What dreams of choosing a silver chain. Dream interpretation about what the silver chain dreams

The appearance of such decoration in a dream especially for women is not surprising due to their love for data accessories. Dreams with the same subject may have absolutely different meanings, so all the nuances should be taken into account for the correct understanding. In a dream, the chain is mainly a favorable sign that speaks for himself. This is a sign of wealth, beauty, joyful events and news. But in order to more accurately treat such a dream to remember its details, for example, the color of the chain, the material from which it is made, what actions with it were performed.

  • Sleep "Chain" speaks of material incubation, pleasant events, promises well-being and joy. But at the same time, the chain can mean the manifestation of hidden negative and insincerity, envy.
  • If you have dreamed of the dream "Golden Chain", then this can mean good profits, wealth.
  • On the chain - a clear sign of your punctuality.
  • Sleep "Silver Cross with a chain" promises you victory and easy overcoming obstacles in the life path, good luck.
  • Find a chain in a dream means that soon you will be released in the material plan, promotion over a career ladder, which will entail an increase in income.
  • Sleep "Chain with a cross" promises changes in life, changes that will lead you to new prospects and acquaintances. (cm. )
  • Sleep "Silver Chain" promises friendly meetings, you will have more time to spend with friends and loved ones. (cm. )
  • and chain? Such a dream has abundant decorations from expensive materials, it means to improve the material situation.
  • What dreams of finding a silver chain? The dream is promoting small problems and troubles, of which you will find a way out with third parties.
  • What dreams of a silver cross on a chain? The cross in almost any of its manifestation is a security sign.
  • If there is a dream earrings and chain - then for the girl it means acquiring new romantic relationships.
  • In a dream, finding gold chains - your dreams of wealth remind you that in order for them to own it is necessary to actively act.
  • Dream Interpretation: Find a chain. In a dream to find a gold chain - in a short time, wait a sharp increase in your family's income. (cm. )
  • What dreams dream "chain"? Such a dream also means disappointment and failure, if in a dream you were drooping.
  • Sleep "Golden Chain with Pendant" - a long journey sign, which will give you the opportunity to improve your material state. (cm. )
  • Sleep "Chain on the neck" says that you clearly and correctly set yourself a goal, to which you actively strive. Your perseverance and perseverance will bring welcome results.
  • Give a chain in a dream - it means in life will not trust a person who made such a gift. But it is worth paying attention to that in reality all your guesses and doubts do not have any reason without reason, and in fact, this person respects you and does not guide. (cm. )
  • What is the dream ring chain? This dream symbolizes that chains are your tests and events that you must go to the appointed goal. It also matters the number of these links, because it shows how many troubles can wait for you.
  • Why dream a lot of chains? Their large number is due to how many problems you have in your personal life.
  • Sleep "Chain with a Cross" denotes the beginning of a new stage in life, which promises you strong changes in the future.
  • If the chain was stolen in a dream, then such a dream means that you will need to take up not very pleasant matter for you, but your refusal threatens your reputation and recognition in society.
  • Losing a chain in a dream promises troubles and the problems that you deliver yourself and others around you because of our own laziness and inattention.
  • Sleep "Chain with Pendant" symbolizes your interest to anything and direct impact on the object of your interest. Perhaps this is the sign of what you should switch and not too downtown.
  • The dream "gave the chain" requires detail: remember who in a dream you gave you, it is this man who is experiencing warm feelings, unobtrusive attachment to you.
  • If a gold chain swallowed in a dream - then such a dream can predict full mastery of the profession and a successful career.
  • What dreams to steal chain? Subconsciously you are looking for a way out of a difficult situation by any ways.
  • What dreams what a chain is broken? This is a bad sign that promises misfortunes and troubles.
  • What dreams of a native cross on the chain? Such an accessory is a sign of spirituality and repentance.
  • Sleep "Buy chain" means that you are disappointed in your loved one or a close friend.
  • What dreams golden, chain? This is a symbol of your stiffness obligations.
  • What dreams of losing a chain? This is a bad sign that promises the loss of confidence in loved ones.
  • What dreams "stole a gold chain"? Such a dream shows that someone encroaches into your place at work.
  • If in a dream the dead man gives a chain - it may mean that this person approves your actions and thoughts.
  • Sleep "Give the Daughter Gold Chain" is quite expected - in reality you feel love for her and want only the best.
  • Sleep "Golden Chain with a Cross" - a favorable sign. Sleep carries protection and success in affairs, the gold chain is a symbol of wealth, a cross - a symbol of protecting your family.
  • Sleep "Husband Chain" has several interpretation options. If your husband gave you a chain in a dream - you are not sure about it and have a tendency to a groundless jealousy; If you saw a chain on her husband's neck - then your presence went on the edge with him, leave his personal space to his personal.
  • If the chain broke into a dream is the sign that you are disappointed. All your dreams and hopes disappeared, you lost the forces to believe. Also such a dream can mean financial losses as in connection with a large purchase and due to the adverse state of your family.
  • Dream Interpretation: Gold chains, a lot - a symbol of the fact that in your life there are a large number of phenomena that you accept as a given. Think about what is really wealth and value for you.
  • Wear a chain in a dream - to take in the near future the chores of various character and various kinds of obligations.
  • What dreams of a silver chain? This is basically a sign of professional activity. You can expect change in professional activities, contracts, contracts, new partners.
  • Sleep "Find a gold chain with a cross" foreshadows that soon you will meet your beloved person who was waiting for, he will meet your requirements and wishes. Also, a dream can enhance the improvement of business relations between your colleagues and gaining new interesting acquaintances.
  • If in a dream gave a chain with a cross - then it means that you will have harmonious and happy relationship with this person.

Dream Miller

  • Dream Interpretation: Chain. To dream chain, according to the dream, it means to see his inner emotional state. This is a symbol of how you see yourself and feel.
  • Miller's dream book: Golden chain - Miller's dream book says that if this decoration caused you positive emotions, then all your problems and experiences are temporary and can be overcome.
  • Find in a dream with a chain with a chain - it means that you will have to make important guests soon, and it will be necessary to make it warm, because in the future these people will play an important role in your life, help you will support, help you have a pleasant change in your life.
  • If you have to give a chain in a dream - look carefully for each event in your life, deception or betrayal is possible even from the side of unfamiliar people.
  • If you were given a gold chain in a dream - this means that you will soon need your friends or loved ones.
  • Buy a chain in a dream promises deception.
  • If you are in a dream on the hands of the chain gold clothes, then it promises success in any of your endeavors and ideas.

Dream Interpretation Esoteric E. Fallet

  • To see in a dream a gold chain in the dreams - it means to remember about the other, friends familiar. A similar dream personifies loyalty and devotion, sincerity to your friend's attitude to you.
  • If a chain is broken in a dream, it is possible that you or your loved ones will have deterioration of health. Prevent this will help the refusal of bad habits, the absence of stress, the ability to pay much attention to life adversity and unpleasant little things.
  • Find in a dream Gold chain - what does it mean? It promises the appearance of a valuable person in your life, which will change your attitude to many things and enrich your inner world.
  • Sleep "Gold Chain on the neck" - a sign that you are successfully moving towards your dream. All your actions do not remain unnoticed - work more, and the result will justify all your expectations.

Imperial dream book

  • What does the chain mean in a dream? Such a dream is a sign of the desire to gain harmony with me in all aspects: comply with the desires of the appearance and spiritual state. The chain consists of links that are independent of each other, but constitute a powerful design and your personality - all components of harmonious life do not depend on each other, but together create complete satisfaction with your psycho-emotional state.
  • Dream Interpretation: What dreams of a gold chain? This is a sign that in reality all your troubles and problems do not have much importance in your life.
  • The dream "give a gold chain" is interpreted as a sign of friendship. The person who you give a chain is very important for you, thereby tie it to yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation: The gold chain broke - a sign that you will break the relationship with some friends or acquaintances.
  • Dream Interpretation: Silver chain on the neck - a sign of fast marriage.

Dream Maya.
What dreams gold in a dream, the chain is mainly a favorable sign, but has a negative and positive value. Positive: In your life, the time of pleasant and fruitful changes that you lacked; Negative - your work will not be seen and praised.
Dream Stranger

  • To see the chain - it means to have or get love and affection in the near future. This feeling will be accompanied by warmth and sincerity, loyalty and happiness.
  • Sleep "Golden Chain with a Cross" - a sign that soon either waiting for you marriage, or you will be invited to this celebration.
  • To see a chain with a pendant draws what you committed the obligations that you cannot fulfill. You need to think about what consequences will suffer incomplete execution.
  • Dream Interpretation: Silver chain with a cross symbolizes protection against troubles and unchalled.
  • If gold chains were dressed in a dream - then I will be attentive attentive, it is a sign of a veiled restriction of freedom of your thoughts and actions.

Gypsy dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: Interpretation of dreams "Golden Chain" - you think too much about money, and this passion with wealth can cause the loss of friends and family confidence.
  • What dreams of silver, chain? Such a dream warns that you are very mercantile.
  • What dream of a broken chain? This is a sign that you will suffer a sharp decrease in finance.
  • Dream Interpretation: Dress the chain on the neck - symbolizes the desire to marry.

Dream Interpretation Kolden Medea

  • Dream Interpretation: Silver Chain - you will find a pleasant conversation or meeting with a close friend. After this conversation, your mental state will noticeably improve.
  • Dream Interpretation: Golden Chain was stolen - there are people who want to pump you in your environment. Because of their actions in your life there may be problems.
  • Dream Interpretation: Buy a gold chain - your chosen one begins to move away from you, it is necessary to make romance to the relationship to finally lose them.
  • Dream Interpretation: Remove the chain - means to remove the extra load that prevented you for a long time.

Sonner Simon Kananita

Dream Birthday Birthdays January, February, March, April

  • To see a silver chain in a dream - to expect trouble. Try not to risk and not subject to close people.
  • What dreams of what a chain broke? Most often it is a bad sign that doubts and uncertainty are collapsed on you, what you do in life.
  • What dreams "give a gold chain"? This dream means complete trust and harmony in relationships with loved ones.
  • Dream Interpretation: See the gold chain - it means to have a close spiritual connection with a close man.
  • Dream Interpretation: Losing a chain - losing the confidence of a loved one or a friend.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

  • To break the chain in a dream - it is identified with the fact that you are tight of communication, relationships. Such a dream means disappointment in your beloved person, parting. It is important to clarify if the dream dreamed from Monday to Tuesday or from Thursday to Friday - then this suggests that you are waiting for work that will help you to work out.
  • Dream Interpretation: The chain on hand is not a very favorable sign. Circumstances are missing and you can not be considered a completely free person.
  • Dream Interpretation: Find a chain with a pendant - wait for a large amount of work and trouble.
  • Give the chain - Dream Interpretation decrypts this dream as a sign that you will be at risk to break your love relationship because of the treason.
  • Sleep "Chain with a cross on the neck" means the restriction of the personal space and human freedom to his loved ones, excessive obsession.
  • If you have to buy a gold chain in a dream - then you should pay attention to your relationship with the chosen one, it may be a sign of feelings.
  • What dream of a torn gold chain? This is a sign that you are free from obsessive ideas, unnecessary people in your life. Rip off the connection with the past.
  • Dream Interpretation: Golden Chain Gift - Such a gift can be like a gift of fate in the form of money acquired, new work, promising dating, and the sign that you have to think about children.

Folklore Dream

  • This dream interpretation of the dreams "Chain" promises a break of friendly or love relationships, less often than family.
  • Why dream "gave the gold chain"? Get a gift to such a decoration - it means to expect trouble and small adversity.
  • To see a torn gold chain in a dream, it means to expect the deterioration of friendly relationships, perhaps there are people in your life with whom you don't really want to communicate, and as a result you will move away from each other.

Dream of Freud.

  • The dream "gift chain" means that the person who gave you a chain knows that you treat him skeptically and do not completely trust. In reality, he is trying by all ways to prove to you that you are mistaken.
  • To see a chain on the neck in a dream - such a dream can be a sign that you are dissatisfied with its intimate life whether it is no lack of it, and tend to dig in someone else's.
  • In a dream, get a gold chain as a gift - it means to be the center of attention in society.
  • Dream Interpretation: What is the dream of a chain? This is a symbol of the relationship of loving people, their intimate life.
  • Sleep "Buy the Gold Chain" means that in reality you want to enforce to someone, you are not sincere in your intentions, such a dream is symbolic: the chain is the location of that person to you.
  • Dream Interpretation: To wear a gold chain - it means you lack satisfaction in an intimate life, your inner state is very unstable.

Ukrainian dream book

  • Sleep "Many chains" means that there are people who want to use and rejoice at you in your environment.
  • To see in a dream Silver cross on the chain is interpreted as awareness of your entity, the purity of your thoughts and actions, sincerity of feelings.
  • Dream Interpretation: Find a cross with a chain - there will be many obstacles on your way that you will overcome with the help of the church and faith. You are protected from evil and envy.
  • Dream Interpretation: Slow a gold chain - break all expectations and hopes.

Dream Vangu
To see a cross on a chain according to the dreams in a dream, means to find repentance and faith, start thinking about your life and become true. You will need to get rid of the long-term cargo of the negative and forgive the resentment, suppress the feeling of revenge and envy.
Eastern Dream

  • Sleep: a native cross on the chain is a bad sign.
  • If you in a dream gave a chain with a pendant, then this is a symbol that you will give the joy and feeling of happiness when communicating with our expensive people.
  • What dreams to find a chain with a cross? This means that you will gain understanding and support from friends and loved ones in a difficult moment.

Total dream book

Dream of Yellow Emperor

  • A torn gold chain in a dream is a sign that you have overwriting in the struggle for dreams. You should stop, because it threatens your health and well-being. Think about, perhaps your goal or dream can be short-term.
  • What does dream about the gold chain mean? This decoration is a symbol of good luck and success, which depend on the case. If you have a gold chain in a dream, it is a sign of long-term and strong relationships.
  • Dream Interpretation: Silver chain - may be a sign of lack and confidence and confidence in relations with loved ones.
  • Dream Interpretation: Golden chain on the neck - means that your life does not belong to you. You are not dependent on yourself, but from another person. This dependence can be both material and psychological.

Dream Nostradamusa

  • Long chain in a dream symbolizes tests. In your life I will be the moments of despair and sadness, the pain that you need to survive and skip through yourself. Sometimes it will seem for you that everything collapsed and directed against you, but the reality is completely different - these tests are given to you in order to understand and realize important things for you and perhaps revealed new important qualities of your own.
  • Dream Interpretation: Ancase with a chain means that in your life something that will make you think about life or to overestimate it, but these events are positive.
  • Dream Interpretation: Gold Chain - Symbolic signs that identify the chain links with your actions, steps to their dreams and goals, and the chain itself - as this goal.

Noble dream book N. Grishina
To see in a dream Golden chain - means that your family is very strong, and your chosen one will support you in any difficult moment and vice versa, divide joy. It is also a sign of warm mutual friendly relations based on trust and mutual understanding.
Get a chain as a gift: Sleeping such a plan means that you have a person who is valuable and wants to get your location. It is this man in a dream gives you a decoration.
Dream of love relationship

  • To see the gold chain on the neck in a dream - start paying attention to yourself and understand your life, you should reduce interest in other people's problems and relationships.
  • See in a dream Golden cross on the chain means to expect the proposal of the hands and hearts or be a guest at the wedding.
  • Dream Interpretation: What is the dream of a gold chain - this is a sign that your relationship with the chosen one is not sophisticated. Or you, or he have hidden claims that cannot be understood or heard.

Dream Interpretation Medium Miss Hasse

  • Dream Interpretation: The interpretation of dreams "Golden Chain" says that he foreshadows that a person will come to your life, who will be a support and support in a friendly plan. Perhaps you already know this person or talked earlier.
  • What dreams a donated chain? That person who gave you it in a dream, tests for you warm and gullible feelings.
  • What dream of a gold chain with a pendant? Such a decoration denotes that all your expectations and goals will soon be carried out.
  • What dream chain with a cross? It can dream as indicative that you have a keeper angel who protects you.
  • What dream of a torn chain? Such a dream is a bad sign. What you expect from loved ones you will not be able to get. Perhaps your requirements are too overestimated.
  • To see "find a gold chain" in a dream can become a sign that you should review your ideals and values. You will have to realize that in your life there are things that you did not appreciate and considered everyday life, and the constant willingness of more interrupted your attention to them.

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

  • The dream "broke the gold chain" promises losses and failures. Try not to focus on the material, so as not to lose the most valuable one.
  • Sleep about the chain is interpreted in this dream book as your strong dependence on dreams and desires. For their implementation, you need your direct participation, actions that will help get the desired. To dream less and more work.
  • Dream Interpretation: Give a chain - pay attention to your inner state. Your soul hides in itself a lot of love and warmth that has no one to express. You need to reconsider our family and love relationships, perhaps next to you there is a person who deserves your attention.
  • The sleep "Silver chain with a pendant" can be explained as your desire for a new one, an increased interest in previously unknown things.

Modern dream book

  • Losing a gold chain in a dream - your relationship both friendly and romantic is the threat of a break. Pay attention to the relationship to each other, discuss the shortcomings and advantages, achieve a compromise.
  • If you in a dream were presented with a silver chain - this is an indicator of sincerity and warmth of feelings to you who gives.
  • To see a silver chain in a dream - it means to revise the vitality and preferences. You are too docked on material things that have no spiritual value. In your life there will be events that will show you that there are more important things in life, such as the spiritual world.
  • Dream Interpretation: Find a gold chain foreshadows moving to another place of residence. At first it will seem inappropriate, you will want to come back back, but over time you will understand that it happened is no coincidence. In case, in a dream, you passed past the chain and did not raise it means that you are a shy man who is afraid to go beyond the comfort zone and lives what is. You should get courage and strength to change something in yourself.
  • Why dream chain with pendant? Such a dream can dreamed as a symbol of the fact that your shoulders have fallen too much that you are not under power. The consequences of such a nose can be unpredictable.

Health Dream Interpretation
What does the gold chain mean in a dream? According to the dreams, this is a sign that your actions are interconnected with each other and fly into one thread, which will bring to a certain result.
Dream Interpretation: Chain on the neck. This dream symbolizes the fact that your psycho-emotional state is adversely affecting health, pay attention to your routine and diet, spread priorities.
Female dream book

  • Find a silver chain in a dream is interpreted so that you are experiencing financial difficulties. You should set a reasonable limit on the waste and pay attention to whether you have your budget correctly.
  • The dream "Golden Chain stole" - you have the opportunity to reveal other people's secrets and secrets. Think about whether you need it.
  • Sleep "On the neck Dressed the chain" promises you that you fully trust your chosen one and you will not doubt his love and honesty.
  • Dream Interpretation: Gave the Gold Chain - it means that you are looked at yourself, and your loved ones have a lack of attention on your part.
  • Dream Interpretation: What a Golden Chain dream is - such a dream symbolizes your desires and expectations from the future life.

Persian dream book Tafleisi

  • Dream Interpretation: Find a silver chain - soon you either change the job on a more promising and highly paid, or you will move up the career staircase at your current job place.
  • Dream Interpretation: Interpretation Golden Chain is a sign of your close emotional connection with a person and dependence on it.
  • If it dreamed that the chain was broken - silver can mean diseases.
  • Dream Interpretation: Find a chain in a dream - it means to find a faithful and present friend who will help you at any moment.
  • What dream of a gold chain with an icon? Such signs indicate protection.
  • Why dream chain with suspension? Soon there will be a fateful event in your life, which may first seem like an ordinary trifle.
  • On the chain? This is an indication that in your life all events occur chronologically, their right to do. If you think that something happens not in time, then it is not.
  • Dream Interpretation: Find a gold chain with a pendant - it means that the rest are counting on you, and will soon give responsible work or task. Your reputation and respect in society on Konound.

Spring dream book

French dream book

  • Sleep "Bracelet Chain" according to the dream book indicates joy and well-being, good luck in work, a common good mood, full satisfaction with your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: Dreamed Golden Chain - Ambulance.
  • Dream Interpretation: A chain with a cross - symbolizes the beginning of a new life "From pure sheet". It may be a meeting of your loved one, moving, new job.

Summer Dream

  • Why dream chain? This dream means that you are dependent on some kind of person.
  • Why dream of buying a silver chain? Such a dream promises betrayal or treason.
  • What dreams of a gold chain dream? Such a pleasant dream is a sign of the fact that there is a man who will ever meet you soon. He will drastically change your life.

Small Velezov Sonnik

  • The sleep "Golden chains" indicates that some of the people from your surroundings are too much counting on you and consider it as a given.
  • Dream Interpretation: Golden chain with a pendant - a sign that you are time to think about how much you do for yourself and your family, and not for the rest around you.
  • Dream Interpretation: Find a chain in a dream means a gift of fate for you, but it will be optional material. It may be promising work, useful dating, you can be at the right time in the right place, as a result of which your life will change dramatically. It may also be familiar with a person who will decorate your life with his presence.
  • To see a torn chain can be interpreted in different ways. Or a serious conversation or even a quarrel with your chosen one, or even parting as a symbol of freedom and non-condemnation.

Dream Interpretation Phonda

Muslim dreamnik

  • The dream "give the gold chain" indicates that the person who you gave it will deceive you or betray, at the moment he is hypocrishes towards you.
  • Dream Interpretation: In a dream, a gold chain may mean that you are a very secretive person who does not trust people. You too overestimate the situation, and sometimes ignore the initiative of even close people.
  • Dream Birthday Birthdays May, June, July, August
  • This dream interpretation interprets the value of the sleep "chain" as follows: You may depend on some person, or you will depend. Dependence may be versatile: either material or moral.
  • What dream of a gold chain on the neck? Such a dream may mean burden by affairs, problems, redress due to work that brings you good profits.

Dream of Juno

  • Sleep about the gold chain symbolizes happiness, joy and good luck in all aspects of your life. This is a favorable sign.
  • A broken chain in a dream - soon you will be lucky to get rid of problems and small trouble.
  • What dreams Golden chain with a cross? This is a sign of protection and repentance.
  • What dreams of finding a gold chain? Find such a decoration in a dream promises you find harmony with you and mutual understanding. After long searches yourself you will finally come to the desired result.
  • Dream Interpretation: Chain with a pendant - a sign that your strength does not correspond to the duties entrusted to you.

Italian dream book

  • If a chain dreamed in a dream, this is a faithful sign of inseparable connections and relationships with people.
  • What dream of gold, chain? Such a dream symbolizes all that for you in life is valuable.
  • Sleep: Finding in the River Gold chains means your impotence in the fight with your desires and dreams, in order to get them, you need to actively act.
  • What dreams of a silver chain with a cross? This dream means your full preservation from gossip and quarrels.

Dance Deniz Lynn
What dreams gold in a dream: chain. It is like a symbol of your inner world. Each link is a component of your character.
Newest dream book

  • If a gold chain dreamed in a dream - it's time for you to think about your actions, as a result of which you may not trust and require confirmation of your honest intentions.
  • Why dream chain on the neck? Such a dream can be interpreted in the following ways: This may mean that soon you will druittrate the marriage, or your relationships will be thrown away from which you cannot finally free yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation: Golden chain with a cross can be a symbol of promising acquaintance or upcoming marriage. It can also symbolize the start of changes in life, which will entail changes in financial plan.
  • If you dream "put the gold chain" - pay attention to the person who did it in a dream, he is experiencing sympathy for you.

English Dream

  • If you are lucky to wear a gold chain in a dream, then soon an important person will notice you and your efforts.
  • Sleep: The chain with a pendant as a gift may indicate that you are well treated and ready to give you happiness.
  • Dream Interpretation: The chain was stolen - some people aimed to destroy your plans and do everything in their own way. According to the plot of your sleep, you can determine who exactly these people, even if you have not seen them in a dream, you can analyze the associative level.
  • If you have dreamed of "find chains", then you will see a series of good events.
  • What dreams of a cross on a chain? This is a sign that when making an important decision at the last moment you will make the right choice instead of erroneous.

Interpretation of sleep, in which there was a chain - diverse. Based on the values \u200b\u200bin different dreams, the chain is a symbol of wealth or psychological dependence on some person. To accurately analyze sleep, you need to remember its details, it is of great importance. If you dreamed of a chain, pay attention to your circle of communication, close people and notice, whether there is a person who has a significant impact on you is a multi-reasoning intercom. It is also possible that you are too incredulous to people and do not perceive them seriously.

Any chain in a dream: symbolizes addiction or affection for something.

Gold chain: This is a sign of dependence on their passions and desires.

Silver chain: passion for money.

Chain of non-dense metal: disappointment.

Torn chain: foreshadows failure and loss.

Clock on the chain: sign of punctuality.

To see a person with a clock on a chain or wearing such a watch: a sign that to achieve success in some kind of you will need accuracy and operational.

Feel in a dream that the chain prevents you from you, or feel that it has become overly difficult: tells you that you risk becoming a slave of your desires.

Interpretation of dreams from the dreams of the twentieth century

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He is trying to express your love to you with all ways, but you do not notice anything and continue to hear.

If you see a wide chain on the neck from another person, it speaks of your curiosity regarding the intimate relationship between other people.

Such unhealthy interest can be explained by the lack of personal life with you.

Get close relationship with someone to stop climbing in someone else's life and engage in your own.

If you dreamed that you got a chain as a gift, and then lost her, it means that some events occur around you, but you do not want to notice them.

Interpretation of dreams

To understand what the silver chain is dreaming is not easy, because only people could use such an amulet, seriously engaged in witchcraft, magic. Silver was not available to ordinary people.

Silver items in a dream - a sign of noble origin. Warriors are protected from the unclean steel and cold glands, the peasants - a red thread twisted with sheep wool. Silver chain defended sorcerers and high-ranking people who put on chains for the purpose of protection against the dark forces. The silver chain is needed not only for the impossibility of access to the silence to the neck.

With the help of the chain, the experimental sorcerer could be forced, to tie and force to serve a different evil. Silver bracelets were used to reflect attacks, daggers and sharp polls - to attack. If you happened to see a silver chain in a dream - it is likely that you will have to defend. Dream interpretation interprets silver in a dream, as a sign of the moon, purity, protection, soul.

The main values \u200b\u200bof the silver chain in a dream

  • If gold always means communication with the wealth of material, silver is often associated with poverty, ruin, spiritual wealth.
  • Some believe that the silver chain is what the cross is worn on. Most optional. Silver chain - amulet in itself. Cross or other faith sign - Late additions. The pendant on the silver chain means additional obligations. If the pendant is too big - you wrapped up a non-promotional cargo. Elegant pendant - you like your voluntary burden, you enjoy them. But do you get real benefits or spiritual development?
  • If the pendant, including the cross, is so big and hard that the chain is stripped - you went over with a voluntary wear and sacrifice. By and large, with pride, because the main task was to carry a huge pile of responsibilities with a humble species. Throw all this nonsense and live your life, give the minimum responsibilities. You will be surprised how easier you will be. Oddly enough, people will respect you much more.
  • If gold chains, like a sign of wealth, usually wore over clothes, protective silver chains are close to the body, under clothing. For this reason, in a dream, someone else's silver chain means or peeping, or exorbitant curiosity, or intimate communication.
  • Silver chain on wrist or ankle means stiffness of thoughts and feelings. Maybe. You are in difficult relationships with dependencies.
  • Find a chain of silver in a dream - you are lucky with a circle of communication. Or you suddenly meet really loved on the spirit of people, or share useful business communication.
  • A torn chain - to troubles, perhaps you set ourselves unospel tasks and do not be able to cope. Request and demand help, invite friends to correct the situation. Warning you got, it means that there are chances.
  • If you yourself rush chain on the neck - you plan to get away from the obligations, arrange a scandal and not do anything that they promised. Everything happens, but in reality, the scandal is optional.
  • Break and throw out chains - an option of adolescent rebound. You will regret your rash actions.
  • If you have found a torn chain in a dream - bad signs will not work. You will receive additional protection and support from where they did not wait.
  • Losing a silver chain means to lose protection. Very often it means parting with really close people, severe tests, diseases, the death of loved ones. According to ancient recipes, a pearl earring in the ear can be avoided, which should be worn about a week.
  • Get a chain as a gift - to success, recognition and profit.

Interpretation of authoritative sources

  • Female dream book promises marriage of love, happy and rich spiritually. A minus choice will be a permanent need to deal with material difficulties in marriage. But you will never be boring. If in a dream, the beloved gives you a silver chain, you strongly doubt that the joint venture will be successful. Most likely, you are right.
  • According to the female dream book, if in a dream you found a box with jewels, unravel the chains, try on, in real life there are several exciting novels with intersecting plots. This is an interesting adventure.
  • Tibetan dream book warns that if in a dream you see a darkened silver chain - you have health problems. In another interpretation - next to you enemies and from their black thoughts silver darkens and loses the radiance. By the way, it is easy to check in reality. Take a darkened silver vee and keep it in a fist for about 20-30 minutes. If the subject cleans - your health is in order, problems in others. If the black one remains or enhanced - it's time to visit the doctor and reveal hidden problems.
  • The home dream book believes that blackened silver means bad fame, spoiled reputation.
  • Miller's dream book considers a silver chain in a dream with a good sign, promising good luck and success. Torn, spoiled decoration - to trouble.


Seeing a silver chain in a dream - a good sign. Your angel - the keeper tries to work in full. Do not squeeze it, he tries to warn you.

If you do not have a chain of silver - buy it yourself or ask close to give you some holiday. The chain presented with sincere love and a real feeling is stronger than the usual purchase. If the donor is experiencing negative feelings to you - they mean nothing, because silver completely leveals the negative.

Any chain in a dream: symbolizes addiction or affection for something.

Gold chain: This is a sign of dependence on their passions and desires.

Silver chain: passion for money.

Chain of non-dense metal: disappointment.

Torn chain: foreshadows failure and loss.

Clock on the chain: sign of punctuality.

To see a person with a clock on a chain or wearing such a watch: a sign that to achieve success in some kind of you will need accuracy and operational.

Feel in a dream that the chain prevents you from you, or feel that it has become overly difficult: tells you that you risk becoming a slave of your desires.

Interpretation of dreams from the dreams of the twentieth century

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He is trying to express your love to you with all ways, but you do not notice anything and continue to hear.

If you see a wide chain on the neck from another person, it speaks of your curiosity regarding the intimate relationship between other people.

Such unhealthy interest can be explained by the lack of personal life with you.

Get close relationship with someone to stop climbing in someone else's life and engage in your own.

If you dreamed that you got a chain as a gift, and then lost her, it means that some events occur around you, but you do not want to notice them.

Interpretation of dreams

Any chain in a dream: symbolizes addiction or affection for something.

Gold chain: This is a sign of dependence on their passions and desires.

Silver chain: passion for money.

Chain of non-dense metal: disappointment.

Torn chain: foreshadows failure and loss.

Clock on the chain: sign of punctuality.

To see a person with a clock on a chain or wearing such a watch: a sign that to achieve success in some kind of you will need accuracy and operational.

Feel in a dream that the chain prevents you from you, or feel that it has become overly difficult: tells you that you risk becoming a slave of your desires.

Interpretation of dreams from the dreams of the twentieth century

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Dream Interpretation - Chain

If you dream that you give you a chain, this speaks about in vain doubts in the sincerity of a loved one.

He is trying to express your love to you with all ways, but you do not notice anything and continue to hear.

If you see a wide chain on the neck from another person, it speaks of your curiosity regarding the intimate relationship between other people.

Such unhealthy interest can be explained by the lack of personal life with you.

Get close relationship with someone to stop climbing in someone else's life and engage in your own.

If you dreamed that you got a chain as a gift, and then lost her, it means that some events occur around you, but you do not want to notice them.

Interpretation of dreams