What is needed for ultrasound obp. How to prepare for an ultrasound so as not to throw money away

The passage of ultrasound in any medical institution requires compliance with some general rules. Before you go to the examination, be sure to take with you the results of the analyzes and the conclusions of the previous studies. Also, do not forget a sheet to lay it on the couch, and a towel (napkins) to clean the skin after the ultrasound. It is worth dressing so that there are no difficulties with access to the study site.

If preparation for ultrasound requires advance and thorough conduct, all recommendations should be followed responsibly. Properly conducted preparatory stage significantly affects the reliability of research results.

Preliminary preparation for ultrasound is not required in the case when the brain, heart, blood vessels, muscles, soft tissues, thyroid and thymus, hip joints are examined.

The results of ultrasound diagnostics of internal organs are strongly influenced by factors such as excessive gas formation and fecal masses in the intestines, overweight, the patient's hyperactivity during the scan, the presence of open wounds or dressings in the study area.

Most often there are problems with the intestines: if the patient has a predisposition to constipation or flatulence, then any ultrasound of the internal organs (pelvic organs or abdominal cavity) requires a special diet. A few days before the ultrasound, you should not eat foods that cause increased intestinal gas formation. You also need to take espumizan or activated charcoal, strictly adhering to the instructions written in the instructions. So, activated charcoal must be drunk for every 10 kg. weight of 1 tablet, i.e. patient weighing 70 kg. you need to take 7 tablets, this calculation is valid only for adults.

The effectiveness of ultrasound of the internal organs largely depends on the quality of preparation before the study: exclude gas-producing foods from the diet a few days before the procedure

Examination of the abdominal organs

Adult training

The spleen, liver, pancreas and gallbladder are examined after preliminary special preparation:

  • Usually, it is recommended to undergo ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal organs in the morning on an empty stomach. Before the ultrasound, scheduled for the second half of the day, you can not eat at least 5 hours.
  • For three days before the procedure, you should not eat gas-producing foods, it is advisable to avoid eating raw vegetables and fruits, milk, legumes, fresh bakery products, as well as carbonated drinks.
  • The diet should be combined with the intake of enterosorbents: you can take activated charcoal or espumizan.
  • Deviations from the rules of preparation are possible if the patient has certain diseases. So, in case of diabetes mellitus or coronary heart disease, it is required to follow the recommended early dietary nutrition, it is not necessary to refuse to take prescribed medications.
  • Before ultrasound diagnostics, alcohol, smoking and chewing gum should be abandoned, since all this can cause involuntary contractions of the gallbladder and, accordingly, the results of the study will be less reliable.
  • Ultrasound and other procedures, such as fibrogastroscopy and colonoscopy, should be performed on different days.

Preparing children

The feeding regimen of an infant should not be changed. Choose the time of the examination so that the last meal is at least 2.5 hours before the ultrasound. The interval between food and diagnosis for formula-fed babies should be at least 3.5 hours, since it takes more time to digest milk mixtures. Vegetable or fruit-based mixtures are also digested for a long time, and therefore it is better to refuse to use them. If necessary, you can give the child to drink - only clean drinking unsweetened water, juices and teas can not be drunk.

Examination of the urinary system

Examination of the kidneys and adrenal glands, in general, requires the same preparations as for ultrasound of the abdominal organs. If the bladder is being examined along the way, it is necessary to drink about a liter of water 30 minutes before the ultrasound

Usually, preliminary preparation for ultrasound of the kidneys is not needed. The results of the diagnosis can only be affected by excess weight and the presence of intestinal gases. With a tendency to gas formation, a preparation similar to the preparation for ultrasound of the peritoneal organs is recommended. For babies of the first year of life, the diagnosis of the urinary organs is carried out 3 hours after eating.

The adrenal glands are examined on an empty stomach. For three days before the ultrasound, you need to follow a slag-free diet, i.e. refuse products of animal origin.

Examination of the pelvic organs

Adult training

Women are assigned ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs to assess the condition of the bladder, uterus and appendages. As a rule, such an ultrasound is performed on the 6-7th day of the cycle. The date of the appointment is determined by the specialist with whom you are observed. Female ultrasound can be performed in two ways:

  1. The transabdominal method requires prior preparation of the bladder. Within an hour, you should drink liquid, the volume of which should be at least 1 liter.
  2. Preparation for ultrasound conducted by the transvaginal method is not needed. Diagnosis is carried out after complete emptying of the bladder.

Ultrasound examination of pregnant women in the first trimester is carried out with moderate filling of the bladder, it is enough to drink half a liter of non-carbonated water 30-40 minutes before the ultrasound. Subsequent ultrasound examinations during pregnancy can be performed without prior preparation.

In the male population, the prostate gland and bladder are examined by transabdominal and transrectal methods. Preparation for a male transabdominal ultrasound is the same as for an ultrasound examination of women in this way. Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate involves a cleansing enema before a scheduled examination.

In men, pelvic examination can be performed transrectally. Preparation for such a procedure is required - you should clean the intestines in advance

Preparing children

How to prepare for a pelvic ultrasound in children? How much fluid should you drink? According to the recommendations of doctors, the study of the bladder should be carried out after the child drinks from 200 ml. up to 800 ml. unsweetened water without gas. Such a difference in the required volume of fluid depends on the individual characteristics of the child's body. If the child cannot drink a large amount of liquid at a time, then you can take water in small portions 1.5 hours before the appointed time.

Ideally, by the time of the study, the baby should feel a strong desire to urinate. Infants do not need to observe the drinking regime, it is recommended to give the baby a drink 20 minutes before the procedure.

The scrotum in boys is examined without a preparatory stage, it is necessary to carry out standard hygiene measures. The study of the genital organs in girls is carried out by the transabdominal method. Preparation for ultrasound in this case corresponds to the scheme of preparation for the study of the bladder.

Examination of the stomach

Preparation for ultrasound of the stomach is in many ways similar to the recommendations described above. It is enough not to eat for 7-8 hours before the examination, while taking about half a liter of drinking water with you. First of all, an empty stomach is scanned, then, according to the instructions of the diagnostician, you need to drink liquid, which will allow the specialist to evaluate the work of the stomach. With the help of drunk water, visualization of the lower esophagus can be done well.

Diagnosis in infants excludes such a large break between meals, so a three-hour gap is enough, as in the study of the abdominal organs.

Examination of the mammary glands

Ultrasound examination of the mammary glands is usually prescribed on the 7th - 13th day of the cycle (the cycle begins on the first day of menstruation). Ultrasounds can be done at any time for women who have gone through menopause. In medical circles, it is believed that ultrasound diagnostics has the highest level of information in women under the age of 40 years. Older patients are assigned radiographic mammography. Preparation for ultrasound of the mammary glands is not needed. Before the examination, you can eat any food, you should give up alcohol and smoking.

Thyroid study

Ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland is carried out without special preparation. For the correct interpretation of the ultrasound data of the child, it is necessary to inform the sonologist of the height and weight of the small patient. If the baby has a strongly developed gag reflex, then it is better to come to the examination on an empty stomach so as not to provoke undesirable consequences.

Ultrasound examination of internal organs is a widely used diagnostic method that provides maximum information about the condition of the area being examined. All tissues of the body have the ability to reflect ultrasound well, which makes it possible to scan. At this time, the doctor determines the size, thickness, the presence of neoplasms, inflammatory processes, injuries. Important for the ultrasound of the internal organs is the preparation, which varies from the organ under study.

Fundamentals of preparation

Preparation for ultrasound of the internal organs has general simple recommendations. First of all, before sending for diagnostics, it is important to take the results of the analyzes, the previous ultrasound examination. You also need to think about clothing that is comfortable for the procedure, so that it does not hamper the actions of the doctor and is comfortable for the patient. With advance preparation for ultrasound of internal organs, one must responsibly approach the recommendations of a specialist.

Preliminary preparatory measures are not required when examining the brain, thyroid gland, and hip joints.

The diagnostic result is influenced by increased gas formation, the presence of excess weight, wounds on the skin of the area under study. The most thorough preparation occurs during the passage of an ultrasound of the intestine. If the patient has a predisposition to flatulence, then special dietary nutrition is required for several days. In addition, you should drink activated charcoal before the procedure, at the rate of 1 tab. per 10 kg of patient weight or Espumizan.

Abdominal organs

A large role is given to preparatory activities during the study of the OBP. It differs somewhat for diagnosing adults and children.

For adults

Ultrasound examination of the liver, spleen, pancreas, gallbladder in adults should be carried out taking into account the following recommendations:

  • You need to come to the test on an empty stomach. If the procedure is scheduled for the morning, then the last meal should be at 7 pm. Also, don't drink water in the morning. When the procedure is scheduled for the day, then before it you need not eat for 5 hours;
  • within 3 days you need to adhere to a diet that excludes increased gas formation. To do this, you should avoid eating raw vegetables, fruits, dairy products, legumes, fresh pastries, carbonated drinks;
  • diet food can be combined with enterosorbents;
  • if a person has concomitant diseases, dietary nutrition must be combined with the recommended intake of medicines. Such pathologies include diabetes mellitus, cardiac ischemia;
  • before the diagnosis, you must completely abandon alcoholic beverages. On the day of the study, it is forbidden to smoke, use chewing gum. Since these actions call for an involuntary contraction of the gallbladder, leading to inaccurate results.

Preparation rules are usually standard for all patients

For children

Many parents are interested in the question of how to prepare for an ultrasound scan for children. Young children will not be able to adhere to such serious restrictions during preparatory activities. The baby does not need to change the feeding regimen. The time of the procedure should be chosen so that the last feeding is at least 2.5 hours before the procedure.

If the babies are bottle-fed, then this time period should be at least 3.5 hours, since it takes more time to digest the milk mixture. Foods based on fruits or vegetables also take a long time to digest. Therefore, it must be abandoned. When a child does not tolerate hunger, then before the diagnosis, he can be given water devoid of sugar. Tea, juice to drink is not recommended. Since they cause a contraction of the gallbladder, they distort the results of the examination.

urinary tract

Ultrasound of the urinary tract requires the same preparatory measures as the study of OBP. Often, at the same time, the condition for filling the bladder is put forward. To achieve it, you need to drink 1 liter of liquid half an hour before the procedure. If diagnostics are carried out for children of the first 3 years of life, then it is better to do it 3 hours after eating. Research in the kidneys, adrenal glands is performed on an empty stomach. For three days before the procedure, you need to maintain a slag-free diet that excludes the use of a diet of animal origin.

Pelvic organs

Often, an ultrasound examination is prescribed to assess the condition of the pelvic tissues.


In women, this study is used to control the bladder, appendages, uterus. It, for best results, should be carried out between the 6-9th day of the menstrual cycle. Examination of women is carried out in two ways:

  • Tansabdominal. This method requires prior filling of the bladder.
  • Transvaginal. The examination is carried out with a completely empty bladder.

OMT examination in men evaluates the condition of the bladder, prostate gland. Produced as follows:

  • Transrectal. This method involves a preliminary cleansing enema.
  • Transabdominal. Requires prior fullness of the bladder.

The study of the kidneys is performed first lying on your back, then on your stomach, on your side


Often, ultrasound OMT is performed on children. Diagnosis of the bladder is made with a filled organ. Younger children will be enough to drink a glass of fresh water, devoid of gas. Older children need to drink 800 ml of liquid. If it is difficult for a child to drink this volume at a time, then the recommended amount of liquid can be consumed over an hour in small sips. The kid before the study should feel the desire to go to the toilet.

A baby does not need to comply with the drinking regimen. It is recommended to breastfeed or give some water 20 minutes before the procedure.

Mammary gland

Ultrasound of the internal organs includes an examination of the mammary glands. Preparation for this procedure is based on the diagnosis between the 7th-13th day of the menstrual cycle. At any time, research is allowed for women who are in the menopause period. Ultrasound of the mammary glands is informative for women under the age of 40. In the older age period, a mammogram is recommended. In an ultrasound examination of internal organs, it is important to properly prepare for the procedure. Thus, you can get the maximum information necessary for the diagnosis.

Preparing for an ultrasound of the internal organs is simple. If a patient comes to the doctor and complains of pain in the stomach, liver, etc., feels nausea, and other symptoms, then the doctor sends him for an ultrasound scan. This diagnostic is informative and safe. Examine from newborns to people in years. The procedure is not expensive, accessible to patients with any income level.

Who needs testing first?

Ultrasound is done when:

  • The doctor determined that this or that organ is enlarged;
  • The patient has abdominal pain;
  • A person takes food and feels bitterness in the mouth, pain with discomfort in the abdomen;
  • Diabetes;
  • It seems that the appendicitis has inflamed;
  • Pathologies in the internal organs and this is a chronic process;
  • Palpation shows that the liver and spleen are enlarged, which means they are inflamed;
  • There are tumors in the peritoneum;
  • The doctor suspects that there are stones in the chaledoch;
  • The aorta has an aneurysm and other disorders in the organs.

Ultrasound is done not only for primary diagnosis, but also for repeated and when certain procedures are performed. such as a kidney or liver biopsy. This is required to follow the movements of the needle. On a Doppler examination, when a patient has thrombosis, stenosis, such control is similarly needed.

"Advice. Agree to an ultrasound. You will not feel pain, and the doctor will receive information about the diseases of your internal organs."

Preparation for the examination of the peritoneum

How to prepare for a diagnosis? Ultrasonic waves do not pass through the air, which is formed in the intestines with excessive gas formation. Because. patients are prescribed a diet. Legumes, cabbage, soda and flour, sweets that contribute to the formation of gases are prohibited.

"Advice. If you have a tendency to gas formation, drugs that improve metabolism will help reduce them: Festal with activated charcoal, Smecta with Mezim forte and other drugs."

Preparing for an ultrasound of the peritoneum:

Before ultrasound, adults should not eat from 8 to 12 hours. If the examination is after dinner, you can have breakfast, but the break should be at least 6 hours.

Remember that before the ultrasound, you can not smoke, suck on hard candies, eat other sweets or chew gum. Ultrasound is not done after colonoscopy or gastroscopy. And after surgery in the abdomen, an ultrasound examination is not prescribed.

We examine the organs of the peritoneum, kidneys

The ultrasound procedure will take no more than 30 minutes. If you have a place where you need to drive the sensor, in purulent acne, there is another dermatological disease, then the examination is postponed until the period when everything heals.

What posture does the patient take in the doctor's office? He lies down and turns on his side or back. The abdomen is open. The doctor applies a gel on it, and drives it back and forth and at some angle with a sensor (a transducer with increased sensitivity), examining different organs on the monitor. From time to time, the uzist makes screenshots from the screen. They will help the attending physician navigate and establish the correct diagnosis for the patient.

Is the procedure completed? What is included in the service? The doctor will take a tissue and remove all the gel from the abdomen. It will give you screen shots. In addition to ultrasound, the doctor may refer you to other examinations, take blood tests, urine tests, etc.

What is the best food to eat before the procedure?

Exclude dairy with sweets, soda, sauerkraut, do not eat fatty meat, black bread with juices, do not drink strong tea, alcohol is also prohibited. If you are overweight and often gas, then take the honey listed above. drugs.

Try to eat 4-5 times a day for 2 days of additional procedures. Let the portions be smaller than usual. You can drink water and everything that is allowed as always. 2-3 liters per day and even more.

What will the uzist consider?

First of all, the liver needs to be examined. This is our filter. It cleanses the body of fats, alcohol, substances contained in medicines, toxins, and other heavy foods, such as fried foods. On ultrasound, it will be clear whether it is inflamed or normal, whether the network is a cyst, fibrosis, or neoplasm. Additionally, the doctor will direct you to donate blood for analysis.

Gallbladder with ducts

The fats we eat break down bile. It is located in the chaledoch, then it goes through the bile ducts. Ultrasound will show in the organs: developmental abnormalities; stones; polyps; inflammation when there is pus.


An important organ in our body. Synthesizes many enzymes that provide digestion. Ultrasound will show in your body: foci of inflammation, pancreas with tumors, necrosis, damaged areas.


With its participation, hematopoiesis occurs. They say it's a graveyard of red blood cells. Patients have anemia of the spleen. It leads to the immune system, and if you have an acute respiratory disease or flu, then the spleen will increase. There are also some cysts and neoplasms on it. We have already mentioned anemia.

Aorta peritoneum

It is the largest artery in our body. The uzist will look for anemia, aneurysm, or dissection. Something more can be seen with computed tomography. Immediately or after an additional examination, the doctor will tell you the exact diagnosis.


The kidneys play a major role in the urinary system. They are not always examined during ultrasound diagnostics, but if they can negatively affect the work of other organs, then the ultrasound specialist will examine them as well. If there is a pathology, then the organ increases, changes its contours, shifts, you can find sand or stones, a cyst with a tumor in it.

The intestines with the stomach are not subject to ultrasound examination. Strong symptoms of diseases are not yet noticeable, and ultrasound will already show where pathological processes are in the organs. Diagnostics will determine:

  • The tumor is malignant or benign;
  • What is cirrhosis in the liver;
  • In the kidneys, sand or stones;
  • Pancreatic necrosis with pancreatitis;
  • Diseases of the spleen with the liver will prompt the doctor to look for pathology in the blood;
  • Various hepatitis;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Inflammation.

Mankind has invented many methods for effectively diagnosing the state of internal organs. The factories produce modern, highly sensitive equipment. But ultrasound is still popular, as it is possible to examine newborns, children of adults, weakened by diseases of the elderly. The first thing that comes to the doctor's mind when a patient complains of pain in the peritoneum, nausea, bitterness in the mouth, etc., is to send him for an ultrasound.

Ultrasound diagnostics has the following advantages:

  1. The doctor guides the sensor over the skin lubricated with gel and it is not damaged.
  2. If the patient is properly prepared for the procedure, then the study is correct.
  3. The procedure is safe. The patient's body is not irradiated.
  4. A person does not feel pain, other discomfort.
  5. Diagnostics available at a moderate cost.

Now you know that if something hurts in your peritoneum, you need to ask the therapist to send you an ultrasound of your internal organs. The procedure is completely safe, effective and informative. The main thing is to properly prepare for the study.

Ultrasound of the internal organs is a modern diagnostic method. Ultrasound is officially recognized as safe for human health, including pregnant women and children. Diagnostics can be performed an unlimited number of times. Ultrasound provides information about the state of internal organs, cysts and other neoplasms, and the patency of blood vessels. Depending on the organ being examined, ultrasound may require special preparation. The doctor will talk about it and answer all your questions. In the "Alfa Health Center" ultrasound of the internal organs is available to any patient. The cost of ultrasound diagnostics depends on the completeness of the examination.

Our advantages

Ultrasound of internal organs in the "Alfa Health Center" is:

  • Qualified personnel. The procedure is carried out by highly qualified specialists using modern LOGIQ 8 equipment from General Electric. Our diagnosticians have extensive experience, which allows us to conduct an examination as informative as possible.
  • An integrated approach to solving patient problems. Diseases of the internal organs often require several diagnostic procedures at once. You can undergo a comprehensive examination in our center. If, according to the results of the diagnosis, any pathologies and deviations are revealed, the specialists will consult and prescribe treatment.
  • Saving time and money. You can get a transcript of the study within 15 minutes after it was carried out in order to immediately visit the specialized doctor and not waste time on a second visit to the clinic. In addition, we are always ready to offer affordable prices for any type of service.

Types of ultrasound of internal organs and indications for their conduct

Ultrasound of the internal organs can be used both in the presence of symptoms of the disease, and for a preventive purpose, when the patient takes care of his condition and wants to prevent the development of diseases.
ultrasoundabdominal cavity. Includes examination of the gallbladder, spleen, liver, pancreas, kidneys and adrenal glands. Diagnostics allows you to evaluate the shape and size of organs, determine the exact location of neoplasms, evaluate their structure and density, detect diffuse foci and dysfunction. The main indications for ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space:

  • closed injuries of the abdomen;
  • the presence of acute and chronic diseases of the digestive tract;
  • suspicion of the growth of benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • jaundice;
  • weight loss or gain;
  • causeless fever;
  • violation of blood and urine parameters;
  • preparation for other research methods and surgical interventions.

ultrasoundgenitals, prostate and testicles. It is carried out as part of the diagnosis of inflammatory, infectious, tumor diseases, injuries and injuries. Diagnosis is necessary to assess the state of the reproductive system, determine the cause of infertility and further treatment tactics. Under ultrasound guidance, specialists perform a puncture and biopsy of the genital tissue and detected neoplasms.
ultrasoundfemale reproductive system. Assign in the presence of complaints and symptoms of diseases of an infectious-inflammatory nature, with suspicion of tumors and adhesions. The study is also carried out with a preventive purpose, in preparation for pregnancy and screening.
ultrasoundurinary system. Used to diagnose the kidneys, bladder and ureters. The main indications for the procedure: impaired urination, back pain, the appearance of pathological impurities in the urine and changes in the results of laboratory tests.
ultrasoundheart (echocardiography, echocardiography). It is used for diagnosing cardiovascular diseases, assessing the state of blood flow and early detection of abnormalities in the work of the heart.
ultrasoundjoints. If the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system is suspected, for a preventive purpose, after injury and in the chronic course of infectious and inflammatory diseases and lesions of the articular structures, an ultrasound of the joints is prescribed.
ultrasoundthyroid gland. Used in endocrinology, with hormonal disorders, suspected formation of tumors, nodes and cysts, radiation damage. The technique allows you to control thyroid function, select drugs, adjust the dosage of prescribed drugs.

How to prepare for the procedure

Preparation for ultrasound of the internal organs depends on the type of study. The specialists of our centers explain in detail how to prepare for the diagnosis, so as not to reduce its information content. The patient needs to learn about the features of preparing for an ultrasound of the internal organs in advance in order to have time to carry out important events. All medical recommendations should be taken responsibly, because the accuracy of the examination data obtained depends on this.
Special training is required when performing ultrasound diagnostics of the following organs:

  • Kidney and Bladder. It is carried out on a full bladder. An hour before the study, it is recommended to drink 500-1000 ml of water without gas. On the eve of the diagnosis, diuretics are canceled.
  • Genital organs. It is performed using transabdominal (through the abdomen), transrectal (through the rectum) and transvaginal (through the vagina) ultrasound. The type of study is selected by the doctor, taking into account the purpose of the diagnosis and the characteristics of the general condition of the body. Ultrasound diagnostics by the transabdominal method is carried out through the anterior abdominal wall with a filled bladder. An hour before the study, you must drink 1 liter of liquid. To increase the information content of transvaginal ultrasound, it is recommended to empty the intestines. If there is chronic constipation, it is better to perform a cleansing enema before transrectal examination.
  • prostate gland. It can be performed transabdominally or transrectally. Diagnosis through the abdomen involves the preliminary filling of the bladder. Food restrictions are not required. Before a transrectal ultrasound of the prostate, it is necessary to empty the intestines with a cleansing enema or modern laxatives.
  • Abdominal cavity (liver, pancreas, spleen, gallbladder). Conducted with mandatory training. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of accumulation of gases in the intestines and the occurrence of putrefactive processes. Preparation for an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity includes:
  • Dieting. Food restrictions apply for a week. Limit fatty and fried foods. They overload the digestive tract. It is recommended to give up drinks and foods with a high probability of developing flatulence: baked goods, legumes, milk, fresh vegetables and fruits, sweets, pasta, soda.
  • Taking enzyme preparations. Enzymes help prepare for an abdominal exam and are involved in the digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients. With low enzymatic activity, putrefactive processes predominate, and the likelihood of gas in the intestine increases.
  • Control over the conduct and timing of other studies. Abdominal ultrasound should not be done after endoscopic examinations because the remaining air in the intestine makes it difficult to visualize. Diagnosis is not carried out on the days when x-ray diagnostic methods are prescribed. Radiocontrast preparations can reduce the information content of ultrasound examination of internal organs.
  • Enema. It is carried out in some cases on the eve of the diagnosis of the digestive system. A cleansing enema can be administered at the clinic. But more often, patients use special drugs with a laxative effect. They free the large intestine from feces, help relieve flatulence.

In our clinic you can undergo diagnostics and make an appointment with a specialized specialist. If the diagnostician finds a dysfunction or signs of serious illness, be sure to visit a doctor and start treatment. Timely therapy prevents complications and speeds up the healing process.

Modern ultrasound examination is a simple procedure that allows you to assess the health of the patient's internal organs, determine their size, identify tumors and determine other important aspects. In order for the doctor to be able to qualitatively examine the vessels and organs located in the examined space, it is first necessary to prepare for the procedure. Proper preparation for ultrasound of the abdominal organs guarantees the reliability of the diagnosis. Every time you suspect any disease, you should undergo this type of examination of the body.

How to Prepare for an Abdominal and Kidney Ultrasound

If a person has a need to conduct an ultrasound, a mandatory step is a comprehensive preparation for the procedure. The doctor will not be able to accurately determine the cause of the deterioration in your well-being if, during the examination of the abdominal cavity, there are gases or volumetric accumulations of air in the intestines. In this case, the beam of the device simply will not be able to go to the desired depth, so it is extremely important to follow a diet and clean the intestines before diagnosis. Below are specific tips on how to prepare for an abdominal ultrasound.


It is recommended to start preparing for the examination of the peritoneum 3-4 days in advance, but it is better to change the diet earlier. A diet before an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is required to reduce the volume of gases formed in the intestines. Only in this way the doctor will be able to examine in detail the internal organs of the patient. What can you eat before an abdominal ultrasound:

  • dietary meat in boiled or baked form;
  • egg;
  • lean fish (boiled, steamed);
  • cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley);
  • low-fat hard cheese.

The recommendation of doctors is to eat often, but in small portions. It is good if the daily diet of the patient will include 4-6 meals. Drinking liquid is not allowed during the meal and immediately after it. Patients can consume water without gas and unsweetened tea before and after an hour after the main meal. It is necessary to drink liquid in a minimum volume equal to 1.5-2 liters per day. Such a diet is observed until the evening before the ultrasound (if the examination is carried out in the morning). Even girls with early pregnancy should adhere to it. The study takes place on an empty stomach.

  • carbonated drinks, alcohol;
  • sweets, including pastries;
  • bakery products;
  • legumes;
  • raw fruits, vegetables;
  • dairy products;
  • drinks with caffeine in the composition;
  • fatty varieties of fish, meat.


An obligatory stage of preparation for the study of the organs of the peritoneum is bowel cleansing. It is carried out on the eve of the examination in the evening (no later than 18 hours). For this, an Esmarch bowl is used, filled with one and a half liters of raw cool water. After mechanical cleansing of the intestines, sorbent preparations such as activated charcoal, etc. are taken. An alternative to an enema is the use of laxatives and laxative teas to prepare for an ultrasound scan of the abdominal organs.

Taking medications

Patients can take the following drugs before examining the peritoneum: Espumizan, Infacol, Cuplaton, Bobotik. They are drunk before the examination for three days, and the dosage is calculated depending on the age of the patient. If such preparations of simethicone are poorly tolerated by you or do not show the expected effect, use sorbents (Smekta, Sorbeks). On the evening before and in the morning before the ultrasound, you should take the age dose of the drug.

Additional features of preparation for the study

  • It is forbidden to smoke at least 2-3 hours before the study.
  • Do not chew gum or suck on hard candies before the procedure.
  • Diabetics cannot be hungry for a long time, so you should warn your doctor about this in advance.
  • If you underwent x-rays or barium enema, at least 2 days should pass after the procedures.
  • Tell your doctor if you are taking antispasmodics, for example, No-shpu, Papaverine, etc.
  • Can I drink water before an abdominal ultrasound? If you are going to have an ultrasound examination of the kidneys, take a liter and a half of water 60-90 minutes before the procedure. In other cases, the consumption of water before the examination is prohibited, the procedure takes place on an empty stomach.

How to prepare your child for an ultrasound

Getting rid of gases that tend to accumulate in the intestines is considered the main goal of preparing for an ultrasound scan of the abdominal organs. It becomes obvious the need to remove certain foods from the child's diet that contribute to active gas formation at least 4 days before the examination. Before ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, it is necessary to exclude products:

  • fresh fruits (fruits and vegetables);
  • Borodino bread;
  • milk;
  • beans;
  • sweets;
  • carbonated drinks.

If the child's body has a tendency to strong gas formation, it is recommended to start taking enzymatic agents and enterosorbents (for example, Festal, Espumizan, coal) 2-4 days before the ultrasound examination. On the eve of the examination, it is forbidden to undergo a colonoscopy and gastroscopy. If the baby is taking any medications during this period of time, you should definitely notify the doctor. Ultrasound for children, like adults, is performed on an empty stomach. It is considered the norm to eat no later than 9 hours before the procedure, after which you need to refuse water and food.

Features of preparing young children for ultrasound:

  • Babies under 12 months 60 minutes before the procedure do not give water and do not feed for 2.5-3 hours.
  • Children aged 1-3 years should not be allowed to eat 4 hours, drink - an hour before the ultrasound.
  • Children older than 3 years should not be fed for 7-8 hours, do not give water an hour before the examination.

Where to do it and how much does the procedure cost in Moscow

The cost of ultrasound of the peritoneum depends on the scope of research. The price of a comprehensive examination will be an order of magnitude higher than the examination of one specific organ. Public and private clinics have their advantages, the former conduct ultrasound for free, the latter for a fee, but some often work around the clock and provide a transcript of the examination (doctor's opinion) faster. It is possible to choose a suitable clinic by opening one of the many online directories of Moscow medical institutions, which provide addresses, photos and prices for services.

The cost of a comprehensive examination of the abdominal cavity in Moscow clinics:

Video: algorithm for preparing a patient for an abdominal ultrasound

Comprehensive preparation for the procedure requires knowledge of what is included in the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. Examination of the peritoneum by ultrasound is effective for assessing the condition of the liver, stomach, gallbladder, spleen, retroperitoneal space, blood vessels, and pancreas. Premature bowel cleansing and a balanced diet are of great importance for future ultrasound results, as they directly affect the quality of the resulting image. After watching the video, you will learn how to prepare for the procedure.