Step-by-step instructions for making a wooden staircase yourself. Wooden stairs - the right choice and an overview of design options Photo of wooden stairs

Two-storey houses or cottages should be equipped with reliable stairs. Wood is most often chosen as the material for the manufacture of these structures. Wooden stairs to the second floor can be purchased ready-made or made by yourself. By choosing the second option, you will reduce your material costs and do exactly what you really need

Types of structures

To build a staircase, you need to be able to use the tool, know the rules for constructing sketches and drawings. This will allow:

  • design all the constituent elements of the structure;
  • take into account potential weaknesses and correct shortcomings at the stage of the project;
  • calculate the size of the steps in such a way that it is convenient to go up and down.

The best way to make stairs is wood. This building material is environmentally friendly, practical, flexible in work, which is especially important for novice craftsmen. With the help of a special tool, you can make a staircase in such a shape that would ideally fit your interior:

  • straight or rounded;
  • simple or decorative;
  • heavy or light.

The following popular types of wooden staircase designs are distinguished:

Choosing a staircase scheme

For a private house or a country cottage, both a march and a spiral staircase are suitable. However, it should not be forgotten that spiral structures require very precise assembly, as well as special elements (for example, rounded railings). To make them, you need to master the technology of professional editing.

This is especially true for more complex staircase structures, which at the initial stage can be used only as a model for inspiration, not imitation. You should not rely on ready-made schemes, since they do not take into account all the features of your situation.

As for the marching stairs, it is much easier to make and install them with your own hands. They come in various configurations:

  • U-shaped two-march;

When placing a staircase on the 2nd floor, with more than 10 steps, it is recommended to divide it with a platform with a turn, after which it can go up along the wall at an angle of 90 or 180 degrees.

The choice of this or that model depends on your taste and features of the layout of the house.

Preparation of materials

Before making a wooden staircase to the second floor yourself, you need to decide on the choice of building material. The most popular wood species are pine and larch. In terms of performance, larch products are better, since they are less prone to rotting.

Larch is not afraid of moisture, moreover, when the liquid is absorbed, the structure becomes stronger. This is quite a significant advantage, since there will always be little humidity in the house. For the construction of stairs, oak, cedar, beech and other types of wood are also suitable, but at a cost this is not the cheapest pleasure.

The lifespan of a tree largely depends on how the lumber is dried. The limiting degree of wood moisture should be no more than 12%.

Well-dried boards are more expensive, but this is more than offset by the durability of the stairs.

If the lumber is moist enough, you will have to dry the wood yourself. To do this, it is placed in a well-ventilated room with a constant temperature regime for a period of at least 3 months.

Calculation of the main parameters of the stairs


Standard ladder widths - 90 to 150 cm... But when calculating this indicator, the following points should be taken into account:

  • how convenient it will be for two people to meet each other halfway;
  • whether the width you have chosen allows you to carry bulky items (furniture, appliances) up the stairs.

A comfortable range of staircase widths for a private house is 1100-1300 mm. Less - difficulty in carrying furniture; more - excess of occupied space.


To calculate this indicator, you will need to take the size of the steps and count their number. Experience shows that making a drawing on paper yourself, mistakes are made. As a result, the staircase in reality becomes longer than in the picture. You can get out of this situation as follows: include several winders in the staircase.


Determining the overall height, inexperienced craftsmen often make mistakes. They only take into account the distance from the sub-floor to the ceiling of the upper-floor room. This is not entirely correct. When drawing up the drawing, you need to take into account the finishing mark of the 1st floor and the thickness of the floor on the upper floor together with the finishing.

Slab opening parameters

It is important to leave enough space between the steps and the upper floor ceiling. As a rule, it is equal to the height of the tallest person and is approximately 190 - 200 cm.

Stair slope

To build a wooden staircase to the second floor with your own hands, it is recommended to observe a staircase slope of 40-45 degrees. If this figure is exceeded, then it will be difficult to climb on it for elderly people, small children.

The optimal angle of inclination of the stairs is in the range of 30 - 37 °

When choosing a shallow structure, the consumption of building materials increases and the usable area of \u200b\u200bthe room decreases. Therefore, when calculating this indicator, one should proceed from the available space.


Their constituent elements are a tread and a riser. When determining the size of the tread, you must focus on the 45 foot size. Therefore, the optimal step width is 30 cm.

The size of the riser, depending on the slope of the stairs, ranges from 15 to 20 cm.

When constructing drawings, it is important to consider the following:

  1. All steps must be the same size.
  2. If there are more than 18 steps in the design, then it is advisable to include 2 marches in the project and provide for a site. It is called viewing, turning or intermediate. Its location can be the center of the span or an area near the beginning of the stairs.

Online calculator for calculation

For your convenience, you can perform all calculations using the convenient one. As a result, you will receive ready-made drawings and bill of materials.

Installation of a marching wooden staircase

The installation of a wooden interfloor staircase begins with the manufacture of stringers (or bowstrings), treads and risers.

Development of a staircase along the wall with dimensions

Treads are cut from the board according to a previously prepared template. Their standard thickness varies from 30 to 40 cm. If you do more, then this will be an unjustified consumption of materials and a heavier structure. The risers perform a decorative function in the structure. Therefore, you can save on them by using a board of 10-15 mm.

Kosoura are made from a solid board, on which there are no defects. Both stringers must be identical so that the staircase does not turn out to be asymmetrical and skewed.

Kosour markup

Assembling a bowstring with stiffeners

Assembling the frame

The installation of kosour begins with making cuts on the floor beam located at the top of the flight of stairs. Sometimes the cuts are replaced by metal stops, which should be attached to the vertical of the overlap with anchors. Regardless of which method you choose, the stringers should be firmly fixed to the ceiling.

On the lower floor, along the line of the very first step, a support bar is installed in the floor. Anchors are used as fasteners.

Fastening the stringer to the floor

Assembly of component parts

It will not be difficult to establish the steps. The cutouts of the stringers are coated with glue and risers are attached to them, which then need to be aligned and secured with screws.

Fastening risers to stringers

Treads are laid on top and fixed to the risers, kosoura. It is recommended to put polymer strips under them. This will prevent squeaking from rubbing wood against each other.

The function of the fence is performed by balusters, when mounting them it is important to maintain proper evenness. For this purpose, the upper and lower posts are installed and connected together with a stretched thread. It serves as a guide when installing other elements. Balusters can be attached with screws or self-tapping screws, which are masked with grout or plugs.

The handrail is installed and fixed on the balusters. It can be wood, iron or other material.


After installation, all surfaces must be sanded, including hard-to-reach places, ends, joints. Then the structure is treated with protective agents, or paint.

Features of manufacturing a spiral staircase

Manufacturing and installation of wooden spiral staircases to the second floor is much more difficult than marching ones. But, on the other hand, they allow you to save usable space and are placed where there would be not enough space for the marching structure.

Screw structures save living space

The best option is to install a spiral structure with a central support. In this case, the steps in the shape of a triangle or trapezoid are attached directly to it. To give the structure reliability, the support post with a specially attached heel is placed vertically and concreted at the base.

Holes are made in the steps from the narrower edge, with the help of which they are strung onto the support pipe. Cylinder-shaped inserts are installed between the steps, which determine the height of the structural elements. The last step on the upper tier is flush with the opening in the ceiling on the second floor and acts as an additional support element.

To make it convenient to descend and ascend, the vertical spacing between the rows of steps should be at least two meters. And the width of the clean staircase is at least 90 cm.

Often resort to more compact models of spiral staircases. It is permissible only if they do not plan to use it often. This applies, for example, to country stairs or to climb to the attic.

The most comfortable tread depth is considered to be from 15 cm at the central pillar and from 35 cm at the outer edge. The height of the riser is on average about 20 cm. However, sometimes you can even refuse them altogether. This will make the structure more convenient, reduce its weight, and also reduce the cost of building materials.

A detailed and simple diagram for a standard staircase to the second floor.

Are you planning to build a private house with two floors or more? We recommend that you immediately plan what the staircase will be. And we will help you with this - this material tells in detail about the types for cottages, summer cottages and private houses, design requirements. Also, with the help of diagrams and drawings, we will use an example to tell you how a staircase is calculated and built. The design is quite simple - it cannot be compared with the roof, therefore the owner, who has only minimal construction skills, can also make it. We will tell you how to make sure that instead of a wooden ladder, you do not get a step-ladder. Having studied the drawings and diagrams, you can make a high-quality design.


Two types have been used in private homes for centuries, which we will briefly discuss:

  • Marching... This option is the simplest in execution, while the design is reliable. If a beginner gets down to business, then a marching wooden staircase will be an excellent solution. Also, the design can be divided into one-march and two-march. Despite the differences between these types, they have the same manufacturing complexity.
  • Screw... Work for professionals, as it requires careful measurements and calculations. One miscalculation can ruin the entire structure, so only a master can do it with his own hands. The main advantage of this design is its compactness, because the design takes up the minimum amount of space in the house. Often, a spiral wooden staircase is the center of the interior composition. The only negative is the rather steep climb, which negatively affects safety.

Of course, we will disassemble the marching staircase, although we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the screw options. It is easier to carry out the marching version with your own hands, for which there are drawings.
Another disadvantage of a spiral staircase is that it will be inconvenient to transfer large items from one floor to another.

Preparation of materials and features of work

Before thinking about building with your own hands, you need to draw up or take ready-made drawings, as well as prepare tools and materials for the stairs, connecting the second floor with the first.

Let's start with the materials for the construction of the structure on the second floor:

  • screws;
  • thick boards, which later turn into steps;
  • bars - the section must be at least 40 millimeters.

It is impossible to do the work without a drawing; the image below shows in detail what needs to be measured so that in the end it is possible to calculate the dimensions of the future structure.

It is also worth considering the following dimensions when planning a structure for the second floor from the first:

  • angle of inclination of the stairs;
  • width;
  • the height of the entire structure;
  • number of steps.

If you have skills in working with a 3D editor, then you can make a detailed diagram. For example, a project will demonstrate whether a ladder will work. It is also recommended to study the drawings.


The simplest drawing of a marching staircase to the second floor, which the owner can make with his own hands. The drawing shows a fairly large structure, but sometimes such a staircase leads to the second floor.

Knowing the distance between floors, you can calculate the number of steps. For example, the height from floor to floor is 290 centimeters, the steps are selected at 20 cm. After simple calculations, 14.5 steps are obtained. It is necessary to round up to 14 or 15. In the first case, the height of each step should be 20.71 cm, and in the second - 19.33 cm.

In the example, integers are used - the height of the stairs to the second floor is 260 cm, each step goes 20 cm, in the end they are 13. As for the dimensions of the flight of stairs, its width should not be less than 70 centimeters. The upward slope can be anything. In the example shown in this article, the staircase is 1 meter wide.

It is also worth considering the platforms that will be below and above. The dimensions must correspond to the dimensions of the flight of stairs. The ideal shape would be a rectangle or square.
These are the simplest schemes for making a wooden staircase to the second floor. The main thing is to choose a convenient angle of inclination so that in the end there is no stepladder.

The most reliable option is a straight staircase. The U-shaped version is suitable for private houses with a large area. A beginner is unlikely to master the L-shaped design.

Choosing an installation method

The design of the future staircase may include:

  • Bowstrings... This word refers to beams that support structures on both sides.
  • Kosoura... The second option is the beams that hold the stairs from below.


When the steps, platforms and beams are ready, you can proceed to the installation of the stairs with your own hands. In the example, a variant with kosoura is considered. It is necessary to make notes in advance for the place of their installation. On the floor of the first floor, stringers are installed on a support bar. At the point where the staircase goes to the second floor, the supporting elements are placed in the gaps in the floor beam. In some cases, metal supports are used for the same purposes. Fastening of stringers is carried out using anchor bolts.

During the installation process, there should always be a building level at hand, you can also determine the position by the body kit so that at the end you do not get a step-ladder. The elements of the wooden structure must be perfectly aligned. The step panels must be fixed on top of the stringers, it is most convenient to do this with self-tapping screws.

Are the steps ready? So you can start installing the balusters on the floor. Support posts are mounted at the top and bottom of the structure, limiting the handrails. They are also decorative and supporting elements.

Now installation:

  1. Finished balusters must be covered with handrails (railings), which are mounted on support posts. If the structure is large, then additional support in the middle of the stairs will not interfere.
  2. Sometimes 3-4 racks are required. In this case, you should not waste energy on balusters, since even boards will be a more rational solution.
  3. After completing the assembly, the wood surface must be carefully sanded. You can do this with your own hands or with a power tool.
  4. Next comes the preparation before painting: all debris and dust are removed, it must dry completely. If necessary, putty is applied after sanding. It goes without saying that wood coatings are needed for this work.
  5. When the preparatory work is completed, you can paint the wood elements. A primer is applied, and then 1-2 layers of paint. After drying, it is necessary to varnish the structure. Alternatively, you can use wood stain.

The result is a comfortable staircase, with which you can comfortably and safely climb to the second floor. If the angle is calculated correctly, there will be no stepladder.

The ascent to the second floor in a private house can be done without any problems with your own hands, with minimal skills in construction. The main thing is that it is reliable, safe and beautiful. Next, it will be discussed in detail what stairs to the second floor in a wooden house can be, options for their construction and design.


First, it is worth describing in more detail the requirements that stairs in a wooden house should have. Since most of these projects are individual, there are no specific regulated technical standards. Some parameters are recommended to be observed for any wooden building.

The width of the stairs must be at least 90 cm, this will provide not only the convenience of lifting, but also safety, including fire-fighting - for quick evacuation. The slope usually does not exceed 40 degrees, a steeper one will become uncomfortable and dangerous, and with a less steep climb, the entire structure becomes more bulky and takes up more free space. Railings are best made 80–90 cm high.

The height of the steps in such a staircase should be 15–18 cm, so if you slip, there will be no chance of your foot falling through the opening between the balusters, even if the steps are solid, then a large value will give an uncomfortable rise. And if there are children in the house, then it is better to make a vertical distance of 7-10 cm. The number of steps for one march is usually 8-15, the whole staircase will have 20-30 steps.

Structural strength is the main requirement, the ladder must be able to withstand at least 200 kg.To do this, you need to use reliable fastenings of the frame, steps and railings, strong supports, high-quality material. If it is made of wood, then polished beams with a thickness of at least 20 mm should be taken - for steps, for the frame and supports - at least 60 mm, metal stairs should be reliably welded at the joints.

All steps of a wooden staircase must be the same in length, width and height. The material must be polished and varnished so that it is smooth, does not have splinters and cracks. Excellent appearance and original design can also be attributed to the desired requirements of this design. Usually stairs to the second floor in a wooden house are installed in the hallway or hall.

Types of structures

By design, such stairs can be divided into the following types.

  • Screw - are the most compact and often the cheapest, as they require a minimum of material and simpler installation work. You can install them even in a tiny country house, and they always look very original. But the disadvantage is the inconvenience of lifting, and if there are children and the elderly in the house, spiral staircases can lead to injuries.

  • Marching straight - the most traditional version of stairs to the second floor. With proper installation, they are comfortable, safe, and look great. The main drawback is the large space that the flight stairs take up in the room.

  • Swivel stairsat the same time they are convenient and take up less useful space in a wooden house. Marches in them are usually located at an angle of 90 degrees and are adjacent to the adjacent walls of the room. Such designs also add originality to the interior of the building.

Execution materials

Materials for stairs to the second floor differ in cost and complexity of installation work. But in order to decide what to build a future structure from, it is necessary to consider in more detail the properties of each. Wood is a traditional and most popular material for making stairs in a private house, which it surely remains today.

This is due to a number of its advantages:

  • it is cheap and easy to handle;
  • wood parts are easy to attach to each other;
  • it is a natural and environmentally friendly material without harmful impurities;
  • a wooden staircase always has an attractive and cozy look;
  • if necessary, timber structures are easy to dismantle.

You can build a staircase from wood to the second floor in almost any style: rural, classic, high-tech or modern, the main thing is to choose the right shapes and colors. Most often, marching straight and swing stairs for 2 flights are made of wood. Steps and railings are fastened to nails or wood screws; to save money, one of the structural supports is often the wall of a wooden house.

For the most elite and beautiful stairs, they choose such types of wood as oak, beech, ash, cedar.They have noble shades with pronounced textures and excellent durability. More budgetary wood materials are pine and birch. When properly processed, seasoned and dry wood has excellent physical properties and durability.

Metal stairs are more durable and can last a long time. The most commonly used alloys are aluminum, copper and cast iron are also popular. The disadvantage is the complexity of installation; for strength, welding of the frame, steps and railings is usually required. Solid metal stairs are an excellent option for a wooden house. The screw type of various metals is the most popular.

It is possible to build stairs made of natural or artificial stone in a wooden house. The cost will be high, but the view of such rises to the second floor is very impressive. The advantage is their environmental friendliness, long service life.

How to do it?

Before you build an ascent to the second floor with your own hands, you need to decide on the choice of place, type of construction and materials of manufacture. In this case, it is worth considering where the hatch or door to the upper room will be located in order to connect the upper span with it. In order to correctly determine the amount of raw materials and fasteners in advance, it is worth creating a sketch, which indicates the width and height of steps and spans, supporting elements, places of fastenings to the wall and floor, dimensions of the railing.

For the construction, you should prepare in advance the site where the structure will be mounted, as well as the adjacent walls. For the preparation of the material, installation and finishing, you will need: a hacksaw, a pencil, a ruler and tape measure, a drill, a screwdriver, a square, a building level, a hammer and a brush.

To build a swing staircase with two flights of wood, you will need 8 steps with a width of 250 mm, a step height of 200 mm, a span of 900 mm and an area of \u200b\u200b900x900 mm. The railing can be of the simplest design, the main thing is that the distance between adjacent vertical posts is at least 400 mm. Installation begins with sawing the sanded beams; for the frame, it is good to choose them with a cross-sectional size of 60 by 120 mm. Installation of the platform on vertical supports takes place in the corner of the room, then the bowstring of the lower march is made - inclined boards on which the steps and railings will be attached. Fastening to the ceiling, that is, the existing wall of a wooden house, is carried out on metal screws, self-tapping screws for wood, at least 60 cm long.

When the platform on vertical posts and the bowstring are fixed, then ready-made steps are placed and attached to the cutouts of the latter. After that, the railing is mounted to the lower span. Then, in the same way, they begin to install the second march. His bowstring is already attached to the ceiling and the second adjacent wall. The second span turns out to be longer; for reliability, somewhere in its middle, it is worth installing an additional support beam.

Such a ladder is easy to install and convenient, but on the smoothly polished and varnished surface of the steps they often slip. To avoid this, you can fix rough notches made of metal or other material on the stairs. After the structure with the railings is ready, it is worth taking care of the construction of a damper or an opening hatch to the second floor.

It is also easy to make a spiral staircase, which will require 12-15 steps with a floor height of 2.4–2.7 m. Its main forming element is a central vertical support, around which steps will rise in a spiral, they, unlike straight stairs, have the shape of a trapezoid. There are a huge number of design options and materials, including natural wood.

Registration of marches

Wood stairs can be painted with any clear quick-drying varnish. It is best to choose odorless varieties for indoor use. These can be alkyd varnishes, which have a relatively low cost, alcohol varnishes with good strength and protection from moisture, environmentally friendly acrylic or polyurethane varnishes with high wear resistance.

Wooden stairs can be painted in any opaque color.At the same time, the pleasant texture and shade of natural wood are lost, but this way you can achieve, for example, the maximum combination with the rest of the interior or create a certain style. So that after painting there is no pungent smell in the room, it is worth choosing persistent and high-quality acrylic, alkyd, emulsion paints.

Whatever the varnish is, it should be applied gently with a new soft bristle brush. It is cleaned after use. Even if the finishing material is odorless, it is better not to be inside the premises of the work being performed for a couple of hours and to check the house.

Style and design may vary depending on the preferences of the hosts. The most popular rural style for small wooden houses. It is based on maximum naturalness and simplicity. Therefore, it is worth choosing simple straight shapes of steps and railings, using beams made of natural wood, covered with transparent varnish. It is possible not to treat the surface of the boards with decorative coloring agents at all, but only to polish them as much as possible.

The classic style is typical for spacious rooms with chic interiors. It is best to choose noble dark woods for it. Railings near stairs in this style can have curved shapes, complex vertical posts of many elements, equipped with stucco. The main thing is not to overdo it in the number of decorative details and harmoniously fit the staircase into the interior of a country house.

Country houses of two or three floors are very compact and spacious, while occupying less area on the site. Inside such a house, it is easy to plan functional rooms that are minimally distant from each other. A safe and comfortable staircase in a private house to the second floor is an important structural element of a residential building, therefore, when choosing a suitable project, it is important to take into account all the nuances of the construction of such structures.

A lush bouquet of flowers will decorate the interior of the hallway with a staircase

Staircase in the house to the second floor - main views (photo)

At the design stage, a variety of stairs is selected, guided by the size of the room. This will allow rational use of the allotted space. By design, there are three priority types of stairs.

Marching stairs

The most comfortable and safe staircase structures for private houses are stable and monumental flight stairs. A march is a span, of which there can be two or three, between them a platform is arranged.

Marching stairs vary in shape

  • straight;
  • curved;
  • swivel - P or L-shaped.

Direct staircase to the second floor Curved staircase example Marching staircase with one span

Advice! When choosing a specific shape, focus on the height and area of \u200b\u200bthe room, as well as the convenience of the location of the second floor.

For spacious buildings, staircases with risers are suitable, giving a sense of solidity and fundamentalness. If you want to add an atmosphere of lightness, then you should do without these details.

Black and white color combination has long been considered a classic

The ideal march incline is 45 degrees. Taking into account the biomechanics of movement, the number of steps is performed from three to fifteen. If the height of the ceilings does not allow meeting this limit, two or even three marches are made.

  • It is customary to make an odd number of steps;
  • The most convenient step width is 25 cm, the permissible rate can vary from 22 to 30 cm;
  • The average riser height should be 15-20 cm;
  • Railings are placed at a distance of 90 to 120 cm from the surface of the steps;
  • Home stairs should not be less than 0.8 m wide.

The perfection and perfection of white is emphasized by the natural wood elements

Fashion trend and allure of geometric shapes

Non-standard compact staircase in a private house

Spiral staircases

A spiral staircase to the second floor with openwork railings gives a special charm of romanticism and a fabulous atmosphere. Such designs are ideal for small rooms, but are not at all recommended for the movement of the elderly, disabled people and small children.

The center of the spiral staircase is a rod. Steps are attached to it in a spiral. To ensure the greatest safety, the width of their center is 20-25 cm, and the outer part is up to 40 cm.

Thanks to their elegant shape, spiral staircases become an important element of interior design. They look modern, easily support a variety of style solutions.


For such a constructive solution, the load-bearing wall serves as a support for the stairs. The steps are fixed to it using bolts (bolts). The resulting composition looks light, weightless and fragile, although in fact it is reliable and durable, withstands a load of over a ton.

Thanks to the bolts, even after installation, if necessary, the height of the steps can be adjusted. For safety, they complement the stairs with handrails

Natural concrete walls at the peak of popularity

Folding ladders

With infrequent use of stairs, for example, to climb the attic, many people prefer folding stairs. They are folding, retractable, telescopic, sectional.

An irreplaceable thing in everyday life becomes part of a decorative element

Such structures do not take up the space of the lower room, and when the need is no longer needed, they are folded or pushed in.

It is worth considering and providing access to any hard-to-reach place in the house

As a rule, the width of such a ladder is from 60 to 65 cm. The optimal ceiling height for installing a folding ladder should not exceed 3 meters. Their external design is decided taking into account the general design of the room.

Conciseness and uniqueness of design can be contained in one element

In the manufacture of stairs for private housing, several types of materials are used. The main selection criterion is strength and durability, but do not forget about the decorative characteristics.

Wooden stairs

The traditional image of the two-story house is based on a solid wooden staircase with superb carved balusters, polished railings, and attractive textures.

This material has not lost its relevance in modern conditions.

  • Oak looks noble, wenge brings luxury.
  • Walnut, ash, beech are often used as the main material.
  • Are very popular and in demand - maple, cherry, teak.
  • Larch is distinguished by its durability and strength.
  • Pine wood is not strong enough and such stairs will not last long in operation.

The beauty and richness of carved balusters

Balusters in the interior are a special style and impeccable taste

An unusual idea with a combination of steps of different sizes

Usually, a flight staircase is constructed entirely of wood. To ensure fire safety, the material is pre-impregnated with special compounds. The finished structure is protected from external influences with varnish, which enhances the feeling of naturalness, making the wood texture very advantageous.

Beauty and grace Light shades can be combined with any materials An interesting idea brought to life
Modern combination of materials Minimalism in the interior Two-flight climb in a private house

Metal ladder

  • Having picked up stainless steel for the construction of the stairs, you will be able to provide your house with a durable solid structure. Such material will not deform even in high humidity conditions, it is not threatened with shrinkage and cracking.

Important! It must be borne in mind that the varieties of metal that have a protective paint and varnish layer are destroyed faster due to corrosion processes that occur with the slightest cracks and scratches.

The main architectural detail of the interior is thin metal rods, which serve as both a support and a fence.

Stylish and multifunctional solution for a private house

Metal is appreciated for the ability to give details to various shapes - forged elements in any interior look graceful, bringing a touch of ancient grandeur breathing.

Black metal is in fashion now Lightweight design is suitable for a duplex apartment Double-marching climb to ensure access to hard-to-reach places Design solution for safe lifting Modern interior in a country house

Concrete staircase

Solid and complete concrete stairs have a specific look and are not suitable for every style, since they do not have the refinement of the Baroque or the nobility of the classics.

Nevertheless, the material is in fairly wide demand, since it can withstand, for a long time, significant loads, does not corrode and rot.

A glass partition gives lightness to heavy concrete

A marble countertop along the entire wall will visually stretch the space

An important advantage of concrete surfaces is the ability to decorate them with other materials - wood, plaster, stone, tiles. This allows you to give the necessary sound and makes the staircase a harmonious element of the overall interior.

For many, the low cost of the material is of great importance, but it should be borne in mind that the installation of concrete stairs will require the invitation of specialists.

Stone staircase

Natural stone is one of the most expensive materials used for the construction of stairs. This design looks prestigious and elegant.

Important! It is not recommended to make steps from aristocratic stunningly beautiful marble, which is prone to abrasion. In order to obtain a wear-resistant staircase, granite is used; steps made of this stone are considered the most durable structure.

Contemporary stone interpretation

An artificial stone, which is highly durable, will allow you to create the necessary entourage. With such a solution, imitation of not only marble, but also enchanting malachite is available. You can choose a material with an aging effect.

Glass staircase

Transparent, almost invisible glass steps make spiral staircases and structures on the walls weightless and airy. This feeling is enhanced when the correct backlighting is set.

  1. For the manufacture of the glass structure, only durable laminated or tempered glass is used.
  2. Monolithic glass is also allowed for use, the thickness of which will be two- or three-layer.
  3. The most reliable is the acrylic type of stairs, but the surface of such steps gradually loses its transparency.
  4. Taking into account certain safety requirements and for maximum convenience, a protective side bar should be added.

Staircase lighting should be of moderate brightness

The glass staircase seemed to dissolve into space

Staircase design in the interior in various styles

Since the staircase to the second floor serves as one of the key elements of the interior, its shape and color scheme are made in a certain style that supports the overall environment.

Modern and classic style for staircase design

  • Modern style the direction assumes restraint and brevity of forms. The material and type of construction can be any, but basically, preference is given to strict geometry, clear lines, flat planes.
  • Classic style supported by precious wood and stone. These materials are used for the manufacture of mid-flight stairs, but the main condition should be the presence of a spacious room.

The impeccably polished surfaces of the steps and other elements of the staircase will add special emphasis to the interior. Carved and forged parts are still the optimal solution for decorating handrails. It is appropriate to hang pictures on the walls in large frames with wood texture.

Loft style staircase

A concrete or metal staircase will perfectly fit into the loft style. Such structures do not require additional decoration; brickwork on the wall will become a good neighborhood for them.

Other materials will also look good, provided that you give preference to extremely simple forms. But do not forget, comfortable and safe movement is an important criterion.

An iron staircase with a rust effect is a highlight that gives the interior individuality

Minimalist staircase perfection

The stairs in a private house to the second floor, designed in the style of minimalism, completely merge with the general space, without attracting attention to themselves. This is achieved by selecting texture and color. The steps that are fixed on the bolts fit here most successfully.

If a flight staircase is structurally necessary, then the railings must be made thin, this will allow you to get closer to the main interior surroundings.

The sophistication of an Art Deco staircase

Diverse and elegant Art Deco emphasizes the level of prestige in all the details of the staircase. Look harmoniously, emphasizing the monumentality and nobility, marching staircase structures.

Their railings are often made with intricate floral intertwining patterns. The spiral steps of the helical structures correspond to the Art Deco style.

Provence style staircase

The sophistication and sophistication of the Provence style will be favorably emphasized by a smoothly curved one-flight staircase. It is most often made of wood, but other materials are also welcome; for decoration, preference is given to light colors - milky, beige, muted blue.

The presence of openwork details or carved railings will harmoniously emphasize the style. On forged elements, patina will be appropriate, creating an antique effect.

Restrained and extravagant style in the design of country houses

Layout of stairs in a two-story house - design options

The placement of the stairs is thought out in detail at the design stage of the house. But sometimes there is an urgent need to install this structure if work was carried out on the construction of an attic or a full-fledged second floor on an already constructed building.

The choice of location depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the height of the ceilings, the need to ensure the utmost convenience for movement. For example, in large houses, the stairs to the second floor are placed in a spacious living room.

Often, a structure made of prestigious materials becomes an ornament and dignity of the living room. Such a layout for placing the stairs will be convenient if bedrooms are located at the top.

Correct functionality of the space under the stairs

Most often, there is free space under the flight of stairs located against the wall. It can be used for the benefit of the whole family if additional storage space is required, closed racks should be built there.

Having installed a computer desk with a comfortable chair, it is possible to equip a full-fledged work area. Wall shelves and whatnot help complete the look of a mini office.

You can purchase or make your own decorative fireplace portal. Place a small sofa, coffee table or comfortable chairs nearby - you get a comfortable seating area. To obtain an imitation of the enchanting flame, place special electrical devices inside the portal.

The shelves with collection wines behind the glass facades are perfectly placed in the space under the stairs. If the area allows you to install a bar with high chairs, carry out the backlight with dim lighting.

Own mini bar in the house is the pride of the owner

With a rational approach, the niche under the stairs will harmoniously fit into the overall interior of the room and turn into a comfortable functional area.

It is important to consider the lighting of this fairly confined space. This will maximize the safety of movement on the stairs, as well as add comfort when using the niche for the selected functionality.

The simplest solution is wall sconces. An exquisite atmosphere is created by an LED strip fixed to the bottom of the staircase. By placing a floor vase with a large flower and illuminating it from below, you can achieve the feeling of whole thickets, in which it is pleasant to sit in a comfortable chair and relax.

A staircase in a country house is not only a structure necessary for comfortable and safe ascent and descent, but also a central decorative element of the interior.

Given its versatility, initially choose a suitable strong and durable material, carefully consider a practical color and texture solution.

When starting the construction of a large, multi-storey cottage, many people often do not think about such an important element as a staircase. After that, already in the process of construction, they begin to puzzle over the issues of its design, engineering and other things. The staircase can be made simple and almost invisible, or it can be turned into a real work of art, capable of capturing the eyes of all guests of the house.

Designing stairs is considered one of the important stages in building a house. Ladders are able to favorably emphasize the space of a living room, becoming its highlight. With a competent approach to solving this issue, you can get an unrivaled option.

Wooden staircase project in a private house

The stairs can be divided into external and internal. Internal staircases are located between the floors of a residential building, allowing easy movement from one room to another. External stairs have a refining function. In addition, it is taken into account what type it will be, so that the staircase fully correlates with the house (that is, its dimensions in relation to the surrounding space are taken into account).

External stone staircase project

There are a huge number of various shapes and sizes of structures, which sometimes simply boggle the imagination, but, in general, it is customary to divide all stairs into two types.

Drawing and diagram of the device of a curved staircase

For the design of outdoor stairs, it is necessary to choose a material that is resistant to corrosion due to prolonged exposure to large amounts of moisture and sudden changes in temperature. Bronze is considered an excellent material for this type. But due to the fact that the metal is quite expensive, the availability of such a structure becomes limited.

An alternative to such a metal staircase can be a cast-iron version. The metal used for manufacturing has good characteristics, and at a relatively low cost, stairs become more accessible to a wide class of consumers. Also, as an alternative to metal, you can use wood treated with various impregnations.

Wooden stairs can be a highlight of home design

The choice of materials for stairs located inside the house

Currently, thanks to the mass of different technologies, it is possible to build stairs using stone, wood and metal. Stairs designed using a combination of metal and wood or metal and stone look very laconic. In the first version, the steps are made of specially processed wood planks of various species, and the handrails are forged in foundries, and then the structure is assembled on site.

Combined wrought iron staircase

In the second version, the steps are laid out with a stone. It should be noted that marble staircases with wrought iron railings can rightfully be considered a work of building art.

Wrought marble stairs amaze with their magnificence

Perhaps the most common material used in the manufacture of stairs is wood, which must be handled very carefully. Ash, beech or oak need one processing method; larch, birch and pine are in the other.

Calculation, drawing and design of wooden stairs

Before you start designing a staircase, you need to answer some questions. It is necessary to determine whether the designed structure will fit well into the area of \u200b\u200bthe ground floor area, which is intended for the beginning of the rise? In addition, the staircase must match the configuration and area of \u200b\u200bthe opening in the interfloor overlap, through which the ascent to the second floor will be completed.

Drawing of a wooden spiral staircase to the second floor

For example, a single-flight staircase requires at least one square meter of free space on the floor and above itself - an opening that partly repeats its rectangular appearance, but at the same time is somewhat reduced due to the part hanging over the first steps. These points should be provided even before the design of the structure begins.

Let's say the ceiling height is 280 cm, and the ceiling thickness is 20 cm, as a result, you get 300 cm.The height of the steps is 18 cm.Thus, we divide 300 cm by 18 cm and we get a step height of 16.6 cm. Do not forget about the fact that it is necessary to calculate the maximum permissible ceiling overhang over the initial steps of the stairs. To do this, 190 cm should be subtracted from 280 cm (the average height of a person with a small margin), after which the resulting number (90 cm) should be divided by the height of the steps (16.6 cm). The result will be 5.4. We will round this number to 5 and get exactly the number of steps above which the interfloor overlap can be located, after which the opening area begins.

Drawing of a wooden staircase to the second floor of the house

After that, it is necessary to obtain more accurate parameters, which include the width of each step. The width should be such that the step fully accommodates the foot of an adult in its natural position (that is, perpendicular to the length of the step). In this case, 30 cm is considered ideal. 30 cm is multiplied by 5 (the number of steps) and 150 cm is obtained.Thus, it turns out that the opening of the interfloor overlap measuring 4.5 m by 1.56 m should begin 150 cm from the beginning of the rise up the stairs and end 90 cm after this mark.

The total length of the stairs is calculated using the Pythagorean formula - the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs (3 2 + 5.4 2 \u003d 38.16). The square root of this number will be 6.18 m. Accordingly, the total length of the stairs will be 6.18 m. In fact, on these calculations, the process of creating a staircase project (excluding the railing) can be considered complete.

This video shows how the detailed design of the internal wooden staircase to the second floor of the house is going on.

Design of metal stairs

This type of design is fairly common. This is due to the fact that metal stairs are ideal for office buildings, and with a certain design project, they will decorate a residential building.

When designing metal stairs, you should decide what type of structure you would like to see in your interior. It can be a spiral staircase, a staircase on bowstrings, a cantilever staircase, or a staircase on kosoura.

A spiral or, as it is often called, a circular staircase will save space, its steps can be made of any material with steel handrails.

Stairs on kosoura are also quite often used (kosour is the main support of the march beam and is attached to the step). Structures on bowstrings, as well as on kosoura, are a kind of marching type of stairs. Bowstrings are inclined beams, treads are attached from the inside, but they are similar to stringers.

Drawing and diagram of the device of a staircase on broken side stringers

A cantilever ladder is made using an anchorage without the use of stringers and bowstrings, which gives the impression of airiness and lightness (when replacing the floor, dismantling such a ladder is not required).

Cantilever staircase to the second floor of the house

It is better to design stairs in private houses with the help and entrust it to professionals. This process requires special knowledge and skills. Experts will provide you with an option that will best fit into your design project and will not take up much space, and most importantly, will be safe for you and your family.

The design of stairs in private houses can be preliminary and complete. In the first version, a 3D model is being developed, where you can consider a virtual model of the future staircase and change some elements. With a full design, a model is also developed, plus documentation is also drawn up (for example, a bill of materials and drawings of parts).

If you decide to contact a company operating in another city or region, it is possible to order such a design online, in which case the calculation will be made by bank transfer.

It is highly undesirable to plan the construction of stairs with a deviation from the standard dimensions of the staircase. If a project of a single-flight staircase is being created, then it must be at least 1x3 m; screw with a central post - at least 2 m in diameter. Decreasing these numbers can adversely affect some technical parameters (for example, the angle of inclination or the height and width of steps).

Drawing of a simple project of a wooden one-flight staircase to the second floor

The stairwell should ideally be insulated in volume. If there is no separation of floors by doors and walls, then warm air will rise up unhindered, thereby causing a thermal imbalance.

When arranging stairs, it is undesirable to use massive materials (balusters, steps and railings). In the manufacture of staircase elements, it is recommended to give preference to glued wood, which in the future will help to avoid the appearance of cracks on the structure. For the same purposes, small gaps should be left between structural elements.

It is best to purchase the components of the structure from the same manufacturers, as this will allow you to choose the material not only of the same color, but also of the identical processing.

The installation of a staircase in a wooden house should be carried out no earlier than 10-12 months after the start of operation of the building. The reason is that a wooden structure during this time can shrink up to 10% of the height, which, naturally, will affect the construction of the staircase as an interfloor connecting element.

The angle of inclination of the flight of stairs must be at least 20 degrees, the width of the steps must be at least 100 cm, and the depth of the tread must be at least 25 cm.

Easy to walk staircase angles

The distance between the balusters should not exceed 15cm, and their most acceptable height should be within 85-90cm.

The optimal distance between the balusters of a wooden staircase

For tinting wooden stairs, it is recommended to use only those coatings that are intended for finishing parquet and furniture. The products that are used to protect wood from the weather can be too toxic.