Iceberg lettuce benefits. Iceberg salad: useful properties and contraindications

Iceberg lettuce is a low-calorie product with a pleasant taste. Even those on the strictest diet use it with pleasure.

The origin of the product name is interesting. They began to grow it in California. In order to deliver it to other states fresh and strong, heads of cabbage were covered with ice during transportation. This is where the witty name of the vegetable came from - an iceberg.

What iceberg salad looks like

Iceberg lettuce is an ancient vegetable culture. It is a type of lettuce that has smaller, curly leaves. In appearance it resembles a white cabbage. It is characterized by the same round head shape as cabbage, refers to a cruciferous, but is a lettuce. Light green leaves do not adhere as tightly to each other as in cabbage, therefore they are easily separated from each other. If the leaves are difficult to separate, then such a salad is considered to be overripe. Its taste is violated. It may taste slightly bitter.

Composition and calorie content

This product contains a large amount of water - about 90%, and the calorie content is one of the lowest - about 14 kcal. But this vegetable is unusually rich in useful vitamins. This is undoubtedly worth keeping in mind for those looking to lose weight.

Feel free to include this salad in your diet. It contains almost all the B vitamins except B12. The fiber in the product supports good digestion. Choline - a vitamin belonging to the B group, is almost not produced by our own body, but is present in abundance in the salad. It plays a critical role in the complex functioning of our brain, nervous system and liver. It also effectively protects cells from aging and destruction.

Beta-carotene is also abundant in this vegetable. It normalizes the activity of many body systems. Increases immunity, improves vision, is an excellent prophylactic agent against cataracts and glaucoma.

The plant contains folic acid, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as magnesium and sodium. There are copper and calcium in the composition. This is a must-have product for those who limit their food intake.

The abundance of these nutrients in this product makes the iceberg truly unique and absolutely necessary in the diet of every family member, regardless of age.

Why iceberg lettuce is useful

It is difficult to list all the components of this product that are unique in their benefits, without forgetting or missing anything. There are a lot of them, and all of them, of course, are necessary and useful for the normal functioning of the systems of our body.

The undoubted merit of this salad is in the richest composition of all the elements included in it. It contains almost all the B vitamins. With a 58% protein content in the product, it contains only 38% carbohydrates and only about 8% fats. This ratio of low-calorie and high protein content is probably not found in any other product. It should also be noted the complete absence of cholesterol in the salad, which is very important for every person who monitors their health.

The salad is famous for the following beneficial properties:

  • Strengthens the nervous system.
  • Normalizes mental activity.
  • Improves intestinal motility and normalizes metabolism.

It is actively used in cosmetology. The vegetable is loaded with a substance like magnesium, which synthesizes collagen, which is so necessary for beautiful and healthy skin. Regular consumption of this salad will get rid of fine wrinkles, make the skin smooth and give it shine. Moisturizes all skin types and supports fat metabolism. It will take care of moisturizing the scalp, relieve dandruff. Prevents hair loss, makes it strong, shiny and healthy.

The use of leaves in masks moisturizes and nourishes the skin well. This product also repairs damaged hair and nails. Rinse hair well with juice.

Iceberg lettuce stimulates the production of the hormone of joy necessary for everyone - serotonin. It is he who helps to cope with depression. Helps to restore strength in case of emotional stress.

Iceberg lettuce while breastfeeding

When breastfeeding, a young mother should be very careful about her diet. It should contain the optimal content of substances necessary and useful for feeding the baby. The diet must be varied, and you need to eat a balanced diet. It should also contain vitamins necessary for the normal growth and development of the child. But it is also necessary to consider how this nutrition affects the well-being of the baby. Is the digestive system working normally, are there any allergic reactions to any product.

As for the iceberg salad, we can definitely say that it is simply necessary to include it in your diet for nursing mothers.

  1. The salad does not cause absolutely any manifestations of allergies.
  2. Contains vitamin A, which supports vision, skin health, and plays a special role in enhancing immunity.
  3. Contains vitamin E necessary for a person from the moment of birth until the very old age. Supports the normal functioning of the blood vessels. Regulates blood pressure. Prevents life-threatening blood clots from appearing in blood vessels.
  4. It has vitamin C in its chemical composition - otherwise it is called ascorbic acid.

Who has not heard about the extraordinary properties of vitamin C! The human body cannot produce it on its own, and this vitamin is vital. It participates in the formation of collagen, which we need so much in the joints and skin. Recovery from injuries is impossible without it. With the help of vitamin C, the body absorbs iron, fights heart attacks.

Many women gain weight after giving birth. This salad saturates the body better than any other product, without adding extra pounds. Lose weight without harming your health! The salad is easy to digest and normalizes the digestive tract.

It is important for a nursing mother that this salad increases lactation, which is undoubtedly very important when breastfeeding. The product perfectly saturates the woman's body with important and necessary microelements, which allows avoiding vitamin deficiency. Removing excess fluid from the body, it fights edema.

In the first month of a child's life, doctors recommend that nursing mothers eat only food that has been heat-treated. It is recommended to introduce salad into the diet no earlier than the child is 1 month old. You need to consume 1-2 sheets in the morning, no more. Over time, if the child responds well to this product, the serving can be increased. If there is any negative reaction, this product should be discontinued. Also, a large amount of oxalic acid in this vegetable requires special control. With urolithiasis and gallstone diseases, this acid can provoke the formation of stones.

  1. The role of this salad in normalizing the digestive process of the body is invaluable.
  2. Also, this vegetable plays a special role in the process of blood renewal.
  3. Lactucin, present in its chemical composition, is a good pain reliever.
  4. It is recommended to include the iceberg in the food of people engaged in strenuous mental work, as well as all students. It stimulates the brain.
  5. The abundance of B vitamins helps to cope with anemia. Significantly increases the immunity of people who have had serious illnesses.
  6. This product is an excellent disinfectant for the oral cavity, so it can be safely and successfully used to treat stomatitis. Also, salad perfectly eliminates bad breath due to stomach diseases or the presence of rotten teeth.

Overweight people are strongly advised to include iceberg lettuce in their diet. Lettuce leaves contain vitamin K: it helps to stabilize the functioning of many organs and systems of the human body.

The substances that make up this unique vegetable normalize metabolism, significantly improve vision, and restore the normal process of hematopoiesis. The systematic inclusion of this product in the diet helps to fight the stress of the central nervous system, relieves depression, treats insomnia, and saves from the negative consequences of frequent stress. The composition of vitamins and minerals contained in the leaves provides invaluable assistance in normalizing the work of the cardiovascular system, protecting us from heart attacks and strokes. Calcium strengthens tooth enamel and bones.

Beta-carotene is another useful element found in sufficient quantities in this product, which supports vision, strengthens the muscles of the eyes.

The essential folic acid in lettuce leaves makes it a must in the diet of pregnant women and nursing mothers. It ensures that enough milk is produced to feed the baby. During gestation, it prevents the formation of fetal pathologies. Also, it is folic acid that helps to keep the nervous system in good shape, which is necessary for students during a session or for people doing mental work.

Systematic consumption of lettuce leaves maintains a normal level of hemoglobin in the blood, removes excess salts from the body. Freshly squeezed juice from lettuce leaves is very useful. It is recommended to take it for stomach diseases: gastritis and ulcers. Some researchers believe that this vegetable should be consumed for the prevention of cancer.

Lettuce leaves are also widely used in folk medicine. There are many recipes for various infusions and decoctions. But you should never self-medicate. It is always best to check with your healthcare professional.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the abundance of nutrients that make up this product, you cannot completely rely on it in an effort to lose weight. It would be wrong to eat only this vegetable three times a day. A reasonable measure is needed in everything.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of this salad. But, while this product does not cause any allergies, some people may have an intolerance to raw greens, so make sure that you do not have this problem before adding a product to your menu. The only, perhaps, serious concern may be caused by oxalic acid, which is part of it. It is better for people with urolithiasis or gallstone disease to consult a physician before taking this product.

Lettuce is not recommended if you have a medical condition such as gout. You should also not abuse the leaves with exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Although, when the disease is in remission, on the contrary, the product is recommended for use.

Iceberg salad is bitter: why and what to do

Many lovers of this product know that it can taste bitter. The main cause of bitterness is lack of moisture. Simply put, he was not watered much when he was growing up. Also, the reason for the bitterness can be the fact that he was late tore from the garden. The leaves became rough and bitter. If you want to fix the salad, get rid of its bitterness, divide it into leaves, cut the root. Then you need to put everything in a saucepan with cold salted water and add ice cubes. The bitterness will go away.

There is also a recipe for how to get rid of bitterness. It is also necessary to dip it into cold water, but add citric acid, not salt, there.

The bitterness itself is not a sign of spoilage of the product, therefore, if you like such a taste, you can safely eat these leaves. At the same time, bitterness does not in any way affect the quality of the product itself. She even adds some piquancy to the taste of cooked dishes, which also finds her fans and admirers.

Why iceberg lettuce turns red when cut

In any of the products that appear on our table from those that are not subjected to heat treatment, there are active enzymes that are very useful for us. A change in color or reddish-brown spots on the tips of the leaves indicates oxidation or destruction of these living enzymes during storage. This does not mean that the salad is spoiled.

The pink tint on the cut may come from a metal knife. Replace the knife with a ceramic or silicone coated knife. And it is best to tear it with your hands when cooking. A salad with a reddened cut is quite usable. It does not change its taste and properties.

  1. Like any other vegetable, you need to choose this salad primarily by its appearance. It should be even on all sides, not crumpled, elastic and springy to the touch. If the leaves are very dense and look more like cabbage, then this crop was harvested very late and it does not have the taste that is needed.
  2. The leaves should not fall apart.
  3. Weight a little less than a pound.
  4. The leaves are even green.
  5. Be sure to pay attention to the root. If it is darkened on the cut, you do not need to take the salad: it is stale.

Iceberg lasts much longer than other lettuce salads. In the refrigerator at a temperature of -2 to +5 degrees, it can be stored up to 5 days. Some housewives recommend wrapping the salad with a wet napkin and putting it in the refrigerator. So it is possible to significantly increase its shelf life. It must be remembered that a fresh product is firm and crispy, and this is its beauty. If these qualities have changed, it is unlikely that you can fully enjoy such a meal.

What can be prepared from iceberg salad

There is a lot of water in the leaves of this salad. They are juicy, appetizing crunchy and neutral in taste, so they go well with almost all products and dressings. It is used only in its raw form, which allows all the useful elements that make up this product to be preserved. Leaves can be cut or torn by hand. Depends on what shape and size is needed when preparing a particular dish. If you cut the salad with a knife, then it is better not to use iron, but to take a ceramic one. Then there will be no oxidation, and the cut will not take on a pinkish tint.

Due to its neutral taste, the iceberg goes well with almost any food. It can be meat (preferably chicken or turkey), and fish (salted, smoked, dried), seafood, mushrooms and vegetables, even fruits (especially pear, apple, citrus and pineapple). For cheeses, it is best to add cheddar or parmesan.

To add spice to the salad, add pine nuts, croutons, cherry tomatoes. It's almost impossible to go wrong with the ingredients. Let your imagination fly and create in the kitchen, creating new culinary masterpieces.

Recipe with shrimps and iceberg lettuce

This salad contains ingredients:

  • Iceberg lettuce - 350 g.
  • Large king prawns - 300 g.
  • Pitted black olives - 10 pieces.
  • Capers - 30 g.
  • Chicken egg - 3 pieces.
  • Sour cream to taste.


  1. Wash and dry lettuce leaves.
  2. Discard the root, tear the leaves into large enough pieces.
  3. Boil the shrimp.
  4. Boil the eggs, cool and cut into strips.
  5. Cut olives and capers into slices.
  6. Mix everything and season with sour cream.

Lettuce leaves can be cut or simply torn by hand.

Salad with boiled pork and pickled cucumber

Required Ingredients:

  • Iceberg lettuce - 30 g.
  • Boiled pork - 250 g.
  • Pickled cucumber - 1-2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise to taste.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tsp
  • Apple - 1 pc.


  1. The greens are washed and cut into strips.
  2. The meat is cut into slices.
  3. Cut the cucumbers into strips.
  4. The apple is cut into thin slices.
  5. All ingredients are combined, lemon juice and mayonnaise are added.

  1. The ancient Greeks used the iceberg every day, believing that it acts as a sleeping pill, pain reliever and is able to sober up after drinking wine.
  2. In ancient Egypt, it was originally grown for oil and seeds, and only much later began to be eaten.
  3. The Americans came up with an original long-distance transportation of the product, covering it with ice. Hence the name of the salad.

The benefits of eating iceberg lettuce are undeniable. It has a very beneficial effect on all functions and vital systems of the body. Enriches with the necessary amount of biologically active nutrients, which are so important and necessary for health and well-being. It is frankly amazing how such a seemingly unsightly product can contain such a huge amount of nutrients, and besides, this salad is truly the record holder for the number of calories it contains. It is good for consumption both as individual leaves and as part of various salads and appetizers. It can be consumed at any age. It does not cause any allergic side reactions in anyone.

Iceberg lettuce is an interesting herbal product that is often used in salads and is known for its delicate crunchy texture. This type of lettuce has relatively fewer nutrients than other greens used in salads and has been called the ideal food for weight loss diets. Today in this article we will consider the properties and benefits of iceberg lettuce, because it can help many who suffer from certain problems.

What iceberg salad looks like

Iceberg lettuce belongs to one of the varieties of lettuce. Many people confuse this salad with cabbage. In appearance, it is similar to her, belongs to the cruciferous, like cabbage, but is considered a lettuce. It is a set of leaves, collected in a head of cabbage, like cabbage.

For the first time, the cultivation of this salad began in Egypt, where it was grown for the sake of obtaining seeds for the production of oil. But it soon became clear that the leaves were quite edible and very tasty.

The taste of an iceberg depends a lot on the amount of water contained in its leaves.

A new revival of the salad began in the 30s of the last century in America, when it got its current name. The fact is that lettuce leaves are well preserved with ice. Therefore, it was first called "Ice", and then the name was transformed into "Iceberg". This salad is still one of the most popular there among all types of salads.

Iceberg salad composition and calorie content

Due to the high concentration of water in this vegetable, the nutrients are rather fuzzy, but they are still present. Thus, the iceberg contains:

A large amount of vitamins such as A, C, K, E and several B vitamins (folic acid, thiamine, B6);

Mineral components such as potassium, manganese, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus;

Traces of copper, sodium, zinc;

Alimentary fiber;


It is completely cholesterol free. The calorie content of a salad per 100 grams is only 14 calories.

Why iceberg lettuce is useful

Lettuce is one of the lowest calorie green leafy vegetables around. However, they are a rich source of phytonutrients that have health promoting and disease prevention benefits.

The salad contains a lot of vitamins. Its fresh green leaves are an excellent source of several vital vitamins. Just 100 grams of fresh lettuce leaves can provide 247 percent of your daily requirement for vitamin A.

It contains 4,443 mcg of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body.

Both of these vitamins have antioxidant properties. Vitamin A is needed to maintain healthy mucous membranes and skin, as well as vision. Daily consumption of natural fruits and vegetables rich in flavonoids and antioxidants helps protect the body from lung and oral cavity cancers and ward off the damaging effects of free radicals.

Vitamin K plays a potential role in bone metabolism, promotes osteoblastic activity in bone cells. This vitamin is useful for patients with Alzheimer's disease.

Fresh leaves are high in folate and vitamin C. Folate is part of the cofactors in the metabolism of enzymes needed for DNA synthesis and plays a vital role in preventing neural tube defects in the fetus during pregnancy.

Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant. Regular consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps the body develop resistance to infectious diseases and removes harmful and toxic substances.

Zeaxanthin is an important carotenoid found in lettuce. It is partially absorbed in the macula of the retina, acting as an antioxidant, filters ultraviolet rays that can damage the retina. Foods rich in xanthine and carotenoids prevent age-related macular disease in older people.

Potassium is an essential component of cells and body fluids that help control heart rate and blood pressure.

Manganese is used in the body as a cofactor for the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase.

Copper is essential for the production of red blood cells.

Iron is essential for the formation of red blood cells and the maintenance of normal hemoglobin levels, and serves as the prevention and treatment of diseases such as anemia.

Lettuce has a glycemic index of 15, but since it is low in calories, its glycemic load is considered zero. For those who monitor blood sugar levels for medical reasons, this fact is positive for them. The low glycemic index is also great for weight management.

Iceberg lettuce benefits for the body

Despite such a meager composition compared to other products, the iceberg still has many useful properties and can benefit the body. We will look at the most useful and effective ones that will really help many of you.

A distinctive feature of the iceberg lettuce is the presence of dietary fiber, the beneficial properties of which are known to many. It is to lower cholesterol and help with weight loss or dieting.

The characteristic crunch of iceberg leaves is due to the significant water content. In addition, it has virtually no calories, but at the same time, a large amount of fiber. Therefore, you can eat a lot of this leafy vegetable and feel satiated enough without worrying about high calorie intake. These characteristics make it an excellent addition to weight loss diets.

In addition, dietary fiber helps to cleanse the digestive tract, which can serve as a good prevention of bowel cancer and constipation.

Fiber provides natural protection against cardiovascular disease due to its inherent ability to bind to bile acids in the digestive tract. Bile acids, which are predominantly made up of cholesterol, help to store and store fat in the body. When you eat iceberg lettuce, the fibers stick to them and they are excreted from the body through the intestines. Since the level of bile acids decreases as a result of natural excretion, the liver is obliged to produce cholesterol from its stores, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the total level of the latter in the body.

As mentioned above, lettuce is effective in losing weight. Due to its high water and dietary fiber content and lack of fat, iceberg lettuce is often recommended for weight loss not only by nutritionists, but also by doctors.

This salad is an irreplaceable source of health for the cardiovascular system and for the heart in particular. Due to its chemical composition, the nutrients of the salad are better absorbed and quickly penetrate into the bloodstream, where they perform their specific functions. Thus, speaking about the benefits of salad, he:

Supports strong immunity;

Promotes weight loss;

Reduces stomach pain and improves digestion;

Reduces the risk of cancer;

Serves as the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels;

Supports eye health;

Improves and maintains a healthy skeletal system;

Helps prevent congenital malformations of the fetus;

Improves blood clotting.

The white liquid that you see when you break or cut lettuce leaves is called lactucaria. This milky juice has a relaxing effect and induces sleep. Insomnia plagues - just eat a few lettuce leaves or make juice from it.

The inclusion of an iceberg in your diet will affect the condition of the skin, including the face. In addition to nourishing the skin with beneficial substances, it improves skin hydration, preventing premature wrinkles.

The minerals in the salad help remove toxins and maintain acid-base balance. A clean body, a normal acid-base balance is a guarantee of high energy, clear thinking, deep and restful sleep, youthful skin.

Contraindications and harm

Contraindication to the inclusion of this type of salad greens can only be individual intolerance. Some people simply cannot eat fresh vegetables and salads due to the presence of bitterness in the mouth, which can be accompanied by pain and colic in the area of ​​the liver and pancreas.

It is necessary to limit its consumption for people with urolithiasis, gout, enterocolitis and colitis.

Potential harm can come from the way the lettuce is grown. If sanitary standards are not observed, it may contain an increased amount of nitrates and other harmful substances.

Iceberg salad how to choose and store

You should always buy a fresh head of cabbage. Purchase should be avoided if the salad has mucus or withered leaves.

Before storing, wash the head of cabbage, and it is better to disassemble it into separate leaves, and store it in a cool place. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. At higher temperatures - no more than 2 days.

The salad got its name because it is not afraid of low temperatures. It is transported in refrigerated trucks with subzero temperatures. Therefore, if the storage temperature is with a slight minus, then the shelf life can be from 10 to 14 days.

Iceberg lettuce cooking applications

That milky juice, which is useful for insomnia, can be fraught with trouble: it can slow down metabolic reactions, which in turn can cause heaviness in the stomach and increased gas production. This disadvantage is gaining strength with heat treatment. Therefore, the salad is best eaten fresh. You can trim the veins of the leaf to reduce the milky sap content.

Considering the above, it is used mainly fresh, preparing various salads with seafood, chicken, fruits or other vegetables from it.

It often serves as a decoration for many snacks and sandwiches. Add lettuce leaves to soups and borscht, vegetable stews.

It goes well with green peas, green beans, shrimps and other seafood, bell peppers, tomatoes, nuts, eggs, cucumbers.

When preparing dishes from an iceberg:

Remove any discolored outer leaves.

Then, cut out the bitter stems.

Trim the remaining leaf to size and discard the thick parts containing the milky juice.

Then, wash the leaves in clean, running water.

Shake or pat dry with paper towel to remove excess water.

Regardless of the type, all salads should contain crisp, fresh leaves that are free from dark or slimy spots.

Iceberg lettuce during pregnancy

Compared to other lettuce salads, icebergs are less nutritious. But still, it contains substances that will be useful for pregnant women. It is known that the darker the lettuce, the more nutrients it contains. iceberg heads out. In general, it is not very dark, but its outer leaves are darker than those in the middle. They are more exposed to sunlight and are more nutritious than domestic ones.

They, in particular, are likely to contain more beta-carotene, vitamin K, folic acid, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium. The inside of the head contains much more water. Vitamin K reduces the likelihood of bleeding during childbirth. Potassium regulates fluid in the body, promotes the elimination of excess.

Therefore, it is not necessary to completely abandon it during pregnancy. Fiber and water prevent constipation, which women often suffer at this time, improve intestinal motility, and remove harmful substances from the body.

To increase its nutritional value, add other types of salads, vegetables such as cucumber, carrots, and tomatoes to it.

Iceberg lettuce while breastfeeding

Is it possible to eat iceberg lettuce while breastfeeding? This question is usually asked by women in the first months of breastfeeding their baby.

Yes, the salad contains nutrients that, when consumed by a young mother with breast milk, enter the child's body. but it must be remembered that most newborns suffer from colic and a common cause of their appearance is the food that the mother ate.

Even if your baby doesn't have colic, an immature digestive tract can cause gas to build up. Some foods, which include iceberg lettuce, can cause a child to develop gas.

It contains fiber and other substances that your mom's digestive system cannot completely break down. Dietary fiber passes through the stomach and enters the intestines undigested, where bacteria are taken to work, trying to extract everything useful from them and forming gas.

Although dietary fiber does not pass directly into breast milk, it can have an effect on the formation of gas in the baby. Therefore, in the first months, it is better to exclude it from your diet.

The salad was served at the table of Persian kings in the 6th century BC. NS.

It was revered by the Greeks and Romans for its taste and medicinal properties.

Emperor Caesar Augustus built a statue praising lettuce as he believed he had cured him of his illness!

The Chinese associate salad with luck and be sure to eat it on special occasions.

Lettuce was introduced to North America by none other than Christopher Columbus. The heady species was bred here and many consider America to be the birthplace of the iceberg.

The wild type of lettuce is found all over the world.

About the useful properties and benefits of the iceberg in the video

Almost every housewife knows what an iceberg salad is.

It is a type of lettuce that resembles white cabbage in appearance. The leaves of the plant are juicy, fleshy and crunchy.

This type of lettuce is used in salads and as a vitamin supplement for main dishes.

Caloric value of lettuce and its chemical composition

Iceberg has a minimum calorie content of only 14 kcal.

The plant product contains 0.9 g of proteins per 100 grams of greens, 0.14 g of fats and 1.77 g of carbohydrates.

More than 95% of the mass of lettuce is water, the remaining 5% are mono- and disaccharides, dietary fiber, micro- and macroelements and some organic compounds.

The leaves of the plant have a rich vitamin composition.

The product contains the following components of the vitamin complex:

  • vitamin C;
  • a complex of B vitamins, except for B12;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin A;
  • the precursor of vitamin A is beta carotene.

In addition, the composition revealed the presence of such a compound as phylloquinnone, which is nothing more than vitamin K. This biologically active substance takes part in the stabilization of the functioning of almost all organs and systems of the human body.

Leaves contain a large number of micro and macro elements. In the process of chemical analysis of a food product, the presence of:

  1. Potassium.
  2. Copper.
  3. Phosphorus.
  4. Calcium.
  5. Sodium.
  6. Magnesium.

In a small amount, the plant contains:

  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • selenium.

Lettuce leaves contain lactucin, an alkaloid that has many useful medicinal properties.

The benefits and harms of iceberg lettuce for the human body are due to the rich chemical composition of the plant.

What are the benefits of iceberg lettuce?

Having seen an iceberg for the first time, it can be confused with cabbage, the beneficial properties of this plant for the human body are in a rich micro- and macroelement composition and in the presence of an extensive vitamin complex in it.

The use of this product can have a significant impact on the human body and health.

The presence of dietary fiber in plant tissue contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes when using the product. In addition, dietary fiber normalizes the functioning of the intestines and the digestive system as a whole.

The presence of dietary fiber helps in the absorption of minerals and vitamins. Additionally, this food component enables the body to get rid of excess cholesterol entering it.

The use of leaves is useful for improving vision and the chemical composition of the blood, and according to some studies, the introduction of lettuce into the diet helps to suppress the processes that cause the development of cancer cells.

The consumption of this product in food has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system. The introduction of iceberg leaves into the diet makes it easier to cope with large loads on the central nervous system.

Product consumption contributes to:

  1. Getting rid of the body from a depressive state.
  2. Successful fight against insomnia.
  3. Stopping negative processes in the event of stressful situations.
  4. An increase in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.

Vitamin B9, which is part of, has a beneficial effect on the formation of the psyche and mental abilities of the unborn child during pregnancy.

The main contraindications for use

There are practically no contraindications for the use of this type of plant food. In theory, one can only assume that some people have hypersensitivity to the components that make up the iceberg. In this case, it is better to refuse the introduction of this product into the diet.

Another conditional contraindication may be a passion for the idea of ​​losing weight and the introduction of this food product into the daily diet for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The plant contains a large number of various components, but all of them are not capable of replacing good nutrition for the body, therefore, the value of the product for the body should not be exaggerated.

In addition, there is a category of people who cannot stand the consumption of fresh greens. For this category of people, salad will be harmful. When eating leaves, they can feel an unpleasant bitterness in the mouth, which, when food enters the stomach, can be accompanied by colic and low-intensity pain in the liver or pancreas.

Such a negative effect on the body of some people makes it necessary to control the recipes of some dishes containing this product and, if possible, replace it or completely exclude it in the cooking process.

If a person has an intolerance to greens, he should be very careful with the use of ready-made dishes with iceberg leaves.

Indications for use in medicine and cosmetology

The product has found wide application not only in cooking, but also in medicine and cosmetology, and medicine uses both traditional and folk lettuce leaves.

According to most doctors, the indication for the use of this greenery may be the presence of emotional disorders, problems in the functioning of the digestive tract, the vascular system, and the heart.

Green components have a healing effect on the state of epithelial tissue and accelerate its recovery in the event of damage.

The use of this type of greenery helps well to stop surges in blood pressure, in addition to this, the compounds contained in the food help to remove excess fluid from the body, which makes it possible to use it in the fight against the emerging puffiness. Removing excess fluid from the body makes it possible to prevent the development of heart and kidney diseases, which is especially important during the period of gestation.

The use of lettuce in cosmetology is due to the presence in its composition of a large number of biologically active components capable of improving the condition of the skin.

The use of masks and applications saturates the cells of the skin with nutrient compounds and heals them.

Iceberg lettuce looks very similar to a head of white cabbage, but its taste with a slight bitterness resembles a lettuce or, scientifically, aficion salad.

A distinctive characteristic of this vegetable crop is a unique crunch of leaves, which attracts the attention of consumers. We will tell you about the benefits of this popular product, its properties and composition in this article.

Caloric content and chemical composition

First of all, it is worth mentioning what the composition of the BJU is and how many calories the iceberg has.

For a 100 gram serving, it contains:

  • proteins - 0.9 g;
  • fat - 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 1.8 g

Energy value - only 13 kcal, which justifies its very high popularity among people who adhere to dietary and proper nutrition. Lettuce contains 96% water. At the same time, the iceberg has a sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins.

For example, it contains:

  • vitamins C, A, K, group B, among which it is important to note B4 (choline), beta-carotene, retinol;
  • folic acid, trace amounts of potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and copper, zinc, selenium and iron;
  • disaccharides, polysaccharides, saturated fatty acids, phytoncides;
  • it is also valuable because it is rich in fiber and dietary fiber, because it is they that contribute to weight loss.

Why iceberg lettuce is useful

Listing the benefits of this vegetable for the human body, it is important to note the following beneficial properties:

Can i eat

The wide popularity of the iceberg in folk and traditional medicine is evident due to the rich composition of nutrients of this vegetable culture.
Many healthy nutrition experts recommend including this product in the daily diet of every person, since it has a positive effect on the functioning of many systems and organs.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

During the period of gestation, the expectant mother especially closely monitors her diet, since her diet significantly affects the intrauterine development of the fetus. Food should be wholesome and healthy, without excess calories.

The substances that make up the iceberg have a beneficial effect on the health of the unborn baby, providing the developing body with a wide range of vitamins and minerals.

Did you know? The higher the percentage of water in the iceberg leaves, the more crunchy they will taste.

Folic acid and B vitamins are responsible for proper intrauterine formation and development. Also, eating the leaves of this salad helps to remove excess fluid and eliminate puffiness, which often occurs during pregnancy.
To feed the baby after giving birth, the mother also needs to follow a certain diet, taking care of the healthy and wholesome nutrition of the baby. Iceberg helps to increase lactation and does not cause allergic reactions in newborns.

However, to increase the amount of breast milk, you will need to eat not only leaves, but rather an infusion from the seeds of this plant.

With pancreatitis, gastritis

The dietary fiber of this vegetable is indispensable for the good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastroenterologists recommend including an iceberg in the diet for chronic gastritis and pancreatitis, as well as stomach ulcers.

With diabetes mellitus

Nutrition for this disease should be constantly monitored. Iceberg leaves can not only diversify the food of people suffering from this ailment, but also significantly improve their well-being, enriching the body with a mass of useful substances.

With gout

One of the few restrictions associated with eating this salad is gout. People with this disease should be wary of eating this vegetable.

Contraindications and harm

The list of restrictions associated with a vegetable is very small, first of all:

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • acute form of colitis and enterocolitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • gout.

Important! You can not eat exclusively iceberg lettuce during fasting days and diets, since the body will accept such food as stress, as a result of a lack of a number of enzymes in the vegetable that are necessary for a healthy digestive process.

In many ways, this list can be explained by the presence of a certain bitterness in the taste of the vegetable plant.

What can be prepared from it

Culinary experts appreciate iceberg lettuce due to characteristics such as:

  • a crispy leaf that cannot be confused with any other salad plant;
  • bitterness, which gives the vegetable a specific and easily recognizable taste;
  • juiciness and density, which make it possible to successfully use the leaves for decorating dishes, as well as dishes, serving snacks.

Important! Lettuce leaves are best used fresh whole, used as a serving element, or in chopped form as one of the components of an appetizer, salad or main dish. When heat treated, the leaves lose 60% of all benefits.

Typically, modern chefs use the iceberg in their appetizers and salads. The most advantageous combinations of its combination with other food products are chicken, mushrooms, eggs, beans.

Iceberg lettuce is a healthy and dietary food product that does not cause allergies and has practically no drawbacks.
It is recommended to be eaten by children, pregnant women and people with pathologies of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract due to its vitamin and mineral composition.

What is iceberg salad, today, perhaps, everyone knows. This is a type of lettuce that outwardly (even when cut) strongly resembles white cabbage forks. The leaves are juicy and crispy (for a long time the salad was called “crispy”). It is mainly used as a base in salads and as a vitamin supplement to other snacks and main dishes.

Iceberg lettuce: calories, nutritional value, vitamins and minerals

The calorie content of iceberg lettuce is minimal- only 14 kcal, energy value - proteins / fats / carbohydrates - 0.9 / 0.14 / 1.77. More than 95% of the salad consists of water (the more water in the leaves, the more they crunch), the rest of the leaves are mono- and disaccharides, dietary fiber, ash and saturated fatty acids.

Like any other salad, iceberg is incredibly rich in vitamins... In addition to ascorbic acid, the leaves contain almost the entire "B-vitamin group" (except for B12), vitamin E, vitamin A and its precursor, beta-carotene. In addition, the salad contains phylloquinone (vitamin K), which stabilizes the work of almost all organs and systems.

The composition of micro- and macroelements in iceberg lettuce is also amazing. There are a lot of potassium, copper, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium necessary for the human body, and there are also, albeit in smaller quantities, iron, zinc, manganese and selenium.

The salad is also rich in fiber, and its juice contains the alkaloid lactucin, which has many medicinal properties.

Why iceberg lettuce is useful for the body

The beneficial properties of iceberg lettuce are obvious, because each of its constituent elements and vitamins performs an important function in the human body, and their balanced composition greatly enhances this effect.

The dietary fibers contained in the iceberg put in order the metabolic processes in the body, normalize the digestive system and intestines, help the absorption of minerals and vitamins, and remove bad cholesterol from the body.

Eating green leaves improves vision and blood, and, according to some reports, inhibits the development of malignant cells.

The extremely positive effect that this product has on the central nervous system has been noted. Eating lettuce seriously helps to cope with strong nervous stress, stress, emotional imbalance, depression, insomnia and other nervous disorders.

Lettuce also has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, is a good prevention of strokes and heart attacks, and increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

The benefits of the calcium in the iceberg for our teeth and bones are well known.

Separately, it should be said that the iceberg salad is hypoallergenic and low in calories. It can be consumed at almost any age and for any condition (including diabetes and pregnancy). By the way, iceberg lettuce is highly recommended to eat regularly for a nursing mother, because it not only enriches milk with nutrients and vitamins necessary for the baby, but also contributes to its production.

Important! Vitamin B9 present in the salad is more than many other vitamins that must be taken during pregnancy, since it is directly involved in the formation of the psyche and mental abilities of the child, as well as his skeleton.

If we sum up, then the benefits of iceberg lettuce for the body- this is:
  1. Preservation of the figure: the low calorie content of the salad and its rich vitamin and mineral composition make it an excellent component for a healthy and dietary diet.
  2. Improving the work of the heart and blood vessels: lettuce reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis and heart disease.
  3. Strengthening Immunity: The antioxidants found in lettuce counteract free radicals, which in turn are the main cause of cell damage in the body
  4. Prevention of anemia: The main cause of this disease is iron deficiency, which can be replenished by regularly consuming iceberg lettuce.
  5. Stabilization of the gastrointestinal tract: lettuce acts on the digestive organs universally - it is indicated for both constipation and diarrhea. Helps get rid of heartburn.
  6. It stimulates the brain and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system: a huge number of nervous disorders are directly related to magnesium deficiency, and the need for this element increases the more, the more emotional stress a person experiences. And vitamin B9, which is part of iceberg lettuce, is sometimes called the "hormone of female happiness."

How to choose the right iceberg salad when buying

Like any head lettuce, the “correct” iceberg should be symmetrical, “knocked down” and not fall apart into separate leaves. The ideal weight for a salad is just under 0.5 kg. The leaves should look fresh and juicy, and the color should be light green. Sluggish, dry, damaged, and even more rotten leaves are a reason to put the head of cabbage back on the store shelf. In addition, you should pay attention to the color of the stalk on the cut: if it darkens, the salad is stale.

Important! The density of the head of iceberg lettuce testifies to its maturity, but the measure is important here: if the salad is so “wooden” that it cannot be distinguished from winter cabbage, then the harvest was taken too late, such a salad has already lost its taste.

Iceberg lettuce, like other salads, is often sold vacuum cut. Of course, this option is very convenient for those who are constantly in short supply with free time, and such a product is stored a little longer. And yet, when purchasing "slicing", you cannot be sure of the original quality of the product, in particular, that fresh-looking leaves were not cut from a half-rotten head of cabbage, and it is completely unrealistic to see each leaf through the packaging. The risk of purchasing a stale product, therefore, greatly increases, so this option is only possible if you know the brand well and fully trust it.

Storage rules

The shelf life of iceberg lettuce is slightly longer than that of leafy salads, and directly depends on the temperature.

Did you know? This salad owes its current name precisely to the property of retaining its qualities at low temperatures - before it was stored in ice, which is why ice appeared (English icе - ice) and a little later - an iceberg. Another name for the salad is ice mountain.

Self-respecting manufacturers guarantee preservation of the qualities of the salad for five days, provided that it is stored at a temperature of two to five degrees, and for two days at a temperature of five to eight.

In fact, many housewives manage to keep the leaves of this salad fresh for a month, if it is well dried and loosely wrapped in plastic wrap or a bag. Sometimes you can find a recommendation to wrap the salad with a damp cloth and only then put it in a bag, but this method is fundamentally wrong, because any greens are best preserved only when they are perfectly dry.

You can store the salad in a glass container, after cutting it into 2-4 parts, but this way the product will keep its freshness for no more than a week.

Lettuce is not a product that is recommended to be frozen for the winter. Of course, if you have harvested an incredibly large harvest of salad at your dacha and cannot eat it in a matter of days, you can try freezing, while the salad will retain its useful properties, but completely lose its visual appeal and crunchy taste. Therefore, you still need to eat the salad fresh, fortunately, you can buy it in stores throughout the year.

Iceberg salad in cooking: what goes with

The iceberg is practically tasteless, which nevertheless does not interfere with the widespread use of the leaves of this salad in cooking. Most often they are the "green part" of vegetable, meat or fish salads, but there are also more exotic options.

For example, in a whole leaf of iceberg lettuce, you can put a cooked appetizer using the leaf as a dish (due to its harder structure compared to other salads, the iceberg does an excellent job of this role). As a "packing" material, lettuce leaves are also used to prepare original rolls, diet pancakes (a great way out for those who follow the figure) and even stuffed cabbage, in which the iceberg replaces the cabbage leaves.

In main dishes, the iceberg usually serves as a decoration when serving and at the same time is a light garnish.

Benefits of using iceberg in salads:

  • the iceberg makes the portion visually larger, filling the dish not with calories, but with vitamins;
  • the iceberg is denser than ordinary lettuce, which makes it possible to replace cabbage, while maintaining a neutral taste and not clogging the main ingredients;
  • iceberg is suitable for appetizers with mayonnaise or sour cream dressings, while most other salads are too light for such a sauce.

Did you know? The basis of the famous Caesar salad in the original recipe is made from Roman salad leaves (romano). Recently, however, more and more chefs are starting to replace this seemingly indispensable ingredient with iceberg lettuce leaves. This decision is motivated, as they say, not by the desire to save money, but by the fact that the leaves of the iceberg, soaked in the dressing, retain a crispy taste, while the Roman salad withers and "floats", as a result, the dish loses its taste and external attractiveness, which is not desirable admit to any restaurateur.

Due to its neutral taste iceberg salad is absolutely versatile in terms of combination with other products... It goes equally well with vegetables, boiled eggs and cheese (especially parmesan and cheddar), mushrooms, any type of meat and poultry (including smoked), as well as fish (raw, salted, smoked, boiled, canned) and seafood.

For satiety, boiled rice, crispy crackers or mushrooms can be added to salads with iceberg, for originality - fruits (pear, apple, canned or fresh pineapple, citrus fruits). Pine nuts will add spice to salads, cherry tomatoes will add brightness. In a word, there are no restrictions for fantasy here, and it is almost impossible to make a mistake.

As for the dressing, as already mentioned, the iceberg may well "withstand" mayonnaise, but if we care about our health and waist, it is better to use something lighter instead - yogurt or olive oil (which can be "beat" by adding lemon juice, soy sauce, French mustard, wine, balsamic, crushed garlic, herbs and other goodies).

Important! To avoid oxidation and to give the dish more authenticity, chefs recommend that you casually tear the lettuce leaves with your hands into not too small pieces, instead of cutting with a knife.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

Enough has already been said about the numerous beneficial properties of salad. It is not surprising that the product has found application in medicine, not only folk, but also traditional.

Doctors are happy to recommend eating lettuce for emotional disorders, problems with the intestines and blood vessels, surges in blood pressure, gastritis and ulcers, as well as during pregnancy (in addition to a source of vitamins, iceberg lettuce removes excess fluid from the body, and therefore helps to fight puffiness, which very often accompanies pregnancy and can greatly damage the health of the expectant mother, provoking the development of heart disease, kidney disease, etc.).

Also, the salad is indicated for anemia, problems with excess weight.

The use of iceberg lettuce in cosmetology is due to its chemical composition. So, for example, the magnesium presented in the product contributes to the production of collagen, and therefore improves the color and general condition of the skin, prevents premature wrinkles, and has a positive effect on the quality of nails and hair.

Masks and applications from iceberg lettuce leaves saturate our skin with useful elements, heal and nourish it. To strengthen your hair and reduce its oiliness, it is recommended to rinse it with juice squeezed from this salad.


There are practically no contraindications to the use of iceberg lettuce. Theoretically, it is possible to admit the possibility of individual intolerance of the body to any component that is part of the salad (for example, an allergy to ascorbic acid), but in general this is so rare that such a probability can be disregarded.