What to talk about with a girl when. How to talk to a girl you like

Every guy, going on a first date, asks himself the question - what to talk about with a girl? If you have problems communicating with the female gender, and there are ridiculous pauses in the process, this article will put everything in its place.

7 topics for communication with a girl

It happened. You decided to approach the girl, get to know each other, start a conversation. What should be talked about, and what is better to be silent about? After all, the first minutes of communication are very important.

Below 7 best themes to chat with a girl.

  1. Hobbies. Unbeatable theme. Gone are the days when only the fair sex preferred knitting or cooking. Hydroponics, origami, esotericism, photography, design, drawing, fitness. You can talk about hobbies for hours.
  2. Cloth. You can ask what style of clothing she prefers. How do you think a man should dress? If a girl is an ardent fan of shopping, you will only have to listen carefully to your interlocutor and admire her refined taste.
  3. Holidays. Halloween, Valentine's Day, New Year or Birthday. What holidays does she like the most? Be sure you will hear some funny things that happened in her life at the festive events. This is a great time to tell a couple of such stories yourself. Just do not need stories in which you got drunk and behaved inappropriately - girls do not like this and will not appreciate it.
  4. Children. You can talk about children, talk about your nephew or younger sister. Yes, you can remember your childhood. The future keeper of the hearth will appreciate your love for children. This is another plus for you and a powerful impulse to start a relationship.
  5. Pets. What pets did or does your interlocutor have? She will definitely share funny stories about her pet with you. If not, you can take the initiative into your own hands. Naturally, all stories should be prepared in advance, and laid out in a humorous style. During communication, try to make the girl laugh more often. If she laughs a lot, it means she likes your stories.
  6. Trips. Surely your new friend managed to visit exotic hot resorts. Or is she a bright fan of an extreme type of recreation or a lover of mountain hiking? Be sure to ask about it. It will be great if your preferences match.
  7. Cooking. Does the girl have little time to devote herself to some kind of hobby, and she is experimenting on the culinary front? Not a bad topic for conversation. Surely you will make her laugh with a story about your “last experience” in cooking soup or meatballs.

Humor at the beginning of a relationship is key. In no case do not talk about your problems and accidents, it will only push her away. Better come up with funny jokes in advance, she will definitely appreciate it.

What not to talk about with a girl

There are topics on which you should not communicate with a girl. She can easily write you down as a friend, and completely lose any interest in the interlocutor. What is not desirable to talk about with a lady of the heart on first dates?

  1. Former girls. You should never talk about your ex. Negative or positive colors will dominate your narrative, which in any case will not please any woman.
  2. Health. Complaining about health problems and turning into a whiner is a bad idea. Most likely, you will not see your interlocutor again.
  3. Life problems. A woman sees a earner in a man who is easily ready to solve any troubles. Complaining about bad work, lack of money, other life problems, you will alienate any interlocutor from yourself.
  4. Sports, cars. Perhaps you are lucky and the girl is an avid motorist or a football fan. But in 95% of cases, ladies are not fond of sports, and will be bored when trying to tell them about the last match of the national football team or about the latest domestic auto industry.

In this video, Vasily will conduct a short video lesson on the secrets of communicating with the opposite sex, and will give some excellent recommendations:

How to interest a girl on the street

The street is one of the most difficult places to meet a girl. Surely every day you meet more than one beauty with whom you would like to start a conversation. But how to do it right?

  • How to approach? You need to approach a little from the side. Do not try to block her path or appear from behind - this can only scare the girl.
  • Appearance. You don't have to look like Brad Pitt to pass face control. All you need is to look good. Clean shoes and clothes, neat nails, well-groomed hands, a neat haircut will do their job.
  • We attract interest. A win-win option is to ask where some object is and how to get there. It's not bad if a girl needs help, and you will come to her rescue. All this will look “random” and unobtrusive. At least it’s not the banal “What’s your name?”, “Does your mother need a son-in-law?” or "Let's get to know each other!".

Chatting in Internet

Shy guys do not dare to approach the object of interest to him on the street. According to statistics, about 75% of girls are likely to refuse communication. Social networks and dating sites come to the rescue, where during a conversation you can pause for a minute thinking about the next question or answer.

Advantageonline- communication:

Proper Communication

Girls evaluate a stranger not only by clothes and attractive appearance, but also by the manner of communication.

  • Politeness. When meeting, you need to keep a distance, do not immediately switch to “you”.
  • courtesy. If a girl does not make contact, well, you need to turn into an ill-mannered boor.
  • Honesty. In any situation, you need to remain yourself, and not invent non-existent virtues for yourself.
  • Smile. A smile can do wonders. Even if a girl is in a hurry on business, she will definitely give you a chance.
  • Listening skills. The ability to listen to others is one of the most important rules for successful communication with the fairer sex.

Conversation and non-verbal cues

Incorrectly, many people think that the first contact begins with the first conversation. The first acquaintance between a man and a woman begins with a glance. By the way, knowledge of the basics of body language (non-verbal cues ) will never let a guy get burned when meeting a lady.

  • Sight. An interested look lasts at least 5 seconds. At the same time, the woman looks not only at the man's face, but sinks lower - at the intimate zones.
  • Facial expression. A light, relaxed, as if inviting smile will give a signal to action to any man.
  • Items. Playing with objects during a conversation, such as jewelry, suggests that the interlocutor is interested in you.
  • Hair. The most "serious weapon" of the girl. Playing with the ends of the hair, the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are trying to draw attention to themselves.

Correct and confident speech.

An important factor in successful communication will be correct and beautiful speech. You do not need to have the charisma of a speaker, but your strong qualities in a conversation will be:

Now you know what to talk about with a girl and how to properly maintain an interesting conversation. The most important thing is to be yourself, and everything will definitely work out. Always remember - it's not that hard to start a conversation with a girl you don't know.

Video: what to talk about with a girl

Everyone knows this quivering and exciting moment of preparation for the first date with a girl. Many guys in this situation are wondering: what can you talk about with a girl?

Here, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. After all, girls are very vulnerable and specific creatures, their psychology and thinking in many ways differ from ours, male psychology.

The laughing girl is half subdued.
John Ray

Communication with a girl: 5 golden rules

What to talk about with a girl?

If you are in the initial stages of dating and communication, you should take this topic very seriously.

Here are a few "golden rules" that will help men communicate with any member of the opposite sex.

Women love with their ears. Everyone has long known this truth.
That is why communication with a girl should be thoughtful, but not feigned, pleasant, but unobtrusive:

  1. tell engaging and positive stories about yourself (but without too much boasting);
  2. visualize your conversation, adding bright colors and imagery to it (do not forget that girls love not only to listen, but also to imagine);
  3. periodically change topics for conversation, do not concentrate on one thing;
  4. do not turn your communication with a girl into an interrogation or dry questioning;
  5. do not delay your communication with the lady, make it a rule to say goodbye to the girl at the most interesting place.
Do not forget that every woman has her secrets and "skeletons in the closet." And getting them out of there is highly discouraged, especially on a first or second date.

What are the girls silent about, and what should they not be asked about? This will be discussed further.

What to talk about with a girl on a first date?

As experience shows, you can talk about almost everything (and, most importantly, not WHAT, but HOW to talk).

In other words, for a girl, the form of presentation is more important than the content of the conversation. Walking along the evening street, you can tell your companion some entertaining story or urban legend. So, you will not only interest the girl, but also present yourself in her eyes as a well-read and educated person.

The second task that the guy faces at the first meeting is to reveal the girl, to know her. Here it is worth focusing on common interests, as well as chatting about future plans or dreams. Such conversations will appeal to all girls, without exception.

The most important thing is how a man says, for example, the same joke, which will be performed differently, can be understood in completely different ways and cause completely opposite feelings, so you need to try to do everything correctly, unless, of course, there is a goal to interest a girl.

When telling something funny, you can make your voice louder, but if a man wants to compliment a girl, it is better that his voice be more gentle and courteous. It is also very important that all words are clearly pronounced, then it will be easier for a woman to understand her interlocutor. And, of course, without competent speech, too, nowhere, most girls turn their attention to this.

If a man understands that he has certain problems with speech, then before a date at home it is better to practice so that later you do not get into an awkward situation and do not acquire a whole bunch of complexes because of it.

If we talk about topics that can be raised in a conversation with a woman, then there are also several of them. Women, of course, love to talk, but you should not think that during the whole date you only need to agree with your interlocutor and nod your head, in the end, the woman will decide that she is not at all interesting to the man, and she is unlikely to like this date.

You can talk about your past, more precisely about youth, about where a man studied, what he did before, but it’s clearly not worth talking about ex-girlfriends and relationships in general. If there are some interesting stories about family traditions or just cases from family life, then they can also be of interest to a woman, the main thing is not to get carried away and give the woman the opportunity to tell something too.

You can tell your chosen one on the first date about your plans and dreams, this will help the woman understand what her interlocutor is like, whether her views on the future and on life in general agree with him.

Achievements and hobbies will also be interesting on a first date, since such topics again allow you to get to know your partner better, draw certain conclusions about him, cinema and music are standard topics, here you can also find, so to speak, a common wave, it may turn out that the interlocutors have similar tastes in these topics.

It is very important for girls to hear compliments, so there is no need to skimp on them, but at the same time they must be sincere, do not flatter. In addition, the lady will understand that Her life, Her work and in general she herself is interesting to a man, so you can ask her questions that relate to Her work, Her achievements, etc. There are also forbidden topics in conversations with a woman.

First of all, you can’t talk alone for a long time, after all, a dialogue must take place, otherwise the woman will simply become bored. It is also impossible to constantly dilute the conversation with platitudes, banalities are, as a rule, talk about the weather and jokes. When they communicate only on these topics, it becomes obvious that the interlocutors are not at all interested in each other.

Complaining about life on a first date is not the best idea, women generally don’t like it when men complain, on the contrary, they want to see a strong person next to them who can support and take responsibility for her, complaints in this case will only scare away.

You should not exaggerate your achievements, especially if communication is not limited to one date, it will become obvious that the man was lying, and relationships cannot begin with lies.

What NOT to talk about on a first date?

There are several stop topics that it is not recommended to touch upon when communicating with a girl.

Here they are:

  • policy;
  • religion;
  • sex;
  • Job;
  • football (unless your soul mate is an avid fan of one of the clubs).

One of the legendary ones recommends using one very unusual method in communicating with girls - "Alternative Stories". Its essence lies in the formulation and discussion of interesting situations. For example, you can ask a girl this question: “What would you do if you woke up tomorrow as a famous celebrity?”. Be sure to try using this method in communication - it will definitely surprise you!

What girls are silent about or a little about “skeletons in the closet”

« How old are you?», « Where do you live?», « How much do you weigh?"- experienced pick-up artists do not recommend asking a girl such questions when meeting. Questions like “Do you consider yourself beautiful?” will also be extremely inappropriate when talking with a special weaker sex.

On a first date, a guy needs to ask as few questions as possible and listen more. You can only subtly direct the girl's story in the right direction in order to learn as much as possible about her.

However, here is such a vague phrase: Well, now tell me something about yourself..."- definitely will not bring any result, putting the interlocutor in an extremely awkward and stupid position.

In no case should a woman be asked about her ex-men, as well as about her experience in the love field.

Now you know what the girls are silent about and what questions they should not ask. This information will help you in the art of communication and seduction!

What to talk about with a girl on the phone?

Not everyone likes to talk on the phone, and not many people know how to do it well.

The specificity of any telephone conversation is in the absence of non-verbal communication. That is, it is impossible to see how the interlocutor reacts to what you said.

Let's look at how to properly conduct such a conversation, and about what can:

  • First of all, the guy should talk more often about his victories and achievements, even if they are not so significant. Women love strong, successful and most importantly, driven men. Therefore, in a conversation, you can tell the girl about your plans - global or not.
  • You can also talk about how your day at work or school went. Tell us about what you saw, what interesting or new things you learned, what you thought about. The girl will be very interested to know even about such insignificant things.
At the end of a telephone conversation, it would be useful to remind the girl of her importance in your life. Tell her that you miss her and look forward to seeing her again.


The Internet plays an extremely important role in the life of modern man. Many today meet and even fall in love with each other in the virtual world. What can you talk about with a girl online?

There are many topics for exciting conversations on the Internet:

  • movie,
  • music,
  • literature,
  • art,
  • trips,
  • countries and cities
  • esoteric and mystical...
You can talk about all this with a girl for hours! In addition, communication in social networks has one indisputable advantage: today you can attach a photo, audio or video recording to any message.

Knowing about the interests and hobbies of the interlocutor, this feature can be used to advantage. Send a girl a reproduction of her favorite artist's painting or a song from her favorite rock band. She will definitely appreciate it!

However, we must not forget that the Internet is just a virtual reality. The girl should see you “offline” as often as possible and hear your voice live.

So invite your lady for an evening walk and enjoy live, real communication! And, be happy!

When a girl is 5 years old, you tell her a story and send her to bed.
At age 10, she tells stories to herself as she goes to bed.
At the age of 15, she tells her mother stories about the fact that she did not go to bed with anyone.
At 20, anyone is ready to tell her a story to drag her into bed.
At 25, people tell stories about what she can do in bed.
At 30, she tells stories in bed that she is still 20.
At 35, you tell her stories that you don't get anyone to bed anymore.
At 40, she tells you stories to get you into bed.
At 45, you tell her stories so you don't go to bed.

What to talk about with a girl while dating? How to talk during a pickup truck - loudly or quietly, with a cheerful face or with a serious one? .. You must use all of the above options. If you tell a girl a joke, then tell it lively, loudly. If you are loading, then speak a little quieter to reduce the contact area, but clearly so that she does not have to ask you again. A soft, inspired voice, a slightly defocused look, adjustment (posture and breathing), an interested look, mirroring of gestures ... There are also so-called trance intonations. In general, voice work is the most important part of communication, since we usually communicate with it. Best of all, you will be given a “voice” at an NLP training, and at home, a voice recorder will become your trainer.

Let's move on to the topics of conversation ... You need to talk with a girl about life, about people and attitude towards them, about what is valuable to her, what she likes in men, about love, finally. The greatest confidence in the interlocutor is caused by stories about parents. Here you can connect your fantasy and tell how your dad jumped with a parachute, and he often didn’t open it, or how your mom heroically saved a brood of kittens from a burning house. Start talking about the interests of the girl, about her future profession, tell a story from life, a little philosophy, a story about some musician that she might find interesting. You ask a question - almost any, but while she is thinking, you are preparing the next one, you are considering further conversation. The more questions are ready, the easier it is to think through and direct the conversation in the right direction. Remember Stirlitz - he spoke and thought about completely different things at the same time! Of course, this won’t work right away, but it’s worth training.

Main - in a conversation with a girl, do not get hung up on one topic! After a pause in the conversation, when it begins to seem that everything has already been said about the previous topic, just change the subject. At least pay attention to the weather - but do not overdo it with platitudes! After talking yourself, leave time for her to speak out so that you don’t get the impression that you adore monologues. She is the same person, only with a slightly different way of thinking - try to feel it, understand its value. And the questions “what to talk about with a girl” simply will not arise, since the main reason for their occurrence is that a guy often does not see a personality behind a girl.

Imagine a situation when you are talking with your friends - can you constantly and continuously talk any nonsense with them? Easily! So, the whole problem when communicating with girls depends only on your internal state. Try to communicate more with all the women around you, and sooner or later communication with them will be no different from the other. I recommend listening to the radio, as the DJ constantly has to say different nonsense, and he must say it all the time and never repeat himself, which is very difficult!

Sound out your inner monologue! When you sit next to a girl in a bar, bus, office, talking with her about the weather, work or last year's vacation, thoughts are spinning in your head about what a charming smile your companion has, how her hair sparkles in the sun, how wonderful her perfume smells. Try to let out this conversation that you have with yourself. Voice your thoughts, tell the girl: "I could not help but pay attention to your eyes - they sparkle like diamonds." Tell the girl in your office, "You know, work can sometimes be depressing, but you're so charming, I just need to see you to cheer me up." Option for the bus: "I was just thinking that if it weren't for your smiling face that I see every morning, I would probably quit my job and stay at home."

Think of TV celebrities you've seen on talk shows. They say unexpected, crazy, even outrageous things, intriguing the audience or making them laugh. Think of your friends who are very popular with girls. You have probably noticed that these men are able to talk to a girl without embarrassment on any topic of interest to women, and the weaker sex likes this. These people break the shackles of traditional secular communication, they are liberated, spontaneous, even prone to clowning. They are not afraid to show a girl a heart-shaped birthmark on their own thigh, they fearlessly imitate a wild duck luring a drake towards them, and when the party gets boring, they start a discussion about what is the best kissing technique. In other words, these men are damn entertaining because they are not afraid to rip off their formal jacket and say or do whatever they want.

Never ask a girl the typical stranger questions “Where do you go to school?”, “Where are you from?”, even “What is your name?” Old friends don't ask that. Why remind her once again that you're a stranger? It is better to ask her such questions: “Where would you go on vacation, what country is your dream?” or "Tell me the story of that ring of yours." Even better questions are funny stories about yourself. Talk about yourself as if the other person has known you for a long time. Don't tell a girl: “I have a five-year-old niece, when she came yesterday, she arranged something ...” Better to say like this: “My niece, do you know what she arranged yesterday? She took the whipped cream from my fridge…” Avoid introducing the girl to the facts of your life, talk about events and emotions.

Incorrect: “I work for the Horseradish Corporation as a paperclip unfolding manager. They promised to give me a car recently… Can you imagine?…” It’s better to say to a girl: “You know, yesterday was a hard day, and when I got free, I went out to the roof of our office building and looked at the city, at the lit windows and hurrying cars, and you know what I was thinking?… About all these people who are dreaming about something…” Less facts, more emotions. Close people communicate not at the level of facts, but at the level of emotions. Naturally, curiosity will make the girl ask questions. Reward her curiosity with new interesting messages.

- How old is your niece?

- Lenke something? 5 years. You know, the most interesting thing is that she only obeys her grandmother, and they named her after her. You won’t believe it, Baba Lena once danced in ballet ... so when Lenka gets naughty, she starts to perform such things ... we make fun of her that we will give her to a striptease ...

It is necessary to talk with a girl in an interesting way and in the most boring (proposed) topics. Your answers should awaken her imagination and kindle curiosity. In order not to give the impression of hiding something (for example, not to tell that the car broke down a long time ago, and there is no money for a vacation), give her more information than she needs, more than she can absorb. Close people share anything when communicating, not dividing information into important and funny.

Well, if you still suffered a failure in the form of a complete stupor and awkward silence, then there is a way out. At such a moment, it is good to observe her eyes, and then say: “You know, it's always interesting to know what people think during such pauses. It seems to me that this could be very good. My friend Vanya recently also met a girl on the street, and they were sitting like we are now. By the way, now they are very happy and they feel good together. And when there was such a pause, he took her hand like this (you take her hand) and said: “I was just thinking about how good it could be for you and me. You are so beautiful, tender and affectionate. Imagine how good it would be if you thought the same thing now and even after a long time you remembered this day (morning, evening) as the happiest in your life, when you so simply believed your heart, and now we are happy together.

[Keeping up a long and interesting conversation is a daunting task for many. Even understanding the principles of building a successful dialogue, a man is painfully silent already in the second minute of communication. At the practical pickup trainings of the Dating Academy, you will learn in real conditions not only to talk to a girl, but also to maintain an interesting conversation with any person for many hours. Moreover, the instructor will correct and train you "in hot mode", right in the process of meeting or dating, unnoticed by the girl.]

If you have to talk to a girl who is silent from the very beginning of the acquaintance, you can amuse her with a monologue ... Knock-knock! Are we silent? Well, if you don’t want it, whatever you want ... Will we get to know each other? You're busy? Are you ignoring? Broke down? Don't want to chat? Want something more? Tired of guys? Imposing? Passed out from happiness? Do not be silent, oh beautiful stranger, I cannot bear this murderous silence! Do you love poetry? Let me tell you something! I can Shakespeare's sonnets, amorous poems, Onegin's letter to Tatyana, excerpts from the orders of the President of the Russian Federation, from the Constitution, I can use the Kalashnikov assault rifle or hypnotic phrases, after reading which you will simply fall in love with me ... Maybe you like philosophical sayings? .. We can talk for a lifetime in nature! And we can have highly intellectual disputes about the meaning of life and spiritual values ​​... What do you like more? .. Maybe we'll play a game? I offer a one-question test for knowledge of the Russian language. If you give the correct answer, then I fall off the side and never pester you again! If you can not answer correctly, then you will communicate with me. And if you keep quiet, then I'll think of something else! Do you agree?.. I'll make you an offer you can't refuse! I will apply all my strength of character, seduction, individuality, uniqueness of me as a person, so that you can at least answer something! Well, at least send me away, or what? At least some kind of reaction… Oh! Eat! Invented! Let's play one more game! Come up with three of the most sophisticated ways to send a young man who pesters you. Weak?! Yes, it looks weak ... And you refuse to send me, and you also refuse to answer ... Hmm, a very unusual case! What to do with you?.. What about you? Let's be quiet, okay? Please don't distract me anymore! Don't even try, I won't answer! Oh, how good it is to be silent with you! Just a soul to heaven! There are so few people in the world with whom even if you are silent, you still feel comfortable! I even begin to understand the meaning of life! Here's a little more - and I understand! And nirvana will overtake me! What a pleasure to talk to a girl like you. And all because of you! Thank you! Big and huge! I started talking about something… We were going to be silent… Everything, we need to concentrate… And be quiet… Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… My receptors open to the Great Cosmos… Ommmmmmmmmmmm… How do you feel? I'm so glad I met you! You know how to be silent so beautifully and eloquently ... Just a rare girl! It is necessary to protect this! .. That's it, let's keep silent! .. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! Ask with what? I will answer: You are the most impregnable girl I have ever met. You know, I'm already so used to you. To the fact that I can tell you whatever you want - still do not answer ... Beauty! I know what you're thinking... You're thinking, like, she didn't say a word, but he chatted for half an hour. He will probably tell a whole novel now ... And I'm not going to! It wasn't even in my mind! I think that just a presentation with elements of an essay will be enough. Knock Knock! There-there-there! Bang bang bang! Fuck tibidoh! Can't hear... What a talkative girl...

Meetings with a girl can take place in different ways, be fun and informative, spontaneous and fun, constrained and calm. Much depends on the stage of relations between people, their mood and external, internal factors of influence. Psychologists say that the key to success in a relationship with a girl is competent and correct communication. And experts are ready to tell you what to talk about on a date with a girl.

Talking to a girl is always an opportunity to charm her, attract attention and learn something new about her. But not always a man can keep up the conversation, choosing the right topics. In this case, psychologists offer a top list of the most neutral and boring topics that will help make the meeting interesting and filled with emotions. Also, experts call what you should not talk about on a date, so as not to spoil it.

Psychologists offer effective advice on what to talk about with a girl on a first date so that she agrees to a second meeting. It is extremely important for a man to follow these recommendations, as there will be no second chance to make a first impression. The main rule is that the man pays the maximum attention to the girl, but also partially talks about himself.

Get interested in her by asking questions

All girls, without exception, love attention, so by asking questions about her life, goals and dreams, there is an opportunity not only to learn a lot of information about her, but also to show your interest in her. When asking questions, a man needs to be able to listen to the interlocutor, not to interrupt with a new stream of questions. And, of course, the conversation should not be in the format of an interrogation, but more inclined towards a sincere emotional conversation.

Find out your common interests

When, under the excitement and constraint, young people do not know what to talk about, experts advise starting with the topic of interests and hobbies. To begin with, you can ask what the girl is fond of, praise her versatility and active life position. After that, you can talk about your hobbies, demonstrating your abilities. You can talk about books, sports, movies and music, outdoor activities.

Talk about yourself less often

The first date should focus more on the girl so that she feels the interest and sympathy of the man. Girls are naturally talkative and emotional, so it’s worth giving them the opportunity to speak out. A man, if he talks too much about himself, may seem like a braggart and too selfish person. In this case, the girl will close, and will feel embarrassed.

Don't talk about topics that she doesn't care about.

There are a number of topics that not all girls are competent in, and if they rise on a first date, there is a risk that it will simply be spoiled. We are talking about all kinds of technical topics, for example, about cars, weapons, tools, etc. Also on this list are conversations about football, basketball, hockey and other sports that girls are rarely interested in.

Be emotional, but not too

It is not so important what to communicate on the first date, how important is how to communicate. By nature, girls are very sensitive and emotional, so it is extremely important that the conversation is sincere and warm. You can exchange information for a long and tedious time, or you can talk about banal things, but under such a “sauce” that the girl will remember him for a long time. Communication is not just a way to transfer information, but also an exchange of emotions.

The best topics to talk to a girl on a first date

Since a date is more often 1 on 1 communication, a man has a great opportunity to show his best sides, as well as learn a lot of important and interesting things about a girl. For this, there is, it remains only to find comfortable options for both, so that the date goes at the highest level. Topics should be such that both the young man and his companion are competent.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Family Relations Expert. Family psychologist.

To make the date interesting and memorable, a man should ask questions that do not imply monosyllabic answers. And psychologists advise making a list of suitable topics in advance before a date to avoid awkward moments of silence.

Favorite food

You can ask the girl what kind of cuisine she prefers in order to know in the future which restaurant to take her to. A man may also ask if the girl likes to cook, noting for herself her pluses or weaknesses. Knowing the girl's taste preferences, a man can safely organize trips to a cafe, a picnic, a pizzeria or a sushi bar.


An excellent topic for conversation is the girl’s attitude towards animals, which can characterize her in detail as a person. The point of contact in a couple can be the presence of pets, in the future, young people can walk their four-legged friends together, and a man can safely keep up a conversation about the nutrition, care and leisure of animals. In addition, you can pamper a girl with gifts for her pet.


By the way a girl prefers to relax, one can understand her character and disposition. A man can find out from a girl what she prefers - clubs and bars, or nature or home gatherings, a cinema or a concert, active recreation or secluded corners for a relaxing pastime. Knowing this, a man will never have a question where to go on a date with a girl next time.


The never-ending topic is travel, you can dream about it endlessly. Probably, there is no such person who would not dream of traveling around different countries and cities. Young people on a date can discuss their previous trips, share their impressions of countries and cities. In any case, such a conversation will be emotional, sincere and pleasant for both interlocutors, you can even dream about joint travels in the future.

Does your girlfriend love to travel?


Study or work

If a man at the first meeting, under the influence of excitement, does not know what to say to a girl, you can take an interest in what surrounds her in everyday life. We are talking about work or study, and you should not assume that this is a hackneyed and banal topic. By asking about this, a man will show a woman his interest in her life. Then you can talk about your activities and plans for the future, showing her your determination and understanding of what a man wants from life.

Advice! The conversation must contain humor and jokes that make the conversation not boring and dry, but confidential, positive and direct. No wonder they say that if a man can make a girl laugh, then he can make her fall in love with him.

How to communicate with a girl on a first date?

The conversation on the first date should be warm, interesting, confidential and relaxed, much depends not only on the topics of the conversation, but also on the presentation of information by young people. Psychologists give important advice on how to communicate with a girl so that she wants to see a man again. In addition to competent speech, gallantry and politeness, it is worth paying attention to several important points.

On the first date, it's better not to argue

The center of attention on a date should be a girl, so a man needs to ask her questions, be interested in principles and concepts, goals in life and dreams. If suddenly her opinion disagrees with the opinion of a man, you should not argue and prove your truth. This may seem to her a sign of the incompatibility of partners, and therefore the inappropriateness of the date as a whole.

Remember everything she says

If a girl sees that a man is sincerely interested in everything she says, her desire to communicate with him will only grow. You can demonstrate genuine interest in her and your sympathy if you not only listen, but also remember what she says. Otherwise, she will lose the desire and desire to be understood and heard. You need to remember even the details, as they can one day play a cruel joke.

Be sincere and honest

The presentation of information from the lips of a man should be as natural and believable as possible so that the girl can trust her in the future. To do this, you need to be yourself, while maintaining your individuality and sincerity. It is clear that a man wants to please his companion, but this does not mean that you need to embellish information about yourself. Due to their emotionality and sensuality, girls immediately feel falseness and hypocrisy.


In order for the meeting with the girl to be positive and with the prospect of a second date, a man needs to think over topics for conversation in advance. You need to communicate about the girl's life, telling some information about yourself, but focusing more on your companion. In addition to the question of what to talk about on a date, psychologists note the importance of the question of how to communicate. The conversation should be lively, filled with emotions and impressions.

Often there are situations when a man does not know what to talk about with a girl against the backdrop of excitement, worries or embarrassment. Experts say that communication skills and the ability to easily communicate with the opposite sex comes with experience and practice. In the meantime, during this stage, you can start with a theory that will help a man be ready for different circumstances.

Psychologists believe that the first opinion about a person significantly affects further communication, so it is most difficult to start a conversation correctly. For inexperienced men, superficial topics were left, as well as what questions can be asked in order to win over a woman and get to know her better. Thanks to communication, you can show the girl your good sides of character, as well as get important information from her life.

Some men tend to pre-think topics for conversations and questions that will be asked during the conversation. Daredevils and self-confident seducers, on the contrary, prefer to improvise, developing a conversation in a free mode without a plan and instructions. Psychologists, for all types of men, have prepared topics for talking with a girl when they meet, since the prospect of a relationship depends on the first impression.

In general, communication during acquaintance can consist of three types of phrases - contextual or directive, as well as template phrases. In the first case, the situation and circumstances of acquaintance decide a lot; phrases can vary within the woman's appearance, her outfit and hairstyle, mood, behavior or environment. Thanks to such communication, the girl will understand that she is interested in the man. Here are some examples of contextual phrases:

  • Tell me, is this street (street name) really?
  • Do you know where you can buy ice cream nearby, maybe we can enjoy a treat together?
  • It's raining outside, may I offer you my umbrella?
  • You have such a posture and grace, surely you are dancing?
  • It's amazing how you look like a famous actress (the name of an attractive actress)!

If we consider directive phrases, they are needed to demonstrate the desire for acquaintance. Just here you don’t have to think about how to interest a girl. Despite the fact that such phrases are less productive, but this approach emphasizes the confidence and purposefulness of a man. Directive phrases can be of the following plan:

  • Will you have free time tonight?
  • How do you feel about live communication and a walk in the park?
  • Allow me to get to know you.
  • Your beauty does not allow me to pass by, what is your name?

Template phrases can also tell you what to talk about with a girl. This is perhaps the most controversial option for dating, as it can either ruin everything or help a man start a conversation. Examples of template phrases:

  • Does your mother need a son-in-law?
  • I am amazed by your beauty, let me know your name.
  • Let's meet?
  • I think we've met somewhere before.
  • Your beauty struck me so much that I just do not know how to talk to you.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Family Relations Expert. Family psychologist.

Template phrases must necessarily correspond to the character and temperament of a man, otherwise the girl will immediately recognize the “preparedness” and stereotyped conversation of a man, perceiving him as an insincere person.

Long conversations

Any man can talk to a girl, but not everyone knows how to arrange a woman for conversation and open communication with the right questions. There are questions that lead the dialogue to a dead end, as a rule, they imply monosyllabic answers. If a man seeks to talk to his opponent in order to find out more about her, it is advisable to make a list of questions in advance that can and cannot be asked.

What questions can be asked?

Good questions should begin with the words “why, what for, what, how and which”. Thanks to this wording of questions, the girl will immediately understand that the man is interested in her, settling down for further communication with him.

Psychologists advise transforming any closed questions into open ones, for example:

  1. The question “Do you like strawberries?” you can ask differently - "What berries and fruits do you prefer especially?".
  2. The question “Are you an owl or a lark?” can be rephrased - “what time do you usually wake up, how many hours are you used to sleeping, what time do you go to bed?”.

Psychologists emphasize the basic rules about what to communicate with a girl with the help of questions:

  • girls always appreciate creative and non-standard questions, so a man needs to dream up so that the questions are not boring and banal;
  • questions must be positive, and any unexpected turn of the conversation is best corrected by changing the topic;
  • personal questions should be asked in a dosed way and in a timely manner as you get closer to the girl.

If a man does not know how to flirt with a girl, you can simply ask what flowers she likes, which will be a signal for further action and courtship. You can demonstrate interest in her by asking about her friends, abilities and talents, hobbies and professional activities, goals in life and dreams. Questions about movies, favorite actors, music will help you decide on further options for successful dates.

Important! If a girl is constrained and not disposed to communicate, psychologists recommend using humor in questions. Not knowing what to talk about in a certain situation, you can just joke. For example, asking “I bet I'm a better kisser?” or “What do you think, if you take a sleeping pill, and then a can of energy drinks, who will win in the end.”

What questions should not be asked?

In fact, it is quite difficult for many men to find a topic for conversation and questions, as a result of which tricky and negative questions often arise that lead the dialogue to a dead end. For example:

  • questions about the girl's weight;
  • about the number of guys in the past;
  • about any mistakes she made;
  • about the level of IQ;
  • about appearance in a critical format (hair color, choice of cosmetics, clothing, etc.).

Are you able to carry on a conversation with a girl?


Also, do not use template options for questions that do not fit the type and character of a man. It is worth remembering that closed questions ending with a one-word answer always bring the dialogue to an end. Inadmissible questions include vulgar options that may be appropriate only between close acquaintances.


Often, men turn to specialists on forums and communities with the problem “I don’t know what to talk about with a girl on social networks”. It would seem that there is nothing easier than communicating remotely using the Internet, where every word can be thought out in advance. First of all, experts advise to determine the goals of communication, which will predetermine the direction of communication.

Advice! Communication on the Internet should be based on a goal that is best achieved along the shortest path. Wasting time and stretching the dialogue for months and years is inappropriate, this will lead to a lack of interest on the part of the girl.

During correspondence it is forbidden:

  • complain about life, people, cry about difficulties and problems;
  • gossip about other people;
  • to discuss the shortcomings of people, especially their ex-girlfriends;
  • be offended by the interlocutor with or without it.

It is better to talk about yourself those moments and events that characterize a man from the best side. Any opinion must be supported by facts, without value judgments. A good indicator of the best sides and qualities will be photographs with family, friends, in different circumstances, demonstrating the hobbies and interests of a man. From the photo of the girl you can find a topic for conversation. Media files, movies, music, pictures can add creativity to the correspondence to attract attention.

Topics for conversation with girls

Few men know for sure what girls like to talk about, which is why attempts to start a dialogue often fail. A successful and productive conversation with a girl is possible, the topics of which will be related to her hobbies, hobbies, preferences and priorities in life, dreams and plans for life. It is important that the conversation be as relaxed and unobtrusive as possible, natural, so that it does not look like a man is just fawning.


If a man builds a dialogue with an unfamiliar girl in order to invite her on a date, you can put her in a romantic mood with the help of a conversation. You can tell how a man would like to meet the dawn in the morning or order in the evening in an intimate setting. Or you can invite a girl to the beach in order to take beautiful romantic photos at sunset or sunrise.


You can find common interests with a stranger by talking about proper nutrition, sports, and lifestyle. Almost all girls are concerned about their figure, watching the tone and weight. You can ask about her attitude to sports, suggest a good gym, a website or blog about proper nutrition, or something like that. In the future, you can even organize a joint visit to the gym or pool.


You can maintain a lively conversation on the topic of art and culture, asking the girl for preferences in music, cinema, and hobbies for various types of creativity. Most often, such topics are appropriate in a conversation with a girl, when everything has already been talked about. In addition, in this way you can find common ground, for example, your favorite actor or movie genre, music and common favorite songs.

Her family and relatives

How to talk to a girl when communication has already become quite close and close? In this case, a man can ask about parents and family relationships. According to the description of the pope, one can understand what ideal of a man is built in the girl's subconscious. By showing interest in the girl's family, the man thereby makes it clear that he has serious intentions for her.


Another lively and always relevant topic, about which you can communicate tête-à-tête or through the network, is animals. Almost all girls love animals, so you can show her your attitude towards them, emphasizing the points of contact. If she has pets, you can ask for a photo, and then give the animal pleasant compliments. Praise for caring for our smaller brothers will be the perfect compliment for the girl herself.


Laughter prolongs life, and psychologists say that it is his sense of humor that conquers many girls in men. You can just tell any funny incident from life so that she is interested, or a funny anecdote. If interesting topics have been exhausted, it's time to have fun from the heart with jokes and sharp humor. If a man managed to cheer up a girl, then he will be able to conquer her.


If a man does not know what to do in order to win over a girl, you can use a special tool - compliments. But at the same time, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise it will look insincere in the form of fawning. You can simply praise her lipstick, manicure or hairstyle when you meet, because she spent time creating an image. The best subjects for compliments are the girl's smile and eyes.

Communication rules

First of all, a man needs to put a list of topics, as well as what questions to ask a girl to talk to her. Further, during the conversation, you need to adhere to several rules from psychologists, namely:

  • Lie exception. With constant and close communication, any untruth sooner or later will surface.
  • The exclusion of obscene speech, abuse always spoils the impression of a man and can even be perceived as an insult to a girl.
  • Correct posture and gestures. During conversations, you should not cross your arms over your chest, excessive gestures can look strange, and constant scratching of the chin, head, eyes and earlobes emphasizes self-doubt.
  • Inadmissibility of complaints. Girls love and respect strong and persistent men, so you should not complain about difficulties, work, and even more so about ex-girlfriends.
  • Conducting a dialogue. In the course of communication, it is important to maintain parity by speaking out and listening to the opponent.
  • Bright and emotional conversation. Stories about any events should be supported by appropriate emotions and mood so that the dialogue is always lively and not boring.
  • Positive. You should not discuss any life problems with your interlocutor, shifting the load on her shoulders. Also, do not gossip about other people, discuss ex-girlfriends, etc.
  • Self confidence. In the dialogue of a man there should not be the phrases “I need to think”, “maybe” or “I don’t know”. In addition, during communication, you need to monitor your posture, the straightened state of the shoulders, calmness, confidence in gait, etc.

To communicate in accordance with these rules, you can regularly train in front of a mirror. Particular attention is paid to breathing, which can turn a confident conversation into a confused and crumpled monologue. In order for speech to be clean and literate, you need to read books, train with the help of tongue twisters and various exercises from speech therapists.

What shouldn't be talked about?

Interesting topics have already been discussed earlier, now it’s worth finding out topics for conversations with a girl that are forbidden and contraindicated by specialists. First of all, these include topics that a priori cannot be interesting and understandable for the fair sex, for example, topics about cars and technology, horror or action films, computers or weapons.

Topics that are extremely contraindicated include politics, religion and nationalism, since disputes and clashes of views often arise on this basis. The topic of ex-girls in a man's life, about their advantages and disadvantages, is considered taboo. A man is not supposed to gossip, whine and cry into the shoulder of a girl, as well as succumb to emotionality, expressing his lack of concentration.


Many inexperienced and insecure men attend various trainings and psychological consultations in order to learn how to flirt with a girl and get to know the opposite sex. In fact, everything is quite simple, it is only important to decide on the purpose of meeting and communicating, to start a conversation by finding common topics for conversation, and also to show your best qualities and traits through a well-structured dialogue. Communication should be lively, relaxed and sincere.