Tiled bath screen. How to make a screen for a bathtub from tiles: self-arrangement methods Screen for a bathtub with your own hands from tiles

A screen is called a fence that visually hides all communications installed near and under the bath. This design has both aesthetic and practical significance: if there is free space in the screen design, additional shelves are installed in which cleaning agents or cosmetics can be stored.

Ready-made, solid or sliding screens are sold in almost all hardware stores. They can be made from a wide variety of materials.

The following types of screen structures are most often used:

  • drywall;
  • tongue-and-groove plates;
  • mirrors;
  • plexiglass;
  • acrylic;
  • tile;
  • MDF or PVC panels.

Solid (solid) screens are the easiest way to solve the problem with an unaesthetic type of communication. Most often, it is faced with the same tiles as the walls in the bathroom, so the screen fits perfectly into its overall appearance.

However, solid structures have a significant drawback: they do not provide an opportunity, if necessary, to approach the water supply system, and also do not allow storing household chemicals and various tools under the bathroom. If it is necessary to change or repair pipes, then such a structure can only be disassembled.


Drywall is the most affordable material from which you can make a screen. It is distinguished by its relatively low cost and low weight, and it is not at all difficult to carve out a conceived design from it. Most often, a solid screen structure is made from sheets of moisture-resistant drywall, and then it is finished with tiles.

Independent production of plasterboard structures

Not all home craftsmen know how to make a drywall bathroom screen with their own hands, but meanwhile, it is not at all difficult and within the power of any of them. Plasterboard screen structures are installed on frames made of wooden beams and the process must begin with the manufacture of such a frame.

Manufacturing of a metal frame for a bath

This will require a square bar with a side of 4 cm, a metal corner and fasteners. First of all, all the necessary measurements should be taken, after which the marking lines are applied to the walls and on the floor, and then lines parallel to them are drawn, shifted to the inner surface of the bath by 2.5 cm.The existing wooden beam must be divided into four horizontal slats, two of which will be equal to the length of the bath, and two - to the width (the length of the slats may be less by 0.8-1.2 cm) and four vertical, equal to the height of the bath, to connect the structure to the floor. If the bath is long, then you will need a few more intermediate slats.

Do-it-yourself bath screen installation consists of the following steps:

  1. Vertical slats are placed in the corners of the bath, horizontal slats are fixed at the top and bottom between them. You will need two such elements (one for each of the narrow sides) and one more designed for the wide. In the parts that are supposed to be installed near the wall, two holes should be made in advance for attaching to it.
  2. Attach the parts to the wall and fasten all the elements together with screws. To make the structure more stable, you can additionally attach its lower part to the floor.
  3. For the manufacture of a screen structure, you will need moisture-resistant drywall, door hinges and a metal latch. First, measurements are required, and then, according to the results, it will be necessary to cut out the parts from the plasterboard sheet (along the wide side of each of them, a tolerance of 0.56 cm is left), not forgetting the need for a door to be able to access the water supply. Based on how the bathtub itself is located, the door can be arranged in any convenient part of the structure: it is cut in the selected plasterboard part and installed using a latch and hinges.
  4. Plasterboard parts are fixed to frame rails with screws. After that, it is recommended to check the structure for stability.

It should be remembered that this method is only suitable for traditionally rectangular baths.

Curved screen

Those who own a round bathtub are also interested in how to install a screen under the bathtub with their own hands. The frame for such a structure is assembled from profiles designed specifically for drywall. If you make the appropriate cuts on the profile, you can give it any desired shape.

Manufacturing of a screen for a bath of a non-standard shape

It is necessary to make two metal profiles that copy the shape of the bath, and then fix them at the level of its upper and lower parts, leaving a distance equal to the width of the drywall. If the finished structure is planned to be finished with tiles, then the thickness of the tile and the adhesive layer must also be taken into account. Vertical slats are attached to the corners of the bath.

When the frame is installed, the drywall is moistened with water and fixed to the frame, gradually giving it the desired shape.

Steel structure for bath niche

Tongue-and-groove plates

In fact, tongue-and-groove plates are building blocks that interlock with each other by structurally provided groove joints. Before building a screen from such slabs, the place of its installation should be primed.

The markings are applied to the floor surface using a plumb line (it is important not to forget to step back towards the center of the bathtub by half a centimeter). After that, a screen of slabs is laid out according to the markup. In addition to groove joints, gypsum plaster (or glue for tiles) is also laid between the plates in order to more reliably connect them to each other.

The view of the screen from such slabs is not presentable, therefore it is recommended to cover it on top with ordinary tiles.

Sliding screen

The sliding screen under the bath allows you to use the free space under it for storing the necessary (and, if desired, unnecessary) things: powders or detergents, basins, buckets, materials left after repairs, etc. In addition, it makes it possible to repair itself baths or pipes at any time, since for this it does not need to be disassembled like a stationary screen.

Cleanliness housewives also prefer opening screens because their design allows them to easily clean floors and sweep out dust and other debris. Such a screen can be purchased ready-made, and its height can be easily adjusted independently.

Movable screens are easiest to make from plastic panels, but sometimes they are made from other materials as well. Such screens are much more convenient to use, although they do not look as elegant as solid ones.

Bath screen from plastic panels

Plexiglass screens

Plexiglass is perfect for tough bathroom conditions: its only drawback is its low level of strength. However, ease of care, durability and resistance to moisture, as well as the variety of colors and textures presented in the range are quite capable of compensating for this disadvantage.

Mirror screens

In addition to its usual purpose, the mirror can significantly increase a small area and provide an additional and very effective light play. Mirror elements in bathrooms are sometimes located in a variety of places, so mirrored screens under the bathroom look as natural as possible.

However, making screens out of mirrors is impractical because they are fragile, and mirror-coated plexiglass screens are much more appropriate in bathrooms. These moisture resistant, easy to clean and durable products do not cause any problems and can become a real highlight of the interior.

Mirror screen under the bath

Acrylic screens

Acrylic bathtubs are often sold with screens made of acrylic-coated plastic panels. Such screens do not make universal, but for each bath model its own screen is developed and produced.

These screens are inexpensive, lightweight, durable and very neat. Their disadvantages include only a specific fastening mechanism, which allows them to be installed only on a specific bathroom model.

PVC panel screens

The drawing and color scheme of the panels can be chosen from those that are in a particular store, or you can come up with your own design. The multi-colored PVC panels look very original, and it is not at all difficult to close and open them. A screen made of such panels can last long enough if strong mechanical forces are not applied to it.

MDF screens

The screen structure made of MDF panels, stylized as a natural wood pattern, fits perfectly both in classic bathrooms and in rooms decorated in eco or country style. Thanks to the large assortment of colors, they can be easily selected so that they perfectly match the furniture. In modern building supermarkets, you can find a lot of different models of MDF screen structures, but they are usually suitable only for bathrooms with typical dimensions.

MDF screens are relatively inexpensive, but at the same time they look elite and noble. However, due to the low moisture resistance of this material, it should be expected that MDF will deform and swell in a few years if the panels are not treated with a special moisture-repellent coating.

Installing screens from tiles

Many not very experienced home craftsmen are interested in how to make a screen for a bathtub from tiles with their own hands and mount it. In fact, the installation process of such a design is not at all difficult. First, you need to assemble the frame and fix the base on it, on which the tiles will subsequently be laid out.

Tiled bath screen

It should be understood that due to the small area of ​​the screen compared to the floor, you should not neglect the layout of the tiles. The layout should be carefully considered, taking into account the places on the screen where you will need to set the crop edges.

The layout of the floor or walls does not have to match the layout of the screen. This means that if a checkerboard or classic tile layout is used on the wall or on the floor, then it is quite possible to use the "Kaleidoscope" or mosaic layout on the screen.

For the frame, you should select the lightest material possible, which at the same time can become a fairly stable base for a tile with a significant weight and create a rigid and durable structure. Drywall is best suited for the base for the tile, which allows you not only to create a solid base, but also to provide for all the necessary niches and revisions without much effort.

I welcome everyone to my channel. In this video tutorial, I will talk about installing a screen under a tile bathtub when repairing a bathroom. For the construction of the screen we need: metal profiles 60 * 27 mm, profile guides 27 * 28 mm.

Although, one could do with just guides. If you think that the guides and profiles will be fixed to the floor and walls with dowels, drilling the tiles with them, then no, friends. In this video, I will show you a completely different option, how you can build a screen under the bathroom without unnecessary noise, dust, and, accordingly, without unnecessary holes in the tiles, since the installation of profiles in the floor and walls will be carried out using sanitary silicone sealant.

repair, of course, you need to markup. To begin with, we take a level and set it along the side of the bath, along a clearly vertical level.

Then, having removed the size from wall to wall, we cut off the first two profile guides of this length.

And after degreasing the surface with a solvent, applying a silicone sealant, we glue one of the profiles, focusing on the mark located on the floor.

I usually use a transparent color for this purpose. But especially for filming, so that you can see better - I used white.

Then we measure the side ones: we cut off the desired length of the profile, and after inserting it into the previous one, we glue them along a clearly vertical level. If the silicone sealant has come out along the edges from the front side, then you do not need to touch it. When it dries, you can then remove the whole thing with a sharp cutter blade.

While the profiles are grabbing, I will do other things in the next room.

2 hours later. Now you can set the upper profile horizontally, which was previously cut to the same size as the lower one. And then, between these two guides, profiles of 60 * 27 are already exposed. You can fasten these profiles to each other both with self-tapping screws and with a cutter.

But with the installation of the frame of the screen under the bath - that's not all. And now I will tell you one more secret of high-quality and reliable installation of the frame under the bath.

For this, we again need profiles and silicone sealant. The bottom line is that you need to increase the strength of the frame in its central part.

A couple of hours have passed since the sealant has dried. And this was done as follows: a piece of the profile was fastened to the vertical profile and, with the help of silicone sealant, was glued to the side of the bath.

The same is the case with the upper horizontal profile guide. As you can see, it was also firmly glued to the bathtub. But that's not all. In order to achieve the best quality of installation, I also propene between the upper guide of the profile and the side of the bath, having previously moistened these foamed surfaces with a spray gun. Who does not know why this is done, then this is done, friends, so that the foam sticks better to surfaces.

An hour has passed. Well that's all, friends. Now it's time to sew up the whole thing with gypsum fiber sheet. First, we measure, mark and cut off all unnecessary. Before installing the prepared sheet, first mark on the floor with a marker or pencil the location of the profile of their central part.

Further, when installing the sheet, make sure that the sheet does not come into contact with the floor surface, that is, you need to leave a small gap of several mm between the sheet and the floor. Then, putting the sheet to the metal frame, focusing on the marks located on the floor, we put the lines on the sheet along the vertical level. These marks will be landmarks for fastening the sheet to the frame with self-tapping screws clearly in the central part of the metal profiles.

GVL is attached to the metal frame with the help of such self-tapping screws.

As you can see, they differ from the self-tapping screws that are used when fastening drywall sheets. These screws, as you can see, have a tapered head and double threads. These self-tapping screws, being screwed into the metal profile, are easily embedded in the hard surface of the gypsum fiber sheet, i.e. it is not even necessary to pre-countersink with a drill.

Drowned right flush with too much.

In my case, I made everything even easier. I first primed them, and then brought them in and fixed them. Therefore, in my case, I will start laying tiles right now.

But first, of course, you need to prepare the tile adhesive. Who does not know how this is done and has never done it, the manufacturers write about all this in full detail on the back of the bag. In general, there is nothing particularly complicated about this.

It is very simple to mark how to cut the tiles, where the hatch will be approximately located. We put the tiles, taking into account the gap for the seam. Next, take a pencil and just mark from the back with a pencil around the edges of the opening.

Next, we transfer these marks to the front part. Having previously glued masking tape so that the mark is better visible. How it's done. This is done very simply: turn over the tiles, take a regular corner. We remembered the size, turned it over and marked it on this side, and drew it out.

When cutting tiles, be sure to protect your eyes by wearing glasses or a mask like this.

When laying the tiles itself, you do not need to knock on it with a mallet or with your hands, as some do. We just do a few of these light movements and that's it.

Tile adhesive, applied with a 6 mm notched comb trowel, thus spreads into a 3 mm layer. And for quality indoor tiling with perfectly flat surfaces, this is the standard value for tile adhesive under the tiles.

The next day it will be possible to grout the joints.

Who liked the video - like it and subscribe to the channel. That's all for today, everyone bye.

All rights to the video belong to: DIY repair

After the repair has been made in the shower room, new plumbing has been installed and the flooring has been laid, you can proceed to the arrangement of the room. The final touch is the tile screen under the bathtub. It not only complements the interior, but also hides unsightly places under the bathing house, masks communications. In addition, the partition allows you to hide cleaning products or equipment from prying eyes.

The bathroom screen under the tiles gives the space a finished look. In addition, if there are animals in the house, then this design will be a good barrier to prevent unpleasant situations. Usually, when tiling the floor with tiles, the partition is also decorated with the same material, although exceptions are possible. Today, making a screen with your own hands is a reality, but you need to know how!

Currently, manufacturers of bathtubs make products that have a presentable appearance and high performance. The surface of the baths is often covered with a special layer - enamel. Usually it is white, however, it may differ in other shades. In addition, the legs that support it above the floor complement the image of the plumbing. It is this space that is of concern.

You can close this gap with a special partition - a tile bath screen. This method allows not only to hide the unpresentable appearance, but also the unsightly appearance of the bath, if it is. Separately, it should be noted that the design will harmoniously look with the surrounding interior, since it is made in the same style using the same material, for example, ceramics.


Thanks to modern technology, tile bath screens can be made with your own hands in a relatively short period of time. In addition, there are a lot of design options. The main thing is to choose the one that suits the appearance and functionality of the given room, i.e. bathroom.

The subdivided partitions are divided into the following types, depending on the design:

  • deaf;
  • with a niche for legs;
  • sliding;
  • with an inspection hole.

Deaf or capital models

They are a product without any additional elements. These screens for a bathtub under a tile are the easiest to make with your own hands. Due to the absence of various parts, the operation of the partition is also distinguished by its simplicity. This model is based on a solid frame made of a monolithic material, for example, drywall or brick. The entire surface is decorated with tiles, hiding the distance between the bathrooms and communications.

For all its advantages, this method of finishing is rarely used in practice. First of all, this is due to the impossibility of prompt access to the sewage system if a leak occurs. Therefore, it will be necessary to disassemble the masonry, and then reassemble it, which will require significant financial and physical costs. Thus, the blank screen is best installed in the absence of other options.

Products with an inspection hole

The screen is a somewhat modified type of a blind partition. The main difference lies in the presence of a technological hole - a door or a window. This option is more practical than the previous one. An inspection hole gives access to the utilities located under the bathroom. It can be fully used for checking or repairing the sewer system. The window is often covered, however, it may be left open.

Sliding design

The next bathroom screen model is characterized by accessibility to communication systems. When tiling with your own hands, the structure becomes unnecessarily bulky, therefore it is recommended to opt for plastic. In addition, ceramics constantly act with their mass on the sliding frame, which reduces its service life. Thus, tiles are rarely used as a screen on a sliding base.

Screens with leg niches

It is best to make a screen with your own hands with a niche for the legs. This design is highly functional without compromising on other parameters. Usually, a bath is used not only as a place for bathing, but also for washing clothes, washing a pet, bathing small children or other activities. All this will require undue stress, since you will have to stand close to the plumbing board.

However, this is usually not possible if a typical bathing screen is used, resulting in the need to bend even more. The load on the spine then increases significantly, creating additional stress and inconvenience. Therefore, the way out of this situation is a niche for the legs. It can be located in the middle of the structure or in another convenient place, as well as be located along the entire length of the screen.

We build the screen ourselves from drywall

To have a clear example of how to assemble a screen with your own hands, you should disassemble the mechanism of action using the example of a drywall construction. To do this, you need to build a frame, which is decorated with ceramic tiles. In addition, you need to make the base using various building materials. It is often recommended to use tongue-and-groove boards or moisture resistant drywall. The structure is assembled from sheets with wooden beams or metal profiles. Stages:


Bathtub decoration with ceramics occurs after the assembly of the plasterboard screen. This allows you to effortlessly carry out competent tile laying, taking into account all the possibilities of the coating. Fastening the tile to the surface of the product is carried out using ordinary tile glue, however, for convenience, you can use liquid nails. To correctly install the ceramic elements, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • In the upper left corner, you need to attach the first tile, leveling it.
  • With the help of special elements - plastic crosses for installation, the gap between the tiles is adjusted.
  • After completing the previous steps, grout the joints.
  • The provided screen door also needs to be tiled.

These recommendations will help you to reliably and effectively finish the screen in the shower room with your own hands. Today, almost everyone can independently decorate any model with tiles, from standard products to structures with a footrest. The protective frame allows you to hide an unsightly space with laid communications, while not obstructing access to them in case of emergency.

Video instruction

The open space under the bathroom does not have a very aesthetic appearance, since there are sewer and water pipes, fasteners and other unsightly details. That is why you want to close such a place as efficiently and beautifully as possible. It is worth considering in more detail such wonderful devices in the interior as screens for baths, types and tips for their selection.


The screen under the bath completely covers the space from the floor to its side; it can be made of various materials and have different designs. Its main task is to hide pipes and other functional details of the bathroom, cleaning products and household utensils. In addition, it will protect the space under the bathroom and objects located there from moisture, steam and splashes. For example, dry abrasive powders used for washing and cleaning are afraid of damp environments, and a reliable waterproof shutter can effectively protect them.

The screen in the bathroom can be homemade, made of the same finishing materials as its walls, the floor - in this case, it seems to continue the interior of the room. There are options for finished products that can be purchased at hardware stores and can be easily installed by yourself. The bath screen can be removable or non-removable, with flaps or opening doors, in addition, in design and functionality, there are a wide variety of types.

End screens cover the front part of the space under the bath, are made of plastic, PVC, aluminum or other light metals with a protective coating, and are available in various colors. Most often they are solid - from wall to wall, prevent the slightest ingress of moisture inside and completely close the internal communications. The protective screen can be non-removable, in this case, doors or dampers are used in it to access pipes and store household utensils.

The bath screen with hinged doors looks gorgeous. They are usually hinged in the housing, closed with a latch or tongue lock. Such swing doors not only look great, but are also convenient to use, when fully opened, it is convenient to repair pipes, and access to the space under the bathroom is facilitated. But more space is required to open, with a small area, problems may arise.

To save space, the end shield can be fitted with a sliding door. One or more flaps for opening - closing move along a guide in the form of a metal rail. At the same time, access to the space under the bathroom is also very simple; such screens can be installed in rooms with a small area. The simplest designs of such devices are made of plastic or polyvinyl chloride, but the screen can also be mirrored, metal, or wooden.

The folding screen under the bath has an original design and the ability to store many attributes for washing in niches. For smooth opening, it must be equipped with a special mechanism with hinges and handles. It is convenient to place shelves for shampoos, soap, cleaning products and other necessary items inside the flaps. The difficulty of mounting such a screen compensates for the impressive appearance and maximum comfort during use.

The removable end screen can be made in the form of a simple screen with legs, covering the bath from one side or from several. The advantages of this design are the absence of the need for installation, low cost, for repair, you can remove the entire screen in one second, providing convenient access at the bottom. But such a product will not be completely sealed - there are gaps between the screen and the floor.

An economical and easy-to-install option is a curtain screen, which can be made of waterproof fabric, plastic film, oilcloth or blinds. Usually for him, a well-stretched fishing line is mounted under the side of the bath, and the curtain itself is strung on decorative loops. You can make such a screen yourself from scrap materials; it will provide reliable protection for the space under the bathroom and can be easily opened, providing convenient access to the inside.

For a corner bath or shower, it is possible to make a custom project with your own hands. Such a screen, as a rule, will have two sides; a door or damper is created on a more accessible one for access to communications. The place of joints of two sides is best sheathed with a decorative plastic corner. Corner screens can be equipped with hinged or sliding doors.

The design of the screen can be solid, repeating the interior of the walls. In this case, the same finishing materials are used to create it as for the bathroom. For example, when decorating the walls with tiles, the same tile can also lie on the damper mounted on a frame made of metal profiles and drywall. This method allows you to achieve the most harmonious interior, but it is worth installing a hatch or a door to access the bathroom into the screen.

In their form, such screens can be of the following types:

  • "Blank wall" - a solid vertical flap that covers the entire space under the bathroom;
  • inclined screen - maximally covers the floor, protecting it from steam and moisture;
  • with a recess for the legs - allows you to come close to the bathtub for cleaning, washing, and so on.

A multifunctional screen can be a very original and practical idea. It covers the floor under the bathroom, protects it from steam and splashes, plus it contains open shelves for accessories, cabinets with hinged, hinged or sliding doors, and also provides access to water pipes. With a set of necessary tools at hand, you can create a chic project of such a multifunctional screen.

Pros and cons

A protective screen under the bathtub should be purchased or made yourself.

This is due to a number of advantages of these simple devices:

  • it effectively protects pipes, floors and other items under the bathroom, this is very important for a humid room environment;
  • the bathroom takes on a completely different look if available;
  • inside, thanks to the damper, dust and dirt do not accumulate;
  • a screen equipped with doors or hinged hatches will provide convenient access to communications;
  • this accessory can be as functional as possible if you make it yourself and equip it with drawers and shelves.

From the numerous reviews, one can single out the main disadvantages of the bathroom screen. The main disadvantage is the complication of access to gender and communications, but it has already been described above how to get rid of this problem. They also note that the floor with such a device is more difficult to clean, and the joints of the screen and the floor are the main centers of dirt accumulation. But with proper care, achieving perfect cleanliness in the bathroom will not be a problem.

Materials (edit)

For an acrylic or cast iron bath, a variety of screen materials can be installed. Plastic models are the most common due to their low cost, ease of portability and ease of installation. For wet rooms, various polymeric materials are used, differing in colors, textures and patterns. The plastic panel does not rot, deform and can retain its original appearance for several decades. A huge advantage of this material is that its surface can be easily washed with a regular damp sponge.

Plastic and PVC panels are installed on a metal profile frame that attaches to the floor, walls and sides of the bathtub. For doors, a steel guide rail is most often used, that is, in most cases they are sliding. If necessary, you can easily adapt the existing plastic sheets to the size of the bath, they can be easily cut with an ordinary knife. The variety of this material allows you to choose screens for any bathroom design: for tiles, marble, monotonous or with textures, light and dark.

A metal screen covered with a protective layer is cheap, durable and lightweight, it is not afraid of moisture. Most often, there is an aluminum version, which can easily close the niche under the bathroom. You can fix the aluminum screen with ordinary anchors or self-tapping screws. Ease of processing of the material allows you to make openings for doors and ventilation holes in it. Like plastic, polymer-coated aluminum sheet can imitate many more expensive materials, have different textures and colors.

The wooden screen under the bathtub will look very impressive, it is recommended for those who love natural materials. It is easy to make any structure out of wood: swing or hinged doors, shelves or cabinets. Since natural wood is exposed to moisture, it is imperative to treat the parts with a protective varnish. The advantage is that the wood does not need special care, it is enough just to wipe its surface.

The glass bath screen looks as elegant as possible. The only drawback of the material is its fragility. For a beautiful design, it is worth choosing frosted or translucent glass, with corrugation or a color shade to match the overall color of the walls and floor. The material is easy to clean, perfectly protects from moisture and is not afraid of high temperatures. It is best to use thick, glued mineral glass to install the screen.

Mirror screens are expensive and difficult to install, but they look gorgeous. Another advantage is the visual increase in space. Even in a small room, they will create a unique interior.

A practical and cheap option would be to install a protective screen made of MDF. Of all the materials considered, they will have the lowest cost, but are not inferior in strength. Thanks to the laminated surface, MDF panels have many colors and textures, they can imitate any noble material. They are easy to maintain, easy to cut, any type of door can be created. There are also disadvantages - a short service life of 3 - 5 years and the likelihood of deformation in a humid environment.

Protective screens made of tiles or ceramics are very widespread, since they are as strong as possible and allow this part to fit into the interior. One has only to purchase in advance the same tiles that were used for cladding the walls and floor in the bathroom. The most practical option is to put the tiles on a metal profile and drywall frame. For installation, moisture-resistant grades of gypsum board and ordinary aluminum profiles are selected. The tiles are attached to any cement-based tile adhesive. When designing such a screen, care must be taken to install opening doors or dampers and ventilation holes.

Dimensions (edit)

The finished products can be selected in accordance with the standard dimensions of the bathtubs, then you do not have to shorten anything. There are similar products on sale in lengths of 120, 130, 140, 150 cm made of plastic, PVC, aluminum and other materials. Almost all of them are equipped with sliding doors or removable hatches. If the size of the bathroom is larger, for example, in a country cottage, then it is possible to purchase longer screens of 160, 170 and 180 cm or to order a product with your own dimensions.

The height of the finished screens is also made in accordance with the dimensions of standard acrylic and cast-iron bathtubs and can be 55, 60, 80 cm, you can find other options. Widths vary from 50 to 80 cm. Models from many manufacturers are available with adjustable heights. Finally, it is always possible to create protective screens with your desired dimensions.


It is worth considering the most popular bath screen manufacturers that have received positive reviews.

Manufacturer "MetaKam" produces reliable screens with PVC frames and panels made of cellular polypropylene. The view of the screen is very stylish, the Metakam Coupe models are stylized like ice in their colors. The design has sliding doors with two wings, length 148 mm, and the height can be adjusted from 55 to 60 cm.It is possible to make models to order with color photo printing, while the solvent print is absorbed deeply into the structure of the plastic, it does not fade over time, and the screen can be safely washed, including with cleaning agents. There are adjustable legs.

Russian manufacturer Alavann produces practical and very beautiful screens for a bathtub made of laminated MDF. The compartment model with three sliding doors has dimensions of 1470x520x50 cm, the height can be increased up to 60 cm.The device is equipped with elegant chrome-plated handles, can be installed directly on the floor or on adjustable legs with a maximum height of 10 cm. The body, frame and doors are made of high-quality moisture-resistant material. the product has a one-year warranty.

Vannbock faceplates, made of high-quality grades of polyvinyl chloride, will help to completely close the space under the bathroom with good sealing. The models are available in lengths from 150 to 170 cm and are equipped with sliding doors with chrome handles. Their advantage is the originality of the design and the large number of fashionable designs and patterns on the panels. Products can be installed on the floor or on removable legs, they are durable and easy to install.

Bathroom furniture manufacturer Vod-ok offers chic screen models that can even fit into an elite design. There are variants of textures "Oak", "Wenge", "White", made of high quality MDF. Doors can have 2 or 3 leaves, be hinged or sliding. The models are equipped with elegant built-in chrome-plated handles and adjustable metal legs. Options of various lengths and widths are presented, it is possible to choose the one suitable for any bathroom interior. The product is guaranteed for 2 years.

Emmy Bath Screens They are characterized by high durability and unique design that will suit any bathroom interior. The enclosures are made of an aluminum frame, while the walls and sliding doors are made of colored laminated MDF. Materials are not subject to decay, the development of fungus and mold, they are not afraid of moisture and steam. Models from the manufacturer Emmy "Malibu" have 3 sliding doors with beautiful metal handles. Emmy "Blanka" protective screens have two wide doors, there are different sizes, all products are guaranteed for 3 years.

Firm Europlex produces protective screens for bathtubs made of moisture-resistant MDF. The frame and runners for the sliding doors are made of durable aluminum, there are adjustable metal legs and chrome-plated sash handles. It is possible to choose any design and color you like: white, beige, wenge. The laminated surface of the case is glossy and very easy to clean. The height can be adjusted from 50 to 60 cm, various lengths are available.

Hammer products represent the original designs of invisible hatches. When closed, the screen looks like a whole wall, without any unnecessary details. The lid can be folded back very easily, providing access to the space under the bath. The products are equipped with removable, adjustable chrome-plated steel legs, available in various sizes. Hammer screens come in a variety of colors, textures and designs to suit any apartment.

Triton panels made of white acrylic, they will be maximally combined with acrylic baths from the manufacturer of the same name. It is possible to choose the desired length from 120 to 170 cm. Triton screens have a blank design, that is, they completely seal the space under the bathroom, moisture and dirt will not penetrate there. All products are made in the original shape with a volumetric embossing, the glossy white surface is easy to clean and protected from mechanical damage.

Santek Bathtub Protective Panels are manufactured in different shapes and sizes, it is possible to install angular options for a given manufacturer. The screens have a solid structure, are completely sealed and have a bright white, washable surface. High quality acrylic is used for manufacturing, the products are very easy to install. We have products with a length from 120 to 170 cm, all products are provided with a quality guarantee.

How to choose?

The choice of the screen depends, first of all, on the size of the bath itself and the room where it is installed. It is best to choose a full length damper so that all areas are closed, this will ensure the greatest tightness and protection from moisture and dust. In addition, no extra plumbing details will be conspicuous. Corresponding sizes have been specially created for city apartments with a standard layout. They may differ slightly by a couple of centimeters, this problem can be easily corrected by sealing the gaps with a sealant, silicone or rubber seal.

It is optimal to choose a ready-made screen for a bath with standard dimensions with opening doors, since no one is immune from burst water supply and sewerage pipes, access to them may be required at any time. If the partition is solid and not removable, then in the event of an accident it will be necessary to partially or completely dismantle it, destroying the expensive interior decoration.

Removable screens or screens on legs are good for their lightness, they do not need to be fixed and mounted to the wall and floor. Such options can be used as a temporary partition. It is optimal to buy portable bath screens with metal adjustable legs made of plastic, polyvinyl chloride or aluminum.

For acrylic bathtubs, it is most successful to select solid screens or deaf removable structures. They are suitable for all rectangular versions, made of plastic or cast marble. Typically, such products have a white glossy shade that matches the surface of the bath itself. Many plumbing manufacturers produce their own screen partitions for their respective models.

For a traditional cast-iron bathtub, there is a choice of almost any ready-made or home-made screen, the main thing is that it reliably protects the floor and fits into the interior. Rigid stationary structures, for example, made of profiles, plasterboard and tiles, will serve as an additional support for a heavy cast iron bathtub. It is important to make a spacious opening in it, through which it will be convenient to penetrate to the internal communications. It can be made in the form of a frame made of a metal profile, a hole of the required length is cut in the plasterboard sheet, and a shield made of plywood, MDF or PVC can be used for the shutter.

For non-standard shapes of baths, for example, corner ones, it is often not possible to find appropriate screens on sale. Then they can be made according to individual projects. PVC panels are selected as materials, which are easy to cut, they are placed in corner or U-shaped profiles of aluminum, swing or sliding doors are made. If you want to wash and at the same time have access to soap accessories: shampoos, gels, washcloths, then it is best to put screens with hinged doors, then you can get the items inside without getting out of the bath.

It is also worth noting that some elite bathtub models have decorative legs designed specifically to be visible. Such products are installed on a floor with a fine finish, communications are hidden as much as possible, or pipes with a decorative coating are used. In this case, the use of screens is impractical.


The easiest way to do it yourself is a sliding screen supplied assembled. First, the bathtub is filled with water, handles are attached to the door leaves of the product, and removable legs are attached to the lower part of the body. The screen is brought under the front side of the bath so that it is located strictly vertically. At the end, you just need to adjust the legs to the desired height so that the opening is completely closed.

Slightly harder to make a screen with sliding doors which is sold unassembled. First, you need to mark the floor and walls in the places where the body and guide rails will be located. For marking, you need to take a pencil or marker, tape measure and a building level. Then, along the drawn line, guides and vertical parts of the frame are attached, the facade panels and sashes are inserted inside, the system is height-adjustable so that the doors slide freely horizontally. When this is done, further editing takes place in the same way as for the assembled screen.

All these procedures apply to screens with hinged or hinged doors, only the components differ. There is no metal rail guide, but there are regular door hinges or brackets. It will not be difficult to mount such varieties either.

With a non-standard bathtub shape, or if you want to create your own unique design, you can make your own flap for the bathroom. For covering with tiles, it is worth choosing options with a recess for the legs or inclined, this choice will be very practical for a long time to come. For installation, you will need a certain amount of tiles, combined with the decoration of the room, tile glue, metal profiles, sheets of waterproof drywall.

To begin with, U-shaped metal profiles are marked and installed on the walls and floor. It is necessary to fix them on screws with dowels, holes in the concrete are made with a perforator, the fasteners are tightened with a screwdriver or screwdriver. Transverse vertical stiffeners are attached to the frame using self-tapping screws for metal. Then the required piece of drywall is cut off and attached to the metal frame with special screws. An opening for the door is made in the partition.

When the vertical surface of the screen is ready, the decorative finish is started. The surface of the drywall sheet is primed, tile adhesive is diluted, the tile is laid on the partition. At the end, you need to make a door or hatch and fix it on the opening. To decorate such a non-removable screen, ceramic wall tiles are usually taken, standard sizes 15x15, 20x20 or 20x30 cm.You can choose a monotonous color for the overall color of the bathroom and the furniture in it, or arrange a stylish pattern. It all depends on the owner's design imagination.

It is very simple and without special financial costs you can install a protective curtain under the bathroom. For it, a waterproof material is taken: oilcloth, plastic wrap or rubberized fabric. Holes are cut in the upper part of the canvas, into which metal or plastic hinges are placed. Then you need to pull the fishing line on which the installed curtain will hang; you can take a steel or nylon thread for it. It is pulled over screws that are attached from opposite walls adjacent to the bathtub.

A good solution for a bath in a city apartment or a country house can be the creation of a homemade screen made of wood. The advantage is that wooden slats are very easy to cut with a hacksaw and fasten to nails. Of the tools you need only a hammer, a saw and a tape measure. You can choose different types of wood, the main thing is that the slats are well polished and covered with a waterproof varnish.

The frame of the wooden screen can be made of the same wood or metal profiles, then you will have to fix the slats on self-tapping screws for metal. In the partition, double-leaf swing doors are easily installed on iron hinges. You can show your design imagination and make comfortable niches with shelves and cabinets in such a design.

It is easy to make a removable screen from plastic or PVC sheets. It can be one-, two- or three-sided, depending on the needs. For rigidity, a frame is created from metal or plastic profiles, then the sheets are cut to size and inserted into the frame. It is easy to screw the adjustable legs to this screen from below. To create such a structure, approximately 0.6 - 1.5 square meters will be required. m of PVC sheet and 3 - 5 running meters of profiles. The advantage of a home-made plastic screen is also that you can create any beautiful photo printing on its surface.

Best options

For clarity, it is worth considering some of the most interesting and beautiful designs of bath screens. MDF construction with hinged doors. This solution allows you to easily take the desired accessory from the cabinet without leaving the bath. The project is very simple, you can assemble it yourself using laminated MDF panels, providing them with brackets and snap locks.

Decorative screen for corner bath. Assembled on a frame made of plasterboard and metal profiles from tiles, it goes well with the rest of the interior. The surface is durable, moisture resistant and easy to clean. With such a project, you can create a hidden hatch that will not violate the integrity of the picture, and access under the bath can be done without dismantling.

The structure is made of beautiful lacquered wood. Easy to install and easy to clean, it looks very elegant and can be combined with any furniture and fixtures. The case with hinged doors allows you to store household items inside. Wood always looks more noble than cold plastic or acrylic.

An example of a double-leaf sliding screen with photo printing. The plastic surface allows you to choose any bright drawing, pattern, photograph. Modern technologies give a long-lasting color. The material is cheap, so the picture can be replaced at any time.

Convenient multifunctional screen with shelves and a cabinet. The white surface works well with the acrylic bathtub. The swing door design is lightweight and easy to install.

An external panel, which is installed on the outside of the bathtub, decorates the room and gives it a certain completeness. Such a screen can be bought at a plumbing store - there is a wide choice of them. There is only one drawback of such products - they sometimes cost almost more than the bath itself. But nothing prevents you from decorating a fashionable detail yourself. How to make a bath screen from tiles or other materials? This will be discussed in our article.

What is a screen for?

Before you start doing something, it is always helpful to understand the purpose. For many decades, bathtubs stood without any additional panels - and nothing. Even now, many owners neglect such "excesses". This is really unnecessary if you have a beautiful bathtub with graceful legs and decorative enamel on the outside. And if there is the most ordinary font - cheap, but rude. It is better to close the ugly lower part, and at the same time hide the water pipes.

Other functions

In addition to a purely decorative function, such a screen will allow you to arrange something like an additional cabinet under the bathroom, where you can store:

  • detergents;
  • various chemicals;
  • some tools.

Important! A screen for a drywall bathtub with your own hands or a brick, plywood partition are especially important if there are small animals in the house. You definitely won't have to pull out a lost turtle or a hamster that has lost its bearings from under the bathroom.

What are screens made of?

The panels that allow you to close the space under the font differ from each other:

  • material;
  • installation method;
  • type of construction.

As for the material, you can find panels in the apartments:

  • from acrylic;
  • made of plastic;
  • from drywall;
  • from plywood;
  • made of metal.

Finished models:

  • You can buy a ceramic screen that will be presented to you as finished. But this is not entirely true. The kit includes a frame and a set of tiles, everything else will have to be mounted by ourselves, and this is not much different from making a complete screen.
  • Acrylic panels are easy to attach and relatively durable, but they don't look very impressive.
  • As for plastic, manufacturers offer quite a few options, but they all have one very significant drawback - plastic is very fragile. In addition, low-quality plastic quickly degrades, releasing substances harmful to health.

Homemade screens

Ready-made screens are easy to install, but the costs can be too significant. But you can always do something interesting with much less cost. A homemade screen can be:

  • colored:
  • lined with ceramic tiles;
  • with mosaics.


The application of this or that technology depends on the shape of the screen itself. She may be:

  • simple rectangular;
  • complex - with all kinds of bends.

In the first case, tiles are suitable, in the second - small fragments, from which you can make a mosaic panel.

Complex form

Suitable for mosaics:

  • colored glass (for example, broken bottles);
  • broken multi-colored porcelain dishes;
  • special mosaic modules.

Important! As a basis for the mosaic, a special flexible mesh is used, which can take any shape and on which the modules are perfectly attached.

Rectangular screen

For a simple rectangular screen, you need:

  • tile:
  • frame.
  • drywall.


Before making a tile bath screen, let's discuss the performance of this material. There are a lot of them:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • hygiene;
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • spectacular appearance;

The tile is widely used for decoration of premises with high humidity. The abundance of water vapor in the air does not affect it and does not in any way reduce its performance. This material is also not sensitive to temperature extremes. In addition, it is easy to keep it in order; not only dirt is removed from it with a regular sponge, but also mold, if it suddenly appears.

Such a screen will serve for a remarkably long time, and at the next repair it will be enough to replace a few tiles if they suddenly break, or to change the frame and put the same tile again. Ceramics cannot be scratched, and such a screen can fail only in one case - if you hit it with a hammer every day.

Choosing the type of tiles

A do-it-yourself tile screen for a bathtub will delight you for a long time with its magnificent qualities and spectacular appearance, if you choose the right material. You need to pay attention to several parameters:

  • specifications;
  • tile shape;
  • color.

First, decide on the color - this will significantly narrow the range of searches, and, accordingly, save time. There are many options:

  • a screen to match the color of the walls already tiled;
  • a screen in the color of plumbing;
  • slightly lighter or slightly darker than walls and equipment;
  • contrasting color.

As for the shape, there is little choice. Tiles are most often square or rectangular. The first option is more convenient in many respects, besides, the choice of square tiles in stores is wider.


These characteristics include:

  • square;
  • thickness.


A bathroom is a relatively small room (although in a private house there can be any area), therefore, from all the abundance of tiles, choose:

  • small (preferred);
  • medium size (if there is no small one suitable for the rest of the parameters).

The advantages of small tiles are obvious:

  • less chance of having to cut;
  • you can create interesting patterns.

Important! The most convenient options are 10x10 or 15x15 cm squares.


It depends entirely on the frame and base. The stronger they are, the thicker the tiles can be. Standard tiles, which are usually used for wall cladding, are also suitable for the screen.

Important! One possible solution is a screen made of the same material as the walls. This approach makes the choice much easier.

Design features

What functions will your screen perform? The choice of its design depends on this. It happens:

  • capital, or deaf;
  • with the ability to arrange something like a storage under the bathroom;
  • with a niche for legs.

The first option is easier to develop and install, however, it has a significant disadvantage. If suddenly the pipe under the bathroom flows, you will have to disassemble the structure and do it again. But these troubles can be avoided by taking care of revision windows - holes through which it will be possible to get under the bath.

If you need access

Access can be provided in two other ways:

  • using sliding walls;
  • leaving a niche at the bottom.

Blank screen

The base is most often made of two materials:

  • bricks;
  • drywall.

Brick screen

This is just a wall to the edges of the font, and in order to build it, you can use not only whole bricks, but also halves. Installation is not much different from construction, for example, partitions. First, the wall is laid out of bricks, then they are plastered, and only after that they are pasted over with tiles. The main difficulty is to make a strictly vertical wall. The requirements in this case are the same as for a regular wall, that is, the surface should be almost perfectly flat.

Important! You don't need to cover the brick screen with tiles at all - now it is very fashionable to leave fragments of walls without finishing. But the surface must be cleaned of cement residues and varnished.


How to make a plasterboard bath screen? It will be even slightly easier than brick, since this material is sold in large sheets, and it is enough just to cut it correctly. You do not need to plaster it. But when working, you need to take into account some subtleties. First, two words about the merits, which include:

  • strength;
  • ease;
  • flexibility;
  • the ability to apply different types of finishes;
  • affordable price.

Important! Drywall is not afraid of mechanical stress. It will be difficult to break the screen. It is lightweight, which is important during installation. In addition, it can be used to make a screen of even a rather complex shape - for example, an oval one.

To work, you need the most common tools. Drywall is cut with an ordinary sharp knife, fastened to the frame - with self-tapping screws. As for the variety of finishes, the plasterboard screen can be:

  • paste over with tiles;
  • paint;
  • paste over with wallpaper;
  • process with decorative plaster;
  • make a mosaic.

The only problem

But there is also a significant drawback. Drywall does not tolerate high humidity quite well, since it consists of cardboard sheets, between which layers of gypsum are laid. Both materials deform under the influence of water. This can certainly be used if you need to process a complex surface (for example, to round off sheets).

  1. Treat the sheet with a needle roller.
  2. Get it wet.
  3. Give the desired shape.

Important! This does not mean that drywall cannot be used in the bathroom. You just need to choose a suitable soil - then the material will not get wet, and the fungus will not settle on it. It will not be difficult to buy this option - in hardware stores you will be offered several compositions specially designed for processing drywall with tiles. Prices are very diverse, so you can choose a soil that will not cause tangible damage to your pocket.

Making a drywall screen

The work will consist of several stages, each of which must be performed as efficiently as possible. You are facing:

  • markup;
  • frame assembly;
  • stitching;
  • finishing.


To properly cut the sheets, they need to be marked. For this you need:

  • building level;
  • several cords with weights;
  • marker.

Operating procedure:

  1. At the building level, mark several points on the side of the bath.
  2. Lower verticals from these points to the floor (using weighted laces - but you can also use a large metal square).
  3. Make marks with a marker.
  4. Connect the dots with a straight line - the screen shouldn't go beyond it ..

Rack markings

To make the necessary marks, you need to know:

  • drywall thickness;
  • the thickness of the finish.

Add these two measurements and step back such a distance from the already marked line towards the bath. Decide how many racks your screen will hold and mark out the locations for them.

Important! If you are going to glue the tile, then usually the thickness of the tile with glue is 10 mm, and the thickness of the CD47 profile is 47 mm.

Assembling the frame

After everything is marked out, you can start assembling the frame. You need some tools and materials:

  • scissors for metal;
  • puncher;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • dowel-nails;
  • priming;
  • sealant.

The frame is made of two types of profile - L and CD. It is better to stick to the following sequence:

  1. Draw a diagram of the wireframe on the paper.
  2. Add dimensions.
  3. Cut the profile, strictly observing the dimensions.
  4. On the strip that will be at the bottom, mark the places for the holes every 15-20 cm.
  5. Lay the plank on the marked line.
  6. Punch holes with a puncher.
  7. Fix the plank with dowel-nails.
  8. Attach the end strips - it is also more convenient to fasten them with dowel-nails.
  9. Put the rest of the vertical strips, and then the top one, they are fixed with self-tapping screws.

Sheathing and cladding

The next step is cladding. Plasterboard sheets are placed on the frame and fastened with self-tapping screws. Then it is necessary to seal all the seams with silicone sealant. You can also paint drywall with oil paint.

But sheathing the screen is not all. It is necessary that it looks beautiful, and for this they use different cladding options.

Important! Before that, a layer of deep penetration soil must be applied to the surface and allowed to dry.

The primed screen is faced in the same way as any other plasterboard surface. The tiles are glued in rows using a notched trowel and special glue. Of course, it makes sense to do a preliminary layout in this case as well.

Important! If you decide to paint the screen, polyester and acrylic paints are suitable, they tolerate high humidity very well, are easy to apply and dry quickly.

Revision windows

These windows can be bought at hardware stores. They can be built into the screen. They have already made doors. Moreover, in hardware stores you can even find sheets of drywall already equipped with such windows - all that remains is to determine the place for them, correctly cut the sheet and mount the entire system.

Sliding screens

Such models are practically not made of drywall. For a similar design, the following are more suitable:

  • plastic;
  • plywood;
  • metal sheets.

Tiling such a model is also unprofitable - the whole system turns out to be very cumbersome and inconvenient. Therefore, proceed as follows:

  1. Metal strips are installed above and below.
  2. "Rails" - strips of plastic with grooves (for example, fragments from an old sideboard with sliding doors are suitable) are glued to the strips and fixed with screws.
  3. Sheets of plywood or metal are inserted between the grooves, which travel along such "rails".

Niche screen

The niche at the bottom is a very handy thing if you often have to wash in the bath or bathe babies. If you have a screen, you will have to bend more, which is not very comfortable. To avoid unnecessary stress, a niche for the legs is cut out at the bottom of the screen. It can be positioned both in the center (or where you most often stand) and along its entire length.

About other materials

Instead of a profile, you can use wooden blocks, and instead of drywall - plywood. However, it should be borne in mind that wood is very sensitive to high humidity, therefore, without special treatment, it will get wet and then dry out. In this case, impregnation is indispensable. In all other respects, the actions will be almost the same as when working with drywall, only wooden parts can be fastened with ordinary nails.


Now you know everything you need to make a do-it-yourself bath screen. It will be made of tiles, gypsum cardboard, plywood or wood - now decide on your own, because only you know the planned design of the bathroom and only you know exactly how much money and time you are ready to allocate for this repair process.