Morphemes, their brief description, review of literature on the issue. Morphemes in Russian for what is the morphemes

Morpheme - the smallest unit of a language that has some sense (by definition given by the American linguist Leonard Bloomfield in 1933). The term was introduced by I. A. Bodouen de Courta. The division of morpheme on the part leads only to the allocation of insignificant elements - the phone.

Morphs and allorphs

Strictly speaking, morpheme, being an abstract linguistic unit, is not familiar, but the class of signs. The specific implementation of the morpheme in the text is called morpho. or (recently more often) morphu.

At the same time, morphs representing the same morph may have a different phonetic appearance depending on their surroundings inside the word form. The combination of morphs of one morpheme having the same phonam composition is called allomorph.

So, in the sentence " I run, and you run, and he does not run " morpheme "run-" represented by three morphs ( run- in begu, beige- in running and beige- in beste) and only two allestairs ( run- and beige-).

The ratio between the morph, the alcomof and morpheme is about the same as between the background (sound), allophone and the phone. It is important to understand that in order for two morph to treat one alleomor, they should not necessarily have a completely identical sound: should be only the same phonepar composition and emphasis.

In everyday life, even among morphology specialists, the term "morphem" is often used in value morph. Sometimes such indispension in the wording penetrates even into published scientific texts. It should be attentive in this regard, although in the overwhelming majority of cases from the context clearly, what kind of essence is a specific text of the morph or abstract-language morpheme, there is speech.

Classification of Morpham

Roots and affixes

Morphemes are divided into two main types - root (roots, or basics), I. affixual (affixes).

Root - The main significant part of the word. The root is a mandatory part of any word - there is no word without a root. Root morphemes can form a word both accompanied by affixes and independently.

Affix - The auxiliary part of the word attached to the root and serving for word formation and expression of grammatical values. Affixes cannot independently form a word - only in combination with roots. Affixes, in contrast to some roots (as, for example, cockatoo) There are no single, found only in some one word.

Classification of affixes

Affixes are divided into types depending on their position in the word. The most common in the languages \u200b\u200bof the world two types of affixes - prefixeslocated in front of the root and postfixlocated after the root. Traditional name of Russian prefixes - consoles.

Depending on the expressed value, postfix are divided into suffixes (having a derivational, that is, word-forming value) and flexia (having a relational, that is, indicating communication with other members of the sentence, value). The traditional name of the Russian language flexions - endSince they are mainly located at the very end of words.

There are languages \u200b\u200bthat do not consume prefixes (Turkic, some threat-Finnish), and all grammar express postfixes. In some other languages, for example, Swahili (Bantia, Central Africa), prefixes are used and post-fixes are almost used. Indo-European languages, which belongs to the Russian language, use both prefixes and post-fixes, but with an obvious advantage towards the latter.

In addition to prefixes and postfix, there are also affixes of other types. Interfixes - service morphemes that do not have their own meanings, but employees to communicate roots in difficult words (for example, forehead- about-Tryas). Confixes - combinations of prefix with postfix, which always act together, surrounding the root (as, for example, in a German word gE.-lob- t. - "Praised"). Infixes - Affixes inserted into the middle of the root (found in Indonesian languages). Transfixes - Affixes, which, breaking the root consisting of some consonants, go out and serve as a "layer" of vowels among consonants, determining the grammatical meaning of the word (found in Semitic languages, in particular, in Arabic).


  • A. A. Reformed. Introduction to linguistics
  • Modern Russian language (ed. V. A. Beloshapkova)


Litnievskaya E. I.

  1. Morpheme. Alternation of vowels and consonants in morphemes

Morphem is the minimum significant part of the word. Both parts are equally important in this definition - the minimum and significant: morpheme is the smallest unit of a language that matters, it does not fit into smaller significant parts of the word.

In Russian, the letter and sound composition of the morpheme is not unchanged: non-refined non-phonetic (that is, non-phonetic conditions are widely represented - a position in relation to the stress, the end of the phonetic word and to other sounds) of alternation of vowels and consonants.

These alternations are not accidental, they are explained by historical processes in the language in long-standing times.

In modern Russian, the following alternations are presented in the Morpham.

o / # (fluent vowel): sleep - sleep;

e / # (fluent vowel): day - day;

e / O: delirium to wander;

ohhh: Watch - look;

e / O / # / and: Saku - Collection - Collect - Collect;

o / y / s: Savy - dry - dry;

Alternations of consonants and their combinations:

1) Alternation of paired solid with pair soft:

[b] - [b "]: mole [b] a - mol [b"] e;

[in] - [in "]: tra [in] a - tra [in"] e;

[g] - [g "]: But [g] a - but [g"] e and so on.

2) rear-band alternation with hissing:

g / w: foot - leg;

k / h: hand - pen;

x / W: Fly - Mushka;

3) alternation of dental with hissing:

d / w / Railway: Led - I drive - driving;

t / h / sh: shining - candle - lighting;

s / w: carry - I drive;

c / W: Wear - I wear;

c / h: Cucumber - cucumber;

sT / Sh: sad - sad;

4) Light seal with a combination of lip + [l "]:

b / BL: Love - I love;

pL / PL: Buy - buy;

vL: catch - catch;

f / FL: Graphite - County;

m / ml: feed - feed.

In Russian, other alternations are also presented, but they are less common, for example: Cossack - Cossack, friend - Friends.

The above alternations are reflected in the letter with different letters. However, the non-refined alternation of a solid consonant with pairs of gentle consonants is not a consistent, and the subsequent vowel letter: RU [K] A - RU [K "] E.

Often, a number of alternations of consonants are presented in one morpheme, the most common of which is the triple alternation paired solid / paired soft / consonant education, for example:

[C] / [C "] / [Ш]: Wearing - wear - Nosha;

[B] / [in "] / [Vl"]: Fishing - catch - catching.

In addition, in Russian, it is possible to alternate a vowel and a combination of vowels with consonants:

a (I) / they: remove - shoot;

a (I) / In: Ham - reap;

and / oh: beat - fight;

e / O: sing - sing.

In the same morpheme, alternations and vowels can be presented, and consonants, for example: a move - I go - to make it harvest - walking (o / a, d / w / railway).

  1. Classification of the morph of the Russian language.

All morphemes are divided into root and non-smelting. Non-smelly morphemes are divided into word-forming (prefix, word-forming suffix, postfix), called affixes, and forming (ending and forming suffix), called flexions.

The fundamental difference of the root from the remaining types of morpheme is that the root is the only mandatory part of the word. There are no words without a root, while there is a significant amount of words without consoles, suffixes (house) and without expirations (subway). The root is capable of consumed, unlike other morpheme, out of combination with other roots.

Roots that can be used in the word independently or in combination with flexions are called free. Such roots in the language 6 liters. Those roots that can only be used in conjunction with affixes are identified, for example: s-nya / under-nya-th, agit-iron-th / agit-aci-me.

Food forming morphemes: prefix, suffix, postfix

The word-forming non-rooting morphemes (affixes) serve to form new words and are divided into consoles (prefixes), suffixes and postfixes. These types of affixes differ in their place in relation to the root and other morphems.

The prefix is \u200b\u200bthe word-forming morpheme, standing in front of the root (re--done, pre-pretty, during the sea, in some places), including in front of another prefix (up-to-time, unless-fighting).

The word-forming suffix is \u200b\u200ba word-forming morpheme, standing after the root, but in front of the flexion, if there is a flexion (table-IR, Krasn-e-th); In the Derivative of the Word of the Russian language, there are often several suffixes, for example: PS-A-Tel-Nits-a.

Postfix is \u200b\u200ba word-forming morpheme, standing after endings and forming suffixes.

In Russian, post fixes are presented (- in), it is, -libo, something (the minds, to-th).

Morpheme. What is Morphem? What is a morpheme analysis of the word?

The question is closed, as it is a duplicate question "Morphem - what is? What are there types of morpheme?"

Morphema is part of the word, and its most minimum. Any of the words in Russian, consists of a morpheme, divided into two types: These are mandatory, called the root (for example: water - water - waterfall - submariner, in all these words are about the same value associated with water and general root) and not Mandatory, which are members of the lexeme or not (for example: to like, leaving, leave, go) with the help of morphem word parsing, we can disassemble its structure and determine and choose the words related to the meaning of the word. With a morpheme analysis, first of all, it is possible to determine the basis of the word and its root, as well, if the word changes, then it is necessary to find its ending, with the help of linguage and decline.

Any word is divided into minimally significant parts called morphem. Morphem, it is:

  • roots (Home Morphem in Word),
  • suffixes
  • consoles
  • interfixes (coupling vowels),
  • postfix,
  • end.

Section of the language science that studies the composition of the word is called morfemica.

Vlad Sandrovich

In itself, the word Morphem is translated as part of the word, well, accordingly, the morpheme analysis, this is the analysis of the words in parts.

Parts these words are mostly known all, as the school course includes such dissembly, it is: suffix, prefix, root and others.

In addition, there are some additional characteristics, such as the removal of the basis of the word or method of education. Of course, the norms and requirements for the analysis standards are changing, and therefore their changes have the need that originated as a time of time and is the natural phenomenon of the word analysis and all other rules in Russian.


Morphemes are parts from which they consist of the words: roots, consoles, suffixes, endings and interfix (connecting vowel in a complex word). All these parts of the word are found in the morpheme analysis of the word, that is, the morpheme analysis of the words - this is the analysis of the words into components, in other words, the morpheme analysis is also called the analysis of the composition.

With a morpheme name of the morpheme, the words are isolated by various ways: changing the word, picking up a single word, picking up the words containing the same morph.


morphema is a significant part of the word, and the morofemica studies these parts (root, console, suffix, end). Accordingly, the morpheme analysis is the analysis of the words according to the composition, not to be confused with the morphological when the word is disassembled as part of speech. In the textbooks, the task on the analysis of the word on the composition is indicated by the number 2 above the word.


The significant part of the word is called morph. From here it follows that we will deal with the morpheme analysis in the case of the word parsing: we will find the root, select the console, we define the suffix and ending. After analyzing the word according to the composition, we must not forget that this is done on the basis of modern Russian rules.


Under the morphs in Russian, it means the smallest part of the word, which can be highlighted in it. Each word is just the same and consists of a different amount of morpheme. In turn, the morphemes are such names:

The morpheme analysis implies all possible morphemes in a particular word.

Morphema is a significant part of the word, from morpheme (that is, significant parts) consist of words in Russian. Root, suffix, prefix and ending - all these are morphemes. But there is also a significant part of the word, this is not the same thing that part of the word, and many are mistaken, the way these meanings.

Adventure Finder 2000.

Good afternoon, as you know, the words in the school are held in the school, the following parts can be distinguished in words:

So all these parts are called morpheme. Therefore, all people face this at school and find out how to disassemble the word.

Morphem, translated from the ancient Greek means "form". The meaning of the word, a bilateral unit of the language. One side is called - semantic (content). The second side is a phonetic (expression).

Any word that is divided into minimally significant parts that are called morphems. Morphemes (from ancient Greek translated as "shape"), it: roots (this main morpheme in the word), suffixes (after the root), consoles (before the root), interfixes (connecting (fluorescent) vowels), postfixes (after completion), End (not included in the word).

And the section of the science of language, which studies the composition of the word is called the morofemic.

Morphemes are

Jan Andreeva

Morphem is the smallest language unit with a value (by definition given by the American Linguist Leonardo Bloomfield in 1933). The division of morpheme on the part leads only to the allocation of insignificant elements - the phone.
Morphs and allorphs
Most of the Morphem concepts are considered as an abstract language unit. The specific implementation of the morpheme in the text is called morph or (more often) morph.

At the same time, morphs representing the same morph may have a different phonetic appearance depending on their surroundings inside the word form. The combination of morphs of one morphemes having the same phonam composition is called allestor.

So, in the sentence, "I run, and you run, and he does not run" Morphem "Run-" is represented by three morphs (running - in running, beige - in running and beige - in running) and only two allestairs (running and beige -).

The ratio between the morph, the alcomof and morpheme is about the same as between the background (sound), allophone and the phone. It is important to understand that in order for two morph to treat one alleomor, they should not necessarily have a completely identical sound: should be only the same phonepar composition and emphasis.

Variation of the Morphem Expression Plan forces some theorists (namely, I. A. Melchuk and N. V. Peresov) to conclude, according to which Morphem is not familiar, but the class of signs.

Thus, in the works of N. V. Perester, it is argued that "in use, even among morphology professionals, the term" morpheme "is often used in the importance of Morph" and that "sometimes such indispensable in the wording will penetrate even into published scientific texts." N. V. Perstsov believes that "should be attentive in this regard, although in the overwhelming majority of cases from the context clearly, what kind of essence is the specifically text of the morph or abstract-language morpheme - there is a speech."

Classification of morpheme. Roots and affixes
Morphemes are divided into two main types - root (roots), and affix (affixes).

The root is the main significant part of the word. The root is a mandatory part of any word - there is no word without a root (except for rare secondary formations with the lost root of the Russian type "You are ni (prefix-suffix-terminus)"). Root morphemes can form a word both accompanied by affixes and independently.

Affix - auxiliary part of the word attached to the root and serving for word formation and expression of grammatical values. Affixes cannot independently form a word - only in combination with roots. Affixes, in contrast to some roots (as, for example, Kakada), are not single, found only in some one word.

Classification of affixes
Affixes are divided into types depending on their position in the word. The most common in the world languages \u200b\u200bare two types of affixes - prefixes located in front of the root, and postfixes, located after the root. The traditional name of the prefixes of the Russian language - consoles. The prefix clarifies the meaning of the root, it transmits a lexical value, sometimes expresses grammatical meaning (for example, the view of the verbs).

Depending on the expressed value, postfix is \u200b\u200bdivided into suffixes (having a derivative, that is, word-forming value) and flexions (having a relational, that is, indicating communication with other members of the sentence, value). The suffix transmits lexical, and (more often) grammatical meaning; Can translate a word from one part of speech to another (transposing function). Flexias are word-by-implanting affixes. The traditional name of the flexions of the Russian language is the end, as they are mainly located at the very end of words.

Vicky Bokarev

Prefix, root, suffix, ending is morphemes (parts of words). Each of them has its meaningful meaning. For example, the prefix at the time came denotes the approximation. Morphemes as part of the word is being studied in a special section of the morfemic language science.

    Morphem and morph. Varieties of morphs

    Types of morpheme. Root and affixes

    Functional types of affixes

    Positional types of affixes



  1. Morfemic as a section of linguistics


1) the morpheme system of the language, the totality of the above-mentioned in the words of Morpham and their types;

2) section of the linguistics of the types and the structure of the morpheme, the morphhem structure of the words [LES, p. 313].

Morfemic occupies intermediate position between word formation, morphology and morphorology, as morphemes perform various functions and are studied from different points of view..

Eg verb by -The Consists of 5 morpheme, each of which has its meaning:

    prefixes (prefix) by-'Start action',

    root friendly,

    two suffixes: -and-(Thematic vowel, designing the verb basis) and

- th-(suffix infinitive),

    postfix -We 'Mutual action' .

This is an area morfemics.

    Word formationit is engaged in the study of morphemes, which are used in the formation of new words, as well as ways to form new words.

Verb by-The Educated from verb be friends Simultaneous accession

    consoles by-'Start action'

    and postfix -We 'Mutual action'.

    IN morphology Morphemes are described from the point of view of the expression of them of the actual grammatical values \u200b\u200b(GZ of the case, kind, time, facial, etc.):

Verb make friends Changes, expressing various GZ:

    girlfriend- w. - I, girlfriendish Oh ... (face and number)

    threateningl. Oh, thoroughl. - but - I ... (time, number and genus)

    Morropology Examines the phonam composition of morpheme, formal patterns of the combination of morphs.

Root friend- exists in different versions depending on its environment:

    drug. -A - friendg ' e - Fr.z. j.- a. - Fr.j. -t.,

    cf. also: Liub. -On - Ly.b ' - IT - ' -U.

Thus, the morfemics, word formation, morphology and morphology partially coincides an object Studies - morphemes (partially, because word formation and morpecics are engaged not only by morphems). But since morphemes are being studied at different angles of view, the named disciplines are different items.

To tasks morfemics relate:

    consideration of the principles of the extraction of morpheme,

    allocation of the criteria for identifying and distinguishing morphs,

    classification of morpheme.

  1. Morphem and Morph

Morpheme (Greek. morphē. 'Form') is the minimum significant part of the word.

This is part of a word consisting of one or more background, and correlated with the components of the word value (seams).

Morphem is a minimum bilateral (sign) unit of language.

From phoneeonsmorphem is different AvailabilityFlames form a morpheme expression plan:


Morpheme Expression Plan - he to - Family sequence<о>, <н> and<к>, Content plan - Sema "Cubs'.

Morpheme Expression Plan - w.- Phonee<у>, and the content plan - values \u200b\u200bof units, V.P., Zh.R.

Unlike the words, Morphem semantically dissatisfiedshe always expresses part The total meaning of the word. Wed:

    the words: nose, table, lez;

    roots: nose-Ø, table-Ø, lez-Ø.

Exception is made singlephmines the words:

    suddenly, coat.

Morphambased on the parallelism between partial differences in the material side words and their forms and partial differences in their values (lexical and grammatical):


    heads and heads-s heads, heads-Ø ...

    books, books and books-in books-Ø ...

Cf. also heads-a - headsto -And, books-a - bookto -but With an appropriate change in the lexic value of [Maslov, p. 132].

To indicate the minimum significant parts in the morofemics, in addition to the term morphemeused term morph.

The distinction of these terms (and concepts) is associated with division language and speech.

    Morph - This is the minimum significant part allocated in the composition of the word formal (the specific grammatical form of the word). This is a specific linear (syntagmatic), river unit.

    Morpheme - It is an abstract nonlinear (paradigmatic), language The unit representing a combination of semantically identical morphs.

    root: rUto -A - Ruto -I - Ruc. -Noah;

hand-, hands and hand - three morph of one root morpheme;

    suffix: oak-oK - Oak-to - dub-to -E.;

- oK - , - to - and - to' - - Three Morph of one suffixal morpheme .

Morphs are combined in one morph, which

    have identical meaning

    possess formal, i.e. Phonematic proximity.

Morphs of one morpheme are divided into two types (relative to free variation):



    Allomorphs - these are identical ones and formally close morphs that cannot replace each other (i.e. are in relationships additional distribution):

    root: y-br-ahw.-B.and r-AA - U-Be. rU - U-B.about r-K-A;b.g. -You - B.j. -y; servicesh -A-T. serviceh. ; C-Br.about s-I-T - C-BRbut sch-th;

    console: about -High -about -There -ob -ti;from - to pay -sO - Sign;

    suffix: soboK -och - eC -to -A - kissto' -and;

    ending: wheelchairsoh. - halfeat ;

    english bat.- s. 'the bats' - box.- es 'Boxes' .

    Options- Morphs that can replace each other, i.e. are in relations free variation. For example:

    ending units. h. Zh.r.: wall-oh - wall-ooo ;- handoh - handsooo ;

    ending T. P. MN. h. in some lexeme: dooryami. - a door-mi. .

All morphemes are divided into root and non-smelting. Non-rooted (affixing) morphemes are divided into word-forming word formation (derivative)(prefix and word-forming suffix) and forming divinence(ending and forming suffix).

The fundamental difference of the root from the remaining types of morpheme is that the root

The only mandatory part of the word. There are no root words, while there is a significant number of words without consoles, suffixes (table) and without expirations (kangaroo). The root is capable of consumed, unlike other morpheme, out of combination with other roots.

§ 8. Classification of the Morpham of the Russian Language

All many morph of the Russian language can be broken along different bases into several classes. The following signs are taken into account in the Classification of Morpham: the role of morpheme in the word, their meaning, a place in the composition of the word, origin.

Roots and affixes

Morphemes root (roots) and affixual. The basis for such membership is the role of these morphemes in the composition of the word: root morphemes - the mandatory part of the word, there is no word without a root. Affixal morphemes are the optional part of the word.

There are words without affixing morpheme: i, you, here, yesterday, there.Roots are such morphemes that can be used in speech independently or accompanied by one of the types of affixes - flexions. Some Affixual Morphs are ionized by root morphs of servicewords: Prefix without-and preposition without,console from-and preposition from,prefix C- and Preposition with, etc. Affixual morphemes are sometimes used independently: Less consume all sorts of change(From colloquial speech); No"pseudo" there should be no place in art(From newspapers). In these contexts, affixes cease to be affixes, they turn into roots and are used as nouns.

However, being able to express the same values, roots and affixes vary by the method of expression: roots express their importance on their own, affixes - only in combination with roots. This is associated with another important difference between roots and affixes. Roots may be single, found only in one word, affixes are not single. (On the unique parts of the word type of type (love), -anok (drawing) see in ch. 2.) Affixes, entering the word, include words to some kind of variety, some class of objects, signs, processes. What is meant for them? That is common, which is distracted from the value of a number of words, including these items. Therefore, their specificity as stroke elements of the word is that they are necessarily repeated in a number of words. This is an important property of affixes as formal supplies of the word was noted in the late XIX - early XX century. Famous Russian Language F. F. Fortunate.

So, the fundamental difference between affixed and root morphemes is the mandatory repeatability of affixes in similarly constructed and possessing the common element of the meanings and indifference to this property of the roots. In other words, there are roots, repeating in many words, and roots, found only in one word (Cockada, I, Frau, etc.), but no and there can be no affixes found only in one word. Single roots are rare. These are words that do not give derivatives, the so-called words without relatives.

| Dictionary Terminos

What is Morfemic and Morphem?

Morfemica (from Greek. Morph - 'Form ") is a section of a language science in which the composition (structure) of the word is studied. In morfemica Two main questions are solved:
1) How are the morphemes of the Russian language are classified,
2) how the word is shaped on the morphemes, that is, what is the algorithm of morpheme membership.

The main unit of the morfemics is Morphema. Morpheme - this is minimum significant Part of the word. Among the morphemes are highlighted consoles, roots, suffixes, interfixes (coupling vowels), postfix, endings.

In this definition, both definitions are equally important - minimal and significant; Morphema is the smallest unit of language that matters.

The minimum unit of sound stream is sound. In a strong position, sounds can distinguish words: pru d.but and pru t.but. But the sounds do not designate neither concepts nor objects or their signs, that is, they do not matter.

In the course of lexicology are studied the words - grammatically decorated significant units that serve to call objects of reality. Phrases, like words, serve to call objects of reality, then do it more accurately, dismeasised (Wed: table and desk).

Another significant unit is sentence. His difference from the morpheme and the words consists, firstly, in the fact that this is a larger unit consisting of words, and secondly, in the fact that the proposal, possessing targeted and intonational decoration, serves as a unit of communication, communications.

Morphema differs from the units of all other language levels: from the sounds of morpheme is characterized by what matters; from words - the fact that it is not a grammatically decorated unit of the name (not characterized as a dictionary unit belonging to a certain part of speech); From proposals - the fact that it is not a communicative unit.

Morphema is a minimum two-sided unit, that is, a unit that has and sound, and the value. It does not shake into smaller significant parts of the word. The words are built from Morpham, which, in turn, are "building materials" for proposals.

In Russian, the letter and sound composition of the morphem is not unchanged: non-refined non-phonetic (i.e., not caused by phonetic conditions - a position in relation to the emphasis, the end of the phonetic word and other sounds) of vowels and consonants. These alternations are not accidental, they are explained by historical processes in a long time, so alternations are systemic.


morphem word Language school

The science studying the morpheme composition of the language solves many different questions. Of course, getting acquainted with the basics of linguistics, it is impossible to comprehend all these questions - you need to choose the most significant for understanding the most important phenoche of the morphological system.

Morfreme as the language unit is meaningful in modern linguistics, because the task of propaedeutic work is to prepare students for understanding the semantic (meaning) and structural correlation, which exists in the language between single words. Such a task is due, firstly, in the fact that the understanding of the semantic-structural correlation of words in their linguistic essence is the basis for the assimilation of the peculiarities of single-handed words and the formation of words in Russian. Secondly, the specified task is dictated by the difficulties faced by younger schoolchildren when studying single-colored words and morpheme.

The purpose of the work: consider the morpheme composition of the word; Show practically that systematic work improves the quality of the material assimilation on the topic of the word composition.

Object of research: morphemes in Russian.

Subject of research: The properties of morpheme.

consider the concept of morpheme as a morphological unit;

explore the properties of morpheme;

determine the value of morpheme in the word structure;

remove the features of the morpheme.

1. Morfreme as a language unit

1 morphemes, their brief description, review of literature on the issue

Morphem is the smallest significant part of the word and grammatical forms of the word.

This is a minimal meaning of a language characterizing compared with the word as common to them (integral) and different (differential) features. Integral signs of morphemes and words are materiality, significance and reproducibility.

Morphem is the smallest significant unit of the language, that is, the morphem has an expression plan and a content plan. But the peculiarity of Morpham as a linguistic unit, unlike the word, is that its value is detected only in the composition of the word. In other words. Morphemes have no free, but associated meaning.

The differential signs of morphemes include its minimity, repeatability, structural correlation with a word, and not with a phrase or proposal.

However, a clear boundary between both types of signs of morphemes cannot be carried out, since its integral signs, externally similar to the same characteristics of the word, differ from them, are at the same time differential.

And therefore, the theoretical base of the course work was the works of methodologists in the field of work on the composition of the word in elementary school (M.R. Lvov, T.G. Ramzayeva, N.S. Christmas, etc.). In the methodological developments of the last decades on word formation in primary grades, the role of morfemics in the development of students' speech (for example, in dissertation studies E.G. Merezhko, N.P. Batkunova, V.I. Zimnevenko, Kudryova (Taratova) MG . and etc.).

Morphema is the minimum significant unit of the language, in which the expression plan may not be absent while maintaining known semantic integrity.

This is observed, for example, at zero morphemes (the table - the tables, arrows - arrows, glad is glad, dried away, etc.), which is a meaningful absence of a sound segment at a certain point of the speech chain. For service morphemes (affixes) are characterized by word-forming and grammatical meaning.

For example, the suffix - tel / ith in the names of nouns, motivated with verbs (winning, save-tel) have the word-forming meaning of the "face manufacturer", and in the verb of winning the suffix-lishes the grammatical value of the past time .

Endings are carriers of several grammatical

values: kind, numbers, case of name, faces, numbers in verbs. The carrier of the lexical value is only the root morpheme. Syncretic morphemes that combine word-forming and grammatical meanings in the language are few. This is mainly verbal consoles. For example, the prefixes of the V- / V-, DO-, and other, in combination with the verb to go, expressing, for example, movement (inside, to the subject, for the subject, etc.) at the same time change the type of verb, Transferring it from an imperfect view to the perfect.

Thus, the most estimated concept of morpheme is the concept in which the morpheme is the minimum significant unit of language, in which the expression plan may not be absent while maintaining a known meaningful integrity.

Root morphemes can be free (young, youth) and connected (street, alley).

The root is such a minimum significant part that is opposed to all other morphems, i.e. Affixes: prefixes, suffixes, endings and some other. Root unlike affixes - mandatory part in the word. If the word consists of one morpheme, then this is the root: here, and, cinema, etc.

Consoles and suffixes are mainly word-forming affixes: with their help new words are formed, however, in some cases, they fulfill the means of expressing grammatical values.

The prefix is \u200b\u200bcalled a significant part of the word, which is before the root or other prefix and used to form new words or different forms of the same word.

The suffix is \u200b\u200bcalled a significant part of the word after the root or other suffix and serving to form new words and different forms of the same word.

Understanding the prefixes and suffixes as parts of the word, with which new words are formed, does not cause special difficulties, if work is consistently carried out to delimit words and changes of one word, and also if each of the affixes is analyzed on both sides: by value and phonetic composition.

Unfortunately, in practice, it is necessary to observe that her location is used as a single sign: part of the word before the root is a prefix; Cut between the root and ending - suffix. But, first, leaving aside the analysis of the meaning of the word-forming affix. We do not implement all the opportunities that this work opens for the speech and general development of students, and in the second, with such a mechanical solution of the problem we will lose sight of that the segment of the word before and after the root may not consist of one, and from several suffixes: -You-colite, uktop-i-tel, uch-l, etc. If even a teacher will avoid such words, they may be among the selected children of single-handed words. Finally, leaving no attention to the inner side of the morpheme - its meaning, we do not create prerequisites for controlling the correctness of the performance.

With the help of the prefixes, the formation of new words is usually based on the same part of speech: the author is the author, to wear - you are, outside - from-out, etc.

The consoles in Russian are most often used for verbs of verbs, adjectives, adverch.

The suffixes of nouns are more specific than the verbs and adjectives. They are used for the names of the profession: joiner, painter, turner, baker, craneker; According to social status: a collective farmer, a schoolboy; According to a qualitative basis: Sage, Pride, Kverrez. If the consoles are not to have a preference for a certain part of speech, then suffixes such a consolidation is characteristic, and they cannot be used to form different parts of speech.

2 Analysis of curricula and textbooks for elementary school

The primary class teachers have the basic state document necessary for work - programs for all subjects of the curriculum, including in the Russian language.

Russian language has its own specific features in the distribution of software in time. For example, in the first grade in the first half of the school year, in addition to learning a diploma, the development of students' speech is major in the Russian language. At the same time, a support for the speech practice of children is of great importance, on their observation over the surrounding life, as well as on reading. Answers children to questions compiled by short oral stories on issues or by pictures, learning the correct pronunciation and writing words. All this is the content of the lessons of the Russian language within three and a half months of training in the first grade.

Children learn to allocate sentences, words, syllables, sounds, letters, put the necessary signs of punctuation at the end of the sentence. They learn to write with a large letter of words, denoting the names of people, nicknames of animals, names of cities, write with a capital word letter at the beginning of the offer.

The grammar program and spelling introduces students of the first - third classes with various sides of the language: phonetic, lexical, and related punctuation, morphological and associated spelling.

In the Russian language classes with small schoolchildren, one side of grammatical phenomena cannot be tearned from other parties. Phonetic work must maintain the analysis of words according to their morpheme composition. Having highlighting the roots in such, for example, words, like walking, care, walk, move, the teacher draws the attention of students to the hardness or softness of the ultimate consonant root in these words. The attention of students and the sponsoring of consonants in the middle or stunning at the end of such words as "Sklad", "Cat", etc.

Morphem analysis supports work on speech parts. So, even before the study of the declining names of nouns, adjectives, learned characteristic of these parts of the expiration speech (-Ah, - I, - Yaya, - I,-I), separate suffixes (-K-grass, groove, -n - Long, etc.). The spelling of the endings is advisable to bind with a syntactic analysis. That is why, planning the material of the program in grammar, can not be taken sections of the program sequentially one by one: "Sounds and letters", "Word", "Offer", "Svyaznoy Speech". The material on grammar, spelling and developing speech in primary classes is planned with such a calculation so that different parties of the tongue perform at each individual lesson in relationships. At the same time, it is very important to take into account the various sides of the speech culture of students: the right orpheepic pronunciation, the correct emphasis, attention, attention to the meaning of the word, the ability to choose the desired word, correctly and precisely reflecting the thought, the correct construction of proposals and the ability to properly use the monologue speech. To ensure all the listed requirements, the teacher at every lesson of the Russian language is engaged in different parties. The material of the program is distributed according to training quarters to ensure the possibility of a versatile language study, the repetition and relationship of grammatical theory and language practice.

Thus, all said about the features of grammar planning and spelling does not exclude the need to allocate central, basic topics for working on them at a certain period of study time. Such central, basic topics are available in the program of each of their three initial classes. So, for example, the central section of the first-class program is the "Sounds and Letters" section. In the second grade such central, the main section is the section "Word". In the third grade, the main attention of students in the lessons of the Russian language focuses on changing words in sentences. Therefore, here the central, major sections is the change and connection of words.

Acquaintance with the meanings of the word, with the morpheme composition of the word program suggests in the second grade. The word forest is given, words are selected to it: Forers, Forester, Forestry. The term "root" and "single-tempered words" is introduced; The concept of "root" will include a sign: the main sense part, common for single-handed words; Later, when children will get acquainted with other semantic parts of the word, another sign will come here: a part of the word, from which new words are formed with the help of prefixes and suffixes. In order for children, the children did not get a false idea of \u200b\u200brelated words as those who are close or similar to sound, the teacher compares the words like nose and wear. It turns out that only those that have a common part and a common, close value are related or single words.

In the nature of the exercise to clarify the kindred words and on the highlight of the root, they usually have such:

) Rows of single-handed words are given, it is necessary to allocate root in them;

) Proposals and small coherent texts are given, in which related words are found;

) work on the understanding of the roots of words;

) Work is carried out on education from this root of single-damned words.

Since words in their morpheme composition there are varying degrees of complexity, and students get acquainted with all parts of the word not immediately. First, words consisting of root and ending are given. Then children disassemble words consisting of root and suffix. Then, when children will get acquainted with consoles, there are words consisting of root and consoles. Finally, mixed cases are dealt.

The main, most responsible topic related to the study of the composition of the word, and in particular, the root, are the topic "Handering of unstressed vowels".

If in the first class assimilation of the spelling of unstressed vowels develops on a phonetic basis, then further formation of the skill writing unstressed vowels should go differently. Already in the second grade there is a transition to the morphemical basis. If the student really highlighted the root in the Word, read it separately, drew attention to his graphic image, then the correct writing of the vowel root was already largely ensured. To assimage the rules of spelling of unstressed vowels, great importance have a variety of exercises. All exercises are accompanied by additional work: children put stress, emphasize the unstressed vowels, sometimes allocate the root entirely, give oral explanations. When studying unstressed vowels in the root, they use different techniques to check their spelling depending on the nature of the words. Such are:

) Replacing the only number multiple: Mountain - Mountains;

) Replacing the multiple number is the only one: home - house;

) Formation of words of smear meaning: grass - grass;

) Finding to the multiple word of the one-step word: feeder - feed;

) Replacement of noun adjectives: winter - winter;

) Replacing one form of verb Other: sawd - saw.

It should not be achieved that students remember and formulate these methods of verification in the form of rules. Exercises similar to those listed, develop grammatical and spelling flexibility, understanding the semantic links between words, children practically assimilate the unity of writing related words.

Has some meaning and order in which unstressed vowels are studied; It is advisable to give it to study the word with opposed letters of O-A, E-I-I (read the same, but written in different ways) or give words with different letters in the mixture. You should not give these letters separately each: first o, then a, etc.; It is advisable to oppose them.

When passing the section "Composition of the Word", children learn to recognize and write not only the roots of words, but also consoles. The concept of consoles of children is obtained by mapping words with different consoles. When studying the section "Composition of the Word" section, it is necessary not only to consolidate the skills and skills to write vowels and consonants in the most common consoles (B, in, up, for, on, o, o, about, by, under, pro, s, co) , but also to distinguish the prefixes from the prepositions and, therefore, in contrast to the predictions to write them in a punk with the words.

When you assimilate the consoles, they are compared with the pretexts in two directions.

On the one hand, the similarity with them is established in writing vowels and consonants; If the image of the pretext is clear for the student, the latter absorbs and the spelling of the consoles. The vowels and consonants in the consoles are written in the same way as in the pretexts - this is the rule of spelling of vowels and consonants in consoles.

On the other hand, the prefix is \u200b\u200bopposed to the pretext, since, in contrast to the pretext, it is written in a punch with words. Between the pretext and the next word, you can insert a word, it cannot be done in the word with the prefix. The pretext serves to communicate words with a different word, through the consoles are formed new words. The role of the pretext of students is quite understandable when studying the case of nouns names: the pretext serves to communicate nouns with the verb or with another noun. This role does not can do this role. Somewhat later, students will understand that the verb does not change on the case, so there can be no pretext before him.

When studying the topic "Specificing Pilot", second-class students absorb the material of one of the components of the "Eating Kommersant" themes. The teacher finds out the role of Kommersant in comparison with b. Both are a dividing sign, this is their similarity; Therefore, when familiarizing with Kommersant should, first of all, rely on pronunciation. However, it is immediately necessary to specify between the same name. By observing words, children can easily establish that it is used only after the consoles with consonants at the end before the root starting with the vowel letter E, E, Yu, I. The teacher teaches children to receptions through which they can unmistakably use Kommersant:

) a separate pronunciation of the consonant and next vowel sound is established;

) The word begins the prefix;

) The root begins one of the letters E, E, Yu, I.

It should be envisaged and warn errors that are found in the written works of students. For this you need to systematically carry out the appropriate exercises. It is also advisable to draw up lists of words with kommersant and vocabulary.

When studying the composition of the words, children get acquainted with suffix. Sufifixes as well as the prefix plays a word-forming role. However, meanwhile there is a difference. And it is not only that the prefix stands before the root, and the suffix after the root.

By virtue of the complexity of the phenomenon, the difference in primary grades does not find out. But by exercises, children absorb that through the suffix from the same root, you can form the words of both the same part of speech and different parts of speech, that each part of the speech is characterized by certain suffixes. And although the program does not provide for the learning of the spelling of suffixes, however, in the process of word-forming exercises, they assimilate and writing many suffixes of nouns, adjectives, verbs.

The ending when studying the section "The composition of the Word" section is characterized by three features:

) This is part of the word, standing at the end;

) The end is opposed for its role in the root: it serves to communicate words;

) The end varies depending on the connection with other words.

The syntactic sign of the end is very important to understand the declination and leasing, with which children will get will get to know somewhat later; In addition, an understanding of the syntactic role of the end makes meaningful to the work on establishing a connection between words in the allocation of couples of words than second-class students should be seriously engaged.

So that students understand the syntactic role of the end, it is recommended to observe the so-called deformed proposals; And the words in these proposals are taken in the initial form; It is required to restore the proposal by tilling the words among themselves; For which, of course, a change in endings will be required. Work on the section "The composition of the Word" cannot be reduced only to the analysis of words, it implies synthetic exercises. Selection of single-cornered, or related words - the most common and useful type of exercise of this kind. Any word (noun, adjective, verb) is given, children pick up single-handed words. At first, a number of these words will be small: 2-3 words, but gradually it expands, for example, to the word feed words of the feeder, feed, to the word pain - the words of the sick, sick, hospital, hurt, to the word snow - Snowman, Snow Maiden And even the word snow, snow, to the word fly - pilot, flight, fly, etc. This kind of exercises are very important for meaningful assimilation of the spelling of the roots and consoles. In addition, they are also useful for the development of ideas about the semantic links of words with each other and to systematize the dictionary.

Very comfortable and useful are exercises in the analysis and selection of related words when studying parts of speech, when words belonging to one part of speech are formed by the words of other grammatical discharges.


The appointment of the "Russian language" subject in elementary school is to lay the foundation for the formation of a functionally competent personality, to ensure the language and speech development of the child, help him to realize himself with a native speaker. The line of the topic "Composition of the Word" in this aspect is very important, since to form a sense of language it is necessary to understand the peculiarities of the morpheme composition of the word, word formation and word.

Before disclosing the specific content of the system, it is necessary to clarify that such a system for learning language material.

Under the system of studying language material, we are understood as a targeted process that ensures the absorption of a complex of knowledge in a certain, scientifically based sequence and relationship, as well as the formation of practical skills (generally, grammatical, word-formative, spelling) on \u200b\u200btheir basis. With regard to the language phenomena under consideration, the system determines:

a) the place of study of the morpheme composition of the word in the overall system of studying software material in the Russian language;

b) the sequence of work on such concepts as "root", "single-colored words", "Prefix", "Suffix", "ending";

c) the interaction between the study of the morpheme composition of the word and the formation of words, as well as the morpheme composition of the word and its lexical significance;

d) Communication of work on the formation of the skills of spelling Morpham with the assimilation of the foundations of knowledge from the field of word formation and grammar.

When building a system, the following provisions are the following provisions: all morphemes in the word are interrelated; The value of each morpheme is disclosed only in the word. Based on this, the study of the root, consoles, the suffix and ending is carried out not isolated from each other, but in the interaction: first, students get acquainted with the essence of all the morphemes in their comparison with each other, and then studied separately every morphem with semantico-word formation and spelling sides.

Methodists Ramzaeva T.G., Lviv M.R. Mix four stages of the system:

The first stage is propaedeutic (preliminary preparatory) word-forming observations.

The second stage is familiarity with the peculiarities of single-colored words and the essence of all morphemes in comparison.

The third stage is the study of the specifics and roles in the language of the root, consoles, suffixes; familiarization with the essence of the morphological principle of spelling; Formation of the spelling skill of roots and consoles.

The fourth stage is the deepening of knowledge about the morpheme composition of the words and elements of word formation in connection with the study of the name of the noun, the name of the adjective and verb; Formation of spelling skills of case endings of the names of the nouns and the names of adjectives, personal endings of the verb.

At all stages, a systematic work on the lexical meaning of words, the accuracy of their use in speech and writing is envisaged.

The specified system of studying the corrugal composition of the word takes into account not only the linguistic features of the material being studied, the age capabilities of younger schoolchildren, but also such didactic principles as consciousness, continuity and prospects of training. From familiarizing with the peculiarities of all Morpham, students go to the study of each morphem separately, and finally, in the process of studying parts of speech, conditions are created for some deepening knowledge of the composition of the word, since they (knowledge) enter new, more complex ties and relationships.

Consider the content and methodology of work at each of the steps of the system.

Propedeuticism of word formation. The task of propaedeutic work is to prepare students for understanding the semantic and structural correlation, which exists in the language between single words. Such a task is due, firstly, by the fact that the understanding of the semantic-structural correlation of words in their linguistic essence is the basis for the assimilation of single-handed words and the formation of words in Russian. Indeed, the derivative and producing words are interconnected in a sense and structural relationship (for example: the sea - sailor, attach - an extension, etc.). Semantic-structural connections, although a slightly different plan, are established between single words.

Secondly, the specified task is dictated by the difficulties faced by younger schoolchildren when studying single-colored words and morpheme. The difficulty represents the understanding of the semantic community of single-handed words for them, which, in turn, is associated with the ability to abstract the semantic value of the root from the lexical value of each of the words components of a group of one-called. Similarly, when absorbed the function of the root, the console or suffix is \u200b\u200bthe most difficult for students, the establishment of similarities and differences in single-handed words both in the semantic plan and in the structural one.

Therefore, a special study of the morpheme composition of words is the observations of the "kinship" of words by their meaning and composition.

Joint searches by the teacher and students of the answer to the question: "Why is this or that subject is so named?" - are the most affordable and interesting form of preparation for understanding the correlation of single-damned words. The fact is that the answer to this question is on its essence is closely related to questions: "Why are the words are related?", "How did another word formed?"

In Russian, many words are motivated names of objects. Therefore, from clarification with students, why the subject is so named, you can gradually move to clarifying correlation in the language of one word with another. For example, why a small house hanging for the starlings, people called the nesting house (starfish - a birdhouse), and a shed, which build for pigeons, gave the name of the dove (dove - dovestone)? Why is the device in which feed fed, called the feeder (feed - feeder)? Why is one house called wooden, and the other is stone? One day - summer, and the other - winter? One bump fir, and the other is pine? and. etc. When finding out the motive of the name of the subject or a sign of the subject, students are summarized to establish the generality of words in meaning and in composition. All this prepares schoolchildren to understand the essence of the formation of single-handed words: one word is formed from the other on the basis of the semantic relationship between them, which, in turn, is based on the relationship between the concepts whose names are these words.

Gradually, the presentation of students on word formation is deepened. This is mainly due to the fact that schoolchildren will know the words of the word with which new words are formed. It is also important to assimilation of the set of signs of single-handed words.

Acquaintance with single words and morphemes (second stage of the system). The main learning tasks of this phase:

introduce the peculiarities of the root, console, suffix and ending as meaningful parts of words,

proceed to the formation of the concept of "single-handed words",

to monitor the uniform writing of the root in single words.

The formation of the concept of "single-tempered words" is associated with the assimilation of their two essential signs: semantic community (have something in common in meaning) and structural generality (the presence of a common root). Therefore, in the process of learning, it is primarily necessary to create conditions for awareness of the tallery of these features. Almost this means the development of the schoolchildren of the ability to relate the lexical importance of single-handed words and their morpheme composition, highlighting the general. For example, students compare the words: raspberry, Malinnik, crimson (jam) - and establish that they can be combined into one group of related words, since all three words are similar in meaning and have the same general part.

In order to develop the younger schoolchildren, the ability to recognize single words in two essential signs, the opposition of single-handed words and synonyms (for example: brave - courage, but courage - courage), as well as the opposition of single-handed words and words having roots - homonyms (for example : Mountain - Mountain - Minor, but the mountain is burning).

In the process of familiarizing students with single words, their initial ideas about the morphemes as meaningful parts of the word are also folded. This applies not only to the root, but also to the console, suffix. Such a relationship in the study of single-root words and morpheme is natural, since both similarities and the difference between single-handed words among themselves are due to their composition.

Consider one of the possible options for familiarizing with the prefix, suffix and end. The methodical path of the work is determined, on the one hand, the interaction of all morpheme in the Word, on the other hand, the similarity of the word-forming functions of prefixes and suffixes and the originality of the grammatical function of the end. Taking into account the above, the most appropriate is the use of a word-forming task, in the process of which students receive a group of single-handed words formed using certain morphem, and clearly make themselves in their role. For example, a teacher suggests writing the Word to fly and pick up a related person who would mean moving from one place to another. Students write the word to fleet. It turns out that for the formation of the word, the flip part was used part over the root.

"What are the birds that fly in search of food into the warm edges?" - puts the teacher's question. It is established that the word mapal was formed from the word flight with a portion-n-, which stands after the root. Based on the comparison of the role and place in the word parts, it is done, the initial generalization is made, the terms "prefix" and "suffix" are introduced.

For elementary acquaintance with the end, it is proposed to compare two words: migratory (birds) and a migratory (bird) - in meaning and in shape (the meaning has not changed, the form has changed).

Of course, in the considered stage of learning knowledge of students about Morphem, incomplete. In fact, schoolchildren are only summing up to these concepts in the process of performing practical exercises. At this time, the guide role of the teacher is great. It strictly selects words available in its composition and according to the method of education by age possibilities of students, directs morphem analysis and synthesis of words, constantly promotes the awareness of the group of communication existing in the language between the lexical meaning of the word and its morpheme.

Methods of studying the specifics and roles in the root, console, subfix and ending (third stage of the system). At the third stage of the system of studying the morphemical composition of words, the following training tasks are solved:

formation of concepts: "Root", "Prefix", "Suffix",

development of ideas about the relationship between the lexical meaning of the word and its morpheme composition,

formation of the spelling skill of checked unstressed vowels, paired deaf and ringing consonants in the roots of words, as well as the skill of the fusion and graphically correct writing of the consoles,

the development of the ability to consciously consciously use words with prefixes and suffixes.

The third stage is central in the system of studying the basics of morpecics. Each of the specified tasks is not solved isolated. Essentially, each of them is in a certain interdependence. Thus, the awareness of the teaching of the relationship between the lexical meaning of the word and its morpheme composition is based on the assimilation of the role of each morphem in the word. The spelling skill of the checked unstressed vowel root is formed, naturally, only subject to the ownership of schoolchildren with some word-forming skills, and in particular the ability to analyze the morpheme composition of the word, select single-handed words. In close connection with all the tasks there is such of them as the development of accurate and conscious consumption of words in speech taking into account their morpheme composition (for example: white, whiteish; build, complete, rebuild; fluffy, fluffy; hard, cruel, etc. ).

Work on the composition of the word in connection with the study of speech parts (fourth stage of systems). The purpose of the fourth stage of the study system of the morphoic composition of the word is, on the one hand, in the deepening of knowledge about the word-forming role of the console and suffixes and the formative of the end of the end; On the other hand, in the preparation of students to understand the characteristics of the formation of nouns, the names of adjectives and verbs.

In the process of studying parts of speech, the teacher brings students to understanding the foundations of word formation: there is a completely definite connection in the formation of one part of speech from another or from the same part of speech using the prefix or suffix, as well as the prefixes and suffixes. So, the submissive verbs are most often formed from smoky verbs (for example: build - set up, paint - repaint). Many nouns are formed from verbs (drive - driver, buy - buy) or from nouns (ice - ice, tank - tanker). Rarely nouns are formed from the names of adjectives by discarding the suffix or adding it (quiet - quiet, smooth - smooth, brave - courage).

For the names of adjectives as the main source of education, the names of the nouns are acting; Adjectives in this case are formed by a suffix method (spring - spring, mountain - mountain, friend - friendly).

When studying the word formation, the main difficulty for students of primary classes is to properly determine the generating word. Considering, on the one hand, this difficulty, and, on the other, an understanding of the method of education of the word to disclose its lexical significance, it is advisable in the process of studying the parts of speech to carry out such exercises that are preparing younger schoolchildren to awareness of the relationship of the production and derivative words. Preparation, in particular, is that the teacher is guided by its content and character of the task of students to establish, firstly, from which word formed this and, secondly, with what morpheme. Naturally, younger schoolchildren, not yet familiar with the patterns of word formation, it is difficult to determine the generating word. Therefore, the production word calls the teacher or it is given in the exercise. A teacher can indicate the importance of a derived word, then the task of the student is to choose the necessary morphus that will allow the word to form a given value. For example, the teacher calls the word defense and proposes to form a single name noun, denoting a person who acts in defense of anyone or anything (defender).

A second option is possible: in the exercise, the generating word and morpheme that must be used is indicated. The task of the student is to correct the word, explain its lexical meaning. For example, from the word degrees with the help of suffix-book, it is proposed to form a new word, explaining its meaning, indicate part of speech (thermometer).

And in the first, and in the second version there is a murfer analysis of the word, recognition, which part of the speech is producing and derivative words. The teacher specifically records the attention of students on which part of the speech the word was formed, with which morpheme, what point is to have an educated word and which part of speech is it. This kind of exercises are based on existing in the language of communication between the lexical meaning of the word, its morpheme composition and the method of education, characteristic of one or another part of speech. What types of exercises are most effective?

Lexico-word-formational analysis of the text in which there are single words.

For example, students are offered for recording under dictation.

With the first timid snowball to us at the wintering fed. They are important sitting on birch. Snegiri is the most beautiful winter birds. They will live with us all winter.

Under the leadership of the teacher, it turns out how (with the help of which morpheme) from one related word was formed another, which part of speech they are, what makes sense.

Replacing the detailed explanation of the lexical value of the word by one related word.

Name in one word. This word should be classified with the underlined word. Determine which part of speech it is, disassemble the composition.

Machine adapted for shipping. (Truck.) The subject that gives a memory. (Gift.) A man who stands at the gate during a football game, hockey. (Goalkeeper.) A person who controls the crane. (Cranewner) Station, which is located on the river. (River.) Fish that lives in the sea. (Sea.), Etc.

With the help of teachers, students find out how, that is, from what word and with the help of which morphemes, these words were formed. At the same time, word-forming analysis is combined with morphemes.

Explanation of the lexical meaning of the word based on finding out the essence of the name of the subject.

Explain why so called. Prove how words formed as part of speech they are, what makes sense.

In winter, juicy tomatoes and cucumbers are grown in the greenhouse. In the fields under the mild snow carpet sleeps before the spring winter wheat.

Example of students' explanation: "The greenhouse is a warm room in which vegetables are grown in winter. So they called the room because it was warm in winter, it is heated. The word greenhouse was formed from the word warm with the help of suffix - fits. This is a noun."

"The winter wheat is wheat, which is sowing in the fall. She winter in the field. Therefore, it was called. The word winter was formed from the words of Ozimi. This is an adjective name."

Drawing up proposals with single words of different parts of speech.

Treatment tasks.

From words to be friends, walk, mow, shoot to form new words with a suffix -b-. Prove which part of the speech are the words you are given and which you received.

From the verbs to cut, chop, build, swing, warm, solit form a single name nouns. Disassemble words in composition. What part of the word did you use to form verbs? What part of the word did you use for the formation of nouns?

As it is easy to notice, the character of the task encourages students, on the one hand, to draw attention to the features of the formation of words, on their morpheme composition, and on the other - to establish a connection between the morpheme composition of the word and its belonging to a certain part of speech. In the initial classes of observation on the peculiarities of the formation of a particular part of speech are properedificate and their effectiveness largely depends on the focus of exercises, the correct combination of collective and individual work in the lesson, the availability and internal visibility of the lexical material used.

Th step. Based on the propaedeutic work, which is conducted in the I class, enter the topic "Basis of the Word and Ending" in II, on the available examples, of course.

Develop a methodology for analytical synthetic exercises with their gradual complication.

Starting from grade 1, enter a line of practical acquaintance with the word formation: from the analysis of the composition of the word - to its model. Practice exercises to find out how the word was formed - both to the model.

Th step. In the second class, enter the topic "Education of related words": a practical acquaintance with word-forming nests of words. Semantic analysis of educated words, introducing them to suggestions and text.

Th step. The introduction of the concept of "key root" as the center of word formation, the center of the word-forming nest, as a common part of the kindred words (by tradition).

Later will be mastered the definition of the root as an unproductive basis.

System of practical work on modeling the structure of the word.

Th step. Filling the cells based on knowledge and skills on the topic "Word formation":

It is advisable to start this work with words that have all 4 affixes, for example: sub-facing-K, with subsequent complications of options. The advantage of this approach, firstly, in the practical preparedness of children to the awareness of the holistic, complete model of the morpheme composition of the word, which binds to the word formation; secondly, the subsequent consideration of the options: with the prefix - without a console, with a suffix - without suffix, with two suffixes; Later there will be cases with historical alternations, with two three suffixes or consoles, finally, with two roots.

4 System of work on the composition of the word in the process of examining parts of the word

Russian language in primary grades is considered as part of a single language learning course, whose most important goals are:

) Development and improvement of all types of speech activities: reading, letters, hearing, speaking;

) Formation of elementary linguistic competence.

In Russian, many words are motivated names of objects.

Gradually, the presentation of students on word formation is deepened. This is mainly due to the fact that schoolchildren will know the words of the word with which new words are formed. The assimilation of the totality of signs of single-handed words is also important.

Features of the study of the root. When forming the concept of "root", younger students are focused on three signs of the root, which in a generalized form can be represented in the following wording: "The root is the main part of the word, which is common to all single words. The general meaning of all single words is rooted.

The main position determining the overall work method on the root is the disclosure, on the one hand, the role of the root as the core of the lexical meaning of the word, on the other hand, the absorption of the root as a common part of the kindred words in which the generality of the semantics of these words is concluded.

For example, students can get this kind of task:

What do the following words mean: shine, blue, cinema, bluish, sneake, blue, blue? Are they in one family of single-colored words? Prove. What word in this family of single-damned words is the top (head of the family)?

It is very important that students in analyzing single-painted words learned to explain what part of the word makes these words are single-sided (while the root is released) and which part or which parts make them different in meaning (at the same time a prefix or suffix or the other part is distinguished). For example:

Consider the following family of single-colored words. Fill the pass. Hold the suffixes with which these words were formed.

Pharmacy? Pharmacist (one who works in a pharmacy);

... ...? Pharmacarian (applied to pharmacist belonging to the pharmacy);

pharmacy? ... ... (adj. to the pharmacy belonging to the pharmacy);

... ...? First aid kit (... ... ... ... ... ...).

Another example:

Find an excess word. The answer is justifying.

Water, water, conduct, water, watery, drive

What does the highlighted word mean? Compare its value with the meaning of the word "land",

The correct decision of the specified task actually means an understanding (although the elementary) role of the root, the console and suffix in the "creation" of the lexical meaning of words, as well as the understanding of the root as a part on which the "kinship" of words is founded.

Work on the root is not limited to two and three lessons. Observations on the root are organically included in the content of lessons, which are specifically discharged to study all other morphemes, and later word-forming exercises are included in the study of speech parts.

Studying the word formation role of consoles and their semantic value. Significant features of the console are:

a) its word formation function (less often forms);

b) the place in relation to the root (always before the root);

c) the consoles form a new word of the same lexico-grammatical discharge, which is producing, as they join the already grammatically decorated Word (jump - jump, jump over, etc.).

In primary classes, students study the two first signs and assimilate the following definition: "The prefix is \u200b\u200bpart of the word, which is before the root and serves to form new words."

The assimilation of the younger schoolchildren of the word-forming role of consoles takes place most successfully subject to the disclosure of their semantic meaning.

When clarifying the setup values, the fact that the semantics of the consoles is particularly clearly manifested in the conditions of the proposed management, when in the value of the console and pretext there is much in common. For example, in the phrase ran into the room and the prefix, and the pretext indicate the direction of movement inside anything, in the phrase, sail the prefix from the shore and the preposition have the value of the removal, in the phrase to drive up to the house. The prefix and the preposition indicate the approach to the object, etc. Therefore, it is very productive to see us the task of distinguishing the prefixes and an excuse:

Read the Russian People's Song. What is taken in brackets - a prefix or pretext? Why? Prove. How do you distinguish the same consoles and prepositions from each other? Describe. Cutting brackets.

Skok - Jack!

Young thrill

(By) the driver (by) walked

The juvenile (for) went.

Sam (s) top

Head (c) pot.


(By) drove (by) firewood,

(For) climbed (for) Penos,

(Pro) stood the whole day.

Since the semantics of the consoles are interconnected with the lexical meaning of the word, which is controlled by this submissive verb, it is advisable to determine the role of consoles to use phrases or suggestions and only in rare cases are limited to individual verbs.

It is known that the consoles are not one, but several values. In addition, there is a synonymic console in Russian. Therefore, to familiarize yourself with the semantics of consoles and their word-forming role, the teacher selects the prefixes that are clearly pronounced in the most used words of children's speech.

In primary classes, the task of a special study of the semantic value of the consoles, and even more so the systematization and summarization of knowledge about the diverse value of the consoles are noted. Observation of semantics of consoles is not an end of the lessons in which the consoles are studied, and the means by which the concepts about the console as a morpheme are formed and the ability to consciously consciously use words with consoles. The assimilation of the younger schoolchildren of the word-forming role of consoles by its very essence is associated with the understanding of their semantic meaning. The main thing in awareness of the word-forming role of the console is the knowledge that the prefix is \u200b\u200bnot mechanically joined by the word, but "includes" its semantic tint in its lexical meaning and as a result of this, a new word is created.

For awareness of students in the word-forming role of consoles in unity with their semantic value, the following groups of exercises are perfect.

The first exercise group includes tasks based on the comparison of single-damned words, the semantic difference between which is due to different consoles. An example of such a task:

From the word to wash, form new words using the console from-, you-. Compare the words obtained in meaning and in composition. What are they similar? What part of the word makes them opposite in meaning? Make proposals.

Exercises of this group are aimed at the development of students in the skill abstraction of the semantic value of the console from the value that is concluded in the root.

The second exercise group is characterized by comparing the same console in different words or comparison of consoles having a close value. The purpose of the exercises is an elementary summary of knowledge of semantics of consoles. For example, students are invited to compare words to abandon, tent, put it, - to establish than they are similar from the semantic side (denote the incompleteness). What part of the word transfers the incompleteness?

The third group consists of lexico-grammatical and lexico-stylistic analysis of the text. Exercises contribute to the development of accurate and conscious use in speech words with consoles:

Read, rewrite. Find the words with the prefixes, what do these words mean, find the words from which they are formed using the consoles that you allocated, what is the meaning of these words?

Suddenly darkened. This low clouds closed the sky. The wind flew. His sharp gust threw the leaves from the trees. Trees were injected, loosely branches. Thin trunks leaned until the earth. Scattered and swept frightened birds. Dry dry leaves and blades from the wind.

Along with the observations over the semantics and the word-forming role of consoles, work is also carried out on the formation of the skill of the fusion and graphically correct spectrum. To create students a condition for better memorization of the image of the console, it is advisable to conduct the last classification (consoles with the letter O, consoles with the letter A, etc.). Students exercise in the spelling of vowels and consonant letters in the consoles:

Read. In which words the emphasis falls on the prefix? Wrong these words in one column, put the emphasis. Words with unstressed vowels in the prefixes write to another column. Put the emphasis:

Recorded, writing, finished, fell, inscribed, inscription, grumbled, flashed, frozen, frost, carried, impressive.

Set the console. What is common between consoles under the stress and without emphasis? What conclusion can you do?

In the prefixes of pre-, O-, OB-(ECTOR), OT- (OTO), the PRECTOR (sub-), the vowel is written about. In the prefixes of the fact that vowels are correct. This needs to be remembered.

It is necessary to emphasize that the formation of the spelling skill skill is combined with the deepening of knowledge about the prefix as a morpheme of the word, with the development of the ability to consciously and accurately use words with consoles in speech. The latter, in particular, is associated with the understanding of the lexical meaning of the word, its combinations with other words in the proposal. Therefore, it is necessary to use exercises of different types, starting with writing, dictations and ending with creative works.

Working technique for the assimilation of the functions of suffixes. The main task of studying this morphem is to acquaint students with the role of suffixes in the Word and on this basis to develop the skill among schoolchildren consciously use words with suffixes in their speech. It is important to bring students to understand that with the help of a suffix one can form a word with a new lexical value (meaning word-forming suffixes), as well as give the word one or another semantic shade: indicate the size of the subject, the quality of the subject, its relationship to the subject ( This refers to the evaluation suffixes).

In the elementary class, the task of forming the skills of spelling spelling only in the preliminary form: students get acquainted with the writing of some of the most common in the children's speech of suffixes, which have a permanent graphic drawing (-Exc-, -Evn-, - - Low, ...) and do not require knowledge of the rules.

Work on the assimilation of students of the functions of the suffix in the Word is combined with the clarification of the semantics of some suffixes and with the establishment of grammatical signs of the derivative of the word (the initial level).

Awareness of the student of the role of suffix also contributes to the comparison of the suffix with the prefix and ending.

The suffix is \u200b\u200bcompared with the prefix in order to establish similarity on their word-forming role and differences, taking into account the place that they occupy in the Word. The comparison is particularly effective when it is carried out in the process of performing word-forming exercises, and thus the role of the prefix and suffix is \u200b\u200bmost clearly (for example: to say - to tell - a hint, carry - transport - transportation, etc.).

The suffixes are compared with the end in order to prevent their identification by students. Comparison is carried out based on the clarification of the word-forming role of the suffix and the forming role of the end (practically). In this case, the varying of the educational material is of great importance, which is used to familiarize themselves with suffixes. Variation occurs taking into account one of the insignificant signs of the suffix, namely: the suffix may stand before zero graduation (oak, house) and in front of a material ending (berry, pine, etc.). In the first case, part of students and admits the identification of the suffix and ending.

Features of studying the end. The technique of work on each of the morpheme has its own characteristics, since their linguistic essence is specified. Special originality, compared to the prefix and suffix, is distinguished by the end for which the lead is a grammatical function.

The difficulty of assimilation of the ending with younger students is due to the fact that the end is an external means of expressing grammatical meaning words. Not knowing the grammatical meanings of the word, students, of course, cannot realize the functions of the end.

In addition, the end is characterized by polyfunctionality, since the ending in the Word simultaneously expresses several values \u200b\u200b(for example, the ending-like in the phrase, a bold man is an expressive forms of male genus, the only number, nominative case).

Taking into account the specified features of the end and age capabilities of younger students, it became traditional to start studying the end with the disclosure of his two signs: the end is the varying part of the word and serves to communicate words in the sentence. Gradually, as they acquainted with the categories of the number and kind of names of adjectives, as well as with the category of cases and face, there is a gradual deepening of students' knowledge of the end.

The initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe end of the word varying part, with the help of which the connection of words is established in the proposal, it consists of students when performing exercises, including tasks aimed at changing the shape of the word, depending on the combination of it with other words in the proposal. For example, it is required in accordance with the meaning of the sentence to change the word so that it turns out to be associated with another word: the wind came to the rescue (frost). Blowing out of all his might, chops a snow blanket with (wheat). Under the guidance of the teacher, schoolchildren are looking for an answer to the questions: "Why did I have to change the ending in the word? What is achieved thanks to this?"

The exercise. Read. Guess what endings are missing. Describe, highlighting the end. In which words are the ending zero?

Frog ... jump jump yes i

Lit ... Belk ... on Penets ...

In a bush ... bunny ... shoved,

Trail ... Hedgehog ... ran.

Stay, years ..., forever!

Sparkum, lakety water ...!

Bathe, berries ... in the grass ...

And the suns ... - in blue ...!

(V. Alexandrov)

The learning of the syntactic function of the end occurs on the basis of (or rather during the process) of the assimilation of the communication of words in the proposal and in the phrase. And although the knowledge of the younger schoolchildren on the connection of words is elementary in nature, they are summing up to understand that the sense and grammatical dependence of words in the phrase is expressed by the end (in the proposed phrases of this purpose also serve also to prepositions). On the assimilation of the student of the syntactic role of the end, it can be divided into the ability to allocate words related to the sense and grammatically, and by the ability to explain, with the help of which communication establishes (using the end or end and the pretext). The specified level of explanation becomes affordable to most students after they learn the declination of the names of the nouns and the names of adjectives.

The originality of the ending compared to other morphems is extensively learned by students in the process of performing tasks in which the function of each morphem is manifested. For example, students perform tasks requiring formal words. At the same time, it turns out what morphemes are used to form words, as the meaning of the word changes depending on the console and suffix.

The exercise. Read groups of words. What do the words of each group mean? Are they signed? Why? I sleep a single word, set the end and scatter the basis in each word.

Deep, depth, deep-water (fish), deep depth (statement).

Year, annual, years, came in handy, New Year, annual.

Along with the specified task, students are invited to change words so that they are used not in the only thing, and in the plural, and establish which part of the word changes, whether the sense of the word changes when the end is changed. In terms of comparison, on the one hand, consoles and suffixes, on the other hand, the endings clearly acts as a formative role of the end.

5 Entertaining games and exercises on the topic. Stimulation with their help of cognitive activity of children

One of the problems that exciting teachers is the question: how to develop a sustainable interest in the child to study, to knowledge, form a need for self-search. The solution of these tasks is based on the motivational and consumer scope of the child. Primary school students cannot learn "for themselves." Sometimes they learn for the assessment, sometimes for praise, sometimes for gifts. But any of these motives come an end. Therefore, the teacher needs to form a learning motivation based on cognitive interest. The child should like his activity, and it should be available to him. The purpose of the teacher is to try to make inquisitiveness and cognitive interest in our students. Requirements for modern school led to the need to revise the goals, content and technologies of training. Modern training should be carried out in such a way that students have aware of interest in knowledge, the need for a more complete and deep assimilation increased, the initiative and independence in operation developed. In the learning process, students should not only master knowledge, skills and skills, but also develop their cognitive abilities and creative forces. To do this, it is necessary that in school a special place occupied such forms of classes that ensure an active part in the lesson of each student, increase the authority of the knowledge and individual responsibility of schoolchildren for the results of academic labor. One way to solve these tasks is the right organization of students' activity in the Russian language learning system. One of the main tasks in the organization of training activities, I see the creation of such conditions when students have a need for the implementation of creative potential. Work on the activation of cognitive activity is to form a positive attitude of younger schoolchildren to training activities, develop their desire for a deeper cognition of the subject being studied. The issues of activating the teachings of schoolchildren are among the most relevant problems of modern pedagogical science. The implementation of the principle of activity in learning has a certain importance, as training and development are active and on the quality of teaching as an activity depends on the result of training, development and education of schoolchildren. I consider particular importance, I believe in the conditions of implementing the concept of modernization of training is to educate the comprehensive and socially mature personality of each younger schoolchild, through the game forms of work. On this problem, I met many scientific works and methodological developments: T.I. Schukina "The relevance of the problem of intensifying educational and educational activities", A.F. Kazakov "Success is an important stimulus of a positive attitude to activities", L.S. Kulagina "Activation of the exercise: Essence and content" Khizhnyakova O.I. "Modern educational technological chlogs in elementary school", A.A. Okuneva "Thank you for the lesson, children!". And it came to the conclusion that stimulating the cognitive activity of children occur through games and entertaining exercises.

And now I understand why the ancient Romans said that the root of the teachings of the Gork. After all, if it is interesting to build a lesson, this root may well change its taste, and even cause a healthy appetite. Every teacher wants his disciples to study well, with interest and desire to work at school. How to implement the coordinate system: "Interest" - "Desire" - "Understanding" - "Memorious Strength" in the lessons of the Russian language in elementary school?

The greatest activating effect in classes give situations in which students themselves must:

· To defend your opinion and take part in discussions;

· To set questions with your comrades and teacher, review the answers of classmates;

· Teaching lagging behind and explain incomprehensible places;

· Alone choose a sideline task and look for options for solving a cognitive problem;

· Create self-test situations, analyzing personal cognitive and practical actions, etc.

The younger child, the greater the material should be fed in the figurative form. No wonder I.G. Pestalotski principle visited golden rule didactics. Given this, I use meals in the work of mnemonics, facilitating the processes of perception and memorization of educational material that increase the amount of memory, as well as ensuring strength and long-term memorization. I will focus on the most favorite types of mnemonic techniques. The first and especially effective reception is associative drawings. In the associative figure, two methodological techniques are being implemented: the creation of a spelling, grammatical support and the reception of the "children's drawing". Pictures-supports cause visual and semantic associations that contribute to inflicted perception and rapid storage of material. For example, when studying the topic "Three decline in nouns" the names, the scheme is proposed - support for the 1st decline (with the task to continue the list of examples) - the plot of the Fairy Tales "Rust". Students call the heroes of fairy tales: repka, Dage, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse. Unmistakably conclude: the 1st decline includes nouns for men and female clauses with endings - A, - I. Similar work is carried out with drawings for the 2nd and 3rd decline.

No less effective and interesting mnemonic adoption is the rhyming rules. Make a rhymed quatrain is not so difficult, but the benefits of them are undoubted: remember it easier and make it easier. Of course, the logic of judgments and the content with an independent poem leaves much to be desired, but the mnemonic significance is great. For example, a rhyme material for memorizing prepositions used with the genitive case:

I ran away from home

I walked until the evening.

From a tree to a snowdrift Sigal,

Without lessons to live dreamed.

For a collection of snowflakes

I collected the tongue.

Near the fire dancel

And around the courtyard jumps.

Do I need to do lessons?

I shoved it!

I'm standing at the board

And sigh from longing.

A simpler mnemonic admission of the thematic grouping of material for memorization is to draw up prosaic text, "Self-model" text. For example, "the adhesive was put on shorts and a hooded jacket and climbed the gooseberry bushes, who seemed to him a real chap. The gooseberry he led chocolate, from such an increment he had a show on shorts, began to heartburn, he came in shock and ran on the highway to ask the driver to take him to the circus, where he worked as a jugglery and jockey. " As practice shows, children remember such funny stories very well. Remember the words included in the associated story, much easier than the usual list of these words.

Working with younger schoolchildren requires to take into account psycho-physiological features. For this, I try to enter the game lesson and game situations. In the process of the game in the lesson, students are imperceptible for themselves to perform various exercises, where they have to compare, exercise, train. The game puts the child in the search conditions, awakens interest to victory, and from here - the desire to be quick, collected, deft, resourceful, be able to clearly fulfill tasks, follow the rules of the game. Many games and exercises are built on the material of various difficulties, which makes it possible to carry out an individual approach, to ensure participation in students with different levels of knowledge. This makes the process more interesting, children more often show activity, intelligence and achieve sometimes the highest results. In our Russian lessons I often use: games, charaks, rebuses.

For example, the game "Beasts hid". Give on the blackboard text. Children must find in it the names of the beasts. Try to find all animals yourself.

Entertaining material contributes to the activation of students. By performing various exercises, students creatively thinking, they develop attention, the ability to quickly find a solution to the issue. In the process of your work, I often use punch cards. This allows you to check the knowledge of the guys, saves time at the lesson, activates the independent work of children. Colorfully decorated as an image of any object (fish, apple, snowman) they attract the attention of children, allow you to work with great interest in the lesson.

Much values \u200b\u200bin language lessons are puzzles. They teach children to speak brightly, figuratively, simply. Work on riddles is an exercise in the independent development of thinking, intelligence, imagination. Lessons using riddles are interested in and do not tired students, deliver useful exercises for the mind. Work on the mystery takes place in several stages. First stage - guessing mysteries. The attention of children is attracted to two peculiarities of mysteries: a) is not called the subject itself, but another similar to it; b) indicate the brightest distinguishing features of the subject. The second stage - observation. There is a viewing of the subject in order to identify its most significant signs, as well as find a similar object that could be used for allegory. The third stage is the own essay of riddles, first collectively, and then independently. That's what happens in children: a funny animal lives in the forest. Danger slightly and he is in a lump. (Hedgehog).

In vocabulary, I should use the dictionaries group. Working with a group of words is creative. After the interpretation of words, their correct writing, students perform the task to make a story, in which all these words are combined with a general meaning. For example, Belarus, Belarusian, Bereza, city, homeland, language.

The skillful use of the above methods and techniques gives a real opportunity to make a lesson such that teaches, develops and brings up, increases the efficiency of the quality of lessons, the performance of the teacher and the student. Makes students cognitively active; Developing their independent thought and activates their creative abilities, forms the desire and the ability to learn.

The use of games in the learning process turns them into the category of didactic, where the education process is interrelated with the process of communication, and the activity of the student is comparable or even exceeds the activity of the teacher.

During the passage of practice, I tried myself, relying on the work of great teachers to use game techniques, as a means of improving interest in learning activities. I want to note that the game, the fascinating nature of the tasks, which are at the same time psychological tests, reduces the stressful factor in the level of development level, allows children who have increased anxiety to more fully demonstrate their true possibilities.

I agree with the opinion of LS. Vysym, that the use of a creative game in the Russian language lessons in elementary school helps relieve a number of difficulties related to the memorization of the material, to study and secure the material at the level of emotional awareness, which contributes to the development of cognitive interest in Russian as academic subject. It is also important that the creative game in the Russian language lessons contributes to the enrichment of the vocabulary of students, expands their horizons. It carries a huge emotional charge, decides not only general educational and developing tasks, but also raises the qualities of a creative personality: the initiative, perseverance, purposefulness, the ability to find a solution in a non-standard situation. The game helps the formation of the phramethic perception of the word, enriches the child with new information, activates mental activity, attention, and most importantly - stimulates speech. As a result, children appear in the Russian language. Not to mention the fact that didactic games in the Russian language contribute to the formation of the spelling of the junior schoolboy. The game is carried out at different stages of the lesson. At the beginning of the lesson, the goal of the game is to organize and interest children, stimulate their activity. In the middle of the lesson, the didactic game should solve the task of assimilation of the topic. At the end of the lesson, the game is a search character, used to secure the material.

The greatest humanist of the XX century Mother Teresa said: We can't do great things. We can only do small things, but with great love . I think that this thought should be a guiding star of every teacher.

Chapter 2. Experimental study of the effectiveness of the teaching of morfemics in elementary school

The study was conducted in the 4th grade (school name). The school works under the program "CHEUCHBER PRAMMA FOR 1-4 CLASS OLITAY AGUL'S SYAREADNY ADUKATSIYA ZELLAYSKY MOVA NAUUCHENNYY" (Zatchasya Mіnіstarov Aduuksyi Raspublіkі Belarus Mіnsk, NІA, 2012). Russian language training is carried out on textbooks M.B. Antipowa, so-called Volynets.

The study was conducted in three stages. At the first stage, there was a statement experiment. A cut in the lesson of the Russian language was carried out, with the help of which they revealed the level of mastering students with knowledge and skills from the field of the word. To assess the quality of learning knowledge of students and the level of formation of the relevant skills, analyzed the results obtained. At the second stage, the Forming Experiment - we tested the exercise system aimed at eliminating the identified gaps and further improve the knowledge, skills and skills of students in the field of word composition. In the third stage, the test experiment - there was another control cut, the purpose of which is to compare the results obtained with the results of the stateing experiment. We analyze the results of the results.

1 Standing experiment

The statement experiment was carried out in the form of a written practical work No. 1 "part of the word" at the beginning of the fourth school year on the results of the previous school year.

The purpose of the experiment: checking knowledge, skills and skills of students throughout the material of the previous school year.

To determine the level of word-forming skills of younger schoolchildren and to assess the formation of word-forming concepts, four-graders have been proposed for some tasks.

The first block of five tasks is theoretical character:. 1 option

) The root is ... part of the word. The root is concluded by the meaning of all .. words.

) Single words are words that ... ... ...

) The consoles are written ... with words, and prepositions ... because the prefix is \u200b\u200b... and the pretext is ....

) Ending is ... part ...

) The end serves for ... .. 2 option

) Words that are close in meaning and have a common root called ....

) The root is ... part of the word.

At the root, the meaning of all ... words.

) Part of the word that stands before ... and serves to form new words, called ....

) The variable part of the word is ....

) The end serves for ....

This test of students' knowledge of the morpheme composition of the words obtained in the previous school year. Residual knowledge on the themes "Single-Dark Words", "Root of the Word", "Prefix", "Observation of single words", "Observation of the lexical meaning of single-handed words, for the uniformity of writing a root in single words", "The role of ending in the word, in sentence. "

The second job of the tasks is to check the ability to select single-handed words, the ability to see the root in single words, including with alternating consonants:. Continue row. Write another two single words. Hold the root. Stress alternating consonants in the root of the word.

Oh option

See, view, ________________________________

Snow, snow, _____________________________

Oh option

Friend friendly ______________________________

Meadow, meadow __________________________________

The third section of the tasks is aimed at monitoring the spelling of vowels and consonants at the root of the word in a weak position:. Think what the letter should be written on the site of the pass. First write the test word, then insert the letter. Denate an orphogram.


Of boom



SP ___ Sew

About yes











The fourth section is aimed at checking the skills to form words with consoles (on the material of the verbs of the movement):. Arrange with the help of the consoles from the verb to run (1B.), Lying (2B.) Five verbs. Write. Denote the speech - unstressed vowel in consoles.

Fifth section - Checking the skills to find in the word Ending and foundation:. The ending and the foundation in words








Sixth - checking skills to form words according to a given morphem pattern of the word:. Write the word to each scheme:

It should be specifically noted that with the analysis of such words as a young one, the grandfather had no mistakes. In the oral survey conducted after the written performance of the task, the use of a motivating word with interpretation and analysis of words was recorded. However, with the substantiation of their answers, most schoolchildren were guided by the selection of a number of single-handed words and words with the same morphem.

The purpose of this task is not only in checking the skill of students to determine the words of one word-forming nest, but also in finding out how the semantics of the word is aware of the schoolchildren, its relationship with other single words. From the point of view of the techniques of mental activity, the skill was checked during the word-forming analysis to compare, carry out operations of synthesis analysis, classify.

This task is oriented, firstly, to check the ability to correctly disassemble words in composition; Secondly, to identify awareness - unconsciousness in the younger schoolchildren of the connection of morphum analysis with the meaning relationship between derivatives and motivating in relation to it, thirdly, to identify the ability to compare and analyze using the proposed material. To the most typical mistakes of students who performed the task include the following:

Erroncefulness Option (12 people) II Option II (12 people) Wrong Definition of the root (12.5%) 21NEGON definition of single-handed words (20.8%) 23Nesting of the spelling of the prefixes, the inability to distinguish the prefixes from the prepositions (20.8%) 32Trequent definition of the end function (29.1. Verbs (16.7%) 13The omnia to allocate in the word basis and ending (25%) 33NEsion to draw up words according to a given scheme (58.3%) 68 Drug orphographic errors (33.3%) 44

According to the results of the completed task, it is possible to conclude a low level of ownership of the skills of synthesis and mapping skills, since the greatest percentage ratio of errors falls on the task to select the words on the finished schemes.

Only 20.8% of students performed all the task without errors.

Thus, the smallest difficulties caused students from students only a part of the task, requiring knowledge of the rule of alternation of consonants in the root of the word.

Analysis of the results of the execution of other items of the proposed task suggests that students are not formed by special skills to group (classify) derivative words based on their belonging to a particular word-formative model. As a result, by combining in one group of words of different word-forming models, students drew attention only to the commonality of alphabetic combinations in words, on the form of the word out of connection with its value. The results of the stating experiment allow planning the specifics of tasks and exercises to repeat the material over the morofemics during the fourth year of study. In particular, the experiment showed that the greatest emphasis should be made to teach schoolchildren to think "from the general to a specific" - the ability to draw up options for words according to a given morpheme scheme. Errors in the definition of the root, console, the functions of the end signals the need to actualize the theoretical material passed. An alarm signal is also a large number of errors in the tasks on the allocation of the base and the selection of single-handed words, as well as the inability to put a consonant root in the "strong" position for checking writing.

2.2 Check Experiment

This experiment is a total test work designed to reveal, on what scale word-forming concepts and skills in the field of morphemal membership of words are learned by schoolchildren.

The first task is theoretical character:

) The root is ____________ part of the word.

The meaning of all ___________ words are concluded.

) Single words are words that _________________.

) Consoles are written __________ with words, and prepositions ________, because the prefix is \u200b\u200b_______________, and the preposition is __________.

) The end is ______________ part ____________________.

) The end serves for ___________________________________.

The second task is aimed at checking the skills of students to analyze the words in composition, find the basis of the word.

We defined in what cases the word parsion is correctly performed. The circle is a correct answer. Writing the basis of the word.

a) Tropka

b) approach

c) high

d) hopeless

The third task checks the skill of schoolchildren in practice to enjoy the rules for the declination of the names of the nouns and the choice of case endings.

Insert the missed letters in the end of the nouns.

a) about ighod_

c) drawing on the clan__

d) for breakfast__, lunch__ and dinner__

The fourth and fifth tasks check the skill of schoolchildren in practice to use the verb loss rules and the ability to disassemble words in the composition, find unstressed vowels in the root of the word.

What letters are missing in personal unpacking endings of verbs? Display words in composition.

b) raid_t.

c) Listen:

d) span__T

Insert the missing letters, set the ORFograms:

a) about the child;

b) UKR__NE door;

c) played in sleep__ms;

d) reads skkey.

The sixth task is to work with the text aimed at securing the skills of choosing single words and disassemble words in composition.

Read the text. In this text there are five groups of single-handed words. Find these words, drank them with groups, lay the root. Drink five words of each part of speech, scattering words in composition. In the third sentence, find words with consoles.

Wind and sun.

One day the sun and the angry north wind started the dispute about which of them is stronger. They argued for a long time, and finally, they decided to make me forces over the traveler, who at that time was riding along the big road.

Look, "said the wind," as I fell on him: MiG is a rain with him.

He said - and began to blow that it was urine. But the more tried the wind, the stronger the traveler was floating in his cloak. He grumbled on bad weather, but drove farther further. The wind was angry, raced, snapped the poor traveler with rain and snow; Scroll wind, the traveler put on his cloak in the sleeve and tied the belt. Immediately the wind and he himself was convinced that he could not get along with him.

The sun, seeing the powerlessness of his rival, smiled, looked out because of the clouds, heated, drained the earth, and at the same time the poor semi-chamber traveler. Feeling the warmth of the sun's rays, he boiled, blessed the sun, he took off his raincoat, turned it and tied to the saddle.

You see, - then she said the meek sun an angry wind, - caressing and kindness can be made much more than anger.

The following task is aimed at checking the skills to form words with consoles:

Arrange with the help of the console from the verb jump five verbs. Write. Denote the speech - unstressed vowel in consoles.

The last task is given to check the skills to form words according to a given scheme of the morpheme composition of the word:

Write the word to each scheme:

The results of the control experiment showed that at the end of the fourth year of studying 100% of students acquired the ability to properly analyze words on the morpheme composition. 85% of students know how to unmistakably pick up single-handed words to a given word, squeeze various groups of single-handed words from the text. 85% of schoolchildren correctly determine the functions of the morpheme.

Compared with the results of a stateing experiment at the end of my practice, schoolchildren learned to unmistakably select words according to a schematic target morpheme composition.

The purpose of the experiments we spent is to identify how much work with the section of the morofemics in elementary school turned out to be effective and can contribute to the activation of the mental activity of schoolchildren. The study was carried out in three stages (a statement experiment forming and controlling).

The results of the work carried out, analysis of students' errors make it possible to justify several positions:

Errors occur when the form and value of the language unit, the formal and semantic signs of morphemes are considered in the separation of each other: explain the value of the root (suffix, console, ending) and do not mention its phonen (sound) composition or pay attention to the letter of the suffix (root, ending, consoles), and its value is not disclosed, etc.

The consequence of the inept organization of work is also such a common mistake as mixing related words and word forms. Especially, naturally, this is noticeable at the initial stage, when younger students still do not know all changes in the main parts of speech.

Large difficulties experience students when writing words in composition, if they have bad phonetic preparation, as well as if they do not understand the features of Russian graphics.

The nature of the tasks proposed by us encourages students, on the one hand, pay attention to the features of the formation of words, on their morpheme composition, and on the other - to establish a connection between the Morphem composition of the word and its belonging to a certain part of speech. In the initial classes of observation on the peculiarities of the formation of a particular part of the speech are propered, and their effectiveness largely depends on the purpose of exercises.


According to the methodologists and teachers, the study of the morpheme structure of words is extremely important in the development of the linguistic abilities of children and their overall development.

It is impossible to overestimate the role of understanding the structure of the word in teaching reading and spelling. First of all, we learn words when reading and reconstructing with a letter for their significant parts of Morphem. In addition, the study of the composition of the word concludes the richest opportunities to develop the interest of children to the world of the tongue.

Therefore, at present, practically no one has doubts about the need to study the elements of the morofemics in primary classes. Analysis of the derivative of vocabulary, observation of the process of education of the native language, the peculiarities of the use of derivatives, taking into account their meanings and stylistic color, sharpen the attention of students to the Word, allow you to deeper to understand its lexical meaning, thus enriching the dictionary of schoolchildren, contribute to a more conscious learning of spelling , language laws, the development of the linguistic faint of younger schoolchildren.

For the successful consideration of issues related to the Morphem Analysis of the Word, the teacher needs to have a solid theoretical base in the field of morfemics.

In the modern elementary school, the course of the Russian language includes a section of the morfemics: the composition of the word, the allocation of significant parts of the word - the root, console, suffix, ending, distinguishing between single-handed words and the forms of the same word, checking words with unstressed vowels, steam and non-promotable consonants in different ways (change in the shape of the word, selection of a single word).

Highly appreciating the importance of work in the field of morfemics in elementary school for the formation of methods of mental activity, we in our work carried out a three-stage experiment: a statement - forming - control. In the course of experimental work on consolidation and monitoring of knowledge and skills in the Morfemics section in primary classes, it was established:

at the beginning of the fourth year of study, the skills of word-forming analysis were formed weakly, schoolchildren made many mistakes in the selection of words on the proposed scheme;

the actualization and consolidation of knowledge in the field of morfemics occurred quite successfully in the process of studying in the fourth grade of morphology, which was recorded in the forming experiment;

the final section of the test experiment conducted at the end of the fourth year of study showed an increase in the level of formation of knowledge and skills in the field of morfemics.

Analysis of the quantity and nature of errors led us to the conclusion that the level of awareness of the role of one morphem teacher can judge the following indicators:

the skill of the student to allocate morph the words,

the ability to independently choose the word of a certain morpheme composition,

the ability to verbally explain the role of the morpheme in the word

the ability to properly consume in the proposal of the word with consoles and suffixes.

With a comparative analysis of the works of students, we came to an unequivocal opinion that the origins of errors should be sought in defects of training practices.

We note that the thinking operations involved in clarifying word-forming ties and described in our study are only a kind of "tool" of morphem and word-forming analysis. Much more important, in our opinion, is the question of what to use these tools.

Thus, the hypothesis nominated by us that the work on the topic "Composition of the Word" will be effective if the teacher enriches the didactic material of the textbook, and the exercise system proposed by it encourages students to draw attention to the features of the formation of words, on their morpheme composition, The relationship between the morpheme composition of the word and its belonging to a certain part of speech was fully confirmed. The goals and objectives scheduled for us at the beginning of work were achieved.

Description of techniques and methods of using word-forming analysis as a method for enhancing cognitive activity in a system of educational training requires a special research in the future. This direction can be considered the prospect of our work.


1. Actual problems of the teaching methodology for Russian language in primary grades. / Ed. N.S. Christmas, G.A. Fomicheva. - M., 1977.

Alekseev D.I. On overcoming some errors when working on the composition of the word at school // Russian language at school. 1957. No. 4.

Belkova V.A. On the conduct of word-forming analysis // Russian language at school. 1975. № 3.

Benvienist E. General linguistics. M., 1968.

Blinov G.I. About the lack of word-forming analysis in school // Russian language at school. 1966. No. 4.

Blokhina G.V., Stepanova I.D. "Studying the topic" The composition of the word "in elementary school" (educational and methodological manual) //



The word consists of ending and base. The basis includes: root, prefix, suffix

step: Find the trick in the word.

To do this, change the word: ride, trip, trip

A- modified part. This is the end.

Hold the end and the basis of the word.

step: Find the root.

For this, pick up one-sized words:

Compare words and lay a common part. - This is the root. Hold out.

step: Find a console.

To do this, select one-sided words without a console or with another prefix:

Prefix in front of the root. Prefix. Hold it.

step: Find Suffix.

It stands after the root and serves to educate the word.

Hold the suffix.

the trip


Multi-level independent work 1.

Multi-level independent work 2.

(Root of the word).

Level 3.

Fraction and write single-roof words with the specified root.

The one who plays the drum

beat the drum

little drum.

berries welded in sugar,

he who is preparing food.

watch wizard,

soldier standing at the post.

Highlight the root.

Exercise 3.

Form new words only with the help of consoles.

Boiled -, knock -,

rate -, move -,

running -, masonry -,

abandoned -, washed -.

Exercise 4.

Form the root words, throwing the suffixes and consoles.

For example: Lightweight - wind, spin - circle.

Strong -, finished -, error -,

torture -, to extend -, branch -, transformation -, relaxed -, inalienable - -, impeccable -.


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