Wallpaper framed with molding in the interior. Interior moldings for separating wallpaper: types of moldings, photos on the walls in various interior styles

Interior moldings are used to decorate walls. Thanks to them, you can create different shapes and design them in different styles. Such interior details can be combined with paint, wallpaper, decorative plaster, MDF details. Moldings can be used in the zoning of a room or visually divide long sections into smaller ones.

Decorating walls with wallpaper and moldings is one of the most popular wall decor techniques among many designers. Molding is an overhead decor that can be used to add relief and volume to a standard interior.

Moldings are used from different materials, but polyurethane, polystyrene or plastic is more commonly used. The prevalence of these materials indicates ease of installation, low cost and good qualities - strength, durability and lightness.

Application options for moldings:

  1. Moldings in white tones on a dark wall.Moldings are used not only to decorate walls, but also window and doorways, ceilings and furniture. White molding is used to decorate a room with dark-colored walls to make the interior more cozy and airy. There is also a technique when the ceiling line, plinth and molding are observed in the same tone. Therefore, you can emphasize all the originality of wall painting, paintings or other works of art.
  2. Light wall moldings in pastel colors.This combination is appropriate for the living room. Thus, you can accentuate paintings or family photos. You can highlight the recreation area with a monochromatic molding, directing the light with a ceiling lamp or a luxurious floor lamp at the composition.
  3. Colored moldings.Such wall moldings have gained particular attention this season. They are painted in a color a tone or two higher, or vice versa below the color of the wall, in the main color of the walls or in saturated tones.

To create unique architectural elements on the walls, you just need to turn on your imagination and plan everything exactly, then the result will not keep you waiting.

Wallpaper with molding in the interior: various options

Wallpaper with molding in the interior over the past decades has become very popular and decorates the homes of many people. Such decorative elements not only decorate your walls, but can also perform practical functions in the room.

Molding applications and design:

  • Doors and windows.By gluing the molding along the border of the window opening and painting it with paint of the same shade as the frame, you will be able to visually enlarge the window. The moldings glued around the doorways will look the same.
  • Walls.Decorating with molding at the junction of various materials will be appropriate. For example, a wall 60-70 cm from the floor can be covered with wallpaper, and above it, painted with paint. Then the molding in this case, which will be painted to match the wallpaper, will create an additional decorating effect and will not let the wallpaper come off along the line of their gluing. The design can be complemented by dividing the wall with moldings at the bottom into squares and gluing a decorative molding.
  • Ceiling.To increase the height of the room, you should arrange the double strip of moldings as a ceiling molding with a gap of a couple of centimeters.

They also lay out various rhythmic structures on the walls with moldings or decorate photographs, paintings, panels, and other decorative compositions.

Molding painting (video)

How to separate a combination of two types of wallpaper on the wall

How to separate the wallpaper of the two types on the wall? You will think. There are not so many options, but one of the most popular is the design of such combinations with moldings that will give your interior an unusual and modern look.

When decorating a room, you can initially paint the walls with paint or glue wallpaper on them, and then, upon completion of the initial processing, glue inserts that are cut from the wallpaper and have a large thickness. And for greater beauty, such inserts are proposed to be decorated with moldings. This method of decoration is suitable for rooms that are decorated in baroque or classical style.

By combining several types of wallpaper and dividing them with modings, you can zone any space. Thanks to this approach, each family member can get their own corner. The main thing is to arrange the furniture correctly.

Varieties of wall moldings and their application

Varieties of wall moldings can be made from different building materials and should also correspond to the overall design of the facade walls. Next, consider what types of moldings are.

Molding materials:

  1. Gypsum.Stucco molding made of gypsum has decorative properties. Gypsum moldings are installed on walls, ceilings, as well as in the gap between these surfaces. They are fastened with alabaster, which has excellent performance.
  2. Polyurethane. Like gypsum moldings, they are fixed to walls and ceilings with special acrylic glue. After installation, this molding is required in additional painting.
  3. Wood.In most options, these are corners, rail, various platbands, which can be installed in any place. Installation is performed with glue and nails at the same time.
  4. Metal.The most popular representatives of such products are step corners, aluminum thresholds and tile corners. They are installed in two ways - either they are installed behind the facing material and held by glue, or they are fastened with self-tapping screws.
  5. Plastic. Among plastic products, wall plates and corners are mainly found. An exception may be plastic skirting boards.
  6. Self-adhesive molding. This type can be made from different materials, but most of them are rubber and plastic. The representative of such products is the curb tape, which is made of rubber and is used to join the bathtub with the walls. An equally common type of self-adhesive molding is a groove molding. They install it in the groove and serve as a decorative element.

If the walls are flat, opt for wood moldings, but be prepared for high prices.

It should be noted that cheap moldings made of inexpensive wood species are perfect for clapboard rooms.

The best choice would be a polyurethane skirting board. It is of low cost and easy to install. The higher the ceiling, the wider the molding should be.

Now you have learned a lot about moldings and what materials they are made of. With proper handling, real architectural compositions can be created in the house. It's never too late to start showing imagination, and in working with moldings this is an important phenomenon.

Installation options for moldings

There are several options for installing moldings today. It is important to get started to calculate the amount of all material. The dimensions of the room, measured in meters, must be divided by two and you will get the length of one element of the standard size.

There are two ways in skirting mounting technology:

  • Installation on wallpaper. Fasteners are made to a prepared, aligned and wallpapered wall.
  • Bare wall mounting. Before starting the process, it is necessary to prime and fill the walls. As a result, the ceiling with the baguette will look like one whole, and the cornice will hold on more securely.

Craftsmen advise to start gluing the plinth from the corners of the room, since this is the most difficult installation process. First, you should attach all the corners, and then glue straight dumbbell strips between them.

How to glue molding on the wallpaper (video)

If you listen to our recommendations for working with decorative elements - moldings, then the installation process will seem quite simple for you. As a result, your room will acquire unprecedented beauty and grace thanks to decorative fillets.

Moldings for separating wallpaper in the interior (photo)

First, let's give a definition of what a molding is. This is a fairly new, but already popular decoration with overhead strips and panels. With its help, you can even out corners, hide defects, as well as decorate window and door openings, create a frame for pictures or other objects, as well as separate wallpaper.

A large number of positive reviews have been written about them, therefore, before using a particular type, you need to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe desired result.

To think that interior moldings are only for elegance is a delusion. They are often used to create an original look for window and door openings, framing wall niches, and ceilings. In large living rooms, they are also used in the decor of fireplaces. Due to the high decorative qualities, there are a huge variety of applications, it all depends on the needs and imagination of the owners. But we're going to talk about wallpaper separation moldings.

Types of moldings

Moldings for separating wallpaper, depending on the materials from which they are made, are divided into:

  • gypsum (most often it is a stucco molding that carries an independent decorative load, fastened with alabaster);
  • polyurethane, which can be used as a cheaper and lighter alternative to plaster, after installation it is advisable to paint them (attached with acrylic glue);
  • wooden (installed with nails or glue, usually have the simplest forms, but there are also complex reliefs);
  • foam (mounted on walls with wallpaper glue, you can use PVA);
  • plastic and rubber (most often they have an adhesive layer and grooves for joining).

Wallpaper separation options

In the presence of high ceilings in the room, a double ceiling molding line is often used. In this case, the wider one passes under the ceiling itself, some wallpapers are placed below (usually they use wallpapers that contrast with the main color of the room, but options using matching colors are also possible), limited by a narrower molding, and others are glued below, creating the main color of the interior. An example of wallpaper with molding in the interior is shown in the photo:

To create a relaxing, relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom, it is recommended to use wallpaper in calm tones that do not contrast with each other. Polyurethane moldings are perfect for dividing the boundaries between them.

In large apartments, in addition to the ceiling separation, wallpaper is often highlighted with a molding frame on the wall. When creating such an interior, it is recommended to place lamps, mirrors, paintings, photographs, TV wall mounts, and other filling elements within the frames formed by the molding. Usually, the same wallpaper is placed in the frames. An example of dividing wallpaper in the interior in the photo below:

The division of wallpaper into sections limited by molding is used for large rooms. It looks most harmonious in the interior of studio apartments, if it is necessary to divide one large area into several zones. Thus, all zones can be distinguished with a different look, as well as the color of the wallpaper, giving the interior uniqueness.

Quite often, the wallpaper is separated by molding when creating the interior of banquet halls, restaurants, living rooms and other places for relaxation.

For a classic interior, the use of painted or gilded moldings will give any room a unique look and style. For example, dark moldings will complement an oriental-style interior.

Golden tones and light wallpaper as a background look great when decorating a room in a classic style.

Painted moldings should be used with care so that the interior does not look oversaturated, moreover, carefully select wallpaper, they should be in harmony with the rest of the environment.

Installation of moldings

Most types of moldings have a protective film. It should not be removed before installation in order to maintain decorative qualities and prevent damage. If heavy wallpaper is used, then even the lightest moldings cannot be glued to them. In extreme cases, they must be additionally fastened with dowel-nails. An interesting division of combined wallpaper in the interior:

Before proceeding with the installation, it is necessary to carefully align the walls. It is much easier to mount decorative elements on flat surfaces. After that, it is necessary to carefully mark the installation sites. Installation of various types of molding has some features.

Polyurethane, plastic and foam

At the end of the marking, the material is cut to the required dimensions using a hacksaw or jigsaw. The miter box will help you to cut off the corner pieces ideally. It is better to cut foam products with a stationery knife. All the cut parts are applied to the designated places on the wallpaper, the corners are checked (all corner parts must fit perfectly to each other), for this, when cutting them, it is worth leaving a small margin of 2-3 mm.

Installation should start from corners, this applies to both ceiling and wall parts. To achieve the best adhesion to wallpaper and wall, it is necessary to sand the flat sides of all the pieces obtained.

Using a spatula, an adhesive is applied to the pre-treated surface of the molding and glued to the places of all elements.

When gluing heavy moldings to the wallpaper, it is worth pre-drilling holes for the dowel nails in the wall and attached elements, this will prevent the glued areas from sliding under their own weight. It is not necessary to drill the foam parts - they can simply crumble.

After the glue has dried, after about 6 hours, all joints and holes of the fasteners are putty.

If it was planned to highlight this interior detail with color, then painting should be done no earlier than a day after installation. It is imperative to take into account what the paint consists of, since some types can spoil the installed decor.

In addition, painting already installed panels is quite problematic, so this is done before mounting on the wall, otherwise the wallpaper can be damaged.


The most difficult material is gypsum. All parts are heavy, in addition, they are rather fragile, therefore, before proceeding with the installation, it is necessary to carefully check each for the presence of chips and cracks.

This material allows you to create beautiful, voluminous stucco moldings, therefore it is used to create a rich interior. It is quite expensive, in addition, there are difficulties during installation, therefore it is not recommended to install it yourself, in order to avoid unnecessary costs in case of damage to the material.

Gypsum is extremely susceptible to moisture and therefore not suitable for damp rooms. The assembled parts of the molding are accurately adjusted to the installation site, for this they are sawn with a hacksaw. Then you need to apply notches with a sharp tool (you can use a chisel), on the wall and the flat part of the elements to be installed. This is necessary for the best possible wall mounting.

Before diluting the glue, moisten the surfaces to be glued with water. Then gypsum is diluted (can be replaced with alabaster), to which a little wood glue is added (1-3% of the total glue). Using a brush, adhesive is evenly applied to the wall and the part and set in place. It is necessary to press the molding and move it a little along the wall, this will allow the glue to disperse evenly and provide a stronger adhesion.

You need to hold the part pressed until it grabs, then carefully, using a spatula, remove the glue that has protruded along the edges. At the end of the installation, allow 2-3 hours for the best glue to set. If desired, you can paint with acrylic paint. Gypsum moldings for dividing the wallpaper look very rich in the interior:


Quite an expensive type of molding, usually used for fastening to wooden wall structures. When applying elements to the installation sites, they need to be cut to size.

Wood moldings are usually quite heavy, so when installing it is worth using not only glue, but also nails. Before installing in place, the flat surface is carefully coated with "liquid nails". Do not smear the glue too thickly, in order to avoid squeezing out excess during installation. Wooden moldings for separating wallpaper in the interior in the photo below:

Then the desired panel is pressed against the installation site and carefully nailed. The nail heads are bitten off and the nail shank is driven deeper and plastered. Installation on already glued wallpapers is done in the same way, but when painting, you should be careful, or paint them before installation.

Wooden moldings, especially from precious woods, are often coated with a clear varnish that emphasizes the natural structure of the material and protects against moisture.

A short video will allow you to clearly see the entire process of installing moldings:

For the first time, this type of decor was used in France during the heyday of the Rococo style. In domestic culture, it has also existed for a long time, but not so widespread. Interior moldings can be found in the Catherine Palace and in various old buildings. But with some modification they entered modern design, so we propose to study this phenomenon in more detail and learn how to use it to create a luxurious design of your own apartment.

With the help of moldings, you can create an original design, change the shape of the room and correct interior errors

Moldings are called decorative volumetric elements, which have a smooth base on the back. In the process of decorating, they can be combined according to texture, pattern or color. The most commonly used moldings are strips. But not only they make up this collection. This includes various round, triangular, square onlays that are used for decoration.

Moldings are called an overhead type of decor used to add volume and relief to the interior.

Moldings abound in buildings built during the Khrushchev era. They were used both for the exterior cladding of the building and for the interior decoration.

Designers use this type of decor to create compositions, to highlight one wall, to mask joints or smooth the contrasting transition of colors. You can also compose or frame your photos. Also, moldings are used to create panels, which can also be used to decorate any wall.

Contrasting combinations give the interior originality, brightness and dynamism

This type of decor has many advantages, but it is not often used in modern design. This is due to the fact that it is suitable for certain styles, tending towards pomp and antiquity. We will look at all the ways to use it, and we will definitely find unusual and convenient options.

When choosing moldings, they are guided by the design and color solutions of the room

The advantages of moldings

Interior moldings have not only decorative value, but also practical. Thus, we can highlight a number of advantages of this type of decor.

  • Hide surface imperfections. Embossed elements perfectly mask irregularities or surface damage, and also soften the joints of materials of different texture.
  • Will smooth out the contrast of colors. Moldings lend themselves well to coloring. So, if you wish, you can paint them to match any background. Thus, you can advantageously beat the hard color transition on the wallpaper by framing it with moldings.
  • Inexpensive. In stores, you will find goods for a different budget, depending on the texture, color and material of manufacture. The most popular are polyurethane. They have low cost and high wear resistance.
  • Easy to install and maintain. Due to the fact that the seamy side of the product is flat, it fits snugly to the base and holds tight. For fasteners, it is enough to coat the surface with glue and lean against the wall. In addition, the product does not require any special maintenance. If the material permits, it should be periodically wiped with a damp cloth.

Thanks to these advantages, wall moldings are used more and more in the interior.

The monochromatic neutral background of these walls does not seem boring and trivial due to the presence of moldings that divide the surface into clear geometric shapes


Based on the wishes of the consumer, manufacturers produce moldings of various types. They can be elastic and rigid, embossed and flat, colored and solid. The most common is the division into varieties depending on the material of manufacture, since the rest of the characteristics are more dependent on this.

View Benefits disadvantages
Wooden Environmentally friendly, make it possible to paint and carry out wet cleaning, durable and strong. Heavy, require additional fastening, difficult tomontage , require mandatory processing with special agents for the durability of the tree.
Gypsum They make it possible to make any texture and pattern on plaster, are durable, have a wonderful aesthetic appearance, traditionally emphasizestyle . They are heavy and expensive, difficult to install, not suitable for decoration in an apartment.
Polyurethane They are lightweight, durable and easy tomontage , thanks to the flexible surface make it possible to decoratesurfaces with bends, have a low price, are available in a wide range. Environmentally unsafe.
Foam Cheapness, simplicity ininstallation, light weight. They make it possible to decorate only flat surfaces, have a high fire hazard, are toxic, and are not resistant to mechanical stress.
Polystyrene They are moisture resistant, enable staining, have a low weight and low price. Inelastic, poorly resistant to mechanical stress.
Metallic Strong, durable, have an original appearance, resistant to external mechanical stress. Inelastic, appropriate only for modernstyles , require additional fastening.
Plastic Waterproof, give the possibility of wet cleaning, have a wide range and colors. Impossibility of painting, short-lived, toxic, deform over time.

Natural wood moldings attract with a beautiful natural pattern and high environmental friendliness

Plaster and metal moldings are less popular due to their high cost and more complex installation, they are used mainly for the decoration of very expensive design projects

Foam products are the cheapest, but have low strength and durability

Polyurethane moldings are strong enough, durable and easy to install, and the affordable cost attracts buyers and "turns a blind eye" to low environmental friendliness

You can also choose the appropriate color and texture. Each of the presented types has a large assortment, and can offer a suitable option. Now let's figure out how to use moldings in room design.

Use cases

Designers often use interior moldings to separate wallpaper. In this case, they perform an aesthetic function, help to visually divide the room, and bring into a harmonious state various types of wallpaper that are not combined with each other. However, this is not the only area of \u200b\u200bapplication.

Painted planks are used to delimit wall space or highlight any decorative feature

Moldings can be used not only on walls, but also on ceilings, doors and windows. They fulfill an important function in all applications and help to harmonize the design of the room.

Moldings complete the image of an arched opening and, as a result, makes the entire interior more aesthetic.

In addition, they can be used to create a separate composition, which will later become a design element. Let's take a closer look at the decoration options.

We select the functional area

To delimit one of the areas of the room, use wallpaper with molding in the interior. To do this, you need to select the wallpaper and the molding that matches them, then make a selection, framing part of the wall.

In today's fashionable combination of paint and wallpaper, moldings are used to distinguish one coating from another

Important! During installation, the molding is first glued, then the wallpaper.

In this way, you can favorably highlight the dining area in the kitchen-studio, focus on the wall above the bed in the bedroom. Moldings are used even in the bathroom, but only certain moisture resistant types.

If you want to emphasize one of the functional areas by adding a pattern or composition, think over the outline in advance. Apply it to the wall and then glue the molding. And do not forget that you need to choose a product that matches the wallpaper and style of the room.

We use as a frame

In modern design, it is more common to use this type of decoration to create various compositions and their framing.

It's popular this year to bring a piece of art to every room. This is reflected in the abundance of various paintings on the walls. You can find various photographs or reproductions of famous paintings in the kitchen, bedroom, living room and even bathroom. In this case, moldings are a great way to frame these paintings. With their help, you will be able to make a regular frame or create a complete composition - it all depends on your imagination.

The wall, broken by moldings into functional blocks, can divert attention from some of the shortcomings of the interior

In a compact room, thin strips look laconic, and in a spacious room, wider

Recently, handicrafts are gaining more and more popularity. Panels of various orientations are popular in interior design. It can be decoupage or a collage of photographs. Here everything is decided by your skills. But in this case, moldings play an important role. With their help, you can create an ornate picture frame, or focus on the placement of photos.

Decorating photos with moldings

In the hallway or bathroom, you can make a frame for a mirror. Thus, you will visually increase it and give more comfort to the room. Some models are adapted for communication, so that around the mirror with the help of moldings, you can arrange spot lighting and give luxury to the bathroom.

Decor of windows and doors

In this case, the relief elements also fulfill an important practical function. In the variant with the door, they prevent it from touching the wall and thereby damage the wall surface. In addition, I use moldings to decorate the wall, you do not have to spend money on expensive doorways and resort to the help of a master.

Usually door trims are selected based on the color scheme of the paintings themselves.

Match the frame to the color of the door, and you will be able to make an imitation of an expensive doorway. But in this case it will be much easier for you to work, and repairs will be cheaper.

As for windows, white moldings are the most popular. They help to visually enlarge the window and make it more comfortable by framing. It is applied to the wall around the window in accordance with the instructions.

Snow-white moldings on the windows - a universal option for any interior

With the help of molding frames, you can visually enlarge compact windows

What styles is suitable for

This type of surface decoration is not suitable for every style. It is mainly used in historical movements. We offer options with which you will be able to create an old look in a new way.


The classic style has remained unchanged over the years, as it is the model. For this reason, there are notes of antiquity in its arrangement. Heavy carved furniture, arches and rounded window openings, the creation of embossed patterns on the walls - molding suggests itself in this composition. It is often used for arranging arches and creating wall combinations.

Stucco moldings are ideal for a classic interior

Since the classics are replete with smooth, curved lines and curves, a flexible embossed tape is needed here, which will be easier for you to work with. You can use carved wooden moldings to decorate flat surfaces. But be careful: in this case, there must be a secure mount.


This warm, incredibly cozy and light style, which came to us from Southern France, also accepts the use of moldings to create an interior. However, ceiling and floor options are more popular here, which are placed at the junction of two zones. Thus, they fulfill both a practical and aesthetic function.

In the Provence style, moldings are used that are simple in shape with simple geometric reliefs.

The color of the moldings should be in harmony with the basic tones of the room design.

Provence is famous for its simplicity, so the rulers should correspond to this direction. There is no place for pretentiousness, complex ornaments and intricate elements are not accepted. Therefore, choose either simple drawings or a completely monochromatic version. The Provence style is characterized by white, beige, milky, peach, ivory, champagne.


Next to the nautical Greek motifs, the moldings look great. They do not allow this style to be empty and disorganized, at the same time they do not weigh it down.

The use of decorative moldings in the design of the ceiling in the living room, decorated in a Mediterranean style

In this style, it is often necessary to imitate the sea space with the help of painting or photo wallpaper. An imitation of a balcony or a bay window equipment is also often found. Moldings fit into this style perfectly. They help to separate the picture and highlight a specific area, logically continue the existence of the bay window and highlight the necessary elements.

Historical focus and modernity

Of course, this type of decoration goes well with Baroque, Rococo, Gothic and other historical trends, because they come from there. If you want to recreate the atmosphere of the 15th century in your apartment, there is no better option.

Gothic bedroom with chic wood moldings

But it's not just historical styles that will be appropriate. Moldings are also used in modern trends, only with some modification. So, in modern or techno we will see metal strips for framing individual zones or decorating joints. Polyurethane flexible models with holes for communications are also widely used. Thus, it is possible to create an excellent lighting for a ceiling in a modern style.

Embossed composition of moldings on the ceiling of the living room in the style of minimalism

Smooth moldings without any relief and pattern are suitable for high-tech interiors

It all depends on your imagination and desire. Do not be afraid - create!

Video: how to make a beautiful decoration from ordinary molding

Photo: examples of decorating various rooms with moldings

Molding is a neat decorative detail that looks like an overhead convex strip. They use moldings for decoration, with a wide variety of surfaces (not only, but also ceilings, arches, doors, etc.).

What is it for? Most often, moldings help to make the atmosphere a little neater, stricter, more defined, give it an unobtrusive touch of classics.

In addition, moldings can help in visually adjusting the proportions of the room. If you place them on the wall in the form of vertically elongated rectangles, you can.

And if you divide the walls with moldings, horizontally located around the perimeter of the room, into two or more parts, the ceiling, on the contrary, will visually drop slightly.

The same goal can be achieved by opting for horizontally elongated rectangles on the walls.

You can also use the moldings as frames to frame your wall decor.

Graphic decor

Moldings can also act as an unexpected graphic decorative element for wall decoration. Check out these awesome examples! Isn't it a bit far from the classics?

Moldings in the nursery

Do you find moldings too boring to use in children's room decor? Take a look at this example:

Photo: Instagram oboi_na_vspolinskom_2

The designers used moldings painted in bright colors for unusual wall decoration - it turned out fresh and original.

To highlight or not to highlight

Decorating the walls with moldings, you decide an important point for yourself: whether to highlight them with color or paint them to match the walls. This is largely a matter of personal preference, but there is also a practical side to the issue. So, if the moldings in your interior carry, in addition to the decorative, the function of visually adjusting the proportions of the room, it would be logical to highlight them in color to enhance the effect.

It is also worth painting the moldings in a color different from the wall, if they serve to distinguish between two different finishing options (it is important for situations when, for example, the lower part of the wall is covered with some wallpaper, and the upper part with others).

If, stopping at this decorative technique, you just want to make the environment more interesting and give it a classic touch, you can safely paint the moldings in the color of the walls.

Moldings and wallpaper

In combination with wallpaper, moldings can become a very striking element of wall decor. See what a stylish panel has turned out in this children's room! But to create it, they just used different types of wallpaper and, in fact, moldings.

- source: //stroy-podskazka.ru

Moldings are great for decorating a bedroom. In appearance they are gentle, seasoned, aesthetic. With this simple and inexpensive material, you can create a true royal design.

Depending on the color of the moldings and the accompanying decorative materials used in the design, style adaptation is made. So, moldings are dark, strict, hinting at gloomy majesty and seriousness. In light colors, this material is gentle, restrained.

Molding is not just a coating; it is an overlay applied to the surface of the main finishing material.


Source: //vip-1gl.ru

The main advantages of using moldings:

  • Ease. The tree weighs more, and all other types of compositions are distinguished by low weight. This simplifies installation and delivery of the coating. To fix non-heavy elements, it is enough to prepare a simple adhesive composition suitable for molding.
  • Strength. This advantage is inherent in wood and plaster materials. Polyfoam and polyurethane are fragile. On the other hand, in the bedroom, high strength coatings are usually not required.
  • Ease of installation. Installation is limited to making measurements and marking for installation. When this stage of work is completed, you can start applying. For the molding to adhere well, it is enough to hold each element pressed against the wall for 1 minute.
  • They are not afraid of moisture. None of the materials absorb moisture. This advantage is achieved thanks to modern technologies that provide the possibility of high-quality processing and protection.

Source: //remontbp.com

Moldings are used in different styles. They are beautiful - this is their most important advantage for which users buy material.

The attachments must not be painted or damaged. They are processed in production conditions and covered with a film. In case of damage, part of the film is removed. In this case, some elements can be replaced with others by dismantling the damaged pieces and installing new pads in their place.


Source: //design-homes.ru

There are several classifications of moldings. More often users evaluate the external qualities of the material. Some are more beautiful, others do not fit the interior. Some bend, others are hard.

Moldings differ in the type of materials they are made from. Let's consider the main ones.


Source: //avatars.mds.yandex.net

Wires can be installed in the wood molding. Production is possible from different types of wood. Some brands offer a modern option - the creation of gypsum blanks and the application of a composition made on the basis of glue and wood chips to them. Such moldings are cheaper.

The tree is generally durable and can be painted. Such materials are durable, but slightly heavy compared to others.

Wood molding is always handmade. In automated machining, it is difficult to obtain a well-finished coating. This affects the cost - the wooden material, although it looks noble, is sometimes unreasonably expensive.

If the tree has not been treated with an antiseptic and a special agent that protects it from moisture, it is better to do this work right away. If the humidity in the bedroom is low, then you can leave the wooden flooring in its original form.

The tree weighs more, so it can move out. To prevent this situation, you can make the strengthening with self-tapping screws.


Source: //myhome.ru

If the material is of high quality, it will last a long time. However, it is not always realistic to determine the quality of products by sight.

Gypsum is expensive, weighs a lot, and is not easy to install. Strengthening is also required, however, when the fasteners are introduced, the structure may crack.

The use of gypsum is justified if the room is very humid and there is a threat of damage.


Source: //detboxfon.ru

Material advantages:

  • low cost of repair;
  • ease of fixation;
  • light weight;
  • large selection of colors;
  • can be painted and even laminated;
  • ease of care;
  • the surface is smooth, therefore practically not contaminated.

Polyurethane is similar to gypsum. It is a durable material with high quality and low cost. Service life is 30 years if the surface is covered with a good finishing coat.

Expanded polystyrene - polystyrene

Source: //vid-stroy.ru

This material has many advantages - it is lightweight, easily fixed, and is not afraid of moisture. However, when choosing, you should pay attention to the fact that adhesion with heterogeneous structures is not easy to achieve. For example, on decorative plaster or paint, moldings will not last long. Expanded polystyrene is fragile, not durable, easily damaged.


Source: //i2.photo.2gis.com

It lends itself well to coloring and applying other compounds. Lightweight, quick to attach. Perfectly copes with the creation of any designs. This molding can be fixed transversely, securing one element next to another. There can be a lot of finishing options.

A disadvantage is a grainy surface, so the coating quickly becomes dirty, darkens from constant dust. There are no defects, chips, detachments on the cut.

Design options

Source: //stroy-podskazka.ru

The main feature of moldings is the ability to introduce them in an original way into interior design. It's easier to deal with white. If the walls and ceiling are white, then the moldings are selected accordingly. They are installed in any order. You can lay out the following options for figures:

  • A circle. You can buy rounded blanks that are large in width. Also, if the design is provided, the circle combines well with a surface consisting of several levels. Sometimes a hill is created from drywall, and a molding is installed along its lateral parts at the junction with the lower level. It is bent around the shape of a circle, but this requires great flexibility of the material.
  • Rectangle. It is easiest to put plain sheets of moldings that will close in a square shape. This option is introduced when you need to get the job done quickly and without the need to make accurate measurements.
  • Complex shapes. You can cut soft corners from the molding. More often they are provided either at the top horizontally (they replace the corners), or at the top and bottom. Such figures are characterized by unusual solutions. You can introduce different shades into the design. The base will be light and the molding will be dark, or vice versa.
  • Installation of a large molding. Large and massive sheets are made from lightweight material. This is an alternative for complex work related to the installation of plasterboard elements designed to create multi-level structures.

The molding is fragile, therefore it is not possible to create shelves, internal niches and other functional elements with its help.

Simple options

Source: //workins.ru

Complex moldings do not fit into every type of interior design. Renaissance, hi-tech, classics and modern variations are fine.

How easy it is to put the material to give the room sophistication and unobtrusive tenderness:

  • Skirting boards. Ceiling or floor skirting boards are used for decoration and protection. When it comes to securing the latter purpose, a wooden molding will do. All others are installed under the ceiling. Small, narrow strips can be placed on the floor that will not be affected by occupants as they move around the room. If you step on a fragile molding, it will quickly be damaged. Ceiling skirting boards are beautiful, delicate. In color, they can correspond to the ceiling coating or the shade of wallpaper, plaster, paint.
  • Door frames. The materials surrounding the door can look quite elegant thanks to the installation of the molding. This material does not look like a one-off design. If there are other elements decorated with moldings in the room, then they are also suitable for the platbands. If the wood of the platbands differs from the shade of the walls, floor and ceiling, they are guided by a wooden shade. In some cases, the platbands are made narrow and invisible - they are completely pasted over with moldings. You can also buy a wooden canvas.
  • Furniture decor. In the bedroom, molding is installed on the head of the bed, dressers, wardrobes, and other pieces of furniture. The color of the furniture facade is selected, and they are repelled from it in the subsequent selection.

Source: //topdim.info

Glossy and matte surfaces are nothing new. And if earlier on sale it was possible to find an average version for painting, today most of the variations are offered ready-made. They only need to be installed - preparation, painting, varnishing are not required. However, this option is not always withstand - you can put the moldings under painting, which is carried out on all walls. The procedure is simplified after the installation of all materials, when all that remains is to apply the pigment.

You can add gloss to the molding by applying a varnish suitable for this purpose. Before buying, it is recommended to inquire whether the finish tolerates the application of additional materials well.

Visual extension