Flowers in a sponge, how many are stored. Reasons for the rapid wilting of flowers

1. What does "bouquet of the week" label mean? Why are these bouquets on sale? Are the flowers fresh?

Yes, they are flawlessly fresh flowers. We purchase them in the same way as everyone else - on order from suppliers. Our workshop is located next to the bases, and every day we choose the most best flowers.

We make discounts on these varieties, because we know that a large supply of this particular variety of flowers has come to the suppliers closest to us. We do not waste time on "walking" through the bases and searching fresh flowers of this variety. This speeds up and simplifies the process of creating a bouquet. Order and don't worry - you simplify our life, and we make a discount as a token of gratitude :)

2. How long can flowers stand in hat box?

Flowers in hatboxes are better than regular bouquets. For two reasons. The first is that the flowers do not remain without water for a minute, because there is a reservoir of water inside the box. No matter how long you sit in traffic on the way to a date, be sure that nothing will happen to the flowers. The second is that the stems of flowers are cut rather shortly, especially in midi-bouquets. The shorter the stem of the flower, the easier and faster it will absorb water. The now popular two-meter roses wither in a couple of days, because the water simply does not have time to reach the bud. And our neat bouquets remain presentable for up to 2 weeks.

3. How many roses are in the bouquet?

We compose each bouquet so that it looks really dignified, and the number of flowers in a box depends on the volume of the bud.

In a large hat box from 39 to 49 classic roses (depending on the size of the bud). Midi - 19-29. If we talk about peony and spray roses, then the bouquet in big box made up of 31-45 branches, midi bouquet - from 11-23 branches, 5-6 flowers each. Peony single-headed roses: midi - from 9 to 23 roses, big bouquet from 23 to 39. Tulips: 45-49 in a midi box, 95-99 in a large box.

4. What are the dimensions of the composition?

Visually, the size of large bouquets in boxes is 30x40 cm, midi is 20x25 cm. For each bouquet we attach a branded envelope with a flower care memo, a greeting card and a special flower dressing. Then the whole composition is wrapped in a transparent decorative film, and on top we add a charming silk ribbon bow to match the flowers.

5. Are there any discounts for bouquets?

Yes, we often announce special offers in in social networks, you can follow us on instagram. And weekly bouquets of the week appear on the site at a special price. In addition, for our regular customers there is an unlimited 10% discount on all bouquets.

6. Do you have offices in other cities?

No, we only work in Moscow. Beware of scammers - photos of our bouquets are often stolen and passed off as their own in other cities ..

7. What privileges do corporate clients have?

7% discount - if you are our regular customer and order at least 2 bouquets every month.
10% discount - for one-time large orders (from 10 bouquets), if delivery of all bouquets is needed to the same address. Please note that the discount will not apply if all bouquets need to be delivered to different addresses.

Call 8 495 1252515. Or place an order through the website, indicating in the comments that you would like to pay for the bouquet by invoice.

The title of a kind of know-how in the world of fresh flowers is due to flowers and flower arrangements in the basket. Unlike traditional bouquets in vases, these flowers carry a fair amount of charm and look very original. In addition, the basket itself, made of willow twigs, polyamide threads or dyed bast, looks much more respectable than ordinary wrapping paper for bouquets. Such a gift can be given with confidence to both your girlfriend and a strict boss - he will appreciate the individual and original approach.

It is believed that the shelf life of flowers in a basket, equipped in the center with a special spongy material, from which the flowers take moisture, is about two to three weeks. However, in order to put this theory into practice, it is important to know a few tips for caring for such flowers:

    Moisture intake. Initially, by the seller-florist, the sponge itself is additionally impregnated with a special solution, which allows it to stay moist longer and, in some cases, contains some nutrients extending the life of cut flowers. You are required to make sure that the sponge does not dry out. To do this, it is enough to use a small amount of settled water daily for irrigation.

    In some cases, we may not talk about a basket, but about real figures made of natural flowers. They also need regular watering, but in this case, the procedure is somewhat more complicated. To water the main part, carefully remove 1-2 flowers from the top of the figure and gently pour into the resulting gap required amount water. Small items (for example, if it comes about the animal figurine - it can be the legs and the tail) are attached to the composition separately and have a separate source of moisture, so here it will be most convenient to use a syringe or similar compact tool.

  1. Plant care. In addition to watering, you must also monitor the appearance of flowers: wipe with dust and spray from a spray bottle large leaves and stems, while avoiding excess moisture directly on the bud. This rule also applies to traditional bouquets - the buds should never remain wet.
  2. Temperature and storage conditions. Like all fresh flowers, the compositions in the basket do not tolerate proximity to heat sources, be it direct sunlight or central heating... However, they should also not freeze, so try to find a place away from drafts. However, there is one caveat: at night, it is still better to move the flowers to more cool place(in summer - to the balcony, in colder seasons - closer to the windows). In the morning you will see for yourself healing properties night coolness for fresh flowers - they will look much fresher and last longer.
  3. Observe the integrity of the composition. With the exception of short-term and inevitable cases of pulling out individual flowers from the figurines for watering, it is highly discouraged to remove the stems from the nutritious sponge. Without getting the proper moisture, the plant will lose its healthy and fresh much faster. appearance and it certainly won't last the promised 2-3 weeks.
  4. Lack of neighborhood. Of course, you can put a basket nearby with harmless flower pots(provided that the plants in them do not emit vapors harmful to the composition). But as for the fruit vases, it is better to avoid such a neighborhood. Few people know, but the same apples eventually emit ethylene vapors, which are quite harmful to living plants. It is better if the flowers in the basket will be placed alone, but in a conspicuous place.
  5. Pleasant atmosphere. It has been proven more than once that fresh flowers (especially roses and carnations) are quite sensitive to sounds and the atmosphere in the house as a whole. At the very least, try not to turn on loud music in a room with a green pet. Plus, it's a great way to avoid family fights.

As you can see, the flowers in the basket are quite unassuming and do not require excessive time and effort to care. And thanks to such simple and obvious rules, you can enjoy such an unusual and valuable gift for as long as possible.

- a practical and beautiful gift that does not give the recipient a lot of trouble. Nevertheless, minimal care of the composition is still necessary. In this article, we'll show you how to extend the life of a flower gift with a little effort to keep your basket of plants happy for as long as possible.

Features of caring for flower baskets

Arrangements in baskets require a slightly different care than classic bouquets. The main and fundamental difference is that in the first case, a vase is not needed, which means there is no need to additionally wash the container with water using chlorine-containing agents.

To compose compositions in baskets, professional florists use a special sponge - bioflora, which is absolutely invisible from the outside. It is placed at the bottom of the basket. The material absorbs and retains moisture very well, therefore it nourishes the plant for a long time. In addition, the sponge helps to create and maintain the desired shape of the composition. The most popular forms of bioflora:

  • brick;
  • cone;
  • cylinder.

How to care for flowers in a basket with a sponge depends on the temperature and humidity in the room where the gift is. At high temperatures and low air humidity, water from the bioflora quickly evaporates, so you need to replenish the liquid reserves in a timely manner.

How to water the composition

The plants in the basket need to be watered every day. If the room is hot, more often. For this, you can use ordinary settled water. It is not recommended to water the flowers with tap water. Ideally, the liquid should sit for about two hours.

As for the temperature of the watering liquid, it should not be high. Optimally - room temperature or slightly lower. Cool water slows down the budding process, while hot water, on the contrary, speeds it up.

How to water flowers in a sponge basket? Can be used:

  • a regular bottle with a thin neck;
  • a small watering can;
  • kettle with a narrow spout.

The main rule is to prevent water from getting on the plant heads. You can and should wash the leaves from dust once every few days. To do this, it is enough to gently wipe them with a damp cloth.

Important rules for caring for a flower basket

So that the bouquet retains its freshness longer in warm season, remove the composition for the night on the balcony. Remember to dust off and conduct wet cleaning in room. Try to remove strong sound stimuli from the room (proven to be difficult to tolerate noise and fade faster).

  • keep plants for a long time next to fruits (the latter eventually begin to release ammonia);
  • pull flowers out of a sponge;
  • place baskets near heat sources;
  • water the plant heads with water.

That's all. You don't have to be a professional florist to keep your plants happy for as long as possible. All of the above procedures will take no more than 5-10 minutes of your time.

Caring for flowers in a hat box

Flowers in a hat box require exactly the same care as flowers in a basket, with the exception of some details. Firstly, do not take flowers out of the oasis, it is unlikely that you will be able to insert them back. Second, use a watering can with a long, narrow spout to avoid getting the box wet when watering. Some florists use a syringe for this. Thirdly, fallen leaves that have fallen on the sponge are best removed immediately so that they do not start to rot. A floral sponge from a basket or box can be reused. After the flowers wither, it must be rinsed and dried, and only then re-soaked with water.

Features of caring for different varieties of cut flowers

Do you know what, different flowers require different care and can stand in a sponge or vase for different times. For example, a rose can stand in a sponge for up to 30 days if you water it. boiled water... Carnation will delight you for two weeks without special care... Spring flowers like irises, tulips, and daffodils love cold moisture. The sponge they are in can be kept chilled with ice cubes. But they love peonies warm water, for watering them, you can warm it up, or insist to room temperature. Freesias fade unevenly; those branches that have dried up earlier must be removed from the composition. Hippeastrum is not the most persistent flower, it can stand in a sponge for about one week. Orchids are very sensitive: if you drip on the bud when watering, then the water that gets on the petals can cause stains.

Caring for tulips in a hat box

Tulips must be rearranged from the box to the vase the next day

A bouquet of tulips in a hat box differs from the others in that a floral sponge does not fit on the bottom. Tulips are wrapped in a film with water and a nutrient mixture, which means that such a bouquet can stand without intervention for only one day. The next day, you should take the flowers out of the box, rinse, cut and place in a vase with running, but settled water and add the nutrient mixture.


Oasis- an artificial porous material with capillary properties that absorbs well and retains moisture for a long time. In everyday life, it is known as a floristic sponge, foam, piaflor, floristic foam, but we will call this material an oasis, since it is under this name that it is most widely known. Invented in Denmark (it happened by accident - initially the material was developed for aircraft construction, and not for floristry), the oasis underwent changes: the quality improved, new shapes and colors appeared. However, the main properties of the oasis - to retain moisture and reliably keep flowers in the compositions - remained unchanged. There are two types of oasis: for fresh flowers and for working with dried flowers or artificial flowers. This book will present each type and "subspecies" of the oasis, the rules for setting flowers, fixing the material and much more.

Technical material - a cut flower oasis

The traditional color of a technical oasis, which is used to compose compositions from fresh flowers, is dark green. This makes it invisible under plants in most cases. Nevertheless, a green oasis must be decorated before placing flowers on it, but a decorative colored oasis is not. Oasis - very light material, but it is able to absorb so much water that it becomes ten times heavier than its original weight. There is only one way to saturate the oasis with moisture - to put it on the surface of the water and let it (as it is absorbed) plunge into it. In no case should you water a dry oasis from above or press on it for a speedy dive. Such actions will lead to the fact that water will seep only into the outer layers, and the middle of the oasis will remain dry with air cavities, which will make it unsuitable for composing, and such an oasis will be able to "work" only as a float. It is not recommended to use an oasis for fresh flowers for the second time. The holes from the stems create air voids in the stem, into which, when reused, the stem cut can fall. The flower will remain without water and will wither much earlier than the due date for the composition.

Advice. The oasis is equally easy to cut both dry and wet. However, if you have allergies, it is better to form the base of the composition from an oasis soaked in water so that its smallest particles do not fly to the sides and you cannot inhale them.

Variety of shapes

Almost any shape can be “cut out” from a standard brick. If the composition should be big size, then several briquettes will be used. Details of a complex "sculptural" composition are fastened together with wooden pins, and during large-scale works, the oasis turns into a metal or plastic mesh or a frame of twigs is assembled around it, which will not allow the oasis to fall apart under the weight of flowers. All this structure is carefully decorated, and only then flowers are installed in it. The industry quickly enough responded to the tendency of florists to model all kinds of shapes from an oasis-brick. The production of an oasis for the most traditional and demanded types of compositions has begun: a Christmas wreath, a heart, a small bouquet holder for a small bouquet, a hemisphere for small table compositions, and even wagons for garlands. All of these forms are already attached to a plastic base, which allows you to do without vases and pots, placing flowers directly on the table or wall.
Such forms of oasis are somewhat more expensive than ordinary briquettes, but they make the work much easier.

Oasis as the basis of the composition

An already moistened oasis is placed in a vase. Depending on the type of container, the base of the composition is cut out from the oasis with a sharp knife. the desired shape and size, for example, for a cone-shaped vase you will need an oasis in the form of a wedge, and for a round one in the form of a cylinder Oasis should never be pushed into the container, this makes the material shrink and partially loses its properties. It is better to cut off a few more pieces from the oasis so that it can easily, without coercion, fit into the required volume, thereby creating additional space for water in the vase.

Advice. An old standard oasis changes color as it dries. It is possible to re-humidify such an oasis only in boiling water, but this is an exceptional measure, since any oasis is a disposable product.

With the radial technique, the oasis must necessarily rise above the upper edge of the container in order to be able to place flowers and leaves at an angle, thus covering the edges of the vase. With a parallel setting of the material, the requirements are different: the oasis should be located below the edge of the vase.
To prevent unnecessary holes from weakening the structure of the oasis, think in advance where you want to place the plants. Lateral processes, as well as thorns and thick parts, are preliminarily removed from each stem. Then be sure to make an oblique cut with a length of 2-3 cm. Than larger area cut, the more freely the plant will be able to absorb water, maintaining freshness as long as possible. The stem, cut at a right angle, compacts the oasis underneath, destroying its capillary structure, thereby depriving the plant of the necessary moisture.

Oasis anchorage methods

When using deep vessels, the problem of fixing the oasis disappears by itself. It is simply cut to the size of the container and placed in it. However, the beauty of the oasis is that it can be used to arrange flowers in the most unexpected places, even on flat trays and in delicate baskets.
Wednesday traditional ways oasis mounts - plastic tattoos, which are glued to flat surfaces with adhesive tape, and the oasis is already strung on them. If the vase is small and wide, then a piece of the oasis in its center is fastened crosswise with a special adhesive anchor tape, the ends of which are pressed against the edges of the vase. The anchor is green, so it is completely unobtrusive and is just as easy to decorate as the oasis itself.

Advice. The thin cling film will not only preserve the freshness of the food, but also retain moisture for the plants. Wrap a wet oasis in it if you plan to place it in a "leaking" container. The film, thin as mica, is easily pierced by the stems.

There are special containers for an oasis - these are vessels with a round or rectangular inner recess or flat ones with sharp edges at the bottom, which act as tattoos. These vessels are extremely functional and therefore require mandatory decoration. In baskets, the oasis is fixed with twine. It is thrown over the oasis, and the edges are pulled between the rods and tied. To prevent moisture from seeping through the basket, the bottom and 2/3 of the side walls of the oasis are wrapped in polyethylene.

Tatiana Lokrina "Compositions at the oasis"

Delivery from 8:00 am

Caring for flowers in a basket

Our store pleasantly surprises its customers original compositions and the quality of the service provided for the delivery of flowers in Kirov.

Today, traditional bouquets are increasingly giving way to flower baskets. Our experienced florists will gladly tell you how to preserve such beauty for a long time.

The main difference between the flowers in the basket is that a vase is not required. Accordingly, there is no need to change water every day and use disinfectants for washing containers. The secret of the freshness of flowers lies in a special sponge (bioflora), which serves as the basis for creating a composition. Soft material perfectly retains moisture - this moisture is taken by the plant stems fixed in a sponge.

Caring for such compositions depends on the temperature and humidity in the room. In conditions of high temperature and low humidity, bioflora quickly loses liquid, and then the "living" gift needs more frequent watering... At night, it is better to move flowers in baskets to a cooler place (in summer - to the balcony, in winter - closer to the windows). Plants (especially roses) do not like dust and do not tolerate noise, so if you want to keep the bouquet fresh, do wet cleaning more often, and also try to avoid quarrels and loud music.

How to water flowers in a sponge basket

The flower arrangements in the basket should be watered daily and only with settled water (at high temperatures in the room, it should be watered more often). The liquid for irrigation is defended for at least 2 hours.

Pay attention to the temperature of the water - it should be no higher than room temperature or slightly cooler. The fact is that hot water accelerates the process of blooming buds, and cool, on the contrary, slows it down.

Suitable for watering:

  • a simple bottle with a narrow neck;
  • small watering can;
  • kettle with a thin spout.

It is important to remember: when watering, the liquid should not get on the flower heads. Once every few days, it is recommended to wipe the leaves from dust with a damp cloth. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage delicate plants.

How to prolong the life of flowers?

A few simple tips will help you enjoy the beauty of the composition for as long as possible. What absolutely must not be done:

  • pull flowers out of floral sponge;
  • water the tops of the flowers with water;
  • keep a "live" gift next to the fruit;
  • place the basket close to heat sources.

As you can see, caring for flowers in a basket requires a minimum of time and effort. But thanks to this simple rules plants will delight the eye for a long time and awaken pleasant memories.

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