Ways to store grapes for the winter at home. How to store grapes and grape leaves at home

Always nice to New Year or in March, enjoy fresh grapes grown on your site. To do this, you need to know how to save grape bunches during the winter.

Grape storage conditions

Grape berries are capricious and demanding on storage conditions - air temperature, ventilation, humidity and light. The fruits quickly deteriorate if at least one point is violated.

  1. The optimum air temperature in the cellar is 0-8°C and is maintained in the same mode throughout the entire period of grape storage.
  2. The place where the clusters are stored should be dry and dark. Excess light leads to a loss of taste. Humidity should not exceed 60-70%.
  3. The room is equipped with ventilation and periodically ventilated.
  4. It should not contain mold, fungus, insects, odors. For this purpose, sanitization is carried out in the storage - garbage is removed, the walls and ceiling are whitewashed, clods of quicklime are placed in the corners, fumigated with sulfur.

Important Points

There are many secrets and features of storing fruit crops in winter.

Grapes are kept in bunches.

During the mass collection (only in dry, warm weather with a light breeze), they try not to damage the outer wax layer that protects the berries from decay.

For storage lay the fruits of late-ripening varieties with excellent keeping quality (with thick skin and dense pulp).

Ways to store fresh grapes


Prepared bunches are suspended one by one from a string (wire) stretched under the ceiling. It is important that the fruits do not come into contact with each other and with the surfaces of the basement. A bunch of grapes is cut with a vine. A small potato is put on the places of cuts of the lash or “soldered” with wax. In this state, the grapes can be stored for 2-3 months.

In a water bottle

In this case, the bunch is cut with a long vine. The fruits themselves are hung, and the whip is lowered into a bottle with boiled water. So the berries do not dry out, they retain their taste and freshness for a long time. But with this method, you need to monitor the presence of water in the tank and periodically add it. The shoots themselves need to be cut to avoid rotting. So that the water does not deteriorate and the vine remains fresh, charcoal is added to the water.

In boxes with sawdust (shavings), straw

Most often, grapes are stored in special boxes with holes filled with dry wood shavings from hardwood or straw. Some people use cork powder, but it's expensive. Clusters are placed in rows so that they do not touch each other. The boxes are tightly covered with black cloth and placed in a dark corner. During the entire storage period, their condition is periodically checked. So the fruits can remain in a commercial form for up to six months.


Modern refrigerators allow you to freeze fresh fruits and store them all winter. Grapes are placed in containers and bags in bunches or by separating the berries from the twigs. Freezing temperature - - 20-24°С. Ripe (just picked), well washed and dried fruits are used.

Fresh grapes are an excellent delicacy, which especially comes in handy in the winter cold on New Year's holidays.

The shelf life of grapes depends on the variety. Longer stored varieties belonging to the category of medium and late ripening. Such varieties can be distinguished by elastic fruits and dense skin.

Depending on the shelf life, grapes can be:

  • with a long shelf life;
  • with an average shelf life;
  • perishable.

You can identify such properties of grapes by knowing its variety. Before buying, you need to study at least the minimum information about the variety of grapes that you plan to store.

The optimum storage temperature for grapes is between 0 and +7 degrees.. Under such conditions, the berries can remain fresh from several weeks to several months (depending on the variety and degree of maturity).

In the refrigerator at a temperature of -1 to +2 degrees, grapes are stored for several weeks (provided that poor-quality berries were previously removed). In the process of storage, bunches should be regularly inspected. When identifying the first signs of rot on the berries, they must be removed.

In the freezer, the shelf life of grapes is several months. The main condition for the preservation of taste properties is the exclusion of re-freezing after defrosting, as well as maintaining a stable temperature level. At -20-24 degrees, the berries can be stored for 7 months, after which they must be eaten. Otherwise, the taste and juiciness of the grapes will be lost.

If there are a lot of grapes, then you can store it for several months on the balcony. As a container, you can use cardboard or wooden boxes. Berries should also be regularly inspected for spoiled fruits.

How to store grapes

When storing grapes, it is necessary to carefully inspect the brushes and remove rotten, overripe or damaged berries. Otherwise, the shelf life will be reduced several times, and the process of decay will develop rapidly.

There are several ways to store grapes.:

  • in the fridge, room conditions;
  • in the freezer;
  • in dark cool rooms (for example, a cellar, if there is a private house).

The nuances of storing grapes:

  • in the refrigerator, grapes should be stored in the fruit compartment;
  • if the grapes are stored at room conditions, then they must be hung so that the clusters do not come into contact with any surface;
  • grapes lend themselves well to freezing (the berries are placed in plastic bags or wrapped in cling film);
  • dark-skinned grape varieties are more suitable for freezing (but any type of grape can be frozen);
  • washing the grapes before any storage method is not recommended (moisture will speed up the process of rotting the berries);
  • it is not worth storing grapes in polyethylene (condensate will accelerate the process of decay);
  • for storing grapes in the refrigerator, it is better to use containers without lids or paper;
  • hybrid grape varieties have a shorter shelf life (maximum of a month);
  • it is better to store grapes in bunches, without separating the berries from the branches (damage to the berries will affect their shelf life).

For the storage of grapes are used and unusual ways. For example, if the grapes are placed in a jar of water and then put in the refrigerator, the freshness of the berries will last for two months. The main condition in this case is the complete exclusion of damaged or overripe berries. Bacteria enter through liquid ripe berries and their taste will change.

Now there are grapes on store shelves all year round. But how is it stored, how is it processed, is it worth buying it for children?

Everyone who grows this crop has at least once asked himself the question of how to preserve grapes, enjoy these fruits longer. delicious fruits rather than being limited to three or four months.

In some Internet sources, there is a description of cases when the berries were saved until June of the next year.

Storage and harvesting of grapes for the winter at home

It is worth noting that the berry does not tolerate long-term storage, and therefore, in order to achieve good results, it is necessary to choose the right variety and create optimal conditions.

At home, the storage of grapes is carried out, as a rule, in the cellar. Let's look at how to store grapes in a cellar or some other suitable room.

Requirements for the premises

Fruits should be stored in a dry, clean, sun-proof room with a temperature regime of +1 - +4°C.

What should be excluded during storage:

  • sunshine and fresh air
  • the impact of these two factors reduces the quality of the grapes, under their influence, sugar is destroyed and the acid content changes, as a result of which the taste is lost; - sudden changes in temperature;
  • moisture and dampness in the room.

Cleaning of premises before storage

The walls of the storage facilities, before laying a new crop, every year, are treated with lime, the premises are treated to disinfect, prevent the appearance of mold and fungus. For processing, sulfur dioxide or formalin is used (30 ml of formaldehyde per 1 square meter area, followed by airing in a day) or fumigated with sulfur (using 40 - 45 g of sulfur per cubic meter of the room, followed by airing).

To reduce air humidity, you can put a container with dry quicklime, charcoal or salt.

Storage methods

The most common method of storage at home is by hanging it in a whole bunch by the stem of a comb or with a small piece of vine. The advantages of this method is that the clusters are always in sight. Conducting an inspection once a week or two, it is convenient to inspect them, remove spoiled berries. Minus - you can’t hang a lot of bunches in this way. It should be remembered that it is necessary to hang them so that they do not touch each other.

Another way is to store grapes on the vine.

During the harvest, the grape bunch is cut off with a piece of vine in such a way that one eye remains above the bunch, and a shoot 20-25 cm long is below.

We lower the shoot with a brush into a container of water, and so that there is no need to change the water often, we add tablets or pieces of activated charcoal. Please note that the clusters should not come into contact with each other or with the walls of the dishes.

What to do if it is not possible to store in a vault or cellar? Or, for example, you are just going to buy berries in season and are wondering how to save them longer. Exit - store in the refrigerator.

Before buying, be sure to inspect the fruits, crumpled, rotten, wet should not be taken.

Pack up in packages. It is absolutely not worth washing or rinsing before packaging, excess moisture will contribute to the development of harmful microflora.

It is better to choose a place on the shelf for vegetables and fruits, where the temperature is kept within + 1 ° C.

If the berries were taken out for food, but some remained after dessert, put them back in the refrigerator as soon as possible and consume them first.

Storage of grapes in production warehouses

When there are a lot of berries, no one will be engaged in hanging and storing on the vine, in such conditions it is better to store in special low boxes. The bottom of the box wakes up with sawdust or peat, then they are stacked in one layer of bunches and again wake up with sawdust or peat. It should be noted that the material for spilling must be dry, without mold and odor.

To prevent spoilage of berries and the development of harmful microflora, the room is fumigated with sulfur once a week (using 2–4 g of sulfur per 1 m3 of room area, followed by airing every other day).

Industrial storage uses sodium or potassium metabisulphite for storage.

The powder is mixed with the material, which is poured into clusters at the rate of 20 g per 6-8 kg of berries or poured in a thin layer on the bottom of the box between two layers of paper.

Grape varieties for storage

For long-term storage, varieties with good keeping quality are suitable.

These are varieties of medium and late ripening, their berries have a strong skin, pruin bloom and fleshy pulp.

In our catalog you will find Lily of the valley, Anyuta, Moldavian cardinal, Original pink, Rainbow FV 6-3, In memory of a negrul, Manicure finger. All of them are suitable for long-term storage.

Freezing grapes for the winter

Frozen grapes are a tasty and healthy treat.

Have you ever tried freezing it? Frozen grapes - refreshing, it contains the whole complex of vitamins and minerals.

But before the freezing process, the fruits are thoroughly washed.

How to wash grapes

We examine the berries, removing spoiled ones.

We place the bunches in a colander and rinse in cool running water (if washing running water not enough you can use a solution of baking soda or salt.

Never use soap or detergents.)

Let excess water drain.

Wipe gently with a clean towel to remove excess moisture.

We separate the berry from the comb.

How to freeze grapes:

We put a clean, dry berry on a baking sheet or plate sent with waxed paper, and place it in the freezer. After complete freezing, pour into plastic bags and close tightly. Remember! Grapes absorb odors.

Thus, the crop can be stored indefinitely.

For freezing it is better to choose seedless varieties.

Frozen grapes are versatile. It can be thawed and consumed fresh, or in a cocktail or to decorate various dishes.

Grapes have beneficial properties for the human body and a pleasant taste. You want to keep them fresh for as long as possible, so that in the cold season you can replenish your supply of vitamins. Not any variety is suitable for such purposes, but the process itself has many features and tricks. How to properly store grapes so that they do not lose their commercial and taste characteristics over a long period of time?

The density of grapes, the degree of their ripening, the level of sugars contained in them, greatly affect the duration of successful storage. For laying for the winter, experienced growers advise using varieties with medium or late ripening, the fruits of which have a dark color and are covered with a thin layer of spring.

It is this substance that protects the grapes from excessive evaporation of moisture, damage by pests and mechanical damage. For bookmarking for long-term storage, moderately ripe loose brushes are selected. Bubki should be firmly attached to the stalks, not have damage and signs of disease. The higher the sugar content of grapes, the longer it will be able to maintain its characteristics.

For winter storage, professionals recommend the following varieties:

  • Moldova;
  • In memory of Negrul;
  • Senso;
  • Moldovan Black;
  • Muscat of Alexandria;
  • Alden.

Clusters of grapes of these varieties are not prone to fungal diseases, retain their wonderful smell and taste characteristics for up to six months, and also do not change their original color for a long time. Also, these varieties are suitable for transportation over long distances.

Long periods for the successful storage of grapes are not guaranteed only good choice varieties. To achieve maximum results, it is necessary to strictly observe the conditions of agricultural technology and adhere to the recommended rules for collecting fruits. Constant and strong moisture at the end of the growing season is not in the best way affects the safety of fruits, therefore, 1.5 months before it is planned to harvest a ripe crop, watering the plants is completely stopped. This will make it possible to increase the amount of sugars and reduce the amount of excess fluid.

To increase the shelf life of the crop, about 25% of all clusters are deliberately removed in advance. If this procedure is not carried out, then the grapes will begin to crumble, become lethargic and unsuitable for long-term storage. Properly and timely applied top dressing also affects the safety of the collected brushes.

It is better to fertilize vineyards with phosphorus-potassium fertilizing, since the introduction of organic or mineral components with a high nitrogen content will not bring the expected benefits.

It is necessary to introduce preventive measures for grapes against fungal diseases in time, since the affected clusters should never be sent for long-term storage. Ripe grapes should be harvested on a dry and sunny day. Tassels after cutting from the bush are quickly hidden in the shade. It is impossible to carry out work early in the morning or in the evening, because just at this time there is heavy dew.

If it is planned to store the grapes in a hanging position, then the bunches should be cut with a small piece of vine up to 9 cm long. Only tassels with a stalk are put in boxes. When cutting brushes with fruits, it is impossible to damage the wax coating on them, therefore it is advisable to wear gloves when working and try to touch the fruits less with your hands.

Storing grapes for the winter at home

At home, keeping grape brushes until the very cold weather is not so simple. It is required not only to grow and correctly assemble high-quality blanks, but also to conduct a series preparatory activities. First of all, they carry out a thorough inspection of the bunches, with the help of tweezers remove berries that have signs of spoilage or are simply dry. In order not to shorten the shelf life of grapes, in no case should they be washed before being stored.

The storage for the winter is prepared in advance, since the fruits are capricious and need special conditions. If the house has a good basement, then the humidity inside it should not exceed the recommended parameters. Otherwise, you cannot send grapes there. The storage provides good ventilation, sometimes it is necessary to organize ventilation so that there is no increase in dampness and the appearance of fungus.

If in winter period temperature indicators drop to negative levels, then additional warming will be required, because for the preservation of grape fruits, a mode from +1 to +8 C should be maintained. This temperature ensures maximum safety of the fruit.

With an increase this indicator fruits quickly lose their moisture reserves and begin to dry out. Humidity is recommended to be maintained at 80%. If this figure exceeds the recommended value, then it would be nice to put a bucket filled with sawdust, charcoal or quicklime in the corner.

To prevent the formation of mold, the walls of the storage for grapes are whitened with a solution of quicklime. To prevent the appearance of pests, the premises are fumigated with sulfur. All work must be carried out a month before the harvest is planned, otherwise the grapes may be poisoned chemicals. Harvest is not recommended to be located near products with a sharp and strong smell or vegetables from which excessive moisture is released.

If the harvested crop is small, then it can be stored until winter in jars filled with clean water.

For this technique, the brushes are cut along with a branch of the vine, the larger end of which is dipped into a bottle of water, fixed at a certain angle so that the bunch can hang freely. So that putrefactive processes do not begin in the water, one tablet of acetylsalicylic acid or activated carbon is thrown there. In order for the vine to better absorb trace elements and nutrients from the water, a new incision is periodically made on it. Subject to the above recommendations, grapes are stored for at least a couple of months.

The harvested crop can be stored in a large spacious room on a wire. To do this, twist the tails with twine and tie the tassels in pairs. After that, the grapes are hung on a tightly stretched wire, thick twine or pole. To prevent contact grape brushes suspended, the height of their attachment should not be the same.

Aesthetic external data and original taste are stored for about 3 months, but how long exactly this period will be depends on temperature indicators and the established humidity in the storage. It is recommended to lay cellophane or burlap under the grapes so as not to trample on the falling fruits. If this is not done, then there is a great risk of the appearance of a vinegar fly, which spreads bacteria to a healthy crop.

For the storage of grapes, boxes are also used, the bottom of which is pre-lined with sawdust.

The thickness of the layer should be at least 2 cm. The folded brushes should not touch the neighboring ones. The container is filled to the top, alternating layers of grapes and sawdust. Sawdust is poured on top, and a lid is placed. It is not worth covering the box tightly so that the air exchange processes are not disturbed. It is not recommended to use sawdust from coniferous trees, because they negatively affect the taste characteristics of grapes. If possible, replace sawdust with cork powder.

Can be built for storage bunches of grapes wooden shelving, the depth of which will be about 75 cm, so that it is convenient to inspect and remove the brushes. The distance between the shelves is left within 30 cm. The bottom is lined with straw ash, which will serve as an additional antiseptic and help protect the crop from common diseases and pests. The grapes are folded in one layer, with the ridges away from you. This procedure makes further examination of the brushes more convenient.

Can it be stored in the refrigerator?

Storing grapes in enclosed spaces(cellars, glazed outbuildings, balconies) does not always give a positive result, especially if you need to store berries for a long time. This is explained by the fact that under the current conditions it is very difficult to maintain a constant level of temperature and humidity, as well as to fight pests and pathogens.

In the case when the crop is small, there is a real opportunity to store it in the refrigerator, where it is quite easy to provide the best storage conditions. Industrial refrigeration units allow you to control not only the temperature, but also the gaseous medium. At home, it is enough to organize temperature regime at the level of 0 ... +2 C, and maintain humidity not lower than 90%. Subject to these parameters, fresh fruits are stored for up to six months.

Before being sent to the refrigerator, the grapes are in no case washed and wrapped in cellophane. The brushes are folded up with scallops, not allowing them to touch each other. Fruits can also be placed in the freezer. It is believed that grapes of dark varieties fresh retain their qualities better than light ones; any varieties you like are suitable for freezing.

Repeated exposure to low temperatures should not be allowed.

Before being sent to the freezer, the brushes are washed, allowed to dry, the berries are carefully sorted and laid out on a tray. All this is sent to the refrigerator for a couple of hours, then for half an hour in the freezer. Grapes are taken out, packed in bags or containers and immediately sent back to freezing.

The temperature there is kept at -24 C. If you need to defrost the berries, then they are placed in water heated to room temperature, for an hour and immediately eat. Also, for defrosting, the product is placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for the night, as a result of which the whole process will proceed more slowly, and the taste will be better.

Long-term storage of grapes leads to evaporation of moisture and drying of the berries, as a result of which they become not so sweet and tasty. You can get out of this situation if for 10 seconds. dip the fruits in sugar syrup (20%), then immediately transfer to ice water and wait for it to cool completely.

If the temperature in the room tends to rise, then in order to keep the fruits of the grapes longer, it will often be necessary to inspect it and remove the damaged fruits. It is recommended to raise and lower the temperature in the storage using vents. When this indicator approaches a negative mark, it is necessary to organize warming up.

When storing the harvested grapes on the shelves, it is inspected by gently lifting it by the tail. Those brushes that are suspended on ropes or a vessel with water are not touched once again. When examining bunches stored in boxes, it will be correct to lay them out in a clean bowl. If the owner is sure that the recommended storage conditions are observed in the storage, then it is better to limit yourself to a superficial inspection and not to disturb the delicate grapes.

If mold is found in the room, they immediately organize thorough ventilation and fumigate the basement with sulfur. It must be remembered that grapes cannot be stored in the light, as they can lose their taste and unique aroma.

Growing grapes can bring not only good harvest but also an unforgettable pleasure from this process. But for this you will have to try hard and make sure that vine successfully coped with the autumn and winter cold.

If you do not want to get less and less harvest every year, and then plant a new vine at all, then you will need useful advice below.

The effect of frost on the condition of the vine

Prolonged and intensifying frosts have an extremely negative impact on the vine. If you do not take appropriate measures, then you can not only lose the next crop, but also completely destroy the vine.

  1. Destruction of perennial sleeves and annual growth of grapes. This is a very common situation and can result in them stopping active germination. Their place can be taken by shoots from shoots and dormant buds, which delays the process of obtaining the desired crop.
  2. Destruction of the above-ground part of the grapes. It occurs quite often and has serious consequences in the long term. It pleases that root system could not be affected by frost, so it will continue to support the growth of the vine.
  3. Destruction of kidneys with increased fertility. Instead of the process of rapid flowering, new shoots will appear. As a result, lost time and poor chances of getting a harvest.

There is also a danger of destroying not only the above-ground part of the grapes, but also the root system. In this case, you can not even dream of any harvest, and attempts to rectify the situation will lead to nothing. This is considered the most critical damage to the vine.

Even less frost-resistant grapes need proper care, not to mention those varieties that cannot cope with frost on their own.

The first thing you should do is to carefully inspect the grape bush. If you come across damaged, diseased and old vines, then they must be removed immediately. Those branches that have already managed to please the grape harvest should also be removed, but after some time. Ideally, at the time of the appearance of the first frost.

The resulting time will allow the grapes to get stronger and gain the necessary nutrients, which will significantly increase its chances of successfully resisting frost. Otherwise, he will be more vulnerable.

Special attention deserves cataract, which will allow deep roots to get stronger and take root.

To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Dig a small ditch around the grape trunk (up to 20 centimeters).
  2. Remove all roots that are on the same level as the main root.
  3. Prepare copper sulphate and process slices with it.
  4. Fill the dug ditch with dry sand.
  5. Loosen the soil around the grape bush and pour plenty of water.

The last thing you need to do is water the vine well. Experienced summer residents and gardeners call this process moisture-charging irrigation. Optimal time for such irrigation - the end of October or the beginning of November. If October is rainy, then water-charging irrigation will not be needed. Immediately after this, the shrub should be covered.

How to prepare the vine for the winter and what to look out for

Proper preparation for winter is considered:

  1. Regular inspection of grape bushes for the presence of fungal infections.
  2. Timely removal of damaged and dry branches.
  3. Treatment of the vineyard with fungicides (it is recommended to increase their dosage after harvest).
  4. Carry out top dressing with mineral and organic fertilizers.

It is advisable not to delay the shelter of grape bushes. The more carefully they are covered, the more nutrients will be spent on strengthening vital processes. Temperature also plays an important role. A warm shelter will better prepare the grapes for the upcoming frosts.

Pay attention to whether the wood has matured. Greenish wood not only cannot cope with winter conditions, but it will also create a lot of problems for another part of the grapes through the appearance of fungal diseases and mold.

Mature wood is brown in color and may crack slightly when bent without warping. A vine with such wood has a good chance of becoming immune to even severe frosts because it retains warmth.

What you need for mature wood on the vine:

  1. A suitable grape variety that is able to ripen quickly under the climatic conditions of your area.
  2. Maintaining the health of the grape bush.
  3. Removing redundant and damaged branches.
  4. Tracking the load of the vine. An overloaded vine noticeably delays the process of wood aging.
  5. Fertilizing grapes with the necessary fertilizers from potassium.
  6. Nitrogen fertilizers should be applied until mid-summer. Otherwise, the grapes will begin to spend their energy on creating excess green mass.
  7. Carrying out a thorough autumn chasing (cutting shoots over the fifteenth sheet).

Important note! Minting should be done only after the growth of the vine has begun to slow down. The straight tops of the grapes indicate that the growth process has begun to degrade. If they are bent, then you need to wait a little more.

After the final pruning and trimming, it is necessary to ensure good cover grape bush. It should be carefully bent and tied in such a way as not to deform its branches. Taking into account the changing weather conditions, the shelter of the grapes may occur on different calendar days.

It is not necessary to rush to the grape bushes to shelter them from the first frosts. Such hardening will only benefit them, because the vine will noticeably get stronger and get a certain resistance to cold.

Those shoots that you cut and pre-treated blue vitriol, should be placed on the ground and fixed with brackets. This must be done with extreme care. It is better if there is a litter of dry branches and leaves under them.

From above, wooden shields with beekeepers can flaunt. This will increase the space around the stems and become additional protection from frost. After that, you need to cover the shields with any waterproof material. For example, polyethylene or roofing material. Be sure to throw dry branches or a small amount of earth so that the material is not blown away by the wind.

Summing up

Caring for a grape bush is a very difficult task not only for beginners, but also for experienced gardeners and summer residents. The main thing is the sequence of actions and work on conscience.

With the passage of time and the accumulation of experience in this area, you can be sure that you can prepare grapes for the winter, both with proven methods and with your own methods.