The story of how a sunflower appeared on earth. Sunflower Love Tale! Fairy tale story "Journey of a Petal"

To the question a story or a fairy tale on the theme of the journey of seeds, given by the author flush the best answer is What the heck?

Answer from suck[newbie]

Answer from Elena Novichenko[guru]
One day a small bird was flying and holding a few sunflower seeds in its beak. She flew to feed her little chicks, but did not hold all the seeds in her beak and one fell into the ground. Here lies a seed and thinks: “How is it? Together with my brothers and sisters, I grew seeds in a large beautiful sunflower, and now I lie alone in the ground. I am now unnecessary to anyone, I won’t see anything now, it’s good that at least the bird didn’t eat me. Lying and bored. It began to rain, watered the seed, and then the sun came out, warmed the seed and it became interesting to him what was going on up there. The seed stretched up to the sun, stretched, stretched and ... a small green sprout appeared from under the ground. It was he who began to grow from our seed. The seed-sprout looked around, he liked it above the ground, the sun warms, the breeze blows. And the sprout began to grow upward. It grows, reaches for the sun, the rain waters it with water, the sprout is good. Soon our sprout turned into a stalk, and every day it became higher and higher, new green leaves appeared on it. A few weeks later, a large yellow bud grew on the stem, the petals of the bud began to slowly bloom, and now a beautiful sunflower flower raised its head to the sky to the sun. “Oh, what a beautiful sunflower I have turned into!” thought the former little seed. Soon inside big flower a lot of white-green seeds appeared, the seeds ripened and became black. The sunflower shook his head, smiled at the sun and thought: “How amazingly this world is arranged! More recently, I lived quietly with my brothers and sisters seeds in a large beautiful sunflower. A bird flew in, grabbed me in its beak, but could not hold it and dropped it to the ground. Then I sprouted, turned into a sprout, then into a stalk, grew, grew and became a big real yellow sunflower. Now I myself have a lot of many small black seeds, which will soon scatter somewhere and grow from them large beautiful sunflowers, similar to small suns.

How to come up with a fabulous story about a wild or cultivated plant?

    I want a fairytale story about nettles.

    There lived a nettle in the world. And she was very lonely, because she grew up in a wasteland and none of the animals communicated with her because she was gloomy and badly pricked. The sun will peek out, only a little nettle will smile and be sad again.

    One day a little sparrow flew by and sat next to a nettle. He heard the nettle crying and asked what had happened.

    Nettle said that she was sad that no one communicates with her. Then the little sparrow gave her advice, so that the nettle would smile no matter what, as soon as the sun rises, and the nettle wakes up. And said that the nettle is sure to notice the change.

    Nettle decided to do so, for a long time nettle had no changes, but in one beautiful moment a butterfly flew to her and began to be friends with her. The butterfly was already very attracted to her smile. And then a butterfly flew in. And then the bunny came running. And then the nettle had many friends, she became the happiest and realized that a smile can change a life.

    In my opinion, the most fabulous in the literal sense are plants-animals - fly-eaters - this is where fantasy can roam ... The story can be about a little Flea, which at first bit poor animals, and then decided to try a drop of nectar and got stuck in a sundew that ate it …something like this…))

  • A fairy tale story about a wild or cultivated plant

    Sunflower Tale

    In ancient times, when only the first flowers began to sprout on our planet, each flower received its color according to the character with which it was endowed. At the same time, all the flowers were friendly and lived in harmony.

    Cornflower in his daydreaming constantly stared at the beauty of heaven, the rose absorbed all the romance of this world, and the lily of the valley was so shy and modest that he tried not to stand out in any way, while maintaining his purity and innocence. All earthly fields were full of multi-colored patterns of primordial flowers.

    But among all this diversity there was one flower that was not like all the others. He liked to change his mood and could be friendly and sweet, or he could be very rude, and on another day he was sad and embarrassed by everything. It was a sunflower. Nature could not understand what color to give this child. Therefore, for a long time he remained a nondescript pale shade.

    But one day there was a terrible thunderstorm. The flowers, out of their love, rejoiced that the sky gave them rain to drink and at times was brightly and beautifully illuminated by something. Only the sunflower was not happy. He did not understand why he should be glad if it was wet, and the clouds eclipsed the sun. When the clouds parted and the sun came out again in the sky, it warmed all the leaves of the flowers and filled them with its warmth.

    The sunflower smiled at the sun, placing its leaves under its rays. He looked at the shining sun and smiled for the first time in a long time. The smiling flower was noticed by the sun because of its sincere joy and dissimilarity to all other flowers. It decided to bestow a sunflower. The sun came down and hugged the flower with all its radiant arms, and then flew back to the sky. And when the sunflower looked at itself, he saw that he had become a bright yellow color. Since that time, the sunflower has become like a small sun growing in the field. And the sunflower does not cease to be friends with the sun to this day.

  • Any fairy tale story can be thought up about a princess and a prince.

    Maybe Princess Carrot, maybe Prince Dandelion.

    Their adventures can be incredible.

    A couple of days ago we were writing a fairy tale. Naturally about the princess.

    Of the proposed options: about Princess Squirrel, Princess Cat, Princess Carrot, Princess Spruce Cone and Prince Dandelion, Princess Cat was chosen, for the reason that the issue of acquiring a kitten was postponed for several years.

    Briefly a fairy tale about how the harmful Mouse settled in the kingdom. Servants caught-caught not caught. Then Princess Cat herself got down to business, but the cunning mouse ran away from her at the last moment, until suddenly a beautiful fluffy cat came to the rescue, who turned out to be the prince of a neighboring kingdom. The captured mouse was sent on a magic carpet to his mouse kingdom. And Princess Cat and Prince Cat began to live and live and make kittens.

    (Kittens make - a special delight!).

    It will probably turn out beautifully about the Apple Blossom, which rejoiced at its beauty and became sad when it lost one petal. I was quite sad when the second one crumbled. Then the third and fourth (how many? five like).

    And then he was embarrassed that he became green and ugly (according to the principle of the ugly duckling), and then turned into a bulk apple and did not immediately believe that people were admiring him.

    Or even about the Apple Tree, which bloomed for the first time, she was very happy when they admired her, and then she was sad (when the petals fell from the flowers), and then the fruits also ripened and people praised her harvest. And to end with the fact that in the fall, when all the fruits were collected, and the leaves began to fall, the apple tree knew that the sun would warm up and leaves would appear on its branches again, and then beautiful flowers and she will again please people with a harvest ( delicious fruits, juicy apples) etc.


    (Fabulous terms once upon a time, once upon a time)

    Maybe about cherry or about vine. What grows in your area, what is familiar to the child?

    There lived a nettle. Nobody loved her and everyone laughed at her - because she was prickly and painfully stung all passers-by.

    And the boys told in a whisper that an evil grandfather on the edge of the village once flogged a boy with nettles who climbed into his garden for apples.

    Nettle almost cried from resentment. But one day a kind herbalist came and began to collect healing herbs. She avoided the beautiful weeds and went to the nettles. She plucked bundles and said what a useful weed it was.

    All the neighbors quietly withered with envy. No one laughed at the nettles anymore.

    My fairy tale will be about the benefits for children of walking on fresh air, which is especially true in our time, when many children sit around the clock at home in front of computers.

    lived was little boy Peter. He was weak and the guys in the class offended him. One day, his mother asked him to clean the floors in the house. When Petya was washing the floors, he found a small seed. He was about to throw it away, but suddenly he heard a voice.

    Don't throw me out! I can fulfill any of your desires!

    Wow! I want to be strong! Seed, please make me strong and healthy!

    Good! But for this you must do the following: put me in the ground, take care of me all summer, so that I gain magical powers. In the fall, I can fulfill your desire.

    The boy Petya planted a seed in the country. He took care of her all summer. I watered, weeded the earth around, loosened. By autumn, a huge pumpkin had grown from the seed.

    Pumpkin! I did everything you told me! Make me strong and healthy now";

    To this the pumpkin answered him:

    Go and look in the mirror! Your wish has been granted.

    Petya ran to the mirror. He saw there a tanned boy with a blush on his cheeks. Growing up and full of energy.

    And no miracles! After all, Petya spent the whole summer outdoors, while taking care of the seed, doing physical labor.

    I will propose a slightly banal topic, but with the application of efforts and fantasies it can be turned into an informative and very an interesting fairy tale about a small dandelion that had just begun to grow and everything was interesting to him, he was constantly interested in questions about what was happening around. In this tale, other flowers, or some wise bug, can tell him about his closest neighbors. In a fairy tale, a dandelion will be surprised at everything new, solve riddles that are incomprehensible to itself.

    You can make up a fairy tale about any plant that grows in the garden. Isn't it a miracle that a wonderful plant grows from a small seed.

    In one small wonderful garden trees grew - giants. They were already many years old, but, despite their old age, they continued to bear fruit, delighting their owners with a harvest. One day a wind came up and brought a small seed into this garden.

    The seed, having fallen into the ground, was frightened of its dark dungeon and decided to get out of here by any means. It began to reach for the surface, looking for gaps in the ground. And when in early spring the sun was hot, then a green sprout appeared from a small seed. He was very afraid of the giants who grew up with him in the neighborhood. However, the giant trees were very kind and began to protect the sprout with their leaves, preventing the burning summer sun from burning the sprout. And he began to quickly gain strength. And one day it turned into a fabulous flower. However, he was lonely to stand alone without his brothers and sisters and decided then the flower to drop its seeds so that next year he would have his relatives.

    The flower faded and fell asleep for the winter. A next spring with the first rays of the sun, a miracle began to sprout from the earth - flowers that were relatives of our little sprout.

    Gradually, the garden became blooming glade where trees lived together - giants and their little friends - flowers.

Creative work of 2nd grade students around the world.

Plant legends.

Weeds are plant outcasts who stole money. Once upon a time, weeds looked like beautiful plants. But they were caught stealing, and these are terrible actions. Because of this, they were turned into different types weeds and now steal food from other plants!

Long ago, there lived a young man named Narcissus. He loved himself very much, did not notice anyone. All the time he admired his reflection in the lake. Many people turned to him for help, thinking that his soul was as beautiful as his face. But he did not help anyone, because he only cared about himself. And when his mother asked him for help, he did not hear her. God got angry and turned the young man into a flower - Narcissus.

Rose and Cactus had the same birthday. The cactus said to Rosa: “You are so beautiful and defenseless. So that you are not offended, I give you my thorns. And the rose gave her delicate flower cactus. Since then, the rose has thorns, and the cactus has a flower.

There lived a princess of extraordinary beauty. Her name was Rose. No one could take their eyes off her, admired her eyes, very beautiful and very kind. One day, an extraordinary flower grew in the garden of a certain king. And they decided to call him by the name of this girl - "rose". One day the princess disappeared. Nobody could find her. She disappeared without a trace. And the flower suddenly grew thorns. The princess was never found, and all roses at all times now have thorns.

The god of the underworld, Pluto, stole the beauty Prosepina, who fell in love with him. She was very angry with him, she did not like Pluto at all. Then God gave the stolen beauty Prozepina to eat grains of a pomegranate then unknown to anyone. He did it for a reason. Pluto knew that these grains were magical: if Prozepine ate them, she would never leave him. These grains have since been considered a symbol of a strong marriage. And the jagged tail of the pomegranate became a symbol of royal power. It looks like a crown.


Once upon a time, a small golden light flew to earth from the Sun. And where he landed grew extraordinarily beautiful flower like a little sun. One day his golden head became fluffy and turned white. A cheerful breeze decided to play with him and carried away a fluff from the flower. Where these fluffs landed, flowers like the sun grew. People called this flower - dandelion.

In one very beautiful forest, such a amazing plant. His name is Odonix. This plant was very beautiful and very useful. The healing power of this plant helped both insects and animals, and even people. This flower bloomed only 2 times in 2 years. The evil wizard wanted to destroy the flower of kindness. Many times he bewitched him. But on a certain day the flower blossomed and the witchcraft dissipated. This happened because the odonis flower is a real kind wizard, only he once decided to become a hermit. He no longer communicated with people, but he regularly brought benefits to them.

The world of plants surprises and pleases us. Plants have flooded our planet Earth, there are very unusual species on it. V real life plants, many interesting events take place, and even more in the fairy tale.

fairy story"Bell's Dream"

There lived a bell. He always wore blue, his favorite color. In fact, almost my favorite. The color that seemed most wonderful to the bell was white. white color there was snow, which the bluebell had never seen, but dreamed of looking at it with at least one eye. And then one day someone told the poplar about the dream of the bell. And the poplar decided to fulfill the dream blue flower. But the fact is that the poplar was able to give special seeds - poplar fluff. So this fluff is like snow.

... He scattered poplar fluff in the clearing, and the bell shouted merrily: "Finally, I see snow." The little bell was so happy that no one dared to tell him that it was not snow, but poplar fluff. And only a small butterfly whispered to the bell that it snows in winter, and now it's summer. Mom told the butterfly about this ...

Fairy tale story "Journey of a Petal"

There lived a rose. Nobody told her that she was beautiful, but she herself knew this very well. And then one day it happened incredible event. The most curious petal broke away from the rose and said that he was going on a journey. It was unheard of! Leave your native flower and fly away wherever your eyes look. The petal flew for a long time. I saw a lot on my way. Returning home, the petal said: “Yes, the rose is beautiful, but Big world even more beautiful!

Fairy Tale " Beautiful name»

“What an uninteresting name I have - porridge,” said a small pink flower.

“You shouldn’t be upset,” Chamomile said, “children eat sweet porridge, they like it very much. Porridge - porridge - sounds beautiful!

Then a bumblebee flew in and said pink flower:

- It's a pleasure to see you. How wonderful you are, clover, I adore you, you are for me best flower!

- I forgot that my main name is clover, but it already sounds! Okay, I won’t be offended by the word “porridge”, after all, it is so cute!

One day a small bird was flying and holding a few sunflower seeds in its beak. She flew to feed her little chicks, but did not hold all the seeds in her beak and one fell into the ground. Here lies a seed and thinks: “How is it? Together with my brothers and sisters, I grew seeds in a large beautiful sunflower, and now I lie alone in the ground. Nobody needs me now, I won’t see anything now, it’s good that at least the bird didn’t eat me. Lying and bored. It began to rain, watered the seed, and then the sun came out, warmed the seed and it became interesting to him what was going on up there. The seed stretched up to the sun, stretched, stretched and ... a small green sprout appeared from under the ground. It was he who began to grow from our seed. The seed-sprout looked around, he liked it above the ground, the sun warms, the breeze blows. And the sprout began to grow upward. It grows, reaches for the sun, the rain waters it with water, the sprout is good. Soon our sprout turned into a stalk, and every day it became higher and higher, new green leaves appeared on it. A few weeks later, a large yellow bud grew on the stem, the petals of the bud began to slowly blossom, and now the beautiful sunflower flower raised its head to the sky to the sun. “Oh, what a beautiful sunflower I have turned into!” thought the former small seed. Soon a lot of white-green seeds appeared inside a large flower, the seeds ripened and turned black. The sunflower shook his head, smiled at the sun and thought: “How amazingly this world is arranged! More recently, I lived quietly with my brothers and sisters seeds in a large beautiful sunflower. A bird flew in, grabbed me in its beak, but could not hold it and dropped it to the ground. Then I sprouted, turned into a sprout, then into a stalk, grew, grew and became a big real yellow sunflower. Now I myself have a lot of many small black seeds, which will soon scatter somewhere and grow from them large beautiful sunflowers, similar to small suns.

A fairy tale about a sunflower seed for anxious children experiencing fears, loneliness

A large family of seeds lived in a garden on a tall sunflower. They lived together and happily.

One day - it was at the end of summer - they were awakened by strange sounds. It was the voice of the Wind. He rustled louder and louder.

“It's time! It's time!! It's time!!!" called the wind.

The seeds suddenly realized that it was really time for them to leave the basket of their native sunflower. They hurried and began to say goodbye to each other.

Some were taken by the birds, others flew away with the wind, and the most impatient jumped out of the basket themselves. Those who remained were enthusiastically discussing the upcoming journey and the unknown that awaited them. They knew that some extraordinary transformation awaited them.

Only one seed was sad. He did not want to leave his native basket, which was warmed by the sun all summer and in which it was so cozy.

- Where are you in a hurry? You've never left home before and don't know what's out there! I'm not going anywhere! I will stay here! - it said.

Brothers and sisters laughed at the seed, said:

- You're a coward! How can you refuse such a trip?

And every day there were less and less of them in the basket.

And then, finally, the day came when the seed was left alone in the basket. No one laughed at him anymore, no one called him a coward, but no one called him anymore with them either. The seed suddenly felt so lonely! Oh! Well, why didn't it leave the basket with its brothers and sisters!

"Am I really a coward?" thought the seed.

Rain is coming. And then it got colder, and the wind became angry and no longer whispered, but whistled: “Hurry-s-s-s-s-s-s!”. The sunflower bent to the ground under the gusts of wind. The seed was afraid to remain in the basket, which seemed to be about to come off the stem and roll to no one knows where.

“What will happen to me? Where will the wind take me? Will I never see my brothers and sisters again? it asked itself. - I want to be with them. I don't want to be here alone. Can't I overcome my fear?"

And then the seed decided. "Whatever happens!" - and, having gathered strength, jumped down.

The wind picked it up so it wouldn't bruise, and gently lowered it to the soft ground. The ground was warm, somewhere above the Wind was already howling, but from here its noise seemed like a lullaby. It was safe here. It was as cozy here as it had once been in a basket of sunflowers, and the seed, tired and exhausted, imperceptibly fell asleep.

A seed woke up in early spring. I woke up and didn't recognize myself. Now it was no longer a seed, but a tender green sprout that stretched towards the gentle sun. And around there were many of the same sprouts, into which his brothers and sisters-seeds turned.

They were all happy to meet again, and they were especially happy about our seed. And now no one called him a coward. Everyone told him:

- Well done! You were so brave! After all, you were left alone, and there was no one to support you.

Everyone was proud of him. And the seed was very happy.

From the book "Labyrinths of the Soul"


O. Khukhlaeva "Labyrinths of the Soul"

To buy in

To buy in

The young sunflower stalk did not remember how it broke through the ground as a thin sprout. Some powerful force pushed him to the surface, and now he is basking in the sun, admiring the vast and wonderful world that has opened up to him, where there is so much light, where it is so cozy and warm.

“We need to grow, we need to reach up,” thinks the little Sunflower, a little drunk from the hot sunbeams. - Well, another centimeter closer to the light, again and again ... "

And life is in full swing around: multi-colored butterflies flutter, hard-working bees buzz merrily, flying from flower to flower, a grasshopper sings its monotonous song in the grass, and a fluffy cat sleeps peacefully under a lilac bush.

And what is this beautiful creature with transparent wings and huge eyes? It looks like a dragonfly. It easily falls on a neighboring flower and freezes in the sun.

- Hey there! How are you?

“Okay,” she replies. - I was in a meadow by the river, flying a race.

- And what is it, the river?

- The water in it is transparent and shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow on a sunny day.

“Probably beautiful,” the sunflower thinks and looks around: everything rejoices and rejoices in warmth and light!

Here comes the hostess. Now she will take a watering can, life-giving moisture will water the earth, and all the plants will rush upward even more.

So he grew, becoming taller and stronger. Its juicy bright green leaves spread out powerfully on the sides, and its small red head was filled with seeds.

“Be like the sun, become like the sun,” something inside him seemed to say. And it stretched and stretched upward, bathed in rays of sunlight and warmth.

But one day, when the clouds covered the sun, he put his head down. There, in the darkness, the rest of the plants huddled close to each other, drooping, pale ... The sunflower felt very sorry for them, and he decided to give them all the light, all the warmth that he had accumulated. It seemed that it was no longer the sun, but he, the sunflower, warms everyone around.

And then the wind parted the clouds, gentle rays again fell to the ground, and darkness, like a snake, crawled under a high fence, because there was no place left for it on earth. The sunflower, along with the sun, gave love, and its yellow crown was visible from everywhere.

A brother and sister were standing nearby.

“Look,” the girl said, pointing to the sunflower, “little sun!

Svetlana Khrenova

Drawings: Irina Bondarenko