Working time utilization rate - features, analysis and indicators. Indicators of the use of labor costs, their calculation and analysis

Time utilization rates

Working time is recorded in man-days and man-hours.

According to the data on the worked man-days and man-hours, the following indicators are determined:

· Calendar fund of time (the number of calendar days is multiplied by the average number of workers or is the sum of attendances and absenteeism for work).

· The time fund is less than the calendar time by the number of holidays and days off.

· The maximum possible fund of time is less than the time limit by the number of days of regular vacations or it is the sum of attendances and within the maximum possible fund of absences.

Turnouts, in turn, consist of hours worked and all-day downtime.

The structure of the calendar fund of working time is reflected in
fig. 4.

Figure: 4. The structure of the calendar fund of working time

The use of funds of working time is characterized by utilization rates calculated as the ratio of the actual hours worked to the corresponding fund:

The share of time not used for valid reasons in the maximum possible fund of working time and the share of losses of working time in the maximum possible fund are also determined.

A detailed description of the use of working time is given in the balance of working time, in the asset they show the resources of working time, in the liabilities - its use. The use of working time is characterized by the following indicators:

1. The average duration of the working period (the average number of days of work per worker) is calculated as the ratio of the number of man-days worked during the period under study to the average number of workers for the given period.

2. The average total working day is determined by dividing man-hours worked, including overtime, by man-days worked.

3. The average length of the working day is calculated by dividing the worked hours, that is, without overtime, man-hours by the worked man-days.

4. The average number of hours of work per worker is determined by dividing the man-hours worked by all workers by the average number of workers.

5. The utilization rate of the duration of the working period is determined by dividing the average actual number of days of work per one worker in the study period by the available number of days of work.

6. The utilization rate of the working day is determined by dividing the average actual full or scheduled working day by the established working day.

7. The integral utilization factor is obtained by the product of the two previous factors.

In shift work, the employment of workers by shift is studied using the following indicators:

1. Shift coefficient (the ratio of the number of workers actually working in all shifts to the number of workers in the largest shift in terms of the number of workers).

2. Coefficient of use of the shift mode (the ratio of the shift ratio to the regime number of shifts).

3. Average duration of a shift (ratio of man-hours worked to man-hours worked).

4. Coefficient of continuity - the ratio of the number of man-days worked (or the number of employees) in the largest shift in the number of workers to the number of man-days that could be worked in one shift with full use of jobs.

5. Integral indicator, which is determined in the following ways:

· Multiplying the coefficients of the use of the shift mode and continuity;

· The ratio of the number of worked man-days to the number of man-days that could have been worked with the full use of jobs in all shifts.

The labor potential of the enterprise serves as the main source and the initial principle of the organization's development. In this regard, human resources management is a universal task and the main function of a manager who manages those employees to whom he has delegated powers, tasks, and competence.

The rate of development of industrial production, an increase in wages and incomes, and the size of a decrease in production costs depend on the level of efficiency in the use of the company's labor resources.

One of the most important elements of human resources management is the quality of the use of working time by the personnel of the enterprise.

The relevance of the study of indicators of the use of working time at the present stage of development of the national economy is due to the ongoing transformations of the social system, the reorganization of forms of ownership, the replacement of administrative methods of economic management, the transfer of the economy to market relations. All these circumstances give a qualitatively new content to the process of formation of labor resources, and, consequently, to the quality of the use of working time.

The main task of analyzing the use of working time is to find weaknesses in production associated with the use of labor, and its purpose is to develop such recommendations that will not allow the enterprise to reduce the volume and quality of its products. A correct assessment of economic activity makes it possible to establish the most effective material incentive that corresponds to the labor expended, to identify the available reserves that were not taken into account in the planned task, to determine the degree of fulfillment of tasks and, on this basis, to determine new tasks, to orient work collectives towards accepting more intense plans.

The aim of the work is to study the indicators of the use of working time, as well as to study the relationship between the number of inventory units of installed equipment and the wages fund using the correlation-regression method; research of data on the economic activity of enterprises of the oil and gas industry in the region.

1. Indicators of the use of working time

Working time is part of the calendar time spent on the production of products or the performance of a certain type of work. To characterize its use, special indicators are used. The starting point is the indicator of the calendar fund of time - the number of calendar days of a month, quarter, year per worker or collective of workers. For example, the calendar annual fund of time of one worker is 365 (366) days, and a team of 1000 workers is 365000 (366000) man-days. The structure of the calendar fund of time as an initial indicator for determining the fund of working time is shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 - The structure of the calendar fund of working time.

The indicator of the calendar fund of time reflects working and non-working hours, i.e. number of person-days of attendance and absenteeism.

Man-days of attendance at work are actually man-days worked and man-days of full-day downtime. The number of man-days actually worked includes man-days of workers who actually worked at the enterprise, including those who worked part-time or part-time, man-days of workers who worked on the orders of their enterprise in another enterprise, etc. The number of man-days of downtime includes, respectively, man-days of downtime for workers who did not work the whole working day due to downtime (for example, due to lack of energy or raw materials) and were not used in other work in the main activity of the enterprise. One-day downtime should also include man-days of absenteeism permitted by the administration due to downtime at the enterprise.

Absenteeism man days are days of absenteeism for valid and disrespectful reasons. Man-days of absences for work for valid reasons include days of annual leave, holidays and weekends, absences due to illness and in connection with the performance of public, national duties, as well as other absences permitted by law (for people's deputies, people's assessors, if these workers are taken into account in the average number of employees of the enterprise), man-days of absence from work due to caring for patients, issued by certificates of medical institutions, etc.

Man-days of absenteeism for disrespectful reasons are days of absenteeism with the permission of the administration and absenteeism.

The number of person-days of absenteeism with the permission of the administration includes absenteeism for good personal reasons: days of short-term leave without pay, provided to employees upon marriage, childbirth and other family reasons. The number of absenteeism man-days includes the man-days of employees who did not show up for work without a valid reason or who were absent from work without a valid reason for more than three hours (continuously or in total) during the working day. The main units of time worked and not worked by workers are man-days and man-hours. The worked man-day is the day when the worker came to work and started it, regardless of its duration (if absenteeism was not marked on that day); The day spent on a business trip on the instructions of the enterprise is also considered worked. The man-hour worked is the hour of actual work. According to the data of the accounting of working time in man-days, funds of working time are determined. Let us consider the methodology for calculating funds of working time in man-days using the example of information on a conditional industrial enterprise, reflected in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 - Initial data

Indicator name Indicator value
Average number of workers, people 500
Worked by workers man-days 110790
Man-days of total downtime 10
Number of person-days of absenteeism, total 71700
annual leave 9000
study leave 120
maternity leave 480
absence due to illness 5000
other non-appearance permitted by law (fulfillment of public duties, etc.) 250
failure to appear with the permission of the administration 300
truancy 50
Number of person-days, holidays and weekends 56500
Man-hours worked, total 875241
Including overtime 11079

Based on these data, it is possible to determine, first of all, the values \u200b\u200bof calendar, time-based and maximum possible funds of working time.

The calendar fund of working hours is calculated as the sum of the number of man-days of attendance and absenteeism for work or worked and unworked man-days:

FRVk \u003d 110790 + 10 + 71700 \u003d 182500 man-days,

The calendar fund of working time is equal to the product of the average number of workers by the number of calendar days in a year:

FRVk \u003d 500 people × 365 days \u003d 182500 person-days.

The staff time fund is determined by subtracting from the calendar time fund man-days of holidays and days off:

FRVtab \u003d 182500 - 56500 \u003d 126000 person-days.

The maximum possible working time fund is the maximum amount of time that can be worked in accordance with labor laws. Its size is equal to the calendar fund, excluding the number of person-days of annual vacations and person-days of holidays and days off:

FRVmax \u003d 182500 - 56500 - 9000 \u003d 117000 person-days.

On the basis of absolute indicators of working time in man-days, relative indicators characterizing the degree of use of a particular fund of time are calculated. For this, the proportion of hours worked in the corresponding fund of working hours is determined.

The coefficient of using the calendar fund of time is determined by the formula:

Kisp.k \u003d Chotr / FRVk, (1.1)

ФРВк - calendar fund of working time.

Kisp.k \u003d 110790/182500 \u003d 0.6071 or 60.71%.

The utilization rate of the time fund is determined by the formula:

Kisp.t \u003d Chotr / FRW, (1.2)

where Chotr is the number of man-days worked;

FRW - staff time fund.

Kisp.t \u003d 110790/126000 \u003d 0.8793 or 87.93%.

The utilization rate of the maximum possible time fund is determined by the formula:

Kisp.max \u003d Chotr / FRVmax, (1.3)

where Chotr is the number of man-days worked;

FRVmax - the maximum possible working time fund.

Kisp.max \u003d 110790/117000 \u003d 0.9469 or 94.69%.

The utilization rate of the maximum possible fund of working time characterizes the degree of actual use of the time that the workers of the enterprise could work out to the maximum. The unused working time at the enterprise was 5.31% (100% -94.69%). This is the time not worked for valid reasons (study leave and in connection with childbirth, days of illness and absences permitted by law), as well as loss of working time (downtime, absences with the permission of the administration, truancy).

Based on the above data, the relative unused working time can be calculated.

Labor demand depends on the duration and efficiency of working time, which is an indirect estimate of labor costs.

Work time- part of the calendar time spent on manufacturing products or performing a certain amount of work and services. For an individual worker, working hours are usually measured in hours or days. For the totality of workers - in man-hours or man-days. The worked person-day is considered the day on which the employee came to work and started it. The worked man-hour is the actual hour of work of one employee. In fact, a man-hour recorded as worked does not always consist of 60 minutes of work. Minor interruptions in work are identified using timekeeping and photographs of the working day. The indicator of the average payroll number of workers also makes sense for assessing the amount of total labor costs. For example, the average monthly headcount is the number of person-months worked, and the average annual headcount is the person-years.

In enterprises, the main source of data on the use of working time in man-days is time records. The data of primary accounting of working time is used to compile reports on labor, which provides data on the use of the calendar fund of employees' time.

Calendar time fund is the sum of man-days of attendance and absenteeism and is determined by the product of the average number of employees by the calendar number of days of the reporting period. The structure of the calendar fund is shown in Fig. 3.2.

Figure: 3.2.

Staff time fund (man-days) is determined by subtracting the total number of holidays and days off from the working calendar fund.

The maximum possible fund of working time (man-days) is equal to the personnel fund, except for man-days of regular vacations.

TO failure to appear from the maximum possible working hours include: study leaves, vacations initiated by the administration, time of illness, absenteeism, etc.

On the basis of absolute indicators of working time in man-days, relative indicators characterizing the degree of use of a particular fund of time are calculated. Thus, the coefficients of using the calendar, time-based and maximum possible funds are determined as the ratio of actually worked man-days, respectively, to the calendar, time-based and maximum possible funds.

If there is an uneven distribution of regular vacations within a year, it is most expedient to compare the number of man-days worked with the maximum possible working time fund.

Of particular interest is the analysis of the use of the maximum possible fund of working time, since this fund represents the maximum amount of time that can be devoted to production.

The working hours of employees are established by law. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation sets the working week at 40 hours. In some jobs associated with difficult and hazardous working conditions, the working week is 36 hours, and in particularly difficult conditions - 24 hours. On the eve of holidays, the working hours are reduced by one hour. Overtime work is considered overtime. Its size is limited and should not exceed four hours for each employee on two consecutive days and 120 hours per year. Overtime work is paid for the first two hours at least one and a half times, and for subsequent hours - at least twice.

Let's assume there are 251 working days in the current year. With a five-day 40-hour work week, the standard working time is 2000 hours (8 × 243 + 7 × 8). With a 36-hour work week, the working time rate will be 1807.2 hours (7.2 × 251).

Actual hours worked will be less.

To study the use of working time, balances, which are a statistical table containing the subject and the predicate.

In the subject of the balance "Use of working time resources" there are three sections:

  • the man-hours actually worked by the workers at the scheduled time;
  • working hours not used for valid reasons, total, including for separate reasons. Working time not used for valid reasons is determined by summing the elements expressed in man-hours with the products of the elements accounted for in man-days for the established duration of the working day;
  • loss of working time (in man-hours); moreover, that part of them, which represents the whole-shift loss of working time, should also be converted into man-hours by multiplying by the length of the working day established by law.

The predicted balance of working time in man-hours includes data for the base period, planned and actual data (the total number of man-hours for each line of the balance sheet, on average per one payroll worker and as a percentage of the total - the available working time fund).

By multiplying the maximum possible fund of working time in man-hours by the length of the working day established by law, the available fund of working time in man-hours is determined. The resulting product represents the resources of working time - the total number of man-hours that would have been worked by workers with full use of the maximum possible fund of working time in man-days.

The man-hours actually worked in overtime are not included in the balance sheet, but are presented in a separate line behind the balance sheet.


For the reporting year, the company has the following data: the number of man-days worked by the workers - 201,175; the number of man-days of all-day downtime - 2215; the number of person-days of absenteeism is equal to: annual leave - 14998, educational leave - 289, maternity leave - 277, sickness - 18 268, other absenteeism permitted by law - 1555, leave initiated by the administration - 6321, truancy - 85 ; holidays and weekends - 89 239.

The number of man-hours worked by workers - 1600 601, including overtime - 4599. The number of man-hours of in-shift downtime of workers - 13 398. The established duration of the working day is 8 hours.

It is necessary to determine the calendar (), time () funds of working time and the maximum possible fund of working man-days ().


The average payroll number of employees is determined by the formula


Let's build a balance of working time in man-hours:

Types of expenditure of working time

Actual consumption of working time, man-h

In% to the total

On average, per one payroll worker, h

Disposable fund: 230 185 × 8 \u003d 1,841 480

Section 1

Production time used

  • 1.1. By direct appointment
  • 1.2. Off-label

1 596 002 (1 600 601 - 4599)

Total for section 1

1 596 002

Section 2

Time not used in production for valid reasons

163 112 [(289 + 277 + 18 268 + 1555) × 8]

Total for section 2

Waste of time

3.1. Downtime of workers:

3.1.1. All-day

17,720 (2215 × 8)

3.1.2. Intra-shift

3.2. Labor discipline violations:

  • 3.2.1. Truancy
  • 3.2.2. Late arrivals and premature departures
  • (85 × 8)

3.3. Holidays initiated by the administration

50,568 (6321 × 8)

Total for Section 3

(disposable fund)

Also worked overtime

When the volume of production changes, the enterprise can produce the required amount of products with a different ratio of the number of employees and the time worked by them. In a normally operating market economy, the preference is given to improving the utilization of existing workers, since attracting new workers requires additional costs. This fact leads to a reduction in the demand for labor.

When solving the above problems, a multiplicative model for the analysis of indicators of the use of working time of the following type acquires practical significance:


where is the total number of man-hours worked by workers; and - working hours ; b - the average number of days of work per worker; from - average payroll of workers.

Before moving on to using the model, let's define the following indicators:






Let's calculate the missing indicators by formulas (3.13) - (3.15). The results are presented in the table:

According to the table, the total change in the number of man-hours worked is +10 200 man-hours. To assess the influence of factors, we will use the method of chain substitutions.

Change in the number of man-hours worked:

- by reducing the duration of the working day by 0.1 hour will be

- by increasing the average number of days worked by one worker, will be

- by increasing the number of workers will be

Output : the increase in the total number of processed man-hours was obtained by increasing the average payroll

workers (for 7500 people-hours) and due to the number of days worked on average by one worker (for 3750 people-hours).

Of practical interest is the calculation of interrelated relative utilization of workers and working time. These include:

In essence, these ratios represent nothing more than the rate of growth in the number of days worked per worker, the length of the working day, and the average number of hours worked per worker.

There is a relationship between the considered indicators:

In the table of example 3.5 in gr. 4 all described coefficients are calculated. Thus, it can be seen that the length of the working day has decreased by 1.4%, the average number of days per worker on a list has increased by 5%, and the average number of hours per worker has increased by 3.6%.

Application of the models above is complicated by the proliferation of non-standard work schedules: flexible schedule; compressed week (summed working day), part-time.

A flexible work schedule is a work schedule in which an employee can choose the time of arrival and departure within the limits established by management. A compressed work week is a work schedule that trades between the number of hours worked daily and the number of work days during the week. So, the usual number of hours can be worked out not in five days, but in four (10 hours daily). Part-time work is a job with the same responsibilities, but for less time.

Flexibility is structured in a number of ways. This could be:

  • - daily choice of start and end time;
  • - variable length of the working day;
  • - allocation of general (attendance) time, set by the manager.

There are different types of schedules depending on the degree of flexibility. The most widespread types of flexible work are those that allow you to change the start and end times of work (in this case, employees must work full time, i.e. eight hours), as well as when it is allowed to change the length of the working day (but workers must work 40 hours).

In addition, flexible hours may involve the presence of workers at a common time. At this time, employees must exchange information, get acquainted with new tasks. This form can be recommended for managers as well. For example, the contract of the chief accountant may assume the following distribution of working time: 75% (30 hours per week) - at the institution, 25% (10 hours per week) - at home. At home, the chief accountant mostly works on a personal computer, checking the data of financial documents, and in the institution, he participates in meetings and performs other work that requires contact with employees.

A variant of work called telework is also possible ( teleworking). This is work from home using a terminal connected to the institution's computer network.

Its main drawback is the isolation of the employee. Working from home is generally more productive. Its use by firms leads to a reduction in overhead costs and more opportunities for solving personnel issues.

A compressed work week (summarized work day) makes it possible for employees to have additional free days. The advantage of this form for enterprises is the increase in the number of jobs when working throughout the week. However, such a work schedule can lead to a decrease in labor productivity and a deterioration in the quality of products or services at the end of an extended working day. In addition, such a schedule cannot be used for work with harmful working conditions (increased noise, ultra- and infrasound, air dustiness, gas pollution, vibration, etc.), since in this case, lengthening the working day can lead to illness and even death of an employee. Currently, more than 20% of workers work in Russian industry in conditions that do not meet sanitary and hygienic standards.

Part-time workers are workers whose working hours are significantly lower than the standard.

In countries with a market economy, underemployment has two essential characteristics: it includes only persons of hired labor. Self-employed and helping family members cannot be part-time workers, even if they work less than the established standard time;

- part-time employment refers to regular, permanent employment, i.e. the employee must work a certain number of hours every week, less often every month. Because of this, temporary, seasonal, casual workers who, as a rule, work less than the standard working hours do not belong to part-time workers.

In most market economies, there is no statutory threshold for the length of the working week from which underemployment is calculated. Only in France, part-time workers include those who work 20% less than the standard working hours.

In the practice of statistical calculations of working hours, various thresholds for part-time employment are adopted. In a number of countries (USA, Japan, Austria, Norway, Sweden) it is 35 hours a week; in Canada, France - 30 hours; in Germany - 37 hours. In some countries (Great Britain, Italy, Belgium), those who themselves stated that they work part-time are considered underemployed.

A deviation from the norm of working time downward can be provided for by the terms of employment of labor. Part-time employment can be considered as the most convenient mode of work for certain categories of workers (pensioners; women with young children; students, etc.). This type of recruitment usually predominates in catering, trade and services. It leads to an increase in the free time of workers. The main benefit of part-hiring for an employer is to reduce wage costs.

In some cases, partial hiring should be considered as a forced measure in relation to already hired workers due to changes in the economic situation. With regard to some categories of workers (as a rule, the most valuable for an enterprise, a firm), during a period of decreasing labor requirements, it is possible to send for retraining and advanced training. Such a mode of labor force use during the period of decreasing demand for it allows not to waste time on training during the period of intensive production activity.

A part-time work week or month can be organizationally structured in different ways: work every other day, two days of work and a day of rest, three or four working days a week, etc., as well as one working week and the other non-working. Part-time work can be organized in a different way - as a certain percentage of the total working week.

  • A distinction should be made between the length of the working day established by law, the working hours of the working day, in determining which it is necessary to take into account the reduction in workers' dare for certain groups of workers, the actual length of the working day. In turn, the actual duration of the working day can be defined as full (taking into account the number of actually worked overtime man-hours) and fixed (excluding overtime). Only the scheduled actual duration of the working day can be compared with the routine and planned duration of the working day.
  • V. V. Goncharov The specifics of managing critical resources. M .: MNIIPU, 1998.S. 61.

On the basis of the balance of working time, a system of indicators characterizing the use of working time is calculated.

1) The coefficient of using the calendar (time, maximum possible) fund of time:

These ratios are calculated both in terms of the balance in man-days and in man-hours and show how much of the corresponding time fund was actually worked.

2) Average actual duration of the working period in days:

3) Working period utilization rate:

The utilization rate of the working period shows what part of the days established by the operating mode of the enterprise per employee is actually worked (usually expressed as a percentage). The value of the coefficient is influenced only by the whole day's downtime and is not influenced by the loss of time within shifts.

4) Average working hours in hours:

Distinguish between work hours (excluding overtime) and full working hours (including overtime).

5) Working hours utilization rate:

The average established working day is calculated as the arithmetic average of the established working hours of certain categories of workers.

For example, the average payroll number of workers of the enterprise in April was 500 people, including workers with a working day of 6 hours - 50 people, with a working day of 7 hours - 40 people. The rest of the workers had a fixed working day of 8 hours.

Then the average established working day will be:

(6 50 + 7 40 + 8 410) / 500 \u003d 7.72 hours.

The utilization rate of the working day can be calculated in two ways. In the first case, the numerator contains
full (taking into account overtime hours), and in the second - lesson. The coefficient calculated on the basis of the working hours will most accurately characterize the use of the established working hours.

Integral indicator of the use of working time:

This indicator provides a generalized assessment of the use of working time per worker as a result of whole-day and intra-shift losses of working time for all reasons.

3.5. Labor productivity statistics

The system of indicators of labor productivity of enterprise employees, traditional for domestic statistics, characterizes the efficiency of only living labor, that is, labor productivity in the narrow sense.

The labor costs of employees of the enterprise can be expressed:

- the number of man-hours worked;

- the number of man-days worked;

- the average number of employees per month (quarter, year and other calendar period).

Depending on the units of measurement of labor costs, the following indicators of productivity are distinguished:

average hourly production:

average daily output:

average monthly (quarterly, annual) output:

The indicator of the average monthly (quarterly, annual) output is determined both for workers and for all employees of the enterprise.

The following relationships exist between the indicators of hourly, daily and monthly output of one worker of the enterprise:

average actual working hours in hours;

- the average actual duration of the working period in days.

The average actual duration of the working day and working period is determined according to the balance of working hours.

Knowing the average monthly output of one worker
and the share of workers in the total number of employees of the enterprise (d), average monthly output per employee can be determined by the formula

The multiplicative form of the relationship between performance indicators allows using the index model to analyze the dynamics of the level of labor productivity at the enterprise:

Four factors influence the level and dynamics of product output per employee of the enterprise:

- average hourly output of one worker:

- the average actual duration of the working day;

- the average actual duration of the working period;

- the share of workers in the total number of employees of the enterprise.

The influence of each factor in relative terms on the change in labor productivity per employee is measured by the corresponding analytical index.

The difference between the numerator and denominator of the analytical index shows the change in output per employee of the enterprise due to one of the factors in absolute terms.

The inverse indicator of labor productivity is labor intensityproducts ( t), characterizing the labor costs for the production of a unit of output:

The utilization rate of working hours is an important indicator of productivity. It will be useful for the manager of any business entity to determine this indicator with regards to himself or his employees, in order to fully understand what the working time is spent on, how productively it is spent, and what kind of return comes from this.

Working time funds

In calculating the coefficient, an important role is played by the methods of calculating the available and potential time spent on work. There are the following types:

  1. The calendar fund is the sum of days during which the employee showed up (or did not show up) to work during the reporting period. If we take a year as the reporting period, then the calendar fund of time is 365 days per employee. Let's say a company employs one hundred people. The total calendar fund is 36500 conventional units. Man-days are used as a conventional unit for calculating the fund. This fund of time allows you to determine the payroll number of employees, as well as establish the available and required number of man-days.
  2. The staff fund is a more specific indicator, since weekends and holidays are not taken into account when calculating it. This is the sum of the list days for a conventionally taken reporting period. That is, if you subtract weekends and holidays from the calendar fund, you can get the time fund.
  3. The maximum possible fund is a universal indicator that needs to be calculated in order to understand the maximum number of conventional units that can be worked out for a given period of time. This is the calendar fund excluding weekends, holidays and vacations, that is, the number of man-days, provided that there are no absenteeism and absences due to illness.
  4. The actual worked fund is a value that shows the number of actually worked man-days in a given period of time.

The indicators of these funds of time become the basis for calculating the coefficient.

Working time utilization rate - concept

The parameter under consideration is an indicator that allows you to determine how efficiently the time allotted to work is used in a particular enterprise, that is, it shows how much working time for a certain period was spent with benefit and how much was not. In the second case, time is spent on production downtime or, if we talk about an individual worker, on his inaction.

The manager should pay special attention to the so-called intra-shift downtime, when the worker does nothing during his shift, as well as to the situation when there are not enough raw materials in production and downtime occurs not through the fault of the workers, but because of the inability to fulfill their duties, and promptly eliminate this.

Also, its calculation allows you to determine the effectiveness of the work of an individual employee.

The benefits of calculating the ratio of working hours

The practical benefit of calculating the utilization rate of working time is the ability to analyze how much time was spent on useful actions and how much was spent ineffectively.

The calculation of the coefficient can be useful both for the manager of the subject to take measures in relation to the coordination and control of his employees, and for individual employees to increase their own productivity.

The main goal of calculating the indicator is to further reduce the amount of time spent on performing a useful action and, as a result, increase the number of useful actions over a certain period of time, as well as reduce the time that is wasted unproductively.

Working time utilization rate - formula

The formula for determining this indicator for a working day is as follows:

Kirv (hour) \u003d Tf / Tu,

where Tf is the actual time worked by the worker per day;

Tu is the established duration of the working day.

That is, the time actually spent with benefit is related to the time that, in theory, should be spent with benefit.

Kirv (days) \u003d Df / Dn,

where Df is the number of days that were actually worked by the employee for a particular period. That is, the days when he did not have a day off, vacation, holiday, truancy or sick leave.

Days is the number of days that an employee had to work in order to achieve a set parameter in a given period of time.

Kirv \u003d Kirv (days) * Kirv (hours) * 100

Working time ratio calculation

The working day at Alpha LLC is 8 hours. Of these, the worker, on average, spends 1.5 hours on non-production matters. There are 6.5 hours of actual time left. In total, the company employs 100 people. You need to calculate the coefficient for the day.

The daily ratio will be: 650h / 800h \u003d 0.8125

Each worker must work 22 days per month, which is 2,200 days for the entire state. But, on average, 2 days a month workers are absent for personal reasons, not due to weekends or holidays. It is required to determine the monthly ratio.

The indicator for the month is: 2000d / 2200d \u003d 0.909

0,909*0,8125*100 =73,85625%

This is the percentage of the total working time that was spent with benefit. Of course, in this example, the ratio is relative, since all workers have the same number of absenteeism and downtime. To make accurate calculations, you need to make individual calculations for each employee.

Working time loss rate

When you calculate the percentage of time spent on your duties, you can determine how many hours are unproductive.

In the example above, the loss rate of working time exceeded twenty-five percent, that is, a quarter of all time was wasted. However, this is not the worst indicator. According to research, many workers waste more than four hours of work time per day, which is half a day's work.

Time Spent Analysis

Controlling the directions of spending the time allocated for work is an important function that should be implemented by the management of a business entity, since this will allow maximum use of working time.

Analyze the results of the calculations and draw conclusions about what measures should be taken to increase the coefficient in the future by finding answers to the following questions:

This questionnaire allows management to have a clear picture of what the working time of the team of employees is spent on and how productive these hours are, as well as where they were spent when the work process was not carried out.

Based on this data, a strategy can be developed that will increase the utilization of working hours. Of course, it is not possible to achieve the use of the maximum possible fund of working time, but one should strive to increase the indicator. To do this, it is worthwhile to correctly determine a set of measures to prevent loss of working time. It may be worth improving the skills of employees, or perhaps optimizing the workflow to reduce the amount of natural downtime.

Thus, the above ratio allows you to determine the amount of working time that was sent by employees to perform their duties. The main task that faces the management after its calculation is its maximum increase, as well as a decrease in such an indicator as the coefficient of loss of working time.