The best Dell laptops: reviews. Dell is an American computer giant

The American corporation Dell is one of the leading computer manufacturers, whose products are known all over the world. The main activity was started over 40 years ago. The first investment in the business was only $ 1,000, and in 2015 it was ranked 26th in the list of the largest companies in the world. Firm policy and consistent quality computer technology allowed us to take leading positions in this market segment.
Today, despite a lot of pressure from fast-growing competitors, Dell is still firmly on its feet and continues to evolve. The work focuses on updating its technological and innovative capabilities.

Dell founded

Dell Corporation was founded in 1984 by Michael Son Dell, who was a very ordinary child who grew up in the family of a dental technician. He started his career early enough selling magazine subscriptions. In the process, Michael began to realize the full power of direct selling marketing, which he used later in his company.

In the early years of its formation, the company was engaged in the sale of PC's Limited computers.

During his studies at the university, Michael Dell analyzed the need for computers in the market. One of the growing companies at that time was IBM, which sold its computers through resellers. Their cost was $ 4,000. At the same time, the cost was about $ 2,500. Michael Dell understood that the IBM model was simple enough. However, in addition to the fact that people themselves cannot find the necessary computer configuration, they also have to overpay about 40%. Therefore, without thinking twice, he turned his small dorm room into a real workshop. He purchased items of goods remaining in the warehouse. Placing advertisements in the local newspaper, I received orders for the complete set and configuration of the computer directly from the customer. And he sold them at a price 15% below the market price. And although the family was clearly convinced that Michael should have graduated from the university and received a medical education, however, as the founder of the company himself put it: "I just could not afford to miss this moment."

In its first year of operation, the company sold over 1,000 computers. At the same time, the sales scheme was no different. Dell believed that the market should not dictate the needs of the consumer, but, on the contrary, the customer has the right to choose what he wants.

In 1985, Michael Dell decided to end the IBM computer trade and create his own brand of hardware. This entailed a number of changes: the purchase of new specialized equipment, the hiring of highly qualified specialists. The costs paid off and the company continued its rapid development and expansion in the market.

Interesting facts from the life of Michael Dell can be found in the video.

Development in the world markets of computer technology

Already in 1987, Dell conquered the European market with high-quality, but not expensive computers. After the changes in the company, the brand name was also changed on Dell Computer. The development was so rapid that it was even frightening with its scale. The company's shares, released on the NASDAQ trading platform in 1990, in almost two years were able to grow in price from 23 cents to $ 40 per share. Shareholders saw the power of development of this corporation and invested in its shares. However, after each takeoff, there is a rapid fall, which happened to Dell Computer already in 1993. Problems with heating lamps required urgent removal from sale of all products and the search for new technological opportunities for troubleshooting. However, situational problems resulted in undesirable consequences and loss of significant market share towards Gateway's competitors. Dell has learned a lesson from the current situation, and most importantly, marked the beginning of a new stage of strengthening among competing companies.

After the fall, Dell again began to rapidly occupy its positions and in 1994 expanded its covered market to the Asia-Pacific region. Sales during this period and profits were significantly higher than other industry indicators.

Expansion of the company in 2000

In 2003, the company was renamed Dell Inc. These changes were closely related to the expansion of the range of goods and services provided by the company. Now this corporation is a well-known developer, manufacturer, supplier, and also a service center for personal computers, laptops, tablets, storage devices, televisions. high precision, MP3 players, computer peripherals, and software.

Company strategies all the way

Despite the long period of the company's presence in the market, Michael Dell did not deviate from his principles and did not begin to do like everyone else. The company's policy is still based on meeting the needs of each client. This is their feature and at the same time a professional "highlight". Computers are produced only in accordance with the required complete set and configuration.

Dell was practically the first in the market to clearly promote its computer technology. The first newspaper ad issued by the company was personally designed by the founder himself on a pizza box. After that, it was scanned and sent to print.

Another feature of the Dell brand is the lack of storage space. Michael Dell initially believed, even on the example of IBM, that keeping equipment in warehouses for a long time is an unprofitable investment. Money.

After rapid growth in the improvement of computer technology in 2000, Michael Dell took the right decision for investing and developing your own company. The merger with large companies Perot Systems and EMC of the IT industry allowed us to expand the range of activities and focus on new technological developments.

Appearance on the Russian market

Dell products appeared in Russia in 2000. Already in 2005, centers of official representation were established. The development and increase of the market share made it possible to master both the consumer and commercial segments. Compared to the first results, the sales volume is constantly increasing today.
Now all over Russia there are only three main official representative offices in large cities, but thanks to the headquarters of the employees, expansion for the regions is possible.
A feature of Dell's activities in Russia is the lack of direct sales, that is, Michael Dell's trademark.

Company activities for 2017

Back in 2004, the founder of Dell left the post of CEO, but remained the chairman of the board of directors. Today he is one of the richest people in the world.

In 2013, Michael Dell made the decision to completely buy out shares from trading floors and return his brainchild. This is what allows him to independently control the investment of funds in long-term assets, without total control. The number of employees in the company's staff is more than 100 thousand people, and the turnover for 2015 amounted to about 59 billion dollars. This speaks to the growth and future development of Dell Corporation.

According to the reports released, we can firmly say that Dell's journey is just beginning. Forty years of stable work, accumulated experience and compliance with the quality of the supplied goods, speaks of the correct use of the merits and business strategies.

Michael Dell is the father of the company, who is not only an engineer and inventor, but primarily a leader who believed in his idea. The decision he made, not about quantifying the market, as competitors did, but focusing on the quality and equipment of the device, is really an ideal marketing ploy that he was able to carry through time and any obstacles.

Gadget manufacturers

Dell is a privately held American computer technology firm. It was founded in the state of Texas and became known as a designer and manufacturer of computers and related products.

The name of the company is associated with the name of its founder, Michael Dell. He was born in 1965 in the Texas city of Houston, and from early childhood showed an interest in technology and gadgets. At the age of fifteen, Michael bought one of the early computers just to take it apart and see how it worked.

Already in college, he began assembling PCs himself and selling them directly to customers, focusing on strong customer support and low prices. As you know, Dell Computer was destined to become the world's largest computer manufacturer.

Throughout the 1980s, Michael Dell was active in the personal computer revolution. It all started in a dorm room at the University of Texas. The firm quickly became a large computer company. Just eight years after the founding of Dell, in 1992, Michael Dell was the youngest director general that made it to the Fortune 500 list.

The company's success was not surprising. Michael's mother was a stockbroker and his father was a Jewish orthodontist, but his son showed an early interest in business and technology. Dell turned out to be a real hard worker. At the age of twelve, he took a job in a Chinese restaurant where he washed dishes and was able to save money for his stamp collection.

A few years later, he began looking for newspaper subscribers, which allowed a high school student to make $ 18,000 in just one year. Intrigued by the ever-evolving world of computers and technology, fifteen-year-old Michael Dell bought his first Apple computer and took it apart. After going to college, he finally found his niche.

The PC world was still underdeveloped, and Dell was well aware that no company was going to sell products directly to customers. Bypassing all the middlemen and avoiding markups, Michael began to assemble and sell computers on his own. At the same time, he focused not only on good cars, but also on reasonable cost and customer support. He soon had bills outside of school, and it wasn't long before he focused on his own business.

Dell's first full year in the business world was 1984, when it raised $ 6 million in sales. By 2000, Michael Dell had become a billionaire. His company already had divisions in more than thirty countries, and the number of employees exceeded 35 thousand people.

The following year, Dell Computer even surpassed Compaq Computer to become the largest PC maker in the world. In 1989, Dell married a woman named Susan and the couple had four children.

The first twenty years in the history of the company turned out to be almost the most successful. She was able to calmly compete even with such "titans" as General Electric and Wal-Mart. Already in 1999, Dell's bestseller appeared, in which it was told about its success. It was written by Michael himself and co-authored by Catherine Fredman. In it, Dell walked through the formation of the corporation step by step.

In 1984, Michael created Dell Computer. The company's headquarters was located in one of the dorm rooms of the University of Texas, of which Dell was a student. From there, IBM PC-compatible computers were sold, assembled from components from the warehouse. To fully focus on work, Dell had to drop out of school.

He did this after he received an initial capital of $ 1,000 from his family. In 1985, the company released the first personal computer of its own design, the Turbo PC, which sold for $ 795. The company advertised itself in national computer magazines for sale directly to consumers, and each unit was assembled to order. In the very first year, the firm earned over $ 73 million.

The first president of the company was Lee Walker, a 51-year-old venture capitalist. It was he who was chosen by Michael Dell as a mentor in 1986, and Lee actively helped him in the implementation of his ideas. When the company went public in 1988, Walker was instrumental in attracting new members to the board of directors. In 1990, Walker had to resign due to poor health.

Then Michael Dell hired Morton Meyerson, the former president and CEO of Electronic Data Systems. The main goal was to transform a fast-growing midsize company into a billion-dollar business. In 1992, Fortune magazine named Della one of the five hundred CEOs of which he was the youngest.

In the mid-1990s, former Bain consultant Kevin Rollins became CEO and president of the company. In 1996, the sale of computers through the website began.

1996 and 1997 saw the rise of Dell. Computers of this brand were preferred by those who wanted to become the owner of a powerful computer with several functions without the need for constant technical support. In addition, the company attracted direct sales of devices.

In 1997, Dell formed a marketing and internal sales team. It had to respond in a timely manner to the needs of the domestic market and supply a line of products designed specifically for individual users.

From 1997 to 2004, Dell continued to grow steadily, successfully handling the competition. Over the same time frame, many of the firm's competitors will be forced out of the market or be swallowed up by larger companies. As stated, in 1999 Dell surpassed Compaq to become the largest PC maker in the world.

Of the company's $ 35 billion in 2002 revenue, operating expenses accounted for only 10% (compared to 21% for Hewlett-Packard, which became the world's # 4 PC maker). After some time, Hewlett-Packard again took first place, but Dell soon regained its leadership. In the early 2000s, the company grew rapidly.

In the mid-90s, Dell expanded their product range. In addition to desktops and laptops, the company is also selling servers. At the time, the main server vendors were IBM, Compaq, and Hewlett-Packard. Many of these were based on proprietary technology, such as the Power4 microprocessors from IBM, or various proprietary versions of the IBM Unix operating system.

The company's new servers did not require significant cash investments in proprietary technologies, and therefore cost less than many others. In 2002 Dell expanded its product line again to include televisions, PDAs, digital audio players and printers.

The following year, the company was renamed Dell Inc. In fact, this meant that she finally admitted that she was not going to focus solely on computers.

In 2004, Michael Dell stepped down as CEO, leaving behind the chairman. This position went to Kevin Rollins. Under this man's leadership, Dell began to loosen its ties to Intel, which were, in fact, responsible for Dell's dominance of the computer business.

This was followed by the acquisition of Alienwire, after which the range of the brand was replenished with a number of new products (including AMD microprocessors). To avoid cross-selling products, Dell continued to work with Alienwire as a separate legal entity (but still a subsidiary).

Unfortunately, Rollins' years of management were also associated with setbacks and disappointments. In 2005, while revenues continued to rise, sales began to fall markedly, and the company's shares lost 25% of their value. In the summer of 2006, the shares traded for about $ 25, which was 40% less than exactly a year ago.

Despite ongoing plans to expand into other regions of the world and product segments, the company continues to rely heavily on the US corporate PC market. Be that as it may, American desktop computer shipments have declined. In addition, the corporate PC market has decided to suspend the purchase of new systems.

In the late 2000s, Dell had to cut prices to boost sales. The company's rivals, HP, Acer and Gateway, had a long presence in the retail market, and therefore knew what to offer to the consumer. Dell's lack of retail presence effectively stumped their attempts to offer consumer electronics (such as TVs and MP3 players). The company then began experimenting with kiosks in malls and quasi-retail stores in Texas and New York.

Over the years, Dell has built a reputation for being a brand that has always relied on supply chain efficiency to market its existing technology. low prices(instead of being an innovator). In the mid-2000s, many analysts positioned innovative companies as the next growth driver in the tech sector.

The company spent little on research and development (compared to Apple, Hewlett-Packard, or IBM), and this made it difficult to invade more profitable segments (MP3 players and mobile devices). She has also faced criticism for using faulty components in her computers.

In 2006, Dell grew at a slower pace than the PC industry as a whole. By the fourth quarter of 2006, the firm had ceased to be the largest manufacturer of personal computers, giving way to Hewlett-Packard. After four out of five quarterly reports fell short of expectations, Rollins resigned from his post and was replaced by Michael Dell.

His return brought immediate changes to better side... Michael also drew up a plan to improve the company's financial performance.

In the spring of 2008, the company announced the closure of one of its largest Canadian call centers. Another plant was closed the following year. The release of Apple's iPad also affected Dell not the most. the best way as consumers have become less interested in desktop and laptop computers.

Dell's own mobile division was also not successful, because at the same time, a variety of smartphones were actively developing - from Windows, Google, etc.

The Dell Streak smartphone proved to be a commercial failure (due to numerous bugs, low screen resolutions and an outdated operating system). The company itself hasn't considered much of a prospect in tablets either.

She began to produce more expensive personal computers and laptops. However, the company miscalculated again, as the popularity of PCs did not grow (unlike smartphones and tablets), and this brought it losses in 2012. Following this, the PC industry began to decline, and Dell continued to lose its market share. The company came under pressure from manufacturers such as, and.

To offset the loss, Dell focused on servers, software, networking and related services. At the time, Hewlett-Packard was the company's main competitor. Fortunately, Dell has managed to achieve some success in direct selling by taking advantage of its knowledgeable design solutions and close relationships with customers.

In 2013, Michael Dell bought a controlling stake in the company for $ 24.4 billion from the stock exchange. As a result, most of the company came under his control, and it became private again. Silver Lake Partners helped Dell in the buyout. Michael himself said the following about this: "I believe this deal will open an exciting new chapter for Dell, our customers and team members."

At the same time, rival Lenovo said that "in our view, the financial actions of some of our traditional competitors will not significantly change from this."

Be that as it may, the buyout of a controlling stake in Dell by its founder, chairman, largest shareholder and CEO was somewhat unusual. Unlike most of these deals, which are designed to change the management team, this one, on the contrary, was aimed at maintaining an established leadership.

but main goal The buyout was not that: Dell decided to overhaul the company's financial structure. The idea was that by becoming a private firm, Dell should be able to radically restructure its business, make its own corporate decisions, and so on, without worrying about the impact on quarterly results and share prices.

In the spring of 2013, the Blackstone Group and Karl Icahn expressed interest in acquiring the company, but a month later they canceled their offer, citing deterioration in the business.

Other private equity firms have also declined to provide Dell with an alternative, citing instability in the personal computer market and competitive pressures.

In the summer of 2014, the company announced that its customers can now make purchases on the site using Bitcoin. She herself explained it this way: in order to become a successful seller, it is simply necessary to use virtual currency.

Earlier this year, the company announced the acquisition of StatSoft, a global analytics software provider.

By 2014, Dell was selling PCs, servers, storage devices, network switches, software, computer peripherals, TVs, cameras, printers, MP players, and more.

It was an equipment supplier for most of its existence, but with the acquisition of Perot Systems in 2009, it also entered the IT services market.

Dell, Purely You.
Dell. Uniquely You. (used in Australia)
Easy as Dell.
Be direct.

The history of this company - one of the leading manufacturers of laptops, netbooks, desktops, servers, as well as smartphones - is, first of all, the story of its founder Michael Dell. His life is a perfect illustration of the "American Dream" that has come true.

Mike was born in 1965 in Houston, Texas (Houston, Texas). While still a schoolboy, he established himself as an enterprising person. At a time when peers were only interested in games, Mike earned a pretty decent amount for a teenager.

At the insistence of his parents, the young man went to study at the Austin University of Texas as a dentist. At the age of 19, he began to trade in computers of his own design. Things went well and Mike decided to found his own company, calling it PC's Limited with a start-up capital of $ 1,000. She turned out to be so successful that studying further lost all meaning. Michael retired from university and went into full-time business. Thus, 1984 can be considered the founding date of modern Dell.

In 1987 the company changes its name to Dell Computer Corporation, under which it will exist until 2003. Later, due to the fact that not only computers were produced, a new name was adopted - the current Dell, Inc.

Dell has gone down in history as one of the fastest growing. When Mike was only 26 years old, his company was already on the list. Fortune 500... Very quickly, he falls into the list of the richest people in the United States. At the age of 39, Dell leaves his post of the managing director, while remaining on the board of directors.

So what's the success Dell? In addition to the entrepreneurial spirit and perseverance of the founder, first of all, in an approach unusual for those years - the company sold its products personally, without resorting to the services of intermediaries. The new business model has fully paid off. First of all, due to the absence of intermediaries, the cost of computers dropped significantly. And then, users had the opportunity to personally contact the manufacturer and report all the shortcomings he found, express their dissatisfaction. Thus, the company's management could timely learn about the shortcomings of the products and quickly eliminate them. This approach turned out to be justified both in the West and in the East.

The main thing that stands out Dell among such companies, these are its three main principles, which are that you should not have any dealings with intermediaries, never create warehouse stocks (and therefore be ready at any time to completely change direction) and, most importantly, show maximum respect and sensitivity, when communicating with clients. Dell provides a wide choice of configuration of the desired model. The customer can choose from a wide range of body colors.

However, despite all the dynamism of the development process, history Dell does not differ in striking facts. This is hard work, successful solutions and various models of computer technology, among which there was not a single very bright and interesting device. In an attempt to compete Apple Dell develops a line of stylish laptops Adamo... The devices turned out to be interesting, memorable, but in general, they were greeted by the public rather cool.

Today, the number of employees of the company is already tens of thousands, and revenues are estimated in billions.

The company is headquartered in Round Rock, Texas, USA (Round Rock, Texas, USA)

Interesting Facts:

Talking about Dell, it is impossible not to mention a few interesting facts connected with both Dell and other famous American company - Apple.

* * *
Knowing history computer technicians remember that at the end of the last century Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy. Opinions on the topic “what Apple should I do for salvation? " Articles with similar topics appeared both on the pages of little-known as well as highly respected magazines. But in reality, no one believed in the salvation of the "fruit company". When asked a similar question to Mike Dell, he replied that the best solution will dissolve the company by distributing money to depositors. In reply Apple stated that henceforth its main competitor is considered precisely Dell... And the genius of Steve Jobs allowed not only to resist, but also to surpass the recent abuser in capitalization (although most of the market still belongs to Dell).

* * *
One day, at the dawn of an era iPod, someone asked Jobs if he was afraid that such a device would create and Dell with much more potential. What was followed by a simple but succinct answer "Have you ever heard of Dell fans?"

* * *
In fact, Dell's connection with Apple, somewhat deeper than one might suppose - Mike's first computer, from which his passion for this technique began, was once insanely popular, Apple II... It was given to him by his parents in 1980, when the boy was 15 years old.

Your aspirations and our expectations. Let's achieve success together. # Go Big Win Big

Dell employees never stop learning and grow professionally. We support personal and professional development so much that we have even created a whole work culture. Dell employees are offered a wide range of programs that enhance their current role skills and develop leadership qualities that can make a difference in their future careers.

We know that the essence of leadership is largely determined by how success is achieved. But more important is how we help others succeed. We strive to cultivate confidence, commitment and faith in our abilities in all of our employees so that they can reach their full potential. We attach great importance to how our leadership influences those who follow us. We invest in them, create the conditions for them to grow, and do our best to help them achieve their aspirations and deliver better results, working for the benefit of Dell Technologies and our customers. Career growth at Dell is a collaborative process involving individuals, mentors and the organization as a whole. Working together, we can align your interests and aspirations with Dell's goals and strategy and work together to develop a personalized roadmap.

Dell Career Model

Dell's career paths follow models 70/20/10, which covers personal development in three different categories:

70% of the growth comes from experience gained on the job

  • Discover opportunities to strengthen your professional skills
  • Build your strengths by participating in challenging, out-of-the-box projects
  • Make your own personal development plan

20% growth is achieved through training with other employees

  • Find yourself a mentor
  • Join Dell Employee Resource Group

10% growth driven by planned education and training

  • Take advantage of planned learning opportunities
  • Remember what you learned from your leader
  • Use the knowledge gained in your work

This model is accepted as a standard in the industry and is recognized as the most effective for employees. different departments at different steps of the career ladder. Each employee can use all available resources. Employees, together with their supervisor, develop an individual development plan and try to follow this plan and fulfill the set goals within the specified period of time.

Our social package includes:

  • Competitive wages
  • Annual additional paid vacation
  • Supplementary health insurance for employees and their family members (husband / wife, children), fully covered by the employer
  • Life and accident insurance for employees
  • Insurance of an employee when traveling abroad
  • Compensation for the use of a personal car and gasoline costs for certain job categories
  • Partial fitness compensation

Our offices:

Moscow, m. Begovaya, st. Begovaya, 3, bldg. 1, BC Severnaya Zvezda
St. Petersburg, Sredny prospect VO, 36/40, 5th floor, BC Ostrov
Yekaterinburg, st. Bolshakova, 70, office 502, 5th floor, BC Korin
Novosibirsk, st. Krasnoyarskaya, 35, office 1410, 14th floor, BC Greenwich
Ukraine, Kiev, st. Grigory Skovoroda, 19, 7th floor, BC Podol Plaza
Kazakhstan, Almaty, Dostyk avenue, 282, 2nd floor, BC "Chagala"

Facts from the history of the company:

Dell Technologies becomes the world's largest privately held IT company.

Thanks to the unique organizational structure a company can innovate flexibly like a startup and make long-term investments in research and development, combining the reliability, quality of service and global scale of a large enterprise.

The company includes a unique family of companies including Dell, Dell EMC, Pivotal, RSA, SecureWorks, Virtustream and Vmware.

New company combines Dell's strong position in the SMB and mid-market segment with EMC's strong position in the enterprise segment and leads many significant and fast-growing areas of the IT market with a total value of $ 2 trillion.

In 2016, new brands began to exist - Dell Technologies and Dell EMC.

Dell Technologies serves 98% of Fortune 500 companies and brings together several of the leading companies in the market. The largest and best known of these are Dell's Thin Client Solutions Division and Dell EMC Infrastructure Solutions.

The company serves customers of all sizes in 18 countries with the industry's most complete portfolio of edge-to-cloud innovation, including on-premise IT.

Key moments in our history

The history of the company contains many interesting moments. It is impossible not to tell about a few of the most important events.

  • The world's largest private IT company entered the market. September 7, 2016 Dell Technologies announced the completion of the acquisition of EMC Corporation, creating a unique family of companies providing critical IT infrastructure to organizations to go to digital business, IT transformation and protection of the most important asset - information. The deal brings to market a leading player with $ 74 billion in annual revenue (FY16) with a broad portfolio of IT solutions to meet customer needs in fast-growing areas such as hybrid cloud, software-defined data center, Converged Infrastructure, PAAS / Platform as a Service, Data Analytics, Mobility Support, and Cybersecurity. Michael Dell, Dell Technologies chairman and chief executive said: “We are witnessing a new industrial revolution. Every minute our world is becoming more intelligent and interconnected, eventually it will merge with the vast world of the Internet of Things, opening up incredible prospects for our customers. This is why we created Dell Technologies. We have products, services, talent and a global presence to drive change and guide customers large and small on their digital journey. ”
  • Dell companies in May 2014 turned 30 years! We would like to thank our employees, customers and customers for the exciting journey that we have come together, we have 30 new years ahead of us full of enthusiasm and new ambitious goals!
  • In March 2014 Dell has completed another deal to acquire new company Statsoft. The STATISTICS product line of Statsoft combines the possibilities of a variety of statistical analysis and offers affordable and simple solutions for medium-sized businesses. More than 1 million users in 60 countries of the world choose the solutions of this particular company. Statsoft products are now part of the Dell Software group.
  • 13 September 2013- Dell announced a vote that Dell shareholders have approved a proposal whereby Michael Dell, Dell's founder, chairman and chief executive officer, will buy out Dell in partnership with IT investment firm Silver Lake Partners. The total amount of the transaction was approximately 24.9 billion US dollars. The deal was closed at the end of the third fiscal quarter 2013 of the year. “I am extremely pleased with this outcome and am ready to devote all my energy and efforts to develop Dell as the industry's leading provider of scalable end-to-end IT solutions,” said Michael Dell, chairman and chief executive officer of Dell. - Since we are becoming a private company with a reliable partner in the person of a private equity fund, we will purposefully and efficiently work with customers and we will dynamically introduce innovations that will help achieve our goals. I would like to thank our 110,000 employees around the world who have continued to work consistently and effectively for the benefit of our customers all this time. As our company expands its line of corporate solutions and business services, our specialists will continue to be our most valuable resource for our future success. ”
  • Since early 2012 Dell is recognized as an IT company, not just a personal computer company. Dell Corporation, continuing to focus on its strategic areas of end-user computing, enterprise solutions, software and services, is expanding its product portfolio by acquiring such companies as AppAssure, SonicWALL, Perrot Systems, Clerity, Wyse, Quest, Gale Technologies, Secure Works, Force10 Networks, etc.
  • 2011 - one of the most successful years for DELL corporation in terms of achieving profitability indicators, primarily in the corporate solutions and services division. Also, according to Gartner, in 2011 Dell ranked third in the global PC market with a 12.1% share.
  • 2005 - Dell tops Fortune's America's Most Admired Companies list.
  • 2001 - Dell Corporation becomes the number one supplier of computer systems in the world.
  • 1996 - the site appears, which already six months after opening begins to generate sales revenue of $ 1 million per day.
  • 1992 - Dell is a Fortune 500 company for the first time, and Michael Dell becomes the youngest CEO to make a Fortune 500 list.
  • 1985 - the company released its first computer "Turbo PC".
  • 1984 - Michael Dell at the age of 19 founds PC's Limited with authorized capital USD 1,000 and a revolutionary vision for the technology industry.

Cultural code

We know our culture matters a lot and determines in many ways how we do business, enter the market and provide leadership. Culture reflects what is important to us and what we are ready to invest in. It defines us as a whole. Culture materializes every second in the form of actions, manifesting itself in the way we work and manage. We know that our culture is the foundation of all our present and future achievements. This is our cultural code. #CultureCode

Our values

Victory together



Loyalty ethical principles

We believe that our customer relationship model is our main differentiator and the key to our success.

We sincerely believe in our people and value them highly. Together we are more potential, more efficient and more enjoyable at work.

We believe that our ability to innovate and encourage innovative thinking is a great inspiration for growth, development and success.

We believe that we are responsible for delivering the best results and exceptional flawless standards.

We believe that ethical business principles should always guide our drive to win.

Support for positive growth. Ensuring human progress

The driving force behind everything we do is one simple goal: creating technological solutions that contribute to the progress of humanity. At the heart of this goal is our deep conviction that technology can change the world and that it is an essential success factor for people.

    Some of our achievements over the past few years:

  • → At Dell, we strive to continually improve the world around us. Check out our latest update to the 2020 Legacy of Good plan.
  • → Dell partners with a range of healthcare and academic institutions to create the best and most efficient effective solutions to combat childhood cancer. In 2011, it was decided to focus our efforts on fighting neuroblastoma, one of the most difficult to treat forms of cancer. Dell technology has reduced the time it takes to develop a treatment program for sick children from 7 days to 4 hours, helping to save many children's lives.
  • → We have been recognized by the Ethisphere Institute as one of the most ethical companies in the world for the fifth consecutive year.
  • → Dell is ranked 4th in the Top 10 Companies for Global Diversity according to Diversity Inc.
  • → Dell entered the list of Best global green brands. We are first: refused to export e-waste to developing countries; began to use materials such as bamboo and mushrooms; we offer free global recycling for our clients; Introducing the industry's first ocean plastic packaging.
  • → We have reduced the energy intensity of our product portfolio by 60% since 2012 - and by 75% per server.
  • → We have provided over 1.2 million children in Ethiopia with computers and delivered over 16 million hours of IT training for teachers and school principals.
  • → We are the first to conduct excursions to our factories and supplier factories to increase the transparency of our business.

Dell Technologies Strategic
Family of Brands Video

A Complete Overview
of the Dell Technologies
Stack, video

On November 5, 2017, the Dell EMC forum “Realize digital transformation” was held in Moscow, which brought together about 1,500 participants from the IT sector.

Dell EMC and Dell are part of the Dell Technologies group of companies along with Pivotal, RSA, SecureWorks, Virtustream and VMware. The innovative solutions and expertise of companies in the field of technology solutions and services are trusted around the world.

Digital transformation requires transformation in three key areas:

  • IT (IT transformation)
  • Personnel (transformation of jobs)
  • Security (transformation of security systems)

Dell and EMC have teamed up to offer businesses of all sizes the broadest range of products, solutions and services they need most today. With a unique portfolio of solutions, experience and expertise, Dell EMC is uniquely positioned in the marketplace.

Digital transformation

Soon there will be no industry left that is not affected by digitalization. New companies enter the market and the products themselves change. In this new environment, software plays a key role. Dell EMC helps accelerate business modernization and transformation with new applications and smart devices, and get the big picture with data analytics.

IT transformation

Dell EMC helps organizations modernize, automate and transform their data centers with advanced (hyper) converged infrastructure, servers, storage, networking and data protection technologies. It provides a solid foundation for IT transformation through hybrid cloud deployments and business transformation through cloud-native applications and big data solutions.

Workplace transformation

Today, there is a change in the model of work, when employees are no longer tied to a fixed workplace. The new model attracts talented people because they have the freedom to work wherever it is convenient and increase their productivity. This is made possible by innovative technologies that provide efficient device management and increased security. Dell offers robust heterogeneous device management solutions to help CIOs meet the expectations of different users.

Security transformation

Today, in the era of total digitalization, the security and safety of the IT infrastructure is of key importance. It is imperative to rethink the outdated approaches to protecting corporate data and devices. Dell EMC offers a broad portfolio of robust and reliable applications, systems and consulting services for backup, disaster recovery and archiving, business continuity and trusted cloud services. Dell EMC provides client data protection, cloud data protection, authentication and threat detection, and data protection across virtual desktop infrastructure from the appliance to the datacenter.

Striving to become an IT company offering end-to-end solutions, in 2012... Dell announces the creation of a business unit Software Division, which was based on the assets of Perot Systems acquired a few years ago for $ 3.9 billion and a number of smaller projects, for example, the provider of cloud solutions Boomi.

Dell's strategy is to continue acquiring a variety of enterprise solution providers. So, in September 2012 Dell acquired Quest Software.

With the Quest acquisition, Dell brings to market industry-leading, differentiated and easy-to-manage solutions for customers around the world. Dell solutions are enriched software allowing for monitoring and control of the entire technological environment client.

The line of our software products offers a wide range of solutions to solve the most common and complex IT problems. These solutions relate to information security, database management, user identity and access management, Windows infrastructure management and user workstation management.

Due to the technical relevance, high quality products that meet international business standards, we have become Microsoft Gold Certified Partner.

There are two Dell Software development centers in Russia: in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Our goal is to make Dell in Russia one of the best places for work. Among our main priorities, we highlight five key initiatives: promoting leaders, personal development, cultural diversity, reducing bureaucracy and achieving work-life balance. In addition, Indeed analyzed over 72 million ratings and reviews to find out which companies are the best at creating a work life balance - and not surprisingly, we are one of them!

Dell has the following activities and programs:

Charity and volunteer events:

  • assistance to various charitable organizations (orphanages, low-income people)
  • Bring the Children to Work program

    Michael Dell's visit to Russia, June 2013

    Women in action

    Launch of the program in Russia in 2012. Our company has created a community in which more than 8000 men and women exchange professional experience and knowledge every day. The goals of the Women in action community are to create a comfortable work environment for women and help develop their leadership skills. For example:

    • The annual Tell Dell employee survey found that they value the company's work-life balance. In addition, Indeed analyzed over 72 million ratings and reviews to find out which companies are the best at creating a work life balance - and not surprisingly, we are one of them!
    • Dell is recognized as one of the leading employers for creating a comfortable work environment for women (according to Diversity Inc. Top 50, National Association of Female Executives, Working Mother's Magazine, Open Compliance & Ethics Group, Society of Women Engineers and partners with Anita Borg and Catalyst) ... In support of this, it is worth noting that Dell is included in the list of 25 Best IT Employers for Women by Glassdoor.

Dell, Purely You.
Dell. Uniquely You. (used in Australia)
Easy as Dell.
Be direct.

The history of this company - one of the leading manufacturers of laptops, netbooks, desktops, servers, as well as smartphones - is, first of all, the story of its founder Michael Dell. His life is a perfect illustration of the "American Dream" that has come true.

Mike was born in 1965 in Houston, Texas (Houston, Texas). While still a schoolboy, he established himself as an enterprising person. At a time when peers were only interested in games, Mike earned a pretty decent amount for a teenager.

At the insistence of his parents, the young man went to study at the Austin University of Texas as a dentist. At the age of 19, he began to trade in computers of his own design. Things went well and Mike decided to found his own company, calling it PC's Limited with a start-up capital of $ 1,000. She turned out to be so successful that studying further lost all meaning. Michael retired from university and went into full-time business. Thus, 1984 can be considered the founding date of modern Dell.

In 1987 the company changes its name to Dell Computer Corporation, under which it will exist until 2003. Later, due to the fact that not only computers were produced, a new name was adopted - the current Dell, Inc.

Dell has gone down in history as one of the fastest growing. When Mike was only 26 years old, his company was already on the list. Fortune 500... Very quickly, he falls into the list of the richest people in the United States. At the age of 39, Dell leaves his post of the managing director, while remaining on the board of directors.

So what's the success Dell? In addition to the entrepreneurial spirit and perseverance of the founder, first of all, in an approach unusual for those years - the company sold its products personally, without resorting to the services of intermediaries. The new business model has fully paid off. First of all, due to the absence of intermediaries, the cost of computers dropped significantly. And then, users had the opportunity to personally contact the manufacturer and report all the shortcomings he found, express their dissatisfaction. Thus, the company's management could timely learn about the shortcomings of the products and quickly eliminate them. This approach turned out to be justified both in the West and in the East.

The main thing that stands out Dell among such companies, these are its three main principles, which are that you should not have any dealings with intermediaries, never create warehouse stocks (and therefore be ready at any time to completely change direction) and, most importantly, show maximum respect and sensitivity, when communicating with clients. Dell provides a wide choice of configuration of the desired model. The customer can choose from a wide range of body colors.

However, despite all the dynamism of the development process, history Dell does not differ in striking facts. This is hard work, successful solutions and various models of computer technology, among which there was not a single very bright and interesting device. In an attempt to compete Apple Dell develops a line of stylish laptops Adamo... The devices turned out to be interesting, memorable, but in general, they were greeted by the public rather cool.

Today, the number of employees of the company is already tens of thousands, and revenues are estimated in billions.

The company is headquartered in Round Rock, Texas, USA (Round Rock, Texas, USA)

Interesting Facts:

Talking about Dell, one cannot fail to mention a few interesting facts related to both Dell and another famous American company - Apple.

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Those who know the history of computer technology remember that at the end of the last century Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy. Opinions on the topic “what Apple should I do for salvation? " Articles with similar topics appeared both on the pages of little-known as well as highly respected magazines. But in reality, no one believed in the salvation of the "fruit company". When Mike Dell was asked a similar question, he replied that the best solution would be to dissolve the company by distributing money to depositors. In reply Apple stated that henceforth its main competitor is considered precisely Dell... And the genius of Steve Jobs allowed not only to resist, but also to surpass the recent abuser in capitalization (although most of the market still belongs to Dell).

* * *
One day, at the dawn of an era iPod, someone asked Jobs if he was afraid that such a device would create and Dell with much more potential. What was followed by a simple but succinct answer "Have you ever heard of Dell fans?"

* * *
In fact, Dell's connection with Apple, somewhat deeper than one might suppose - Mike's first computer, from which his passion for this technique began, was once insanely popular, Apple II... It was given to him by his parents in 1980, when the boy was 15 years old.