What is better for pita dosha. General principles for balancing an aggravated pitta dosha

With my usual constancy, I tell you - hello! Most of you know that this greeting at all times meant a wish for health. Fortunately, I was honored not only to wish you, but also to give more specific instructions for its maintenance and strengthening. It was the turn to talk about how Pitta dosha should be based on Ayurveda.

Pitta's addictions

A person with a predominance of Pitta dosha is primarily Fire in all its manifestations. He is hot in both thoughts and actions. If nutrition corresponds to the dosha, then the body throughout life remains beautiful, fit, with a well-developed muscular system. The constitution of the body is the so-called standard, the proportions are close to ideal.

The digestive fire is very strong, sometimes lightning fast, and therefore Pitta's appetite is always high, requiring large amounts of food. But Fire, like everything else, has a downside. Due to fast digestion and frequent bouts of hunger, sometimes taken by surprise far from home, Pitta is prone to overeat, especially various junk foods such as fast food.

Such food is not good for all three doshas, \u200b\u200bbut it is Pitta that can cause serious harm to the digestive tract. To avoid this, let's be friends with our natural data. You do not need to do anything supernatural for this. Just follow the recommendations below from Ayurvedic experts who have long proven their credibility.

  • Of the six main tastes of Ayurveda, Pitt is particularly good at sweet, bitter, and astringent. Sweet is easily digested, but for this reason you need to have a sense of proportion and not overeat sweet, especially honey and especially old honey. Bitter and astringent give a feeling of fullness, normalize appetite.
  • Pitts are always hot by nature, they are always hot, they often sweat. Accordingly, they need to eat food, which in no way enhances these manifestations, and it is better if even softened. That is, it should be cold, dry, refreshing food. In the summer, sweet lassi is the best suited for these purposes. In the cold season, slightly warm food is allowed.
  • Pitta's skin is usually oily, oily, shiny, often problematic. For this and other reasons, you should not season food with various oils, at least often. It’s worth getting into the habit of frying in a dry pan and don’t season salads with anything. Nonetheless sattvic ghee oil  I advise all doshas without exception.

  • Given the strength of the digestive fire, Pitta needs to eat sufficiently large amounts of food for normal life. But this does not mean that she can overeat. On the contrary, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to this issue and take breaks between meals for at least 3-4 hours. In winter, you need to eat 3 times a day at the same time, and in the summer you can eat 2 times, skipping dinner sometimes.
  • People of this dosha digest even the highest-calorie foods, so they can eat cereal cereals and legumes unlimitedly. Of course, they should be careful with the latter, since their excess increases, which in turn imbalances Pitt in you.
  • Most spices have Rajas energy, which Pitta has so much, so spices can be consumed rarely and in small doses. The pungent taste of Pitta is not needed. Let the spices be soft, such as cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg, less often - ginger, turmeric, saffron. Bitter spices are naturally healthy - parsley, dill, basil, cilantro, etc.
  • Of course, when cooking, you can salt your dish. But limit the intake of all highly salted and sour. This may upset someone, but such products include soy sauce, all pickles and marinades, hard cheeses, etc. With a strong attachment to such products, you can occasionally afford them in the winter season.
  • But you can eat vegetables and fruits directly, as they say, from the bush. They are absorbed by your body without any processing. This type of food is preferred over everyone else.

Below I give an approximate list of products that will benefit a person with a predominant Pitta, as well as people whose Pitta in a percentage ratio suddenly became higher than the main dosha.

  • Vegetables. Necessary: most vegetables, except onions, garlic, horseradish, radish. Pay particular attention to bitter vegetables and all leafy greens. In the summer, eat vegetables with a high water content - zucchini, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin. Can: eggplant, tomatoes, corn and all this is extremely rare.
  • Fruits. Necessary: only sweet fruits and berries, excluding all sour and citrus fruits. In the summer, eat fruit berries with a high water content - watermelon, melon, pear, grapes. Can: sweet varieties of plum, cherry, orange, pineapple.
  • Cereal. Necessary: almost all famous cereals, pasta and bread. Can: breakfast cereals, granola, cookies, crackers, bread rolls, chapatis and other products harmful to Vata. But you are preferable to drink them with milk.
  • Legumes Necessary: all known legumes with a restriction in lentil diets.
  • Milk products. Necessary: milk, cottage cheese, unsalted Adyghe cheese, excluding sour milk. Can: ice cream (in summer).
  • The drinks. Necessary: fruit and vegetable juices, mint tea, coconut milk and other lighting drinks. Can: black and green teas, chicory.

Pitta Dosha Features

Like any other dosha, Pitta has special characteristics:

    1. This dosha rarely goes out of balance, therefore the health of such people is very strong and stable. But if the dosha nevertheless has gone out of the norm, then the likelihood of manifesting sufficiently serious diseases is high. In their case, maintaining a proper diet is much easier than then being treated.
    2. According to Ayurveda, the time of Pitta is the end of spring and all summer, therefore it is during this period that it is important to be very careful about your diet and not eat foods harmful to the dosha, such as alcohol, spices, etc.
    3. Pitta Man reacts heavily to an unsatisfied feeling of hunger, becomes nervous and even angry. Despite this, cleansing such as fasting is useful to them at least 2 times a month. To mitigate the effect, you can keep a post on freshly squeezed vegetables and fruits. They are also easily given the practice of raw food diet and fructorianism.

Numerous recipes for balanced Pitta nutrition can be found on many vegetarian sites. Do not be too lazy to make yourself a menu. Well, I say goodbye to you. I hope you find it useful. Repost an article in the social. network, write comments and subscribe to the blog via email. Soon the third article in this series will be released explaining the nutrition of Kapha. Do not switch!

What attracts you to Pitts?

The positive qualities of Pitta   good-naturedness and gaiety, energy and activity, a high intellectual level, wonderful diction, wit, courage and ardor belong. At the first meeting with the Pitts, their discipline, internal need for harmony and order is striking. ”

They are friendly and reliable. Look for crazy brave men who come to grips with fate among Pitt. They do not give in to circumstances and always force them to work for themselves. As a rule, Pitts are punctual, picky, meticulous in the details and very penetrating. They well remember information and catch other people's ideas. When a person is said to be “able to concentrate” about a person, do not doubt that he is a type with a prevailing Pitt dosha. Pitts are loving and affectionate spouses and parents. They are very purposeful and ambitious. Pitts  - This is the most collected and punctual type of people. They are very responsible and able to soberly assess the situation.

What is annoying in pitts?

When dosha pitt  out of balance, people of this type become irritable and aggressive. In any stressful situation, they lose their temper, blame others for their failures (and never themselves!), Become furious, shout and wave their fists. In such periods, they become rude, inconsiderate and harsh in utterances. When the Pitts are angry, their timbre and tone changes, they are able to shower others with curses and arenas (bites of fire-breathing dragons!).

Pitts fanatically follow the chosen path. Moreover, they certainly want to make sure that all other people also follow this path. Sometimes imbalance doshas pitt  it is manifested in the fact that people of this type are annoyedly offended, become insular (again annoyed), vehemently polemicize and gallantly criticize.

The chakra manipura conducts the energy of active control, it is the chakra of warriors and rulers, so Pitts can be extremely warlike, adamant and merciless. When manipura is blocked, Pitts become intolerant, angry, jealous and envious. They are even capable of strong emissions of negative energy in the form of hostility and hatred, but they suffer from it themselves, because this energy affects their stomach, intestinal and skin diseases.

What is disastrous for Pitta?

By nature, Pitts are touchy. If they try to suppress their grievances, not show restrained pride and show external calmness, then they will begin to bite themselves from the inside, which will not add to their health. They need to learn to abstract from the situation and look at it through the eyes of an outside observer. Perhaps resentment would not seem so terrible to them.

These people "with pepper and vinegar" like to compete. They have a certain physical strength, but do not like to lose. They are possessed by fighting spirit, he draws them to feats and accomplishments, but they do not have enough stamina. They experience losses so hard that they are ready to enter into a fight, believing that their honor is scolded.

When Pitts begin to abuse their excellent digestion, eat sour, spicy, fried, salted and canned foods, richly flavored with hot spices, Pitta dosha easily goes out of balance. Due to overeating, persistent addiction to alcohol and eating at bedtime, Pitts see dreams in which they participate in fights and wars with bloodshed, violence and killings.

Dosh Pitt  out of control, signals this by excessive criticality and self-criticism, pedantry, as well as the tyranny of loved ones and subordinates. A person begins to rush at others for no apparent reason, he is offended by any word out of place.

Pitts are conceited. The desire to show their "I", to stand in front of others and to show their remarkable abilities so that everyone sees them, lures them into a trap: they overestimate their strength and require respect and recognition from others. Not receiving high recognition from others, they can turn sour and turn from a Mars rattling knightly armor into a staff clerk, gallantly bowed before the ladies.

Energy and appearance

Pitts are beautifully proportioned. These are normostenics with a “middle bone” (they are not bony like Vata). They have a normal balanced gait and brushes of medium thickness. Usually, Pitt has moderately developed muscles, and this gives their figure a sporty look. They blush easily. Pitt often has many moles on his body. They always have hot hands and feet, they often sweat profusely. Pitta's weight is easy to gain and just as easy to lose.

If you see a nice girl in front of you with fairly developed breasts, smooth beautiful hips, a narrow waist and slim, but not long legs, do not doubt that Pitt's dosha is strongly expressed in her constitution. Pitt has a decisive gait; they never stoop when walking.

Pitts often experience energy surges and dips. This is reflected in their appearance, well-being, sleep and ability to remember new information. Among Pitt, many gourmets are born who can enjoy the quality and beauty of food.

Sexy nature

Since the Sun rules Pitta, sunshine comes from all the activities that people of this type engage in. The brightness and magnificence of the Sun cannot but affect the fate, intentions, aspirations and personality of Pitta. Like the Sun, the Pitts are in the thick of things, they are always in the central battle arena. Inside Pitta, primitive, elemental energies rage, prompting him to ram the ram with his horns. Pitta strives to be the first always and everywhere. Without false modesty, he tirelessly breaks into the front lines of life and love.

When Pitta's intellectual fire interacts with the deceptive bottomless waters of Kapha, difficulties can arise, because the passion overwhelming Pitta to win and be the first almost leaves no room for useful interaction.

Here is a typical situation for this type of people: burning with passion, Pitta breaks down from the start, rushes frantically at full speed ... and burns to the ground, not yet reaching the finish line. Pitts consider themselves brilliant lovers, but in fact they often lack patience and humility. Inability to compromise does not allow them to get along harmoniously with love partners.

In short, they can show miracles of passion and be the most frantic and ardent lovers only when they feel their own independence. Pitts often sacrifice their tender nature to intellectual abilities. Potentially, Pitts can experience tremendous happiness in an intimate relationship if these relationships do not prevent them from moving toward the goal.

For Pitta, sex is not just a sequence of certain actions, the meaning of which is to satisfy the instinct of procreation. But Pitts should not treat sex as an act of voluptuousness, dictated by sexual desire, because they will quickly expire and lose energy. Since Pitts are naturally endowed with high intelligence, they should ennoble sexual contacts, bringing them tenderness, affection and care for a partner. So that Pitt does not burn out completely, but retains his seething energy, he must pass his emotions through the heart, and not through the genitals. When Pitts act contrary to their nature and treat sex as a sport, they reverse their natural ascending flow of energy and experience sexual frustration.

Pitts often become impotent and infertile. The reasons can be different: frustration, a weak seed or premature ejaculation. Pitts need to learn how to direct the flow of natural male power in the right direction. The paradox of the situation is that the most powerful male type must learn to humble and patience. Only in this way will he be able to make the most of his natural prowess. Lack of knowledge about our true potential breeds bad habits and leads to degradation.

In Pitt, this manifests itself in the need to demonstrate his sexual superiority, which always ends in disastrous. If Pitta’s energy is passed through the heart, the center of compassion, patience and tenderness, then people of this type are distinguished by inexhaustible masculine energy. But if the fire blazes violently, he will certainly burn his master. Pitt, who learned how to properly direct their energy, has a great relationship with a partner, and they are capable of numerous ejaculations.

The most suitable partners for Pitts are Kaphi, Kaphi-Pitta and Pitta-Kapha. This is a healing balm for wounds and burns of Pitta. To live in harmony with Pitta, his partner must also enjoy physical activities and passionately love the beauty of nature.


Pitts feel great in the realm of material success. There are no obstacles in the universe that Aries could not overcome or ram with their horns. When everything is lost, when failures follow one after another, Pitta is charged with a new portion of energy and again breaks through to the goal.

Fiery people are a miracle. They deserve our applause and appreciation for the innovation that other types of people are not capable of. They were born to play the main roles in the performances of life, therefore they should be given leading roles, not to interfere, and to pay respect. If Pitta feels that his work is grateful and appreciated, he will rush forward with a dear soul and heart wide open, faster, higher and further to the goal. Like a fire-breathing dragon, he will set and solve increasingly grandiose and large-scale tasks. But if Pitt does not notice, does not support with words of appreciation, does not say how beautiful and amazing he is, then he, like a ram, will stubbornly stand in one place, forcing others to acknowledge his merits. They desperately need our respect.

Pitta's solar energy illuminates the business world and advanced activities on the material plane. If Kapha copes well with everyday, earthly and maternal tasks, and Vata excels in the sciences and the spiritual sphere, then the Pitts are successfully engaged in those activities that contribute to progress. They make excellent administrators, directors and innovators. If you get in the way of Pitt, then burn in their fire.

Pitta's fire shines brightly, it is visible from afar and dazzles nearby. But what supports it? The world of peace, silence, land and water of Kapha. The world of the sky, cosmic jets, soaring clouds and the movement of Vata cyclones. But it turns out that the fire connecting heaven and earth is struggling to cope with everyday activities. Every day, Pitt prepares for battle. He is armed with a sharp sword, as if going to the Hundred Years War.

When Pitta ignores his own nature, he becomes arrogant and arrogant. When Pitta becomes patient, knows how to wait and remain calm, learns to respect people and respond to other people's needs, his real strength increases many times. Until Pitt learns to respect others, he will rush pointlessly at frantic speeds until he burns to the ground. Pitta must learn compassion and stop criticizing others.

All people need to understand that the life of any creature in the world is priceless, that all living beings have an equal right to prosperity and prosperity. The Universe does not divide the living into "friends" and "strangers", necessary and unnecessary. Each living creature is at its stage of evolution and strives to achieve its life goals. Fiery people inherit karma of a rajastic nature, that is, karma in which the nature of universal activity is embodied. When Pitt stubbornly stomps the earth with his heels, his true nature regresses, turning into the tamasic kingdom of stagnation, decline, inertia. Pitta must move forward into the sattwic world. Sattva is a state of balance and harmony. In sattva, a furious, blazing fire turns into a cool glow. To achieve sattva, Pitta must tirelessly work on his fiery ego.

Pitts are born leaders; these are presidents and prime ministers, directors and chiefs, heads of government agencies and organizations. Pitts often become designers, architects, engineers, and scientists. Their insight and intuition are useful in innovative matters when a new path is laid and the very first steps are taken. Pitts excel in high-tech and advanced technology. They can be excellent programmers in space mission control centers or in the military-industrial complex. Pitts have a great artistic vision and are successful in visual arts and design.

Pitts are born leaders, and their courage, perseverance and energy can be compared to ball lightning.

Style, color scheme and precious stones

As a rule, Pitta dress exquisitely, rightly believing that "they are met by clothes." Their criterion in choosing clothes is sophistication. With the help of clothing, they gain success in society. They do not understand and do not tolerate negligence in clothing. Pitta will never wear unfashionable things, but at the same time she will try not to be too conspicuous. If someone puts on a similar dress, Pitt will definitely change clothes, just to present themselves in a winning light.

Fiery people attract the attention of others and stop looking. They love to wear expensive outfits that perfectly accentuate their athletic energetic figure.

Pitts should wear clothes made from natural fabrics of white, green, blue, purple and violet colors, shades of mallow, lilac and lavender, pastel colors and their combination.

Pitta is always ahead of mainstream trends and styles in fashion. Pitta is always neat and well-dressed, in his clothes there is always some kind of “highlight” by which he is easily recognized in the crowd.

With an excess of Pitta, it is contraindicated for people of this constitution to wear precious stones and metals of fire. On the contrary, healing stones for them will be those that increase the energy of all the chakras, except manipura. For example, lilac-lilac carries the power of ether and water, helping the fire control emotions. If worn around the neck in a gold frame, it balances the fire and gives the owner compassion. Healing stones for Pitta are pearls (the primary elements are water, air and earth), turquoise, sapphire, emerald, and metals - copper and platinum.

According to Indian Ayurveda, nutrition can be both a cure for diseases, and one that can seriously aggravate a state of health. According to the ancient science of life, everything in the world is governed by five primary elements: air, ether, fire, water, earth.

Combining in a certain combination, they form three vital energies - these are Poshta dosha, Kapha dosha and Watta dosha. Every person always has all three doshas. Ideally, if it is in a harmonious ratio, but it happens very rarely. Under the influence of various factors, an imbalance can occur, and then one or more energies prevail over the rest.

Each person has their own type of dosha. . It may not appear in a “pure” form, but one of them is more powerful. The dosha type is determined according to various criteria, including constitutional ones. For each dosha, a special nutrition is indicated, since different products can both strengthen and suppress it. It is in order that food only benefits the person who eats it, it is necessary to take into account the dominant type of dosha. You can learn more about doshas in Ayurveda from this.

Key Features of the Pitta Dosha

Dosha Pitt combines the two primary elements - fire and water, forming bile . The word itself is taken from Sanskrit, which actually means “transformation”, “heat”. This dosha is responsible for all chemical processes in the body that contribute to the flow of metabolism. All food that passes through the esophagus into the stomach, and even all sensations that affect the body through the senses, will be processed precisely thanks to Pitta. Its goal is to transform food, maintain activity and learning ability.

Pitta is sour, bitter, oily, sharp, reddish, hot, moist, light, yellow, with a strong body odor. These are her main qualities.

Features of the constitution of the body of people like Pitta dosha

People like Pitt can be recognized by various constitutional and other features that are, so to speak, “in person.” Their description is as follows:

  • Usually they have a normosthenic complex, that is, an average physique - neither thin nor incomplete, well-built, athletic, fit. Since muscles are well developed in such people, even with minor physical exertion, they can quickly bring muscles to a healthy tone. They easily gain weight and just as easily lose weight.
  • Their appetite is goodmetabolic rate above average.
  • The limbs and hands are of medium length and thickness, the waist is narrow.
  • At the slightest excitement, they literally “fill in with paint”.
  • People like Pitta always have warm limbs..
  • Love to eat sweet and cold..

People like Pitt can be recognized by smell. In Charaka Samhita (one of the key treatises of Ayurveda) it is said that they exude the smell of meat. If Pitta's dosha is okay, then it will smell fresh meat. But if it is somehow broken, then you can smell the rotten meat.

What diseases can the prevalence of Pitta lead to?

When Pitta goes out of balance, starting to prevail, processes occur in the body that can be compared to the intense burning of fire. Pitta as if burns herself. Bile begins to penetrate tissues and organs, leading to infections and inflammations.

The predominance of individual qualities of Pitta is expressed in such features:

  • Spicy - incoming food is perfectly absorbed and digested. A person has a pointed nose, sharp teeth, like a “sharp” look, a narrow chin. Heartburn is often felt, often a burning sensation appears. Inherent irritability and research mind.
  • Wet - increased sweat and urine, diarrhea, constant thirst, weak muscles.
  • Light - the skin is thin and shiny, the eyes are light, bright light is poorly tolerated.
  • Hot - digestion and appetite are excellent. Fever. Heat becomes an unbearable test for a person.
  • Sour - salivation increased, sensitive teeth. All due to the fact that the level of acidity of the stomach increases.
  • Oily - hair and skin are oily. Sensitivity to fried foods with a lot of oil is observed.
  • Spreading - inflammations of various sizes appear on the body, acne, urticaria can develop.
  • Bitter - a bitter taste is felt in the mouth, which causes disgust for it. Due to excess bile, a person experiences a feeling of nausea, which can turn into vomiting.
  • Yellowish - a huge amount of bile is produced, which accumulates in the tissues of the body, which leads to the development of jaundice. The skin and whites of the eyes turn yellow, urine and feces also acquire an abnormally yellow hue.
  • Reddish - whites of the eyes, skin, nose and cheeks turn red. Sometimes so much that it may resemble a crimson stain.

Most often, the overly predominant Pitta is manifested in disorders and diseases of the skin, blood, sweat glands, eyes, small intestine, stomach, adipose tissue.

Ways to improve Pitta

He knows the ways by which he can effectively heal Pitta without serious efforts and methods that are natural for the human body:

  • When Pitta is excited, a person becomes too mobile and easily loses emotional balance . Therefore, depressants, nutritional and drying elements are indicated.
  • Many diseases that develop due to an excessive increase in Pitta have a relationship with blood (rakt). Ayurveda uses special means aimed at its treatment.
  • Often, excited Pitta is accompanied by disturbances in the functioning of the stomach and intestines, therefore, cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract is indicated. For this, funds based on laxatives and fortifying herbs are used. When sweating, astringent herbal preparations are used, with constipation - cooling, indigestion or accumulation of toxins - acute, with a lack of agni (Fire) - bitter.
  • A separate scheme is being developed, including certain foods, drinks and spices.
  • Ayurveda has knowledge of the healing power of stones and metals. For Pitta Prakriti, you can choose jewelry made of copper or platinum with emerald, pearls, turquoise, sapphire. .

Still the main task is to cool the hot Pitta, eliminate its excessive ardor. Then it will come to equilibrium and the person will cease to suffer from diseases and disorders caused by the predominance of this dosha.

Proper nutrition for people like Pitt

For Pitta dosha, several thousand years ago, she offered a special diet based on the characteristics that this vital energy possesses:

  1. Starving people like Pitt Prakriti . Digestive juices begin to be actively produced at midnight and noon, so they need to eat well throughout the day. This is facilitated by excellent appetite, a pronounced feeling of hunger with a prolonged lack of food and an excellent digestion process.
  2. Eat moderately nutritious, oily, bitter, and sweet foods. Drinks are worth cool drinks, strong coffee is not worth drinking.
  3. You need to form the right eating habits.. The following should be discarded in the diet:
  • overcooked and excessively fatty;
  • too cold and too hot;
  • hot spices;
  • yeast bread;
  • kefir and other fermentation products;
  • spirits;
  • alkaline and acidic mineral water.
  1. Salty and bitter are used moderately.
  2. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of warm milk with cinnamon and turmeric.

Since starvation is not possible for people of this type, fasting days based on raw fruits and vegetables can be arranged.

Pitta dosha loves activity, so such people should definitely send an excess of energy to engage in any kind of sport (athletics, tennis, mountain climbing, etc.).

After training to balance the dosha, arrange aromatherapy, inhaling the smells of vanilla, jasmine, cinnamon, sandalwood, rose, violet, bitter orange in a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere.

We begin to describe in detail the types of doshas! Today, food is for the Pitta dosha. And soon testing is waiting for you, having passed which you can easily determine what type of dosha is yours!

Pitta means fire. People of this type need to avoid hot, spicy and fried foods in order to tame their heat, ardor and expansion.

With increasing Pitta levels, you need to pay all your attention to nutrition and diet. Next, you need to follow the simple, proven and millennial recommendations that Ayurveda has gathered. The diet for Pitta Doshi includes those foods that have a sweet, tart and bitter taste, as well as with the addition of olive or coconut oil. Those people who are dominated by Pitta Dosha are very helpful to eat the following vegetables: cauliflower and white cabbage, asparagus, cucumbers, carrots. It is necessary to exclude from the diet such food that has sour, spicy or even salty tastes. Too hot dishes and dry food should also be avoided. For people with a predominance of Pitt Doshi it will be useful to eat ice cream.

Pitta people have a wonderful, sometimes just crazy appetite. If breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack or dinner is excluded from the diet of Pitta Doshi's people, then Pitta will begin to show irritability and often aggression. Such people need to immediately satisfy their hunger as soon as this unpleasant feeling for them worsens. Pitta's body can often experience unpleasant disorders such as heartburn, stomach pain, nausea, and burning. It causes all this feeling of hunger, which entails eating oily and spicy foods in very large quantities. Alcohol, by the way, also has a very negative effect on Pitta's health. Pitt Dosh people can not tolerate even a short fastwhat can we say about when it stretches for a long period of important link.

Ayurveda advises to lower the consumption of foods that are spicy or sour, and turn your eyes to the sweet and bitter. Food, in turn, should not be too dry or too oily, overcooked. Do not abuse sour-milk products and carbonated drinks. Once again it is worth recalling about alcohol, it is very harmful. Warm herbal drinks and ginger teas can help digestion. You can consume these drinks with and after meals. Drink calmly and in small sips. Of fruits, you must consume all juicy, sweet and tart. It is not recommended to abuse citrus fruits, as they have a good warming property. Do not forget about green vegetables, as Pitta tolerates a raw food diet very well.

To summarize, making a specific list of recommended products for Pitt Doshi.

  • Fruits: coconut, melon, moderate sweet oranges, plums, pineapples, cherries, mangoes, grapes, pomegranates;
  • Dairy products: butter, ghee (in small quantities), milk;
  • Proteins: white meat: chicken, pheasant and turkey;
  • Vegetables: cauliflower and white cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, rhubarb, asparagus, celery, green salads;
  • Cereals: barley, white rice, wheat and oats;
  • Seasonings such as turmeric, cinnamon, fennel seeds and cardamom can not be used often and in small quantities, since these substances can increase the “fire” in the body of Doshi.
  • Cereals: corn, almonds, brown rice;
  • Dairy products: yogurt, sour cream, kefir, egg yolks;
  • Meat: fish, seafood, red meat;
  • Other: olives and honey.

All of these products are contraindicated in Ayurveda, as they are able to increase the anger and aggression inherent in Pitt Doshi. Pitta’s stomach can digest animal food, but its consumption should be reduced, since this type of food pollutes the blood, strengthens negative qualities. Namely: aggression, a tendency to violence, despotism, a negative mood and a desire to break into one of the closest. Nuts and other non-recommended cereals are hot and too oily, can increase this dosha.

You can display everything as a percentage by dividing the food into some categories:

  • 10% of the diet should be given to fresh and healthy fruits for this Dosha;
  • 30% fresh vegetables;
  • 30% beneficial proteins;
  • 30% carbohydrates.

We get 100% correct and healthy nutrition for Pitt Doshi.

Pitt Dosh's Health Issues

If the dosha is not in the right balance, then the person begins to experience various ailments. For example, blood diseases, gastritis appear, and with it heartburn, nausea, and vomiting.  There are problems with the gall bladder and liver. An allergy to dust, citrus fruits, some types of herbs, etc. can occur. The body can be affected by the following diseases: hemorrhoids, jaundice, skin rash, colitis, gastritis, dermatitis, urticaria, hypertension, stomatitis, heartburn, vomiting, burning, ringing ears.

To avoid all this, it is worth following all the recommendations given above and keeping the dosha in balance.

Dishes and recipes

As a small addition to this article, here are some delicious vegetable recipes that are ideal for Doshi Pitt.

A tasty and healthy dish of passivated vegetables

Includes: You need to take 2 medium or large carrots, 2 zucchini, several cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon of oregano, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, a handful of grated Parmesan cheese, a handful of crackers, very little salt and pepper.

Cooking method: Carrots and zucchini need to be cut into small slices or pieces. Fry the garlic in a pan in olive oil. Add the vegetables to the garlic and simmer them for 5 minutes over medium heat. Then add oregano, crackers, a pinch of salt and pepper to the vegetables. Mix. Serve with grated cheese.

Vegetable soup

Includes: 60 grams of basmati rice, about 1.5 liters of pure water, 100 grams of green vegetables - beans, peppers and other things. 50 grams of celery, carrots, fennel bulbs. Seeds of fennel, caraway seeds, coriander, cilantro and salt.

Recipe next: Rice must be washed thoroughly until the water boils in a saucepan. After adding rice, vegetables, cumin, coriander and fennel to boiling water, mix. Cook over low heat for about an hour and a half. Add salt to the soup and crush it all until mashed. Serve decorated with cilantro. Soup can be eaten both warm and at room temperature. It is worth noting the useful, cleansing effects that this dish has.

Enjoy your meal!