Dream interpretation to what the silver rings are shot. See a ring on his finger in a dream

Sleep about the ring means communication, friendship, union, attachment, engagement.

Getting a ring in a dream means that someone believes you or loves you, or will make you an offer.

To see the gold rings and rings on himself foreshadowed honors, wealth and well-being.

To break or lose the ring in a dream is a symbol of breaking relationships and loss of a loved one.

Get a bronze ring as a gift in a dream - to the disappointments that you will be very worried, especially if the ring will have sharp ends.

See the rings in a dream to others means that soon you will find yourself in the society of wealthy people and head new acquaintances.

Ring from amber in a dream to see or wear - a good sign (but only for ladies).

Iron ring get in a dream - a sign of difficult, but wealthy life.

Two wedding rings see in a dream - to engagement. If you see that they hung in the air, the engagement will be postponed or will not take place at all.

Talking about the size of the wedding rings in a dream to hear - a sign that soon you will hear an explanation in love.

The size of the ring in a dream means how much your love is.

Wedding ring wearing in sleep - sign happy family life or fast gain. Lose it - to the annoyance; Receive - loyalty of the lover.

If in a dream you admire your wedding ring, then sleep predicts you happiness and well-being in family life. If the ring suddenly swells, then your happiness suddenly overshadowed by some unpleasant event - quarrels or treason.

See interpretation: Jewelry.

Interpretation of dreams from family dream

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Dream Interpretation - Ring

To see in a dream from Monday to Tuesday the ring on his hand - to the joy that children will bring.

If you have dreamed from Sunday on Monday that you got a ring, all the excitement and clarification of a relationship with a person you love, behind.

Sleep from Friday on Saturday, in which you saw a broken ring, means quarrels and breakdown in married things.

Drawing rings on the fingers of other people, they say that your new acquaintance risks to delay too long and become burdensome for you. If such a dream dreamed from Saturday to Sunday, you should be wittered.

By the way, the ring at all times was considered a symbol of love. It is the rings are used to engage young, being a new family faith.

Interpretation of dreams

In this article we will tell about how to interpret the dream of a silver ring. Each dream interprets this symbol in different ways. We will try to describe the value on which most sources converge.

Silver ring in a dream

Many are thinking about what the silver ring is dreaming. Most often, this symbol does not promise anything wrong. As a rule, it is associated with friendship and durable relationships. Therefore, if you saw a ring of silver in a dream, then with a lot of probability, you can wait for any pleasant events, new acquaintances and unexpected love. True, it is also worth considering the circumstances at which you saw a ring in a dream.

One of the authoritative dreams declares that this item is a symbol of the ambulance. If, in a dream, a woman sees the process of buying a ring, then this suggests that communication with some kind of friend will turn into love relationship. Men usually shoot silver rings in confirmation of the correctness of their solutions.

Another dream book says that the woman who saw own hand With a silver ring, can expect a pleasant acquaintance. Buying this jewelry in the store foreshadows an interesting journey in the near future. It is true, however, it is worth noting that a broken ring can mean a rather deep depression, with which it will not be so easy to cope.

Thus, it can be argued that in many respects the meaning of sleep will depend on the circumstances and small parts. If you do not remember or do not know whether the ring was silver, then you can turn to the article of our site about the meaning of the ring in a dream

In general, the ring in a dream symbolizes friendship or strong relationship. If this decoration is dreaming, then it is worth expecting something good in the near future. Usually these are new dating or unexpected love. But it is worth paying attention, under what circumstances did the ring dreamed. After all, it happens when he predicts something bad.

There is a lot different dreamswhere a person can find out the interpretation of his sleep. For example, you can take a dream dream book. It says that if a silver ring is dreaming, then this is to the wedding. If the ring is purchased, then in a short time, communication with some person will turn into love. It happens that such a dream dreams of men. This means that the solution that they will take will be correct and correct. Also comforts Miller's dream book. He predicts that the ring usually dreams of new and successful things. If a woman sees a ring on his finger, it is waiting for a pleasant acquaintance. Perhaps the fact that she buys him in a jewelry store. Such an action in a dream says that soon she will go on an interesting trip. But if the silver ring gives a man, then in the coming days a girl fall in love. However, the broken ring means depression. And it will be difficult to get out of such a state.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that some circumstances dream of a ring. After all, he can buy someone or give. Sometimes it happens that it falls and breaks. It is worth paying attention to all these small parts. After all, preciseness of prediction depends on them.

In general, the ring is a good sign. In almost all dreams, he gives favorable interpretation. Many were very interested in the dream book Vanga. It says that if a person dreams ring, he will soon take a serious decision. However, if it randomly broke, then married women threaten this divorce, young - loneliness. Only men are lucky here. For them, the broken ring is to new events. It is also not desirable that the silver ring flies. Otherwise, a loved one will soon go forever. And also, of course, bad when the ring gives another girl, and not a hostess of sleep. This means that in a short time it will betray her close to her. But, despite everything, see the silver ring in a dream is still good. In most cases, such a decoration in dreams does not break and does not fall. So, there is no reason for excitement. The main thing is not to think about the bad.

As it became known, out of the above, to see the ring in a dream - something new. Especially this is a good sign for the girl who is going to get married. If she dreamed of a silver ring, then, it means, family life will remind heaven. But it is advisable to look back in several dreams. For example, in esoteric dream book It is said that if there is a stone on a silver ring, then it is to sadness. That is, in the near future, a person is waiting for loneliness. Of course, everything is changeable. But still you should prepare yourself for the worst. But the French dream book can only please. He predicts that to see the ring in the dream, it means that it's a long-time friendship with which I wanted it for a long time. If the hostess of sleep found a ring on the way home, then in a short time she will get married safely. At the same time, the marriage will be strong and happy.

Of course, a lot of answers to the question, what dreams of a silver ring. It is difficult to come to a single opinion. However, lunar calendarmay, you may find out, a dream will come true or not. It is only necessary to find the number in which a dream dreamed. Everything is easy and simple. So, you need to use the chance.

And finally, I would like to say that the dream is a sign sent over. It is not desirable to it relates indifferent. After all, he can save from some coming danger. So, every dream should take into account. Perhaps someone will help someone. Therefore, it is not necessary to forget that everything in this life is not accidental.


Ring on the finger in the dream

Ring on the finger in a dream indicates a change in the status of man, wealth, loyalty and well-being. To figure out what dream of such a dream should be remembered in the details seen and analyze, based on the events occurring in real life. After that, you should search the desired value In the dream

Miller's dream book - a ring on the finger (whole and without flaws), treats as a symbol of loyalty, family well-being and joyful turns of fate. The broken ring in a dream is an unfavorable sign that is broadcasting that the dreaming ahead is waiting for cheating or breaking relationships with a loved one. To see the ring on the hand in other people, is interpreted by the implementation of plans that will bring big profits.

According to Wang's dream book, the meaning of sleep is the ring on the finger is an indicator of an oath, attachment, loyalty or unresolved questions. If the ring is pressed, it means that the dreaming scoop manifests its feelings in relations with the opposite sex. Lose or swaying it - the sign of the violation of the oath and the coming tests.

It is useful to know what dreams the ring on the finger on the Dream of Freud. This subject in a dream is a symbol of harmony between in love, the sign of unity and interaction. A gift made by a young man in a dream, talks about the solid intention of the person to create a family with a young lady. A married lady such a plot involves a pleasant and unexpected surprise. To give someone's ring, denotes the attachment of the sleeping person to the person, which was intended for a gift. Broken object - is a warning of impending health problems.

Features and appearance rings

To find out what dreams of a similar dream should be paid attention. appearance And metal from which the ring is done. Copper ring in a dream, foreshadows sleepy joy and cheerful pastime.

If the gold rings were dreamed on the fingers, it means that the human reality is waiting for wealth and honor. Buy this subject in a dream - promises a love adventure, to find - the opportunity to make a new acquaintance.

A young girl see in a dream, as a beloved man puts on a ring on the finger of the dreams, indicates sincere love of the chosen one who is very expensive relationship with the young lady. If the decoration dresses a completely unfamiliar man, then, according to the dream book, a fascinating love romance is coming.

Sign of business grip and oratorical gift, power and power, that's what dream of a golden ring with a large stone. The printing ring, speaks of the high status of the sleeping person and respect others.

To remove the ring from the finger, implies a subconscious refusal to your own promises. In some cases, such a picture foreshadows a divorce or rupture of relationships. If the ring from the finger is not removed, it means that in real life, the sleeping person lacks personal freedom. To break intentionally decoration in a dream - a sign that love for the chosen one (or chosen) left the heart of the dream.

The silver ring on the finger in a dream is interpreted by dream book as execution of plans, unexpected support and help in a serious business, a romantic adventure, the beginning of a new project that will end with success. Dressing a ring on a finger in a dream, a sign of luck in affairs and wish performance. In addition,

Silver ring in a dream, by Maya's dream book, is interpreted as a sensation of a closed circle. All attempts to get out of the current situation will lead back to the starting point. Only call help will help break the cycle.

To see the silver decoration on someone else's hand, characterizes the missed opportunities due to excessive caution and distrust of others. Get this subject as a gift from a woman in a dream, promsions quarrels and a division in the family, from a man - thanks from a higher person. Himself to give a gift - a sign that soon with a person who received a present, a dream will associate common affairs or hobbies.

What dream of an iron ring? Such an image symbolizes the need to work hard in the future, to provide a decent material situation. Iron decorations are often associated with the way shafts, which can designate burdensome obligations that are draining the actions of the dreaming, not allowing the opportunity to execute own desires And satisfy your needs.

In which place is placed ring

Two rings on the finger in a dream, symbolize harmony and idyll in relationship with the second half. Decorations without flaws, in the dreams, talk about mutual understanding of partners, sexual compatibility and satisfaction.

Some dreams are pretty ambiguously interpret, which dreams a lot of rings on the fingers. Freud's dream book, indicates a great sexual experience of a partner, as well as his tendency to treason. Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse, interprets such a vision as a sign of luxury and material wealth of sleeping person in the future. Nostradamus decrypts such a picture as a sign of honor and respect for others, high material status.

Now people who have had the rings on all fingers should be careful with promises in real life. Perhaps the obligations that the dreams assumed will be burdensome and bring many troubles. However, if a person does not feel the severity of jewelry in a dream, which means that the dream will cope with all the difficult issues and entrusted with responsibility.

It is easy to guess what the ring on a ring finger is dreaming. Such a dream is interpreted by a dream book as a quick recognition in love, a gain or marriage. In addition, such a picture foreshadows the presence of commitments and oaths that must be executed.

What dreams ring on the middle finger? This image symbolizes the loyalty of the second half. If the decoration is broken, marked or has visible flaws, it means that in real life it is closer to look at your chosen one. Perhaps due to sexual dissatisfaction or the lack of emotional contact, the lover will seek consolation on the side.

Look for this subject in a dream, denotes a family crisis for Hasse dream book and search for exit complex situation Between lovers. It's time to think about making something new and extraordinary in relationship, to make several attempts to delay the smoldering light of love and romance.


Dream Silver Ring

What dreams of a silver ring in a dream in a dream?

Silver ring dreamed - a new era, calm and joyful, will begin in life. Problems and difficulties will bypass you.

Also, the silver ring symbolizes dedication. You begin to imperceptibly manage your second half, claiming the opposite.

Where was the silver ring in a dream? What was the silver ring? What did you do in a dream with a silver ring?

Where was the silver ring in a dream?

Dreamed Silver Ring on Finger

Dream interpretation FELOMNA examines the silver ring on the finger as the fulfillment of dreams, help from an unexpected side, the implementation of the plan. Trying to remove it, but it does not work - you feel the lack of freedom.

What dreams Silver ring on hand

Silver ring on hand dreams to the lost chance in reality. The reason for this may be excessive caution and prudency. You can lose a good opportunity, suspecting everyone and all around.

What was the silver ring?

Dreamed Silver Ring with Stone

Sleeping about a silver ring with a stone symbolizes a feeling of hopelessness. It seems to you that all actions lead to what it all began. Try changing tactics.

What did you do in a dream with a silver ring?

Find a silver ring in a dream

Found a silver ring in a dream - I will start a useful acquaintance. Soon, learn a person who will become one of the closest. It is possible that it will become your pair.


Buy silver ring

Dream Interpretation Buy Silver Ring Dreamed, why dream in a dream to buy a silver ring? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to buy a silver ring, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online Sonnikov Sun houses!

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Transfer the ring to losses.

Copper ring - joy.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Rings S. precious stones You foretell that you will gain the desired ease of communicating with people, which will allow you to get acquainted with an interesting man. To see the snake rolled ring means that you will find yourself in confusion, without being able to recognize where your true friends, and where are real enemies. If it dreams that the snake rings are wrapped around you and hissing out of grazing your split language - it means that you will be powerless in the hands of your enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Dream Interpretation - Rings

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Dream Interpretation - Ring

The appearance of the ring in the dream symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, attachment, oath, loyalty.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Remove - to the divorce.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Ring golden on hand to have - marriage, childbirth.

To put on your hand - the fulfillment of desires.

Wedding or simple to lose - in its fault, destroy the previous connections; find new friends.

Find a ring - a significant meeting, new love or friendship.

Present - connect the union.

Transfer - loss.

Get - Well-being / your attention is dominated.

Remove - pain from infidelity.

It is not removed from his hand - bridle.

Break - dispute, loss, separation.

Ring with sealing - honor / symbol of the son, heir, your spiritual successor / successor.

Ring with a large diamond is a big business success, an important acquaintance, connection, work and benefit.

Iron ring - big works and sorrow.

Copper - joy.


Silver rings in a dream

Silver rings

To search for an image of interest, enter a keyword from your sleep in the search form. Thus, you can easily learn what the dreams are measured by silver rings, or what does silver rings mean in a dream.

Silver rings in a dream

Thank you.

Silver ring in a dream

Silver rings in a dream

Two silver rings in a dream

Rings in a snow

Ring in a snow

Ring in a snow

Rings in a snow

Ring in a snow

Ring with emerald in a dream

Ring in a snow


Silver wear ring

Dream Dream Silver Ring Dreamed, what dreams in a dream to wear a silver ring? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to wear a silver ring, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Sleep about the ring means communication, friendship, union, attachment, engagement. Getting a ring in a dream means that someone believes you or loves you, or will make you an offer. To see the gold rings and rings on himself foreshadowed honors, wealth and well-being. To break or lose the ring in a dream is a symbol of breaking relationships and loss of a loved one. Get a bronze ring as a gift in a dream - to the disappointments that you will be very worried, especially if the ring will have sharp ends. See the rings in a dream to others means that soon you will find yourself in the society of wealthy people and head new acquaintances. Ring from amber in a dream to see or wear - a good sign (but only for ladies).

Iron ring get in a dream - a sign of difficult, but wealthy life. Two wedding rings see in a dream - to engagement. If you see that they hung in the air, the engagement will be postponed or will not take place at all. Talking about the size of the wedding rings in a dream to hear - a sign that soon you will hear an explanation in love. The size of the ring in a dream means how much your love is. Wedding ring wearing in a dream - a sign of a happy family life or fast engagement. Lose it - to the annoyance; Receive - loyalty of the lover. If in a dream you admire your wedding ring, then sleep predicts you happiness and well-being in family life. If the ring suddenly swells, then your happiness suddenly overshadowed by some unpleasant event - quarrels or treason. See interpretation: Jewelry.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

If in a dream you saw yourself with a ring on your finger - ahead of new things in which you will be lucky.

The broken ring means quarrels and misfortunes in married affairs and breaking relationships for lovers.

If a girl dreamed that she got a ring in a dream, her excitement associated with the beloved, behind. From now on he will forever give her his heart.

Rings on the hands of other people will dream of welfare and foreshadow new acquaintances.

This is how the dreams about the ring of Vanga interpreted.

The appearance of the ring in the dream symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, attachment, oath, loyalty.

Sleep, in which you put on your hand a beloved ring, symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.

The dream in which you saw how a person's stranger wedding ring puts on your hand, foreshadows unexpected help in solving the problem that long for a long time.

If in a dream you can't pick yourself a ring in size, then in real life you are not experiencing anyone of cardiac affection.

In a dream, the ring fell in a dream - this is a bad sign. In real life, you violated your promise and oath of loyalty, so fate has prepared you a vital test.

D. Loff wrote: "Rings can symbolize a contract or undertaken certain obligations, such as married. Sometimes the rings point to our desire to take obligations to themselves or obtain assurances of obligations to other persons in relation to us or a specific enterprise.

Magic rings may indicate the acquisition of supernatural forces. Rings drawn on Earth, or "Wheat Circles", are related to protection, because the ring is the boundary, which is not allowed to cross the evil.

In the dreams of this kind, you can worry about the inexperiencement of the circumstances of you and feel the need for an intercession. "

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Golden ring on hand to have - for marriage, childbirth.

Wear a ring on hand - to the execution of desires.

Wedding ring to wear - the foresight of a successful marriage, love and attention of family members.

Wedding or simply valuable to lose - in its will or wine destroy old connections, find new friends.

To try on someone else's engagement ring - to show interest in forbidden pleasures.

Wedding rings on the hands of familiar - the factory relationship of the lungs and non-binding.

If a woman sees her wedding ring with bright and brilliant - foreshadows the absence of worries and marital loyalty.

Find a ring - to an important meeting, new love, new friendship.

Give a ring - to marriage.

Transfer the ring to losses.

Get a ring - to well-being.

Remove or break the ring - to a dispute, loss or separation.

The ring is not removed from the hands - to the captivity.

The ring with the selection is honored, the symbol of the son, the heir, the spiritual successor, the successor.

Ring with a large diamond - success in affairs, important acquaintance, communication, work and benefit.

Iron ring - heavy work and sadness.

Copper ring - joy.

Silver ring - secret sadness.

Wear a golden ring - to a meeting with a loved one and a wedding.

Lose the ring and try to find a ring - make sure that your favorite belongs to you unfriendly, ignoring your self-esteem.

Admire the mines - to separation or quarrel.

Get a ring as a gift - a warning about something.

Give a ring - make an offer.

Purchase Pour - Love Symbol.

Damaged ring - to enhance.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Wedding ring seen in a dream foreshadows an ambulance wedding and a happy marital marriage. To see in a dream on her fingers a lot of different rings means that new things and beginnings are waiting for you, who will certainly bring good luck.

Lose in a dream Ring - to an annoying mistake, search - a happy case will help to avoid trouble, find - get a joyful news.

Get a ring from your loved one - such a dream is a loyal love, sturdy seven, healthy children. Golden rings mean welfare growth and new useful dating. The silver ring is unnoticed, but steadily gain power over the beloved, while calling himself his faithful slave.

To see the gymnastic rings foreshadow that you will be able to stand up for yourself in a difficult situation with the bosses. It means to hang on them - then you will not accept someone's promise seriously and completely actually do, having undergone yourself to the spare option.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

The symbol of obligations and promises.

The more expensive ring in a dream, the more important for you these obligations.

Ring on a nameless finger or on Mizinza: is an indication of friendly relationships. Often, such a dream is reminded of the need to help a friend or familiar or to take advantage of this kind of support.

Middle finger: symbolizes married loyalty.

Ring on a pointed or thumb: means your responsibility in front of yourself. This is a symbol of those promises and the rods that you gave yourself.

If the ring in a dream causes you the inconvenience: this is a sign that some obligations in the near future can be in a burden, and you will want to get rid of them.

Find a ring in a dream to find a ring: a reminder that someone gave you an empty promises that you can soon come in handy.

The place where the ring found on the road is found: Means a friend can help in promoting your affairs.

Ring on the table or in dishes: a sign that, using help, you can improve your well-being ring on a chair or on a chair: foreshadows help in getting a new place.

Dream Interpretation - Rings

Rings can symbolize the contract or undertaken certain obligations, such as marriage.

Sometimes the rings point to our desire to take obligations to themselves or obtain assurances of obligations to other persons in relation to us or a specific enterprise.

Magic rings may indicate the acquisition of supernatural forces.

Rings or wheat circles are drawn to protection, because the ring is a border that the evil is not allowed. In dreams of this kind, you can worry because of the circumstances that are inexorab of you and feel the need for an intercession.

Do you produce or find a ring? Do you think that you are able to control it?

Is this ring used by someone to get power over you? By whom?

Dream Interpretation - Ring

To see in a dream from Monday to Tuesday the ring on his hand - to the joy that children will bring.

If you have dreamed from Sunday on Monday that you got a ring, all the excitement and clarification of a relationship with a person you love, behind.

Sleep from Friday on Saturday, in which you saw a broken ring, means quarrels and breakdown in married things.

Drawing rings on the fingers of other people, they say that your new acquaintance risks to delay too long and become burdensome for you. If such a dream dreamed from Saturday to Sunday, you should be wittered.

By the way, the ring at all times was considered a symbol of love. It is the rings are used to engage young, being a new family faith.

Dream Interpretation - Dress up, undress

Dress up an uncomfortable situation; Successful event. Dress a lot to the disease. Dress up trouble; Unsuccessful relationship. Dress up sloppy, unsuitable unexpected guest. Dress awkward, with delayed wire, interference; Responsibility, care. Undress ailments; lesion; frankness in relationships; Exemption from Cogoto, Chegoto.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

The appearance of the ring in the dream symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, attachment, oath, loyalty.

In a dream, you put on your hand your beloved ring - this dream symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.

The dream in which you saw how a person's stranger wedding ring puts on your hand, foreshadows unexpected help in solving the problem that long for a long time.

If in a dream you can't pick yourself a ring in size - this means that in real life you do not have any heart attachment.

In a dream, the ring fell in a dream - this is a bad sign. In real life, you violated your promise and oath of loyalty, so fate has prepared you a vital test.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Wedding ring - marriage symbol.

Wear a ring on your finger or someone - to the wedding.

Remove - to the divorce.

Other rings - to friendship, good luck in affairs, welfare growth.

Felt, losing the ring: for a woman - to the loss of a loved one.

For a man - to a loss of affairs from partners who hoped.

Iron ring - a profit mark, mined hard.


Silver ring in a dream

Here you can read the dreams in which symbols are found. silver ring. By clicking on the link interpretation of sleep under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretationwritten free interpreters of dreams of our site. If you are interested in interpretation of sleep in the dreams - go to the dream link, and you will fall on the page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dreams.

To search for an image of interest, enter a keyword from your sleep in the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of a silver ring mean, or what means in a dream to see a silver ring.

Three rings in a dream

I look at my hand and see three rings on it. One on the thumb, and two on the middle finger. The fact that on a large with a pass-through pattern and from somehow alloy, I thought that from platinum. And two that on the index the wedding gold. One of them is relevant in real life (found, as described in another dream). About the platinum ring was said that this is a family ring of royal blood. It would seem a simple dream. But there is one woman's one woman 55 somewhere risked my dream. He also dreamed of her. There, the mismatch was lied in that two wedding rings were on two fingers and not as well on one. I don't know what to think. Then I learned that one of the daughter and two sons. Daughter died at 21 from hemorrhage into the brain. Wasn't it showing a dream? I do not have non-residential children. Decipher please

Wedding rings in a dream

I got into the room with a friend, there on a special stand on a round table, in the middle of the room, there were two wedding rings. We approached the stand, put your hands and the ring made me on my finger. And his ring as if disappeared. Then I found him and put it on my finger.

Then we got out through the window, under which the horse is waiting for us, unmanned. And we dated her together.

Sleep About Bus and Ring

I am going on the bus like to work, I go long, I go out on the outskirts of some. At the stop immediately see 2 my friends are sitting, both at the table, as if they work, near each lies a huge ring with a stone diamond on Earth. The rings in size in diameter near the meter, as if on a finger of the giant, a diamond with the size of the ball, and from them there is a light from them from the lamp, everything is overflowing brightly. And I see the third ring - it seems like for me.

Message and wedding rings in a dream

Good morning to you. From Saturday to Sunday, I dream two sleep. One was not long, but clear and clear. The first one is to dream that a message comes to me, with one phrase, I clearly remember her. Here it is - please, do not jealous me more, never. From whom I know and understood it in a dream. There was a calm and feeling that there were no reasons for concern. After that, I woke up. After the awakening, there were the same feelings and thoughts as in a dream, but the feeling was gained that I was worried about, I don't need it, no matter how he calmed me through a dream. In real life, I am not jealous. I woke up. After about minutes 5-10 minutes, I lay down again and dream me that I am in some room. Large room, light. I am, my mom, two of my daughters and a guy. And here my mother, something says, at the same time, I see she puts on a bathrobe, t. E. I see a home furnish. At the same time, I pay attention to my right hand and see the wedding ring on the nameless finger and I understand that we have already had a wedding with a guy and we are now husband and wife. Then happens that I need to go, I see that he is upset that I need to go somewhere. I come to him, he sits on the bed, lowering his head, his hands lie on his knees. I lie my right hand on it and it turns out - his right and on top of my right. The feeling of light, soothing, delicate, speaking, that everything is fine and we are together. And it turns out, at that moment I see how our wedding rings shine, they are clean, even as it should be the rings without a picture and without pebbles, it is also seen that they are in size for us, that is, anxiety does not cause. At the same time around quietly, the ease, tenderness, well-being and feeling that everything will be fine. After waking up, there was also calm and feelings that something should happen in my life positive. That I dreamed.

Death and Ring in a dream

Hello. Again dreamed of sleep about former girl And again I appeal to you. We broke up in February of this year. She has long been new guy, and I still sometimes dream about her dreams. (if it is interesting to someone in my profile I have 2 sleep)

So here. I served in the Airborne Forces and I dream that I would come in army uniform to her home. All in some bullet wounds, expire with blood, I call her mobile and say "come out, please in the entrance" (literally). She comes out and I put the ring in her hand (this is the ring I wanted to give her, but did not give it). Put in her palm ring, folded her handle in the cam and for some reason he died. :)

What can this dream mean? PLEASE PLEASE.

Thanks in advance.

Mirror ring in a dream

To dream today such a dream, he was color. Everything happened in the afternoon, I was in some room near me there were 2 more girls, I did not see their faces. As if there was a eve of any event. I climb the stairs and see the bottom of my dress and my legs, the dresses were satin beige, there were bright flowers on it, and my feet were tanned. I go into the room and I look in the mirror, in which I see my appearance my appearance, although the hair was repainted in the color of the chicken. Before this gave me a ring my friend (my darment itself was not but I know that it was precisely he), after I looked into the mirror, dressed them the ring on my hand, it was silver interesting form On the middle of him was a big stone. And I take a hand on the window to admire the ring, in the light of the sun, the stone was overflowing. After sleep, I felt joy, happiness.

Black ring with red pod in a dream

Saw a dream in which a loved man gives me an envelope gold chain With a beautiful golden pendant. I am very happy in a dream, and at that moment my gift turns into a black ring, on which the sharp red pepper is attached instead of perverse. Ring wear on middle finger right hand. I look at him and think how to wear it if the pepper prevents my movements.

Parental house revenge and donated ring in a dream

Hello. Today's Sleep: I'll figure out completely from dirt parental house broom and it becomes clean. Mom stands near and asks where the ring that dad gave me. I'm surprised to find on right hand, the middle finger has a gold ring without stones, smooth and beautiful and I am very comfortable in it. Mom says that the deceased 15 years ago, the great-grandmother handed me a gold earrings and they also want to make a ring that I immediately wore two. I was delighted in a dream, because I loved my great-grandmother very much.

Golden Ring with Red Stone in Sind

I did not have time to fall asleep, I saw it like in a dream, I was lying on my bed and suddenly something about suggested to look under the bed, I looked and there was a gold ring as a new one with a red stone, so comfortable and so I liked it, I'm glad to He looked and wondered what it was to me. And light was under the bed, daylight. I did not take a ring in my hands, returned to the bed with joy and confidence that it was mine, did not even sore it. In my dream, there was a sense of practicality of this ring, his appearance without scratching and scratching and complete confidence that it was not going anywhere.

Plastic ring with a cross in a dream

Twilight time of day, it rains, I raise the ring with the wet earth. It looks dirty, I wipe it from dirt. On the touch it is plastic but at the same time as amber (mute white color) In the Ring itself, a thin black cross. Like from wire. I'm trying to wear it on unnamed finger, but it is not enough for me. Leave it to lie on the ground. If it is important, my half-male. What dreams?

Wooden wedding ring in a dream

My man put on a wooden wedding ring on the ring finger. It was beautiful and easy (weightless, imperceptible) But I was surprised when I learned that Wooden. I admired them, but thought it was strange that my wedding ring was wooden ...

Wedding rings in a dream

Two wedding rings on the right hand, on medium and unthable fingers

Chocolate ring in a dream

I sit on my bags in the waiting room at the bus station. There are many people around me, bustle, everyone goes somewhere. And I do not rush - I have no ticket and it is very upsetting me, because I do not know what to do next. My friend fits me and gives me a box with expensive jewelry. I was very grateful to him, because in my dream these decorations were a ticket. He left, and I began to treat them. It was a set of 4 items: a very beautiful expensive ring, 2 identical round items (I decided that it was earrings) and something oblong. At first I admired, but then I realized that all these beautiful things were made of chocolate!? Not much, but I was upset.

Wedding Ring in Dream

This dream drew my girl. What is interesting she drew him in about the week after our engagement. She was very upset because he saw in a dream as I removed the ring and broke it. And in two weeks I dreamed off as if she got sick and died. I woke up in a cold sweat with tears in my eyes, so it was real. Maybe someone will tell you all this. Thank you.

Found a bag with rings in a dream

In a dream somewhere in public place I found a bag - I open - and in it a lot of rings, with pebbles and without, and nothing else. In a dream, there is a feeling that the woman lost some. I go to all ask - your bag ??? All those honestly refuse. Then I take a bag and go to guard - show ...

And on the way I think - that well ... I'll take myself - I open - I look at the rings - they are from white metal .. I think silver ??? And what if they are from platinum ... I do not really understand the jeweler. I mean, meanwhile, the guards are killed ...

And I suddenly start thinking that they were killed because of the bag this ... And I need to urgently run ... I'm not exactly going to give away ... I will still kill ...


silver ring

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Get a ring - well-being, someone is interested in you.

Ring with a diamond - business success.

Silver ring - secret sadness.

Copper ring - joy.

Yes, is it important - what ring?! With a diamond, copper - just with the soul presented.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Ran - see in a dream foreshadows idle marriage, acquiring friendship or new acquaintance.

Having gold rings on the fingers foregoing the elevation in the virtues, multiplication of honors and the acquisition of power.

Get a ring as a gift means security.

Draw a ring foreshadows loss.

Losing the wedding ring marks the death of the spouses whose ring is lost.

Dream Interpretation - Silver

Golden, silver jewelry - foreshadows wealth and knowledge.

Silver bracelets - foreshadowed a quarrel between husband and wife with strength.

Silver Cup - the birth of a noble son.

Silver bracelets - foreshadows a quarrel between husband and wife, with the use of physical strength.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

If in a dream you wear the rings in the hands - it means that you have new things in front of you, in which you will be lucky.

The broken ring means quarrels and misfortunes in marital, affairs and breaking relationships for lovers.

If the girl gets a ring in a dream - it means that her excitement associated with the beloved, behind, since henceforth he all dedicates himself to her real and future.

To see the rings on others - means the growth of your well-being and new acquaintances.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

If a married woman In a dream, the ring drops from his finger - it foreshadows her the infidelity of her husband, carried away the unworthy woman, who is able to completely destroy his life. If a woman sees in a dream, that her wedding ring breaks, - it foreshadows the disease or death of her husband. And if the ring puts on a finger or crashes into it, then this is a warning about someone's disease. Wear a ring on your finger - the foresight of the Union with a man you love.

Dream Interpretation - Ring, Ring

who will see the golden ring in a dream and his wife will be pregnant, she will give birth to a boy. Persdressed breakdown indicates a divorce with his wife. If the representative of the authorities sees in a dream that with his hands they removed the ring, then this means the removal of him or the loss of power, or a divorce with his wife, and if a woman sees it, then this is a sign that her husband will die. If the one who has a single, will put on the ring, then he marries. Wooden ring is a female hypocrite. If a woman in a dream receives a ring from someone, she will marry or give birth to a child. The adoption of Parst from the Prophet, S.A.s, or from Alima-this joyful news about the acquisition of knowledge and good luck, if this ring is from silver, and if the ring of gold or iron, then there is no good. And who will see that he sent his ring to his people and they returned it, he will laugh at people who refuse him. In general, the ring in a dream means power, wealth, greatness and glory, and any drawback in Piste is the lack of what it means. Find in a dream ring-good sign. Such a dream is thrust, or the benefits coming from a foreigner or marriage, or the birth of a child. If a precious stone fell out of the ring, it means you will suffer great losses, perhaps even the death of a child. If you, putting on a silver ring, are convinced that this is a gift from Allah, it means that in life you will become more pious and unfortunate person.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Symbolizes strong friendship or happy family.

Also character integrity character, sometimes confirmation of power.

Lose ring - destroy friendship or marriage.

The ring falls from the finger - the loss of a loved one.

Find a ring, get as a gift - to new connections.

Ring with a stone, a ring - a sign of honors, power, respect.

Dream Interpretation - Ring (Decoration)

Symbolizes friendship or love. If you dreamed of a gold, silver or wedding ring, your sleep promises you a happy family life and many nice children. If in a dream you give someone a ring, your dream tells you: Believe the heart that is full of tenderness to you. If you are given a ring, this is a sign of sincere love.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Ring is a symbol of marriage and power. The ring usually dreams or the formation of strong unions between people (optionally love, it may be friendly or business relationships), or an elevation in their community, the acquisition of glory or respect. If the ring is wearing your finger, it means that you will soon have to tie yourself to some promise.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Ring in a dream - a symbol of the circle of events, unresolved problems, attachment, oaths, loyalty. Wear in a dream rings in hand - to new and successful enterprises. To see the rings on others means the growth of welfare and new acquaintances.


Silver rings in a dream

Here you can read the dreams in which symbols are found. Rings silver. By clicking on the link interpretation of sleep under the text of a particular dream, you can read online interpretation written by free interpreters of dreams of our site. If you are interested in interpretation of sleep in the dreams - go to the dream link, and you will fall on the page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dreams.

To search for an image of interest, enter a keyword from your sleep in the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what the dreams of silver rings mean, or what means in a dream to see the rings of silver.

Rings in a snow

He dreamed that the man with whom I broke up gave me rings, and the right hand was all in the rings (from silver)!

Rings in a snow

I take off my hands and give three silver mother rings, while she wants to take two more, but I say that I recently bought and I will not give.

Ring in a snow

Found a ring silver, ancient with a huge blue stone.

Silver money in a dream

As if I am in some institution, something between the bank and the jewelry store. I see there interesting decorations Silver (chains with suspension, pendants). And among them I find a chain with a suspension belonging to my relative. I am very surprised and sorry why he passed it there. It is a pity because it is an exclusive product. There is a woman who wants to buy this chain. And buys. I inform her with sadness to her who belonged to this thing (I feel sorry for the chain, I understand, I will not see her). A woman looks into her notebook, finds there a mobile number of my relative (!) And says: "Yes, everything is right. You are talking to the truth."

I, having accepted this sad event as inevitable, I begin to consider the assortment of jewelry. My attention attracts a chain with a very unusual suspension, like it. But upon closer examination, I decide that the suspension looks allay, and I buy only a chain.

Paying for a purchase, paying attention to what the large amount in the bills give me a lot of surrender. And then I understand that this compensation for the relative sold chain. Half received bills were an unusual, unfamiliar species ...

Silver in a snow

Fully sleep in memory was not left, only his ending printed clearly, and before that the blurred something was, as if I was going to protect the birthday, the computer was negotiated .. but it is not important. The brightest details, it is a bunch of silver jewelry in my palms.

I carried them through the hallway - and suddenly they crumbled, as if they had flowed out of her hands, on the smallest particles. It became on the floor to collect these microns - torn small silver chains of about a millimeter-two, there were large - a whole bracelet, earrings, and the rest - on the details. That's how the villi from the carpet, I collected silver.

Suddenly, a mom with a white cellophane package approached and put it on the floor. There, in the package - also silver items, but not from jewelry. Small glued balls for two or three pieces with a diameter also in a millimeter, filled the packet half.

She suddenly was poured on the floor and prevent my. She collects them quickly and tie the package. And I begin to consider my own - and I understand that there are earrings without a pair.

I start looking for in my mother - nothing happens - these balls are everywhere, and nothing more. I take something similar to a magnet, I read the words defined and find the missing earrings. They, however, were clearly not silver, but in a dream everything was arranged. I was calm that everything found that everything turned out. Something like this.

Silver Red Cat in a dream

As if I am in a steadmate bedroom (not mine), the bed is dispersed, as if to sleep. I consider a drawing on bedding and ironing a pillow with hand. Near the table I notice the silver bracelet and earrings. A person is worn out in the bracelet, but I did not pay attention to them, but the bracelet itself was considered (weaving). I know that this is someone's gift. Earrings also did not consider particularly. Then dream seem to go home. To meet me there is a red cat, a young, almost kitten.

I take it on my hands, I stroke, talking to him and he turns into a child (boy). In a dream, I know that this is my child. I ask, didn't he lose the key from home?. Reply - no. We go to someone else's home and some woman gives us our key (on the shoelace). Here are such repetitive dreams. I would be grateful for interpretation.

Ring in a snow

I'm late for work, I'm going in the car and I see that with my hands squeaks my golden unwrapped ring (I am not married) and kidto falls down through the door of the car on the road, I shout to the driver stop, I need to pick up a ring. He stops, I go out.

On the street Summer, the road dusty, running back to the ring, but it picks up some very unpleasant creature, it seems to be reminded some kind of girl, she laughs, throws the ring, I try to catch it, but nothing works. Here is some kind of unfamiliar guy, she throws him a ring, I run to him, he casts a ring back to an unpleasant girl, I run to her, and she again throws a ring guy, I run to him, I ask to give a ring and for some reason he gives him him and I squeeze dusting ring in the fist

Rings in a snow

Alien Wedding (I myself diluted) I'm looking for a ring I have to make an offer (this is my classmate, but I call him like my former) and I can't find this ring. I then take other rings to wear on my fingers and I think there may be another ring to wear for the offer and at this time I find the ring that was looking for 2 rings one of my second groom. All rings are beautiful with stones only one silver thicker

Ring in a snow

For three months I see dreams associated with rings. I lick all the rings that I have on my hands, and I immediately find them, and with my own other rings. I see two identical rings in my hand, one of which is broken, but I, as it were, correct and it becomes whole. Today, the set of earrings and a ring with a large black stone - at first he likes, then measuring on the ring finger of the right hand - it comes in size, but I take off and put on the ring finger of my left hand - it's not enough for me, I take it away and leave it Counter.

I sometimes prophetic dreams I see, I recently learned that one person I have not seen more than 7 months married in April, in the same month he dreamed of a wedding ring on his hand. Why all this dream I don't know already scary somehow, maybe someone knows what could it mean to know the ring in a dream?

Ring with emerald in a dream

My dream dreamed from Saturday to Sunday. From 17th July 18, 2010 I dreamed that I was sitting in a restaurant with my young man, a man was brought to the hall with a woman of Eastern Nationality, and he was leading it somewhere. I waited for a long time and did not wait for him to decide to find out where he left. When I went out to see him lying on the ground to me with his back, and the man with a woman lay nearby. I immediately ran to him turn his face to him, and he was all swollen, the whole head was broken, the eyes were swimming, and a big bump over the ear.

I was afraid and dragging it on my shoulders dragged for some reason on the 9th floor. What is some kind of sharp ruptures of events, and then as in the film when a big piece cut out, I see myself with my young man who gives me a ring with a big emerald, and on the rim ringlets of small emeralds.

Odja on my ring I am for some reason I turn my palm and see that the ring, no matter how to the end is breeding ... Well, before there were such rings to any finger, it was possible to put on a lot of finger ... to push into a lot, and to squeeze. So I was surprised that the ring on all sizes, and I got it.

Please tell me why my boyfriend suffered, and why the ring is dimensionless? Thank you in advance.

Ring in a snow

Dreamed the prophetic dream. Yesterday I dreamed as if I gave the ring with one friend, I praise as a product, as if I feel my guilt. (When we deteriorated the relationship with my fault). I tell her that the ring grandmother's inheritance. I say as if silver ring, and how many silver in it. And the ring and in fact such a massive, rude as it were old. But even in a dream it seems to me that the ring is not really silver, but just iron. I doubt.

And here in reality, suddenly in the evening this friend comes to visit me. In life, I would not think that she would come to visit me. We do not have such close relationships, even some periods were quite unpleasant situations. And here she says that my former began to come to work to her, almost every day. That he is very interesting and fun with her. What he really likes her. There is no relationship there, it is not, it is much older than him, but she is really a very positive person. And we have a relationship with him so unexplained, I just stopped communicating with him, he began to humiliate me at all. And I decided to break with him. Without explanation. He really came asked if I didn't want to tell him anything? I wished him all the best. Although of course it was painful. In general, he did not understand why we broke up.

I myself think that this ring was he. And I gave him myself? And what do you think?

Ring with green stone in a dream

I'm at work. Opposite me works by my former lover ED. He gives me a pendant with a chain and earrings. Then stretches his hand and says; "If you want to take some more ring." He has a ring on his hand, I choose with a green stone with a rectangular stone, and I rented him myself. He says that we could meet sometimes.

I show an employee pendant and earrings, she is looking for them on the Internet and says they are inexpensive. I show the ring. It is gold and stone-call Topaz.

Showing a ring mom. I measured, it fits perfectly. I wonder that the male ring is not in size.

Ring as a gift in a dream

Ring in a snow

Ring with stone beam from stone in a dream

Dusk. Heard the ringing, something falling. My ring fell, a girlfriend (I do not remember) looking and holding up a piece of asphalt throws up my ring.

I dress it, with a big transparent stone, beautiful and see that from the light of the stone, a ray of light is very bright. I am glad, and I say that I can highlight us the road.


Silver Ring with Pearls

Dream Silver Ring with Pearl Dreamed, why dream in a dream Silver ring with pearls? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream a silver ring with pearls, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Pearl

Pearls dream K. successful businessAnd also foreshadows good luck in social activities.

If a young woman in a dream admires pearls - a big and mutual love awaits her.

If the pearl gives her a lover - she will be unusually happy: it is waiting for fun, and pleasure, as well as a loving, faithful bride.

But scattering or losing in a dream of pearls is a sorrow sign.

If in a dream you decorated yourself with pearls, then I will try to renew the lost relationship. It is difficult to do it, as the partner will be resist in every possible way. Do not insist, otherwise nothing will happen. Better try to keep warm, friendly relations.

And so I interpreted the Nostradamus dreams, in which the pearls appear.

To see the pearl decoration in a dream - such a dream predicts the appearance of a spectacle of extraordinary beauty, whose witnesses will receive a kind of revelation that will turn their ordinary life.

Open the sink in a dream and see the pearl there - such a dream predicts an unexpected event that will seriously shook the psyche of many people.

To see the black pearl - a terrible omen, threatening the arrival of dark forces. The worst thing is that people with a thin nervous organization will serve as an evil, not suspecting this, as if obeying hypnosis or magic exposure evil start.

If you buy a rare pearl in a dream, it means that you are hidden a huge potential that suddenly detects under the influence of sudden changes.

And at D. Loffa about dreams about the pearls of his opinion: "Separate pearls in dreams usually belong to the moments of personal discoveries. Most people who see the dreams about them are aware of where they come from, and consider the pearls as a treasure that they have to find. However, pearls are rarely placed in the sinks: they are simply found and transmitting sleeping or the sleeper itself gives them to other persons. Usually, such a gesture personifies the transfer of intimate knowledge between the sleeping and other dream characters.

Pearl ornaments are often perceived as an expensive gift and are associated with something classic, far from modern. Perhaps this is a metaphor of an old money. "

Dream Interpretation - Pearl

To the joy, the birth of a son.

Take pearls in hand - to wealth.

Wear pearls to suffering.

Wear pearls on yourself in the form of jewelry - you are shy about something.

Get pearls as a gift - to the troubles and concerns.

Give pearls - to failure in the coming business.

Buy Pearls - to troubles.

Scat out a pearl necklace - to troubles and tears.

Hanging pearls on the thread - to failure.

Dream Interpretation - Pearl

To see pearls in a dream - a sign of success in affairs. A woman see a very beautiful pearl and admire them in a dream means a big love that will bring a lot of happiness. Get it as a gift or take in a dream - the fores for good events in your life. You will get something valuable, which will improve your life if pearls in the product. If you give it in the placer, then wait for the pretty and tears. To give or scatter pearls in a dream to someone - the foresight of the ambulance and chagrin. According to another version, all dreams about pearls mean lies, tears and separation with a friend. However, look in your dream signs that will tell you the right answer. Scattered pearl grains in a dream mean loneliness, tears, betrayal. See interpretation: also jewelry by names: jewels and precious stones.

Dream Interpretation - Pearl

See in a dream pearls - foreshadow good business, successful trading and good luck in social activities.

If a young woman sees in a dream that her lover gives her pearls, she will be unusually happy: she is waiting for fun, and pleasure, as well as a loving, loyal bride, who is alien to selfish jealousy, destroying happiness.

If a woman loses or scatters pearls, she will suffer from indescribable peasants.

For a young woman to admire in a dream with pearls - means that pure love will fill her soul, and she will do everything, from her, to enjoy the chosen one.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Sleep about the ring means communication, friendship, union, attachment, engagement. Getting a ring in a dream means that someone believes you or loves you, or will make you an offer. To see the gold rings and rings on himself foreshadowed honors, wealth and well-being. To break or lose the ring in a dream is a symbol of breaking relationships and loss of a loved one. Get a bronze ring as a gift in a dream - to the disappointments that you will be very worried, especially if the ring will have sharp ends. See the rings in a dream to others means that soon you will find yourself in the society of wealthy people and head new acquaintances. Ring from amber in a dream to see or wear - a good sign (but only for ladies).

Iron ring get in a dream - a sign of difficult, but wealthy life. Two wedding rings see in a dream - to engagement. If you see that they hung in the air, the engagement will be postponed or will not take place at all. Talking about the size of the wedding rings in a dream to hear - a sign that soon you will hear an explanation in love. The size of the ring in a dream means how much your love is. Wedding ring wearing in a dream - a sign of a happy family life or fast engagement. Lose it - to the annoyance; Receive - loyalty of the lover. If in a dream you admire your wedding ring, then sleep predicts you happiness and well-being in family life. If the ring suddenly swells, then your happiness suddenly overshadowed by some unpleasant event - quarrels or treason. See interpretation: Jewelry.

Dream Interpretation - Pearl

Held pearls in a dream is always a harbinger of favorable development of affairs in reality. Find pearls in a dream - find a way out of a predicament in the real world. Get pearl from the bottom of the sea - to solve all your affairs on your own, without any help.

Get pearls as a gift - to trouble and chagrins. At the same time, the figure of the present in a dream means impeding you in your affairs in reality. Thus, a figure in a dream is a sign of events, if you manage to solve it, then in reality you will find a way to avoid trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Pearl

this knowledge, wealth and beautiful speech. Pearls in a dream also means reading the Quran and the acquisition of religious knowledge.

Sell \u200b\u200bin a dream of pearls, it means to forget the Ayati Koran.

The interpreter of the Quran will be the one who sees in a dream that he pierces the pearls.

That person who threw a pearl in a well in a well, a river or pit will be famous among people.

And the one who collects them from the bottom of the river or the sea - earns money in an honest way.

Sometimes separately scattered pearls in a dream may also indicate on their own children.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

If in a dream you saw yourself with a ring on your finger - ahead of new things in which you will be lucky.

The broken ring means quarrels and misfortunes in married affairs and breaking relationships for lovers.

If a girl dreamed that she got a ring in a dream, her excitement associated with the beloved, behind. From now on he will forever give her his heart.

Rings on the hands of other people will dream of welfare and foreshadow new acquaintances.

This is how the dreams about the ring of Vanga interpreted.

The appearance of the ring in the dream symbolizes the circle of events, unresolved problems, attachment, oath, loyalty.

Sleep, in which you put on your hand a beloved ring, symbolizes your loyalty to your feelings and promises.

The dream in which you saw how a person's stranger wedding ring puts on your hand, foreshadows unexpected help in solving the problem that long for a long time.

If in a dream you can't pick yourself a ring in size, then in real life you are not experiencing anyone of cardiac affection.

In a dream, the ring fell in a dream - this is a bad sign. In real life, you violated your promise and oath of loyalty, so fate has prepared you a vital test.

D. Loff wrote: "Rings can symbolize a contract or undertaken certain obligations, such as married. Sometimes the rings point to our desire to take obligations to themselves or obtain assurances of obligations to other persons in relation to us or a specific enterprise.

Magic rings may indicate the acquisition of supernatural forces. Rings drawn on Earth, or "Wheat Circles", are related to protection, because the ring is the boundary, which is not allowed to cross the evil.

In the dreams of this kind, you can worry about the inexperiencement of the circumstances of you and feel the need for an intercession. "

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Golden ring on hand to have - for marriage, childbirth.

Wear a ring on hand - to the execution of desires.

Wedding ring to wear - the foresight of a successful marriage, love and attention of family members.

Wedding or simply valuable to lose - in its will or wine destroy old connections, find new friends.

To try on someone else's engagement ring - to show interest in forbidden pleasures.

Wedding rings on the hands of familiar - the factory relationship of the lungs and non-binding.

If a woman sees her wedding ring with bright and brilliant - foreshadows the absence of worries and marital loyalty.

Find a ring - to an important meeting, new love, new friendship.

Give a ring - to marriage.

Transfer the ring to losses.

Get a ring - to well-being.

Remove or break the ring - to a dispute, loss or separation.

The ring is not removed from the hands - to the captivity.

The ring with the selection is honored, the symbol of the son, the heir, the spiritual successor, the successor.

Ring with a large diamond - success in affairs, important acquaintance, communication, work and benefit.

Iron ring - heavy work and sadness.

Copper ring - joy.

Silver ring - secret sadness.

Wear a golden ring - to a meeting with a loved one and a wedding.

Lose the ring and try to find a ring - make sure that your favorite belongs to you unfriendly, ignoring your self-esteem.

Admire the mines - to separation or quarrel.

Get a ring as a gift - a warning about something.

Give a ring - make an offer.

Purchase Pour - Love Symbol.

Damaged ring - to enhance.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Wedding ring seen in a dream foreshadows an ambulance wedding and a happy marital marriage. To see in a dream on her fingers a lot of different rings means that new things and beginnings are waiting for you, who will certainly bring good luck.

Lose in a dream Ring - to an annoying mistake, search - a happy case will help to avoid trouble, find - get a joyful news.

Get a ring from your loved one as a gift - such a dream promises faithful love, strong family, healthy children. Golden rings mean welfare growth and new useful dating. The silver ring is unnoticed, but steadily gain power over the beloved, while calling himself his faithful slave.

Rings with precious stones foreshadow that you will gain the desired ease of communicating with people, which will allow you to get acquainted with an interesting man. To see the snake rolled ring means that you will find yourself in confusion, without being able to recognize where your true friends, and where are real enemies. If it dreams that the snake rings are wrapped around you and hissing out of grazing your split language - it means that you will be powerless in the hands of your enemies.

To see the gymnastic rings foreshadow that you will be able to stand up for yourself in a difficult situation with the bosses. It means to hang on them - then you will not accept someone's promise seriously and completely actually do, having undergone yourself to the spare option.


Silver ring as a gift in a dream

Here you can read the dreams in which symbols are found. Silver ring as a gift. By clicking on the link interpretation of sleep under the text of a particular dream, you can read online interpretation written by free interpreters of dreams of our site. If you are interested in interpretation of sleep in the dreams - go to the dream link, and you will fall on the page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dreams.

To search for an image of interest, enter a keyword from your sleep in the search form. So you can easily learn what the dream of a silver ring is known as a gift, or what means in a dream to see a silver ring as a gift.

Silver ring as a gift in a dream

I dreamed me that I reveal the gift box, and there was a silver ring. From mine former belovedwith whom we broke up a year ago. The ring is exactly in exactly what I have in reality, bought a long time ago. But in reality it is broken ... There was an integer in a dream, with an inconspicuous pattern.

In a dream, I did not put a ring on my hand, just looked at. And it was just joyful from such a gift.

Silver rings in a dream

Today I saw such a dream .., I'm going to the car with my close man and see in my arms, on all my fingers silver rings with small stones. And then he gives me another ring, also silver with stones, beautiful and big, but strange, dressed immediately for 2 fingers. And I have nowhere to wear it, I take off the others, trying to dress this new, wear, but somehow not so, he tells me wrong and put on it to me as necessary, at once on 2 fingers. And then I just admire the novelty.

Silver rings and golden dress in a dream

1) I go out of a small shop and look in his showcases, I see a lot of silver rings. But they look old, not very attractive, even dust or dust. But here is one ring anything, another better, pay attention to the ring with three pearls. I liked it. But then I seemed to slowly get out of sleep and there was a thought that while the dream did not leave, you need to go to take this ring and put on. But I did or not - I do not know.

2) I wear a dress, first with difficulty, but then it is already well sitting on me. It is black and golden overflows. My daughter and we wear left sleeves and fix it (he was separately unlike the right), she seems to me as if she sews me. But the feeling that it seems so it should be like buttons to fasten. We are both contented.

3) And another passage. From the floor I raise the fallen cakes stupid, with layers of cream, put on the table, lay in a small container-box and pieces. Tasty.

Thank you.

Silver ring in a dream

On the middle finger of the left hand, I saw a silver ring with a blue stone middle size. But it began to subscribe, and I tried in time.

And it remains in my finger. But the size was great. Although initially was at the time. And I still thought: I really lost weight. And everything straightened the ring so that it does not fall. I really liked it.

Ring as a gift in a dream

I dreamed that I was sitting in the open sky and looking at the performance. Heat, evening, but the sun has not yet village. My girlfriend is sitting next to me, although I don't even know a girl from sleep in life and I don't even have any similar acquaintances. And I sit sad, and she pulls out and gives me a silver ring with a transparent greenish stone and says that it is fortunate. I put it on the ring finger of the right hand, and I see that I already have two rings on it. One yellow, I do not know which metal, it is simple. The second of black silver, a ring with patterns (but it seemed to me that it was a bit broken in one place). And on top of them I put the ring presented to me.

Sleep dreamed of me a year ago, and I thought that perhaps the rings would mean guys and close relationships, and the truth, I had two guys in the year, but did not work out. And someone says that rings are the number of marriages

Ring as a gift in a dream

Help me decipher your dream. On the awakening he left very pleasant emotions ... I dream that I was lying on the bed in my room, outside the window was still. I look at the street and see how the salute is launched, although it was light ...

Then the time of year changes dramatically on the spring, a bright sunny day, and I have a birthday. I'm still on the bed and in my room. And here my acquaintances come to me, and with them the person I love (but in real life we \u200b\u200bhave only a friendly relationship). He gives me a gift. I take, open the box, and in it one more ... and in it even smaller ... and also, very small. And already in the smallest I find an old ring ...

He said that this is the ring of his grandmother, and now he gives it to me ... when everyone went away, I imagined how to wear it and I will wear it. I do not know why I didn't put it right away, but only it imagined ... Sleep dreamed of with Thu on Fri.

Silver rings in a dream

Today I dreamed handsome man (I know him, but he is not personally familiar), he had large silver rings on his fingers, on every finger.

He shows his hands so that I looked at them better, I liked you insanely, I start to look at and touch them. The man at the same time is pretty smiling ..... Yes, and I'm glad Madly ...

Two silver rings in a dream

Hello! Help express a dream .. I really remember .. I dreamed that I had two silver rings on my fingers: one in the form of a dragon on my left hand ... I don't remember what a finger ... And I put on another in the form of a snake with Maaalay multicolored stones on Index finger of the right hand. And so I liked them in my arms, it was pleasant to them, admired .. The fact is that I have a ring in the form of a dragon, I really love him, but now it's not near .. and such a feeling was like they I was called and said that I should find a ring in the form of a snake or to give it to me or to buy it myself ... I am very puzzled ... I would be grateful for the interpretation)

Ring in a snow

He received a ring from coral as a gift from the former his boyfriend, did not see the very fact of donation. Just see on the right hand on the middle finger the ring is white from corals. The ring itself looked very unusual if you take the usual wedding ring and there are branches from it, like a deer horns, up, down and on the sides and everything is completely from the white coral.

And I stand and think: "Why did he give me a ring? Especially as?"

Ring in a snow

Today I had a dream (from Thursday to Friday). It dreams that my parents gave me a ring, while I am devoted to adult life (feelings - I will marry me, but the ring gives the father). Then we go to celebrate. But the ring is my father gives me a hand, the ring brings me a cat in the mouth. I look at the ring and see that it was in spots, it was not oxidized, while I know that it is expensive, valuable.

A little earlier I had already dreamed that I want to give a diamond ring. I knew that this was a valuable gift, but the ring looked like a fake.

Thanks in advance!

Rings in a snow

I take off my hands and give three silver mother rings, while she wants to take two more, but I say that I recently bought and I will not give.

Ring in a snow

Today, the man had a man who had a ring on like me as I had, but more and it was not that silver, not, then from white gold. And he removed him threw it out, he raised again. And before that, he monible by some kind of ring.

Ring in a snow

Dreamed mine golden ring with brillbeds and sapphires that a husband presented for 10 years life together. The ring was dressed on the finger and I noticed that the Brillliants were lost, everything. I did not look for, but the feeling of regret, sorrow from the loss was obvious.

Silver chain with cross in a dream

I find a chain with a cross. The chain is very massive, thick with a thumb, and a cross-size cross. I was delighted by Nakhodka, hanged himself on the neck. This all watched my former mother-in-law. She is suitable for me and asks what I found it. I showed her find. The former mother-in-law as she saw that the cross was silver and the precious stones were delimited, he understands - he is dear, and let me shout at me that the cross belongs to them. She walked around me and grabbed me with a chain, so so I almost suffocated. I scream to her: "Release me, I will give the chain." But she does not listen to me and I understand that she wants to strangle me. With difficulty, I remove a chain from myself, and my mother-in-law bounces off his cross in his hand and laughs with me, they say what a fool I am. Then see that a photo of mother-in-law in full height, whether it is reflected in the mirror, but the photo-mirror turned over to the top of my legs and the blood flowed with blood stream, and the claws are sharp as scratched. I see the door, she also turned over to the top of the legs and blood also flowed. And the voice from nowhere says: "The payback is nearing, soon everyone will pay for accounts." I understand, no good something with the former mother-in-law will happen, but I do not want this. I pay, I ask you to punish anyone, but the voice answers that nothing depends on me.

Ring in a snow

For three months I see dreams associated with rings. I lick all the rings that I have on my hands, and I immediately find them, and with my own other rings. I see two identical rings in my hand, one of which is broken, but I, as it were, correct and it becomes whole. Today, the set of earrings and a ring with a large black stone - at first he likes, then measuring on the ring finger of the right hand - it comes in size, but I take off and put on the ring finger of my left hand - it's not enough for me, I take it away and leave it Counter.

I sometimes see a fellow dreams, I recently learned that one person I did not see more than 7 months married in April, in the same month he dreamed of a wedding ring on his hand. Why all this dream I don't know already scary somehow, maybe someone knows what could it mean to know the ring in a dream?


Silver ring

Dream Interpretation - Silver Ring

Sleep suggests Snovidice that she value her beloved man, not allowing his negative emotions to suppress harmony and satisfaction with relations. With respect, Libya.

Dream Interpretation - Silver Ring

You can lose someone who you are roads.

Dream Interpretation - Silver Ring

There were any changes in terms of relationships. While still at the level of thoughts. Perhaps changes in relationships will affect reality.

Dream Interpretation - Silver Rings

Dream is most likely to business sphere, Rings on hand are new projects, plans. Perhaps someone will offer you a new job or position. Moreover, silver rings are to acquire concrete material benefits, great earnings, financial success.

Dream Interpretation - Two Silver Rings

Sleep reflects your enormous potential (rings, dragon), for the implementation of it is needed wisdom (ring in the form of a snake. In more than This applies to your ability to correctly perceive the relationship of people to you (index finger). Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

Hello, perhaps a dream just indicates the manipulation of something that you own. It is also possible that this is your abilities someone manipulates. Take care of yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Rings

Unexpected changes of plans and projects, changing the rhythm of life. The most incredible offers can be carried out. The power of inspiration appears. A person can get high recognition of his talents. Secret forces can become assistants in all, it is possible to receive power or high position with the help of secret patripes. IN best case Man becomes a guide of higher spiritual strength. Raising vitalityNew ideas and great performance in some way combined with mental experiences and unrest, often caused by relations with the opposite sex. Therefore, do not rush to make decisions. Even better - consult with a smart woman. Maybe you will understand how or rather make money at this stage.

It is possible that nothing happens to her, it's just you a reminder to the future. So that you live in your life with righteous life. Maybe this is a reminder to the people of Ukraine that impunity and lies will be punished. Sorry if something did not say that. Good luck! Everything will be fine!

Dream Interpretation - Silver Chain with Cross

In the form of an option: to find something in a dream - it is always losing. Snoviditsa finds silver chain With a cross in precious stones, the size of the palm - previously was content with the fact that the fate sent her, and fate sent Snovidice - close communication In love and harmony, with her husband. The mother-in-law approached, and seeing Nakhodka shouted that her cross, the dream was given the chain of mother-in-law - the jealousy and goats of the mother-in-law in relation to the daughter-in-law, which led to severe parting with her husband. The mother-in-law stipulates the dreams from behind and calls her - no connection with her husband is no longer, and the "past" is still having a dream, not letting her "breathe free chest." The photo of the mother-in-law and the door in her house are turned off - Snovidice there is no return route back, because the mother-in-law turned everything as it is advantageous to her, and not the family of his son with his wife (in the photo and the door flows blood - the dream of the dreams). Snoviditsa cries, asks anyone to not punish - in reality he wants everyone to forgive everyone and get rid of a heavy sediment, but it is not for her yet. The voice of a dream of a sleep about an inevitable melted - suggests that both sides are paying, in such conflicts: one side for the lack of experience and indecision (this applies to the dreams - will be gaining experience), and the second - for not wisdom and cruel (this About mother-in-law - life will make it become tolerant of in any). In general, the dream is very life and hinting for the settlement (balancing) of relations with the past. With respect, Libya.

Dream Interpretation - Ring

If you have a friend or fan in real life, (or in general, in principle, you want you to have a young man with serious intentions). Nevertheless, thinking about legalizing your relationship, you begin to doubt the correctness of the choice / or commit such a act. Even most likely your low self-esteem is the fault of the fact that you are still not married. But judging by the end of the dream, you take care of the integrity and faith in yourself. So your concerns do not have grounds. Main appreciate yourself, be sure your dreams come true! Best,

To dream silver better than gold. Silver products indicate tenderness, the sincerity of the feelings, the absence of "showing", brewing and rudeness. Wear white metal products - to happy fate, joy with modest material supply.

If silver suspension and dishes indicate the vital changes and a happy turn of events, then the ring of white metal dreams of a proposal.

To better understand the dream, remember its size, stones, weaving, size and think how much you liked and whether such a decoration came. This is how the dream book interprets the appearance of a silver ring in a dream.

Circle of communication and family responsibilities

To see a beautiful silver decoration in a shop window - to a new opportunity and a favorable coincidence.

Such Guest can dream of the emergence of an interesting groom, which will not be rich, but sincere in his feelings. Sometimes sleep foreshadows new opportunity, stable work with a small earnings, which will be very pleasant to the dream.

If you dream that you want to buy a ring, but it is too expensive, we are afraid of trouble. Modern dream book Indicates that a favorable opportunity can not get to you.

The dreams will hear about the new vacancy, but it will take advantage of someone else. The girl look at the silver ring - to build plans for the future.

Probably, she will pay attention to a pleasant young man And it will be to think about to meet him or see a new opportunity in its activities.

If you dreamed that you came to the jewelry store for the gold or wedding rings, and chose silver, it is a prophetic sign. Brides The dream predicts an unexpected change in plans. Perhaps the girl will refuse to offer a rich groom and choose a more modest and enjoyable man.

Married woman changing gold on silver - favorable sign. Modern interpreter indicates that she will make his choice in favor of younger than husband, lover.

Remove the wedding ring and wear silver instead - to change. Such a dream foreshadows divorce, the death of a husband, if silver was black or darkened, or worsening the material situation.

Finding a ring from silver and put it on himself - to a new acquaintance. Sometimes such a dream predicts a valuable gift or another job on which you will not receive a lot, but you can rejoice in stability and a good team.

Unmarried Girl to measure in the store Silver ring - trying to try on the offer from a sincere and modest guy. If it did not like it or did not fit the size, then you do not agree to marry him.

Sometimes such a dream predicts good work For a dream, however, if you did not choose in its favor, then in life not use the offer. Change silver for gold - to improving the material situation.

Brides like a dream dreams of what they refuse to offer a modest and loving guy In favor of the wealthy groom, or will find a new more paid job. Get away without buying - do not make any choice.

Turn other people's rings with hands - to envy. If the married woman took to displacing someone's silver and intentionally did not return it, it means that she will destroy a couple or take advantage of a stranger offer.

In general, the silver ring means a circle of communication, duties, a modest, but pleasant life, a favorite thing that will not bring you the Golden Mountains, but will provide a stable and pleasant condition.

A new ring means another turn of events, work or a young man for a girl.

But if it turned out to be soooked, wait for diseases, chagrins and big experiences. Remember how the ring was in a dream.

Just the decoration, new and beautiful, indicates that events will have attitudes towards the future.

For example, soon you will receive an offer from a guy or find out about new work With a stable earnings and you will be satisfied with yourself.

The family ring to get as a gift or just to wear for pleasure - a sign of high location and confidence. After such a dream, someone will confine his secret or tell the story of a kind.

Measure it and see that the ring did not fit in size - you will not accept the offer. It is noted that it is smoking or becoming fragile - to the disease of the person who will give it.

See what happened to your family jewel - a sign of a big trouble, divorce or dangerous disease. Sometimes a dream says about generic curse. Lose or not to detect value on the spot - to the slow decay of the family.

Other interpretations of sleep

Give someone a family jewel - a sign of high trust or trouble because of its own power gullibility.

If you dreamed that the value was stolen, we wonder envy or trouble. Wear a new silver decoration on your right hand - to additional duties and affairs.

Saying someone else's ring - to try to "dress" on myself someone else's role and good luck. This dream can predict a flirt with a married man and the desire to destroy his happiness.

If you took a silver earring, but unexpectedly broke it, wait for trouble due to unjustified trust.

To wear someone else's product from silver on the Unnamed finger - to trying to deprive his owner of work or family happiness.

Especially if this person has no gold products, and you decided to take advantage of white metal jewels.

If the owner of the ring is full of gold, and you wanted to donate only the most modest, silver ring, stealing it or get as a gift - a favorable sign.

Dream interpretation indicates that you will be satisfied and happy, as a secured person shares the find, will help with work or material position.

Wear it on the middle finger - to new duties, work or new clothes. Any decorations on the index finger symbolize the power and the desire to command the surrounding. A huge stone on such a rheel dreams of uncomfortable thoughts and trouble.

A diamond product is dreaming of an influential person. Than he is larger, the more bright, beautiful and secured will be your life. Sleep seems to get a dear gift and pleasant news.

If you dreamed that the decoration was Ruby or Alexandrith, wait for an unusual offer. Grenades and rhinestone indicate the purity of intentions, and Emerald promises good luck in a risky business.

Silver ring with pearls predicts tears and chagrins, but if it liked, you can easily achieve retaliatory love and the location of others. Black or Onyx stones predict grief, negative events.

Sapphire and turquoise foreshadow a valuable gift, good news and mental communication. Find a ring with such stones - to a happy occasion, losing - to major grievances and poverty. If it does not fit in size, a favorable opportunity you can not use.

Sleep about the ring means communication, friendship, union, attachment, engagement.

Getting a ring in a dream means that someone believes you or loves you, or will make you an offer.

To see the gold rings and rings on himself foreshadowed honors, wealth and well-being.

To break or lose the ring in a dream is a symbol of breaking relationships and loss of a loved one.

Get a bronze ring as a gift in a dream - to the disappointments that you will be very worried, especially if the ring will have sharp ends.

See the rings in a dream to others means that soon you will find yourself in the society of wealthy people and head new acquaintances.

Ring from amber in a dream to see or wear - a good sign (but only for ladies).

Iron ring get in a dream - a sign of difficult, but wealthy life.

Two wedding rings see in a dream - to engagement. If you see that they hung in the air, the engagement will be postponed or will not take place at all.

Talking about the size of the wedding rings in a dream to hear - a sign that soon you will hear an explanation in love.

The size of the ring in a dream means how much your love is.

Wedding ring wearing in a dream - a sign of a happy family life or fast engagement. Lose it - to the annoyance; Receive - loyalty of the lover.

If in a dream you admire your wedding ring, then sleep predicts you happiness and well-being in family life. If the ring suddenly swells, then your happiness suddenly overshadowed by some unpleasant event - quarrels or treason.

See interpretation: Jewelry.

Interpretation of dreams from family dream

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Dream Interpretation - Ring

To see in a dream from Monday to Tuesday the ring on his hand - to the joy that children will bring.

If you have dreamed from Sunday on Monday that you got a ring, all the excitement and clarification of a relationship with a person you love, behind.

Sleep from Friday on Saturday, in which you saw a broken ring, means quarrels and breakdown in married things.

Drawing rings on the fingers of other people, they say that your new acquaintance risks to delay too long and become burdensome for you. If such a dream dreamed from Saturday to Sunday, you should be wittered.

By the way, the ring at all times was considered a symbol of love. It is the rings are used to engage young, being a new family faith.

Interpretation of dreams