Is it possible to process bushes with copper sulfate. Instructions for processing apple trees with copper sulfate in spring

Sulfates of divalent metals (copper, iron, nickel and others) are highly reactive and can interact even with water molecules. As a result of this interaction, hydrates of sulfate metals - vitriol appear.

Copper and iron sulfates are fungicides with proven effectiveness and are relatively safe for humans. Therefore, treating trees with iron or copper sulfate in spring has become a popular method of combating diseases and pests of fruit and ornamental crops.

For spraying perennial fruit crops with copper sulfate, three optimal periods are distinguished, which are associated with the vegetative cycle of plants:

  • Early spring;
  • During the budding period;
  • At the stage of ovary formation.

Early spring processing perennial plants carried out immediately after the snow melts, but before the buds open. It is recommended to choose a cloudy, windless day during the period when the minimum air temperature persistently exceeds 5 ° C.

Such spraying is carried out in order to reduce the number of adult insects and their larvae that overwintered in the cracks of the bark. Irrigation of trees and bushes with copper sulfate in early spring must necessarily include the treatment of root soil. This treatment moderately reduces the concentration of pests. fruit crops and also disinfects the soil and nourishes it with copper salts.

It is permissible to use copper sulfate in the form of a monocomponent 1% - 3% solution or as part of mixtures:

  • Bordeaux liquid;
  • Burgundy liquid;
  • Mixture with urea.

Early spring sprinkling of the garden and household plots can be considered a mandatory set of measures for every responsible landowner.

During the budding period, use a 0.5% one-component solution. Such irrigation is aimed at slowing down the growing season and protecting flowers from the spring cold snap. Covering young leaves and buds, copper sulfate fights eggs laid by some insect pests (fruit moth, weevil, and others) and fungal diseases of plants (spot, anthracosis, etc.).

Late spring sprinkling is carried out 0.5% aqueous solution copper sulfate.

The procedure is aimed at protecting the fruit from fungal infections, such as late blight or gray mold. Treatment is relevant with a high probability of the development of the disease (regular damage to fruits on the site in the past, the appearance of diseased plants, the absence of early spring spraying). Irrigation is carried out to the plants after all the petals have fallen off, but not less than 2 weeks before the start of the harvest.

General rules for processing trees and bushes in spring with copper sulfate

Irrigation of trees in spring is carried out after the initial preparation of plants:

  1. Sanitary pruning of diseased, withered or damaged shoots and branches.
  2. Rough cleaning of trunks and skeletal branches from mosses, lichens and exfoliated bark.
  3. Sealing cuts and cracks with garden varnish, clay mash, wax or paraffin. For clean cuts you can use plasticine.
  4. Removal from root soil plant residues, deciduous litter, weed and last year's grass.

The solution for irrigation is prepared in an enamel, wooden or glass dish, dissolving the crystals of copper sulfate in hot water until completely dissolved. Then the resulting mixture is brought to the required volume with cold water.

Copper sulfate has a contact effect, due to which the precipitation that fell within 72 hours after treatment sharply reduces the efficiency of irrigation. Therefore, plants are sprayed in dry weather, taking into account forecasts of weather forecasters.

Tall trees and bushes should be irrigated during calm hours with low insolation. This rule can be neglected when working with plants before the start of the growing season.

When working with the solution, gloves and eye and respiratory protection should be used, for example, construction goggles and a petal-type mask.

A solution of copper sulfate should not be stored for more than 10 hours, so the solution is prepared based on the area to be treated and the type of plants growing there.

Processing features depending on the horticultural culture

According to the instructions, copper sulfate can be used in the form of a 1% or 3% solution. The time and frequency of processing depends on the type of culture.


Copper sulfate is effective in combating the following diseases:

  • Fungal types of spotting;
  • Moniliosis;
  • Verticillus wilt;
  • Phylosticosis;
  • Scab.

The affected plant requires a single irrigation of 2-5 liters of 1% solution for each tree before the start of the growing season. It is not recommended to use copper sulfate after flowering.

Pear and apple tree

The causative agents of the following diseases are sensitive to copper sulfate:

  • Scab;
  • Bacterial cancer;
  • Moniliosis;
  • Phylostictosis;
  • Fungal species of spotting;
  • Verticillary wilting.

Primary treatment in spring is carried out with a 3% solution before the leaves bloom at the rate of 3-4 liters for each tree with root soil. Re-processing is possible after 2 weeks with 1% solution at the rate of 2-5 liters per plant. Irrigation is allowed during the period of ovary formation with a 0.5-1% solution at the rate of 10 liters of solution for 2-4 plants.

Apricot and peach

Peach and apricot trees can suffer from the following pathologies sensitive to copper sulfate:

  • Fungal curl;
  • Clasterosporosis;
  • Moniliosis.

Processing in the spring is carried out once, strictly before the beginning of the growing season. Use a 1% solution of 2-3 liters for each plant. The use of copper sulfate after flowering is strongly discouraged.

Cherries, plums and cherries

Copper sulfate will be effective if these crops are infected with the following pathogens of the following diseases:

  • Coccomycosis and other fungal spots;
  • Moniliosis;
  • Bacterial cancer;
  • Clasterosporosis;
  • Curliness of leaves.

Before the leaves bloom in the spring, each plant is irrigated with 2-3 liters of a 3% solution of vitriol. For re-processing after the end of flowering, use a 0.5% solution up to 4 liters for each tree.

Gooseberries, raspberries and currants

The bushes are irrigated for prevention and treatment:

  • Anthracosis;
  • White and other types of fungal spots;
  • Verticillary wilting.

Plants in the spring are treated once, strictly before the beginning of the leaf blooming period. A 1% aqueous solution of copper sulfate is used at the rate of 1.5-2 liters for each bush. The use of fungicides for raspberries, gooseberries and currants after flowering is strongly discouraged.

Fruit grapes (vine)

Copper sulfate is used to treat infection of grapes with mildew, spot, odium and bacterial cancer. Apply the drug at a concentration of 3% before flowering at a rate of 1.5-2 liters per plant. For old plants with coarse bark, the concentration of the solution can be increased to 5%. After flowering, re-treatment is carried out with a 0.5% solution, scattering up to 3.5 liters per plant.

Bush and climbing rose

Roses can hurt infections sensitive to vitriol:

  • Black spotted leaves;
  • Powdery mildew;
  • Root cancer.

For processing in the spring, use a 1-3% solution of vitriol in the period preceding the appearance of leaves at the rate of 1 liter per 10 sq. m. Before flowering, you can repeat the treatment with a 1% solution, spraying 300-500 ml per bush. Treating spots and late blight may require irrigation of the rose after flowering. In this case, use a 0.5% solution of 1-1.5 liters per plant.

Selected facts and features of copper sulfate

When working with a solution of copper sulfate, the following facts may be useful to the gardener:

  1. A teaspoon (with a slide) contains 6 g of copper sulfate crystals.
  2. Root bacterial cancer in fruit and ornamental crops requires the removal of outgrowths from the roots. After these manipulations, the root system is soaked in an aqueous solution of copper sulfate with a concentration of 1% for 3 minutes, then thoroughly washed with water.
  3. The use of an aqueous solution of copper sulfate at temperatures above 30 ° C can lead to burns of leaves and other delicate plant tissues.
  4. Copper sulfate is moderately dangerous for insects, in particular for bees, so beekeepers should limit the flight of bees into the treated area for at least 5 hours.
  5. The substance belongs to the III class of danger and on contact can cause significant irritation of the mucous membranes.
  6. Copper sulfate can cause the death of fish, and therefore do not pour the remains of the solution into natural water bodies. Irrigation of plantings near such bodies of water should also be done with caution.
  7. Vitriol cannot be combined in a common solution with organophosphate insecticidal compounds.
  8. It is permissible to add copper sulfate to whitewash for spring whitewashing of tree trunks.

Precautionary measures

When working with an aqueous solution of copper sulfate, the following requirements and safety measures should be observed:

  1. It is forbidden to drink, eat, smoke.
  2. It is necessary to use funds individual protection skin and mucous membranes of the respiratory system and eyes:
    • Dressing gown or other work clothes,
    • Headdress,
    • Respirator or gauze bandage,
    • Protective glasses,
    • Rubber or latex gloves.
  3. Do not spray plants with an aqueous solution of copper sulfate in the presence of pets or children.
  4. To prepare the solution, it is strictly forbidden to use food utensils.
  5. After finishing work with copper sulfate, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the skin of the face and hands with soap, rinse your mouth clean water and take off your work clothes.
  6. Do not allow copper sulfate to get into drinking water sources.

If the solution gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, rinsing is required large quantity water. Ingestion of a large amount of copper sulfate inside leads to the development of vomiting. In this case, the victim should immediately seek medical attention.

There are several varieties of copper sulfate solutions, depending on the goals that the gardener wants to achieve. It should be understood that copper sulfate is a toxic substance, and in large quantities it can harm plants, humans and the environment. In this article, you will learn how to dilute copper sulfate for processing trees.

In horticulture, 3 main types of copper sulfate solutions are used:

  1. Solution at a concentration of 0.2 - 0.3%(20-30 grams per 10 liters of water) copper sulfate (preventive and feeding type). Such a solution is used for feeding and fertilizing the earth, as well as for the prevention of certain bacterial and fungal infections. Also, it makes sense to use it to restore the balance of copper in the plant's body (copper deficiency is very often observed with chlorosis, twisting of leaves and shoots, as well as when tillering without the formation of shoots).
  2. Solution at a concentration of 0.5 - 1%(50-100 grams per 10 liters of water) copper sulfate (therapeutic and prophylactic type). Such a solution is usually used for the treatment and prevention of fungal infections (anthracnose, clasternosporia, coccomycosis, pathological spots, septoria, phyllostictosis, scab, various rot, curliness), as well as for the control of insect pests. Also, they can treat damaged branches and shoots of the plant in order to speed up the healing of wounds. This concentration of vitriol does not burn the plants.
  3. Solution at a concentration of 3 - 5%(300-500 grams per 10 liters of water) copper sulfate ("burning out" type). It is very toxic for most plants, therefore, such a solution should be used only in exceptional cases - for disinfecting the earth, for burning out mold, and so on. After cultivating the land, they need to exclude this land from agricultural activities for a year.

How to properly prepare a solution for treating trees?

Let's find out how to dilute copper sulfate for processing trees. To prepare the solution, you need to take a bucket and pour copper sulfate into it, then you need to pour it into the bucket the right amount water and mix well the resulting solution.

The amount of vitriol is determined depending on the desired concentration: 1% is 100 grams of vitriol must be diluted in 10 liters of water.

Concentration The weight of vitriol in grams per 10 liters of water The weight of vitriol in grams per 5 liters of water
0,2% 20 10
0,3% 30 15
0,5% 50 25
1% 100 50
1,5% 150 75
2% 200 100
3% 300 150

Before preparing the solution, it is advisable to wear gloves, a respirator and a protective suit to prevent the solution from getting on the skin. It is necessary to prepare the solution right before spraying, and the finished solution should be stored for no more than 10 hours. After preparation, it is recommended to strain the solution, as it may contain debris and undissolved vitriol particles.

The first prophylactic spraying with a solution in a concentration of 0.5-1% should be carried out in the spring before bud break. Trees are processed in the morning and in the evening at temperatures above +5 degrees. It is also recommended to prepare a 1% solution before blooming buds and pour it over the soil around the tree (solution consumption - 2-3 liters of solution per 1 m 2 of land).

Spraying and watering fruit trees during flowering and fruiting is prohibited. A solution of copper sulfate can be used as disinfectant when planting seedlings; for disinfection, it is necessary to prepare a one percent solution of copper sulfate and place tree seedlings in it; after 3 minutes, you need to take out the seedlings and rinse them with warm water.

Copper sulfate can also be used as a drug for the treatment of diseases such as scab, coccomycosis, clasterosporium disease, and so on. When the first symptom of any disease appears, it is necessary to perform a therapeutic spraying.

The dosage of the drug depends on the type of plant:

Type of culture What diseases is effective against Optimal proportions The total consumption of the medicinal solution
Apple trees, pears, quince trees Scab, various pathological spots, drying out 100 g vitriol per 10 l of water 2-5 liters of solution per 1 tree (the older the tree, the more consumption)
Apricots, peaches, plums, cherries, cherries Clasterosporia, coccomycosis, various pathological spots, curliness 2-5 liters of solution per 1 tree (the older the tree, the greater the consumption)
Gooseberry, currant Anthracnose, septoria, various pathological spots 50 - 100 g vitriol per 10 l of water 1-1.5 l of solution per 1 bush

Precautionary measures

Now you know how to properly prepare the solution. Let's find out about the precautions:

  1. It is forbidden to dilute vitriol with water in an iron bowl, since iron can enter into chemical reaction with copper sulfate.
  2. Before preparing the solution, it is recommended to wear a protective suit, glasses and gloves so that the solution does not get into the eyes and mucous membranes.
  3. The solution container should not be used as a container for storing food.
  4. Do not drink or eat when preparing the solution.
  5. It is forbidden to pour the remaining solution into rivers and lakes.
  6. If the solution gets into the eyes, immediately rinse the eyes with water.
  7. If the solution comes into contact with the skin, wash this area of ​​the skin with water and soap.
  8. If the solution gets into the stomach, it is necessary to immediately perform a gastric lavage, drink activated charcoal and go to the hospital for help. For gastric lavage, it is forbidden to use a solution of potassium permanganate, since potassium permanganate can enter into a chemical reaction with copper sulfate, which will cause severe poisoning.

What else do you need to know about spraying?

Let's find out what else you need to remember about spraying trees and plants with copper sulfate:

  1. It is not recommended to use copper sulfate when processing greenhouses. There are many reasons for this, but the main reason is that in a greenhouse, copper sulfate can build up in the soil, making the soil unsuitable for farming over time.
  2. Rain can wash off the vitriol solution into the ground, however, after rain, it is prohibited to re-treat with vitriol to avoid the accumulation of copper in the soil.
  3. If the solution of copper sulfate does not adhere well to leaves and shoots, then a little soap can be added to the solution. The soap must be grated; consumption - 20-30 g of soap per 10 liters of solution.
  4. If the tree has been gnawed by an animal, then the wounds can be treated with a weak solution of copper sulfate (0.2-0.3%).

Time and means for spraying trees in spring.

Every person associates a garden with delicious apples, pears, plums, peaches and cherries. But in order to grow such a garden, you need to work very hard and process the plants and trees in time. Let's take a closer look at the ways and means of caring for the garden so that it generously delights us with its beauty and delicious fruits.

When to spray trees and shrubs in the garden in spring: timing, schedule

A responsible owner who takes care of the future harvest begins to work in the garden immediately after the first snow has melted. After all, there is a lot of work to be done: before proceeding directly to spraying the garden, everything must be carefully prepared.

In the first half or mid-March see if there is dry bark and branches damaged after winter, all this must be removed. Spring is a very troublesome time, nature is awakening and you need to not miss the moment to protect it from various diseases and pests.

If you are just starting to do this business, and do not really understand the intricacies, then it is better to invite an experienced specialist who will tell you what needs to be done first. 3 months of spring can be roughly divided into 3 main stages in gardening work:

In order to better navigate these stages, professionals in this business have developed special calendars and manuals, which give the exact timing of tree processing, depending on the problem.

Such detailed charts are developed in order to know how to act in a given situation. Be the responsible owners of your garden and may he always thank you generously for your efforts.

When in the garden in the spring to do the first spraying of fruit trees: apple trees, pears, plums?

In order for the garden to endow the owners with a bountiful harvest in the fall, you need to work hard in the spring. In the summer, you can also carry out preventive spraying as diseases arise.

Now, let's take a closer look at when to spray in spring... After all, it is then that you need to intensify your care after the winter break.

Let's start with everyone's favorite apple trees. You need to spray them in:

  • The period before kidney formation(often fruit trees are sprayed in order to protect the tree from a variety of fungi and other insects that survived after winter). Spraying must be carried out when the outside temperature reaches at least 6-7 degrees Celsius. Previously, it makes no sense to carry out this procedure, since its effectiveness will be reduced to zero.
  • The period when the buds begin to bloom(at this time, it is very important to ensure that they are not attacked by scab or other insects that affect the number of fruits).
  • Period of '' rosebud '' you also need to ensure that the pests listed above do not infect the tree and do not lead to huge crop losses.
  • The flowering period itself(at this time, trees are very much at risk of infection with different types of ticks, caterpillars, aphids, etc.). The most important thing at this time is a quick response and spraying as soon as you see the first signs of infection. So the ability to protect other types of trees in the garden increases several times.
  • Spraying immediately after the apple trees have faded, to protect against moths, scab, or on days 14-21 if the moth and other pests have attacked.

The procedure for spraying pears and plums is the same, the periods are the same. Plums are very susceptible to various fungal diseases, which, unfortunately, without use chemicals cannot be overcome.

If you are very fond of apples, pears and plums, then do your best to protect them. The main thing is to clearly follow the recommendations and adhere to the established deadlines.

You can also help fruit trees by dropping harmful beetles onto the litter and wrapping them with special belts that help catch flower beetles. Together, these measures give a very good result, which is worth all the efforts. If you are just starting to take care of a young garden, then these tips will help you navigate how and when to start gardening work.

How to process fruit trees and shrubs in early spring before bud break?

Now there are a huge number of tools that can be used to combat various pests and diseases of horticultural crops. All of them have a different spectrum of action and effectiveness, but adherence to the methods of application and the correct dosage will allow you to achieve high results when harvesting in the fall.

Remember that you need to choose a treatment for the garden depending on the level of infestation of trees and the expected occurrence of various diseases. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the tools that can be used until the buds begin to bloom:

  • inkstoneeffective remedy allowing to speed up the vegetation process and prevent or, in the event of a disease, cure fruit trees from different types insects and fungal diseases, of which there are even more today. Concentration ready mix for spraying should not exceed 3%. The method of application can be read in detail on the packaging, where the dosage is prescribed.

  • Nitrafen, can also be used to combat various insects, especially well it helps to fight mites, aphids, etc. that have overwintered in the bark. For spraying fruit trees a 3% mixture is used, and for shrubs - 2%.
  • Copper sulfate- promotes the opening of the kidneys and their growth, and also actively fights against various pathogens. The solution should be with a 1% concentration of this substance, it will be enough to process shrubs and large trees in the garden.
  • Preparation number 30 It is often used by experienced gardeners to control various types of scale insects and mite eggs, it also perfectly removes aphid and caterpillar larvae. It has established itself for a long time and is still in great demand for the control of these pests. It should be applied just before the beginning of the opening of the kidneys in a 3% concentration.
  • Oleocobrite 4%- fights the laid eggs of aphids, ticks and copperheads, and also helps to protect trees or shrubs from various types of spots that affect leaves and fruits. Its effectiveness has been proven by many gardeners.

  • When various spots appear on shrubs and black dots on overwintered shoots, they are usually treated urea... It removes blemishes and blackheads and promotes active kidney growth.
  • Bordeaux liquid- effectively combats many types of known fungal plant diseases.

Until the buds open, you can also thoroughly wet the branches to remove many insects that remained wintering in the bark and attacked the tree in the first spring sun. Remember that when working with mixtures, you need to adhere to basic safety rules - wear a protective suit, mask and gloves.

How to treat fruit trees and shrubs in early spring after budding?

After budding, the garden is best sprayed 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid, because the kidneys have already become very sensitive and if you increase the concentration, you can simply burn them. Such a liquid serves as an excellent protection of the plant from pests and will enable the buds to fully open.

It is best to use combination drugs such as, for example, "Horus", which has proven itself well and has shown good results in the fight against various types of diseases of fruit trees and shrubs. In combination with other drugs, it increases the resistance of trees to various types of pathogens by 2-3 times.

"Decis" fights directly with different kinds insects, of which there are a huge number and without chemicals, trees cannot be saved. Not always folk remedies you can stop the activity of pests, "Decis" will help you with this.

But remember, if you have all sorts of doubts, it is better to consult with experienced gardeners before spraying, let them give their recommendations. Be sure that the result will not be long in coming, you will be able to save all your plants from the negative effects of harmful living organisms.

35 g of copper oxychloride per 10 liters of water is also good remedy protection during this period. The same can be said for polychoma and polycarbacin. What to choose, look at your discretion, they are all very effective if you adhere to the main methods of application and dosages.

How to treat fruit trees and shrubs in the spring after flowering?

Every person who has a plot with fruit trees and shrubs knows that after winter there is a lot of work. The main thing is to do everything on time.

We have previously described the main periods of spring cultivation. After the flowering period, it is important not to miss the moment in order to have time to protect all plants from the invasion of various insects, which at this time are at their peak of activity.

After all, if you process only one, then there is a huge risk for further infection of other plants that are nearby. Without the use of specific measures, the entire crop can be lost and cause huge losses for the economy.

This spraying is mandatory; a complex of preparations that are actively used for plant protection is also used. Buy in special stores, for garden maintenance and mix them together: "Horus", "Skor" and "Aktara".

You can also use, as with spraying after bud break, a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid, it will be very useful during this period. Chemical insect repellent "Karate" has established itself on the market as an excellent means of protection against various influences environment and living organisms. It is important to stick to the system here and do not forget to spray.

If you skip one of the stages, then the risk of disease increases, and this will further affect the amount of the crop. If you take care of the garden as if it were a living person, then he will surely reciprocate in the form of fragrant, very tasty, and most importantly, environmentally friendly fruits. There is nothing better than knowing that all this is grown by your own hands.

Preparations and means for spraying fruit trees and shrubs in the spring against diseases and pests

Domestic manufacturers of chemical protection products fruit trees and shrubs have developed a huge number of drugs, the effectiveness of which has been proven by many experienced gardeners. The liquids and powders that exist today were described by us earlier, as they were used at certain stages to combat various harmful living organisms or diseases.

Among insecticides that show high results in the fight against different types of insects, one can note:

  • Zolon
  • Danadim
  • Mitak

They protect well from aphids, ticks, moths and scale insects. Among the protection against fungal diseases, the first place can be put:

  • copper sulfate
  • Karatan
  • copper oxychloride

All of these drugs cope well with pathogens of fungi and kill them even in the early stages of manifestation. Against various diseases, HOM is often used together with Fufanon.

A complex product, when interacting with each other, destroys all the previously listed types of pests. Horus, Aktara and Kare Zeon are used in a complex to combat scab, rot, flower beetles and moths for different types of pears, apple trees, plums and other fruit trees.

Urea, copper and iron sulfate for spraying trees in early spring: how to breed?

Urea is useful in that it is a means that kills pests and contributes to the enrichment of plants with a complex of substances necessary for their growth. The garden should be treated with such a solution in early spring, before the trees begin to bud.

For thorough spraying of all plants and the soil around them, enough Dilute 700 g of substance in 10 l of water... Having received everything they need, the plants slow down in growth and thus begin to bud later than usual. Therefore, they are not afraid of various weather surprises.

Copper sulfate is a very good antiseptic; it also contributes to the saturation of various useful substances and the destruction of harmful microorganisms. But you need to work with it very carefully, it is often diluted with lime (then the famous Bordeaux mixture is obtained, the concentration of two substances is 100: 100).

The dosage of the product is calculated for 10 liters of water. 100 g of the drug enough to protect your garden from various insects that contribute to the development of various diseases. If the tree has many wounds and it is very sick, then add 50 g of the preparation, after a while you will see that the wounds have begun to heal, and the tree has actively entered the phase of growth and bud formation.

Iron vitriol differs in that its cannot be mixed with lime. Before the first leaves appear, treat the plants with this agent in order to prevent the occurrence of various fungal infections that can infect all plants.

To do this, take 300 g of the preparation (3%) and pour 10 liters of water. If the branches have darkened slightly, this is a consequence of the action of the drug. If you carried out such processing in the fall, then in the spring it is unnecessary to do this, once is quite enough.

Video: Spraying trees in spring

Copper sulfate is known to be a 5-aqueous sulfate of 2-valent copper CuSO4x5H2O and is a hygroscopic blue or blue powder or crystals. On sale for agricultural purposes in small private farms comes packaged in 50-100 g or in bottles, see Fig. Copper sulfate is poisonous, belongs to the 3rd hazard class, since has a toxic effect when it comes into contact with mucous membranes or ingestion. The lethal dose of a 5% solution is 30-50 ml, but copper sulfate in solution or powder is able to penetrate into the body through the skin when sweat is reabsorbed. Therefore, all work with copper sulfate must be carried out in compliance with the precautions, see below. People are accustomed to this drug, but it is far from harmless with careless handling.

Copper sulphate has long been widely used in horticulture and still does not give up its positions. There are quite objective reasons for this:

  • At correct use copper sulfate is safe because does not have a cumulative effect, does not give side and / or long-term undesirable effects.
  • Possesses biocidal and, especially, fungicidal action; Copper sulfate is a very effective and widely used mold control agent.
  • Does not cause resistance, because addiction and increase the resistance of harmful objects of influence.
  • It is also copper-containing - Cu (II) ions are necessary for plants to synthesize a number of important phytohormones.
  • Compared to synthetic drugs for a similar purpose, it is inexpensive.

Concentration of solutions

The use of copper sulfate in agriculture is possible different ways depending on the season and the purpose of processing. In all cases, solutions of any of the 3 degrees of concentration are used:

  1. "Burning" 3% -5%, i.e. 300-500 g per 10 liters of water - treatment in exceptional cases for disinfecting a plot of land or fighting mold in building structures on it. In the first case, the land after cultivation is removed from agricultural use for at least a year;
  2. Treatment-and-prophylactic 0.5% -1%, i.e. 50-100 g per 10 liters of water - to combat fungal diseases and insect pests (anthracnose, clasterosporium, coccomycosis and other spots, moniliosis, septoria, phyllostictosis, scab, various rot, curliness), as well as for trees (spraying and treatment of wounds on trunks and branches);
  3. Fertilizing and prophylactic 0.2% -0.3% (2-3 g / 10 l of water) - when symptoms of copper starvation of plants appear (chlorosis of leaves, twisting of the tips of the shoots, intensive tillering without the formation of productive shoots) and for preventive purposes.

For use according to PP. 2 and 3, it is better to prepare a 10% stock solution in advance (in a tightly sealed container and in a dark place, it can be stored for a long time) and dilute it with water as needed. How to dissolve copper sulfate, see below.

When to process with copper sulfate?

In the spring, treatment is carried out with therapeutic and prophylactic solutions of copper sulfate:

  • In early spring, when the average daily temperature rises above +5 Celsius, watering the soil with a 0.5% solution at the rate of 3.5-4 l / sq. m. Against yellowness (fusarium) of root crops, white and gray rot of tomato, black leg of cabbage.
  • Before budding fruit trees and shrubs against the diseases mentioned above, as well as fruit rot and black cancer - spraying with 1% solution.
  • Disinfection of the roots of seedlings - lowering for 3 minutes in a 1% solution, followed by abundant rinsing with water. If there is no running water or a high water consumption is undesirable, intensive rinsing in 3 changes of water for 3-5 minutes each.
  • Spraying potato tubers before planting with a 0.2% solution - efficient way protect yourself from late blight.
  • Warm 0.2% solution - soaking seeds to obtain early shoots. Cucumbers - 8-10 hours, others - 20-24 hours.
  • Dressing seeds of tomatoes and pumpkin seeds, suspicious of "hereditary" diseases (for example, if it is not possible to acquire a known healthy seed) - a solution of 1 g of copper sulfate, 2 g boric acid and 10 g of potassium permanganate in 10 liters of water. The seeds are soaked for 15 minutes in a solution of room temperature and then washed abundantly with water (if not from the tap - 5 shifts for 5 minutes with continuous intensive stirring).

In the summer, the following treatment with copper sulfate is carried out:

Note: spraying with copper sulfate is unacceptable during flowering!

In autumn, solutions of copper sulfate are used mainly for prophylaxis. Autumn, at the end of leaf fall, treatment with copper sulfate is generally preferable. Firstly, the solution of copper sulfate has an acidic reaction, because in copper sulfate even top grade medical category A there is a noticeable admixture of free sulfuric acid, see table. on right. During autumn processing, chemical burns of leaves, flowers and fruits are excluded.

Secondly, the need of plants for copper as a trace element is maximal during flowering, and by the time the fruits ripen, it disappears. Thirdly, copper sulfate does not penetrate into plant tissues and, accordingly, affects only the sporangia of fungi, without touching their mycelium. Therefore, if by the time of the beginning of the growing season the plants are already protected and provided with copper, the effect of the treatment with copper sulfate will be greatest.

Autumn spraying with copper sulfate is carried out with a 1% solution according to the rates indicated in the first table, and roses against black spot and powdery mildew- 0.5% solution. And yet, all types of processing with copper sulfate in any season should be done in the morning or in the evening at an air temperature from +5 to +30 in dry, calm weather.

Note: on suspicion of root rot trees in the fall are also watered near-trunk circles 0.5% copper sulfate solution.

How to spray?

In view of the above-mentioned effect of reverse suction with sweat, it is impossible to neglect the precautions when working with copper sulfate, you need to use full set PPE, see fig. Animals, children and in general strangers should not be around. The residual solution must never get into water supplies or drainage systems.

If a solution of copper sulfate gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately with a large amount pure water holding open. If swallowed, drink 2-3 raw eggs or 300-500 ml of milk and consult a doctor immediately. Pumping with water, with or without potassium permanganate, to induce vomiting will only make the poisoning worse!

How to prepare the solution?

Copper sulfate is not dusty or volatile, so it can be diluted without special precautions; disposable plastic gloves will suffice. Prepare the mother liquor in a glass container, which must be marked so as not to be used later for food purposes. It is undesirable to use metal enameled dishes, because a solution of copper sulfate eats away at the enamel.

It is unacceptable to dissolve copper sulfate in the kitchen, pos. 1 in fig. Copper sulfate is readily soluble in water, but if diluted at room temperature, then due to the admixture of sulfites, the finished solution will turn out to be cloudy, pos. 2, and will settle for a very long time, up to a month or more.

Copper sulfate is dissolved in hot, from 50 degrees, water, but use thin-walled chemical dishes and an electric stove for this, pos. 3, undesirable: copper sulfate solution is a strong electrolyte and if the vessel bursts or solution spills, a serious accident is guaranteed. Dissolve vitriol in a water bath, pos. 4. The cooled solution is stored for a long time, up to a year or more, in PET or glass bottles, pos. 5.

Bordeaux liquid

The acidity of copper sulfate is a serious drawback. It can be reduced by adding 0.2-0.5 l to the working solution. hot water, in which 3-5 g are dissolved (before foaming) laundry soap... This additive will also improve the adhesion of the solution to the leaves.

But Bordeaux liquid turns out to be much more effective - a joint solution of copper sulfate and slaked lime. It is known in 2 varieties: strong 3% (300 g of copper sulfate and 400 g of lime per 10 liters of water) and gentle 1% (100 g of both for the same volume). Strong Bordeaux liquid is used for autumn and, possibly, early spring processing, and sparing during the growing season. The only bad thing about Bordeaux liquid is that it is completely incompatible with any other preparations and soap. And its substitute with soda ash - Burgundy liquid - is much less effective.

Note: Bordeaux liquid is recommended for processing grapes only in autumn. In other cases, for this culture, it is desirable to use compositions based on ferrous sulfate.

To prepare Bordeaux liquid, you need to pour the required volume of water in half into 2 vessels. In one dissolve lime milk; in another copper sulfate. The blue solution is gradually poured into the white one, stirring, see fig. on right. Ready solution let stand for 3-4 hours, filtered and poured into a sprayer. The shelf life of a freshly prepared solution is a day.

Note: there are prepackaged mixtures for the preparation of Bordeaux liquid on sale. How to prepare a working solution from a ready-made mixture, see next. video:

Video: preparing Bordeaux liquid from a ready-made mixture

Copper sulfate in a greenhouse

The use of copper sulfate in greenhouses is limited. First, in the absence of free migration of it into the ground, excessive accumulation of copper and sulfur in the greenhouse soil is possible, which will lead to oppression of plants. Secondly, acidification of the soil with traces of sulfuric acid is possible. Therefore, copper sulfate is rarely used in greenhouse conditions, only for disinfection of a heavily contaminated greenhouse, see eg. video clip:

Video: greenhouse processing with copper sulfate

It is much more justified to use copper sulfate in a greenhouse locally in a dry form to combat gray mold of cucumbers. To do this, take 1 teaspoon of copper sulfate powder (crystals need to be crushed) and mix with a tablespoon wood ash... Sore spots are sprinkled with the mixture.

Another option for using copper sulfate in a greenhouse is to use it as an impregnating fungicide during its construction, but this is already a topic about building a greenhouse with your own hands. Ready moldy wooden greenhouse can be treated with copper sulphate from mold in the same way as for ridding a living room of biting midge, see eg.

Video: disinfection with copper sulfate against mold

Vitriol and weather

The weather is of great importance for the success of the copper sulfate treatment. The action of the solution begins 2-4 hours after treatment and lasts 7-12 days at an external temperature of 25-15 degrees, respectively. If it rains at this time, the effect will disappear, but you cannot repeat the treatment, an excess of copper will form in the soil.

Another application

A good means of protecting trees from attack by pests is also whitewashing the trunks with lime with the addition of copper sulfate. In this case, copper sulfate can be replaced with methylene blue, in the same way as walls are whitewashed with blue to protect against fungus.