How to protect yourself from damage. How to protect yourself from the effects of damage and the evil eye with the help of magic rituals

What is the negative effect of evil dark energy on the body? The people call it, they looked bad or called spoilage. An experienced magician will help you to feel for yourself and take action. If there is no such thing, you yourself can by reading the necessary information on the Internet. Let's figure out together what to do and how to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage, if you think more and more about the bad influence brought on you and there is no one to help.

To protect against this, it is necessary to know exactly and determine the presence induced by an evil magician. Now we will understand the basics of concepts, find out the main differences between these ailments:

  1. The evil eye is an unintentional effect on a person. It can be any view of a person and not even necessarily a bad one. This action does not always take place with malicious intent. Very often, this kind of influence comes by chance.
  2. Damage is a deliberate act. This is a pure message of darkness, usually out of a sense of revenge. The stronger the impact, the worse the consequences can be. And they themselves can manifest themselves in different ways. Can lead a person to suicide or death due to illness, ridiculous accident.

In any case, both options traumatize a person and, by their impact, destroy his life. It is much easier to protect yourself from magical effects than to deal with a developing illness.

There are many objects, rituals, ceremonies and prayers that can protect you from the effects of negative energy. We will consider the simplest, most effective ways to protect ourselves.

Conspiracy pin

Probably the most famous and common way is to use a regular safety pin. However, many do not know that this item without special training will not have protective properties. Perfect in matters of how to protect yourself from the evil eye.

First, you need to buy a pin on Friday, so that the seller doesn't give you change (you need the exact amount). The preferred time is after three days. Secondly, get three church candles and get half a liter of holy water. Next, you need to do the following:

  1. At night, on the rising moon (we look at the lunar calendar), put three lighted candles and a jar of holy water in front of you on the table.
  2. Take a pin in your right hand and say these words: “ Fill iron with purifying fire, fill metal with protective power. It will keep me safe, take the evil spell aside. Amen!»
  3. After that, slide the pin over the flame of the first candle. Repeat actions and words with each candle.
  4. When you're done quenching the metal with fire, dip the pin in holy water and leave it there until dawn.

In the morning, pin the prepared safety pin to your clothing in the heart area. Check it every day for possible color changes. If the metal has darkened, dip the amulet in holy water overnight. Changes in color indicate that someone tried to influence you. If you know other ways, how to protect yourself from the evil eye, don't neglect the pin in any way.

Advice! Change the amulet every month. The absorbed dark energy does not completely leave the metal.

Castle as a talisman

Not as popular a charm as a pin, however, no less effective. To create it, you need a very small lock, which you can hang on your keys or put in your purse. Also a church candle, Thursday salt, holy water and incense. The method of creating a talisman is associated with (salt is responsible for the earth, and incense for the air). Step-by-step actions:

  1. At midnight, place all the prepared items in front of you on the table: a container of holy water, a lighted candle and incense, a saucer of Thursday salt.
  2. Take the open lock and read the lines: “ As I close the lock, so I protect my soul. From evil eyes, from offensive phrases. Amen!»
  3. Hold the lock over the flame for three seconds.
  4. After the fire, bathe her with incense smoke for 6 seconds.
  5. Mix the quaternary salt with holy water and put the castle there. Leave it in the container overnight.
  6. At dawn, remove the lock from the water, attach it to the keys and close with the key. Hide the key in a secluded place. He will protect you.

Protective pouch

At the mention of pouches, immediately come to mind. Magic bags can not only cripple a person, but also help when you do not know how to protect yourself from the evil eye and any other magical manifestation. However, for this, it is necessary to follow the manufacturing instructions very closely.

In order to make such a protective amulet, you will need red silk fabric (20x20 or 30x30 cm), sea salt, verbena, dried dill, clover, oregano, St. John's wort, incense, black nylon thread. Manufacturing:

  1. On the prepared cloth, sprinkle three pinches of all the ingredients except the incense.
  2. Wrap it up to make a pouch. Tie it with a nylon thread.
  3. Light the incense and start spinning your pouch over the smoke in a clockwise direction. At this point, read the following text: “ Medicinal herbs, protective herbs, help me, save me, take care of me. Take the dark on yourself, leave the light for me. Amen!»
  4. Place the pouch in an inside jacket pocket or bag. Try to carry it with you as often as possible.

Important! Follow the manufacturing process exactly. If you miss something, the effect can work in the opposite direction. Your natural defenses can be weakened.

Water as the best amulet

This option applies to. You will need any item that you most often carry with you or on yourself. It can be a ring, a chain with a pendant, earrings, a bracelet. You also need to find a silver spoon or coin and half a liter of holy water. Performance:

  1. The day before the full moon, silver the water. Simply place a silver spoon or coin in a container of holy water for 12 hours.
  2. At the end of the silvering process, put the item of your choice in the water. Leave it in it for a day.
  3. Put on the item and continue your daily routine. Such a protective amulet copes with its tasks perfectly.


You do not know how to protect yourself from the evil eye with the help of improvised objects, then this method is just for you. With its help, you can also close access to your energy to any magicians, healers and soothsayers. Mirrors have long been used in various. The power contained in them is limitless.

To complete you will need: 7 small mirrors and the same number of candles (white), also quaternary salt. You need to do the following:

  1. Make a circle out of the Thursday salt. Around it, place mirrors directed to the center of the circle, and in front of each of them place a lighted candle.
  2. Sit in a circle and relax. At this moment, you should imagine yourself your future life only in bright colors. So communicate with yourself for 15 minutes.
  3. After rebuilding your thoughts in a positive way, start slowly turning the mirrors away from you and extinguishing the candles.

Remove all used items as far from strangers as possible, then get rid of them altogether.

Important! Mirrors belong to. If you have used it for magical purposes once, do not use it for its intended purpose again. To destroy the barrier set, it is necessary to break the mirrors that participated in the ritual. The main thing is not to look into fragments.

How to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage with the help of the independent influence of your mind on everyday life. And also, what you need to pay attention to most, small tips will tell.

First, so that negative energy does not cling to you, try not to participate in conflict situations, be able to apologize, do not offend or deceive people. Goodwill is the first obstacle to negative energy.

Secondly, lead a healthy life, keep your thoughts clean. Stop using nicotine and alcohol. Try not to think of someone in a bad way. Control your behavior and your speech. Swearing words open you up to negative energy.

Third, drink three sips of holy water before bed every day. Read the prayer “Our Father” three times a day. The apartment must have icons. At least one in each room. Opposite the front door, it is best to hang a "seven-barrel". If you do not have such an icon, you can fix a horseshoe, cat's eye amulet or Hamsa over the door. And remember about which you need to carry around.

How to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage when it comes to food? This is a very popular method to “introduce” dark energy into a person. When you have been invited into the company of people who dislike you, take your quaternary salt with you. Salt it before eating any dish. This will eliminate the “bad” influence.

If suddenly, you did not find the right answer to your question, you can write to me through the form of the site "contact the magician" and together we will solve your problem.

How to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage yourself, as well as with the help of charmed magic items. What is such a negative influence and how powerful it can affect you and the world around you. How to protect yourself and your loved ones from this.

Damage and evil eye

Written by: Magician Aida

The question of how to protect yourself from the evil eye worries many today and is unlikely to ever lose its relevance. We all live in society and contact with other people, including our ill-wishers, cannot be ruled out. But protection from the evil eye and damage is available to everyone: even if you cannot or do not want to carry out special rituals, simple tips will help you avoid negative impact on your energy.

The question of how to protect yourself from the evil eye can be solved without the help of complex and time-consuming conspiracies, it is enough to adhere to simple rules in everyday life or use an effective amulet from negativity. Thus, you can protect not only yourself, but also your loved ones from any negativity.

Simple rules for avoiding the evil eye

This option of protection against negativity is considered the best, as it allows you to successfully avoid the consequences of the negativity imposed on you. In addition, many of the above methods can be successfully recommended for young mothers who fear for the health and well-being of their children.

The most accessible methods of preventing negative energy include the following actions:

  • The most famous and simple method, of course, is known to everyone: for effective protection from the evil eye, when you feel the symptoms of spoilage, it is enough to spit over your left shoulder three times and knock on any wooden thing. A similar method has been known since ancient times and was widely used by our ancestors.
  • If a small child is exposed to the evil eye, then the mother just needs to protect him by licking his forehead. Many evil eye conspiracy for babies is based on this technique, since this is a fairly strong technique.
  • If on duty you have to communicate with a person who clearly does not sympathize with you, then it is enough during such communication to cross your arms and legs under the chair. In this way, you are effectively protecting your aura from possible negative influences.
  • In addition, it is best for such a person to try not to look directly in the eyes, as this is how you can be jinxed.
  • If you get into the habit of washing your face with silver water every morning, it will be very difficult for you to jinx it. To prepare such water on your own, it is enough to put any object made of pure silver into the prepared water overnight.
  • If you want not only to protect yourself, but also to throw the negative away to the ill-wisher, then mentally erect a wall between you or imagine a large mirror. Moreover, such an imaginary mirror must be turned away from you by the reflective part.
  • If, due to certain circumstances, you need daily protection, then start using such an herbal infusion every day: celandine, erythematosus or comfrey. You can prepare an infusion, both from a mixture of herbs, and from a certain type.
  • The use of holy water as a cleanser has also proven itself very well as a powerful remedy against the evil eye or spoilage. In addition, this method will help you remove the consequences after the evil eye has already been imposed on you.

Amulets from the evil eye

Another effective means of protection against negativity can be the use of a talisman. Many of them can be easily made by yourself, and its protective properties will help you protect not only yourself from the evil eye, but also prevent evil from entering your home.

The most famous and effective amulets include such things:

  • Always have any iron item with you: a small nail or a coin. Such an item will help you out if you have a meeting with an ill-wisher: just hold the thing in your palm and the evil eye will bypass you.
  • Salt has long been considered an excellent protection against any evil eye or spoilage: it is enough to always carry a small handful with you to avoid trouble. This property is explained by the fact that ordinary kitchen salt perfectly absorbs any magical energy, including negative energy.
  • The property of warding off evil spirits, which is endowed with a horseshoe, has also been known for a long time. Attach a similar amulet over the front door, and the evil eye will bypass your house. You can wear jewelry made in the form of small horseshoes with you.
  • Certain gems will also help protect your home and your family from energetic negativity. These include, first of all, jasper and agate.
  • By analogy with the mentally erected mirror between you and the interlocutor, you can carry a small ladies' mirror in a shirt pocket. Only this should also be done by the reflecting side from you.
  • To prevent evil forces from entering your home, hang a bunch of dry grass in the hallway near the front door. You can use a mixture of St. John's wort, onion, dandelion, garlic, bay leaf, thistle, or rue for this collection.
  • Do not forget about the most powerful amulet of the Orthodox believer: the pectoral cross. It should be worn without taking off from an early age.

Powerful talisman with your own hands

If the above means cannot protect you or seem weak enough to you, then try to make yourself a very strong amulet against the evil eye and damage, which should always be with you.

To make such a mascot, you need some cardboard and homemade ink.

To make them yourself, get some regular ink from the store and sprinkle a small pinch of dry wormwood and common salt in them.

The ritual for making the amulet itself should be carried out exactly at midnight on Thursday night. You need to cut three small squares from the stockpiled cardboard and draw the corresponding symbols on them: a pentagram, a triple cross and a sealed cross.

After the ink is dry, fold the squares together and sew neatly with red wool thread. You must always carry such a talisman with you at the very heart. To do this, you can hang it on a leather cord.

Evil eye pin

You should not neglect such an ancient amulet against negativity, like an ordinary pin pinned to clothes. It will help you not only protect yourself from the evil eye, but also serve as an indicator of the dark forces sent to you.

The pin should definitely be worn new, just bought, and every evening its sharp tip should be examined.

If you notice that it has darkened, this is an unambiguous signal that damage or evil eye has been sent to you, which the amulet has successfully stopped.

Such a talisman must be removed and no longer worn. It is best to bury it as far from your home as possible, be sure to open it.

You should buy a new amulet.

Sometimes from a friend or girlfriend you can hear the following words: "What to do? I was jinxed"? Surprisingly, this problem is quite common today. Bad luck in love, constant problems at work, poor health, eternal breakdowns - people associate all these problems with damage. Many try to go to specialty shops, where a girl with her magic crystal ball or a grandmother, using herbs, performs an unknown ritual to get rid of spoilage. But how to remove damage and evil eye from yourself? Are there any ways to get rid of the evil eye at home? It turns out that they exist and are very effective, not inferior to the methods of various healers.

Light a wax candle and heat the tip of a pin. In this case, you should read such a conspiracy:
"I dissuade (name) from a sorcerer, a sorceress, from black, from cherries, from white and light brown, from a hand-rolled girl, from a simple-haired woman. And just as no one can bite off their nose and eyes, they also could not spoil and spoil (name) , and could not infect him with a wind-carrying ulcer. Be my words strong and molded, and be my words one and the same not in the agreement and in the negotiation, those words of my lips and teeth are a lock, my tongue is a key. And I will throw the key into the sea; stay, lock, in your mouth. I threw the key into the blue sea, and the pike - the beluga came up, grabbed the key, went into the depths of the sea and took the key. "
Put out the candle with your fingers, and wear the inscribed pin on the inside of your clothes, with the latch down.

For protection from the evil eye, many peoples use red threads and ribbons. The thread can be put on the wrist and tied with three knots. Red clothing is recommended for people exposed to the evil eye and slander, and for pregnant women.

So that the evil eye does not work, you can put the little finger and index finger of your left hand forward, with the rest of your fingers folded. This gesture is called "Horns of Asmodeus" and, by the way, is a favorite symbol of fans of hard rock music. Although the gesture belongs to satanic symbolism, it serves as a good protective measure, acting on the principle: "wedge - wedge knocked out". It is believed that negative energy enters one finger and exits the other, striking the abuser. The same principle is used when a horseshoe is used to protect against spoilage.

If someone starts praising you, you should lightly bite the tip of your tongue, otherwise the praise can turn into an evil eye.

If you feel that curses are being directed at you by someone, you need to clench your fists tighter and mentally send the damage back. Imagine a mirror in front of you with a reflective side to your ill-wisher and say in a whisper:
" And the same for you!"

To protect yourself from the evil eye, you can spit over your left shoulder three times or knock on wood three times with the words
"Chur me!"
These techniques are especially good in cases where a person stares at himself, that is, he mentions some important event for himself before it occurs, as a result of which the case is doomed to failure. Being overjoyed about an event ahead of time can turn out to be disappointing.

To protect against a witchcraft attack, you can wear two needles threaded crosswise on the left side of the chest in clothes. It is advisable to pre-heat the tips of the needles over the fire of a wax candle.

You can carry a dried clove of garlic with you to prevent spoilage.

To prevent spoilage on food and drink, you need to cross your food and mouth before eating. If you choke while eating, you should not swallow what you took in your mouth, but leave the table and spit it out. Set aside food "charged" for the curse, and then throw it into the fire outside your apartment.

To protect against evil spirits, you can hang on the windows and doors in the room the twigs of buckthorn, juniper, thistle (tartar), chernobyl (wormwood), nettle, fern, St. John's wort. The herbs are harvested on Friday before sunrise. The best day to collect is the night on Ivan Kupala (July 7)

To protect against damage or the evil eye, you need to mentally imagine yourself in white clothes. You can also cross your legs and lock the fingers of both hands.

Plants and fruits of red color (the color of Mars - the planet of active protection) help to protect your apartment or work space from damage. You can use geraniums, viburnum twigs, mountain ash, red apples.

Basic methods of getting rid of spoilage

  1. Methods for eliminating damage and physical evil eye. This can be safely attributed to various kinds of methods that are to some extent associated with training, as well as physical exercise. For example, breathing exercises, a complete rejection of alcohol, smoking, meat, church fasts and other cleansing procedures. In addition, there is a special douche technique that falls into this category.
  2. One of the most popular ways to remove damage can be safely considered prayers. They were especially widespread in the "Christian egregor" as all kinds of lectures.
  3. Conspiracies are a fairly common method of getting rid of the evil eye and corruption. They are very similar to prayers. The main difference is that prayer implies an appeal to the Higher and Holy powers. As for the conspiracy, it is a kind of program that removes corruption. This method was very popular among the so-called "pagans", that is, people who have nothing to do with religion itself.
  4. One of the newest methods of getting rid of corruption is special meditation. Based on the name, it becomes clear that the removal of the evil eye is carried out during this very meditation, when a person is completely immersed in another dimension.
  5. Rituals and ceremonies. This category is the most extensive. There are many different literatures that include all kinds of rituals to get rid of spoilage. Each time, new rituals and ceremonies are created. The most common method is wax casting, candle annealing, and rolling out with an egg. If you decide to go to any magic shop, you can make sure that grannies often use this method.

How to remove spoilage with prayers

You need to dry the wildflowers with which you stood for Mass, as well as Vespers on such a holiday as Trinity. Then one flower is placed on a dish and poured with holy water from a glass. In this case, it is imperative to light one candle and say the following prayers: "Our Father", "Living in Help" and "Symbol of Faith". Each of the prayers is said twice. From the available dish, you need to take three sips of water. As for the remaining liquid, you need to wash it with it. You will immediately need to set aside a coin for alms.

Such rituals must be performed within 40 days. At the very end, you need to order three prayer services in the church: to the street children Kuzma and Demyan, the martyr Tryphon, and the healer Panteleimon. Do not forget to distribute 40 coins to the poor for health. After all the above actions, damage or evil eye will be removed.


It turns out that fasting helps to get rid of spoilage. However, it must be observed very strictly. In addition, the duration of the fast depends entirely on how long ago the damage was imposed on the person, as well as directly on the strength of the witch, who actually brought it on. If you fast, you will need to completely abandon all types of animal food: lard, meat, sausage, eggs and other dairy and meat products. If a person wants to get rid of corruption, then he will have to adhere to such a post for 6, 9 and even 12 months, which is far from easy. If a person does not stand such a test, then he will not be able to get rid of the evil eye.

How to remove damage from yourself

  1. In order to get rid of spoilage as soon as possible, you will need to prepare a tincture from a placon or a thistle. You need to take 100 g of a plant, then put a jar in a 0.5 liter and pour vodka. The liquid is infused in a dark place for 10 days, after which it is filtered. The resulting tincture should be taken three times a day, one teaspoon per 1 glass of prescription water.
  2. Also, the following broth can help from all kinds of spoilage: 1 tablespoon of wormwood, 70 g of any bread, a clove of garlic and 2 tablespoons of elecampane roots. All these ingredients are poured into half a liter of water and put on fire. The broth is boiled for 30 minutes. Next, you need to strain everything and drink at one time on an empty stomach.
  3. To destroy impure energy, you will need to find the following types of plants: fern and chernobyl root, consecrated poppy, aspen bark, thistle. All these plants must be collected in an amount of 15 g. Also, you must not forget 25 g of plakun-grass. All these plants are filled with half liters of vodka. The infusion is stored somewhere in a dark, warm place for two weeks. The mixture is shaken periodically. Every day you need to take 1 tablespoon of infusion, mixing with 100 g of sacred water.

How to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage

  1. In order to warn yourself against the imposition of damage or the evil eye, it is highly recommended to constantly wear a cross on yourself, necessarily bought in the church. To protect yourself from damage, no one should borrow money after sunset. The same goes for salt, forks, knives, needles and scissors. It does not matter who asked - a loved one or a stranger.
  2. Immediately before going to bed, you need to baptize all the doors and windows in the house every time, ending with the oven. Such procedures are done for the reason that evil spirits do not enter the house.
  3. Wearing various kinds of amulets, bracelets and rings, which were consecrated in the church, helps well against damage. If a woman often wears a scarf, then it makes sense to embroider a cross on it.
  4. The most ordinary poppy, which was consecrated in the church, helps from sorcerers and witches. With the help of the grains of this plant, you can determine who exactly is the creator of spoilage. To figure out this person, you need to scatter grains around a room full of guests. If there was a witch or a sorcerer, then this person will immediately go home.
  5. If a person is unbaptized, then it makes sense to correct this situation. During the rite of baptism, each individual receives a guardian angel for himself.
  6. To protect yourself and your family from damage and the evil eye, you need to fumigate your home with incense, and your yard with raw plants on the fire: wormwood, sage, initial, Tatar. When burning plants, it is necessary to constantly read various prayers and conspiracies from damage.
  7. If, going to bed, a person is very much afraid of unclean forces, then it is recommended to stuff the pillow with birch, mint, plantain, buckthorn and cornflower leaves. With such a pillow, a person will not only not be afraid, but also completely calm their nerves.
  8. If damage has been imposed on a person, then in this case, baths from prescription water help well. The bath is filled with water, the temperature of which does not exceed 50 degrees. Next, a glass of spoken water is poured there. In addition, it is necessary to pour out the liquid in the form of a cross. When a person sits in a bath, it is necessary to read various types of prayers for corruption that are known. In addition, you must remember to drink one glass of the prescription water before taking a bath. There is no need to be alarmed if bruises are found on the body after taking a bath - in the near future they will completely disappear along with damage.

In addition, to get rid of corruption, it is necessary to read prayers every day: in the mornings and evenings. Attend church, holy places, and receive sacraments. Walking barefoot in holy places is especially helpful. It is especially useful to "freeze" evil spirits by bathing in cold ice holes for baptism. Do not forget to drink spoken water, take baths with it, and also apply compresses.

The evil eye, according to modern interpretations, is a negative bioenergetic effect of one person on another. The evil eye can cause various disorders (from physiological to mental) and diseases (up to severe). A person has a violation of energy exchange with the environment, his biofield becomes heterogeneous, torn apart by energy "holes" through which energy flows into the body. The evil eye can be sent to a person by accident or deliberately by a person with a stronger energy, and this is how it differs from damage that is sent deliberately, using a special ritual. Protecting yourself from the evil eye is quite simple if you know a few tricks.


Holy or spoken of water. You can wash with it, you can only slightly moisten your forehead, temples and lips. When taking a bath, add it to water (half a glass is enough). If this is not found, you can add salt - just a little for energy protection, and 1 kg of the volume of the bath, if the evil eye already exists and needs to be removed.

Amulets and talismans. If you are a religious person, then the best protection is a pectoral cross or a Muslim crescent. Just keep in mind that these items are effective according to the strength of your faith, they are charged by it and at the expense of it "live", carrying protection. For an unbeliever, these items are useless.
Any thing dear to you for one reason or another can serve as a talisman. Often these are family heirlooms, trinkets with a history, coins, etc. Some talismans must be "activated" for them to take effect. To do this, they read conspiracies over them (you can contact a specialist in these matters - a healer, a witch, a psychic).
A stone or a piece of wood can also serve as a talisman. You can find out "your" stone and "your" tree from special literature.
The most common amulet is a safety pin, fastened to clothes (preferably from the wrong side) with the clasp down. Some connoisseurs advise attaching a pin at the seam.

Cocoon (or cap, hemisphere). If you felt someone's heavy look on you or heard evil words spoken to you behind your back, try to quickly mentally "build" over yourself a kind of cap (cocoon, large inverted glass), the outside of which is a mirror. Even just imaginary, a mirror is able to reflect negative energy. It also reflects its color - purple, lilac and their shades. Imagine a cap of this color above you and negative fluids will not reach your biofield. This type of protection also includes carrying a small mirror without a lid in your pocket or purse. With a mirror surface, it should be directed outward, outward, i.e. from you.

Creation of a "ring". We make a ring with the thumbs and forefingers of both hands (thumb with thumb, forefinger with forefinger). The rest of the fingers should be laid on top of each other. Thus, the contour of the human biofield is closed, and the one who directs the flow of negative energy (in fact, anger, burning envy, hatred, etc.) at you will not be able to harm your energy frame.
The same method can be attributed to crossing arms and legs when you feel an unkind gaze directed at you (quickly fold your arms on your chest or cross them behind your back, and if at this moment you are sitting, then cross your legs).

Candle. Make it a rule to light a candle every night before bed. It is good to sit nearby in a relaxed state. Fire perfectly burns away everything bad, that which you "fastened" on yourself during the day. If you are a believer, read prayers at this moment, if not - just think about something good, while wishing well to all people.

Articles on the topic "How to protect yourself from the evil eye"

Those who have experienced, as they say, on their own skin, a negative magical effect, are already ready to blow on the cold water.

Indeed, let us repeat (especially for non-believers):

damage exists

She spoils life so much that you will believe in hell.

This is precisely what one's own fate appears to be when a terrible destructive program is introduced into it.

Therefore, people want to know how to protect yourself from damage.

This question, of course, is of interest to those people who have not come across.

There is a plus in the fact that now information is freely distributed over the network. Many even learn such details that the hair stands on end.

Naturally, few people want to check its reliability on their fate. And this is quite understandable.

I want to rejoice, not suffer. And with damage somehow smiles disappear, the world becomes gray, terrible, menacing. Although in fact it is not.

You know, damage can be perceived as a kind of entity that transmits a person to another reality, in which:

  • Cruel and scary.
  • There is no sun and love in it.

Here lives an amazed person and does not suspect that the waves are nearby, birds are singing, trees are blooming, other people are enjoying the beauty of the surrounding magical landscapes.

Believe me, it is better not to move to this “other world”. Normally, it is more comfortable and pleasant, although not without difficulties.

So it is desirable for everyone to know the rituals that help protect themselves from damage.

In order to remain in your destiny, not to end your life in hellish torments, suspecting everyone around you of evil designs.

And a person does not solve his own tasks, when damage works in the aura.

Therefore, he will in no way achieve the happiness that is due to him at birth by the Higher Forces.

In order to choose a way that is close to you on how to protect yourself from damage, you must first understand how damage penetrates into a person's energy. This will help.

There are people on whom black witchcraft does not work.

It's just that they don't have something to which damage can “stick”.

People in vain consider black magicians and sorcerers to be omnipotent. They too have to deal with setbacks.

If we imagine the aura, as is customary among esotericists, in the form of a luminous cocoon (or egg) around the body, and damage, like some kind of black snake, then their interaction develops as follows.

Our snake approaches the aura and tries to penetrate into it in order to start feeding on life-giving energy there. Well, just like a worm in an apple.

In order to get inside this "worm" it is necessary to find a dark place in the aura.

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To whom: Responsible for the site

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I was already beginning to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that the article would change my life so!

I have money! And not just a small change, pocket coins, but a really normal income!

Over the past year, we have made an excellent renovation in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not got to this site.

Don't scroll past. Find a couple of minutes for this information.

By the way, man himself creates it. When angry or offended, expresses displeasure or anger.

Any negative emotion or thought lowers the vibration level. And therefore, it provides a place for corruption to be introduced.

Do you understand the logic?

It is necessary to avoid the appearance of such deviations.

The higher your vibrations, the lower the likelihood of being struck by black sorcery.

It is very difficult to jinx or curse a happy, full-fledged life, independent person. From him the negative bounces off, like a tennis ball from the wall of the court.

Therefore, the best remedy for damage, no matter how strange it may sound, is a feeling of harmony, fullness of life.

  • If you do not think about bad things, be creative, then no one can harm you.
  • Feel free to dismiss all critical thoughts from your head.
  • Love those around you and our entire magnificent planet.
  • And look at the shortcomings condescendingly.

Then your protection is assured.

Self-nurturing and introspection is good, but difficult, as you can see.

Indeed, it is quite difficult to constantly control your thoughts and emotions. Is there really no other way to protect yourself?

Of course there is. For this, amulets have long been made.

In fact, they were originally intended to protect a person from incomprehensible phenomena that ancient people endowed with magical aggressive properties.

But over time, an understanding was reached that nature does not attack humans. The worst evil comes to him from his own kind.

No lightning, for example, or night can harm a person as much as the hatred of fellow tribesmen. Then they began to make amulets from witchcraft, including in order to protect themselves from damage.

Well, in our time it is quite possible to do this.

What amulet helps better?

Only the amulet must be created with your own hands.

It can be any craft, even a skein of thread, made with great pleasure.

You just need to find it.

Such a craft, the creation of which fills the soul with joy, is the most powerful talisman.

In fact, this is not necessary at all.

But it is worth mentally formulating your intention before the creative process.

Speak in your own words, always out loud. So, for example:

“I want to knit this scarf so that it protects me from a possible attack from the black forces. I do this with great love and trust in my guardian angel! He is next to me and helps at any time and in any situation! "

How to protect yourself from spoilage at work

  1. Take a blank sheet of paper.
  2. Write these words:

“The merchants climbed the mountain and found a chest of gold. They began to share, and swear. They can't get to the truth. There is not enough gold for everyone, the devil pushes them under the arm. Scatter coins all over the world. Let it shine in the eyes of enemies, let them not remember me with evil! Amen!"

  1. Leave the plot sheet at the workplace.

Naturally, so that no one finds it. so check from time to time: as soon as an attack occurs, it will either get lost or deteriorate in some way.

Then make a new amulet and don't be afraid of anything.

From the evil eye, it is customary to wear a talisman on clothes. For this it is quite suitable.

You know, nowadays they are sold in a gift shop.

A bright bead, eyelet, or other shiny object is put on the mace.

In principle, you can make such a charm yourself.

Pin it to your clothes with the words:

“From the evil eye, from envy, from anger. Let the enemy be bound with chains. Amen!"

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Good afternoon .. We really need your help and advice ... I have a fiancé ... I am Jewish, my fiance's family is also Jewish ... everything was fine and wonderful ... but recently the ex-girlfriend of my fiance confessed herself that with her mother she ruined him ... a Russian girl ... we don't know what to do.

In fact, everything went badly for my fiance ... everything he touches or starts to engage in, everything breaks down or does not work out ... our relationship deteriorates, and we love each other very much ... he was always gentle and respectful with his parents, now his relations with them have deteriorated ... he just lost himself ... not himself ... he recently traveled to Jerusalem ... he very much asks us, his family, to help him .. . but we do not know how and with what ...

Tell me, please, we are ready for anything ... we are all very worried ... what prayers to read, we go to the synagogue all ... maybe walk more often, how to pray for him, how to cleanse him of that nasty stuff ???? I am very grateful to you in advance, and very much look forward to your advice.

Rivka, Minsk

Rav Reuven Kuklin answers

Dear Rivka!

Rav Chaim from Volozhin in his book "Nefesh Chaim" advises how to behave so that various forces and damage do not affect a person - one should deeply realize that there is no independent force in the world, nothing in this world happens without the desire of the Creator, and, as it is said in the Torah (Deut. 4:35): "There is nothing but Him." No forces can influence a person who looks at the world in this way.

The Talmud (Chulin 7 b) tells that the witch wanted to take the ashes from under Rabbi Hanina's feet in order to use it to harm Rabbi Hanina. But Rabbi Hanina told her in cold blood: "Please take it. You will not succeed in witchcraft, since it is said in the Torah:" There is nothing but Him. "You also cannot do anything against the will of the Creator. Rav Chaim explains that Rabbi Hanina's confidence was based on his clear realization that there are no independent forces in the world besides the Creator. And to such a person, as mentioned above, no one can do anything bad.

You should also realize, feel that everything in the world is at the will of the Creator. And even the troubles that occur are from the Creator, they look like troubles only at first glance, but in reality everything that the Creator does is for the better (Talmud, treatise Berachot 61a). And then no damage can affect you.

I also send you a prayer for the removal of curses, the influence of the evil eye, etc. in Russian and in Hebrew. 10 men should get together and say this prayer:

Removing curses and censures and forbidden words and canceling the impact of the evil eye

I ask You, the Almighty, to remove the curses, and censures, and bad words (spoken about me) from me and cancel the influence of the evil eye - all this and everything connected with this.

Then the holy community says before the one (or those) who ask for the cancellation:

May all curses, and curses, and (proclaimed) removal, and excommunication, and separation, and cursing curses, and censures, and oaths by mouth speech, and witchcraft spells, and all bad words, and all bad dreams, and all bad interpretation, and (proclamation) of the transfer of judgment (over you) into the hands of Heaven, and opening the mouth of evil, and all kinds of forbidden words, and all kinds of grievous and bad intentions, and all kinds of evil eyes that have influenced you, or anyone then from your household, and all the curses with which others cursed you, or you yourself cursed yourself, whatever they may be. Or, if you are guilty and deserve some kind of curse, or cursing, or excommunication, or separation, or censure, or bad intention, no matter where they come from and whatever they are, we will now remove them all and abolish everything. And so we say:

The following words are spoken while standing:

with the Almighty and with the permission of Him and His shechinas, and with the permission of the Court of Heaven (sit down), and with the permission of the earthly court, and with the permission of our Holy Torah, and with the permission of the Great Sanhedrin, and with the permission of the Lesser Sanhedrin: removed from you, removed from you, removed from you. Canceled for you, canceled for you, canceled for you. Forgiven you, forgiven you, forgiven you. There are no curses here, there is no cursing here, there are no deletions, there is no curse that smashes, there is no excommunication here, there are no separations here, there are no censures here, there are no oaths here, there are no witchcraft spells, there are no bad dreams and bad interpretations here, there are no the transfer of judgment into the hands of Heaven, there is no opening of the mouth of evil, there are no alien thoughts and bad thoughts here, there are no grave and bad predictions here, there is no evil eye for men, there is no evil eye for women, there is no evil eye for those who hate and love, they are all yes will be destroyed and abolished completely, and let them mean nothing more than a broken vessel and a non-existent thing. And let all kinds of evil eyes not work on you and on your house. And let them be thrown into the depths of the sea, as it is said: "And let nothing of the destroyed thing stick to your hand, so that the Lord might tame the fury of His anger, and show you mercy, and have mercy on you, and multiply you, as He swore to your fathers."

Almighty, be filled with mercy, and may your anger be tamed by mercy, and may your mercy prevail over all your other qualities, and may the sentences be reduced. And remember the binding of our forefather Isaac, peace be with him, as if his dust were gathered and lay on the altar, and look at his dust, to save us and all Israel from any evil, and abolish for us and for all Israel the grievous and bad predestination, and as he agrees to this and removes (them) from the earthly judgment, so let the heavenly judgment agree and remove (them) from you. And all the curses, and bad dreams, and bad interpretations, and the opening of the mouth to evil, and all bad designs, - may they all turn into good and blessing for you, as it is said: “But the Lord, your God, did not want to listen to Bilam, and the Lord, your Gd, has turned the curse into a blessing to you, for the Lord your Gd loves you. " And it is said: "And you who cleave to the Lord your Gd, you are all alive today." Do it for the sake of your Name, do it for the sake of (glorifying) your right hand, do it for the sake of your holiness, do it for the sake of your Torah. "The L-rd will give strength to His people, the L-rd will bless His people with peace."

התרת קללות ונזיפות, ודברים אסורים וביטול עין הרע.

מבקש ממעלתכם, להתיר לי קללות ונזיפות, ודברים אסורים, ולבטל עין הרע, הן, וכיוצא בהן:

ואז יאמרו העדה הקדושה נכח פני המבקשים ההתרה, בלשון הזה:

יהיו כל קללות, אלות, ושמתות, וחרמים, ונידוים, וארורים, ונזיפות, וביטויים, וכשפים, וכל דברים רעים, וכל-חלומות רעים, ופתרונות רעים,ומסירת דין, ופתחון פה לרעה, וכל-מיני דברים אסורים, וכל-מיני גזרות קשות ורעות, וכל-מיני עין הרע, שהושמו עליכם (ליחיד: עליך). או על שום אחד מבני ביתכם, (ליחיד: ביתך). וכל קללות שקיללו אתכם (ליחיד: אותך). אחרים, או שקיללתם עצמכם, (ליחיד: עצמך). בכל אופן שיהיה, או שנתחייבתם (ליחיד: שנתחייבת), שום קללה, או ארור, או חרם, או נידוי, או נזיפה, או שום גזירה רעה, באיזה צד ואופן שיהיה, על-הכל, מעכשיו אנחנו מתירין ומבטלין הכול. וכך אנחנו אומרים.