When is the birthday of Alexei. Alexey: the meaning of the name, name day according to the church calendar

Which is mentioned in the holy calendar on a birthday or on a day close to it.

This holiday is no less important than a birthday. It is believed that the connection with the guardian angel will be surprisingly strong if the child's birthday coincides with the day of the angel.

When does the church honor Alexei?

celebrated several times a year.
  1. - Day of memory of Alexei, miracle worker of all Russia.
  2. March 30 is the day of Alexei, the man of God.
  3. August 22 - Martyr Alexei of Constantinople.
  4. October 11 - Alexei Pechersky, a recluse of nearby caves.
  5. December 6 is the day of memory of the Right-Believing Prince Alexei Nevsky.

Most revered among the people was Alexei, the man of God. According to legend, he was born into a wealthy Roman family. Even in his youth, leaving his home, parents and bride, he devoted himself to serving God. For a long time he lived as a hermit, fervently praying, eating only bread and water. After his death, many people found miraculous healing with the help of his relics.

Meaning of the name

Translated from ancient Greek name Alexey means "guard", "protector".

From early childhood it is felt close connection with his mother, he resembles her in many ways.

This is an active one who takes on any work. The owners of this name are calm, responsible and reliable.

As a child, he is quiet, modest, a little shy. Adult Alexei is a man of his craft. Everything he does, he does 100%. Always achieves success, deserves a good position in society.

Alexey is a bright personality with creativity. Can achieve success in art. He has a highly developed intuition.

In the family - a caring husband and father, always with respect to parents. Appreciates accuracy and punctuality in people.

Congratulations to Alexei in verse

On the day of the angel, Alexeys will gladly accept congratulations in the form of poems. They make the speech more solemn. This is how women like to congratulate.

We want to wish on the day of the angel Lyosha,

Always win on all fronts.

Good luck, happiness and joy more.

Live, have fun, not grieve.

May fortune turn to face you.

So that your house is full of fun.

Happiness and joy will settle in him,

And you will forget about idleness.

After all, life is given to us to live,

To make dreams come true

To wish, to love

And glorify the Lord with deeds.

So that you can't forget

When is the day of the angel St. Alexei.

So that he always takes care of you,

Gave you joy, fun.

So that you are under his protection,

And I could never forget

That night, day and early morning

You are protected by an angel and God.

Let the guardian angel help you fly.

And the heart of sadness and grief does not know.

To relatives in thoughts were united.

Congratulations on your birthday.

Let doubts and worries go away.

Let the angel accompany you on the road,

So that she is always even,

And you felt the support of the wing.

On the day of the angel Alexei

By church calendar,

I do not regret warm words for you,

I pray to God for you.

May he bless you

And in the house there will always be a full bowl.

Congratulations on the day of the angel

The whole friendly company is ours.

We are a handsome man

We celebrate birthdays.

So that your angel is dear

Gave you peace.

It's not worth worrying

He will drive away grief and sadness.

May it give you joy

Does not let old age into the soul.

Short does not mean small

Sometimes short phrases or congratulations can carry a lot more meaning than lengthy declarations. Such congratulatory rhymes can be congratulated through social networks or SMS messages.

On the day of the angel Alex

Invited my friends.

We will say toasts

To make everything easy for you.

Congratulations, Alexey.

Be happy, go through life boldly.

So that luck smiles at you

To meet love in life.

May the Lord keep you

And an angel helps.

We want to believe and love.

We kiss, we hug.

Spiritual connection with the patron

On the day of the angel Alexei, no matter what date you celebrate, it is always nice to receive congratulations. The name day holiday has more spiritual significance. It would be nice to go to the temple on this day and pray to your patron. Sincere prayer on such a day has great power.

Having paid tribute to the spiritual connection with the Lord, you can move on to material life, where congratulations and celebrations await the birthday man. It is no coincidence that it is customary to wish on the day of Alexei or any other favor and protection from the patron.

Simply and from the heart

Congratulations for a man can be in prose. Such words are no less sincere than poetry.

  • “Dear Alexey! Heaven gave me a friend like you. May they send their blessings to you. May your life be full of joy and kindness. So that your guardian angel never turns away from you, giving his help.
  • "What would you like on a day like this? After all, today is the time when the day of the angel of St. Alexei blesses everyone who was destined to bear this worthy name. Never stop believing that there is a power from above that loves you just the way you are. Otherwise, you wouldn't have everything you have. They also help us from heaven for good purposes and undertakings, otherwise you would not have reached your heights. And remember that sincere prayer to God and the guardian angel will save you from fuss. There is so much beauty and imperfection in life! You were sent to earth to correct the mistakes of many people and not make your own. May heaven bless you to live this life with dignity and benefit.
  • “Today celebrates the day of the angel Alexei, our true friend and colleague. We are all a friendly company to congratulate him on his birthday. And we want to remind you that parents, together with the name, endow the child with destiny and give him a patron who has earned the face of a saint with his life. May fate be favorable to you, dear birthday man, like your guardian angel. So that you feel his support always and everywhere.

And Alexei himself, having accepted warm words of wishes and gifts, remains to turn in prayer to his protector: “Holy saint of God Alexei! Pray to God for us sinners." Any prayer on this day has a special power.

If you translate the name Alexei from Greek, then it will mean "protective." It is derived from the Greek word ἀλέξω, which means “protect”, “repel” or “prevent”. The life-affirming energy of this name does not allow its owner to show the qualities of leadership, but gives optimism and perseverance. This name allows a person to achieve the location of others through a favorable impression. I must say that Alexei is always a welcome member of any team. He can easily make friends with anyone. A person named Alexei never strives for power. Most people with this name are patient and independent.

The meaning of the name Alexey for a child

Even as a child, Alyosha was strongly attached to his mother. He feels like he is her protector. Having matured, he begins to feel the protector of all women. Alyosha himself is very friendly, prefers to do more business than to chat in vain. In a sense, such people are ambitious. Little Alyosha knows how to please adults and sometimes uses it. Parents need to be careful that this does not become a habit.

Short name Alex

Alyosha, Alyoshka, Lyosha, Lyoshka, Lyokha, Lyolik, Lyonya.

Diminutive names Alexey

Alexeyushka, Alekseychik, Alyoshenka, Alyoshenka, Lyoshik, Lyoshenka, Lyoshechka.

We recommend that you carefully consider the use of the name and its derivative forms. The used form of the name says a lot about a person, about his attitude towards him and himself towards himself. We recommend that you look at the phonosemantic analysis of the name Aleksey and its derivatives.

Patronymic of children Alex

Alekseevich and Alekseevna. It does not have a common folk form of patronymic abbreviation.

Name Alexey in English

V English language Alexey is spelled as - Alexey.

Name Alexey for a passport- ALEKSEI, according to the machine transliteration rules adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Alexey into other languages

in Arabic - اليكس‎‎
in Armenian - Ալեք
in Belarusian - Alyaksey
in Hungarian - Layosh
in Greek - Αλέξιος
in Hebrew - אלכס‎
Spanish - Alejo
in Italian - Alessio
in Chinese there are two variants - 亞歷 or 亚历
in Latin - Alexius
in German - Alexei, Alexej, (Alex)
in Polish - Aleksy, Aleks
in Ukrainian - Oleksiy
in French - Alexis
in Czech - Alexej
in Japanese - アレクセイ

Church name Alexei almost does not change. One letter changes and the stress changes - Alexy.

Characteristics of the name Alexei

Endless experiences for any reason often lead Alyosha to the development of creative abilities. Most of the owners of this name are very patient people. They are always confident in their abilities. Alexei always diligently fulfill their duties. They are able to make a good career in different industries. Alexey also has such features as thoughtfulness, tact by nature and the ability to communicate with people. This helps Alexei achieve great success in diplomacy.

The secret of the name Alexei

The owner of the name Alexei is a person with pronounced creative abilities. Aleksey's well-developed intuition helps in achieving success. He is always calm, conscientious, persistent and hardworking. Such a person will be a good father and not a jealous husband. Throughout his life, he feels a son's attachment to his parents.

Name color- Blue.

name stone- Alexandrite, lapis lazuli, jasper.

Planet- Neptune.

Tree- Poplar.

Plant- Mistletoe.

Animal- Elk.

Zodiac sign- Cancer or Aquarius.

The patron of the name of Alexis is Alexy of Constantinople, Alexy Nevsky, Alexy Pechersky. Read more in the article patron named Alexei.

Congratulations, Alexey.
Don't be sad, don't be sick.
In life everything will be the way
Just make a knight's move.

Let the tasks be solved
May good luck accompany
Never lose heart
No feather or fluff for you.

Don't get lost for no reason
Get out of the abyss.
After all, you are a man, a fighter,
Be good in life.

Alexey, good luck to you
And in addition to happiness,
Lots and lots of goodness
And warmth!

Conquer all your goals
Make your dreams come true
Win and conquer you
Be stubborn only on the way!

Let luck not forget
All things will be successful
Let it shine on you
Angel bright star!

Lech, congratulations. I wish to be an activist and optimist, a purposeful person and a versatile personality, an imposing man and a successful figure, a cheerful soul of the company and the owner of real happiness.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, Alyoshka,
Let the soul sing with joy
And the sun shines bright through the window,
Let the smile on your face live!

I wish that all plans succeed,
So that all your affairs go well,
Wishes come true
And life has always been happy!

Alexey, I wish you
Happiness in life and love,
And in all your aspirations
Grow up for sure.

May health be strong
Let there be success in everything.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Be strong like a nut.

I wish you happiness,
Faithful, devoted friends,
Feelings deep, real,
Congratulations, Alexey.

Let the career develop
Let the flurry of victories overtake
I wish this holiday
So that you don't get discouraged.

To set goals for yourself
Didn't deviate from the path
Believed that big ups
They are waiting for you ahead.

They gave you the right name
They named him Alexei.
At work and in the family
Everyone trusts you.

Good, calm and confident.
And as a friend has long been proven.
Protect, help everyone
We have no problems with you.

From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate
We wish you happiness and love.
Let friends be around
AND happy family.

I hasten to congratulate you, Alexey,
I wish only peace and goodness!
May all dreams come true soon
May life be more beautiful than yesterday!

I wish you a sea of ​​joyful moments
Health, a lot of money, a hundred friends,
New achievements in your career,
And just a million good days!

I congratulate you, Alexey,
I wish you happiness, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpositive,
The most reliable, sincere friends,
And to live luxuriously and beautifully.

Always be successful and lucky
Fun to charge the whole environment,
Under no pretext not to be sad,
Always walk in a great mood!

We are together today
Congratulations, Alexey,
Be sociable, active,
Make new friends
We sincerely wish you happiness
Don't lose your luck
Think less about problems
And get some rest!

Congratulations, Alexey!
On the happiest of days
Wishes accept
And fill your glasses.

To be you, Alexey,
Idea generator.
Fresh, new, creative
And with a positive outcome.

Made a dream come true
Was afloat in life.
To always swim forward -
To the shores where happiness awaits.