Vedic goddesses. Meditation "adi shakti" for vitality

Legend has it that mantra adi shakti is the oldest song in the eastern world. For centuries, it has been used to break evil spells and find peace.

Magical sounds awaken the practitioner's wisdom, clarify the mind and guide you on the right path - the path to spiritual development.

As soon as technical progress burst into our lives, we stopped believing in miracles - but natural forces have not gone anywhere. Each of us has a huge potential, but we have completely forgotten how to use it.

Powerful prayer gives a person divine protection, support, and preserves health. It stands in the way of negative energy and does not allow it to penetrate your bioenergy field.

Mantra Adi Shakti during pregnancy

The words of the divine song help to cope with failure and loss. Thanks to their energy, a person is able to go through any obstacles and achieve what he wants. This is an appeal to the Creative Universal Principle, which manifests itself through everything feminine.

As you know, during pregnancy, a woman becomes especially vulnerable - she needs to take care of her own health and the health of her unborn baby.

She also helps a woman not to lose her youth and beauty. Singing relieves the condition and sets you up for the coming birth.

According to legend, 120 days must pass until the embryo acquires a soul. This means that a pregnant woman can completely change her child's karma in the better side.

Due to the uneven distribution of acidity levels, the hemispheres of the brain may not develop correctly. Mantric words harmonize the environment in the womb, thanks to which absolutely all organs receive enough energy for full growth.

Text and translation of the mantra Adi Shakti

Spiritual practice should be done every day in order to achieve desired result... And yet - it is important to believe in your actions. The words of the mantric text seem to be the simplest, but they create a special atmosphere and help to realize real essence Total.

It won't be long before you begin to notice positive changes within yourself. Let them be small at first - but each time you will become stronger and stronger. All the fears that prevented you from achieving your goals earlier will disappear without a trace.

Regular meditation helps to say goodbye to past problems, to let go of what is haunted. You can easily start new life - full of colorful emotions.

Sing the sacred text not only in sad moments - make the practice a healthy daily habit.

Reading a prayer activates defense mechanisms that are inherent in the entire human race.






And an approximate translation sounds like this:

“I kneel before the Primordial Forces.

I kneel before the Omnipresent Powers.

I kneel before the Creative Forces.

I kneel before the Mother Goddess. "

Interesting on the topic:

People, what are they for? A person of our time is constantly striving to achieve something, build a career, buy a house, a car and, in the final stage, find a family and improve health. Unfortunately, family and health in our time have lost their value, everyone wants only comfort and well-being. But still in recent times the fashion of leading began to revive healthy image life. Few people know that this involves not only getting rid of bad habits, sleep at least eight hours a day and good nutrition. First of all, it is the union of soul and body.

It's no secret that all diseases arise from nerves, but this is not entirely true. Yes, nerve cells are not restored, but it is not stress that destroys them, but the weakness of the soul. To understand your body correctly, you must learn to listen to it. You need to know which part of the body is depressed and how to help it. All the negative that accumulates in the body due to stressful situations at work, financial problems, resentment, settles in our body and begins to negatively affect our health.

Now there are many people who are engaged in such activities as cleaning the aura. But a person is the master of his body, he must learn to get rid of the negative himself. In the practice of yoga, the chakras are the centers of the plexus of forces, if you imagine physically, then these are nerve endings in which there are inputs and outputs for. In general, to achieve your goals and develop yourself as a person, you need to meditate and do yoga.

Mantras are an integral part of yoga. They establish the right state and intention, which are directed towards a specific goal. This is a kind of sacred language that regulates the mood of the body with great forces and space. Adi Shakti stood at the origins of the creation of the world, she developed wisdom and spiritual enlightenment in man. But over time, the worldview changes. People forget about the sacred that they have, that they are associated with the sun and the moon, that they themselves can influence their spiritual and physical state.

A person who knows how to connect with these spiritual forces is always confident in his own strengths and in the future. To reach such heights in human consciousness, you need to learn to connect and work on your soul. Meditation with the mantra Adi Shakti, which is necessary for the revival of spiritual forces, will help a person in this. She carries protection and purity of energy, love and devotion. This mantra is especially useful for women, because it is they who give life. The woman gains self-confidence, love of life.

This mantra is considered the most effective, because it is divine and has great power... Meditating with her, you can achieve success not only in the unity of soul and body, but also to protect your body from negative energy. Cleansing the body by meditation with the mantra Adi Shakti, a person gains a clear mind and solves problems of the physical, emotional and spiritual state.

Mantras contribute to the development of the correct state of a person and tune his body to the Great Cosmic Energy. Mantra Adi Shakti is the most ancient mantra. It develops wisdom in a person and leads to spiritual enlightenment. Over time, our universe changed and people eventually forgot about the sacred nature of mantras, about the Divine Sun and Moon, as well as about the fact that they themselves can and physical body, and therefore on their own destiny. Mantra Adi Shakti revives the spiritual strength of a person, gives protection, love, happiness and good health... It also cleanses the body from negative energies, thanks to which a person acquires a pure mind and soul.

IN modern world people are constantly trying to achieve something in life, buy an apartment, a car, build a career, and so on. Unfortunately, material wealth is put in the first place today. Only a few people try to lead a healthy lifestyle. They get rid of bad habits, eat well, devote up to eight hours to sleep a day. However, this is not enough, because the most important thing for spiritual development is the unity of the human soul and his body. Mantras will help you in spiritual growth and knowledge of the truth.

Mantra Adi Shakti for Pregnant Women

This mantra supports a person in difficult times, does not allow him to lose heart. Powerful mantra Adi Shakti is universal, but it can be directed to some specific goals. Since women give life, it is especially useful for them. Women need to sing this mantra as often as possible, giving beauty and attractiveness at any age, especially during pregnancy, because it is of great benefit to the growing fetus.

It is believed that the fetus is endowed with a soul on the 120th day from conception. If a pregnant woman repeats the strong mantra of Adi Shakti every day, she can magically improve this soul. When the sex begins to form in the unborn child during pregnancy, the fluid in the uterus becomes more acidic. If the acidity is greatly increased, then this affects the development of the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for intuition and human supernormal abilities. As a result, the right hemisphere of the brain develops more, which is responsible for more earthly qualities, such as logic. Mantra Adi Shakti reduces the acidity of the environment in the uterus, promoting the same development of the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Adi Shakti mantra text


The daily repetition of the Adi Shakti mantra helps to eliminate fears and fulfill cherished desires... This is the mantra of the Divine Mother, the repetition of which includes the original protective mechanisms, including the generative energies that continue the human race.