The meaning of the name Ksenia for a girl portfolio. Ksenia, Ksyusha, Oksana, Aksinya: different names or not? What is the difference between the name Ksenia and Aksinya

The ancient Greek name Ksenia means "hospitable", "guest", "wanderer" and even "stranger." , especially at a young age. The owners of the name are purposeful and persistent natures who can highly value friendship and mutual assistance. Such women make high demands on their chosen one.

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    Origin of the name and character

    Ksenia - ancient greek name, which does not have an unambiguous translation, as well as an accurate origin story. There are several meanings of the name Ksenia: "hospitable", "guest", "wanderer" and even "stranger". In Russia, this name appeared long ago, its forms were Aksinya and Oksana, but now they have become independent names. The abbreviated versions of the name adopted today are Ksyusha, as well as the lesser-known Senya, Asya, Ksyuta, Ksesha and Xena. By church calendar Ksenia celebrates her name day twice: January 31 and February 6.

      Xenias are independent intellectuals, demanding of themselves and others. They are excellent at working with information, open to new things and learn quickly, best of all they are given the humanities.

      Ksenia hopes only for herself, she builds her own destiny and knows how to defend her rights. Only excessive sensitivity, especially pronounced in Kseniy-Taurus, can prevent her from doing this. But dropping it, the owner of the name easily leads arguments that are logical and understandable to the opponent. Sometimes in disputes she becomes too harsh, so much so that she is capable of unjustly offending the interlocutor with a sharp remark. Irritability is an integral characteristic and one of Xenia's weak character traits.

      Loyalty and willingness to help friends - positive features the owner of the name. Despite the fact that sometimes she argues hotly with loved ones, Ksenia always remembers how important they are to her.

      The owners of the name are purposeful, not everything is easy for them, but thanks to their perseverance, they conquer the selected peaks. But Ksenia's dedication only works when she is very interested in the result - then she will find thousands of opportunities. But it also burns out quickly - a new, even more attractive goal appears on the horizon, and Ksenia directs all her forces to achieve it. Impulsiveness leads to a periodically appearing desire to "live in a grand style", the consequence of which is the accumulation of debts.

      At work, Ksenia achieves success not only as an excellent performer, but also as a talented, albeit strict, leader. She does not like to be controlled, all her activities are aimed at results. The girl does not tolerate remarks - they violate her personal boundaries and hurt her pride, which is very painful for the owners of the name. Ksenia always strives to get the job done the best way, she is responsible and principled. The career of a journalist, lawyer, teacher, psychologist, scientist is suitable for her.

      Ksyusha as a child

      As a child, Ksyusha pleases parents and teachers - she is responsible, assiduous and diligent. This is facilitated by a huge thirst for knowledge, which characterizes the owners of the name, and a pronounced ambition.

      Despite perseverance, the girl is capricious and stubborn. Most often, such a mood is observed in Xenia, when she considers the demands on herself unfair. To gain her attention and obedience, it is not enough to put forward the demands of strict discipline. If parents and teachers can explain to Ksyusha why it is necessary to do this, then she will strictly follow the instructions.

      If Ksyusha has grown up with adults good relationship, then among peers she often feels uncomfortable because of her sensitivity. It is easy to offend her with a rash phrase, and sometimes Ksenia herself finds in the words of the interlocutor a secret meaning that he did not put there. Parents should pay attention to this in order not to waste time and soften this trait of the girl's character. Often she stays with Ksyusha for life.

      Xenia's health

      Xenia's health, as a rule, leaves much to be desired due to her sensitivity, which often becomes the cause of neuroses. Since childhood, she has a weak immune system, she is susceptible to colds and infectious diseases.

      Another problem of Xenia is female diseases. Often there are malfunctions of the menstrual cycle, childbirth is difficult. Disruptions to work nervous system cause heart disease.

      Often the owners of this name do not like sports, but to maintain health, they should engage in moderate physical activity, otherwise already in early age high probability serious illnesses of cardio-vascular system.

      Astrological characteristics of the name

      From the point of view of astrology, the female name Ksenia is not suitable for everyone. Best of all, this name will suit girls born under the sign of Aquarius. He will become their talisman, increasing stamina, independence and sharpness of mind.

      Xenias bring good luck:

      • The patron planets are Saturn and Jupiter.
      • The day of the week is Saturday.
      • Color - silvery gray.
      • Plants - immortelle and cypress.
      • The totem animal is a rabbit, which is a symbol of generosity and prosperity.
      • Talisman stones - chalcedony and sapphire. The first helps to overcome fear and weakness, attract love, and the second helps to achieve career success.

      Using talismans, Ksenia has the opportunity to improve the quality of life and quickly achieve harmony with herself and the world around her.

      Family and male name compatibility

      Ksenia is very demanding of a man - as a rule, this is a strong woman, and she will not choose a life partner who is weaker in character than herself. In a man, intelligence is especially important to her. Presenting high demands to her future chosen one, the owner of the name risks being left alone, but if she meets her love, she will be ready to sacrifice a lot for her.

      Despite her wayward character, Ksenia is an excellent hostess and faithful wife. Her adherence to principles also extends to the sphere of family relations - it is very rare among Xenia to find a woman who is unfaithful to her husband. She treats the birth of a child very responsibly, often gives birth after thirty, becoming an excellent caring mother, capable of raising a worthy person.

      Best compatibility with male names: Alexey, Vladislav, Semyon, Roman, Anton, Mikhail, Valery, Pavel, Arkady. Good relationships will develop with the owners of such exotic names as Luka and Akim.

      The owners of the name Ksenia are bright and capable women of achieving goals. They achieve success in all areas of life, conquering others with their intelligence and responsibility.

The owners of the name Ksenia are very good hostesses. Such girls cherish family hearth, surrounding her husband and children with their care. You can find out in more detail what Ksenia means, character and destiny, in the review below.

The meaning of the name Ksenia for a girl is brief

The meaning of the name Ksenia for a girl is briefly described below:

  1. K - hardy. Possesses great fortitude, insight and the ability to keep any secrets. Her life motto sounds like “All or nothing”. It is very important for Xenia to find herself in life.
  2. C - the desire for material well-being, a strong position in society and common sense. There is also moodiness if Ksenia is annoyed with something.
  3. E - the need to exchange ideas, a tendency to self-expression and talkativeness. Insight and mediation.
  4. H - interest in health and possession of a sharp critical mind. Diligence and hard work.
  5. And - peacefulness, kindness, sensitivity and subtle spirituality. Plus, it can also mean practicality.

I am the desire to achieve love and respect. Self-esteem.

All these qualities make the owner of such a name very interesting person... This girl always acts persistently and thoroughly. Ksenia is used to bringing any business to the end, so most often they choose work associated with responsibility and perseverance.

As for housekeeping, the owners of this name are quite economical, stingy, but this does not in any way affect family life... Most often, Xenia's husband gives the reins of government into the hands of his wife. At the same time, perfect order always reigns in her house.

What does the name Ksenia mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

What does the name Xenia mean for a girl according to the church calendar, and who are her patron saints? This name means "stranger" or "wanderer". Saint Xenia of Petersburg is considered the patroness of all Xenia. She lost her husband while still very young. Then she completely distributed everything she owned to the poor and began to wander. The woman has been walking in cities and villages for over 40 years. Xenia was helped to survive by charity, which was shared with her. kind people... All these years, the future saint helped those in need and prayed to God.

At first, people considered the woman blissful, but soon they noticed that she predicted events. In addition, Xenia of Peterburgskaya had the gift of warding off misfortunes and treating ailments. Not everyone knows that she helped build the church by pulling it brick by brick.

After the future saint died, a chapel was built on her grave, and she was posthumously given the name Xenia of Petersburg. The name days of all Xenias, according to the church calendar, are held on January 30, March 21, August 25 and September 14.

Another patroness of all girls named by that name is Ksenia Milavskaya. She became famous for dedicating her life to worship and renouncing a carefree life. The woman was engaged in instructing sinners on the right way and always helped the weak and the poor. The birthday of Saint Xenia Milavskaya is celebrated on 12 August.

What is the secret of the name Ksenia?

What is the secret of the name Ksenia and how are such girls remarkable? The owners of this name have a very powerful energy. Once in any company, Ksenia will infect others with her mood. Most often, she has a good one, since the owners of such a name are optimists.

Despite this, Xenia has a restless and unbalanced character. Over the years, it only gets worse, so the girl must control herself. She often changes friends because of her resentment. The best friend for Ksyusha will be the one who will be inferior to her in some way. Girls with that name do not like to be contradicted. However, they are very sensitive and susceptible to other people's words.

As for family life, it cannot be called easy. Basically, Ksyusha gets married twice. Most of Xenias have a pronounced talent for singing or drawing. Such girls always grow up to be talented artists or musicians.

The owner of such a name does not tolerate injustice. But Ksyusha defends her rights, attracting outsiders to this. Career is not too important for her. She prefers leading household... Despite this, in the work of Ksenia, the meaning of the name, the character and fate of which are described here, achieves greater heights than her colleagues.

The origin of the name Ksenia and its meaning for children

What is the origin of the name Ksenia and its meaning for children? V Ancient Greece this was the name of all women from other countries who were there not of their own free will. This name has several meanings:

  • stranger;
  • traveler;
  • guest;
  • wanderer.

As for Russia, here the name Xenia appeared after the 9th century. As a rule, they were named daughters born in noble families. Over time, the Slavs formed several independent derivatives from this name - Oksana, Aksinya, etc. Ksenia Peterburgskaya glorified this name in the 18th century, and a little later it spread throughout Russia.

Little Ksyushas are very impressionable, touchy and have excellent sensitivity. A girl can complicate her relationship with others when she begins to defend her point of view in any situation. Despite the fact that the owner of this name helps her parents, she is rather lazy. There is an explanation for this, the girl will only do the work that is of interest to her. Therefore, if she likes some kind of request from her parents, she fulfills it, but without much zeal.

What is the character of a girl named Xenia?

A girl with that name grows up to be a real beauty. This is a good helper for parents, although sometimes it is very lazy. Speaking about the character of a girl named Ksenia, one cannot fail to mention that she is very sociable. At the same time, little Ksyusha should not be offended. She is touchy and vulnerable. The girl takes all troubles to heart and remains so in adulthood. As she grows older, Ksenia hides resentments and feelings under the guise of indifference.

The girl very rarely puts up with the first, so it is difficult for her to find friends. In addition, Ksyusha loves animals very much. As a child, she can bring many stray dogs and cats into the house. Love for animals remains with Xenia for life. In addition, during her life she often makes friends with one person who is her authority in everything. However, he should not contradict her opinion.

The girl Ksenia, the meaning of the name, the character and fate of which are described above, cannot sit still for a long time. Her mood changes all the time from calmness to hot temper. Although Ksyusha lacks poise, she never rushes to extremes. The girl seeks to declare herself and will always come to the aid of those close to her.

What is the fate of a girl named Ksenia?

Fate clearly spoils Ksenia, despite her complex nature. The girl easily gets what she wants. In addition, such a girl can handle any business. As soon as Ksyusha enters adulthood, her hot-tempered nature becomes calmer. The owner of this name becomes very determined, learning from her mistakes.

The girl will defend her opinion to the end, even if it does not agree with the opinion of others. As for constructive criticism, Ksenia does not really like her. V student years new horizons and opportunities will open up for Ksyusha. She will study well and win the hearts of her classmates. In some cases, the girl becomes sharp on her tongue and it is very easy for her to offend her opponent. But then she will feel remorse, while realizing that she did not do it out of malice.

Many people like the name Ksenia. Its meaning is important information for parents, the person himself, those around people who want to understand and find mutual language with Ksyusha.

Having matured, a person may one day wish to take a pseudonym or change their name. It seems that without this there will be no happiness. In some cases, indeed, after changing the name or choosing a pseudonym, the circumstances are getting better day by day. And it happens that there are even more troubles.

Knowing what the name Ksenia means, it becomes easier to consciously make decisions, manage energies, attract positive events into your life and throw away negative ones.

Names used to be invented by observing people, their character traits, habits. A characteristic was given, information was transmitted in the form of a cipher. Thanks to its pleasant sound and the help of powerful patrons, the name Xenia remained in everyday life, was translated into Russian and entered the list of canonical names. The saints, who were called that, glorify and bless him. The days of their veneration are included in the church calendar. Many Slavic names have Greek roots, and this name is no exception. Names with Jewish roots are often used in our country.

Along with the name, according to the clergy and interpreters of names, a special energy is transmitted.

The name may suit a person, in this case:

  • fate will be favorable to him;
  • from any difficult situation a person can easily find a way out;
  • the name will strengthen the strengths of the personality.

If the name does not fit, important personal qualities are suppressed, bad luck will pursue. Difficulties harden the will, but it is not known whether the path will actually be traversed.

Translated "Xenia" means "hospitable", "wanderer", "stranger". In ancient Greece, hospitable people were called so, as well as those who loved to wander. Origin of the name

The origin of the name Xenia is still a mystery to scientists, although much is already known. It has not yet been possible to find out who invented it, in what century and who was the woman who was first named Xenia. Translation of the name and inherent in it sacred meaning opens a portal for communication with the ancient world.

Etymology goes back to the days of the demigods and ancient heroes. Then, according to ancient legends, immortal creatures descended from Olympus, which will help to reveal the secret of this name:

  • goddess Aphrodite;
  • the ancient Greek hero Daphnis;
  • his beloved nymph.

The son of Hermes, the glorious Greek hero Daphnis, fell in love with the nymph Xenia. Wandering, performing feats, he always remembered about her. By chance, he met a princess, before whose beauty he could not resist. Xenia, because of treason, cursed him and killed Daphnis, their story has a tragic ending.

Xenias are impulsive. They are passionate natures, they can become exiles and villains if they are betrayed. You can get a serious enemy in their face.

It is believed that this is one of the names of the goddess of beauty Aphrodite. She often interfered in people's lives, intrigued or helped. In the pantheon of gods, Aphrodite was respected and could charm anyone. But not all people worshiped her, and over time her power became nominal.

Name forms

Diminutive forms messages used by friends, acquaintances and relatives:

  • Xenia;
  • Ksyushenka;
  • Ksyushechka;
  • Ksyusha;
  • Xena;
  • Ksenia;
  • Ksyunya;
  • Ksyushka.

The full version is often liked by everyone more, but it is used for communication in a formal setting. In other conditions, Xenia is not against being called differently, they allow the name to be shortened, changed.

The original form of the name, which existed in the Middle Ages or a little earlier, has changed. Another derivative appeared, a translation from Latin into Ukrainian, a new transcription of Ksenia - Oksana. Later this form became an independent name.

Name days and patron saints

The girls who are called that are associated not only with Aphrodite, but also with the patron saints in Christian tradition... The most famous of them is Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, who lived in the 18th century. You can watch a video (feature film) about her service to people and God, read the information that is in the Life of the Saints. Many films have been shot about Aphrodite. Daphnis and his beloved nymph are less well known.

By birth, the blessed one was a noblewoman, she married successfully. The marriage did not last long. Her husband died, but before his death he did not have time to repent. To atone for this sin, the 26-year-old decided to renounce all blessings, deny herself and wander.

When she began to sell property, donate money to charity, relatives decided that she was crazy with grief and turned to doctors for help. They came to the conclusion that she is healthy, can dispose of real estate and other valuables at her own discretion.

Until the end of her life, the saint prayed to God for love and condescension to people, helped others to the best of her ability. For this she was endowed with the gift of miracles. She was canonized in 1988. All Xenias celebrate the name day according to the Orthodox Christian tradition on January 31, February 6, March 20, April 16, August 26, September 15 and October 6.

According to psychologists, Ksyusha's character is sociable. It is partly due to innate features of the nervous system, temperament. In addition, it is formed on the basis of personal preferences and aspirations, volitional efforts, experiences, life experience. Over the years, it can change, as does the temperament. In childhood, the potential bestowed by nature is most clearly manifested.

Dad and mom can intuitively determine the name that suits the newborn best, focusing on his behavior in the belly. When a child is born, the parents already know suitable options.

The exciting activity of choosing a name can sometimes take many months. Even by the moment of birth, no decision may be made - there are many beautiful names. By the time a birth certificate is issued, it is necessary to determine precisely.

Xenias are confident and independent. They have a lively disposition, Ksyusha are sociable, they like to decide everything for themselves, insist on their own.

TO negative traits that can manifest during childhood include:

  • resentment, suspiciousness, suspicion;
  • tendency to manipulate;
  • emotionality and irascibility;
  • selfishness;
  • stubbornness.

Although Xenia perceives quarrels with peers, conflicts with adults are very close to her heart, they themselves often provoke such situations. They love to be in the spotlight, they are ready to behave eccentrically for this. From an early age, they are characterized by audacity, courage and courage, leadership qualities. Ksenia is always glad to have a good company.

Positive traits from birth include:

  • thirst for justice, its subtle feeling;
  • cheerfulness, activity;
  • passion for discussions, disputes, oratory;
  • responsible attitude to learning, diligence;
  • kindness and compassion.

The baby can hide her thoughts from everyone. She closely observes parents and other adults, peers, tries to understand someone else's point of view, sincerely wants to objectively and impartially evaluate others and events. She herself is difficult to convince in something, iron arguments are needed.

Xenias are prone to criticism and self-criticism, they constantly develop these skills. This is not bad, but they can have enemies early, they can become withdrawn, scolding themselves for something. Adults should help the child overcome these difficulties.

Choice of profession and career

Having matured, Xenias become a little less quick-tempered, gullible and carefree. Serious attitude towards themselves, dreams, plans makes them strive for independence from their parents. They choose difficult professions, they study well.

They are well versed in clothes, accessories, they have good taste. Avarice and money-grubbing are alien to them. They feel more comfortable in a male company. They have few friends, they try to limit their social circle to trusted people who are truly trusted.

Although the owners of this name are not inclined to succumb to other people's influence, Ksyusha can get into bad company, not recognize the vile person in time. They trust logic too much, tend to ignore the prompts of the heart and intuition.

Xenias believe in love, they know that they will meet their happiness. They get married early, have children. In relationships, they willingly make concessions, seek a compromise, but they have taboos and rules. Close people should reckon with this. It is good if the wife told her husband about her rules, it is worse if she considers it a secret.

Willingness to share intimate, sincerity is one of the conditions for a successful marriage. However, boredom can also cause divorce, as well as omissions, lies. In some cases, it is safer not to tell your partner all information about yourself at once, to provide an opportunity to just guess about something.

If the husband violated one of the rules or crossed the line, Ksenia will take the initiative and file for divorce. Spiritual closeness matters to her. Xenia is characterized by categoricalness, severity, irritability. A game, a passionate argument is sometimes inappropriate, only sincerity can save the situation.

Sometimes the owners of this name do not create a family for a long time. Material benefits, dating, travel are priorities. Having devoted a lot of time to work, they one day decide that it is time to pay attention to their personal life. They have charm, they can seduce the chosen one. It is easy to win their hearts with beautiful words, attractive appearance, talent, extravagant actions.

Family well-being and happiness can be influenced by the compatibility of the names of women and men. Marriages with Alexey, Antonov, Romanov, Valeriy, Mikhailov will be successful for Xenia. Unsuccessful marriages will be with Igor, Yaroslav, Leonids, Boris, Kirill, Vadim and Alexandra.

The name affects health. Xenia is vulnerable, sensitive, emotional. Because of this, they often have problems with cardiovascular system, the autonomic division of the nervous system. They need to strengthen their immunity. It is recommended to wear a sapphire or chalcedony talisman. These minerals will strengthen energy, improve mood, well-being, and protect against negative influences.

  • once every six months, Ksyuna needs to rest;
  • it is useful to visit the gym;
  • go to the swimming pool;
  • jog in the mornings.

Strong-willed individuals, they can long time endure hardships, hardships, stress, work hard, not sparing yourself. These are real workaholics. But this pattern of behavior leads to a deterioration in well-being. Only with their families can they truly relax. Some of Ksyusha's worries are inclined to intuitively shift onto the shoulders of relatives, waiting for someone to remind them of important things. In life, they are a little less disciplined.

Famous persons

The secret of the name Ksenia cannot be solved without analyzing the biographies of celebrities, for example, on Wikipedia. It will be easy to recognize in some of them yourself or loved one, the owner of the name.

Sobchak, Borodin, Afanasyeva, Alferova, Krasilnikova, Strizh - these women have achieved a lot. Did the name help you on your way to success or not? Only they know it. Knowing the meaning of the names, you can independently try to determine this.

The female name Ksenia comes from Greek, or rather - from the name of the rhymes with which the owners of the house jokingly greeted the guests. That is why it is believed that it means "guest", "hospitality." In Russia, the name Ksenia is quite widespread.

Characteristics of the name Ksenia

The character of Xenia is different in many positive qualities, such as kindness, sensuality, honesty, willingness to help a neighbor, but often these features are overridden by her inconstancy, irascibility, some pride. Energy and willfulness are manifested in Xenia from an early age. It is impossible to force her to do something, but you can explain and ask, putting pressure on her innate kindness and responsiveness. Ksenia studies well, but does not show love for the exact sciences. She has a very developed self-esteem, so it costs nothing to offend the owner of this name. Adult Ksenia outwardly shows great modesty, does not like to protrude, but deep inside she dreams of showing herself one day. In communication, she quickly opens up, behaves emotionally, loves to argue until hoarse, fiercely defends justice. Ksenia often lacks balance, she grabs onto several things at once, sometimes goes to extremes, not knowing how to correctly prioritize. In friends, she appreciates their graciousness and patience with her own person. She is a faithful friend, loves to listen and give good advice, for which her relatives and friends appreciate her.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The name Ksenia suits a girl born under the zodiac sign of Capricorn, that is, from December 22 to January 20. Simple and modest Capricorn is similar to Xenia in sobriety of thought, conservatism, developed feeling justice. He can positively influence the owner of this name in the sense that it will make her more disciplined, collected, hardy, patient and efficient.

Pros and cons of the name Ksenia

What are the positive and negative sides can be noted in the decision to name the child by the name of Xenia? On the one hand, this is an interesting, gentle and familiar name for our country, which sounds good in combination with Russian surnames and patronymics, besides, it has many euphonious abbreviations and diminutive forms, such as Ksenya, Ksyusha, Senya, Ksenyushka, Ksyushenka ... But the general impression of this name is spoiled a little by the eccentric nature of many of its owners, which, however, can be changed in the process of upbringing.


Xenia's health is not very strong. She is nervous, restless, and therefore has problems with sleep, appetite, quickly loses her youth and beauty, often catches a cold.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, getting along with Xenia is not easy. With her unpredictability, she can drive her husband to white heat, but in general she tries to be a good housewife, she works a lot with children, cooks deliciously, loves to keep the house perfectly clean.

Professional sphere

In the professional field, Ksenia has a tendency to humanities... She can prove herself as a school teacher, dentist, veterinarian, cook, bar manager, pharmacist, sociologist, merchant, bank employee or law office.


How many secrets and mysticism the name carries. What is the scale, role, value and uniqueness. Each of us is so unique, each of us is a personality and individuality, so it is impossible to say one hundred percent that certain facts will be true for you. But! Many people understand that a name is a whole system and a program that truly great value... The science of onomastics (a section in linguistics about linguistics, the main task of which is the study of proper names by identifying some special patterns and validity, their transmission through the years), experiments, polls, statistics - all this made a huge contribution to the formation of a number of conclusions that can be drawn for each name is concretized and subjective.

We all know famous phrase“As you name the ship, so it will float!”, She gives a very clear instruction to all parents: to be attentive and responsible when it comes to choosing a name for a child. In the article we will consider the meaning of the name Ksenia and the fate of its owners. We can all name a huge number of people wearing it, so these facts will actually be interesting for many to compare and contrast reality and this data. So, let's begin.

Origin of the name

What does the name Ksenia mean? The meaning of the name suggests that it got its roots in Ancient Greece and comes from the word "xen" (other gr. Ξένος). Xenes in ancient Greek life were called citizens of various policies, who entered into an alliance of hospitality, sealed with an oath. It also meant the people who provided the hospitality and those who used it. The story tells that the citizens of the policy who came from another city were deprived of rights. Thus, their interests were represented by a xen (from a city that citizens visit).

But there is another version of the origin of this name. V Latin there is similar word xenia, meaning gifts. In addition, in classical ancient poetry "xenias" were called special humorous poems that were specially written for a person and were presented to him as a gift. Many believe that the name Ksenia (the meaning of a name for a child is not always studied by parents, although this is important information), definitely comes from the Old Russian name Aksinya. As in other various names, it is impossible to determine an unambiguous, accurate interpretation and origin, because they were all formed by changing the form of words, borrowings and the like. Thus, modern scholars can only speculate on the origin of this popular name.

The patron saint of the famous name is considered to be Xenia of Petersburg. She was canonized as a saint on June 6, 1988 at the Russian Local Cathedral Orthodox Church... This woman always gave a helping hand to the poor, predicted the future, instructed on the true path and healed from various diseases.

The meaning of the name Ksenia according to the church calendar

Xenia in translation from ancient Greek means "hospitable", "guest", "foreigner", "traveler". Ecclesiastical significance the name Xenia is known to all believers. Ksenia's girl Orthodox calendar celebrates an important event - his spiritual birthday and the birthday of his patron saint, whose name was given at baptism, January 31, March 20, August 26 and September 15.

Name forms

Of course, as with all names, there is his various forms and options: Ksenia, Oksana, Ksyusha, Ksyushka, Ksyushenka, Ksyunya, Syunya, Ksenya, Ksyu, Ksyuta, Ksenka, Aksinya.

In addition, in different countries speaking in other languages, there are also variations of the name Ksenia: Ksenia (Greece), Aksana (Belarus), Oxenia (Ukraine), Xena (Poland), Kzenia (Germany), Kusaniya (Japan), in Sweden, Norway and Denmark often the Senja form is used.

An interesting fact: many believe that the name Ksenia comes from the name Oksana, but this is not so! Most likely, on the contrary, “Oksana” has roots from “Ksenia”.

Frequency statistics

The statistics of the frequency of the use of female names in various CIS countries presents data showing that the name Ksenia is in the "top" of about 50 popular names. Many consider it already obsolete, preferring more modern names, for example, Sofia, Polina, Victoria or Arina.

Character, its features

The meaning of the name Ksenia for the girl and fate will be very interesting, first of all, for her parents. The name endows its owner with many character traits characteristic of women. For example, qualities such as charm, romance, mystery, attractiveness, love, charm and mystery. Also, girls tend to be very caring, which makes them wonderful wives and mothers. But besides this, the character is rather ambiguous, contradictory and complex, so the girl takes a long time to develop good relations with friends and with a new team.

The meaning of the female name Ksenia suggests that its owners are often endowed with some "masculine" qualities, such as becoming: a frequent tendency to be a leader, sometimes aggressiveness, pressure, courage and courage. But it is these “shades of soul” that help the girl to achieve a lot in her career and in self-knowledge. Ksenia often prioritizes the realization of her personality in society, self-development, harmony and spiritual enlightenment.

It is inherent in a teenage girl to be neat, attentive and very assiduous. Persistence and courage in character still help not to be lonely at school. Often Xenias (the meaning of the name, the character became the object of our study) prefer the sciences of a humanitarian nature than physical and mathematical ones, because they love to read, which explains the romance and contemplation. Despite some persistence, the girl hates conflicts, always tries to get around them and come to a common agreement. Such a feature as the desire to be in the first place, without coming true, constantly leaves an unpleasant aftertaste on the soul and an extreme experience. Throughout her life, a girl is close to male society (apparently due to the similarity of characters), she feels more confident and firm in it. True, strong emotionality, pressure and aggression often push men away, which is why it is difficult for them to find a soul mate.

In addition to the above qualities, Ksyusha has an interesting and unusual, but no less important quality for every girl: having a sense of style. The girl is very versed in fashion and feels like a professional in this field. Also, this quality helps to be different from others and to be more self-confident. This hobby often becomes the work of a lifetime, Xenia's profession.


Although it is clear that all people are different and there are not even two similar personalities, features, similarities and any common features it is quite possible to trace. Ksenia's possession of a complex character most often does not interfere with Everyday life, she is prepared for the girl quite calm and measured. With age, character traits such as aggression, excessive persistence, gradually become more meek or even completely disappear. But, despite this, she will forever remain straightforward, open and sincere. Also, Ksyusha is always very happy with constructive criticism, but she can defend her point of view to the end. As you can see, the nature and nature of the girl is quite contradictory.

The meaning of the name Ksenia, which we are briefly talking about in the article, contains information that its owner easily gets what she wants, quickly comes to her goal and usually does not have problems with choosing a profession, which is a difficulty for many. But in the professional sphere it is quite difficult for a girl, because she asks for "everything at once", although it is clear that often this can even help.

Love and marriage

It doesn't matter why you need to find out the meaning of the name Ksenia - for a portfolio, a project, or just out of curiosity, the main thing is that this is not so difficult to do. A huge number of people have been studying it since ancient times. So already now we can say with confidence that Ksenia is very attractive to men for her beauty, charm, intelligence, figure, sense of humor and style, and even her gait. The owner of this name herself prefers a male company, but her personal life is not easy enough. It is always difficult for the opposite sex to get along with a girl who is very persistent and too self-confident, defending her opinion to the last, not giving in to the slightest provocation. But besides this, fate prepares her rather difficult men, with whom it will be doubly difficult for Ksyusha to agree in opinion. It is even possible that a girl can have more than one difficult romance in her life.

The mystery of the name Ksenia and its meaning suggest that its owners get married quite late, because they often put their careers in the first place and at first do not think about the family. But in marriage, a woman will be a wonderful wife and a caring, loving, sensual mother. Her qualities such as accuracy, attentiveness to others confirm these facts. She always tries to maintain calm, comfort and warmth. hearth in family life.

The greatest probability of a strong marriage, a happy family life is with Xenia with men with the names: Anatoly, Victor, Vladislav, David, Leonid, Renat and Timur.

The lowest and rarest probability of stable relationships in family life for Xenia is with men with the names: Artem, Zakhar, Mikhail, Miron, Oleg, Peter and Yan.

The meaning of the name Ksenia: characteristics, hobbies and hobbies

Hobbies of people are directly related to their character and internal organization... Ksenia's diligence and patience gives her success in sewing. Caring and desire to make it pleasant for family and friends is conditioned by her ardent inspiration to cook.


Intuition - important factor for every girl. Fortunately, Xenia has this extraordinary feeling strongly developed, she notices the connection between events and incidents, which is invisible to the naked eye.

Habits and attitudes

Habits, like hobbies, are directly related to character. Xenia never has a distinct bad habits, since he knows himself well enough, although not very well in control. In the arsenal, the girl has mainly a set of positive and only good habits... For example, always look neat, clean, stylish and fashionable. The habit of always being a leader everywhere and in everything. There is also a rule not to enter into conflicts, to bypass them in every possible way, because the girl, although quick-tempered, is far from loving to argue and sort things out. On the contrary, in moments when others are discussing who is right and who is wrong, Ksenia likes to pay attention to her mental organization.


What else can the origin and meaning of the name Xenia tell? Due to the strong emotionality, the owner of the name should worry about nervous disorders and other diseases caused by nerves. Often, a girl can wind up problems for herself and not notice how it turns into a breakdown. To avoid such problems, a girl should find a close, understanding person who can help cope with all the worries. We are told from childhood: "All diseases are from the nerves", in this phrase there is some truth. Self-restrained emotions cause bronchial asthma, anxiety and stress disrupt the heart rhythm, which threatens arrhythmia, anger and aggression slow down the liver, and constant external and internal irritation upsets digestive exchanges. Unfortunately, due to over-emotionalism, all of the above threatens Xenia. Of course, the advice is to get more rest and not exaggerate the importance of problems in everyday life.

The mystery of the name

Totems and zodiac horoscope are also able to reveal the secret of the name Xenia. It is believed that the best events and increased efficiency can be traced in Ksyusha in winter. Most often, the most unusual and important events happen on Saturday. The zodiac sign most similar to the character is Capricorn. A woman who was born during this period can be characterized as a benevolent, sympathetic, pure, patient, collected and hardy nature.

The girl's mascot is sapphire and chalcedony. Sapphire is an amazingly beautiful blue stone that bestows loyalty, modesty, tranquility and inner harmony. And chalcedony reflects all the sweet, but strong female soul and essence, it attracts love and protects from all the troubles surrounding a woman. He is able to protect from apathy and unjustified anger.

Colors - gray, green and blue, just like the shades of sapphire, best reflect inner world Xenia. And the animal is the Rabbit, since he is the image of cunning. The Chinese, on the other hand, consider the rabbit an honorable and sacred animal, reflecting self-sacrifice and nobility.

There are also plants that fit the name very well. So, the immortelle bestows good health, strength and modesty, and cypress reflects longevity and a pure, meaningful life.

Metals for Xenia are, firstly, tin. Tin reflects flexibility and softness, which characterizes Ksyusha as a person who is able to adapt to any situation and find a way out of any difficulties prepared by life. Secondly, electrum, which is associated with uniqueness and perfection, it bestows wisdom, nobility, originality and sincerity.

Famous people with the name Ksenia

We examined the meaning and origin of the name Xenia. Now it's worth talking about its famous owners. There are a large number of famous people with the wonderful name Ksenia, which has a whole bunch of different qualities:

  • Princess Xenia Alexandrovna (1875-1960) - daughter of the great Russian emperor Alexander III, respectively, was the sister of Tsar Nicholas II.
  • Saint Petersburg) - a woman canonized, born between 1719 and 1730, always helping others and the poor, trying to guide them on the true and right path, and to this day is the patron saint of the name Xenia.
  • Ksenia Aleksandrovna Erdeli (1878-1971) - Soviet artist who plays the harp, who became the People's Artist of the USSR and is the creator of one of the first schools of playing the harp.
  • Ksenia Aleksandrovna Nekrasova (1912-1958) - Soviet poet who devoted her life to writing lyric poems.
  • Ksenia Georgievna Derzhinskaya (1889-1951) - performer of operas, People's Artist of the USSR (1937).
  • Ksenia Vitalievna Perova (1989) - athlete, participant of the 2012 Olympic Games of the Russian national archery team.
  • Ksenia Kimovna Borodina (1983) is a modern Russian TV presenter, especially famous for the TV show Dom 2, also a DJ and actress.
  • Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak (1981) - TV presenter, actress and currently a presidential candidate Russian Federation 2018 year.

In addition, in some Russians literary works there are also mentions of this name:

  • Tsarina Xenia is a Russian queen, daughter of the well-known Tsar Boris (mentioned in the work "Boris Godunov" by Alexander Pushkin).
  • Aksinya Astakhova is the central, vivid female image in Sholokhov's novel The Quiet Don.
  • Sister Ksenia - in the work of V. Yu. Dragunsky "Deniskin stories".

Having analyzed all the facts, statistics and basic remarks about the name Ksenia, we can easily conclude that this is a rather ambiguous, unclear nature, but in no way hypocritical. The girl is romantic and combative, caring and assertive, cheerful and overly emotional. Many believe that such a human nature is unpleasant and frightening for others, but this name carries all the shades of the human spectrum of characters, which allows a woman to control her fate and be self-willed. It is worth noting that positive character traits still prevail in Ksyusha, in part it is they who help to achieve their goals, be true to themselves and their work in life and, as a result, be truly proud of themselves.