God Help me please find a sincere equilibrium. Prayer for living parents and their health

It remains without work - for many, it means to remain without livelihood. It is difficult to get a job with graduates of universities, after dismissal or reduction, after maternity leave. But it is impossible to fall in spirit and you should seek help to heavenly forces. People who fell into trouble always appeal: "Lord, help me, please" in the hope of a miracle. Prayer facing the Lord and the Holy Patrons will help with a device for work.

Difficult trials are given so that people have learned to appreciate every moment of their lives.And did not relate to life consumer. Never give up and lower your hands, but you need to use all the ways and opportunities. Sometimes the loss of work gives a person time to rethink life values \u200b\u200band understanding that some money does not give happiness. And prayer will help to understand why the test is sent.

It is not necessary to pray in the church - the Lord hears people who are praying everywhere, the main thing that pleases be from the heart. Prayer's strength gives one who hears it. If you ask about working with deep faith, a hot desire and pray daily, then the request will be heard by heavenly forces.

It is better to pray alone to concentrate and not be distracted by external sounds. It is impossible to indifferently pronounce gloomy phrases - it is important to understand the meaning of progressive words. The words of prayer is not necessary to speak out loud. But at first we must ask for forgiveness from the Lord for your sins, and then ask for work. Or start with the overall prayer of ours. And then you have to handle prayer to God or holy patrons. You can contact the Almighty:

Lord Heaven Father! I appeal to you for miraculous help in the affairs of the worldly, for suffering from hopeless and low. Forgive me all my preggie and do not leave difficult moment. I pray you, the father is merciful, give me a job on my talents and abilities to please me and comforted me, benefited and decent payment for my works. Amen.

Icon is an image that adjusts the prayer and the correct attitude. All saints after bodily death continue to help people, as well as in life. Therefore, options to pray for a lot of icon about work. It is necessary to diligently read the prayer appeal before their images and ask for help on employment.

Saints patrons

Holy patrons help in finding decent work to people different professions. What saint pray, to find a good job - these are the rates of God:

Sometimes for help, you can choose a patron on his life-to-show, the corresponding spirit of praying. The holy worship of God were harvested in hard work and help a person in any difficulties.

The holy trif from the youngsters was endowed with the gift of healing and could help many people, and once even saved the city from the invasion of reptiles. He had to go through heavy torture and flour in the dungeons of Emperor Trajan, who wanted to destroy Christians. The chopped head of the Holy Martyr is stored in the Cathedral of St. Trifon (Montenegro).

Trifon patronizes young people, entrepreneurs, unemployed. Holy pray to get rid of unclean power, accommodation problems to find a job. You can contact him at any time, but February 14 (his memory day) prayer reaches much faster.

Before the image of the holy martyr of trifon can be praying with such words:

About the Holy Martyr Trifon, praying before you and to help your residence! Pray for me to the Lord and succeed he has a gift of this benevolent for me, the job is worthy to feed and the comfort of my family. Hear the slave of your unworthy, at all your hour honors the holy memory yours. I felt praise and thanks to the Lord and his son. Amen.

Nikolay Rhodes

Nikolai Wonderworker will help builders, firefighters, police, students, drivers who want to make another work and all people with sincere faith. Holy helps active and purposeful, supports and directs the true path. Patronizing sailors, travelers, children, protects offended, reconciles the warring. Nikolai The Wonderworker can pray in all life cases in their own words or read by heart:

Oh, all-in-home care Nicolae, the intercessor of our and your assistant in our sorces! The mind of the Lord is about helping me sinful and dull, save from Naming and torment. Help get the blessing of God, I hope and I hope. You have been thank you, and together with you, I will give the Father and Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Everyone know the names of the blissful Xenia St. Petersburg and Matrona Moscow. Many people they helped in a wide variety of requests, glory about them goes throughout the Russian land. To the holy miracle chairs need to handle pure thoughts and sincere words to ask for help in a variety of situations:

  • to instruct the True path;
  • for healing from serious diseases;
  • to create and preserve the family;
  • about intercession from misfortunes.

Ksenia was from the rich family, but took over the sin of her husband and began to the heavy path of the people, to pray to God about his forgiveness and about other suffering souls. Many helps in sincere requests addressed to her:

Oh, Holy Blessed Mother's Ksenia! Located by the Mother of God, the renovation and persecution, hunger and thirst has undergone, under the cover of the Most High resting, help with his holy prayers about the unworthy servant of your slave (name). Acceptance of my petition of the work of the work worthy, the focus of its attention and fence from misfortunes and stagnation. Protect my spirit, people and the country in the world to save to flourish and nice church of Christian. I hope for you and I hope, with you, the famous Father of Heaven and his son. Amen.

The mercies and powerful Matron had bulging in the form of a cross from birth on his chest - a mark of God. Sleeping, poorly moving, she has helped everyone writing to her since childhood.

Prayer Saint Matron about work:

On the blissful styrica of the Matron, the intercession and comforter of all children of living. Ask God about the grace of the slave of God (the name) and the forgiveness of all the acts of fuss and sinful. Help to find work on the abilities and strength, give a blessing to good luck in all endeavors, a fence from temptation and any evil. Yes, there will be my work to everyone for joy, in the salvation of the Church and the Fatherland. Amen.

Martyrs of kizic

9 of the Holy Martyrs of Kizic did not refuse faith in Christ Despite many torments and became a model of persistence and love for God. They paid for it with their heads. To holy martyrs, you can seek help in finding work with the words of prayer:

O Great Martyrs of Christ! Tello, I ask you not to leave in your grace the slave of God (name), my family, small children. Help find a job to bring income and pleasure to me. I resort to your help, about the representation in front of the Lord begging and forgiving the sins of free and involuntary. Amen.

archangel Michael

If you do not know what saint to pray to find a job and no longer lose or avoid dismissal, then you need to ask for help to Archangel Mikhail - the most important and strong angel to a patron who has unprecedented power. In order for Archangel Mikhail Uber and defended, you need to contact him with such words:

Oh God, the king of the Heavenly, went the archangel of your Mikhail to help your servant (name), protect him from the evil of the Great and Enemy of the Flywood. Oh, the great governor of heavenly forces, hear me a sinful, who praying for you, speed up help and get rid of forever from the victims of life and difficulties. Bless and Odari grace with their great. Amen.

Thanks for the help

Not everyone can remember the prayers addressed to the wonderworkers, then you can humbly pray for help with your words going from the soul. But prayers with requests to find work should be accompanied by words of gratitude and appreciation. As soon as Divine Help is received, we must thank the Lord God and Saint:

Heavenly Heavenly Father! Thank you for your mercy to me and the misunderstanding. Thank you for supported in Lychu Hodina, did not leave me in despondency and sadness. I will serve for good to you and people using all your abilities and talents, fully obeying you and trusting. Amen!

Communication with God and Holy Patrons will strengthen the spirit and faith in a serious life situation. After receiving the first salary on new work It is necessary to make a brought to church.

ATTENTION, only today!

"Lord! HELP ME"
(Gospel from Matthew
Matthew 15:25
Gospel from Mark.
7:24 And, going from there, came to the limits of Tirsk and Sidon; And, entering the house, I did not want anyone to find out; But could not conceal.
7:25 For he heard a woman about him, who had an obsessed daughter was an unclean spirit, and, having come, fell to his legs;
7:26 And the woman was the gentleman, the sirofinician; And asked him to drive a demon from her daughter.
7:27 But Jesus said to her: let me be enough for children, for it is not good to take bread in children and throw ps.
7:28 She told him in response: So, Lord; But the dogs under the table eat crumbs in children.
7:29 And he told her: for this word, go; The deva came out of your daughter.
7:30 And, having come to your house, she found that the demon came out and daughter lies on the bed.
Brand 7: 24-30

After the sermon of our Lord about the bread from heaven (we do not know how long after that), he and his disciples went to the West, to the border of Phenicia. There he entered one house, clearly intending to retire and, perhaps, to find peace and rest. But the Lord quickly found one mother, the sirofinician, whose daughter took possession of the demon, and she took the opportunity to ask the Lord about the liberation of her daughter. Glory about Jesus and his wonders of the healing of patients, etc., obviously dreamed across the entire neighborhood, but it became known that Jesus - Jew and his wonders and mercy are limited only to his own people.

It is clear, for the faith of this woman there were numerous obstacles, and the strength of faith, which overcame them, unwillingly causes admiration.

(1) She was a stranger, from the pagans to whom God did not show any grace; They "did not have hope and there were bootiers in the world" ( Message of the Apostle Paul to Ephesians
2:12 What you were at that time without Christ were alienated from the Society of Israeli, alien covenants of the promise, did not have hope and there were noise girls in the world.
EF. 2:12.
). So, having come to Jesus, she not only overcame the prejudice of his own pagan submissions and the rules obtained since childhood, but also all pride and fear of being designed and rejected as unworthy grace, which was looking for.

(2) as a poor and small woman, she, of course, was very shy, turning to such an educated and famous personWhich was this great prophet of Israel, about which she, undoubtedly heard a lot.

Despite obstacles, her love for her daughter and confidence in Jesus was such great that she found him and, according to the custom of that time and those places, an elevating voice and, perhaps, crying "screamed" to the Lord about compassion and help her grief : "Level me, Lord, the son of David, my daughter is cruel!" At the very beginning, she received a refusal, because, according to the description in Matthew (15:23), our Lord fully ignored her without answering a word. For many it would be enough to lose faith and get away, crying, but it was not so with a woman. She did not stop her injecting and persistent requests, and was convinced that the Lord had the strength to help her and until he refused to do it, but it means that her faith should not weaken.

Pupils seem to be bored with its exemption, which perhaps lasted for a while. Jesus and students probably had already left the house in which they temporarily stopped, and continued their journey, and the woman continued to follow them and begged for help. The disciples approached and began to persuade him: "Let her go, because shouting behind us!" But he answered and said: "I am sent only to the dead sheep at the house of Israel."

The answer of our Lord's disciples seems to indicate that the apostles asked him to satisfy her request and then let go. But his answer shows why he was slow. The blessings that he intended to give was intended for the people who were in the covenant with God, was an articulated Seed of Abraham, and this woman was not from this people who god in every way with many Milutions. She was from the pagan people with whom God did not enter into relations the covenant and for which she had not yet done anything. Our Lord explained it to the disciples so that the woman hears, obviously, not only for their and its use, but also, as we can allow for our instruction.

Although it looked that the Lord does not listen to a woman and does not want to show mercy for her, we believe that it is more judicious to assume that from the very beginning fully understood the situation and elected a way that would show the faith of a woman, preparing her to get the desired blessing.

Here we have a lecture on perseverance in prayer to the Lord on the liberation of the devil, regardless of whether it appears in our friends or in our own. As a woman knew that hopelessly hope to look for relief from any other source, so we know that the hope of exemption from the enemy is possible only with the intervention of the Lord. Therefore, our faith, like the faith of this woman, must comply with the extremes of the case and tightly hold the Lord in search of blessings, which (since we have more knowledge than she) will help him in his time and in his way. "GOD WHAT WILL CONTINUE SELECTED HAFE HAVE HIS EVROIDUALS TO HERE AND NIGHT, although he is slow to defend them?" ( Gospel from Luke
18:7 Does God do not protect his chosen, shining for him day and night, although he is slow to defend them?
Onion. 18: 7.
). If in our case, the Lord does not consider the best to provide us with a quick response to prayer "and do not enter us in temptation, but save us from the evil" ( Gospel from Matthew
6:13 And do not enter us in temptation, but get rid of us from the evil. For yours is a kingdom and power and glory forever. Amen.
Matt. 6:13
, VB), we can be sure that it is not at all from a lack of interest in our well-being, because didn't he have shown interest, redeemed us and calling for a stake in the heavenly kingdom? Therefore, if the answer does not come in this way or at such a time, as we tend to hope, let the faith, as if anchor, still keeps divine kindness and strength and extremely great and precious promises. Remember that, according to these promises, even the longest time (until the Millennial Kingdom, when a great opponent will be connected and will be given a complete and final liberation from his power) will not be long not only for us and those who are directly hoping for it, but And for the whole "moaning creation" (VB), which is under his destructive influence.

Having heard the reason why she was ignored, a poor woman, instead of falling into the despondency, even more was convinced that Jesus had the power to help her. Falling, as is customary in the East, to his feet, she, showing this all his obedience, addiction and plea, requested: "Lord! help me" ( Gospel from Matthew
15:23 But he did not answer her a word. And his disciples, starting, asked him: to let her go, because he shouts behind us.
15:24 He said in response: I was sent only to the dead sheep at the house of Israel.
15:25 And she, come, bowed to him and said: Lord! help me.
Matt. 15: 23-25
). When, finally, our Lord appealed to a poor woman who fell to his feet, begging for help, his words were again a refusal designed to bring a weak faith in the despondency of man, and, accordingly, strengthen the greater faith. His answer did not contain neither neglect, no insult, neither indifference to her burn, because in reality it is well known that our dear Lord had no such feelings to anyone. All this pointed to the interest and sympathy, but explained the reason why it cannot be applied to her as children in the house that should be fed first, before dogs. Both about the people who were in the Testament with the Lord, Jews, should take care first of all - to heal, teach and bless, - before these blessings in any extent and in any way could spread to the pagans who, Compared to household, were like dogs. By the way, here we should notice that although Jews often spoke about dogs with great disregard, as for example, in OTV. 22:15: "And outside - dogs", etc., having in mind wild dogs, who digged the villages and harmed, nevertheless, the Jews had the habit of keeping dogs, which in the family loved and fed, so the word Used here by the Lord, as well as the Woman herself, had in mind domestic dogs, puppies, pet dogs, and not dogs that were squeaming.

A woman, prevailed over the Lord's argument, standing on his knees, admitted to humility that she does not consider himself one of the children with the right to father blessing, but like a dog under the table, looking for at least one crumb of Divine mercy. Our Lord, appreciating such a big faith and sincerity, said: "For this word, go; The deva came out of your daughter. " Faith women was the one that was required, and it demonstrates the fact that she believed the Lord's word, left her mind and went home to see what Jesus said.

As far as our case is different from everything that happened to the poor woman. Instead of confrontation, the Lord kindly called us to know ourselves and your gracious plan. We, in our time, the wanderers, alien and outsiders, not only were redeemed by precious blood, but also concluding the covenant with the Lord, they were accepted in his family, got the privilege to sit at his desk, and he generously put in front of us as "food in Time ", all the extraordinarily great and precious promises of your word. We do not need to ask them; They are ours, and it remains only to take them. We simply need to be faithfully accepting them and use. And if a poor woman from this description could show such a faith in the Lord and get such a big blessing, then it serves as proof, abundantly confirmed by other places of Holy Scripture, that nothing else that we brought or can bring the Lord, can not be more acceptable in his Eyes than faith - faith in him, in his power, in his love and in his promise. Everyone who does not show faith can not increase in the knowledge of the Lord, can not develop, can not be a winner and achieve the desired victory, because "this is the victory that won the world, our faith", and "without faith to please God impossible" ( First Message of John
5:4 For anyone born from God, the world wins; And this is the victory, the winning world, our faith.
1 Ioan 5: 4
; Message of the Apostle Paul to Jews
11:6 And without faith, God is impossible; For it is necessary that God coming to God believes, that he is, and he is looking for him.
Heb. 11: 6.

In addition to the mercies that God gave us through Christ, each of us has very little that, in our opinion, it could be acceptable for him. Faith, trust in God, is one of those virtues of the heart, which we can bring the Lord and which he will not reject. Another is the honesty of the heart, another - obedience, awareness and recognition of our full dependence on it. These feelings, the woman expressed her actions and words. And if they brought her Divine Grace even before this mercy could come to the pagans, then all our obedience, our faith and sincerity should prevail and encourage us to make a pleasing to God who has already taken us in the Beloved, along with Which he is very happy if we take all the wealth of his grace, promised to those who love him, respects and listening and who trusts him.

Help, Lord

Night. The clock is confidently hit ten, eleven ... The mistress goes around the apartment, nervous. Twelve!

On this night she dreamed of a strange dream. A small puppy with a pretty face and just only with cutting eyes was complaints about. She tried to take it on his hands, but he rushed to run. It looked funny: a puppy barely moved his feet, but still sought away.

Farida opened his eyes: "Why would it?" - flashed in the head. But after a moment, another thought pulsed: "Where is the son? What about him?" The first time he did not come home to sleep. She called familiar, they were told: "I left with friends to a disco." To calm her. But no! Farida climbed with his legs in the chair, threw the plaid and trisons. This dream. What is he talking about?

Woman closed her eyes. An image of a thin eighteen-year-old girl who timidly pushed a blue stroller appeared in memory. Girlfriends who wanted to walk in her field of view, whispered: "Such a young, and already ..." Farida was confused, she blushed, everything is also a pushing stroller, and in the evening I lied my son, whispered to him: "You grow up and show them all ..." Turn the key In the castle woke it up.

"Mom, this is me," the son, drunkenly staggering, passed into the nursery and locked the door behind him.

- Do you think that an hour?! Do you ever think about something serious? You think I will give you money for pocket spending of ladies next time?!

... small, magnitude with palm, puppy fled from all his might from her. She saved a step, but did not have time to catch him, he hid under an iron bed.

I got up, went to the room of my son. On the bed lay a semi-naked adult man with scattered hands, palm on a quarter pillow. Rose like.

Everything like her father. Next to such feel weak. I want to get closer to a strong shoulder and sprinkle everything is all the same bitter and offensive.

- Well, get up! Did you hear the alarm clock?

The son reached out as in childhood, the muscles in his arms tightened, and the mother clearly saw the tracks from the needle.

... The storm went fast. She looked around like a little girl, constantly senses:

- Well, why tell me, why are you constantly leaving? These sashi-bear-Olezhka, are they more expensive to you than me? I specially began to come early with you to stay, son.

Mother's tears rolled in Grad. Son felt guilty. And then suddenly hugged her firmly, kissed and came out.

He came early in the evening and saw her mother crying before the icon of the Virgin and asks: "Help!" Then turned to him and took a promise - go to church.

The son rested for a long time: "Well, who is unbelieving, Mom, why, eh?" She led him to the same icon as at home, only more.

- Here, look, thanks to her you live! She turned everything over, gave me strength, name and new life. In baptism, I am Eutemy, you know? Would Efimia be able to interrupt life? Or allow someone to do it for it?

Son of Droke. Red spots appeared on his face. He removed the bracelet, inactory unnamed finger:

- I understood everything, Ma.

In the evening, the window in the kitchen scattered to smire. A note is tied to a huge cobblestone: "If you don't get out, start shooting."

- Mom, they won't let me alive! You see, this is a whole system. They want my life.

Farida stood like stone. Her look was directed at the door, a minute later, the son should have come out. Side vision Mother saw him slowly dressed. That fastened the last button. Hand touched the door.

"I'm with you," sounded in the corridor.

Son turned.

"I'm with you," I repeated a confident mother and even found the strength to smile.

At that moment she looked like a warrior who confidently looks into the face of death. The sky knows, such their own life will not value, so the trouble is usually retreating from them. The eternal war of goodness with evil is always coming, and the battlefield, by the expression of Dostoevsky, there is a human heart. When fear prevails, resentment and ropot, good retreats, but as soon as it trusts God completely and for everything, the Creator will begin to be alleviated overnight.

- What are you crazy? No, mommy, you can not. They are you ... - He hugged her mother and cried.

Four days later they changed the address. New flat Much worse than the former. It has a very small kitchen, narrow corridor, but the big bedroom and children's. Sometimes Farida comes home early and looks to his son. Right over his bed - the icon of the Bogard with a baby in his arms. Mother sees how sometimes the son pulls on the dose, as he prays for hours, and then silently silently.

"Mom, I can't, I'm about to break," he blurted out somehow.

- No, son, you are strong, and she, - a tired look at the image, - always with you.

From the book a new biblical comment Part 2 (Old Testament) by Carson Donald.

Psalm 69. Help! What is about to speak in Psalm 68, in this psalma is expressed in the form of a brief heartfelt prayer about emergency care. Both psalms reflect the feelings of a person who is in the circumstances threatening for his life (Ps. 68: 2-5; Ps. 69: 2B), a request sounds

From the book Father Arseny Author author unknown

From the book of parables and history, Volume 2 Author Baba Sri Satya Sai

70. Help yourself, one devotee of the Lord Rama constantly visited the temple, worshiped God and challenged his name. Once he is a cheap carriage of a cart from the city to his village. On the road, the cart suddenly overturned. He sat down next to her, mourning his unfortunate share.

From the book of the Clean Bible. Volume 9. Author Lopukhin Alexander

From the book of Proverbs. Vedic flow author Kukushkin S. A.

25. And she, desirable, bowed to him and said: Lord! help me. (MK. 7:25, 26). The brand reported in more detail that the woman fell to the legs of the Savior and asked him to drive a demon from her daughter. ABOUT?????????? See the explanation to 2: 2. The woman now does not call Christ the son of Davidov, and

From the book of prayer on the lake Author Serbian Nikolai Velymirovich

First, help yourself came to the Buddha and said: "I am very rich, I have no children, my wife died." I would like to make some kind of work for merit. What can I do for poor and humiliated? Just tell me what I have to do? Having heard it, the Buddha became very sad

From the book Father Arseny author

8. Lord, help me make you all the creations of yours, like bees around the blooming cherry, sinking around you, Lord. Some crowded others, challenges one with another right to sown, everyone sees in another aliel. All are imposed on you more than you.

I believe from the book! Glory to you, God! How to believe in no way Author Eden Georgy

23. Lord, help me, I will not slow down to open the gates. You do not charge the cashel of my soul, and you knock on her doors, soul saint. Wait only a moment, I am carrying a celle from unclean spirits and reveal to you. If I define you immediately, you will not enter the cellery my, full of bad smells, and

From the book of the author

41. Lord, helping happily fasting and happily Hopefully I am pleased to Hope your hope for you, the coming Lord. The best is accelerating the preparation for the coming. Waiting for the only days and nights of my. The fact will fasten my flesh so that the rest is easier to sanctify

From the book of the author

46. \u200b\u200bLord, help my soul with my repentance is reborn deeply descending my soul to see who is born in it and which of it comes. How scares the depth of the human soul, the bride is unnecessary when a person is solved to look into her! Through the light and hell penetrates

From the book of the author

70. Lord, help me to be born to the Trinity of Single, Pomping to be born again. In vain I suffer, trying to cleanse, in line with the full mud, according to which the river of life is flowing. Do not protect me from the streams of muddy flowing from the valley to my river. Use me to the mountain

From the book of the author

77. Lord is radiant, help me with his purity at noon to the lake comes and bathe in the water of the lake and in the sun. Lord, all the nature of innocence admires. Slaves of exhausted and exhausted, sun and lake are transformed in the presence of children. Transforming

From the book of the author

87. Lord, help my soul to accommodate you Godos, you are the salt of the Earth, you are the light of the world. If you are exhausting and darkened, the world will become a shell of life, the skin of the snake, which she leaves in Turning. You maintain the heavenly fire in the dust ground. If you go out, the world will

From the book of the author

88. Lord, help me to build your hands on your cornerstone, my hands to you, my shepherd, but do not reach you. It will come up with a sheep, in the ravine, it will be up to climb: she will disappear, if she won't be down behind her. Thank you. Your extends on the rays Sunny.

From the book of the author

"Mother of God! Help! " On the second day of the war - June 23 - the husband was taken to the front, and I was alone with Katya. There is a clear alarms, the volleys of anti-aircraft batteries, the dark rays of the spotlights, howl, airborne barriers from cigar-like balloons hanging over the city and

From the book of the author

"Believe, Lord! Help my disbelief "The laws of conscience, reason and faith" I do not believe in God, who rewards and punishes, in God, whose goals are blinded with our human goals "(Einstein). It is impossible to disagree with the great scientist and a great man! "There was always some kind of

The person accompany constant tests, checks. It was at that moment when sheepings impotence, a feeling of helplessness, it is worth asking for help from the higher strength.

In hard moments it is so important to say "help me" to the Lord, or another holy. In their power, send us to the righteous way, help survive hard times, adversity. Giving a sincere prayer, supported by the deep faith, a person appeals to all saints.

You can highlight a lot of variations of prayers, depending on the target, select the option you need.

Expression of thanks

Praying should use this text daily. With the help of such a prayer, a person thanks God for everything he gives. This is, first of all, thanks for the last day, the health of your own and relatives. Using the pronunciation of simple words, you can notice grace that will definitely change your life for the better.

It is worth learn to appreciate the life, opportunities and horizons that open.

It is important to say thanks to his angel - the keeper.

"Thanks and reciting the Lord of his own God of Orthodox Jesus Christ for the benefit of him, I appeal to you, the Holy Angela of Christ, the warrior of the divine. I call with a grateful prayer, thank you for your mercy to me and for my petition for me before the face of the Lord. Sladen Be in the Lord, Angela! "

"The Angel of God, the keeper my holy, on compliance with me from the Lord with heaven, diligently pray to you, you will be enlightened to enlighten and from any evil to save, to the good act to nastya and on the path of salvation. Amen".

You can highlight a shorter than gratitude to your angel - the keeper:

"Pouring the Lord, you pay tribute, my guardian angel. Sladen Be Esi in the Lord! Amen".

Universal prayers

Support is needed to each person. The moment comes when it is especially necessary for confidence, help, sincere equilibrium and extract. At that moment there is a need for higher power. Try "help me" just at the moment when vital energy You leave.

", Esjee on Heaven! Yes, your name is holy; Yes, your kingdom will come; Yes, there will be the will of yours, Yako in the sky, and on the earth; Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago. Yako is your kingdom, and power, and glory forever. Amen".

Separately, you can note the prayer of the Cathedral of 12 apostles. Its use has a positive effect on a person who protects it from the troubles, or household problems.

"Consecration of the Apostles of Christ: Peter and Andrei, Jacob and John, Philippe and Bartholoma, Fomo and Matthew, Jacob and Judo, Simone and Mattie! Hear our prayers and rehabits, the hearts of the currently brought and climb to us, the servants of God (names), your powerful before the Lord, get rid of all the evil and getting a flattery, firmly committed to the Orthodox faith, in the same way, by the wounds, nor a visitor, nor by the sea, but we will live in the creator of our silence, but the peaceful area will live in life and will be able to videos of videos of the alive, the Slav of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, one in the Trinity of Slavimago and the PokladyAgo of God, now and dream and forever and ever. Amen. "

For help, they often turn to Nikolay the plenty. He is considered to be holy to which you can contact absolutely all people. Fame and respect for the wonderworker is explained by the help that people receive after prayers. It is important sincere to treat, hope for the best outcome.

"Oveblagia Father Nicholas! Shepherd and teacher of all faithfully flowing towards your intercession, and the heat of the prayer you call you! Soon feasting and relieving Christ's herd from the wolves, whipping e, and all the country of Christian fences and save the holy prayers from the worldly insurgency, a coward, the invasions of the interemphetics and internecading branches, from the glad, a flood, fire, sword and in vain death. And I pardoned the Treek men in the dungeon of the sitting, and delivered them to the Tsareva Anger and the labeling, taco, nice and me, the mind, the word and the darkness of the sins of the sins, and save me the wrath of God and the eternal execution; Yako Yes, your petition and help, with its own mercy and the grace of Christ, God quiet and sinless lives will give me an excuse to Either Sez, and save me to make sure the Sandago with all the saints. Amen. "

Often pronounce "help me" by a life-giving cross.

"God will resurrect himself, and the gazes are harmful, and it beats from his face hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear; Yako melts the wax from the face of fire, Tako, the beams will die from the face of those who love God and marked with the godmond, and in the fun of the verbal: rejoice, the precessive and life-giving cross of the Lord, drive the demons to the power of our gentlemen of our Jesus Christ, in Hell Shedshago and Dilution, and donating to us the cross your own honest to the defendance of all sacuostate. About the precessive and life-giving cross of the Lord! Help with the Holy Mrs. The Devolution of Virgin and with all the holy events. Amen. "

To the angel - the custodian is also applied not only for protection, but also for happiness, good luck in the beginnings of a person. After all, in the new, for example, the help of heaven is important.

"The benefactor, the holy angel, my keeper in the eyelids eternal, as long as I will eat. You call you the ward, you hear me and lower to me. As you have treated me many times, so once again enforced. I am clean before God, I have not guessed anything before. I lived before, I will live in faith next, and therefore the Lord wandered me with my grace and, in will, you guard me from all sorts of attack. So let the will of the Lord and you, holy, fulfill her. I ask you about a happy life for yourself and your homework, and it will be a higher reward from the Lord for me. Hear me, Heavenly angel, and help me, will fulfill the will of God. Amen. "

Prayer, strengthening the spirit of man

Depending on the needs, people treat the words "God, help me." One need good job And high financial well-being, others need health. In those situations where there is a mental balance and spirit weakening, constant dissatisfaction and irritation is needed to help over.

"Lord, let me with soul calm Meet all that will bring me the coming day. Give me all the wilts of your saint. For this day, in all of the day they will mention and support me. Whatever I am news for the day, teach me to take them with a calm soul and firm conviction that your entire holy will of yours. In all words and the affairs of my led by my thoughts and feelings. In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everyone is sent to you. Teach me straight and reasonably act with each member of my family, no one is confusing and not upgrown. Lord, give me the power to postpone the fatigue of the coming day and all events during the day. I will manage my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, tolerate, forgive and love. Amen".

In order to gain peaceful forces, survive difficult times use prayer to John Kronstadt. It is believed that this righteous can protect a person from falling.

"Lord! I am a miracle of your goodness, wisdom, omnipotence, the fuck is given to you from non-existence into being, the blowing is preserved to you with a job in Genesis, I have some kind of good, generous and humans of your only beef of your son, inherit the life of eternal, if you predicate your breath Bring yourself to the sacrifice of your son, I am restored from a terrible fall, redeemed from eternal death. I speak your goodness, your power is infinite. Your wisdom! But the wonders of your goodness, omnipotence and wisdom, I need to save me with fate, the unwanted slave of yours, and enter your everlasting, the life of the life of the unauthorized, the day of disobedient.

The old man of Zosima said: who wishes the kingdom of heaven, the wealth of God wishes, and not the most likely loves God. "

In addition to the burning from falling, the saint protects from despondency, depressive state.

"Lord! Your name is love: do not reject me, a mistaken person. Your name is strength: the prerequisites of me, exhausted and falling! Your name is light: enlighten my soul, overshadowed by everyday passion. Your name is the world: Omri merry my soul. Your name is mercy: do not fully chatting me! ".

From despair and despair protects the saint Dmitry Rostov. Read the words help to raise a mental equilibrium of a person, strengthen his faith.

"Lord! Everyone's wishes and silence will be in you. Everyone's wishes and whatever in you will be one will be, my Savior! All IMAGE MY AND THIS IS MY DO YOU YOU DO YOU DO YOU, AND ALL THE BONE MY DO RUBLE: "Lord, Lord! Who is like to you, who will compare the power, grace and wisdom of yours? All Bo wisdom, and righteous, and the progress of us arranged for us. "

"My patron, my petition before the face of the God of a single Christian! Holy angel, I appeal to you with a prayer to save your soul. From the Lord, I was tested by faith, the Okayannoye, for loved the hell of my God. Help, holy, transfer the test from the Lord, for the weakness Az Esm and I am afraid not to endure your sufferings. The angel is light, low to me, left my great wisdom to hean a very sensible Word of God. Protect faith My, angel, so that there was no temptation before me and the test of our Az would have passed. As a blind man goes on the mud, without knowing that Az will go with you the medium of vices and the abominations of the earth, without raising the eyes on them, but in vain only to the Lord. Amen".

"Yes, nothing will turn out of me, but I will deeper from the Divine Tyuya Luva, oh my God! Yes, any extensive, neither the fire, nor the sword, nor the glad, nor the persecution, nor the depth, nor the height, nor a real, nor future, and so this can be in the soul of mine. Nothing, yes, I walked in Either Sem, Lord, but the day and night you will impose you - the gentlemen of mine: and maybe, the eternal treasure will take it, and wealth will be happy, and all the benefits will help. "

For help, they often turn to the Most Holy Mother of God, which is considered to be faithful from despair in difficult times.

"Ladyman, Major Mother of God. Your all-in-room and saints in front of the Lord of our assignment from me, a sinful and humble slave of yours (name), despondency, nerazumiy and all the bad, sly and blasphemy thinking. I ask you! Take them away from my heart sinful and soul of my weak. Holy Mother of God! Relive me from all sorts of evil and unkind thoughts and actions. Be blessed and is famous for your name forever. Amen".

Physical spirit

Each person faces diseases, difficulties associated with this state. The diseases appear before me, weakens faith, physical spirit. In order to faster to overcome this condition use prayers. Prayer helps speed up the process of treatment and further recovery, facilitates the symptoms. Such assistance is good not only to the person who pronounces prayer, but also to those whom he wishes health.

"About the sweet name! Name, strengthening the heart of a person, the name of life, salvation, joy. They led their name, Jesus, and the devil will remove from me. Open, Lord, my invisible eyes, destroy my deafness, heal my chromotom, return my speech to my little, destroy my learn, return my health, Sunday me from the dead and return my life again, relieve me from all sides of the inner and external evil. Praise, honor and glory can always be rejected from the century to the century. May it be so! May Jesus be in my heart. May it be so! May the Lord will be our Jesus Christ, always in me, and he will revive me, he will save me. May it be so! Amen".

For health, improvement of well-being often refer to the Great Martyr Panteleimon. He is considered to be a holy healer, the strength of which has not yet been confirmed.

"On the great pleasing of Christ, passionerpher and the doctor a multi-facing Panteleimon! We need to be soaked by me, sinful slave, hear the wedding and cry of my, the dyingness of the celestial, the Verkhovnago doctor of the souls and the televisions of our, Christ of our God, may healing from the ailment, the opposite. Acceptance of the unworthy mission of the Grebneshago Page of all people. Visit my fellow visiting. Do not be rush to my sinful ulcers, melting them with a bare mercy and healing me; Yes, life of my heart and body, the rest of my days, the grateful of God, to spend in repentance and the departing of God and would fit the perception of the good end of my life. To her, waters of God! The mind of Christ's Christ, and your victim gives the health to my body and the salvation of my soul. Amen".

In many cases, they turn to the angel - the keeper. This applies to security against accident, in particular, severe injuries. His help is also needed in cases where there is a high risk of getting sick.

"Holy Angela of Christ, a defender from every fishing of the evil, patron and benefactor! As you care about every in need of your help in a moment of accidental misfortune, take care of me, sinful. Do not leave me, hung my prayer and protect me from the wound, from ulcers, from any accident. Imagine your life your own, as I entrust the soul. And how do you pray for the soul of my Lord of our god, the souls about my life, wanings of the body mine from damage to any. Amen".

"Holy Anenekel, a warrior of Christ, I call you about help, for in the hard at least my body is mine. Crawled from me illness, fill my teles, my hands, my legs. Call my head. Az I pray you, benefactor and the defender of your own, o sees, for weakly extremely, I was weak. And there are big suffering from your illness. And I know that from my little stern from my sins of my grave contains me a disease in the punishment by the Lord of our. And there is a test for me. Possibilities, God's angel, reversing me, protecting my body, so that I put the test and would not make my nimalo faith. And the forest, the holy guardian of my, moths for my soul to our teacher, so that the Most High saw the repentance of my and took off the disease with me. Amen".

"Meld to your ward (name), holy angel of Christ. Iako hinged me, petitioned for me before God, worked out and worked in a moment of danger, kept in the will of the Lord from bad people, from the misfortunes, from all the animals, yes from the evil, so help me once again, the health of the televishes , my hands, my legs, my head. Let forever in the eyelids, as long as I live, I will be strong for my body, so that there is a test from God to transfer and serve in the glory of the Almighty, as long as he will call me. I pray you, the dropsy, o seed. If he guessed, I have sins for me and not enough to ask, then I pray for forgiveness, because I sees God, I did not think anything wrong and did not do anything. Elico guessed, it is not for evil intent, but by unbrid. About forgiveness praying and mercy, health I ask for life. I hope for you, Angela of Christ. Amen".

Financial welfare

The stability of the financial situation plays a great importance in human life. Fear before poverty overcomes me. To protect against poverty, one of these lines use.

"You, about the Lord, the compassion of our, and therefore we have nothing to do. With you, we do not want anything in the sky, nor on earth. We enjoy in you inenectly great bliss, what the whole world cannot deliver to us. Whether it is imperative to do in you, and then for the sake of you willingly coming out from all of all you are unsolved, and we will be satisfied, no matter how you, the Heavenly Father, our, neither arranged the earthly fate. Amen".

"To you, Angela of Christ, I call. She defended me and defended me, and kept, because I did not sink before and I will not sin in the future against faith. So come back now, lowered me and help me. I worked much very, and now you see honest hands mine, which I worked. So let them be, as teaches the Scripture, which will be reputed by works. Release to me according to the works of my, holy, so that the hand was filled with a laptop, and could I live sides, to serve God. I will fulfill the will of the Most High and pay me by the earthly generous for the works of my. Amen".

"Retrustom to the Lord God, Jesus Christ, for the disasters on his table, in which it was progressing the sign of His Higher Love His, now I appeal to the prayer for you, the Holy Warrior of the Lord, Angela of Christ. The will of God was to be for the small righteousness of his, I, the appearances, I drink myself and my family, my wife and Chad unthable. I pray you, holy, charm me from empty table, I will fulfill the will of the Lord and give me for the deeds of my modest dinner, so that I could quench my hunger and get my own, who are sinless in the face of the Most High. The castover than having sacked against the word of God and fell into disfavor, then not for evil intent. She sees God, that I did not think about bad, but I always followed the commandments of him. Therefore, I repent, I pray for forgiveness for the pregrocheses, which is, and please give a binding table in moderation to not die with hunger. Amen".

In order to get rid of hunger, as well as ensure the fertility of the Earth turn to Harlampia. Prayers will provide this priest good harvest Your family.

"Defuccious Sacred Martyr Haralampie, Passionerpiece Overcome, the priest of God, about the whole world is petitioned! Watch for the praying of us who honor the Holy Memory Your memory: We succeed at the Lord God for the sake of our sins, but the Lord is not fully predicted on us: the Mercy of God and unworthy of the Mercy of God: moths about us Lord God, yes the low selection of our world on hazards and weighs our Yes, it will save us from the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the interference brani and all sorts of discords and triggers: approve, holy fellow, faith and piety in all Chads of the Orthodox Christian church, and God will save us God from Yeresy, splits and any superstition. About merciful martyr! Pray for us to the Lord, let it save from the glad and all sorts of diseases, and let us give us an abundance of the fruit of earthly, cattle multiplication on the need for a person and all useful to us: you will be needed with your prayers, the celestial kingdom of our god of ours, herself, honor and worship Approaches, with its original father and the Most Holy Spirit, now and are confused and forever. Amen".

Regardless of the financial position of a person, it is necessary to contact the saints with the words "help me."

"The dear Father Heavenly, I thank you for all that benefit that you give me through the Lord Jesus Christ. Bless, dear Savior, the work that you gave me, and give the strength to make it for the benefit of your kingdom. Give me joy to see the fruits of my works and donations. I will fulfill my words on me: "It is beastful to give, rather than taking", - so that I can live in well-being and not feel poverty.

But if we should experience poverty, then Darui, Lord, wisdom and patience to transfer it worthy, without Ropot, remembering the poor Lazar, to whom you, Lord, prepared Bliss in the kingdom of yours.

I pray you, let I hear one day: "Come, blessed my father, inherit the kingdom prepared by you from creating peace." Amen".

(By Act. 20:35; Matp. 25:34)

"Autumn himself with a holy sign, I appeal to the prayer of the diligent to you, the Angela of Christ, the keeper of the soul and body. It is likely to know my deeds, send me, send me a happy case, that you will not leave my failures. Forgive my pregnursions, stinking the accumulating vera. Protect, holy, from bad luck. Let the failures bypass the Slave of God (name), let the will of the Lord, and I am a good and no suffer from bad luck and poverty. Oh semi praying you, benefactor. Amen".

From poverty, John is merciful, famous Patriarch Alexandria.

"Saint God's John, a merciful defender of sirah and destroying in attacks! We are resorting to you and you pray, the slaves of yours (names), IKo to the opposite of all the comfort of all the seekers and sorrows from God. Do not come to pray to the Lord about everyone with faithful to you! You, full of Christ love and goodness, appeared to Jaco, the wonderful mistake of the virtues of mercy and soiled the name "merciful". You were a jaco river, incessantly the current generous milles and all thirsting richly sulking. Believe, Yako, in preventive from the ground to the sky, aggravate in you the gift of graceing Say and Yako Soda-Langsya, an inexhaustible vessel from a blessing. Sobori Woof with his petition and intercession, before the God "Everybody," yes, DSI, resorting to you, acquire peace and serenery: give them consolation to the searcheaux temporary and allowance in the needs of everyday life, there are hope of the hope of resting in the kingdom of heaven. In their lives on the Earth, you were the reflectance by all in any kind of misfortune and the need, offended and affected; Neither one from those who who who who who asked you mercy are deprived of the silence of your blessing. Tower and now, who reigns with Christ in the sky, Javi to all the perspective to your own icon and praying for help and intercession. Itself no sharpening himself created the mercy of the outlord, but also the hearts of others erected to the consolation of the weak and the charity of the poor. The foggy of the recruitment and now the hearts are faithful to the intercession of sires, the consolation of mournful and reassuring of the poor. Yes, they do not indulge in them gravity gifts, and there is nothing more having fun in them (and in the house of ses around the suffering), the world and the joy of the Holy Spirit, - in the glory of the Lord and the Savior of our Jesus Christ, forever. Amen".

It protects against the loss of a stable material situation, or from poverty appeal to Nikolai Wonderworker.

"O good our shepherd and the Bogomdrome mentor, St. Nicholas, St. Nicholas! We hear us sinful (names), who are praying for you and calling on your assistance to your emergency presentation: the usriors of we are gentle, from everywhere caught, all slands deprived and mind from a malnuary stared. Fur, waters, do not leave us in the sinful captivity of life, so we will not be a joy of our enemy and do not die in the evil acts of our. Moths about us unworthy of our own and the lord, you are with the facial faces of the prestige: it's a challenge to us with our god of our in the present life and in the future either, and we will not pay our hearts and on the uncleanness of our hearts, but for our goodness we will reward us . For your for the petition is hopefully, I call your concern, calling your assistance to the assistance, and at the MEDI DIRECTLY DISTRICT, AIDS RESPECT: REST YOU, HEADLY HOLSTRUES, DAYS WEEVING ON US, YOU SQUESS TO HOLY MY PRAYERS In the bunch of sinful and in the Tine of our passions. Moli, St. Nicholas, the Christ of our God, let us give us peaceful life and leaving sins, the souls of our salvation and great mercy, now and are also confined and forever. "

Prayers are considered rows aimed at ultrasound pronounced by Spiridn Trimifunt. This saint helps to stabilize the material position of a person.

"Oveblated St. Spiridon, the Great Harvester of Christ and the Pressenger Wonderful! Pred-stand in the sky of God from the face of the Angel, a proud of a gracious approach on the upcoming people, people (names) and the sistering of a strong breath of help. The mind of the vitality of the human manolyuba of God, so it will not condemn us according to our lawlessness, but will create with us in the grace of yours! We ask to us from Christ and God of our peaceful and serene love, health spiritual and bodily, lands, and in all of all abundance and prosperity, and not in evil, we turn the benefit, giving us from the generous of God, but in the glory of him and in the glorification Your intercession! Ravering everyone, faithfully incommary to God coming, from all sorts of so-sowing and bodies, from all languages \u200b\u200band diabolian navaloves! Buddes sad comforter, an affected doctor, in the assistant assistant, nagimat the patron, to widowes, siema defender, baby feeder, old strengthening, weird aperture, floating feeding, and work out to be all, the hardest helping you requiring it, all, is helpful! Yako, yes, let your prayers and abdes and observe, will achieve in the eternal peace and buy you to glorify God, in the Trinity of Slavimago, the Father and Son and the Committee of the Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen".

Tikhon Zadonsky known for its favorable effect on those who are asking for prosperity, for ensuring a comfortable life.

"Overall to the Saint and the History of Christ, from our Tikhon! Angelic on the Earth, you are Yako, the Angel of BlaHaughn appeared in a long-standing glorification: Believe from all souls and thinking, Yako, you, the benefit of our assistant and prayer, your nozzles and gratefulness, from the Lord, a consistent with our salvation. . We will receive a recreation of Christ, and the hour of this is our unworthy prayer: our bodies of your intercession from the condesception of us consensus and Pemudria, the unlawfulness and anxiousness of the man-version; Fur, soon about us a concept that is favorable by your petition of the Lord, and I will try my own great and rich mercy on our sinful and unworthy slaves of your own (names), yes, he wakes his thanks the inexhaustive ulcers and stratas of the broken souls and the televisions of ours, and our fossil heart solutions tears of lunizing and crushing about the premium sins of ours, and it will save us from the eternal torment and fire of Geenskago; With all the true people of His, in the current European world and silence, health and salvation and in all the good harees, yes, tako, quiet and silent lives lived in every piety and clean, will be advised from the angels and with all the saints of Slaviti and chanting the all-name Father's name And the Son and the Holy Spirit forever in the eyelids. "

Protects from poverty, helps to overcome the financial difficulties of prayer of Rev. Alexy, man of God.

"On the great Christ, the holy human man of God Alexie, the soul in the skies of the throne of the Lord of the Lord, this is given more thanks to the lands on the ground. The proud of merciful, but at the upcoming of Holiness icon of your people (names), murderly praying and seeking help from you and interpreting. Prosterly to the Lord of God Case Her Ruta and we succeed from him to leaving the sins of our free and involuntary sorry, in a notworthy healing, an assumed to ambulance, the whole consistent with the peaceful and Christian belly of the death and a good answer to the terrible court of Christ. To her, the waters of God, not to the Hope of Hope, hedgehog on the Bose and the Virgin, they lay, but let us be a assistant and patron to salvation, but your prayers are graceful and grace from the Lord, we will glorify the humanity of the Father and the Son and the Committee of Spirit, in The Trinity of Slavimago and the Poklamago of God, and your holy intercession, now and is also confident and forever. Amen".

Many difficulties pray in front of God's mother. It helps with lack of money, contributes to the correction of the harmful situation in which there is a person.

"On the Most Mother of God, the Mother of God, the Savior of our Mother of Christ, the Savior, the Soncent Pickle and the Intercession, Widoves and Sirah Patrone, Mothers and Sadness, Mothers of Sadness and Surprise, Babies are always ready for all the hardship, and faithful guys are always ready! You, about the global, gast to the Most High, grace in the hedgehogs of all standing up and delivering from sorrows and diseases, while the mutying sorrow and illness under the sickness, let us look at the free suffering of your Son of your Beloved and Togo on the Cross Purpose Crossing, Incem, Simeon , Your heart is passing: the taste of the taste, about Mati, of our mission, the mission of our mission, comfort of us in the grief of the destroying, and the faithful joy of the Guodeatyan. The commencement of the preclosion of the Holy Trinity, the sole of your son, the God of our God, Mozheyshi, wheezing, they are useful, the sake of the heart and love to you, Yako, Tsaritsa and Vladychitsa: I hear your dear, and you hear Miliation of our and save us from the circumference of the troubles and sorrow: you bozoste all true, the world and consolation are served. CE STICH WORK OUR AND SRESS: Yavi Your mercy is yours, we were consolation of our hearts to our heart, show and surprise our sinful wealth of the mercy of your mercy, handing us the tears of repentance to purify our sins and thickening the wrath of God, and with a clean heart, conscience and Hopefully incommunically resorted to your petition and intercession. We accept, globify our Vladychitsa The Mother of God, a zealous prayer of our brought, and do not recreak us unworthy from your blessing, but I will give us a getting rid of sorrow and illness, protect us from all the hits of the entry and slander of man, wake up your assistant , Yako Yes, under your mother's intercourse, always be the goal and saved your intercession and prayers to our son and God to our Savior, Jesh, everyone applies all the glory, honor and worship, with his original father and the Holy Spirit, now and dream and ever . Amen".

"Hope all ends of the Earth, the Most Value, Mrs. Virgin, the consolation of our! Do not be rush to the sinful, on your because mercy we hope: a fuss burning in us the sinful and repentance of the eaves of the Heart of our heart; Clean the mind of our since sinful thoughts, we accept plea, from the soul and hearts with frosting to you. Budy about us, Guodatais to your son and God and turn anger to his mother's prayers. The shower and bodies of the ulcers were healed, Mrs. Vladychitsa, the soul of souls and telecisions, sculpting the evil attacks of the enemy, the burden of our sins, and would not leave us until the end, and the sadness of the crushed hearts are our consolation, and we are glad to the end of our ease. Amen".

"On the Most Holy Mrs., Vladychitsa Virgin Mary! With fear, faithful and love and loving and the miraculous icon of your fallen, Molima: Do not turn your face from those who resort to you: the mind, merciful mother, your son and our God, gentlemen Jesus Christ, will save our country, the church is their own The holy unshakable can be observed from disbelief, heresy and split away. Do not imama for your help, not imaming hope, isn't you, prechilant Virgo: you are an all-dry Christian assistant and intercession: you save everyone, with faithful you are praying, from falling sinful, from the naval of evil people, from all sorrowing, sorrow, diseases, troubles and from sudden death: Give us the spirit of the crushing, humility of the heart, the purity of the thoughts, the correction of the sinful life and leaving the gentlemen, and everything is grateful to the commemorativeness and mercy of yours, which is here we are here on earth, will advise and the celestial kingdoms, and Tamo All the holys glorify the precessive and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. "

"On the Most Holy Virgin, Mati of the Lord of the Highlights, Heaven and Land Tsarice, Hoodies and countries Our whole-powerful intercession! We receive a labore-thank-thank you, who is unworthy of your slave, and worship our prayers to the throne of God's son, and gracious will be untolds to our and try to grace your most common name yours and with faith and loved by your who gives your own miraculous image. Minds because it is worthwhile to pardon themselves, whether you are not a delight of him about us, Vladychitsa, I can be all possible from him. Something for you to resort to you, IKO to undoubtedly and soon the intercession of ours: hear us, the autumn of us with a survive cover of yours and succeed at God's Son of Your Shepherd, our jealousy and a vigilance of souls, a town-por Mind and Smithnantry, Spouse Love and Consent, Chad Obvious, Insuditable Patience, Having A Fear of God, grieving grace, rejoice in abstinence:

all of the spirit of mind and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth. To her, Ms. Presidaya, soothing to the weak people; Racely collect, bothering on the way right to Nastavi, the old age is supported, Yuniya LevicesComotri, infants raise and win on all of us the charity of the mercy-Wago interception; Erend us from the depths of sinful and enlighten the heart of our eyes to the sight of salvation; Milostiv We are Budi Zede and Tamo, in the country of Economhods an alignment and on the Scary Court of your son; Pretty the same in faith and repentance from the lives of this fathers and the brotherhood of our in the everlasting life from Angels and with all the Holy Life. You for me, Mrs., the glory of Heaven and the hope of terrestrial, you are at the bose our hope and the intercession of all those who run to you with faith. We will pray to you and you, Ioko almighty assistant, our own and each other and our whole stomach, we betrayed, now and are constantly and in the eyelids. Amen".

Appeal to angel - the custodian can protect a person from the wrong deeds that lead to poverty.

"I appeal to you with Moloto, benefactor and my patron, Mobataya, in front of the Lord God, the joined Angela of Christ. I appeal to you, for my Hitched ones got together, are my empty chleva. Do not make your eyes more than my crust, and the mosna is empty. I know, then test me, sinful. Therefore, I pray to you, holy, for honest in front of people and God, and my money was always honest. And I did not take sin on the soul, but always got out of God's fishery. Do not ruin me hunger, do not understand poverty. I won't let the humble slave of God die despised by all the poor, because I worked for the Lord's glory. Protect me, Holy Angel Patron My, from life in poverty, because I am unhappy. The castle is warned, then you will be on all the will of God. Amen".

Charm for family

In order to protect their relatives close to you, it is worth using the prayer "Lord help." This is your own image of the charm, which will protect your loved ones.

"Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayers for the sake of the Mother of Tweeching Mothers hear me, sinful and unworthy slave yours (name). Lord, in the grace of your power of Chado my (name) to hindle and save his name for your sake. Lord, forgive him all the sins of free and invalid, who performed before you. Lord, to mention it to the true path of the commandments of your and the pleasants and enlighten it and enlighten with the light of your Christ, in the salvation of the soul and healing of the body. Lord, bless him in the house, near the house, in the field, at work and on the road and every place of your possession. Lord, keep it under the hands of your saint from flying bullet, arrows, knife, sword, poison, fire, flood, from deadly ulcers (atom rays) and from vain death. Lord, to protect him from visible and invisible enemies, from all sorts of trouble, evils and misfortunes. Lord, healed him from all diseases, to cleanse from all sneakers (wines, tobacco, drugs) and facilitate his mental suffering and grief. Lord, give him grace of the Holy Spirit for many years of life and health, chastity. Lord, give him his blessing to a pious family life and pious childbirth. Lord, give me a unworthy and sinful servant of your parent blessing for Chado My in the upcoming morning, days, evenings and nights of yours for the sake of yours, for your kingdom is eternally, all-way and omnipotently. Amen".

"On the Most Holy Master of the Virgin Virgin, save and save under the hands of your children (names), all the detachments, socklocks and babies, baptized and unnamed and in the waters of the mother wearable. By covering their religion of your motherhood, keep them in fear of God and in obedience to parents, the mind of My Lord and your son, let them give them a useful to rescue them. I hand them with your maternal look at your own, Yako you are the divine cover of the slaves yours. "

"About the all-willed saint of Christ and the miraculous Mitrofan! We will accept this small prayer from our sinners, to you who are resorting, and the warm pre-grade of the Lord and God of our God, Jesus Christ, Yako and the winning of us is mercifully, will give us the sins of our free and involuntary forgiveness, and, in great grace, I will save us from the troubles, sorrows, sorrow and diseases of spiritual and bodily bodies, aroused us: Yes, I will give the Earth fruiting and the benefit of the real life of our required; Yes, it gives us to condense the lives of this raised in repentance, and yes it will help us, sinful and unworthy, the celestial kingdoms of their own, in hedgehog with all the saints of His infinite mercy, with his original father and holy and sainting spirit, forever. Amen".


Often, in times of despair, difficulties, hands are lowered. It is important to seek help to higher forces during this period. It is in prayers a man finds peace of mind, get rid of fears and torments.

It is worth remembering that only sincere prayer, supported by the human faith, is able to change an unpleasant position, help in a difficult situation. Regular prayer, thoughtful pronunciation and deep faith are able to "reach" to the saints.

For our readers: Lord Help me please prayer with detailed description from various sources.

The person accompany constant tests, checks. It was at that moment when sheepings impotence, a feeling of helplessness, it is worth asking for help from the higher strength.

In hard moments it is so important to say "help me" to the Lord, or another holy. In their power, send us to the righteous way, help survive hard times, adversity. Giving a sincere prayer, supported by the deep faith, a person appeals to all saints.

You can highlight a lot of variations of prayers, depending on the target, select the option you need.

Expression of thanks

Praying should use this text daily. With the help of such a prayer, a person thanks God for everything he gives. This is, first of all, thanks for the last day, the health of your own and relatives. Using the pronunciation of simple words, you can notice grace that will definitely change your life for the better.

It is worth learn to appreciate the life, opportunities and horizons that open.

It is important to say thanks to his angel - the keeper.

"Thanks and reciting the Lord of his own God of Orthodox Jesus Christ for the benefit of him, I appeal to you, the Holy Angela of Christ, the warrior of the divine. I call with a grateful prayer, thank you for your mercy to me and for my petition for me before the face of the Lord. Sladen Be in the Lord, Angela! "

"The Angel of God, the keeper my holy, on compliance with me from the Lord with heaven, diligently pray to you, you will be enlightened to enlighten and from any evil to save, to the good act to nastya and on the path of salvation. Amen".

You can highlight a shorter than gratitude to your angel - the keeper:

"Pouring the Lord, you pay tribute, my guardian angel. Sladen Be Esi in the Lord! Amen".

Universal prayers

Support is needed to each person. The moment comes when it is especially necessary for confidence, help, sincere equilibrium and extract. At that moment there is a need for higher power. Help me "help me" just at the moment when the vital energy leaves you.

"OUR FAVE, OTHE ESISE FOR SKY! Yes, your name is holy; Yes, your kingdom will come; Yes, there will be the will of yours, Yako in the sky, and on the earth; Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago. Yako is your kingdom, and power, and glory forever. Amen".

Separately, you can note the prayer of the Cathedral of 12 apostles. Its use has a positive effect on a person who protects it from the troubles, or household problems.

"Consecration of the Apostles of Christ: Peter and Andrei, Jacob and John, Philippe and Bartholoma, Fomo and Matthew, Jacob and Judo, Simone and Mattie! Hear our prayers and rehabits, the hearts of the currently brought and climb to us, the servants of God (names), your powerful before the Lord, get rid of all the evil and getting a flattery, firmly committed to the Orthodox faith, in the same way, by the wounds, nor a visitor, nor by the sea, but we will live in the creator of our silence, but the peaceful area will live in life and will be able to videos of videos of the alive, the Slav of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, one in the Trinity of Slavimago and the PokladyAgo of God, now and dream and forever and ever. Amen. "

For help, they often turn to Nikolay the plenty. He is considered to be holy to which you can contact absolutely all people. Fame and respect for the wonderworker is explained by the help that people receive after prayers. It is important sincere to treat, hope for the best outcome.

"Oveblagia Father Nicholas! Shepherd and teacher of all faithfully flowing towards your intercession, and the heat of the prayer you call you! Soon feasting and relieving Christ's herd from the wolves, whipping e, and all the country of Christian fences and save the holy prayers from the worldly insurgency, a coward, the invasions of the interemphetics and internecading branches, from the glad, a flood, fire, sword and in vain death. And I pardoned the Treek men in the dungeon of the sitting, and delivered them to the Tsareva Anger and the labeling, taco, nice and me, the mind, the word and the darkness of the sins of the sins, and save me the wrath of God and the eternal execution; Yako Yes, your petition and help, with its own mercy and the grace of Christ, God quiet and sinless lives will give me an excuse to Either Sez, and save me to make sure the Sandago with all the saints. Amen. "

Often pronounce "help me" by a life-giving cross.

"God will resurrect himself, and the gazes are harmful, and it beats from his face hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear; Yako melts the wax from the face of fire, Tako, the beams will die from the face of those who love God and marked with the godmond, and in the fun of the verbal: rejoice, the precessive and life-giving cross of the Lord, drive the demons to the power of our gentlemen of our Jesus Christ, in Hell Shedshago and Dilution, and donating to us the cross your own honest to the defendance of all sacuostate. About the precessive and life-giving cross of the Lord! Help with the Holy Mrs. The Devolution of Virgin and with all the holy events. Amen. "

To the angel - the custodian is also applied not only for protection, but also for happiness, good luck in the beginnings of a person. After all, in the new, for example, the help of heaven is important.

"The benefactor, the holy angel, my keeper in the eyelids eternal, as long as I will eat. You call you the ward, you hear me and lower to me. As you have treated me many times, so once again enforced. I am clean before God, I have not guessed anything before. I lived before, I will live in faith next, and therefore the Lord wandered me with my grace and, in will, you guard me from all sorts of attack. So let the will of the Lord and you, holy, fulfill her. I ask you about a happy life for yourself and your homework, and it will be a higher reward from the Lord for me. Hear me, Heavenly angel, and help me, will fulfill the will of God. Amen. "

Prayer, strengthening the spirit of man

Depending on the needs, people treat the words "God, help me." One need good work and high financial well-being, others need health. In those situations where there is a mental balance and spirit weakening, constant dissatisfaction and irritation is needed to help over.

"Lord, let me meet me with peace of mind, all that will bring me the coming day. Give me all the wilts of your saint. For this day, in all of the day they will mention and support me. Whatever I am news for the day, teach me to take them with a calm soul and firm conviction that your entire holy will of yours. In all words and the affairs of my led by my thoughts and feelings. In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everyone is sent to you. Teach me straight and reasonably act with each member of my family, no one is confusing and not upgrown. Lord, give me the power to postpone the fatigue of the coming day and all events during the day. I will manage my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, tolerate, forgive and love. Amen".

In order to gain peaceful forces, survive difficult times use prayer to John Kronstadt. It is believed that this righteous can protect a person from falling.

"Lord! I am a miracle of your goodness, wisdom, omnipotence, the fuck is given to you from non-existence into being, the blowing is preserved to you with a job in Genesis, I have some kind of good, generous and humans of your only beef of your son, inherit the life of eternal, if you predicate your breath Bring yourself to the sacrifice of your son, I am restored from a terrible fall, redeemed from eternal death. I speak your goodness, your power is infinite. Your wisdom! But the wonders of your goodness, omnipotence and wisdom, I need to save me with fate, the unwanted slave of yours, and enter your everlasting, the life of the life of the unauthorized, the day of disobedient.

The old man of Zosima said: who wishes the kingdom of heaven, the wealth of God wishes, and not the most likely loves God. "

In addition to the burning from falling, the saint protects from despondency, depressive state.

"Lord! Your name is love: do not reject me, a mistaken person. Your name is strength: the prerequisites of me, exhausted and falling! Your name is light: enlighten my soul, overshadowed by everyday passion. Your name is the world: Omri merry my soul. Your name is mercy: do not fully chatting me! ".

From despair and despair protects the saint Dmitry Rostov. Read the words help to raise a mental equilibrium of a person, strengthen his faith.

"Lord! Everyone's wishes and silence will be in you. Everyone's wishes and whatever in you will be one will be, my Savior! All IMAGE MY AND THIS IS MY DO YOU YOU DO YOU DO YOU, AND ALL THE BONE MY DO RUBLE: "Lord, Lord! Who is like to you, who will compare the power, grace and wisdom of yours? All Bo wisdom, and righteous, and the progress of us arranged for us. "

"My patron, my petition before the face of the God of a single Christian! Holy angel, I appeal to you with a prayer to save your soul. From the Lord, I was tested by faith, the Okayannoye, for loved the hell of my God. Help, holy, transfer the test from the Lord, for the weakness Az Esm and I am afraid not to endure your sufferings. The angel is light, low to me, left my great wisdom to hean a very sensible Word of God. Protect faith My, angel, so that there was no temptation before me and the test of our Az would have passed. As a blind man goes on the mud, without knowing that Az will go with you the medium of vices and the abominations of the earth, without raising the eyes on them, but in vain only to the Lord. Amen".

"Yes, nothing will turn out of me, but I will deeper from the Divine Tyuya Luva, oh my God! Yes, any extensive, neither the fire, nor the sword, nor the glad, nor the persecution, nor the depth, nor the height, nor a real, nor future, and so this can be in the soul of mine. Nothing, yes, I walked in Either Sem, Lord, but the day and night you will impose you - the gentlemen of mine: and maybe, the eternal treasure will take it, and wealth will be happy, and all the benefits will help. "

For help, they often turn to the Most Holy Mother of God, which is considered to be faithful from despair in difficult times.

"Ladyman, Major Mother of God. Your all-in-room and saints in front of the Lord of our assignment from me, a sinful and humble slave of yours (name), despondency, nerazumiy and all the bad, sly and blasphemy thinking. I ask you! Take them away from my heart sinful and soul of my weak. Holy Mother of God! Relive me from all sorts of evil and unkind thoughts and actions. Be blessed and is famous for your name forever. Amen".

Physical spirit

Each person faces diseases, difficulties associated with this state. The diseases appear before me, weakens faith, physical spirit. In order to faster to overcome this condition use prayers. Prayer helps speed up the process of treatment and further recovery, facilitates the symptoms. Such assistance is good not only to the person who pronounces prayer, but also to those whom he wishes health.

"About the sweet name! Name, strengthening the heart of a person, the name of life, salvation, joy. They led their name, Jesus, and the devil will remove from me. Open, Lord, my invisible eyes, destroy my deafness, heal my chromotom, return my speech to my little, destroy my learn, return my health, Sunday me from the dead and return my life again, relieve me from all sides of the inner and external evil. Praise, honor and glory can always be rejected from the century to the century. May it be so! May Jesus be in my heart. May it be so! May the Lord will be our Jesus Christ, always in me, and he will revive me, he will save me. May it be so! Amen".

For health, improvement of well-being often refer to the Great Martyr Panteleimon. He is considered to be a holy healer, the strength of which has not yet been confirmed.

"On the great pleasing of Christ, passionerpher and the doctor a multi-facing Panteleimon! We need to be soaked by me, sinful slave, hear the wedding and cry of my, the dyingness of the celestial, the Verkhovnago doctor of the souls and the televisions of our, Christ of our God, may healing from the ailment, the opposite. Acceptance of the unworthy mission of the Grebneshago Page of all people. Visit my fellow visiting. Do not be rush to my sinful ulcers, melting them with a bare mercy and healing me; Yes, life of my heart and body, the rest of my days, the grateful of God, to spend in repentance and the departing of God and would fit the perception of the good end of my life. To her, waters of God! The mind of Christ's Christ, and your victim gives the health to my body and the salvation of my soul. Amen".

In many cases, they turn to the angel - the keeper. This applies to security against accident, in particular, severe injuries. His help is also needed in cases where there is a high risk of getting sick.

"Holy Angela of Christ, a defender from every fishing of the evil, patron and benefactor! As you care about every in need of your help in a moment of accidental misfortune, take care of me, sinful. Do not leave me, hung my prayer and protect me from the wound, from ulcers, from any accident. Imagine your life your own, as I entrust the soul. And how do you pray for the soul of my Lord of our god, the souls about my life, wanings of the body mine from damage to any. Amen".

"Holy Anenekel, a warrior of Christ, I call you about help, for in the hard at least my body is mine. Crawled from me illness, fill my teles, my hands, my legs. Call my head. Az I pray you, benefactor and the defender of your own, o sees, for weakly extremely, I was weak. And there are big suffering from your illness. And I know that from my little stern from my sins of my grave contains me a disease in the punishment by the Lord of our. And there is a test for me. Possibilities, God's angel, reversing me, protecting my body, so that I put the test and would not make my nimalo faith. And the forest, the holy guardian of my, moths for my soul to our teacher, so that the Most High saw the repentance of my and took off the disease with me. Amen".

"Meld to your ward (name), holy angel of Christ. Iako hinged me, petitioned for me before God, worked out and worked in a moment of danger, kept in the will of the Lord from bad people, from the misfortunes, from all the animals, yes from the evil, so help me once again, the health of the televishes , my hands, my legs, my head. Let forever in the eyelids, as long as I live, I will be strong for my body, so that there is a test from God to transfer and serve in the glory of the Almighty, as long as he will call me. I pray you, the dropsy, o seed. If he guessed, I have sins for me and not enough to ask, then I pray for forgiveness, because I sees God, I did not think anything wrong and did not do anything. Elico guessed, it is not for evil intent, but by unbrid. About forgiveness praying and mercy, health I ask for life. I hope for you, Angela of Christ. Amen".

Financial welfare

The stability of the financial situation plays a great importance in human life. Fear before poverty overcomes me. To protect against poverty, one of these lines use.

"You, about the Lord, the compassion of our, and therefore we have nothing to do. With you, we do not want anything in the sky, nor on earth. We enjoy in you inenectly great bliss, what the whole world cannot deliver to us. Whether it is imperative to do in you, and then for the sake of you willingly coming out from all of all you are unsolved, and we will be satisfied, no matter how you, the Heavenly Father, our, neither arranged the earthly fate. Amen".

"To you, Angela of Christ, I call. She defended me and defended me, and kept, because I did not sink before and I will not sin in the future against faith. So come back now, lowered me and help me. I worked much very, and now you see honest hands mine, which I worked. So let them be, as teaches the Scripture, which will be reputed by works. Release to me according to the works of my, holy, so that the hand was filled with a laptop, and could I live sides, to serve God. I will fulfill the will of the Most High and pay me by the earthly generous for the works of my. Amen".

"Retrustom to the Lord God, Jesus Christ, for the disasters on his table, in which it was progressing the sign of His Higher Love His, now I appeal to the prayer for you, the Holy Warrior of the Lord, Angela of Christ. The will of God was to be for the small righteousness of his, I, the appearances, I drink myself and my family, my wife and Chad unthable. I pray you, holy, wanted me from an empty table, will fulfill the will of the Lord and give me for the acts of my modest dinner, so that I could quench my famine myself and getting my children, who are sinless in the face of the Most High. The castover than having sacked against the word of God and fell into disfavor, then not for evil intent. She sees God, that I did not think about bad, but I always followed the commandments of him. Therefore, I repent, I pray for forgiveness for the pregrocheses, which is, and please give a binding table in moderation to not die with hunger. Amen".

In order to get rid of hunger, as well as ensure the fertility of the Earth turn to Harlampia. Prayers to this priest will provide a good crop your family.

"Defuccious Sacred Martyr Haralampie, Passionerpiece Overcome, the priest of God, about the whole world is petitioned! Watch for the praying of us who honor the Holy Memory Your memory: We succeed at the Lord God for the sake of our sins, but the Lord is not fully predicted on us: the Mercy of God and unworthy of the Mercy of God: moths about us Lord God, yes the low selection of our world on hazards and weighs our Yes, it will save us from the invasion of the invasion of the invasion of the interference brani and all sorts of discords and triggers: approve, holy fellow, faith and piety in all Chads of the Orthodox Christian church, and God will save us God from Yeresy, splits and any superstition. About merciful martyr! Pray for us to the Lord, let it save from the glad and all sorts of diseases, and let us give us an abundance of the fruit of earthly, cattle multiplication on the need for a person and all useful to us: you will be needed with your prayers, the celestial kingdom of our god of ours, herself, honor and worship Approaches, with its original father and the Most Holy Spirit, now and are confused and forever. Amen".

Regardless of the financial position of a person, it is necessary to contact the saints with the words "help me."

"The dear Father Heavenly, I thank you for all that benefit that you give me through the Lord Jesus Christ. Bless, dear Savior, the work that you gave me, and give the strength to make it for the benefit of your kingdom. Give me joy to see the fruits of my works and donations. I will fulfill my words on me: "It is beastful to give, rather than taking", - so that I can live in well-being and not feel poverty.

But if we should experience poverty, then Darui, Lord, wisdom and patience to transfer it worthy, without Ropot, remembering the poor Lazar, to whom you, Lord, prepared Bliss in the kingdom of yours.

I pray you, let I hear one day: "Come, blessed my father, inherit the kingdom prepared by you from creating peace." Amen".

(By Act. 20:35; Matp. 25:34)

"Autumn himself with a holy sign, I appeal to the prayer of the diligent to you, the Angela of Christ, the keeper of the soul and body. It is likely to know my deeds, send me, send me a happy case, that you will not leave my failures. Forgive my pregnursions, stinking the accumulating vera. Protect, holy, from bad luck. Let the failures bypass the Slave of God (name), let the will of the Lord, and I am a good and no suffer from bad luck and poverty. Oh semi praying you, benefactor. Amen".

From poverty, John is merciful, famous Patriarch Alexandria.

"Saint God's John, a merciful defender of sirah and destroying in attacks! We are resorting to you and you pray, the slaves of yours (names), IKo to the opposite of all the comfort of all the seekers and sorrows from God. Do not come to pray to the Lord about everyone with faithful to you! You, full of Christ love and goodness, appeared to Jaco, the wonderful mistake of the virtues of mercy and soiled the name "merciful". You were a jaco river, incessantly the current generous milles and all thirsting richly sulking. Believe, Yako, in preventive from the ground to the sky, aggravate in you the gift of graceing Say and Yako Soda-Langsya, an inexhaustible vessel from a blessing. Sobori Woof with his petition and intercession, before the God "Everybody," yes, DSI, resorting to you, acquire peace and serenery: give them consolation to the searcheaux temporary and allowance in the needs of everyday life, there are hope of the hope of resting in the kingdom of heaven. In their lives on the Earth, you were the reflectance by all in any kind of misfortune and the need, offended and affected; Neither one from those who who who who who asked you mercy are deprived of the silence of your blessing. Tower and now, who reigns with Christ in the sky, Javi to all the perspective to your own icon and praying for help and intercession. Itself no sharpening himself created the mercy of the outlord, but also the hearts of others erected to the consolation of the weak and the charity of the poor. The foggy of the recruitment and now the hearts are faithful to the intercession of sires, the consolation of mournful and reassuring of the poor. Yes, they do not indulge in them gravity gifts, and there is nothing more having fun in them (and in the house of ses around the suffering), the world and the joy of the Holy Spirit, - in the glory of the Lord and the Savior of our Jesus Christ, forever. Amen".

It protects against the loss of a stable material situation, or from poverty appeal to Nikolai Wonderworker.

"O good our shepherd and the Bogomdrome mentor, St. Nicholas, St. Nicholas! We hear us sinful (names), who are praying for you and calling on your assistance to your emergency presentation: the usriors of we are gentle, from everywhere caught, all slands deprived and mind from a malnuary stared. Fur, waters, do not leave us in the sinful captivity of life, so we will not be a joy of our enemy and do not die in the evil acts of our. Moths about us unworthy of our own and the lord, you are with the facial faces of the prestige: it's a challenge to us with our god of our in the present life and in the future either, and we will not pay our hearts and on the uncleanness of our hearts, but for our goodness we will reward us . For your for the petition is hopefully, I call your concern, calling your assistance to the assistance, and at the MEDI DIRECTLY DISTRICT, AIDS RESPECT: REST YOU, HEADLY HOLSTRUES, DAYS WEEVING ON US, YOU SQUESS TO HOLY MY PRAYERS In the bunch of sinful and in the Tine of our passions. Moli, St. Nicholas, the Christ of our God, let us give us peaceful life and leaving sins, the souls of our salvation and great mercy, now and are also confined and forever. "

Prayers are considered rows aimed at ultrasound pronounced by Spiridn Trimifunt. This saint helps to stabilize the material position of a person.

"Oveblated St. Spiridon, the Great Harvester of Christ and the Pressenger Wonderful! Pred-stand in the sky of God from the face of the Angel, a proud of a gracious approach on the upcoming people, people (names) and the sistering of a strong breath of help. The mind of the vitality of the human manolyuba of God, so it will not condemn us according to our lawlessness, but will create with us in the grace of yours! We ask to us from Christ and God of our peaceful and serene love, health spiritual and bodily, lands, and in all of all abundance and prosperity, and not in evil, we turn the benefit, giving us from the generous of God, but in the glory of him and in the glorification Your intercession! Ravering everyone, faithfully incommary to God coming, from all sorts of so-sowing and bodies, from all languages \u200b\u200band diabolian navaloves! Buddes sad comforter, an affected doctor, in the assistant assistant, nagimat the patron, to widowes, siema defender, baby feeder, old strengthening, weird aperture, floating feeding, and work out to be all, the hardest helping you requiring it, all, is helpful! Yako, yes, let your prayers and abdes and observe, will achieve in the eternal peace and buy you to glorify God, in the Trinity of Slavimago, the Father and Son and the Committee of the Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen".

Tikhon Zadonsky known for its favorable effect on those who are asking for prosperity, for ensuring a comfortable life.

"Overall to the Saint and the History of Christ, from our Tikhon! Angelic on the Earth, you are Yako, the Angel of BlaHaughn appeared in a long-standing glorification: Believe from all souls and thinking, Yako, you, the benefit of our assistant and prayer, your nozzles and gratefulness, from the Lord, a consistent with our salvation. . We will receive a recreation of Christ, and the hour of this is our unworthy prayer: our bodies of your intercession from the condesception of us consensus and Pemudria, the unlawfulness and anxiousness of the man-version; Fur, soon about us a concept that is favorable by your petition of the Lord, and I will try my own great and rich mercy on our sinful and unworthy slaves of your own (names), yes, he wakes his thanks the inexhaustive ulcers and stratas of the broken souls and the televisions of ours, and our fossil heart solutions tears of lunizing and crushing about the premium sins of ours, and it will save us from the eternal torment and fire of Geenskago; With all the true people of His, in the current European world and silence, health and salvation and in all the good harees, yes, tako, quiet and silent lives lived in every piety and clean, will be advised from the angels and with all the saints of Slaviti and chanting the all-name Father's name And the Son and the Holy Spirit forever in the eyelids. "

Protects from poverty, helps to overcome the financial difficulties of prayer of Rev. Alexy, man of God.

"On the great Christ, the holy human man of God Alexie, the soul in the skies of the throne of the Lord of the Lord, this is given more thanks to the lands on the ground. The proud of merciful, but at the upcoming of Holiness icon of your people (names), murderly praying and seeking help from you and interpreting. Establishly prayerfully to the Lord God Case Her Ruta and we succeed from him to leaving the sins of our free and unwitting, in a notworthy healing healing, an emergency assistance that will be confused by the worst of ambulance, the whole consonant of the peaceful and Christian belly end Christ. To her, the waters of God, not to the Hope of Hope, hedgehog on the Bose and the Virgin, they lay, but let us be a assistant and patron to salvation, but your prayers are graceful and grace from the Lord, we will glorify the humanity of the Father and the Son and the Committee of Spirit, in The Trinity of Slavimago and the Poklamago of God, and your holy intercession, now and is also confident and forever. Amen".

Many difficulties pray in front of God's mother. It helps with lack of money, contributes to the correction of the harmful situation in which there is a person.

"On the Most Mother of God, the Mother of God, the Savior of our Mother of Christ, the Savior, the Soncent Pickle and the Intercession, Widoves and Sirah Patrone, Mothers and Sadness, Mothers of Sadness and Surprise, Babies are always ready for all the hardship, and faithful guys are always ready! You, about the global, gast to the Most High, grace in the hedgehogs of all standing up and delivering from sorrows and diseases, while the mutying sorrow and illness under the sickness, let us look at the free suffering of your Son of your Beloved and Togo on the Cross Purpose Crossing, Incem, Simeon , Your heart is passing: the taste of the taste, about Mati, of our mission, the mission of our mission, comfort of us in the grief of the destroying, and the faithful joy of the Guodeatyan. The commencement of the preclosion of the Holy Trinity, the sole of your son, the God of our God, Mozheyshi, wheezing, they are useful, the sake of the heart and love to you, Yako, Tsaritsa and Vladychitsa: I hear your dear, and you hear Miliation of our and save us from the circumference of the troubles and sorrow: you bozoste all true, the world and consolation are served. CE STICH WORK OUR AND SRESS: Yavi Your mercy is yours, we were consolation of our hearts to our heart, show and surprise our sinful wealth of the mercy of your mercy, handing us the tears of repentance to purify our sins and thickening the wrath of God, and with a clean heart, conscience and Hopefully incommunically resorted to your petition and intercession. We accept, globify our Vladychitsa The Mother of God, a zealous prayer of our brought, and do not recreak us unworthy from your blessing, but I will give us a getting rid of sorrow and illness, protect us from all the hits of the entry and slander of man, wake up your assistant , Yako Yes, under your mother's intercourse, always be the goal and saved your intercession and prayers to our son and God to our Savior, Jesh, everyone applies all the glory, honor and worship, with his original father and the Holy Spirit, now and dream and ever . Amen".

"Hope all ends of the Earth, the Most Value, Mrs. Virgin, the consolation of our! Do not be rush to the sinful, on your because mercy we hope: a fuss burning in us the sinful and repentance of the eaves of the Heart of our heart; Clean the mind of our since sinful thoughts, we accept plea, from the soul and hearts with frosting to you. Budy about us, Guodatais to your son and God and turn anger to his mother's prayers. The shower and bodies of the ulcers were healed, Mrs. Vladychitsa, the soul of souls and telecisions, sculpting the evil attacks of the enemy, the burden of our sins, and would not leave us until the end, and the sadness of the crushed hearts are our consolation, and we are glad to the end of our ease. Amen".

"On the Most Holy Mrs., Vladychitsa Virgin Mary! With fear, faithful and love and loving and the miraculous icon of your fallen, Molima: Do not turn your face from those who resort to you: the mind, merciful mother, your son and our God, gentlemen Jesus Christ, will save our country, the church is their own The holy unshakable can be observed from disbelief, heresy and split away. Do not imama for your help, not imaming hope, isn't you, prechilant Virgo: you are an all-dry Christian assistant and intercession: you save everyone, with faithful you are praying, from falling sinful, from the naval of evil people, from all sorrowing, sorrow, diseases, troubles and from sudden death: Give us the spirit of the crushing, humility of the heart, the purity of the thoughts, the correction of the sinful life and leaving the gentlemen, and everything is grateful to the commemorativeness and mercy of yours, which is here we are here on earth, will advise and the celestial kingdoms, and Tamo All the holys glorify the precessive and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. "

"On the Most Holy Virgin, Mati of the Lord of the Highlights, Heaven and Land Tsarice, Hoodies and countries Our whole-powerful intercession! We receive a labore-thank-thank you, who is unworthy of your slave, and worship our prayers to the throne of God's son, and gracious will be untolds to our and try to grace your most common name yours and with faith and loved by your who gives your own miraculous image. Minds because it is worthwhile to pardon themselves, whether you are not a delight of him about us, Vladychitsa, I can be all possible from him. Something for you to resort to you, IKO to undoubtedly and soon the intercession of ours: hear us, the autumn of us with a survive cover of yours and succeed at God's Son of Your Shepherd, our jealousy and a vigilance of souls, a town-por Mind and Smithnantry, Spouse Love and Consent, Chad Obvious, Insuditable Patience, Having A Fear of God, grieving grace, rejoice in abstinence:

all of the spirit of mind and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth. To her, Ms. Presidaya, soothing to the weak people; Racely collect, bothering on the way right to Nastavi, the old age is supported, Yuniya LevicesComotri, infants raise and win on all of us the charity of the mercy-Wago interception; Erend us from the depths of sinful and enlighten the heart of our eyes to the sight of salvation; Milostiv We are Budi Zede and Tamo, in the country of Economhods an alignment and on the Scary Court of your son; Pretty the same in faith and repentance from the lives of this fathers and the brotherhood of our in the everlasting life from Angels and with all the Holy Life. You for me, Mrs., the glory of Heaven and the hope of terrestrial, you are at the bose our hope and the intercession of all those who run to you with faith. We will pray to you and you, Ioko almighty assistant, our own and each other and our whole stomach, we betrayed, now and are constantly and in the eyelids. Amen".

Appeal to angel - the custodian can protect a person from the wrong deeds that lead to poverty.

"I appeal to you with Moloto, benefactor and my patron, Mobataya, in front of the Lord God, the joined Angela of Christ. I appeal to you, for my Hitched ones got together, are my empty chleva. Do not make your eyes more than my crust, and the mosna is empty. I know, then test me, sinful. Therefore, I pray to you, holy, for honest in front of people and God, and my money was always honest. And I did not take sin on the soul, but always got out of God's fishery. Do not ruin me hunger, do not understand poverty. I won't let the humble slave of God die despised by all the poor, because I worked for the Lord's glory. Protect me, Holy Angel Patron My, from life in poverty, because I am unhappy. The castle is warned, then you will be on all the will of God. Amen".

Charm for family

In order to protect their relatives close to you, it is worth using the prayer "Lord help." This is your own image of the charm, which will protect your loved ones.

"Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayers for the sake of the Mother of Tweeching Mothers hear me, sinful and unworthy slave yours (name). Lord, in the grace of your power of Chado my (name) to hindle and save his name for your sake. Lord, forgive him all the sins of free and invalid, who performed before you. Lord, to mention it to the true path of the commandments of your and the pleasants and enlighten it and enlighten with the light of your Christ, in the salvation of the soul and healing of the body. Lord, bless him in the house, near the house, in the field, at work and on the road and every place of your possession. Lord, keep it under the hands of your saint from flying bullet, arrows, knife, sword, poison, fire, flood, from deadly ulcers (atom rays) and from vain death. Lord, to protect him from visible and invisible enemies, from all sorts of trouble, angry and misfortunes. Lord, healed him from all diseases, to cleanse from all sneakers (wines, tobacco, drugs) and facilitate his mental suffering and grief. Lord, give him grace of the Holy Spirit for many years of life and health, chastity. Lord, give him his blessing to a pious family life and pious childbirth. Lord, give me a unworthy and sinful servant of your parent blessing for Chado My in the upcoming morning, days, evenings and nights of yours for the sake of yours, for your kingdom is eternally, all-way and omnipotently. Amen".

"On the Most Holy Master of the Virgin Virgin, save and save under the hands of your children (names), all the detachments, socklocks and babies, baptized and unnamed and in the waters of the mother wearable. By covering their religion of your motherhood, keep them in fear of God and in obedience to parents, the mind of My Lord and your son, let them give them a useful to rescue them. I hand them with your maternal look at your own, Yako you are the divine cover of the slaves yours. "

"About the all-willed saint of Christ and the miraculous Mitrofan! We will accept this small prayer from our sinners, to you who are resorting, and the warm pre-grade of the Lord and God of our God, Jesus Christ, Yako and the winning of us is mercifully, will give us the sins of our free and involuntary forgiveness, and, in great grace, I will save us from the troubles, sorrows, sorrow and diseases of spiritual and bodily bodies, aroused us: Yes, I will give the Earth fruiting and the benefit of the real life of our required; Yes, it gives us to condense the lives of this raised in repentance, and yes it will help us, sinful and unworthy, the celestial kingdoms of their own, in hedgehog with all the saints of His infinite mercy, with his original father and holy and sainting spirit, forever. Amen".


Often, in times of despair, difficulties, hands are lowered. It is important to seek help to higher forces during this period. It is in prayers a man finds peace of mind, get rid of fears and torments.

It is worth remembering that only sincere prayer, supported by the human faith, is able to change an unpleasant position, help in a difficult situation. Regular prayer, thoughtful pronunciation and deep faith are able to "reach" to the saints.

All about religion and faith - "Lord Help Prayer which will help" with a detailed description and photographs.

Prayers that will help.

Prayers who should know every Orthodox Christian: Father Our, king Heavenly, thankful prayer, Calling Help Holy Spruce for any kind of good, the Most Holy Mother of God, and God will resurrect, the life-giving cross, the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimonu, the Most Holy Virgin, for the peace Moses Muurina, a symbol of faith, other daily prayers.

If you have anxiety on your soul and it seems to you that everything is not like that, or not enough strength and confidence to continue the work started, read these prayers. They will fill you with the energy of faith and well-being, surround the power of heaven and protect from all adversity. They will give you strength and confidence.

Prayers who should know every Orthodox Christian.

"OUR FAVE, SUBJECT IN SKYES! Yes, your name is holy, yes your kingdom will come; Yes, there will be the will of yours both on earth and in heaven; our urgent bread give us to this day; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors to our; And do not put us in temptation, but get rid of us from the evil; For yours is a kingdom and strength and glory forever. Amen".

The king of Heaven, the comforter, the soul of truth, the same everywhere and all of the fulfilling, treasure of good and life to the submitter, come and wondered, and the cleaning from everyone is bad, and save, our souls.

Thanksgiving prayer (Thanksgiving for any blessing of God)

This prayer for the impact of centuries believers people read not only when their affairs, according to prayers to the Lord, were completed successfully, but also the Special Most High, and thanks to him for the gift of life and the constant care about the needs of each of us.

Thanks to the extent of the unworthy of Rabi Your, the Lord, about your great blessings on us former, the Slavs, the Slavs, we bless, thank you, and our landscotus, and the slave with the love of our taste: our salary is our fame.

Your blessings and gifts of Tuna, Yako, Rabika Uncertainty, prompted, Vladyko, to you diligently fighting, thanks on force, we bring to you, and you are well benefactor and the Creator Slavs, yelling: Glory to you, God all over.

Glory and now: Virgin

The Mother of God, Christian Assistant, Your Representation Your Rabbi Your Representation, thank you yelling: Rejoice, the Most of the Virgin Devo, and from all of us, your prayers are always to save, one soon representing.

Calling Help Holy Spirit for any good matter

Cottage and the creator of all sorts, God, the hands of our hands, to the glory of your beginning, with your blessing, hastily enhancing, and from all slander to get rid of, Jaco is one of the nigility and a humus person.

The fast in the intercession and strong to help, represent the grace of the strength of Twee Now, and blessing the strengthening, and in the commission of the BLOGAGA \u200b\u200bof the work of the slaves of your work: All Bo, Elika Khoshchechi, Yako strong God is creative.

"On the Most Holy Lady of the Virgin, the Heavenly Queen, save and nice us, the sinful slaves of yours; from vain slander and all sorts of trouble, attack and sudden death, survive in daytime clock, morning and evening and at all time save us - standing, sitting, on any way of walking, in sleeping night hours, stuff, stand up and cut, protect. Master of the Virgin Mary, from all enemies of visible and invisible, from all evil circumstances, at any place and in every time be us, the mother preparing, the necessary wall and a strong intercession is always now and are constantly and forever. Amen".

"God will resurrect, and the enemies rush, and it runs from his face. How the smoke disappears, and they will disappear; As wax falls from the face of the fire, so yes the demons will die from the face of those who love God and marked with the godfather, and in the fun of the verbolovy: Rejoice, the precessive and life-giving cross of the Main, run to the demons of the silence of our Lord of our Jesus Christ, to hell and the focus Devil, and who bestowed himself, the cross is their honest to the defendance of every spare. About the predigant and life-giving cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Mrs. Virgin Virgin and with all the holy forever. Amen".

"Fences me, Lord, the strength of an honest and life-giving your cross, save me from any evil. Weaken, leave, forgive, God, our forelegations, free and involuntary, as in the Word and in the case, as in jurisdiction and not in ignorance, as in the days and in the night, as in the mind and in the crumb, we all sorry And a humus person. Hate and offend us forgive us, Lord a good man. Charless Good Benefit. Screenshots and affinations of our giving Luza to salvation for forgiveness and eternal life. In the unfortunate visits and healing Darui. We manage to use the sea. Traveling confusing. Recommendance to our servers and sinks. Delivered to us, unworthy, pray for them to have mercy on the great mercy. Rubbing, Lord, before the deceased fathers and our brothers and their rest, where your faces of your face. Look, Lord, the brothers of our prisoners, get rid of them from any circumstances. Remember, Lord, Fruit-seeing and vasting in the saints of your churches, give them the way to the salvation of petitions and the eternal life. Roman, Lord, and Us, Sfeed and sinful, and unworthy slaves of yours, and to educate our mind of your mind of your mind, and make us for the path of the commandments of your own, the prayers of the Mary Master of Our Virgin and Nesthelnomy Mary and all your saints, Yako blessed Esi forever centuries. Amen".

Holy Great Martyr and healer Pantelemon

"O Great Christ, the plenty of the Great Martyr Panthematon. The soul in the skies of the throne of God, the trepidate of His glory enjoy, the body and the face of the saints on Earth in the Divine Temples and give these more grace of various sources of wonders. Watchly a gracious Okom on the upcoming people and your honest icon with a healing assistance and interpreting, sending their warm prayers to the Lord to the Lord and we succeed to the souls to leaving the souls. Ce below will revive the voice of prayer to him, in the deity in impregnable glory with the heart of the infringement and the spirit of humble the messy and the prayer and the prayer officer for our sinners. Yako, you accepted the grace of Him from having to drive away and heal the passion. We ask you, do not win us unworthy with you and your assistance requiring; Whether in the sadness of the comforter, in the illnesses of a lousy, the doctor who is awarded the inspection of the gift, with the existing and infants in the sorces of the preparing ideas and healer, creating everything, all to salvation useful Yako Yes, to God to God with prayers, get grace and mercy to glorify all good sources And the god of God is one in the Trinity of the Holy Glorious Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and is confined and forever. Amen".

"The Most Holy Lady is my Virgin, the saints, your holy and all-plating pliers of an alignment from me, the humble and punk slave, despondency, oblivion, nerazuma, the magnification, and all the bad, saint and consistency."

For the peace of the enemy

"Vladyko is humanitfully, the king of the ages and the submarine, who destroyed the hosts of the mediastinum and the world, submitted to the human, giving the world and now the world of your slaves, to reconcile your fear of your, to each other, the love approve, fade away with anything, we have all the differences, seduced. Yako You are our world, you are fame. Father and son and the Holy Spirit, now and are dreaming of centuries. Amen".

Vladyko, the Almighty, the Holy Tsar, are punishing and not killed, saying the abandoning and removed, the bodies of the sorrow, pray for you, our God, the slave of yours. Favorite to visit your deliciousness, forgive him any sinning free and unwitting. His, Lord, your medical power from Heaven was sent, touched the body, fierce firing, decorate the passion and every sorts of melting, be a doctor's doctor's discovery, erect him from Odra painful and from the bodies of the whole and all-in-friendly Yours, yours is, hedgehogful and save us, God, and you fame to you, the father and son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen".

"Alive in the help of the Vyshnyh, in the blood of God's heaven ruffles. Decisses the Lord: my intercession is also refuge, my God, and I hope for him. I will save you from the network of catching and from the words of rebellious; The shoulders will be squeezed by his own, under the wings, they hope; Weapons are created by the truth of him. Not surely from the fear of the night, from the arrows flying on the days, from the thing in the darkness coming, from shaking and demon of the moon. It falls from the country of your thousand, and the darkness is our best, you will not get closer to you, Obhach is the cleaning of your watch and the reward of sinners of vrudeshi. Yako you, Lord, Hope my; Vyshnya put your refuge. Does not get an evil to you, and the wound will not get closer to your body, IKO angels to me to meet you about you, preserve you in all your ways. In my hands, you will take you, but not when you are pushing about the stone of your leg, at aspid and Vasilisk coming, and ease of lion and serpent. Yako on my Uporna, and get rid, and I'll get rid and, I also know my name, will call me and hear him; With him, everyone in grief, Izmu I will glorify him, I will fulfill him with the longitude of days, I will tell him the salvation of my ".

Rev. Moses Muurina

Oh, the great power of repentance! Oh of the immeasurable depth of the Mercy of God! You, Reverend Moses, was before the robber. You horrified our sins, reckled about them and in repentance came to the monastery and there in the great crying about his lawlessness and in difficult exploits spent his days before the death and won the sorry and the gift of the miraculous. O, Reverend, from grave sins, reached strict virtues, help and praying to you, the slaves (name), inhalled into the destruction from the fact that they indulge in the immeasurable, harmful to the soul and body use of wine. Sloni on them their gracious eyes, do not rejoint and do not despose them, but they hurt them, resorting to you. Moths, holy Moses, the Lord of Christ, so that they do not reject them, the merciful, and the devil of their death will not rejoice, but will spill the Lord of these powerless and unfortunate (name), which the destructive passion of the drunkenness took place, because we all God's creation And redeeced the precho the blood of his son. Hear the same, reverend Moses, their prayer, eating the devil, giving them the power to defeat their passion, help them, send your hand, bring them away from slavery and get rid of the winery so that they are updated, in sober and light mind And piety and always glorified the all-bad God, always saving their creations. Amen".

"I believe in a single god of my father, the Almighty, the Creator of the sky and the Earth, visible to all and invisible, in the Unified Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beef, and from the Father born before all century; Lights from the light, the God of Truth and the God of God, born, is not created, the father is unique, the whole house. For the sake of the sake of the person and our sake of salvation from heaven and embodied from the Spirit of the Holy and Mary of the Virgin, and in the smallest. Consistent in the Pontic Pilate and suffering and buried. And risen on the third day of Scripture. And asked to heaven, sitting on the scene. And the Paki of the coming CO wakes alive and dead, his kingdom will not end. And in the Spirit of the Holy, Lord of the life-giving, and from the father outgoing. It is also with the father and son of spolarm and a sum of the verbal prophets. In the United Sacred Cathedral and Apostolic Church. Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins. The resurrection of the dead and the life of the future century. Amen".

Prayer of spouses, children not do

"Hear us, merciful and almighty God, and I will be graceful to our rally. Be merciful, Lord, to the prayer of our, prevent your law about the multiplication of the genus of the human and be a gracious patron, but your help will continue to you installed. You will have a powerful power of anything from nothing and put the beginning of everything in the world of the existing one - created a man in the image of my own and high secretly consecrated the union of the marriage in preparing the mystery of the unity of Christ with the Church. Proud, merciful, on us, the slaves of your, the union of marital connected and pleading about your help, and there will be your mercy on us, let us be fruitful and we will see the sons of their sons even before the third and fourth of the genus and go to the desired old age and go to The kingdom of heaven in the grace of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, to whom all glory, honor and worship pleases with the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Waking up in the morning, mentally say the following words:

"In the hearts - the Lord God, ahead - the Holy Spirit; Help me with you to start, live and finish. "

Going to the far way or just for any cases, well mentally uttering:

"My Angel, let's go with me: You're ahead, I'm yours." And the guardian angel will help you in any start.

So that your life has improved, it is good to read the next prayer daily:

"Lord is merciful, the name of Jesus Christ and the power of the Spirit of the Holy Save, save and nice me, the slave of God (name). Remove with me damage, evil eye and pain body forever. Lord is merciful, drive a demon of me, the slave of God. Lord gracious, healed me, the servant of God (name). Amen".

If you have anxiety for loved ones, pronounce the following prayer, until calm comes:

"Lord, save, save, hindle (the names of loved ones). Everything will be good with them! "

Other popular prayers:

Types and forms of Orthodox prayers

Prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Holy angels. Prayers Archangels for every day

Holy Prayers about healing

Canons and prayers for preparing for the sacraments of confession and saint communion

Prayers about prisoners

Prayers in mourn and consolations

Troparies Mr. Troparians of the Blessed Virgin. Tropear Saint Rev.

Prayers about all family and household needs

Prayer salvation from violence

Prayers about the well-being of the second marriage

Prayers for help in everyday affairs, about the blessing of God over the house

Prayers for family well-being

Orthodox informers for sites and blogs

All prayers.

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayers that help everyone and always

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our site before starting to study information, please subscribe you to our group of VKontakte prayer for every day. Also visit our page in Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her prayers for every day classmates. "God bless you!".

Each person, regardless of age and status, need help, as well as support and everyone hopes that it will not leave him in a difficult hour, and self-confidence and power will be given. To do this, read prayers that help everyone and always (listen to them in the audio version in order to remember the text of the prayer handling, and pronounce it yourself).

What helps prayer

Prayer words are a kind of communication between a believer and the Lord, with a spiritual and invisible world. Reading the prayer text will help Orthodox Christians in different situations and states, namely:

  • In the acquisition of peace of mind;
  • When starting any case;
  • To gain a sense of security when it becomes sad and bad;
  • To give your family and loved strength to cope with misfortunes and troubles;
  • In overcoming different adversity, diseases and sorrow;
  • Or just when there is a need for communication with those who are above the apparent.

How to pronounce prayers that help everyone and always

It should be remembered that it is not easy to read the prayer for help from saints, you need to follow some rules:

  • Before you ask for help to the Lord, the Mother of God, or the keeper angel should be cleaned of bad thoughts, open their heart and sincerely pronounce prayers;
  • Read the prayers yourself once, but constantly. You can contact the saints at any time in the morning, throughout the day or in the evening hours.

But the prayers themselves who will always come to the assistance to the believer:

Our father, izh, at Heaven! Yes, your name is holy; Yes, your kingdom will come; Yes, there will be the will of yours, Yako in the sky, and on the earth; Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago. Yako is your kingdom, and power, and glory forever. Amen.

Angela of God, the keeper my holy, on compliance with me from the Lord with heaven, diligently pray to you, you will be enlightened to enlighten and from any evil to save, to the good deceit of the Nastya and on the path of salvation. Amen.

Prayer Cathedral 12 apostles that protects from trouble and problems

Consecration of the apostles of Christ: Peter and Andrei, Jacob and John, Philippe and Bartholoma, Fomo and Matthey, Jacob and Judo, Simon and Mattie! Hear our prayers and rehabits, the hearts of the currently brought and climb to us, the servants of God (names), your powerful before the Lord, get rid of all the evil and getting a flattery, firmly committed to the Orthodox faith, in the same way, by the wounds, nor a visitor, nor by the sea, but we will live in the creator of our silence, but the peaceful area will live in life and will be able to videos of videos of the alive, the Slav of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, one in the Trinity of Slavimago and the PokladyAgo of God, now and dream and forever and ever. Amen.

Let the Lord keep you!

Watch the video prayer for good luck, which will also help in a difficult hour:

Prayers for help in a difficult situation are the strongest to read

No matter how reliable does not seem to be his position - he is materially secured, successful, everything goes well - the trouble can be cracked at one moment. Scripture often warns that earth goods are temporary and do not protect against problems. Who to ask for help in a difficult situation? To pray to God, first of all. What prayers are better to whom you can still read them - learn from this article.

Prayer for help in the hopeless situation to the Lord God

The Bible contains many examples of the fact that even the best of people sometimes were attacked by unclean power. Why does the Lord allow this? And he is just waiting for a person to unconditionally trusted him. Then he will begin to destroy enemy plans one by one.

God is not an automatic with miracles, but even the machine must come to the machine and throw a coin, and a person must express his desire to get protection. Make it just - read the prayer for help in a difficult situation.

"In your mouth, the mercy is predecago, oh my God, handing my soul and my body, my feelings and verbs, tips and my thinking, my business and the whole body and souls of the Moya movement. My entry and outcome of my, faith and residence of my, the course of my abdominal abdominal, day and hour of sinking my, the blasting is mine, the rest of my soul and the body of mine. You, about the premiezer of God, the whole world sins an overwhelmed flaw, kindly sin, gentlemen, the patch of all the people of Greshneshago, and in the mouth of protecting your and save from all the evil, to cleanse a lot of lawlessness of my, giving a correction to evil and the The coming sins of the people always admire me, and in no way when I threw your philanthropy, you should be covered with my demons, passions and evil people. The enemy is visible and invisible to ban, managing me as saved by, bringing to you, our refuge and desires for my edge. Darui Mi the death of Christian, a physician, peaceful, from the air perfumes to observe, on the terrible court, mercifully slave your boobies and the blessed of your blessed sheep, and with them you, the Creator of mine, I speak. Amen."

Quite often happens that the desire of a person does not coincide with the fact that God prepared for him. Many consider prayer as an opportunity to "persuade" the Creator to do something in their own way. It is unlikely that such a plan will work - he can only cause the anger of God, who will cease to annoy the voting of unprofitable. It happens that people still come in their own way, but it ends sad. So is it worth insisting and strive for the fact that the Almighty Lord of Heaven considers unnecessary to you?

It is important before the prayer to adjust the soul to humility, accepting the inevitable one. After all, there are situations from which it is impossible to evaporate. And ask for magic to happen, it is not worth it - it will not be. It is better to ask for wisdom, patience and strength. To do this, it is good to use such a famous biblical book as a psalter. It can be found prayers for help in any situation, no matter how heavy it is.

  • Psalms can be read in Russian.
  • You can read any number of psalms, even though a day.
  • While reading the psaltiri can be sitting.

All the psalms are addressed to God, some of them are laudatory, other prophetic, but you can choose anyone that corresponds to internal state Soul. It will definitely be healed by the Word of God.

Prayer in a difficult minute of the Virgin

According to the Orthodox legend, the Mother of God walks on the ground every day, helping unhappy, sick, orphans. Everyone who needs help in life can contact the Virgin. There is a huge amount (several hundred) icons that are attributed to various properties.

  • "Vladimir" - pray to strengthen faith, about protecting enemies, about the prosperity of Russia.
  • "Allmenitsa" - she is asked to get rid of cancer.
  • "Georgian" - pray in the presence of hearing and vision problems.
  • "Holding" - gives mental joy, teaches to love near.
  • "Kazan" - blesses the marriage, helps in a difficult moment (with any problems).
  • "Unpassed Kupina" - it is customary to hang in the house to protect him from the fire.

My queen is predictive, my hope, the Virgin, the shelter of the orphans and the wanderers of the defender, which grieves the joy, offended by the patroness! You see my trouble, you see my grief; Help me, as a weaker, direct me as a wanderer. My insult you know: let her in their will. For I have no other assistance, besides you, nor other defenders, nor good comforter - only you, about the Virgin: Yes, you will save me and protect me forever. Amen.

Earth's life of the navigation was full of ordinary everyday chases. When she was still a very young girl, her parents died - after all, they were very old when the Lord presented them with the joy of motherhood. Virgo Maria was glad to live with the Jerusalem temple, but one day she decided to marry her. The marriage was a formality and was committed in order for a young innocent girl to have a roof over her head.

And she submolded by the will of God, although he didn't want to leave the abode where she could study the Scriptures and pray. For her, it was time for ordinary earthly worries. And when the baby appeared, she was destined to go beside him cross Path And observe how the son dies on the cross, having no guilt. How many patience, humility and love lives in the heart of the Mother of God? Never ignores the petitions of disadvantaged, everyone can count on her support.

Holy Prayers for Aid

In any situation, even if it seems hopeless, you can go to the temple, to make the shrines, order a prayer, it will be easier for the soul. You can also turn to the boots of God, which are known for holy life and the wondering. Who to pray?

Holy Prince Daniel Moscow. His relics rest in the Danil Monastery in the center of Moscow. Especially helps in problems with housing, which today arise from many. Some believers acquired their own apartments after zealous prayers to the saint. It helps to build relationships with the bosses will protect against unfair attacks. Provides patrons and in all Christian life.

Sergius of Radonezh. The most famous Russian saint. Through it, you can get help from God - to get rid of different physical reels, helps prayer and those who cannot cope with the study, the development of new specialties for themselves. Of course, in case of doubt, the desire to break one of the commandments should also turn to this saint.

He is known as the great teacher of Christianity, although he did not leave written works, but lived as the ancient biblical prophets. Conducted all days in work, prayer, care for near.

  • Prayer for refund by the debtor;
  • Mother prayer about son;
  • Protective Prayers for Children -

Spiridon trimifuntsky. The ancient holy, revered in all Christian churches. The relics are stored nonplus. Born in Greece, was an ordinary shepherd. It was famous for the gift of the miracle, while life. It is believed that still walks on earth, providing assistance to suffering - every year there are shoes with erased soles.

Holy Spiridon Trimifuntsky

Helps to conduct entrepreneurship, carry out transactions with real estate, the unemployed pray to him about the acquisition of a worthy labor field.

In any situation, you can contact your guardian angel, also to the saint, whose name you took when baptism. Not so much important text that will be pronounced. You can refer to the sky and in your own words. How to make any prayer strong? For this, of course, faith is needed in the fact that the Lord can and wants to help you. After all, he is a loving father for all people.

Also should not be required to put forward an ultimatum. We must try to deal with the reasons for what happened, ask for forgiveness for all the mistakes made (they have it). And then already ask for help - assistance, consolation, understanding what needs to be taken.

Always remember - those who love God, everything is given to benefit, even the test.

Here in which situations Reading prayer Spiridon about work . highly hard . Prayer about aid in

To whom to apply for helpwho is better to read prayers For good luck and luck? . In any complex situation prayer of prayerand yours.

Pray about aid in Money - you can and need! . But prayers about aid . difficult . There are different in the family situation

4 Prayer Virgin about aid in Work - text. five Prayer about . Only in heavy situations

I am worth my own prayer To you, please aid you in hard . prayer situations: for diseases, discord.

Here in which situations Reading prayer Spiridon about work . highly hard financial position; Problems at work, conflict in the team . Prayer about aid in work of the Holy Matron of Moscow.

To whom to apply for helpwho is better to read prayers For good luck and luck? . In any complex situationWith each vital difficulty, you can contact the guardian angel as with prayer of prayerand yours.

Pray about aid in Money - you can and need! . But prayers about aid not prohibited, ask for the Holy good health can. . But often it happens that good people are not lucky for a long time - difficult Meet the one who understands you. . There are different in the family situation. Sometimes one of the spouses decides to leave the family.

4 Prayer Virgin about aid in Work - text. five Prayer about Children to the Most Holy Mother of God. . Only in heavy situations They had enough courage to behave adequately.

I am worth my own prayer To you, please aid you in hard A minute, in the return of my beloved slave of God (the name of your loved one). . To the great saint resorted to prayer requests in different everyday situations: for diseases, discord.