What not to say on the phone to drug dealers. Phrases not to say to customers on the phone

The monotonous beeps of the phone interrupt the dull "Hello", pronounced so that even through the phone you can see the sad expression on the face of the call manager.

And this is where the incredible happens...

All the questions that I wanted to ask disappear by themselves, and they are replaced by an irresistible desire to hang up.

However, cheeky "Speak" or indifferent "I'm listening to you" also not very pleasing to your customers.

Telephone conversations are one of the most difficult types of business communications.

The success and reputation of the company they represent depends on the ability of employees to negotiate over the phone.

J. D. Rockefeller once remarked:

“The ability to communicate with people is a commodity that can be bought in the same way that we buy tea or coffee, and I am ready to pay more for this product than for anything else.”

Customers often form their opinion about the level of the online store in a telephone conversation. And a well-constructed conversation can persuade a potential client to buy from you.

It is important to understand that in addition to clarity and intonation, spoken words and phrases play a special role - some contribute to maintaining a conversation, others perform the function of scaring away.

We will definitely talk about expressions that help establish contact in another article.

And today, let's look at phrases that are better to refrain from using in a conversation with a client on the phone.
After each of them, we give a more loyal formulation.

  1. « I do not know »
    Alternative option: "Let me clarify this question"(“You can wait a bit while I clarify the information”).2. "I can't promise you anything"
    Alternative option: "I will do my best to resolve your issue".3. "I did not understand you"
    Alternative option: "Please clarify"(“Let me clarify if I understand you correctly”).4. "You misunderstood me"
    Alternative option: "Let me explain again" ("I wanted to say that...").5. "You should"
    Alternative option: “In order for me to resolve your issue as quickly as possible, you can, for your part…”(“It would be great if you…”).

    6. " You're not right »
    Alternative option: “Yes, I agree with you, there is such an opinion, while ...”

    7. "One second" ("Don't hang up, stay on the line")
    Alternative option: “I just need a minute to…. Can you wait on the line or should I call you back?”

    8. "This is the last item in stock"
    Alternative option: “This product is actively sold out, and the next delivery is not expected soon”.

    9. "How did you find us?"
    Alternative option: “May I clarify how you heard about us?”

And now, for those who want more...

4 common mistakes made by call managers

  • Use of diminutives in a conversation with a client. For instance: request, bell, purchase, contract etc.
  • Excessive obsession. No need to try to get as much information out of the client as possible, while completely ignoring his "information desires".
  • The absence of pauses, the conversation "on the machine." A dry memorized text should be “given out” in a dosed manner, with accents and pauses, otherwise the client may feel unnecessary.
  • Abuse in a conversation with a client "words-doubts". For instance: probably, probably, most likely, maybe, I'm not sure etc.

That, in principle, is all for today. If you have a desire to add to our list - feel free to comment.

14.9.2014, 14:30

14.9.2014, 20:34

And if you write on the forum - puten, alah akbar - the speed of the Internet will immediately increase!

14.9.2014, 21:04

And if you pull the elastic band on your own shorts and yell there

bomb, explosion, Chechnya

puten, alah akbar

then stopudovo everything

will increase immediately


communication will be much better


14.9.2014, 21:05

Often on the Internet you can find advice about the FSB chip - if the connection is bad, then say a phrase containing the keywords of the FSB - "Putin, bomb, explosion, Chechnya" and supposedly immediately the automation switches to a special channel that goes to wiretapping and recording the conversation, but the connection will be much better.
True, the conversation will immediately be recorded, saved and listened to. Who thinks about this?

does not work...

Often on the Internet you can find advice about the FSB chip - if the connection is bad, then say a phrase containing the keywords of the FSB - "Putin, bomb, explosion, Chechnya" and supposedly immediately the automation switches to a special channel that goes to wiretapping and recording the conversation, but the connection will be much better.
True, the conversation will immediately be recorded, saved and listened to. Who thinks about this?

I think it's a hat.

The company in the hotel plays cards and tells jokes. Petrov says: - You shouldn't be talking here. The microphone can be hidden even in the ashtray. Everyone laughed. Then Petrov went out into the corridor and asked the maid to bring three cups of coffee in exactly ten minutes. Returning, he picked up an ashtray and said into it: - Comrade major! I ask for three cups of coffee in five minutes. Five minutes later, coffee is served. The shocked narrators go to bed. In the morning, the joker falls down because people in civilian clothes take away the neighbors. The latter lingers and shakes his hand: - Thank you for your assistance, Comrade Petrov. The major especially liked your coffee joke.

Well, nothing can be ruled out. Wiretapping is 100% conducted and probably not always legal, but as they say "Who the fuck is this?".

But in fact the answer is like in the USSR: "A law-abiding communist / citizen has nothing to hide!". So listen to your health.

communication will be much better

Communication is a matter of chance, including sexual!

Listening is 100% underway

Can you imagine what computing power should be involved!? for voice identification, various languages. For specific individuals, you can admit, but what would be in bulk????

Can you imagine what computing power should be involved!? for voice identification, various languages. For specific individuals, you can admit, but what would be in bulk????

Total surveillance is the future. And the future of Google.

15.9.2014, 11:00

16.9.2014, 23:02

If speaking on the phone you say the word: "bomb", "president", "Allah", any of the 100 keywords, the computer will react to this, automatically record everything and give a signal to analysts. Film "Enemy of the State 1998" 1:30:42.

Alex310, better some xf Source code or another one where they plunged into the past and looked.
puberu, and if you are burry-lisp?)

I don't mean total surveillance, I mean demand surveillance. That is, if the FSB is interested in a specific person, then the FSB has 100% the ability to listen to a specific person.

In memory - the case of Kasich / Zheleznov. Illegal wiretapping was conducted until a convenient situation appeared, then - a setup, a criminal case and a term. The notes were used as evidence. There is already such a joke: when you say that this is not a telephone conversation, somewhere one FSB officer is sad.

=777= Now, even without calling by phone, there are enough methods of wiretapping. Everyone has enough microphones, in phones, laptops, tablets, and even without them they can, if they want.

777=, now there are enough wiretapping methods even without phone calls. Everyone has enough microphones, in phones, laptops, tablets, and even without them they can, if they want.

We develop thought.
Consoles, Smart-TVs, Laptops, Just a PC with a microphone - everything is potentially writing.

harsh present. you are behind.
the record is kept of everything and constantly, and when necessary, upon request, they find everything related to the person who needs the button accordion already ...

Here I am in solidarity with this idea. Logs are written, lie to themselves. And when necessary, we will unwind the ball according to all records. And how you disgustingly sing in your soul will be organized in the form of a public "leak" from the FSB bases.

What can't you talk about on the phone? and got the best answer

Answer from Elena[guru]
About what you would not want to share with others. All "secret" conversations someone, but listens. An example from life: I chatted to myself, chatted (there were no cell phones then), and then I looked at my printouts, I almost threw up, but we swore like that! And who would have thought that the conversations of 16-year-old girls could interest someone. And the most disgusting thing is that they were read before me, and probably had fun, all sorts of freaks. Since then, no phone calls. Which is what I advise you.

Answer from KATERINA T[guru]
about drugs and terrorist attacks)

Answer from Rivka[guru]
You can talk about anything, the main thing is not to loudly, if in a public place. . and then some blondes in minibuses in the morning discuss everything and everyone .. somehow not this. . not good!..

Answer from hamster hamsters[guru]
about love: you do not see the eyes of the interlocutor!

Answer from Vova d[expert]
everything that is a secret cannot be spoken, and in general it is necessary to speak on the phone for no more than 3 minutes, otherwise you need to meet with a person (proven by science)

Answer from Zabava[guru]
It’s stupid to confess love for the first time by phone, you can’t say introductory words after which the wiretap turns on, you shouldn’t solve important problems (better in person), everything else is optional

Answer from [email protected] [guru]
About the details of the plan for the successful preparation of an attempt on the GDP, implemented by the author of this question ...

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What can not be talked about on the phone?

A friend invites you to work. 2 times a week, but does not say what to do. He says you can’t tell, you’ll come and see and
This is usually what network marketing people do. This is one way to tighten

Fraudsters began to call taxpayers under the guise of tax inspectors. The Federal Tax Service warned against such conversations and assured that its employees never try to find out confidential information over the phone. Those who are trying to find out should not be trusted with trade secrets under any circumstances.

The Federal Tax Service warned organizations and citizens against being too gullible. Not everyone who appears on the phone as a service employee is actually one. The Federal Tax Service assured that its employees never try to find out confidential information over the phone. Firms should never disclose their tax trade secrets over the phone. Now, under the guise of tax inspectors, fraudsters have begun to actively call taxpayers. You can check the credentials of the caller by contacting the relevant tax authority. Such calls must be reported to the security department of the fiscal department. The Federal Tax Service for the Nizhny Novgorod Region tells on its website about a case from its own practice:

So, in January of this year, the accountant of the organization contacted the security department of the Office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod Region, who said that on January 23, 2013, he received a call from a person who introduced himself as a tax inspector (he gave his full name). The “inspector” was interested in clarifying the information of the organization: TIN, KPP, full name of the head, PSRN, as well as the financial statements of the organization.

These questions seemed suspicious to the accountant, and he informed the “tax inspector” that there was no information at the moment, asking him to call back later. The accountant turned to the Office with a request to report on the legality of the actions of the "tax inspector".

During the verification activities, it was found that there is no employee with the specified surname in the tax authorities of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

The security department of the Office explained to the accountant of the organization that these calls had nothing to do with the activities of the tax authorities, the employee with the indicated surname does not work in the tax authorities of the Nizhny Novgorod region. In addition, the tax authorities do not clarify such information by telephone.

It would seem that the work of a sales manager is relatively simple, and every person who knows how to persuade and has such a character trait as perseverance can cope with it. But, as in any specialty, this one has its own subtleties, and if you don’t know them, you can’t dream of success, but at the same time a good income. An employee starting his career in this position needs to make efforts to master certain skills and master some postulates. One of them is a "forbidden dictionary", or rather, a collection of quotes of phrases, the use of which must be abandoned once and for all. In principle, this habit will be very useful in everyday life, but a sales manager cannot do without it.

Magic, psychology or etiquette?

Phrases that are forbidden to be used during telephone, and even the most ordinary, direct negotiations, have the property of infuriating customers and sometimes inducing them to stop working altogether, even with those firms with which they previously worked quite successfully. Such a strong negative effect is explained not by some mysterious psychological impact produced by these, at first glance, harmless words, but by an elementary disrespect for the interlocutor expressed by them. This does not mean obscenity, there can be no talk of them at all. These are quite “decent”, and, unfortunately, for many, familiar phrases that people often exchange in everyday life: “you should”, “you are wrong”, “I have no idea”, “this is your problem”, “you don’t understand "or, on the contrary," I do not understand. The business lexicon presupposes the rejection of such expressions, but there is a place in it for very high-quality substitutes for them. You just need to find out, especially if there were no benevolent experienced workers in the team who decided to explain to the beginner the specifics of colloquial speech.

No word "no"

An experienced marketer tries not to use the word meaning negation, as well as all its derivatives, and most often he came to this himself, at the level of personal experience and intuition. Each person, at least a little, but tenses up when he hears him in relation to himself. Even if it is impossible to do without rejection or denial, you can somehow construct a phrase differently. “I would very much like to agree with you, but the circumstances are developing contrary to my desire” or “I would ask you to postpone the discussion of this issue until a more favorable period.” It seems that he refused, but how nice it turned out.

Down with misunderstanding

The phrase “I don’t understand you” falls under the ban for each negotiator. Usually the sales manager talks with the supplier of the organization with which he seeks to establish business contact, but it happens that he has to talk with its leader as the person who makes the direct decision to start cooperation. They should be spoken to with the utmost correctness for at least two reasons. First, the manager needs them, as a rule, more than he needs them. He sells, they buy, which means they pay. Secondly, these are serious people, and they speak Russian at a sufficient level. If they cannot be understood, then this may indicate either the inability of the company's managers to formulate their thoughts, or the insufficient intellectual development of their interlocutor, and they will clearly accept the second option more readily.

And another misunderstanding

The phrase “You don’t understand me” sounds even worse. There can no longer be any discrepancy: there is clearly a hint of the mental abilities of the person with whom the negotiations are being conducted. Explain to him, interpret, but he still does not. In both cases, associated with misunderstanding, the same thought can be expressed by the words: “Excuse me, if I understand you correctly, then you mean such and such a variant of cooperation” or “Let me explain now, perhaps I expressed myself awkwardly.” It turns out that the manager takes responsibility for the lack of clarity (as he should be), gaining favor, but at the same time delicately pushing the interlocutor to agree with his proposal.

"You're wrong"

It's like saying "you're wrong". The sales culture has been formed for a long time, and it is completely unacceptable to say something similar to the buyer, even sausages in the supermarket, even metal-cutting machines. At best, the reaction will be a remark made in a raspy voice, and at worst, a hung up phone and a request to the secretary never to connect with this again. No, the interlocutor does not need to talk about wrongness or mistake while overcoming his objections. It is better to agree with him, and then add the magic word "however", after which lay out some of your trump cards. And they should always be with the marketer.

"I can't promise you..."

In general, this phrase can pass for a decent one and characterize the person pronouncing it in some even positive light. Promising without certainty is bad manners, and one should always answer for words. It's all about the forbidden "not", giving the words a negative. It is better to promise something else - to do everything possible, for example. And he did not promise, and he encouraged.

"You must", "must" and stuff like that

The same is “you should” or “you should”. In English, the strong word most (must) in such cases is replaced by a softened verb to have, and this makes a lot of sense. You can talk about debt only when discussing the receivables situation when it comes to payments for previously delivered goods. Otherwise, the interlocutor has every right to politely, but sarcastically ask when he managed to owe so much and not notice it himself, and he will be right. A good option is one in which, under the disguise of a submissive request, a demand for a refund is hidden: “It would be much easier for me to resolve the issue of a discount with the management if you paid invoice No. 249 dated February 12 in the amount of 228,412 rubles.” Graceful and beautiful. And he seemed to demand it, practically in an ultimatum form, but without impudence, but intelligently.

“Agreement”, “commodity”, “zayavochka”, “counter” and other diminutive forms

The use of diminutive nouns is sometimes acceptable in communication with cute girls, but they will not always perceive them with great enthusiasm. During telephone conversations, they should generally be forgotten. A serious person operates with ordinary, normal, and not distorted words. A manager prone to "musi-pusi" will be forced to put up with a "naked" "salary" without any bonus (it is interesting that no diminutive suffixes have been invented for this word), and even then, probably not for long.

"As soon as I get the chance"

When agreeing on the time of the next conversation, meeting or sending an email with a price list or a commercial offer, it is necessary to specify the time of contact, if this depends on the sales manager. Only sending correspondence allows the wording "within the hour" or "before lunch", and then only if special conditions are required to be agreed. It is not necessary to refer to employment, on the other end of the wire there are also not loafers sitting. Even the lack of information does not justify silence. All the same, you need to call and report the situation, apologize and reschedule an important conversation for another time.

Other taboos

To smile!

The habit of smiling during negotiations with clients is very useful. If someone thinks that facial expressions are still not visible, then he is mistaken. Both negative and positive moods are felt by the sound of the voice. Owners of a sense of humor (kind) are encouraged to joke about the place. The interlocutor is pleased to feel that the dialogue with him causes joy. He smiles too, and everything turns out in the best way.