How to attach a ceiling cornice. How to fix a ceiling cornice - all fixing options

You can significantly change the interior of the room without major repairs and changing furniture, it is enough to purchase new original curtains... You can hang them on the ceiling cornices, which are distinguished by an affordable price and decent appearance.

The advantages of ceiling cornices

Why are ceiling cornices good? They allow curtains to be fixed at ceiling level. This fabric placement is good for small apartments with a ceiling height of 2.60 meters. You do not need to think about the severity of the curtains you bought. An important advantage of ceiling cornices is their low price and high quality.


The main difference between curtain rods is the material used for manufacturing. For this, manufacturers mainly use aluminum and plastic. Also, the cornices differ in the number of curtains placed on it. It ranges from 1 to 4 rows. This allows you to experiment and make any composition of curtains, tulles and lambrequins.

By their design, ceiling cornices are divided into three types:

  • tires without decor with one, two or more stripes of directions;
  • tires with turns;
  • cornice decorated with a baguette overlay.

The standard length of the eaves is equal to the length of the window plus 40 cm. This will allow you to freely open it. When using curtains made of thick fabric, the length of the cornice can be increased.

If your room has two windows side by side, then the length of the cornice is equal to the width of the windows plus 30 cm.

Note! Windows will open without any problems if you place the cornice at a distance of 10-15 cm from the wall.

Simple assembly

There are models made of soft plastic- to make the mount more reliable, metal plates for all holes that you must place in the grooves on back wall tires.

Then attach the curtain rod to the ceiling, insert the hooks and cover the corners with plugs.

If the ceiling in your room is made of plasterboard, then you should use special dowels-molly, dowels-butterfly. The design feature of such dowels provides for their wedging from the seamy side of the drywall. It should be borne in mind that the load on the dowels should be no more than 5 kg.

How to attach to a stretch ceiling

Cornices are attached to stretch ceilings as follows:

  1. Make a base from a bar that has the length and width of the cornice, and the thickness is a distance of several millimeters less from the stretching material to the ceiling slab.
  2. Fix the timber with dowels to the ceiling. Install rings on the material, into them you will screw the self-tapping screws when fixing the cornice.
  3. Stretch the material and install the curtain rod.

For a stretch ceiling, you can make a hidden location of the ceiling cornice. With this method, the stretch ceiling is fastened not from the wall of the room, but from a bar fixed to the ceiling. The cornice is attached to the ceiling with dowel-nails, behind the timber. Protective rings on tension material not required. The cornice itself is not visible visually, the curtains fall from the ceiling.

Note! In a room where a stretch ceiling has already been installed, the cornice must be attached to brackets installed on the walls.

Installation with glue

Modern technologies make it possible to do without drilling holes in the ceiling, which means that you do not need a hammer drill. How to fix the ceiling cornice in this case? Take advantage of liquid nails... They, according to the manufacturers, can withstand a load of 80 kg / cm 2.

Before starting work, perform preliminary preparation... The base needs to be cleaned. For a strong grip, remove old paint, whitewash or other finishing materials.

Carefully level and prime the surface. Check the base, it must be free from grease, dry and sturdy. Apply liquid nails with a snake to the cornice, then press it firmly against the ceiling.

If there is a need to adjust the cornice, slide it in the desired direction, but do not lift it off the ceiling. The glue sets in about 20 minutes, and its complete drying will occur in 2-3 days.

After reading the article, you should have a good idea of ​​how to fix the ceiling cornice using different ways, based specific situation... Having done everything correctly, following all the recommendations, you can easily install the ceiling cornice in any room.


The installation procedure for the ceiling cornice can be seen below:

The modern technology of fixing them suggests using the wall cornice. It is easily attached to the ceiling made of any material, allows you to hang curtains and curtains in several rows and is a decorative detail of the interior.


The cornice on the ceiling visually increases the height of the room and allows you to hide minor defects on the walls behind a layer of curtains. Products can be divided into several types.

By material:

  1. Wooden, combined with the interior in a classic style.
  2. Metal - sturdy cornices for modern room decoration.
  3. Plastic - lightweight and inexpensive products that can remain invisible or become an interior decoration if a baguette strip is used.

By mounting method:

  • through a hole in the tire;
  • using brackets and hangers.

By profile design:

  • single-row - have one track for attaching curtains;
  • multi-row - a system that includes from two to four tracks, which allows you to create a multi-layer composition of curtains, tulle and lambrequins.

By form:

  • corner;
  • straight;
  • rounded.

When choosing a curtain rod for curtains, you need to find out what weight it is designed for. Under significant tissue weight plastic cornice can bend, for heavy curtains it is better to use metal fasteners.

The size

The distance of the eaves from the wall should be sufficient so that the hanging curtains do not touch the window sill, window handles and radiators. When fully opened, the curtains must completely free the window opening.

Features of installation to concrete

After choosing a product, you need to decide how to fix the ceiling cornice? Installation of the product to concrete ceiling starts with markup. Then the curtain rod is cut to the desired length using a metal hacksaw. The plastic plugs included in the kit are put on the ends of the bus.

In the middle of the eaves, a hole is drilled for a self-tapping screw, and drills of two diameters are used - first by the size of the screw head, and then a thinner drill. Further, such holes are made along the entire length of the bar. Their step is 60 cm, if it is necessary to hang heavy curtains, the distance between the fasteners is reduced.

The cornice is applied to the ceiling parallel to the window opening. Through the hole in the middle, a mark is made on the ceiling and a hole for the dowel is beaten with a puncher, a self-tapping screw is screwed in. Having aligned the bar to the level, mark and drill the remaining holes. The entire length of the cornice is fixed with dowel-nails.

Installing the product on brackets

If the installation of the cornice on the ceiling is not possible, then it is attached to the wall using brackets. This is even easier to do, as there are far fewer holes to drill.

  1. All parts are assembled into a common design.
  2. The strip is attached to the wall at the installation site and the attachment points are marked through the holes in the brackets.
  3. Holes are drilled with a puncher and dowels are inserted.
  4. The cornice is screwed to the wall with self-tapping screws.

Installation to a plasterboard ceiling

There are two ways to fix the ceiling cornice to drywall:

  • Install the foundation beam during the installation of the suspended structure.
  • Fasten anchors that are long enough to accommodate 5 cm of the ceiling slab.

The light curtain rail can be simply attached to the drywall using butterfly and umbrella dowels. After screwing in the screw, this fastener opens and increases the support area. It will not hold a multi-tiered structure. For a multi-row bus, you will need to mark points on the ceiling through the holes in the cornice and drill deep passages for the anchor.

As a bookmark for the cornice is used wooden bar screwed to the ceiling. It should not protrude beyond the plane of the drywall, and its dimensions should exceed the dimensions of the ceiling cornice. Installation to a bar is carried out using the technology of attachment to a concrete ceiling, only holes in it do not need to be drilled.

How to attach to a stretch ceiling

Installation of the ceiling cornice to the stretch ceiling is quite difficult to perform, because the canvas is not designed for the load. It is necessary to plan the installation of the curtain mount in advance and fill a wooden bar in the chosen place. Its bottom edge should be flush with the stretched canvas. Marks are placed on the film at the place of the bookmark, along which the eaves strip is installed.

There is a second installation method, it is more complicated, but provides the original appearance constructions. The stretch ceiling is not installed close to the wall, but with an indentation, as a result of which a niche is formed. Its size should correspond to the size of the installed cornice. The plank is fixed directly to the ceiling slab. A wooden bar soaked in an antiseptic is stuffed next to it, 3-5 mm. A fixing profile for vinyl film is attached to it from the side of the cornice. After tensioning the canvas, the wooden block will be completely hidden.


How the assembly and installation of the plastic ceiling cornice is carried out, see below:

In a stretch ceiling, the cornice is mounted as follows:


Designers do not always consider it justified to hang curtains and curtains from ordinary wall cornices. Contemporary styles interior design offers us new solutions. The ceiling cornice, original in design, is able to confidently withstand the severity of draperies and at the same time not be conspicuous. At the same time, it will not be difficult to fix it if you familiarize yourself with the proposed article.

Ceiling cornice in the interior - Photo 1

Plastic ceiling cornice: single row, double row, three-row.

First of all, you need to think in advance what kind of curtains you are going to decorate the window of your room with. What width is assumed, what weight, in how many rows they will be located. Based on these parameters, you can choose the most suitable model ceiling cornice.

The design of these products is different depending on their purpose, therefore, the methods of fastening are somewhat different. Most models of ceiling curtain rods are made of durable PVC, but some are additionally reinforced with metal parts.

Two-row ceiling cornice - Photo 2

The inner hollow rail of the cornice can have from one to four longitudinal tracks. This allows you to attach several rows of curtains and tulles to them.

Eaves are fixed to the ceiling in several ways: directly through holes in the housing or using brackets and suspensions. You might not be in a bad position to consult with a designer on how to fix the ceiling cornice to match the chosen interior style.

Try not to use curtains that are too heavy if their weight is not provided. design features ceiling cornice.

We measure the width of the window and mark the cornice

The sizes of the rooms and the width of the windows are different for everyone, but when determining the place for attaching the cornice to the ceiling, it is advisable for you to take into account the general rules:

  • The curtains hanging on the cornice should not interfere with the opening of the window sashes;
  • The length of the curtain rod should be sufficient so that the curtains can be freely extended to the full width of the window.

Before installing the eaves, you need to completely finish the ceiling. If necessary.

We attach the cornice to a regular ceiling. Video

An intelligent person who knows how to do at least simple assembly work, it is not difficult to understand the technology of fastening the ceiling cornice. The main thing is to have on hand necessary tools... But in addition to the usual screwdriver and dowels, you will need a hacksaw for metal, powerful drill and good (sharp) concrete drills.

We fix the ceiling cornice - Photo 3

We fix the ceiling cornice - Photo 4

Get to work, observing the sequence of operations:

  1. Cut the curtain rod to a predetermined length and then, if provided by the design, connect its ends to the curved sides or plugs.
  2. Drill a number of holes along the entire length of the curtain rod with such distances between them to evenly distribute the load from the weight of the future curtains.
  3. Attach the curtain rod to the intended place for it and make notes through the holes on the ceiling.
  4. Drill holes in the concrete, insert dowels into them and fix the curtain rod.
  5. If the ceiling is wooden, it is easy to attach the cornice to it with suitable self-tapping screws.

In order not to get distorted, it is recommended that a particularly long cornice first be fixed with one central dowel, then with the side ones, and after them with all the others.

Curtains on the ceiling cornice - Photo

Curtains on the ceiling cornice - Photo Ceiling cornice in the interior - Photo Ceiling cornice in the interior - Photo Ceiling cornice in the interior - Photo

We install the cornice on the suspended ceilings

When making false ceilings many structural materials, but not all of them are able to withstand the weight of the curtain rod with curtains. For example, it is still permissible to attach a cornice designed for a tulle curtain. And if you intend to hang curtains, then you will need to pre-install wooden mortgages in the right places, to which you subsequently fix the cornice with self-tapping screws.

Create home comfort curtains, tulles, curtains help. To fasten these products, cornices have been designed, which can be fixed on the wall and on the ceiling of the room. You just need to know how to fix the ceiling cornice.

The scheme of fastening the cornice to the ceiling.

Modern products are made of high quality PVC (polyvinyl chloride). Their construction consists of a hollow bus with several cast grooves. Before the final choice of the curtain rod, you need to read the instructions for its use, where the maximum weight of the curtains that it can hold should be indicated. The same instructions should describe in detail how to attach the ceiling cornice.

Advantages of ceiling-type cornices

Ceiling cornices differ from other structures in the following qualities:

  1. They can be used to mount curtains at ceiling level, which is ideal for rooms with low ceilings.
  2. Ceiling cornices are distinguished by their relatively low cost and high quality.
  3. The ability to place up to 4 types of fabrics on them at the same time opens up opportunities for those who like to experiment with tulles and lambrequins.
  4. Ceiling models can be supplied with swivel parts and baguette covers.
  5. Such a product can be installed at any distance from the wall, which will make it possible to freely open the windows.

The choice of curtain rods for the room

Stages of installation of the cornice.

When choosing a model, one should be guided not only by the aesthetic side of the issue. It is also necessary to choose a suitable product design. By design, the ceiling cornice is single-row and multi-row. It is fastened through the holes in the tire itself, using special hangers and brackets. When choosing a product, you need to take into account the method of fixing it and know well the dimensions of the window opening.

The device should be positioned so that the curtains hanging on it do not touch the window handles, and when they are pulled apart, the window opening opens completely. The length of the cornice is usually selected so that from its ends to window slope the distance was about 30-40 cm.

For hanging heavy panels, it is recommended to purchase metal and plastic products. It is better to fix them to the ceiling through the holes drilled in the tire. If the curtains are planned to be three-layer: dense, lightweight tulle fabrics and a lambrequin, then a three-row ceiling cornice is also needed for them.

Ceiling cornice installation

The cornice is attached to the plasterboard ceiling with a butterfly dowel.

This is done most often in this order:

  1. If the workpiece exceeds the calculated length, then using a conventional hacksaw for metal, you need to shorten it to the required size.
  2. It is necessary to assemble the structure, put decorative plugs on the ends, if provided by the manufacturer.
  3. A hole is drilled in the middle of the tire for fixing to the ceiling. First, a recess is made with a large-diameter drill for the head of the self-tapping screw so that it is hidden flush with the surface of the cornice. Then drilled through hole smaller diameter for the self-tapping screw itself. Using a self-tapping screw, the drilling accuracy is checked.
  4. In the same way, holes are made along the entire length of the tire. The distances between them depend on total weight curtains. The heavier they are, the more holes there are. In wide tires, it is recommended that the holes be arranged in a double row.
  5. The cornice is applied to the ceiling at the intended attachment point and through drilled holes make marks on its surface.
  6. In the marked places, holes are drilled with a puncher for fastening dowels.
  7. Dowels are inserted into holes in the ceiling.
  8. Hooks for hanging curtains, plugs on the ends of the bus are inserted into the working grooves. All these parts are included in the curtain rod kit.
  9. The structure is fixed with self-tapping screws. The installation is complete.

Fastening the ceiling cornice directly to the surface of the ceiling, for some reason, is not always possible. In this case, use the option of fixing it with brackets to the wall. This is done a little easier, because the brackets already have ready-made mounting holes.

Ceiling cornice construction.

The ceiling cornice is attached to the wall like this:

  1. The entire structure is carefully assembled according to the attached instructions.
  2. The brackets are applied to the wall surface, the markings are made on the wall through the mounting holes. If interferes ceiling plinth, it needs to be cut off.
  3. Holes are drilled in the marked places and dowels are inserted into them.
  4. The cornices are screwed to the wall with self-tapping screws. If the product is located close to the ceiling, then it will be completely invisible from the side that it is attached not to the ceiling, but to the wall.

Fastening the eaves to plasterboard and stretch ceilings has some peculiarities. If you intend to use the product for hanging lungs on it tulle curtains, then installing it on a plasterboard ceiling will not create any problems. Only instead of ordinary dowels, special ones are used, designed for drywall. They are often called butterflies. The number of them must be calculated so that no more than 5 kg of load falls on each mount.

To suspend heavy curtains under a layer of drywall during its installation, wooden mortgages are installed, to which the cornice will be attached. Mortgages are usually made from wooden block slightly larger than the tire size. You can fix parts without pre-drilling ordinary self-tapping screws on wood.

Stretch ceiling construction with hidden cornice.

In the same way, the ceiling cornice is attached to the stretch ceiling. Only mortgages need to be installed even before calling a specialist who will carry out everything required measurements... Then the ceiling sheet can be made with special rings, through which it will be possible to attach the cornice to the wooden mortgages installed on the ceiling surface. If the stretch ceiling was installed before installing the ceiling cornice, then it can only be fixed to the wall using ready-made brackets.

Modern technologies and materials sometimes make it possible to refuse to drill any holes on the surface of the ceiling for attaching the cornice. Installing it can be done with a glue called liquid nails. Adhesive manufacturers claim that their products can withstand a load of 80 kg per square meter. see For this you need:

  1. Clean the base from the old decorative coating: remove old paint, whitewash, wallpaper.
  2. Carefully level the surface, prime and dry.
  3. Apply a thin layer of liquid nails to the serpentine cornice and press it firmly against the ceiling surface.
  4. Within 15-20 minutes, you can slightly correct the position of the cornice, but do not tear it off the ceiling. After 20 minutes, the glue begins to set, after 2-3 days it dries completely.

Fastening the ceiling cornice is not the most difficult job.

Any owner who knows how to hold a puncher and a screwdriver can handle this business. Sometimes you may need a hacksaw for metal.

Installation depends on several factors:

  • on what surface of the structure will the fastening be carried out;
  • the place is determined and prepared for the construction of the walls or ceiling;
  • surface material;
  • surface condition at the attachment point;
  • thickness;
  • the ability to choose a mounting unit.

In modern buildings, the surfaces for fastening products are multifaceted, from ordinary vertical walls and horizontal surfaces to complex geometric spatial openings in studios.

When building a house, summer cottage, office, studio, the project may provide space for curtains and the specifics of their fastening.

The material of the walls determines the structure of the fastening. Materials that are not strong enough require reinforcement of the eaves attachment structure. As an example, stones made from natural shell rock, a popular building material in southern Russia, do not have the strength of aerated concrete and the fasteners are different.

Places for curtains must be identical for uniform distribution load, otherwise, over time, distortions may occur.

The thickness of the fastening surface determines the support for the installation unit; a thin surface will not be able to support the product if the unit is not designed for the resulting load.

Fasteners can be different types, choice is determined by multiple factors ranging from economic to aesthetic.

For the device to the place intended for fastening, it is necessary to choose a product with a suitable length and design. They are always sold equipped with a fastener, you need to make sure of its functional reliability. Otherwise, the issue of finalizing the fastener assembly should be worked out.

Attaching a string product with clamps or eyelets requires the installation of terminals at both ends that can withstand a significant tension of the string.

Brackets are traditionally used for fastening to the ceiling, but fastening through the holes in the console is possible. In this case, the use of brackets is technologically similar to the installation of a cornice to a wall.

There are some peculiarities of fastening to plasterboard ceilings. In such cases use special fasteners, glue or special inserts.

How to mount to the wall

Mounting to the wall is preferable for its simplicity, ease of implementation and subsequent changes and modifications, if such actions are to be carried out.

  • The cornice should be at least 10 cm below the ceiling and protrude 15 cm beyond the side dimensions of the window.
  • A length exceeding 2 meters assumes the installation of an extra bracket.
  • Plasterboard on the wall requires the use of long fixing bolts, with a long expansion area.
  • It is important that the products do not interfere with the opening of the window.

Required tools:

  • ladder;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • hammer drill or drill;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver, hammer;
  • screws or dowels;
  • drill.


  1. Mark the drilling of the brackets installation site. To do this, using a tape measure and a level, we mark the drilling points on the wall in accordance with the bracket design and the requirements for the location of the cornice.
  2. Insert drill with dowel diameter into hammer drill or drill, drill holes in the wall of the required depth.
  3. At the drilling site, attention must be paid to the density of the wall material. If the wall crumbles from minor loads, then the installation must be carried out to the maximum depth by choosing the appropriate dowel and self-tapping screw. Insert the dowels into the holes with a hammer.
  4. Fasten the brackets with a screwdriver, and hang the console by fixing it with a screwdriver and screws.

How to attach the cornice to the ceiling

The fastening process begins with marking the places where holes are to be drilled for fastening dowels. It is important to control the coincidence of the axes of symmetry of the window and the fixture, protrusions beyond the dimensions of the window, the possibility of opening the window after installation.

The product must be fastened securely, allowing the use of curtains of maximum material weight, this determines the number of points for fixing the product to the ceiling. Consideration must be given to the density of the material and the length of the dowels and therefore the drilling depth. It is difficult to calculate, empirically it will be faster.

The tools required for fastening are similar to those used for wall mounting, only a ladder may be needed instead of a ladder.

Installation sequence:

  1. Mark the installation location with a tape measure.
  2. Select a drill, the diameter of which corresponds to the fastening screw.
  3. Drill holes in the product for fastening, wide cornices are drilled in two rows.
  4. Attach to the surface to mark the drilling location for the central mount.
  5. Drill a hole with a drill with a diameter equal to the diameter of the dowel, and drive in the dowel.
  6. Attach the console and attach it with a self-tapping screw and a screwdriver to the attachment point.
  7. Mark the holes for drilling the ceiling and drill them.
  8. Drive in dowels, and fix the product with either fixing nails or self-tapping screws.
  9. If the device is with brackets, then you must first assemble the product, and then proceed as described in the previous paragraphs.

How to mount on a plasterboard ceiling

If the ceilings in the room are made of plasterboard and the installation site during construction was not reinforced with durable plasterboard linings, then only light curtain rods with light curtains can be used. This is a prerequisite due to the fragility of drywall.

The rest of the processes are identical to those described in clause 4, with the exception of the choice of cornice fasteners. The use of special drywall screws is required.

Reinforcement of attachment points for plasterboard and stretch ceilings.

For stretch ceilings, improper installation can lead to surface damage. For plasterboard ceilings heavy eaves are not applicable. Therefore, for the device of such devices, it is necessary to refine the surface at the stage of installing drywall or preparing a stretch ceiling canopy.

All modifications are reduced to manufacturing mounting gasket that bridges the gap between drywall and ceiling panel or stretch film and solid panel. The dimensions of this product must be so accurate as not to spoil the appearance of the surface with bulges or concavities at the installation sites.

After installing such a product, the process is carried out as described in the paragraph above.


Fastening the product is an easy job, which, with the utmost care and diligence, is available to any person and the result will be a joy not only for the performer.