How to start a single-circuit tribute boiler. How to turn on and fire up gas boilers of Danko and Conord models

Temperature controllers for heating boilers

Thermostats for heating boilers are an important and necessary part in the unit, without which it will be simply impossible to control the boiler. The boiler thermostat makes it possible to significantly save energy and greatly extend the operating time of the system itself

Inverter generator for gas boiler

An inverter generator for a gas boiler is simply necessary in order to be sure that power outages will in no way affect the operation of expensive equipment. Such generators are a guarantee of uninterrupted operation of foreign-made boilers, in which an ultraprecise ...

Batteries for UPS for heating boilers

Each boiler must have an uninterruptible power supply, which is a special device (current converter) that converts 12 watts from the battery to 220 watts. This is the voltage at which all boilers operate. To have an idea of ​​why a UPS is needed, you need to know ...

Automation for heating gas boilers AOGV

Automation for gas heating boilers ensures stable and safe operation of the equipment. These systems greatly simplify the use heating equipment, increase the efficiency of its work and allow rational use of energy resources. Automation for gas boilers...

Question: Boiler Ross AOGV-11, on the street -10, while the gas consumption is about 20 cubic meters / day. Private house 80 sq.m. The boiler is at 2, the temperature in the house is about 23 degrees. I thought that the consumption should be less. Or I'm wrong? Answer: Gas consumption can be checked as follows: set the maximum on automatic, that is, according to gas meter note the costs per minute, then multiply the costs per minute by 60. We compare with technical specifications on the boiler and look - fit in or not. Depending on the costs, we either regulate the pressure on the gas valve or not. Question: I have a 16 kW floor-standing Ross boiler. During heating and cooling, a loud knock (click) is heard with a frequency of about 3 seconds, inside at the bottom left, all fasteners are tightened.

How to light a dani cauldron

If the flame goes out, repeat the operation after at least 1 minute. If for some reason the burner does not ignite and the pilot burner goes out, re-ignite not earlier than after 5 minutes.
4. The temperature of the heat carrier in the apparatus (boiler) is regulated by turning the temperature adjustment knob to position 1-7. Position 7 approximately corresponds to - a temperature of 90 ° C.

Drawing. Gas valve “HONEYWELL” The sequence of switching on the apparatus (boiler) with gas valve"EUROSIT" Drawing. EUROSIT gas valve 1. Open the appliance (boiler) door.

Make sure that the control and temperature adjustment knob (control knob) is in the (appliance (boiler) off) position. Open the tap on the gas pipeline in front of the machine. 2. Turn the control knob counterclockwise to the piezo ignition position.


Heating boilers dani


Open the door of the apparatus (boiler). Make sure that the control knob is in position (appliance (boiler) switched off). Open the valve on the gas pipeline in front of the apparatus (boiler).

2. Turn the control knob all the way (counterclockwise) to the ignition position and press down, hold it pressed for 5-10 s (the holding time required to expel air from the pilot burner tube), and turn further, without releasing the knob, to the middle position (there should be a click). If the pilot burner ignites, then it is necessary to hold the control knob pressed for at least 15 seconds and slowly release it. Then turn the control knob to the position (device (boiler) on) to ignite the burner, while the flame on the pilot burner should not go out. 3. The pilot burner may not ignite until the gas pressure expels air from the pilot tube.

Adjustment of automation in the gas boiler aogv-18 dani comfort

MTS Group) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of water heating and heating equipment, air conditioners and components for domestic and industrial use. ARISTON equipment is specially adapted for Russia; during development and testing, many factors that are encountered in Russian operation practice were taken into account: gas and voltage surges, low air temperatures, water “hardness”, areas with high seismic activity, etc.


MTS Group is constantly working to improve its products and reserves the right to make necessary technical changes to its products without prior notice. ATTENTION. In addition to the data specified in the manual, the relevant standards, rules, instructions and regulations not listed here must be observed.

Gas boiler dani akgv 12 s

It may be necessary to adjust the main burner, how should this be done, can it be adjusted while the boiler is operating? Answer: Perhaps the knock is due to the thermal expansion of the metal of the heat exchanger. Crackling is the result of scale and deposits that have formed.

Question: Ross double-circuit boiler 26ntd - E8 pops up. What does it mean, I can not decrypt the error? Answer: The DHW sensor does not work.

Question: Tell me, please, about the Ross boiler. There is Eurosit 630 automation. The problem is the following: when the main burner is turned off, it does not completely go out, it burns itself slowly.

Please tell me is this normal? Answer: Quite normal. The main burner goes out when the set temperature is exceeded. Before this, the bellows covers the burner in order to save money and maintain the setpoint. Question: Dani AOGV boiler.
This article is about how to turn on the Dani boiler with different gas valves. With the advent of the autumn-winter period, most people are looking for a way to warm up and warm their home. Most of the people use a gas boiler for these purposes. After a long period of not using the boiler or at the first meeting with a gas boiler, many people forget or do not know how to start the boiler. Many also do not know what to do if the boiler goes out or it does not light up at all. But the gas boiler does not light up, most likely due to the incorrect inclusion of it.

It also happened to us. In our apartment there is a Dani parapet gas boiler. And I decided to give you a little instruction on how to start the Dani gas boiler so that it will help you.

Before turning on the Dani gas boiler, it is necessary to ventilate the room for at least 15 minutes. The sequence of switching on the apparatus (boiler) with the HONEYWELL gas valve 1.

Dani gas boiler instruction manual

Press the control knob all the way and without releasing it, press the piezo ignition button until it clicks. keep the control knob pressed for 5-10 seconds. 4. Release the control knob and check the presence of a flame on the pilot (pilot) burner 5.

If there is no flame, repeat the steps, increasing the time the control knob is pressed. 6. The temperature of the heat carrier in the apparatus (boiler) is regulated by turning the control knob to position 1-7. Position 7 roughly corresponds to – temperature 90°С. The sequence of switching on the apparatus (boiler) with the gas valve "CJSC Mashzavod" ATTENTION! Before ignition of the apparatus (boiler), check that the main burner valve 1 is closed. 2.

Soot constantly appears, they were repeatedly cleaned, everything repeats and the boiler stops working. What to do? Answer: Pull out the burner and rinse under high water pressure from the side of the flame - most likely it is clogged with dust inside, and the gas pressure on the burner may also be too high.

Well, clean the heat exchanger from soot. Question: Boiler Dani AOGV 7.4. The temperature regulator itself raises the temperature. I put on 50, I come next time - about 80. The interval between observations is about a month. Everything was fine before. The boiler is 5 years old. What could it be? Answer: What gas valve (temperature regulator) is on the unit? He raises the temperature himself - does he mean turn the handle? Or does it not hold the set temperature? If the latter is a gas valve with a thermal bulb and a capillary, then first you need to check the performance of this system itself.
Maintenance, repair, technical device, setup, installation of wall-mounted gas boilers Ariston (Ariston) Here, a guide to repairing wall-mounted gas boilers Ariston (Ariston) recently fell into the hands. tutorial Genus MTS group. Unfortunately, the book is paperback. Yes, and it had to be returned in a couple of days. Therefore, I decided to scan this manual for myself. True, the quality of the scan was poor due to the soft cover, but the manual is quite readable. It has over 250 pages. I didn’t find a similar manual for downloading on the Internet, so I decided to file all the pictures in PDF and put it on deposit so that everyone could download it. I want to say a few more words before I give a link to the file. Still, the file turned out to be not small, almost 100 megabytes, so I decided to give detailed description. The book contains logical schemes for the operation of a gas boiler. principle and device.
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CONNECTING EXTERNAL CONTROL DEVICES 6.3 MENU AND SETTING THE BOILER 6.3.1 Setting: LANGUAGE, CURRENT TIME, DATE 6.3.2 Entering the menu 6.3.3 Description of menu 1: SETTING THE TIMER-PROGRAMMER 6.3.4 Description of menu 2: SETTING THE BOILER 6.3.5 Description menu 3: SOLAR HEATING 6.3.6 Description of menu 4: PARAMETERS FOR THERMAL ZONE 1 6.3.7 Description of menu 5: PARAMETERS FOR ZONE 2 6.3.8 Description of menu 7: TESTS AND CHECK PROGRAMS 6.3.9 Description of menu 8: PARAMETERS FOR SERVICE TECHNICIAN 6.4 Cable Information Menu (INFO) 6.5 Copper Safety Systems 6.5.1 Fault Codes 6.6 Displaying Boiler Mode Cable on LCD Display 6.7 Copper Control Panel 6.8 LCD Display 7 Service 7.1 Programming Service Period 7.2 Periodic Checks 8 Specifications In general, I added some information to make it easier to find the file through search engines.
I set the desired temperature. At a given temperature (for example, 60 degrees), automation (Kare) turns off the device, then when the set temperature drops, the automation restarts it. Periodically (at different times, about once a week) the boiler stops automatically starting (the temperature dropped to 17 degrees, and the boiler didn’t turn on for some reason? After you turn it off and start it “manually”, the boiler works fine, maintains the set temperature again until some time. And he does not want to switch from the wick to the main torch until you let go of the tube that goes to the temperature regulator a little bit from the reducer.

The instruction manual for the boiler is a set of rules and requirements that are attached in printed form to each model. Despite the variety of gas heating equipment, the principles of use and safety are the same for all models.

The principle of operation of the boiler

Gas heaters can vary in design and technical parameters, but the principle of creating heat in the house is the same - heating the coolant (water / antifreeze) with burning gas (natural / liquefied). The supply of gaseous fuel to a dwelling is not the easiest and safest thing, but consumers are attracted by gas, its comparative cheapness and versatility.

Blue fuel can be used not only for heating, but also for heating domestic water, using columns or double-circuit models of heaters. Modern equipment is equipped with effective security systems that prevent all possible emergencies. Nevertheless, there are operating rules that are mandatory and are a guarantee of safe operation.

Precautionary measures

Despite manufacturers' commitment to safety gas appliances they can still be a source of danger. The Ministry of Emergency Situations regularly reminds the owners of any gas-powered equipment about the precautionary measures:

  1. You need to buy gas-powered appliances from organizations that have the appropriate sales license.
  2. Installation should only be carried out by qualified service personnel.
  3. The kit should include an instruction manual.
  4. It is forbidden to change the design of the device in any way.
  5. A technical check must be carried out annually.
  6. It is forbidden to reduce ventilation openings in windows and walls.
  7. In the presence of sealed windows it is necessary to organize the flow of air.
  8. Do not store materials that can quickly ignite in the boiler room.
  9. It is forbidden to raise the temperature of the coolant above 90°C.

Placement rules

  1. The area of ​​the room in which the heater is installed is at least 7.5 m².
  2. Ceilings - from 2.2 m.
  3. There must be a window that provides air access from the street.
  4. The door should open in the direction of movement of the person leaving the room.
  5. It is forbidden to equip switches in the boiler room. If they are already installed, they will have to be taken outside the premises.
  6. Need to equip supply and exhaust ventilation. For every m³ of fuel consumed - 15 m² of air.
  7. The distance from the heater to the elements capable of burning is 25 cm or more. To fireproof elements - 5 cm. From the chimney to combustible parts - 40 cm, to fireproof - 15 cm.
  8. The device is mounted on a perfectly flat plane, without slopes.

Chimney Requirements

  1. Chimney material - steel. It is recommended to use stainless steel.
  2. Mandatory presence of cleaning hatches and condensate drainage. There should be a pocket at the bottom of the chimney in which deposits accumulate.
  3. Chimney equip external thermal insulation, which is protected from moisture (condensation, precipitation).
  4. Chimney height - from 5 m and at least 2 cm above the outlet pipe.
  5. The chimney is installed on the receiving plate of the vapor trap.
  6. The expansion tank is installed at the highest point in the system.
  7. A safety group and a thermometer are installed on the supply pipeline.
  8. It is undesirable to put the device in openings, niches and other hard-to-reach places.

How to use

V modern models heaters, human participation is minimized. Before the device is started, it is connected to:

  • gas pipeline - employees of the gas service;
  • heating pipes;
  • water supply - representatives of organizations servicing heating systems.

The first launch is also carried out by service workers. If the requirements of the instructions are violated during connection and maintenance, the warranty will be void. The equipment must only be used for the purposes intended by the manufacturer.

During installation, maintenance and repair, original spare parts must be used. If a breakdown or incorrect operation is detected, the user must immediately shut off the gas with a valve and call the service or gas service. Produce repair work alone is strictly prohibited.

When performing any work on or near the air duct or chimney, it is imperative to turn off the gas. After completing the work, they check the functionality of the chimney and air duct, and only then proceed to start the device.

How to properly turn off the boiler

If the device is not to be used for a long time, do the following:

  1. Close the gas valve.
  2. If the equipment is volatile, you need to disconnect the automation and the water pump from the mains.
  3. Shut off water and heating valves.
  4. If the temperature is expected to drop below zero, the water will have to be drained.
  5. A specialist is called in to finally turn off the equipment.

The heater is also turned off for cleaning. Clean it with a damp cloth with a soft detergent and soap. Do not use aggressive substances.

Safety system

Gas-powered appliances need serious control. It is provided either by a person or an automation system. The latter is able to provide multi-stage protection that prevents dangerous situations and improves equipment safety. The main task of the protection system is to turn off the device in time by cutting off the fuel supply.

Let's consider the protection levels using an example floor boiler"Wolf KSO". These modern devices have multi-stage protection. One of the stages is an ionization sensor that controls the flame. If the fire goes out, a signal will be given to the control unit, it will cut off the fuel supply and prevent an accident.

The combustion chamber has a temperature sensor that monitors the heating of the coolant and prevents the firebox from burning out quickly. "Wolves" are equipped with a KTD system - chimney draft control. It prevents the accumulation of carbon monoxide. If there is no draft, the accumulation of combustion products in the chimney begins, the thermostat heats up. When the temperature limit is reached, the thermostat contacts open - the fuel supply stops.

Automatic protection

Modern models of heaters are saturated with electronic instrumentation that generate signals for the control unit. Automation, receiving signals from sensors, coordinates the work of all nodes. Elements that prevent various kinds of problems and problems are safety valves, expansion tanks, air valves, smoke detectors and other devices.

What to do if there are malfunctions

Consider situations with breakdowns on the example of Italian boilers. Italian wall and floor heaters are an example of quality and efficiency. But even with proper use, malfunctions may occur that require prompt elimination.

In Baksi models, the following problems may appear:

  • the burner does not ignite;
  • during operation, pops are heard in the furnace;
  • the boiler has overheated;
  • the device is very noisy;
  • the sensor has failed.

The probable causes of breakdowns are associated both with violations of the operating rules and with reasons beyond the control of the user:

  • moisture has entered the device;
  • low quality of the coolant;
  • decreased pressure in the gas pipeline;
  • in the power supply voltage drop;
  • errors were made during installation.

Violation of at least one rule or norm leads to breakdowns, incorrect operation and unnecessary costs.

Frost protection

One of important rules operation of heating systems - providing a minimum allowable temperature coolant. If the system is filled with water, then low temperatures freezing occurs, pipes and radiators become unusable. In modern models, this problem is solved - the user is relieved of the need to monitor the coolant.

So, for example, in the boilers of the South Korean manufacturer, reliable protection from freezing. "Navien" is cheaper than European counterparts, but these boilers have all the necessary protection functions, which greatly simplifies the use.

When the coolant temperature drops below 10°C, it starts automatically circulation pump. If the coolant cools down to 6°C, the burner automatically turns on, heating the coolant to 21°C.

Ignition instructions

Heaters differ in the type of ignition, so when starting different modifications, there are some nuances. Before turning on the device, you need to read the ignition instructions in order to do everything correctly. Consider the ignition on the example of the Italian boiler "". Before turning it on, it is important to check the system for leaks. To this end, the thermostat is turned on to the maximum so that the switchover automatically works. Ariston ignition process:

  • the appliance is connected to the mains, and the heating regulator is set to desired value temperature;
  • when the pump is turned on, a slight noise is heard;
  • when everything is eliminated in the pipes air locks, the noise will disappear;
  • the electric ignition is triggered - the boiler turns on independently.


The operation of heaters is simplified if they have a self-diagnostic function. Almost all European manufacturers have equipped their products with it.

So, for example, German heaters "", displaying error codes on the display, allow the user to quickly understand the cause of the problem and take measures to eliminate it. If code A7 appears on the screen, it is clear that the hot water temperature sensor is faulty.

If A8 is displayed, the connection to the BUS is broken. This feature greatly simplifies the use gas equipment makes it easier and more comfortable.

dangerous situations

The greatest danger is the failure associated with the operation of the burners. If the flame goes out, gas can accumulate in the room, which subsequently causes an explosion. Causes of fire extinguishing:

  • the gas pressure has fallen below the permissible norm;
  • no draft in the chimney;
  • the supply voltage is gone;
  • the igniter went out.

In an emergency, immediately shut off the fuel supply to the burners - automatically or manually. Modern versions are equipped with automation devices necessary for the prompt shutdown of equipment. The operation of such devices is not only convenient, but also safe.

How to prevent the accumulation of gas in the room

Modern safety standards provide for the installation of gas analyzers in boiler rooms; they are necessary for signaling when gas appears in the room. A special electronic valve reacts to their signals, which automatically stops the flow of fuel to the burners.

What are the other safety rules?

  • Do not disassemble or dismantle gas appliances on one's own.
  • Handle the power cord with care.
  • Do not place any foreign objects on the device.
  • Don't step on the boiler. Do not stand on chairs, tables or other unstable objects to clean the wall-mounted boiler.
  • Keep an eye on the coolant, top it up in time in the system.
  • Be careful - in some modifications, the use of antifreeze is prohibited.
  • If you smell gas, immediately turn off the gas, open windows and doors. Exit the boiler room and call the gas service.

It may be necessary to adjust the main burner, how should this be done, can it be adjusted while the boiler is operating? Answer: Perhaps the knock is due to the thermal expansion of the metal of the heat exchanger. Crackling is the result of scale and deposits that have formed. Question: Ross double-circuit boiler 26ntd - E8 pops up. What does it mean, I can not decrypt the error? Answer: The DHW sensor does not work. Question: Tell me, please, about the Ross boiler. There is Eurosit 630 automation. The problem is the following: when the main burner is turned off, it does not completely go out, it burns itself slowly. Please tell me is this normal? Answer: Quite normal. The main burner goes out when the set temperature is exceeded. Before this, the bellows covers the burner in order to save money and maintain the setpoint. Question: Dani AOGV boiler.

How to light a dani cauldron

This can be done as follows: - Remove the bulb from the boiler sleeve.


Take two jars of water, an electric boiler for a glass, a thermometer with a maximum temperature of more than 100 C.

Place the electric boiler for the glass, the thermometer and the thermal bulb in one jar of water.
By turning on the boiler and heating the bulb to a certain temperature and then by cooling it (for example, by pulling it out of a jar of heated water and lowering it into a jar of cold water check (repeatedly) how the gas valve will operate.

If it works normally, then you need to check how the contact of the bulb wall with the wall of the glass (where it is inserted) in the boiler is ensured.

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The wick burns, and does not ignite the main burners, and when it boils, it goes out completely.


Tell me what to do? Answer: The main burners turn off when the specified temperature is reached.

Causes: contamination of the impulse (connecting) tubes between the membrane valve and the thermostat, jamming of the remote sleeve of the thermostat.

When the water temperature reaches 50-90 C, the boiler turns off completely (all): adjust the sensor from boiling, there is no draft in the chimney.

Question: As soon as I fully tighten the sleeve on the diaphragm valve, the boiler does not ignite, but as soon as I loosen it a little, it works and poisons the gas a little.

What to do? Answer: Unscrew the screw and remove the handle. Loosen the screws and remove the scale.


Unscrew the screws and remove the thermostat cover. Remove the membrane assembly without damaging the membranes.

Remove the assembly by the screw securing the valve. Remove the spacer.

Adjustment of automation in the gas boiler aogv-18 dani comfort

Press the control knob all the way and without releasing it, press the piezo ignition button until it clicks.
keep the control knob pressed for 5-10 seconds. 4.

Release the control knob and check the presence of a flame on the pilot (pilot) burner 5.

If there is no flame, repeat the steps, increasing the time the control knob is pressed.

6. The temperature of the heat carrier in the apparatus (boiler) is regulated by turning the control knob to position 1-7.
Position 7 roughly corresponds to – temperature 90°С.

The sequence of switching on the apparatus (boiler) with the gas valve "CJSC Mashzavod" ATTENTION! Before igniting the apparatus (boiler), check that the main burner tap 1 is closed.

Open the door of the apparatus (boiler) and, making sure that valve 3 in front of the burner is closed, open the valve on the gas pipeline in front of the apparatus (boiler).

Gas boiler dani akgv 12 s

Question: Boiler Ross AOGV-11, on the street -10, while the gas consumption is about 20 cubic meters / day.
Private house 80 sq.m. The boiler is at 2, the temperature in the house is about 23 degrees.

I thought that the consumption should be less. Or I'm wrong? Answer: Gas consumption can be checked as follows: set the maximum on automatic, that is, record the costs per minute on the gas meter, then multiply the costs per minute by 60.

We check with the technical characteristics of the boiler and see if we fit in or not.

Depending on the costs, we either regulate the pressure on the gas valve or not.

Question: I have a 16 kW floor-standing Ross boiler. During heating and cooling, a loud knock (click) is heard with a frequency of about 3 seconds, inside at the bottom left, all fasteners are tightened.

Dani boiler instruction manual

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