Stimulants of plant growth and development at home. Top dressing and biological growth stimulants for plants

Growth stimulants for indoor plants... Do I need to apply? Growth stimulants are often recommended in home flower growing guidelines. They act on seeds, improving their germination, increasing germination, helping the vegetative parts to take root, increasing resistance to diseases and adverse factors. But don't consider stimulants as a substitute. good care... When the care is insufficient, the plant is in the wrong place, then no stimulants will improve its condition.

Growth stimulator and regulator - "Athlete" For a plant to develop proportionally, it is not enough just to accelerate its growth. Often it is necessary to adjust the process so that all parts are typed required dimensions... For this, the plant growth stimulator Atlet is used. It does not allow the plant to actively grow in length, but at the same time, it activates the growth of the stem in thickness and leaves. The result is a thick stem with broad leaves, which is a sign of a strong plant. The number of buds also increases. The use of this drug for garden crops significantly increases the yield. For processing home flowers and seedlings, the Athlete is diluted. To do this, take one and a half milliliters of the drug, add it to a liter of water. Seedlings are watered when at least three leaves appear on it.

Growth stimulants for plants. Photo Indoor flowers with this tool can be watered under the root or sprayed over the aerial part. The instructions indicate the number of treatments. Their number should not be reduced, otherwise the growth regulator will start working as a stimulant. Concentration should not be changed. With a smaller amount of active ingredient, there will be no result, and with a larger amount, the plant, on the contrary, will weaken. Home Growth Promoters Preparing plant growth promoters at home is not difficult at all. They are made on the basis of honey or the juice of a common flower - aloe. To prepare homemade plant growth stimulants from honey, you need to take half a teaspoon of regular bee honey. We put it in five hundred milliliters warm water and stir. The resulting liquid will be a stimulant. Its use is very simple. Cuttings and bulbs are soaked in it. The first will be enough from four to six hours of processing, and the second will need at least ten. To get plant growth stimulants from aloe, it is necessary to squeeze the juice from its leaves. A tablespoon of the resulting juice is poured into two hundred milliliters of water. The mixture is placed in cool place without access to light. The container must be closed with a lid. It takes a week to withstand diluted aloe juice. Then it is bred further to make the total volume of five liters. After that, cuttings, seeds and bulbs can be treated with this product. Soak them in the same way as in the previous case. Rinsing after soaking is not required.

Home plant growth stimulants. Photo In another case, aloe juice is used without dilution and infusion. Five drops of juice are added to the container where the cutting is rooted, which will stimulate the emergence of roots and increase the protective characteristics of the new plant. Stimulating properties are possessed by water, in which a willow or pussy willow branch stood and gave leaves. Another option for effective rooting of cuttings is with raw potatoes. All eyes are cut out of the potato so that it does not sprout. A gap is made in it, into which the cutting is inserted. It is watered daily. Potatoes release the nutrients needed for germination. Special stimulating substances Nowadays there are many preparations that stimulate plant growth. All of them are created on the basis of natural plant phytohormones, which are released during development. Synthesized and concentrated, they allow you to achieve the best effect in the shortest possible time. The best plant growth stimulants that are most actively used can be named. Heteroauxin Heteroauxin is the main plant hormone. According to his chemical nature it is indoleacetic acid. It is released in the form of tablets. Kornevin Kornevin and similar substances are plant root growth stimulants that help to take root and develop a good root system. The active chemical is indolylbutyric acid. The composition is available in powder form. Cuttings are powdered with this powder before planting. Solution can be applied. Both acids, indolylbutyric and indoleacetic, are included in the auxin group, i.e. phytohormones that increase cell elongation. Their effectiveness is about the same. Epin A drug that has a positive effect on disease resistance. It not only affects growth, but also helps to tolerate negative influences. Under its action, roots appear faster in cuttings, sprouts from seeds, flowers are less sick. The modern drug epin plant growth stimulator is an analogue of the drug from Japan. Currently, the manufacturer has begun to use the active ingredient for more High Quality, therefore, a new generation of the product has appeared with the name Epin-Extra. As the epin decays into alkaline environment and in the light, it is used in the evening, and the water for breeding is acidified.

Zircon An effective plant growth stimulator Zircon is made from raw materials natural origin... It has a positive effect on seed germination, improves plant growth, the activity of their flowering, and reduces the incidence of diseases. Possesses Zircon and high root-forming activity. Root growth stimulants should not be used with it. Since the drug is sensitive to light, it is used at dusk. Why are phytohormones needed? Initially, the use of plant growth stimulants was aimed at the needs of agriculture. Phytohormones allow you to get friendly shoots, a high percentage of rooting, a larger yield in a shorter time. Moreover, all preparations are natural and do not harm plants and humans. Do indoor plants need stimulants? The answer to this question can be absolutely anything. V indoor conditions with careful care of any plant and without additional stimulation, you can create optimal conditions... However, there are delicate, whimsical tropical plants that are difficult to take root. Their development can be stimulated with appropriate drugs.

At the stage of fruiting plants, a flowering stimulator is as necessary as basic fertilizers. The use of such preparations will significantly increase the yield, both for indoor plants and for industrial cultivation.

How to use flowering stimulants

Flowering stimulants are actively used in progressive crop production to form ovaries, increase the number of inflorescences, and, accordingly, increase yields. They are natural and synthetic, but identical in composition. From the use of this or that remedy, completely different results are obtained, and all phytohormones act on the plant in the process of its development in different ways.

To get a positive effect from the use of drugs, it is important to follow the instructions for use of the substance.

  • They use plant growth and flowering stimulants as follows;
  • for rapid germination, seeds are soaked in a solution with the addition of a stimulating agent - for example, Epin Extra;
  • during vegetative growth, the use of various additives in addition to the main fertilizer for vegetation is not recommended;
  • the final stage of care during the flowering period will be watering the plant with an appropriate composition for abundant generation of fruits.

Indoor plant retardants

Indoor plants and flowers need feeding, timely care no less than their garden and garden relatives. During the formation of the ovaries, they need careful care and attention; without additional vitamins, the planting will not be able to effectively bloom and bear fruit. Several conditions are important for the intensive genesis of flowers: lighting, age and the necessary supplies nutrients... If these conditions are not fully met, the addition of phytohormones will contribute to the early release of the ovary, flowering and fruit formation.

The stage of color design is important point for the body. Seedlings need enhanced nutrition, which differs in composition from the top dressing used during the growing season. The large amount of nitrogen supplied during the planting of seeds and germination during the blooming of the buds interferes with the development of the flower. Emphasis should be placed on supplementation with phosphorus, but this is not the only accelerator needed for active blooming. Therefore, the creators of stimulating substances are developing original formulations of preparations that will help to obtain rich ovaries, then full-fledged flowers, abundant fruiting.

Stimulants of flowering of indoor plants, containing sugar, become faithful helpers in the emergence of flowers. Some of them, for example, Top Max, an immunostimulant, a bioflora enhancer Fish-Mix, are composed of organic oils and plant extracts that increase the number of ovaries. These and preparations similar to them in composition help to increase the future yield, promoting growth, strengthening immunity, and the formation of new buds.

Flowering and fruiting of plants

The hormones that cause the formation of future flowers include florigen and vernalin. The first of them, according to the researcher Chailakhyan, consists of two elements important for flowering: gibberellin and anthesins. Gibberellin is essential for those plants that require a long light period to bloom. The second type stimulates the flowering of other types of vegetation, for which the duration of daylight hours is not important. The phytohormone vernalin, according to scientists, is needed for biennial plants that remain wintering when low temperatures... It is produced in germinating seeds or in the tops of mature plants. But the amount of their own phytohormones in plants is negligible. Therefore, artificial feeding is very important in preparation for flowering and fruit formation.

Vitamin mixtures help to increase yields. Their composition includes, along with sugar, sulfur, potassium, magnesium, and other minerals that affect the formation of fruits.

A flowering and fruiting stimulant helps:

  • accelerate the process of fruit ripening;
  • strengthens the immune system and increases the content of vitamins;
  • improves the taste of the fruit.

When choosing color-forming stimulants, priority is given to organic compounds because they are the least harmful to the flora.

Phytohormones formed as a result of metabolic processes in the body affect the growing season, the flowering phase and yield. These are natural stimulants that cannot be denied their usefulness. The task of plant breeders is to provide timely assistance to weak individuals who do not have enough of their own vitamins, by introducing artificial preparations into the soil.

Do indoor plants need growth enhancers?

Buy flowering stimulants or not, the consumer decides. If your farm has exotic flowers that find it difficult to adapt to new conditions, then the use of generators is quite reasonable. It is important to remember to follow the instructions for use, to adhere to the recommendations contained in it.

Modern plant growing widely uses stimulants for those individuals that do not have time to mature in the Russian open spaces. The main condition that will help to obtain abundant formation of inflorescences: processing should not be carried out at the very beginning of flowering, so that there are no empty ovaries.

With regular use, stimulants that cause abundant flowering and fruit formation bring tangible benefits and provide:

  • fast harvest with open ground before the onset of the period of rains and cold weather;
  • when growing crops in greenhouses, they accelerate the maturation of those crops that ripen late;
  • increase the content of vitamins, thus improving the taste of the crop.

By causing enhanced synthesis of chlorophyll and other pigments, stimulants accelerate the process of catalyzing growth and flowering, give leaves and flowers a rich color.

The benefits of the use of phytohormones are obvious and undeniable. They are the basis for the active life of plantings, an energy charge that provides them with the necessary vitamins and microelements.

It is wonderful when the planted petunia seeds sprout in vigorous sprouts after three days, then, after a month, they grow to quite worthy 5-6 cm, and after another month they bloom. Everything is quick and clear - everything is according to the plan predetermined by the manufacturer. But in life there are often grievances. Well-hatched seedlings suddenly slow down their growth or stop developing altogether. A week passes, the second, and the young sprouts of petunia seem to fall asleep. What to do? How to accelerate the growth of seedlings?

Growth can be slowed down in unsuitable soil, for example, if its reaction is acidic (pH up to 5.3) or alkaline (pH from 7.4). When choosing the soil for petunia seedlings, make sure that it is neutral (pH 6.4-7.3) or slightly acidic (pH 5.4-6.3).

Despite the appropriate reaction, soils are sold with frankly low quality. For example, with a high content of low-quality peat, various foreign inclusions: branches, pebbles, debris. There are soils that are very poorly permeable to water. Let's say you water your seedlings, and the water is not absorbed into the ground, it collects in standing puddles. They can remain on the surface for several minutes. Such soil is useless. It is very dense, not hygroscopic, and therefore does not allow air to pass through. The roots in such a "chamber" do not breathe, do not feed well and, as a result, do not develop.

High-quality seedling soils are loose, light, nutritious. Manufacturers often add a small proportion to them. organic fertilizers and vermicompost

If you notice that petunia seedlings are growing poorly, first of all inspect the soil. If the "diagnosis" turns out to be disappointing, change the soil.

Ideal soil composition for petunia seedlings:

  • high quality peat
  • turf land
  • leavening agents
  • vermicompost

To each according to his possibilities

Sometimes the seedlings don't grow for a simpler reason. Then, when the roots have completely consumed the volume of the earthen mixture offered to them, they filled the seedling container and there is nowhere for them to grow further. In this case, picking is needed, that is, transplanting sprouts into larger cups or pots. The roots, and with them the aerial parts of the seedlings, will immediately resume their growth.

Proper nutrition - "developing" fertilizers

At two weeks of age, petunia seedlings already need. If your seedlings are already adult, they grow for a long time in the same soil, in which there are no nutrients left, it is not surprising if the sprouts begin to "slow down". Petunia grows poorly without regular feed.

Buy a liquid or dry fertilizer with a high nitrogen (N) content - this is what is needed most in seedling age for the formation of the aboveground part of the plant. Don't forget the roots too! To develop them, fertilizer producers add phosphorus (P) to their products. Potassium (K) is responsible for budding, flowering and fruiting, therefore, this microelement can be in a small amount in fertilizer for feeding seedlings.

Petunia seedlings are watered with fertilizer, the concentration of which is 2 times less than indicated on the label (the instructions indicate the ratio of fertilizer and water for adult plants)

It is highly desirable that the fertilizer for your petunia seedlings, in addition to the NPK formula, also includes other important trace elements: iron, boron, magnesium, zinc, etc. But only in a chelated form (sometimes in a salt form - not very successful)! Chelates are 2-10 times better absorbed than trace elements in inorganic salts. Therefore, using fertilizers with chelates, you can be sure that the trace elements are on the right side. Very quickly, trace elements take effect and you will see the result!

Petunia seedlings are not growing - let's start stimulation

Suppose you have already changed the soil, and you need to apply fertilizer and generally rush with the seedlings, as with a written sack, but petunia still grows poorly. Then we will apply the "B" plan and will use the "secret weapon" to stimulate growth - vitamins of group B. More precisely: B1, B6 and B12.

Dissolve 1 ampoule of vitamins B1 and B12 in a glass of warm water (250 ml). The stimulating composition is ready! If the sprouts are still very small, draw the solution into a syringe or pipette and carefully apply 1-2 drops to the seedlings. For adult seedlings, the spray method can be used. Do these procedures every 7-10 days, alternating vitamins B1 and B12, and watch the growth of sprouts.

You can make another, more "killer" solution. Dissolve 1 ampoule of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 in 1 liter of water. Spray your seedlings with this shake every 10 days.

After spraying with B vitamins, even the stunted sprouts instantly start growing. A huge number of new growth points are laid, root formation is stimulated, and resistance to diseases and pests increases. At the same time, the seedlings grow squat, powerful and bushy.

Anyone who is engaged agriculture, I want to get a rich harvest. And if earlier you had to wait a long time, apply a large amount of fertilizers, then recently, plant growth stimulants have been increasingly used.

Plants have hormones that are responsible for seed germination, growth, flowering, fruit ripening. These are the so-called growth substances or phytohormones. As a result of application, growth, ripening of fruits is stimulated, productivity and quality are increased.

Recently, in addition to growth preparations based on natural phytohormones, preparations with their synthetic analogs have been used.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

You've certainly seen perfect lawn in the cinema, in the alley, and possibly on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that this is a huge work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about an innovative tool - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

Natural phytohormones are obtained by isolating them from mushrooms, coal, peat, algae, and plants. Organic plant growth stimulants contain not only phytohormones. The composition of stimulants also includes amino acids, vitamins, polysaccharides, proteins and other microelements necessary for plant development.

Currently, in plant growing, the following groups of drugs are used containing growth-stimulating phytohormones:

  • humic,
  • brassinolides,
  • arachidonic acid,
  • abscisines,
  • microfertilizers.

Humic preparations

Phytohormones, which are part of the preparations, are isolated from peat, coal, sapropel. Everything valuable qualities humic fertilizers are also inherent in humic preparations. But, unlike fertilizer, which has a complex effect on plants, phytohormones stimulate specific growth processes. As a result of the application, the effect of humic substances on plants at the initial stage of development was established. The phytohormones contained in the preparations contribute to:

  • increased root formation, due to which the seedlings receive more nutrients and grow faster;
  • changes in phosphorus metabolism, which accelerates the process of fruit ripening;
  • rooting of protein metabolism, which helps to reduce nitrates in fruits, improve their quality;
  • an increase in the amount of vital amino acids, the immunity of plants increases;
  • in high concentration slows down the growth of seedlings.

This regulator can increase yields by 40%.

If you arrange the plants in descending order of the degree of responsiveness to these regulators, then the places will be distributed as follows:

  • nightshade;
  • cereals;
  • Compositae;
  • pumpkin;
  • legumes.

The regulator shows the greatest efficiency of application in extreme climatic conditions years. Productivity in such years increases not only in highly susceptible, but also in legumes, pumpkin.

When growing seedlings, the humic regulator contributes to the formation of a strong stem, a good root system. The preparations are used in the same way as plant protection products.

One of the representatives of these drugs is the plant growth stimulator "Athlete". It is recommended to use it for:

  • the formation of strong seedlings;
  • improvement of decorative properties, flowers and shrubs;
  • feeding indoor plants.

Operating principle.

The athlete, acting on the plants, distributes nutrients, reducing their amount in the stem and leaves and increasing the concentration in the root system. As a result of application, the growth of the ground part in height slows down, the stem thickens, and the duration of flowering increases. ornamental plants, the root becomes more powerful.

The athlete is suitable for both leaf spraying and root watering. In any case, this regulator will be effective.

Drug Athlete, method of administration

The athlete is available in 1.5 millimeter ampoules, the contents of which are dissolved in water before use. Depending on the type of plant, the processing method and the concentration of the solution are used. The quantity, frequency also depends on the type of culture.

  • Tomatoes can be treated by spraying or by applying the Athlete preparation directly under the root. When spraying, the Athlete regulator is diluted in half a liter of water. The exception is the first spraying of seedlings, which is carried out when the third or fourth leaf appears. In this case, the Athlete is diluted in one liter of water. Processing is carried out three times, every five days. If within a week, after the third treatment, it is not possible to plant the seedlings on permanent place, then a fourth spray should be carried out. It is unacceptable to carry out a single spraying, since in this case the seedlings, after slowing down, will begin to actively grow. When adding the Atlet regulator to the root, prepare a solution in the ratio of one ampoule per liter of water. Processing is carried out once when the third or fourth sheet appears. The amount of solution for each bush of seedlings is forty milliliters;

  • Processing of peppers, eggplants. When spraying, the Athlete is diluted in a liter of water and the seedlings are treated when the third or fourth leaf appears. Spray the plants once. With root watering, the ampoule is dissolved in one liter and the seedlings are watered with these solutions, when the third or fourth leaf appears. Re-watering is not required;
  • The processing of cabbage seedlings is carried out only by watering at the root, in three stages, every seven days. To do this, dissolve one ampoule in a liter of water. This amount is used to process seedlings per 1 sq. M;
  • Processing of flowers is carried out in case of their overgrowth. To do this, they are sprayed with a regulator solution (one ampoule per liter) twice every seven days;
  • Spraying flowering shrubs spend during the period of bud formation. To do this, dilute one ampoule in a liter of water and spray the bushes in two stages with an interval of seven days;
  • Houseplants are watered twice. The interval between the first and second treatment is five months. The ampoule of the drug is diluted in three hundred milliliters of water, fifty milliliters of solution is poured into each pot.

The use of the Athlete allows you to increase the yield up to 30%.


Plants caught in stressful situation, immunity is weakened, which leads to illness and death. To increase stress resistance, the plant produces phytohormones - brassinolides. And although they are present in all parts of the plant, due to the deterioration of the ecology, their concentration is very low.

The representative of the plant protection product is the domestic regulator Epin-extra.

This drug contributes to:

  • fast germination of seeds;
  • better rooting of seedlings;
  • fast ripening of fruits;
  • increase in productivity;
  • increasing resilience to climate change;
  • protection against viral, bacterial diseases;
  • removal of pesticides, nitrates, radiation from plants.

The regulator is available in 0.25 gram ampoules. For ease of use, a graduation scale is applied to the ampoule, this allows you to use required amount drug. We recommend storing the remaining regulator in the refrigerator. The entire contents are diluted in five liters of water. This solution is enough to process plants on an area of ​​2 ares. Plants are sprayed in the evening, in calm dry weather.

All plants, except root crops, are sprayed after bud setting. Root crops are processed after germination.

The seedlings are treated with a solution, for the preparation of which five drops of the regulator are mixed with fifty milliliters of water. Spraying is carried out the day before the pick or immediately after planting in the ground. In the event of a plant disease, if it has suffered from frost, pests, diseases, spraying is carried out at intervals of seven days until complete recovery.

To soak the seeds, five drops of the drug are diluted in fifty milliliters of pre-boiled and cooled to room temperature water.

For soaking tuberous, bulbous, one ampoule is dissolved in two liters of water.

Seeds, tubers, bulbs are soaked for a day, after which they are sown.

Arachidonic acid

Preparations of this group contain phytohormones isolated from seaweed. Due to the content of archaidonic acid, they contribute to:

  • strengthening the immunity of seeds, tubers, bulbs;
  • faster germination;
  • increase germination.

One of the best in this group is the Prorostok regulator. It is used to obtain early vegetable products. Seeds soaked in the "Prorostok" stimulator germinate better, seedlings practically do not get sick.

Application of the drug "Prorostok"

Before use, the ampoule is stirred with half a liter of water. If you need less volume, then it is respected next proportion: ten drops of the drug per one hundred milliliters of water.

The solution must not be stored for more than 1.5 hours.

Depending on the type of seeds, the soaking time in the "Germination" preparation is as follows:

  • cucumbers - from thirty to forty minutes;
  • cabbage, carrots, tomatoes - one hour;
  • onion seeds - forty minutes.

Tubers, bulbs are sprayed with a solution of the "Germinator" stimulator at the rate of:

  • potatoes - ten milliliters per kilogram;
  • bulbous - seven milliliters per kilogram.


Abscisic acid, like all phytohormones, influences the development of plants. It was first isolated from dry cotton bolls. Subsequently, abscisic acid was found in almost all plants, mosses, algae, with the exception of fungi and bacteria.

Currently, abscisic acid is used as a plant growth inhibitor. It provides deep dormancy for the seeds. Abscisic acid prevents seeds from germinating prematurely. Especially abscisic acid has shown its effectiveness when spraying potatoes. During storage, potatoes do not germinate much longer.

Abscisic acid stops the rapid ripening of fruits, which contributes to an increase in fruit mass.

In addition, abscisic acid contributes to rapid decay, drying the plant on the root, therefore it is used in the fight against weeds.

Abscisic acid is used as an antitranspirant. The seeds treated with it lose significantly less moisture during dormancy. Moreover, it is enough to spray them once to maintain the protective effect for a long time.

Abscisic acid increases the resistance of plants grown from seeds treated with it to adverse factors environment.


Sometimes a plant lacks a certain type of nutrient. For example, in plants grown on calcareous soils, due to high level Soil pH is not enough:

  • copper;
  • gland;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • boron.

Plants grown on sandy, acidic soils are lacking:

  • boron;
  • copper;
  • molybdenum.

In order to compensate for the deficiency, but not to allow an overabundance of other trace elements, micronutrient fertilizers are used, which have long won the trust of gardeners. They are used both for root dressing and for spraying. Micronutrient fertilizers can be in solid, ground form. In this case, they are directly applied to the soil and restore the balance. Microfertilizers are complex and one-component.

Complex micronutrient fertilizers include all the necessary this kind trace elements. Wherein useful material are given in a form accessible to plants, which allows them to be easily absorbed. Micronutrient fertilizers containing one microelement allow you to accurately dose and replenish the loss of a specific element. In this case, there is no poisoning of the plant with chemicals. The use of micronutrient fertilizers helps to obtain a good harvest, protects plants from pests and diseases, and acts as a development regulator.

Micronutrient fertilizer is classified by the name of the main element.

These are microfertilizers such as:

  • copper sulfate;
  • boric superphosphate;
  • ammonium nitrate;
  • molybdenum powder.

The most commonly used complex fertilizers are:

  • Oracle;
  • Sesame;
  • Master;
  • Reakom.

It is customary to call chemical substances of various origins, which are used to improve the growth and rooting of cuttings, which is especially important for vegetative propagation whimsical and difficult to grow species. Substances of this kind stimulate the accumulation of important organic substances in the place of rooting, which helps to improve the processes of cell division.

Preparations for plant growth have been quite common on the domestic market for more than one year. Among them, you can find both the long-popularized expensive potent chemicals and folk remedies, the costs of which are minimal. But, optimal choice among the stimulants of root formation, it is not easy to do, and today we have to figure out what each of them is, to find out all the advantages and disadvantages.

Folk remedies

The main indication for the use of folk growth stimulants is unfavorable period for propagation and difficult rooting of the plant. Also, stimulants are simply irreplaceable when the cutting is taken from a weakened plant or it is necessary to restore the damaged root system due to the death of the plant, as well as during transplantation. Let's consider in detail some of the most popular tools.

It is one of the oldest known rooting stimulation methods. Since ancient times, water has been used as the best rooting agent, which has practically reduced the number of dead vegetable gardens to zero.

The main essence of the method is to place several twigs in ordinary tap water and wait until roots grow on them, after which they can be removed - willow water is ready.

The process is quite long, in some cases of rooting, you need to wait about 2 weeks. It is recommended to choose young branches, no more than 6 mm thick. The main secret of the preparation of this stimulant is the preliminary processing of the fragments. In order to prevent the development of harmful microorganisms in the water, the cuttings must be treated with an alcohol solution.

The essence of the action of this water is that it is natural source salicylic acid. This natural coagulant is a blocker of the stress hormone in plants, which is released when the cuttings are cut. As a result, the rooting processes are instantly started in the plant. Also, water is very effective when watering seedlings, which further affects the general immunity of the plant organism.

Just like willow water, it is an equally popular plant root stimulant at home. Its main advantage is ease of use and preparation. To do this, dissolve 1 teaspoon in 1.5 liters of warm water.

A cutting is immersed in the resulting solution and soaked for 10-12 hours. Rich in a whole complex of nutrients, it has an immunomodulatory, antimicrobial and antiseptic effect on the plant. Also, the solution provides mineral nutrition to the body during the stressful period of cuttings.

The method of root stimulation with the help is very popular among lovers of non-traditional management and. The essence of the method lies in the fact that it is necessary to cut out all the existing "eyes" from a large and healthy tuber. After that stick the stalk into the prepared tuber, bury it all in and cover with a glass jar or plastic wrap to create a greenhouse effect.

With regular watering of plant fragments, they instantly give a root, and cuttings planted in this way develop well. With the help of this method, it is possible to root even poorly cuttings, and this is not accidental. This method is scientifically substantiated, the inserted fragment of a plant organism, together with water from the tuber, receives nutritious starch, vitamins and minerals, which is especially necessary for the cutting organism during the growth period.
Experienced gardeners also use potatoes as a preservative for cuttings. To do this, fresh plant fragments are stuck into a regular tuber, wrapped in paper, after which everything is wrapped in a plastic bag and placed in the refrigerator. In this state, the cuttings retain their vital activity until spring.

The simplest stimulant for plant root growth, prepared from improvised means, is aloe leaf extract... The juice of this flower is considered one of the most effective natural substances that cause active cell division.

Therefore root system in cuttings it develops much faster than even after using some chemical stimulants. In addition, it enriches the plant organism with nutrients and also stimulates the immune system.
To prepare an organic stimulant, you need to cut off a few leaves from the room right at the base, wash thoroughly and dry with a towel.

Then, in an ordinary kitchen mortar, the leaves are crushed, and the resulting gruel is filtered through ordinary gauze or bandage. 5-7 drops of the resulting juice are diluted in a glass of ordinary tap water, and then the plant fragments are placed in the liquid and kept in the solution until roots are formed. The resulting solution can also be used to feed transplanted seedlings.

Important!To make aloe juice, take only the oldest (but not sluggish) leaves, only they contain maximum amount useful substances.

Bakery is quite unusual, but one of the most effective ways accelerate the germination of cuttings. Before soaking plant fragments in ordinary tap water, they are soaked for 24 hours yeast water... This solution is rich in B vitamins and microelements important for propagating organisms.
To prepare the extract, 200 g are diluted in 2 liters of ordinary tap water. After that, the cuttings are soaked for 24 hours in water, and then soaked for root formation in clean water, or they are immediately planted in the substrate. Yeast solution can also be used to nourish already planted plants.

Important!To prepare a yeast-based cuttings rooter, use boiled water, this will protect the nutrient-rich solution from the development of bacteria harmful to the plant organism.

Growth stimulants

Natural plant growth accelerators have recently been replaced by chemicals synthesized from natural components. The undoubted advantage of such drugs is the ease of preparation of the solution and the relatively inexpensive price. Also, chemical growth stimulants are capable of accelerating cell division and the metabolism of a plant organism with almost 100% efficiency, this is their main advantage over folk remedies.

Heteroauxin ("Kornerost")

Belongs to a group phytohormonal agents high biological activity. The main active ingredient of the drug is β-indoleacetic acid. The role of a substance in the life of plant organisms is varied, from the stimulation of cell division and elongation to the regulation and growth of the fetus.

Long-term studies have shown that even a one-time treatment of a plant with a substance contributes:

  • stimulation of root formation;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • improving tissue fusion;
  • improving survival rate;
To do this, the cuttings are soaked 1/3 in an aqueous solution of heteroauxin for 18-20 hours, after which the plant fragments are ready for planting. The remaining liquid can be used for watering. Depending on the type of propagated plant and the degree of its lignification, the dose of heteroauxin ranges from 50 to 200 mg / l of an aqueous solution. The substance is produced in the form of a tabletted powder or capsule.

Important!Do not exceed the maximum allowable dose of heteroauxin, which is indicated on the product packaging. This can lead to inhibition of the growth of cuttings.

A broad-spectrum biostimulant. The main active ingredient of "Kornevin" is indolylbutyric acid.
The tool is used to stimulate root formation in both garden and indoor species plants. Getting on the cut surface, the active substance of the agent causes slight irritation of the tissues, which in turn stimulates the growth of "living cells". Once in, the substance is naturally transformed into heteroauxin, which stimulates further development roots and cell reproduction.

The drug is produced in powder form. To prepare a solution, 5 g of "Kornevin" is diluted in 5 liters of tap water, after which the cuttings are soaked in the solution for 24 hours. After use aqueous solution heteroauxin can be watered. Although the drug is considered harmless, it is recommended to work with it with gloves and accompanying protective equipment.

it chemical preparation which in its origin is hydroxycinnamic acid synthesized from biological material. This biostimulant acts on the plant organism as an inductor that triggers growth mechanisms at the cellular level, while the drug does not act as a stress factor. According to the principle of action, "Zircon" belongs to the section of immunomodulators, which soften the environmental load on the body and help to use internal reserves more efficiently.
"Zircon" is produced in the form of an ampoule with concentrated liquid. In order to prepare the solution, it is necessary to open the ampoule and dilute it in 1 liter of water. After that, fresh cuttings must be placed in the resulting preparation for 10-12 hours, after which they can be planted in