Car heated brushes. Heated janitors do it yourself

Windshield windshield brushes with heated windshield - an effective part for a car in winter, as standard wipers often face and do not always cope with their functions. That is why motorists in our country often establish heated brushes or special heaters of parking spaces of automotive janitors. In the article, consider the options for "warm" brushes and the ability to make the heater of the parking zone with their own hands.

1 Methods for heating wiper brushes zones

To date, a special tape with leads for wires is used to heat the zone of janitors, with which glass is heated. The ribbon has a property to heat up at low temperatures and thereby prevents the ships and frostbite of janitors and glass and the icing of gum. This ensures uninterrupted operation of the wiper brushes in the winter period of operation of the car.

The minus of this method of heating can be considered the risk of damage to the windshield (the formation of cracks) in case of incorrect use, for example, the inclusion of heating without preheating the cabin and cleaning from abundant snow on the glass. It is worth noting that on some foreign cars the presented method of heating the area of \u200b\u200bparking brushes is used by default, the ribbon is already built into the zone of use of janitors, which is not in the cars of domestic production.

Wiper brush heater in the form of tapes with electrical wires can be made with your own hands or purchase ready-made setsdifferent power and length, for example, OEM 50x540W firms. Such kits are designed to be installed on the VAZ or foreign cars on the model, are regulated depending on the length of the janitors and the power of the on-board network (as a rule, 12-13 volts). To set the ribbon with your own hands, you must first clean the glass from the snow, nondes and dirt. Then remove the protective element of the adhesive layer and gently glue the heating tape into the parking place of janitors from the inside of the glass so that the middle of the parking lots of the wiper coincided with the middle of the heater tape.

Next, one of the Wires "Mass" from the tape should be connected to the "mass" of the regular onboard network. Conduct the second wire through the switch and fuse in the relay and connect to 12 volts to contact. Contacts from the heater are also recommended to connect to the side mirror heater chains (if any) or to the circuit on the rear window heating circuit with parallel inclusion. In this case, the activation of the heater will occur the standard button for turning the heating of the rear window or mirrors.

2 Frameless Winter Wipers with Heating Function

We are talking about a set of special janitors that can be purchased in the auto shop and during the winter operation. Today, heated wiper blades of manufacturers such as Burner, Consul Winter, ClearView, etc. are most popular, etc. The price of such janitors is quite acceptable, so they are considered universal and are suitable for installation on various models of auto domestic and foreign production. The wires and the heating element on these brushes have a fluoroplastic foundation, which allows them to not come into contact with the outer medium and alcohol-containing solutions to which the non-freezing liquid belongs.

The principle of work of janitors with a heater is simple - heating is carried out at the landing site of the gum into the janitor, and not from the inside.

The metal base of the brush is heated and in the future acts as a radiator, which evenly transmits heat to the janitor's framework and the rubber base.

If the heated brushes have an automatic response system with a reaction to a change in temperature and glass freezing (it is recommended to purchase exactly such, especially for foreign cars), then a special control module comes in a set with janitor, which automatically determines the need to turn the heating at a certain temperature.

Installation should be carried out in several stages:

  1. Install the frameless brush on the holder lever (at most models it is done using a special clip);
  2. The electrical wire should be fixed on the contact lever of janitors with wire or other mounts. Corrugated material can also be put on the wire for additional isolation and preventing deformation;
  3. Block controls the brushes in a safe place in the windscreen space and also secure it with wire or plastic holders;
  4. Connect the module and feed wires of the janitor heater to the battery terminal. At this stage, you can use a special adapter for 10-15 amps to prevent the discharge of the AKB.

If the automatic relay is not provided (more budget versions of the brushes), then the power wiring wire must be safely spent in the cabin and connect the control wire in the relay to the 12 V contact relay, and the installation control button is additionally in the instrument panel. Or carry out the wire to the button of the regular inclusion of heating or blowing the glass (you should be attentive and activated the heating only in the case of a uniform heating of the car's cabin, otherwise the glass may not withstand the temperature difference and crack).

3 Efficient way to manufacture brushes with heating with your own hands

First of all, it is necessary to purchase a standard wire with a cross section of 0.3 mm (about 10 meters), which is designed for consumption of 2.5 amps and power up to 35 W. On a flat surface (for example, on the table), we take two parallel nails at a distance equal to the size of the janitor.

Mot MGTF is evenly, so that the coils do not cross each other before the formation of a peculiar loop loop. Connect the wires with a tape or tape to the electric train, leaving two wires of contacts in the middle.

Two copper wiring of the VUI type should be soldered to these wires and consolidate the place of soldering with a shrink tube or carefully closed the tape. The resulting loop with contacts can be wrapped in foil to ensure more uniform heating of the wires. Take care of the loop under rubber and plastic carefully with your own hands (you must also disassemble them).

Install plastic and rubber items back, and the wires of the contact contact locations are special terminals, the wire itself is died into the corrugated pipe and secure on the fastening levers of janitors with the removal of the wires into the car's salon. Contacts can be connected to the AKB, but there is a risk that it will quickly sit down during the use of janitors.

There are several more ways to make a heater with their own hands, but they require more time and strength, so it's easier to purchase and connect automatic or high-quality brushes with a manufacturer's warranty. If you for any reason doubt the correctness of the installation, it is advisable to contact the specialists.

Additional car accessories will significantly facilitate driving and car service at different times of the year. Winter accessories include heated brushes, thanks to which they will not have to score wipers from the windshield in the mornings and replace them after the rapid failure due to frosts. Why are warm wipers so in demand and how to connect them? Is it possible to make warm brushes with their own hands?

Relevance of using heated brushes

In winter, classic carcass carcasses frost are frozen. Over time, the hinge rumors become fixed due to the freezing water, therefore, the density of fitting to the glass is significantly reduced. Such deformations lead to the presence of untreated areas.

Another problem with which the owner of the car is facing is the wrong selection of the rubber mixture leads to curing cleaning canvas, after which the car brushes jump over the glass and frustrate. Ordinary wipers with the arrival of winter are better immediately replaced with warm, which will increase the level of comfort and safety, as well as will prolong the operational period of wiper.

Advantages and disadvantages

In operation, the heated wipers demonstrate the following advantages:

  • the ability to use under all weather conditions;
  • the snow on the glass is quickly melted under the influence of the heating surface;
  • long operational period;
  • the liquid remaining on the janitor and glass does not freeze, and the ice crust on the windshield is not formed;
  • simplicity of installation and operation in the presence of basic skills;
  • possibility of buying in any automotive store thanks to the wide availability.

Along with the advantages, as always, there are negative sides:

  • the cost is much higher than traditional windshield cleaners;
  • installation can be problematic if you decide to install wipers not through the cigarette lighter;
  • if the glass is too different, even warm wipers will not help.

Classification of warm janitors

Modern models of warm janitors should be classified as follows.

  1. Frame brushes, where plastic are installed instead of metal parts, since this material is not so terrible. Also installed special tires with water-repellent properties. Consequently, the brush does not act on the glass surface and at low temperatures remains softer. Such wipers can not be changed to the usual with the arrival of spring.
  2. An analogue of a skeleton brush with a special structure, due to which metal insides remain protected, like rubber in key links (read more about). Among the disadvantages, it is worth identifying the loss of efficiency at high speeds, as well as problems with the elimination of moisture, since it is condensed from the air in the metal elements with a sharp temperature differences.
  3. Brushes with heating element. Visually they are similar to frameless models, but much more efficiently. Elasticity is preserved for a long time, the design is also reliably protected from freezing.

Principle of action of janitors with heated

The structural brushes of the wiper with heating are not equipped with a frame, therefore, they are more flexible. Such quality allows to increase the efficiency of windshield cleaning. The design also assumes the presence of a special heating canvase, which protects the cleaning surfaces from freezing, prevents the appearance of unpleasant sounds and retains them geometry. The cleaning surface along the entire length is equipped with a special flexible heating tape, which is supplied with a supply network with electricity.

Famous manufacturers

Among the most reliable producers of warm brushes is worth highlighting brands "CONSUL WINTER" and "BURNER". There is no fundamental differences between them, there is only a difference in shape and fastening. Burner has provided its products with special adapters, thanks to which the installation process is much easier. Competitive companies equip each set of brushes with hooks.

If we talk about the pricing policy, the cost of warm janitors in the minimum configuration does not particularly exceed the classic brushes. Another thing is when functionality is expanded due to the extended configuration. The cost will be higher than twice.

Connecting warm brushes

You can install heated brushes both in the auto repair shop and independently. If the second option is more preferable for you, focus on the next sequence of work.

  1. Carefully clean the surface of the windshield from dust and dirt.
  2. Remove the protective film from the purchased brushes.
  3. Decide with the place of installation of janitors on the glass. Note the zone where the brush will stop, and stick to this place from the inside of the glass. At this stage it is important to take into account that the zone of the janitor should be in the center of the heating material.
  4. Connect one cable to the mass of the car, and the second to the wire with the inscription +12 volts via the switch.
  5. At this stage, you can run wipers.

Installation of the power button

During the ride, fast and convenient access to the power button is needed, therefore, it is necessary to place it with orienting this requirement. You must have basic electrical knowledge and comply with the following recommendations.

  1. Connect the relay with the power button. The best place for the relay is a zone under the hood of the car. Follow the wire length.
  2. To stretch the wires into hard-to-reach places it was convenient, use the wire.
  3. Provide all the wires with reliable isolation, otherwise everything will have to be re-made due to the short circuit of the chain.
  4. Start with a minus the relay connection and complete the plus.
  5. Install the fuse between the wire with the positive polarity.

As a result, turning on the machine and pressing the button should activate the launch of the instruments and the operation of heating. This feature must be disconnected when you press the button again.

Warm wipers do it yourself

If you feel about the category of car owners with extensive experience, you can risk and not only install warm janitors yourself, but also make them on the basis of classic wipers, flux, acids, wires, soldering iron and nichrome thread. The process of manufacturing such brushes consists of the following steps:

  1. The simplicity of the design of frameless janitors makes them the perfect base. Place the nichrome on the two sides of the gum, which can be pushed inside to protect against dumping. Observe the maximum accuracy, otherwise the granar break is not avoided.
  2. So that the design does not fall apart when equipping protective covers, use to connect a gum with a metal plate thermopystole.
  3. Measure the resistance level, 8-9 Ω indicators must be a guideline. If the resistance is below, the glass can overheat and even burst.
  4. Put the protective covers on the wipers to prevent destruction at the moment of connection with the mounting of the wiring.
  5. Suppose windscreen wipers, drill small holes for wires.
  6. Drill 2 more holes for wires in the upper lid if the wires are taken when the lid is opened through the slot.
  7. Prepare a few heat shrinkage to prevent the closure of the threads with each other.
  8. At the next stage, collect all the items and re-measure the resistance. Be proceed to soldering works only if the resistance is normal.
  9. Check the presence of mass on the mounts and, if there is any, connect it to the mount by tipping under the hood of 12V.
  10. Exhibit the fuse at the mark 5a and connect two wiper at the same time. It remains for the relay and installation of switches in the cabin.

Withers with heating are very useful in winter. This item can significantly affect the car control in bad weather conditions. In this article, I will tell you how to independently make wipers with heating and the multiple advantages of this device.

Ordinary frame brushes in the winter period create such a serious problem as frosting. Cold climate is definitely not good for them. Water, which freezes at low temperatures, makes the hinges of the rumor stationary, as a result, the brush is no longer so tightly adjacent to the glass. Because of this, uncleaned areas remain. It also makes you think about what you should buy wipes with heated.

It often happens that, due to the incorrect selection of the rubber mixture in the ribbon, the cleaner canvas, and the janitor himself disgusts and jumps along the glass. Any wiper can suffer from this problem. Most often, that wiper, who has a completely unknown origin in the manufacturer's plan.

Based on the fact that in the main territory of Russia, winter periods are pretty hard, and the weather conditions change all the time, it is better to use wiper with heating instead of ordinary. Heating will provide pure windshield under all weather conditions, and this is a direct security deposit. Yes, and the brushes themselves will serve much longer. Forging warm brushes of wipers, they are the people called automotive wipers heated, they will solve several important problems of drivers. I advise you to worry about it immediately with the arrival of cold weather. In general, the wipers with heating with their own hands install quite simple.

Heated with their own hands

Before installing the janitors who have heated, you should deal with their classification and features, so as not to intimidate with the installation sites.

They differ in the type of brushes. Their first type is practically no different from ordinary, but it is only externally. In order for such a janitor more efficient, the metal materials of its structure were replaced by plastic. It is known that plastic is less susceptible to freezing, rather than metal. Also use special rubber, which repels water. It does not face the windshield or rear glass and is softer at low temperatures, rather than the usual analog it. In the case of the first type of brushes, there is no need to change them to the usual even with the onset of the warm pore of the year and all due to their excellent characteristics.

Otherwise, heating wiper can compete with a frame brush, the frame of which is enclosed in the rubber case. This is the second type of brushes. Their unique structure protects the inner design of metal and the rubber itself from freezing in key links. Withers with heated are good, but this type retains its mobility and is completely protected from corrosion. Unfortunately, they are difficult to clean from moisture, because due to the sharp change of temperature, water is simply condensed directly from the air on the elements of metal. They also lose their effectiveness at high speeds.

Finally, the last winter type of this mechanism is the heated wipers. They look like a brush without a frame, but with an integrated special element of heating type. In addition, they are able to maintain their elasticity for a long time and such brushes are well protected from freezing. However, the heated wipers need to connect to the electrical system of the machine.

Installation of Brushes with heated Burner can be carried out personally. Each brush is attached in the box a set of adapters, as well as detailed installation instructions. There is, in general, several ways to connect. One of them is to connect to the network through the cigarette lighter. To carry out this manipulation, you will need added to the Wire Kit, which are designed specifically on such a connection. Do not forget to connect the Burnian wipers to the button that controls the heated rear window. To do this, you will need to purchase a special kit consisting of connectors, special relays, wiring and fuses.

Connection is also carried out through radio button. This is the easiest and most convenient option. With the help of a special set, the driver will ensure comfort when driving. Connection is very simple - first we attach the device directly to the battery, and then take a radio tape. When you click on the brush button will be turned on. This device has a shutdown timer that will protect the battery from premature discharge.

Many bold car enthusiasts are taken not only for the connection of purchased janitors with heating, but also create them with their own hands. To do this, use a set of ordinary janitors, nichrome threads, a soldering iron, a piece of wires, acids and flux. You also need a heat shrink, thermopystoletole and some other tool.

Consider an example with frameless winter janitor. Their design is very simple. We put in two sides of the gum nichrome. The gums so as not to fall out, can be pushed inside. But you need to do it carefully, otherwise they will break. Good advice is to use a thermal gun to connect an elastic band with a metal plate, otherwise when equipped with a protective casing, the design may fall apart. I advise you to immediately measure the resistance level. If it is within 8-9 ohm - it is very good. Well, if the number is less, there is a risk of heating and even glass span. Then we dress protective covers for the wipers to protect the design from destruction when we connect with the mounting of the wiring.

We put the fastening on the janitors, we drill small holes in which our wires inhibit. In the upper lid, drill 2 more holes for wires. Although this can not be done. Wires are sometimes held when the lid is opened through the slot. To exclude the risk of the fact that the threads can be closed among themselves, you should also prepare a couple of heat shrinking.

We collect all parts by measuring resistance again. If the values \u200b\u200bof the norm can be soldered wires. It is important to check the presence of mass on the mounts. If so, it needs to be connected to the attachment too, smoking under the hood of 12V. Both janitor connect simultaneously, the fuse should be put up to the mark in 5a, then we carry out the relay, and put the switches from the janitors to the salon. And, in fact, everything is ready. Each review of this method carries positive information. So you can make wipers with heating, which for minutes for 10 minutes will release the glass of your car from ice and snow in winter.

Video "Withers with heated"

The video shows the process of installing janitors with heating to the car brand "Scoda Oktavia". Also looking at the record, you will learn how to connect the janitors yourself without the help of specialists.

Heated wiper brushes are one of the most advanced inventions after heating windshield, allowing to ensure the efficient work of janitors during the cold season.

As you know, the main "illness" of regular windshield wipers in winter is their icing and calling, in view of which they completely lose their work properties. The use of heated brushes allows the motorist to completely avoid such hassle.

Principle of operation of wipers with electric heating

Create "wipers" with heating - the idea is not new. She occupied the minds of motorists in the middle of the twentieth century, and many "self-relocities" at the expanses of the former Soviet Union even had her own hands with one or another level of success.

The principle based on the data of wipers is very simple: in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rubber working path of the cleaner there is a thin wire heating when the voltage is applied. Due to this, ice around the brush melts, and the rubber retains its elasticity even with very low temperatures.

Initially, a traditional nichrome was used in the role of the heating element - the nickel and chromium alloy, which possessed the most optimal working properties when heated.

Today, modern carbonaceous fiber is used for the manufacture of heating threads, thanks to which manufacturers managed to make a thread completely invisible, and the design of the brushes is extremely compact.

How to connect wipers with heated to the onboard power grid

For many, who for the first time hears about such a "janitor", it certainly arises the question of how to connect the wiper brushes with heating to the automotive power grid. After all, this procedure is most important, and the overall reliability of the operation of the electrical equipment of the car depends on the quality of its implementation.

Here it is worth saying that the heated wipers have several connectivity options with an electrician:

Using a regular cigarette lighter socket

This method is most simple, does not affect the conditions for warranty maintenance of the car and is made by simply turning on the switch off the plug.

The disadvantage of the approach can only be called the output of the wire from the salon to the brush requires the corresponding opening in the area of \u200b\u200bthe windshield.

Using a kit for connecting by means of a relay supplied with "janitor"

Convenience is that the electrical system of wipers is closely integrated into the onboard electric. There is no additional wiring in the cabin, and the inclusion of heating can be displayed both on a separate key on the center console, and combine with another function, for example, with the inclusion of the heating of the rear window of the car.

The disadvantage of the scheme is that the connection requires knowledge of the automotive electrician, and therefore this procedure makes sense to trust the specialist. In addition, unauthorized connection of an additional device can lead to problems with a dealer for warranty service. Of course, in the event that the car is not at war, there will be no such difficulty.

By applying a circuit with a control keychain

Such kits are also offered together with wiper and imply remote inclusion of heating using keyfob. Installation of the device does not cause significant difficulties and can be implemented according to the attached scheme and installation instructions.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the "janitors" with heating can be attributed to the possibility of mounting almost any car, high efficiency of work in conditions of any frost, high rapidization rate of the land.

Nevertheless, despite the obvious advantages, such wipers have their drawbacks. These include the complexity of the installation, the possibility of losing a dealer warranty when installing on, as well as a fairly high cost.

In addition, the safety and quality of such cleaners directly depends on the manufacturer's company, and when choosing such products it is necessary to pay attention only to products of recognized brands.

Wiper brushes with heated Burner

Perhaps the largest producing this kind of product and widely represented in our country is Burner. Brushes of wipers with heating of this manufacturer are the most technological and modern solution.

There is a wide range of "janitors" of a frameless type with a length of 400 to 750 millimeters long, that is, a car enthusiast can choose an option for almost any car. Contributes to this and the use of universal attachment, which can be replaced with what is used on your car.

Video - overview of wipers with heating BURNER 4:

In the standard version of the brush is equipped with a Sidepin type fastener (side pin), but the bundle is included in the button type (PushButton), Pinchtab fasteners and Bayonetar Castle.

Video - wiper brushes with heated Burner 4 models:

The cost of the brushes starts from the mark of 2500 rubles and varies depending on the size, the type of connection (by the way, in the brushes of this manufacturer, all three of the above-mentioned types of connection are available), as well as models.

Video - Replacement of gum on the brush Burner:

In fact, Burner is the only brand officially represented in Russia and is certified by the heating wiper brushes.

User reviews

On the Internet, unfortunately, not so much information from the real users of the heated windscreen wiper brushes, and the reviews are not distinguished by great informative.

Nevertheless, we managed to find several useful resources and forums with which we recommend familiarizing yourself with the driver who wants to install such an accessory on your car. - a fairly informative site about the brushes of this type. If you drop out advertising information, here you can learn the technical characteristics of the selected model of brushes, as well as view sightseeing videos that demonstrate the work of the "janitors" with heating in action.

Link 2 - This article has some information. Unfortunately, the discussion took place for a long time, but some general information get here is still possible.\u003d18715 - a branch on the forum dedicated to the reviews of the wipers with heated. Discussion among those who have already acquired and installed one or another kit.

Link 4 - another profile branch in the automotive forum. Here, too, you can learn some useful information.


Brushes with heated wiper gradually begin to enter the life of motorists. Today, the choice in this niche car accessories is small, however, as it seems to us, the emergence of new players in the market is only a matter of time.

Even currently, motorists have a sufficient choice, and the onset of cold weather is just a reason for thinking over the "upgrade" of its vehicle.

Many trains of driving schools celebrate that one of the most important in traffic rules.

About the construction of a paid route M11

Dimensions of wiper brushes Indicate in the comments when placing an order. In stock Dimensions: 750, 700, 650, 600, 550, 525, 500, 475, 450, 425, 400, 350 mm.

At the time of buying " "


ATTENTION: Required brushes sizes Specify in the "Comments" field when placing an order.

Brushes with heatedBurner 5. basic set Include two wiper and k1 cables.

The basic kit is usually acquired to update the available set orfor Independent connection with a convenient method. Brushes have a universal fastening, they can be installed on the vast majority of car models. The cleaning element can be replaced, which allows you to increase the service life.

Possess indisputable advantages:

  • Increased resistance to pollution and
  • Multicomponent rubber, which includes rubber
  • Improved Treatment parameters when driving at speed
  • Long service life
  • Comfortable and universal locks
  • Resistance to Ice and Snow
  • Effective work at different temperatures and weather conditions
  • Clamping effect due to a special aerodynamic design
  • Durable coating intended for all-season use
  • Low noise when working
  • Russian production

Amazing stability when heated along the entire length of the brush due to improving the composition of the protective film, the thickness of the heating element and the resistance models.

The frame has an aerodynamic form, it serves as a spoiler and tightly presses the element to the glass at different driving speeds.

The updated frame provides an opportunity to apply replaceable elastic brushes, it is radicallyprod l evatay Service life and significantly reduces costs in comparison with traditional "janitor".

Motorists do not know that in the period from the fall in spring, visibility is sharply deteriorated. This is mainlydue to the frosting of wipers and reduce the elasticity of the brushes below the set values. When freezing, water falls into the movable elements of the case, prevents mobility in the places of fastening of "janitors" and envelops rubber, forming a durable cocoon. In such conditions, even the most expensive wiper wipers will not be able to cope with the task.

Brushes with heated Burner 5 Basic set guarantee full eliminating e This unpleasanteffect. Products received practical and reliable design. The manufacturer guarantees 36 months of trouble-free operation. If some brush breaks, not to withstand extreme loads, it can be replaced without any problems.

Perfect review and windshield cleanliness!

"Wipers" heatedBurner. 5 Designed for use in all brands of cars instead of "native" wipers. The use of built-in electrical heaters allows you to successfully remove not only water from the glass surface, but also frightened, and snow. Spoilers got a special formThey are an important element of the "janitors" and increase the quality of the clamp to the surface of the glass. The brushes are presented in length from 35 to 70 cm, which allows you to choose the most appropriate.

If you use classic "wipers" in the car, it's time to replace them with the latest developmentBurner 5. . The model easily occupiesone hundred regular wipers. Formontaja No special components and details are required. Just install wiper on the place intended for them and the weather is no longercausing inconvenience while driving.

Wipers of windshield with heated - the only radical remedy for icing windows!

Differences Burner 5. from previous models

  • Tight fit to the glass. An important element of the design is spoilers of a special aerodynamic form. At whatever speed did the car, "janitors" will always be tightly pressed to the surface of the windshield.
  • Improved heaters system. Due to the special design of electric heaters, uniformity is achievedwarming up along the entire length. The temperature is selected optimal, the data obtained as a result of a set of tests.

Thanks to the special spoilers, the thermofores are securely adjacent to the glass at any speed of the ride (click to enlarge)

  • Compatibility with most motor vehicles. The package of brushes includesspecial adapters and adapters, including a popular fixer "Narrow Push Button. " Device It can be installed almost any vehicle model.
  • Remote control (optional). Purchase of a special module allows you to enable the heating of the windshield wiper zone through gladand forest or mobile instrument. You can do this when approaching the car and from the window of your apartment.

Going in the kit Fasteners allow you to install wipers for 99% of existing brands and car models (click to enlarge)

Why you should buyand Install glass wipersBurner 5.

  • Easy installation on passenger and cargo cars. The model received long connecting cables of increased cross-section, which will exclude a decrease in voltage at current overloads.
  • Efficiency with severe frosts.For the manufacture of rubber components, materials resistant materials are used, they do not lose elasticity at temperature differences and severe frosts.
  • A wide range of sizes. Whatever brand and model of the car, the manufacturer offers suitable wipers with a length of 35 to 70 cm.
  • No longer warming up. To heal beforedesired Temperatures are required only 10 seconds. Among the devices of this class, the indicator is one of the mostlow.
  • Tight fit to the base of the glass. The exactly defined curvature of the bend of the working foundation provides Ideal The density of adjacent to the surface, there will be no divorces on it or untreated stripes.

Thermal vehicles "Burner 5" are supplied in 11 sizes and have a length of 350 to 700 mm (click to enlarge)

Use convenient method for you forcleaning Control Oh Glass

  • Manual control. "Wipers" function in the usual mode, you can manage them using a special button.
  • Control from tablet or smartphone. You must additionally purchase a moduleWi - Fi. . Management can be carried out with a portable mobile device with an operating system.Android and iOS. . The user can turn on the heating of the brushes in advance and do not wait until they proceed to the operating mode.
  • Automatic switching on and off. Mode can be configured once and use constantly. It is activated by reducing the temperature below the specified level when the engine is turned on.
  • Radio control. The mode largely resembles the use of mobile devices, the only difference - you need to purchase a radio module and wear a key chain.

Thermal vehicles can be controlled in several ways, including wireless (click to enlarge)

The principle of functioning of windscreen wipers

"Janitors" completed adapters that can be installed in place of standard devices. After their inclusion, the integrated TEN starts to warm the area of \u200b\u200bthe brushes, which gradually warmer frightened and snow on the glass. In this state, they are removed as easily as water.

Internal design of the brush "Burner 5" (click to enlarge)

Best durability

For the manufacture of moving elements, top quality materials are used. All of them are perfectly balanced. Scrapers from rubber are not afraid of the lowest temperatures. The heaters use nichrome wire of increased thickness, which increases its life. Even in the complex climatic conditions, "wipers" will be able to serve for many years.

Heated brushes will become the best solution for each car. They are universal, reliable and functional. Products will be able to serve for many years, successfully removing from the surface of the windshield, frightened and snow.

The non-political drive system of the brushes guarantees them from breakdowns (click to enlarge)