Conspiracies for a strong family and love in the house. Conspiracies for family protection for good relations

Conspiracies from conflicts in the family

From the permanent sorry in the family

From quarrels and offense

From hostility between relatives

For the love of mother-in-law

Forever and ever. Amen.

Reads three times at dawn:

Torture with love

So that the husband's hands dissolve

Whisper on the threshold of the house:

neither before nor ass.

Pick up her husband with a mistress

Returns husband in the family

Seven-weeks Mother Mother, comforter, pacifier. Usmy slave of God (her husband's name), and me, Lord, give patience, and my soul, salvation. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From the permanent sorry in the family

Take a mature carrot and put it with the root up. Botto with carrots pre-cut. When landing, whispered plot:

When the carrot is changed to the place, only then my family is collapsed.

Do three times women's Days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) With any interruption.

From quarrels and offense

I read this prayer-conspiracy every time something will not be charged in the house:

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and Nestlodelo Marie, Mati Our and the intercession! At the Heavenly, the Esi living, we are already catching up for us, help us in our hardness. I put us either in a husband and wife, a crown of a humanist, and the commandment to the sorrow and in joy to live with each other, Aki Angels of the Heavenly Your Inspectorate in the sky, they will not swear, it is not dilated in themselves.

The grace of your people are comforting, the victim of Svodelo Marie is delighted, the angels of your singing will die! Give us peace and peace forever in the eyelids, giving us a long and loyalty to the pigeon, so that love was alone and Nicoliko resentment and studs, and Nicoliko discord and bad.

Our worship over Chads, and give them peace and peace forever and prone their years to the old age in deep and do not let them down with them for nerazumy them. Usmy heart and send them on the way true, not false, Yako, the Lord of our souls. And giving home to our world and peace forever. And fence us from Tata night, daytime, morning and boring, and from the evil of man, and from the eye of the foolish, and from the thoughts of heavy.

Do not bring, Lord, our Molon Heavenly, Nor Earth Fire. Save and save, fence from seals and misfortune.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, God, holy, have a lot of us and do not let you go into the whisen of the appeal, but bring the light to the light with the light inequate. Buda with us forever and centuries. Amen.

It will be even better if you revet it from your hand and put in a secret place where you have holy water and church candles.

From hostility between relatives

This conspiracy will help to gain peace and in parental Houseand in where you are your happiness with your loved one. And there, and there, family quarrels are a terrible thing. There may be a lot of reasons: maybe someone envied and smoothed the world in your family; Or maybe you are just too tired of each other. Whatever the reason, the conspiracy will help.

He is done on a young moon. First you need to fast for a week. You can use bread, boiled vegetables and porridge without milk and butter, drink only water. How will this week be held, at night pinched unnamed finger on the left hand, and then leave three drops of blood from it under the threshold of your house with outside And whisper a plot:

There is an Earthworms in the land-valley: without windows and bars, without any doors, full of bones and all sorts of power. Her shoves, not a woman and not a widow. She rods, knits. Who will curse my family, he will punish himself. How does the egg stone, the cat does not give birth to a mare, the mare will not give birth to a pig, so it will not be touched by the pileyana neither me nor my family. I speak the seven locks, I close my seven keys. Wrench of fish in the mouth. Who will ask me the coffin, he will take him. Forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Then close the door, check the key in the lock the key seven times and burn it over the church candle, reading over it "Our Father" nine times.

After that, the world will reign in the house and grace.

For the love of mother-in-law

Conspiracy is made with a growing moon on sweets that mother-in-law loves: gingerbread, candy, cookies:

As a son of God's Slava (name) Mil and love, so I will be a slave of God (name) Mila, and in the heart, and in the blood, the love of the mother, from that day and the eternal not to be offended by me, and I do not To offend, forgive me, sorry me, read me, give me, learn, and not to teach, praise, and not scold. As she said, so it will be! Key. Mouth. Lock.

Forever and ever. Amen.

Having read this conspiracy, cross the feeding for mother-in-law and leave on kitchen tableSo that she found everything in the morning. Go to sleep and sleep and nine times read ours "Father".

If the scandalous and jealous mother-in-law does not live with you, there is another trick as the world with it to support. Before it comes, we need to wash the floors, but not simple water, but special. It is necessary to add three pinching salts and ash from the burned aspen field so that they attract an anger against themselves.

The mother-in-law will pass in the clean floor and wants to go to the clumsy, but it will not work for her. After her care, be sure to wash the floor ordinary waterSo that all anger, which is on the floor of the villagers, washed off.

For reconciliation between husband and wife

Reads three times at dawn:

I will not pray, I'm not blessing, I do not bless not the door, not a gate, but a smoky window, and a basement log, I will put a hat under the filling, under the heels, not on the cheese of the earth, yes in black chobot; And in that chosen run, I'm in the Dark Forest, on a Big Oztery; In the outbreak, the cheating is floating, in that cheating sits the devil with draws; I'm with a hood in the shame with under the height of the head.

What are you, the devil, are you sitting in the cheating with your devil? You are sitting, the shame, away by the face of their devil; If you, the devil, to the people in the ash region, saw, the graft, their devil to that in the bearer, not like you, the devil with their devils live people peacefully, love each other, they love strangers.

You, the devil, led, the devil, so that she, the devils, dissolve the volost; As she lived with you in the cheerful, it would not live (the name of the well done) with his wife in the bearer. So that the servant of God (name) did not hate the slave of God (name). Not sitting, not approaching, I would leave his hatred of everything from heart, and his wife from his body so that she pleases him and did not oppose him with his beauty, would not disappear to him all the body.

How hard it will be to retreat from you how easy it is to get a hat from the ignition to you, the shame, keep the cap in the october, from the fish, from the fisherman, from the evil sorcerer, so that they could not eat fish, nor a fisherman, nor the evil sorcerer to breathe on the world And on the way.

Torture with love

If you constantly, without any reasons, quarrel with your second half, do not find mutual understanding, this ritual for you. Three spells spell, five, seven or nine times, with a buried blue wax candleWhen you cook dinner, dinner or brew a cup of morning coffee (tea):

If I, the servant of God (name), I do something wrong, forgive me. If you, the servant of God (the name of the man) do something wrong, I forgive you. Let tenderness and love settle in our house, and quarrels and heart problems will disappear forever! In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit will be so from now before the century. Amen.

Whenever reading a conspiracy, give a candle to burn completely, and how it will get out, this moment can not be missed in any case, whisper on the last smack:

SWARE, scandals, black shmaras were pressed, the Lord Wonderworth where they went. Amen.

So that the husband's hands dissolve

This conspiracy is made on door hinges. All over the apartment you need loops to lubricate with oil or fat so that the doors revealed silently. To each loop, you need to attach a small piece of conspired red string. And turns the thread with such words:

To the east, I wonder, Jesus Christ worship, I'll throw back to the dreamroom to the knight's knives: "Jesus Christ and Nabdowelo Marie, cool my stood and sadness, teach Mavo cute in the world with me to live-be, I am honored, to poke me, to love Grief and sadness not to know. " The word is my hard. Roth - castle. Forever and ever. Amen.

Speaking a string and tied them on the door loops, each loop of that crossbow and "our father" nine times read.

There is another way to make her husband stop spreading hands. You need to take a rope that the hands of the dead man were connected, dip it into the water, let her die for three days and three nights, then get the rope and throw away, and a little of that water to make a drink to her husband. Only, first, the water is the crossbow and over it nine times "ours" read.

So that the husband will come down and kind

Whisper on the threshold of the house:

Holy Father Mikola, do not go today (name) at home. You will come tomorrow, will be the will of yours. Amen. Amen. Amen.

I have loyalty to print, no one can take this seal:

neither hands nor plotted words;

neither sealing spell nor tearsky curse;

neither the gray grandfather nor the cunning slave;

neither a leader nor an evil sorcerer;

neither Shaman nor a cunning deception;

neither clear eyes nor black curls;

neither white breasts nor adammed garden;

neither before nor ass.

My seal is not broken, the slave (name) is not lured, I will not change the centuries in the eyelids. Ax to him to admire how fire, treason fear. As a breast crying to the child, the mother shouts the foals.

Nobody will not rise between us, only one thing can separate: if one of us will die, with you the seal will take.

Angels, Archangels, Stick Take, we carry me.

Age on the century, from now on and dr. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

It is worth staging that this plot helps only his wife or bride. The mistress of a married man who took advantage of this plot can cruelly pay.

Pick up her husband with a mistress

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord, bless, Christ!

I will stand, blessing, I will go, cross, out of doors doors, from the gate of the gate, go out into the clean field, I will see in the eastern side: with the east side the morning dawn rises, the red sun turns out.

And even if I, the slave of God (name), I will be the beautiful red sun, the white of the bright month, the rosy of the morning and the dawn of the evening, the most beautiful white light, the whole world of Orthodox.

How all the Orthodox Christians look at the Red Sunshine, on the White Light, they would look like all the good items on me, the slave of God (name), and worship me, and would be ascended by their eyes; And I could not my husband, the slave of God (name) without me to live, nor be nor the game to start.

Be, my words, strong and durable. Key, castle. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Returns husband in the family

I'll take the heart of the slave of God (name), I won on the icy kingdom to the ice kingdom, in an extreme state.

So that the servant of God (name) did not love his wife (name), his heart cooled his heart, did not wear it in his heart. In the ice kingdom, in the cold state there is an icebreak, in the ice wall, ice window, ice furnace.

Damn the hell is fighting, bleeding, they do not think blood, the Duma does not think, the tips do not advise. So would be the slave of God (name) with the slave of God (name) fought and threw it, he was angry and swore, the Duma would not have thought, the advice did not advise. Age on the ages from now on the trick. Amen.

From the letter:

"If possible, help at least advice, though good word. My husband and I married the eighth year, the man is good, kind, but terribly lazy. Does not want to learn (at thirty years - secondary education) in order to further find a well-paid job. My salary is twice as much more, he does not want to search for additional work, despite the fact that he has such an opportunity (a day works, and three sites sits). Three years ago we bought a mortgage apartment without interior decoration, promised to make the repair itself. He all works well, for which he will take, but the trouble is that he quickly burns out, and I have to finish everything. And all he is "not hunting"! I am very tired to do everything myself. "

You should resort to the help of such an old conspiracy:

The Lord of Flour, bless the hands of the slave of God (name)
For any praying, orality and patience,
For every craft, at home work:
On the plowing in the field, kob, thump,
In the mountain carry, from the mountain of the break,
Build, dig, knit brazing, remove dirt,
Wash clothes, mushrooms, berries to collect,
Pick up, saline, paint, blot,
Prick, chop, saw, drop,
Posts of the shoes, prey to the house carry.
And you, laziness of the slave of God (name),
Go to the old stump
There you live your age
There you always be
From the slave of God (name) forever to lag behind.

If the husband spends more time with your friends than with you

From the letter:

"My civilian husband is all the time with friends, says that there is nothing to do at home. I already live with him for four years: neither weddings, no children ... And where friends are there and drunks. The guy is young, I love him and regret I understand that if I broke, he will disappear. Is there a conspiracy so that he does not run from the house, but took up better creation families?"

Take a handful of black poppy, read a special plot over it and throw away your threshold. Conspiracy Next:

Do not be called - do not go.
Zarya Morning magnitude,
Dawn day orders
Zarya evening chasing,
Dawn night from friends buried. Amen.

So that the husband does not live sister's mind

From the letter:

"Tell me, please, conspiracy that could help in my case. The fact is that my husband lives in a pointer of his sister. Here again, he gathered to buy it, and after her visits, every time scandals happen!"

Go to the temple. How to hear the bell punch, cross and tell me:

Like you, bell, beat, hit,
So you, the slave of God (name), do not kill
It is necessary for me, God's soul,
And over my body with your black business.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If you were knighted in forgiveness Sunday

From the letter:

"Misunderstanding happened: we were knightened with my husband for forgiveness Sunday. They offended each other, said bad words. What to do now?"

In a forgiveness, Sunday can not be swearing with anyone. If this happened, then to avoid trouble, first read the prayer, and then a special conspiracy.


Hope to all the end of the Earth, the prechile devo, Mrs. Virgin, consolation of our! Do not be threshing us, sinners, you hope for your Bo mercy: Failure burning in us Sinflage and repentance of the Faces of the Hearts Outlook, to cleanse our mind from sinful thoughts, accepts to you from the heart and heart with a sink. Budy about us, Guodatais to your son and God, and turn the anger by his mother's prayers. The showerful and bodies of the ulcers, the Lord of Ladychitsa, the quench of the soul and telecons, the comfort of the evil attacks of the enemy, deceo the burden of our sins, and do not leave us until the end of the souls, and the sadness of the crushed hearts. Yes, Slavima to the last emitting of our.


God created the sky, God created the earth,
I created everything that is.
Created the devil evil and revenge.
Lord, sorry, Lord, Save,
Lord, Homes and Rolim.
I bump, I wonder, I repent.
Father, yes passes me a bowl of evil,
Yes, the soul will not suffer for the wrong business.
Do not punish, Lord, my briginal body.
Lord, sorry, Lord, Rolim
From death terrible and in vain,
From the gun, sword and knife, from the dungeon, water and fire.
Lord, save, save and merry me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Conspiracy in the field in the family

From the letter:

"Help me save the family. The mother-in-law with her daughter set up her husband against me. He works a week a week later and spends every free week from mother in the village. I do not mind to go there, but not to the detriment of your own family! And my daughter Do not go there, we remain in Kiev. We almost do not see it, and it goes to the divorce. Tell me, please, what can I do so that my feelings have a value for a husband and that he finally forget about the old house? "

So that the husband fondly loved you and never wanted to leave, read this plot over his shoes:

Oh you, two - a couple,
You will go with the owner,
Take away you my dear.
Foot foot stuff
Do not know with other love
Walk you, go around,
But to your home come back,
To me, to his wedded wife,
God's slave (name).
Let it be burned for me,
Rest on the heart did not know
I would notice and wander,
In thoughts and memory held
In everything he was inferior and he took on the soul,
Minutes, seconds considered
In a dream, my name called.
How swans are being conducted,
To death do not part,
Love each other, regret
Offend friend do not dare
That would be so my husband read me,
In all earthly affairs inferior.
And who will interfere with us,
That conspiracy will get it.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Conspiracy from family scandals

From the letter:

"I have a lot of your books, and your recommendations helped me in life. But now I have to ask you for help, because I just don't know what to do. My daughter has lived with a young man and last summer came out. married him. They live in separate apartment. Almost before the wedding itself, they began quarrels. And when they arrived from a wedding trip, he asked her to go to his parents, that is, to us. Then they, though, were recalled. And so in less than a year they converged and diverged three times. Now the daughter lives with us again. Her husband became very rude, unbeatable, terribly jealous, shouting all the time. No matter how tried the daughter to establish relationships with him, everything ends with a cry. I really hope that you will tell you how to help her. "

Let your daughter go to the forest, will find there dry wood, causing his belt on his branch and says:

How this branch dries, buys,
So let my husband, the slave of God (name),
For me dries, suffering,
Not one minute of peace does not know
Misses me and go to me
Does not swear with me and does not stick.
My words are fast, strong, irrehensible,
Not a single prayer is dissociated.
Who is all the water in the ocean-sea sneak,
Who is the sea sand on one sandstinke will move
Who dew over the belt belt
Only that is mine strong plot Run.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Conspiracy from Lita hostility

From the letter:

"My grandmother on the mother line was cursed by parents when she got married. I am in many ways I repeat her fate. For example, my grandmother knew how to treat people (I learned about it from my mother), and I have a certain kind of ability. But the worst thing is that My mom also cursed me when I got married, and continues to curse to this day. Only now I don't get one, and my son. I started using your conspiracies, but in my stupidity told about this mom. How did she get angry - Not to convey words.

In general, I would like to tell you a little about my mom. She is unresolved and angry when I buy candles or go to church.

Married to my father, she came out to be called a married cavalier who could not divorce because of the fact that in those days the divorce put the cross on his career. (He was in high rank.) The marriage of her, of course, collapsed. I have always been the cause of all the troubles and remain so to this day. I and the charm raised from the witchcraft of blood relatives, and reported herself from curses - everything did, as you were taught. But I'm tired of this war, and sorry Son. I live far from my mother, in another country, but the son is nearby, and he constantly has to communicate with her. How do I once and forever put an end to this horror? "

In the morning and in the evening, read a special conspiracy over twelve candles. There is a conspiracy as follows:

Lord, bless.
From the throne to the temple,
To the most royal gates, she walked an angel.
In the gate stand God's Mother
And Mikhail Arkhangel.
Holds the Virgin Sword and Sable:
The sword is angry kill,
Sabley is excised.
Put, Lord, the world in place
In the hearts of slaves of God (names).
Strengthen the world, peace
Rightly closed gates,
And the key, the Lord, throw in the swamp.
Ae, Esm, Age, An, Abu, Ali!
Mother of God, bless.
Lord Jesus Christ
Orders, led in the world to live and be peace.
Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

There are conspiracies, so that everyone felt in the family. Family is "Seven I", all your people should be. And it happens, the unclean is so mocking, which is their own on their own and are brought. As if the reason is just looking for how to clutch. If you feel that something is not something, somehow do not have a relationship, immediately make a conspiracy on the family on the water and make it written. Do not run the situation, and then the sin will not be wrapped.

To be in the family peace and road

On the growing moon, it is better every month, it is necessary for the family in the family such a conspiracy on the family. You need to read it early until everyone is sleeping. To dial into the cup of water consecrated in the church, stand up by the window and say such words, looking at the water:

The sun rose, the morning came, God was awakened, everyone was surprised and delighted. Let it be in the family of slaves of God (names) grace, and there are no quarrels and discords here. My word is tough, lopko. As stated, so it will be. Amen.

After that, spray kitchen all, threshold, and then so that no one saw, all windows in the apartment.

So that relatives did not catch and have not reread each other

If there is a nervous person in the family who constantly swears with everyone, ducklings, then you need to read such a plot. The moon should be flawed. Take the water consecrated in the church, pour it into a glass and, stand early, approach the window with water in your hands and say so:

The river does not splash, the star does not shine, the moon does not swing, the slave of God (name) is not watered. Does not grumble, does not shout, hands do not wave. The soul rests him, the malice does not know. Sleep, sleep, in the doors, in the windows, in the walls, sleep quietly, there is no lich and psycho. Amen. Amen. Amen.

And then take something from the clothes of that nervous person, better what he sleeps, wet in that water and dry. And then make sure that he put the thing for himself.

To calm down who goes out

For this conspiracy, water will be needed, taken from three houses, families, that is. Make it to someone who reversed the whole family. From this conspiracy, a person is calm. You need to do it on a decreasing moon. In the evening, when it is dark, go to the place in the house where no one will see and interfere with the water to pour water to the jar and read the words such:

Do not thunder thunder in winter, and you, the heart of the slave of God (name), not Noah. Do not shame and do not shout. Fish is silent? Silent. And you, the slave of God (name), silent. Syed, anger, like sand in the water. Be, the servant of God (name), always always and everywhere. Lord Jesus Christ, hind him. Amen. Amen. Amen.

This water must be pouring a patient in drink, but not in alcohol. So nine evenings in a row.

From the young sorry

If young often quarrel, then they can help them. This family conspiracy should read the eldest relative, the mother of someone from the young. It is necessary on the growing moon to gain water key or in the church of the water consecrated, pour it into a jar and early in the morning, at the dawn, get up with that water at the window so that no one has seen. Read these words:

As a fish can not live without water, so would God of God (name) could not live without slave of God (name). These words will be included in the Belo breast and white body, and on the regulatory heart. And they would not be able to live without each other, and there would be no strength to separate them. As a dove with a dove worship, it would be a slave of God (name) with the slave of God (name) has lived the whole century, they did not quarrel, but were friends. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

This water on the same day pour young people in drink so that both drank, and then be sure to spy the bed where young people sleep.

Fish in the sea are silent, do not swear, they are not cling to each other, let my husband, the servant of God (name), would not have swore, did not scandal, and I would not cling to me. Be my words strong and modeling from now on and dr. Amen.

Then spray a clean towel, leave it overnight, so that he dried, and in the morning, give her husband so that he wrap them when he will wash it out.

From quarrels of spouses

Have to take river sand a little, rolling it as follows in a pan and flowing water Pour in glass jar, It is possible from the crane. Do all this on a decreasing moon. Put a jar with water to the windowsill, put the sand and read such words:

Christ walked along the shore, on the shore of the sea, under his feet, he had a light sand, the sea was clean, over him - the sky is clear, there is no tucci, nor clouds. Let our family life will go in peace, without breakdown and offended. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After that, throw a handful of the sand in the bank with his right hand and leave the jar for the night. In the morning, when the husband leaves, spray in the bedroom, all the corners and the threshold of the house.

From malicious and discord in the family

If in the family evil settled, then it is very bad, you need to fight. There is from this the strongest plot, but you can only read it once a year, the day after Palm Sunday. You need to take water consecrated in the church, pour it into a jar. Stand on this day early in the morning when everything in the house is still sleeping. Put that jar on the lightest window and read these words:

In dark forestA grandfather's grandfather sits in the cherry terr. On it is a black cardsome, black belt and black invitation. On black legs, black sipers. In the right black hand, a black sharp ax. He excised, cuts all the thoughts evil: mournful, generic, apparent, interior, heart and brain, secret, unlocked. Sen on all God's day, in the evening and morning dawn, on a sidder of the day and enter. For any thoughtless, on the deed, to the Diavolskaya class, on his perception. For a day, the per day, Mi-dormitory minutes. And there was no evil here, it was not impaired, all the cumin ax. In now, on forever, it is infinite. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then get around the whole house clockwise and sprinkle all corners, windows, and last time - threshold entrance door.

From jealousy married

Arrows Fiery jealies, love of pursuing-dying not to the ground stick up, they break about people, the soul is taken out, life is broken, the body is tormented. So, those arrows by flying to high ate, on the rotten swamp, in the forest dry, so that jealousy removed, as a hand, the slaves of God (names). Amen.

The same night this water is needed the threshold of the entrance door to spray and the bedroom threshold, where the husband sleeps.

From misfortune to married

Previously, this conspiracy was made by women who did not give a money husband. And now he and another man will suit, time is that in a different way people live today.

Let as the mother of Cheese Earth, all living creature gives up, does not regret anything, as the sunshine is clear all around warms, so it would be my husband, the slave of God (name), would not buy, would not have shattered for me, his wives, servants of God (name ), nothing and ever, everywhere and always. So my words will come true and happen. Amen.

To spy the water table, followed by the husband dinner, and do not wipe, let him dry. And the remnants of water pour out in the yard to the ground.

All about religion and faith - " strong prayer so that the family was LAD "with detailed description and photographs.

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayer from scandals and sorry in the family, with her husband, with children

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our site before starting to study information, please subscribe you to our group of VKontakte prayer for every day. Also visit our page in Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her prayers for every day classmates. "God bless you!".

In Orthodoxy, the family, education of children and relationships between marital couples have high importance. The seven are called the "Small Temple" thanks to family focus Located under the intercession of all soles and even the Most High.

As you know, nothing perfect in this world does not happen. Also in the family where various disagreements occur and misunderstanding, but the main thing is that you are not just a couple, you represent a whole union consisting of two people and who is not only responsible for itself, but also for their children before all the holy and Lord .

Prayer from the sorry in the family

In order to avoid all sorts of outstanding a couple of difficulties and relieve all misunderstandings, you can seek help to prayer, which can be read at different images.

Prayer from the scandals in the family pronounced:

  • Most Holy Our Lady;
  • Defender of the pious family - Archangel Varachille;
  • Ksenia Petersburg;
  • Apostle John theologian;
  • The miraculous way of the "softening of evil hearts";
  • Saints Archangel Rafail.

In the Orthodox religion, there is a huge number of defenders of a family hearth from the scandals in the house. In addition to the above wonderworkers, the sacrolrs can also be attributed to the authorities as Fevronia and Peter, who were able to live happily in love and harmony. long lifeAnd they died at one time and one day.

There are also Saints Anna and Joachim (Parents of the Queen of Heaven), which were really an indicator of the perfect married couple. In prayer to these images, you can contact with a quarrel with my husband and other family adversity, when the case is already going to the divorce, and this is done in order for the family to re-promoted the world, and the faded love reborn.

But to avoid quarrels with children, protect the family hearth and the marriage itself will help the prayer spoken by Saint Paraskeva. Such an appeal in Christianity is considered the most revered since it eliminates mental torments.

The prayer appeal to the holy and the Lord will help you:

  • Overcome difficulties and strengthen family bonds;
  • Restore harmony in the house;
  • Establish contact with children and achieve understanding;
  • After a quarrel, the prayer will help to realize the wrongness, relieve from pride and will allow to realize their mistakes;
  • In some cases, family pairs using prayer to a miraculous image can even avoid divorce.

It should be noted that to get a larger effect from prayer petition, you need to visit the temple along with your second half to read the prayer in the hope and faith to the bright and happy future.

Prayer from scandals

Appeal to Archangel Varachiil:

"On the great Arching of God, Arkhangel Varachiele! The throne of God and Ottoli bringing the blessings of God into the houses of the faithful Slave of God, we succeed at the Lord God of Mercy and the blessings of our houses, and the Lord bless us and multiply the abundance of earth fruit, and will give us health and salvation, in all the good harees, and on Enese victory and overcome, and will save us for a lot of summer, always. Now and in the eyelids. Amen".

Appeal to the Virgin:

"Leldler predicted, take my family to your cover. Vedi in the hearts of my wife and Chad of our world, love and repairs to all kind of good; Do not accept anyone from my family to separation and waste parting, to premature and sudden death without repentance.

And our house and all of us living in it, save from the flames of mentaling, the thieves of the attack, all the zlago, the circumstances, the insured and diavalism of the indentation. Yes, and we purchase and separately, obviously and secretly we will glorify your sacred name always, now and is dreaming, and forever. Most Holy Virgin, save us! Amen".

Appeal to Ksenia Petersburg:

"O, reducible way of life of your own, homeless to the earth, the heir of the monastery of the father of heaven, blissful Stranger Ksenia! Jacques before the tombstone of your suspicion and mournfulness of fallen and abiete consolations, Sita now, and we are able to understand the intention to you, we ask you hopefully: Praying, the wrong behalf, in order to be corrected by our feet according to the Lord to the State Commandments, and yes Bad worker will abolish, the captivated degrees of your and the country, who captures us multi-faceted in mortal pilotatone, proud self-gradation and wig despair.

Oh, the Blessed Christ for the sake of the sake of the might of the century, as soon as the Creator and the submitter of all means to give us humility, meekness and lubva in the treasure of our hearts, faith in strengthening prayer, hopes in repentance, fortresses in mullure, merciful healing of our soul and our bodies of our , chastity in marriage and prosperity about the near and sincere, all the lives of our renewal in a cleansing bath of repentance, Yako Yes, all the memory of your memory, we will glorify, in you miraculously, the father and son and the saint spirit, the Trinity is unique and inseparable forever. Amen".

God bless you!

See also video prayers about family well-being:

Conspiracies for family protection for good relations

There are conspiracies, so that everyone felt in the family. Family is "Seven I", all your people should be. And it happens, the unclean is so mocking, which is their own on their own and are brought. As if the reason is just looking for how to clutch. If you feel that something is not something, somehow do not have a relationship, immediately make a conspiracy on the family on the water and make it written. Do not run the situation, and then the sin will not be wrapped.

To be in the family peace and road

On the growing moon, it is better every month, it is necessary for the family in the family such a conspiracy on the family. You need to read it early until everyone is sleeping. To dial into the cup of water consecrated in the church, stand up by the window and say such words, looking at the water:

The sun rose, the morning came, God was awakened, everyone was surprised and delighted. Let it be in the family of slaves of God (names) grace, and there are no quarrels and discords here. My word is tough, lopko. As stated, so it will be. Amen.

After that, spray kitchen all, threshold, and then so that no one saw, all windows in the apartment.

So that relatives did not catch and have not reread each other

If there is a nervous person in the family who constantly swears with everyone, ducklings, then you need to read such a plot. The moon should be flawed. Take the water consecrated in the church, pour it into a glass and, stand early, approach the window with water in your hands and say so:

The river does not splash, the star does not shine, the moon does not swing, the slave of God (name) is not watered. Does not grumble, does not shout, hands do not wave. The soul rests him, the malice does not know. Sleep, sleep, in the doors, in the windows, in the walls, sleep quietly, there is no lich and psycho. Amen. Amen. Amen.

And then take something from the clothes of that nervous person, better what he sleeps, wet in that water and dry. And then make sure that he put the thing for himself.

To calm down who goes out

For this conspiracy, water will be needed, taken from three houses, families, that is. Make it to someone who reversed the whole family. From this conspiracy, a person is calm. You need to do it on a decreasing moon. In the evening, when it is dark, go to the place in the house where no one will see and interfere with the water to pour water to the jar and read the words such:

Do not thunder thunder in winter, and you, the heart of the slave of God (name), not Noah. Do not shame and do not shout. Fish is silent? Silent. And you, the slave of God (name), silent. Syed, anger, like sand in the water. Be, the servant of God (name), always always and everywhere. Lord Jesus Christ, hind him. Amen. Amen. Amen.

This water must be pouring a patient in drink, but not in alcohol. So nine evenings in a row.

From the young sorry

If young often quarrel, then they can help them. This family conspiracy should read the eldest relative, the mother of someone from the young. It is necessary on the growing moon to gain water key or in the church of the water consecrated, pour it into a jar and early in the morning, at the dawn, get up with that water at the window so that no one has seen. Read these words:

As a fish can not live without water, so would God of God (name) could not live without slave of God (name). These words will be included in the Belo breast and white body, and on the regulatory heart. And they would not be able to live without each other, and there would be no strength to separate them. As a dove with a dove worship, it would be a slave of God (name) with the slave of God (name) has lived the whole century, they did not quarrel, but were friends. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

This water on the same day pour young people in drink so that both drank, and then be sure to spy the bed where young people sleep.

Fish in the sea are silent, do not swear, they are not cling to each other, let my husband, the servant of God (name), would not have swore, did not scandal, and I would not cling to me. Be my words strong and modeling from now on and dr. Amen.

Then spray a clean towel, leave it overnight, so that he dried, and in the morning, give her husband so that he wrap them when he will wash it out.

From quarrels of spouses

You need to take river sand a bit, rolling it as it follows in a pan and flowing water to pour into a glass jar, can be from the crane. Do all this on a decreasing moon. Put a jar with water to the windowsill, put the sand and read such words:

Christ walked along the shore, on the shore of the sea, under his feet, he had a light sand, the sea was clean, over him - the sky is clear, there is no tucci, nor clouds. Let our family life will go in peace, without breakdown and offended. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After that, throw a handful of the sand in the bank with his right hand and leave the jar for the night. In the morning, when the husband leaves, spray in the bedroom, all the corners and the threshold of the house.

From malicious and discord in the family

If in the family evil settled, then it is very bad, you need to fight. There is from this the strongest conspiracy, but you can read it only once a year, the day after the Palm Resurrection. You need to take water consecrated in the church, pour it into a jar. Stand on this day early in the morning when everything in the house is still sleeping. Put that jar on the lightest window and read these words:

In the dark forest, a grandfather's grandfather sits in the cryme terr. On it is a black cardsome, black belt and black invitation. On black legs, black sipers. In the right black hand, a black sharp ax. He excised, cuts all the thoughts evil: mournful, generic, apparent, interior, heart and brain, secret, unlocked. Sen on all God's day, in the evening and morning dawn, on a sidder of the day and enter. For any thoughtless, on the deed, to the Diavolskaya class, on his perception. For a day, the per day, Mi-dormitory minutes. And there was no evil here, it was not impaired, all the cumin ax. In now, on forever, it is infinite. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then get around the whole house clockwise and sprinkle all the corners, windows, and last time - the inlet door threshold.

From jealousy married

Arrows Fiery jealies, love of pursuing-dying not to the ground stick up, they break about people, the soul is taken out, life is broken, the body is tormented. So, those arrows by flying to high ate, on the rotten swamp, in the forest dry, so that jealousy removed, as a hand, the slaves of God (names). Amen.

The same night this water is needed the threshold of the entrance door to spray and the bedroom threshold, where the husband sleeps.

From misfortune to married

Previously, this conspiracy was made by women who did not give a money husband. And now he and another man will suit, time is that in a different way people live today.

Let as the mother of Cheese Earth, all living creature gives up, does not regret anything, as the sunshine is clear all around warms, so it would be my husband, the slave of God (name), would not buy, would not have shattered for me, his wives, servants of God (name ), nothing and ever, everywhere and always. So my words will come true and happen. Amen.

To spy the water table, followed by the husband dinner, and do not wipe, let him dry. And the remnants of water pour out in the yard to the ground.

Conspiracies on the way in the family

So that the husband and wife do not quarrel, say three times: "As the Trinity does not entitle within himself, so you do not wither. Amen!"

For any drink or any food that all family members will be used, read three times "our own", and then the conspiracy itself:

"As everything that is inseparably, and in life (the names of all family members) we will be all inseparable. May it be so!" And three times cross the food or drink.

If your home does not add up relationships with loved ones: you often quarrel, scandalous or in your house do not hold money, then buy three Bibles (you can three new covenants).

These books give people who do not believe in God (or doubt). Then the Holy Trinity will take care of your family.

On the growing moon go to church and buy three candles. Two candles take with you, and one put about the health of the spouse.

When leaving the temple, make a small donation for his needs and give all the sweets. At home, at midnight this day, the candles are put together.

At the same time, say:

"We are talking, two fates (the name of the husband and wife) connect. On good, love. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Light a candle with new matches and tell us three times:

"I burn candles, hearts (the name of her husband and wife) connect. May it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Clean the key water, mentally sentenced:

"As the last drops of water leave, the last drops of my tears leave the last drops."

Take the old frying pan, split it and throw a little church incense. Lay out this incense all the corners in the room, bypassing the housing clockwise. And read the following plot:

"As night with the Moon, like a star with a star, so I with my family. As Christ loves his mother, so we love each other, they did not bite, and did not beat each other. Ladan, Lada Give, peace and treasure. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

If you quarreled, he burn in the evening when all the households fall to sleep, the candle and go around the whole house, reading ours.

Every Thursday, wash the corners in the house broom, sweep the web. At the same time, mentally read ours "Father". After that, the broom is dried with steep boiling water and shallow behind the threshold with the words:

"Where did it come from, there went to the owner!" After wipe the dust with a dust cloth and throw it away at the crossroads, saying it: "Everything is bad, rotted, sailed!"

Buy from nine merchants salt, mix in one container. This is done on the young moon, on Thursday, until noon. Mixing salt, read the conspiracy itself:

"In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Amen! Amen! I will stand, the slave of God (his name), blessing! I'll go, cross it! Of the doors in the door, from the gate to the gate, in the clean field, under the eastern side. I pray to the Lord God to our and holy archangels and angels Gabriel and Mikhail, six-killed seraphim. Evangelists Luke, Mark, John the Theologian and Matvey. How you are afraid of the demonstration force and the heavenly booms of your craft are afraid, so let it be afraid, the slave of God (her husband's name) will be wounded by the sentence. The Word is firmly and lopko! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Food salts this salt until it end. Then, according to the same scheme, you can prepare a new seal salt.

As soon as the conflict starts, you mentally read: "Lord, nice!" The conflict will gradually settle.

If your family is too frequent, then use this conspiracy:

"Creek yes noise, go away from here, on the swamp water, in the house of the snake Podkodnaya! You can live there from now on and drove, there you enjoy and live - to be! And we, the slaves of God (the name of the spouse and its full name), Lada and good live! May it be so! Amen!" Search for water, in the second half of the day Saturday. Wash the floor with this water and, pouring into latrineSeparate:

"As a month decreases, so my family adversity is floating with this water! May it be so! Amen!" In the next three days, do not let any of the house and try anyone to take any treats.

This conspiracy is read on the water three times, but before him it is necessary to read the prayer of "Our Father".

"The world, salvation and grace to the house and everyone living in it. Saw, Lord, in the house of this spirit of piety, the spirit of meekness and spirit of humility. Crawng from him all the power of the devilish and any enemy visible and the enemy is invisible.

Oh, the preching life-giving cross of the Lord, the powerful Lord of our Jesus Christ will strengthen me in the struggle on all enemies visible and invisible, carnal and mental observance and temptation. Amen".

Claimed water you need to sprinkle all the corners in the house. Water remnants pour under the threshold.

Each family meets with problems in its path. Get rid of negative and misunderstanding, as well as combine all family members will help conspiracies for family happiness.

Each family is bonded by love, but sometimes there is something serious between family members, and the originating embodiment interferes with living calmly everyone. Use our conspiracies to reconcile to get rid of unnecessary negative and return warmth in the family.

Causes of family problems

Our emotions are managed by energy. It is the main reason for happiness, and its absence can destroy any marriage and any relationship. Energy suffers in the following cases.

Slimming, curses and negative programs.Get rid of evil and curses different ways, which . Negative programs Taks can be removed independently. Sometimes there is enough help of affirmations. Positive installations enhance energy, and the negative disappears by itself. However, many people resort to white magic and natural strength.

Conspiracies for strong family and love

Not always permutations and positive installations in the morning enough to return the harmony to the family hearth. We prepared for you simple conspiraciesthat do not require training.

The first one sounds as follows: "Mother Nature, give me the strength to survive all the adversity and family difficulties. To be me (your name) with (the name of the partner), to make sure, do not know with troubles. Amen." Read this plot in the morning and before bedtime, when your thoughts are free. He helps he escape from any problems, as well as return feelings.

The second must be pronounced when you throw garbage: "All the misfortunes from the huts, I will shoot quarrels, I drive heart huffing. Forever and ever." Imagine that together with the garbage you take all your problems and the whole negative.

Conspiracy to break, jealousy and treason bypassing the family . Waking up in the morning, go to the bathroom. When you wash, say: "Water-water, borrowing all the evil yes, so much with me, so that the life of my family becomes more silent. Syuzu, water, all troubles to have rushed forever. Amen".

Ritual after quarrel

This ritual is carried out after the quarrel. It must be carried out as quickly as possible to expel the entire negative from his home. You will need a bulb. Do not wash it, but cut into four approximately the same parts. Put the first where a quarrel or conflict occurred, the second of your dream room, the third place to sleep with whom you have matured, and the fourth at the entrance door. Place the bulbs in the same order.

After you put a bulb under the door to the house, read the plot: "My Luke's eyes are afraid, so let my malice and your will leave forever from this house. Amen". After that, let the bulbs lie for about an hour in their places. Subsequently, they are better to throw them out, as all negative energy is absorbed into them.

This ritual is very old. Thus, the ancient Slavs drove evil spirits and anger from houses. Now this ritual will be as effective as before. Use it always when the emotions take the top over you, and then you regret it.

Read our prayers about the family that will help attract well-being and happiness to your home. Together with conspiracies, it will give you an excellent result. You will see that your family has become stronger. Good luck to you, love, and do not forget to press buttons and

07.07.2016 04:00

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