Useful homemade cottages and gardens with your own hands. DIY homemade products for the garden and vegetable garden (39 photos)

It is no secret that today almost any goods for a garden plot are not cheap in stores. So, for example, to purchase various accessories will cost, as they say - "a pretty penny." And if you make them "from scratch", then you will spend no less, because the source materials will still have to be bought.

So why not save some money and organize homemade products for the garden with your own hands from what is usually at hand, or is inexpensive, especially since everything can be done really nicely and accurately. And in addition, it is also functional.

In this article, we will consider the most useful do-it-yourself homemade products for a summer residence and a garden, which are distinguished by their simplicity and originality.

Beautiful "usefulness" for the garden and vegetable garden

It is worth noting one important point - you need to understand that only a small part of the list of crafts that can be done will be disassembled. It's just that these options are like a start, a "push" for imagination.

After all, here it is important to understand the very principle of how simple it is to organize, and then everything depends only on your imagination. So, let's start the review.

Old bath pond

If you make a small reservoir of this type on the site, then it will simultaneously perform several functions - let's get acquainted with them in the table below.

Agree, the task is worth realizing, especially since this requires only an old bathtub, which in most cases is available on the site.

A pond is made according to the following scheme:

  1. Digging a hole in the right place with our own hands, which in its parameters should be slightly larger than the dimensions of the bath.

Advice: take the most responsibility when choosing a place.
It is undesirable to arrange a pond too close to the dining table, for example.
The fact is that various midges, bees, etc. can periodically flock to the water.
And brushing off insects during lunch is not very pleasant, as you know.

  1. We put several boards at the bottom of the pit- there will be a bathtub on them.
  2. We insert a bath into the pit and level it... We close its drain hole with a stopper. In this case, it is advisable to treat the outer edges of the cork with silicone so that in the future there will be no water leakage from the container.

  1. We fill up with earth all the free space between the metal and the ground.

Well, then it remains only to decorate the structure. To do this, you can lay out beautiful stones around the perimeter or, for example, plant flowers. In addition, you can create edging from boards or any wooden sheets, panels that are more or less resistant to moisture.

As for filling the container, for this you can use both water from the central water supply system and natural flows. For example, you can bring the edge of the gutter of the house drainage system to the bathtub and the pond will be filled with rainwater.

In principle, such homemade products for a garden for a vegetable garden can be slightly adjusted - instead of a bath, use any tank, barrel, etc.

Now let's look at another very handy craft.

Pallet bench

Surely at some point you will want to sit in the garden - near an artificial pond, for example. And here you will need such a useful design as a bench.

Buying a new product is expensive. It is much easier to make a bench from a pallet - if it is not available, then, as a rule, a considerable amount of them is thrown away near large warehouses and industries.

The bench is made quickly.

  1. Make a transverse cut on one side of the pallet to the left of the reinforcement bars.

  1. On the other side, carry out exactly the same operation, only on the other side of the bars.

  1. We divide the product into two parts.

  1. Insert blocks of bars between the boards, as shown in the picture below. We get the back and seat.

  1. We fasten the wood with self-tapping screws at all connecting points.

  1. Place the remaining wooden elements under the seat and adjust the height with their help.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. Now you can paint the shop and mount other homemade products for the garden and summer cottages.

Now let's look at a very functional, original and cheap craft.

A hanger is a very necessary element. After all, you can hang on it not only clothes, but also a considerable part of various garden tools.

Of course, the "primitive" version of this design is ordinary nails or screws. However, this looks rather inconspicuous, and besides, nails tend to loosen gradually inside the holes into which they are driven.

And loosening means that such "hooks" will periodically fall to the ground. We offer a more original and reliable solution - to make a hanger out of an old rake.

You only need a metal part, without a wooden handle. Even if such an element is not available in the sheds, then purchasing it in the nearest market is not a problem. The rake's price is acceptable for everyone.

The hanger is mounted like this:

  1. We tie the wire to the two edges of the line on which the teeth are fixed. In this case, there should be one piece of wire. That is, it turns out that the fasteners, in fact, resemble how paintings or mirrors are hung on a string.
  2. We drive a large nail into the wall or into any desired place and hang a rake on it.

The hanger is ready - you can hang anything on the rake teeth: shovels, caps, etc.

Now let's use old shoes, which are usually a lot in the country.

Flower pots made of shoes

The ideal option is the presence of rubber boots, but in principle, ordinary leather shoes will do.

From such shoes you can make custom flower pots that will perfectly fit into the style of almost any garden.

The scheme of work here is as follows:

  1. We nail or fasten boots with screws to the fence or to any other suitable plane.
  2. We fall asleep in each boot with earth.
  3. We make several holes in the soles - they are needed to release excess water.
  4. We plant flowers in pots and enjoy the appearance of the invention.

Any garden homemade products with your own hands can be "improved" to infinity.
The main thing in this business is to correctly organize the "basic" thought, idea.
And you can decorate the invention with anything and as your heart desires - there are no restrictions.

Remember this simple rule of thumb when planning "utility" for your garden or vegetable garden.

This concludes our review of useful and original crafts for a garden plot and summarizes the article.


As you can see, the gardener's homemade products are pretty simple, and you can make them from almost anything. We hope that this article will be a catalyst for your ideas, and you can beautifully decorate your site. Well, if you want more information on this topic, then we advise you to watch also the video in this article.

As they say, there is never a lot of space in the garage. Men who spend a lot of time in the garage will agree that in some cases, every minute and every square centimeter of free space counts. That is why the garage master needs a competent organization of the workspace. Here, various people help out and help in every possible way. devices for storing building materials, work equipment, machine parts and other things necessary for work. To keep your electronic, garden and garage gadgets in place, use the following tools:

    • stands;
    • shelves;
    • sliding panels;
    • racks;
    • organizers for tools.

Also, for clarity, we offer homemade products for the garage and do-it-yourself home craftsman - the YouTube video will reveal all the nuances of organizing the workspace and suggest fresh ideas.

DIY homemade products

Man began to engage in homemade homemade products since prehistoric times. Actually, all industrial processes are improved once artisanal or home developments of folk craftsmen. We sometimes do not even think that we are paying for the things that we can do with our own hands. Homemade homemade schemes are easy to find online, and supplies can be bought at a hardware store or found at home.

For example, from a cardboard box and a piece of cloth you can make a convenient portable organizer for towels and other textiles.
The topic of storing all sorts of little things is inexhaustible, fortunately, as is the number of ideas. Successful decor ideas you can also draw from ordinary things - let them be buttons or empty cans.
Cool shelves are obtained from regular drawers... How do you like this idea?

As you can understand, with detailed instructions, it is not so difficult to make homemade products with your own hands at home. The video will help you comprehend all the nuances of this enjoyable activity. Useful tips, interesting ideas - everyone must watch.

Homemade products for a summer residence and a garden with their own hands

At the dacha, there is usually a little free time for creativity and arrangement of the surrounding space. That's why have a few fresh ideas on hand to embody them in your own summer cottage. Do-it-yourself country homemade products at home can be ingeniously simple. From the materials at hand, you can make unexpected and extremely useful things in your household.

Ordinary stones turn into fairy animals.From an old teapot it turns out to be a wonderful flower pot.

Used tires- it has already become a classic in the world of garden figures. Stylish lamps for the country interior - do it yourself from a regular can and candles (do not forget about safety precautions).
- a great idea for a small summer cottage.
Do-it-yourself homemade products for a summer residence and a vegetable garden are often obtained by themselves, without unnecessary time and financial costs. Perhaps you did not know how useful for the household will be plastic bottles. Retired plastic bottles can serve as the basis for an incredible decorative flower bed. Cool "blooming" pillars will significantly decorate your summer cottage space.

DIY garden furniture successful homemade products: photos and drawings

In the previous sections, we told you about homemade products that will become indispensable for the household and household. However, do not forget about the rest, before which, nevertheless, you will have to work a little. Cozy armchairs, various tables and benches, swings and hammocks- all this dacha and garden bliss can settle on your site. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the photo instructions and drawings for the manufacture of garden furniture. We have selected the best options for you.

Homemade products for a summer residence are a special source of pride for a zealous owner. Not everyone can show ingenuity, practicality. But to take note, to bring to life someone's useful experience, into a masterpiece, many can do.

Original flower bed made of car tires

Used tires are a popular material for transforming landscapes and practical structures.

Tire beds

Such homemade products for summer cottages and gardens are the most popular. At the same time, the classic single flower beds receded into the background. Currently, you can see the following options:

Such homemade products for home and summer cottages with their own hands will take their rightful place in any landscape.

Playgrounds from car tires

Grandchildren and children are frequent guests at the dacha. Therefore, they will appreciate the efforts of adults who have decided on which they will post:

Tire playground options
  1. and cartoon characters from tires. Bright little animals made of tires will be a special source of pride for friends and neighbors.
  2. Swing. It can be found from ordinary hanging models to rockers made of a semicircle with a board installed instead of a seat.
  3. Cars, motorcycles. Different wheel diameters allow you to assemble original racing cars and bikes. Any boy will feel like a real racer and will appreciate the efforts of adults.
  4. Furniture. Chairs and tables for playgrounds and impromptu banquets are every little lady's dream.

Read also

Heating greenhouses in winter

DIY homemade products for the playground will provide an active, interesting summer for the child.

Useful Tire Crafts

Tires are often used for the following designs:

Rubber crafts, homemade products for summer cottages are popular due to the availability of scrap materials and a wide range of applications.

Useful homemade plastic bottles

Another popular material for design and practical research. Useful homemade plastic bottles are widely used for summer cottage life:

Practical homemade products for giving with your own hands from plastic bottles are widespread due to the high availability of material and ease of processing.

For many, the private sector is associated with hard, constant work. Plant a vegetable garden, monitor the growth of plants, harvest. All this, of course, must be done. But if you organize the whole process correctly, then the work will be a joy. And there will be a lot of free time for rest. And homemade products for a garden and a summer residence, made with their own hands, will help in this. Someone will object that everything can be bought ready-made in the store. This is true. But, first of all, buying all the money is not enough. And secondly, the very process of making something useful from scrap materials can bring a lot of positive emotions.

Russian people have always been distinguished by their resourcefulness and ingenuity. And a huge number of self-made homemade products for a summer residence and a vegetable garden, photos of which can be found in our article, are confirmation of this. We will offer for consideration only a few options that will come in handy on any site.


Many gardeners have recently preferred flower beds located in boxes. They are raised above ground level and fenced on all sides. Thanks to this, the care process is facilitated, and the garden looks more attractive and interesting. It is possible (or even recommended) to use such constructions on nutrient-poor soils.

Homemade products for the garden involve the use of scrap materials. Therefore, for the construction of the box, you can use the boards left over, for example, from building a house. If these are not available, you will have to purchase them at the store. A box of arbitrary sizes is constructed from them. The dimensions will depend on the size of the plot, its style and the plant that is planned to be planted there. The height of the side is made approximately to the knee so that the layer of fertile soil is thicker.

A metal mesh with a small cell is fixed to the bottom of the manufactured box. It will protect against the penetration of rodents and moles. If there are none on the site, then you can do without a grid. You can easily make a small greenhouse from a box-bed. Its height is chosen taking into account the plants planted there.

Drip irrigation

Homemade products for the garden will simplify such a difficult process as watering plants. You can make a drip irrigation system. This will require a large barrel (metal or plastic), a hose, capillaries (you can make holes in the hose at a certain interval) and various connections (tees, clamps, and so on).

The barrel is raised about 1.5-2 m from the ground. For this, a special stand can be welded from the metal corners. This will ensure a stable pressure in the system. There is a main hose from the barrel. A filter must be installed on it so that debris does not clog the system. The capillaries are fed from the main hose.

Sprinkler do it yourself

Homemade products for a summer residence and a vegetable garden will allow you to create something necessary and useful on the site from improvised means and materials. For example, from old plastic bottles that are always thrown away, you can make a sprinkler for a garden. It will allow you to process and water plants of various heights. A spray gun is attached to the garden hose. To a long stick (the longer the better), the same atomizer is screwed with the nozzle up. The lever is secured with a thread in the pressed state.

In a bottle with a nominal value of 1.5 liters, a hole is made in the neck with a hot nail. A bolt is inserted into the hole and secured from the outside with a nut. The bolt must be drilled through with a drill. A hose is put on it and secured with a clamp. After applying pressure to the system, the nozzle spins up and water is sprayed.

Tire compost pit

Old tires from cars are one of the most popular and affordable materials for making homemade products for the garden. You can even make a compost pit out of them. You will need only 4 of them.

One of the tires, which will serve as the base, is cut. One sidewall is cut off from it. From the rest, two sidewalls are cut off to make rings. Next, you just need to install the tires on top of each other in the designated place.


After all the work in the garden, you can relax. And on this score, you can also choose a suitable option for self-made homemade products for a summer residence and a vegetable garden. With a small set of tools and materials, you can create an attractive streamlined bench. It will become a place where you can relax and unwind.

Of the materials you will need:

  • A sheet of plywood (preferably pine) measuring 90 x 90 cm and 1.6 cm thick.
  • Slats from the same wood in the amount of 7 pieces (2 cm thick, 9.4 cm wide and 140 cm long).
  • Boards 2 x 6.9 cm and 100 cm long in the amount of 3 pieces.
  • Planks 2 x 6.9 cm and 140 cm long in the amount of 9 pcs.

The parts will be fastened with self-tapping screws 0.5 x 5 cm. In addition, glue for connecting wooden elements, varnish on wood, turpentine will be useful.

The plywood sheet is cut into three pieces. A template is drawn on them for cutting out the sidewalls and the central crossbar. The shape is cut with a jigsaw. On the back, 3 grooves are made for the slats, which will hold the structure.

Homemade products for the garden will help make your summer cottage life more enjoyable and easier.

The dacha is a place for resting the soul and healing the body. Far from the bustle of the city, where the air is clean, it is so pleasant to spend time actively, to grow an excellent harvest. And having worked out enough, relax as you should!

But to relax in comfort, you need to do a little work to create beautiful, useful and comfortable things. Homemade products for a summer residence and a garden with their own hands - cheap, reliable and cheerful!

Furniture from wooden pallets (pallets)

After the construction of the house, there is a lot of construction waste that can come in handy! Bricks and wall blocks are delivered on pallets. They are returnable packaging, but they are reluctant to bother with this issue. With a minimum of effort, you can make original wooden furniture for your summer cottage!

Check out this stylish living room coffee table. Do you recognize? This is an ordinary pallet! It is not difficult to make such a piece of furniture. Take coarse sandpaper and sand the surface of the boards from which the container is hammered. Then you need finer sandpaper to make the surface smooth. After sanding, carefully wipe off fine dust consisting of particles of the removed wood.

Paint your new desk with oil, acrylic, or other wood-based paint. If the pallet was made of decent planks and you like the natural texture of wood, then it is better to varnish the table. For convenience, small wheels can be screwed on from below.

More complex products are also made from this container - sofas, chests of drawers, wardrobes. Check out some photos for inspiration.

Agree, this is a chic and stylish headset! If you will be making upholstered seats yourself, sew straps of the same fabric to them from below to tie them to the frame. Otherwise, they will shift.

The bed and the large headboard for it with shelves are also made of pallets. A good orthopedic mattress will allow you to sleep well even on such an original base.

Such an open-air recreation area in an oriental style will not leave anyone indifferent.


Do you have children in your family or do guests come to you with babies? Then you can't do without a swing! In order not to spend a lot of money, you can use unnecessary things.

For example, in a matter of minutes, you can make an excellent swing seat from an old chair by sawing off the legs. And to make it beautiful, paint it with fresh paint.

By the way, not only children love to swing. Adults enjoy it too. Look at this version of a swing from a rattan chair, the legs of which have become unusable. Soft pillows in delicate colors, ribbons, lace fabric - everything to create a romantic atmosphere.

If there are large trees in the garden, you can hang such a structure on a thick branch, then there is no need to build complex fasteners, a strong rope will be enough.

The second life of an old bathtub

There are many possible options. Here is some of them.

Flower garden. One of the easiest ways to use a waste tub. It is enough to make good drainage of broken brick or expanded clay at its bottom, add a nutritious substrate and plant the plants.

Water. The easiest option is to bury the tub in the ground and pour water into it. But you can decorate it in such a way that no one will guess from what you built yourself a pond in the country. A small fountain, natural stone for framing, lighting and your favorite plants will help create a unique corner for relaxation on the site.

Furniture. Yes! Believe it or not, the bathroom makes great furnishings - sofas and armchairs. And don't worry if you have a cast iron bathtub. With the help of a grinder, you can cut out part of the side to make a sofa or chair.

Flower beds

Flower beds can be decorated in a very original way.

Vertical landscaping with colorful rubber boots. In their soles, make holes for the outflow of excess water and arrange a drainage from expanded clay. Fill the shoes with soil and plant the plants. Remember that any container that is not buried in the ground quickly heats up in the sun, the earth in it dries up. Therefore, on hot days, water green pets at least 1-2 times a day..

You can also use other shoes.

If there is an extremely unattractive stump from an old tree on the site, which cannot be uprooted, do not be discouraged. It will make an excellent raised flower bed.

Some gardeners love their tree stumps so much that they even varnish them to slow down the decay.

Instead of a stump, a picturesque log can serve as the basis.

Flower beds can be arranged in various old-fashioned things - suitcases, bags, furniture, car tires and even in a car!

Try making a raised, warm bed by framing it with a neat wood frame, stone, or brick.

From plastic bottles

Plastic bottles are an excellent material for homemade products in the country and in the garden with your own hands. They can serve useful functions or be decorative elements to decorate the landscape.

A spray bottle is an indispensable tool in the garden. Make small holes in the container, put it with the neck on the pipe or hose and secure. It remains only to open the tap to turn on the water.

With the help of a bottle, you can organize root watering for plants. Make holes in it. To prevent the earth from clogging the holes, put on old polyamide tights on the container. Dig in the bottle so that the neck remains above the ground. There you will pour water from a hose or it will fill itself when it rains.

This method of watering will not introduce you into financial expenses at all, but will bring tangible benefits. From the bottle, water will flow gradually in small portions, without getting on the aerial part of the plants. And this is very important for many fruit and decorative green pets: tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini ...

Having filled the bottles with water, you can safely go to the city for a week, and the plants will not suffer from drought. The water also has time to warm up before it reaches the roots.

Frame flower beds and beds with glass or plastic bottles.

It looks neat and has practical benefits. If you buried the bottles in the ground, then they will become an obstacle to the spread of the roots of perennial weeds. And if most of the container remains on top, then you can pour earth inside the perimeter and the flower bed or bed will turn out to be slightly raised. It will be easier to look after her.

Durable, wear-resistant brooms are made from plastic bottles. They look attractive due to their vibrant colors.

Self-made products for a summer residence and a garden with their own hands bring special comfort to your personal green corner. They are pleasing to the eye, serve as furniture or are helpers in the struggle for the harvest. And they also protect you from all kinds of adversity. After all, it is known that hand-made things have special power.

Let your summer cottage be hospitable at any time of the year!