The Big Book of Palmistry. There is a bump between the pinky and ring toe

All the money goes through the hands. Hands are aware of our financial condition in the past and in the future.

Dmitry Sharov

hereditary palmist

Take a closer look at their signs to understand why wealth is avoiding you. You can believe or not believe in palmistry, but these signs still work!

No gaps between fingers

Money flows into the gaps in the closed palm like sand. You can avoid this: deal with spontaneous purchases - this scourge depletes the wallet more than any signs. Before the checkout, repeat the conspiracy: If the purchase eats up at least a quarter of your salary, take a few days to think.

Welfare triangle

Lines of Fate, Head and Mercury form a triangle of wealth. A smooth figure with deep lines promises prosperity to the owner. This is how it looks:

Angle A is directed to the hill of Jupiter. He is in charge of a career. Breaking the lines at this point says that money is coming in slowly. What to do. To win the favor of the universe, value your work. Don't expect your boss to raise your salary. Talk to him about it. Don't demand or blackmail with leaving - calmly explain how you benefit the company.

Angle B is directed to the hill of Mercury. Breaking the lines at this point is a sign of a squander. You make good money, but the money goes to no one knows where.

What to do. Set a spending limit per month. Write down all expenses, save 10% of your earnings - you will be happy.

Angle C is directed towards the Mount of Venus. If the lines are interrupted on it, it means that all the money goes to the maintenance of loved ones. What to do. Make a family budget and prioritize your planned purchases.

Triangle on the line of life

The triangle with the base on the life line pointing to the thumb signifies the ability to make easy money. It is important to dispose of them carefully so as not to jinx the favor of fate. This is how it looks:

First Line or Hale

If the first line of the thumb is a chain, there will be financial stability in life. Straight Hale speaks of need:

Phala rekha

The name of the favorite sign of Indian palmists is translated as "rice line". It speaks about the quality of human life. The pronounced phala rekha speaks of the ability to find money in difficult times:

Star on the hill of Jupiter

It is formed by at least five intersecting lines. The sign speaks of big money in the hands of a person:

Second bracelet

The lines on the wrist are called bracelets. The second is responsible for financial stability. If the line breaks, you are having difficulty finding a new job:

What to do. To lure money, expand your professional skills. Explore related areas. A designer is more expensive if he knows the basics of website layout. A lawyer becomes a pro when he follows not only his field. A copywriter will find a job faster if he learns to set up mailing lists.

Letter M

M means mani. And also the desire for development:

Human skin reacts instantly to external interference. And the callus between the little toe on the foot is formed as a protective reaction of the skin to prolonged friction or compression.

The skin of the keratinized cells forms a protective layerprotecting soft layers. If the skin did not respond with such a defensive reaction, then the skin of the feet of a woman who constantly wears tight high-heeled shoes would become covered with bleeding wounds.

Interdigital calluses are of several types: wet, wet, or dry. They begin to form under the influence of many factors. But most often, the appearance of calluses between the fingers is triggered by the following circumstances:

  • prolonged wearing of hard shoes;
  • daily wearing high-heeled shoes;
  • joint diseases;
  • orthopedic problems;
  • crooked fingers;
  • obesity;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular and genitourinary system, leading to edema of the extremities.


The corn between the fourth toe deserves special attention. This is a real problem for those who constantly wear high heels. When wearing such shoes, the little finger is pressed against the neighboring toe all the time. We squeeze the shoes with the fingers, and the effect of friction is aggravated by the lack of ventilation in the interdigital space.

As a result of the process, the skin begins to change and a callus forms on the site.

It is not recommended to remove such calluses on your own, as this can lead to deep injuries or to an inflammatory process. Finding calluses is better make an appointment with a dermatologist and cosmetologistwho will use professional methods to remove growths.

Each of these methods is painless, and in advanced cases, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia. It will be possible to eliminate calluses in just one session without complications and.

These methods include following procedures:

  • Drilling;
  • Laser removal.

Both of these methods are used in difficult advanced cases, and exclude the likelihood of relapse.

Photos of species

Calluses on the legs between the toes in the photo:

Rod therapy

A corn of this type is a hard, dense formation. It has a rounded shape and deep root or core in the center... Outwardly, this seal looks like a hardened area that has a small depression in the center.

It is easy enough to get a core growing corn, but getting rid of it is quite difficult. It is easier to entrust this process to specialists in cosmetology clinics.

Removal methods

Drilling... When conducting a hardware manicure session, a special cutter of the appropriate size is used. With this tool, the corn is carefully removed, while it is necessary to ensure that the cutter does not injure the surrounding tissue and completely removes the corn core.

An incompletely removed stem can restore the callus. After the completion of the procedure, an antiseptic is placed in the cavity that appears;

Laser removal... This method is used in advanced cases. The laser burns the rod along the way, destroying all bacteria. Due to this treatment, the possibility of the development of the inflammatory process is completely excluded;

Cryotherapy... This method is very effective. With its help, the corn is completely removed. The method is based on the treatment of the damaged area with liquid nitrogen, after which a rapid exfoliation of keratinized skin occurs.

It is quite difficult to cope with corn kernels, since they differ in speed.
Now you know how to remove a callus between your fingers so that there is no big problem.

It is not recommended to engage in self-elimination of calluses by mechanical methods, without stretching the legs. Therefore, carefully study our article in order to know how to remove a callus between the toes in this our video will help you.

If you do not exercise, over time, the callus will add pain. Microcracks will begin to appear on the keratinized skin area, and this is fraught with infection and the development of an inflammatory process.


It is possible to prevent the occurrence of interdigital calluses only by starting from the causes of its appearance. You cannot insure yourself from rubbing your feet with new shoes. But so that calluses do not become a constant companion of life, you need to prevent provocative moments and observe foot hygiene.

First of all, you need to choose only high-quality shoes, boots and sandals. They should be made from natural materials and should be appropriate for the size and fullness of the foot. It's good if there is a built-in instep support inside. The heel should be designed to support the foot.

Those who like to walk on stiletto heels should remember that such shoes cannot be worn every day. Just two hours a day can affect the condition of the foot and it is better to change shoes at the first opportunity.

You can't always wear sneakers and sneakers. Shoes for every day should be on solid soles.

For problem feet, it is advisable to use custom-made inserts. And to prevent friction between the toes, it is good to use interdigital insoles made of silica gel.

Don't forget about foot hygiene. Foot care will prevent excessive sweating and the risk of contracting fungal infections.

Pay attention to your general health as well. Watch your weight, eat enough vitamins and collagen, which helps to strengthen the ligamentous apparatus.

With diabetes, it constantly monitors sugar.

If calluses form on your feet all the time, make an appointment with a podiatrist. Often these growths are formed when there are orthopedic problems. The doctor will help you choose the right orthopedic insoles, which will relieve the reappearance of calluses.

Watch again the video on prevention and treatment of calluses on your feet to help you get rid of this problem.

Today I will continue talking about palmistry, and we will turn to the lines of wealth and the signs of money on the hand. In our life, faced with financial difficulties, we often say: "We did not live richly, there is nothing to start." Once again, having heard this well-known saying, I thought about the question: "Why there is nothing?" Isn't a saying a kind of incantation, by uttering which we doom ourselves in advance to a poor, penniless life? After all, to be rich, first of all, to feel that way, with any amount of money.

Let's imagine the following situation: fate has laid in you a potential, having realized which you can gain wealth, and you constantly repeat to yourself: "We did not live richly, there is nothing to start." Thus, you block the opportunity to open to receive cash flow. Often people themselves do not want to do something to change their lives for the better, and sometimes they are simply afraid of failure. And again the question arises: "But how to determine whether fate is destined for me to become rich, maybe it really is not worth starting?" The answer, as you already guessed, will again be looking for in our palms, with the help of fortune telling by hand, in which the ancient science of palmistry will help us.

Knowing yourself, knowing the future and the past by hand, you can learn to read lines, signs on the palms - this is palmistry. The line of wealth, the money triangle, other signs of well-being on the hand, all this set of markers on the palm, together or separately, predict wealth, money.

Wealth line

Wealth line Is an abstract concept. I would like to immediately note that it does not exist as such, but there are several certain features in the palm of your hand, indicating possible circumstances that will lead to wealth, the flow of money into your life. As a rule, this is the direction of the main lines (head, heart, life, destiny) and branches from them, as well as various signs on these lines.

I talked about the main lines on the palms in the article "". After reading it, it will be easier for you to navigate the lines, to find signs of wealth on your hands. Let's turn to one of the main lines in palmistry - life lines. If it is deep, this suggests that its owner has already achieved certain success, he definitely has the potential to get rich.

Also, the branches from it directed clearly upward, towards the fingers, speak of the numerous successes in life. A twig pointing up at the very beginning of this line means extraordinary self-confidence. A person's ability to make informed decisions will tell us such an arrangement of lines in which the life line does not merge with the head line, but passes at a distance of several millimeters. All these qualities are inherent in successful people, and they always know how to make big money.

Plays great importance in determining the potential to get rich line of fate. I have already said that this line is very insidious, it can appear and disappear throughout life, and many do not have it at all. But if you find this line on your hand, it may mean the following:

  • right now, fateful events occur in your life that determine your future destiny;
  • if the line of fate is deep and straight, you are the person who knows how to set goals and is steadily moving towards achieving them, it is this quality that determines wealthy people who have managed to independently achieve financial independence.

Therefore, the presence of this line on the hand itself speaks of a great potential to get rich. For a person doomed to succeed line of fate must be located at a distance from the life line, start from the lunar hillock, be clear, intersect with the heart line, and rest against the end jupiter's hill or Saturn (tubercle under the index or middle finger, respectively).

All these features speak of the inner strength of a person, which he knows how to accumulate to achieve maximum financial results. He is a professional in his field, has a high social status and wealth, at least he has everything to get the above achievements.

A person's versatile abilities and talents often help him achieve success and material well-being - this will be indicated by a double or even triple line of fate. When it starts at the same point with the line of life, success will come thanks to exclusively personal achievements, the merits of a person. A fork at its end means a prosperous, rich old age.

If one day you find yourself disappearing lines of fate, be prepared for the fact that you will lose your goal, and with it your money. It can also mean the loss of a monetary job.

Thin branches from the line of fate or life aimed at mound of mercury (under the little finger) or on jupiter's mound (under the index finger), often called the scoop of wealth. Moreover, the clearer and deeper these lines are, the more wealth and money will come into your life.

When the twig comes to mound of Saturn (under the middle finger), the desired money can only be obtained with the help of persistent, heavy monotonous work. When the twig comes to Apollo (a bump under the ring finger), money will flow like a river due to the disclosure of a person's abilities and talent. The twig rests against Mercury (bump under the little finger) get super profit in commerce or with the help of science.

There are signs of wealth on mind lines (heads). The line extending from it to the index finger (Jupiter) speaks of self-confidence, which leads to the achievement of the set goal, including the achievement of material well-being and stability.

If the twig is directed to the little finger (Mercury), a person succeeds in risky financial transactions, when it is clear that one can judge the clearly expressed entrepreneurial, commercial vein of its owner.

There are signs on heart lines. A sign similar to a fork, pointing its ends towards the index finger, determines the high social status of a person. People in such a position cannot be poor by themselves. The upward branches are also a positive factor in wealth.

The human brain acts as an artist who writes lines on the palms. The main lines during his life, as a rule, he does not have to correct, which cannot be said about the more subtle minor lines, various branches, signs. He regularly corrects them, depending on the upcoming and past events in a person's life.

Wealth and money triangle

So-called money triangle, palmistry describes as one of the powerful signs for identifying wealth. We will look for him in the very center of the palm. A triangle-shaped figure formed by the main head and fate linesintersecting with each other and an additional line that closes the triangle.

It should be explicit, not blurry, closed. By its size, one can judge the amount of money, of course, the larger the size, the larger the state. When such a sign appears on both hands at once, then wealth in your life is simply inevitable. Triangle within a triangle is a great sign of a successful investor.

Let's consider a situation when a triangle is formed only from the lines of the head and fate, it is not closed by an additional line. Such a ratio of lines can mean only one thing, your money gradually floats away from you, they do not increase, and, in the end, you can lose them completely.

Other signs of wealth and money on hand

If suddenly, examining the hand of a rich person, you do not find the above markers of wealth, then you should not be alarmed, since there are several more signs of wealth and money on the hand, indicating the potential to live a comfortable life. Be sure to watch your fingers. These are the most mobile parts of the hands that primarily respond to signals from our brain. That is why they carry a lot of information about a person's character, thoughts, emotions.

Take a look at little finger... Its size plays a role here. The owner of the long little finger (aka finger of Mercury), the length of which reaches the first joint b ring finger (Apollo finger), that is, almost to his nail plate, knows how to make money, from almost everything he touches. This is a very favorable currency.

The less finger of mercury, so the chances of a large income decrease with its size. If the little finger is unusually small and doesn't even reach the first knuckle of Apollo's finger, that's even worse. This man does not have an innate commercial acumen. He does not know how to discern the benefits, does not see opportunities, often runs a business at a loss, or spends much more than he earns.

If you take a closer look at the mound of Mercury, you can also find some banknotes there. Short vertical lines under it indicate constant cash receipts, and the clearer the lines, the greater the income.

Another technique that allows you to understand how a person knows how to manage and increase his money is closed fingers. If there are gaps, gaps between your fingers, money flows through your fingers, you do not know how to properly dispose of money, so they do not stay with you. And vice versa, if the fingers are tightly closed without forming gaps, you are an excellent financier who, even without proper education, manages funds competently, knows how to not only save, but also multiply them.

Star - these are several crossed lines, in itself a very good sign indicating a rich person, wherever she is. If you find it on the hill of Jupiter (under the index finger) - this is a good warning of satisfied ambition, a sign of honor, happy love, destiny for great deeds, unexpected prosperity, wealth.

An inheritance or unexpected hand win

Getting an inheritance or winning the lottery is easy money that everyone dreams of. Getting rich unexpectedly without making any effort is not so common, but still there is a chance. And it can also be found on the palm of your hand. To do this, let's pay attention to the life line.

Easy money is one or more triangles, which are directed to the thumb, and the basis for them is the life line itself. If you break this line by date, you can determine at what age unexpected wealth will fall on you. Such signs can also indicate a profitable marriage, marriage.

A small but clear line between the ring finger and the little finger indicates inheritance. These signs are extremely rare. If you are the owner of such a sign, then you are incredibly lucky. You are a darling of fate, there are easy money in your life. Try to use the gift of fate wisely.

On which hand to look for wealth and money?

If you look at the palms of the right and left hands separately, you can see a big difference. The skin patterns on the hands tend to differ, to a greater or lesser extent. That is why you cannot take into account only the drawings of one palm. In order to make accurate predictions, palmists always examine both hands, first of all the left, after the right. And here's why: the drawing of the left palm appears even at the stage of the embryo in the womb and practically does not change throughout life.

This is due to the fact that the left palm is the carrier of the program inherent in us, which must be realized while living this earthly life. The right palm, on the contrary, during life constantly undergoes changes under the influence of our real actions, emotions, experiences, reflects our inner world at a given moment in time, showing the future in accordance with our choice. That is why the pattern on the right palm changes over the years. For lefties, the opposite is true.

If, after examining your palms, you find that the lines as a whole do not differ, this indicates that your life corresponds to the program that is laid in you, most likely you have excellent intuition, an unknown voice from above always shows you the right path. In order to avoid mistakes, palmists carefully study the discrepancies on both hands, since this is what helps to give the correct forecast about fate, to suggest how to proceed.

In conclusion, I would like to say that wealth, before it manifests itself in real life, arises on the subtle planes of our consciousness. The manifestation of spiritual wealth is connected with the wealth of the material world.

Form images and thoughts in the right direction, feel rich, act even if you have not found the signs indicating wealth. Observing these rules in a short time, you will see the cherished signs in the palm of your hand. And remember, you should start living richly at any time, because human possibilities are endless!

Ring finger - finger Suns(also called a finger Apollo) - defines an important position in life: he legitimizes the social position of the owner, since a wedding ring is put on this finger.

If a ring finger(fig. 24-4) equal in length indicative(Fig. 24-2), then the person has a balanced and self-confident character.

Figure: 24. Ring finger

Figure: 25. Nameless (A) and little finger (B)

A very long finger, almost equal to the middle finger, indicates the player: in love, money matters, in life. Such a person cannot live without worry. The short ring finger shows that ambitious aspirations prevail in the character, the artistic and cultural side of life is left aside. This person is always on the wave of success.

If he leans towards averagefinger is evidence of emotional immaturity and an unrealistic approach to love.

The smooth and tapered 4th finger is characteristic of artists, singers, and poets. Smooth Spade Finger - Ability in arts and crafts. If the third, lower, joint is especially long, then the ability to sculpture.

If the 2nd finger detachedfrom the 3rd finger (Fig. 24-A), then the person will be independent in making their decisions the more, the greater the interval between them.

If the fingers are fused together, then the dependence of the fingers Jupiterand Saturnwill be lost and dependent on the environment, and the properties of these two fingers will affect the interpretation of each of them. In this case, Fig. 24-B shows the connection of the 3rd and 4th fingers, which determines their dependence and lack of independence in decision-making. But the little finger, separated from the ring finger (Fig. 24-B), will more accurately express the interpretation of its properties and the independence of the decisions made.

The firstfinger joint Suns(Fig. 25-AI) characterizes the creative aspirations of a person, spiritual uplift; second(fig. 25-AII) - mental perception, resourcefulness; third(Fig. 25-AIII) - a practical activity in the field of art, an ordinary goal or material interest, profit and earnings. Too thick or too long a joint gives reason to assume the predominant development of one of the sides of the character, which is always bad, since only with a general harmony of the values \u200b\u200bof all these elements is optimal development of the personality obtained. If one of the joints is too small or undeveloped (for example, does not bend), then you can expect some kind of character flaws.

Interestingly, people with sharp namelessfingers, having musical abilities, are often unable to master the technique of playing well and do not become virtuosos.

With a knotty and angular finger - excessive precision and punctuality.

A sympathetic person with a noble heart namelessthe finger is smooth and beautiful.

Figure: 26. Variants of hands and fingers: 1 - rough type of hand and fingers; 2 - philosophical hand; 3 - artistic hand; 4 - shovel-shaped

Curvaturea finger indicates variability and a hard heart.

Verticalthe lines on the second joint portend great honors and little money.

Crosson the first joint portends extreme poverty.

Latticehappens to those who make their way with their elbows, and characterize fussiness, delusion, desire for glory.

Namelessand little fingerare thick and slightly curved towards the middle by elementaryhand (Fig. 26-1). It is a ribbed strong palm, often with rough toes and slightly blunt tops. Shows tenacity, a sense of duty and order, sometimes bordering on selfishness. If the finger is small, the person is prone to pedantry.

Philosophicalhand (Fig. 26-2) - a hand of large and medium size, fingers a little knotty. The upper phalanges of the fingers are half square, half conical and resemble a rounded egg shape. The thumb is large, which speaks of both will and logical ability.

When both joints of the thumb on the hand are the same length and width, this indicates an even development of power of judgment and will. Fingertips Sunsand Mercurynarrow - the ability to accurately weigh, calculate, analyze, shows a love of poetry. The combination of these qualities is the ability for metaphysics, philosophy.

Artistic(conical) hand (Fig. 26-3) with tapered fingers and elongated nails. Fingers Sunsand Mercury,like other fingers, almost straight. If such a hand is short, thick and the thumb is strongly developed on it, a person strives to become rich, happy and famous. He is cunning and can make cunning plans. The owner of such a hand is characterized by inspiration, aversion to mechanical and regular work. His feelings prevail over reason. He often does, and then thinks, does not reflect and is content with the outer side of life. He judges people by their clothes, the decor in the house. He dreams of freedom, loves rest, change in everything, looks for new acquaintances, he cannot live in one place for a long time.

Figure: 27. Fingers: 1 - spade-shaped; 2 - rectangular; 3 - pointed

Easily addicted, sometimes eccentric, superficial and inconsistent in love, does not obey the monotonous regime of family life. He does not have firm moral principles, demands more and more entertainment, pleasures, is not moderate in pleasures. This is an artistic nature, living only for the sake of art and for their own satisfaction. He has a penchant for sensuality, artistic talent and fantasy. He pays little attention to the usual canons and prejudices, emotional nature.

On the shovel-shapedhand (fig. 26-4) fingers Sunsand Mercurywell developed. Such a person is characterized by decisiveness, self-awareness. He makes great demands on life, can refuse excesses. He is characterized by: a practical mind, love of activity, diligence, rough work not to his liking, chooses a craft that does not require much strength. Differs in loyalty, constancy in love, but not because of a lack of impressionability, but out of habit and a sense of duty. Shows love for comfort, shine.

When analyzing the hand, pay attention to the fingertips, which will correct your conclusion about the finger. Recall shovel-shapedfingers (Fig. 27-1) indicate the predominance of passions over the mind; rectangularfingers (Fig. 27-2) indicate the predominance of reason. Their owners are theoreticians rather than practitioners, preferring precision and perfection of things - their size and beauty. Pointedfingers (Fig. 27-3) - a sign of idealism and striving for the sublime.

Little finger, or finger Mercury, characterizes a person's abilities and his relationship with loved ones, while namelessfinger, or finger Suns, defines idealism, art, joy and light of life. If a little fingertwisted or damaged (for example, missing a nail), this indicates a lack of idealism, joy ("there is no sun in life"). Such a finger is observed in serious criminals.

The shape of the little finger indicates an attitude towards art and an understanding of it.

For example, smoothand conicalsingers and poets have a little finger, smoothbut angularmore characteristic of pianists or people who have devoted themselves to music theory or teaching in the field of art. Angularfinger Sunstypical for writers, journalists, writers.

All that has been said about the forms of smooth pinkyincreases with a tapered or artistic hand, with a developed and pointed bigfinger and delicate soft skin of the hand. The perception of beauty and artistry of nature in this case reaches a higher development.

Have pinkyelongated 1st joint - love of science and eloquence, 2nd - a penchant for commerce, 3rd - cunning and dexterity.

Depending on the shape and development of the toe Mercurythe ability in science, trade, industry, independence, dexterity in business, organizational and public speaking skills, as well as honesty are determined. If the little finger is curved, then in a man this indicates a predisposition to sexual and mental weakness. If a woman has a crooked little finger, then this is often a sign of an abnormal position of the uterus.

When squarefinger shape Mercurya person has organizational and commercial abilities, a desire for learning and for exact science. Conicaland acutelittle finger - striving for mysticism and occultism. Shovel-shapedlittle finger, in the presence of other negative signs and lines, is a tendency to lie and theft.

Low rise pinkyshows that a person in childhood had serious problems with one of the parents or both at once. The difficult nature of one of the parents can harm the child. Surprisingly, such children, as adults, often marry people with the same difficult character as this parent, and those who come from an alcoholic family are likely to connect their fate with people prone to alcoholism. Children whose parents suffered from nervous disorders are likely to find spouses with similar disorders. There are many cases that support this crazy theory.

Far Lagging Pinkyon both hands - this is a sign of emotional or sexual problems tormenting a person. If there is a significant distance between namelessfinger and pinkybecomes obvious, then an almost unmistakable diagnosis can be made: a person has experienced a divorce, or is an unhappy lover, or he has sexual disorders. The unconscious habit of keeping the little fingers set aside disappears with the disappearance of problems, but it can also worsen with their aggravation. In ancient books, palmists dubbed the properties of the little finger as "the propensity for independent action." Little fingers that are far behind are found in those who long for the deceased (for example, a family member).

The beginning chirologist at first encounters difficulties in determining the types of fingers. To distinguish spadeit is possible along the extended or, as it were, its split end. Shovel-shapedfingers are often flattened, crushed at the ends. Pure type conicaland pure type angularor squarefingers are very rare, often only approaching one of them. Therefore, the correct character of a person lies between these two types.

If you are a parent and you have difficulties in relationships with children, or you are in love and not everything goes well with your beloved, or you are unable to maintain friendly relations for a long time, then your reasons for failure can tell little finger- finger Mercury, he is also responsible for the emotional and sexual characteristics of a person.

Normal little fingerreaches the fold line of the first, upper phalanx namelessfinger. If a little fingera little shorter, a person may face some problems, but if it is much shorter, the person will have serious problems, for example, frequent infidelity, family conflicts. Make sure to little fingerreally short, not regular length, just very low set.

Often little fingersset slightly lower. Finger Mercurycan be classified as low-set if it is clearly visible, especially when the fingers are slightly spread out. Low set little fingerusually does not reach the fold line of the upper phalanx of the adjacent toe - this is because of its low fit, and not because it is short.

If the distance between little fingerand namelessfinger is more than twice the distance between the rest of the fingers, such little fingerconsidered far behind. The shorter distance does not really matter.

People with shortlittle fingerare quite common. Even as adults, they behave like teenagers, and all their troubles come from this. A person is inclined to overreact emotionally to any resentment or irritation. If romantic and friendly relationships end quickly and are not enjoyable, the reason for your character is most likely determined by a short little finger.

The predictions are all the more likely if the listed signs and types of fingers are on both hands. What to do if you have flaws in your character? All of them are correctable with the participation of willpower, awareness of their capabilities, self-education, logic and correct conclusions from their own and others' mistakes.

This is an overview of information on chirologyfinish and go to palmistrybut by namelessi want to add a curious feature to my finger.

As you know, the little finger is associated with independence, and the distance between the little finger and the ring finger is responsible for the ability to act independently. If this distance is greater on the working hand, then the person is now more independent than in the past, if, on the contrary, he is more dependent. In addition to independence, the wide distance between the fingers indicates that a person strives to be different from others and stand out from the crowd.

You should also compare the distance between the index and middle fingers and the ring finger and the little finger, this will help you learn about the contradictions and difficulties, usually temporary. If the distance between the little finger and the ring finger is less, such a person follows the others or acts without thinking everything through to the end. If the distance between the other two fingers is less, the person makes decisions on his own, but he acts contrary to them. In addition to independence, the large distance between the ring finger and the little finger can indicate difficulties in relationships.In combination with the very high hill of Venus, this indicates that a person is preoccupied with intimate relationships: in the imagination or looking for them in reality. If this distance is greater than the distance between the other fingers, such a person, according to the palmist and writer Roz Levine, "thinks and speaks like a capricious child."

If there is practically no gap between the ring finger and the little finger, this indicates difficulties in communication. If the little finger is found on the ring finger, its owner may suffer from hidden shyness or dependence on other people.

The little finger of medium length reaches the tip of the first joint of the ring finger (connecting the upper and middle phalanx). The length of the finger indicates the versatility of its owner and how much he strives for self-improvement. The latter quality stems from the desire to become better, and not from the realization of one's own shortcomings.

A long little finger indicates the ability to use verbal and non-verbal forms of expression. Such a person is very good at imitating others. In addition, a long little finger is a sign of a diligent and scholarly person. The little finger, equal in length to the middle finger, belongs to a person with outstanding ability in science.

The little finger, equal in length to the index finger, indicates tact and diplomacy. If the little finger is equal to the ring finger, its owner is versatile and has a strong influence on other people. In addition to these qualities, a person with a long pinky is inherent in caution, skepticism, cunning and optimism.

A short - shorter than usual - little finger usually indicates difficulties in verbal expression of thoughts or in the intimate sphere. However, he may testify only to some isolation or weak emotionality. A short little finger can belong to a person who is excitable and hasty, who jumps to conclusions without fully understanding the circumstances of the case. Due to the rush, he can sometimes seem a little rude. Also, the owner of a short pinky does not differ in a variety of hobbies and the ability to fully concentrate on one thing.