Winter trampling tulips. Pulling tulips at home Step-by-step instructions

The cultivation of tulips at home is a long-term process, and the preparation for it begins long before the appearance of the first buds in January-March. The bulbs of tulips and their relatives of cultures during rest retains nutrients for vegetation for thickened scales. Concepts of buds are formed in advance, and their quality largely depends on the plant's care in summer period. To get flowers to the desired period, many grow tulips at home in a pot. Celling the colors of the house allows you to receive inflorescences from the end of December to May.

In winter, invisible processes occur in the bulbs, because it is not enough to buy a little or dig up the tulips from the flower beds to put them in the pot closer to the appointed date.

Preparation for landing implies:

Casting is early, medium, late. So, the flower can bloom to the new year, and in early spring. Popular tulips pasture for March 8, in a greenhouse.

Live tulips not for a long time, but experienced flowerflowers, skillfully hoping the landing time, customize the moment of cutting to the eve of the holiday.

Time to landing flowers

The resting period of the bulbs lasts about 16 weeks, another three weeks occupy a rooting and growth of floweros. Schooked back 19 weeks, we get that planting flowers for early cuts in the spring should be in last week October. The same technique is used to calculate the landing time for growing under New Year, By February 14 and other important dates.

Preparation of tulip bulbs

So that efforts to grow tulips in a pot at home are not in vain, it should be preparing for the surveillance almost for the year. After opening the flower is cut in a couple of days, leaving a 2-4 healthy leaf on the stem. It is from such colors a wonderful bouquet.

The bulbs are digging at the end of June - early July, when several leaves begin to fade. This will allow the landing material to save the maximum of juices and grow up. Dropped tulips dried, eliminate the remains of a faded outdoor part, and then sort. When growing tulips in the greenhouse and at home, they are taken only by the largest and most strong copies with rounded sides, without traces of damage to fungi, insects, rot. Optimal diameter Bulbs - 35-40 mm. The same criteria are observed when buying planting material.

Proper storage, that is, the observance of the optimal temperature and humidity will help to prepare the bulbs for the surveillance, allowing them to form the primarks of future flowers.

To simulate autumn onset temperature:

  • In the first month, they are maintained at 21-23 ° C.
  • The next four weeks - 20 ° C.
  • In September-October - reduced to 15-17 ° C.

If the bulbs dug out from country clubs, at first they are kept in a dry place at a temperature of 33-34 ° C, which contributes to the flower kidney bookmark.

Plant Care Rules

To drive a tulip by March 8, in October it should be prepared:

  • A light loose substrate, for example, a mixture of sawdust and sand, perlite, peat and garden land, in which a bulb is quick and well.
  • Containers with perforated bottom for outflow of extra excess moisture or pots with drainage holes.
  • Lamps for phytofodlight - with the help of artificially, you can extend the day, prevent weakening and stretching sprouts.

The bulbs selected for the surveillance, before carrying into the soil, are cleaned from rigid brown scales, viewed again, sorted. Before growing the tulips of the house, the planting material is treated with a warm solution of mangalls to prevent the development of rot and fungus.

During the period of distortion of bulbous plants, the forces are actively spent, which accumulated during the rest - they need a lot of space and nutritional soil. On 1 m² in the case of an industrial landing can come to 350 colors. At home, tulips are planted with an interval of 5-10 mm, easily indulging in the substrate. When the bulbs in their places are packed, and the tanks are abundantly watered. If necessary, the soil is falling after irrigation.

After these procedures, tulips are transferred to a room with a temperature of 5-9 ° C and air humidity of 75-80%. Here the plants are rooted, and after the appearance of sprouts, the temperature is reduced to 2-4 ° C.

Under these conditions, the flowers are located until three weeks will remain to the planned flowering. By this time, the foliage over the soil rises to a height of approximately 6 cm, and the tulips need more light and heat. The level of air heating changes gradually, it reaches 16-18 ° C for 3-5 days. So that the sprouts became strong, and the flowerines are strong over containers each day turn on the lamps, so that the light day can be extended for 3-5 hours. Watering is produced at the first signs of the drying of the soil.

Plants are feeding daily by ammonia Selitra or other mixtures, which have phosphorus and nitrogen.

When complying with all conditions, the ends of the buds appearing soon begin to be painted. At this time, it is advisable to reduce the temperature by 3-5 ° C, which will slightly detain the disclosure of the whites and extends the flowering.

Cultivation in Teplice

The cultivation of tulips is carried out in terrestrial greenhouses, which are more often built from polycarbonate.

Care implies compliance with a number of requirements:

  • Availability for need quantity Plant colors.
  • Sunlight access.
  • The presence of artificial electrical lighting.
  • The ability to adjust the temperature.

Before disembarking in the greenhouse, it is necessary to cool the bulbs, so you need a place where the temperature of 5-9 ° C will be maintained. It can be refrigerated industrial cameras. To grow tulips in winter, we take strong healthy bulbs, because the amount of harvest is directly dependent on their quality.

  • Ordinary early.
  • Darwinov hybrids.
  • Terry early.
  • Baked.
  • Triumph.
  • Liliece-deed.
  • Ordinary late.

The luxury on the landing is grown in open soil, the flowers are removed after their dissolution. Most best moment to dig bulbs - when bottom leaves Wishes, the upper was brought, and the scales of the bulbs became brown.

The diameter of the bulb, which is suitable for winter pastures - about 3.5 cm. This size and rounded shape suggest that it is healthy and will give a good harvest.

Keeping the bulbs need at 17-20 ° C and relative humidity of 70-75% 5-6 weeks until the fuzz of leaves appear and the pestle is not formed. When lowering the temperature below 12 ° C or lifting it above 26 ° C, the formation of a flower can be impaired. To accelerate the formation of the bulbs, they are stored for the first week at 32-35 ° C, and then reduce the temperature to 17 ° C, so that it is possible to win 2 weeks. The already formed bulb cooled.

The substrate can serve clean river sand, Sand and peat mixture, peat with other substances. The soil for the surveillance must be a good homogeneous structure, pass it easily water, contain some salts and nutrientsnot to be infected pathogenic microorganisms. Before boarding, the soil is prepared: steaming heated to 80 ° C air and is poured by a fungicide.

Traditional way

At the first stage of the bulbs are placed in sandy soil, moisturized and stored at a temperature of 10-12 ° C in a dark place. As a rule, wooden boxes on legs with a size of 70 x 40 x 7 cm are used. 110-115 bulbs are planted in the box. When the flower was rooted and kicked out a sprout with a length of 8-10 cm, the boxes can be placed in a greenhouse, where at first a temperature of 13-14 ° C is maintained, and then rises to 18 ° C.

The substrate is regularly moistened. Controls the speed of color development by reducing / increasing the temperature. The flowering period can be increased if the temperature is 12 ° C.

Dutch technology

The method is complicated, since it is strictly necessary to withstand the temperature mode. For 12 weeks, the bulbs are cooled at 5 ° C, or 22 weeks are cooled at 9 ° C. Before landing the temperature is stable, lined in wooden boxes flowers are in refrigerated chamberwhere the humidity is approximately 90% - it is achieved by daily spraying with water. After the boxes are transferred to a greenhouse, where the temperature is 18 ° C.

When using the Dutch Growing Technology, when cooling to 5 ° C, the lukvitz landing thickness is 325-375 pcs. per 1 m². In the process of growing the bulbs, which are amazed with fusariasis, are removed. When a height is achieved by a height of 5-10 cm, no sprouted bulbs are cleaned, as they cause the appearance in the greenhouse of gray rot.

Optimal temperature soil for rooting - 10-11 ° C, and air - 11-13 ° C.

Buds can be started to cut when they became half-growing. Cut tulips two weeks are stored in a dark room at 1-2 ° C. Flowers are recommended not to cut off, and pull out with bulbs. This will reduce labor costs, improve the preservation of colors in stock, will provide an opportunity to increase the length of the plant due to the stem in the bulb. Leave the bulbs in the greenhouse is not recommended, because it can entail the appearance of fungus.

Growing in a greenhouse with strict control of temperature will calculate the date bookmarking of the bulbs so that the flowers sprout to a specific time.

In nature, tulips grow and bloom at the beginning or middle of spring, but observing some rules, you can please yourself with beauty at any time of the year. Independent surveillance of tulips at home - it's not so complicated, but requiring attention, as well as the presence of a room in which you can reduce the temperature.

It will be difficult to grow tulips in the apartment, if there is no balcony, in a private house where economic premises are available, it is much easier to engage in these colors.

There are many varieties among cultivated tulips. Each of them has its own properties, resistance to cold, pests. Usually people want to grow tulips to spring or even winter holidays. But not every species is suitable for early distillation at home.

It is best for early growing indoors. Sorts are suitable:

  • Kis Nelzi.;
  • Parade;

  • Scarborough;
  • London;
  • Hofsie;
  • Oxford;

  • Eric Hofsie;
  • Diplomat;
  • Vivex;
  • Aristocrat.

Most of these varieties have good viability, bright color, resistance to infections. In many early tulips, stalks are low, but strong and stable.

Preparation of Lukovitz

Lukovitsa for landing and pastures of tulips at home can be bought in the store. In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that they are large, "fleshy", healthy in appearance.

Prepare landing material is easy and independently if the flowers grow on your site. To get a beautiful blossom of tulips in the cold season at home, the bulbs need to dig. Make it after 2-3 weeks after the complete end of flowering (approximately in mid-June).

The collected bulbs purify from the upper husk, sort, separating small and child, then wash and dry well. They must be dried in a natural room environment, but not in the sun. The optimal drying time is 2-3 weeks.

Then, planting material is cleaned in cool place. For this, the bulbs are folded in carton boxes Or drawers, cover them with sawdust or hygroscopic paper. The recommended temperature at which they should be stored - + 10-15 degrees.

For example, if tulips are needed by February 14, it is necessary to land the landing in the first days of October. The term of color germination will take about 3-3.5 months. But a month before landing, the bulbs need to be cooled, putting them in the refrigeration chamber.

It is desirable to have a separate refrigerator for this. To keep tulips bulbs next to the products, especially ethylene, is not recommended.

You can make the landing material on the street, covering it with a straw or old blanket. The optimal temperature for cooling the bulbs is + 2-4 degrees.

Preparation of substrate

For planting tulips in the room are suitable large flower pots, Containers, drawers. Successful cultivation largely depends on the soil. Flowers love loose, well-driving air and moisture, nutrient medium.

You can buy ready-made soil specifically for tulips in the store. Making a substrate independently, mixed turf, peat, sand in proportion 2: 2: 1. As a fertilizer it will be useful to add some wood ash to the soil.

Some flower products grow tulips in soils from sand and peat or perlite. Dutch grade is grown in pure river sand. The most important thing is that the soil is very light and with neutral acidity.

The container is filled with a substrate by 2/3 of the total. Do not forget about drainage holes that should be at the bottom of the Tara.

To produce an independent surveillance of tulips at home, put the bulbs in this way:

  • For 2-3 days before the landing, it's good to moisten the substrate, lightly sink it.
  • On the day of the landing, do the wells or trenches in the soil or trench for laying bulbs, a depth of 12-14 cm. The distance between the wells should be about 3-4 cm.
  • Carefully dispense the bulbs on the wells or grooves.
  • Put them with the earth so that they completely disappeared in it.
  • Lightly moisten the substrate through the sprayer or watering can.
  • If after watering the head of some bulbs is broken, pour them off with a new layer of land.

After landing, put boxes with tulips into the room with a stable temperature ranging from +5 to +10 degrees and a humidity of 65-75%.

Cutting and care

Tulips - moofable plants. Water them gently every day, but not plentiful. If you see that the soil is well moistened, watering can be reduced to 3-4 times a week.

When first sprouts will be shown above the surface of the soil, it is necessary to lower the temperature in the room to + 2-4 degrees. Preferably in this period to provide sprouts with plenty lighting. If the room is dark, and outside the window cloudy weather, the lamps of artificial light are installed above the tulips. Note that shoots will always reach the source of light. If it is only on the one hand, the stems will be curved.

As soon as the shoots are reached 6-8 cm, the tanks are again transferred to the warm room, with a temperature of + 15-18 degrees. It is necessary to preserve the colors abundant lighting. About a month later, tulips should bloom.

If some shoots stopped in growth, cover them with a dark cap for 5-6 days, then open again - they must activate their height.

When the time comes to cut the flowers, in no case do not remove the whole foliage. To keep the bulbs for reuseThey leave part of the stem and several leaves. As soon as the remaining greens begin to dive alone and disappear - the bulbs are ready for digging.

As you can see, self-intimidated tulips at home is not a complex process. The most difficult is to ensure the plants of the necessary temperature modes, which is extremely difficult to make ordinary apartment, without basement and a cool balcony. If you failed to grow tulips yourself, do not be discouraged. They can always be bought in nurseries, almost at any time of the year.

Many gardeners grow tulips in a pot at home to please their soul mate on March 8 or to make a profit from further selling flowers.

In most cases, such plants develop on a flowerbed, but early blossom You can get when planting bulbs in ordinary pots in winter.

The process of growing tulips in vases and our article will be devoted.


Depending on the selected variety, the height of the tulip can vary from 10 centimeters to 1 meter. The root part of this plant consists of pressing roots that develop and die away every year.

Stem in a flower stretching, cylindrical shape. Leaves elongated lanceal, green with barely noticeable waxing. The biggest is the lower leaf, the largest sheet plate is in the upper part of the culture.

Note: Most of the varieties of tulips are only one inflorescence, but some species can simultaneously form from three to five flowers.

The inflorescences of white, yellow or red color, consist of 6 petals and the same number of stamens. W. hybrid varieties The color is slightly different, in this case the flowers can be purple or purple.

Tulip petals also have a different form:

  • bow-shaped;
  • star;
  • baked;
  • oval;
  • lilyevoid.

The size of the blurred inflorescences also depends on the variety. If the length of the flower can reach up to 12 centimeters, the diameter of the inflorescence ranges in the range of 3 ... 10 centimeters. Tulips are usually revealed in cloudy weather and finish flowering with the onset of the night or with adverse weather conditions.

For home cultivation

Grade London

The choice of tulips is actually huge, but not all varieties are suitable for growing at home, in a pot. The most adapted cultures should be attributed:

  • London;
  • Oxford;
  • Parade record;
  • Aristocrat;
  • Negro;
  • Scarborough;
  • Diplomat.

It's important to know: For growing at home, low plants are ideal. Such cultures are undemanding in care, have good resistance to diseases.

Tulips bulbs can be bought in any specialized store or prepare from its own planting material. In the use of their seeds there are some nuances:

  1. Your flowers need careful care during the period of development.
  2. Blind bulbs B. spring Time After biting tulips during the yellowing period of stalks.
  3. For storage I. further landing Select the largest bulbs.

When drying the seed material, the following temperature regime must be observed. In the first week of storage, the room temperature is installed at 34 degrees. In the next two months, temperature indicators reduce up to +23 degrees.

In the next third month, the temperature is once again reduced to +17 degrees. After some time, the bulbs are placed in a gauze bag and laid into the refrigerator. In such a state, the seed material is preserved before landing.

Preparatory work on pastures on bulbs

Winter cultivation of tulips lies in the use of extinguishing technology.

In the process of basic works, the gardener should maximally bring the temperature and humidity, as well as lighting to natural conditions.

The main works on the cultivation of tulips at home are carried out in such a sequence:

  1. Looking bulbs occurs in the last decade of September.
  2. For growing colors, vases are chosen to 15 centimeters in depth.
  3. Soil mixture can be bought or prepared independently. It consists of one part of the humid and river sand and two parts of the turf. To enrich the Earth by trace elements, some wood ashes are introduced into its composition.
  4. We look at the bulbs for the presence of diseases, we lower the planting material for 30 minutes into the heatman's solution for disinfection.
  5. We put drainage in the pot, fill in their nutrient mixture.
  6. Unlock the bulbs on the surface of the soil, withsting the distance in 1 centimeter.
  7. Fill the planting material with soil.
  8. Pour the soil.
  9. Move the pot into the dark, but wet and cool room. The temperature in this place should not exceed +9 degrees, the humidity is within 80%.

Keep in mind: The bulbs need to be cooled before planting, which will stimulate the intensive development of culture.

Further care for flowers is additional irrigation. The soil must be moisturized at least 1 time per week.

How to achieve blossoms

A few weeks after sowing from the pots, the first sprouts will begin to appear. When the height of the leaves reaches 6 or 7 centimeters, they are transferred to the bright room and begin to gradually teach to the sunlight.

In the room it is necessary to achieve optimal humidity (about 80%). Such indicators can be obtained at a periodic spraying of plants.

When growing colors at home, the following rules must be followed:

  1. plants should not be influenced by direct sunlight;
  2. it is necessary to protect vegetative crops from drafts;
  3. pots hold away from heating radiators;
  4. for moisturizing the soil, the distilled liquid is used, a temperature of 18-22 degrees.
  5. flowers are preferably cut off in the morning near the surface of the earth.

Gardening Council: At first, after moving, the flowers should be covered with a paper cap. The temperature also needs to be raised smoothly to +18 degrees in two days. When growing tulips in winter time May be needed artificial reading.

It is not recommended to use a bulb for re-trampling tulips, but the planting material can recover in open soil. In this regard, after the end of flowering, it is necessary to cut the bulb and cut watering.

After yellowing the leaves of the bulbs are removed from the soil and dried. Storage of planting material occurs in the basement, where the temperature indicators are installed +18 degrees.

It is quite easy to grow tulips in winter simply, but for this you need to follow the rules described above. For proper care These flowers will delight the hostess with colorful inflorescences and long blossoms.

How to put tulips in pots, see the following video:

Every woman will be glad to receive on March 8 bouquet of live flowers. But you can please yourself and independently, growing tender tulips on your windowsill. There is nothing difficult in this if you do everything according to certain rules. Thanks to easy counting, it is easy to achieve color distances accurately to the designated period.

Features of pastures of tulips at home

The appearance of discontinuished buds is the end result of the surveillance, which is preceded by a long process, the preparation for which begins long before the festival. With the help of certain manipulations at home, you can please yourself with blooming tulips from the end of December before May. In order for the outline of colors to be successful and justified your expectations, it is necessary:

  • pick up a variety suitable for flowering timing;
  • select strong and healthy bulbs;
  • provide proper storage material until landing;
  • sprinkle the bulbs on the desired time.

The most popular date for pasting tulips is, of course, International Women's Day. Although buds can be expelled to other holidays - New Year, Christmas, the day of all lovers.

On a note! Live flowers not very long, so it is important to calculate the exact date of landing so that by March 8, the perfect moment for cutting


So that the surveillance has passed well, the bulbs are necessary for the extension the correct temperature regime. The soil must have the same temperature as in the garden on the eve of natural flowering of tulips. Before the distortion of the bulb is stored in the refrigerator, they periodically examine them on the safety and absence of damage. Temperature conditions in the greenhouse and apartment differ, therefore, the timing of the extension of the bulbs will be different.

At home

The period of rest at the bulbs on average ranks 16 weeks or a little more. Another 3 weeks occupies the process of germination and the appearance of flowers. It turns out that cutting flowers for spring bouquet You can, if you plant the bulbs in the first week of October.

Flower Voaging Upload Container with drainage holes, suitable primer And the lights for the backlight. Cooled bulbs are planted into the ground and placed in the refrigerator again. The soil should be maintained in a slightly wet state, to cover the planting of the film can not, otherwise the mold will develop on the bulbs.

The appearance of the first sprouts can be observed in January, and in early February the container is transferred to a warm place.

From this point on, it will take 5 weeks from the beginning of flowering, so it is necessary to transfer the bulbs in heat from February 1 to February 7.

Due to the shoes, the scales slow down growth, the landing material is better to release from it. If you land not independently harvested, but bought bulbs - place them on the same time (from February 1 to February 7).

Throwing the tulips in the greenhouse some do as a hobby, others do it for sale. In this case, you need to observe proper technology Landing and not mistaken with terms to get luxurious flowers to the holiday to the holiday. An intake of bulbous crops can be engaged only in the capital, heated greenhouse.

Before boarding the bulbs, for 13-20 weeks, it is kept at a temperature of 7-9 degrees. This is necessary for successful rooting and the accumulation of substances responsible for growth. To cut the flowers in the greenhouse on the eve of the holiday -7 March, count the time required for the cooling of the bulbs (16 weeks) and their growth (3 weeks).

It turns out that the approximate landing date is October 26. Immediately after planting the material, the temperature in the greenhouse is beginning to raise gradually. For the first days, it should be at a mark of 12-14 degrees, then it is raised to 16-18 degrees during the day and 14-15 degrees at night. After the appearance of buds, the temperature values \u200b\u200bare recommended to lower up to 15 degrees. If you need to speed up the flowering for 2-3 days, the temperature should be raised to 20 degrees.

Preparation of bulbs to landing

If you want to use to distill tulips own materialthen it needs to be properly prepared. This is starting to engage almost a year before the extension of the bulbs. It is worth digging from the ground when 2/3 of the above-ground part happens. The bulbs sort, selecting the largest, solid and healthy. The diameter of each bulb should be at least 3.5-4 cm, and the weight is 30-40 g.

To get such a landing material behind the tulips, it is necessary to care for: water, feed, stored in suitable conditions. The first month after the bulbs dug up, they are stored at 17 degrees. The second month the temperature is raised by 3 degrees.

Important! All September, the bulbs should be held in the refrigerator, which creates ideal conditions for growth.

If your material does not meet the necessary requirements, you can buy for landing Dutch bulbs with a gigant marking that the manufacturer processes before selling growth stimulants. For pastures, they buy material with a margin, 20% more than when disembarking on a flowerbed.

Success in any business depends on the details. The same can be said about the pasture of the tulips. Nessesary to use proper primer, competently put on the bulbs and create it ideal conditions for growth. For homemade cultivation Suitable such varieties like: "Aristocrat, Parade," Carnaval De Nice "," Flaming Parrot "," Davenport ".

The soil

To distort the tulips, various soil mixtures are used. It may be a soil consisting of garden land and sand, a mixture with the addition of perlite and vermiculite. Some take to germs simply peat or river sand. For growing in the greenhouse, it is recommended to take a mixture of coarse sand and sawdust. The earth from the greenhouse does not fit, as there may be causative agents of diseases to which tulips are vulnerable.

Important! The main requirements for the soil: so that it has the acidity close to neutral, the water and air passed well.


Landing containers that were used to be used, it is necessary to thoroughly wash with a brush and quicted with cool boiling water or a solution of manganese. If you put the tulips to pasture into new ceramic tanks, pre-ceramics are necessary for the day to withstand in water so that the walls absorb sufficiently moisture. Further act as follows:

  1. Prepared pots or containers are filled with a 2/3 height soil.
  2. The bulbs are pressed into the soil at a distance of 0.5-1.5 cm from each other and sprinkle on top of the earth, leaving on the surface of the crimson.
  3. Note that the Boca Lukovki does not touch each other and the walls of the container.
  4. After that, the container is placed on storing in the refrigerator, following the soil remains moderately humid
  5. 3 weeks before the planned blossom of the bulbs are rearranged in heat.

When plants exhibit on the windowsill, the leaves are already towering over the soil of about 6 cm. For further development The bulbs require a lot of heat and light.


The temperature of the air for tulips is better to raise gradually, in 3-5 days by bringing its indicator to 17-18 degrees. Since at this time of the year of natural lighting, the colors are missing, use additional highlighting for 3-5 hours per day.

The soil is regularly moistened, without bringing to drying the upper layer. During this period, plants require a daily feeding of ammonium nitrate or other fertilizers containing nitrogen and phosphorus.

When the staining of buds begin, the temperature can be reduced by 3-5 degrees. It will slightly detain the flowering time and will extend it. If you need to speed up the bloom, the temperature is raised to 22 degrees. It all depends on the required date, to which the flowers should dismiss.

Fencing tulips from the direct sun enter, otherwise the rapid growth of the green mass will begin, and the buds themselves may not appear.

To get beautiful high-quality flowers for March 8, it is necessary to avoid errors that can interfere with a successful distance. Pay attention to the following points:

  1. It is better not to choose too bitter grade, or tulips with an inappropriate flowering period. Take into account these nuances when buying bulbs. Most of all are suitable: the varietal group of tulips "Triumph" and "Darwin Hybrids".
  2. Landing too small bulbs will lead to the fact that you will not get buds, the plant will give only leaves.
  3. In the event that the soil during the cooling period turns out to be too warm, the bulbs can be rotated. That is why they are better to keep them in the refrigerator.
  4. With insufficient soil moisture, the rooting of the bulbs will be difficult.
  5. Violation temperature mode When storing the bulbs in the direction of increasing will lead to the fact that the flowers will be deformed.
  6. During the storage of bulbs in the refrigerator, fresh fruits should not be near. The selection of ethylene will accelerate the processes of tulips germination, and the appearance of buds will be moved.
  7. If the bulbsave in the refrigerator, the flowers may appear curved, if you get the planting material from the cold ahead of time, the flowers will grow too short.
  8. When growing on the windowsill, the flowers droop? It is necessary to reduce the air temperature. The same thing must be done if the buds look "paper".

It is difficult for beginners to envisage everything, they may well forget about any important point. therefore better time From the time to re-read the care of the bulbs during the cultivation to do everything correctly.

After the flowers were cut or blew right in the pots, the question arises, what to do with the remaining bulbs? They can be satisfied later in open sadTo grow on the street, but first you need to give plants to complete your development cycle. If the tulips bloomed in your pot, cut faded flowers.

After flowering plants, it is necessary to continue to water even approximately a month. It is desirable that during this period the temperature does not exceed 20 degrees. A month later, the bulbs are removed from the ground and dried, and then kept in a cool room about 45 days. After rest, planting material can be planted on a street flower.

If the distillation has been subjected to late-driving varieties, then the storage period must be extended so that the bulbs are moving. Before disembarking, perform sorting the planting material. The bulbs, strongly affected by disease and rot, will have to be thrown away. If the foci is small, they are cut to a healthy tissue and handle this place with special drugs.

What to do with tulips after trampling: video

Celling bulbs by March 8: Useful video

How to grow tulips at home by March 8: video

Try to give myself spring mood and get flowering tulips By March 8 at home. Those who engaged in the distortion of bulbous cultures assure that this is a very exciting occupation. And the joy of the appearance of bright spring buds will become a real reward for work.

Today there are no problems with the acquisition of colors. They are sold in flower stores round year. Nevertheless, many flowers lovers prefer to make tulips distillation at home. This not only gives them a lot of pleasure, but also allows them to choose a variety of plants and get live flowers to a certain date. Tulips are undemanding to lighting, therefore it is good to grow at home.

The essence of pastures

An exaggeration is called events, forcing flowers to open at a specified season. In our country, in winter, flowers are in hibernation. This protective mechanism allows bulbous plants Hold cold.

At first glance, life inside the bulbs freezes, but in fact, complex processes proceedAnd the laying of the future flower organs occurs.

The flower model has the ability to affect the bulbs with certain factors. This causes them to activate and allows you to get fresh tulips of the selected variety to any date.

Seed material becomes active only after the cooling period. Low temperatures lead to the formation of substances in it that will be necessary young plant In the period of growth and flowering. That is, in the process of pasting it will be necessary to provide conditions for lowering the temperature. Terms of exposure to cold depend on the grade of the tulip. On average, this period takes from 16 to 22 weeks.

Cutting consists of several stages:

  1. Proper storage of bulbs after extraction from the soil.
  2. Rooting. This is the stage of cooling tribal material.
  3. Celling, or process of growing tulips in an apartment.

Experienced floweries advise to begin to cook the bulbs for the surveillance in the time when they are in the soil. We are talking about careful leavingwhose rhizomes will then be used at home. It is necessary not only to carry out all agrotechnical events, but also not forget about decapitation.

The lowest varieties are frozen for three weeks after the booton and leaves are removed. After that, the bulbs are extracted and deposited.

Tall varieties are moving a little longer. They only remove the flower itself, but leave the bloom. For these flowers, it is necessary to care for the same way as conventional plants. As soon as the leaves begin to shut up, tulips are removed from the ground. Planting material Clean and seed on drying with subsequent storage.

Drying at a temperature of 25 ° C by time takes 2 weeks. The planting material in the first month is stored at a temperature of 20 ° C, further reduced to 15 ° C. In the fall, it can be planted into the ordinary flower bed.