Sagittarius woman compatibility - Cancer man in marriage. What does a woman need to know about a Cancer man? Sagittarius woman and Cancer man compatibility in business

The difference in characters and approaches to solving all sorts of issues will initially cause mutual interest. A Sagittarius woman will be quite satisfied with some infantilism of a partner, and she will gladly take on the role of a leader. The Cancer man will be satisfied with this at first, since he will get the opportunity to get rid of unpleasant responsibilities. But in the future, he is likely to show unexpected character traits for his wife. For example, he is able to be jealous of her not only to friends or colleagues, but also to work and even children.

2. Compatibility for good luck: Medium

The most difficult thing in this union is that they both want to adjust the partner for themselves, change each other, but no one will succeed in this. They will constantly drive themselves into such circumstances when it will be difficult to reconcile. None of them wants to lose face and give in. Most likely, it is the Cancer man who initiates most conflicts, since he feels himself on the sidelines and he categorically does not like it.

3. Sexual Compatibility: Poor

At first, the difference in characters and curiosity will spur them up to the beginning of intimate relationships, but the longer the relationship lasts, the more difficult it is for partners to find satisfaction. The Cancer man strives for his spouse to devote all the time to him alone, and the Sagittarius woman does not allow herself to be controlled and bound by obligations. In this pair, he will always suspect his life partner of infidelity.

4. Compatibility for wealth and family growth: Poor

It is difficult for them to understand each other in work, too different styles are chosen by representatives of the signs of Cancer and Sagittarius for solving problems. Moreover, it is very difficult for them to agree on the material side of matters. The Sagittarius woman takes the place of the leader, and the Cancer man takes the place of the performer, but he does everything slowly, which prompts the boss to make comments to him.

5. For children: Medium

All the problems of this family will affect the children, although both the Sagittarius woman and the Cancer man strive to give their offspring all the best. Moreover, both of them always have a special opinion about the upbringing of the younger generation.

Compatibility Cancer man and Sagittarius woman is based on the desire of partners to find something in common and strives for one goal. The Cancer man is able to amaze this girl with his kindness, gentle look and gallant manners. Therefore, forgetting about caution, the Sagittarius woman will lose her vigilance and fall in love. The first thing she realized when she came to was that she was not mistaken about him. This man has enough funds to support not only her, but also to ensure her a good life.


When the period of courtship is over, the Sagittarius woman will suddenly come to the conclusion that it would not be bad for her Cancer man to forget about his caution, but not completely. She is pleased when he holds her in moments of excessive carelessness. It's good that someone is able to save her from herself. But too much caution will make her feel under the hood, which will make her uneasy.

Of course, the Sagittarius girl will charm this man, because she has a hint of mystery and attractive sexuality. She is curious, but his habit of keeping her in the dark about his changeable moods and feelings, rather excites her than annoys her. The charm of a Cancer man makes her unusually obedient.


In moments when he reproaches her for extravagance, compares to his mother or accuses her of talkativeness, she loses her patience. Having lost her temper, she is able to utter very harsh and precise words that will certainly touch this supersensitive man. In response, he will snap back and she will release a couple more sharp true arrows, and then he will be offended and withdraw into himself. He will be silent for a long time and all other words will just fly by.

In this case, she needs to plunge into the memories of how it all began and realize that he has his flaws, but he is filled with sensitivity and tenderness, and more often he is cheerful than obese. And, of course, he is honest and loyal. He never deliberately put pressure on her sore spots and always remained true to his word. He even becomes more generous because he wants to please her. And most importantly, he is not hypocritical, because she simply cannot stand hypocrisy. Having calculated all the merits of her Cancer man, she will return home and ask for forgiveness.

There is more passion and fire in this woman, but this only teases him, because he is still the leader. Therefore, he will lead her to the place where the sensuality and quivering magic of the merger of two people will cover them with their heads.

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When considering the compatibility of a Cancer man and a Sagittarius woman, it is noticeable main point: even with mutual agreement and abundance positive emotions in this pair, many contradictions are initially laid. These people simultaneously attract each other with their qualities, but at the same time they repel. Sagittarius belong to the fire element, they look active and happy, people are drawn to them - at least for inspiration. A Sagittarius woman is a sociable person, to a certain extent narcissistic, but ready to praise, support, pick up a suitable compliment. Cancers, when they meet, often feel uncomfortable. They are embarrassed to express their own opinion, actively listen to their potential partner, and Sagittarius's egocentrism does not go unnoticed, as well as some rudeness, but still curiosity remains the leading force, which leads to rapprochement. The horoscope of the Cancer and Sagittarius man can also be interesting, this is also a very rare union, which can be created on the basis of mutual curiosity, and requires maximum patience and mutual understanding from both parties.

Love compatibility

Raises many questions compatibility in love between a Cancer man and a Sagittarius woman... Can such a union exist? It can exist in conditions where there is mutual understanding and patience, when both partners are wise and do not put pressure on each other. The Sagittarius woman is fire, and the fire is changeable, they need maximum freedom of action, and a man must understand this. This woman loves to flirt, and the state of euphoria and falling in love as components of flirting becomes the real fuel that generates her internal energy... If she can refuse it for the sake of a relationship with a man - Cancer - it will be very decent of her.

Cancers do not show so much ambition and are easily content with little, however, they are prone to mood swings, and if the Sagittarius woman does not have to deal with this too often, then the relationship will be in order. In these relationships, Sagittarius will have to learn to listen to a partner, and not just his own person, while Cancers will not try to take complete control over their other half.

Ideally, the couple will turn out to be happy, because both signs are endowed with a healthy sense of humor and kindness. Cancer is completely given to the family, Sagittarius positively perceives the world and trusts it, both know how to love and believe, give a hand to those who do not feel happy. In this couple, it is important to learn to appreciate each other and find dignity in each other, sincerely recognize them.

Sexual compatibility

These signs are separated by five others, and the situation arises quite naturally for this case. With a favorable set of circumstances, mutual charm can persist for a long time, but there is also a great risk that emotions will subside as soon as they arise. The temperaments of partners do not coincide by nature, because creatures of the water order are unhurried and streamlined, prone to immersion in emotions, while fire signs are prone to bright outbursts of passion and impetuosity.

These relationships will be grinding and building for a long time, because Sagittarians do not tend to open up and trust right away, they usually hide mental trauma for a long time, their behavior may seem unpredictable. But over time, Sagittarius opens up to Cancer - as soon as he is convinced that the man accepted her for who she is. Cancer cares about the mental world of his friend, is able to heal her wounds, and fully understand her behavior. In the case when everything happens exactly like this, cancer and Sagittarius woman compatibility can be called complete and harmonious. But in order for everything to happen this way, you need deep understanding and wisdom of both partners, who usually come closer to mature age.

At work and at home

Business partnership between representatives of these signs is also not easy, there are not so many chances of success in household and work endeavors. The Sagittarius woman will seek to suppress her partner and take a leading position, and most likely, she will succeed. However, Cancer man will not be happy with this state of affairs, and for a long time his patience will not be enough. Such business relationships tend to quickly disintegrate, and again, they can only be saved by mutual understanding and the ability to adapt to each other.

Cancer man and Sagittarius woman are a complex and contradictory couple, where the initial mutual sympathy can quickly develop into a series of crises. But mutual understanding and happiness are possible - you just need to pay enough attention to each other, learn to listen and hear your partner. Simple and harmonious relationships will not come by themselves, they will have to work a lot, but the result will definitely be worth it.

You've heard of the devils in the dark pool, haven't you? So one phrase can be described. Alas, the Sagittarius woman is not discerning enough to see at first glance the danger lurking in the depths of deceptively calm water ... and it will cost her many shed tears.

As usually happens at the initial stage of the development of relations, everything is going well for them. The Cancer man is fascinated by the Sagittarius woman, and she, in turn, is very pleased with the fact that the partner leaves her the right of leadership in their union. Finally she met such a generous guy who does not try to put any pressure on her and limit her freedom! Even if he is a little timid, slightly passive - it doesn't matter, Sagittarius has enough courage and energy for two. But very little time passes, and the girl notices that next to her is a completely stranger, stranger... When did this happen, and how could it have happened? The first half of the question is easier to answer, so let's start with it: at the moment when their relationship with Cancer acquired the epithet "serious".

“We have a serious relationship,” Cancer answers to Sagittarius's question, where did that cute guy she fell in love with. Serious means commitments. This means that you no longer need to try to make a pleasant impression: the besieged fortress has been conquered, and it is time to behave in it like a business. Now Sagittarius has to find out how sarcastic, stubborn and jealous Cancer can be. He wants to be the meaning of life for her, the only one for real important person - more important than relatives, pets, business, hobbies, work ... Men who adhere to such a policy in dealing with women, I want to ask: are you good enough to replace the whole world for her? However, shaming Rakov is a thankless task. They are too stubborn to consider someone else's point of view as possibly correct.

Of course, she will not want to change her life so drastically to please her partner. She will prefer to ignore his grumbling, reproaches, prohibitions, threats and whining, and do it her own way. But then let her be ready to hear them constantly. Cancers have one interesting feature: they are fantastically patient. If you set yourself a goal - for example, to reason with the obstinate lover - then they will purposefully achieve this, without retreating and without making compromises. Before us is a master of a long siege: he will need a year or ten years - it doesn't matter. It is more important for Cancer at the very end, when he feels the taste of victory, to proudly utter over the corpse of female self-respect "And I told you so!" This would be perseverance to direct to good deeds ...

To know Cancer (or maybe it should be said, to know both of them?) That is not usual family happiness in houses where the walls are shaking from constant scandals. If people cannot agree peacefully, most likely, they do not need to be together at all - is it worth torturing each other, if you can build a more prosperous relationship with someone else? .. Think. Do you still want to keep this union? Then you need to learn to respect your partner's interests as your own. It will be difficult, I will not hide. But it's worth a try. Perhaps start with a simple conversation about existing problems in your relationship - but without finding out who is to blame. And every time you want to raise your voice, tell yourself: "I am stronger than my emotions." Only hysterics scream, wave their hands and run around the room - people who want to be heard speak quietly.

A couple consisting of a Sagittarius woman and a Cancer man experiences many difficulties and no less contradictions. Only with sincere love can they find mutual language and help each other succeed. Sagittarius stand out from the crowd thanks to the flow of inexhaustible energy and vitality, it attracts Cancers, beckons and inspires them, both physically and spiritually. Are Sagittarius woman and Cancer man compatible? Unlikely to become perfect friends or partners they cannot, and differences in worldviews and opinions are unlikely to have a positive effect on their love union.

Marriage between Sagittarius and Cancer

Quiet family life it is difficult to name this couple, since the characters are very different. Since the Sagittarius girl is very emotional, both begin to experience all the difficulties of the union. It all starts with tears, resentment, jealousy and ends with love and passion. In his opinion, she is charming and too frivolous. If Cancer man Sagittarius woman - love union theirs is unlikely to be strong. Due to the independence of the partner, the Cancer man experiences quite painful emotions. He loves a homely, relaxed lifestyle, but she is constantly drawn to travel and hike.

Pros in the relationship between Cancer and Sagittarius

The ideal pair of a Sagittarius woman and a Cancer man is built on mutual respect and kindred feelings. Even this may be enough for both partners to be happy. Therefore, we can safely say that not perfect couples between these signs of the zodiac does not exist, since they disintegrate even before the idyll ends. From the outside, the Cancer man looks like a closed, silent guy, and his partner, on the contrary, is witty and sociable, but sometimes she gets carried away, and it looks tactless. It is important to take into account the fact that this couple will receive guests at home, but they do not like to go somewhere. Zodiac sign Cancer man and woman Sagittarius is a rather strange union, but there can be positive exceptions. They love to show the fruits of their labors, to furnish the house richly, to create a unique atmosphere, warmth and comfort in it. Together they treat children very well, therefore one, or even several babies are always born in such couples.

In this pair, the man willingly gives in main role in the family, the Sagittarius woman, and realizes his male side in the other. Despite the differences between the signs, they still manage to find common points contact. With the right mood, Cancer does not always sit at home, and Sagittarius also needs reliability and comfort, despite all the adventurism of her nature. But to ensure reliability - in Cancer's blood. Therefore, in the union of man-Cancer - woman-Sagittarius, you can find positive aspects.

Cons in the relationship between Cancer and Sagittarius

If you look at this couple from the outside, then it is very difficult to believe that they are able to agree on joint leisure activities. Sagittarius is always looking for new adventures, but for Cancer rest is exclusively a home environment. But in fact, the couple can still find a compromise here. Real problems begin only when Cancer's feelings are offended. He is a vulnerable and very impressionable person, but if you make him angry, you should expect trouble. He is very aggressive, and despite the fact that Sagittarius belongs to the fiery element, here the woman surrenders, since the onslaught from the side of Cancer significantly exceeds what she is able to overcome.

The only thing that can hook a Sagittarius woman is hurtful, hurtful words, and Cancer uses this very weapon during aggression, often without noticing what he is saying. Therefore, you can forget about a peaceful solution to the problem and the search for the reasons for the quarrel: the scandal is simply guaranteed, and both will lose in it. The most unfavorable union is the Sagittarius-Horse woman, the Cancer-Horse man, since this fact makes them very impetuous and doubtful. They will feel all their lives that they have not made everything they wish come true, so there is no point in prophesying such a long life union.


The main thing that holds the union of a man-Cancer, a woman-Sagittarius together is their family sense of humor. Thanks to the woman's ability to be good-natured and witty, many quarrels that begin are translated into jokes. Cancer is also trying with all its might to avoid a showdown and grab the opportunity to prevent a scandal, which he does not like so much. But you need to be careful with jokes, vulnerable Cancer, if they joke about him, will be offended in earnest.

If a quarrel is not prevented at the very beginning, then you should not hope that Cancer will stop before throwing out everything that has accumulated in his soul. Here, a good trick (if a Sagittarius woman, a Cancer man), to improve relationships, can only be fainting - this is the only thing that can stop a man's ardor and translate him into guilt. Sincere tears are also good here. If he realizes that it is really important for you that everything is calm in the family, he will calm down. But knowing the straightforwardness of the Sagittarius woman, we can say with confidence that quarrels are usually brought to an end, and without winners.

How to conquer a Cancer man

A Cancer man and a Sagittarius woman in love are very opposite, but with the right approach, positive results can be achieved. The main thing that a Sagittarius girl should do is to please his mother. He is very attached to her, and her opinion will always play a very large role. Basically, Sagittarius leave the family nest as early as possible in order to become independent. Therefore, Cancers, radiating home peace and comfort, attract them.

The girls of this sign always have great potential, but for its realization you need a strong male shoulder. If the Cancer man provides her with one, she will be extremely grateful to him and will achieve great success. Thanks to this, she will not criticize her partner or pay attention to differences of opinion, and even close her eyes to his betrayal. In order for this relationship to be strong, she will have to please him and his mother all the time.

Friendship: Cancer man Sagittarius woman

This phenomenon is extremely rare, since this couple has very little in common. For Cancer, friendship with the opposite sex is possible only if it is his relative. Well, or another option that the Sagittarius woman will be very similar to his mother. Their relationship will develop on mutual benefit: he will help her around the house, she will tell him the information of interest in different directions or introduce him to the right people.

Business relationship: Cancer man, Sagittarius woman

The benefits of such a union are unlikely to be great. There is only one exception - if both teachers, but otherwise they have different style work, there are no common interests and points of contact. It is also better for them not to become partners or colleagues, they will not understand each other, and there will be many conflicts. The head of the Sagittarius woman for Cancer will be just a punishment and misunderstanding, because the only thing for which he is able to respect a woman is for the ability to be a wife and mother.

The opposite union, where the Cancer man is the boss, will also not bring success. Should she at least somewhere catch his pride, and he will do everything to humiliate and survive her. In general, about the business union of a Sagittarius woman, a Cancer man, reviews from employers are very negative.

Sagittarius man and Cancer woman compatibility

As in the opposite union, such meetings very rarely happen, since a man in this pair cannot decide on the choice of a companion for a long time, but a woman is looking for a family as early as possible. Of course, upon first meeting, they may find each other attractive and interesting. But a strong family they are unlikely to succeed, since the interests of these signs are too different.

Therefore, in order for both partners to feel good, they must give up many of their habits and hobbies for the good of the family idyll. But whether they are ready for such sacrifices for the sake of their loved ones is a completely different question. IN living together there are many problems. Cancer is very offended by the desire of Sagittarius to spend time at home as little as possible. But for him, her custody and care will be very burdensome, because she limits his freedom. Only concessions can save the union.

Pros in the relationship between a Cancer woman and a Sagittarius man

With an ideal relationship in this union, a woman has the opportunity to blossom, forget about her isolation and show the world that she can be sweet and friendly. The endless energy of her partner allows her to become more fun and get rid of constant depression and doubts, she has confidence in the future. If she is happy and feels that the Sagittarius man can isolate her from all the hardships of life, she will do everything to make him happy. The wife will be able to indulge the whims of her loving husband in every possible way, to lead her life with dignity and raise children. Thanks to its inner peace it will help develop the philosophical views of Sagittarius, and if they throw materiality into the background, they will reach great heights in spiritual development.

Cons of a relationship between a Sagittarius man and a Cancer woman

Despite the attractiveness of Sagittarius, there can be disagreements in this pair, and there will be many of them, no matter how spiritual their union is. They have completely different views on life, things, behavior and morals. The main problem of this couple is that the Cancer woman is very strongly attached to home, everyday life, family, and for Sagittarius this is tantamount to death. Without new emotions and impressions, he fades, his energy dims. Even if the husband starts to be virtually interested in the other world outside their family nest, Cancer will think that he wants to leave her, quit.

She will constantly worry that one day he will not return home. Even at the very beginning of their relationship, she will want home warmth and romance, and he will want noisy companies and communication. He does not understand her isolation, criticizes and tries to help to liberate herself. Sometimes he is even rude in her eyes, too straightforward, and this already makes her think about the meaning of their meetings. She, in turn, is very stubborn, and if she suddenly decides to re-educate him, then she will undoubtedly succeed. But the result will shock both, so it is better not to conduct such experiments with the personality of Sagittarius.