other;

    not to go out;

    turn off the phones;

    be on time.

The effectiveness of the meetings is raised by the preparation and preliminary distribution of documents, a clear schedule of meetings for planning workers' work time.

Planners at a distance

Every year more companies are becoming more and more companies that refuse offices and go to a remote format. How to carry out planners when all employees live not only in different cities, but also in different parts of the world?

Natalia Odessova

founder of online training center

I used to work in a large corporation. Now all my employees from different cities and even countries, and we communicate very much online. Previous experience made it possible to take the best, and change what was clearly inefficient.

People work online in order to have more time, so all the plates are very shorter and much more efficient. We do not collect people who cannot affect the solution of the issue, and therefore, do not spend their time in vain. The tablet is compressed and only in the case. Often it is a Skype Call for 5-10 minutes with a discussion of a particular issue.

There are indicators that we regularly monitor, but on them we do not call up at all, and lay out new data into a common chat and make decisions, discuss new steps to improve improvements.

By timing: Since we are generally a lot of freedom, I never squeeze the shortest possible time in the projects "for development", but I ask: "For how long do you believe? How long can you answer? " This approach allows an employee to consciously take responsibility and with great desire and pleasure to work on the task.

And the intermediate control points are very helpful when I look into the process and see if the direction is moving in the right direction.

    Leave your phone, tablet and other gadgets in the office. You should not take a favorite toy to meet with the manual.

    Remember that at the meeting there is the same principle as in school. Who listens carefully, nods and asks clarifying questions, that well done. Why should we be well done at work? That's right - so that we remember about us when the award is distributed.

    Another school rule is "eyes in the eye." When praise, send an open look. Rugan fell out, start looking for the most interesting screet on the table or pay attention to your handle.

    Record everything in general everything. Then figure out what is useful, and what can be thrown out. First, the chiefs love themselves when they are abstract. Secondly, the recording is a spare airfield, if you need to hide from the formidable gaze. By the way, between Pearls of the head, you can fix your thoughts.

    Actively express your opinion if it is provided for by the format of the planner. Even if you share a banality, you will still look solid against the background of silent and looking at the shoes of colleagues. Now the main thing is to show who is here the most active participant.

    About sleep, sowing and missing glance do not even say. You yourself understand that it is inappropriate.

    If she completely overwhelmed boredom, try working in mind. Make a list of cases, think about your project globally. Or just labelish.

    Do not perceive the plane as an empty pastime. This is part of your work. And if the boss agrees to pay you a salary for spending time in his office, this is his right. But how efficiently you will spend this time, it depends on you.

© Natalya Zhilikova, Rjob

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Planerman in the department: effective tool or formality?

The head of the department is a very busy person. Indicators, Regulations, Solutions complex tasks, Organization of everyone and all for movement towards goal - all on his shoulders. The more correctly the set of management tools is selected - the more effective it is the leader. Is it worth spending time on such a tool as a glider in a linear division?

Even in companies where the planners are mandatory and regulated, managers often fit them formally - shot for a tick and work further. They consider the planers of a waste of time that theorists invented. Their motto: "Practices need to work, rather than consulting." At the same time in companies where the planeman is optional and is a personal initiative, there are managers who collect employees without additional reminders at a certain time and speak with them.

Why these "strange" managers are so "inefficient" spend their precious time if no one obliges to do this? I had to deeply understand this issue in lately. The crisis demanded the top managers of a deeper immersion in business. The rules of the game market have changed, and that the company not only kept afloat, but also used a crisis to strengthen its position in the market, you need to get closer to customers - to external and internal.

For rapid response to changes and increase the level of control over the situation, I, including, began to regularly join the planners in the departments, compared various styles their maintenance. The figures were indicative: it turned out that out of 12 single-profile departments, in which sales are carried out and ensuring the execution of contracts, the highest and stable indicators where the planners are held weekly. And this is a non-random coincidence.

Planner's goal

If the head to the question about the objective of the Planering is responsible: "Because it is necessary," it is better to do it at all. Any formal events "For Talk" work only in minus, they are involved not to work on the result, but on the "visibility of movement to the goal." The name "Planer" suggests that it is the actualization of movement on the planned plan to the goals.

If you consider this event from the point of view of the Deming Cycle (Plan - Do - Check - AKT), then the planere is regular control (check) activities to make conclusions and, if necessary, adjust the movement (AKT). But for this there are figures of statistics! Is it worth additionally collecting people? It is certainly, and make sure that the basic functions of the planner help us.

The main functions of the Planerney

1) information. Employees have few ways to get information about the situation in the company and in the market:

  • official published information that sometimes is missing or not fully understand;
  • gossip, often very far from truth, but with great pleasure discussed in canteens and smoking;
  • information in the first mouth, with explanations and accents on important momentsThat the head gives the head, paying due attention to the development of objections and reducing the effectiveness of the "Sarafan Radio".

And mandatory informing employees about the movement of the plan on the intended path.

2) control. In addition to dry and descending digits, the ability to control the atmosphere in the team, clarify the reasons for success or falling indicators. According to the results of the planner, the failures in the chain of interaction within the division and in the company are often found, and the manager immediately proceeds to the actions by eliminating them.

3) Motivational. Employees need attention. Recall the famous hotorn effect - labor productivity increases the fact that attention is shown to the activities of employees. Planerman One of the best ways to regularly remind employees about the fact that they are important and their work pays enough attention.

It happened at one of the employees in the breakthrough department, take off - a good reason to recognize the achievements and, if necessary, to support the Competitive Spirit in the department. And also, in addition to numbers, you need to see the eyes of your employees. The head should carefully look at and hear his employees. The behavior of the employee has changed, the focus was gone - the occasion for the head to include an individual conversation on the plan.

4) Educational. In this function, the planers is an indispensable tool for simplifying the difficult managerial labor of the head. It happened during the week an indicative for all working case - the head records it and on the planenke makes the general heritage. Thus, the annoying need to repeat the same thing different people Many times remained in the past, and we regularly and consciously "accurately" your work tool.

5) Organizational. Good practice is an invitation to the planers of representatives of related units, especially at the moments of innovations. The ability to establish or adjust interaction, relieve conflict, exchange experience.

6) disciplining. Motivation as a management tool is one very significant drawback: its action briefly. Few is capable of selfishly, and it is people with this ability most often become managers.

Help the motivation of employees is called upon discipline, regular rituals and rules to which the planers belongs. The glider is an event. Employees get used to what will need not only reporting in numbers, but also willingness to justify their indicators. Issues prepare questions, employees collect and convey to the head of the Cases that it is worth showing the entire department in their opinion. Like a family dinner on Fridays, the glider becomes the usual disciplining action according to the rules when everyone should postpone their affairs, be sure to attend the workplace, to turn to each other, finally. This is especially important.

How often to carry out planners

I believe that daily planners in the division are suitable only for beginners who need a mentoring management style and support at every step. For the established collective, the planers must be weekly. The main thing is that they are held on the same day, at the same time, and approximately coincided on the duration and order of actions, which will allow to maintain a disciplining function.

An example of a possible planker scenario:

  • The head makes an informational message, following the results, employees can ask clarifying issues.
  • The head announces the planned indicators and asks the staff questions on them. If necessary, appoints individual meetings.
  • The head tells about the rate of the week or represents the invited employee.
  • The head clarifies whether there are urgent work issues important for the entire department and requiring discussion on the planenke. Evaluates the questions, decides - which will be discussed immediately, which will require a deferred decision.
  • The head tells about plans for the current week - significant events, meetings and completes the planer.

Temporary costs

Long, spend time - this is the main reason why managers refuse to conduct a planker. It leads to a complete abandonment of this tool, or everything comes down to a brief monologue of the head without feedback from subordinates. Only information and a little disciplining function are preserved.

This is actually a problem: to manage "valid" is easier than working with the group. Group dynamics management is the art of a good leader. His goal is to briefly and clearly hold a glider, and at the same time get feedback from employees who will help if necessary to adjust the movement. Optimum duration - up to 20-45 minutes. It is this time since childhood laid in us as a period of concentration of attention.

The power of the head is that it establishes the rules. So that the planeman does not stretch, you need to conclude with the employees of the "Contract for Planering". For example:

  • We are discussing only general issues, private we endure for an individual solution.
  • We speak short and in the case.
  • We are not distracted by working questions, telephones translate into vibration mode.
  • Related by the problem, we suggest a solution.
  • Non-working questions are discussing in not working time.

The set of rules may be different depending on the situation. The main thing is the leader manages the regulations and does not deepen into problems. The goal of the Planerney is to identify, and the decision can be taken later, carefully weighing and having studied all the details at the time when the department works. The main thing is to show employees that the stated problems are solved. Sometimes there are situations in which the planeman goes beyond the rejected time, the heat in the team is clearly traced. Then you need to agree on an additional meeting, often no time. This is the skill of the managerial - to prevent the operation of the situation, identify markers showing negative points in the team.

Of course, to introduce the "Planer" tool in the department will take time. Sometimes you have to spend more than one event before the tool becomes truly effective. When the manager becomes open for feedback, he will be in surprise to hear a lot of unspoken, that employees have long wanted to say, but the case did not introduce themselves. And then I asked himself! To think about the role of their subordinates and their use in group dynamics, working with objections, argument to summit. Many managers do not pass this path - formation, and go into individual control, much more labor cost and less efficient when only two steps remain.

The leaders, filigree speak this tool, apply it in their units with great success, because they could appreciate its effectiveness. The Planerna is not a relic of the past and not formality, and one of the most modern and effective tools that helps in solving the most difficult task in managing is the execution of the division goals. But it is precisely from these purposes that the success of the entire company is.

how to effectively convey information to the team?

Some people consider the planers as a short-term meeting to determine the priority of work and topical tasks, others - as an empty spending time. Does it make sense to conduct such meetings or only the leader's opinions are sufficient? Let's try to figure out together.

Top 5 most necessary articles for merchant:

What is the leaders of the Planer

Planer (from the English word Plan) is a slight time, but a significant meeting of the selected strategy on the consideration of current working issues.

Why do you need a planker:

  • Conducting such mini-meetings helps to step by step to evaluate the results of the work done and serves as a key to the timely settlement of all current problems. They are not used to global search for solutions. Separate meetings are devoted to this, not limited in time. The main task of the planer is to promptly discuss the current situation, monitoring current issues currently and solutions.
  • The daily participation in the discussion of the company's strategy and the statement of opinion on its improvement form the company's devotion to the personnel, stimulating the loyalty and performance of employees not worse than the material benefits. Properly built communication is the basis for the successful motivation of workers to mutually beneficial cooperation based on devotion and respect.
  • Active discussion in the morning on the planer of current issues is erased by the borders of the company's departments, makes the team more cohesive. Each employee feels a significant part in the implementation of plans, solving the tasks or problematic issues. The interest of personnel stimulates its participation in the successful activity of the company. The lack of understanding of clearly set goals and objectives of paramount importance, the opacity of long-term plans and short-term perspective demotive employees reduce handling and performance indicators.
  • The ability to make the ability of the head conducted by the planer, to bring information about the current activities and difficulties of each department and the company as a whole. This unites, makes joint and success, and problems. It is the feeling of the importance of each employee in achieving a common goal, emphasized at the meeting, forms and supports loyalty and team spirit in the team.
  • A professional approach to the holding of a planer ensures its success, which is an excellent incentive for workers in solving everyday tasks, motivates the desire to achieve the result. Given the fact that such discussions provide the opportunity to receive all the necessary information from personnel in a timely manner, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of such mini-meetings during innovations in the company. Rapid response and elimination of errors allows the management to avoid risky situations and guarantees the success of the selected strategy.

Signs of the efficiency of the planer serve its positive results. Question resolution, short-term planning, obtaining or distributing new information, feedback response - all that constructively affects the workflow. If the planer is perceived as an empty spending time and does not give anything chatter, then this is a direct management error who does not know how to clearly organize a meeting or work as a whole. This article will teach you to conduct productive meetings with employees. Understanding the basic rules of the planer, you can take and analyze operational information during a short meeting, make timely conclusions and configure your staff to collective success.

What functions perform morning plan

1. Information.

To assess the real state of affairs in the company, its competitiveness and success, employees can use several sources of information:

  • MEDIA. Various publications about the company are quite irregular and often irrelevant. general information And no specifics.
  • Couch conversations. Most often, gossip that do not give any reliable information.
  • Regularly holding a planner on which the head not only expresses his opinion and describes the situation of first-grade, focusing on particularly significant moments, but also allows employees to make up current issues, constructive proposals and jointly analyze the stability of the situation in the company and in each of its Department.

2. Control.

In addition to controlling digital performance indicators, the planners help the management of seeing the real picture of the relationship in the team, assess the effect of microclimate on growth or falling indices. Thanks to these meetings, you can manage all the units of the workflow, find the weak and timely eliminate the shortcomings.

3. Motivational.

The management of the company does not always have the opportunity to pay attention to each employee and their work performed. One of the positive points of the Planner is universal recognition of the achievements of the distinguished person and encouraging it, which develops the Competitive Spirit in the team. In the opposite case, when negative changes are noted, an urgent individual conversation will be relevant, aimed at clarifying the problems of the employee, the reasons for their occurrence and the provision of the necessary assistance. Anyone is important to realize that his work is worthy of evaluating that he is interesting as a professional, and the involvement of him in the discussion of the company affairs will only improve his skill.

4. Training.

The glider acts as a training element. The demonstration of a well-operating case of the entire team immediately, the general discussion of the details eliminates the manager from the need to prepare each employee separately, saves its time and honors the working tool personnel.

5. Organizational.

The Planerney Protocol allows invitation to discuss colleagues from related divisions. It has the greatest reason in case of innovations. Timely adjustment of interaction, exchange of experience and a detailed discussion take off conflict, building mutually beneficial relations in the team.

6. Disciplining.

Without the proper participation of the leadership of discipline and order in the company, it is unlikely that will be optimal. Systematic preparation of reporting on the tasks performed in high-quality and quantitative indicators, identifying problems in the working process, drawing up topical issues, search for answers - everything that is regularly prepared for the planenke, - disciplines people, organizes them and stimulates to cooperate among themselves. There are other control levers, but not everyone is capable of selfishly motivation. For the team it is important to get together, discuss the nearest labor plans, understand your tasks and choose the right strategy.

In what form can be held daily plane

№1. Summing up, information planker.

Planerman, held in order to obtain current information on the progress of the workflow in the context of units and departments, the current and planned activities arising from issues and issues, is the so-called information plan. Such meetings do not require daily conduct. It is enough once at the beginning of the week to half an hour to collect the heads of all divisions of the company to schedule work plan for future five working days. Especially significant information planners for managers are quite large companies that are subordinate at least four departments.


Planners of this format are held daily in the morning. The goal is to receive assignment staff for the day. The supervisor is not worth spending a lot of time - distribute all the instructions to formulate a final goal, to briefly give instructions.

Number 3. Planerman for discussing the question.

In the work activity of the company there are situations, objectives and problems, to which a considerable time needed. In this case, pre-preparing and voiced by colleagues, the question is given time for the preparation of the necessary information. In parallel, determining the regulations of the speeches, the secretary is appointed. Usually these meetings last to two hours. It should be envisaged that the discussion may be delayed and breaks will be announced for 10-15 minutes, and therefore tea and sweet may be needed. The results of such a planery are usually sent to all its participants on the company's document management system.

№4. Creative Planer.

Creative planers are conducted with insufficient or complete absence of their own ideas. Such meetings are directed on the principle of brainstorming, when all participants express thought on their heads on the topic, even the most ridiculous, and of them choose the most interesting and relevant. For such a meeting, any other creative method of searching for ideas is suitable.

№5. Planerman as a way to solve conflict situations in the team.

In any team, the presence of explicit and hidden conflicts is inevitable. Often the only way out of the creation of a critical situation will be a direct discussion between employees. Free and open discussion of the problem reduces its significance, the opportunity to express its position without unnecessary accusations and insults transforms the energy of the devastating conflict into the positive energy of the creation. Deep downward misunderstanding between colleagues can competently resolve access to experts on HR, the psychologist of the organization or even to the upstream leadership. For discussion, the topic of the planer is neutral for opponents. Warning participants that the meeting is devoted to resolving the conflict situation, there is no need. People should feel familiar, freely express their point of view and not understand what they carefully monitors and directs the leader into the constructive channel. The results of the analysis of the surveillance, its results and conclusions should be conveyed to each conflict participant.

Sample planla plan

Suppose that the information planner, the duration of about half an hour, is held once a week, on Mondays. So, the regulations of the Plannel:

1. Information entry of the company's head. Answers to clarifying employees.

2. Discussion of planned indicators, the level of their achievement at this stage. Questions of the head for colleagues, in some cases - the appointment of individual meetings.

3. Demonstration of the indicative case as an example of a job or submission to the meeting of the invited employee.

4. Identifying particularly relevant problems requiring immediate solution and discussion on the planenke. Selling questions and search for answers.

5. Informing the meeting participants about the planned activities for the next five working days, short review upcoming events, meetings, achievements and possible difficulties. After that, the head finishes the planer.

What is needed by the Planker Regulations

So that the meeting has passed successfully, it must be regulated. A clear ordering of the sequence and time of performances and discussions optimizes the work of the crowd, specifies it and makes more productive. Questions on the glider can be diverse, therefore, so as not to delay the process, the usual practice is considered to send the material to the participants in the morning meeting in advance. The employee is given time to think about the themes, the preparation of information, an answer or meaningful proposal, as well as to study the regulations of the future planner. Perhaps he will have questions to other participants. It is necessary to prescribe a person who, along the planner, monitors compliance with the temporary limit, allocated to each mini-meeting plan. Tightening speech or discussion, the repetition of the same, long dispute per question makes a negative, reduces attention to at least an important topicsWhich spoils the entire working mood of the team.

By drawing up the regulations of the future planner, the head should be based on the following points:

1. There must be a specific plaffer goal, the well-known composition of the participants.

2. The agenda needs to include information on the topic of the meeting, its tasks, the issues proposed for consideration.

3. Required the presence of the head, secretary, the leading protocol, and participants responsible for the preparation of the answers to Planerney questions.

4. Meeting members must be informed in advance in part of the date, time, places and plane agenda.

5. The secretary leads the minutes of the meeting, which contributes issued orders and decisions taken.

6. The Protocol is agreed on, approved by the head and is sent to all participants of the meeting and performers of tasks.

7. Control of execution of orders is carried out responsible person. Clearly monitors compliance with temporary time and performance quality.

8. The Protocol of the Planner is maintained for analysis and application in finding solutions to such issues.

How to organize a planer

  • The first thing to pay attention to the Planerna was to be paid - this is a clear question of the issue and determination of the meeting goal. The supervisor needs to think about in advance which information will be needed to solve the working task, who can provide it, which will become a positive result of the meeting, which experts will be familiar with the raised issues in advance. The correct organization of the Planer will increase its effectiveness, will discard unnecessary conversations, focusing the attention of invited on a particular topic.
  • The second is the composition of the participants. Head, knowing that his information interests him, should determine which experts, managers or employees it own and can give answers to the questions.
  • Third - refinement of the venue. For serious results it is necessary that the discussion does not interfere with foreign ones. The plan for the planer must be separate, indispensable and large to accommodate all participants.
  • Fourth - determination of the start of the meeting. The most optimal option would be a choice of a permanent day and time for the planer. However, if necessary, such meetings can be carried out at any time, convenient to all its participants, especially most important. Time is negotiated in advance, in a few hours or even days.
  • Fifth - drawing up the regulations. The glider must begin and end in a predetermined time. Information must be determined as clearly as possible and understandable. It is for this that the procedure for issues and the time of the report of each of the participants also regulate. For example, no more than 7 minutes is given to the speech.
  • Sixth - to pay attention to all the necessary trifles. Pens, paper, water, projector, screen, laptop, printer, etc. Everything must be prepared in advance and not take time on the planer. The technique is better to check further.
  • The seventh is the appointment of the planers secretary for fixing the process, the outcome of the discussion and preparation of the order of the planer.

What to discuss questions on the plane

The main task of the planning is the compilation of mini-strategies and plans for every working day. The second task is an estimate of the day of the previous, reports, analysis of identified problems and assistance in solving them. You can make a table where employees will make the assignments received, goals and mark on their implementation. Access is better to open all employees of the department and his leader.

For example, conditionally tasks and goals can be partitioned:

  1. on customers for a specific day;
  2. by payment for a specific day;
  3. on receivables and work spent on it.

The third task is characteristic of thematic planets. Here, the maximum meeting time is important to devote a given topic or discussing a predetermined issue.

How to carry out planers creatively, eradicating boredom

  1. Nothing is so beneficial affects the working attitude as a change in the situation. So that the planeman passes creatively, it is better to choose an unexpected place for her. It can be street, cafe or just cozy space In walking distance from the office.
  2. The time must also be unusual. For half an hour before the pause or end of work, during a lunch break or in the middle of the working day.
  3. The creative approach can be expressed in the selection of an unusual material or issuing it not to each participant, but only some.
  4. Turning off the phones at the time of the planer - a prerequisite for concentration on solving the task. You can fold them together, emphasizing the collective cohesion.
  5. The organization of the planner is not creative and the meeting room, but in the conference service or via Skype.

The choice of a method of conducting should be dictated by the tasks of the meeting. It is not necessary to solve global issues on glider prepared in the form of the game. It is more like a female and empty spending time. Discussion of organizational issues, competitive amateur activities, corporate events, promotions, etc. - Here are suitable topics for creative planets that reveal the potential of workers.

Like any other meeting, the creative mini-meeting end with the words of gratitude to the head for participating, summing up. He can make a margin about conclusions, further goals and found on the planenke effective decision Working problem.

Opinion expert

Visualization on the board - an effective means of reporting information

Alexander Vinogradov,

founder and General Director of Startup Revenga, Moscow

I have no doubt that the display of offers on the board is very fruitful. Discussion participants are much more actively expressing their opinions, offer various options. In the previous my office, there were about eight such boards. We hung them in every department and in common room For meetings. There were cases when the board replaced a specially colored wall, allowing to write an ordinary marker and erase it with a sponge. However, the paint was not very high-quality, quickly became unreasonable, and we returned to the negotiation board of the usual format.

Discuss any questions with a marker or chalk and boards are very effective. Everyone see your point of view, understand it, agree, and if not, they write their own. As a result, joint efforts easily solve any task.

The board is convenient not only for the planets, it can be placed important notes for yourself, reminders, any scheme looks clearer, you can write step by step and immediately discuss the process, invent a new product. The writing of thoughts is shooting their burden, allows not to miss any details, especially if the process lasts more than one day. I would like to convince my colleagues and beginners to convince my colleagues and newcomers in the fact that it is not necessary to consider the availability of the board as coercion to the public expression of my thoughts. Board - an indispensable attribute of successful work. You are accustomed to using e-mail, Skype, and here - to realize the convenience and benefit of discussion on the board, be sure to place it in your office.

Perennial practice confirmed my opinion that all disputes, erroneous solutions and problems are always the result of unwillingness or inability to listen to the opinion of others. I learned in such cases to give the marker and ask you to write or draw what they are trying to convey. I draw or write from above, as I see it. By comparing the pictures, we clearly see the problem, and understanding the problem is already half of its solution.

A new look at the planers: the pavement "on the legs" and at the signal of Elvis Presley

Most people with the word "meeting" imagine a uncomfortable hall, a relaxed hearing of long, proven reports, ineffective and not always understandable discussion of some issues. Such a situation does not allow the staff to focus, really assess the situation and express useful opinion, and the head is forced to constantly attract the attention of the gathered and remind the topic of the planenna.

Distinctive trait A successful leader is the ability to organize and carry out the most effective meetings of employees. The regulations prepared by him clearly defines the topic of the meeting, does not allow to get away from it or go to another. Specific questions require specific solutions.

To come to a constructive proposal, it is not necessary to look in chairs. Active time makes increasingly popular planers - "Topcup", most often carried out in high-tech companies, where innovative approaches To solve any questions quickly pick up. Such meetings "on the legs" allow top managers to avoid proven negotiations with a large audience, maybe even not included in the process under review, but expressing empty opinions.

For example, the management of the Atomic Object, which is engaged in the development of software products, each morning starts with a planker running standing. Compulsory presence, minimizing discusses of non-working moments, clear questions and the same answers make these meetings as efficient as possible. It has practically proven that the duration of such a planner "on the legs" is not more than seven minutes, the staff receives a task and immediately goes to perform it. A similar format does not allow to relax, on the contrary, mobilizes and adjusts to the working way.

The Wall Street Journal claims that such rapid meetings often spent during the First World War when the delay in making a decision was like death. Business later adopted this practice for prompt exchange or clarifying information and statement of short-term tasks.

Science is also interested in innovation. Studies of Alena Pokuddran, American scientist, representative of the University of Missouri, held in 1998, showed that the holding of a planker stands on a third less time, and the results give it no worse than meetings held in the hall, in the usual format.

In 2011, Versionone conducted a survey of more than 6 thousand employees of various high-tech companies. 78% of them confirmed the presence of daily short assemblies.

Innovative Planer, standing, is not the only trick of Western entrepreneurs used to optimize work with staff.

One of the famous tricks of the brand Tonkelovitz from Facebook is the organization of short planers 15 minutes before the break. He argues that such an approach greatly motivates workers to speak short and only in the case.

Conducting rapid meetings negates employees. You should not allow those who delayed workers to the coming discussion, as they could not hear all the information, and, linked, only slow down the process.

Adobe Systems Employee Yang Vitutski equated temporary losses due to the deseminations of the participants of the daily plan for the time spent on the development of a new software product, and introduced a fine of 1 dollar for each delay.

Another innovative nuance can declare himself a division of the Turnstone furniture company SteelCase, using the music of Elvis Presley as a signal to meet personnel, in particular, his "A Little Less Conversation" ("smaller chatter").

There are situations in the activities of any company, when there is no time for serious meetings, nor for "traceware", as they call the planers held by standing. In such cases, experienced leaders are advised to take advantage of mobile technologies and hold meetings without breaking away from production. Of course, virtual communication and solving issues through corporate mail or chat will not replace live contact, but sometimes it is the most optimal way out. Although the planned planners held by significance exceed not only traditional meetings, but also meetings using advanced technologies.

Effective Planerney Rules

Rule number 1. The presence of preliminary discussions. Initially, the problem is considered in small groups, a consolidated solution is produced, and it is treated for a general discussion. Preliminary analysis can be carried out e-mail. After receiving a letter of the head with the instructions and the necessary material, the employee studies the question, prepares the answer and sends his solutions to the problem of the bosses.

Rule number 2. Setting the exact time to start meeting. Based on experience, successful managers noticed that if you collect a meeting by 13-00, it will begin at least 13-10. But if you designate the start in 12-13, the staff perceives it literally.

Rule number 3. Preparation of a written agenda. Even the shortest meeting must be ordered. It should be prepared in advance and send an invited written agenda of the planery in order not to turn a serious discussion into unnecessary disputes.

Rule number 4. The interest of participants. It is impossible to transfer the management of the collection to any speakers. A thorough organization, a variety of tempo, format and styles of performances will make a discussion as efficient as possible. With the participation in the meeting of two opponents, in the dispute overduting pay attention to the rest, you can change the image of the assembly and organize, for example, a meeting of two opponents.

Rule number 5. Shortness and capacity of performances. The executive performances must be brief and full information. You should voice the problem, express your point of view and stop. Under no circumstances to interrupt the speaker. Even if his opinion goes full of incision with yours, let him finish speech, and after that, to defend its position. This is not just an element of politeness, it is an emphasis on the priority of your views.

Rule number 6. Each speech is a brief summary. Recording on the topic of the meeting and brief postulates of each report will be visible to all participants. This will help not to depart from the topic and discuss only pressing problems.

Rule number 7. Each participant has its place. In order to avoid the emergence of the conflict, people who have opposite views on the issues discussed should not sit opposite each other. It is better to unobtrusively put them next, without focusing on this attention.

Rule number 8. Formation of an action plan. It is important to show the staff that the opinions expressed during the planenna are important for the whole team. Based on together decisions taken A clear action plan is formed, which everyone must adhere to, including the company's leaders.

Rule number 9. Restriction of the participation of the head. The head is not necessary to be a member of all meetings, only those where its presence is really necessary. At the same time, he is obliged to know exactly why it goes to the event that he should convey to staff and what information to get. Only people involved in the decision in solving the issue are invited, since a large number of participants complicates significantly complicates the discussion process.

What can be done to improve the efficiency of the planer

Planering time is dedicated only to the most important. Information regarding the main work of specialists with customers can act and without personal interaction.

In addition to general plankers, you need to hold both the planers of the administration, the planers of the head of the company without the participation of employees, only by the governing staff.

The work of the team must be measured in advance by thoughtful clear indicators. This is the number of meetings, calls, invoices or perfect sales, which a specialist should spend in a certain time. You also need to know how it will be evaluated. For example, if the call is successful, then an agreement entails a meeting, identifying needs, data actualization, etc.

In order to control the performance of the transaction, it is introduced tools for tracking its progress. The main points in working with the client are fixed - from the first call to the receipt of funds to the current account. The clear transition parameters between the transaction stages are defined. Also, attention should be paid to and progress in relations with customers.

The key to increasing profitability is to control the dynamics of changes in the client base. Quantitative analysis of newly arrived consumers, customers of lost and returned will help to take measures in a timely manner and prevent risky situations.

Opinion expert

Employees come to the planers as something routine? There is a solution!

Valery Metelitsa,

general Director of Lindner, Moscow

In our company Monday morning begins with a two-hour plan. Listen to reports of specialists about the work done during the week, I set the tasks and plans of the current week, together discuss the progress of projects. Over time, the activity of the staff on the glider decreased. People began to perceive such meetings as something unimportant, they are sleepy, no emotional returns, maybe even be late. And I came to mind the idea, the purpose of which to diversify the routine event, to make a novelty element in it.

For this, I prepare short, but very exciting performances of the most different topics: a positive attitude in psychology, unusual stories from the life of outstanding people, self-realization and self-improvement, unrealistic scientific achievements etc. Some stories take from books, facts - from the Internet, something from the periodicals. I tell, read, quote. Sometimes I use Flipchart - post information, then comment. The most important thing is that information interests all without exception.

My blog still helps me on the resource of InfonSuccess.Ru on success. There I test themes, analyzing feedback from friends, subscribers, business partners. Stories help me favorably affect subordinates, examples of success are always inspired and will be the desire for self-improvement.

Honestly, initially the staff perceived everything is very wary. Looks and shushukania all got out. But now "Morning reading" fascinated almost everyone. Impropered specialists can come to the beginning of the planer. For example, on the first part of the picer, dedicated to reading, always see the secretary and the chief. Outcome: Morning planers have become very popular and interesting to employees. Condemnation ceased, people are active, in advance the next theme and are waiting for something positive. Meeting productivity also increased. The dry format of the assembly was diluted with a driving and positive element. Reading gave rise to discussions, colleagues more openly talk with me, and among themselves. Many offer their examples and topics. I suggested prepare information about the fitness for the brain.

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Most sales managers are able to communicate well and sell, but, unfortunately, stability, following the work plan, analysis and analysis of the efforts made are not their strength. If the manager has many orders in the current month, it is inevitably relaxed: it begins to make less cold calls, stops working with "asleep" customers.

On the planners, the head of the sales department may noted the emerging decline in the work of the manager and bring to the attention of the employee that his babies from work is noticed and put on control. Of course, managers will fight in every way to participate in the planenke, referring to the fact that they have absolutely no time, and now the deal is right now. It is necessary to understand that it is the head through the planenki that implements the function of administrative management and organizes a systematic, without recession and ablove team work.

How to organize and hold a planer in the most efficient way?


Planners need to be spent in the morning. If the working day begins with a glider, managers will cease to be late for work, in addition, the planers will give a charge for work during the day.


On the planner, managers must bring their reports for the previous day: the log of calls and meetings and sales report. The first document shows how the manager used working time, the second one - what results it reached. Often, even at the stage preparations for the glider, the manager becomes obvious that he spent the efforts not in the direction, and the effectiveness of his work could be higher. Another document that the manager is preparing to Planerke - a list of planned calls and meetings. It is important! First, the finished list suggests that the manager can start working immediately at the end of the planer, and secondly, the manager can adjust this list, highlight priorities.


On the one hand, the planers should not turn into a mature assembly, on the other side, the formal fee for five minutes will also not bring its results. For right organization It is quite possible to meet in half an hour. At the beginning of the planner, the head checks reports of employees, and in case of non-fulfillment of the plan (calls, meetings or sales), it finds out the cause: error, negligence or objective circumstances. The work of each employee is subject to an objective assessment. It may be a simple oral remark or praise, the main thing is that sales managers feel constant control from the head - in this case they begin to work as much as it is better.

The head of the department is a very busy person. Indicators, regulations, solutions to complex tasks, organization of all and all for movement towards goal - all on its shoulders. The more correctly the set of management tools is selected - the more effective it is the leader. Is it worth spending time on such a tool as a glider in a linear division?

Even in companies where the planners are mandatory and regulated, managers often fit them formally - shot for a tick and work further. They consider the planers of a waste of time that theorists invented. Their motto: "Practices need to work, rather than consulting." At the same time in companies where the planeman is optional and is a personal initiative, there are managers who collect employees without additional reminders at a certain time and speak with them.

Why these "strange" managers are so "inefficient" spend their precious time if no one obliges to do this? I had to deeply understand this issue lately. The crisis demanded the top managers of a deeper immersion in business. The rules of the game market have changed, and that the company not only kept afloat, but also used a crisis to strengthen its position in the market, you need to get closer to customers - to external and internal.

For a quick response to changes and increase the level of control over the situation, I, including, began to regularly join the planeners in the departments, compared the various styles of their maintenance. The figures were indicative: it turned out that out of 12 single-profile departments, in which sales are carried out and ensuring the execution of contracts, the highest and stable indicators where the planners are held weekly. And this is a non-random coincidence.

Planner's goal

If the head to the question about the objective of the Planering is responsible: "Because it is necessary," it is better to do it at all. Any formal events "For Talk" work only in minus, they are involved not to work on the result, but on the "visibility of movement to the goal." The name "Planer" suggests that it is the actualization of movement on the planned plan to the goals.

If you consider this event from the point of view of the Deming Cycle (Plan - Do - Check - AKT), then the planere is regular control (check) activities to make conclusions and, if necessary, adjust the movement (AKT). But for this there are figures of statistics! Is it worth additionally collecting people? It is certainly, and make sure that the basic functions of the planner help us.

The main functions of the Planerney

1) information. Employees have few ways to get information about the situation in the company and in the market:

  • official published information that sometimes is missing or not fully understand;
  • gossip, often very far from truth, but with great pleasure discussed in canteens and smoking;
  • information in the first mouth, with explanations and emphasis at the important points that the head gives the head, paying due attention to the development of objections and reducing the effectiveness of the "sarafined radio".

And mandatory informing employees about the movement of the plan on the intended path.

2) control. In addition to dry and descending digits, the ability to control the atmosphere in the team, clarify the reasons for success or falling indicators. According to the results of the planner, the failures in the chain of interaction within the division and in the company are often found, and the manager immediately proceeds to the actions by eliminating them.

3) Motivational. Employees need attention. Recall the famous hotorn effect - labor productivity increases the fact that attention is shown to the activities of employees. Planerman One of the best ways to regularly remind employees about the fact that they are important and their work pays enough attention.

It happened at one of the employees in the breakthrough department, take off - a good reason to recognize the achievements and, if necessary, to support the Competitive Spirit in the department. And also, in addition to numbers, you need to see the eyes of your employees. The head should carefully look at and hear his employees. The behavior of the employee has changed, the focus was gone - the occasion for the head to include an individual conversation on the plan.

4) Educational. In this function, the planers is an indispensable tool for simplifying the difficult managerial labor of the head. It happened during the week an indicative for all working case - the head records it and on the planenke makes the general heritage. Thus, the annoying need to repeat the same different people has remained many times in the past, and we regularly and consciously "exactly" your working tool.

5) Organizational. Good practice is an invitation to the planers of representatives of related units, especially at the moments of innovations. The ability to establish or adjust interaction, relieve conflict, exchange experience.

6) disciplining. W. motivationAs a management tool, there is one very significant drawback: its action briefly. Few is capable of selfishly, and it is people with this ability most often become managers.

Help the motivation of employees is called upon discipline, regular rituals and rules to which the planers belongs. The glider is an event. Employees get used to what will need not only reporting in numbers, but also willingness to justify their indicators. Issues prepare questions, employees collect and convey to the head of the Cases that it is worth showing the entire department in their opinion. Like a family dinner on Fridays, the glider becomes the usual disciplining action according to the rules when everyone should postpone their affairs, be sure to attend the workplace, to turn to each other, finally. This is especially important.

How often to carry out planners

I believe that daily planners in the division are suitable only for beginners who need a mentoring management style and support at every step. For the established collective, the planers must be weekly. The main thing is that they are held on the same day, at the same time, and approximately coincided on the duration and order of actions, which will allow to maintain a disciplining function.

An example of a possible planker scenario:

  • The head makes an informational message, following the results, employees can ask clarifying issues.
  • The head announces the planned indicators and asks the staff questions on them. If necessary, appoints individual meetings.
  • The head tells about the rate of the week or represents the invited employee.
  • The head clarifies whether there are urgent work issues important for the entire department and requiring discussion on the planenke. Evaluates the questions, decides - which will be discussed immediately, which will require a deferred decision.
  • The head tells about plans for the current week - significant events, meetings and completes the planer.

Temporary costs

Long, spend time - this is the main reason why managers refuse to conduct a planker. It leads to a complete abandonment of this tool, or everything comes down to a brief monologue of the head without feedback from subordinates. Only information and a little disciplining function are preserved.

This is actually a problem: to manage "valid" is easier than working with the group. Group dynamics management is the art of a good leader. His goal is to briefly and clearly hold a glider, and at the same time get feedback from employees who will help if necessary to adjust the movement. Optimum duration - up to 20-45 minutes. It is this time since childhood laid in us as a period of concentration of attention.

The power of the head is that it establishes the rules. So that the planeman does not stretch, you need to conclude with the employees of the "Contract for Planering". For example:

  • We are discussing only general issues, private we endure for an individual solution.
  • We speak short and in the case.
  • We are not distracted by working questions, telephones translate into vibration mode.
  • Related by the problem, we suggest a solution.
  • I do not carely discuss any time.

The set of rules may be different depending on the situation. The main thing is the leader manages the regulations and does not deepen into problems. The goal of the Planerney is to identify, and the decision can be taken later, carefully weighing and having studied all the details at the time when the department works. The main thing is to show employees that the stated problems are solved. Sometimes there are situations in which the planeman goes beyond the rejected time, the heat in the team is clearly traced. Then you need to agree on an additional meeting, often no time. This is the skill of the managerial - to prevent the operation of the situation, identify markers showing negative points in the team.

Of course, to introduce the "Planer" tool in the department will take time. Sometimes you have to spend more than one event before the tool becomes truly effective. When the manager becomes open for feedback, he will be in surprise to hear a lot of unspoken, that employees have long wanted to say, but the case did not introduce themselves. And then I asked himself! It is necessary to think over the role of its subordinates and their use in group dynamics, work with objections, argument at the highest level. Many managers do not pass this path - formation, and go into individual control, much more labor cost and less efficient when only two steps remain.

The leaders, filigree speak this tool, apply it in their units with great success, because they could appreciate its effectiveness. The Planerna is not a relic of the past and not formality, and one of the most modern and effective tools that helps in solving the most difficult task in managing is the execution of the division goals. But it is precisely from these purposes that the success of the entire company is.

Organize and spend the glider as efficiently as possible.

Find a solution to the problem announced for discussion or ask the direction of movement of the situation in the constructive channel.

It is interesting to spend the planer that the participants had no time to yawning and they did not have a feeling of wasted time spent.

Action plan

1. To get acquainted with the proposed method of organizing a planer.

2. Prepare yourself, prepare the necessary materials and invite participants.

3. To hold a planer.

4. Take out the results of the planer and familiarize them with all the participants.

How to organize a planer

FirstWhat is required for the planers is a question or the topic of the planer. What kind of work task you want to solve? What a positive effect for the organization will be the result of the planer. Familiarize the Planerney Participants with this question in advance. Thus, you will save time during a planner, and the participants in the discussion may come already having interesting ideas on your question.

Second - These are the people who will participate in the glider. Specialists of which profile and leaders of what level, or which linear employees you need to find the answer to the question.

Third - Planner location. It is important that it was a separate room or even special meetings for meetings. Where everyone will be enough space, outsiders (not participating in the planner employees) will not be able to disturb you and will not call phones.

Fourth - The time of the planer. It is desirable that it is convenient for all participants or constant. For example, daily planners are held every day at 9.30. In any case, choosing the time of the planner, you will have to navigate the most important participants. And appoint it in advance, for several hours, and more correctly - days.

Fifth - Planner Regulations. It is important not only to start a planer in time, but also to finish it on time. Determine the procedure for discussing issues and the time allocated to each participant in advance. Limit it, it will make reports compressed and most informative. For example, one speech is not more than 10 minutes.

Sixth - Screw materials. The required minimum is the handles for all participants and paper. Take care of it yourself, in advance so that you do not have to spend time discussion on finding something and what to write. You still need: flip chart, projector, screen, laptop, printer. All equipment must be prepared and testing its performance in advance.

Seventh - The lead planner or secretary who will fix the process and the results of the discussion of your question.

Planner formats

1. Summing up, information plan.

Such planes can be held weekly at the beginning of the week for the heads of all divisions of your organization.

What are such planners need for?


Usually held at the beginning of each working day. The format is obvious - the head issues a subordinate task for the day. The time is also not worth stretching - everyone received tasks and went to perform it.

3. Planke-meeting to discuss the question.

You formulate your question in advance that you have formulated life itself and current situation on your market. Voiced the goal of the planer, send this information to the participants. Ask them to prepare (if necessary) on this issue. Define the Regulations and Secretary of the Planering Meeting. Results of the Plannel send all participants. Time to hold such a planer no more than two hours. But there are situations where time is required more. In this case, it will schedule organized breaks for 15-20 minutes for tea and just a vacation. (Tea and sweet also prepare in advance!)

4. Creative plane.

Requests for work in coaching
1) development of the resource of creativity for growth (self-development, professional growth, business development)
2) decision internal conflicts, overcoming crises using creativity resource

Meeting, says Sergey Logachev, not just a tool for making management tasks and receiving feedback from employees. From the company undergo planenks and RAM, much depends: and the effectiveness of each particular employee, and the efficiency of the company as a whole. In the meantime, Mr. Logachev notices, with this in Russian organizations a real chaos.

Meeting formatting makes the team hierarchy more transparent

The main symptom of ineffective meetings - the loss of time, visible to the naked eye, states Sergey Logachev. At the same time, both parties remain unsatisfied - both the head, waiting for the efficiency and productivity and productivity, and its subordinates who are interested in agreeing on everything under the conditions most for them are beneficial.

The second manifestation of inefficiency, which I often notice: Employees are beginning to mimicry, that is, to portray that all these meetings are needed and interesting, perfectly realizing that moments and hours spent in the deliberate room are the time when you can not work, And then accusers the leadership itself, they say, it itself too often distracts people from the main work. But the worst thing is that ineffective meetings can be a reason for dismissal. See ourselves: Employees on the initiative of the manager are forced to discuss unstructured information, spend time on Trep, and when the director suddenly requires the execution of plans, it begins shifting responsibility from one head to another. Conclusion for yourself Subordinates make simple: we have a bad guide, it's time to leave here. And the team begins to take off, and not alone, but by whole units. These are already quite specific human losses to which the incorrect meeting can lead

Name the main errors that allow top managers when conducting meetings.

The main mistake - when the manager himself does not know what he wants. Therefore, it is often an algorithm of the meeting turns into a betrayal "Sales" scheme, when the head comes and says: "I want it!" Employees begin to report the reasons and problems due to which the goal cannot be achieved. The head rests, but after some time, "convinced" subordinates, reduces the bar. Everyone sighs relief and diverge each at their own interest: the head "made" subordinates, subordinates "Ulombali" director. With this approach, the game "I do not understand you" turns into a part of corporate culture. And this is only one example of work "with Gnitza".

How to correctly mean the goals of the meetings?

The manager should better subordinate to know what he wants to achieve and in what time frame. He is a strategist and well represents the entry point and the output point. The process itself knows its subordinates better. The task of the head is to put a real bar for employees, it is right to assess the company's potential. If excuses appear - to cope with them competently. The simplest thing is to set tasks in the Smart format, which allows for employees of the same starting understanding of the task, practically prohibits shifting responsibility in the course of its implementation, "inventing" new criteria for the implementation or shift of deadlines. That is, the Smart format provides for the elimination of "children's diseases" of management when setting tasks.

It is on the RAM or meeting that the head must specifically provoke the resistance of employees in order to cope with him here and thereby prevent his appearance in the future. Typical miscalculation - excessive rigidity (interrupts, critical comments, often rudeness as a response to inadequate actions of subordinates) or connivance (conversations with subordinates, "persuasion", disputes). If we do not find a way to check the loyalty of employees at this stage in our presence, the resistance to the performance of tasks as it works with them will increase: there will be current working situations, temporary and resource lining, friction inside the collective about the motivation and distribution of responsibilities. So that this does not happen, one needed to delegate something, the second is to be dominated, and the third one to appoint strict control from other subordinates. That is, minimizing problems is necessary at the stage of setting tasks.

The second mistake follows from the first: the directors are often conducted behind the team and, instead of pushing their own decision, get involved in the discussion that it is necessary to do, how to do it and should be done at all. Many discussions are specifically bred by subordinates in order to "eat" more working time, and if the manager allows this, it speaks of its inability to manage the division.

But isn't the discussion - this is not a way to obtain feedback from subordinates?

In order not to be confused, let's decide on the concepts. There are formats of meetings whose goal is to control the unit: planers, RAM, meetings. They have a goal and algorithm for achieving the goal. These are concrete tools as a wrench. They are taught at trainings. And there are formats of meetings whose goal is a collective discussion: brainstorming, discussion, exchange of views. These formats have no technology, but a strategy - a common sequence of actions: initial informing, purpose, collective discussion, summarization. The discussion in the team management process is an indication that the manager did not think over the task. At the "control" planners or meetings are permissible to clarify, not the discussion.

The overall problem of Russian companies in holding meetings is that there is no understanding of this separation, this structure. And the structure is a culture. The standards are everywhere - in sales, in the negotiations, in the preparation and registration of documentation, but for some reason there are no standards in the holding of the planets, RAM and meetings. This "non-ultimate" manifests itself in the conceptual apparatus. We have all collective events call meetings. And the meeting is actually just one of the possible formats. There is still a glider and a RAM.

And what is the difference?

Everything is very simple. Planerman is a reminder that it is necessary to execute the unit. RAM - meeting to resolve the problem situation. A meeting is conducted to identify new tasks that need to be solved. From here there are different requirements for the activity of participants. The planeman is only a test of mutual understanding, the creative is inappropriate here. The meeting, on the contrary, needs the high activity of the participants, and the manager appears rather as a moderator.

What will happen if we call on the planer of active and creative? Or invite people who are not able to make decisions? The first will be bored, the second is to sit down. And all this is inefficiently spent working hours.

Wait, but if we are talking about the fact that the discussions at the meeting are unacceptable, then what can be creative and fountaining ideas?

The meeting can be carried out only if the team has already produced the overall culture of rational use of human potential and time at simpler management activities - a glider and RAM. Then it is possible to achieve an optimal balance between the structure of the algorithm for the formulation of tasks and the personal initiative of the meeting participants.

Ideally on the planer, the RAM and the meeting must be invited different employees. Selection should be carried out not only by official status, but also in activity and business qualities. Most often this is done like this: first the planra is held, all those participating in the country under discussion are collected. If there is a problem, then a part of people is released, only those who are able to actively participate in resolving the situation remain. If suddenly there is a need to discuss new directions, then the very narrow circle of staff remains and a meeting is held. Although it happens not so often. The company's main activity is still planning and RAM, and meetings are already closer to the sessions of strategic planning.

Temporary framework for each format, I suppose also your own?

Usually the glider lasts 5-10 minutes, the RAM is up to an hour, a meeting - up to 1.5 hours. It is permissible to carry out all the events one after another. Best time For the planets and the RAM - morning. The meetings are better to break into two parts. In the evening - a planometric part where the main tasks are voiced, and the full-fledged meeting is appointed in the morning of the next day, so that each participant has time to think. Very good practice, but rarely who does it.

What does the company give the use of formats?

As soon as the heads have deposited in the heads than the planers differ from the RAM, and the RAM from the meeting, they are already able to adequately count their strength and, thus, to participate in a collective event.

But the most important thing is that such a structure (Planerman - RAM - Meeting) allows you to divide subordinates into groups. She honestly tells people: you are still worthy of only planners, you are able to participate in the RAM, and you are already Doros to meetings. This allows employees to position each other in the team, because when they work in one division, then understanding that this specialist is better, and this worse is often absent. And as soon as we have determined the circle of participants in the planker, operations and meetings, we cut them priorities: who learn from them, and to someone to teach. As a result, the company's hierarchy becomes more transparent.

The second plus from such a cutting is that the participants in the operations and meetings can already be delegated part of the authority, which means to save a large amount of time. But since delegation implies a solution to a whole complex. complex questionsassociated with additional motivation and transfer of responsibility, then leaders are much easier to hold meetings on the old manner than to structure something there.

Any RAM and Planer is always broadcasting the management style that the Director is confined. It is estimated that Sergey Logachev leads, about 70% of Russian leaders in relations with subordinates adhere to authoritarianism, which is quite explained. Conflict management style, when the director is a king, and all the others - Mobile, speaks, although he still has his own democratic style with Western management, says Mr. Logachev, it turns out to be ineffective in the domestic business environment: "People have no Responsibility for their work, because they do not hold out for it. Personnel hunger will increase, and this irresponsibility will be produced further. " Therefore, authoritarian style is most adequate to modern business conditions, and it is most often broadcast during meetings.

Is the most optimal?

I would not say that. Of course, when a rigid competitive struggle is being conducted, time becomes a decisive factor. And if the company today does not start in a particular market segment, tomorrow it may not become at all. Authoritarian style saves time. But he also reduces the life of the company. How? In authoritarian organizations more flower. People change more often, and along with them traditions, experience, and in the end the company is gray, and therefore loses. More proper option - Flexible management style when the wishes and possibilities of each employee are taken into account on the basis of the rules system. Synonyms of the word "flexible" in this context - "constructive", "responsible". Flexible leader means educated and applying knowledge and skills in practice.

The manifestation of an authoritarian style often becomes non-compliance with the elementary rules for the meeting. For example, managers do not announce the agenda or announce, but only if you ask yourself, and the theses are formulated in very general features And non-specific.

This is understandable, because any leader is considering a meeting as much as a way of self-affirmation in the team. But this is also a matter of culture. Any agenda must contain three mandatory element. First, the topic of the meeting. The second - time, and it is necessary to specify the time not only the beginning, but also the end of the event so that employees can plan their day. If there is no end time, it will inevitably mean that business processes will be tightened. Why? As Gleb Arkhangelsksky right says, if a person has the opportunity to do something, he will do it last. So because of the meeting, the borders of which are uncertain, the whole working day can go to the Nammark. The third paragraph that must be on the agenda is the same format that employees can calculate their strength. If a person knows the topic, time and format of the deliberation event, he rises by the efficiency.

And if the leader says: "I director and therefore I myself define the rules of each of our meeting." How to be subordinate?

You can take the initiative and suggest to hold one of the meetings "on science". At one time, I was impressed by such an example. Once I was asked to establish a deliberative process in a company where the planners and the RAM occupied too much time. Showed a video of the meeting: The director in the presence of 16 half an hour was solved by Polludas. Then I just could not look. I explained to the participants what formats are from which elements they consist, the examples and necessary demonstrations have led, and then each of them formulated a task to resolve one or another problem. 16 people - 16 tasks. The tasks of partly intersected with the tasks of other divisions, so they determined the circle of participants who would solve these tasks, and the format that they will be implemented. In addition, the guys were with a sense of humor, therefore appointed the leading meetings of the chief accountant, who has communicative skills - almost zero. And in 15 minutes they solved four tasks. Consider the efficiency! And the case is just in technology, in format!

There is such a law of Hendrilson: when the problem requires many meetings, they become more important than the problem itself.

I have not met organizations where too many meetings are being held. And the reason here is one, the only one: as soon as the meetings begin to occupy 30-40% of working time, they acquire "Mantic" character. Simply put, people are tired of them, and therefore begin to be late, skip, sabotage, criticism, and in the end, meetings becomes naturally less. That is, as soon as the number of meetings reaches a critical threshold, people themselves understand: stop, we do something wrong. This is a self-regulatory process, and no, even the most demanding chief is not able to reverse it.

Effective Meeting Rules:

  • Learn to set tasks subordinates in Smart format;
  • Conduct a clear selection of participants in meetings;
  • Minimum discussion. Admissible clarification, not discussion;
  • Provocive the resistance of the team at the stage of setting tasks so that there is no sabotage in the process of their execution;
  • Distribute the responsibility so that it can be monitored;
  • Avoid distinguished and punished those who guessed at all. No decisions behind the staff! This is your company that begins with your information space.

Elena Zholobova