National Lithuanian cuisine: features, best recipes and reviews. Lithuanian cuisine: delicious and simple desserts Lithuanian national dishes recipes

To plunge into the cultural life and appreciate the food in Lithuania, even a week is not enough for someone, and one weekend is enough for someone. The main thing is to know what to try, which you will not find anywhere else, except in Lithuania, in order to fully appreciate its diversity and originality.

Lithuania. Photo:

A traveler who comes to Lithuania will first of all note the romantic view of small houses with red roofs, neatly trimmed lawns, clean streets and ... the famous Lithuanian beer.

Beer in Lithuania

Beer Svyturys (Svyturys), Vilnius Alus (Vilniaus alus), Utenos (Utenos) are the most famous.

IN Lately widespread beer tourism. Bars are on every corner, and beer prices are affordable: a couple of dollars for a glass. Even soup is made from beer in Lithuania.

This is the famous Busi trecias (You will be the third) brewery, which is also a restaurant, located in the central region of Vilnius. It even offers guided tours.

Beer restaurant-brewery Busi trecias in Lithuania. Photo:

Something, but there are a lot of beer restaurants in Lithuania. And you can drink beer and food is sold. Why not Ray? 🙂

Gastronomic history of Lithuania

Undoubtedly, Lithuanian cuisine has undergone great changes since the 14th century. Historically, until the 19th century, there was a cuisine for rich people, for the gentry and nobles - Old Litovskaya cuisine. Starolitovskaya cuisine depended on hunting and beekeeping. Meat (bear meat, elk, venison), honey, fish (pike) are the main components of Lithuanian cuisine. Until now, Lithuanian culinary specialists do not forget such dishes as pike with sour cabbage and pike with horseradish.

From the middle of the 19th century, the history of the Old Litovian cuisine was interrupted. Since the very estate for which this very kitchen was created disappeared along with the state. The so-called peasant cuisine or Novolitovskaya cuisine began to exist, which will develop into national Lithuanian cuisine.

There was a mixture with the traditions of the cuisine of the Crimea, the Ottoman Empire. Preserved salting and smoking of game, the use of honey. But, unfortunately, the peasants could not afford much. Wealthy peasants ate rye bread, potatoes, poultry. Smoking and cooking sausages were common. Various soups, borscht, cottage cheese, maple and birch sap, pancakes. Brewed beer from hops, barley malt. The poor peasants were content with potatoes and milk.

Food in Lithuania

Lithuania is divided into 4 culinary and ethnographic regions: the main dishes of the Samogitians are porridges, the Aukstaitians have cottage cheese and pancakes, the Dzukians have potatoes, mushrooms and buckwheat porridge, the Suvaltians have smoked meat, potato sausage.

But undoubtedly the main product for everyone is potatoes, and the most famous Lithuanian potato dish is zeppelins.

Lithuanian dish - Zeppellins. Photo:

Zeppelins have meat inside, they are usually poured with sour cream on top. The second name of this dish is didjkukulyai.

Lithuanian borscht

Soups and borsch will feed you every Lithuanian. The recipe for Starolithian borscht, according to the Lithuanians themselves, came to us from those distant times when the Starolithian cuisine existed. Usually put several meat products: smoked lard, ham, beef.

Starolitovsky Borsch. Photo:

Meat, poultry, fish

Of the meat dishes, kumpis (pork ham) is popular. Kumpis is prepared in a variety of ways. different ways: stuffed, boiled.

Lithuanian dish - Kumpis (pork ham). Photo:

And also meat zrazy, which is usually prepared from beef. This dish is originally Polish, but Lithuanians cook it only in a pot, not in a frying pan like the Poles. There is a form of chops or cutlets. Served with sour cream, vegetables and herbs.

Lithuanian symbols. Photo:

The favorite bird of Lithuanians is the goose. The goose is stuffed with a variety of fillings: porridge with mushrooms (kimshta zhasis), apples (jasis su obuolais), sauerkraut (jasis su copustais). The goose usually appears on the table for the holidays, and it is cooked not in its own fat, but on pork.

Lithuanian dish - Roast goose with apples (Zhasis su obuoliais). Photo:

In the past, fish was the main product of the peasants who lived on the seaside. True, the peasants for the most part bred carps as one of the most unpretentious fish. Pike (Lideka) is popular in modern Lithuanian fish cuisine. It is also fried, mainly in lard, stuffed.

Lithuanian ludo - stuffed pike. Photo:


Lithuanian dairy products are famous in half of Europe. It is their quality, taste and unthinkable variety that are valued. For example, curd cheese is prepared using several technologies, there is just curd cheese, and there is dried curd cheese. Sweet ingredients or various spices are added to the cheese.

Lithuanian cheese. Photo:


Tourists like to take sweets with them as a souvenir. Cakes, cookies, jelly, and, of course, the traditional Lithuanian šakotis cake (also known as bankuhen or rogach), which can be found in any Lithuanian confectionery. To prepare shakotis, flour, eggs and sugar are mixed, and cooked with a stick, rotating it and pouring the resulting mixture on it. In this form, shakotis can be stored for up to six months.

Lithuanian national cake - Shakotis (bankuhen). Photo:


Lemonades, kvass, coffee, tea, honey, beer are popular among drinks. They drink caraway water - a decoction of caraway seeds. Kvass is prepared on the basis of rye crackers and malt with various additives (herbs, leaves, honey, raisins). Alcohol is made from natural ingredients: various balms, liqueurs, liqueurs.

Ancient Lithuanian honey liqueur - Krupnikas. Photo:

Recently, Lithuanians have been drinking more coffee, sitting in coffee shops. And from teas, herbal teas from herbs, berries and lemon are preferred.

Lithuanians are hospitable people. When you come to visit, you will see many dishes of national Lithuanian cuisine: zeppelins, potato pancakes, borscht, sweets, and, of course, beer.

And since the 60s, more and more restaurateurs decorate their premises in the national style. Therefore, having arrived in Lithuania, it is not difficult to immediately plunge into the national flavor of this country.

Bon appetit!

A small, moderately modest and simply charming Baltic country, Lithuania attracts those travelers who prefer to relax in medical resorts in an area with mild climatic conditions. In addition to historical and cultural values, humane prices and beautiful sandy beaches, tourists note the attractiveness of Lithuanian cuisine. It does not require a certain rebuilding, as is often the case when traveling to other states. Local dishes are not distinguished by extremeness and complexity of preparation, the main thing is to study the gastronomic diversity in advance in order to know what is worth trying first of all, which you will not find in other parts of the world.

History of Lithuanian cuisine

Until the middle of the 19th century, Lithuanian cuisine developed according to the Old Litovian recipe. It was aimed at the wealthy Lithuanian class, given the preference of the gentry and nobles. At that moment, the Baltic country determined the culinary fashion of Europe, which could not but affect the peculiarities of cooking. Interestingly, Lithuania is the founder of the tradition of serving snacks.
The main feature of the Old Litovian cuisine was the sophistication of the treats served with a complex cooking procedure. Since it was based on hunting, on the table you could always find bear meat, venison, bull stuffed with game, smoked eel with minced mushrooms, pike under horseradish. Another basis for Lithuanian dishes was beekeeping.
It was not possible to imagine a table without honey in those days. Not a single festival was complete without honey gingerbread or honey mash. Many ingredients in Lithuanian cuisine came from the Ottoman Empire and the Golden Horde. The cabbage rolls that are now familiar were previously prepared using grape leaves, that is, as oriental dolma. Mousak became the prototype of many fish dishes.
The collapse of the Commonwealth gradually replaced the Old Lithuanian cuisine, because along with the disappearance of the state, the noble class also disappeared. Recipes have become simpler, products are simpler. Peasant traditions laid the foundation for Novolitovskaya cuisine, which later became an existing national trend. Potatoes, dairy products, poultry and Rye bread.
Peasants cooked borscht, fried pancakes, cooked sausages, smoked fish. From hops and malt, beer was brewed, which later became one of the hallmarks of the national cuisine. The Novolitovskaya recipe practically excludes spices from everyday life. The main representatives of spices in it are only cumin and marjoram. The dishes of that time were characterized by the influence of seasonal changes: vegetables and fish, especially herring, were eaten in summer, and livestock were slaughtered in winter.
Traditional spring drinks were maple and birch sap. Cooking in the country also depended on zoning. In Dzukija, potatoes, mushrooms and buckwheat were the main dishes of the table, in Samogitia - cereal porridge served with sour milk and lard, fatty potato pancakes. In Aukštaitija, preference is given to pancakes, cottage cheese and curd cheeses, while in Suvalysia, smoked meat and fish food is popular.

Dishes and recipes of Lithuanian cuisine

There is more meat and fish, dairy products and confectionery on the modern Lithuanian table. Tea and coffee drinks, various fruits came into use. Unlike other Baltic countries, which take seafood as the basis for cooking, local recipes are characterized by greater belonging to forest gifts - berries, mushrooms, game, honey.
The national features of Lithuanian cuisine, which have already become widely known outside the state, can be distinguished as follows:
- Ease of cooking. Recipes are not distinguished by intricacy, a variety of food combinations. Even a novice cook can easily prepare them.
- a lot of dishes using starch. Since, according to the historically established tradition, the main product of the country is potatoes, most of the dishes contain it. Also, the starch content is present in Lithuanian recipes due to cereals and flour products.
- Meat dishes are widespread. Pork is the favorite meat of the locals. Pies made from carcasses of animals and birds are also popular.
- Lithuanians consume a large number of dairy dishes, among which cheese and sour cream stand out.
- a small amount of seasonings in traditional recipes. Thanks to this, Lithuanian cuisine is good for everyone, even children's stomachs.

First meal

A significant place in the national cuisine is given to soups, and they are very diverse here. Every Lithuanian will feed you hot, sweet or cold soup. By the way, this is a very hospitable nation; an excellent table will always be laid for guests here. The famous dish served for lunch is cold borscht, in the local dialect it is called Šaltibarščiai. In other words, this is our traditional beetroot, but it is prepared using kefir. Boiled beets are cut into strips and together with green onions and boiled egg is mixed in lightly salted kefir. Traditionally, this simple dish is accompanied by boiled potatoes sprinkled with dill and parsley.
Of the hot soups, borscht with "ears" is the most popular. He prepares himself plainly - beef is boiled, to which beets, sautéed onions, bay leaves, black pepper, and sometimes mushrooms are added. The recipe for ears is much more interesting. Dough and minced meat are prepared separately for them. The dough is the simplest - wheat flour with water, salt and half a raw egg. Minced meat can be made the most diverse: mushrooms with eggs and herbs, beef pulp with onions and mushrooms, beef meat with eggs and dill. Naturally, all dishes for minced meat are pre-boiled. Then they are cut into small pieces or twisted in a meat grinder. Next, squares are cut out of the dough, in the middle of which the minced meat lies. The dough is wrapped in triangles and ready-made "ears" are sent to fry in oil. When they are reddened on both sides, they are added to the finished borscht. This a traditional dish very satisfying and tasty.
Tsybulina fish soup is interesting for its preparation. Its basis is the herring beloved by Lithuanians. The fish is cleaned of the insides, only milk or caviar is left, then it is baked in the oven. When ready, the fish is freed from the bones, finely cut or ground through a sieve. Minced fish is poured with boiled water and onions, greens, lemon juice are added there. This unusual soup is served with sour cream.
In general, meat soups in Lithuania are usually cooked on beef broth. For example, in rice soup, although chicken meat is used, the broth is pre-cooked on beef bones. These bones are also used for soups with sorrel, lemon, and bread. In Lithuanian residents, smoked meats or loin are especially held in high esteem. An elite first dish is borscht with loin. First, smoked meat broth is boiled, where carrots, cabbage, onions and, of course, beets are added. All vegetables, except cabbage, should be sautéed beforehand. Cabbage is put there sauerkraut. This borscht is also traditionally served with boiled potatoes with sour cream.
In the Republic of Lithuania, a delicious dried fruit soup is also prepared. Its ingredients, in addition to dried fruits, are also raisins and dried bread. The latter is poured with boiling water until it softens, after which the bread crumb is rubbed through a sieve. Dried fruits with raisins are boiled, then they are mixed with bread, sour cream and sugar right in the juice that was obtained after their preparation. This unusual soup is especially loved by children.
Lithuanian skrilai is a dough made from flour, egg and water, cut and boiled into strips. It is an addition to soups, especially to the first course of veal. Boiled skrilai, carrots, bay leaves and herbs, sour cream and a slice are added to the veal broth. butter. All this is mixed and served on the table. Skrill soup is very hearty due to the pieces of dough, and the meat of a young calf gives it an exquisite taste.

Main dishes

The leading place among the ingredients for Lithuanian second courses, of course, belongs to the potato. What is not done with this vegetable in the cuisines of the country. Pancakes, zrazy are fried from it, potato grandmothers are cooked and served as an addition to soups. But the first place is still worth designating meat. It is given special importance - meat dishes here are distinguished by diversity and uniqueness.
The national meat dish is kumpis - stuffed pork ham. Outside the country, it is often called Lithuanian boiled pork. Pork is washed, wiped and stuffed with garlic, onions and herbs, after which the meat is wrapped in foil and left. It is better to do this in the evening so that the stuffed ham marinates until the morning. In the morning it is taken out of foil and baked in the oven or on coals. Kumpis is a frequent guest at festive feasts.
For many, when mentioning Lithuanian cuisine, the first association is zeppelins - this dish is so tasty that it never gets bored, and the skill of the best chefs in the country is estimated by the ability to cook it. The name is also interesting - it comes from the name of Ferdinand Zeppellin, who is considered the discoverer of airships. Finished zeppelins really look like this one balloon. To visit Lithuania and not try this dish can be regarded as a crime against oneself. That's how unique and famous it is!
In general, this is one of the few dishes in Lithuania, which is quite difficult to cook. Housewives even attend cooking classes to learn how to make it right. You need to cook zeppelins strictly according to the recipe, which is a whole work of art. First of all, potatoes are washed, a third of which is boiled in their uniforms, the rest is peeled. Next, mix pork and ground beef in equal proportions. For those who do not like pork, it can be replaced with turkey meat. Porcini mushrooms are added to the minced meat, which were previously finely chopped and fried with onions in a pan.
The most interesting thing happens with potatoes. The part of the vegetables that has been peeled is grated and squeezed. So that the potatoes do not turn black, they are seasoned with lemon juice. The liquid that remains after squeezing is not poured out, but stands until the starch comes out of it. Since only he is needed, the liquid is carefully drained so that the starch remains at the bottom of the bowl. Jacket-boiled potatoes are also grated and mixed with raw potatoes. Starch is added to this mixture, which is now the dough.
Small cakes are made from the dough, in which the minced meat is wrapped. finished product you need to give a slightly elongated shape of the airship. After that, small "airships" are lowered into boiling water and boiled after surfacing for another 15 minutes. Amazing in their taste, zeppelins are served everywhere - in snack bars, small cafes and restaurants. They decorate both everyday and festive tables. They are usually drizzled with a sauce of smoked brisket and sour cream before serving.
Stuffed cabbage rolls are also a favorite dish of Lithuanians - meat cutlets wrapped in cabbage leaves. Minced meat for the filling is made from pork, fried mushrooms and pearl barley. It is noteworthy that the latter is first fried in lard, and only then added to the minced meat. Locals prepare cabbage rolls in two ways. The first most common in all countries, in which minced meat is wrapped in cabbage and stewed. The second one is a little more interesting. The head of cabbage is cut into 4 parts and each piece is blanched. As the vegetable is ready, the minced meat is spread between the cabbage leaves. It is worth noting that locals usually add marjoram to this dish.
Despite some unpresentable appearance, such a dish as potato grandmother, or kugelis, is also common in Lithuania. Its recipe is very similar to the process of cooking a regular casserole. The main difference is that a real Lithuanian babka is made from a mixture of raw and boiled potatoes. And then the culinary technology is simple. Pork is cut into small pieces and fried. Then it is laid out on a baking sheet and covered with grated raw and boiled potatoes. Mushrooms can be added to meat.
The goose enjoys special honor among the poultry meat among the Lithuanians. It is prepared in a variety of ways and is usually served at a festive feast. Kimshta zhasis is a goose stuffed with porridge with mushrooms. This cooking method is the most common. In addition, the goose is stuffed with apples, cabbage, smoked brisket, liver and other fillings. It is usually seasoned with marjoram and cumin. If it is made with apples, then 7-8 large apples are usually taken for the filling. Fried poultry in pork fat. Meat and lard are an important ingredient and addition to many dishes of the country's national cuisine.
An interesting meat dish is a fake hare. Despite the name, there is no rabbit meat in it - the basis is beef and pork meat. Minced meat is prepared from it, mixing with white bread and eggs. An oblong loaf is made from the finished minced meat. To give the dish a more juicy taste, it is covered with pork fat and sent to the oven. This "hare" is usually served with onion sauce, prepared using chopped onion, flour, butter and meat broth.
Even according to the Old Litovian tradition, honey was included in the recipes of many dishes. IN modern kitchen it is also used. For example, here they cook chicken with this sweet delicacy. Honey mixed with garlic vegetable oil and greens, smear the carcass from the inside with this mixture. Then they are fried until golden brown, and after they are ready, they are cut into pieces and usually served with fruit or boiled eggs. A separate addition to the chicken can be a salad of fresh vegetables.
They are interesting not only for their recipe, but also for the history of cutlets "Jurate" connected with them. They are prepared from minced chicken using bread, and the latter is not only mixed with meat, but small crackers from it are pressed into molded cutlets, which makes them ruddy and crispy when fried. They say that these crackers look like amber tears of a young and beautiful Jurate, who, according to legend, lived in the sea. Once she swam to the surface and fell in love with a Lithuanian guy Kastytis. But the god Perkunas found out about their romantic story and killed the young man. He chained Jurata to her castle, where she remains to this day and constantly cries. The transparent tears of the beauty harden like amber, which is thrown ashore by a wave. But this is just a folk legend, but in reality these cutlets are a very tasty and beautiful dish.
Among the fish separate place occupies a pike. It is boiled, stewed and baked with sour cream, vegetables and spices. Boiled eel, fried carp are also welcome. Fish dishes are usually served as a side dish with boiled potatoes sprinkled with dill and parsley. Fish is also cooked using lard.
A whole niche has been allocated to smoked products in Lithuanian cuisine. Local residents are very responsible in the process of smoking, after salting the prepared meat. They consider salting to be the basis of good smoking, and this procedure requires a certain temperature. Salt should not be salted in the heat, the meat can deteriorate, as in extreme cold. They try to salt meat products at a temperature of + 2 ... + 7 degrees. Smoking of some dishes lasts several days, for example, skilandis - a pork stomach stuffed with meat. First, it is kept under pressure for three days, and it is smoked for a whole week.


Such a Lithuanian appetizer as yaknine liver pate has gained worldwide fame. Its recipe is widespread and is used in many restaurants around the world. First, the liver is scalded for it, then stewed with onions and twisted in a meat grinder. The resulting mass is mixed with grape wine, oil and salt, whipped until a homogeneous fluffy consistency is obtained. After that, it is placed in a container along with lard and boiled in a water bath.
Lithuanian cuisine is also famous for its sausages. They are prepared not only from pork, the basis is often lamb or goat meat. To beat back bad smell in goat meat, it can be mixed with minced pork. The meat is chopped very finely and stuffed into the small intestines of the pig. Then the resulting sausages are boiled in salted water, and then overcooked. Such a hot dish is served with potatoes or stewed cabbage. In the cold, pre-cut into circles, it acts as an independent snack. An old national dish is vederai - sausages, where potatoes are used instead of minced meat. It is constantly present on the everyday table of Lithuanians.
Fried cucumbers are an interesting appetizer. First they are boiled, and then breaded in flour with salt and fried. They act as an addition to potatoes or are poured with honey and served as an independent meal. Lithuanians make their sprats from herring. The fish fillet is cut into pieces, each piece is breaded in breadcrumbs and fried in oil with onions. On festive table you can often find herring in tomato sauce with onions. Such a meal with black bread is an excellent snack for strong drinks. Many Lithuanian salads are based on mushrooms and fish. Of the vegetables, the most commonly found ingredients in salads are beans, cabbage and carrots. In local cuisines, gelatin is even used to make jelly and carrot mousse from the latter.
A popular traditional dish in the country is homemade Dainava cheese. Cottage cheese is boiled in boiled milk, which, after cooling, is rubbed through a sieve, mixed with raw eggs, sour cream and margarine, adding cumin. All this mass is heated, then cooled again under pressure in a bag. Ready cheese is taken out, having previously kept the bag in whey.
Of the parts of the pig, except for the hams, sternum and legs, even the heads are used. They make such a wonderful cold appetizer like a roll. The whole pork head is boiled with spices, then the bones are taken out and wrapped in a bag, giving the resulting meat the shape of a roll. Such a culinary delight with sour cream and horseradish falls.

Desserts and pastries

Lithuanians are very reverent and respectful of bread. Black Lithuanian bread is recognized as one of the best in the world. Its shelf life reaches two months. Bread products are always present on the table, it is not customary to eat without them in Lithuania. Gingerbread is a favorite dough product among the locals, and its recipe is different: some types are baked in the oven, others are boiled. Boiled gingerbread is made using honey. The sweetness is boiled with sugar, and then pieces of wheat flour dough are placed in the resulting syrup. All this is boiled until the syrup thickens. Yellow and white ginger are used as spices for this dish.
most famous national pastries is the shakotis cake - the main decoration of wedding feasts. It is difficult to understand what it tastes like more - a cookie, a loaf or a muffin. But in appearance, it definitely resembles a prickly spruce. From the local language, its name is translated as a branched tree. This "appearance" is due to an unusual baking procedure. The recipe for its preparation has spread far beyond the borders of the country, it is popular in Germany, Poland and even Japan.
In Lithuania, there is even a story of the appearance of such a cake. It originates from the time of the Commonwealth, when the Lithuanian Queen Barbara announced a big ball. She invited many chefs to this celebration, who were supposed to make amazing dishes. One of them was a young man Jozas, in love with the daughter of his rich nobleman. He came up with the idea of ​​baking the dough on coals, twisting it on a spit. During torsion, the dough was covered with amazing growths that made it look like spruce. Yozas was recognized as the best culinary specialist, as a result, the queen made him the head chef of her kitchen. As a gift, he asked for the jewelry worn by the queen for his beloved.
Despite the simplicity of the recipe, baking such a delicacy is not so easy. The cake is still being cooked on a spit that spins, it is poured with semi-liquid dough. Freezing, it forms branches. Cooks from all over the world compete for the title of the best in baking this extremely tasty treat. It is believed that the longer the branches, the better the cook. In 2008, a record was set at all - the height of the baked cake was 2.5 m. Shakotis, with its centuries-old history, attracts even those who are indifferent to sweet dishes.
A traditional Lithuanian dessert is apple cheese. In fact, it is dried and then pressed apple marmalade, but it turns out to be much tastier. Sliced ​​apples mixed with sugar are left in a saucepan overnight to give juice. The next day, the resulting mass is boiled and brought to a puree state with a blender. The resulting applesauce is mixed with sugar and boiled again - until the mass resembles a very thick marmalade. By the end of cooking, candied fruits, sometimes dried fruits and ground cloves are added there. The boiled mass must be placed in gauze and squeezed. Then cakes are formed, which are placed on top of each other, interspersed with boards as a press. Then dry for a week. Traditionally, this cheese is prepared in the fall - during the harvest season. The delicacy can be stored for several years.
Lithuanians also bake cookies - pumpernickel. Hazelnuts, cinnamon and ammonium carbonate must be put into the dough from flour, butter, eggs and sugar. Cookies are baked in the oven in the shape of diamonds. A popular drink in Lithuania is beer, so one of the most common dishes among pastries is fingers to it. They are yeast dough sticks that are sprinkled with salt and cumin before frying. Shvituris cake is also considered a favorite sweet dish in the country; it is baked with walnuts.


Abroad, Lithuania is called the beer kingdom. The traditions of home brewing are still present here: brewers pass on old peasant recipes from generation to generation. Lithuanian beer has excellent taste and good quality, it does not hit the head, perfectly quenches thirst. The alcohol content in it starts from 2.8%, so even if you drink a lot, there will definitely not be a hangover. You can buy a foamy drink on every corner in any city.
There are many breweries on the territory of the state. Homemade beer is also valued here, the region of Lithuania called Biržai is famous for it. The number of beer bars here is also large. A lot of unusual snacks are served here with a beer drink. Grilled cheeses, bread with garlic, pork ears or tails, grilled sausages, boiled peas with bacon - all this will amaze even the most inveterate gourmet. Visiting guests in bars are treated to beer with karka - pork shank with a side dish of cabbage or peas. Lithuanian cities for beer lovers are just a heavenly place.
Among non-alcoholic drinks, various kissels, teas and delicious kvass are popular. The latter has a different recipe for preparation, this process is quite easy, but the taste of the drink is excellent. It is prepared on dried black bread and yeast, adding raisins to the finished drink before infusion. An important ingredient for it is also lemon juice or citric acid. When visiting Lithuania, you should definitely try the local kvass - its excellent taste will be remembered for a long time.

Despite the gastronomic diversity of the Lithuanian national cuisine, it can be seen that the products in different dishes are mostly the same. For a side dish, this is potatoes cooked in a variety of ways, pork is always found in meat dishes - either as the main meat or in the form of lard for frying. They like to use beets and sour cream in soups, and many desserts are prepared using apples. Lithuanian cuisine is unobtrusive and obligatory for use when traveling through the expanses of the glorious Baltic state.

But also unique and very tasty Lithuanian cuisine. So, what should a tourist who goes to this authentic and original country try?

Features of Lithuanian national cuisine

If you have been to Lithuania and have not tried the local cuisine, then the trip was in vain. Comparing Lithuanian cuisine with Estonian and Latvian cuisine, one should note its richness and simplicity. If in the rest of the Baltic countries seafood is mainly used, then in Lithuania they prefer:

  • Flour and meat dishes.
  • Dishes from milk, cottage cheese and cheese.
  • The minimum amount of spices.

The real queen of Lithuanian cuisine can be called potatoes - this vegetable is boiled, fried, baked, and a variety of delicious dishes are prepared from it.

The country can be divided into four regions with their own culinary features:

  • Aukštaitiani people love cottage cheese dishes and pancakes.
  • Samogitians are porridge.
  • Among the Dzukians, buckwheat porridge, potatoes and mushrooms are considered the main dishes.
  • The Suvaltians have potato sausage and smoked meats.

Zeppelins (didzhkukulyai)

Zeppelins are real business card Lithuanian cuisine. They are something like large potato dumplings with different fillings: cottage cheese, meat, mushrooms, etc. The name of this dish comes from the German Zeppelin (airship), as it really resembles this aircraft in shape.

The classic recipe for zeppelins necessarily includes raw and boiled potatoes - precisely thanks to a large number starch, the dish is not boiled soft. In addition to boiled zeppelins, you can also find other varieties of them: fried, with open filling, etc.

This hearty and rather high-calorie dish can be tasted in any restaurant in the country, but chefs of restaurants in the historical part of Vilnius are considered to be real experts in its preparation. A portion of zeppelins costs about 11-12 litas (about $4).


Vedarai is the second most popular dish of national Lithuanian cuisine. In fact, it is a potato sausage: when cooking, pork intestines are stuffed with grated potatoes and lard (sometimes barley groats are added to the recipe) and fried until golden brown.

You can try vedarai in almost any restaurant across the country or even buy this sausage in a supermarket. The cost is about 10 litas (more than 3 dollars).


This is a light and tasty first course, which is perfect for lovers of healthy food. It is a cold beetroot soup with a base of kefir and the addition of cucumbers, hard-boiled eggs and other ingredients. The "highlight" of the soup is boiled potatoes with dill, which is served separately.

The dish is prepared in most restaurants in Vilnius, the approximate price of a serving is 6-8 litas (2-2.5 dollars).

Žemaičiu (Shemati pancakes)

Fried mashed potato pancakes with pâté minced meat from Samogitia, western region of Lithuania.

To try this delicious and very satisfying dish, it is not necessary to go to the capital of the region, the city of Telsiai, because it is served in many establishments in other cities, in particular, in Vilnius and Kaunas. approximate cost- 15 litas (15.5 dollars).


In fact, kibinai are a dish of the Karaite Tatars, however, due to the fact that this people has long and firmly settled in the area of ​​​​the town of Trakai, these pies have become a Lithuanian national dish. They are made from unleavened dough with a variety of fillings:

  • Meat.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Vegetables, etc.

The best kibinai in Lithuania can be tasted in Trakai, where there are several Karaite restaurants.

In addition, this dish is served in Vilnius - for example, in a pastry shop called PinavijaCafé & Bakery. The cost of one pie is 6 litas (slightly more than 2 dollars).


Skilandis is not just a dish, but a part of Lithuanian culture. This is something like a cold-smoked sausage, prepared from a pig's stomach, which is stuffed with minced or ground pork.

In Lithuania, this product is consumed on its own or added to borscht, soups, salads, etc. Skilandis can be tasted in many restaurants, or bought in any supermarket, the price per kilogram is 35 litas (about $12).


As you can already understand, potatoes are the real queen of Lithuanian cuisine. Kugelis is a casserole that is also prepared on the basis of this vegetable with the addition of lard (in classic recipe- pig ears), sometimes - cottage cheese, chicken and other ingredients, and served with a sauce of cracklings and sour cream.

A serving of kugelis in Lithuanian restaurants costs about 11 litas ($4).

Morku Apkess

Morka Apkess is worth a try for those who find Lithuanian cuisine a bit greasy and heavy. This is a casserole of boiled carrots, which is ground with yolks, cinnamon and sugar to a puree state, after which they are baked in the oven.

The price per serving is 6-8 litas (2-3 dollars).

pig ears

Pig ears also play a very important role in the cuisine of this country. They are boiled, fried, smoked and served both as an independent dish with various side dishes (most often with peas), and as a beer snack.

For example, one of the most famous appetizers in Lithuanian restaurants is Klausuchiu – boiled and smoked pork ears with peas and garlic sauce.

The cost of a portion is 16 litas (almost 6 dollars).


Shakotis is no less famous Lithuanian dish than zeppelins. This is a very tasty cake that is made with eggs, sugar and flour over an open fire using a small skewer. Thanks to this method, shakotis resembles a hedgehog or a Christmas tree in its appearance.

Most often, this dessert is prepared for a wedding, but tourists consider it to be something like a souvenir - by the way, it can be stored for about six months, and it does not contain any preservatives! You can buy shakotis in any confectionery, the price is 32 litas (11.5 dollars).


The most popular drink in Lithuania is considered to be beer, which is said to be in no way inferior to Czech or German beer in taste and quality.

The most famous Lithuanian beer is Švyturys, which has been brewed in Klaipeda since 1784.

Half a liter of the drink will cost the tourist about 6 litas ($2).

You should also definitely taste the old Lithuanian tincture called Suktinis, which is prepared with honey and added different berries, including juniper, poplar buds, etc. However, be careful - the strength of this drink leaves about 50 o.

Well, those who do not drink alcoholic beverages will surely like rye kvass and various herbal teas, in which Lithuanians are also considered great masters.

If you come to Lithuania to relax and gain new pleasant impressions, you need to try and appreciate delicious and, at the same time, inexpensive dishes of Lithuanian national cuisine. In their national cuisine, Lithuanians mainly use potatoes, pork, raw dairy products and seasonal vegetables. Dishes are distinguished by a simple recipe, satiety and affordable price.

In Lithuania, there are specialized restaurants and cafes called "Lituviškai patekalai" (Lithuanian dishes), where you can taste traditional Lithuanian dishes. However, you can find these dishes not only there, but also in the menu of almost every restaurant or cafe. And we will help you figure out what and how they are made, so that you can choose the recipe you like by the name of the dish in Russian and Lithuanian.

Where to stay if you plan to relax and enjoy Lithuanian cuisine:

Lithuanian first courses


Don't forget to try this Lithuanian "pink miracle" - the famous cold borscht. This is a beetroot soup with cucumbers and greens, made on fatty kefir with separately served hot boiled potatoes and an egg. Sometimes smoked meats are added. This is the most favorite light and refreshing soup. It is especially pleasant on a hot summer day.

Soup in bread (Sriuba duonos kubilėlyje)

There is another delicious culinary miracle - a soup in a rye "pot" with forest mushrooms (usually porcini). A small loaf of homemade rye bread is cut off the top and all the pulp is removed. Cream soup with mushrooms is poured into the resulting “pot” and covered with a rye lid on top. Bread pot soup is just as delicious as mushroom soup.

Main dishes of Lithuanian cuisine

In Lithuanian dishes, meat, garnish and salad are never served separately, as in Russian restaurants. If you order meat (fish), then they will automatically bring a side dish, salad, fresh vegetables and sauce (you can choose any side dish, sauce, but this will not change the price).

For sauces traditionally used Forest mushrooms(white and chanterelles), as well as spinach, cheeses (and its derivatives), herbal spices.

cabbage rolls in Lithuania it is served with potatoes and sour cream. Therefore, this is a fairly satisfying and inexpensive dish.

Zeppelins (Didžkukuliai)

The main culinary "attraction" of Lithuania, which every tourist should try and appreciate, is the famous zeppelins, or they are also called Didžkukuliai - these are large fragrant potato "airships" with juicy ground meat inside (they are also available with cottage cheese, and with mushrooms it is also delicious ).
They are boiled and served with sour cream sauce with crispy cracklings, onions or mushroom sauce (your choice).
There are also fried zeppelins, but who has a good stomach! For those who cannot boast of it, zeppelins are made from boiled potatoes (this is not for everyone). Please note that such zeppelins are not served everywhere!
Each serving contains two fairly large zeppelins. However, if you wish, you can order half a portion (we advise you to order everything in half a portion for testing), as they are not small, but Lithuanian dishes are hearty.


Vedarai is another hearty Lithuanian dish. Fried onions, cracklings, brisket, herbs and spices are added to grated raw potatoes. Pork intestines are stuffed with this mass and baked in the oven or on the grill until crispy. Served with bacon and sour cream.

Kėdainių blynai

Kedainiu blinai are fried potato pancakes made from grated raw potatoes with minced meat inside. Pancakes are served with sour cream sauce or sour cream.

Kugelis (Bulvių plokštainis)

Kugelis (potato headstock) - fried onions, cracklings, brisket and spices are added to grated raw potatoes. Formed, laid out on a brazier and baked in the oven. Served with white sauce, bacon and mushrooms.

Žemaičių blynai

Žemaičiu pancakes are made from boiled hot potatoes in their uniforms, passed through a meat grinder, stuffed with boiled ground meat with the addition of spices, sauteed onions. Then flat pies are formed and fried in a pan. Served with sour cream sauce or sour cream. When ordering, you can always choose the sauce and serving size.

Stuffed potatoes

This is boiled potatoes in their skins stuffed with mushrooms and fried onions or salted salmon. Served with kastinis or sour cream sauce.
The dish is light and not greasy - for those who do not want to gain weight.

Kastinis (Kastinys)

Be sure to try kastinis - an ancient Samogitian fermented milk product of a special consistency, made from whipped homemade sour cream and butter, with garlic and spices. The secret of the special delicate texture of kastinis is in the whipping technique. A tender and fragrant mass is served in a cafe with potatoes cooked in their uniforms.
Castinis can be bought in the dairy department of any supermarket.

Lithuanian sausages (Lietuviškai dešreliai)

Onion, garlic, spices are added to the pork passed through a meat grinder, and thin pork intestines are stuffed with minced meat. Sausages are boiled, then grilled and served with stewed sauerkraut or mashed potatoes.


Kibinai is a national dish of indigenous Karaite Tatars who have long lived in Lithuania (mainly in Trakai). These are very tasty and satisfying hot pies made from tender shortcrust pastry with minced meat or minced meat (pork, lamb, veal or poultry). They are baked in the oven and served hot.
Kibinai are sold not only in cafes, but also in supermarkets, where they have their own confectionery. But the most delicious kibinas can only be tasted in Trakai, the homeland of the Lithuanian Karaites.

Drinks and snacks

One of the best in the world! There is a lot of beer in Lithuania - tasty and different! There is light beer, it has less alcohol, and dark beer - it is more "thick" and alcoholic, there is filtered and unfiltered, the so-called "live" beer.
In several breweries in Vilnius you can taste this old traditional drink, which is produced using only natural malt, hop cones and brewer's yeast.

Beer snacks

For beer, be sure to take delicious crackers with garlic and cheese, peas with cracklings, boiled-smoked pork ears with garlic sauce. It's all very tasty!

Peas with cracklings (Žirniai su spirgučiais)

Peas with cracklings is a snack for beer, which consists of boiled peas and well-fried cracklings placed on top (everything is mixed before eating).

Pig ears (Rūkytų ausų)

Pork boiled-smoked ears - a great snack for beer. Lightly smoked, they have a pleasant aroma and taste. They are served with spiced garlic sauce.

Soft drinks

In addition to beer, various cold and hot non-alcoholic drinks made from sea buckthorn, quince, cranberries and wild berries.
You will surely like the branded homemade rye kvass with raisins (not bottled), which Lithuanians make in a special way old recipe, and natural teas with the addition of wild berries are very tasty and healthy!



Shakotis is a very tasty and popular Lithuanian cake, shaped like a Christmas tree. It is made from egg dough and baked by rotating on a spit, over a fire or in a special oven.
Traditionally, it is served at weddings, and it is stored for up to six months. You can buy Šakotis in the Lithuanian market or supermarkets, but you will find the freshest and most delicious cakes in branded stores that make these particular cakes.
Such a gift from Lithuania will be pleasant to your loved ones and will please everyone as a delicious Lithuanian souvenir.

What delicious to bring with you from Lithuania

Lithuania is famous for its bread (especially dark rye varieties, usually with caraway seeds, and different varieties grains), eat rye bread with dried fruits. This bread retains its aroma for a long time and does not get stale.
The most famous and popular varieties are "Vilnius" (lit. Vilniaus), Bochyu (lit. Bočių) with cumin and gray "Palanga" (lit. Palanga).
Dried and smoked meat and sausages are deservedly popular among national meat products. Skilandis - chopped dried pork meat in a pig stomach - you can buy to go.
Fried biscuits "brushwood" (Žagarėlis) and a delicious cake made of "brushwood" drenched in honey - "Skruzdelinas" are very popular.

From dairy products, preference is given to cheeses (hard, cottage cheese, smoked or traditional), cottage cheese, curdled milk and sour cream.
Be sure to try sour cream specially whipped with garlic and spices with homemade butter - this is kastinis (kastinis). Delicate and fragrant mass is served with jacket potatoes. Castinis can be bought in the dairy department of any supermarket.
Buy the famous hard cheese "Džiugas", smoked curd cheeses. Try a special apple or plum cheese of a refined taste (you can buy it at fairs and in the market from local farmers).

The gift version of Lietuviškas midus honey tinctures, which contain 6 types of tinctures from 14 to 75 degrees, is very good for a souvenir.

The famous strong drink "Suktinis" is named after a popular Lithuanian folk dance. It contains bee honey, carnation flowers, poplar buds, oak acorns, juniper berries and many other valuable plants. The strength of the drink is 50%.

Having tasted the products and dishes of the Lithuanian national cuisine, you will appreciate their satiety, deliciousness and budget!

The sight of juicy roasted meat, the aroma of fresh pastries, and the anticipation of dinner after a long walk through fresh air drive me crazy because I'm a foodie. I would even call myself a fan of delicious food. Like most women, I love and know how to cook deliciously, but I really enjoy food cooked by the hands of another skilled chef. Fortunately, when I come to, all the conditions for getting gastronomic pleasure are met: Lithuania is very rich in culinary virtues, and it’s not necessary to cook on your own to make sure of this. With your permission, today I will be your waiter in the best restaurant of national cuisine in Lithuania, so make yourself comfortable and in no case limit your imagination, we will have a delicious pastime. :)


Perhaps your throat is a little dry with anticipation, so “for an aperitif” I will suggest you try “Midus”. By the name, it is not difficult to guess what is the basis of this sweetish and slightly tart drink - honey. The strength of this nectar depends on what exactly you want to drink. For example, if you are a gambler and decide to go “all in”, as they say, then you can try the Zalgiris honey-herbal balm, with a powerful 75% alcohol charge. The taste of the balm is quite sharp and it is desirable to drink it in small portions, or diluted. I, here, am not a very risky person in terms of drinking and alcohol, so I choose a drink with the same name of the city in which I was born - “Vilnius”. A pleasant taste of this nectar is given by strawberry juice and a relatively low degree of strength - 25%. For those who are a little more daring, there is also a golden mean - after tasting Suktinis, you will enjoy the rich taste and aromas. The composition of this tincture includes 14 ingredients - these are various berry juices and natural herbs. Despite the 50% strength, the drink is drunk very easily, so it is very insidious - be careful!

A sweet honey story is certainly good, but I would rather offer the male half of the tourist population a drink that Lithuania can rightfully be famous for: beer here for every taste. I guess that you, as an experienced tourist, want to visit this country in warm time year, so a glass of foamy and refreshing will come in handy. The most popular varieties from Lithuanian breweries are Švyturys, Kalnapilnes and Utenos.

There is also something for modest people, people who drive and simply do not drink, but who want to get acquainted with a piece of Lithuanian culture. Do you love kissel? And what to do, you need to get acquainted with Lithuania! But this is about those who, like me, do not particularly favor this viscous drink. Although it's really tasty. Cranberry, apple, pear, and even oatmeal - these are not all options for making jelly. Lithuanian kvass with ginger can also be a good alternative. Perfectly quenches thirst and leaves a pleasant aftertaste.


I associate Lithuanian cuisine with country food. The recipes are very simple, but delicious, and it seems that in order to prepare them, the products must be grown in your own garden, plucked in the forest, or bought from a farmer friend, but not in a supermarket. Despite the "naturalness", some combinations seem strange. You can verify this by tasting pickled mushrooms with sour cream and onions. Not surprised? Then I will offer a salad of boiled mushrooms with soaked herring, fresh or pickled cucumbers and, again, sour cream. It seems to me that those of you who chose kvass and jelly before trying such a salad will change their choice in favor of strong drinks. Or, at least, replace sour cream with ordinary sunflower oil.

Most Lithuanian cuisine recipes contain herbs and roots. One of the most popular ingredients is horseradish. And it pairs flawlessly with the favorite Lithuanian appetizer - cold beef tongue, whether it's served on its own or as a sauce base.

Those who do not like frills and spiciness will definitely like pancakes "Zhemaichu". Outwardly, these pancakes look more like pies, but they taste like potato zrazy. This is due to the fact that the dough is based on potatoes, and they are stuffed with fried minced meat. The highlight of this dish is the sauce of sour cream and melted butter.
Getting acquainted with one or another Lithuanian dish, you, like me, can catch yourself thinking that you have already seen something similar somewhere, tried it and know it, only under a different name. It is not surprising, because historically it turned out that many peoples, before settling on the next piece of land, roamed in search of better conditions life, leaving behind a piece of his life. This is exactly what happened to the Karaites. Karaites are Lithuanian Tatars who settled in Trakai at the end of the 14th century. But to this day this cozy town is filled with small cafes with Kibinine signs.

"Kibinai" (as it is called in Russian) - incredibly juicy and tasty "Tatar" pies with minced lamb or beef. Undoubtedly, you can find other fillings, I just named the traditional ones.

There is also a snack for fish lovers. Delicious Lithuanian delicacy - smoked eel. It can be found as an independent dish, and as part of salads, or other culinary products. If you want something more satisfying, then try the pike fried in lard, stuffed with vegetables.


As expected, after snacks, I can safely give you a delicious story about Lithuanian borscht. "Shaltibarshay" - cold borscht made from boiled beets, eggs and herbs, seasoned with kefir. Served with hot boiled potatoes. The incredible fresh taste, ease of preparation and healthiness of this dish are enough reasons to try it. Having lived for more than 10 years on the Black Sea coast, where the favorite summer kitchen is okroshka (also a cold version of the first course), I can say with confidence: "Shaltibarschay" is incomparable!

Knowing full well that cold borscht may not be to everyone's taste, I will offer more traditional version. This dish will delight those who have not previously ventured to try mushroom snacks - borscht with mushrooms is not so popular, but it also has a place to be among the national dishes of Lithuania.

Hot dishes

The further you go, the more pleasant your acquaintance with Lithuanian cuisine becomes. Coming almost every year to, I started one very tasty tradition: the next day after my arrival, I will definitely visit my aunt, who, in turn, cooks amazing zeppelins. I don’t want to hear anything about Belarusians who consider any potato dishes to be “historically theirs”! Such a delicious dish can only be prepared in Lithuania. At first glance, this "boiled cutlet" of potatoes stuffed with meat does not look particularly remarkable. But after you pour it with a sour cream sauce of fried cracklings (meat pieces of lard) and onions, everything changes. Put your phone on silent mode and don't be distracted by other things - immerse yourself in the world of beautiful zeppelins!

I agree, I embellished it a little - this dish may not make such a vivid impression on someone. In this case, I think, everything can be compensated by juicy Vedarai sausages, fried until golden brown. Vedarai translates as stomach. The filling is mashed potatoes with cracklings. Did you notice it too? Now I mean that cunning Lithuanians, using in fact the same products in the base, manage to create completely different culinary masterpieces.

I will not ask you if you like to eat with bread, but I will simply recommend that you try the Lithuanian "Palanga": it will be a great addition to any of the above dishes.

Speaking about Lithuanian bread, one can get distracted and accidentally write an entire article: there are many varieties, and the taste is at its best. It is dark bread with the addition of cumin that is very popular. Such pastries have a pleasant persistent aroma and retain their softness for a long time without becoming stale.


I don’t know about you, but after a good dinner I always have desire eat something sweet. Of course, I will not leave you without dessert. My favorite of unobtrusive sweets is Dainava curd cheese with jelly. It is very popular and is sold in almost all supermarkets. Plus, it's easy to make at home. This cheese boasts a very pleasant, delicate taste and, against the background of sweet creamy desserts, wins with its harmlessness to the figure.

I will not bypass the side of everyone's favorite in Lithuania "Šakotis". A crispy egg-based cake may not seem sweet enough on its own, but combined with chocolate, it will surely make the sweet tooth plunge into pleasant gastronomic bliss. Many tourists, intending to return to their homeland, choose this culinary masterpiece as a present for their loved ones, which I previously mentioned in my article about.


Lithuania, like many other countries, has many culinary riches. But in order for you to appreciate any of the dishes that I told you about, I will give you one small recommendation: you must try the food in a good mood and with good thoughts!