Blockhouse decoration outside. Finishing the internal block house: rules for performing work

When building a house, building materials of various origins are used. In many countries, in places where people live, they prefer to use natural products. Since ancient times, they have been used for construction, building decoration, bringing positive energy, creating a comfortable environment for living.

Features of a wooden block house

Among modern natural materials used for exterior decoration of buildings, one can increasingly find a block house - a kind of wooden lining.

A beautiful and stylish house sheathed in a block house is indistinguishable from a high-quality natural log house in the photo. In addition to external similarities, such decoration of buildings has a large number of common positive aspects.

Houses built from natural logs are renowned for their durability. In our time, you can often find buildings that are more than a century old, which have not lost their qualities and are actively used. In such houses it is easy to breathe, there is no high humidity, and a favorable psychological climate is formed.

To replace the popular material, the industry has launched the production of inexpensive coatings. These include metal profiled sheet and siding (see), imitating a natural block house. Each of these varieties has a beautiful appearance, good strength indicators, a fairly long period of use, but are not suitable for internal use.

Vinyl or acrylic siding is becoming especially popular for creating a stylish building sheathing. When deciding which sample is better, siding or block house, it should be remembered that natural materials are more suitable for arranging people's places of residence due to their environmental friendliness and harmlessness.

At the same time, when deciding what is the best way to sheathe your house, many people choose siding, guided by affordable prices and a long service life, no need for complex maintenance and additional measures to maintain an appropriate appearance. However, this applies only to quality samples from reliable manufacturers.

Positive characteristics

A house sheathed with a block house made of wood combines many advantages that distinguish it from other materials:

one). High environmental performance.

2). The absence of harmful emissions makes it possible to use it for finishing not only outside, but also inside buildings, in the construction of mansions, cottages, summer buildings, saunas, baths, utility rooms.

3). The good hygroscopicity and vapor permeability of wood contributes to the absorption of excess moisture in the room and its removal to the outside, leading to a decrease in the level of humidity.

4). Due to good sound absorption and low thermal conductivity, the block house is an additional insulating and soundproofing layer.

5). Ease of installation (see), which does not require special equipment and tools, makes sheathing a house with a block house a fairly simple operation that allows the neat owner to make a beautiful finish for his own residential and domestic buildings.

6). A beautiful appearance allows you to implement modern design projects at a high level of quality, for example, in the popular rustic style, to build beautiful, reliable, durable houses.

Variety of material

The appearance of a block house can be compared to a wooden clapboard, which has a convex front part, carefully finished to look like a rounded log. There is a variety with a cut convex part. Such a block house has a surface resembling a bar.

The strength, reliability and durability of the surface is ensured by the tongue-and-groove (thorn, tongue) connection. To do this, on each product, a groove is cut out on one side, and a tongue is made on the other. This type of joining of the strips of the block house among themselves creates a high-quality connection and protection against the penetration of moisture and cold.

For the manufacture of a block house used in exterior decoration, conifers are most often used:

  • Pine.
  • Larch.

The spruce block house has insufficient strength qualities for outdoor use, but it can be successfully used for interior decoration.

From hardwoods of alder, oak, birch, a durable, beautiful and environmentally friendly material is obtained. The size of its use is limited by a fairly high price. These types of block house can be used for stylish interior decoration of cottages, baths, saunas.

The premises, finished with a wooden block house, are very beautiful, have a pleasant golden color, a warm surface. In such a room, a comfortable environment for a person is created that does not harm health, but rather has healing properties due to the natural components that make up it. The tree is able to relieve fatigue, replenish strength, restore peace of mind.

A house finished with a block house not only looks beautiful and stylish. With the help of such a finish, you can get a durable wall covering that reliably protects against atmospheric influences, creating a comfortable and warm living space.

A wooden house in the "rural" area looks as natural and attractive as a brick house in the city. Especially when round logs serve as the material for the walls. But a log is not cheap, and a lot of time must pass in order for the house to shrink and finishing work can be carried out. Therefore, other materials and technologies are often used. And in order to create a reliable imitation of a log house, they choose a block house for the exterior of the house.


Block house as a type of facade lining

According to its purpose, method of fastening and connection, the block house is a kind of "lining".

In fact, the production technology can be imagined as sawing out a log from a log, as a result of which four “slabs” with a regular spherical surface will remain - they serve as a blank for a block house. It remains only to cut a spike on one side, on the other - trim and cut a groove. And of course, grooves must be made on the wrong side to relieve internal stress in the wood.

In addition to this, there is a manufacturing technology from “standard” lumber - boards or timber. But due to the large amount of waste, its cost will be higher than that of the traditional one.

Such a cutter cuts a block house from a bar or board Source

If we talk about grade, then there are no domestic standards for this type of lumber. But in practice, manufacturers have developed their own classification, according to which there are three “pure” options and two “mixed” ones.

"Pure" options are A, B, C.

Grade "A" differs from "B" in the number of healthy knots per 1 m, their allowable diameter (15 mm versus 20 mm) and the absence of "black" knots and cracks. For grade "B" small and short cracks are allowed, plus a small amount of "black", but not dropping knots.

Grades "C" and "BC" are not used for finishing houses, they are suitable for building fences or finishing outbuildings somewhere in the backyard.

Sheathing board is just lumber - the requirements for its quality are the same as for other works Source

For the exterior cladding of a house with a block house, panels with a thickness of at least 30 mm are taken. And due to the peculiarities of massive lumber, it is almost impossible to find a “perfectly” clean block house 4-6 m long, so a “mixed” grade “AB” appeared. In addition, even during storage of lumber, small defects in the form of shallow cracks may appear.

Sometimes there is another classification borrowed from European manufacturers: "Extra" ("Prima"), "A" "B" "C". If we draw parallels, then "Extra" will be the "pure" grade "A".

With such a length, it is impossible to find a panel “without a hitch”, and for facade cladding it is not necessary Source

Advice! Since there are no standards for a block house, manufacturers are free to assign any grade to their products. Therefore, when buying, you need to make sure that the declared quality meets your requirements.

Wood Selection Criteria

Even Block House vinyl siding has certain features that indicate the quality of facade panels. Wood is a “thinner” material, and the durability of the outer cladding largely depends on the right choice. Therefore, it is not enough to assess the conformity of the variety - the density, resistance to moisture and strength of wood are important.

To decorate the house with a block house, only conifers are used. Hardwoods (linden, oak, ash) are used for interior wall cladding.

Larch is considered an elite material and its qualities a priori correspond to the conditions of outdoor use: high humidity and exposure to precipitation. The density and strength of Russian larch, like the northern tree species (it still grows in Siberia), will also be at a high level.

Larch has dense and durable wood, so it is not in vain that it belongs to the elite of conifers. Source

Pine is not so clear. Most of all, northern pine is suitable for facade decoration - its strength and density are much higher than that of wood from warm regions. And they determine the origin of the pine block house by the distance between the annual rings - the closer they are to each other, the better. The quality criterion is at least three rings per 1 cm of the end cut.

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer finishing and insulation services for houses. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

How to choose the width

There are criteria for choosing the diameter of rounded logs, depending on the purpose and size of the house.

When building a small house for seasonal residence (dacha, summer house), a log with a diameter of up to 220 mm is used, the visible part of which lies within 150-180 mm.

For a "full-sized" heated house, the minimum log diameter is 240 mm, the recommended one is 260-280 mm. And the visible part is 190-210 mm.

To keep the "proportions", the width of the block house must correspond to the visible part of the log:

  • for a cottage - 140-150 mm (with a thickness of 28-36 mm);
  • for a large house - 190 mm and above (with a thickness of 36-45 mm).


Sheathing options

The installation method of the block house is the only one - on a vertical crate with a horizontal arrangement of panels.

Crate is needed in any case. Even when sheathing a wooden house, and it is possible to attach the panels directly to the wall, a ventilation gap is needed to vent moisture (otherwise the wood will start to rot).

The issue of insulation is decided depending on the seasonality of residence and wall materials. If this is a "summer" house, then the insulation is not carried out. It is also possible not to install heat-insulating materials when the house is built using frame technology or from foam concrete blocks 40 cm thick.

Sheathing during the construction of the "framework", as another option for using a block house Source

In other cases, wall insulation is mandatory - the costs will quickly pay off due to savings on heating and air conditioning.

Mounting Features

Despite belonging to the lining, the methods of fastening to the crate with the external sheathing of the house with a block house are different than when carrying out internal work.

Inside, narrow modifications of panels of small thickness (up to 20-22 mm) are used, and operating conditions are distinguished by the stability of humidity and temperature. Therefore, the block house can be fixed to the crate using flush-mounted fasteners - kleimers. The exterior finish is carried out with a thick and wide cladding board, in which, with changes in humidity, such internal stress forces arise that it can simply be pulled out of engagement.

Video description

Visually about the decoration of the block house, see the video:

The second reason that does not allow the use of kleimers for external cladding is the way the block house is located on the facade. The groove for which the bracket “clings” should look down (so that moisture does not get into it). And with this orientation, the installation of panels on the clamps can only be carried out from top to bottom.

Therefore, the outer skin is carried out in one of two ways:

  1. open. The panel is screwed to each beam at two points - from the side of the groove and closer to the spike. Before fastening, holes are drilled into which screws are screwed in with force so that their heads do not protrude above the surface of the panel. Then these places are puttied, disguised as a small knot. This mounting method is the most reliable and is recommended for thick and wide block houses.
  2. Hidden. The bottom panel near the groove is fixed in an open way, plus holes are drilled at the base of the spike at an angle of 45 °, into which self-tapping screws are screwed. Each next row of the block house (except the last one) is fixed only through the spike. The top row is fixed in an open way.

Note. Due to fluctuations in humidity, the tree changes its size across the fibers - it swells or dries out. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that during installation there is a small gap between the stop of the groove of the upper row and the spike of the lower one. If the workers miss this nuance, then over time the wall will deform.

Design features

Sheathing the facade of a house from a block house is more difficult than from imitation timber or planken. The reason is in the features of the "volumetric" lumber. Panels with a radius surface are more difficult to fit together.


The most accurate way to increase the length is considered to be the “counter” washed down the house block at an angle of 45 °.

But more often they use a simpler option - a flashing in the form of a rail or board. The place for it is chosen in such a way that it looks natural and is common to all connected panels.

Lath flashings and corners - the easiest way to close the joints Source

Corner joints are also made in a similar way - by connecting through a gash at a corner or by an overlay of two rails.

The final stage of sheathing is surface grinding and varnishing or colorless paint.

Video description

See the video for examples of finishing the facade with a block house:


As a result, based on the foregoing, it is clear that decorating a house with a block house is more difficult than with any other facade panels. To be sure of the quality and durability of the skin, it is better to entrust this work to professionals.

It is difficult to overestimate the possibilities of such material as block house. Its main advantage is an environmentally friendly, natural material, specially treated wood. And everyone knows about the properties and characteristics of wood. Here's how you can use a block house, photos of rooms and houses in the decoration of which a block house is used, design options for rooms and other rooms, and there will be a real review.

Block house is not an ordinary, familiar board with smooth surfaces. It has several varieties that differ in appearance. The front side can have a cylindrical surface (log imitation), or it can be flat, usually such a block house is called timber imitation. What is a blockhouse, the photo below allows you to see in detail for both options.

As can be understood from the presented data, the block house does not differ in a variety of forms. Visually, an imitation of a beam and a lining, a block house are somewhat similar to each other - a photo of an imitation of a beam is presented above, and a photo of a wooden lining is below, and they can be compared independently.

However, these are different materials, although each of them serves as a surface finish. Lining is currently used mainly for interior decoration (internal), but the block house, in addition to internal premises, is also used for facade cladding.

Application for finishing the facades of a block house

Previously, the lining was also used for cladding external walls, but recently the house is most often sheathed with a block house, a photo of such a house for an example is given below

Such a change in materials for facade cladding is due to differences in their properties. During production, the block house is subjected to deep drying in chambers, due to which it acquires additional strength and resistance to fungal attack. Yes, and in thickness it surpasses the lining and better resists external influences. And the house, sheathed with a block house, the photo of which can be seen below, takes the form of a chopped log.

However, the use of such a board for finishing exterior surfaces has other advantages besides changing the appearance of the house. When installing the facade decoration of a house from a block house, the photo of how this is done is given below, insulation is carried out, which provides additional comfort.

Do not forget about one of the main purposes of the block house - to protect the walls of houses. It is the ability to achieve several goals at the same time when using this material that provides it with such a wide application.

And it must be honestly noted that the impression left by the house, for the decoration of the outer walls of which a block house is used, is completely different than from an ordinary house. It is enough to see how the block house changes its appearance, for example, photos of houses are given below:

Block house in interior decoration

In fact, such a board serves as a universal material, equally successfully used for all types of finishes (internal and external). How can a block house be used to decorate the premises, an interior photo, for example, is given below.

It should be noted that the block house itself is a rather expressive material, but in addition, it goes well with others - stone, glass, as well as finished products - lamps or forged iron decor details. For an example of how the block house is used in the interior - a photo of possible options for this is given below.

This use of block house panels helps to realize a variety of stylistic finishes. As a result, the interior of a blockhouse can resemble the atmosphere of a noble or merchant's house, or it can help reproduce the atmosphere of a hunting lodge or blend seamlessly with high-tech decor.

Moreover, such finishing can be carried out not only in residential premises, but also in any other. This is how decorating a room with a block house might look like, a photo of a playroom for children is shown below.

The use of block-house panels for interior decoration looks like the most correct solution if the exterior has already been finished from such material. In this case, it will be possible to maintain a single style of home decoration, which will be perceived more organically than the decoration of different parts of the building. As an example of such a finish, you can see what a room from a blockhouse looks like, the photo of which is presented below.

Other options on how to use the block house

In addition to using the board for exterior decoration and decorating the living rooms of the house, it is also used for decorating auxiliary rooms. One of these possible objects are baths or saunas, to see how they are finished with a block house, the photo below will allow with maximum detail.

Interesting options arise when a block house is used to design the landscape surrounding the house in the desired style. Here it would be appropriate to use a block house for the construction of gazebos or a fence, for example, as in the photo below.

All the considered examples do not cover the possible use cases of the block house. The properties of this material, like real wood, make it possible to realize the most ambitious plans in home decoration, to give it a new, modern and fashionable look.

The fashion for eco-friendly and natural materials has given rise to a whole trend in interior design. Natural and pseudo-natural elements of decor occupy an increasing share of the modern market of finishing materials.

These are traditional, time-tested products made of solid wood - battens, wall panels, grooved boards.

However, modern technologies have made it possible to create the latest, high-tech finishing materials from natural wood, including a block house. Let's take a closer look at what it is and how the walls are sheathed with a block house inside the house.

What is a block house

The block house is valued for its excellent decorative qualities and environmental friendliness.

Block house is a very popular material used for exterior wall decoration. Thanks to a whole range of excellent decorative and performance qualities, it has successfully competed with all other materials used for.

With its appearance, the material imitates a rounded log or timber, giving the wall finished with it an expensive and very aesthetic appearance. Among other advantages of the block house, one can note the ease of installation and a wide selection of raw materials. This decorative finish can be made from a variety of wood species: from affordable and inexpensive pine to exclusive species - Karelian birch, sycamore, bog oak, etc.

Could not pass by this wonderful material and interior designers. The beauty of natural wood made it possible to bring a special flavor to the interior decoration.

Inside the house, both walls and ceilings can be sheathed with block house lamellas, creating a unique interior in country style. However, despite all its simplicity and manufacturability, working with this material has its own characteristics.

Material selection

Use conifers for living quarters

In addition, the resin of coniferous trees has antiseptic properties, preventing the development of pathogenic bacteria in the room.

For indoor premises with a high heating temperature (saunas, baths), it is recommended to use hardwood, since coniferous woods tend to release excess resin when heated.

To finish the bath, the use of larch will be optimal.

You should also take into account such a factor as high humidity, so the decoration of the walls with a block house in such rooms involves the use of wood that is resistant to moisture.

However, an important criterion for choosing wood species is personal preference. After all, the main purpose of decorating a wall with a block house is to create an interior that pleases the eye, so if you like the openwork texture of Karelian birch or beech, purchase just such material.

I like something more exotic - take wenge, merbau, mahogany.

Panel size

Use thin panels for interior decoration

When choosing panels, you should also pay attention to their size. Usually the width of the lamellas ranges from 80 to 230 mm, but there may be exceptions to these rules.

Wider panels are used to finish the facades of buildings, as inside the house they will look too massive, creating an oppressive feeling and “eating up” the space.

As practice shows, for interior decoration it is better to take thin lamellas, 8 - 16 cm wide. The thickness of the lamella can be from 20 to 50 mm. The length of the block house slats can vary from 2 to 6 m, so when choosing a material, this parameter should also be taken into account so that there is as little production waste as possible.

Narrow and long slats should be used for finishing limited areas. They tend to visually expand the space, increasing the size of the room. Massive lamellas have the opposite effect, so they should not be used inside the house.

Material class

Extra class materials come at a high price

In addition to wood species and size, the block house is also divided into classes depending on its quality.

It has enhanced decorative qualities, first of all, it is characterized by the almost complete absence of knots and other cosmetic defects. However, the cost of such a block house is quite high.

The next class of material is "A" and "B". They have a larger number of knots, and some other defects are also acceptable on their surface.

The cost of such material, respectively, is much lower than that of the extra class, but if you are not too demanding on quality, then you should pay attention to this economy class option. Moreover, sealing small chips or dents is not difficult.

Calculating the required amount of material is quite simple. Multiply the height of the wall by its width. Add another 10 - 15% to the value obtained in case of unforeseen expenses: unintentional damage to the material, etc. Also, one should not forget about additional elements - corners, platbands, plinths, crates.

After the necessary material is selected and purchased, you can proceed with its installation. To do this, you will need the following tools:

Antiseptic primer for wood

As for finishing materials. Then you, in addition to the block house, should purchase:

  1. Bar for the frame with a section of 4 x 5 cm and 2.5 x 5 cm.
  2. Additional decorative elements.
  3. Lacquer on wood.
  4. Antiseptic primer.
  5. Insecticide primer.
  6. stain.
  7. Fire retardant primer.

Material preparation

Since wood, no matter how expensive it is, is not particularly resistant to moisture and fire, finishing and structural materials made from it are necessarily subjected to additional processing. For more information about the preparatory work, see this video:

The wood is coated with primer compositions with antiseptic properties. This allows you to protect the lamellas from the formation of fungus and mold, as well as make them more resistant to high humidity. Thus, antiseptics can significantly increase the service life of a block house, especially when it comes to rooms such as a sauna, bathroom or bath.

Flame retardants will protect the material from the effects of fire

The next stage of processing wood panels is impregnation with flame retardants. This primer composition, impregnating wood fibers, reduces the likelihood of their ignition from open flames. This is especially important if the lamellas of the block house inside the house will be used to finish kitchens with gas cylinders or it is supposed to hide electrical wiring under them.

Then all wooden elements should be treated with insecticides that make them inedible for grinder beetles, various woodworm larvae, etc.

It is necessary to treat with protective primers not only the decorative panels themselves, but also the elements of the internal crate.

Warming and vapor barrier

Vapor barrier protects against moisture from outside

All work on installing block house lamellas on the wall consists of several successive stages. The wall must be lined with vapor barrier material. It can be isospan or its analogues. This waterproofing has a remarkable property not to allow moisture to pass from the outside, at the same time, allowing it to go from the interior to the street.

Thus, isospan does not interfere with the natural circulation of steam and air inside the building. What can not be said about such waterproofing materials as roofing felt or polyethylene. Creating a closed space completely impervious to moisture and air, on the contrary, they contribute to the accumulation of condensate on their surface from inside the room, and this will certainly lead to the formation of mold and fungus under the decorative finish, so you should not use such a “deaf” waterproofing for internal walls.

After the walls are covered with vapor and waterproofing, you can proceed to the installation of a heat-insulating layer. According to building codes, it is best to create a heat-insulating layer outside the building. In this case, the so-called "dew point" is shifted to the outside of the walls.

When interior finishing with thermal insulation materials, condensate may begin to collect on the inner surfaces of the walls. However, it often happens that it is not possible to produce external insulation. Then it remains to sheathe the interior walls with insulation. To do this, it is better to use modern varieties of insulation with low thermal conductivity, for example, foil penofol.

This will allow, with a minimum thickness, to create the most effective heat-insulating layer.

Lathing installation

The next step is to install the crate on the wall. Using a level, we set the bars in a vertical plane. To do this, you can use metal hangers, which are usually used when installing a drywall frame. For more information on the best fasteners for a block house, see this video:

The bars of the crate should be located at a distance of 50 - 70 cm from each other. First, we install the bar according to the level in one, and then in the other corner of the wall. Between them, in the upper and lower parts, we tightly stretch the twine, along which we install all subsequent bars.

Installation of lamellas start from the floor

After installing the frame-sheathing, you can begin the installation of the block-house panels. Their installation should start from the bottom, since the floor level may not always be perfectly level, the first panel should be mounted using a level.

Lamellas are fastened with self-tapping screws. This process has a number of its subtleties. First of all, the screws should be twisted at an angle of 45 degrees to ensure that the panels are tightly attracted to each other.

Before tightening the self-tapping screw, a through hole should be drilled in the lamella with a thin drill. This will avoid cracking the panel, especially if it is thin and narrow enough, or if it is too dry.

When installing, the groove of the product should be placed down to the floor, and the side with the protruding spike should be up. A lamella is attached to each vertical bar of the crate. Self-tapping screws should be selected so long that after passing through a wooden panel, they are at least 50% included in the bar. See the description of the plating process in this video:

When all the panels are installed on the wall, they should be covered at the top and bottom with skirting boards that mask the joint with the floor and ceiling. After sheathing the adjacent wall with block house lamellas, the joints should also be closed with decorative corners.


Sanding and subsequent varnishing of the block house will reveal the structure of the wood

After all the walls of the room are sheathed with decorative panels, the surface is finished. Using a grinder, the entire surface of the lamellas is cleaned of all kinds of burrs and minor defects.

If necessary, chips and dents can be repaired with putty on wood and sanded well. Then the surface of the panels is covered with stain or texture varnish.

This method of finishing will emphasize all the advantages of wood, first of all, the beauty of its texture, as well as give it any noble shade: even a simple pine after processing with an appropriate stain will be indistinguishable from wenge or ebony.

With the final touch, we cover the surface of the panels with a fixing varnish, which will create a protective layer. As a result, the block house will become more resistant to mechanical stress, abrasion, UV and moisture. For more information on how to paint wood, see this video:

For a longer service life of a material such as a wooden block house, care should be taken to care for it. Do not wash it with large amounts of water. Also, you do not need to use aggressive household chemicals or abrasive cleaners to clean it.

It is best to use soft rags or sponges dipped in soapy water to care for it.

With the advent of the block house on the market, an ideal alternative to modern eurolining has appeared. This material is produced according to the latest technology and science, and this is not an exaggeration. Finishing with a block house inside the house creates a special atmosphere in the room, gives it a unique effect and fills it with the aroma of freshly planed wood. And if the block house is made of coniferous wood, this has a beneficial effect on the health of residents. If you are interested in technology and want to finish the interior with this material, then you will be interested in this article, which will talk about the advantages of this material and its installation technology.


The main and most significant plus of the block house is ease of installation. Even a layman can install it. From the outside, the product has a tubular shape, and on the ribs there are special grooves-fasteners for docking. Special attention deserves the environmental friendliness of the product. Wood does not have any harmful effect on the human body. The material itself is quite light, which has a beneficial effect on the entire structure of the house, since there will be no additional loads on the walls and foundation. Finishing the room with a block house improves the quality of the soundproofing of the room.

The use of this material makes it easy to combine or highlight different elements of the design of the room.

Material selection

In order for the interior lining of the house to please the eye as a result, it is necessary to pay attention to the choice of material from which the block house is made. For example, coniferous products are very popular. Spruce has many knots, which creates an unusual sketch in the plane. Pine, in turn, shows a great structure. If you combine them, you get a wonderful ensemble of aromas of needles and an attractive appearance of pine.

If the block house will be mounted in a steam room, then it is better to choose linden or poplar. Needles are not suitable, because at high temperatures harmful resins are released from it. Moreover, these rocks are very hot, as a result of which you can get burns when in contact with the wall in the steam room.

Another good option is hardwood. This wood is quite hard. It perfectly resists mold, fungus and decay. Moreover, the material is resistant to cracking and warping. As a rule, wood is treated with an antibacterial composition. It is better to do this before installation, so the material is well saturated.

Before starting installation work, make sure that you have purchased all the necessary additional elements, namely external and internal corners and docking panels.

As for the dimensions of the panels, you should pay attention to their width. If you are holding a 23 cm wide panel in your hands, then it is usually used for the exterior of the house. For interior decoration, a panel with a width of 8 cm is preferable. However, this is not a rule. The width of the panel can be any, depending on your preferences. Also pay attention to the length of the product. Usually the bar has from 2 to 6 m. Its price depends on the length of the panel, the longer the more expensive. This also applies to the thickness of the bar. Usually it ranges from 2–4.5 cm. For the interior lining of the room, a thickness of 2 cm will be enough.

The installation of long and thin block-house panels visually increases the area of ​​​​the interior space. This effect is further enhanced by the use of light wood species.

When you have decided on the size of the panels, you also need to take into account the class of the block house. The most expensive building material is considered to be the Extra class. There are no defects on its surface. Approximately one knot is allowed per 1 m of the product.

The use of an "Extra" class block house is usually used in elite premises, since its price is quite high.

If you are not a consumer of such a high class, then consider panels, class "A" and "B". Such products will have minor mechanical damage and knots. Accordingly, the price is much lower. Moreover, the presence of chips and knots is not a big problem. For example, obvious defects can be hidden in unsightly places in a corner or behind furniture.

On the market you can find a block house that imitates timber and logs. The effect of a log is in great demand, since after installation it is extremely difficult to find differences from a natural log. One gets the impression that the house was built of logs!

A simple way to calculate the required material: multiply the height of the wall with its length. Calculate the area of ​​door and window openings. Add 10% to the received amount. This volume represents the amount of base material. Next, measure the inner and outer length of the corners, add the resulting amounts together. The number of crates is calculated according to the following scheme: multiply the number of rows by the height of the wall. If the height of the room is 5 m, then there will be 5–6 rows.

When you have decided on the choice and purchased the necessary material, you should prepare the workplace. It is desirable that a day before the start of installation, the block house adapts to room temperature. To do this, it can be left indoors for a day. After that, it is important to treat the grooves and the back side with an antiseptic, for example, Tikkurila, Neomid or Aquatex. The walls are treated with waterproofing.

Among other things, prepare the tool. For work you will need:

  • screwdriver;
  • grinder;
  • drill;
  • a hammer;
  • wood saw or electric jigsaw;
  • level, plumb or mounting thread;
  • mounting screw 30 mm;
  • pump room for varnish and stain;
  • roller 250 mm wide;
  • brush 5 and 10 cm wide.

As for the material, you need to purchase:

  • block house;
  • beam 40 × 50 mm;
  • beam 25 × 50 mm;
  • external and internal decorative corners;
  • plinth;
  • stain;
  • antiseptic;
  • fire protection coating.

With all this, you can get to work.

All work consists of several sequential processes, the first of which is the manufacture of the crate. It is installed vertically, in increments of 600–700 mm. In each beam, drill holes for mounting dowels or self-tapping screws with a drill. The beam at the corner should be fixed with a level. If the wall is uneven, then an additional element is placed under it. It can be cut from a bar 45 × 50 mm. By the same principle, installation is carried out in the opposite corner.

For fastening, you can use drywall hangers. They will make it easier to adjust the distance from the wall.

To the crate, each board should be fixed with self-tapping screws at an angle of 30-45 °. But here it is important not to rush! Drill a hole in the panel with a thin drill and only then screw in the self-tapping screw. When laying the first plank, make a small indent from the floor, up to 1 cm. It is necessary for ventilation, which will prevent possible deformation of the material. This also applies to the top. For processing external and internal corners, it is better to use special elements. The panel is inserted into them and then fixed. At the end of the work above and below, install the ceiling and, accordingly, the floor plinth.

After the complete installation of the block house, take a grinder and sand the surface. Do not rush when doing this work. One careless move can damage the surface of the board. Next, cover the surface with an antiseptic (if the panels have not been previously treated with it), fire impregnation and stain. In order for the stain to be evenly distributed over the plane, use a roller, and brushes in the corners. After complete drying, repeat the stain application procedure.

If burrs or chips are found at this stage, clean them with sandpaper.

As you can see, there are no special technological difficulties in the installation of the block house. All work must be done slowly and carefully, according to the principle "measure 7 times - cut 1 time"! Also take into account the following useful recommendations that are not included in the material already described:

  • The moisture content of the material should not exceed KD 8-12%. Otherwise, there is a risk of cracks and deformation.
  • If you do not want to use corner connectors, make a 30° cut on the ends of the plank on the wrong side. So, the fit of the boards will be tight.
  • In order not to break the edge of the board, clean the end with sandpaper along the joint.
  • Before buying, inspect the surface of the product. Often there are falling knots and a green coating that spoils the appearance of the wood.
  • It is desirable to apply varnish on the block house in damp rooms. The stain emphasizes the structure of the wood product.
  • To tighten the screws, use special "cue balls". They have a magnetized tip.
  • Do not use nails when attaching planks.
  • Lacquer and stain must be made on a natural basis.
  • Wash the roller and brush thoroughly after each coat of varnish and stain.

There are many tools that will help protect the surface of the skin. For example, wax or special primers can be used. Their presence will require occasional vacuuming to clean the dust. You can also use a slightly damp sponge. Do not use aggressive detergents and abrasive materials in surface treatment.

So, the use of a block house for cladding the walls of a wooden house will give the room originality and create an old atmosphere of a log house. With all this, the installation work can be done by hand. It is enough to have a simple set of tools described in this article. We and our readers will be interested to hear about your own experience. Leave comments at the end of the article if you have already sheathed the inner walls with a block house.


The provided videos describe how to work with the block house: