Types of structural plaster for interior work: advantages, disadvantages, photos. How is structural plaster applied?

Are you tired of the standard commonly used finishes? various surfaces? Do you want your home to look trendy, stylish and modern? Then structural plaster will come to your aid.

This coating can imitate natural stone (torn, marble, sandstone), brickwork, mahogany, expensive fabric. We will tell you about the types of structural plaster, how to prepare it and apply it with your own hands in this article.

Types of coatings with a pronounced relief

Structural plaster- heterogeneous composition of a granular nature, containing various fillers ( quartz sand, mica, stone chips, wood fibers). It is used to give the surface a decorative look.

Thanks to different technology applying a structural coating, it harmoniously looks in the interior of any room

A plaster mass is made on the basis of a cement-lime composition, synthetic components, silicates. In appearance, the structural coating is a white plastic mass. The mixture is applied to the walls with a layer of a certain thickness, and then processed with special tools until the required pattern is formed.

Examples of wall relief - the technology of applying the solution is different

Structural plaster for facades - moisture and weather resistant coating, resistant to abrasion, designed specifically for decoration external walls buildings, basements. It is made on the basis of dispersion, silicone resins, silicates, or mineral additives. The coating can be applied to brick, aerated concrete, concrete, plaster with a brush, spatula, roller. Its varieties are mineral plaster, "bark beetle", "crocodile", "lamb".

On a note: high-quality structural plaster for outdoor use retains its decorative and protective properties for up to 10 years.

Decorative structural plaster for building decoration from the outside does not fade, and the color of the coating can be changed over time

Structural plaster for internal works- a thin-layer coating that is applied to brick, concrete, wooden walls, drywall. It allows the walls to "breathe", can be cleaned and washed, and is unpretentious in maintenance.

Modern decorative mixtures are able to imitate almost any coating, ranging from tree bark, to snakeskin, silk cloth, torn stone, marble (Venetian). More about how silk plaster is applied - instructions:

Making a solution with your own hands

A mixture that can be used to decorate walls, a ceiling, is sold in ready-made or you can make your own. How is structural plaster made?

At home, you yourself can prepare a mixture for textured finishes from simple building materials. For this you need:

  • 6 kg of dry putty;
  • 200 g of glue;
  • 2 liters of water.

First, putty and water are mixed. Then glue is poured into the solution, mixed and applied to the surface. A pronounced surface texture will be obtained due to the addition of a certain fraction of a filler to the mixture. To imitate sandstone, a grain of 0.3 mm is used, the pattern of wild stone is recreated using a filler with a fraction of 1.5 mm. For bark beetle plaster, grains of 2 mm are used, and to create the effect of tree bark - 3 mm.

Important: the ratio of filler to binder (gypsum, glue) - 3:1.

An easy way to create relief using structural roller for decorative plaster

Ways to create a decorative relief

The method of applying structural plaster depends on its type and the desired effect. To work, you will need the following devices:

  • a tank for diluting the mixture;
  • trowel, trowel, scraper;
  • spatulas different types;
  • mixer.
For your information: regardless of the type of plaster being applied, the surface under it must first be cleaned, leveled and primed.

Instructions on how to apply "bark beetle", do-it-yourself structural plaster - video:

Spray method

Plastering is carried out with a broom and a stick. In one hand they hold a broom, and in the other - a stick. The tip of the broom is dipped into the solution, and then it is hit on the stick so that the spray hits the wall. Spraying is performed in 2 layers.

An example of how to make a “fur coat” structure with an ordinary broom

Creating a relief with a trowel

First, a continuous base layer of plaster is applied over the entire surface. When it dries, they begin to apply the second layer, immediately shaping the patterns, drawing the trowel in different directions. An example of how to apply structural plaster in the video:

Creating structure with a brush

The freshly applied layer of plaster is carried out with a metal brush, forming thin chaotic lines. When the coating dries, small particles are removed from it with a soft brush.

On a note: this structure otherwise called "bouffant".

A simple technique for creating a "bouffant" relief - do-it-yourself structural plaster, photo

Stamping with a roller

Another way to get an interesting structure is to use a relief roller. It can be sold with a ready-made applied pattern, or you can create the texture yourself.

Idea: if you wrap the roller with thick threads, when applied, the plaster will imitate grass stalks.

Technology of structural plaster relief "grass" using a roller:

There are many ways to apply relief. Would you like to learn more about how structural plaster is applied? Video tutorials will help you with this:

Structural plaster belongs to the category of finishing coatings. And if the coating plaster is used only to level the surface and prepare it for subsequent processing, then structural plaster in addition to this is itself top coat.

To form the necessary surface texture, a coarse-grained filler is introduced into the composition of a conventional plaster mortar (based on lime, cement or acrylic). The grain size is selected depending on what the plastered surface should imitate. For example, for bark beetle-style plaster, it is recommended to use filler with a grain size of about 2 mm.

If the grain size does not exceed 1.5 mm, then the plastered surface will resemble an untreated stone, and with grains of no more than 0.3 mm, sandstone imitation is achieved.

Strengths and weaknesses of structural plaster

Structural plaster has a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. Ease of application. The mixture is characterized by high plasticity, due to which it is perfectly applied to any surface.
  2. Thanks to the texture, it can hide small defects surfaces.
  3. High strength. The hardened layer of structural plaster perfectly resists chips, scratches and other mechanical influences. This ensures a long service life of such a coating.
  4. Can act as an insulating layer.
  5. Does not change its performance in a wide temperature range (from -50°С to +75°С).
  6. Thanks to the ability to vary the color and texture of the surface in a wide range, structural plaster will fit into any interior without any problems.
  7. Supports the microclimate in the room (structural plaster breathes thanks to micropores). At the same time, it absolutely does not absorb moisture, so it is very easy to clean it from dirt.
  8. The color of the plaster can be changed at any time by simply painting the hardened plaster.
  9. Enough low price.

Structural plaster is practically devoid of flaws. It can be noted that it is very poorly washed off, therefore, before performing work, all surfaces that cannot be plastered should be carefully isolated.

What type of structural plaster to choose

Structural plasters are sold ready-made, so the choice of a specific mixture is determined by the result to be achieved and the conditions in which the work will be performed. If the work will be carried out indoors, then preference should be given to a water-based plaster mixture. Such a solution will not affect the well-being of residents in any way. Solvent-based solutions are recommended for plastering exterior walls or non-residential, well-ventilated areas.

With regard to the size of the aggregate, it must be remembered that fine-grained plaster after application to the wall looks almost even, it can be used if you plan to apply patterns with a roller later. Mixtures with coarse-grained aggregate form beautiful pattern from chaotic grooves (depending on the method of application).

The base color of all structural plasters is white. The required color is given either by introducing a dye into the solution, or by painting the dried layer of plaster.

In addition, there are mixtures based on a mineral base (cement, lime is used as a binder), based on synthetic latexes and using potassium silicate. Latex plasters must not be applied to surfaces treated with a dispersion or water-based primer. For coatings containing sand, it is better to use mineral structural plaster.

Structural plastering tools

To perform the work, you will need tools such as:

  1. Hammer.
  2. Bucket for applying plaster.
  3. Plumb.
  4. Level.
  5. Spatulas.
  6. Master OK.
  7. Rule.
  8. Roller with a pattern, brushes to give texture to the surface of the plaster layer.
  9. With a large scope of work, it is recommended to use a plaster gun.

Do-it-yourself technology for applying structural plaster

Its strength and durability depend on the quality of preparation of the base for structural plaster. Therefore, on preparatory stage you need to thoroughly clean the surface of the walls from dirt, dust, you may have to remove some of the weakened material, and repair large potholes. At the same time, it is not necessary to strive for a perfectly flat surface; structural plaster will mask minor defects.

Before directly applying the plaster, the prepared surface is covered with a deep penetration primer. The main purpose of the primer is to strengthen microcracks and ensure optimal adhesion of the plaster layer to the wall surface.

To prepare a structural plaster solution with your own hands, you just need to pour the finished dry mixture with water in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements and mix it manually or with a mixer. Before applying the mortar to the walls, it should stand for about 10 minutes, after which the mixture must be re-mixed.

The plaster is applied in layers, the first layer is sprayed, after its application it is necessary to quickly level the surface and corners. After that, you need to wait for the setting of the layer. At the second stage, a covering layer of plaster is applied. After applying and leveling it, you need to wait until the solution begins to set and wipe the plaster. At the last stage, the master's imagination is practically unlimited, and he can create any surface using a conventional spatula, brush or textured spatula.

If it is not planned to apply structural plaster to the ceiling, then it is recommended to start work from the top of the walls.

Fully structural plaster will harden in 1 - 2 days. After that, the combs must be sanded, and dust and dirt from the surface of the plaster should be removed with a damp cloth or sponge.

Properly applied structural plaster with a well-chosen color scheme can rightfully be considered a real work of art. Combining all the advantages of conventional plaster (such as strength, durability, environmental friendliness, etc.), they fit perfectly into the existing interior and are a premium level finish in their own right.

Structural plaster has a number of features and advantages over other building materials used for interior decoration. It is applied to any surface: concrete and brick, drywall and wood, etc.

The surface on which there is a lining is very resistant to mechanical damage, such as: impacts, cracks, scratches, etc. In addition, such plasters can also withstand various temperature changes, from minus fifty to seventy-five degrees! But this plays an important role in the areas in which they can be applied.

Due to the fact that there are micropores in the decorative structural plaster, the most favorable microclimate is provided indoors.

Structural types of plasters are highly plastic, which is why any, even the most complex texture, can be reproduced on ceilings and walls. And if you do redecorating istokexpert.ru/remont/ indoors, it can be easily repainted with a different shade or color.

Such coatings are easy to care for. After all, they do not let moisture through. And this means that you can safely do wet cleaning, while applying special means from household chemicals.

Application of structural plaster

First you need to prepare the surfaces by removing dirt, dust, etc. from them. Next, eliminate the flaws and defects, this applies to cracks or potholes. Of course, if very subtle irregularities remain on the wall, this is not scary. After all, structural plaster is able to hide them. Therefore, it is quite easy and simple to do all the work to eliminate defects with your own hands.

After that, the surface must be primed. And to facing material clung to the base as efficiently as possible, you need to take a primer of special, deep penetration. If we talk about walls made of wood, then for it the primer should be mineral.

To make the work more reliable, after the primer has completely dried, an additional layer of primer paint is applied. With the help of it, the joints at which the sheet bases (from gypsum board, chipboard, etc.) are connected to each other will be even more reinforced.

After carrying out the above work, you should prepare plaster mixture. This is done strictly according to the instructions indicated on the packaging of the material.

It is necessary to mix the dry mixture with water well using a special construction mixer, or a drill, on which a special nozzle is put on. After this mixing, let the mixture stand for ten minutes, then stir again.

Structural plaster must be applied from the upper parts of the walls, unless the ceiling is covered with this material. If you apply the material to the outer parts of the corners, the plaster must be applied to both parts of each corner, and then finished with a corner trowel.

By spraying, you need to apply the first layer of plaster. It needs to be leveled and shaped cornices, corners. After this layer has set, apply a second layer, smoothing it immediately.

When this layer is already a little seized, use rollers to make various reliefs and any texture. But with a notched trowel, you can smooth the surface by applying patterns of geometric shapes or just circular ones. To do this, you can use sponges and brushes.

The desired texture is also made if you choose a material with a certain content. For example, from the popular types of structural plaster, bark beetle, the grains are two millimeters, but to make the effect of tree bark, you need to take a material in which the filler is three millimeters. Accordingly, your interior will be the most unique!

When the pattern was applied to the surface with plaster, let it stand for eight hours, but for it to completely harden and harden, it will take two days. After that, you need to sand the combs and remove dust with a damp sponge.

As a rule, textured types of plasters are on sale white color. To give a different color, a separately purchased dye is added to it. It is advisable to buy it from the same company as the plaster.

So that you are not disappointed with the color scheme, try applying the material to a very small area.

In addition, you can paint the surface after it hardens. Using a rubber sponge, you can create smooth transitions. And dry surfaces are covered with wax. Look at the selection of photos of structural plaster, how diverse are the ways of decorating interiors with this material!

Structural plaster - 25 photos

Today, during repairs, often craftsmen opt for decorative structural plaster. Thanks to its special composition, it protects the surface, allows air to circulate, and also gives a special, unique, original relief.

Meaning and features

In addition, depending on the manufacturer and type of material, the composition may include wood fibers, mica and quartz.

They are used during the finishing of the room. At the heart of the coating is a fraction of stone chips.

If you use the smallest fraction, the surface will be even, but still, you will see small textured elements. If a plaster is applied that contains slight granulation, finishing will have an embossed finish.

It is optimal to carry out internal work with medium granular fractions. They lie flat on the walls and create an incredible pattern.

The color of the plaster is usually white, but not many consumers are satisfied with this. The desired shade can be given with your own hands. To do this, professional pigment is sold in stores, it is selected according to color scheme premises.

A small amount is enough to make the color brighter, the shade is adjusted as the pigment is added to the mixture.

Structural plaster can be distinguished from other analogues due to:

  • source material and color;
  • viscosity;
  • obedience of the mixture;
  • stability of the finish coating;
  • ball thickness;
  • freezing speed.

Most often, future repairmen purchase ready-to-apply mixtures that are sold in a plastic container already packaged.

The composition may include mineral components or synthetic materials.

Depending on the components included in the composition, the mixture will perform different functions. For example, the more minerals there are, the easier it will be and easier for the walls to “breathe”.

They pass steam quickly enough, but they often need to be further treated with paint or other coating to improve technical performance.

Also currently on the market is a wide variety of dry mixes packaged in paper bags.

To use them, it is enough to dilute with water.

If you pay attention to polymer plaster with special components and purchase it, you will soon realize how it is impact resistant high humidity , contributes to the death of fungi and stops the formation of mold.

Color abundance can be obtained in several ways:

  • during production;
  • before applying;
  • after you applied.

The first option is the most convenient to use, because. no special required careful preparation , as for the latter, it can be purchased, as a rule, in the form of a regular white paste, which will be colored in parallel after the creation of structure and complete solidification.

For more information about structural plaster, see the video:


Structural plaster composition is characterized by a number of advantages that successfully distinguish them from a long list of other types of plasters. Below are some of the main benefits:

  • versatility. It is used not only for interior, but also for exterior decoration;
  • lightness . Ideally contacts, and lie down on any surface. It has good adhesion to cement, brick, concrete, wood and other surfaces that require treatment;

  • masking flaws and irregularities. Creates a perfectly even coating on any wall;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • ease of cleaning the surface from any contamination. In this case, the plaster will not suffer at all. Cleaning is carried out with cleaning and detergents containing no solvents;

  • susceptibility to temperature fluctuations. Ideally tolerates fluctuations within +38 and -55 ° С;
  • the material is very plastic. Due to this, it is very easy to apply it to the surface, it creates an original relief;
  • coating strength. Air circulates in the walls, they seem to “breathe”, which will prevent the formation of fungus;
  • perfect relationship between price and quality.


Despite the fact that there are so many pluses, there is still one minus: a very high price. Not every resident of the country can afford to carry out such interior decoration.


Despite its versatility, structural plaster can also be divided into different types. Most often, they differ from each other in the composition of the main ingredients.. The leading positions in the market are occupied by the following types.

It is used during interior work.

Its main ingredient is cement, so you can purchase the mixture in dry form, then it must be diluted with water immediately before application.

The only minor inconvenience while working with these components is the need for surface staining of the topics. paintwork material what you have chosen. It is rational to apply it on any surface: concrete, wood, brick, metal, it is not exposed to water.

The composition included individual elements that prevent the known blur, thanks to this, the treated surfaces can be cleaned with water. Such a composition is an ideal heat insulator, moreover, it is consumed quite economically.

It is used for exterior and interior decoration.

Its use is as simple as possible, the material has a unique adhesion to the mineral surface, regardless of its type.

Any wall can be treated with plaster, it is not affected by temperature changes and moisture, but it can deform and lose its original characteristics during exposure to sunlight. This is why it is inferior to the mineral and silicate counterpart.

Plaster is a versatile finishing material that can be used for exterior and interior work.

It is characterized by excellent elasticity and adhesion. Well complements almost all types of surfaces.

In addition, you will never notice dirt and dust on it, they simply do not accumulate there, and those that do get in are easily removed using a damp cloth. It is characterized by a huge color variety. This makes it easier for customers to choose, many colors are also divided into tones.

The basis of the plaster may include water or a solvent.

It is worth looking at what you want to get as a result. If you do not know how visually your room will look after applying structural plaster, be sure to look for relevant photos on the Internet or in special magazines.

Among the whole variety of finishing materials for construction in the domestic market, the most popular is the Rotband putty from the well-known company Knauf. Plaster is high quality and reliability.

Wall decoration, which is carried out outside, plays a huge role and is considered one of the main stages of work. By clicking on, get acquainted with the wall facade panels.

The screed is an obligatory component of the structure of any floor, which is located under flooring and ensures durability and resistance fine finish. you can learn how to properly screed the floor.

In addition to all the drawings, you will find application techniques and even step by step instructions to create decorative flowers and other geometric shapes that visually can be similar to a high-quality 3D print.


Not enough money to buy a ready-made composition in a specialized store? Do not be discouraged, because armed with some knowledge and skills, putting them into practice, you can make good structural plaster.

  • the basis is to take a lime-cement mixture. In addition, you can not do without gypsum or clay. Natural solids are added to this mixture. It can be a shell crushed into crumbs, stone chips, sand particles, and even special flour;
  • if you chose acrylic resin as the basis, which is not so easy to use, it should be mixed with synthetic granules required sizes or crumbs at the stone;
  • basically, the craftsmen themselves mix plaster from a cement-lime or clay composition, all because necessary components will always be available for purchase.

It is also necessary:

  • surely those who have encountered repairs are aware of the existence of M400 cement. Directly, he will be most suitable for the implementation of the intended goal;
  • to create plaster for you can't do without notice. But, remember that it is worth acquiring only slaked or bringing it to such a modified composition on your own;
  • when choosing sand, stop looking at river quartz. Often consultants offer to purchase orange sand, but it contains clay impurities. Before adding the component, it should be sifted, the more times the better;
  • when preparing plaster, you cannot do without water, but do not rush to run to the bathroom, it is better to go to the nearest spring and draw water from there.

To speed up the process, you can add a little glue or gypsum to the composition. If you want to achieve a result exactly the opposite (for example, while drawing a three-dimensional decor), a few milliliters of detergent are added to the future mixture.

It is not enough to know what materials are needed; if the sequence and proportions are not observed, a positive result should not be expected. The material volume is calculated in individually. But, nevertheless, it is worth taking the proportion as a basis: 1x3x0.7, where the first number is cement, the second is sand, and the third is lime.

Lime is prepared as follows.

The quicklime mixture is poured into a metal container, filled with water so that the upper ball is completely covered, the lid is closed and an additional load is placed on top.

During the reaction, a large amount of heat is released, which provokes the appearance of numerous vapors. After some time, the resulting mixture should be filtered through layers of gauze and leave the resulting solution for another 24 hours.

"What should be the ratio of sand and cement?" - the answer is simple: regardless of the area, connect these two elements 1:3.

Surely there are those masters who are ready to argue and say that it is more rational to take the ratio 1:6 as a basis, but if you put this knowledge into practice, they demonstrate that in this case you will create a low-elastic plaster, which will be very difficult to work with.

After completing all the previous steps, start introducing decorative particles.

Dry components are poured using mortar, which is mixed to a homogeneous consistency. The plaster, which will eventually turn out, will remind you of light gray water.

If you dreamed of a completely different shade, add some mineral coloring pigment.

Visually see

If you want to see what options for structural plastering are offered by leading international companies, be sure to watch some of the videos that are presented on this channel.

There you will find a detailed discussion of what Rollputz Structural Plaster is, as well as a video on useful equipment that you will need during the application of the plaster.

You will find information and detailed acquaintance with Triora “lamb” structural plaster here:

If you do not know how to properly apply structural plaster, this video will help you:

The main thing here is that not only the composition of the acquired material is taken into account, but also the technique of its application, various inaccuracies only make the result more attractive, this is how a unique finish is obtained.

Modern version decorative coating walls or facades, which is used by more and more people is structural plaster. In this article, we will consider the characteristics and types, advantages, features of choice, as well as the technique of application.

Characteristic features of structural plaster

The popularity of using structural plaster is provided by a variety of color shades, as well as the ability to create any texture. Such a solution will always suit any interior and style of an apartment or a country house.

According to its structure, plaster is made from dyes of a heterogeneous mass and various fillers. Regarding the latter, the composition may contain used mica, quartz sand, as well as various mineral additives. In some cases, wood fibers or silk threads are also added.

Structural plaster gives appearance and texture due to the heterogeneous granular mass. Usually, decorative mixture It is made on various bases, for example, on mineral (also called cement-lime), synthetic latex or potassium silicate. All fillers are made on solvents, for example, on water or organic. For interior repairs, it is recommended to use plasters made with aqueous solvents, as they are odorless and do not emit chemical substances in room. For facade decoration organic mixtures may be used.

One of the features of the plaster mass can be plasticity and versatility with respect to the use of various kinds of finishing tools. Convenient is the fact that the mixture does not need to be dissolved or mixed with other materials, because all products are sold in a homogeneous mass of about 15 or 25 kg.

Classification of structural plaster

Structural decorative plaster is usually distributed behind the base into the following subspecies:

  • plaster with a mineral base is a composition made on cement, produced as a dry mixture that needs to be processed and prepared for repair;
  • silicate is a mixture based on potassium silicate. Such plaster can be applied immediately, only pre-mixed and tinted;
  • latex, produced as a material with synthetic additives and is the most common type.

For craftsmen, it is important to remember that plasters based on mineral additives are dissolved with water, and other mixtures with the help of various kinds of solvents. All compositions can be used, both during internal work and external, only it should be remembered that the mass based on water has no smell.

Choice of structural plaster

The scope of different types of structural plaster can be distinguished by the following parameters:

1. Structural mineral-based plaster is recommended for painting the facade of a house, because its main quality lies in thermal insulation properties.

2. Mixtures based on latex additives are resistant to excessive moisture. According to their structure, they form a waterproof surface, and therefore they are best used in bathrooms, which is most effective. Such plaster is not used for external works. Some of the manufacturers make the mixture only for interior work.

3. Silicate-based plaster is practical to use when finishing the facade. It has specific features, such as resistance to direct sunlight, as well as various kinds of natural influences.

It is worth noting that all types of plaster are quite plastic and it is effective to work with them, because they have a lot of advantages.

Benefits of Structural Finishing

It is not necessary to buy structural plaster for painting a room so much, because it is distributed along the wall in a thin layer, so the material consumption is low. However, the approximate square on the package should be increased by 15 - 25 percent, because not all manufacturers act honestly. It is worth noting that plaster has a lot of advantages:

1. For wall decoration are used various materials. Many people use wallpaper, but there are enough advantages in plaster that the choice was made in its favor during repairs. A wide variety of manufacturing technologies and decorative paints different colors and shades allow you to make the rooms look individual, and the low price is an additional advantage of this processing method.

2. Plasters are divided into facade and interior. But there are universal options that can be used in both cases. According to the type of binding material, they are divided into organic and mineral. Plasters can range in price, but keep in mind that they are more durable than wallpaper, which will reduce the cost of repairs in the future.

3. The quality of the offered plaster today is much higher than before.

4. A lot has appeared various kinds plasters, for example, Venetian. It consists of marble dust and water emulsion, in some cases slaked lime. Granite dust can also be used. This transparent plaster allows you to create realistic imitations of textures. Effective View it has to simulate marble. Appearance stucco does not differ at all from real marble. Time-tested, it has proven its moisture resistance and durability.

5. Plasticity - distinguishing feature these plasters, they can be applied with any tool. Also thanks to special additives, they can be washed and cleaned.

6. The advantage of plasters is that they can be applied to any surface. They also perfectly mask surface imperfections: cracks and dents.

7. Another nice feature of the plaster is that it is compatible with all types of insulation systems.

A large number of advantages is a weighty argument in favor of its choice as finishing material for walls, and lower prices for trendy looks plaster makes them even more affordable. Thanks to plaster, you can not only change the color of the wall, but also change its texture, relief, and even imitate noble rocks.

Structural plaster application technology

The list of works on the distribution of structural plaster with your own hands includes a certain sequence:

  • preparation of any surface;
  • application process;
  • the formation of textures or patterns.

Given the factor that structural plaster will be able to hide the main defects and irregularities, nevertheless, before repair work you need to prepare the wall for work. This is especially true for walls made of concrete or brick. Consider all the stages of application in detail.

Surface preparation before applying plaster

Before applying plaster to a wall or other surface, it is recommended to prepare the base. Given the factor that the mixture can remove all errors, it is still necessary to pay attention to the consumption of structural plaster material. The price of such a mixture is still higher than the usual one, so it is important that the surface is already perfectly even. So, the preparation is as follows:

  • it is recommended to remove paint, tiles or wallpaper residues;
  • apply standard plaster mass on the work surface;
  • examine the surface for fungus or mold, and in a positive result, be sure to treat it with antifungal agents. With a huge affected area, treat the walls again to completely get rid of bacteria;
  • after that, check the walls for bumps and bumps. With a large amount, re-apply the plaster layer and try to level the wall;
  • all work is carried out in a standard manner using different mixtures. If the wall already matches good looks, it is necessary to apply plaster again, but of a certain type as a basis for structural.

After completing all the steps, you can apply structural plaster to a wall or other surface. It is important to bear in mind that the silicate substance is based on special red dyes based on quartz sand.

Application of structural plaster

Before starting work, it is important to cover all open surfaces, floors and ceilings with other material:

  • plaster has the feature of increased adhesion, which will make it difficult to remove it from other surfaces;
  • the mixture can be applied in several layers, depending on the consistency of the mass;
  • final touches are formed with a roller or special tool for texture, which will give a certain pattern to your room;
  • the more layers are distributed over the wall or ceiling, the more embossed the texture becomes, but in this case, all other layers should be thinner than the previous ones. In practice, about two or three layers are applied.

As a rule, plaster is applied with a roller in a top-down position. Otherwise, the mixture will splash over the already applied layer, which will create defective areas that are difficult to fix.

The choice of patterned textures

When choosing a texture for a room, you can see the structural plaster photo, which is presented in the article.

For example, it is quite possible to make an antique wall or display an antique marble coating, and so on. Also, possible installations can be wood-like, leather-like or abstracted walls.

In stores, you can offer services for the artistic application of plaster. Professionals and specialists will reflect all your desires, turning interesting patterns into reality. Of course, the cost of such services is not small, so most people prefer to do everything with their own hands.

Like all other materials, structural plaster has some features when working with it. Suggest a couple useful tips to help make your work easier and more professional. Before starting work, it is important to close all free spaces with oilcloth or paper so that plaster does not fall on the floor or ceiling, and then do not tear it off the surfaces.

Also, it is recommended to make a trial application of the mixture on another material. After that, wait until everything dries so that you can see the real shade of the paint. Having chosen the most suitable for you, you can start applying plaster over the entire surface. All this is necessary so that your expectations are justified at the end of the repair. To better understand the work process, you can watch a video instruction from famous masters about structural plastering.