Pisces horoscope and Libra love compatibility. Libra ♓ Pisces: compatibility in love relationships and sex, in marriage, in friendship

Libra and Pisces compatibility in love and marriage 50%. These zodiac signs are ruled by different planets (Venus for Libra and Neptune for Pisces), they are associated with different elements, so it will not be easy for them together. A breath of Air, the element of Libra, can bring Water, the element of Pisces, into an unstable state. Mutual attraction easily arises between them, love can bring them unforgettable moments. In many ways, they are similar, both want to make their romantic dreams come true. There is attraction and romance, but relationships rarely last long as they began, because there are many difficulties in their compatibility.

Libra easily finds a common language with most people, but Pisces is more picky, and this is the source of their disagreement. Nothing will make Libra more unhappy than the sight of a frustrated and pretentious Pisces. In addition, Libra will quickly tire of the partner's desire to find support in them. In turn, Pisces will not be satisfied that the second half has many different interests and acquaintances. In such a union, Libra easily becomes irritable, and Pisces sinks into despondency. Sounds sad? Yes, that is right.

Pisces woman and Libra man compatibility

As a rule, their interests and values \u200b\u200bdo not coincide, and the emotionality of partners creates difficulties in the relationship. The Pisces woman needs to understand that the Libra man makes all decisions based on a careful analysis of the pros and cons. He is ready to consider every idea and action from the point of view of logic. She is used to being guided by intuition, so it will not be easy for her to accept the behavior and personality of her partner, so different from her own. The Libra man loves contradictions, even if she listens and agrees with his opinion, after a while he will refute what he defended. The power of Neptune and Venus is strong in this couple, they are both romantic and impressionable natures, so you must be careful not to hurt each other's feelings. However, the attraction between a Pisces woman and a Libra man can be very strong, each of them feeling that the partner is exactly what he or she is looking for. At least for now.

She will find him charming, intelligent and outgoing, but at times completely impossible. His impeccable logic and tendency to constantly point out mistakes to her can annoy the Pisces woman. The Libra man will be attracted by her emotionality, developed intuition and refined mental perception. They are both creative individuals, but it is common for Libra to use their imaginations and talents to pave the way for success, while Pisces lives in their fantasy land. It is important for her not to compromise her own interests, not to let him establish his own rules of the game, and not to start seeing herself through his eyes. If he wants to be a leader, let him be, and the Pisces woman will freely roam the vast mysterious ocean, which belongs to her from birth.

Libra woman and Pisces man compatibility

Libra women do not feel well alone, they need love, relationships and marriage as fresh air. Pisces men also hate to be alone, but they value freedom and the ability to express themselves creatively, so it takes a long time for them to decide to get married. Having fallen in love, he will look at the Libra woman as a goddess, but she needs to change a lot in herself in order to keep this creative person next to her for a long time.

The Pisces man is quite flexible, able to adapt to various circumstances. At the same time, he does not like to be told what and how to do, so a Libra woman should avoid this. He can listen to her and, for the sake of appearance, agree, but he will still do everything in his own way. It also makes no sense for her to expect a high level of responsibility, leadership and financial discipline from him. Most likely, she will have to take over the finances of the family. Their compatibility will improve if partners have common interests, hobbies, and are fond of art.

Libra Love Compatibility with other Zodiac Signs

Pisces Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs

Amazing guys from the constellation Libra were born under the auspices of Venus. The distant and mysterious planet is named after the Goddess of Love, she is responsible for the sensual sphere of her pets, and endows Libra with beauty and attractiveness. Pisces is the most incomprehensible of the rest of the zodiac signs. There is nothing strange in this, because they are patronized by Neptune, which mixes fantasy and reality. Named after the Roman god of the seas, the planet endows Pisces with an extraordinary intuition and a deep need to love everyone.

Libra element air - calm and unshakable, stable and balanced. But if the air of Libra decides to conquer the world, then there is no doubt that the whole universe will obey Libra. Fish were born under the element of water. The water of Pisces is not a calm surface of the river, rather, it is underground water that penetrates anywhere, bypasses any obstacles, but achieves its goal. The pets of Venus are autumn creatures, and the wards of Neptune are winter-spring children, but the birth at different times of the year is not a cause for concern. Astrologers sincerely worry that water and air can affect the compatibility of Libra and Pisces - the guys have too many contradictions.

But the stars are optimistic - opposites, as you know, attract, and the union of Libra and Pisces can become, if not ideal, then very, very interesting.

Libra woman and Pisces man

Libra is a charming creature, she knows a lot about love, and she has no equal in coquetry - the pet of Venus will charm anyone in a minute. Libra girl strives for perfection from the moment of birth - beauty and harmony should be in everything, including in the people around her. Unsurprisingly, midwives lined up in height and babies changed into fancy diapers. Libra has many fans, but always hesitates - choosing the right guy is a big problem. The chosen one of the beautiful Libra should have a lot of advantages, but guys for the love of this lady are ready for any sacrifice. The wife of the air lady will turn out to be excellent, but Libra needs freedom - the day spent at the stove, the pet of Venus, equates to a year of imprisonment in a dungeon.

The Pisces guy is passionate, dreamy and sentimental. It is difficult to find a more romantic person - the Pisces boy was born for love, and is ready to look for it all his life. The pet of Neptune is endowed with the gift of clairvoyance and hypnosis - when the Fish appeared, he bewitched everyone around him (the staff of the hospital was ready to kneel and kiss the feet of a water baby). All women adore the water sage, but only few can solve the riddles of the Pisces guy. The ward of Neptune collects women's hearts, but, as a true lover of beauty, Pisces never boasts of victories (the water guy keeps photos of his mistresses in a special album, which he hides behind seven locks). The Pisces husband will turn out to be sensitive and attentive, but the wife should be ready for surprises - on a full moon, peace will reign in the family, and when the moon is born, it is better to stay away from the spouse.


The Libra lady is a lover of socializing and having fun. The aerial lady will find entertainment even in the desert - if Libra appears in the sands, the camels will begin to dance, and the lizards will sing in chorus. The stars know little about the addictions of the guy Pisces, but one luminaries know for sure: the pet of Neptune loves loneliness, although sometimes it gets out into the world to gain new impressions.

The stars decided to arrange a meeting of the pets of Venus and Neptune on an excursion in the exhibition hall - and the atmosphere is favorable, and there are few people, and the full moon is as ordered. By a lucky coincidence, the lady Libra and the guy Fish found themselves in the same group, and wandered after the guide, not noticing each other. But then the boy of water froze in amazement: the lady of Libra happened to be next to him, and he decided that she had left the painting of the artist of the 19th century. Amazing eyes, a mysterious half smile and a gorgeous outfit that emphasizes the perfect figure.
Libra noticed a strange guy who was staring at her with wide eyes, and in a secular tone asked what was wrong with her appearance.
Fish is a famous seducer, he showered the airy lady with such florid compliments that Libra blushed, the guide fell silent, and all the people surrounded the Fish and Libra in a ring. What can I say, even the pictures fell to the floor, and suddenly the lights went out.


So much for the incompatibility - the guy Pisces persuaded the Libra lady to escape from the excursion and go for a walk. The air-water guys wandered around the city until late at night and could not part. The water boy plucked up courage, escorted the air lady to the apartment, and even made an appointment for the next day.

So a great event happened - a date between the lady Libra and the guy Pisces. The stars are even embarrassed to talk about how the water-air guys were preparing for this meeting. The fish rushed to study cookbooks, ruined kilograms of food, and even quarreled with a granny who advised to treat the lady with purchased rolls. The Libra lady tore all the dresses, ran dozens of shops, and ended up being late for a date, showing up in the outfit left over from the school prom (although the air lady always looks seventeen).

For reliability, the water guy invited Libra to his place (suddenly love will come, and you will not have to think about where to spend this night). When Venus's pet appeared, Fish dropped the telephone receiver (the poor fellow was about to call his new acquaintance, because she was three and a half hours late). The phone broke down, but the water man did not notice it, but the experienced conqueror of women saw both the excited blush, and the feverish gleam of the eyes, and the trembling of the air lady's hands.


A couple of hours later, his grandmother came to visit the Fish. The stars know that these are the tricks of Cupid (he knows how to transform). The water guy suspected something was wrong, but the so-called granny handed the magic liquor and silently left. Cupid intervened for a reason, because he knows that the Libra lady and the Pisces guy can hesitate for years, and will never take the first step. Passion seized the water-air children after a sip of a wonderful drink - the night was amazing and unforgettable.

The man of water is well versed in women and knows what the weaker sex needs to be happy. There were rose petals, and poems, and a hint of eternal love - the Libra girl was satisfied. The same can be said about the guy Pisces, the air lady managed to charm him, and intimacy seemed to the aquatic man a fairy tale. The pets of Neptune and Venus did not get out of the house for a couple of weeks. But then the new moon came - Fish became sad, yearned and one night jumped out the window (good, the first floor) and rushed off for a walk in the park.

The Libra lady is also not without oddities, but she wondered if she needed a gentleman who reacted to the moon in this way? Maybe Pisces is generally from another world, and you shouldn't try the patience of astrologers and Fortune? When Fish, all exhausted, climbed back out the window, the Libra lady stood dressed and called a taxi.


The water romantic tried to explain to the air lady that such oddities rarely happen to him, but Libra was adamant and said that she needed time to sort out her feelings. This time, the pet of Venus did not ponder for long - only Libra recalled the nights spent with the Fish, how her hand reached for the phone. In general, a couple of days were enough, and now the air lady is already at the door. The fish knew that this would happen (the water sorcerer had a prophetic dream), and had time to prepare. All the same rose petals (although the stars are deceiving, Fish bought fresh flowers), rhymes and other romantic delights that can drive the most fastidious beauty crazy.

Living together was not as fabulous as the pets of Venus and Neptune dreamed of, because the airy lady was eager for entertainment, instead of showing mercy to the Fish and watching love series. But the water guy agreed to any conditions - Pisces also loves freedom and he allowed the Libra lady to spend two hours a day where she pleases.

The Libra girl appreciated this sacrifice, she even learned how to cook soups and often spoiled the Rybka boy with new dishes (Neptune's pet did not frown when the food was too salty, or the cake instead of chocolate was sprinkled with ground pepper - Libra often hovers in the clouds and can easily confuse products).


The guy Pisces and the lady Libra now and then started talking about the wedding, but together they switched to another topic - it is difficult to take a serious step. Well, what to do with indecisive lovers? They need to be pushed - the storks are right there. This is not to say that the air-water guys got married because of the news about the baby. On the contrary, they were glad that fate decided everything for them - and now friends and relatives read invitations and excitedly look for wedding gifts.

There were also some surprises. Either the bride of Libra tore off the veil and, crying, rushed to call a taxi, or the groom Fish tried to take off the wedding ring and put it on the witness's finger - but the faithful guard-friends stood by and held the obstinate newlyweds. With the birth of babies, Libra becomes the most ideal woman in the world - traditions, family evenings, a cozy atmosphere. And what a wonderful mommy will turn out to be an air lady, you will swing - even the stars wipe their eyes with tenderness with heavenly handkerchiefs.

Papa Pisces worships children and becomes the most restless father imaginable. Crowds of doctors gather for each sneeze of the kids, the first words of the kids are recorded in a separate notebook and flowers and hearts are drawn around. The reaction of the water dad to the first steps of the offspring is generally impossible to describe - the Fish started to dance, a second later he sobbed, and a minute later he was rushing through the city and shouting joyfully. In general, everything is great and we can say that Pisces and Libra found each other and found happiness.


Libra girl is the calmest baby on earth. She is balanced and friendly, positive and pleasant to talk to. Others are drawn to the airy girl - Libra will understand, support and give advice.

The Pisces boy is a sincere fellow, but he begins to understand life so early that those around him are afraid - a water child has a dozen correct answers to any question. Pisces often seems sad, but it is not - at this moment, Neptune's pet flies in the clouds, thinking about something beautiful. The Pisces guy is influenced, he absorbs both good and bad. It will be nice if the water-air guys make friends at a young age.

Benevolent creatures will certainly notice each other - the stars believe that the guy Pisces and the girl Libra have something to talk about. Water-air children are drawn to art, they can walk arm in arm for hours in museums and exhibitions. The fish, despite the sad appearance, often has fun and laughs - the Libra lady will be delighted with her friend. In addition, the pet of Neptune will quickly drive away bad people - bad personalities - from the company of Venus's ward, Fish smells a mile away.

Old age is not terrible for air-water creatures. Libra is not afraid of age at all, and Pisces invented the secret of eternal youth (however, the aquatic "old man" is not going to share the secret, and only the old Libra will tell about it - although no one will dare to call the elegant airy lady a grandmother)


The Libra lady does not like quarrels, and during a showdown she has a headache. Wherever an air lady appears, everyone smiles and begins to make friends - it is impossible to swear next to Libra. The Venus pet can master any profession: even an economist, even a florist, or even a prime minister - if only the situation is favorable. The wise guy Pisces is a palmist, clairvoyant, astrologer and psychic all rolled into one. He can try his hand anywhere, and there are legends about his gift - any self-respecting businessman will do everything possible to get a genius guy to join his team.

The Libra lady and the Pisces man strive for harmony - they will create a wonderful and complete union. Competitors will not come close to the air-water guys - it is sinful to offend the amazing ward of Venus, and it is scary to imagine Neptune's pet as an enemy (suddenly it turns into a frog, or even worse - into some kind of anteater). Scales with money for you, but, nevertheless, she has capital (maybe Venus is taking care of, or maybe the money gods are helping the scattered air lady).

The Pisces boy's attitude to money changes depending on the situation - today he can scatter bills, and tomorrow he will sit over the chest, like a bone, and will shake over every coin. The stars advise wealthy people to change their activities - Libra and Pisces are about to get rich and become the rulers of a country, or even the whole world.

Libra man and Pisces woman

The Libra guy is a charming and elegant handsome man, a sweet and self-confident conqueror of women's hearts. When the pet of Venus was born, the female babies were simultaneously embarrassed and blushed - Libra managed to appreciate each girl and winked at the cutest. With age, the airy guy hones the skill of seduction to perfection - there is no such girl that Libra could not conquer. And how to resist the charms of the air ladies' man - Libra is a gallant gentleman with exquisite manners, and if any fashionista looks at his suit, he will immediately rush to change. The pet of Venus rarely makes the first step, and there is no need for him - any lady is ready to throw herself into the arms of a beautiful guy, and even more so to marry him.

The Pisces girl is an amazing, strange and beautiful witch. Even the stars are not able to predict the future with such accuracy - Rybka is still a clairvoyant. Neptune's pet is romantic and mystical at the same time - a man who loves her will not figure out until the end of his life to whom he gave his heart: a mysterious demon, or a magic angel. The Fish itself is an addicting creature, the water lady often falls in love with the wrong men, but she does not suffer for long - it is difficult to imagine a more life-loving lady. The water woman has a lot of advantages, but there is also a small drawback (although the Fish itself has nothing to do with it) - the Fish is subject to mood swings, and its attitude towards life depends on the phases of the moon.


The stars know that the Libra man has a sea of \u200b\u200badmirers, and that the girl Pisces is followed by suitors in droves. The air boy is always in search of entertainment, it is impossible to imagine him sitting in an armchair by the fireplace - if this happens, then, most likely, there will be fifty friends and one hundred and twenty admirers nearby.

The Pisces lady loves to grieve in silence and dream of perfect love. But this does not mean that Rybka avoids communication - she can even be found at a rally or at a meeting of residents, where she will be the main speaker, or a collector of signatures. Ideally, Rybka and Libra need to meet when they are seventeen years old, and there is no sad experience behind them. Alas, this rarely happens, and by the time they meet, the air-water children will experience disappointment. But the closer to reality - the stars decided to arrange a small surprise for the pets of Venus and Neptune. Lady Pisces was pondering what to do with her lover from the constellation of Cancer (their relationship went wrong, and it was going to parting), and suddenly his friend Libra loomed on the horizon.

Neptune's ward came to her boyfriend to pick up some things, but the door was opened by the pet of Venus. The air-water guys froze to the spot. "Is this really love?" - thought Rybka; "Is it really SHE?" - Libra thought. And already Rybka's ex-boyfriend loomed in the background and cursed himself for inviting a friend to visit.


And then it started. There was no talk of any dating - the pets of Venus and Neptune never parted for a minute from the moment they met.
The stars wanted to skip the description of dating, love and relationships and go straight to marriage, but they changed their minds in time - the Libra guy and the Rybka girl would not forgive such indifference. Each meeting of water-air creatures was like a fairy tale.

The first date took place on the roof - Libra read poetry for Rybka, and the water lady danced under the full moon and cried with happiness.
The guys arranged the second date on the ship - this time Fish and Libra decided to fool around and shock others. Petomitsa Neptune with a cry rushed to "drown", and Libra's boyfriend saved her in front of the amazed audience, showering them with kisses.

The water-air guys decided to devote the third meeting to getting to know their relatives. Relatives, to put it mildly, were not delighted - such a stormy relationship of lovers, in the opinion of parents and grandmothers, does not lead to good. But is it possible to convince the Libra guy and the Pisces woman? Of course not!

In general, each date was as if the guys had just met, they surprised each other every second - this is such an ideal and completely incompatible couple.


This happiness lasted a whole month, but there were no thoughts about intimacy (no, Pisces and Libra, of course, dreamed of being in the same bed, but they avoided this moment in every possible way, suddenly passion would become the final stage of the relationship). Cupid has enough platonic communication, and he is tired of watching a TV show that looks like sweet syrup. The mischievous man got vouchers to the resort for air-water lovers, and next to the sea and the beach it is difficult to control himself.

Waves ran onto the shore, the moon was full, the stars were scattered in the sky, ... and Fish and Libra lay on the snow-white sand and enjoyed each other. In matters of sex, the air-water guys are not newbies, but next to each other they understood that everything that was before is sheer nonsense.

Rybka realized that she had won a lucky ticket, and Libra kept pinching his hand and leg to make sure that he was not dozing, but really sitting in seventh heaven. But one day, an insidious family came to the resort, who was worried that their air-water children would do something.

The fish and Libra were separated for an hour, and each of the lovers' relatives tried to clear their brains. But where love lives, there is no place for logic and reason - the Libra guy and the Rybka girl did not hear anyone and thought only about one thing: when will it be possible to retire?


Astrologers do not like it if their rules are violated - after all, clever books have to be rewritten, and extra pay for false information. Therefore, the old men in caps decorated with stars and planets decided that the Libra guy and the lady Rybka urgently needed to be separated! Oh, and the grandfathers were sophisticated - the stars even went down to earth in shock to somehow influence the situation.

The calm and balanced Libra guy knew jealousy - Rybka got a lot of it when the airy Othello saw the water lady talking with a neighbor at the entrance (Libra has never been jealous in his life, so he absolutely does not know how to behave, and even more so, did not hear about self-control in such situations).

Sweet and quiet Pisces now and then ran to her friends and complained that the Libra guy seemed to be jinxed - where are the gifts, where are the declarations of love? Only scandals, but a showdown. But Cupid, after all, did not doze either - he arranged a real love story for astrologers and astronomers (the grandfathers met the beauties from the local cabaret and forgot to think about Libra and Fish).

The stars advise the water-air children to urgently change their phone numbers, rent a separate apartment on the edge of a city or village, and for the time being, stop communicating with relatives and friends - let them calm down.


The wedding did take place. Relatives, looking at the happy face of the bride Pisces and the contented face of the groom Libra, sobbed deeply, the friends drank merrily, and the presenter patiently waited for her to be finally let go home (today her favorite TV series about an ugly girl who should turn into a beauty ends).

One cannot speak calmly about the family life of the husband of Libra and the wife of Pisces. Air-water spouses now and then began to remember the past, and quarrel over nonsense. A minute later, Libra and Pisces remembered that they adore each other - and now the pets of Venus and Neptune are hugging and cooing again.

How many broken phones and laptops there were not to count, and this is useless - in the life of Pisces and Libra, finally, a small man appeared. With the birth of the baby, the air-water guys stopped swearing (when the mother-in-law and mother-in-law did not intervene, the relationship between Rybka and Libra was generally ideal). Libra is a wonderful dad - he will change the diaper, and cook porridge, and rock, and feed, and with jokes and jokes. Is it any wonder that the baby loves the airy folder and listens to it unquestioningly.

Mom Pisces is generally an example for any parents. She knows every birthmark of the child, when the baby was in the womb, the aquatic mother studied children's sores and could better than any doctor determine why the baby was roaring - because of teeth, or because of colic in the tummy. The stars recommend that Libra's husband try and make little wife Rybka a mommy more than once - two or three children will help the air-water spouses become a truly happy married couple.


Libra is a charming and friendly fellow. An airy optimist sees advantages in everything and it is not surprising that both children and adults are drawn to him. The pet of Venus knows how to be friends - the Libra boy has a lot of friends, and the guys adore the air ringleader. The fish seems strange and incomprehensible to many, but the mysterious water lady attracts people to her. A little clairvoyant is able to predict the weather, traffic jams, and even the mood of her parents' boss - dad and mom ask Rybka every day what to expect at the service.

When Pisces and Libra become friends, some people will be against this relationship. Educators believe that the water girl has a bad effect on the air guy - it was not enough for the positive pet of Venus to hit astrology, or to start studying esoteric literature.
But the Libra guy himself has a different opinion on this matter - the air boy believes that friendship with the little girl Pisces gives him the opportunity to develop and expand his horizons. Sometimes the guys, of course, quarrel, but usually it happens because of all the nonsense. Libra is often fond of pretty ladies, and then Pisces appears and declares that these girls are not suitable for a serious relationship.

In old age, the friendship between the pets of Venus and Neptune can be safely called ideal - the old man Libra will protect the old woman Fish from the wrath of the residents (Granny Fish loves to swim, and always forgets to turn off the water in the bathroom). And Rybka will predict a happy old age and a big pension for Libra - I must say that the forecast of the water grandmother will come true one hundred percent.


The Libra guy is everyone's favorite - both colleagues and the boss sing praises to him, because such a positive employee can no longer be found. The talents of a diplomat are in the blood of an air man - Libra plays a major role in any negotiations and can blabber the most harmful competitor.
Lady Pisces does not worry about where she will work - the water lady will find money in any case (if Rybka is on the seabed, then she will come across a chest with gold, and if Neptune's pet is in the sky, then an angel will fly by and shower her banknotes).
If the air-water guys find themselves in the same team, then there is no doubt that Fish and Libra will enrich themselves, become famous and achieve the respect of all business people.

For successful cooperation, the pets of Neptune and Venus will have to work hard - it is advisable for the Libra guy to get rid of flattering people around him, and the Rybka girl will not hurt to decide on her main goal and understand what is more important: money, or honor. Competitors will poke their attention to Libra and Pisces a couple of times, but they will quickly understand that there is nothing to do next to the air-water guys. The Libra guy reacts to any intrigues of ill-wishers in the same way - shrugs his shoulders and grins. And the girl Pisces, at the sight of competitors, makes an imperturbable face and reads the conspiracy - even guys weighing one hundred kilograms scatter in panic.

The stars sincerely wish Libra and Pisces good luck - go for it, because there are many uninhabited islands left (you can build houses there for complete happiness).

\u003e Libra and Pisces compatibility

These representatives of the zodiac circle should not flatter themselves about compatibility, because it will be quite problematic for them to find understanding. They communicate with people and look at the world in completely different ways. Their characters and principles also do not have much in common. And none of them finds it necessary to adapt to their partner and change.

Libra, like an air sign, thinks logically and rationally, and the Aquatic Pisces acts under emotions. If a relationship is established between them, then Libra will become the engine. But this does not suit anyone and compatibility does not withstand the dissatisfaction of both.

Libra and Pisces compatibility in love relationships

In love, they are more likely to be guided by emotional and spiritual closeness than physical. This distinguishes them from most of the zodiacs. Everyone has a rich sexual fantasy, which is even more active on dates. They love to create a special setting to fuel a loving relationship.

There will be candles, romantic music, seductive aromas and expensive wine. They do not like rudeness and in sex it is also not acceptable. And even if they don't get what they want, they will never speak directly about it.

This couple always thinks they were born at the wrong time. They would be in an age when honor and romance were valued, and people kept their word and followed lofty ideals. But seeing in front of them a real picture of everyday life, they get very upset. To prevent the connection from collapsing from external influences, they will have to seriously work on their personality.

Such people get used to living in imaginary worlds that practically do not intersect with real life. And the problem is that both do not want to get out of their illusion in order to establish a joint life. They respect the independence of their partner and try not to get into someone else's space. And this is not a plus, but a disservice that kills a love union. Everyone has a wonderful talent, which they cannot reveal without help. They protect themselves and their loved ones from pressure, so they have no incentive to develop.

After all, aloofness builds up too many problems that need immediate attention. And if they do not quickly orientate themselves, the family will fall apart. The action, first of all, must come from the man. And he is quite capable of being responsible for the material and spiritual aspects of their existence.

They rarely quarrel and are unable to live alone. Long-term conflict situations exhaust them with their negativity and aggression, so they avoid them. It happens that partners are so mired in omissions and irritation that they prefer to simply forget their loved one, instead of trying to figure it out. And this is strange, because diplomatic Libra and merciful Pisces know how to find a common language. A love union is obliged to force them to evolve, to move towards their goals, otherwise the horoscope does not give any perspective. In most cases, early marriages are at risk. But mature people are more flexible and wiser, so they manage to maintain an attitude and compatibility.

They agree on the desire to make the other half happy, but they never reach the goal. The fish is reluctant to take the first step, and is not even in a hurry to the wedding. It is much easier for him to dream of a beautiful lady than to care for a real person. He is attracted by a calm and kind girl, but her poise is most often a mask. There are many experiences and doubts inside her, from which she dreams of getting rid of next to a strong gentleman. She wants stability, so she puts things in order in all matters, and the family is no exception. She sets the rules so that no chaos is created and scares off the spouse who tries to avoid any framework.

It turns out that a girl in love, who has been looking for support for herself all her life, sees that a guy who is generous with romantic speeches cannot provide her rear, and does nothing at all. The fish is also disappointed, because there was not a subtle and sensitive nature nearby that he needed so much.

To prevent their love union from becoming a trap, they should clearly distribute homework and choose who is responsible for external problems. By resolving these differences, they can greatly simplify their lives. She is one of the few who manages to maintain the balance of his soul, and he captures her confusion and pain and helps to cope with them.

There is little practicality in them, but they do not nag each other due to the meager budget. In rare cases, a couple grows rich, choosing non-standard ways to achieve their goals. It helps them to focus on mundane desires and work together. Then there is a better chance of success.

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Compatibility horoscope: compatibility of zodiac signs Libra fish is the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

  • Aries 21.03 - 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini 05.22 - 06.21
  • Cancer 06.22 - 07.22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 08.24 - 09.22
  • Libra 23.09 - 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 11.23 - 12.21
  • Capricorn 12.22 - 01.20
  • Aquarius 01.21 - 02.20
  • Pisces 02.21 - 03.20

Libra zodiac sign compatibility - Pisces

If the representatives of these two signs of the zodiac are trying to find a common language, they have very little chance for this. Pisces with Libra have different attitudes towards people, towards the world as a whole, they are guided by different principles, have dissimilar characters, and each does not consider it necessary to adapt to the other. The logic and rationality of Libra is faced with the extreme emotionality of Pisces, who rely on their inner feelings. In such a relationship, Libra usually has to take the reins, but neither side is happy with this, which makes this alliance even more complex and fragile.

Libra and Pisces - compatibility in love and marriage


Libra man - Pisces woman

Often, acquaintances of this couple have a feeling that she should have lived in some other century, when romance, some lofty feelings and ideals were in the price. The harsh realities of everyday life are not for these two. For a relationship to stand the test of strength, both must do a tremendous inner work.

The Libra man and the Pisces woman are each in their own world, which has few points of contact with reality. Neither one nor the other wants to be responsible for solving material, everyday, and indeed any important issues in general. They respect each other's independence very much, trying not to interfere with the personal space of the other - and doing this a disservice to both the partner and the joint future. Being talented and capable people, representatives of these signs of the Zodiac may never reveal themselves throughout their lives, if no one gives them an impetus to do so. Protecting each other from pressure, the Libra husband and the Pisces wife do not receive incentives from their other half for further development.

Being in a world of illusions inevitably ends with a collision with a huge number of problems that need urgent solutions. And if the partners cannot change anything in themselves (and they will not do it quickly enough), such a family, as the horoscope warns, may fall apart. First of all, the Libra man must say his word, especially since he is quite capable of making sure that the spiritual and material components of their life together are in harmony.

Libra and Pisces rarely quarrel, do not tolerate prolonged loneliness, can not stand disputes and aggression saturated with negativity, but they can easily get bogged down in a quagmire of problems and disperse without understanding them, although if desired they could well find a common language, since Libra is very diplomatic , and Pisces is sympathetic and merciful. Living together, active interaction should lead both to the need to grow and show the world their dignity and talents, otherwise this union will quickly exhaust itself.

Most often, early marriages of representatives of these zodiac signs end sadly, while later relationships, when partners become wiser and more flexible, have better prospects.


Pisces man - Libra woman

The desire to bring joy into the life of a loved one often becomes the basis for creating such a union, but this brings little happiness to both. It is difficult for Pisces to decide on marriage, real actions are given to this man more difficult than dreams of his high mission in life. The company of a restrained, indiscreet woman seems tempting to him, but the balance of a Libra woman is often just an illusion, her soul is filled with constant doubts, which she would gladly get rid of by marrying a person stronger than herself. Striving for stability, the spouse will diligently put things in order around herself, including in family relationships, and at the same time can establish certain rules for living together, which Pisces men will try to avoid by any means.

As a result, the Libra woman, who dreamed of gaining support, discovers that a man who talks about feelings and lofty ideals does nothing to ensure that their family has stable positions. Pisces are also disappointed, because instead of romance and high feelings, they are faced with the need to deal with everyday life, to live according to new, not established rules.

So that the relationship of a Libra woman with a Pisces man does not turn into a trap for both, the horoscope advises them to clearly distribute responsibilities around the house and the degree of participation in solving family problems that come from outside. Against the background of the positive qualities of each, this will help them find peace of mind. Libra is that rare woman who is able to restore harmony in the soul of her spouse, and he, in turn, is better than most able to feel her personal problems and show participation.

Representatives of both signs of the zodiac are not particularly practical, but they also do not make big claims to each other when their life is not quite comfortable or the family does not have enough money. It happens that the Pisces man and the Libra woman set themselves the goal of getting rich and succeed a lot in this field, using non-standard ways of earning, including not the most decent ones. It should be noted that for such couples, this earthiness of aspirations is useful, although not necessarily in such a radical form. The more practical and specific their common goals are, the more likely they are to make this relationship truly close and lasting.

Pisces and Libra - sex compatibility

Sex in these partners is colored in slightly different tones than in other zodiac signs. Even in bed, the most important thing for them is close contact at the emotional and psychological level, and not the physical proximity of bodies. Both have rich erotic imaginations, which they evoke even more by creating a special dating atmosphere, using romantic melodies, pleasant smells, intimate lighting, etc. In such a pair, neither the man nor the woman will behave rudely, too bluntly, even if they do not get what they want.

Compatibility horoscope for Pisces and Libra in work and business

Keeping a certain distance, Libra and Pisces can work well together when it comes to routine, simple assignments. It is difficult for them to understand each other to the end, but they do not strive for this, but in a team, thanks to them, a comfortable environment is usually created - if both do not enter into a confrontation. Such employees are rarely visited by labor enthusiasm, and if problems begin, then both Pisces and Libra will try to find the culprit and shift the responsibility, or even the work itself, onto someone else. The business partners of these signs cannot boast of penetrative abilities and do not always clearly understand why they have joined forces. In addition, none of them wants to bear the burden of responsibility for the results of joint activities.

Pisces and Libra pair: compatibility in friendship

Pisces with Libra rarely become true friends, although they are in friendly relations quite often. They are related by their sympathy for a quiet pastime, pleasant company, interest in art, culture, religion. They do not have complete trust in each other and spiritual closeness, but they calmly and enjoy spending time together, so a friendly bond can persist for many years. Both can use each other for personal gain, and both sense when they are being manipulated. Although it often happens that for some reason they allow each other to do this.

See compatibility of Libra with other signs of the zodiac:

Pisces and Libra - sign compatibility

Embodies eternal contradiction. The union of these signs seems impossible due to their absolute misunderstanding of each other. These people seem to be woven from different materials. In such a relationship, Libra will become the undisputed leader. Their charm and friendly disposition will become a trap for Pisces, which will later turn into the mental anguish of a representative of the water element. Libra will use a partner to derive their own benefit, while Pisces will find a calling in self-sacrifice. At the same time, their amazing ability to empathize, the primacy of feelings and spiritual qualities over the material world strongly oppresses Libra. In addition, Pisces for an airy person is a constant headache, because how difficult it is for Libra, accustomed to open and direct communication, to solve the mysteries of a partner.

The contradictory compatibility of Pisces and Libra is complicated by the fact that Pisces are forced to carry on their shoulders all the household load. Libra is too sophisticated for homework, and Pisces are too silent and deep in their inner world to adequately resist the instructions of a partner.

Constantly being nearby, these people are unable to discern in each other the good that is in the character of each sign. Despite the fact that Libra and Pisces are equally romantic and sensual, they turn life together into a cruel torture, characterized by special sophistication. At times, the emotionality of Pisces is discouraging for the Libra sign. And it so happens that Pisces are at a loss from the partner's excessive sociability. A positive point that characterizes the compatibility of the signs of Pisces and Libra is their general dislike of aggression. In the event of serious disagreements, the partners would rather part ways than resort to an open showdown.

Despite mutual torment, the union of Water and Air can be quite harmonious. Partners should try to become close on a spiritual level, then it will be easier for them to restrain themselves from looking for flaws and expressing critical remarks. Moreover, the relationship between Libra and Pisces is accompanied by good intimate compatibility.

Pisces and Libra sexual compatibility

The combination is interesting, but controversial. The sexual compatibility of the signs of Pisces and Libra is complex and multifaceted. Pisces is a gentle and sensitive sign. In his quest to please his partner and show devotion to their feelings, he knows no boundaries. However, this strains Libra a little, who want power, but are not in a hurry to take responsibility. On the other hand, with serious affection, they may well find a common language. Then the romance and tender passion inherent in both partners will give them many unforgettable moments.

Compatibility: Libra man - Pisces woman

When the two are together, poetic romanticism is in the air. They are carried away by an interesting conversation: a Libra man with his characteristic charm is telling a story about something surprisingly unusual, and Lady Pisces does not take admiring eyes from the chosen one. Having reached a certain degree of intimacy, Libra and Pisces begin to realize how similar they are: both are subject to feelings and emotions and cannot resist beauty. This couple will in no way resort to open confrontation in case of disagreement, they are supporters of a peaceful solution to problems.

Despite the presence in the character of common traits, the Libra man and the Pisces woman can stop friendly communication at one point. The thing is that the Pisces lady is prone to empathy and expects the same attitude to their feelings. And Libra is not capable of such interaction. Instead of sympathetic phrases, Pisces will hear a painfully logical and fair monologue. A woman in this relationship will be tormented by the fact that her partner is not able to understand the depth of her inner world and share with her the emotions that lurk in her waters. A man born under the sign of Libra will not be able to endure her constant mysteries, and from this he will lose his balance, which will be very sad for him.

Compatibility: Libra woman - Pisces man

The Pisces man is too soft to control his beloved. Rather, she will dominate him. However, the Libra woman is indecisive and slow, and she does not want to take responsibility for the relationship on herself.

A strong spiritual bond is formed between partners. They are similar in many ways, but the degree of manifestation of feelings is completely different. The Pisces man is inclined to believe that he has the right to hide some secrets in the depths of his soul, and is in no hurry to share them. A woman born under the sign of Libra is angry. In response, her chosen one may receive several negative phrases.

There is a lot of positive in the union of air and water. Despite the commander's habits and the constant search for balance, the Libra woman remains faithful to her man and is able to give him self-confidence at the right time. Just like a man born under the sign of Pisces, he will open up the world of dreams for the chosen one and fill her life with romance. It looks like they really need each other.

Libra and Pisces business compatibility

Pisces and Libra compatibility in business is positive. These partners can get along well with each other due to their desire to avoid conflicts. In such a tandem, work can continue for a long time. A positive effect on their cooperation is that the logical thinking of Libra complements the instinctive intelligence of Pisces. They will achieve the best results by working in the areas of forecasting trends and introducing new technologies.

Libra and Pisces Zodiac Signs Compatibility in Love

Compatibility in love between partners is a decisive factor in marriage.

Libra and Pisces can overcome all difficulties and get married

In this regard, Libra and Pisces are a contradictory union, but possible.

General characteristics

Libra thinks every step of the way

Pisces and Libra are not included in the list of pairs of zodiac signs that have perfect compatibility. They look at the world differently and evaluate in their own way. Some are guided by emotions, while others are used to calculating everything to the smallest detail. To figure out which character traits of these zodiac signs are compatible, and which are incompatible, consider their general characteristics.

Pisces people are blessed with creativity.

They have a subtle sense of the world and have developed intuition. The power and wealth of the representatives of the sign are not attractive. They are careless and live exclusively for "today".

LIBRA + PISCES - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimk

Pisces Man and Libra Woman Compatibility Together

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Libra male and Pisces female compatibility. Together

If you are pairing Libra and Pis with zodiac signs

Compatibility fish woman man scales.

Pisces are accustomed to "go with the flow", the struggle for "a place in the sun" is not for them. They are loved for their kind disposition, docile character and willingness to help. Representatives of the sign easily make friends with people. A good sense of humor helps them cope with difficult life situations. But at the same time, they tend to "drown" their grief in a glass of wine.

Those born under the sign of Libra are pleasant and good-natured people.

They are great storytellers and attentive listeners. Venus, patronizing the sign, has endowed its representatives with a charm that is difficult to resist. People who have a strong Sun in the natal chart with the Moon in Libra fascinate at first sight.

Representatives of the sign are not inclined to make hasty decisions. They think over every step to the smallest detail. Not feeling the line between discretion and indecision, Libra turns people against themselves. They are easily carried away and are incontinent.

Libra men - Pisces women

The Pisces woman will easily charm the Libra man

Do a Libra man and a Pisces woman have a chance of a happy relationship? This alliance looks promising at first. But, the more partners get to know each other, the more problematic it becomes. An interest in a girl's relationship and a comfortable environment for a guy is the key to success.

Sign compatibility

Using natural femininity and external attractiveness, the Pisces woman will charm the Libra man. And he, being a person who is carried away, will easily fall for the "hook". The partner is delighted with how delicately a woman feels the beauty and harmony of the world around her, with what ecstasy she talks about music and poetry. The charm will last until the man realizes that Pisces's delights are excessive.

Pisces women, as elevated natures and to some extent idealists, will not notice the negative qualities of the chosen one.

The delights and compliments of a partner will make her believe that this is “the one, the only one”. No arguments of friends and acquaintances will influence the choice of a woman. To the last, she is inclined to idealize the chosen one and come up with excuses for him.

Marriage compatibility

The compatibility horoscope of men of Libra and women of Pisces claims that such a union is possible. Representatives of the zodiac signs are attracted to each other, the fact that both of them are absolutely non-conflicting. Their marriage will pass without daily scandals and showdowns. The main thing in such a family is the husband, and the wife, with the complaisance of Pisces, will always yield to him. Such a union is an example of vector relationships, where the "owner" is Libra.

In Pisces, a man will find a life partner who shares his interests and supports his opinion. He will be soft and compliant with her. In some situations, Libra can behave harshly and even cruel towards people, but it is unlikely that Pisces is the reason. If the Libra man has not achieved success in life, the Pisces woman will not reproach him for this.

The first difficulties in life can cause discord or even destroy the union of Libra and Pisces. Faced with problems, a woman goes into her imaginary world, expecting concrete actions from a man. Libra men do not like difficulties and try to avoid them. If they do not find a solution, they simply "evaporate" and appear when the problem is solved.

Sexual compatibility

The Libra man chooses a partner for sex with his mind, and the Pisces woman chooses with her heart. However, they are quite capable of captivating each other. Sexual compatibility of signs is based on the mutual attraction of partners. Excessive attachment of Pisces to the chosen one, as well as the fickleness and inconstancy of Libra's feelings, interfere with relationships.

Pisces men - Libra women

Financial difficulties could break the union

Consider the compatibility in love relationships of couples whose men are Pisces and women have Libra. The main stumbling block of such alliances is material well-being. Financial difficulties set partners against each other and break the union. The main thing in this situation is to find a compromise.

Sign compatibility

The Libra woman attracts with her gentleness, poise and attentive attitude. Being non-conflicting, girls of the sign do not like aggressive and temperamental people. The Pisces man is deprived of the fiery energy of Mars and attracts with restraint and peacefulness. Ladies like his compliant and gentle nature.

Men of the sign are visionaries and romantics who dream of a beautiful princess.

Libra women, possessing external and internal attractiveness, conquer them at first sight. Practical people, Libra loves comfort and stability. They expect a calm, secure life from a man, but Pisces are not always ready to provide it.

Marriage compatibility

The love horoscope of compatibility of Libra and Pisces considers such unions as quite prosperous. They live without quarrels, scandals and do not give others a reason for gossip. Leadership in a pair belongs to a woman. To understand each other, they do not need words - just a glance is enough.

Libra and Pisces have a developed craving for beauty. Often both, or at least one of the partners is directly related to the art world. As for creativity, their views do not always coincide. But, as non-conflicting people, they accept and respect the position of the opposite side.

Sexual compatibility

Do Libra and Pisces have compatibility in bed? In sexual life, a Libra woman and a Pisces man are perfect for each other. Possessing a rich erotic imagination, they are always ready to experiment. Partners love romantic evenings and exciting surprises. Sexual compatibility of Pisces and Libra is a big plus in a relationship.

How to keep the union

Be honest with each other

So that the union of a Libra man and a Pisces woman does not disintegrate, partners need to pay attention to the following nuances of behavior:

  1. Women need to contain their emotions.
  2. Men should learn to solve problems, not run away from them.
  3. It would be nice for women to “come down from heaven” and become more practical.
  4. Men, striking a relationship with a woman, should not give her empty promises.
  5. If partners cannot solve problems on their own, then you need to ask friends for help.

The union of a Pisces man and a Libra woman can crack, if you do not pay attention to some circumstances:

  1. A man cannot stand a sign when he is pointed out to flaws or reminded of his financial insolvency.
  2. A woman loves comfort and financial stability. Without getting it in marriage, she can leave.
  3. Men tend to solve problems with alcohol.
  4. Representatives of both signs need to be able to negotiate with each other.
  5. The key to a happy union is honesty and frankness with each other.
  6. Sexually compatible is a lifeline for union.

Compatibility horoscope for couples for the zodiac signs Libra and Pisces

Libra and Pisces signs compatibility

In a pair of Libra and Pisces, compatibility is likely, but they meet completely by chance. Such a pair is often formed among colleagues, classmates or neighbors, since in a crowd they would hardly have noticed each other.

This couple often quarrels, but this does not affect their further relationship, since reconciliation can be sweet and romantic. Perhaps they came up with a quarrel just for fun.

In this relationship, both partners will try not to lose their freedom. Nevertheless, they will do everything possible so as not to lose this seemingly incomprehensible, but so romantic union.

In the union of Libra and Pisces, compatibility becomes likely at a more mature age. This usually happens after Libra has stumbled many times in relationships with others, and when they meet a gentle Fish, they realize what they have been missing for so many years.

This couple will have intellectual conversations during the day and dream in an embrace in the evenings. Life is wonderful when there is someone who shares your dreams and thoughts, with such a person you can turn the world around.

What do you think can prevent their happiness?

Libra and Pisces pair compatibility in detail

How will the relationship between the signs of Libra and Pisces develop?

Pisces love to be a leader in relationships. Compatibility of this pair is possible, since Libra does not try to dominate and concedes this role to Pisces. But when it comes to bed, Pisces should give the role of the main Libra.

Those around them hardly believe the sincerity of this union, because they are so different, and it is difficult to imagine what unites them. But know, if they fell in love with each other, then only distrust can separate them, which happens extremely rarely.

Compatibility horoscope for Libra and Pisces advises not to delve into the past. Learn to live in the present, because if you are your partner in the present, it means that he really loves only you.

Compatibility in love between partners is a decisive factor in marriage.

In this regard, Libra and Pisces are a contradictory union, but possible.

General characteristics

Pisces and Libra are not included in the list of pairs of zodiac signs with perfect compatibility. They look at the world differently and evaluate in their own way. Some are guided by emotions, while others are used to calculating everything to the smallest detail. To figure out which character traits of these zodiac signs are compatible, and which are incompatible, consider their general characteristics.


Pisces people are blessed with creativity.

They have a subtle sense of the world and have developed intuition. The power and wealth of the representatives of the sign are not attractive. They are careless and live exclusively for "today".

LIBRA + PISCES - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Libra Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility

Pisces Man and Libra Woman Compatibility

Libra and Pisces. Compatibility horoscope Love and sex horoscope

libra and Pisces zodiac signs love compatibility

psychology. Libra sign compatibility with Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Pisces are accustomed to "go with the flow", the struggle for "a place in the sun" is not for them. They are loved for their kind disposition, docile character and willingness to help. Representatives of the sign easily make friends with people. A good sense of humor helps them cope with difficult life situations. But at the same time, they tend to "drown" their grief in a glass of wine.


Those born under the sign of Libra are pleasant and good-natured people.

They are great storytellers and attentive listeners. Venus, patronizing the sign, has endowed its representatives with a charm that is difficult to resist. People who have a strong Sun in the natal chart with the Moon in Libra fascinate at first sight.

Representatives of the sign are not inclined to make hasty decisions. They think over every step to the smallest detail. Not feeling the line between discretion and indecision, Libra turns people against themselves. They are easily carried away and are incontinent.

Libra men - Pisces women

Do a Libra man and a Pisces woman have a chance of a happy relationship? This alliance looks promising at first. But, the more partners get to know each other, the more problematic it becomes. An interest in a girl's relationship and a comfortable environment for a guy is the key to success.

Sign compatibility

Using natural femininity and external attractiveness, the Pisces woman will charm the Libra man. And he, being a person who is carried away, will easily fall for the "hook". The partner is delighted with how delicately a woman feels the beauty and harmony of the world around her, with what ecstasy she talks about music and poetry. The charm will last until the man realizes that Pisces's delights are excessive.

Pisces women, as elevated natures and to some extent idealists, will not notice the negative qualities of the chosen one.

The delights and compliments of a partner will make her believe that this is “the one, the only one”. No arguments of friends and acquaintances will influence the choice of a woman. To the last, she is inclined to idealize the chosen one and come up with excuses for him.

Marriage compatibility

The compatibility horoscope of men of Libra and women of Pisces claims that such a union is possible. Representatives of the zodiac signs are attracted to each other, the fact that both of them are absolutely non-conflicting. Their marriage will pass without daily scandals and showdowns. The main thing in such a family is the husband, and the wife, with the complaisance of Pisces, will always yield to him. Such a union is an example of vector relationships, where the "owner" is Libra.

In Pisces, a man will find a life partner who shares his interests and supports his opinion. He will be soft and compliant with her. In some situations, Libra can behave harshly and even cruel towards people, but it is unlikely that Pisces is the reason. If the Libra man has not achieved success in life, the Pisces woman will not reproach him for this.

The first difficulties in life can cause discord or even destroy the union of Libra and Pisces. Faced with problems, a woman goes into her imaginary world, expecting concrete actions from a man. Libra men do not like difficulties and try to avoid them. If they do not find a solution, they simply "evaporate" and appear when the problem is solved.

Sexual compatibility

The Libra man chooses a partner for sex with his mind, and the Pisces woman chooses with her heart. However, they are quite capable of captivating each other. Sexual compatibility of signs is based on the mutual attraction of partners. Excessive attachment of Pisces to the chosen one, as well as the fickleness and inconstancy of Libra's feelings, interfere with relationships.

Pisces men - Libra women

Consider the compatibility in love relationships of couples who have Pisces men and Libra women. The main stumbling block of such alliances is material well-being. Financial difficulties set partners against each other and break the union. The main thing in this situation is to find a compromise.

Sign compatibility

The Libra woman attracts with her gentleness, poise and attentive attitude. Being non-conflicting, girls of the sign do not like aggressive and temperamental people. The Pisces man is deprived of the fiery energy of Mars and attracts with restraint and peacefulness. Ladies like his compliant and gentle nature.

Men of the sign are visionaries and romantics who dream of a beautiful princess.

Libra women, possessing external and internal attractiveness, conquer them at first sight. Practical people, Libra loves comfort and stability. They expect a calm, secure life from a man, but Pisces are not always ready to provide it.

Marriage compatibility

The love horoscope of compatibility of Libra and Pisces considers such unions as quite prosperous. They live without quarrels, scandals and do not give others a reason for gossip. Leadership in a pair belongs to a woman. To understand each other, they do not need words - just a glance is enough.

Libra and Pisces have a developed craving for beauty. Often both, or at least one of the partners is directly related to the art world. As for creativity, their views do not always coincide. But, as non-conflicting people, they accept and respect the position of the opposite side.

Sexual compatibility

Do Libra and Pisces have compatibility in bed? In sexual life, a Libra woman and a Pisces man are perfect for each other. Possessing a rich erotic imagination, they are always ready to experiment. Partners love romantic evenings and exciting surprises. Sexual compatibility of Pisces and Libra is a big plus in a relationship.

How to keep the union

So that the union of a Libra man and a Pisces woman does not disintegrate, partners need to pay attention to the following nuances of behavior:

  1. Women need to contain their emotions.
  2. Men should learn to solve problems, not run away from them.
  3. It would be nice for women to “come down from heaven” and become more practical.
  4. Men, striking a relationship with a woman, should not give her empty promises.
  5. If partners cannot solve problems on their own, then you need to ask friends for help.

The union of a Pisces man and a Libra woman can crack, if you do not pay attention to some circumstances:

  1. A man cannot stand a sign when he is pointed out to flaws or reminded of his financial insolvency.
  2. A woman loves comfort and financial stability. Without getting it in marriage, she can leave.
  3. Men tend to solve problems with alcohol.
  4. Representatives of both signs need to be able to negotiate with each other.
  5. The key to a happy union is honesty and frankness with each other.
  6. Sexually compatible is a lifeline for union.