On the personal strength of man. Why is vital energy needed? The inner strength of man

Today, I will share with you observations on such an important phenomenon as the inner strength of man. In this article, you can feel what it is, where it comes from, why many people lack it, and what can be done to ensure that this force has always been enough. There will also be one example from life.

Why internal strength is needed

To understand this, try to imagine the following situations:

  • not enough external resources to continue your journey
  • circumstances are unsuccessful
  • you are at the start and you have no past merits
  • they told you that there is no reason for success, but you see them
  • you see the right way, but no result yet

Often, under these circumstances, one thing remains - to act. No matter what. Serious long work is ahead, and the only thing you should count on in such circumstances is your inner strength, so it should be more than enough.

What is the inner strength of man

Many people have their own ideas about this phenomenon, and they differ from the ideas of other people. Some believe that internal strength is the ability to influence other people, control them, others believe that it is the ability to endure mental pain in life. Some believe that this is the ability to defend their point of view, opinions do not end there, so I will not list all and will immediately get down to business.

An internal force is a combination of energies that a person possesses, supported by his ability to control them.

Where does the inner strength of man come from.

Obviously, it just doesn’t appear out of thin air, and if it does, it’s not just like that. Consider what kind of energy creates this force, each of these factors is important.

  1. Vital energy.  Everything is simple here, these are the very forces that we need for life, which we receive through such different sources as respiration, digestion, movement, and so on.
  2. Willpower.  It characterizes the level of power of self-control, and the ability to act on the basis of one’s own choice. An increase in this force occurs naturally, by increasing the level of self-control. ()
  3. Strength of mind. This is a kind of internal force, which at the same time is external. It is difficult to describe, since it is energy of a different level, but it can and should be learned to feel as much as possible.
  4. Psychic energy.In other words, this is our attention, and the more free attention we have, the easier it is for us to focus our efforts on solving the necessary problems. ()
  5. Self control.  This is the very ability to control your basic energies, that is, to distribute life forces, control will, desires, attention, and interact with spirit power.

That as far as a person can develop and control these energies, and determines the parameters of his inner strength, all this, of course, can and should be developed.

So that the article does not turn out too long, in it we will consider the first point, namely vital energy, and about the other three you can read the links above.

Why many lack life energy

Anyone who encounters this should first find the reason  of this.

Usually, the reasons are commonplace, either a lack of energy from sources, or an imbalance in the flow of these forces. It can also be just a leak when something constantly torments and disturbs. Well, the most unpleasant thing that can happen is the combination of all these factors. If a person copes with the interweaving of these factors, then he becomes stronger, otherwise it can cause illness or disorder.

Example from own life

In order to make it clear, I will give an example from my life, whoever was engaged in any kind of business would understand. Once, I tried to get out of a difficult situation, but I did not succeed. As a result, I owed money to many friends, I had a loan in the bank, I had to sleep little, eat little and work hard to pay rent, debts and meals. I tried to get out, but my income was not enough to pay off everything. The girl I met, of course, ended the relationship with me.

This period lasted more than a year. I felt then a shortage of vital energy, since I received little of it through nutrition, through sleep, and through the emotions of love relationships. Plus there were big leaks for various anxieties, including anxieties about personal life, especially about where to live, what is and what decisions to make. But at that moment I was already worked out enough, and therefore I felt quite harmonious inside, this was quite enough to remove anxiety in case of occurrence, to remain calm, and to continue to solve the tasks that lay before me. Outwardly, everything was also without any changes, except that I lost a lot of weight, but I knew that only by maintaining positive emotions and remaining calm inside, you can gradually change the situation for the better.

At that time, I did not just get out, I managed to achieve even greater success than ever before, but I did not even suspect what serious blows awaited me ahead. Now I understand that this was only a rehearsal, and it is worth considering that if you are an active person with high goals, in whose life periods of increased risk are possible, then you should be prepared for any turns, and for this you need to have enough internal strength.

What you need to increase vitality

It is necessary not only to monitor their proper balance, but also to constantly develop the ability to control our thoughts, because it is with our thoughts that we attach our energy to other thoughts that form programs that create leaks. Need to necessarily  get rid of unnatural waste of energy, which include bad habits, and fears.

It is also necessary to always keep track of where the force goes naturally, and try to make sure that it does not go completely. If the type of activity involves large energy costs, then you need to provide yourself with full recovery, a healthy diet, and good rest. I’m not talking about an overabundance, of a certain, certain quality, I mean a small, total amount of free energy, that is, the presence of not busy attention, free time, thanks to which you can engage in introspection and improve the quality of your thinking in general. The fact is that this free energy, after a certain accumulation, can in itself be a force within a person, and with the ability to control his thoughts, a person will be able to control this force. As a result, it turns out that when such a reserve exists, then this force emanates from a person, and many people around him feel, or even realize it.

At this stage, the snowball effect is triggered, when a person feels this power, his ability to think more clearly increases, accordingly he increases the ability of self-control, this leads to a greater increase in strength, and so on. That is why, having embarked on the path of self-development, a person usually continues throughout his life.

That's all, if you work on yourself correctly, then the inner strength of a person, like his life energy, will always be at a sufficient level.

It is not only its protection, but also a way to find happiness, joy, the meaning of life.

Why does one always succeed in carrying out his plan, while the other has many obstacles? Someone finds a lot of reasons to abandon their plans, someone begins to act, and then quits the lesson, finding a lot of excuses. But there are also people who, having conceived something, bring it to the end.

Human strength is an important condition for the successful implementation and completion of goals. If it is available, any undertakings will become successful, otherwise there will always be some obstacles.

The lack of vitality is reflected in the quality of our life, and neither water nor food can make up for it. The vitality of man, which is the aggregate of nervous and contribute to our harmonious development and existence.

What forces do people need?

Physical strength is very important for any undertakings. A healthy working person can do a lot.

How to develop physical strength

This will help classes in any sport. The main thing is that the loads are regular. In addition, proper nutrition is necessary.

It is proved that the power of faith can have a specific physiological effect on a person. For example, when tablets that do not contain any active substances act better than real medicines due to a person’s confidence in their healing properties. The mind, waiting for healing, initiates physiological processes that help restore health.

What our thoughts are capable of

According to many modern researchers, human thought is a material phenomenon - energy. It is proved that at the time of strong emotions, the thoughts that come to our heads eject fluctuations into the surrounding space that can affect the course of events. That is, with a strong desire there is a chance that the plan will come true. And for a greater effect, you must learn to use the power of thought, visualizing what is desired.

How does the power of thought

Thoughts that are constantly present in the head of a person become his beliefs, which, forming internal images in our brain, thereby materialize objects of dreams.

Thought can bring not only benefit, but also harm. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to control your thoughts and not wish evil to others. The power of thought of a person, punishing the offender, can return to the owner with the opposite effect.

We can attract not only the good. For example, you just have to think about doubts about yourself, and this immediately undermines our faith in ourselves, we step back. Unfortunately, a person is more likely to believe negative thoughts. Therefore, it is not worth it to focus on them; this may alienate us from the intended goal.

Where do our forces flow?

Unfortunately, we waste a lot of vitality. The strength of a person, his energy goes into outbreaks of both negative and depression, self-flagellation, criticism of both others and himself.

No less energy is spent on unnecessary chatter. Not for nothing, after heated debate, we feel exhausted. In addition, endless internal dialogues are a waste of energy.

Muscle clamps that arise from a sedentary lifestyle, heavy loads interfere with motor energy. Removing body clamps, we act on the psyche, harmonizing it.

How can I make up for lost strength?

The most effective remedy is a full sleep, as well as various types of massage and thermal procedures. It cleanses internally and externally: toxins are eliminated, fatigue is relieved, an energy charge appears.

In addition to rest, the body needs rest for the soul, which will bring peace and harmony. This is facilitated by music, dancing, walking, art. Travel and new experiences are very useful. It is important to remember what brings you pleasure and pleases, and turn to it more often. A person who lives in full force, is engaged in something that requires knowledge and skills, feels joy.

In addition, you must try to identify the sources of fatigue and realize your own level of satisfaction with life. Most often, a lack of internal strength causes mental stress and resistance.

To gain strength, you need to make an effort and spend a lot of time. Do not think that this will happen immediately, you need to work on yourself all your life.

On the personal strength of man. Why is vital energy needed?

In time immemorial, negligent students were whipped with rods. And the Radivs (that is, those seeking knowledge of the light) were encouraged. It happens in life. If a person is a negligent student and does not want to take life lessons, then life puts his hard hand to his soft spot and thus raises his Kundalini so that his head can better think. People say: “Roasted rooster pecked ...” Well, if a person is ready to learn, ready to receive knowledge and change, then life gently guides with the same palm, leads by the hand or even gives.
There are two ways to improve: through suffering and through knowledge.  One is related to violence, and the other to good.
There are two ways: the path of avoidance and the path of knowledge, creation.  I like the second way more.
  The word "ST-RA-GIVE" means stopping RA. Suffering does not teach a new thing, does not teach how to behave properly. It only makes it possible to avoid the old. The path of knowledge provides an opportunity to change your life.
Gaining personal power
  Why are some people, having become ill with some even insignificant disease, unable to recover and die? And some patients with the so-called "incurable" diseases find strength in themselves and recover? Why do some people quickly and easily realize their intentions, while others take years to realize wishes? These and similar questions I asked myself repeatedly.
From my previous books, readers know that a person creates all the diseases and problems for himself. We even know where to look for the causes of our ailments and how to work on ourselves. But to complete any work (including changing one's character), one needs Strength. One desire is not enough. And this is not about the physical strength with which we are used to dealing, but about the Personal Strength of a person, his life energy. Our ancestors called her the Living Mother, the Living Goddess or simply Living.

Alive is the energy of Life, a person’s ability to live in this world.  She has several more names in different traditions: Zhi, Prana, Qi, Ki, Chi. It comes into our body with breathing and not only stimulates our body to life. It manifests itself in the body of any living creature, thanks to it we live, and it leaves our body after death. If a person has a lot of Alive, then he looks very good. He has clean and supple skin. He is energetic and can do many things.
  Which apple do you prefer? The one that was just ripped from the tree, or that lay all winter in the basement? The answer is obvious. But why would you make such a choice? Yes, because the first apple has a lot of vital energy.
  Each product is filled to one degree or another with vital energy. If the product has a lot of Alive, then we want to eat it. If we like the taste of the product or its smell, then the nature of this product suits us.

Why does an apple lose its Live over time?
  Any product after a certain period of time decomposes. Alive leaves him, passing into other forms of life (for example, fungi, bacteria). Of course, by drying, freezing or canning, this process can be slowed down. But in the end, it is inevitable, since everything has its own time and place.
  Yesterday I planted trees and shrubs in my area. Planted apples and pears, plums and almonds, quinces and many other plants. After a few years, they will delight me and my whole family with delicious and juicy fruits. These fruits will give me their Live. In addition, each plant has its own character, and this determines their different taste.

If the fruit is torn from a tree, then it gradually loses its I live. Since it loses touch with the plant, which nourished it with energy. So a person, divorced from his Family, forgetting his ancestors, language and traditions, gradually loses the ability to live. It is the Family Tree that gives a person the necessary energy for his growth and development.
The race gives a person as much energy as needed to fulfill his mission, his mission in life. This is the energy of Divine Love. It is concentrated in the human heart and is consumed in the process of life. This is NZ human. His untouchable supply of Love. From here it becomes clear why some people flee from life transiently. On the one hand, their supply of vital energy is small, which is connected with the power of piety accumulated by the race and their past incarnations, and on the other hand, they perform actions incompatible with life. Their heart and soul are overflowing with aggression towards themselves, towards people and to the world around them. And on the contrary, a person who did not allow destructive feelings and emotions into his soul, who has kept in his heart Love for God, for people, for everything that exists in this world, will always be healthy and full of strength.
  On this occasion, in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas there are wonderful words of the sorcerer Velimudra: “Do not let the wrath of the unrighteous enter your gracious heart, for anger will destroy all goodness and ruin your pure heart.”
  There is another kind of vital energy. It is concentrated in the seeds of plants, animals and humans. And gives rise to a new life. This energy can be replenished. The more carefully we treat this energy, the slower the untouchable reserve is spent, the more vitality we have.
Why am I describing all this in such detail?
  The fact is that there are such factors in our life that accelerate the expenditure of vital energy, and there are those that save it, replenish or even increase it. Therefore, the use of one's life force must be taken very seriously.
  I have already said that in order to make the transition from the old model of consciousness to the new, energy is needed. But in the process of working with people, I found that some people do not have enough personal strength to change their character, their thoughts. And some do not even have the strength to listen and hear, not to mention serious changes in life. Skepticism and distrust and even extreme rejection are actually caused by the deficiency of Alive.

But where to get strength and how to spend it?
It is important how we live and what we live for. What are our relations with people, with Nature, with the Cosmos. Inevitably, the world around us has an effect on us, and we on it. There are many different energies in the Universe, and it is very important how we interact with them. I already wrote that there are no bad or good energies. There are simply different energies, and each of them has its own characteristics. There are also no bad or good people. There are different people. And each has its own character. You need to learn how to properly interact with both people and the forces of Nature. As our ancestors said, to live according to the Law, that is, according to the Truth. Then we will stop wasting energy for nothing. Our life will improve, and we will become healthy and full of strength.
  Strength depends on the knowledge you possess. Owning means using it in your life. That is, this knowledge should be practical.
  Personal power does not come to a person just like that. She comes as a result of focused work on herself. When a person leads a disciplined life. When he refuses self-importance, pride. Only then can he possess the power of Life to the fullest. The Life Force controls us, but we can influence it with our thoughts and intentions. And if a person is illegible in desires, leads an aimless life, feels himself an unhappy victim of circumstances, then he simply becomes a ballast in this world. You need to handle life energy very carefully, carefully and carefully, as it can harm, and can make a great gift.
  Alive cannot belong to anyone. When we talk about personal strength, we are talking about a person’s special ability to save and accumulate it, redistribute it and direct it to one or another business.
  But you need to build up your personal strength gradually, step by step. And it helps to make this taking responsibility for your world, for your life. Only a sense of responsibility can make a person strong. At some point, a person will be able to feel that he already has a sufficient amount of Alive, and then direct it to what is needed. To achieve your goals. But even achieving goals, if you act responsibly and purposefully, with full awareness, also gives strength.

When we want to be healthy or achieve other goals in life, we must have a certain amount of personal strength. In fact, our personal strength helps us achieve what we want, that is, fulfills our desires. If we have a lot of personal strength, then our desires are realized without problems, easily and without delay. But if we led a disordered life, scattered energy to the right and left, then at the right time we become powerless.

I often had to deal with this in my medical practice. A person comes to the reception with a minor problem, and it takes a lot of effort to help him.
  Usually such a person asks: “Can I help you? What guarantees do you give? Have there been any cases of healing with such diseases in your practice? ”Why does he ask such questions? Yes, because his personal strength for healing is not enough, he wants to borrow it from someone. He waits for him to be given guarantees, that is, they will take responsibility for his healing.

But this is a different situation. A person with a severe degree of oncology comes to the reception. The skin is icteric, all dry. But he is ready to go to the end. There is determination in his gaze, he is ready to act. He is ready to do whatever they say. If they say that you need to drink urine, he will drink; if they say that you need to dab with manure, he will do it. If they say that you need to work on yourself, change your character, he will do it selflessly. And after a week or two, after a month he comes already a different person. Not only internally, but also externally. Together with resentment and pity, jaundice goes away, he gains weight, the disease recedes. Working on himself, a person accumulates personal strength, and it gives him the opportunity to live. He begins to live consciously and responsibly. And Alive returns to man, as he declared the seriousness of his intentions to live in this world.