Tulle curtains for the bedroom. Choosing tulle in the bedroom

Some people like it when only one hangs in the bedroom, but a large and not stretched tulle along the entire length of the room wall, while others are of the opinion that there must also be curtains in the bedroom to give the room a complete look. Well, here, as always, opinions differ on two options, although wait - there are other options. For example, do not hang anything at all, or hang blinds on the windows in the bedroom.

With these thoughts in mind, we will proceed to the review of modern bedrooms. And we will learn from illustrative examples what is now in fashion among the residents, one tulle, or is it still more beautiful when the tulle and curtains are hung together.

Curtains in the bedroom without tulle

This is what the room looks like when only curtains without tulle hang on the ledge.

In this option, thick dark-colored curtains are able to protect the bedroom from the sun.

Tulle in the bedroom without curtains

Let's now look at the design of bedrooms without curtains, with only tulle. The photo shows that the residents decided not to hang curtains in the bedroom, but to hang one long snow-white tulle on the entire wall from edge to edge.

And in this version of the bedroom, it was decided to fence off only one window with tulle.

The same room, but the tulle covers the window and walls.

How to choose the right curtains and tulle in the bedroom

It is not always pleasant to watch when there are extra structures in the room and spoil the appearance. It would be better to disguise them somehow. An example of such a design is heating pipes running from the ceiling to the floor.

In the photo we see how the pipe from the battery sticks out at the very edge of the wall, and spoils the whole view for us. In such a bedroom, it is better to hang curtains for the length of the entire room. Thanks to this design technique, we will hide everything superfluous from our eyes behind the curtains.

Another example, One family wanted to hang window curtains on the side dishes in the bedroom, and the battery pipe was left open. Do you like this?

Or another picture like this, as many as two pipes stick out open, and the curtains hang only at the distance of the window. Some kind of crosshair of sticks came out from above.

In new houses, new buildings, it has become fashionable to lay plastic heating pipes on the floor. Thanks to this design, there is no pipe along the wall. And you can use in the design, different lengths of curtains.

The tulle in the room will be much more interesting to look at if it is not stretched, but has an assembly. Here's the rule to remember:

Tulle needs to be bought twice as much. For example, you are going to hang tulle all over the wall. Your wall length is 4 meters. You will need to buy 8 meters of tulle.

Curtains and tulle in the bedroom with a balcony

If your bedroom has access to a balcony, there are several design options here so that access to a balcony or loggia is available.

The first option is instead of one long tulle, sew two.

The second option is to hang a tulle, only on the balcony doorway.

Tulle in the bedroom with curtains

And now let's see a photo of how beautiful bedrooms look in ordinary standard apartments, on which tulle with curtains hang together.

Many are interested in such a question, the color of the bedspread for beds under what to choose. Mostly match the color of the curtains. The photo below shows such a selection of curtains and bedspreads.

Another example of how they matched the color of the curtains in the bedroom is a bedspread.

And in this version of the bedroom, we went the other way. They did not choose the bedspread to match the color of the curtains. The curtains are dark and the bedspread is white. But pay attention to the pillows that lie on the bed, thanks to them the whole style in the bedroom has become one.

The bedroom is most associated with relaxation, comfort and peace. But this does not mean that it is not subject to any changes. By complementing the room with new objects and colors, you will give the interior a touch of freshness, and yourself - a pleasant feeling of novelty.

Our article will help you choose tulle for the bedroom, and a selection of photos to see the fashionable design of these light curtains. If you are opposed to any changes, it is quite possible that modern ideas will make you change your mind. Those who know the secret of regular updates of the situation will be incredibly happy to get acquainted with the solutions that are relevant next year.

How to do it without much effort and expense? We offer a simple solution - just change the curtains! This element does not seem to be called a trifle, but compared to a rearrangement or repair, you see, it is a less radical way.

But first, let's figure out what criteria should be followed when choosing tulle and are there cases when light curtains do not suit your needs.

Pros and cons

We will start with the lack of this fabric, because it is one. The fact is that even a dense tulle will not give the room a 100% blackout. Therefore, if you are hypersensitive to light and sleep only in complete darkness, you should think about combined curtain options.

In other situations, tulle is the most popular option that suits:

  • each style direction - from classics to super-fashionable trends;
  • rooms with any subject content and amount of decor;
  • both spacious and small rooms;
  • windows of various heights and widths.

And everything written will be confirmed by these photos of examples of tulle in the interior of the bedroom:

And do not worry about the translucency of the material. The fabric called "tulle" was invented precisely because the French monarch wished to observe everything that was happening, while remaining unnoticed.

However, if in doubt, use two types of tulle to decorate the window - it is now fashionable, or complement light curtains with non-translucent curtains.

But there is one caveat - long thick curtains are less versatile. For example, it is believed that they are not suitable for low rooms, because. tend to burden the interior. Tulle, in turn, will unobtrusively add lightness and airiness to a room of any size.

Its obvious and indisputable advantages include a variety of colors, textures, cuts, shapes, pictures, images, etc. At the same time, we have not yet reached the design of curtains and accessories that expand such a range to infinity.

Let's take a closer look at some of the most popular varieties of tulle.

A long

Semi-transparent curtains to the floor are represented by one continuous canvas or consist of two halves. However, windows are often decorated with a large number of curtains - for example, three or four narrow canvases.

This trendy trick is very practical, as it provides easy access to a window that you probably open occasionally. And curtains of different shades will also help create a single color ensemble, for example, as in these photos.

The shape of the curtains resemble a rectangle, square, semicircle and triangle. From two or three of these types, very original combinations are obtained. Asymmetric tulle is now especially relevant and convenient for decorating rooms with a balcony door.

Important: when choosing curtains, keep in mind that a complex three-dimensional ornament on curtains does not look best in rooms with a lot of items and decor.

Tulle is monophonic, with drawings, ornaments, three-dimensional patterns or photo printing. The colors of the curtains are usually in harmony with the walls, floor, bedspread, pillows, furniture upholstery, lampshades and other interior items. With such a huge selection of curtains, you can easily pick up a solid color tulle that matches your interior.

But there is more two ways to create color harmony- curtains with an ornament (pattern) and accessories, a section about which awaits you ahead. Patterns are often located only in the lower part of the tulle, which can be wavy, sharp-angled, fringed, ruffles, etc.

If we talk about curtains with photo printing, many designers claim that they will remain in the past. But why not admire the forest landscape or a waterfall, especially if the rest of the furnishings are not full of different colors. Another achievement of civilization - luminous curtains - an excellent window decoration on the eve of the holidays.

The image on the curtains often duplicated on other home textiles in the same, as well as in an enlarged or reduced form. Small color blotches and raised patterns on a translucent background can just fit the overall tone or individual bedroom items, as in these photos.

However, if you want, add tulle with candles, cute night lights, other little things - the main thing is that you like it.

trend colors

According to the forecasts of many designers, all shades will be the most fashionable this year:

  • green;
  • gray
  • lilac;
  • chocolate;
  • turquoise;
  • blue
  • purple
  • yellow;
  • pink.

It should be noted that in the world of popular colors, two main modern trends have wonderfully combined - naturalness and unusual. It turns out that the color must certainly occur in nature and surprise.

And often, after watching the next supernova collection with beautiful tulle, one and the same conclusion suggests itself: the more fashionable the colors, the harder it is to name it unambiguously. Grey-green, blue-beige, pink-gray, somewhere between orange and brown are the simplest descriptions.

As for saturated bright red, flashy orange, etc., which are quite common in modern interiors. These designer favorite colors are not the best choice for a bedroom, according to psychologists. Due to the tonic effect, such colors are relevant for other rooms, and in the bedroom they should be present in the form of an acceptable minimum.

But, if insomnia does not threaten, and you cannot imagine a bedroom without passionate and sensual colors - act at your discretion. There are also no strict rules, according to which you must definitely opt for plain curtains.

Often in modern interiors there are curtains consisting of two or even four stripes of different colors. For example, the white top smoothly turns into the blue middle, and that, in turn, into the purple bottom. However, the blurring of borders and transitions is not necessary, there are clear stripes - vertical, horizontal and oblique.

The stripe is becoming fashionable again, but it has not been without new ideas. For example, some types of tulle curtains in the straightened state represent one color, and when shifted - another.

Short models

Along with traditional long curtains, tulle up to the windowsill is very popular today. Short curtains are most appropriate in cases where there is furniture, a heating battery under the windowsill, or, for example, children's toys are usually laid out. By the way, if the window is filled with home flowers, in this case access to them becomes much easier.

Quite often, short tulle is used to decorate a bedroom with a balcony, combined with long curtains of the same or different colors as in these photos.

The design of the curtains directly depends on how regularly you need unhindered access to the balcony. Otherwise, a beautiful, but impractical tulle will quickly become unusable - it is easy to tighten it with a door, a handle, or simply accidentally step on the edge of the canvas. An oblique tulle that covers half of the window and part of the door is another acceptable option for such a case.

Both long and short types of tulle look great with a lambrequin.


In a short time, these decorative elements have already managed not only to return to fashion, but to become its last squeak. In addition, lambrequins continue to be replenished with new varieties. Soft models, characterized by pleasant folds, if necessary, complement the color scheme of the room and give it romance or solemnity - as you wish.

Svagi, perekida, molds and frills - all these lovely details with elegant folds once adorned royal canopies. Today, they fit perfectly into classic interiors.

Modernized ones also appeared - hard lambrequins, characteristic of a more ascetic setting. They are a rectangular or figured strip of matter covering the cornice.

But the most unique variety is openwork tulle. It looks, of course, stunning, and is combined, like other types, with all varieties of tulle. But, judge for yourself by looking at the photo.


In addition to the patterns and drawings decorating the curtains, there are many additional details that can transform even the most discreet canvas.

We'll start with eyelets. They can also be called one of the methods of attaching curtains.

These are round, square, figured, wooden or plastic "rings" through which the cornice crossbar passes. They are attached to the so-called grommet - a braid that does not necessarily match the colors of the curtains.

The tulle on the eyelets is easy to push and pull. Moreover, by fixing these elements at a certain distance, you provide a greater or lesser depth of folds. The only drawback of the eyelets is that when the curtains are pulled apart, they make a kind of ringing. Other than that, it's a very handy feature. Examples are waiting for you in the photo.

In order to beautifully tie up and fix the curtains in the desired position, pickups and magnets are used. Ropes, ribbons, necklaces made of different beads - all this can be tied up with tulle at any level above the windowsill. So you create graceful folds and fix the canvas in the best way.

Magnets perform almost the same role, but, unlike pickups, they are installed and completely unnoticed. Only the result will be visible - a picturesque drapery. But if you want, the magnet will act as a miniature and graceful decor.

Other interesting accessories - braid, fringe, frills, kugels also have the ability to transform. They will play the role of finishing touches in the color scheme of the bedroom. It is also important that you can easily decorate any kind of tulle with such details, thereby providing an extraordinary window decoration.

Perhaps this is the end of our review. When choosing tulle for the bedroom, take into account modern ideas, current colors and designer advice. But do not forget about personal interests and preferences. Beauty and harmony to you! Beauty and harmony to you!

The bedroom is one of the most pleasant places in the house to create an interior. The bedroom is a symbol of calm, comfort and peace, which means that the design of this room should be taken seriously.

One of the main elements of the bedroom are curtains and curtains. The right choice of tulle and curtains in the bedroom will ensure the creation of an airy and warm atmosphere in the room.

Advantages and disadvantages of tulle for the bedroom

When choosing this product, you must consider its pros and cons. Let's start with the positives.

  1. There is a huge, materials, style and other features of tulle. And this means that the assortment of tulle on the modern market will be able to satisfy any preferences, whether it be curtains of bright or soothing shades and absolutely any cut.
  2. The tulle closes the window, and thus curtains everything that happens in the room, therefore, personal space is limited from prying eyes.
  3. This type of curtain creates a cozy atmosphere in the room and smooths out the gloom of night darkness.

And a little about the "pitfalls":

  1. Tulle is not made from the most dense material, which means that sunlight can enter the room without much difficulty. This is not very convenient for people who are sensitive to sunlight.
  2. Tulle can visually reduce the room.

Actual colors

When choosing a color for curtains, you need to consider that light materials are suitable for small rooms, for larger rooms you can use any color.

For bedrooms, calm shades are best, as they will not distract from sleep. The main rule in choosing a color is that the combination of colors should be harmonious and match other elements of the decor.

In combination with curtains, you need to determine which color will be the base and which will complement the design.

Tulle length

Long curtains can be presented in one panel or consist of two parts. This option is very convenient to use, as it provides ease of access to the window.


A dense material with a number of advantages. For example, this fabric perfectly limits the room from the sun. Despite its density, the fabric is quite dense. great for implementing any modern ideas for curtains and the interior in general.

The choice of lambrequin

In recent years, the lambrequin has gained its former popularity, and is now actively used in interior design. Lambrequin can create a romantic or solemn atmosphere, the choice of the atmosphere of your bedroom is up to you.

Nowadays, a lambrequin is most often represented by a rectangular panel covering the cornice.

Openwork tulle looks great, besides it is combined with all types of tulle.

Accessories and decor elements

Eyelets are very practical, besides they look great. They can be round, square and other shapes Grommet rings are suitable for any interior, whether classic or high-tech. The only drawback of the eyelets is the characteristic sound when the curtains are pulled apart.

Tiebacks for curtains and tulle are relevant in any season. Ribbons, chains, beads that pick up curtains look wonderful and delicate. In addition to a beautiful appearance, tiebacks play a practical role - they hold the curtains when access to the window is needed.

You can decorate the material with braid or fringe. Such an easy way will give freshness and elegance to ordinary tulle.

Curtains, as mentioned above, look luxurious.

Lightweight tulle can be gathered into folds that look very neat. Such a simple technique will provide the room with a pleasant and romantic look.

The modern market provides a wide selection of varieties of tulle for the bedroom. This decorative element is useful in practical applications, in addition, it adds a gentle look to the room. A good choice of tulle will help you create a special atmosphere in the rest room, peace and relaxation.

Photo examples of tulle designs for the bedroom

Question answer

What is the best way to combine the texture of fabrics?

If the two materials are successfully combined, tulle and background curtains will complement each other and create a finished structure that forms the overall style of the room. Here are some examples of material combinations:

  • Satin curtain and matte chiffon tulle. The glossy shine of the first material will complement the airiness of the tulle, and the tulle will emphasize the brightness of the satin fabric.
  • Mesh tulle can be framed with a natural linen curtain or curtain.
  • Bright organza combined with dark curtains forms a bright element of your bedroom. This option is important to combine with other textile elements for more design harmony.
  • Graceful guipure fabric in duet with thick cotton is a good option, creating a contrast of materials.

What tulle to choose for a bedroom in a classic style?

The classic style is not picky in the choice of colors, but the style of the curtains should not be too unusual. Most often, for a bedroom in a classic style, heavy curtains are used in combination with delicate tulle. Curtains should be made of dense material, and tulle should be in the form of a light, light-colored panel. Decorations are actively used: ties, lambrequins, cords, etc.

The fabric is most often represented by taffeta, satin, cotton or silk. Polyester and its varieties are a good option for the bedroom, as they are durable and easy to care for. In addition, in our time, many curtains are produced that look like natural silk. Affordable price and abundance of textures and fabrics makes polyester one of the most comfortable varieties of fabric for curtains.

Ask your question

You will not surprise anyone with tulle fabrics of various shades. A generation ago, in all apartments, tulle was only one color - white, which narrowed the field for experiments. But now the buyer, choosing tulle in the living room, is spoiled by a variety of color and design proposals. It's not easy to surprise him! And yet, designers are trying to do it.

In our photo selection - interesting examples of the use of tulle fabrics in the design of windows. According to fashion trends, you can refuse curtains in the living room, but not tulle!

Fashionable ways to use tulle

The classic use of tulle fabrics combines their airy aesthetic with the beauty of thicker curtains. But in modern window design, this is no longer necessary. Interior decorators offer new ways to decorate windows in living rooms - without thick curtains, only using veils, organza or muslin:

Which tulle fabric to choose?

Studying the possibilities of spectacular window design in the living room, it is worth getting acquainted with the types of air materials that are now at the peak of relevance: