Fairytale therapy as a method of psychological correction for children and adults. Therapeutic Tales for Preschoolers

Fairy tales contain a full set of "eternal" life problems of a person, which are still relevant in our age of technological progress. Bright, impressive fairy-tale images of good warriors and strong knights, magical fairies and beautiful princesses will help to convincingly and eloquently explain to the kid what is good and what is bad, in an interesting form for the child to convey knowledge about the world around him. It is important that the adults around the baby, reading and discussing fairy tales, carefully fill him with information that will help the child in the future to accept correct solution in the real life.

The meaning of fairy tale therapy, specific tasks and techniques

The tale is told not in order to hide, but in order to open, to say with all his might, with all his voice what you think.

Evgeny Schwartz

Fairytale therapy ("treatment with a fairy tale") is a complex exercise that is aimed at working with feelings, stabilizing the emotional state, improving and harmonizing the psyche, forming the value foundations of the personality, developing creativity child. Fairytale therapy was born and developed at the intersection of psychology, pedagogy, cultural traditions of different peoples.

Listening to a fairy tale, the child is mentally transported into an imaginary world, undergoes trials, experiences adventures

Video: fairy tale therapy as a method of a child's positive attitude

https://youtube.com/watch?v=fMQvsFguzXU Video can’t be loaded: Fairytale therapy as a method of positive attitude of the child. (https://youtube.com/watch?v=fMQvsFguzXU)

Tasks and techniques of fairy tale therapy in working with preschoolers

Fairytale therapy solves many problems related to the development of a child:

  • disclosure and activation of creative potential;
  • the development of imagination and imaginative perception of the world;
  • acquaintance with the world of universal values, age-old folk wisdom, familiarization with everyday culture and experience of ancestors;
  • regulation of self-esteem, neutralization of psychological problems (fears, hostility, hyperactivity);
  • the formation of a rich, figurative speech, improvement of the child's communication sphere;
  • honing correct pronunciation, articulation, speech breathing, development finger motor skills and spatial thinking;
  • developing the ability to build a monologue, conduct a dialogue with the interlocutor;
  • solving the problems of social adaptation, fostering a safe model of behavior, a culture of a healthy lifestyle.

The techniques of fairy tale therapy are also varied:

Video: fairy tale therapy techniques used in working with older preschoolers

https://youtube.com/watch?v=_wSrFDfW7nk Video can’t be loaded: Fairytale therapy method in working with older children preschool age... (https://youtube.com/watch?v=_wSrFDfW7nk)

Consider, as an example, such a technique as retelling a fairy tale on key issues. We have chosen the fairy tale "Three Bears".

The children's retelling of a fairy tale on questions is accompanied by an illustration of the fairy tale. Pictures are shown by a teacher or a child. When telling a fairy tale, children try to get used to the image of the character on whose behalf they speak.

  • Where did Mashenka go and where did she end up? (In the picture, the girl goes to the forest with a basket)

    In the illustrations, details are important, according to which it is easy to restore the plot, for example, a basket in the girl's hands suggests why she went to the forest

  • Who lived in the forest house? (Image of a house in a forest clearing)

    Pictures should reflect the main plot twists of the fairy tale

  • Where were Mikhail Ivanovich, Nastasya Petrovna and Mishutka? (The bear family went for a walk)
  • What did the girl see in the house, what did she do? (Image of a table with bowls)

    The emotions of the characters depicted in the illustrations will help restore the events

  • Whose porridge did she find the most delicious? (Masha eats porridge with Mishutka's spoon)
  • What happened to Mishutka's chair? (A broken chair and a girl falling from it)

    Pictures should match the plot exactly, but not frighten children.

  • What did the girl see in the other room? Whose crib did you choose? (The girl sleeps in the smallest crib)

    Images allow children to remember the details of the story.

  • What happened when the bears returned home? Did Mishutka like the girl? (The bears are examining the traces of the girl's presence. Mishutka is trying to bite Mashenka)

    The teacher can draw the attention of children to those moments that they do not notice

  • What did the girl do? (Mashenka running out of the window)

    Illustrations should suggest what will happen next, for example, a frightened Mashenka, depicted near the window, will remind children of her escape

  • How did the fairy tale end?

Games are very popular among the techniques of fairy tale therapy.

With children, you can conduct the following didactic games based on fairy tales:

  • "Who is superfluous?" - checks the knowledge of the content of the tale.
  • "Name a fairy tale after a fairy-tale hero" - trains the ability to recognize a fairy tale by its characters. Pictures with images of a goat, a wolf, a fox are offered, children name fairy tales in which they are found, for example, "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats", "Kolobok", "Zayushkin's Hut", etc.
  • "Who is the hero of the fairy tale?" - teaches to guess a fairy tale according to the words of the characters.
  • "Who lives in which house?" - reinforces knowledge about domestic and forest animals.
  • “Find a magic object” - children select a magic attribute for the hero in accordance with the plot of the fairy tale, for example, Pinocchio is a golden key, Fairy is a magic wand.
  • "Tell a story" - the child lays out the illustration cards in correct order and retells the plot in his own words.

    Older preschoolers can be given flashcards for several fairy tales and asked to correctly collect and retell each of them.

  • "Russian folk tales" - improves attention, memory, speech; encourages initiative and independence in playing with symbolic images of characters. Sequencing:

  • "Assemble the picture" - forms the ability to compose a complete picture from several parts according to the model, develops logical thinking, attention. Sequencing:
  • "Let's help the Koloboks!" - replenishes vocabulary, develops attention and memory. Sequencing:

Photo gallery: examples of didactic games based on fairy tales

According to the illustration, children need to guess the name of the fairy tale. The children must answer which hero is not from the fairy tale, which is the rest. Children need to correctly assemble a picture from the fairy tale "The Turnip." silhouette? Invite the children to match the hero with his attribute. Which of these heroes is not from the fairy tale "Teremok"? Children need to find an extra character from the fairy tale "Geese-Swans"

Table: outdoor games on the theme of fairy tales

Name of the game rules
"Teremok" Children stand in a circle - this is a teremok. Several children put on masks of the heroes of a fairy tale: mice, frogs, hares, wolves, chanterelles and a bear.
Children raise their hands clasped to each other and say the words:
“Here is a little house,
He is not low, not high.
As the animal enters it,
So the lock will slam. "
While pronouncing the words, children in animal masks run into and out of the circle.
At the words of the teacher “Khlop”, the children drop their clasped hands.
Whoever gets caught, ceases to be a "beast" and gets up in the teremok with the rest of the children.
The game is played until the agilest remains
"The wolf and the kids" A wolf is chosen, the rest of the children are kids.
Children - kids jump around the playground, saying:
“We are funny kids,
All the naughty guys
We are not afraid of anyone
Except one wolf.
(go up to the wolf)
Gray wolf, don't yawn
Catch us up sooner. "
On the last words, the "wolf" catches up with the "kids".
Whoever caught (pissed off), he crouches.
The game stops when most of the guys are caught.
Then a new "wolf" is selected
"Little Red Riding Hood" Children stand in a circle with their hands clasped. In the center is a child with a red cap on his head, slightly covering his eyes.
Children walk around Little Red Riding Hood and say:
"Little girl
Little Red Riding Hood
I went to my grandmother with a basket
And I found the guys here.
Don't take off your hat
Who called you, find out? "
The child, to whom the teacher points, calls: "Little Red Riding Hood!"
She must guess who called her, give her name.
The guessed child becomes Little Red Riding Hood
"Barmaley" A child is chosen - Barmalei, he is put on a hero's mask. He approaches children with the words:
“I am the kindest Barmaley,
I love children very much.
Who will go for a walk with me:
Run, jump and jump? "
Children leave Barmaley, saying:
“We don’t want to go with you,
You'd better catch up with us! "
Children run away from Barmaley. He takes the caught children to his "house".
Then the game continues with the newly selected child.
"Fly Tsokotukha" Children stand in a circle holding hands. In the center is a child wearing a Mukhi-Tsokotukha hat.
Children walk in circles, pronouncing the words:
"Fly, Fly-Tsokotukha,
Gilded belly
We are going to visit you,
We will bring whoever you want.
Maybe striped bees?
Or furry caterpillars?
Bloodsuckers - mosquitoes?
Or fat worms? "
The child in the center (Mukha-Tsokotukha) chooses. If the child named the bees, then the children fly in a circle and hum; if there are caterpillars, they walk in small steps; if mosquitoes - they fly, saying "zzz"; if there are worms, they go in a circle, alternately tilting and lifting the body.
After each show, the presenter chooses the child who, in his opinion, performs the movements best of all and he becomes the presenter
"Hares and Fox" Children wearing bunny masks stand in a circle.
A child in a fox mask walks around the circle and says:
“Oh, my house has melted,
How can I go home.
I must run to the bunny
Take away his house. "
Comes to the house of one of the "bunnies", knocks:
Gray bunny, run out
And play with me. "
"Bunny" and "fox" are running in a race around the circle: who will be the first to occupy the house. Who lost - he becomes a "fox"

Table: finger games for children 3-4 years old

Spoken text Methodical instructions
Once upon a time there was a bunny -
Long ears.
Frostbitten bunny
The nose is at the edge.
Frozen nose
Frozen tail
And went to warm up
Visit the kids
Clap their hands. 3 fingers in a fist, index and middle - ears.

Rub their nose.
Squeeze and unclench the fingers of both hands.
Stroking a male cat.
Turn the steering wheel
At Grishenka's
Under the window
Semyon has maples in the garden,
Alena has a green oak,
Marina has a raspberry bush,
Arina has two rowans.
And Vanya
On the wattle fence
Expose two fists.
They put their palms on the edge.
Show two palms.
Expose two fists.
Left hand: bend the fingers, starting with the little finger.
Right hand: bend the fingers, starting with the little finger.
Show the palm.
They put out their fist.
Palm. Fist
Kolya is good,
Nice knee,
Walk down the path
Stomp, Kolya, with a little foot
Stroke the left hand.
Stroke the right hand.
The index and middle fingers of the hands walk.
They put out their fist.
Place the palm on the edge.
Show palm
Once upon a time there were bunnies
At the edge of the forest.
Once upon a time there were bunnies
In a little white hut.
We washed our ears
We washed our little paws
Bunnies were dressing up
Put on slippers
3 fingers in a fist, index and middle - ears.
Clap their hands.
Show ears.
Show the house.
Rub their ears.
Washing movements with the palms of the hands.
Movement of the palms from top to bottom along the body.
My fingers will tell
What they can - everyone will show.
There are five of them on each hand.
They can do everything, they will always help.
They play the pipe
The ball is thrown
The laundry is being washed
The floor is swept
Pinch, caress -
Five and five of my nimble fingers
Clap their hands with outstretched fingers.
The fingers of the same name on both hands touch each other 4 times.
Show fingers spread out.
Clap their hands.
Further movements correspond to the text.
Show the fingers of both hands
I remember the dough with handles,
I'll bake a sweet cake.
I will grease the middle with jam,
And the top with sweet cream
And coconut crumb
I'll sprinkle a little cake
And then I'll brew tea,
I will invite a friend to visit
The child squeezes and unclenches his fingers.
Performs circular movements with his palms.
Leads his palms along the plane of the table.
The child imitates "sprinkling crumbs" with the fingers of both hands
"Scarlet Flowers"
Our scarlet flowers
Dissolve the petals.
The breeze breathes a little
The petals are swaying.
Our scarlet flowers
Cover the petals
They fall asleep quietly
Head shake
The baby girl joins her palms in the shape of a tulip.
Slowly opens her fingers.
Smoothly shakes his hands from side to side.
The child slowly closes his palms, imitating the shape of a flower.
Arbitrarily shakes the "flower head"
"Ball and girlfriends"
Balloon inflated by two girlfriends
They took away from each other -
All the pepper was scratched!
The balloon burst, and two girlfriends
We looked - there is no toy,
They sat down and cried ...
The child squeezes the fingers of both hands into a "pinch" and touches only the tips.
In this position, he should blow on them, while the fingers should take the shape of a ball.
The air "comes out" and the fingers return to their original position
"Visiting the Dwarfs"
The dwarfs invited guests.
The dwarfs treated the guests.
Each guest got a jam.
Fingers glued that treat
Firmly pressed palm to palm,
Guests can't even take a spoon!
Before starting the game, the child clenches the fists on both hands.
The adult bends the fingers back to the child in turn.
The adult presses consistently on the pad of each finger of the child with his index finger.
The adult sequentially runs his index finger over each finger of the child from the base to the very tip.
The child should closely press the fingertips in pairs to each other.
The child tightly connects his palms

Table: finger games for children 5-7 years old

Name of the game Spoken text Methodical instructions
"Goat" A goat came out of the door,
He arched his neck: "Give me some bread soon!"
"Give me a pie!"
He held out his hoof:
"Give me some water to drink!"
The left hand depicts a goat: the middle and ring fingers are bent, the thumb presses them from below, the little finger and index finger are straightened. This situation persists throughout the game.
The right hand clenches into a fist, bends at the wrist, stick out the horns.
The right hand is clenched into a fist, the middle finger is extended.
The right hand folds into a boat
"Gloves and mice" Nimble mouse
I found the glove.
Having arranged a nest in it,
Mice called
Im a crust of bread
Gave me a bite
Stroked everyone
And sent me to sleep
Open your palms, fingers spread out, turn your hands first with your palm, then with the back side up.
Fold your palms with a "ladle".
Bend and unbend your fingers, imitating a calling gesture.
With the tip of your thumb, alternately tap the tips of the other fingers.
Use your thumb to stroke the remaining fingers in a sliding motion from the little finger to the index finger.
Press your palms together, put them under your cheek
"There was a cuckoo" A cuckoo walked past the market
She had a basket.
Suddenly the basket on the floor - boo,
Ten flies flew!
The child "walks" on the table on straightened index and middle fingers, the rest of the fingers are tucked in.
Then he connects his palms with a "ladle".
It hits the knees with closed palms and severs the arms.
The child spreads his arms to the sides and wiggles his fingers
"Ten kittens" Our Murochka
There are ten kittens
Now all the kittens
By pairs are:
Two fat, two nimble,
Two long, two cunning,
The two smallest
And the most beautiful
The child folds his palms, presses his fingers together. The elbows should rest on the table.
Shakes palms from side to side without separating fingers.
Taps the appropriate fingers against each other - from thumb to pinky
"Needle and Thimble" Embroiders, sews with a needle.
It hurts my finger, it hurts my finger,
And the thimble at the same moment
K (child's name) jump on a finger!
He says to the needle: - Shay!
Don't you dare to inject
The child's left palm is open, in right hand- an imaginary needle; the needle sews and touches the index finger on the left hand.
With your right hand, perform such a movement as if you were putting a thimble on the index finger of your left hand.
The child's left palm is open, in his right hand is an imaginary needle, he sews.
The child shakes his left hand with a finger
"Cat-chef" Snow fell on the doorstep
The cat baked himself a cake
In the meantime, he sculpted and baked,
The pie flowed like a stream.
Pies for yourself
Not from snow, but from flour
The child raises his hands up, and then slowly lowers his palms on the table.
Depicts cake sculpting.
The child "runs" with the fingers of both hands on the table.
Re-depicts cake sculpting
"Mouse" The mouse sat down on the oil can,
And the butter dish is a sticky mushroom
The little mouse sat on it
And stuck, stuck, stuck
The child covers the fist of the right hand with the palm of his left hand.
Rotates with the fist of the right hand.
Rubbing the palm of his left hand on the fist of his right.
The child "tears off" the left palm from the fist, and she "holds"
"Wind, wind, breeze" The wind walked through the forest,
The wind counted the leaves:
Here is an oak one,
Here is a maple one
Here - rowan, carved,
Here - from a birch, golden.
Here is the last leaf from the aspen
The wind threw on the path
The child performs smooth wave-like movements with his palms.
Bends one finger at a time, starting with the thumb.
Raises his hands up, and then gently lowers his palms to the table or knees
"Giraffes and Elephants" Giraffes have spots, spots,
Spots, specks everywhere.
Giraffes have spots, spots,
Spots, specks everywhere:

On the noses, on the stomachs,
on your knees and noses.

Folds, folds everywhere.
Elephants have folds, folds
Folds, folds everywhere:
On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,
On noses, stomachs, knees and noses
The child claps his hands all over the body.
Both index fingers touches the corresponding parts of the body.
The child gently pinches himself, as if collecting folds.
With both index fingers, the child touches the corresponding parts of the body

Typology of fairy tales

The fairy-tale world offers an example of solving the most confusing and desperate situations, but does not impose it in the form of strict regulations and laws. The child is mentally transported into an imaginary world, goes through trials, experiences adventures, quietly gaining the most important experience and overcoming his own internal problems.

Artistic fairy tales are traditional folk tales, as well as author's fairy tales, built on the principle of the integrity of the human world and the natural world, as well as on the magic of "animation". Artistic tales are of the following types:

  • folk;
  • fabulous stories about animals, natural phenomena, plants;
  • tales on everyday topics;
  • scary tales;
  • fantastic fairy tales filled with magic.

Example: the tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio" will help the gullible and naughty kid, "The Princess and the Pea" - the spoiled and capricious, "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" - the selfish and greedy.

Didactic is the most uncomplicated and simple version of a fairy tale story, aimed at conveying practical everyday experience, everyday knowledge, useful skills and abilities. For example:

  • how to cross the carriageway correctly and safely;
  • how to wash yourself, dress yourself, make tea;
  • how to maintain cleanliness and order in the children's room, fold toys on their own;
  • how to learn to be polite and attentive to the people around you, why you need to congratulate your friends on the holidays, give gifts.

The most mundane and boring activity can be made bright and interesting with the help of the amazing magic of transformations and reincarnations. A fairy tale tells about the meaning and significance of a specific skill; in the end, the child will have a small task, in the process of which he will gain real experience and consolidate theoretical knowledge.

A psychological fairy tale is a fictional story, a figment of the author's fantasy, filled with a worldview meaning that provides direct psychological impact on the personal development of the child. The complexity of the author's tale is that it conveys the most important information in an encrypted symbolic form, hiding it behind metaphorical images. A psychological fairy tale will not tell you how to please a friend with freshly brewed tea or politely ask adults for something, but it will try to explain what real friendship is, why love your loved ones and take care of the surrounding natural world.

Video: fairy tale therapy of behavior problems in children

https://youtube.com/watch?v=4uo147OlRPk Video can’t be loaded: Fairytale Therapy for Behavioral Problems in Children (https://youtube.com/watch?v=4uo147OlRPk)

A psychocorrectional tale is a kind of "soft hint" that has an indirect effect on the behavior and value orientations of the child. In accordance with the moralizing intent, the narrator constructs the plot in a certain way: in the opening of the story, an ineffective model of behavior is demonstrated (hostility, deceit, capriciousness, untidiness, timidity, bragging, greed), and then an alternative style is considered (benevolence, courage, generosity, truthfulness), mercy , conclusions are drawn. The meaning of events fairy tale can lie on the surface and be easily picked up by the listener.

For example, in the favorite story about Little Raccoon, a dangerous enemy living in the river immediately disappeared as soon as the main character replaced a vicious, menacing grin with a sweet smile. The moral of the tale is simple and obvious: how you relate to the world, so the world relates to you. And here is an example of a more complex form of presentation of a fairy tale, the meaning of which is hidden under an abstract metaphor: “A sad Tiger walks through the forest and cries, he met a funny Monkey. "What are you sad about, Tiger?" - Monkey asks. “Nobody loves me,” the Tiger complains in response, “I'm leaving to live in another place.” "Will you take your sharp and terrible fangs with you?" - asks the Monkey. " Such tales require additional discussion and explanation.

A psychotherapeutic tale is the most powerful genre that has the ability to heal the soul, carries deep wisdom and refined beauty. Often, teachers and psychologists looking for fairy tales that can bring emotional relief, help in a difficult life situation, use the wealth of religious parables, fables of Aesop, I. Krylov, legends, epics and myths.

Video: psychotherapeutic tale

https://youtube.com/watch?v=20ST-LeRLC4 Video can’t be loaded: Fairytale therapy of psychosomatic diseases in children (https://youtube.com/watch?v=20ST-LeRLC4)

Meditative fairy tales - have a relaxing effect on the psyche, help relieve psycho-emotional stress, strive to root in the unconscious area an ideal model, on the basis of which a person maintains relationships in himself, the people around him and the world.

Age features of fairy tale therapy

At three or four years, the following distinctive features of fairy tale therapy can be noted:

  • The child observes the facial expressions, gestures of an adult during individual or group lessons and learns to convey the feelings and emotions of the heroes of the fairy tale.
  • The problem around which the fairy tale plot is built should be interesting and relevant for the baby, the questions are formulated in such a way as to help see and understand the cause-and-effect relationship.
  • The plots of fairy tales should be simple and accessible for a child's perception, it is worth remembering that kids will be able to separate the fairy world from the real only at the age of four.
  • Children of three or four years old are close and understandable fairy tales that tell about the interaction of people and animals. Little dreamers easily transform into the image of an animal, imitate their habits with ease and innate artistry.

When staging "Teremka" children can easily portray animals - the heroes of the fairy tale

Five years:

  • Simulation of plots together with the child, working through his real life situations, problems, fears. Such a story can begin, for example, with these words: "There was a boy (girl) who was very similar to you."
  • All work takes place at a deep, subconscious level, discussion and analysis at this age is ineffective.
  • Tasks related to the continuation of the fairy tale, a circular method of joint development of the storyline, when each child in turn comes up with his own small fragment, weaving it into the plot created by common efforts.
  • 5 year olds prefer fairy tales, see themselves as a noble prince, a charming princess, a brave soldier, etc.

The task, when children take turns coming up with a small part of the plot, can be accompanied by playing a fairy tale

Six to seven years:

  • Fairytale therapy begins with a discussion and posing of problematic questions.
  • Horror stories will help relieve psychological stress, the ending of which will be funny and unpredictable.
  • Didactic fairy tales are actively used, for example, mathematical tasks woven into a fairy tale plot about overcoming a test or the fairy tale "Two frogs", symbolically illustrating the truth that one must fight to the end.
  • Children of this age are interested in philosophical and everyday tales.

Methodology for conducting a cycle of classes in fairy tale therapy

The first step is to actively master the content of the tale. It takes place over 2-3 sessions, which include:

  • Reading or telling a new fairy tale by a teacher.
  • Conversation on topics of emotional perception, moral lesson. An example of questions for conducting a conversation on the fairy tale "Thumbelina":
    • How was Thumbelina's kindness shown?

      Tell us how she took care of the sick swallow.

      How was she with the mole, why was she sad and longing?

      What would you say to a mole if you were in Thumbelina's place?

      What new and beautiful words and phrases have you learned?

      How to change the end of the fairy tale so that the woman is also happy?

  • Speech exercises (working with new words, developing the skills of competently constructing a phrase, mastering phraseological turns, familiarity with proverbs and tongue twisters).
  • Development of figurative and abstract thinking (clarifying questions, tasks for modifying the storyline, transforming the behavior of heroes, learning the ability to express one's point of view, to give a reasoned assessment of the events and actions of the heroes). Example: “Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman… Kolobok rolled along the path into a dense forest, rolled, rolled, but found himself in the fairy tales of strangers. Let's take a close look at the pictures, guess what fairy tale Kolobok has got into, and come up with a sequel in which fairy-tale heroes will help Kolobok to return home. "
  • Art therapy - work on the sphere of imagination, aesthetic development of the perception of beauty, improvement of fine motor skills.

A fairy tale in the sand - one of the types of art therapy

Step two involves the creative activity of children, the preparation and conduct of a theatrical game. Another 3-4 lessons are allocated for this:

  • Cognitive and developing conversation on the content of the fairy tale.
  • Staging separate parts or the whole tale.
  • Speech exercises for the transmission of the emotional state by means of intonational expressiveness of the voice.
  • Psycho-gymnastics and psychocorrection (removal of psychological stress, overcoming shyness, fear, self-doubt). Examples of relaxation exercises: Stroking, Hugs, Fear (stiffened, then relaxed), Empathy.
  • The main tool of fairy-tale therapy is playing a fairy-tale role, figurative reincarnation, which stimulates the development of speech, the improvement of psychological processes.

Video: lesson on fairy tale therapy

https://youtube.com/watch?v=3f2UB0ZBqxI Video can’t be loaded: Fairy Tale Therapy - Activity for Preschoolers (https://youtube.com/watch?v=3f2UB0ZBqxI)

Photo gallery: riddles based on fairy tales

Riddle to the fairy tale "Three Bears" Riddle to the fairy tale "Seven kids" Riddle to the fairy tale "Kolobok" Riddle to the fairy tale "Turnip" Riddle to the fairy tale "Teremok" Riddle to the fairy tale "Three little pigs" Riddle to the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" Riddle to the fairy tale "A goby - a tar barrel" Riddle to the fairy tale "Cat's House" Riddle to the fairy tale "Geese-swans" Riddle to the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

Lesson on the topic "Fairy tales" in kindergarten

Lesson plan:

  • The ritual of "entering a fairy tale" - techniques that contribute to the development of a sense of unity, creating a favorable psychological mood, for example, joining hands, looking into each other's eyes, smiling, passing a "magic" bell, toy or beautiful glass ball in a circle, etc. ...
  • The main part is direct work with a new fairy tale, games, a symbolic journey, tasks and exercises for the development of the child's verbal imagination.
  • The final part, the ritual of "getting out of the fairy tale" - the children symbolically take with them everything important that the fairy tale gave them. The lesson can end with some traditional symbolic action, for example, building a turret of fists - a metaphor for friendship and mutual understanding.

Creating a special fabulous atmosphere involves working in three directions:

  • musical arrangement;
  • lighting effects;
  • narration of a fairy tale, theatrical replay of the plot in role performance.

Table: card index of topics on fairy tale therapy

Theme Fragment of the abstract
"The Tale of the Wind"
(psychological tale for the younger group)
Fairy tale
Once upon a time there was a wind. He was very inquisitive and therefore flew everywhere and watched everything that was happening in the world.
Exercise "Exercise for the eyes"
Children perform eye movements: a) left and right; b) up and down.
Movements are slow. The head does not move at the same time.
He was interested in absolutely everything, and what, you yourself will tell me now.
Exercise "Who and what the wind watched"
I show cards that schematically depict: hare, water, rain, birds, flowers, trees.
Exercise "Laughter"
By straining their abdominal muscles and placing a hand on their stomachs, children begin to laugh, feeling the tension.
They could be sad, then they cried (I show the card - sadness).
Exercise "Cry"
I invite the children to imagine that they missed it and started crying. Children cover their faces with their hands and imitate crying. The psychologist approaches everyone, regrets and soothes.
They could be angry and be angry (I show the card - anger).
Exercise "Anger"
When people are angry, they sometimes offend the one who is nearby, they can say something hurtful, or even hit. To prevent this from happening, let's get angry with the piece of paper, tear it and throw it into the trash. Children take pieces of paper and throw them into the basket.
They could be kind and meek, and love each other (I show the card - love and kindness).
I invite the children to the rug, the assistant removes the tablets with numbers, only the sculpting material remains (boards, salt dough, matches, wet wipes, disposable cups).
- Children, all sit down in their places. Was it pleasant for you to receive a gift from the wind?
- Let's give him something too. I want to invite you to choose yourself which gift to dazzle. It can be a bagel, cookie, or balloon hic.
- Look what gifts I made.
- In order to make a bagel, we have to take a piece of salted dough, put it between our palms, roll it out, and then connect the ends, and we get a beautiful bagel.
- If you want to make cookies, then you need to roll out the dough between your palms and then flatten it.
"What toys whisper about at night in kindergarten" for the younger group (psychocorrectional tale) Fairy tale
You wanted to know what our toys whisper about at night? Then listen carefully to my story.
When the working day ends in kindergarten, children and caregivers go home. No one even realizes that when the moon looks through the window, from its radiance, toys wake up.
Exercise "Toys wake up"
Children stand up and stretch with their whole body, straining their muscles. The psychologist checks the muscle tension of each child. Now release the tension.
It is then that we hear a quiet whisper, an interesting conversation begins.
- Just look at me! - said the doll Katya. - I'm all painted and scratched.
- Yes Yes! - Bear Misha supported her. - Here are the stains from the paint left on me after the drawing lesson.
Exercise "Spots"
The psychologist shows children pictures with various spots (different colors, shapes, numbers), children should carefully consider and answer what kind of spots they are.
But then the sun came out, and the toys, seeing the daylight, began to slowly fall asleep.
Exercise "The sun and toys"
The “sun” (psychologist) touches each child with his hand (“ray”), and the children, relaxing, fall asleep (children can “fall asleep” sitting on the rug, or they can lie down).
Do you think the children in this group are doing well? Come on, tell me what the children need to do so that the toys don't run away from them? (children's answers).
- It seems to me that today in the lesson you realized that toys need to be protected and not offend. And I want to invite you to make friends for our group toys.
Salt dough modeling with children
We remember with the children how to divide a piece of salted dough into parts, then the children decide what exactly they will sculpt and the teacher reminds that all our toys are round, and in order for it to become round, you need to take a part of the salted dough, put it on palms and using the method of rolling between the palms to make a ball in a circular motion. The teacher tells about each toy separately.
"Country magic words"(Artistic tale in the middle group)
Teacher: Guys, a cockerel who lives in a forest hut! What fairy tale is this from?
The children answer: "The fox and the cockerel."
Teacher: That's right, children. And who else lived with the cockerel in the forest hut?
Children answer - a cat.
Teacher: Yes, guys. Lived, were in a forest hut, a cat and a cockerel. Each time the cat went hunting, and the cock stayed at home.
He will clean everything in the hut, put things in order and sing a song. How does the cockerel sing a song?
Children: "Kukareku !!!"
Teacher: Guys, who heard the cockerel song?
Children: Fox.
Educator: Yes. Children, what kind of fox?
- Sly, deceitful, redhead.
Teacher: Guys, what was the cockerel?
Children: kind, trusting, hardworking.
Teacher: Yes, what did the fox do when she heard the cockerel song?
Children: she came to the house and wanted to steal the cockerel!
Teacher: Right. Let's all portray a sly fox.
Children imitate the facial expressions and habits of a fox.
Teacher: Guys, what happened next? Let one of you take the cockerel, and someone will be a fox and show what happened next?
Children act out a scene of how the fox deceived the cockerel and carried him away.
Teacher: Children, do you think the cockerel was scared? Show how scared he was?
Children portray fear on their faces.
Teacher: Guys, why did the cockerel believe the fox?
The children answer that the fox spoke affectionately to the cockerel.
Teacher: Do you know affectionate words? Let's play.
Game: "Affectionate words"
The bell is mischievous
Build the guys in the circle!
The guys gathered in a circle
On the left is a friend and on the right is a friend.
Let's hold hands together and smile at each other.
“Be kind - I am telling this in confidence.
Be kind and don't expect candy for this.
Be kind without playing and while playing,
If you can, be kind today! "
I'll take a magic wand in my hands, and I'll give a sweet word to my friend!
Children say affectionate words to each other.
"The Magic Land of the Senses" (meditative tale)
Teacher: “There is a flower in the Magic Land, it was presented by one kind and wise Fairy. If a kind person approaches him, the flower begins to glow and transfers part of the magical power to the one who stretches out his hands to him.
If you approach this flower and stretch your hands over it, you can turn into anyone. Whoever you want.
Now we will quietly approach the Magic Flower, stand around it so as not to interfere with each other, and we will be able to turn into whoever you have in mind. "
The transformation of children into fairy-tale heroes.
The Mistress of the Magic Land meets them:
- What have you become? Why?
Children are sitting on the carpet.
Teacher: “Somewhere far away, or maybe very close, there is an amazing country. This country is ruled by a king. He has many servants and courtiers. And since our country is not ordinary, but fabulous, then his servants are extraordinary. These servants we call feelings.
What feelings did the king have? (Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, Resentment).
Let's take a closer look at the king's servant named Joy. Who wants to show us a servant named Joy? "
Exit the child (turn on the music).
What do you think is the most important feeling in a person? Of course, Love!
Let's put our hands to our hearts, because this is where Love lives.
Feeling warm from your hearts? This means that there is a lot of love in your hearts.
Let's give our love to those who are next to us, and your heart will tell you how to do it.
"Three Little Pigs" (fictional tale)
- Look at the card (# 1), who do you see? (On this card I see piglets and a wolf)
- What fairy tale are these heroes from? (These characters are from the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs")
- Let's get acquainted with the heroes of this tale.
- I am a pig Naf-Naf, hello!
- I am a pig Nif-Nif, hello!
- I am a pig Nuf-Nuf, hello!
- And I'm a wolf, hello!
- How can you name our heroes? (Wild and domestic animals)
- Show on the card (# 2) wild animals, domestic animals. (The student shows and names wild and domestic animals)
- Well done! Tell me, where does the tale begin? (Once upon a time there were three little pigs: Naf-Naf, Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf ...)
- This card (№3) depicts the hero of the fairy tale, circle him along the contour. (students circle) Katya, who did you do? (I got a pig) What animal is it? (This is a pet)
- Tell me, what animal is a wolf? (The wolf is a wild animal) That's right
- Show and name wild animals on this card (# 4) (Children's answer)
- Naf-Naf wore a red cap, Nif-Nif wore a blue cap, Nuf-Nuf wore a green cap. Show on the card (№5) the red objects, like the Naf-Naf cap, the blue objects, like the Nif-Nif cap. Green items, like the Nuf-Nuf cap, mark on your cards (Complete the task)
"We are all so different" (psychotherapeutic tale in the preparatory group)
“In a small town without a name, there was a tiny garden in which a beautiful scarlet rose grew. A poor defenseless daisy was growing not far from her. She had just blossomed, her petals, which had not yet matured, were white, ordinary. The chamomile was surrounded by many wildflowers. But nothing pleased her. There was a big dream in her tiny head - to become beautiful, unusual flower... Chamomile gazed with admiration at the well-groomed rose. When there was a drought, the owner would water his flower. When it rained, the rose was closed, and not a single formidable drop fell on the velvet petals. delicate flower... “How good she is,” thought the daisy. “I should have been in her place,” the small yellow flower with long petals, like the wings of butterflies, never stopped dreaming.
But then one day a kid was walking along the path. Seeing a chamomile, he said with admiration: "What a beautiful flower!". Chamomile at first could not understand these words, until that moment she considered herself the ugliest plant. The kid explained to the chamomile that all flowers are good in their own way. "
Discussion of the tale.
1. Why did the chamomile look at the rose with admiration?
2. What does it mean “all flowers are good in their own way”?
3. Can you say this phrase about people?
Each person is good in his own way. We are all different: we have a different appearance, voice, character. Nowhere, nowhere on the planet is there such a kid like you, there is no such a wonderful girl (like ..., there is no such a cheerful boy. You are the only one in the world, there is no other such child.
Let's try to compliment each other now.
- What is a compliment? (children's answers). Yes, you are absolutely right, a compliment is kind, pleasant words spoken to someone. When they give a compliment, they try to say about positive features person. What positive qualities does a person have?
Communicative game "Give a pebble"
Take one pebble from the box and present it to whoever you want, but always with the words: "I give you this pebble because you are the same." The presenter gives stones to those children who have nothing left, but, without fail, noting the best qualities of each child to whom he gives a gift.
Trash can game
-Let's get rid of the embodiment of cruelty and anger.
Children are invited to tear into small pieces, sheets of paper with images of terrible faces and dirty blots. Then trample the anger with your feet, and put the shreds in the trash bag, tie the bag, throw in the bin.
-Guys, we spent so much energy with rudeness, anger, anger, so let's rest.
"Six hats"
(psychotherapeutic tale in the preparatory group)
The parable of the old Hatter
The psychologist addresses the children: “I want to tell you a parable. A parable is an allegorical story that teaches something. Listen carefully.
Once upon a time there was a wise old Hatter. Of all the earthly riches, he had only colored felt. But he had golden hands and a wonderful, wise soul. The master gave people something more than hats - hats, caps, panamas and caps. Enlightened and spiritualized, determined and generous in spirit, people came out of the old Hatter's workshop, carrying away their order. Needless to say, how famous the Master was for his skill, how grateful people were to him for the wonderful hats in which the Great Secret of the Great Master was hidden.
But the years passed. The time has come when the old man Hatter has gone to another world, leaving his six sons a workshop, trimmings of colored felt and hats. Six multi-colored hats. White hat, black, red, green, yellow and blue. “Apparently, this is the extraordinary order on which the father has been working so selflessly lately,” decided the Hatter's sons. “This means that soon there should be a customer who will generously pay us for our father's work. We will share the proceeds and will be able to travel around the world with them, ”they planned. But no matter how much the sons were waiting for the arrival of the mysterious customer, they did not wait. There is nothing to be done, it is necessary to divide the father's inheritance.
“I'll take a white hat,” said the first son. - She is so graceful, delightful and beautiful, I will show off in her at balls and receptions. It is this hat that will speak of my “difficult” background. But is it a great honor to be the son of a simple hatter! "
“And I choose a black hat,” said the second son. - II she is no less graceful than white, she looks luxurious, appropriate to any costume and event, in her I will be strict, representative and sophisticated at the same time.
“Well, I'm choosing a yellow hat,” said a third. - Yellow is the color of the sun, joy and wealth, and this is so necessary for me! Perhaps, by owning a yellow hat, I can become happy, who knows? "
“Let my hat be red,” the fourth exclaimed. - How I dreamed of always standing out from the crowd, how I wanted to be in the spotlight, to be admired and admired by women. And in this hat I will be irresistible! "
“The green hat reminds me of a spring meadow and a field, wide and boundless, giving the ability to fly. A thousand times I flew in a dream over the green, beautiful Earth, perhaps a green hat will help my dream come true, ”the fifth son said dreamily.
“I get the blue hat, and I'm very happy about that. Blue is the color of our father's eyes, the endless sea and sky. To comprehend their depth and height is my calling. Will there be enough strength, determination and time for everything you have planned? " thought the sixth of the Hatter's sons.
The sons disassembled their hats and set off in different directions.
How did their destinies develop, did they achieve what they dreamed of, did what they had in mind come true?
"Who Said Meow" (fictional tale based on the work of V. Suteev) Psychologist. Whom did the puppy meet first in the yard? (Cockerel) slide number 1. Show how surprised he was? (Children show surprise on their faces.) Find a picture that shows surprise (children show a pictogram with a surprise emotion). Remember who was second? (Mouse) slide No. 2. And when he met, whom did the puppy get scared? Slide number 3 (Dogs). The dog was third, and who was fourth? (Bee) slide number 4. What did the bee do? (She stung the puppy in the nose.) What happened to him next? (He fell into the pond.) And he felt sad. Show a sad face. (Children show sadness on their faces). Find a sad emotion in the picture. (Show a pictogram with the emotion of sadness). Who did the puppy meet after the bee? (frog) slide number 5 Well done! So who said meow? (Cat) slide number 6. The puppy got angry and became angry. Show anger on your face (children are angry). Show the same picture (show the anger icon). I like it when your faces are joyful and cheerful, smile. Find a joyful emotion in the picture. (Children show a pictogram with the emotion of joy)
Sand handling
There is a sandbox in our yard, let's play. Children sit down to the sandbox.
Psychologist. Guys, let's make handprints. What do you feel?
Children: I feel the warmth (coolness) of the sand. Small grains of sand. Etc.
Then it is proposed to "slide" on the surface of the sand (like a snake, a machine); "Walk" with your palms, leaving traces with each finger; leave prints of cams, edges of palms.
Psychologist: Guys, in the sand are hidden figures of animals that live in this yard. Let's find them.
Children find figures and voice their actions: I found a cow, and I found a goat. I got a cat, and I got a dog. And here is the bear. I have a pig.
Psychologist: Look at the animals and tell me who is superfluous here?
Children: The bear is superfluous. Because a wild animal, and everyone else is domestic, live with a person.
“She came to visit us
Grandma-Funny "
(didactic tale in the younger group)
Granny - Funny: Hello boys and girls! Let's get acquainted: my name is Grandmother - Funny. I came to you not alone, but with my grandchildren Alyonushka and Ivanushka (seating the dolls).
My parents sent my grandchildren gifts: all sorts of things and toys. I am old, forgetful, I can't figure out which things are for Alyonushka and which are for Ivanushka. The grandchildren wanted to dress up, but they were offended at me and did not talk. Maybe you guys tell me why Alyonushka and Ivanushka are offended?
(The teacher shows dolls dressed "by mistake": the boy is wearing a skirt and a bow is tied, and the girl is in pants and a shirt)
Children: Grandma, you dressed them incorrectly.
Grandma - Funny: But how should it be? Come on, tell me, forgetful guys, what girls wear and what boys wear. (Children answer)
Let's pick up clothes for Alyonushka and Ivanushka. Guys, what are we going to dress our Alyonushka first? (blouse) What will we dress our girl then? (A skirt.) What shall we put on Alyonushka's head? (A braid or a hat) What are we going to put on our feet? (Shoes.)
Guys, what are we going to dress for our Vanya first? (Shirt) And then what will we put on our boy? (Pants) What will we wear to Vanechka? (Boots)
(There is a presentation of children's clothing.)
Grandma - Funny: What can our Alyonushka dress on the street? (Coat, tie a light scarf.) What can our Ivanushka wear on the street? (Jacket.) What shall we put on our head? (Cap)
Are Alyonushka and Ivanushka dressed correctly now?
(Children note that the dolls have become beautiful, elegant, neat.) Oh yes, clever girls, oh yes, well done! So my grandchildren cheered up.
"The tale of the most cherished desire"
(psychological tale)
Fairy tale
One warm May morning, a large beautiful Butterfly flew into the fragrant flower meadow. Flying from flower to flower, she drank their sweet nectar and, thanks to this, happily served as a postman. The butterfly conveyed congratulations from some flowers to others, told what was happening in different parts of the meadow.
The butterfly even carried the love messages of flowers - pollen, helping them to set seeds. The butterfly was doing a very important job.
Exercise "Dance of the Butterfly"
The presenter turns on calm, quiet music, and the children dance with disposable handkerchiefs. The movements are soft, calm, smooth.
One day, when it was time to take care of the offspring, the Butterfly chose a beautiful flower and laid her eggs. Invisible to the eye, they were neatly glued to the back of the green leaf. The flower remembered the merits of the Postman Butterfly and the shore of the egg from the sun's rays and raindrops.
Exercise "Flower"
Children put their palms together, depicting a stem, then unclench the central particles of the palm, forming a "bud". And, finally, they open their fingers: the flower has blossomed. It is necessary to depict an open flower with your hands, feel the tension in your fingers, then shake your hands and relax them.
- Very soon small caterpillars hatched from them and crawled in different directions.
Exercise "Caterpillars"
Children sit, as in an egg, then straighten, lie on their stomachs, and crawl on their stomachs on the floor, their arms are extended along the body with palms down. After completing the exercises, children turn their heads to one side so that one cheek lies on the floor, and relax all the muscles of the body.
Only one Caterpillar remained to live where she was born. Twisting one of the leaves with a tube, the baby made a cozy home for herself.
Exercise "Home"
Children squeeze themselves with their hands, as if wrapped in leaves, while straining the muscles of the arms, then relax them (3-4 times).
- The flower did not really like it, because now he has one leaf less, and he began to miss the food that he received with his leaves from the sunlight.

Video: competitive lesson in fairy tale therapy

https://youtube.com/watch?v=CzOc7ri1TVQ Video can’t be loaded: Correctional and developmental technology "Fairy Tale Therapy" (https://youtube.com/watch?v=CzOc7ri1TVQ)

Table: summary of the lesson on fairytale therapy "Traveling through fairy tales" in the preparatory group, by T.T. Gerasimenko

Software content and hardware Software content:
  1. Strengthen the knowledge of children about politeness (words of greeting and goodbye), about ways of transferring information and communication.
  2. Strengthen the skill of retelling famous fairy tale based on the main events “in a circle”; teach to understand the hidden meaning of the plot of the tale; continue teaching to ask questions correctly.
  3. Continue to teach children to give a moral assessment of the behavior of this or that hero in accordance with moral norms.
  4. Fostering a good attitude towards each other, a sense of empathy.
  5. Normalization of the prosodic side of speech.
  6. Correction of the emotional and cognitive sphere.

Doll (flat) - Rhetoric boy; helpers badges (in accordance with the “School 2100 ...” program); Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear"; microphone; puppet dolls (by the number of children); an easel with a drawing from the fairy tale "Morozko" with the image of a stepdaughter and stepmother's daughter; sweets (chocolate in a bright wrapper and caramels); paper hearts; a chest with elements of theatrical costumes; 2 large mirrors; balloon and elements for the air doll (painted parts of the face, stick, scarf).

Organizational part Educator: - Guys, I have long dreamed of getting into the land of Fairy Tales. But the trouble is, I don't know the exact road. But I have a boy friend whom you also know, he can help us. He loves outgoing and polite children.
- What does it mean to "communicate"? (Talk, talk, tell)
- What is communication like? (Oral, written, with the help of "intermediaries" - telephone, book, telegram).
- What does it mean to be polite? (Say "magic" words)
- What does it mean to say hello? (Wish each other health)
Finger gymnastics “Fingers greet”.
“I say hello everywhere, at home and on the street.
Even hello I say, I'm a neighbor's chicken. "
(repeat 2-3 times with an acceleration of the pace)
Rhetoric (doll): - Hello guys! Well done! I heard everything, I can help to get to the Land of Fairy Tales. But I want to ask you: "Are you ready to go everywhere, help the heroes of the fairy tale in trouble?" ("Ready!")
Then hold hands, close your eyes. One, two, three, bon voyage!
(Children go to another room. Music sounds, children open their eyes.)
Main part Educator: Here, guys, we are with you in a fairyland. Oh, how beautiful!
But look, I see the icons. This Rhetoric tells us what to do. What are they telling us about? (“Look”, “Listen”, “Speak”)
(There is a book in the clearing, a Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear")
Educator: Let's remember this tale and tell this tale in a circle one after another, but only very briefly, the most important thing. Begins to tell ... Lisa.
(Children tell a story)
Educator: Well done! And now let's try again to tell in a different way.
Let's imagine that one of you is a Bear. For example ... Kolya.
- Kolya, tell us how you carried the pies.
(The boy introduces himself as the Bear and tells from the 1st person)
Educator: What a wonderful Bear we have!
- And you, Nastenka, please turn into Masha, and tell us how you got lost?
(The girl tells from the 1st person)
Educator: Well done!
- Guys, let's interview the Bear, let him tell us why he didn't want to let Masha go? The bear will be ... Sasha. The interview will be taken by ... Dasha.
(There is a dialogue between the Bear and the girl.
Bear: One is bored, there is no one to cook, to sweep the floor. I love pies.)
Educator: Yes, the Bear is really bored and lonely alone in the house. I feel sorry for him. How can we help him?
(I listen to the suggestions of the children)
Educator: Let's send the Bear an invitation to tea from Masha, because Masha is a kind girl.
- What shall we write? (Children dictate the text)
- Let's leave here in the clearing, the forest postman - a magpie, he will give it.
Educator: Guys, we did a good deed with you. We look at the icon, it's time to move on. (Go ahead icon)
(Children come up to the screen. There are signs “Look”, “Think.” I open the screen, there are puppet dolls hanging on it)
Educator: Guys, what do you think, what good deed can be done here?
(Listening to children's versions)
- Let's revive the dolls, play with them.
(Children take dolls and start driving them)
Educator: You see, as soon as we took the dolls, they came to life. And what the doll will do depends on our actions. Our dolls greeted each other with gestures, they still cannot talk. They decided to take a walk (move). But suddenly a strong wind blew, and our dolls pressed against each other so that they would not be cold.
The wind stopped and the dolls scattered across the clearing again. Walked up, it's time to rest.
(Children hang dolls in place, say goodbye to them)
Go ahead icon
We approach the easel with pictures based on the fairy tale "Frost".
Educator: Guys, what do you think, what fairy tale we have just met, and what we will do (by the icons “Think”, “Speak”)
- What do you think this fairy tale is about? Who is good here, who is evil?
- What do you think she teaches?
- Why did Morozko do this to his stepmother's daughter?
- What would Morozko have done if his stepmother's daughter had been kind?
- What would Morozko have done if everyone in a fairy tale were angry and lazy?
- Why was the stepdaughter unhappy?
(On all questions I listen to the answers - the versions of the children)
Educator: Guys, you say that one girl is kind, hardworking. And the other is angry, sloth. Please take these hearts on a plate and present them to the girl you like best.
(Children take out the hearts and put them next to the girl they like.
The teacher remembers and takes notes)
Educator: So you like your stepdaughter better, a kind girl. Good.
- But the stepdaughter and the sloth decided to treat you to sweets. Stepdaughter treats with caramels, stepmother's daughter - chocolates.
- Please help yourself.
(Pay attention to what kind of candy the children take)
Educator: ... why did you give the heart to your stepdaughter, and took the candy from the sloth? (Two, three questions to the children)
Educator: Yes, guys, it is easy to speak beautifully, but it is difficult to act beautifully.
- Guys, it seems to me that Morozko was too cruel to the woman and her daughter. Don't you feel sorry for them? Let's think of another way to reeducate.
(Children express their suggestions)
Educator: Here we have done one more good deed.
(Go ahead icon)
Educator: And what is this? Look icon.
A chest, probably with jewels. Let's see.
(The chest contains elements of theatrical costumes: hats, handbags, crowns, hats, etc.)
Educator: Guys, who needs all this? ... That's right, artists.
- Let's try it out. (Children try on and examine themselves in the mirror)
-… (addressing someone) who do you feel? ... and you, ... and you?
- Consider yourself in the mirror from all sides. And let's play the freeze game. While the music is playing, you move like fairy-tale heroes in costumes like artists. As soon as the music stops, you should freeze, as if it were a portrait. (Play)
Educator: Well done! Real artists!
- Guys, it's very interesting here, but it's time for us, Rhetoric is urging us on.
(Go ahead icon)
- We have one more thing to do. We are wizards, and now we will try to turn an ordinary ball into a wonderful doll. We will succeed if we work together, help each other and consult. First, let's try to inflate the balloon.
(Respiratory gymnastics "Inflating the ball")
Educator: Here is the ball. Let's get to work.
(Children stick their eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair on the balloon. Put on a dress.
It turns out a doll. (summary of the lesson from ds50.ru) Children beat her.
The Rhetoric appears.)
The final part Rhetoric: Well guys, did you enjoy doing good deeds?
- And I liked you, I liked how you worked together, helped each other. (Individual praise)
- The journey is over, but the Fairy Tale does not say goodbye to you, she herself will come to visit you. Take the doll as a souvenir.
- Join hands, close your eyes. Goodbye. Good luck!

Fairy tale project

Fairytale therapy lesson - integrated form educational activities setting narrowly focused goals and objectives.

Fairytale therapy project is a combined and extended way of implementing fairytale therapy, combining several differently directed artistic, aesthetic and practical activities (speech development, psycho-gymnastics, reading, application, art therapy, theatrical activities, music, drawing, modeling, etc.), united by a common theme ... The creative project is implemented in cooperation of an educator, teacher-psychologist, speech therapist, music worker, head of the theater group, pupils and parents.

Types of projects by implementation time:

  • short-term - from one lesson to one week;
  • long-term - from a month to a year.

Project structure:

  • preparatory stage;
  • main stage;
  • final stage.

Activities within the Fairytale Therapy Project

Directions of work and forms of implementation:

  • Cognitive development:
    • educational and psychotherapeutic conversations with parents and pupils;
    • quizzes and mind games;
    • homework creative tasks;
    • decoration of the corner of fairy tales, preparation of demonstration material and art exhibitions (stands, travel folders, posters, thematic newspapers, etc.);
    • staging of performances and staging;
    • excursions, visits to exhibitions, concerts and performances.
  • Developing games (didactic, literary, theatrical, role-playing).
  • Artistic practical activity (art therapy, drawing, applique, music, modeling).
  • Methods for the development of verbal creativity (compilation of fairy tales, acquaintance with riddles and proverbs, writing).
  • Physical culture - relay races, sports events.

Decorating a corner of a fairy tale, holding games and classes

Table: examples of projects based on fairy tales

Project name Content of the project
"Our Good Tales" (short-term, senior group)
Stage I. Preparatory information:
  • Arouse the interest of children and parents in the topic of the project.
  • Collection of information, literature, additional material.
  • Informing parents about the implementation of this project. Selection of methodical, reference, fiction, proverbs, sayings. Drawing up a long-term plan for this project.
  • Selection of material and equipment for classes, conversations, role-playing games with children.
  • Cooperation with parents: a conversation with parents about the need for their participation in the project, about a serious attitude to the educational process in the preschool educational institution.
  • Wall newspaper competition "The Most Reading Family".
  • Joint co-creation between parents and children "Illustrating a favorite fairy tale".
  • Contest of crafts "Our fairy tales".

Stage II. Practical - cognitive:
Organization cognitive activities children:

  • Conduct a cycle of educational activities. Creation of a mini-library based on fairy tales.
  • Informative conversations "Fairy tales are good friends", "My favorite fairy tales".
  • Guessing riddles about fairy-tale heroes. Children's stories about visiting theaters.
  • GCD "Fairy tale" Fox-sister and the Gray Wolf "".
  • Memorizing excerpts from fairy tales for staging a puppet theater for children and parents.
  • Working with the tale "Turnip".
  • Consideration of illustrations of different artists for fairy tales.
  • Joint activities at home. Draw a picture "Favorite fairy tale" together with the child.
  • Consultation for parents "What fairy tales to read to a child at night", "Fairy tale therapy".
  • Activities for working with children: reading fiction, watching cartoons, GCD, making fairy-tale characters from waste and improvised material, didactic and role-playing games, morning conversations "Story of a fairy tale read at home" (daily), trainings, situational communication.

Stage III. Summing up, analysis of the expected result:

  • Decoration of an exhibition of family crafts of fairy-tale characters.
  • Show of the performance "Kolobok".
  • Project presentation.
"We play a fairy tale" (long-term, younger group)
Preparatory stage.
  • Choosing a project theme.
  • Creation of a group for the implementation of the project.
  • Determination of the goal and objectives.
  • Drawing up a work plan.
  • Selection of literature, production of attributes.

Practical stage.
For kids:

  • To acquaint children with fairy tales.
  • Educational activities for the development of speech using fairy tales.
  • Consideration of illustrations based on fairy tales (highlight characters, determine their character).
  • Making decorations and attributes for showing the "Turnip" fairy tale.
  • Reading and telling stories.
  • Role-playing games: "On a visit to fairy tales", "Let's help a fairy tale", etc.
  • Selection of riddles based on fairy tales.
  • Open viewing "Telling the Tale" Turnip ".

For parents:

  • Help of parents in the selection of fairy tales.
  • Reading fairy tales with parents at home.
  • Assisting in the preparation of attributes for fairy tales.
  • Parents' drawings for the creation of the book "Our Favorite Tales".

The final stage.

  • Generalization of the results of the work.
  • Collection of drawings from parents.
  • Making a family book "Our Favorite Fairy Tales".
  • Design of the exhibition "Our Favorite Fairy Tales".
"There on unknown paths" (middle group)
Implementation mechanisms:
  • Relaxation.
  • An outdoor game.
  • Puppet therapy (by reviving a doll, the child actually works out the mechanism of self-regulation, learns to adequately express his thoughts).
  • Legend or magical story.
  • Solving fabulous problems.
  • Composing your own fairy tales.
  • Making attributes, costumes for fairy tales.

Product of children's activity:

  1. Staging a fairy tale.
  2. Drawing competition "My Favorite Fairy Tale".

Working with parents:
development of consultations on the topic "Fairytale therapy as a means of relieving children's anxiety."
"A fairy tale as a means of optimizing the psychoemotional sphere of a preschooler."
Work with children:

  • Poll "Your Favorite Fairy Tale".
  • "Listening to a fairy tale" - provides for the acquaintance of children with a Russian folk tale. The teacher tells or reads a fairy tale, at the same time putting decorations and figures of characters on the table in front of the children.
  • “Telling a fairy tale” begins with a collective retelling of a fairy tale: children tell a fairy tale, and the teacher illustrates it, changing the scenery, moving the figures of the characters.
  • "Showing a Fairy Tale" - includes a reenactment of a familiar fairy tale. This involves the distribution of roles between children, the choice of a decorator.
  • "Drawing a favorite fairy tale" - he poses problematic tasks for the children, the solution of which requires the use of a pencil. Preschoolers help their favorite fairy-tale characters by performing various drawings and graphic works for this.

The corner of the fairy tale is made out in the premises of the kindergarten group. The main goal is to intensify interest in the fairy tale, to create a special cozy, secluded place where kids can immerse themselves in the magical atmosphere of a fairy tale, look through the pages of their favorite book with pleasure, play with dolls, look at illustrations, and draw their favorite fairy tale episode.

Rules for the design of the corner of the book:

  • To help the child find something to his liking on his own, developing initiative and independence.
  • Located away from the noisy area, creates comfortable conditions for emotional relaxation and relieving psychological stress, adjusts for a calm and thoughtful pastime.
  • Materials should be varied and age-appropriate.
  • It is designed with the help of special shelves and tables, games, illustrations, books, theatrical attributes, toys should be freely available, it should be convenient for children to study individually and in small groups.

The main purpose of the corner is to activate interest in the fairy tale


  • Board travel games (playing field with chips) based on the fairy tales "The Turnip", "Ryaba Chicken", "The Wizard of the Emerald City", etc.
  • Didactic games.
  • Finger theater.
  • Table theater.
  • Masks, costumes, dolls.
  • Materials for artistic creation (pencils, paints).

It should be comfortable for children to study individually and in small groups.

Table: examples of tasks for the quiz based on fairy tales

"What kind of fairy tale are we talking about?"
  • The owners entered the house - they found a mess there. (Three bears)
  • The mouse came to their aid, together they pulled out a vegetable. (Turnip)
  • Heals various babies, heals birds and animals. (Doctor Aibolit)
  • The apple tree helped us, the stove helped us ... (Geese-swans)
  • We are not afraid of the gray wolf. (Three little pigs)
  • I'll sit on a tree stump, eat a pie (Masha and the bear)
  • Pounded, pounded on the plate with his nose. (Crane and fox)
  • And stockings and shoes ran away from the dirty. (Moidodyr)
  • Come, cockroaches, I will treat you to tea (Fly-Tsokotukha).
  • My light, mirror, tell me ... (The tale of the dead princess and the seven heroes)
  • Do not drink from a hoof, you will become a goatling. (Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)
  • The wicked old woman is even more angry ... (The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish)
"Salad from fairy tales" The presenter reads invented fairy tales, where there are characters from various Russian folk tales, and the players need to guess which fairy tales these characters are from?
1. “… The Wolf sits at the ice-hole and says:“ At the pike's command, at my will, catch a fish, big and small. ”The tail got heavy, the Wolf began to pull it, it couldn't pull it out. Wolf called the grandmother, the grandmother - the granddaughter, the granddaughter - the Beetle ... ”. ("Chanterelle - little sister and the Gray wolf", "By the pike's command", "Turnip")
2. “... Ivanushka drank water from a hoof and turned into a goat, Alyonushka saw it and began to cry. And Ivanushka says: “Don't cry, Alyonushka, but help me better get into my left ear, but get out of the right one and I'll become a brother again…”. ("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "Tiny - havroshechka")
3. “... The Kolobok rolled along the path and saw: there was a hut in front of him on chicken legs. And in front of the hut sits Ivanushka, playing with golden apples. Gingerbread man knocked and asked: “Knock, knock, knock! Who lives in the mansion? " “I am a mouse - a burrow, I am a frog - a frog ...”. ("Kolobok", "Geese - Swans", "Teremok").
4. Here came a snowy winter, snowdrifts piled up to the waist, the children poured out onto the street to play, and the old man and the old woman looked at them from the window and thought about their grief. "And what, old woman, says the old man, let us make ourselves a daughter out of the snow." And the old woman replies: “Do not grieve, Ivan is the tsarevich! Go to bed - sleep, the morning is wiser than the evening! ("The Snow Maiden", "The Frog Princess")
"Songs of fairytale heroes"
Team members need to remember the songs that are performed in fairy tales
  • Little Red Riding Hood's Song.
  • Cinderella's song.
  • Kolobok's song.
  • Buratino's song.
  • Song of the Bremen Town Musicians.
  • The squirrel's song (in the garden, in the city ..).
  • Song of the Three Little Pigs.
  • Song of the Goats and the Kids.
"Live pictures" The teams take turns depicting a fairy tale without words, using facial expressions,
movements and gestures. ("Turnip", "Three Little Pigs", "Geese-Swans", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids").
"Continue the tale" Once upon a time, there were toys in the children's room: a doll Masha, a funny clown, a mouse Baby and a clumsy bear. They got tired of sitting in one place, and they decided to go on a trip. How long or short did our toys go, and finally they got into the fairy forest….
with the help of leading questions, continue the tale in turn)
- What a fairy forest?
- What did the toys see in the fairy forest?
- Whom did they meet?
- Toys got lost, who helped them?
- Whom did the toys help?
- How did the toys get home?
"Fishing" Remember, in The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish, the old man's occupation was to fish with a net, we are also going fishing now. The fish that you catch are not simple, but with tasks. (The guys take turns going to the board, “catching” a fish and answering the question that is written on the back. Whoever answers correctly has caught the fish).
Questions on the fish:
1. Who was King Dadon's watchman? (Cockerel)
2. What was the name of the groom of the dead princess? (Prince Elisha)
3. How many years did the old man live with the old woman by the very blue sea? (33 years)
4. To whom did the prince Elisha turn in search of his bride? (To the sun, to the month, to the wind).
5. What words does “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda” begin with? (Once upon a time there was a pop, oily forehead).
6. For what payment did Balda agree to serve the priest? (in 3 clicks on the forehead)
7. With what words did the old woman scold her old man? (You fool ..)
8. Name the meeting place for Balda with the priest. (bazaar)
9. How many heroes did uncle Chernomor have? (33)
10. What song does the squirrel sing in “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”? (Is it in the garden ...)
11. What time of year is the “Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs” talking about? (about winter)
12. What was the 1 wish of the old woman from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”? (trough)
"Crossword puzzle on Russian folk tales" Horizontally:
2.The one Ilya, who pacified the Nightingale the robber. 4.The heroine of fairy tales. She and the Wise, she and the Beautiful. 7. The flower that was friends with the lark. 10. In the story about the grandfather and the bear, one of them got the roots, and the other ... 11. He left his grandfather and left his grandmother. 12. What happened when did the prince and princess meet?
1. Bird-robber. 3. Baba is terrible ... 5. The youngest son of a grandfather and a woman. Usually a fool. 6. Sister Alyonushka had a brother ... 8. What does the pop wave? 9. A fairytale house in which many animals live.

How to conduct an open lesson on the topic "Fairy Tale"

An open lesson must meet certain requirements:

  • a high level of professional training of a teacher conducting fairy tale therapy;
  • educational work with teachers and psychologists, including methodological master classes and the transfer of innovative experience in the process of the final discussion of an open lesson;
  • presentation of the results of the teacher's work within the framework of the theme of self-education in fairy tale therapy;
  • demonstration of the effectiveness of fairy tale therapy, which solves the urgent tasks of modern preschool education;
  • open shows do not require special conditions or preliminary rehearsals, but it is advisable to psychologically prepare the children for the presence of strangers.

Video: an integrated lesson based on the fairy tale "Kolobok" (younger group)

https://youtube.com/watch?v=DNRVW8DCbj4 Video can’t be loaded: Integrated Kindergarten Activity (https://youtube.com/watch?v=DNRVW8DCbj4)

Table: examples of staging a fairy tale in kindergarten

Fairy tale "Teremok" in a new way
Staging game based on the tale "Turnip" (for children 3-4 years old)
The first participants of the performance come out to the music,
which depict Teremok.
Narrator: In the morning the Sun woke up,
smiled early
The sun began to shine, to amuse everyone everywhere.
The nightingales began to sing around, sonorous trills rang out.
WITH Good morning! Happy clear day!
How merrily we live!
Nightingales perform an impromptu dance.
Grandfather and Baba gathered from the morning at the teremok.
The house was completed, and now it was the turn to rest.
They gathered at the Canary Islands.
This is what life is like today!
Grandfather and Baba leave.
Teremochek is so good, you won't find it anywhere!
The windows are big here!
Painted shutters!
Smoke comes from the chimney.
Who will step on the threshold?
Here Komarik flew in, sat down at the window.
I knocked on the little tower, but did not receive an answer.
He began to live and live well, and he began to wait for guests.
The mouse collected grain,
I saw Teremochek.
Knocked at Teremok,
brought a bag of grain.
She will bake pancakes
make pies
They will be full in Teremka and everyone will be happy!
From the disco, there was a Frog, a pop-eyed girl.
Well, Mouse and Mosquito let her into the house.
Long time passed - the Fox from the cinema was walking.
He sees - in the Teremok field.
Hey! Let on the doorstep!
I'll live here with you, I'll start teaching you dancing!
The Gray Wolf ran along the path, what does he see before him?
Ouch! Yes, it's Teremok!
He is not low, not high.
Open up soon!
No urine to wait!
Oh, I'm tired, I can't!
I will rest, I will help you !!
The Bear walked from behind the swamp.
Sees - the gate is locked.
Open up, I am the Bear!
Otherwise I will roar!
The Bear burst into Teremok,
Teremochek has fallen apart!
All the beasts scattered.
What will happen? Yo is mine!
The animals run away, Grandfather and Baba appear.
What to do? How to be?
Where should Grandfather and Baba live?
They cry, flood, say goodbye to Teremko.
But I decided later
Dedok take credit for the teremok
And build new house- and with a porch, and with a yard!
Just mind you! Not by the swamp!
And their work went!
All the beasts helped - after all, they destroyed the housing!
All the animals come out.
Here is the new Teremok! Smoke comes from the chimney.
Grandfather and Baba were going to rest again.
Well, a fairy tale, how it got wet. Start over again!
The presenter "Autumn" comes out:
- Hello guys!
Do you know who I am? (Answers of children.)
It's a wonderful time of the year, autumn.
Many fruits and vegetables have ripened in the gardens and vegetable gardens.
Guys, what fruits and vegetables do you know? (children's answers)
That's what great fellows you are!
Look, who is sitting here?
(Draws attention to the narrator (grandmother)
who sits on a chair and knits socks.)
B: Hello guys! And you are a beauty Autumn!
A: Hello grandma! And what are you doing?
B: I knit socks for my grandfather!
A: Oh, where is your grandfather?
B: My grandfather lives in a fairy tale. And in what I forgot!
A: Guys, let's help grandma remember
in what fairy tale is her grandfather.
(Children call fairy tales where the character is grandfather.)
B: What guys are great! helped me remember
from what a fairy tale my grandfather! This is the tale "Turnip".
A: Now let's see this tale.
It will be shown by children of the younger group.
On the stage there is a house in which all the characters of the fairy tale live.
Two chairs between them are stretched black paper or cloth (this is earth).
It turns out that the grandfather is holding a seed in his hands.
He throws the seed into the ground and pours it from the watering can.
A: Grandfather planted a turnip. A big turnip has grown - very large!
At this time, a turnip enters to the music and sits in the garden.
The grandfather began to pull the turnip.
A: My grandfather began to pull the turnip.
Pulls-pulls, cannot pull!
The grandfather called the grandmother.
D: grandma come out, grandma come out to pull the turnip!
The grandmother comes out to the music.
О: grandma for grandfather, grandfather for turnip pull -
pull, cannot pull!
Then they called their granddaughter!
D. B .: granddaughter come out! granddaughter come out to pull the turnip!
The granddaughter runs out of the house to the music.
A: granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather,
Daddy for a turnip pull, pull pull can not!
Then they called the bug!
DBW: come out the bug! bug go out to pull the turnip!
A bug runs out to the music, barking.
A: a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother,
grandma for a grandfather, grandfather for a turnip!
Pull pull pull can't pull!
Then they called the cat.
DBVZh .: cat come out, cat come out to pull the turnip!
The cat slowly comes out to the music.
A: a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter,

pull pull pull can't pull!
Then they called the mouse!
D.B.V.Zh.K .: mouse come out, mouse come out to pull the turnip!
A mouse runs out to the music with a squeak.
A: a mouse for a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter,
granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip,
pull - pull pull can not!
Well, what a turnip that has grown cannot be pulled out in any way!
Let's go one more time!
Pull-pull pulled the turnip !!!
Then grandma cooked delicious -
delicious porridge and fed everyone,
and the mouse sat in the most honorable place.
All heroes dance a merry round dance to the music!

Fairytale therapy is a direction of practical psychology, literally means - treatment with fairy tales. Its purpose is to help a child or an adult solve internal psychological problems. The main feature is softness and efficiency. In this article, we will consider various methods of fairy tale therapy, as well as options for practical application.

Fairytale therapy as a method of correction is very effective and capable of solving serious psychological problems. The reason is the positive reaction of people to the fairy tale, regardless of age. In most patients, there is no internal rejection and protest.

Psychologists distinguish four basic directions in this technique:

  1. Diagnostic. Helps to determine the scenarios that a person uses when solving life situations. With the help of diagnostics, he determines character traits, strengths and weak sides personalities, talents, attitudes, etc. Carrying out diagnostics, the specialist determines the root of the client's problems.
  2. Correctional. It helps a person create a harmonious image of himself, tune in to a healthy model of behavior, and correct negative models of perception of the world.
  3. Prognostic. Helps a person determine the results of his behavior and current position in life.
  4. Developing. It helps to relieve emotional and muscle tension, reduces anxiety, develops imagination, and facilitates adaptation to new conditions.

The effectiveness of treatment with fairy tales lies in the fact that most people perceive a fairy tale very positively, there is no rejection and internal conflict. At the same time, there is a deep impact on the spiritual and moral level.

Directions in fairy tale therapy

The methods of working with a fairy tale are very different, since any phenomenon can be described in the form of a magical story. Moreover, each specialist uses a fairy tale in his own way. However, there are several popular forms of fairy tale work that are used by most therapists.

Diagnostics using a fairy tale

The basis of the technique is the patient's response. It is thanks to her that the therapist draws conclusions about the state of a person, his problems and life situation.

To do this, several conditions must be met:

  • Create a trusting atmosphere during the session.
  • Show the patient a sincere interest in his problems.
  • Sincerity and openness of the therapist himself.

Forms from work with a fairy tale:

1. Telling a fairy tale. The point is to tell the story, not read. Real feelings and experiences are very important here. During the session, the psychologist observes the child's reactions and comments. Sometimes the child interrupts, asks questions, composes a different storyline, etc. This the most important points in work, they characterize the psycho-emotional state of the patient.

2. Composing a fairy tale. Here the therapist and the child compose a story together, put their feelings into it, dramatize, change the plot. Here you can do everything: remake an old fairy tale in a new way, swap the places of good and evil heroes, put yourself in the place of one of them. The technique helps the child to open up, reveals hidden emotional states that are not reflected in the behavior.

3. Drawing a fairy tale. As a rule, this technique is used as the second stage of working with a fairy tale. The patient is asked to draw, sculpt or make an applique on the theme of the story he heard. Here he can throw out his feelings and anxieties, free himself psychologically. In poor condition, the patient paints gloomy pictures of monsters, dark colors prevail in the drawing. But with the systematic passage of the sessions, each next drawing becomes brighter and more positive. For drawing, you can use any suitable materials: gouache, watercolor, pencils, felt-tip pens, etc.

4. Making dolls. The basis of the method is the inclusion of a self-healing mechanism inherent in the psyche of each person. Making a doll, the patient relaxes, stress, anxiety and fear go away. The person enters an easy meditative state. He kind of associates the doll with one of the aspects of his personality. In fairy tale therapy, the psychologist invites the patient to create a doll based on the fairy tale, which can be any hero the patient likes. The technique can be used both as a diagnosis and as a therapy. The result is the patient's awareness of the problem and the search for a solution through relaxation.

5. Statement of a fairy tale. Usually it takes place in several stages: reading or a story, making dolls-characters, coming up with a plot, staging. Each participant can choose a role for himself and endow his character with such qualities as he wants. It can be both positive and bad guy... He may be similar to the participant, or may be his complete opposite. Impromptu and creative atmosphere are very important here. The method is designed to relieve tension and help to open up. Participants should be able to express their feelings and feelings. The result is the disclosure of the potential of each child. Children become more sociable, more adapted to life, come out of their "shell".

Attention! When staging, learning roles, lengthy rehearsals, and a tough script are unacceptable. Staging a fairy tale is always impromptu.

Practical use of the fairy tale therapy method in working with children

Composing a fairy tale, a practical technique

The session is built according to the following pattern:

  1. The therapist, together with the child, describes the protagonist who looks like a child in appearance, character and age.
  2. The presenter tells about the life of the hero so that the child sees the similarities between himself and him.
  3. The hero is faced with a problem similar to the real situation of a child, he has the same experiences and feelings.
  4. At the final stage, the fairytale hero looks for a way out and a situation and finds it with success.

In this practice, the presenter necessarily involves the child in the creative process, is interested in his opinion, asks questions, and offers options for the development of the plot. but does not insist on them.

Attention! When writing a story, you should not call the main character by the name of the child, so as not to impose ready-made models of behavior on him. If the technique worked, the child himself will draw parallels between himself and the main character.

Meditative fairy tale therapy for children 5-7 years old

The purpose of the practice is to form the energy foundation of the personality in the child, to compensate for the lack of parental warmth.

Lesson structure:

  1. The presenter turns on light meditative music and invites the child to relax and close his eyes.
  2. The therapist draws the child's attention to breathing, you need to breathe deeply and slowly. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.
  3. The psychologist slowly begins to tell the tale. Its task is to turn on all the senses in the child. Through a fairy tale, he must feel the images: how the blue sky looks, how the stream gurgles, how the strawberries smell, etc. It is important here to include all types of sensations (visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory).
  4. At the final stage, the therapist gradually takes the child out of meditation with the following words: "Everything that you have found for yourself in this wonderful world remains with you, gradually we open our eyes and return." At this stage, it is important that the child retains the sensations from meditation for a longer time, remembers them and learns to enter this state on his own.

This technique reveals the inherent potential in the child, increases self-esteem, and helps to understand various phenomena. Fairy tale meditation is often used in work with children from disadvantaged families.

Staging a fairy tale for children 4-5 years old

The purpose of the technique is to reveal the inner “I” through the image of a toy. The practice is carried out both with one patient and with a group.

How is the session going:

  1. The therapist shows the children a box with toys and offers to choose the main character.
  2. The presenter tells the children about the hero: what is his name, what is his character. He also invites children to describe the hero, to express their attitude towards him.
  3. The psychologist describes the situation in which the hero finds himself and invites the children to build a storyline, play as the hero, and dream up. The presenter pronounce the following words: “Imagine that you are on an island, find yourself in a fabulous country or flew to another planet. What are you going to do?"
  4. More than one hero can take part in the performance. If desired, children can choose a few more toys from the box and expand the storyline.
  5. At the end of the play, the presenter asks the children questions: How did you feel in the role? Why did you behave this way? What conclusions can be drawn?

The main task of the practice is to help children to express themselves in creativity, to show themselves as real, to learn to communicate harmoniously. In no case should there be formality and hypocrisy.

Books on fairy tale therapy

1. "Author's fairy tale therapy", A.V. Gnezdilov The book of the famous St. Petersburg doctor and storyteller contains his fairy tales that help people cope with difficult situations for them - problems in the family, the loss of loved ones, discover new strengths and find inner harmony.

2. "Fairy tales and tips", Kozlova E.G.

This collection contains 350 problems (with tips, solutions and answers), proposed in the classroom math circles and solved by children.
The book will be interesting and useful for schoolchildren, their parents, as well as teachers of mathematics and students of mathematics departments of pedagogical institutes.

3. "Workshop on Fairy Tale Therapy", Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D.

The guide to fairy tale therapy is addressed to psychologists, educators, psychotherapists, doctors, philologists, parents and all those who feel close to the fairy tale genre.

4. "Fairy tales and fairy tale therapy" Dmitry Sokolov

This book is one of the first and most nimble swallows of fairy tale therapy, a popular and rapidly developing area of ​​practical psychology. In contrast to "serious" textbooks, it sets out the basics of the approach in an easy and colorful way.

The book contains fairy tales that have independent artistic value, which over the past ten years have fallen in love with many children and adults who have met them through the first editions of this book, as well as through magazines, audio tapes and puppet shows.


As a method of fairy tale therapy appeared in the late sixties of the XX century, it was used by psychologists to correct pathological conditions. A fairy tale is a kind of mediator between the therapist and the patient. Working with a fairy tale reduces anxiety, tension, corrects destructive behavior. The technique in a mild form helps to understand the problem, and with systematic application - to find the right solution serious tasks.

Read the article: 6 466

The value of fairy tales for psychotherapy, psychocorrection and development of the child's personality lies in the absence of didactics in fairy tales, the uncertainty of the place of action of the heroes and the victory of good over evil, contributes to the psychological protection of the child. The events of the fairy tale story naturally and logically follow from each other. Thus, the child perceives and learns the causal relationships that exist in the world. Reading or listening to a fairy tale, the child "gets used to" the story. He can identify himself not only with the main character, but also with other characters. At the same time, the child's ability to feel in the place of another develops. This is what makes the fairy tale an effective psychotherapeutic and developmental tool.











Compiled by:


MDOU CRR kindergarten # 51

N.V. Deputatova

Therapeutic effect -getting used to sleep in kindergarten.

Children age: 2-5 years old.


He lived with his grandparents Kolobok. He was obedient, and therefore did not run away from them anywhere. Every morning Kolobok rolled down the path to the kindergarten. There he played with friends, had fun, sang everyone his favorite song about himself, and when in the evening he returned back to his grandparents, he always told them what interesting happened to him today in the garden. Kolobok liked everything in kindergarten, except for one thing - he could not go to bed in the garden at lunchtime: he cried, was capricious, could not sleep for a long time, even tried to roll off the crib and tried to roll from the kindergarten home to his grandparents. But one day his teacher, Fox, managed to stop him on the threshold of the kindergarten in time and bring him back to the group. She put Kolobok back in comfortable bed, covered him with a warm blanket and asked.

Why don't you, Kolobok, like sleeping in the garden?

Because it's so sad to lie in bed with your eyes closed and not see anything. This is not so interesting!

And you don't just lie, but try to fall asleep to see interesting dreams! - Affectionately said the Fox.

Dreams? I don't know what dreams are. I never dream about them.

Lie down more comfortably and I will teach you to dream ... - said the Fox.

Then the teacher Fox advised Kolobok not only to lie in the bed with his eyes closed, but to relax, feel how warm and comfortable his bed is and try to dream about something pleasant.

Gingerbread man closed his eyes and tried to do everything as Fox told him. And a miracle happened - he fell asleep and saw good dream... He dreamed of a funny bunny jumping with him, then the Wolf played the game "Catch Me" with him - and they had a lot of fun, then Mishka danced with him to joyful, cheerful music. And Kolobok also dreamed of his teacher Chanterelle, in his dream she was as kind and friendly as in reality. She played hide and seek with him. And then Kolobok with all the animals: a bunny, a wolf, a bear and a teacher Fox took hold of the handles and danced a merry round dance in a circle. Gingerbread man had such a good dream.

When he woke up, he had a cheerful and cheerful mood. He immediately told the teacher and all the animals in the garden his fascinating dream.

Since then, Kolobok was looking forward to lunch in kindergarten to see a new interesting dream.

The therapeutic effect is a complicated adaptation of the child to the conditions of the kindergarten.

Children age: 2-5 years old.

Fairy tale for fairy tale therapy for preschool children:


Lived in the sea, a small fish, Bul-Bul. Every morning she sailed to the sea kindergarten, but she was very sad, she often cried because she did not want to make friends with anyone, she was not at all interested in the sea garden and all she did was cry and wait for Mom will come and take her home.

There was a teacher in this garden, but she was not an ordinary fish, but a gold one. That was her name - teacher gold fish... And then, one day, she said to the little fish Bul-Bul:

I will help you, I am a magic Goldfish and I will make it so that you no longer cry in kindergarten, so that you are not sad. The Goldfish-teacher waved her tail - and a miracle happened - the Bul-Bul fish stopped crying, she made friends with other small fish in the group and they played together, laughed and frolicked in the sea garden. Bull-Bull was even strange - why hadn't she noticed before what friendly fish are next to her in kindergarten and how fun and interesting it is to spend time with them!

Since then, Bul-Bul happily swam to the kindergarten every morning, because she knew that her friends were waiting for her there.

Therapeutic effect - a positive attitude towards kindergarten,

Children age: 2-5 years old.

Fairy tale for fairy tale therapy for preschool children:


The mother of the Hare lived in a fairy forest and she was the happiest in the world, because she had a little hare. She named him Fuzzy. Mom loved her bunny very much, never left him for a minute, walked, played with him, fed him delicious cabbage, an apple, and when he started crying, mom instead of a dummy gave him juicy carrots and the bunny calmed down.

Time passed and Fuzzy grew up. Mom decided to take him to a forest kindergarten, which was attended by all the little animals of this forest. And then, one day, my mother brought her bunny to kindergarten. The Fuzzy burst into tears, he was scared and sad without his mother, he did not want to stay there. Our bunny was approached by a teacher, a red-haired Squirrel. She was good and very fond of all the little forest animals. The squirrel took him on her arms and gently pressed him to her fluffy, fur coat. The teacher took pity on, calmed the bunny and introduced him to other animals that went to kindergarten. She introduced him to a funny little fox, a kind bear, a friendly hedgehog and other animals.

All the animals were very happy that in their forest garden a new one appeared - a bunny. They began to play games with him, walked on the green lawn, then ate, and rested in cribs. And so my mother came for the hare to take him home. How happy she was when she saw that her bunny was not crying, but was playing merrily in the garden! All the way home, the Fuzzy told his mother who he had met in the garden and how interesting and fun it was for him to play with his new friends. Mom was proud of her bunny and was glad that Fuzzy realized that it was not worth crying in kindergarten, because it was not scary there at all, but on the contrary it was fun and interesting.

Therapeutic effect -reducing the child's fear of doctors and injections.

Fairy tale for fairy tale therapy for preschool children:


It happened a long time ago. The Beast has settled in a large, warm swamp. There was no rest for people from him. People went to Ivan the hero to ask for help. And Ivan the hero went and fought with the monster. They fought for three days and three nights. Finally, Ivan the hero won.

To take revenge on people, the Beast, dying, spat out whole hordes of small, hunched, aggressive aliens - viruses. They spread all over the world, penetrated the organisms of adults, children, animals and caused a very difficult and dangerous disease- flu.

Many people and animals were seriously ill from the flu, because they did not know how to protect themselves, how to protect themselves. This happened in ancient times, but, unfortunately, these evil viruses are very resistant and tenacious.

They still live - in the body of sick people, on books, toys, dishes and other things that the patient used.

The saliva spreads germs to the sidewalk or to the ground. When saliva dries up, viruses become as light as feathers, rise with dust into the air and enter the human body when breathing.

Viruses most often settle in the lungs, where they are warm and comfortable. They begin to feed heavily and reproduce. These evil viruses want everyone to get sick.

But I want to calm you down, not everyone is sick! Those who care about their health and always follow the rules of hygiene, and in particular, always wash their hands, need not be afraid - they are not afraid of the flu.

And people have come up with a vaccine, which doctors do to treat these terrible viruses. This vaccine kills all these hordes of evil viruses and people stop getting sick from the flu.

The therapeutic effect is to reduce the child's fear of the dark.

Children age: 4-6 years old

Fairy tale for fairy tale therapy for preschool children:


Two friends, Chicken and Duckling, went for a walk in the forest. On the way, they met Chanterelle. She invited her friends to visit her, to her hole, promising to treat them with delicious sweets. When the kids came to Chanterelle, she opened the door to her burrow and invited them to come in first.

As soon as the Chicken and the Duckling crossed the threshold, the Fox quickly closed the door and laughed: “Ha-ha-ha! How cleverly I deceived you. Now I will run for firewood, light a fire, heat the water and throw you kids into it. I’ll have a delicious soup ”.

Chick and Duckling, finding themselves in the dark and hearing the taunts of the Fox, realized that they were caught. The chicken burst into tears and began to call loudly for his mother, because he was very scared in the dark.

And the Duckling, although he was also very afraid of the dark, did not cry, he thought. And then, finally, I came up with it! The duckling invited the chicken to dig an underground passage. They began to rake the ground with all their paws with their paws. Soon a ray of light penetrated into a small gap, the gap grew larger, and now the friends were already free.

You see, Chicken, - said the little Duckling. - If we sat and just cried because we are afraid to sit in the dark, the Fox would have eaten us already. We must always remember that we are stronger and smarter than our fears, and therefore we can easily cope with them! The Chicken and the Duckling hugged each other and ran home joyful.

Chanterelle came with firewood, opened the door, looked into the hole and froze in place with surprise ... There was no one in the hole.

Therapeutic effect is to reduce the child's anxiety about fear darkness.

Fairy tale for fairy tale therapy for preschool children:


Little Seryozha lay under the covers and trembled all over. It was dark outside. And Seryozha's room was also dark. Mom put him to bed and slept in her room herself. And Seryozha could not sleep in any way. It seemed to him that there was someone in the room. The boy thought he heard something rustling in the corner. And he became even more scared and even he was afraid to call his mother.

Suddenly, a bright celestial star landed right on Serezha's pillow.

Seryozha, don't tremble, ”she said in a whisper.

I can’t help but tremble, I’m scared, ”Seryozha whispered.

Do not be so afraid - said the star and illuminated the whole room with its flicker. - Look, there is no one in the corner or under the closet!

Who was that rustling?

Nobody rustled, it was fear that entered you, but it is very easy to drive it away.

How? Teach me, - the boy asked the bright star.

There is one song. Only you get scared, start singing it right away! - So the star said and sang:

A terrible little fear lives in the dark forest,

He lives by the swamp in dark bushes.

And a terrible little fear does not appear from the forest,

The fear of the light is frightened - it sits in its bushes.

And also a terrible little fear is afraid of laughter,

As soon as you laugh, the fear in the bushes disappears!

At first, Seryozha listened to the song of the star, and then he sang with it himself. It was then that the fear disappeared from Seryozha's room, and the boy fell asleep sweetly.

Since then, Seryozha has not been afraid to fall asleep in a room without his mother. And if suddenly fear comes to him again, a magic song will help!

The therapeutic effect is to show the child the other side of excessive moodiness and harm.

Fairy tale for fairy tale therapy for preschool children:


The Sun family lives in a galaxy far, far away, many millions of light years away. Big Sun - dad, smaller Sun - mom, little Sun - son and tiny Sun - daughter. They all live as a close-knit family. They read together, come up with strange stories.

Each of them from the very birth has his own work, which he performs constantly without interruptions and vacations - they illuminate and warm the planets that revolve around each. And all would be fine, but the Sunny-son was famous for his capriciousness:​​ is capricious, says “I don’t want”, “I will not” ...

Does that happen to you?

Mom and Dad do not know what to do, how to explain to their son that such behavior is not appropriate for the Sun, because being a Sun is a great honor, but at the same time, a great responsibility, because life on the planets depends on you. Where there is responsibility, there is no place for harm.

The Sun-son was capricious even today:

I don’t want to shine from the right, I don’t want to stand in one place for so long, I don’t want to get up so early ... I will take and will not shine on the planet of Kipran, where living beings live. I will turn away!

And the Sunny-son turned away from the cyprinids, and it became dark there. All residents were frightened. What will happen to them next? If the sun does not shine, then plants, vegetables and fruits do not grow, and when there is no harvest, then there is nothing to eat. And without food, as everyone knows, a living creature dies. Little children began to cry - Cypriots, because they were very afraid of the dark - it seemed that they would be attacked by monsters or something terrible. Unbeknownst to them, in fact, almost all monsters are also afraid of the dark.

The Cypriots did not wait for death, gathered everyone for a meeting and began to talk about how they should continue to live and what to do so that the Sun-Son would shine on their planet again. Strange creatures, these Cyprians. They had bulging eyes on their chins, their nose breathed and sniffed on their stomachs, and their mouths talked and ate on their backs. And they thought to solve the problem like this: you need to shoot a request to the Sun on a video camera. To do this, they took the last lanterns, gathered the children and all together told Sunny-son how hard it was for them to live without him. The children, crying, talked about their fears. Then, the bravest ones launched a rocket and flew towards the Sun. We flew for several days to convey the request.

Sunny son looked at the recording (he loved to watch cartoons), but this recording turned out to be sad. The sun became ashamed of her behavior and whims. He even burst into tears with the Cyprian children, who were so afraid of the dark.

Since then, the Sun-Son shone on all the planets in his system and did not be capricious, but obeyed his dad and mom.

What a fine fellow Sunny son!

And you, too, are not capricious and obey your parents?

The therapeutic effect is to teach children to go to the toilet before going to bed.

Fairy tale for fairy tale therapy for preschool children:


The boy Roma lived in one magical country under the strange name Neverlandia. When he went to bed, the Wet Fairy flew into his dreams to play. It was so much fun with her! Together they could fly to another planet, travel to Niagara Falls, or simply sit by the Kuban River with their feet in the water. In a dream, you could order different seasons. And Roma often ordered summer. And the Wet Fairy also loved summer.

Fairy Wet was called because she looked like a snail and left a wet trail behind. And of course she liked the water. She loved to swim more than other entertainments.

When Roma woke up, the bed was always wet. And for some reason the adults thought that it was the baby himself who did not reach the toilet and was making a puddle in bed. Indeed, this is how it all looked, and there is nothing you can do about it. But Roma was a smart boy and decided next time, when the Wet Fairy arrived, to talk to her about wet footprints. And so he did. And this is what he heard from her:

I'm sorry that I'm in wet trouble because of me. Sorry, but I love playing with you in my sleep so much! What do we do?

Roma answered her:

Let's play from now on in the bathroom, where you can play with water.

Come on, - said the Wet Fairy and added, - and before you go to bed, you, Roma, and do not forget to go to the toilet. And when during our trip you want to use the toilet, just tell me, and we will return home, and then we will continue playing.

Good - Roma answered.

And you, kids, to whom the Wet Fairy flies in a dream, remember: before going to bed, be sure to go to the toilet.

And when you dream that you want to go to the toilet, wake up, check (pinch yourself) to understand that this is not a dream.

Get out of bed, walk to the toilet, find the toilet and then ... do your wet job.

Therapeutic Effect - Teaching Children to Keep Their Promises and Responsibilities

Fairy tale for fairy tale therapy for preschool children:


Artyom lives in the neighboring yard. He is a nice and friendly boy who goes to kindergarten every day. Likes to eat lollipops, swing on swings, slide down slides, ride a scooter, bike and much more interesting, in a word, everything that you love to do.

It so happened that Artyom fell ill and stayed with dad at home. He coughed very much, he had heat... In a few days, taking medication, the guy almost recovered. Dad stayed with his son all the time, because he worked at home at the computer. Mom had to go to work every day.

At home Artyom had many different toys, in three bags. When it was time to play, or friends came, Artyom took toys out of his bags and played. But after the game it was necessary to put everything in place. So mom and dad taught the boy. And Artyomka didn't always want to fold toys, perhaps the same way as you ...

On the last day of his illness, Artyom played with toys from the very morning. Before going to work and leaving her son and dad at home, mom reminded him not to forget to hide the toys in bags before lunchtime. The son promised to fulfill the request. But when lunch came, dad was very busy with work, so Artyom ate himself and, forgetting about his promise, went to bed, the toys were left lying scattered on the floor.

Waking up, the boy ran to the toys. And how surprised he was, how disappointed he was when he did not find one. Artyom even started crying. He ran to his father and told what had happened. Dad reassured his son, offered to think about it. They thought for a long time, talked and came to the conclusion that the toys left Artyom, because he did not fulfill his promise.

We must return the toys! But how to do that? Dad suggested to find the site "lost things" on the Internet and revise the list in order to find toys. And so they did. Found toys that ran away from the boy. Artyom was simultaneously delighted that the toys were found, and became sad because he did not keep his word ... The question arose: "How can they be returned home now?"

Let's write a letter to "lost things." In it, you need to apologize to the toys and promise to keep your promises, - suggested the dad. - Are you ready?

Yes! - answered Artyom.

The same day, dad and son sent an email. And in the evening the doorbell rang. When dad opened it, they saw that all the toys were lying on the threshold. How delighted Artyom was!

Would you be happy?

Since then, Artyom has been putting the toys back on the spot without prompting and remembered that promises must be kept.

And you kids remember this rule too!

Therapeutic Effects - Reduce childhood anxiety about fear of the dark.

Fairy tale for fairy tale therapy for preschool children:


In the dark forest lived a little Terrible Fear. And he was so interesting - he was afraid of everything himself. Where the branch will crack, and he already jumps. But every night he had to go to the city and scare the children - he had such a job, and he did it politely. While getting there, he was sweating and trembling like a leaf in the wind, he was so scared.

Others were frightened by Fear so as not to be frightened. But he didn’t know that the others were not going to scare him. Therefore, he continued his work, treated his work responsibly. Overcoming fearfulness, fear went to the city every evening.

The city was dominated by large, tall buildings, each with 100 apartments. And every apartment where the children lived had to be bypassed and scared by howls, the flickering of light, or just black darkness. All the kids were beginning to be afraid. They hid under the covers, ran to each other's cribs, turned on the lights, or asked their parents to sleep with them. They imagined various horrors, monsters, monsters, cannibals.

A brave girl, Anya, lived in one of the apartments. She was tired of being afraid and hiding from fear. Although Anya was brave, she still felt uneasy. And she decided one day to find out what kind of fear scares everyone. I took a flashlight and a stick with me to teach a lesson to the one who haunts all children in the evenings. She dressed in a dark raincoat, boots and went out into the entrance. After a while I saw a strange little man. Or maybe not a man, but a gnome. He stood in the middle of the yard so that it was convenient to work and capture more windows children's rooms.

Anya noticed that Fear looked strange, was trembling all over and was constantly muttering something under his breath. He had short and dry hands, crooked legs, a large fur hat on his head, although it was spring outside. This sight caused Anya to regret this old grandfather, and not fear or horror. I even wanted to meet the old man.

Anya, like a well-mannered girl, took a step out of the darkness towards and greeted:

Good evening, grandpa!

Hello - Terrible Fear answered in fright and sat down on the ground, his legs refused to hold him.

What are you doing here at such a late hour? Anya asked.

I… I… I… work… ”Fear stammered.

Let's get to know each other, - Anya continued boldly.

Anya listened attentively and thought:

Wow, if I continued to be afraid and did not dare to take a desperate step, I would still tremble in my bed under the covers. And so I met Fear, got to know him and made friends. I learned that Fear itself is not so terrible, but even pleasant.

How much does he know interesting stories about forest dwellers!

The children slept soundly that night and many nights later. Terrible Fear was now working as a storyteller. He really enjoyed his work. The children waited for him and listened attentively to the stories of the adventures, and then fell asleep calmly.

Do fears live next to you?

Try to get to know them.

The therapeutic effect is to show the child that each person is unique, therefore it is necessary to take care of yourself, love and perceive the way you are.

Fairy tale for fairy tale therapy for preschool children:


There were six pencils in a small box. All were friends and worked side by side. Black pencil worked the most. A little less - pencils of other colors: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow. Among them was a white pencil, and it was with him that the incident happened.

It was used less than others, and more often it was not taken out of the box at all. The white pencil got upset every time. Thought:

Nobody needs me ... Nobody loves me, I have a bad character, nobody pays attention to me. My friends work every day, and I wait. I am an unnecessary pencil, and I cried so that the box became wet.

But one day, black paper was brought to the office where the pencils lived. Until now, they wrote and drew on white, so they took colored pencils. Since then, the White pencil has become very necessary - only it was convenient for them to write on black paper. At first, there was a commotion in the office, because they could not find the White Pencil. And when they found it, they already used it only.

I was glad to see a white pencil. He tried to keep the line straight, walked quickly and gently. I was always ready to work day and night. Friends were happy for him. They always supported him, and now especially, they saw that he was happy, and they were pleased. Bely's talent and abilities were revealed.

The days passed, and only the White pencil worked. The rest of the pencils rested, and they were already bored. And Bely began to get very tired, so much so that even in the evenings he did not have enough strength to talk with his friends in the box. And it was at that moment that all the pencils suddenly understood each other. Bely understood that there was no need to lose hope, because sooner or later there would be an opportunity to prove his abilities and talent. And his friends realized how sad it was for White Pencil when he sat and did nothing.

Since then, Black, White, Yellow, Red, Blue and Green pencils have become even more friendly and supported each other in difficult hours. Didn't forget to say nice word, remind about good qualities each other. And they themselves thought about how to work or rest. Each of them knew that he was irreplaceable and needed very much by his friends and himself.

Conclusion: Be yourself!

Fairy tales for fairy tale therapy.

Stepa and his locomotive.

Once upon a time there was a boy Stepa. He lived, did not grieve, for four whole years. But then the thought somehow came to him: "It would be nice to do some good deed every day!"

A good idea came to mind, but what kind of deed will be considered good? A?

Thought, thought Stepan, to do such a good thing?

I didn't think of it, I decided to go for a walk.

Styopka had a favorite toy - a construction train. The boy always took the train with him. And now he took it.

Styopa looks around, and around it is white-white. It’s spring already, and now a lot of new snow has piled up. The boy ran home for a shovel and said to the locomotive: "Now you and I will dig up the treasure."

Stepa began to clean the area near the entrance. And the engine-constructor helps him. Stepan made a wide platform with sides for the engine, loads the snow there, and the engine takes the snow to the side. Styopa loads, the locomotive takes away. Loads, takes away ...

Suddenly Stepan looks - something glitters at his feet.

"Hooray! - shouts Styopka, - so we found the treasure! "

Soon there was no snow near the entrance. Tired, but contented, Styopa went home with the locomotive for dinner.

Mom came from the store. Taking off her coat, she caught the beads with her hand, the thread broke, and small beads scattered around the room. Styopa rushed to collect the beads, and the locomotive helped to find them. There were so many beads, and they rolled into such secluded corners that the help of her son and his little train was very useful for my mother.

Theme and dream

There was a boy in one town. His name was Tema. He was the most ordinary boy, just like other children. He had mom and dad, grandparents. Only one feature distinguished him from other boys and girls - he fell asleep very poorly in the evenings. And the Fairy of Dreams always waited a very long time when it would be possible to send Tema a fabulous dream.

I must say that each city has its own Dream Fairy. Her little house is full of silver bells - as many as there are children in the city. And, as soon as some baby falls asleep in his crib, his bell begins to ring, outputting a special melody. The fairy takes out a flickering ball from a huge jug and blows on it. The ball quickly and smoothly flies to the addressee, bringing him a sweet fairy-tale children's dream. And then all the children of the city sleep peacefully and grow up. After all, it has long been known that children grow up in a dream when they fly under the clouds with the heroes of their fairy tales.

So it was from night to night. The children slept sweetly, and their parents slept too, gaining strength for the new day. But then one day, one fine evening, our Theme refused to fall asleep. His dad and mom collapsed from fatigue, but could not put their little son to sleep. And the poor Fairy listened to Tema's bell all night, but did not wait for its calling ring.

This went on for a week, and two, and three. Once the exhausted Dream Fairy could not stay awake at night, because the Fairies also need to sleep sometime. And she fell asleep just when she was supposed to send her dreams. And the children, having not received fabulous dreams, stopped sleeping themselves and did not let their parents rest.

Everything is messed up in the city. Sleepy parents could not work normally, they just fell asleep on the go. The children slept furtively and little by little during the day. The poor Dream Fairy no longer understood anything. From excitement and confusion, she herself fell into deep dream and did not wake up either day or night. Tired of insomnia, adults could no longer even buy food and prepare food from them. Milk and bread disappeared from homes, not to mention sweets. But how can children do without milk ?! In general, the city was in complete disorder.

And our Tema was quietly wandering around his room, tired and hungry. Having nothing to do, he decided to collect his toys. Tema began to slowly build a tower of cubes. Cube for cube, cube for cube ... The boy did not notice that he began to build this tower from the smallest and most unstable cube. And when all the cubes were already standing, lined up high and high, the tower suddenly tilted - the cubes crumbled, painfully hitting Temu.

Frightened parents rushed into the room at the cry of their baby. But they saw the happy eyes of their child.

“Mom, dad, I understood everything! - shouted the joyful kid. - I understood how the order in our city was broken! I am the little cube that broke everything! "

And for a long, long time, the three of them talked about the understandable and incomprehensible. About what Teme still has to learn when he becomes an adult. And then evening came. Tema lay down in his crib, closed his eyes and began to dream of what he would be like when he grew up. And ... he fell asleep imperceptibly.

In her little house, the Fairy woke up from the loud and persistent ringing of a bell, which she had not heard for a long time. Delighted, she sent Tema the most beautiful dream - a dream about the future. This dream was about an astrologer who knew how to talk to the stars at night, and who was once a boy who did not want to fall asleep in his little bed in the evening.

The lights were gradually extinguished in the sleeping city. And from the window of the Fairies' house, all were flying and flying, shimmering with magical light, wonderful children's dreams.



Fairy tales for fairy tale therapy.

Stepa and his locomotive.

Once upon a time there was a boy Stepa. He lived, did not grieve, for four whole years. But then the thought somehow came to him: "It would be nice to do some good deed every day!"

A good idea came to mind, but what kind of deed will be considered good? A?

Thought, thought Stepan, to do such a good thing?

I didn't think of it, I decided to go for a walk.

Styopka had a favorite toy - a construction train. The boy always took the train with him. And now he took it.

Styopa looks around, and around it is white-white. It’s spring already, and now a lot of new snow has piled up. The boy ran home for a shovel and said to the locomotive: "Now you and I will dig up the treasure."

Stepa began to clean the area near the entrance. And the engine-constructor helps him. Stepan made a wide platform with sides for the engine, loads the snow there, and the engine takes the snow to the side. Styopa loads, the locomotive takes away. Loads, takes away ...

Suddenly Stepan looks - something glitters at his feet.


"Hooray! - shouts Styopka, - so we found the treasure! "

Soon there was no snow near the entrance. Tired, but contented, Styopa went home with the locomotive for dinner.

Mom came from the store. Taking off her coat, she caught the beads with her hand, the thread broke, and small beads scattered around the room. Styopa rushed to collect the beads, and the locomotive helped to find them. There were so many beads, and they rolled into such secluded corners that the help of her son and his little train was very useful for my mother.

Theme and dream

There was a boy in one town. His name was Tema. He was the most ordinary boy, just like other children. He had mom and dad, grandparents. Only one feature distinguished him from other boys and girls - he fell asleep very poorly in the evenings. And the Fairy of Dreams always waited a very long time when it would be possible to send Tema a fabulous dream.

I must say that each city has its own Dream Fairy. Her little house is full of silver bells - as many as there are children in the city. And, as soon as some baby falls asleep in his crib, his bell begins to ring, outputting a special melody. The fairy takes out a flickering ball from a huge jug and blows on it. The ball quickly and smoothly flies to the addressee, bringing him a sweet fairy-tale children's dream. And then all the children of the city sleep peacefully and grow up. After all, it has long been known that children grow up in a dream when they fly under the clouds with the heroes of their fairy tales.

So it was from night to night. The children slept sweetly, and their parents slept too, gaining strength for the new day. But then one day, one fine evening, our Theme refused to fall asleep. His dad and mom collapsed from fatigue, but could not put their little son to sleep. And the poor Fairy listened to Tema's bell all night, but did not wait for its calling ring.

This went on for a week, and two, and three. Once the exhausted Dream Fairy could not stay awake at night, because the Fairies also need to sleep sometime. And she fell asleep just when she was supposed to send her dreams. And the children, having not received fabulous dreams, stopped sleeping themselves and did not let their parents rest.

Everything is messed up in the city. Sleepy parents could not work normally, they just fell asleep on the go. The children slept furtively and little by little during the day. The poor Dream Fairy no longer understood anything. From excitement and confusion, she herself fell into a deep sleep and did not wake up either day or night. Tired of insomnia, adults could no longer even buy food and prepare food from them. Milk and bread disappeared from homes, not to mention sweets. But how can children do without milk ?! In general, the city was in complete disorder.

And our Tema was quietly wandering around his room, tired and hungry. Having nothing to do, he decided to collect his toys. Tema began to slowly build a tower of cubes. Cube for cube, cube for cube ... The boy did not notice that he began to build this tower from the smallest and most unstable cube. And when all the cubes were already standing, lined up high and high, the tower suddenly tilted - the cubes crumbled, painfully hitting Temu.

Frightened parents rushed into the room at the cry of their baby. But they saw the happy eyes of their child.

“Mom, dad, I understood everything! - shouted the joyful kid. - I understood how the order in our city was broken! I am the little cube that broke everything! "

And for a long, long time, the three of them talked about the understandable and incomprehensible. About what Teme still has to learn when he becomes an adult. And then evening came. Tema lay down in his crib, closed his eyes and began to dream of what he would be like when he grew up. And ... he fell asleep imperceptibly.

In her little house, the Fairy woke up from the loud and persistent ringing of a bell, which she had not heard for a long time. Delighted, she sent Tema the most beautiful dream - a dream about the future. This dream was about an astrologer who knew how to talk to the stars at night, and who was once a boy who did not want to fall asleep in his little bed in the evening.

The lights were gradually extinguished in the sleeping city. And from the window of the Fairies' house, all were flying and flying, shimmering with magical light, wonderful children's dreams.

Brave Boy and Auntie Night

Boy Seryozha was strong and smart, and he was so interested in life that he did not even want to go to bed. In the afternoon, in reality, with open eyes, he was so interested! He ran everywhere, learned everything and even helped his parents learn something new!

And then one day evening came, and night came, and it was time for the boy to go to bed. And he says: “I don’t want to go to bed! I'm wondering here why am I going to fall asleep somewhere? " Everyone tried to persuade him, but he did not listen to anyone. Instead of going to bed, he took a saber and went out into the yard. Auntie Night has already come there with her daughter, whose name was Darkness. The boy was not in the least afraid of them. He told them: “Come on, quickly go away! And don't come again! The Sun will always live here now! And no aunts! "

And Seryozha drove the Night out of the yard, and her daughter Darkness left with her. Sunny returned to the courtyard, who was very friendly with Seryozha. They started playing together and had a lot of fun. And then the boy noticed that Sunny was tired. He asked: "What are you doing?" “You see,” said Sunny, “I have to shine not only in this courtyard, but on the whole street, and in the whole city, and in the whole world! Do you know how difficult it is? I usually light up during the day and then rest when my sister Night comes. And today she disappeared somewhere, and now I have to shine all the time, but I'm already so tired and want to sleep! .. "

Seryozha did not begin to tell the Sun that it was he who drove the Night away, but decided to help him, because the Sun was his true faithful friend. He said: “Wait, I'll be back soon! I'm running after my aunt in the Night! " And he ran.

And Seryozha did not know where to run. Just in case, he ran south, then east, then a little more north - and found himself in a strange forest. The forest grew darker and darker, but Seryozha was not in the least afraid, because he had a saber in his hand, and the Sun behind him. When he entered the darkest part of this thicket, he began to call: “Auntie Night! Auntie Night! " At first, no one responded to him, and then an owl hooted, branches creaked, leaves rustled, and Aunt Night appeared before him. It was so dark there that Seryozha hardly saw her. “Auntie Night,” said Seryozha, “I wanted to ask your forgiveness. Somehow it turned out wrong. You, in general, come to us, please, otherwise the Sun is bad without you. " Night smiled and said nothing, just nodded.

And the boy began to get out of the forest. He walked, walked, but he did not know where to go, and was already very tired. Then Aunt Night took the boy in her arms and carried him. And very soon they found themselves in their own yard, and then in their own crib. The boy fell asleep and had dreams, and it was as interesting as running during the day.

Fall asleep, too, my friend!

A fairy tale about a crib

Once upon a time there was a crib. She had a pink flowered blanket, a soft white feather bed, and a yellow polka-dot pillow. And there was also a very capricious girl at the bedside. The girl's name was Anechka. Every morning Anechka woke up, stretched sweetly and, throwing away the pink blanket, jumped out of the crib like a spring. Anya was in a hurry to have breakfast and start some new interesting game. And, of course, it never entered her head to straighten the pillow and the blanket, to fill her crib so that it looked neat, and did not stand idle until the arrival of Anichka's grandmother.

The cot was very upset because of this, but consoled herself: "Anya is still small, she will grow up, she will learn to do everything herself and will not forget about me." With these thoughts, the crib sighed and fell asleep. Didn't you know that cribs sleep during the day? After all, they show children interesting dreams all night long, lull and warm their babies, so they get tired. Therefore, they rest during the day. And when evening comes, they wake up full of strength ...

But our crib did not want to wake up at all. But don’t think that she didn’t love her girl.

No, what are you! It's all about whims. Remember that the girl at the crib was very moody? So, as soon as it was time to go to bed, Anechka began to repeat: “I don’t want to go to bed! I'm not going to sleep! " She began to cry and even stamped her feet. Who would like this attitude? And every evening the crib was saddened more and more. And one day I finally decided: “Anechka doesn't need me! I'll go wherever my eyes look, or rather, where my legs go! " It's so sad when you are not loved ...

No sooner said than done. She waited for the bed, while the grandmother fills it and leaves the room, and then - sniffing, and she herself over the threshold. She rearranges the legs one by one, in a hurry. The crib went out into the street, but she doesn't know where to go. But it doesn't matter, her legs led her along the path. Unaccustomed to it, it is easier for them to walk on trampled ground than on grass. The path led the crib into the woods. And there ... The trees are tall, they are noisy. Birds flutter from branch to branch, sing. All sorts of animals run on the ground, everyone is busy with their own business. “Oh,” the bed sighed, “but what should I do? Maybe try to find a new owner in the forest? "

Before the bed had time to think about it, it looked - an ant was crawling towards it along the path, dragging a straw.

Ant, listen, don't you need a crib?

He even dropped his burden in surprise, and how he laughs!

What you! I live in an anthill. I have a beautiful bed of spruce needles there. And we, ants, are not used to beds. You're too big for me. Look for another owner.

  • No need, - the bear snapped. He stroked his thick sides and shook his head.
  • I'll crush you. I am more handy in a den, on branches and moss. Maybe someone else will do ...

The cot got upset and wandered along the path further. Lost in thought, she almost stepped on the squirrel.

  • Hey, be careful! - he was indignant.
  • Forgive me please. I just can't find myself in any way. Maybe I'll be useful to you?
  • Wow! - the squirrel happily jumped on the back of the bed, ran over the blanket and curled up in a ball on the pillow. - How softly! And spacious - not what we have in the hollow!
  • Ginger! - suddenly heard from somewhere above. - Stop indulging. March home!

Sorry, - said the squirrel. - I have to go, my mother is calling. You are simply wonderful, but you cannot climb a tree, and you cannot fit in a hollow.

The squirrel flew like lightning onto a pine tree and disappeared into the dense branches. The bed stopped in the middle of the lawn, confused. The path is over. Trees stood around like a solid wall. The cot suddenly felt how tired her legs, which were not accustomed to walking, were very tired. She remembered how long she had been wandering through the forest, that soon evening would come, and then night, and she wept bitterly and bitterly.

And at this time little girl Anya, having drunk fragrant tea with delicious biscuits, went into her room. As she walked, Anechka was already beginning to whine: “I don’t want to sleep, I won’t go to the shelter ...” But suddenly she stopped, frozen in mid-sentence. There was no bed. Anya carefully examined every corner of the room. She looked under the closet, into the toy box, and even, lifting her head, thoughtfully studied the ceiling. All in vain! The cot was gone, and with it the pink blanket, the white feather bed and the yellow pillow disappeared. "How am I going to sleep?" - Anya exclaimed. Suddenly she realized that she was terribly sleepy, her eyes were drooping. More than anything in the world, she would now like to be in her cozy little bed. But where can you find it?

Anya looked out into the yard. There were unusual square footprints on the path.

They led into the forest. Forgetting about the dream, the girl hurried there. The branches clung to her clothes. The roots now and then strove to substitute the bandwagon - you cannot walk a little girl in the evening alone so far from home! But Anya kept walking and walking, looking around, and called: "Cot, dear, where are you?"

Suddenly she heard someone sobbing. Anya hurried ahead and ran out onto the lawn. There, all alone, stood her little bed and cried bitterly. The girl jumped onto the bed, hugged the pillow and said: “Sweetheart crib, I finally found you! Let's go home, please! " The cot was alarmed: Anechka is alone, in the forest, so late! We need to take the little girl home now! And, of course, the bed stopped crying and even smiled. It's so nice to have someone to take care of.

The night owl sat on a tall branch and twisted her head in amazement. You don't see this in the forest every day! A small bed walked along the path, carefully stepping over four legs. And on it, covered with a pink blanket, pressing her cheek to the yellow pillow, a little girl was fast asleep. She had an amazing dream about a hurried ant, a lazy bear and a restless squirrel. You know: the most interesting dreams are when you sleep in your favorite bed. ...

How Ilya fed the tummy

Once upon a time there was a boy. His name was Ilyusha. And he was the same age as you.

Ilyusha ate candy before dinner, and then his mother called him to the table. She poured him some soup, and Ilyusha was capricious:

  • I'm not hungry, I've already dined on candy!
  • But you walked up, ran, you need to eat well, - convinces his mother.
  • I do not want! - Ilyusha is capricious.

And suddenly he hears: someone is crying. I looked around - no one was there. Who is this? Ilyusha listened to himself. And this, it turns out, is his tummy crying!

  • What's the matter? - Ilyusha was frightened. - Who hurt you?
  • Here I sit, waiting for dinner, but the neck gives me nothing! And I want to eat!

Ilya Gorlyshko asks sternly:

Why don't you let your tummy eat? He's dying of hunger there!

And the neck answers:

I haven't had any poppy dewdrops since the morning! I'm hungry too! My mouth didn't feed me!

Ilya's mouth began to scold:

Why don't you feed the neck? Because of him, the tummy is crying!

And the mouth answers:

What to do? Ilya feels sorry for his own tummy.

He grabbed a spoon and began to put the soup in his mouth. The mouth was immediately delighted, chews and treats the throat. And the soup sends the neck into the tummy. Ilyusha ate the whole bowl of soup and asks:

Well, tummy, ate?

  • Not yet, screams the tummy. - I want the second! Ilya ate potatoes too.
  • Well, now you're full?

And what about the compote? - asks the tummy. Ilya asked his mother for compote.

Well, have you had enough?

And the tummy doesn’t even have the strength to answer - it’s so full. It can only gurgle.

Bul-bul. Thank you, Ilyusha, - the tummy gurgled. - Now I am full. And thanks to mom for the delicious soup!

Ilya says to mom:

Mom, my tummy said thank you to you!

Please my dears! - Mom smiled rather

Why you need to eat

Once upon a time there was a girl named Nastenka. She really did not like to eat.

Look, what a delicious porridge, - said her grandmother. - Eat at least a spoon. Just try it - you will definitely like it.

But Nastenka only tightly pressed her lips together and shook her head.

Eat the curd, - the grandfather persuaded Nastenka. - It is very tasty and healthy.

But she didn't want to eat the curd either.

Look, what a delicious soup, - my mother said. - Just look how handsome he is! There are red carrots, green peas, white potatoes!

I won't! - Nastenka shouted and ran out of the kitchen. Day went by day. Once Nastenka went for a walk with her friends. They decided to go downhill. And a high ladder led to that hill. Girlfriends top-top-top - and climbed to the very top, and Nastenka stands at the bottom and gets upset:

There you are, how big and strong! Why am I so small? I can't climb the steps, I can't hold onto the rail, I can't ride down the hill!

And it’s true! - the girlfriends were surprised. - Why are you so small?

I don't know, - Nastenka was upset and went home. She enters the house, undresses. And the tears keep dripping:

drop and drop, drop and drop. Suddenly she hears a whisper. Nastenka went into her room. There is no one, quiet. I went to my grandparents. Also empty. She looked into her parents' room - and there was no one there.

I don’t understand, ”the girl shrugged. - Who is whispering?

She tiptoed to the kitchen. She opened the door and the whisper grew louder. The chair is empty, the corners are empty. There is only a bowl of soup on the table.

  • Oh, - Nastenka was surprised, - it's vegetables that talk!
  • I am the most important here, - the carrots were angry. - I have vitamin A in me - this is the most important vitamin. He helps children grow. And whoever eats vitamin A sees well, almost like an eagle. You can't live without me!
  • No, us! No, we are in charge! - peas bounced. - Green peas also have vitamin A. And there are more of us, which means that we are more important! And in general, we also have vitamin B!
  • I also have vitamin B. I'm not bragging, ”the meat grumbled. - In general, I have a lot of all kinds of vitamins that are needed for the heart to work well and so that the teeth and gums are healthy.
  • And I have vitamin C in me, ”the potato jumped up. - He is more important than everyone else. Whoever eats vitamin C does not catch cold!
  • Then they all shouted in chorus and almost fought. A large tablespoon, quietly dozing next to the plate, got up, slapped the broth and said:
  • Stop arguing! Nastya will hear about the fact that the soup is magical and that the one who eats well, grows quickly and does not get sick, will be delighted and eat you all along with vitamins!
  • I heard, I heard! - Nastenka shouted, running into the kitchen. - I really want to grow up and ride down the hill with everyone!

She took the spoon and ate the soup.

Since then, Nastenka ate well every day. Soon she grew up and even became taller than her friends!

About Katyushina Kaprizka

In one city there lived a Girl. Such a little Girl, with a snub nose, radiant eyes and thin pigtails. The girl's name was Katyusha. The girls' mom and dad went to work, and she stayed at home with her grandmother.

Everything would be fine, but Katyusha didn't like porridge. She generally did not really like to eat, but she simply could not stand porridge. Grandma tried to persuade her this way and that. She explained how useful porridge is for young children, sang songs to her, told fairy tales, even danced and performed magic tricks. Nothing helped. Our Katyusha first asked to add butter, then sugar, then salt, and then flatly refused to eat "this nasty thing."

And at this time, a petty mischievous Caprice escaped from one scattered wizard and set off across the world in search of shelter, until the wizard missed it and returned her back to the dark chest.

A caprice was sneaking around the city, when suddenly she heard a loud cry of a girl: “I don’t want to! I will not eat this porridge of yours! " The caprice looked into the open window and saw Katyusha eating.

"Wonderful!" - thought Caprice and jumped right into Katyushin's wide-open mouth.

No one, of course, noticed anything, but from that day on, Katyusha became completely unbearable. She refused to eat even the most delicious cutlets prepared by her grandmother, even lush ruddy pancakes with strawberry jam!

The caprice grew and grew in her every day. And she herself became thinner and more transparent. Moreover, Kaprizka began to gradually stick out her nose and hurt Katyusha's relatives.

And one day my grandmother suddenly said: "I will no longer clean the house, and I will not cook any more, anyway, nobody wants to eat!" And she sat on the balcony, and began to knit a long, long striped sock.

And my mother said: "I no longer want to go to the store to buy food, clothes and toys!" She lay down on the sofa and began to read a thick book.

And dad said: "I don't want to go to work anymore!" He placed chess on the board and began an endless game with himself.

And amid all this disgrace sat a contented Caprice, admiring what she had done. And Katyusha went to the mirror and looked at herself. She did not see her radiant eyes - they went out and acquired gray circles. The nose dropped, and the pigtails bristled in different directions, like branches of a Christmas tree. Katyusha felt sorry for herself and began to cry. And she was so ashamed that she offended her grandmother.

It’s even incomprehensible where such a little girl got so many tears from! Tears flowed and flowed. They turned into a river! And these tears were such sincere tears of remorse that they simply washed the gaping Caprice into the street, right into the hands of the wizard who was looking for her.

And Katyusha suddenly realized how hungry she was. She went to the kitchen, took out a saucepan with the leftover porridge from the refrigerator and ate it all, even without oil, sugar and salt. After crying and eating, she fell asleep right there at the table. And I didn't hear how dad took her to the crib and, kissing her on the cheek, ran to work. Mom kissed her daughter on the other cheek, salty from tears, and also left. And grandmother, having thrown her striped sock somewhere, thundered in the kitchen with pots and pans, intending to cook a delicious dinner for the whole family!

How Andryusha met guests

Andryusha is a very brave boy. He was not afraid of a tiger, or thunder, or even a vacuum cleaner. (What is he not afraid of yet?) He was only afraid of guests - or rather, he was ashamed of them! And when guests came to their home, he did not greet them, did not speak, but hid under the bed (how else was he shy?) Or closed his eyes and pretended to be something inconspicuous - a mop, a bedside table, a bicycle. The guests were very surprised and began to search loudly for him: “Where is Andryusha? We don't see him! Where is the boy? And where did the bedside table come from? "

And once, when guests came, Andryusha suddenly turned into a mouse! I saw a mink and rushed to it with all my might - to hide. But it was not so - another mouse was jumping to the same burrow. Andryusha and the mouse collided with their foreheads at the very entrance to the burrow. At first, both were scared, and then they were delighted and made friends.

  • I got away from the cat! - squeaked the mouse. “She wanted to catch me and eat me! Who are you hiding from?
  • I’m from the guests, they’ll come here now, ”Andryusha whispered. - I'm afraid of them!
  • Who are the guests? Are they really scary? Do they want to eat you too? - the little mouse asked fearfully.
  • No, what are you, - answered Andryusha. “They don’t eat boys. They want to say hello to me!
  • Like this? - the little mouse shook with horror. - How is it to say hello ?!

And he shouted into the burrow: “Mice, save yourself, the guests are coming! Now they will greet !!! "

The mice in the burrow darted about, squealed in horror:

Oh, we are lost! The awful guests will say hello to us now! Woe to us, woe!

They hid behind each other, closed their eyes, climbed under the bed (repeat how a child is shy).

At first, Andryusha felt funny how mice were afraid of guests, stupid panties, a trifle with a ponytail! And then he felt ashamed - he himself was hiding from the guests, as if they could eat him.

  • No, they are not scary, - he tried to calm the mice. - They are even very, very good, do not be afraid - but the mice did not believe. - Well, if you want, I'll go out to them now, say hello, and nothing will happen to me! Honestly! And then we will drink tea with them. With a cake!
  • Will you treat me to cake crumbs? - the mouse got interested.
  • Necessarily! - Andryusha promised his new Friend.

Andrei turned into a boy again and bravely greeted the guests:


And from the mink all the mice looked at him and wondered what a brave boy he was.

The guests were also surprised that Andryusha was no longer ashamed of them. And they were delighted. And they all went together to drink tea with cake crumbs. Oh no, not with crumbs, but with cake! Andryusha took the crumbs to the mice in the burrow!

And the little mouse boasted to everyone:

This is Andryusha, my friend. He is very brave! He is not afraid of a cat, or thunder, or a vacuum cleaner. He is not even afraid to greet the guests!

How Olya fell in love with the kindergarten

  • I won't go to kindergarten, - said Olya.
  • Olenka, child, I need to go to work, - her mother asked. “If I don’t work, we will not have money, and if we don’t have money, we will have nothing to eat.

But Olya turned her head and continued to be capricious. Murzik the cat came running from the kitchen, jumped to Olya's lap and said: "Meow, I want delicious milk and fish."

  • Wow-wow, - the sonorous barking of the poodle Artemon was heard. - this cat is always begging for food, maybe I also want a tasty bone, but I'm waiting to be fed.
  • Well, animals need food, ”Mom said. - And the turtle is waiting for juicy cabbage.

Olya looked at the animals and thought.

Not so bad in kindergarten: on New Year gifts were given, and Santa Claus came, built a big slide with the guys and rode. Soon March 8, and Anna Vyacheslavovna said that there would be a matinee. Mothers and grandmothers will come, and the guys and I will sing, and dance, and read poetry, we will give cards that we made ourselves, and my mother will buy me a dress and a beautiful bow.

Mom went out into the hallway. Olya, dressed in a fur coat and boots, was waiting for her mother.

We go to kindergarten, - she said to her mother. - I was joking.

Since then, Olya always went to kindergarten and was not capricious. It was always fun and there were many friends, and when I returned home, she was happily greeted by a cat, a dog and a turtle. They always had food. And Olya's mother bought a very Nice dress and bow.

Tale of the land of sluts

Once upon a time there was a boy named Vasya. He really did not like to clean up toys in the evening. It was so fun and interesting to play! Soldiers were standing on the floor in ranks, trucks, a tractor, four small cars and an excavator snorting behind them. The bear cub, the dog, the duckling and Vasya himself were hiding behind the sofa. Then came the moment of the decisive battle. The soldiers flew in different directions. The truck drove off under the closet. A tractor with an excavator escaped in the corridor, and small cars generally flew away in an unknown direction.

The winner, Vasya, beat on the drum and solemnly marched across the room, kicking the toys that got in the way with his foot. Evening came, my mother looked into the room and spoke affectionately:

  • Vassenka, it's time for supper. Put away toys.
  • Aha, - Vasya answered and continued to march.
  • Vasily, - dad was angry. - But when will you finally put away the toys?
  • Now, - Vasya answered and quickly shoved the toys under the closet, bed, sofa, table and chair.

And one day this is what happened.

Vasya, as usual, scattered his soldiers and vehicles in the corners and went to bed.

Suddenly a huge shadow appeared outside the window. She swayed in the air for a long time, and then cautiously walked through the glass. Vasya hid, but did not close his eyes. He was tormented by curiosity: who had come to him.

There was a real sorceress in the middle of the room. She wore a navy blue dress and a cloak of night moths. They fluttered their wings, flying in different directions when she waved her arms. And they got together again, as soon as the sorceress clapped her hands.

Don't be afraid, Vasya, - she said quietly. - I am the sorceress Neuberinda! Do you want me to take you to my magical land? There, no one forces children to put away toys, there you can throw candy wrappers around, disobey mom and dad and dump your things in a heap!

Want! Want! - Vasya was delighted.

  • Then you have to say: “I will never clean anything again! I'm a slob! "
  • I will never clean anything again, I am a slob! - Vasya repeated obediently, crawling out from under the blanket.

At the same moment, the moths grabbed the boy and carried him out of the room.

They flew for a long, long time past multi-colored planets, along the Milky Way, far, far, to another planet!

The moths landed with Vasya in the middle of the street, like two drops of water similar to his street. And the house in front of which Vasya stood was also the same as his house.

At first, the boy thought that Neuberinda had deceived him, and they returned, but then he realized that this was not so. On the dusty street, the wind drove wrappers, pieces of paper, candy wrappers, plastic cups and other rubbish.

Why is it so dirty here? - Vasya was surprised.

  • Nobody cleans up in our country. Remember, you took the Slut Oath!
  • Ah, - said Vasya and went to look for his friends. But there was no one in the yard.
  • Where is everyone? he asked Neuberinda.
  • Your friends are unworthy to become citizens of our country, - answered the sorceress. “They always put their toys away, put books on the shelves and fold their clothes neatly before bed!
  • Who should I play with?
  • There is a boy named Kolya in the next yard. Go to him, - answered Neuberinda.

Indeed, a grimy boy was sitting on a bench, surrounded by bags of cookies, candy wrappers and bottles of juice.

  • Hello, - he held out a sticky palm to Vasya.
  • Your hands are dirty, - Vasya was indignant.
  • No, they're just sweet. It's because of the juice. I spilled it on my pants.
  • Go change your clothes, - Vasya suggested. “You’ll wash your hands at the same time.
  • I've lost everything, - said Kolya sadly. - And I don't want to wash my hands, they will get dirty anyway.
  • Why don't you take the garbage to the trash can, - Vasya did not calm down.
  • What are you sticking to? What are you, a spy? We have no urns! This is the country of "Disorder"!
  • Yes, - Vasya said in surprise. - I just didn’t like to put away toys! But I don’t want to wear dirty clothes. And my mother taught me to throw garbage only into the trash can, otherwise it will be dirty and ugly on the street.

Dirty as it is here! But if nobody cleans up here, then it turns out that the garbage will be added and added ... Nightmare! Catastrophe! So, one day the whole city will turn into a heap of garbage !!! Will cover houses, streets, apartments with rubbish and we will suffocate !!! We urgently need to save ourselves!

Vasya began to run through the streets, bumping into unkempt children in dirty clothes, and telling them about his guess.

  • Is this what we have to clean up the garbage? - asked Kolya.
  • My grandmother always said to me: "Clean up after you!" That's why I ran here, ”added a disheveled girl in a torn dress. - I don't want to clean up.
  • But we will all perish! Do you really not understand? - Vasya was scared.
  • No, you don’t understand that! - a fat boy in a shirt with torn off buttons entered into an argument. “We are all gathered here to never clean up again. What are you stuck with? Look, a juice bag. It was not me who drank, I did not quit. So why should I clean it up, huh?
  • OK then! - Vasya surrendered under the onslaught of sluts. - And if I put things in order and collect everything that you managed to scatter, will you promise me that you will no longer litter?
  • Will you clean up after us? - the children were surprised.
  • Yes, - Vasya answered. “Otherwise, we will all perish. The city will turn into a huge dump. We will sink to the bottom of this trash heap and never see our parents again!
  • And I missed my mother, - sobbed Kolya.
  • Oh, - Vasya was frightened. - How could I not have thought! Really! How do you get home? Why, why did I agree to fly away with Neuberinda? It was not at all difficult for me to clean the toys, I was just lazy.
  • Neuberinda seeks out children who do not like order, and takes them to her planet, - said the shaggy girl sadly. “Even if you didn’t agree, the moths would drag you away by force. Only neat children can resist her!
  • Hooray! Invented! - Vasya shouted. “I know how to defeat Nsuberinda. We must remove the whole city, and then she will burst with anger.

As they decided, they did so. They collected all the sluts kidnapped by Neuberinda and began a general cleaning. Garbage was taken out in toy cars, taken out in plastic buckets, collected in heaps with homemade brooms from old twigs. By evening, the streets sparkled with cleanliness. The sun also helped the kids. A cloud called, and she washed the avenues, the houses, and the grimy children in the warm summer rain.

The children gathered in the square and waited for the evil sorceress. White moths appeared in the light of the lanterns.

  • Oops, one girl screamed. - I'm afraid Neuberinda is approaching! Get out, and the moths are already here!
  • Hey, ”the moths laughed. - Can't you see: we are white! We were sent by the good fairy Rosa, which bridge the grass and flowers. You have forgotten the most important thing: in order to break the evil spell, you must definitely say the Oath to slovens on the contrary. It sounds like this ... Oh, guard! Neuberinda is approaching, - the white moths got scared, flapped their wings and disappeared in the darkness.
  • And what to say?! - the children shouted after them. But the frightened moths were already far away.
  • Let's remember, ”Vasya said quickly. - What words did she make us say.
  • I will never clean anything again, - Kolya remembered. - Those were our favorite words!
  • So, I must say: I will always clean everything! - Vasya guessed.
  • And also, I had to say: I am a slob! one of the children shouted.
  • Ah! - there was a terrible thunderous voice of Neuberin-dy. “What have you done here, you disgusting creatures! Who allowed my trash to be removed, who dared to break the law ?! As a punishment, I will turn you all into candy wrappers!
  • Come on, come on guys! - Vasya shouted. - I will always clean everything!
  • Ay-ay-ay, - yelled Neuberinda and began to swell like a huge balloon. The blue moths got scared and scattered. And Neuberinda hung over the city and puffed up, puffed up, covering the sky.
  • I'm neat! I am obedient! I love order! - the children began to shout.
  • Boo! - fireworks of blue stars blossomed in the sky, and the evil Neuberinda disappeared.
  • Urrrah! - Vasya shouted and ... woke up. Mom leaned over him worriedly.
  • Why are you shouting, son?

Vasya looked around in surprise: the same disorder reigned around.

  • Yes, - Mom nodded sadly. - You didn’t put away your toys again yesterday.
  • Was it just a dream? - Vasya was surprised. - So what, all the same, now I will always clean everything!

He jumped out of bed, washed, brushed his teeth and ran to put the toys in their places while mom cooked delicious porridge.

A blue moth watched Vasya from the closet.

No, he grumbled angrily. - I must tell Neuberinda: this boy does not suit us!

The tale of the Bear and order

Once upon a time there was a boy named Petenka and his friend a white bear. During the day, Petya played with Mishka, fed him, slept with him. The bear was the best friend. If Petya's nose hurt, then both Misha and Petya would drip into the nose. And if they brought sweets, both Mishka and Petya ate. The boy Petya had many, many other toys. He loved them too. And he shared with them too. But the bear was still the best friend. Petya said so:

Misha is a friend.

And then one day, as always in the evening, parents helped Petenka put the toys in boxes and read him a bedtime story. Petya listened to her, embracing his beloved Mishka, and fell asleep, but Mishka did not even think to sleep. He waited until Petya's father and mother went to bed, and quietly woke Petya up. He immediately opened his eyes and saw Mishka next to him.

  • Petya, no need to call mom and dad, - said Mishka, - I want to tell you a story.
  • What story?
  • I'll tell you a story about myself. I was little too, and I had dad Seryozha, mom Tanya, grandmother Tom and grandfather Vova. They loved me very much. I, too, like you, did not always obey, ran away to play with friends, rode downhill, broke my knees.
  • Who treated your knees? asked little Petenka.
  • Mom smeared her knees with brilliant green and blew on them so that it didn't hurt so much.
  • Oh, and my mother also smears my knees with green stuff and blows on them. But I still cry.
  • And also my mother, - the bear continued to tell, - once told me: “Misha, you will soon have new friend... It will be a little boy. And you, Misha, will be his best friend. You will help educate him. You will look after him on the street and at home ... "

This is how Mishka began to protect Petya and live with him. But Petya grew up and began to learn to indulge. He began to scatter toys, toss his bunnies, dogs, blocks, cars ... And the toys said to Mishka:

Ask Petya not to do that. We are very hurt and scared.

Petya was very surprised:

How scary is that? I play with them, they are my toys.

And Mishka told Petya that toys do not sleep at night, but cry. They talk to each other, complain about Petya.

And let's go to them, and you will see for yourself, - suggested Mishka.

Is it possible? - Petya was surprised. “They’re sleeping now.

But Misha put a finger to Petya's mouth and said:

Let's try it and you will see everything for yourself. Mishenka took Petya by the hand and led him away. They climbed down from the crib to the floor and walked to the window. Misha said

Petya, he knows how to get into the world of toys and hear everything they say. Only Petya shouldn't say anything, otherwise the toys will get scared.

  • Hold on to my hand and don't say a word.
  • OK! - agreed the boy.

The bear led Petya down a secret staircase, and they entered a secret door.

When Petya opened his eyes, he saw that he was in his room. But she's not like that. All the toys were not in the box - they were standing by the bed and talking.

  • Petya threw me into the wall strongly today, and now my wheel is broken, - said the machine.
  • And my garage was broken, - said another car, - and now I have nowhere to sleep at night. They didn't build a new garage for me.
  • And he carried me by the ear, ”the bunny complained,“ and now I have to ask my mother to sew the ear on so that it does not come off at all.
  • And he painted me with a pencil, - the chair cried, - and now I am not so beautiful. And Petya's dad will not paint me with beautiful paint. I am afraid that I will be thrown out.

Petya felt very sorry for her toys. He wanted to ask for forgiveness. But Misha did not allow him to talk and play with them now. Misha said:

Better you, Petenka, fix everything tomorrow. Don't throw your toys away, don't break them. And we will build a garage for cars together with you and your mother. And for all the toys to make a house where they will sleep at night.

And in the morning my mother went into the room to wake Petya and saw: Petya was sleeping next to his bed, hugging Misha. And toys were sleeping on the crib ... Since then, Petya began to put his toys neatly in their box houses, and cars slept in the garage made of cubes. And no one else cried at night and did not wake Petya and Mishka

Baby elephant and balls

Once upon a time there was a little elephant. Mom and Dad loved him very much. They played together, walked, swam in the river and launched fountains from their long trunks. The little elephant loved to spend time with his parents. But one day, walking with mom and dad in the park, the baby elephant saw a big balloon at the monkey. The baby elephant liked him very much, and wanted him to have the same ball.

Mom, dad, I also want such a balloon, buy me, please, ”he began to ask his parents.

Mom and dad loved their son very much and decided to please the baby. They bought him a nice yellow ball.

The baby elephant was happy, he walked everywhere with his balloon. And when he went to bed, he tied him to his bed.

Soon, walking in the park, the baby elephant saw a very beautiful green ball at the bear. And, of course, he asked his parents to buy him the same. Mom and Dad did not want to upset their beloved son and bought him a green balloon. The baby elephant liked him very much.

But soon the kid wanted to have a red ball, and a blue one. And loving parents again could not refuse him ... But the elephant wanted more and more balloons, and the monsters had no money left. And then the kid began to be capricious and say:

Well, buy, buy me this ball, because I don't have one yet!

Then the parents of the baby elephant had to take additional work in order to earn more money and buy balls with them. And the more the son asked them for balls, the longer they began to stay at work. The elephant and the female elephant began to spend less time with the baby elephant, to play with it, and joint walks in the park completely stopped.

The baby elephant became sad alone, and even the numerous balloons did not make him happy anymore.

And then the day came when it was no longer possible to enter the elephant's room. There were so many balls in it that the baby could not even move.

Then the baby elephant collected all the balls and went out into the street. But the balls turned out to be so many that they began to raise the elephant high, high into the sky. The kid was afraid that he would fly away from his parents forever, and began to call for help.

Sparrows flew in and popped balls with their sharp beaks - one after another. So gradually the baby elephant sank to the ground.

He sat down on the grass and thought. What do you think about?

Maybe he thought about how good it was with dad and mom to walk, play, swim in the river and start up big fountains from the trunk?

What do you think the baby elephant can do to bring back that time? Tell him, please.

Kiss Wishlist

Probably, each of you in your life noticed one strange circumstance: before you really want something, a person often scratches his head, rubs his forehead or just touches his face. But not all of you know that a Hotelok who is in love with him is kissing a person at this moment.

Little Wants grow in one deep gorge, and each of them has their own favorite boy or girl. Beloved because he has been taking care of her for a long time and has been feeding her deliciously from an early age. Yes, yes, you heard right, it is delicious food. After all, all thoughts of wanting fly into this gorge and are sure to be eaten by Wishlist. With each such eaten thought, the Hobbyists grow a little, and when they become very large, they leave the gorge and fly to visit their beloved and caring breadwinner.

One of the Hotelochk grew very quickly, because her beloved boy Igor, unlike the other children, very often fed her and sent her his wants through the air many times a day. Of course, the eaten desires were quickly forgotten by Igor, but this did not last long. One day he met with his Hotel.

And it happened in a toy store, where Igor saw a very expensive treasure hunt car. There was so much in it: it shone with headlights, it could drill the ground with a drill, and it even had a laser beam so that, pretending to burn through the earth, make its way to the treasures. From that moment, Igor wanted exactly the same car and began to pester his parents all day long. Hotelka was delighted that Igor so stubbornly, persistently and so badly wants a car, and decided to help him. She kissed him hard and with the kiss conveyed a lot of new forces of desire to Igor. After such a kiss, Igor finally lost his peace and even began to sleep badly. Day and night, he only thinks about the treasure hunter, but does not even want to look at old toys. For two whole weeks Igor was capricious, mischievous, angry and offended at everyone around. I didn't even want to go out into the yard with the children. And by the end of the second week, he was so tired of his whining, harassment and begging that he even got very sick. On the first day after his recovery, Igor was invited by a friend to his birthday, where Igor again had to strongly desire.

This time Igor tasted a chocolate ice-cream cake as a guest. Igor has never eaten anything tastier in his life. Now even the most delicious food prepared by his mother seemed tasteless and disgusting to him. I kissed Igor Hotelka again. After that, Igor generally began to flatly refuse any food, demanding only ice cream cake all the time. Nothing went into my mouth, all the food spoiled the mood, and my thoughts from morning to evening were occupied only with cake. Of course, they bought him a cake. But what is one cake when you wanted to eat it all day without stopping. For a whole month he begged for cake, was capricious and angry at his unhappy fate and spoiled joyless life. But where has it been seen that people ate only cakes.

For a long time Igor did not want to live happily and often spoiled his mood. For a whole year, he still fed his Hooker, and in gratitude for this received invisible kisses from her. But somehow Igor realized that the desire for too much is not brought to good and often harm him himself. Therefore, he decided not to want something that one can easily do without in life. Not long after that his Hotelka lived. Now the most important thing is that Igor does not feed the new one

The tale of Kolya and his friends

One boy always fought. His name was Kolya. All the children in the yard were afraid of him. And when summer came, my mother sent Kolya to the village. In the morning in the village, he woke up with a loud "Ku-ka-re-ku!"

Birds were singing in the garden, milk stood on the window, and two sparrows were sitting on a branch by the window and chirping merrily. A cow stood in the yard and mooed, a rooster walked importantly, ducks quacked, geese rocked, sheep bleated “Beeee!”, The goat shouted “Me-me!”. The beauty!

The sun was shining, birch trees stood nearby in a birch grove and rustled with leaves, "Knock-knock!" the woodpecker knocked, "Ku-ku!" cried the cuckoo.

Kolya drank the milk and went out into the yard.

  • Woof woof! the dog greeted him.
  • Meow, how did you sleep? the cat asked.

Kolya did not greet anyone, kicked the dog, grabbed the cat by the tail, threw a stick at the geese and ducks, threw a stone at the rooster. The sheep with the goat got scared and ran away, and the cow moaned in displeasure and left the yard. Kolya was left alone, he became bored, and he decided to go to the grove. There, birches greeted him with the rustle of their leaves.

Knock Knock! the woodpecker greeted him.

  • Ku-ku! said the cuckoo.
  • Hey! the ant squeaked.

Kolya went up to the birch tree and broke a branch.

  • Oh oh oh! - shouted the birch, but the boy did not hear her. He made a slingshot and began shooting at the birds. Took up the anthill.
  • Don't destroy our house! - shouted the ants, but Kolya did not hear them either.

Then he got bored in the grove. Kolya went out onto a country road and began throwing stones at the sun. He didn’t like that it was shining in his eyes.

The next day, when Kolya woke up, he felt that everything had changed. The sun did not shine through the window. The rooster did not crow, there was no milk in the mug, the birds did not sing. The yard was empty. Nobody greeted him. The dog climbed into the booth, the cat climbed onto the roof.

He went into the grove. The sun hid behind a cloud. The birches did not rustle with leaves. The woodpecker, cuckoo and other birds flew away. Nobody sang in the forest.

Kolya felt so alone. And he wanted everything to be as before. He realized that everyone on this earth is his friends, and friends cannot offend. Since then, he has never offended anyone or fought. And when he returned to the city, he made up with the guys in the yard, brought gifts to everyone: some berries, some mushrooms, and some cones. He threw away the slingshot and never broke trees again, either in the forest or in the city.

The tale of good Petya

In one city there was a boy named Petya. Petya really wanted to have many friends. But he did not know how to be friends at all, and only knew how to fight. He thought that only fight and rudeness could prove something to someone or attract attention to himself. The guys were afraid of him, and he had almost no friends.

Once Petya saw on the road a large puddle with multi-colored dirty spots. He stepped closer to get a better look at her. And suddenly a passing car sprayed him with water from head to toe.

Petya, all wet and dirty, wanted to run home. But then I noticed that it was inside a transparent large soap bubble... At first Petya was very surprised and began to examine him. But then he got scared, because he realized that he would not be able to get out of the bubble. The bubble was very strong and did not want to burst.

And Petya was also very upset that his bad deeds were coming back to him. For example: Petya is trying to hit someone, and the bubble blows back to him. Petya throws a stone at someone, and he flies back - straight to Petya.

What is this? Am I going to beat myself now? - thought Petya, and he felt very painful and insulting.

How can I play with the guys now? - the boy cried.

So he walked for several days in a bubble. I was afraid to fight, because hitting myself was painful and uninteresting. It's boring to play alone. And he couldn't get rid of the bubble.

And now, already completely desperate, Petya sat on a bench in the playground and watched the children play merrily. Suddenly he saw a very pretty girl with a doll. The girl did not know that Petya loved to fight, and was not afraid of him, but, on the contrary, invited him to play. Petya was very happy about her proposal and decided to treat the girl with an apple that he had in his pocket. He handed her an apple, and then a miracle happened - the bubble burst! Petya was just happy. Finally, he freed himself from this nasty bubble!

When Petya came home, he saw two large apples on the table.

Strange, - thought Petya, - where would they come from here? After all, I gave the last apple to the girl in the yard.

The next day Petya again went to the children’s yard and gave them his toy car to play. And when I returned home, I saw two new beautiful cars. And Petya began to notice that as soon as he did someone a good deed, this good came back to him, and even doubled.

Since then, Petya has done only good deeds. He made a lot of friends. He learned to be friends with everyone and stopped fighting altogether. After all, he didn't want to go into the bubble anymore!

The Tale of the Bully Hare

One day the Hare had an amazing dream. He saw his native forest, familiar animals and birds. Only one thing was surprising - they were all afraid of him.

  • Look, says the fox. - There is the great Hare. He defeated me yesterday, and now I have to bring him cabbage for breakfast every day.
  • Yes, yes, the wolf agrees. - This is the greatest Hare. He defeated me too, and now I have to bring him carrots every day for lunch!
  • Exactly, this is the world's greatest Hare! - the bear roars. -He beat me so yesterday that now I have to bring him honey for dinner every night! Otherwise, he will drive me out of the forest altogether!
  • Look all - there is a great and mighty Hare! - the magpies chirped.

Great, great, - the squirrels assented.

Veli-KVA-molded, Veli-KVA-molded, - frogs croaked.

And the Hare walks along the path, proudly lifting his head, and pushes everyone on the way.

He sees a bear sleeping under a raspberry bush. The hare came up to him and as he gave him a paw. The bear rolled somersaults!

Don't you dare eat my raspberries, clubfoot, ”the Hare shouted after him.

Don't you dare to fish in my river, - the Hare shook his fist at him.

Don't you dare pick apples in my forest! He walked, walked through the forest ... and woke up. The Hare reached out, looked out the window and thought:

And what was I afraid of before anyone else? We must show who is the boss in the forest!

He went out to the edge of the forest and how he shouted:

  • Beware, beasts! It was I, the great Hare, who woke up!
  • Hee-hee-hee, - the squirrels giggled thinly.
  • Ha ha ha, - the old boar laughed deeply.

Ah, you laugh! Well, I'll show you now! - exclaimed the Hare and stomped angrily along the path.

He looks - and the hedgehog is in a hurry to meet him, carrying mushrooms on the back.

  • Come on, give me my mushrooms! - shouted the Hare, but as soon as the hedgehog hits, and he immediately burst into tears. - Oh oh oh! How prickly you are!
  • And you are clingy! - answered the hedgehog. - Why are you fighting? If you need apples, then go and pick it yourself!
  • But I am a great and mighty Hare, everyone fears and respects me!
  • You are stupid! - answered the hedgehog. - Nobody is afraid of you. Fighters are not loved and respected!
  • What to do? - asked the Hare.

But the hedgehog didn't hear him anymore. He ran along the path on his business.

The sad, sad Hare wandered home.

  • Wow! hooted the wise old owl. - Respect is not for strength, but for good deeds!
  • Nonsense, - the Hare waved his paw.

Before reaching the clearing on which his house stood, he suddenly heard someone's plaintive sobbing.

  • Hey, who's there? - shouted the Hare.
  • It's me, teddy bear! - came from the bushes.

The hare parted the dense branches and saw a little bear cub. His foot was caught between the roots of an old oak tree, and the baby could not free himself.

Oh, you silly fool! Now I will help you, - said the Hare and began to break the old branches.

As soon as the bear was free, he happily jumped around the Hare and sang:

You are mine now best friend!

And let everyone know:

You are great and mighty

The most daring, the best!

The hare was embarrassed, and then asked:

  • Do you really think so?
  • Of course! - exclaimed the bear cub.
  • The hare is the bear's best friend! The hare saved the bear! The hare is a hero! - the magpies chirped and carried the news through the forest.
  • You see! - the owl said to the Hare. - Now you will be respected not in a dream, but in reality. And there is no need to fight for this at all! I said: they respect not for strength, but for good deeds!

How Egorka dressed

Yegorka, let's go for a walk, - called Yegor's mother one morning.

Yegorka was very fond of walking, but did not like to dress.

  • Mom, dress me, my hands do not know how, they are small, - he asks.
  • You are big yourself, and the pens are small? - Mom was surprised. - Here are your pants, here are the socks, here are the sweater, gloves and boots - dress yourself! And I have no time!

And Yegor, as he walked in his panties around the room, and walks.

  • Yegorka, get dressed, it's time to walk, - says mom.
  • I can't do it, - complains Yegor.

Then the hands of Yegorkina took offense at him and let's get dressed ourselves, quickly, quickly! And they were in such a hurry that they mixed everything up: they put pants on their heads, instead of pants - a sweater, socks and boots - on their hands, they pulled gloves on their feet. Instead of a belt - a scarf. And they forgot the hat in the sleeve.

Mom laughed at him. Yegorka looked at himself in the mirror, and he felt ashamed - how would he go out into the street like that? Rather, he took off all this disgrace and put it on correctly, himself, and so quickly and accurately that he himself was surprised - it turns out that I can!

How Vanya learned to dress

Once upon a time there was a boy named Vanya. He loved to walk with the guys in the yard. They came up with different Interesting games and they always had a lot of fun together. And the girl Olya often came to play in the yard. She had big beautiful blue eyes and curly hair. Vanya really liked her, and he wanted to make friends with her. But Olya did not pay attention to him.

Once Vanya, Olya and other children were playing on the playground. Suddenly the Serpent Gorynych appeared from behind the forest. He flew over the playground very low, grabbed Olya on the fly and flew back to the forest.

What to do? We must go save Olya! Vanya and Seryozha jumped on their bicycles and rushed off in pursuit. All animals and birds willingly told them where the kite flew. Vanya and Seryozha rushed at full speed.

Suddenly on their way - a river. Not very wide, but there is no bridge or ford. Seryozha hid his bike in the bushes, quickly took off his trousers, shirt, socks and boots and jumped into the water. And Vanya did not know how to undress. His mother always undressed, although she grumbled that it was already big. And here mom is not. And without her, Vanya cannot undress in any way. He sits crying. In the meantime, Seryozha is already returning back together

with Olya. He defeated the snake, freed Olya, helped her to swim across the river. They got out to the shore, got dressed, got on the bike and drove back. And Olya said that she would be friends with Seryozha.

And Vanya grieved, grieved, and then he began to ask his mother to teach him how to undress and dress, and since then he has always done it himself. Olya saw how Vanya became independent, and also became friends with him.

How Vanya learned to be friends

Once upon a time there was a boy named Vanya. He took away the toys from everyone, and hid his own behind his back and did not give them to anyone.

One day the children were playing in the sandbox. The girl Masha also came to play there. She had a nice new bucket and a scoop. Vanya really wanted the same bucket. He went up to Masha and took him away. Masha cried for a long time, but Vanya did not return the bucket to her. All the children consoled Masha.

The next day, when Vanya came to play, the children left the sandbox. He had to play alone and only with his toys. This was repeated on the second day and on the third.

On the fourth day, Masha came with a new blue bike. All the children rode it in turn and laughed. They felt good and fun, and Vanya sat alone in a big sandbox and was bored. After all, no one wanted to play with him!

But suddenly Mashenka saw Vanya, ran up, took him by the hand, led him to the bike and said:

Ride as much as you want, I don't mind.

Vanya felt ashamed for his actions. He realized that being greedy and offending guys is very bad.

He ran home, brought the bucket of the car and gave it to the mistress. And then he took out his toys and let the children play.

Vanya realized how great it is to have many friends and share with them.

Little cloud

Clouds are different: large and small, storm and rain, white and dark. And even sometimes - gray or pink ... Dark rain clouds are usually called clouds. And I just want to introduce you to one very pretty cloud. Her name is Asya and she loves to play and have fun.

But she hasn't had time for fun lately. She sits on top of a large fir tree and has been sad for three weeks now. And all because all the little clouds of her age are allowed to fly and play in the sky, look at the meadows and forests and, when necessary, water the flowers and trees. Everyone except little Asya, and therefore she is very upset. After all, from the very birth Asya dreamed of being the best and most useful cloud, she tried so hard to grow up as soon as possible and go with her friends to water the meadows in the forest.

And then came the very day when the little clouds first went to their first watering. And Asya, of course, too. Dads and mothers - big experienced clouds - told the little clouds in detail how to bring their rain to the desired glade and how to water it correctly. All the little rain clouds, and Asya too, went on their first walk. It was then that the trouble happened - Asya shed all her rain on the way, and she had absolutely nothing to water the flowers with.

Every morning, our little cloud Asya collected her rain and went to water the meadows with it, but she never brought it to the right place. First, she soaked the bunnies running down the path to school. The next day, she poured heavy rain on the artist who was painting the famous forest oak. All the colors in the picture had flowed, and the drawing was hopelessly ruined. But it was especially upsetting that the grass and flowers in Ashina's meadow turned completely yellow and began to fade.

When the adult clouds saw that Asya was not coping with her task, they decided: the cloud Asya just needs to grow a little more and try again to master watering in six months. Everyone was very kind to the little cloud, they comforted and encouraged her. They said that everything will work out for her, you just have to wait. But Asya no longer believed in herself. She thought she was the wrong cloud, and this made her very sad.

Every day Asya flew to the top of a pine tree and sat there. She watched as her friends - other little clouds - gathered for the next watering. Everyone except her. And she was very sad and hurt.

But one morning, when Asya sadly swayed on a pine branch, she saw a large shaggy caterpillar. The caterpillar slowly crawled along the branch and examined the sad cloud with curiosity.

What are we sad about? the caterpillar asked Asya.

The little cloud sighed heavily, sobbed a couple of times, and told its story to the caterpillar. She listened attentively to Asya and shook her head sympathetically.

Your trouble can be helped, ”said the caterpillar when Asya finished her story. - I have lived for a long time and I know that everything is changing. And you change all the time. Even now, when you talk to me, or when you sleep ... And every day you become a little bit different, better, older, smarter ... You just have to really want to, and you will definitely succeed ... - the last words the caterpillar said very quietly and crawled on.

And Asya began to listen to herself, trying to feel exactly where good changes were already beginning inside her. And something really changed. She did not yet know what, but inside her there was some wise part that knew exactly what and how to change for the better ...

Asya's cloud was so carried away by new experiences that for some time she even forgot about the caterpillar. She remembered that she had not even thanked the kind caterpillar for the advice. Asya began to look for her new acquaintance and found her on a neighbor's branch, all in business and worries.

  • Thank you for your help! - Shouted a small cloud to the caterpillar.
  • No thanks, my child, be happy! - answered the caterpillar, not looking up from their affairs.
  • What are you doing? - Asked Asya.
  • I don’t know for sure, my child, but I feel that this is very important. So don't distract me.

Asya was very interested in what a caterpillar was doing. So she settled down more comfortably on her branch and decided to watch.

The caterpillar weaved a web and deftly attached it between two thin branches. Then she began to wrap herself in a web more and more densely. Soon the caterpillar was gone

apparently, she was all in a dense skein of white cobwebs. A spider web - a cocoon - hung on a branch and swayed slightly in the wind.

Asya quietly approached the skein and asked in a whisper: "Are you all right?"

Don't bother me, I'm changing, ”the cocoon caterpillar answered quietly.

The next day Asya bravely set off together with other clouds to collect rain and water the meadow. And suddenly - everything worked out great for her! Several times she collected rain and successfully brought it to her meadow and watered the grass and flowers.

Wow! Well done! - all the clouds and clouds spoke around.

Asya was very proud of her new skill. She was happy every time she brought her rain to the right place. The little cloud was so carried away by the new job that for a couple of days she completely forgot about the old caterpillar.

On the third day Asya decided to visit the caterpillar and find out how she was doing. It was very curious why the caterpillar was wrapped in a cobweb.

The cobweb, as before, swayed on the pine branch, and the dew drops glittered on it and shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow. Asya's cloud quietly crept up to the cocoon and whispered: “Caterpillar, are you all right? Maybe you need help? "

I'm changing, don't bother me. Come tomorrow, ”the caterpillar answered quietly.

The next morning Asya woke up early and early and hurried to the big pine tree. A cocoon with a caterpillar, still white and dense, hung on a branch, gently swaying in the wind. A small cloud settled in the neighborhood and waited.

For a while, nothing happened. But then Asya suddenly heard a quiet crackling, and the cocoon somehow stretched all over. The cobweb threads began to burst one after the other. The cobweb skein began to creep apart, and then completely broke into two halves. Asya was about to shout: "Good morning, caterpillar!" - but stopped. There was no caterpillar inside the skein. Instead of her, a beautiful bright butterfly appeared from the cocoon! The butterfly unfolded its graceful and iridescent wings, easily pushed off the cocoon and flew up. She climbed higher and higher, and the little cloud Asya looked after her, as if enchanted, and thought: "How wonderful she has changed!"

Fairytale therapy is a term that implies “treatment with fairy tales”. The methods of fairy-tale therapy are used in various fields - pedagogy, medicine, but primarily in psychology. Fairy tale therapy is applicable to both the adult generation and children. It is mainly used in the upbringing of the younger generation, when communicating with preschoolers. With the help of this technique, you can effectively and accurately influence the psychological world of the child, his worldview.

The essence of the fairy tale therapy method

Fairytale therapy concept

Fairytale therapy is a long-standing method of socialization, transfer of knowledge and life experience from one individual to another; expanding the listener's imagination; psychological help in a seemingly insoluble life situation.

The essence of fairy tale therapy is psychological development, solving a person's internal problems. When analyzing a particular fairy tale, a person mentally imagines the plot in a modern light, analyzes fairy-tale situations, heroes. Thus, he mentally comes to an understanding and solution of real life circumstances.

Specialists identify three areas in this type of therapy:

  • Diagnostics. Determines the main scenarios used by a person under certain conditions and life situations. The specialist determines the main character traits of an individual, his strengths, mental abilities, talents, his perception of the environment;
  • Therapy. Helps a person to create his own image in specific conditions, to tune in to a certain model of behavior in order to achieve the assigned tasks;
  • The predictive direction of fairy tale therapy helps a person to realize how his behavior in the present tense can affect his life in the future.

The fairy tales contain the invariable values ​​of human civilization, culture, the essence of the morals of the whole society, which has been formed from generation to generation. Therefore, its main impact on a person occurs on a spiritual, moral level: development, awareness of oneself and one's life path.

Types of fairy tale therapy

Fairy tales are divided into four types. Let's consider fairy-tale therapeutic methods for preschoolers in more detail.

  • Didactic tales

They are also called trainers. They are actively used when presenting educational and cognitive information to children. The child perceives knowledge more easily through images, symbols.

  • Psychocorrectional

Often used by adults to influence the behavior of a child. So, with the negative behavior of the baby, with the help of psychocorrectional fairy tales, you can gradually change the child's behavior by changing his own view of his behavior, teach him to understand the world around him.

  • Psychotherapeutic tale

Its purpose is to create in the imagination a picture of the environment. In such tales, the heroes experience various real events and situations. By analyzing the behavior of acting heroes, a person begins to realize the behavior of real people from the outside. The child learns to understand other people, their character and human qualities.

  • Meditative

Aimed at getting rid of a person from anxiety, stress, immersion in pleasant thoughts, dreams and sensations. In such fairy tales there are only good, kind heroes, there is absolutely no negative, which allows you to immerse a person in a positive attitude. They are also used to help the client through his analysis of the tale, coming up with a further scenario, to find a solution to real life problems.

Psychological level is very effective and applicable specialists in various fields - both in work related to children and adolescents, and in interaction with adults, to solve an internal psychological problem. Efficiency lies in the perception of fairy tales by all generations, without exception. After all, from childhood, from generation to generation, adults tell children fictional stories. Many kids often ask to tell the same story several times in a row, because they perceive it most realistically and vividly.

Fairytale therapy is the easiest, perceived way to influence the behavioral model of a person, his inner world, thinking.

In fairy tale therapy, various literary genres are used, both folk (myths, anecdotes, parables) and more modern (fantasy, detective stories). Depending on the psychological problem, each client is selected the appropriate genre of story. The basis of any fairy tale is a metaphor. The term defines the use of words and phrases in a figurative sense based on external similarity or comparison.

Functions of fairy tales

In fairy tale therapy, the following functions are distinguished:

The influence of the tale is directed to two psychological directions - the consciousness and subconsciousness of the individual.

The goal is to convey to the individual vital phenomena, values, to help establish a goal, to convey the author's inner world (author's tale).

The symbolism of the tale lies in conveying information:

  • about the structure of the world, its creation;
  • self-realization in the lives of men and women;
  • about life obstacles and their overcoming;
  • about human values;
  • relations with the surrounding society (friendship, love);
  • relations between generations;
  • forgiveness.

Types of fairy tales

There are several types of fairy tales, depending on their purpose, method of creation, and their functions. In total, there are five main types:

  • Artistic

This includes the author's narratives, as well as stories passed down from generation to generation. Invented by the peoples of the world at different time intervals, today they are successfully used by psychotherapists in psychological correction.

  • Folk tales

It has long been customary to call them myths, legends. It can be like stories about the relationship between animals and humans (for children), about everyday situations in family relationships, fairy tales of rebirth and change (for example, for people with low self-esteem or children who find themselves in an unfamiliar, completely new environment, for example, a new family), tales of horror stories (for experiencing tension internally and preparation for enduring external anxieties), tales of magic and miracles (spiritual development).

  • Author's fairy tales

As a rule, they are used for those who are spiritually tired, have lost strength and hope for something (victory over a serious illness, reconciliation with a very important person, and more).

  • Didactic

Used to serve teaching material schoolchildren.

  • Psychocorrectional tales

Usually they have a certain sequence, a plan for the development of events. The plot, as a rule, is a little similar to the client's life situation. At the end, the story should have a moral, summing up.

  • Psychotherapeutic tales

Such stories are aimed at life situations, feelings, relationships, have deep meaning and make you think about it. It can be both self-composed author's and old folk tales.

Method of influence with the help of fairy tale therapy

A fairy tale therapist offers several options for working with a fairy tale. In any case, there is a therapeutic effect on the client's consciousness. The main age category of exposure is children and adolescents. As a rule, the therapist acts according to a certain plan:

  • telling a story by a specialist to create a positive mood of the client before further actions;
  • fairy tale therapy diagnostics (discussion of the story told by the therapist, detailed consideration of the story);
  • independent composition of a fairy tale by the client himself.

Before this stage, the client can draw a drawing or create a sculpture. In the future, this will help him to push off from his creation and come up with heroes and a plot. At the same time, this stage is called to creativity, and during creation, as you know, a person expresses his inner state with color and forms. So, for example, if a person is tense and overwhelmed with negativity, his drawing or application will be in bright or dark colors. During the session, negative emotions will remain in the craft, and thoughts will already be more enlightened. If at the end of the lesson you ask the client to draw a drawing, he will be more calm tones than the first;

  • preparation for translating a fairy tale into reality (making dolls for a mini-theater). Creating dolls - heroes - helps to realize the inner problem;
  • the embodiment of a fairy tale into real action.

This can be both acting out (convenient for a group lesson), and staging with the help of a puppet theater.

Fairytale therapy for children

What does fairy tale therapy help against?

Fairy tales are divided into different kinds- some have a tense plot, others act pacifyingly, others show life situations from the outside. Fairytale therapy for children involves solving certain psychological problems of the child. They are divided into several varieties:

  • Fairy tales that help to overcome inner fears (doctors, darkness, dogs, etc.)
  • Soothing for children with hyperactivity.
  • Fairy tales designed to pacify aggression. They are relevant not only in working with preschoolers, but also with adolescents.
  • Tales for solving behavioral disorders in which physical problems are manifested: loss of appetite, incontinence and others.
  • Fairy tales for kids going through global family changes - parental divorce, the appearance of a new family member, the desire to find another family.
  • Fairy tales for children who have experienced the separation / loss of an important person in their life, a pet.

What can be achieved by various methods of fairy tale therapy

The child often cannot express his thoughts and desires verbatim. On the basis of unspokenness, whims appear - “I don’t want to go to kindergarten,” “I won’t eat this porridge,” “I don’t want to go to bed,” and others. This is very annoying, especially for young parents.

One gets the impression that the child deliberately does everything wrong. In such situations, the parents begin to reproach the child, scold. But moralizing does not help the child to see himself from the outside, to understand his mistakes. Therefore, all the comments of adults turn out to be useless, not achieving the main goal - to influence your child, to correct behavior for the better.

With the help of a fairy tale, you can reflect the real situation in the eyes of the child. Listening to the story, the little man, as it were, tries on the role of the protagonist, experiences his emotions and feelings. At the same time, he realizes that this is only a fictional character, but subconsciously tries to imitate him. Thus, when composing your own fairy tale, you can, together with your child, consider several options for the protagonist's actions in various situations and what they can lead to, choose which decision will be more correct. This is how children form a vision of a person's good and bad deeds, he learns to think ahead, to assume the course of life events when performing certain actions.

For example, artistic fairy tales clearly show kids various features character: for braggers, the fairy tale "Bouncer Hare" is suitable, and in the absence of a sense of responsibility, you can read "The Adventures of Dunno". After reading the fairy tale to the kid, you can make out the behavior of the main characters and the consequences of their actions. On reflection, the child will find the similarity of his actions and the main characters, draw conclusions and try to improve. After listening to the child's reasoning, parents will be able to better understand his character, view of the world around him, the reason for certain actions, and they will react correctly to them next time. So two different generations will be able to understand each other, to get closer spiritually.