Order on appointing a responsible person sample. Sample order

  • employees have reached the age of 18;
  • they directly serve or use monetary, commodity values \u200b\u200bor other property;
  • the lists of jobs and categories of such workers are stipulated by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor dated December 31, 2002 No. 85.

It should be borne in mind that the conclusion of such contracts is a right, not an obligation of the employer. At the same time, it is generally impossible to recover full damage from employees who meet the above conditions, but with whom no liability agreements have been concluded.

An order for a financially responsible person, a sample of which the organization can develop itself, is not a mandatory document. However, it often precedes the direct conclusion of liability contracts. The order on the appointment of a financially responsible person (a sample is given below) usually contains a list of positions and even specific full names. employees with whom such agreements are to be concluded, the necessity of concluding agreements on full material liability is substantiated, the date from which full material liability will be imposed on employees is indicated. The order is passed for review to the financially responsible persons to whom it applies. For the order to change the materially responsible person, a similar sample can be used.

Liability Order: Sample

Here is a sample of 2017 for the order on the employee's liability.

Full liability order:

The performance of official duties related to material values \u200b\u200brequires separate documentary registration. An employee who takes responsibility for values \u200b\u200bis liable for their safety.

A liability agreement must be concluded between the employer and the employee. The company issues an order on the appointment of a person and the scope of his duties.

The order has no legal force to determine the responsibility of a person. Only an agreement can be the basis for the employee's recognition of responsibility and readiness to cover the shortfall if it is identified.

Algorithm for hiring a financially responsible person

The category of financially responsible persons is determined by the type of work. Exception for admission the position is minor. Under 18 years of age, no liability agreement is concluded. In the absence of a contract, a shortage claim can only be made in the amount of an employee.

Material liability occurs when performing work:

  • Receiving and issuing funds.
  • Carrying out operations for the sale and purchase of goods and their storage.
  • Acceptance of material assets for storage and participation in other similar works.

The legislation established a list of works performed by financially responsible persons. At the enterprise, the list must be confirmed in the collective agreement signed by the workers or their representative and the trade union body (if available at the enterprise).

Employer has the right to independently supplement the range of positions with material responsibility and approve the list:

  • An independent local act.
  • Include it in the provisions of the collective agreement.
  • Secure by order of the enterprise.

Separate instructions must be developed for each position.

Appointment rules

The procedure for hiring a person for a position with material responsibility does not differ from the employment of other employees. The employee must file in the name of the head of the enterprise. After the approval of the employer, a conclusion is made.

Before signing an employment agreement, an employee should be familiar with conditions:

  • job description;
  • collective agreement.

Additional documents are signed by the employee after the conclusion of the employment contract.

The order on the appointment of a financially responsible person is concluded after the registration of all documents and is also submitted to the employee for signature.

In labor record keeping contract :

  1. Individual full liability... If damage is revealed due to the fault of the employee, the shortage is covered by the employee alone and in full.
  2. Collective forms of responsibility... The amount of damage is distributed among all employees of equal participation in the performance of duties. The contract is not concluded if there is an incomplete schedule.

Only one type of contract can be concluded with an employee. Before accepting valuables at the site, it will be necessary to conduct and determine the balances, the transfer of which is carried out according to the act. Otherwise, it will be difficult to prove the damage.

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When drawing up an order on individual responsibility you need to add items:

  1. Standard data of orders - the name of the company, number, date of the document, place of preparation and its name: "order of appointment ..".
  2. The given surname, first name, patronymic and position of a full-time employee.
  3. Brief description of material assets and responsibilities for their safety.
  4. Date of commencement of liability (may not coincide with hiring).
  5. Information about the person who signed the document - position, surname, initials, signature.

Duty to draw up an order assigned to the personnel body, but it is signed only by the head or the person replacing him by order.

The order is submitted to the employee without fail for familiarization, about which at the end of the document he makes a record with a signature, date and data decryption.

If a person is included in the composition of persons of collective financial responsibility, an addendum is issued to the previously issued order. A link to the main document is published in the text of the order. The new edition of the order is not made due to the need to comply with the dates from which the time of responsibility of each employee is counted.

Accounting and storage of this document

The order is kept for a period that each of the employers determines independently.

The order can be issued in 2 copies, one of which is archived for 5 years, the second is attached to the liability agreement and stored for the entire duration of the agreement.

For the material liability of employees, see the following video:

The order on the appointment of a person in charge is one of the most important documents issued by the head in the course of the production activities of this enterprise. Its creation is directly related to the organization of the normal operation of the company and serves as one of the ways to solve specific production problems.

Purpose of the document

As you know, any order is a special legal act, which is based on the instruction of the management, which is binding on a certain official. This document is intended to address the operational and basic tasks facing this organization. In this sense, the “Order on the appointment of a responsible person” is especially important. With its help, it is possible to organize the work of the enterprise in a certain direction, by attracting individual specialists.

The purpose of this document is to increase the responsibility of specific employees for solving important production problems in general. The order on the appointment of a responsible person belongs to the category Depending on the specific field of activity, it may concern the following issues:

  • material responsibility;
  • fire safety;
  • retraining and advanced training;
  • labor protection and safety;
  • turnover of expensive materials and valuables;
  • use of sources of increased danger available at production;
  • turnover of securities.

The authority to appoint a certain responsible person, in addition to the manager, is also vested in this employee.

Order structure

The order on the appointment of a responsible person is drawn up in any form. There is no single unified form for this document. In principle, it is compiled by analogy with and includes standard subsections that contain certain information:

  1. "Cap". The full name of the company, its form of responsibility and logo are placed at the top of the form. The place, date, title and registration number of the document are also recorded here.
  2. "Preamble". It is a description of the essence of the document and the purposes for which it was created. The information is presented concisely, literally in a few phrases. In addition, the preamble may contain a list of individual regulations that served as the basis for the publication of this document. The subsection ends with the word "I order".
  3. "Body". It sets out the content of the order and specifies the employee who is assigned the relevant duties and who will perform this work in his absence.
  4. "Conclusion" is a signature of the head and familiarization with this order of the responsible persons.

When issuing this document, it is necessary to clearly indicate from what moment it comes into force. In some cases, the range of responsibilities assigned requires the conclusion of an additional agreement to the labor agreement with this employee. All this must be noted in the order and carried out before the appointed date.

Assignment of responsibility for safety

As an example, consider a sample order for the appointment of a person responsible for compliance, for example, fire safety at an enterprise. Such a document has standard subsections and is drawn up on a blank A4 paper or letterhead.

When compiling it, it is necessary to rely on the relevant laws and regulations (the Law "On Fire Safety", "Technical Regulations for Industrial Safety", as well as other departmental documents and the enterprise itself). The main text of such an order should consist of three parts:

  1. Ascertaining. It usually begins with the words "to provide" or "in connection with the conduct."
  2. Administrative. Its text sets out the essence of the issue. First, a document is approved on the basis of which the selected person will conduct his work. The next item after the word "appoint" indicates the employee who will do this.
  3. List of attached documents.

In the second part, the following responsibilities of the selected candidate must be listed:

  • conducting briefings with employees;
  • keeping relevant journals;
  • checking the status of workplaces.

The order is signed by the head and communicated to the relevant employee.

About reporting

Fulfilling their functional duties, the employees of the enterprise periodically report for the work performed to the appropriate authorities. To streamline this activity, it is necessary to issue an order. It will help to increase the responsibility of individual employees to the work assigned to them.

The sample for reporting, as a rule, has a standard form and consists mainly of three points:

  1. Appointment of specific responsible persons. This part can be issued as a separate application, which lists basic information (name of the reporting form, information on the place and timing of its submission, data on the contractor).
  2. The assignment of duties to the chief specialists of the enterprise, who must ensure that their subordinates fulfill the tasks entrusted to them.
  3. An indication of the person who will monitor the corresponding implementation of this order.

All employees mentioned in the document must be acquainted with it personally (against signature).

The order document related to the appointment of a person responsible for labor protection at the enterprise is included in list of required papers, therefore, it is used in all firms, without exception. Typically, the position is filled with a person in charge of the department responsible for the safety of employees under their authority.

The procedure includes several nuances that must be followed, otherwise there is a possibility of getting fine and problems with the law.

The order of actions of the management depends on the specific situation, namely on whether the organization has an active specialist or is absent.

  1. The company has no labor protection specialist... The leading link is based on Art. 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Its representative chooses one employee from among managers and specialized specialists and puts him in this position, prescribing a number of tasks. This outcome of events should be considered only if the organization has up to 50 people. If the staff is larger, you need to ensure the creation of an entire service or hire a new person.
  2. The company already employs such a specialist... If a professional has already been hired, and the structure involves a large number of departments, workshops, warehouses, then each of them has its own employee responsible for labor protection (hereinafter - OT). This obligation is prescribed not only within the framework of the labor agreement and job description, but also in the corresponding order.

The responsible officer can be appointed in both situations, regardless of who exactly performs the functions of the OT service.

Who can be appointed

If the state consists of less than 50 units, creating a service is optional... For execution, a general director or other specialist from the middle management level is appointed.

The rules for hiring, the peculiarities of training and labor duties are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as by the Resolutions of the Rostrud.

The choice of a responsible specialist depends on the characteristics of the organization's activities.

Once a specialist has been hired, within a month, he undertakes to pass special training according to the training program.

If he has a specialized education or work experience of at least 5 years continuously, then the training takes place within a year from the moment of entering the position. Subsequently, advanced training is passed as needed, but at least once every three years.

Based on the results of the courses, exam, and a certificate is issued on the hands that his knowledge has been verified.

Basic documents

All activities related to labor protection are carried out on the basis of administrative and reporting papers... The preparation of the first group of documents is carried out at the stage of company formation. They include:

  • orders;
  • job descriptions;
  • provisions related to the organization of the labor process;
  • oT instructions;
  • fire safety briefings;
  • management orders.

It should also be taken into account that, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, some regulatory acts regarding the rights and guarantees of employees do not dispense with the opinion of trade unions or other authorized services. Within the framework of the application of administrative acts, first of all, positions are appointed following persons:

  • an official responsible for creating safe working conditions;
  • employees responsible for safety in certain areas of the company;
  • state representatives in the field of competence of which the company's electrical facilities are located;
  • other specialists, in accordance with the requirements and norms of industry instructions and norms.

Concerning record keeping group, then it includes papers that reflect work in the field of labor protection:

The general procedure for appointing a specialist to a position looks like in the following way:

  1. Selection of a suitable candidate.
  2. Formation of the order and appointment.
  3. Passage of training events.
  4. The beginning of the performance of labor duties.
  5. Periodic professional development.

The employee expects to receive basic wage supplements... Also, a supplementary agreement on the appointment to a new job is drawn up to the employment contract. As you can see, within each company there is a huge number of papers regulating labor protection and personnel safety.

Who creates

The process of writing an order is the responsibility of any employee who has a certain level of knowledge, skills, and qualifications. It is important that the compiler has general and specific understanding of labor and civil law, and also knew the intricacies of office work.

More often, this obligation is included in the immediate work tasks of a lawyer, if any. If there is no employee, the function is assigned to the representative of the personnel department, the secretary. In any case, regardless of who was involved in drawing up the document, it must be transmitted to signature to the headotherwise the document has no legal force.

Registration rules

Due to the absence of any standard unified form, the document is filled out in free order... However, there shouldn't be much difficulty. Moreover, a ready-made template can be developed within the enterprise, but it should be approved in the accounting policy.

It is imperative that a document of such a plan contains materials:

  • detailed information about the organization itself;
  • the number of the order and the date on which it was drawn up;
  • responsible person for labor protection (name, position);
  • a complete list of the options it has.

If the need arises, the person preparing the document can provide a link to other applications. The document can be drawn up by hand or in electronic form using the company's letterhead.

It is imperative to give the paper for signature to the manager and the persons mentioned in it. It is not necessary to do certification by means of a seal, since since 2016 the law exempts from this. Compilation takes place in a single copy.

Sample order

General form order to appoint a responsible person:

  1. At the beginning, the name of the company is indicated in the center, and the name of the document - "Order", its number is written in the line below.
  2. The settlement of registration of the company and the date of the formation of the paper are noted.
  3. Go to the main part. It is indicated what basis this process has - we are talking about fulfilling the conditions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection.
  4. The "body" of the order, in which the requisites are noted - responsible persons, a list of their duties, terms of payment, substitute employees.

After that, the document is sent to the manager to sign.

Is it possible to do without it

For all organizations, the presence of an order is compulsory... Only individual entrepreneurs with a small staff of up to 10-15 people and in some cases companies of up to 50 people are exempted from its preparation.

In other cases, absence or irrational use entails administrative and criminal liability. Hence the conclusion that enterprises are free to draw up this paper on the basis of their own developed template, but they cannot do without it. Moreover, a list of other mandatory papers is attached to this document.

What conclusion can be drawn

Thus, ensuring safe working conditions - direct duty of the employer to each employee... The appointment of a responsible person is one of the cardinal measures for solving this problem.

Hiring a new employee or combining the duties of an OT specialist with the main position of an existing employee is fixed with a special document - order on the appointment of an occupational safety specialist... It must be compiled without fail and certified by the signature of the General Director.

If the company lacks one or another important position, these responsibilities must be entrusted to one of the employees. We will tell you how to prepare an order on the appointment of responsible persons so that it does not cause complaints from the GIT.

From the article you will learn:

Appointment of a responsible person: sample order

In the process of development of the organization, it may have new tasks and needs that are not satisfied by the staff at the disposal of the company. However, in such a situation it is not always necessary to hire a new employee: it is quite possible that one of the existing employees will successfully cope with the problems that have arisen. So, if the staff does not have an appropriate service or labor protection specialist, then under certain conditions, in particular, if the number of employees does not exceed 50 people, the employer can assign the corresponding duties to another employee of the organization (part three of article 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This is possible with the consent of the employee. The requirements for the necessary competence (education, work experience, training) of the person in charge must be determined by the employer.

Note! The necessary responsibilities can be distributed among several employees, for example, heads of organizational units.

The procedure for appointing a responsible person allows you to close the staffing needs of an organization without creating an additional job position. In addition, in some cases, it will help not only solve the current tasks of the company, but also avoid problems during the inspection by specialists. state labor inspection - for example, when it comes to the position of the person responsible for labor protection. In this case, the inspectors will be satisfied with the presence in the organization of an order on the appointment of a responsible person, whose duties include ensuring the required level of labor safety at the enterprise. Having decided on a specific candidate, it is necessary to issue an order on the appointment of a responsible person.

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Obligations of the employer when appointing a responsible person

As the workload of the employee increases, the issue of additional payment... Depending on the number of new duties of the employee, they can be reflected in the order, make changes to the job description, or conclude supplementary agreement to an employment contract (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, letter from Rostrud dated October 31, 2007 No. 4412-6).

When determining the responsibilities of the person responsible for a particular block of work, you can be guided by the same regulations as when developing a job description for a specialist, taking into account the specifics of the organization's activities. In we will give a specific example of defining a list of job responsibilities when appointing a responsible person.

As a rule, the appointment of a responsible person implies the need for such an employee to acquire additional skills and knowledge in the field of work tasks entrusted to him. In this regard, it is advisable to send the selected employee to special training, which will allow him to quickly enter the course and effectively understand a new field of activity for him (Procedure approved by the decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003, No. 1/29). After graduation, it is necessary to organize a procedure for checking the acquired knowledge, according to the results of which, in case of successful certification, this employee will be able to perform the duties of the person responsible for the block of tasks entrusted to him along with the main work.

Responsible person's functions

An order on the appointment of a responsible person is drawn up if the employer needs to assign additional functions to the employee, which he will perform in parallel with his main job. At the same time, since we are talking about assigning additional responsibilities to him, their scope is usually limited to several specific tasks that allow him to effectively cope with his main work. Such responsibilities can be registration work books, payroll, security control labor protection to the enterprise and other similar functions.

An example of an order for the appointment of a responsible person will be required to appoint any employee to act as a cashier for payment of wages in organizations that do not have a cashier on staff, or in organizational units located at a territorial distance from the head office (workshops, warehouses).

Order on the appointment of a responsible person

Employees who are responsible for solving certain issues in the company, for example, labor protection or fire safety, are appointed by order of the head of the organization (part 3 of article 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, clause 12 of the Fire safety standards approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 12, 2007 No. No. 645). As a rule, these are employees who bear a similar responsibility for the type of activity. In this case, the order usually indicates the position of the responsible employee.

Reissue of an order when transferring a responsible person to another position

Sometimes in the company there is such a situation that an employee who, by a special order, was appointed responsible for a particular job function, was transferred to another position. For example, this may affect the responsible for labor protection, fire safety and so on. In such a situation, in order to avoid misunderstandings and controversial situations, experienced staff members recommend that this order be reissued. However, in some cases this can be dispensed with: it is clearly indicated when it is not necessary to reissue the order to appoint a responsible person.

Frequency of republishing an order for the enterprise on the appointment of responsible persons

Labor legislation does not provide for the annual reissue of the order for the company on the appointment of responsible persons. The person in charge performs these duties until the relevant order is canceled or the employment relationship is terminated (Articles 8, 57, 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Thus, there is no need to reissue the order on the appointment of a person responsible for the performance of a particular labor function annually.

Transfer of powers of a responsible person to another employee

The duties of the sick executor, by order, are assigned to another employee. We recommend that in the Instruction for the organization's office work or in another local regulatory act, provide for the procedure for transferring instructions to other executors, if the main executor is absent - business trip, vacation, illness.