Meditation - Forgiving yourself (for women). Meditation "Awakening the Inner Goddess"

Women have 90% female and 10% male energies, while men have the opposite (according to other sources, this ratio is 60 to 40). If it is much more or less, this is already too much.
What is it and how does it manifest itself in our lives?
Women with a predominance in the masculine side are endowed with an excess of masculine energy, respectively, they behave like men, think like men, look at the world like men. And what's wrong with that, you ask, because acting like a man means being active, purposeful, achieving your goal at all costs, going ahead, being a leader, an organizer, and so on. But these are the qualities of a man. For a man, this is their nature, for them it is easy and natural to compete, to lead. Remember how males behave in nature, competing for the attention of a female, leading in packs. And for the soul in the female body, such a position is an incredibly difficult and heavy burden. A woman with her inherent softness and anxiety of thought begins to quickly deplete, taking a masculine position, her psyche quickly gets tired, her female intuition becomes dull, life's luck leaves her, because with all her actions she tells the Universe - I will achieve this myself, I myself will achieve everything. So she pulls this cart herself, loaded with vital concerns about herself, children, and also puts her husband on this cart. Domestic violence often arises because of this: after all, a husband does not beat a woman, he beats a man in a skirt, who is a kind of competitor for him, who does not allow himself to be active in life or make decisions, but takes over all male functions.

Initially, girls from childhood grow up with a predominance of masculine qualities, for which there can be many reasons. This is also the wrong upbringing, when parents set the primary goal for their daughter - an excellent study, in order to have a prestigious and high paying job. Often mothers say to their daughters: "You must learn not to depend on anyone and be independent." And practically no attention is paid to the development of female qualities and the role of wife and mother in the family. Another reason for male-female disharmony is that the girl imprints the image of her unhappy mother, who leads and pushes her husband around, does not put him in a penny. Therefore, the daughter has a picture of the weakness of men: how can such men provide for a family, you have to do everything yourself and rely only on yourself.

Therefore, our task now is to become women ourselves, to comprehend our feminine essence, the female Share and teach this to our daughters and granddaughters, since a woman creates peace in the family. It is from female energies that a family is created, a woman fills her family with her energies. The climate and atmosphere in the family depend mainly on the condition of the woman, and the breakup of the family is essentially the decision of the woman. Even if a man has found himself another, this is not only his responsibility, but also the responsibility of a woman. Men are very rarely the initiators of divorces, and mistresses are often made precisely because of the lack of female energy, which his wife does not give him. Female energy is a means for a man to earn money, so you can take it personally when complaining that your husband earns little by asking yourself the question: how much female energy, attention, care, love do I give him for this?

The fact that a man is made by his woman is an indisputable fact. Therefore, dear women, look at your man. If he doesn’t suit you in some way, then ask yourself: how much I am a true woman, how feminine qualities are manifested in me, do I always behave like a woman. If you are still with this man, then there are reasons for that, among which may be your low self-esteem, and your undeveloped femininity. As you begin to develop your femininity, your husband will either begin to become a real man, or you will naturally break up if he is not ready for change. Remember one important thing: do not try to remake others, take care of yourself, develop feminine qualities in yourself, and the world around you will begin to change!

Meditation on awareness of your femininity:

Put on calm, pleasant music. Meditation is done in the supine position. Bend your legs at the knees. Place your hands on your lower abdomen, palms down. Left hand above. Close your eyes and relax. Feel the warmth emanating from your palms and filling your uterus. Imagine the whole room is filled pink. Breathe in and feel the pink fill your womb as you breathe in. And exhale all your clamps, resentments and irritations. With each breath, you are filled with pure, pink energy and dissolve all adversity with it. And breathe them out. Now imagine that you are lying in a marvelous garden. Birds of paradise and many flowers sing all around. A warm breeze envelops your body, and light floral aromas reach you. Feel what these smells are, it can be a gentle naive aroma of a tea rose, or a mysterious aroma of jasmine, or any other one coming from your wonderful garden ... Breathe this aroma through the womb and fill with it. With each breath, it fills your uterus, gradually filling your entire body. This is how the ancient priestesses filled themselves. Now you are one of them - the Goddess of love, who has access to the invisible laws of this world. Fill yourself with this fragrance. Feel how your whole body now radiates this fragrance. Stay in this state for a while and gradually open your eyes. Roll over on your stomach and rise like a cat. Do everything smoothly and calmly. Under no circumstances jump up abruptly.

Do this every day, at least for 28 days (or better, of course, use it as a daily meditation, you can do it before bed). And you will be very surprised at the miracles that will begin to happen in your life, as well as special attention by the men.

Meditation to increase female energy:

The main female meditation on the disclosure of the feminine energy center– “Goddess Heavenly Lotus”

This meditation will help you become aware of your feminine center, your feminine essence. It will make it possible to start changes in the hormonal system, increasing the amount of female hormones and start producing large quantity pheromones that attract men to women. This meditation allows a woman to accumulate female energy, increasing her energy attractiveness for men, to maintain youth, beauty and health.

Posture: This meditation is best done in the “two moons” position. Sit with your legs crossed to form one moon. Round your back a little. Lower your chin slightly, the top of your head looks at the sky. Place your hands on the lower abdomen, almost on the pubis. Left hand on top. You should be comfortable in this position. If you feel more comfortable, you can lean on something with your back, but do not fall through your back. Check that there is no tension in the shoulders. If it is still there, raise your shoulders as high as possible and hold them like that for half a minute and then release them, and they will relax on their own. Relax your stomach.

Close your eyes.
See and feel your body, the floor you are sitting on, how it presses on your buttocks. See and feel the big toe of your right foot. See and feel the left thumb. See and feel the thumb right hand. See and feel the big toe of your left foot. See and feel your crown. And now you can see and feel how a funnel of light appears above your head. A stream of light from the sky descends directly on the top of your head. Start inhaling light through the crown of your head. Light white light through the top of your head fills your head with each breath, removing unnecessary thoughts. Washing and cleansing it. Light light washes your face, removing tension from your forehead, washes your eyes, relaxing them and soothing, washes your cheeks. Cheeks relax. A light, pleasant light flows onto your chin, washing it and relaxing it. A light pleasant light fills your mouth and relaxes your tongue more and more. The tongue lies relaxed on the palate near the teeth. You may feel a slight current of energy through your tongue.
A light, pleasant light relaxes the tongue even more and descends in a soft stream onto the shoulders along the back of the neck. We continue to inhale the light, pleasant light with the crown of our head and, in a light, pleasant stream, it spreads over the shoulders, relaxing them. With each breath, the light more and more fills our shoulders and washes the forearms with a soft stream, descending into the elbows, wrists and filling the hands. Our hands are filled with a light, pleasant light that we breathe in through the top of our heads. And this light washes away all tense, dark, unnecessary things from our hands, removing tensions in contacts with men and women from our lives.

We inhale a light, pleasant light with the top of our head, and, washing our shoulders, it begins to spread over our back and chest and fill our torso with a light, pleasant relaxation. A light, pleasant light fills our body more and more, relaxing it, washing our internal organs, removing everything dark and unnecessary from them, healing and rejuvenating them.
Allow light light to penetrate through the diaphragm into the abdomen and relax it, washing out tension from it, washing it, cleansing the intestines. We inhale light pleasant light through the top of the head, allowing it to fill the muscles of the buttocks, ovaries, uterus.

Continuing to inhale the light, soft, pleasant light through the top of your head, let it, filling your body, descend into your thighs, washing them, taking away everything unnecessary, everything tense and filling them with a light, pleasant light. A light, pleasant light fills our thighs and then flows down to the knees, washing them with light, healing them, and flows down to the shins and calves. The shins and calves are filled with a light, pleasant light, more and more relaxing.
We inhale a light, pleasant light through the top of our head, and it fills our body more and more, flowing down and filling our feet to the very tips of our fingers, washing our body, healing it, washing away everything dark, unnecessary, tense.

Our body is completely filled with light, pleasant light. There is so much light in the body that our body begins to emit light through the skin outward, filling the space around us with a light, pleasant light, filling it with light. Our body and the space around us will be filled with light more and more, healing us, rejuvenating and relaxing more and more.

And in this state of light, pleasant relaxation and light, feel and see the palms of your hands and, perhaps, you will feel a light, pleasant flow of heat coming from your hands to the lower abdomen. Let the light, pleasant flow begin to fill your belly with light, pleasant warmth more and more.

Warm, pleasant relaxation fills your stomach more and more. And perhaps in this warm, pleasant relaxation inside the abdomen, you can see and feel and become aware of your female center - your womb. It can be an image, a thought, a sensation, a sound, a pulsation. Just keep your attention on your feminine center and the warmth from your hands down your belly.

What is your women's center? How she looks like? What does she feel? Maybe she wants to tell you something? Or maybe you would like to talk to your women's center? Ask about something or ask for help. Now you can do it... The answer can come in the form of an image, a feeling, a thought, a symbol, a word, a state. Remember this. And when you're done, thank your women's center and smile at her. And when you're ready, take a deep breath in and out and come back to the here and now. See and feel your feet, hands, shoulders, back, hips, head. Gently stretch your whole body. Smile at your body, thank it for helping you, and open your eyes. Do not rush to get up, allow yourself to enjoy this state of touching the sacred female center and its energy. When you're done, draw your feminine center as you saw it in meditation. With this image, you can always return to the state of being in the women's center. This amazing experience of your feminine essence.

By doing the “Female Energy” meditation, day by day and step by step, you will increase your female energy in yourself, allow female energy to rejuvenate you, heal and restore your soul, which will certainly attract the attention and admiration of men in your address. Your female energy will become completely controlled by you. You will learn to receive help, support and confidence in your feminine beauty and feminine charms from your feminine energy.

Meditation "Female Energy"

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What is the inner man and the inner woman? This is definitely real people, people with their feelings, thoughts, attitudes, ideas about something, with own attitude to life. And, if the life values ​​that guide the inner woman do not coincide with the inner man, this is quite understandable. As well as vice versa. A simple online meditation of the inner woman will help ladies who use spiritual practices to deal with their desires and attitudes, as well as correctly prioritize and discover the true femininity in themselves.

Self meditation inner woman - relaxation for yourself

Each person needs to know exactly the qualities of his own character and his own life programs. If in a person his inner man and inner woman speak the same language, understand each other, live in a single system of values ​​and do not conflict, this means that this individual is able to build harmonious relationships with a loved one. In other words, the consonance of the inner man and woman provides a person with external harmony with his sexual partner.

But, if inside the subject there is a constant struggle with himself, constant contradictions tear him apart, and his inner man and inner woman diverge in their views on life, this makes it possible to say that this subject is unlikely to be able to create a full-fledged relationship with a partner. This is a misfortune, and it concerns both men and women, but, in my opinion, there are still more women, because by their nature they are aimed at family relationships, for life in a couple, so meditation is an inner woman for modern ladies is very relevant.

Powerful meditation for women - a moment of self-forgiveness

Free self meditation Forgiving yourself is a real gift for women who are closed, do not find the strength to rise above everyday difficulties and daily worries and become the only full-fledged mistress of their destiny. The model of relations between the internal man and woman dictates to the subject his gender role, and the model of relations with a sexual partner. At the same time, it is impossible not to pay attention to the individual development, or ontogenesis of the subject, therefore online meditation the inner woman can also be considered as one of the moments of dialogue with oneself. Such meditations are very relevant for modern women.

I recommend to my readers that before you start building relationships with a partner, you need to reveal yourself to yourself. You need to get to know your ego, your inner man and inner woman. Give an adequate assessment of how harmonious with yourself. Self-forgiveness meditation is an effective helper for women who have not yet fully recognized themselves.

There are a lot of stresses and experiences in the life of any woman, it just so happened that the beautiful half of humanity takes everything closer to her heart. Sometimes a lady can suffer for years because she did something bad, it can destroy her from the inside.

To prevent this from happening, one should, of course, refrain from committing evil deeds.

But often guilt can torment even because of something insignificant, and a special meditation technique, which will also be useful for serious deeds.
Forgiving yourself

The meaning of this meditation is to separate from yourself the part that has committed evil and talk to it. So you can see yourself from the outside and forgive. So, first prepare yourself for meditation as follows:

  • Find a place where no one will bother you, turn off the phones.
  • Turn off the light or make it soft, you can light candles.
  • Light a scented lamp, add a few drops there essential oil with your favorite relaxing scent, like lavender.
  • Turn on suitable music.

There is a lot of special music for meditation on the Internet.
After you have done all this, proceed to the meditation itself. Make yourself as comfortable as possible, lying or sitting with a straight back, relax, feel safe. Close your eyes. Imagine a beautiful place where you feel good and comfortable - it can be a seashore or a sunny forest edge.

It is not necessary to represent a real place, you can come up with an area in which you will be calm. Immerse yourself in your feelings, believe that you are there, feel the breath of the breeze, the gentle rays of the sun, the rustle of leaves high above your head or the roar of the surf.

After that, feel how something torments you, feel all the resentments that lie inside you and prevent you from enjoying life. Pull it out, visualize it. You can imagine that it looks just like you. Now talk with this burden, understand which of these resentments are for others, and which are for yourself.

Make an effort and understand that this is not evil, that the circumstances just happened. Give him your name and tell him that you forgive him for everything by naming situations. Have you hurt your parents? Forgive yourself.

Yelled at an impudent saleswoman? Forgive yourself. quarreled with your husband? Forgive yourself. After this conversation, switch your attention to your breathing, feel how a place has been vacated inside you, how something that weighs on you has gone. Fill this void with light and joy, imagine how the golden energy of happiness flows into your body through the back of your head and fills every cell of it. Tell yourself you love yourself and open your eyes.

To completely forgive yourself and let go of all grievances against yourself, not everyone succeeds the first time. Do this practice regularly, and then after a while you will feel liberated and will be able to truly enjoy life as in childhood.

popular way

Another way to forgive yourself is to repent. Take a piece of paper and write down the points that torment you. But before writing down your bad deeds, be sure to make an inscription on top of the sheet: “I, (name), forgive myself for “...”.

Once the list is complete, please contact higher powers ask them to forgive you and help you forgive yourself. It is good if at this moment you sincerely cry - cleansing comes through tears, but even if not, this method still has a strong effect.

At the end, give a leaflet to one of the elements - burn it, bury it, drown it in water, or let it go in the wind, having previously torn it.

You can combine such repentance with another meditation that will help you let go of internal grievances and get rid of guilt. Take a comfortable position, relax, imagine yourself on the beach or river. warm water touches your feet, caresses your skin, the sun fills you with light and warmth. Take a deep breath.

You should feel how a lump of resentment that sits deep inside disturbs you. Imagine how he goes outside and becomes a small child who smiles and acts very cute. Talk to him. Tell him that you are not angry with him, that you will never offend him in your life.

Promise that everything will definitely be fine, that now you will live differently, happily and calmly. Now take a few more deep breaths and imagine how resentment and dark energy fly out of you with each exhalation. Breathe in the pure sunlight, smile and open your eyes.

Beauty, health and the realization of all desires in a woman's life depend on the fullness of energy. Every day this precious feminine power is depleted. Work, childcare, socializing with unpleasant people = rapid loss of energy. Stress and conflict exacerbate the situation. It's good that there is a pleasant way to replenish inner strength These are meditations for women.

It's hard to believe that a simple practice can drastically change your life. I thought so too, until I started practicing different techniques. But life itself forced me to work on myself. It is very difficult to change something in your habits, way of thinking. But, oddly enough, negative events in life can push for change.

Four years ago I started a losing streak. It's like your whole life is falling apart. At that time, I did not accept my appearance - life in society brings a lot of complexes, if you do not work on it. Psychological discomfort jammed with sweets, ice cream, any sweet. Problems with weight began, only in six months I recovered by 7 kg. Skin problems joined them: the face was covered with a mass of acne and pustules. In addition, I felt exhausted, as if I was already over 40, in my 24 years. Job problems started. And on top of that, my boyfriend dumped me (due to the fact that I gained a lot)!

I was lonely, depressed, it seemed to me that life had lost all meaning. This made me look for ways to get out of depression. After spending many hours looking for something valuable on the Internet, I began to collect the most useful techniques. I put them into practice right away, there was no time to postpone.

Why is it good for women to meditate?

It would seem that meditation is useful for women. For those who have never tried meditation, it will seem like a waste of time. In fact, this is the path to yourself.

  • Peace and tranquility in the soul. Without peace, there will be no health and beauty. Restless thoughts themselves climb into the head, you need to make an effort to get rid of them.
  • Women's strength. This is the same energy that is needed not only by the girl herself, but also by her entire family (she feeds her husband and children with her energy). A devastated girl, even the most beautiful looking, will look bad. And vice versa.
  • Health. Health is closely related to the hormonal functions of the body. Their work is disrupted by stress, dissatisfaction with life. Finding calmness during meditation creates the basis for well-being.
  • Achievements of goals. A girl filled with power is able to work miracles. With one word, she can bring good luck into her life, and the life of her man.
  • Self-development. Without awareness of oneself, one's nature, one's place in the universe, there cannot be a full-fledged personality. Man was born in order to realize who he is and why he was created. To develop their abilities and help others in this. woman meditation helps to realize oneself not only as a body, but also as a soul.

Everyone can and should meditate, regardless of age or other characteristics. The main thing is to create a pleasant atmosphere, put the phone away, remove annoying factors.

Technique 1. "Pain Relief"

Meditation for women in the morning brings energy for the whole day. Still no worries, no phone calls, the situation is the most favorable. I had only one problem during the morning practice - I sometimes fell asleep. But I found a way: immediately after waking up, I took a contrast shower. It's refreshing, and you don't want to sleep anymore. So the technique:

  1. Sit or lie on the floor, feel the relaxation. Walk all over the body, keeping your attention on its individual parts. Stopping your inner gaze on each organ, feel the warmth in it.
  2. Imagine that you are in a mountain valley. Before you are landscapes of extraordinary beauty. Green meadows, snow in places, and mountain peaks stretching into the sky. Take a deep breath of pure mountain air. Feel the touch of tender grass at your feet.
  3. Go ahead, along the path escaping into the distance. She led you to the lake of healing. The purest water The lake has an extraordinary effect: it takes away the negative and fills it with healing power. Get in the water.
  4. You're already waist-deep in water. Take a couple more steps. Look at you, you've become transparent. Water shines through in the body of the disease, energy clamps. Look at your stomach: what is there? Resentment against oneself, fear of life, pain from betrayal. Imagine that negative emotions, in the abdomen, turn into a black stone. Now, it's time to let him go. Watch how it dissolves in water. The stone crumbles into black sand, which disappears at the bottom.
  5. Work in the same way on the solar plexus, chest, throat and head. If desired, you can stay longer on a particular organ. After cleansing, dive head first into the water. Now, those places where there used to be tension and pain will be filled with living water. It will fill every cell of the body with healing.
  6. Open your eyes. Stretch and start your day with a smile.

Technique 2. Forgive yourself

Personal development stops when she experiences guilt. For me, the constant feeling of guilt was the norm. Now, I understand how this emotion is harmful. Self-forgiveness meditation is especially beneficial for women, who blame themselves more than men. Technics:

  • Take a comfortable position. Close your eyes. Look at yourself with an inner look, what are you now? What did you achieve and what did you have to give up? How many wrinkles appeared on the face?
  • Now let's start going back to the past. For 5, 10, 15 years. Remember what events were so important. How much pain had to endure over the years. Go back to when you were 5 years old. Look at this little girl. What does she wear, what does she look like? Look into her eyes. What does she tell you? What is he afraid of? What is he dreaming about? Tell her how much you love her and are ready to be with her always. Hug the baby and tell her that you forgive her for everything that she will do in the future.
  • Say goodbye to the girl and promise to visit her more often. Open your eyes, straighten your back and smile at yourself in the mirror.

Technique 3. "The revival of self-love."

Meditation on self-love should be done by a woman at any age. Only by loving ourselves, we can count on the same feeling from others. Men feel insecurity and not love for themselves in their beloved intuitively. They cannot show warm feelings until you yourself allow yourself to be loved.

  1. Imagine that you are in a clean white room. In front of you coffee table, on which there are many vials. They different color and forms. Take one of them. Open the vial.
  2. Elixir of youth in a bottle. It was collected especially for you by fairies in the valley of immortality. Rub the elixir on your forehead. Feel your skin tighten and smooth. Then lubricate the face, the area around the eyes, the neck. The liquid was quickly absorbed. Now your skin glows with health and youth from the inside.
  3. Take another vial. It contains the power of love. She Pink colour, glows brightly in your hands. Place this elixir in your heart. Let it be more and more filled with love and compassion with each beat. The heart also began to glow with a pure pink light. Direct this beam to any problem that is bothering you. It will dissipate under the bright stream of love.
  4. Take the third vial. There is gratitude. This is your energy, which you can give to anyone. It glows with white light and sparkles. Think about who you are grateful to in life, who has done so much for you. Give each person a few drops of this wonderful elixir. Leave the last part to yourself. What are you grateful for? What actions do you approve of?
  5. Open your eyes, take a deep breath.

Technique 4. “Filling with the power of femininity”

Meditation text for women:

  1. Take a comfortable position. Close your eyes. Mentally go through the whole body, through each of its organs. Paying attention to the parts, direct a ray of light on them. Let it dissipate the clamps and discomfort.
  2. Imagine yourself in a clearing of an endless forest. Birds are chirping, butterflies are flying around. The breeze blows over your body, bringing coolness. walk through blooming glade and pick flowers. They exude an extraordinary aroma, inhale it. Roses, lilies, jasmine. Choose the ones you like. Weave them into your hair. They will give them strength, silkiness, shimmering shine.
  3. Walk forward a little. In front of you is a waterfall in which water of all colors of the rainbow flows. Get into the water and stand under the stream of water. The water falls gently and caresses your entire body.

  • Yellow color saturates you with cheerfulness and kindness.
  • Green - heals the body and soul.
  • Blue washes away all resentment and irritation.
  • The red color sparkles, the drops look like flames. It inflames your sensuality and sexuality.
  • Blue - dissolves all your pain that you had to endure over the years.
  • Pink is warm and rich. From contact with rose water, the whole body seems to bloom. Be filled with tenderness, affection and love.
  • The last color is bright white. It glows, clears all space. Fill yourself with this color. It symbolizes purity.

Open your eyes, feel what has changed in you. How the state of mind has changed. Whenever you are tired, return to this source of life and fill with its energy. Now you know how to find inspiration and creative power in life. . Meditations for women will reveal your best qualities.

The light of your eyes filled with love will conquer the heart of anyone. Now you know how to live a fulfilling life. Don't forget to practice every day. Use all 4 techniques, when you master them, develop further. There are many other techniques on the site. Remember, your happiness and development in life depends on you.