What is the oldest dish made from cottage cheese. curd stories

The project "How they lived in Rus'" was held in my daughter's garden, and my task as a mother was to prepare a project with my daughter on the topic "How food was cooked in Rus'."
I read a lot of material and together with my daughter we selected those facts that were of particular interest to her, picked up pictures.
Of course, I designed it myself in the form of a report, but I increased the font so that a six-year-old child could read the text himself.
Photos printed separately, each photo on one A4 sheet. When the daughter read the report in the kindergarten group, these photographs were posted on the board, which ensured the visibility of the material told by the daughter.

The Russian people were very hardworking, worked in the fields, grew various cereals, vegetables, berries and fruits.
From cereals(barley, buckwheat, millet, oats) prepared porridge, kissels, made flour, pies, buns, bread from flour. Grains are very nutritious, healthy, they have a lot of vitamins. The housewives prepared certain portions - as in fairy tales, the little ones had a small cup, the adults had a big one.
The most important thing for a Russian person was bread. They didn’t sit at the table without bread, they treated it very reverently with respect, it was with bread that they met guests. After all, the people made a great effort to get bread on the table, there is a Russian folk proverb “Bread is the head of everything”, and they also said “Porridge is our mother, and bread is our father”, that's how respectful they were to food.
drinking in Rus' milk, loved tea, infusions and decoctions of fragrant herbs, drank berry fruit drinks, brewed kvass, compotes and drink from the bark of trees. For a beautiful color, dried carrots and beets were added to such decoctions, which were previously fried. Berries and fruits contain many useful vitamins.

Mostly they cooked food in a Russian oven:

There is a large space in the middle of the stove, which is closed with a special shutter lid, and where a fire is made. A cast-iron with food to be cooked is placed directly to the fire.

They boiled potatoes in the oven, and baked pies. Since a fire is burning in the oven, it is impossible to put a cast iron into the oven with your hands or pull out a hot cast iron from there. To do this, there is a grip - a long stick with a metal slingshot at the end. For each size of the cast-iron there was a grip.

This is how they put it in the oven:

For example, how cabbage soup was cooked.
They took green cabbage leaves, chopped them finely, salted them and put them under oppression for a week - under something heavy, for fermentation.
A week later, pearl barley, meat, onions, carrots were placed in a pot with cabbage leaves. The pot was placed in the oven for several hours. By the evening, a very hearty and thick dish will be ready.

Cottage cheese
Previously, cottage cheese was called cheese, and it was cooked like this: yogurt was poured into a cast iron pot and the pot was placed in a cooling oven. After a few hours, they took it out of the oven, decanted the whey and pressed down the remaining mass. This is how curd was made.
They also drank milk in Rus', cream was separated from it. Various dairy products were made from milk - sour cream, cheese, butter, kefir.
Butter was made in two ways:
1. Pour sour cream or cream into a pot and leave it in a cooling oven. Turned out melted butter.
2. They churned manually in churns - it was very difficult, because the churns were very high, and it took a long time to churn.

To prepare it, it took only 5-7 handfuls of millet to grind in a mortar, pour warm water, take it out in a couple of days, strain through gauze - and you're done. They didn’t even add sugar, the peasants didn’t have it.

In order to preserve vegetables and mushrooms for a long winter, they were canned. They salted, fermented and soaked almost all the gifts of nature - beets, carrots, peas, pears, garlic, zucchini, eggplant ... Special oak tubs were made from wood, in which they put vegetables or fruits prepared for salting, and covered with a lid, on which they put something heavy, to create a load, heaviness on vegetables so that they "wander" and canned.

Food in Rus' was simple but healthy, and children grew up strong, healthy and strong.
Girls from a very early age were brought up as future housewives: usually the mother, in the process of household or field chores, showed and explained to her daughter how and what she was doing, then trusted her to do the simpler part of the work.
At 5-6 years old, the girl's duties included:
1. Look after the chickens
2. Cleaning the house - sweeping the floor, washing benches, shaking rugs, making beds, cleaning lamps or changing candles
3. Taking care of younger brothers and sisters - this was called "nurturing"
4. Learn to spin and weave, because the peasants made all the fabric for clothes, towels, tablecloths themselves, which is why it was called homespun. Already at the age of 5-7, the girl mastered primary skills, and her father made her a personal spinning wheel or spindle - smaller than that of adults.
5. Help cook
Women in the house had a special place near the stove - "baby kut". Usually it was separated from the rest of the hut by a curtain, and men tried not to go there unless absolutely necessary. Here the hostess spent most of her time: she cooked food, kept order in the “cupboard” (the cupboard where kitchen utensils were stored), on the shelves along the walls, where there were crocks for milk, earthenware and wooden bowls, salt shakers, cast-iron pots, in wooden boxes with lids and in birch bark cases where bulk products were stored. The girls actively helped their mother in all these chores: they washed the dishes, cleaned up, and could cook simple but healthy food themselves.

Cottage cheese is one of the oldest products. We can assume that he appeared with milk. Roman agrarian writers (Varro, Columella) testify that cottage cheese was known in ancient Rome. The Romans ate salted and unsalted cottage cheese, and sometimes it was mixed with milk, honey, and even wine before consumption.
In Russia, cottage cheese also appeared a very long time ago. In any case, already in the IX-X centuries. cottage cheese was among the Slavs a product of almost everyday nutrition.
For a long time, curd dishes were called cheese dishes in Russia, and even now we say, for example, not cottage cheese, but cheese cakes. However, this is not because cottage cheese was not known to our ancestors. On the contrary, it was in wide use several centuries before the appearance of cheese in Russia. But our ancestors called cottage cheese cheese. Even after the appearance of rennet cheeses in Russia, they began to be called spongy cheeses, and for a long time, cottage cheese was simply called cheese by inertia. And we still buy Homemade Cheese. In any case, back in the 18th century. the word "curd" was not used.
Our ancestors probably ate it every day (minus the fasts, of course): the cow is milked every day, if they didn’t have time to drink the milk, it turned sour, the sour must be boiled so that it doesn’t completely disappear ... If you look at the root, the technology for making homemade cottage cheese has remained practically unchanged - except that the kitchen surroundings are different. Three hundred years ago, a pot of curdled milk was placed in a warm oven for several hours, then the whey was drained and the resulting curd was placed under a press.
The center for the production of cottage cheese in Russia has long been the Rostov district of the Yaroslavl province, from where this product was sent to Moscow. In the Ryazan province, the best cottage cheese was produced by the inhabitants of the village of Dedinovo, located on the vast water meadows of the Oka.
On sale in Russia was mainly the so-called prefabricated cottage cheese. It was accumulated during the entire Great Lent, when the consumption of milk in the village almost ceased. Such cottage cheese did not differ in quality and uniformity, therefore, in wealthy houses it was fed to birds, and whey was fed to pigs. The sale was mainly low-fat cottage cheese, from skimmed milk.
In order to stock up on cottage cheese for the winter after a milking summer, it was dried - heated in an oven and pressed to such an extent that it became hard, like today's plastic. They kept it in the cellar. They say that buttons were even made from such cottage cheese: they say, he ossified so well that he then served his masters for a long time and faithfully.
Interestingly, a water-insoluble putty was made from cottage cheese based on its casein complex. A mixture of cottage cheese with linseed oil, chalk and water was also used as putty; it protects the tree from the influence of the weather and even from the action of fire.

For quite a long time, cottage cheese in Rus' was called cheese, and dishes from it were called cheese (remember the familiar cheesecakes). We did not find an explanation for this name, but it was so firmly entrenched in cottage cheese that it remained so even when rennet cheese appeared in Russia.

Cottage cheese has always been one of the most revered products among the Slavs. It was eaten almost daily.

The raw material for the preparation of cottage cheese was ordinary curdled milk, a pot with which was placed for several hours in a not very hot oven. The pot was then taken out of the oven and its contents poured into a linen cone-shaped bag. The whey was strained, and the bag with cottage cheese was placed under the press. This method is hardly a revelation for modern housewives who make homemade cottage cheese in the same way. Unless the pot gave way to a saucepan, and the oven gave way to a gas or electric stove.

However, the cottage cheese prepared in this way could not be stored for a long time, and there was no refrigerator yet. In the period when the cow's milk yield was good, and especially during fasting, the peasants accumulated quite a lot of cottage cheese. So that it does not disappear, the people came up with a rather original way of preserving it.

Ready (from under the press) cottage cheese was again placed in the oven for several hours, and then under the press, and so on twice. When it was completely dry, it was packed tightly into earthenware pots and topped with ghee. In the cellar, such cottage cheese could be stored for months, it could be taken on a long journey.

In the last century, the Rostov district of the Yaroslavl province was famous for its cottage cheese. From there he was taken to Moscow. In the Ryazan province, cottage cheese from the village of Dedinovo was considered the best.

They sold cottage cheese by the pound. Moreover, the drier it was, the more expensive it was.

The modern technology of industrial production of cottage cheese makes it possible to obtain a high-quality protein product. Its main types are: bold, bold, non-greasy; soft diet; dietary fresh low-fat, table, peasant. In addition, all kinds of curds, cakes, creams, and pastes are produced from cottage cheese.

Curd is a very useful product. In terms of protein content, it is not inferior to lamb, pork, chickens, cod, sturgeon, navaga, etc. The fat contained in cottage cheese is also perfectly absorbed by the body. In addition, cottage cheese promotes the absorption of other foods.

Cottage cheese is indispensable in cases where it is necessary to limit or exclude meat and fish proteins in the diet. Therefore, it is recommended for people suffering from obesity, gout, kidney disease. Cottage cheese is a very suitable food during fasting days. It is done like this: on one of the days of the week, take 500-600 g of low-fat and desalted cottage cheese with the addition of 150 g of honey. All this curd mass, of course, is not eaten immediately, but divided into 5 parts.

Of course, cottage cheese is best eaten fresh, but it tends to quickly become boring. Its culinary processing significantly expands the scope of the taste qualities of cottage cheese. A wide variety of dishes and culinary products are prepared from it. It goes well with many products, it can be boiled, baked, used as a filling in pies.


Today we no longer need to be convinced that cottage cheese is healthy. But ask us "why?", few people will remember anything other than that it is a unique source of calcium. We emphasize that the regular inclusion of cottage cheese in the diet also streamlines the metabolism, and its minerals are indispensable for strengthening bones and improving the functioning of the nervous system. It contains many proteins, calcium and phosphorus salts, and lipotropic (fat-dissolving in cells) substances. The most useful cottage cheese, of course, is fresh: during cooking, a large amount of protein is destroyed.

Interestingly, the word "cottage cheese" is not translated into any language of the world. Most often, a product similar to it is called cottage cheese - rustic cheese. Yes, and in the sense of cottage cheese, which we are accustomed to from infancy, in the vast majority of foreign countries and continents you can hardly find it. The classic technology for making homemade cottage cheese has remained almost unchanged for centuries, a pot of yogurt was placed in a warm oven for several hours, then the whey was drained and the resulting curdled mass was placed under a press.

The aim of the course work is:

Studying the range and quality of cottage cheese.

The tasks set are to:

study, summarize and systematize the data of literary sources on the topic of the course work;

Analyze the assortment of cottage cheese;

Investigate the quality of curd.

The history of the origin of cottage cheese

History does not know who and when was the first to cook cottage cheese. It is quite possible that this happened by accident: milk turned sour, whey glass, a dense mass remained. We tried it - delicious! And they started making cottage cheese on purpose.

According to the Roman writer and scientist Mark Terentius Varro, this product was known in ancient Rome. Milk was then fermented with a clot, which was removed from the stomach of calves, kids or lambs that ate only mother's milk.

Cottage cheese was eaten salted and unsalted, sometimes mixed with milk, wine or honey. For quite a long time, cottage cheese was called cheese in Rus', and dishes made from it were called cheese (remember cheese cakes familiar to everyone). It is not known where this name came from, but it was so firmly entrenched in cottage cheese that it did not disappear even after the appearance of hard (rennet) cheeses in Russia. Cottage cheese has always been one of the most revered products among the Slavs. It was eaten almost daily. The raw material for the preparation of cottage cheese was ordinary yogurt, a pot with which was placed for several hours in a not very hot oven. Then the pot was taken out and its contents poured into a linen cone-shaped bag. The whey was strained, and the bag with cottage cheese was placed under the press. However, cottage cheese prepared in this way could not be stored for a long time, and refrigerators were not yet known at that time. In the period when the milk yield was good, and especially during Lent, the peasants accumulated quite a lot of cottage cheese. So that it does not disappear, the people came up with a rather original way of preserving it. Ready (from under the press) cottage cheese was again placed in the oven for several hours, then under the press, and so on twice. When it became completely dry, it was packed tightly in clay pots and poured ghee on top. In the cellar, such cottage cheese could be stored for months, they took it with them on a long journey. In the last century, the Rostov district of the Yaroslavl province was famous for cottage cheese. From there he was taken to Moscow. In the Ryazan province, cottage cheese from the village of Dedinovo was considered the best. They sold cottage cheese by the pound. Moreover, the drier it was, the more expensive it was.


1.3 Characteristics of raw materials

2.1 Technology for the preparation of cold dishes from cottage cheese

2.2 Technology for preparing hot dishes from cottage cheese

2.3 Fried curd dishes

2.4 Baked curd dishes


3.1 Requirements for the quality of cottage cheese

3.2 Terms and conditions of storage

3.3 Tips


Today we no longer need to be convinced that cottage cheese is healthy. But ask us "why?", few people will remember anything other than that it is a unique source of calcium. We emphasize that the regular inclusion of cottage cheese in the diet also streamlines the metabolism, and its minerals are indispensable for strengthening bones and improving the functioning of the nervous system. It contains many proteins, calcium and phosphorus salts, and lipotropic (fat-dissolving in cells) substances. The most useful cottage cheese, of course, is fresh: during cooking, a large amount of protein is destroyed.

Interestingly, the word "cottage cheese" is not translated into any language of the world. Most often, a product similar to it is called cottage cheese - rustic cheese. Yes, and in the sense of cottage cheese, which we are accustomed to from infancy, in the vast majority of foreign countries and continents you can hardly find it. The classic technology for making homemade cottage cheese has remained almost unchanged for centuries, a pot of yogurt was placed in a warm oven for several hours, then the whey was drained and the resulting curdled mass was placed under a press.

The aim of the course work is:

  • The study of the range and quality of cottage cheese.

The tasks set are to:

  • to study, summarize and systematize the data of literary sources on the topic of the course work;
  • analyze the assortment of cottage cheese;
  • examine the quality of the curd.

1.1 History of cottage cheese

History does not know who and when was the first to cook cottage cheese. It is quite possible that this happened by accident: milk turned sour, whey glass, a dense mass remained. We tried it - delicious! And they started making cottage cheese on purpose.

According to the Roman writer and scientist Mark Terentius Varro, this product was known in ancient Rome. Milk was then fermented with a clot, which was removed from the stomach of calves, kids or lambs that ate only mother's milk.

Cottage cheese was eaten salted and unsalted, sometimes mixed with milk, wine or honey. For quite a long time, cottage cheese was called cheese in Rus', and dishes made from it were called cheese (remember cheese cakes familiar to everyone). It is not known where this name came from, but it was so firmly entrenched in cottage cheese that it did not disappear even after the appearance of hard (rennet) cheeses in Russia. Cottage cheese has always been one of the most revered products among the Slavs. It was eaten almost daily. The raw material for the preparation of cottage cheese was ordinary yogurt, a pot with which was placed for several hours in a not very hot oven. Then the pot was taken out and its contents poured into a linen cone-shaped bag. The whey was strained, and the bag with cottage cheese was placed under the press. However, cottage cheese prepared in this way could not be stored for a long time, and refrigerators were not yet known at that time. In the period when the milk yield was good, and especially during Lent, the peasants accumulated quite a lot of cottage cheese. So that it does not disappear, the people came up with a rather original way of preserving it. Ready (from under the press) cottage cheese was again placed in the oven for several hours, then under the press, and so on twice. When it became completely dry, it was packed tightly in clay pots and poured ghee on top. In the cellar, such cottage cheese could be stored for months, they took it with them on a long journey. In the last century, the Rostov district of the Yaroslavl province was famous for cottage cheese. From there he was taken to Moscow. In the Ryazan province, cottage cheese from the village of Dedinovo was considered the best. They sold cottage cheese by the pound. Moreover, the drier it was, the more expensive it was.

1.2 Importance of cottage cheese in nutrition

Fermented milk products are products produced by fermenting milk or cream with pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria, with or without the addition of yeast or acetic acid bacteria. Some fermented milk products are obtained as a result of only lactic acid fermentation; in this case, a fairly dense, homogeneous clot with a pronounced sour-milk taste is formed. Other products are obtained as a result of mixed fermentation - lactic acid and alcohol.

Fermented milk products are of great importance in human nutrition due to their medicinal and dietary properties, pleasant taste, and easy digestibility.

Cottage cheese is a traditional protein fermented milk product with high nutritional and therapeutic dietary properties. In almost all medical menus prescribed by doctors, cottage cheese is one of the first. But it is also useful for healthy people of any age. Cottage cheese is a concentrate of milk protein and some other components of milk. The importance of protein in our lives is well known: it is the material from which all body cells, enzymes, and immune bodies are built, thanks to which the body acquires resistance to diseases. The human body receives proteins along with food, breaks them down to amino acids, and from these peculiar ones builds molecules of new proteins that are unique to our body. To do this, he needs a set of 20 amino acids. Of the latter, methionine and tryptophan are the most deficient in food products, which play an important role in the processes of the nervous system, hematopoietic organs and digestive organs. The main supplier of these amino acids is cottage cheese. Along with proteins, minerals are also necessary for the normal functioning of the body, the most important of which are calcium and phosphorus compounds. It is the latter that form the basis of bone tissue and teeth. By the way, this explains the fact that during the period of formation and growth of the body, children and adolescents need additional amounts of calcium. At the same time, calcium is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart muscle and the central nervous system, and brain and bone tissue needs phosphorus. By the amount of calcium and phosphorus salts, as well as their physiologically favorable ratio among themselves, cottage cheese stands out favorably among other food products: it contains about 0.4% of them. It should be added that calcium saturation makes cottage cheese an indispensable product for tuberculosis, bone fractures, diseases of the hematopoietic apparatus, rickets. Cottage cheese contributes to the excretion of urine, so it is recommended for hypertension, heart disease, kidney disease, etc. Cooking cottage cheese is simple and, in principle, remains the same as many centuries ago. History does not know who and when was the first to cook cottage cheese. Apparently, this happened by accident: milk turned sour, whey glass, a dense mass remained. We tried it - delicious. And they began to cook cottage cheese on purpose.

In modern conditions, it is produced by fermenting pasteurized whole or skimmed milk and removing some of the whey from the resulting clot. Cottage cheese from unpasteurized milk can only be used for the production of products subject to mandatory heat treatment (vareniki, cheesecakes, etc.), as well as for the production of processed cheeses. The composition of cottage cheese includes 14-17% proteins, up to 18% fat, 2.4-2.8% milk sugar. It is rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium - substances necessary for the growth and proper development of a young organism. Cottage cheese and products made from it are very nutritious, as they contain a lot of proteins and fat. Curd proteins are partially associated with phosphorus and calcium salts. This contributes to their better digestion in the stomach and intestines. Therefore, cottage cheese is well absorbed by the body.

Methionine and choline, contained in the components of cottage cheese, prevent atherosclerosis. Children, pregnant women and nursing mothers especially need cottage cheese, since the calcium and phosphorus salts in it are spent on the formation of bone tissue, blood, etc. Cottage cheese is recommended for patients with tuberculosis and suffering from anemia. It is useful in diseases of the heart and kidneys, accompanied by edema, as calcium helps to remove fluid from the body. Fat-free cottage cheese is recommended for obesity, liver disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, myocardial infarction. With gout and other diseases, when meat and fish proteins are contraindicated, they are replaced with cottage cheese protein.

Especially useful is acidophilus-yeast cottage cheese, which is enriched with yeast and a pure culture of acidophilus bacillus. It is useful to give such cottage cheese to weakened children, with gastrointestinal diseases, anemia and tuberculosis. The use of cottage cheese and curd products contributes to the proper metabolism in the body, maintaining a certain level of osmotic pressure. Its mineral substances are involved in bone formation, nutrition of the nervous system and the formation of blood hemoglobin. Cottage cheese contains a variety of vitamins.

1.3 Characteristics of raw materials

In the production of cottage cheese, one of the main operations is the fermentation of milk, which causes coagulation of proteins and the formation of a clot. Based on this, there are two main methods of coagulation: acid and acid-rennet. With the acid method, casein coagulation occurs as a result of lactic acid fermentation. The resulting clot has a good consistency, but when producing fatty cottage cheese, it is more difficult to get rid of whey. In this regard, earlier, as a rule, only low-fat cottage cheese was produced by the acid method. At present, using new methods of curd processing, this method, as the most economically advantageous, is also used in the production of fatty and semi-fat cottage cheese.

With the acid-rennet method, casein coagulation and clot formation occurs under the action of lactic acid and rennet or pepsin. Rennet enhances the process of syneresis in the clot, as a result, it improves the separation of whey.

The production of fatty and semi-fat cottage cheese, regardless of the method of protein coagulation at enterprises, is carried out in a traditional or separate way.

Production of cottage cheese in the traditional way. The technological process for the production of fatty and semi-fat cottage cheese with acid or acid-rennet coagulation of proteins in the traditional production method consists of the following operations:

Acid method Acid-rennet method.

Good-quality milk with an acidity of not more than 20 ° T is sent to the production of cottage cheese, which must be prepared for fermentation. To do this, milk is normalized in terms of fat content, cleaned of mechanical impurities, pasteurized and cooled to the fermentation temperature.

By normalizing milk, the necessary ratio between the mass fraction of fat and protein in the processed mixture is established, which ensures the production of cottage cheese with a standard composition. Calculations for the normalization of milk are carried out taking into account the content of protein in it and are carried out, as a rule, by mixing. Normalized milk is purified from mechanical impurities and sent for pasteurization.

The mode of pasteurization of milk affects the density of the clot obtained during fermentation. With an increase in the pasteurization temperature, the density of the clot increases, but at the same time, the ability of the clot to retain moisture increases, which makes it difficult to remove whey from it. Due to this

Scheme of the technological line for the production of cottage cheese in the traditional way:

1 - container for normalized milk; 2 - pump; 3 - surge tank; 4. - lamellar pasteurization and cooling unit; 5 - separator-normalizer; 6 - curd bath; 7 - press trolley; 8—curd cooler; 9 - automatic machine for filling and packaging of cottage cheese

during the production of cottage cheese, milk is pasteurized at a temperature of 78 ± 2 ° C with an exposure of 15-20 s.

This mode is considered sufficient to destroy the microflora in the normalized mixture and obtain a clot convenient for further processing.

The pasteurized mixture is cooled to a fermentation temperature of 28-30°C (in the warm season) and 30-32°C (in the cold season). The fermentation and fermentation of the mixture is carried out in special double-walled baths for the production of cottage cheese. For ease of maintenance, they are mounted on sites.

When producing cottage cheese by the acid-rennet method, 1-5% of the leaven prepared on pure cultures of mesophilic lactic streptococcus is added to the mixture cooled to the fermentation temperature. Carefully mixed milk is kept for 2-3 hours until it reaches an acidity of 32-35°T. After that, a 40% solution of calcium chloride is added to it at the rate of 400 g of anhydrous salt per 1 ton of milk. Rennet or pepsin is added as a 1% solution at the rate of 1 g of enzyme per 1 ton of milk. A solution of rennet is prepared in boiled and cooled to 35°C water. A solution of pepsin in order to increase its activity is prepared on acidic clarified whey at a temperature of 36 ± 2 ° C 5-8 hours before use.

The readiness of the clot is determined by a fracture test. To do this, insert the end of the spatula slightly obliquely into the clot and carefully lift it up. The finished clot at the same time gives an even, with shiny edges, a break with the release of a transparent light green color of the serum. If the clot is not yet ready, then the fracture will have a flabby appearance with the release of cloudy serum. Incorrect determination of the readiness of the clot entails a deterioration in the quality of the curd and a decrease in its yield. The most accurate clot readiness is determined by its acidity, which for fatty and semi-fat cottage cheese should be 58-60 ° T. The formation of a clot occurs in 6-8 hours.

In order for the resulting clot to acquire the consistency of cottage cheese, about 70% of all moisture contained in it must be removed from it. Water is removed from the clot together with dry substances dissolved in it (lactose, whey proteins, etc.) in the form of whey. To speed up the release of serum, the clot must be cut into small pieces, which will significantly increase its surface. The clot is cut with special wire knives, first into horizontal layers along the length of the bath, and then along the length and width into vertical ones. The result is cubes about 20 mm in size along the edge. The cut clot is left alone for 30-40 minutes. During the exposure time, serum is intensively released from it, which is removed from the baths by a siphon or through a fitting.

When producing fatty or semi-fat cottage cheese by the acid method, a leaven prepared on pure cultures of mesophilic lactic streptococcus in an amount of up to 5% is added to the normalized mixture. Thoroughly mixed milk is left at rest until a clot forms.

Under the action of lactic acid, which is formed as a result of lactic acid fermentation, milk casein passes into an insoluble state, forming a clot. Unlike the clot obtained by acid-rennet coagulation, it has lower strength and viscosity. This is due to the unequal dispersion of protein particles in these two clots. In a clot obtained by acid-rennet coagulation, protein particles of large (30–50 µm) and medium (10–30 µm) sizes make up about 80%. With acid fermentation, there are no large protein particles in the clot, and small (up to 10 μm) particles account for about 55%.

The readiness of the clot can be determined by a break test, while paying attention to the color of the released serum. More precisely, the end of fermentation is determined by the acidity of the clot, which reaches 70-80°T. The formation of a clot occurs in 7-9 hours.

The finished clot is cut with knives into cubes with an edge size of 20 mm and left alone for 10-15 minutes to partially separate the serum from it, and therefore, some compaction of the clot pieces. Serum from a clot obtained by the acid method is released more slowly than with the acid-rennet method. To accelerate the phenomenon of syneresis, in this case, an increase in temperature is used, which causes a stronger contraction of the protein clot and a more intensive release of serum from it. For this purpose, the cut and somewhat compacted clot is heated to a temperature of 40-44 ° C, directing hot water into the interstitial space of the bath. For uniform heating of the entire mass, the clot is gently mixed. At the same time, intensive mixing is not allowed, which causes fragmentation of the pieces of the clot with the formation of small protein particles that will leave with the whey, while reducing the yield of the product. It is also impossible to allow the clot to overheat above the set temperature, which contributes to the production of cottage cheese with a dry and rough consistency. When the clot is not heated, the whey separation in it slows down, and as a result, the curd will have an increased acidity, a smearing consistency, and losses during its production will increase.

After heating the clot to the required temperature, it is left alone for 20-30 minutes for better dehydration. The whey released during this is removed from the bath. Further operations in the production of cottage cheese obtained both by acid and acid-rennet methods are performed similarly.

To improve the release of whey, the clot is pressed in small portions, placed in strong calico or lavsan bags. Through the fitting of the bath, 7-9 kg of clot flows by gravity into each bag. The bags are tied and stacked in several rows in a press trolley, where, under the action of its own weight, whey is released from the clot. Self-pressing takes place in the workshop at an air temperature not higher than 16°C and lasts at least 1 hour. The end of self-pressing is determined visually by the surface of the clot, which loses its luster and becomes matte.

After self-pressing, the bags are placed in several rows in a press trolley or another type of press, and the curd is pressed under pressure until cooked. The pressure during pressing should be increased gradually, otherwise part of the dry matter will pass into the whey, and losses will increase. In the process of pressing, the bags with cottage cheese are shaken and shifted several times, which accelerates the release of whey. In order to avoid an increase in acidity, pressing is carried out in rooms with an air temperature of 3-8 ° C. The end of pressing is determined by the moisture content in the curd. The entire pressing process lasts no more than 10 hours.

It is more expedient to press cottage cheese not in coarse calico, but in lavsan bags. This speeds up whey separation, resulting in a 40% reduction in pressing time. In this regard, the acidity of the curd is reduced by 12-15°T, which improves the quality of the finished product. Due to the decrease in the adhesion of the protein clot to the lavsan fabric, the loss of cottage cheese during production was reduced by 8–10 kg per 1 ton of product. Lavsan fabric is also easier to wash, it is much stronger than coarse calico.

After pressing, the curd is immediately sent for cooling to a temperature of 8-15 ° C, using coolers of various designs, the most advanced of which are two-cylinder closed coolers.

2.1 Classification of cottage cheese dishes

The product, depending on the milk raw materials, is divided into:

From natural milk;

From normalized milk;

From reconstituted milk;

From recombined milk;

from their mixtures.

Product (except "from natural milk"), depending on the mass fraction; subdivided into:




Cold and hot dishes are prepared from cottage cheese and curd mass. The former include curd mass with various fillers (raisins, nuts, cocoa powder, etc.), with the addition of flavoring and aromatic substances (vanillin, cumin, etc.), cottage cheese with milk, sour cream, sugar, curd cream, and the latter - dumplings, cheesecakes, casseroles, puddings. Fat cottage cheese (18% fat, 65% moisture) and semi-fat (9% fat, 73% moisture) should be served in its natural form. In this case, it is not wiped. For serving in its natural form, only curds from pasteurized milk should be used. Semi-fat and low-fat (80% moisture) cottage cheese is recommended for hot dishes. To prepare hot dishes, the cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve, with a loss of 1-2%. The second hot dishes are cooked boiled (lazy dumplings, steamed pudding), fried (cheesecakes, cottage cheese bars) and baked (puddings, casseroles). Cheesecakes are prepared with or without sugar, as well as with the addition of various vegetables (potatoes, carrots), spices (cumin). Puddings differ from casseroles in a large number of components (vanillin, raisins, candied fruits), as well as in a more delicate texture, as they include whipped proteins. When preparing dishes for 1 kg of cottage cheese put 10 g of table salt. Release the curd mass in portions of 100-200g with fresh, canned and frozen fruits and berries, with jam, sour cream, nuts; salted - with sour cream.

2.1 Technology for the preparation of cold dishes from cottage cheese

For the preparation of cold dishes, only cottage cheese made from pasteurized milk can be used.

Cottage cheese with milk, cream, sour cream or sugar. for serving in its natural form, use fatty or semi-fat cottage cheese, unmashed. Cottage cheese is placed in a plate or salad bowl in a small slide, poured with milk or cream, pre-chilled, or served separately in a milk jug or in a glass. Separately, you can apply sand or powdered sugar. Letting go of cottage cheese with sour cream, make a deepening in the cottage cheese and pour in sour cream.

Recipe for making cottage cheese with sour cream


150 g cottage cheese

50 g sour cream

15 g sugar

1 g cinnamon

Put the grated cottage cheese in a salad bowl or on a small plate in the form of a slide and pour sour cream into a small depression made in the cottage cheese with a spoon. Sugar can be served at the outlet.

Cottage cheese masses are a mixture of mashed fatty or semi-fat cottage cheese, sugar, butter, supplemented with various components. At public catering enterprises, in accordance with sanitary rules, the preparation of curd mass is prohibited, therefore, enterprises use the curd mass produced by the industry, adding fillers to it: raisins, honey, nuts, sour cream, canned fruits.

Released on dessert plates, laying in the form of a slide or releasing the curd mass from a pastry bag.

Recipe for the preparation of "Curd mass with fruits and berries"

Ready curd mass 100, fruits or berries 30.

Put the finished sweet curd mass in a slide on a plate or in a salad bowl, and around the mass - prepared fruits or berries: fresh strawberries, raspberries, pitted cherries, plums, apricots, peaches or canned fruits.

Recipe for making curd mass with raisins

Prepare a sweet curd mass, put pitted raisins (raisins) into it, after washing it in warm water. Serve natural or with sour cream.

Ready curd mass 100, raisins 15, sour cream 30.

2.2 Technology for preparing hot dishes from cottage cheese

Hot dishes from cottage cheese are divided according to the type of heat treatment into boiled, fried and baked.

Boiled curd dishes include dumplings, steam puddings.

Vareniki with cottage cheese. The process of making dumplings includes the following operations: preparing the dough, preparing minced meat, forming semi-finished products, keeping them in the cold and boiling.

To prepare the dough, milk or water is combined with eggs, salt, sugar are dissolved in it and sifted flour is introduced. The dough is kneaded in circles and left for 40 minutes to swell the proteins. for minced meat, I wipe the cottage cheese, add eggs, sugar, salt and mix.

The dough is rolled out with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm, circles are cut with a round notch, minced meat is placed on them, the edges are closed and pinched. Before cooking, dumplings are stored in wooden trays, sprinkled with flour, in the refrigerator at a temperature of -6 to 0 ° C. At positive temperatures, dumplings should be stored for no more than 20 minutes.

Dumplings are boiled in a wide and low bowl, placing them in boiling salted water in small portions. Cooking time from the moment of boiling 5-8 minutes. Ready dumplings that have floated to the surface are removed with a slotted spoon and placed in a bowl with melted butter, shaken slightly.

Dumplings are released in a lamb or a plate, poured over with melted butter, sour cream is served separately.

Lazy dumplings differ from cottage cheese dumplings in that they are prepared without dough. All products are combined (cottage cheese, eggs, salt, sugar, flour) and kneaded until smooth. The mass is rolled out into a layer 1 cm thick on a table sprinkled with flour, strips 2 cm wide are cut, and then rhombuses or rectangles are cut from them. Stored, boiled and released in the same way as dumplings with cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese pudding (steam). The curd is wiped. Raisins are sorted and washed. Nuts are cleaned and finely chopped. Raw egg whites are separated from the yolks and beaten into a fluffy, stable foam.

Cottage cheese is combined with semolina, egg yolks, mashed with sugar, raisins, nuts. add vanillin and knead the mass well, after which whipped proteins are introduced. The mass is stirred carefully so that the proteins do not settle, laid out in molds greased with butter (walls and bottom), filling 3/4 of the volume, leveled, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and put in a water or steam food warmer for cooking. Cook 20-30 min.

The finished pudding is slightly cooled and removed from the mold, cut into portions and released with sour cream, jam or sweet fruit sauce. When preparing pudding, instead of semolina, you can use ready-made semolina porridge cooked in milk.

Vareniki with cottage cheese

Put salt, sugar, sour cream, beaten eggs into the grated cottage cheese and mix everything well. Roll out unleavened dough into a long strip 1 mm thick and 40-50 cm wide and grease with a mixture of eggs and milk or water. Along the entire length of the strip of dough, stepping back 3-4 cm from the edge, spread the seasoned cottage cheese in the form of balls weighing 10-12 g with a gap of 2 cm. Cover the balls of cottage cheese with the edge of the dough, press the top layer of dough with your hands to the bottom layer around each ball and cut out the dumplings with a metal recess. Lay dumplings on wooden trays (made of plywood), sprinkled with flour, and store in a cold place until cooking.

Before serving, lower the dumplings in small batches into salted boiling water and cook at a low boil for 6-8 minutes. Remove the dumplings that float to the surface of the water with a slotted spoon and place in a saucepan with oil.

Serve dumplings with sour cream in heated porcelain salad bowls or in small deep plates. Sour cream for dumplings can be served separately (30-40g); sometimes granulated sugar or fruit syrup is also served.

For the dough: premium wheat flour 50, milk 15, eggs 8, sugar 2; For minced meat: cottage cheese 95, sugar 10, eggs 10, butter 5, sour cream 30.

Lazy dumplings

Put eggs, salt, sugar, softened butter and flour into the mashed cottage cheese. Mix everything well, until a homogeneous mass is formed. Sprinkle the mass laid out on the table with flour, roll it into a layer to a thickness of 1 cm, cut into strips 2.5 cm wide. Then cut the strips, in turn, into pieces of a rectangular or triangular shape and lay them on wooden trays sprinkled with flour.

Cook lazy dumplings in the same way as regular ones. Serve hot with butter or sour cream.

Cottage cheese 140, wheat flour 20, eggs 8, sugar 15, butter 10, sour cream 30

Steamed cottage cheese pudding

Mix egg yolks thoroughly with sugar and softened butter, and then with pureed cottage cheese. After that, add the sifted flour or crushed wheat crackers, vanillin, salt, refined to the curd mass while stirring.

from twigs and raisins and finely chopped nuts washed in warm water, and then egg whites whipped into a thick foam.

Lubricate metal tin molds for cooking pudding thickly with unmelted butter, sprinkle with sugar, fill three-quarters of their height with curd mass, put in baskets or other dishes with hot water (water should only reach half the height of the molds). Place a metal grate on the bottom of the dish, under the molds, cover the dish with a lid and cook the pudding at a boil for 30 to ^0 minutes, depending on the size of the molds. The uniform elasticity of the mass that has risen and slightly lagged behind the edges of the form is a sign of the readiness of the pudding.

Serve hot pudding with sweet sauce, sour cream or jam. Serve sour cream and sauce in a gravy boat or pour over the pudding when serving. Put berry or fruit jam on the pudding or on a plate next to the pudding, or serve it on a rosette or in a vase.

Cottage cheese 100. wheat crackers 20 or flour 10, sugar 20. eggs 30, raisins 20, nuts (kernel) 15. vanillin 0.02, butter 10, sour cream or berry jam 30.

2.3 Fried curd dishes

Fried cottage cheese dishes include cheesecakes and pancakes with cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese curds. for their preparation it is better to use fatty cottage cheese. It is necessary to squeeze out excess moisture from low-fat cottage cheese, otherwise the consumption of flour during cooking increases significantly, which worsens the quality of cheesecakes (no more than 120 g of flour and 10 g of salt should be taken per 1 kg of cottage cheese). You can cook cheesecakes not only with flour, but also with semolina, thick semolina, as well as with the addition of boiled potatoes, stewed carrots, etc.

Cottage cheese is rubbed and combined with eggs, mashed with sugar, wheat flour or semolina, salt. The mass is well mixed, cut in the form of meatballs and breaded in flour. before frying, store, laying on a baking sheet, in the refrigerator. Fry in the main way on both sides until a golden crust is formed and roast in the oven for 5-7 minutes.

Syrniki are released in 2 pieces. per serving with sugar, jam, sour cream. Sour cream, sweet milk sauce or sour cream can be served separately. Cheesecakes are fried before the holidays and served hot.

Pancakes with curd.

Add sugar, beaten eggs, salt, vanillin to the grated cottage cheese and mix well. Put the seasoned cottage cheese into 30-40 0 on the fried side of the pancakes and wrap in the form of rectangular flat pies.

Fry the pancakes in oil on both sides until golden brown, then place in the oven for 5 minutes. Serve hot in 2-3 pieces. per serving.

Sprinkle pancakes with powdered sugar on top, serve sour cream separately (30-40 g).

For the dough: wheat flour 40, milk 100, eggs 10, sugar 3; for minced meat: cottage cheese 75, sugar 10, eggs 4, vanillin 0.02; melted butter 12, powdered sugar 10

2.4 Baked curd dishes

Baked curd dishes include casserole and pudding, which differs from casserole in that raisins, vanillin, nuts, candied fruits are added to it, and squirrels whipped into lush foam are also added.

Cheese casserole. Low-fat cottage cheese is wiped and combined with wheat flour or semolina (or thick semolina), sugar, eggs, salt are added and the mass is mixed. On a baking sheet, greased and sprinkled with ground breadcrumbs, spread the mass with a layer of 3-4 cm. The surface is leveled, greased with sour cream or eggs beaten with sour cream, and baked in an oven at a temperature of 250 ° C. The finished casserole is cut into portioned pieces of a square or rectangular shape.

Released hot with sour cream, sour cream or sweet sauce.

Baked cottage cheese pudding. The mass is prepared, as for steam pudding, and laid out in a mold, oiled and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. The surface of the pudding is leveled, smeared with sour cream or ice cream and baked in an oven for 25-35 minutes until golden brown. Withstand the pudding to cool for 5-10 minutes in the form, and then lay out and cut.

Released hot with sweet milk sauce, sour cream or melted butter.

Baked cottage cheese pudding

Add egg yolks mashed with sugar, softened butter, salt, vanillin, sifted flour and raisins peeled from twigs and washed in warm water to the mashed cottage cheese. Mix everything well. Instead of flour, you can put semolina or crushed wheat crackers in cottage cheese. Then add whites whipped into a thick foam to the curd mass, knead and spread in molds or on baking sheets, oiled and sprinkled with ground breadcrumbs. Smooth the surface of the pudding and brush with sour cream mixed with egg. Bake the pudding in the oven for 25-35 minutes. Leave the finished pudding in the form for 5-10 minutes, then put it out. If the pudding is baked on baking sheets, then cut it into portions without laying it out. Serve the pudding hot with sweet fruit or berry sauce, milk sauce or sour cream. Sour cream, as well as sauces, can be served in a gravy boat.

Cottage cheese 150, flour or semolina 15, sugar 15, eggs 10, raisins 20, butter 5, vanillin 0.02, crackers 5, sour cream 5, sweet fruit sauce 75.

Cheese casserole

Add wheat flour or semolina, sugar, eggs, salt, vanillin or zest, grated from a lemon or orange, to the mashed cottage cheese, and mix everything well. Put the curd mass in an even layer on a baking sheet, pre-greased with oil and sprinkled with ground breadcrumbs. Smooth the surface of the mass, brush with eggs beaten with sour cream, and bake in an oven. Cut the finished casserole into portioned pieces of square or rectangular shape. Before serving, pour the casserole with fruit sweet sauce or sour cream.

Cottage cheese 135. semolina 10, sugar 15, eggs 4, melted butter 5. crackers 5, sour cream 5, vanillin 0.02 or zest 0.5, fruit sauce or sour cream 30.


3.1 Requirements for the quality of cottage cheese

Depending on the quality, the cottage cheese is divided into the highest and the 1st grade. In addition to diet. Cottage cheese of the highest grade should have a taste and smell clean, tender, sour-milk, without foreign tastes and odors, the texture is tender, heterogeneous is allowed; the color is white, slightly yellowish, with a creamy tint, uniform throughout the mass. In the 1st grade, slightly pronounced flavors of feed, the presence of slight bitterness are allowed; the consistency is loose, smearing, and for low-fat cottage cheese - with a slight release of whey, crumbly. Acidity of fatty curd of the highest grade - no more than 200 T, bold - 210 T, low-fat - 220 T; acidity of cottage cheese of the 1st grade - respectively, no more than 225,240,270 T.

Soft diet cottage cheese has the desired, homogeneous, slightly smearing texture, pure sour-milk taste and smell. Creamy white color, uniform throughout the mass. Acidity 210 T.

For long-term storage, cottage cheese is frozen at a temperature of - 25-30 C. When quick-frozen cottage cheese is defrosted, its structure and consistency are restored. Cottage cheese defects are fodder flavors, a pronounced sour-milk taste, bitterness, graininess. Moldy and contaminated cottage cheese is not allowed to be accepted.

Curd products are obtained from fatty, semi-fat, low-fat cottage cheese, subjected to grinding to obtain a homogeneous mass, grinding with the addition of flavoring, aromatic fillers (sugar, salt, raisins, cocoa, vanillin, nuts, etc.).

Depending on the flavoring and aromatic fillers introduced into the curd, curd products are produced in the following types:

- Sweet cottage cheese curds 16.5% fat (with cocoa, cinnamon), 8% (with cocoa, "citron", diabetic), low-fat (with cinnamon, "neringa", "neringa" pasty, diabetic), children's 23% fat (sweet, with candied fruits, raisins, tangerine grits).

- Sweet cheese curds 26% fat with vanillin, 23% with cocoa, 5% fat with vanillin and in chocolate with vanillin, lemon, cocoa.

- Sweet curd mass 23% fat, and 20% fat with the addition of candied fruits, raisins, tangerine grits.

- Cheese curds and curd mass salted 9% fat with cumin.

- Curd creams 5% fat with vanillin, candied fruits.

- Anniversary cottage cheese cakes 26% fat with candied fruits, with nuts, 26% - with nuts, with jam 26% fat.

Requirements for the quality of curd products. Curd products must have a different shape, the packaging is tight, without damage; for anniversary cakes with an artistically designed pattern, made of dense, non-spreading butter cream. The consistency is homogeneous, tender, moderately dense, corresponding to each type of product, with or without the presence of tangible particles of the introduced filler. For glazed curds with 5% fat content - mealy. Taste, smell clean, sour-milk with a taste of the introduced filler. The color is white, white with a cream tint or due to the color of the introduced filler, uniform throughout the mass. The icing on glazed curds should be firm, homogeneous, not crumbly, characteristic of its taste, smell, color.

3.2 Terms and conditions of storage

Store cottage cheese and curd products at a temperature of 0 to 2C for no more than 36 hours. from the end of the technological process. Frozen cottage cheese is stored at a temperature of - 18C for up to 8 months.

Cottage cheese, curd products and semi-finished products are packaged in consumer containers (small packaging), and cottage cheese (except for dietary) and curd mass are also packaged in transport containers (large packaging).

Fatty, semi-fat and low-fat cottage cheese is packed in the form of bars in labeled parchment, parchment, polymer-coated paper with a net weight of mainly 250, dietary cottage cheese - in bags, boxes and cups made of polymeric materials of 250 and 500 g. kovy masses - 250 and 500 g each. Curd cakes are packed in cardboard boxes with a net weight of 250 to 2000 g; creams and pasty curds - in glass jars, polystyrene cups, polymer-coated cardboard boxes and cups - from 50 to 250 g. Curd semi-finished products are packed in parchment, plastic films, cardboard boxes or bags - from 250 to 1000 g.

Large-scale packaging of cottage cheese (except for dietary) and curd masses is carried out in wooden barrels (GOST 8777-80) - up to 50 kg, metal wide-mouth flasks (GOST 5037-78) - up to 35, aluminum cans (GOST 17151-71) - up to 10, wooden and cardboard boxes with parchment liners (polyethylene film, paper with polymer coating) - up to 12 kg. Large-scale packaging of curd semi-finished products for the public catering network is allowed: dough for syrniki and lazy dumplings - in wide-mouth flasks and cardboard boxes up to 30 kg, frozen dumplings - in boxes of 7 kg, cottage cheese casseroles - in metal flasks up to 35 kg and cardboard boxes - up to 12 kg.

Permissible deviations of the net weight for small and large packaging should not exceed the norms provided for by the current NTD for this type of product.

Cottage cheese, curd products and curd semi-finished products of small packaging must be packed in cardboard, wooden or polymer boxes in no more than three rows in height, with a net weight of no more than 12 kg. Wooden and plastic boxes must be sealed, and cardboard boxes must be pasted over with paper tape.

Metal flasks and aluminum cans are corked, sealed and marked. On the transport container with cottage cheese from unpasteurized milk, the following sign should be applied: "From unpasteurized milk, intended for the production of products with heat treatment."

Modes and periods of storage of cottage cheese, curd products and curd semi-finished products from the moment of production

The product's name

Temperature, °C

Shelf life, no more

Cottage cheese of all kinds, except frozen


Curd products, except for cakes


Curd Cakes



Semi-finished curd products, except for frozen dumplings


Frozen dumplings

Not higher - 10 C

15 days

Frozen cottage cheese: in small packaging

4 months

in large package

Not higher - 18 C

6 months

Notes: 1. The shelf life of frozen cottage cheese and dumplings is calculated from the moment they are released from the manufacturer.

2. In the absence of cold at a trading enterprise, the shelf life of fat, semi-fat and low-fat cottage cheese, curd mass and cheese curds is reduced to 12 hours, and the sale of other products is not allowed.

3. The shelf life of cottage cheese when the air temperature drops to 0 ... -2 ° C increases to 10 days.

4. Long-term storage of frozen cottage cheese is possible only in refrigerators or wholesale depots.

They store cottage cheese, curd products and semi-finished products for a certain period of time. Upon release from the enterprise, cottage cheese, cottage cheese products, dough for cheesecakes and dumplings and casseroles should have a temperature of no higher than 8 ° C, frozen cottage cheese - no higher than - 8, frozen Moscow dumplings - no higher than -10 ° C.

Cottage cheese, curd products and semi-finished products with defects in taste (feed taste, impure, old, musty, excessively sour, acetic acid, caustic, rancid, bitter or yeast taste), consistency (for cottage cheese - rough, dry, crumbling, rubbery, smearing) and appearance (bloating, whey secretion, mucus) are not allowed to be sold. and mold).

To determine the chemical composition of each product in a dish, resort to reference tables of the chemical composition of food products. When calculating the composition of ready meals, the technology of their preparation is based on the recipes of dishes and culinary products for catering establishments. The raw material set is carried out in accordance with the collection of recipes, taking into account the additional recommendations for preparation set forth in it.

3.3 Tips

1. Curd is stored at temperatures up to +8 C for no more than 72 hours. It should be stored in the refrigerator in an enamel bowl, putting a few pieces of sugar there. Not very fresh cottage cheese is best used for making casseroles, dumplings and cheesecakes.

2. For long-term storage and extravagance, cottage cheese can be preserved - ready (from under the press) cottage cheese is placed for several hours in a warm oven, then under the press, and so on twice. When it becomes completely dry, place the curd tightly in clay pots and pour melted butter on top. In the cellar, such cottage cheese can be stored for months.

3. In the refrigerator, the cheese is stored on the bottom shelf, pre-wrapped in plastic wrap. If it is not possible to store the cheese in the refrigerator, it is better to wrap it in a cloth soaked in salt water. So that the cheese does not dry out, put a couple of pieces of refined sugar next to it and cover with a lid. Dried cheese can be saved by soaking in milk

4. The technology of storing cheese (suluguni) came from the East, where cheeses have been stored in jugs or wineskins with salt water or grape juice since time immemorial.


Culinary art is eternal, like any other art. But what makes him different from others? Firstly, the fruits of his creativity give us not only spiritual food, but also food for the body, which is so necessary for all people. Many would like to master this skill for real, in order, for example, to be able to turn an ordinary lunch or dinner into a holiday, unexpected, and therefore doubly pleasant!!! Have you ever asked yourself this question: "Is our house cozy?" Comfort in everything around is probably part of that bright harmony that most of us strive for. Who does not remember grandmother's pies, tea from a samovar? Everyone has this spark of warmth in their hearts, and only a little is missing so that it can flare up and warm others! And it's so nice, coming home, to feel the divine aroma from the kitchen!!! Often we drown in everyday affairs without noticing it ourselves, and the modern whirlwind carries us farther and farther from the hearth. I sincerely hope that our term paper will slightly open the door to the world of cooking and add a drop of beauty and comfort to your home.

The task of the course work set by us was successfully implemented in three chapters of this study.

In the first chapter, we examined the nutritional value of cottage cheese.

In the second chapter, the technology for preparing cold, hot, fried, baked cottage cheese dishes was described, and the methods for their preparation were briefly described.

In the third chapter, we defined the requirements for the quality of cottage cheese. Described the conditions and terms of storage of cottage cheese.

List of used literature

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