How to get rid of red ants in an apartment. Where do small red ants come from in an apartment and how to get rid of uninvited guests: useful tips and tricks

Before removing ants, it is worth remembering that the length of their underground dwellings can reach several kilometers. And the rate of formation of new ant hills can reach several objects per week. Accordingly, the faster and more effective the impact, the easier the struggle for territory will be. The main types of insects found in personal plots are:

  • red ants;
  • black garden ants.

You can distinguish the pests that inhabit the territory by color. And the aerial part of the anthill, which has a pyramidal shape, helps to detect the presence of the ant family. This is where the eggs and larvae are located.

To learn how to get rid of ginger ants that have infested the site, gardeners usually begin after the "subversive" activity of pests begins to bear fruit. In particular, we are talking about undermining the roots of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants, leading to their wilting. They spoil pests and fruits of strawberries, cherries and other horticultural crops, turning a magnificent harvest into a pile of waste eaten by insects.

But the main threat is aphids grazed by an organized ant community. It reproduces at an incredible rate, transforming a recently blooming garden into a cluster of withered trees and shrubs. To avoid problems, it is worth discouraging from the very beginning the desire to settle in the chosen territory from the ants.

Methods of dealing with ant infestation in the garden: prevention

How to get rid of black ants and their red-headed counterparts occupying the land? First of all, it is worth taking care of preventive measures. They are as follows:

  1. Whitewashing tree trunks with lime... Such a chemical barrier will become an obstacle for insect pests, and the cultivation of the land in the root area will protect the delicate roots of shrubs from damage.
  2. Fixation on the barrel surface of adhesive tape... Such an obstacle will become a reliable barrier in the way of any pests and prevent them from getting to juicy fruits during their ripening period.
  3. Creation of foil "skirts" on the barrel surface... Ants cannot overcome such a mechanical barrier.
  4. Oil barrier... Soil saturated with flaxseed, castor or any other vegetable oil is dangerous for the chitinous shell of ants. Through this natural barrier, insects cannot get through with all their desire.

All these precautions are best taken in the spring as a preventive measure. And if the invasion has already begun, it is worth taking care of the use of more radical measures of influence.

Chemistry in the fight against insects

How to get rid of garden ants once and for all? There is an unequivocal answer to this question: the use of pesticides that do not leave pests a chance for salvation. True, toxic compounds can be dangerous for the future harvest. But choosing this method as the main one, gardeners are confident that they are making the right decision. Among the popular chemicals are:

  • diazion drug in ampoules - used for spraying low-growing vegetable and berry crops;
  • granular products ("Thunder" and its analogues) - are buried in the ground, act by contact;
  • "TRILON-B" - a cleaning agent suitable for fighting insect pests;
  • karbofos is a powder capable of destroying almost any garden dweller, including useful beetles and even birds.

Highly toxic drugs should be used with caution. But borax or boric acid can be prepared as bait, spiced with sweet syrup or potato balls spread out in the garden. Another favorite treat of ants is millet flavored with honey or jam. The structural features of the ant organism are such that it cannot digest this treat and dies. Watering ant nests with steep boiling water is also common - in this case, the destruction of pests is achieved due to thermal exposure and involves further digging of the treated areas.

Folk remedies for insects

How to get rid of red ants in the area?

Like their black garden compatriots, red ants are sensitive to many aromas - they do not like garlic, onions, anise, marigolds, valerian, and cloves. These plants should be planted around the perimeter of the beds. In addition, relatively humane methods of struggle can be considered:

  1. Aphid extermination... Deprived of their usual food, insects will quickly leave an inhospitable area, going to where there is plenty of food.
  2. Mechanical removal of the pyramidal part of the anthill... It requires some care, but allows you to get rid of annoying guests on the site in a matter of hours. With the help of a shovel, the base of the pile is pushed off and carefully moved out of the site. In a similar way, the land under the anthill is removed, in which the uterus and the larvae laid by it can live.
  3. Distribution of substances unpleasant for ants on the territory of the site... These include ash, red hot pepper (in ground form), mustard powder, tobacco dust, lime.
  4. Timely site cleaning... It is important to remove rotting waste from the landfill, burn waste in time and dispose of foliage and falling fruits. Rotten stumps and dead trees should also be removed from the area in a timely manner.

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In search of means for the destruction of red or pharaoh, as they are also called, ants, the owners of houses and apartments resort to folk remedies and methods of struggle or use numerous purchased aerosols, sprays, gels. However, after the first victory over the enemy, the time of triumph never comes. Indeed, his brothers begin to appear in the dwelling quite quickly.

Why can they get turned on?

There can be many reasons why pests appear in a home. But the main one is unsanitary conditions, which will have to be dealt with first of all. Explore the premises, objectively assessing their level of cleanliness. Risk factors include:

  • uncleaned food leftovers;
  • no lid on the trash can;
  • open sugar bowls;
  • freely available sweets;
  • non-hermetic packaging of bakery products;
  • always available bowl of pet food.

In a home with small children, people with weak immunity, allergy sufferers, asthmatics, the elderly and the elderly, the deterioration of the sanitary situation can become a source of increased danger. And if uninvited guests before this visit a trash can or sewer, it is likely that they will bring millions of dangerous bacteria, helminthic infestations and a host of other not very pleasant companions with them. Is it worth risking the well-being of your home if you can protect yourself by taking timely care of the elimination of pests.

Difficulties of the struggle

Before getting rid of domestic red pests, it is worthwhile to figure out how, in general, these pests, very active in their vital activity, penetrate into houses and apartments. Adults live in colonies, headed by queens - females that have the ability to fertilize. The rest of the insects are usually sterile and work. It is they who go out every day to forage for food, and if in your house, be it an apartment building or your own cottage, there are traces of the presence of ants, we can say with confidence: there is a "nest" nearby, where they will drag their prey.

Site service specialists advise:

It makes no sense to fight pests if their nest is out of your reach. In this case, the maximum that can be achieved is to reduce the number of pests entering the apartment or house. But, the problem itself will not become less acute from this. Moreover, here it will generally be difficult to talk about finding adequate solutions. In this case, it will not work to destroy insects on your own.

Effective destruction rules

How to get rid of ants in an apartment once and for all? Start by finding ways for them to enter your home. In multi-apartment buildings, more than one apartment is usually affected - accordingly, it will be difficult and ineffective to poison pests at one object, bypassing the rest. If you can't agree with your neighbors, you can resort to the services of professionals who will establish a barrier protection - a chemical barrier on the way of new individuals, and carry out pest control using modern methods.

Traditional methods - environmentally friendly and practical

Since most of the insecticides created by industrial enterprises contain deadly poisons, it is definitely not worth abusing them at home. But it is worth paying special attention to environmentally friendly folk remedies. Among the most popular options are:

  • a mixture of boric acid with water, honey and sugar - the resulting syrup is applied in drops in places where red pests are most common;
  • yeast paste - a mixture of liquid yeast with sugar, used as a bait, harmful to pests;
  • corn flour - it is detrimental to the digestive tract of pests.

Boric acid can also be replaced with borax. For the rest, folk remedies are good for pest control in non-residential spaces - in country houses, auxiliary rooms, where they can be applied as abundantly as possible and left for a long time.

Pest traps

How to get rid of ants in the house if there are children or pets in the house? Contact insecticides for ants are most often very difficult to use - overly curious permanent residents can easily become interested in unusual baits or bright bottles. For insects, it will be much more effective to use a compact and safe trap, in which the container with the bait is located outside of free access. Such "houses" can be hidden away from prying eyes and not be afraid that those for whom it is not intended will decide to profit from the delicacy hidden inside.

What you shouldn't buy in the case of ants are electrical appliances. Such traps can really serve as a good solution for local combat. But their influence does not apply to the entire anthill. This means that new individuals will regularly appear in the premises, wishing to get their "piece of the pie" at this celebration of life. In the meantime, the sanitary situation will remain unfavorable.

Crayons and powders from ants

How to get rid of red ants in an apartment if traps and folk remedies have not worked? It is worth trying dusts - powders or crayons containing chemicals that are deadly to red pests. Spread them around the house by drawing lines on surfaces or scattering powder in lines. The most strategically important processing locations:

  • along and under floor, ceiling skirting boards (if possible);
  • along the edges and at the base of furniture structures;
  • in the corners of windows, on window sills;
  • on the surfaces of the thresholds near the balcony and entrance door.

It is important to understand that in the case of dusts and crayons, victory will definitely not be quick. At best, the ants will disappear a few weeks after the start of treatment, at worst - they will continue to disturb others with their presence. The use of dusts and crayons is convenient in non-residential premises, where their amount can be easily adjusted. In a living space, tools that stain clothes and shoes are unlikely to seem like a reasonable way out.

Why is it worth calling a sanitary and epidemiological station?

The use of pesticides should be strictly controlled by professionals - this is an immutable rule that is strictly observed by site specialists. However, with independent attempts to destroy insects, poisons often fall into the hands of people who do not know how to handle them. When purchasing insecticides "by hand" or in a store, you should pay attention to their hazard class and recommendations for use. After all, any oversight in this case can become critical and lead to negative consequences.
To avoid possible problems, entrust this type of work to professionals. True masters of their craft will be able to cope with even the most difficult tasks - for example, with sanitizing an entire apartment building. And most importantly, they will be able to ensure the highest level of safety during processing, because the drugs used by pest controllers have the lowest hazard class and, if used correctly, are completely safe for people and animals.

Having found ants in your apartment (or house), you begin to doubt who is the owner of it now? Colonies of socially organized creatures, having occupied a residential area, settle on it in detail: they build their nests, prowl in search of food, breed offspring.

It looks like a red ant - almost everyone has encountered this insect

Red or yellow?

To know how to deal with pests, you need to learn more about themselves, the way of life of the ant kingdom. Working insect (red ant) \u200b\u200bis small (2-3 mm). The fertilized uterus is one and a half to two times larger and its color is darker. If the working "people" scurry all the time to get food, the uterus, on the contrary, never crawls out of the nest. The ant's jaw apparatus is too weak and small to bite a person. Because of the yellow, turning into a red color of the body, it got its name. The yellow ant is an exclusively domestic insect (it does not occur in the wild), due to the fact that it dies outside in frost. Unfortunately, the question of how to get rid of red ants in an apartment is vital. Insects are considered one of the most numerous and widespread domestic pests in Russia.

Where did the invasion come from?

Small red ants are also called "Pharaoh", "Indian", "Raja ants". If we consider the problem "Where do the red-haired robbers come from?" globally, then you need to take the 16th century as a starting point. It was then that sailors, along with goods from distant India, brought uninvited guests to Europe. Since the end of the 19th century, ants have settled on the territory of Russia.

Leftover food on the floor attracts ants

You can understand where the red robbers come from specifically in your apartment by considering the possible reasons:

  • as a result of the active struggle of neighbors in the staircase or house, they decided to change their place of residence, having moved to you;
  • you leave plenty of food for the ants in the form of food leftovers not taken out with the garbage, open foods on the table, stove, etc .;
  • the apartment is not cleaned often enough (including wet cleaning);
  • ant queens can be brought into the apartment on clothes, shoes;
  • insects can penetrate through open windows and doors, ventilation holes, cracks;
  • migrate from the basement, entrance.

Harm from unexpected guests

Such a colony of red ants in an apartment will cause big problems for household members.

How to win a battle against ants?

Immediately you need to tune in to the fact that there is a long struggle ahead. It should be built correctly, i.e. strike at the most sensitive points of the ant's "defense". If there are small red ants in the apartment, look for a nest in which the female produces offspring. It can be hidden under skirting boards, in dark corners of furniture or a room.

Important! In fact, the end result of the struggle is the complete destruction of the nest and the female. Red ants have only one "queen" in their nest. If it dies, all the ants in the colony die.

Finding the nest is painstaking work, because worker insects hide it in a seemingly inconspicuous cavity on the wall, in the floor. Before getting there, you need to overcome more than one meter of the labyrinth laid by red-haired workers. And this is a broken floor, other troubles. The female feeds on what the working members of the family bring to her. If you force them to deliver the "delayed action" poison to the center of the colony, then over time, not only the worker, but the female will die.

The female red ant hides in a secluded place and never leaves it

Yellow ants (their bodies) are covered with a chitinous shell. If you buy a bait made of boric acid of low concentration (no more than 2%) as a poison in a store, then the workhorse will first bring the poisoned food to the female, and only then the acid will eat away at her chitin.

Attention! As you fight ginger ants, keep your pets safe so they don't have access to poison-treated food.

"Chemistry" to help

The trading network is replete with an arsenal of chemicals:

Ant Gel

  1. You can purchase a special crayon "Mashenka". Outline them the exits of the ventilation ducts, the boundaries at the entrance to the apartment.
  2. Depending on the financial possibilities, use special aerosols in cans: "Ride", "Dichlorvos", "Combat", "Frontline". Poisonous suspensions are best sprayed directly into the nest. Moreover, the last of them has a combined effect: at the same time destroys bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas. Front Line is considered an expensive but effective tool.
  3. Dry mixes requiring special preliminary preparation ("Regent", "Tetrix", "Executioner", "Sinuzan", etc.). They are preliminarily, before application, diluted with water, then sprayed.
  4. Powders (dusts): Phenaxin, Pyrethrum, etc.
  5. All kinds of gels (Globol, Fas, Dohloks, etc.), which are used to treat surfaces along ant paths: their particles are carried on the limbs of the legs into the nest, poisoning it.

If you cannot solve the problem on your own, you need to order a decontamination service. To prevent this situation from repeating in the future, you should maintain cleanliness in the room, treat the passages of pipes, channels through the walls with a sealant, especially in the kitchen. If the first red "scouts" or their ant paths are found, eliminate the problem, preventing it from developing. To understand where the small red ants come from and where they ply, you need to follow the "paths" laid by them. To do this, a single lost insect should not be destroyed, but it is better to find out: where will it lead?

With small colonies of ants, or if someone in the family does not tolerate the smell and composition of repellents in the house, folk remedies are used to scare away and destroy.

Boric acid ant traps

  • Hang or spread grass with a pungent or strong odor, garlic on the path of movement, at entrances, ventilation openings. Baby powder, coffee grounds with the addition of sweet juice, vinegar treatment of surfaces and washing powders are suitable: a small loose mound of 5 mm will scare away insects forever.
  • Boric acid traps (20g), egg yolk, some jam. Balls the size of pills are formed and laid out in "problem" places: both ants and the entire nest die.
  • A yeast aqueous solution with a small addition of jam or honey (to attract insects) is placed in the places of accumulation.
  • They do not tolerate the smell of garlic, kerosene, camphor, turpentine, white spirit "to the spirit": you can decompose moistened cotton swabs and change them periodically.
  • They do not like to come into contact with a surface oiled with oil (sunflower).
  • Half a glass of glycerin, a quarter of a glass of water, half a tablespoon of boric acid (borax), 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1 spoon of honey. Heat the mixture slightly, dissolve the components. Place the bait in portions in places where insects accumulate.
  • Mix minced meat (1-2 tablespoons) with boric acid (0.5 teaspoon). Spread the semi-finished product in places where ants accumulate.
  • Place dry wormwood, tansy, mint, thyme, lavender, elderberry, acacia flowers, etc. throughout the apartment, in cupboards, on the mezzanine.

Fighting the red invaders, you need to concentrate your work in search of their nest, apply different methods of struggle, periodically changing them. Use various baits, do not stop disinfection, even after complete disappearance: the laid eggs can give new growth, which will settle in the apartment. Keep your living space clean so that unpleasant neighborhoods won't bother you.

Red ants again and again encroach on the habitats of people, driving them to a frenzy. It is necessary to start a military campaign against annoying insects as soon as traces of their presence in an apartment, house or on a personal plot become noticeable.

Meet the enemy

Fire-colored forest and domestic ants are called red. The latter are much smaller - the body length is about 3 mm. They have three transverse stripes on the back of the body.

Three transverse stripes on the back - a distinctive feature of the domestic variety of ginger ants

These ants also differ in origin: forest ants inhabit the forests of Russia, while domestic ants were brought from India in the 16th century. Now red house ants inhabit almost the entire globe (no wonder there are about 10 thousand species!), Except for Antarctica, Greenland and Iceland. From which we can conclude that insects need warmth for a comfortable stay.

Pharaohs call red ants. This name was given by the Swedish natural scientist Carl Linnaeus, mistakenly believing that the birthplace of insects is Egypt. He was misled by the fact that they were discovered during excavation of tombs.

Lifestyle features

Red ants are social insects. They live in large colonies, the number of which can be up to tens of thousands of individuals.All inhabitants are clearly subordinated to the hierarchy of three castes: females, males and workers. Representatives of the latter are the most numerous, they get food for the elite.

The female of the red ant is larger than the workers and has a more massive rear body

From such a social division, we can conclude: having destroyed a couple of dozen ants that encroached on crumbs in the kitchen, we will not get rid of insects. The female needs only five days to restore the population size.

Having found and destroyed a couple of dozen individuals, you should not count on successful disposal of pests

What red ants eat

They love to eat well and do not differ in their choice of food. They are attracted by:

  • food products (therefore, insects are also called meat or sugar);
  • leftovers of food from a trash can not taken out in time;
  • pests, the destruction of which has a beneficial effect on human life - aphids, fleas, moths and other insects.

Man provides a complete diet of ants

Reasons for the appearance in the human habitat

A man owes his uncleanliness to the invasion of red ants - food residues accumulating in the trash can, crumbs on the floor and on the table, dust. But they are not only deployed in the kitchen. Wardrobes, children's toys, bookshelves - under favorable conditions, pests will be everywhere. And in multi-storey buildings, ants can place a nest in ceilings between concrete structures, under tiles on the floor, in ventilation ducts and other secluded and hard-to-reach corners.

If you notice a couple of ants in the kitchen, this does not mean that a colony has settled in the house. First, scouts get into it, who find out if the dwelling is suitable for habitation. Therefore, start the fight against insects immediately.

Ants live not only in the kitchen, but in other rooms.

How insects enter the house

Red ants have several paths to human dwelling:

If you accidentally brought red forest ants into the house, there is nothing to fear: they do not live with a person, so they will very quickly leave the room or die.

How pests appear on a personal plot

For gardeners, the invasion of red ants is also unpleasant. The land plot and plantations on it suffer not so much because insects feed on grown fruits, but because of the creation of nests in the root systems of plants and trees. A strong ant colony can kill a mature tree in just 2-3 years. If the nest appears in the ground, then nothing will grow around this place.

Why are red ants dangerous?

In addition to the described examples of harm caused by the pharaohs, there are other consequences of man's proximity to insects:

Unlike their forest counterparts, domestic ants, due to their modest size, do not have strong mandibles (jaws) that can expand to such a size as to capture a piece of skin. But there are cases when they bite newborn children, causing itching, pain and allergic reactions.

Ants can bite small children, causing allergic reactions and itching

How to get rid of ants in a house or apartment

The fastest and most effective way to get rid of insects is to call a team of pest controllers who will find out the location of the nests and leave no chance for females and males to survive, not just working individuals. At the same time, the owners of the house will be given a guarantee for a certain period that there will be no re-invasion. If for some reason you prefer to fight the ants on your own, then there are two approaches:

  • using chemicals;
  • folk ways.

Professional pest controllers ensure that the ants will not return to the house for a long time.

Chemical weapon against insects

This type of product can be divided into four categories: aerosols, gels, traps and powders. Before starting to kill insects, you must:

  • remove people and animals from the premises;
  • protect food and dishes from the ingress of chemicals, for example, cover with cellophane;
  • wear a mask or respirator, gloves.

Usually, manufacturers of insect control products offer products in different forms of release: traps, aerosols, gels

You can try to get rid of insects using a special ultrasonic device. However, its effectiveness against ants has not been proven, since the coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe device is not too large.

Table: effective chemicals against red ants

Type of funds and application featuresNameOperating principle
  • sprayed in places where ant tracks are visible (it is important to find nests);
  • after processing, thoroughly ventilate the room.
  • Convenient in spraying if the colony is not too large;
  • safe for people and animals;
  • has a pleasant mint aroma.
  • It works instantly, but quickly disappears, so all windows must be tightly closed before use;
  • has a pleasant fruity aroma.
Gels: convenient for the kitchen, as they are easily applied in hard-to-reach places.StormIt is applied on trails of ants and in places of their accumulation.
FasDue to the intestinal activity of the substance, insects infect the entire colony.
  • The most powerful drug among gels;
  • has a long lasting effect;
  • has a pleasant smell of chocolate.
  • after eating the bait, the ants return to the nest and infect their relatives;
  • sold in sets.
  • 4 (6) pieces per set;
  • functional on a plot of up to 20 square meters;
  • mounted on a vertical and horizontal surface.
Powders (dusts) and pencils:
  • the most economical option;
  • you do not need to wipe the product.
  • Not dangerous for children and animals, as it is made of chamomile flower heads;
  • almost not addictive in insects.
MashenkaTwo crayons in the set are enough to handle the entire apartment.

Video: how to get rid of red ants by professional means (advice from Elena Malysheva)

Folk remedies

If the location of the nests is found, vacuum them or fill them with boiling water. This is the most productive way to get rid of the spread of domestic ants. If individuals have just appeared in the dwelling, use one of three methods of baiting:

If ants are firmly settled in an apartment or house, act more decisively.

  1. The most affordable and proven way to get rid of unwanted neighbors is to use: mix it with sugar in arbitrary proportions, add water to get a mass from which you can form balls. Lay them out on pieces of paper along the ant paths. Sugar can be replaced with minced meat or jam.
  2. Mix the borax with granulated sugar and sprinkle on the pest sites. Boric acid and borax methods are dangerous for children and pets.

    To prepare the poison, use dry borax

  3. Use yeast. They swell in the stomach of the ants and the insects die. Mix them with sugar and water, roll them into balls and place them on paper trays in the places the ants like.

    To prepare the poison, it is convenient to use pressed yeast sticks

  4. Enhance the action of the described methods with baby powder based on talc, as well as corn or oatmeal: scatter it along the ant paths. Disoriented workers will not carry supplies to the nest, males and females will be left without food.
  5. Spread the coffee grounds on the ant trails. The method will reduce the population size, but will not get rid of insects.

    Coffee grounds will help reduce the number of ants

Video: 3 ways to get rid of ants in the house


In order not to face the problem of red ants in the house or to prevent their reappearance, follow these simple rules:

  • do not leave food in an open container;
  • wash the dishes after each meal;
  • throw out the trash every day;
  • keep your home clean;
  • close up cracks in the walls and floor;
  • do not keep rotting wood in the house.

The main principle of ant control is cleanliness in the house, especially in the kitchen.

We drive ants out of the garden and vegetable garden

Open space gives you more options for working on the site. The main goal is to destroy the female. To do this, you need to find a nest of red ants, then dig up this place and fill it with a strong solution of lime. It remains to get rid of the workers.

It is necessary to poison ants simultaneously with aphids, otherwise getting rid of some insects will lead to an increase in the population of others.

The main task is to find and destroy the anthill

Use of insecticides

Effective preparations for controlling insects on personal plots are based on diazinon (for example, Muratox). The ingress of a substance into the insect's body provokes paralysis and damage to the nervous system. And the intestinal contact formula allows you to guarantee that in 2-3 days after treatment the entire colony will die and the territory on 21 days will definitely not be attractive to new red-haired visitors. You can also use the insecticide in its pure form: 10 ml is enough to process 50 square meters.

Video: how to defeat garden ants on the site

Folk ways

As well as for fighting ants in houses, in kitchen gardens and gardens, sharp odors unpleasant for insects are used - parsley, tansy, laurel, mustard, tomato. Spread out the stems or leaves of plants near ant paths, around trees. And plant mint and valerian along the beds to scare off annoying pests. The following remedies are also effective:

  1. Mix boric acid and sugar in a 1: 4 ratio, fill the paths and heaps with this composition.

    Boric acid eliminates many insects, including ants

  2. The safest option for plantings to get rid of ginger invaders is to use oregano and sulfur powder in a 1: 2 ratio. Mix the ingredients, cover the piles with the mixture. To enhance the effect, dig up the entire area with this composition. It is also good insect prevention.
  3. The smell of kerosene also repels insects. However, this method cannot guarantee the result 100%. Dilute 10 tbsp. l. substances in 10 liters of water and fill in the places where insects meet.

    The smell of kerosene will scare ants away from the ground, but for a short time

  4. More often than others, raspberries suffer from insects. Especially for this bush, a method was invented with sheepskin and carbolic acid (sold in pharmacies), the smell of which will scare away not only ants, but also aphids from raspberries. Cut strips 4–5 cm wide from the sheepskin, saturate with the product. Wrap the wool outward on the raspberries 15 cm above the ground.
  5. If an anthill is found, set it on fire by flooding it with carbon sulphide (sold in pharmacies or household chemicals stores). Using the method, remember that beneficial insects will die along with the pests.
  6. Use strong odors. Top with grated onion or garlic.

    The smell of garlic scares off ants, but you will have to grind more than a dozen slices

  7. Prepare solutions from tomato tops or yeast (1 tablespoon per glass of cold water) and spread around the nest.
  8. Make a trap: pour a mixture of honey and water or sugar syrup into small jars, add borax and leave the bait. Change it periodically. In terms of efficiency, the method is at the lowest levels of the rating, since it allows you to get rid of only dozens of individuals.

    Borax will turn syrup to poison

Video: how to get rid of ants in a greenhouse

Preventive measures

To prevent ants from settling on the site, do the following:

Red ants often live in people's homes. At first glance, harmless insects settle in bread, cereals, spoil food, and leave traces of their vital activity everywhere. A neighborhood with insects brings a lot of inconvenience to all residents of a house or apartment.

Reasons for the appearance

Effective insect control methods

Several individuals of red ants are often scouts. Having noticed a territory suitable for life, insects will give a signal to their colony, then pests will have to be dealt with thoroughly. How to get rid of house ants in the apartment? When you find the first insects near the threshold or window, immediately start general cleaning of the house. Remove all food sources: wrap food in containers, place bulk products in glass jars.

Prevention measures

Ginger house ants feed on almost everything, so it is better to follow preventive measures than to deal with pests later.

  • watch your home: close up all the cracks, cracks in the floor, walls. Carefully close up slopes, pipes, baseboards;
  • crumbs from the table, remove food leftovers immediately after a meal, never leave in an open space;
  • grease all containers in which bulk products are stored, grease with sunflower oil. The smell of this substance scares away red ants;
  • wash the floor with fragrant injuries (melissa, mint, lemon will do). Hardware stores are full of various natural remedies.

Further video. Useful tips on how to get red ants out of your apartment: