Summary: Planning of passenger transportation. Passenger transportation service business plan

How to organize a business in passenger transportation?

Of all kinds modern business, passenger transportation can bring a good income. For example, fixed-route taxis are highly popular and are a popular mode of transport in most settlements on the territory of the Russian Federation, including large and small cities. The main conditions for opening a company are obtaining a state license and preparing all the necessary documentation.

Features of the passenger transportation business

There are several main types of business related to passenger transportation:
- urban transportation;
- taxi service;
- intercity transportation.

Also, depending on the method of management, the passenger transportation business can be classified as follows:

Taxi service;
- private transport.

Due to the fact that the number of residents in large Russian cities is steadily increasing every year, the need for private passenger transportation is also increasing.

The main features of private transport are the following factors:

Taxi drivers are almost always in crowded places;
- Drivers almost never go on calls to specific addresses;
- the driver has the opportunity to work not according to a clearly established schedule, but based on his own preferences;
- to increase the popularity of the proposed service, close attention is paid to the external and inner view cars.

Also, to complete the picture, it is worth noting such types of transportation that are carried out using water and air transport. However, the implementation of such business projects within the framework of small and medium-sized businesses is not possible. They require significant financial investments and the arrangement of a developed infrastructure. In this sense, opening a passenger transportation company in the city is much easier and cheaper.

Payback period of passenger transportation as a business in urban conditions is about three months. This period can be changed both up and down, it all depends on two main factors - the length of the route, and the number of people in the city where it is planned to open a company.

It is also worth noting quite high level competition in this form commercial activities, especially in large cities, where it will be quite a challenge for a novice entrepreneur to immediately enter profitable and good routes.

Organization of a full-fledged business in passenger transportation

Like any type of modern commerce, opening a passenger transportation company is impossible without a well-written business plan. This is a clearly formulated and calculated at each stage procedure for opening a commercial enterprise of the presented orientation.

One of the first steps in starting a passenger transportation business must be registered with government bodies as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. Then you need to obtain a license to carry out this type of business, at the moment there are several types of licensed activities for which a permit is issued by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation:
- passenger transportation carried out using passenger cars - the first type of licensing;
- passenger traffic carried out using vehicles intended for more than eight people - the second type of licensing;
- the third type of licensing is related to the transportation of goods whose weight exceeds 3.5 tons.

In the process of applying for the acquisition of a license, it is necessary to pay a state fee, the amount of which at the moment is 300 rubles. After the approval procedure is completed, you will need to pay another fee, the amount of which will already be one thousand rubles. This document is valid for 5 years.

If your passenger transportation business is connected with fixed-route taxis, then a special individual registration card is required for each car. It is important for the successful development of entrepreneurial activity to receive a tender for the right to carry out passenger transportation in a large city.

The next stage of passenger transportation as a business is hiring staff. Then the exact route of passenger transport is thought out, it must be agreed with the city administration. It is at this stage of the implementation of the business plan for passenger transportation that it is impossible to immediately accurately calculate the amount of time spent.

Therefore, much more profitable and rational decision will use the route already approved by the administration, which is rented.

If you plan to carry out passenger transportation using buses, then this type of transport can be either purchased for cash or borrowed money. Accordingly, depending on the chosen solution, certain adjustments will be made to the business plan of the enterprise.

Not a bad option- this is the purchase of a used bus, in which case you can save a significant part of the financial resources.

However, this vehicle must pass inspection and have certificates of compliance with the stated standards and quality standards. A used bus should be safe, first of all, for passengers, and the cost of its possible repair should not overlap the profit indicators.

Vehicle selection- this is a key point and a problem, the solution of which largely determines whether you are ready to engage in this type of commercial activity or not. You can select multiple options to solve this problem. One of the most frequently chosen options is hiring drivers who own personal vehicles.

However, it must be noted that this decision has more cons than pros. The main plus is that if there is any problem with the car, its solution will be entirely the responsibility of its owner. While it is worth highlighting the following numerous disadvantages:
- you get much less profit;
- there is always a risk that the driver may leave you on another route;
- the difficulty of exercising control over work activities.

The conclusion is simple - the best way to open passenger transportation business- this is the purchase of vehicles for your money, in which case you become the full owner of your own business, and you can exercise control over it, getting the maximum profit.

Where and how to find clients

The number of regular customers directly depends on the route on which the driver works. A successful passenger transportation company will sooner or later face the problem of how to attract additional customers. Of course, provided that it is interested in development and increase in profits.

In order to maximize passenger traffic and find a large number of new customers, you should take care of a good advertising company.

It can consist of several elements at once, such as:
- big boards;
- advertising placed on public transport;
- bulletin boards, and so on.

Well-thought-out advertising, plus a well-functioning system of discounts for regular customers, will allow you to attract attention to your company and quickly gain popularity in the market. An important factor is the quality of the service provided. The driver must be able to communicate in a businesslike and polite manner with the passenger, navigate the city, not overcharge for transportation, and so on.

The company of transport services will require from you not only financial investments, but also certain mental efforts. Without well-designed passenger transportation business plan, rational management, well-structured commerce and the ability to attract new customers to expand activities, there is simply nothing to do in this type of business, which is highly competitive. But under all conditions, you can receive a stable and high income for a long time.

Passenger traffic occupies a special place in the work of transport. This is due to their high socio-economic importance in the life of society and the fulfillment of one of the most important guarantees of the state - freedom of movement.

The need of the population for transportation is associated both with production activities (trips to the place of work and on business trips), and with cultural and everyday needs (travels on vacation, tourism and excursions).

The market of transport services is represented by intracity, suburban, intercity and international types of passenger transportation.

Intracity transportation is the most significant in terms of the number of passengers carried. In large cities, the transport market is quite competitive and is represented by bus, trolleybus and tram services, metro, rail transport, private cars, fixed-route taxis. In small towns and settlements, it is more monopolized and is represented mainly by bus transport and personal cars of citizens.

Suburban transportation ranks second in terms of mass after intracity transportation and is represented by rail, bus, and private vehicles.

In rail transport, passenger traffic is divided into three types of messages: suburban, local and direct.

Suburban traffic includes transportation carried out within the boundaries of suburban areas. For local traffic - transportation within the same road. Direct traffic includes transportation within two or more roads. Transportation in local and direct traffic is called long-distance transportation.

The economic indicators of railways depend on the structure of passenger transportation by types of messages, which is explained by the difference in the cost of long-distance and suburban transportation and their payment at different rates.

The main task of planning passenger traffic is to meet the needs of the population in movement with the optimal use of vehicles. Under the influence of many factors, the mobility of the population is constantly changing. However, for the organization effective work passenger transport, it is necessary to most accurately determine the volumes, structure and distances of transportation, as well as the trends in their changes in the future. This determines the need for locomotives, different types of wagons and other vehicles, as well as the need for investments aimed at the development and reconstruction of passenger transport.

The planning of passenger traffic differs significantly from the development of plans for freight traffic and is based on the analysis of reporting data and the identification of patterns in their development.

Each type of passenger transportation has its own patterns of development. The change in the volume of suburban traffic may be influenced by a change in the frequency of train traffic or the opening of stopping points, a change in the mode of work and rest of the population, and the expansion of the suburban zone.

The level of solvency of the population and the competitiveness of other modes of transport, the development of the transport network and other factors can dramatically change the flow of passengers on long-distance routes.

When planning passenger traffic, possible changes in the income of the population, changes in tariffs, the state of the sanatorium and resort base in the country, the expected results of measures to improve the quality of passenger traffic, the development of services and the introduction of new types of services are taken into account.

Indicators characterizing passenger transportation



    number of passengers sent ∑ a O

    number of accepted passengers ∑ a ETC

    number of passengers carried ∑ a

    passenger turnover ∑ al



Number of passengers carried calculated by the sum of the number of sent (∑ a O ) and accepted (∑ a ETC)passengers:

The volume of passenger traffic on the network:


The volume of passenger traffic for a particular road:

a DOR = a O DOR + a ETC DOR

Passenger turnover, pass-km, is calculated by multiplying the number of passengers carried by the average travel distance of a passenger:

al = ∑a ∙ l PASS

Number of trips (∑ a ) or passenger-kilometres ( a l ) per inhabitant per year is called transport mobility coefficient.

R = a / H or R = a l / H,

where H – population, pers.

Transport mobility is determined in general by individual modes of transport. The indicators of transport mobility of the population are also calculated different regions countries and social groups, urban and rural residents.

The main factors determining the mobility of the population include: the number of the country's population and trends in its change, the level of material well-being of people, the nature of the distribution of the population in economic regions, regions and settlements, the level of health resort network, the level of development of various types of passenger transport, the value transportation tariffs and others.

Average distance per trip km , is determined by the ratio of passenger turnover ( a l ) to the number of passengers carried ( a ) and is set in the plan on the basis of reporting data, taking into account the projected change in the planned year:


Passenger transportation, as well as freight transportation, is uneven in time and direction (long-distance transportation is uneven in quarters, suburban transportation is uneven in months and hours of the day).

When forecasting the volume of passenger traffic, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors that affect passenger turnover:


    mobility of the population;

    the standard of living of the population, i.e. the level of real incomes;

    level of industrial production;

    tariff level;

    level of inflationary processes.

The accuracy of predicted indicators increases if they are determined by economic regions, regions and social groups of the population (urban and rural residents, students, etc.).

In any city of Russia there is a problem of transportation of passengers. During rush hours, there is a feeling of a catastrophic lack of transport. And here it comes to mind for novice businessmen to open their own business. We draw up a business plan for passenger transportation, taking into account a number of features of this case.

How to open a business: passenger transportation

The main thing is registration in the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. This is followed by obtaining a license for passenger transportation:

  • implementation of commercial passenger transportation by passenger cars;
  • transportation of more than 8 people on vehicles specially equipped for this purpose (except for the legal entity's own needs);
  • transportation of goods with a carrying capacity of more than 3.5 tons (except for the entrepreneur's own needs).

In order to open an organization and carry out passenger transportation by specially equipped vehicles, it is necessary to provide the following documents to the representative office of the Ministry of Transport:

  • certificate of OGRYUL;
  • certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  • statistics codes;
  • articles of association;
  • memorandum of association;
  • address of the organization (actual and legal), telephone;
  • Bank details;
  • vehicle parking agreement;
  • Title of vehicles;
  • copies of inspections;
  • work books, driving licenses and passports;
  • technical data sheets for PC and database.

The state duty for consideration of the application will be 300 rubles, and 1000 rubles - for the issuance of a license. The license is issued for 5 years.

If the plan drawn up does not require the inclusion of a large number of cars, it is better to conclude an agreement with a transport organization that has the necessary documents and will allow cars on the route.

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Vehicle fleet or car rental

The most important thing for an entrepreneur in is the choice of cars. They can be either owned or rented. You can hire drivers with their own vehicles. This option is less problematic for the business owner, since the responsibility for the cars lies entirely with the owner of the car. But such a business will bring less profit, and drivers will look for a more profitable option for themselves, so it’s worth considering all the conditions before dwelling on this decision. You can also open your own park.

The most common and preferred option is to build your own fleet of buses.

To open your own passenger transportation business, you need a careful calculation of all costs, that is, a well-written business plan.

When choosing buses, you should pay special attention not only to cost and capacity, but also to maintenance costs.

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Russian or foreign cars

The first category - Russian cars - is cheaper and less spacious. The cost of a GAZelle ranges from 500 to 600 thousand rubles, and the capacity is 8-15 people. But such minibuses are the most unsafe on Russian roads, as they usually carry large quantity passengers, which poses a threat to life. This minibus will last about 2-3 years, but then serious investments will be required, which can nullify all profits.

The second category differs in price by almost 2 times. These are foreign cars Peugeot Boxer, Ford Transit, Iveco Daily - these are analogues of domestic GAZelles with a cost of 1 million rubles. Accommodates such a car from 16 to 26 seats. Their average service life varies from 7 to 8 years. The costs for entrepreneurs for their maintenance are less than for domestic ones, that is, they will bring more profit.

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Passenger transportation business plan

One fixed-route taxi in Russia makes 10 trips per day. One trip costs about 15 rubles, depending on the city. That is, a minibus with a capacity of 15 people will bring an income of 67,500 rubles per month. This is about 2250 rubles per day. But from here you need to subtract the cost of fuel, washing - about 1000 rubles.

A foreign car will have much more income, as there are more seats, and fuel consumption is much less. On average, on a minibus with 25 seats, the income per day will be 3,750 rubles. For comparison, a foreign car needs 10-12 liters of fuel per 100 km, and a Russian car needs about 18 liters. The choice is obvious!

Profit directly depends on the choice of route, the plan of which can be developed independently. Additionally, you can receive income from advertising on vehicles, provide cars for celebrations.

The following business plan is for an organization that owns 20 foreign vehicles and is ready to open a fleet.

This small case or in Russian - instructions for use, the editors of the Russian Startup website compiled by communicating with two successful entrepreneurs who created and develop their own business in passenger transportation. We talked with an entrepreneur from Novosibirsk Alexander Mogilev and Viktor Nesimchuk from Moscow. Our communication took place via Skype, and on the basis of the most interesting and, in our opinion, the most useful answers, this article was compiled.

The passenger transportation business is considered one of the most profitable and promising types of business for beginners.

Its advantages include a high level of profitability and minimal initial costs. With proper construction of the business, the costs can be recouped in up to 1-2 years.

When transporting passengers, private or legal persons, companies can act as customers. The main tasks are the movement of people in various directions (within the city and outside the city), seeing off to the station, airport, providing transport for various events, and so on.

In this type of business, it is extremely important:

  • provide affordable prices for services;
  • hire professional drivers with extensive driving experience;
  • be punctual (clearly observe the deadlines for orders);
  • choose the most convenient routes;
  • provide an individual approach to customers;
  • maintain high-quality transport and carry out its maintenance in a timely manner.

Features of the passenger transportation business

Main services provided

When compiling a business plan for passenger transportation, be sure to consider the types of services provided.

The choice here is very wide. You can transport people on specific routes, provide buses with a driver for transportation to specific points, deliver guests to the railway or bus station, transport children, and so on.

As a rule, this list can be expanded over time, adding more and more new positions. This is very important point to overcome the existing competition in this field of activity.

How to open passenger transportation

Registration stages

It is necessary to implement a business in passenger transportation in several main stages:

  • select a technical and repair base;
  • register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • obtain the necessary licenses;
  • conclude an agreement with the Transport Committee for the right to work on the selected route;
  • buy transport;
  • find people to work with;
  • advertise new business;
  • start transporting people.

Technical and repair base

For transport, it is necessary to rent garages in which it will be defended and repaired. The number of boxes directly depends on the number of purchased equipment.

On average, 8-10 cars are enough for a passenger transportation business. Accordingly, the number of garages should be the same. If you wish, you can buy garages and equip them as you wish, but at the initial stage, rent will be enough.

The average cost in this case will be from 50 thousand rubles per month.

Business registration

As we mentioned, the registration of a passenger transportation business can be carried out in two directions - as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. I would like to note right away that obtaining a license for this type of business is mandatory (previously this could not be done in the case of transportation of up to 8 people).

To obtain a license, you must complete a ten-day course at a special school for directors of transport companies.

Here, future specialists gain knowledge about the specifics of this business, the basic requirements for the operation of passenger transport, and so on. In the future, the license is issued within a period of up to one month.

But obtaining a license is only the first step.

After that, a special commission makes a visit to the facility and checks the fulfillment of the basic requirements - the availability of a parking lot (garages), a technical base for repairs, the fact that drivers have undergone medical care, and so on.

If you are planning to open a passenger transportation business with a small number of cars (up to 2-3), then there is no point in registering and studying in courses to obtain a license.

But there is an option - you can conclude an agreement with a large fleet. Over time, you can unwind, buy cars, issue an IP and get a license.

As for taxation, if there are up to 20 cars in the fleet, then you can issue a UTII, which does not provide for the need to maintain a book of accounting for the expenses and income of the enterprise.


One of the most important issues– registration of business on passenger transportation. There are two options here:

1. Form an LLC. In this case, the organizational measures will be as follows:

  • a state registration fee of 130-150 dollars is paid;
  • share capital is contributed. As a rule, 350-360 dollars;
  • the minutes of the Constituent Assembly are filled out;
  • an agreement is drawn up on the creation of a new Society;
  • an application is submitted for registration of an LLC;
  • the Charter is drawn up, which can be done independently or filled out together with professional lawyers.

As soon as all the documents are in hand, you can safely go to the tax authorities and register a new business. After that, you need to create your seal and open an account with one of the financial institutions. There are also costs here, but they are negligible.

The total cost of registering an LLC is from 550 dollars (from 30 thousand rubles).

2. Issue an IP. If you decide to open as an individual entrepreneur, then everything is simpler here:

  • a state fee is paid (its amount is about 30 US dollars);
  • an application is made (must be certified by a notary);
  • copies of personal documents are provided (there must also be notarization).

After collecting all required documents go to the tax office to obtain the desired status. However, there is no need for printing.

Issue with the Ministry of Transport

To open a business, it is necessary to resolve all issues with the Ministry of Transport.

Here you will need a whole package of documents - the charter of the organization and the memorandum of association (if we are talking about the creation of LLC), certificate of OGRYUL and certificate of registration, statistics codes, passports of the vehicle.

In addition, bank details, copies of technical inspections of each car, passports and driver's licenses of employees, their work books, a car parking agreement, and so on must be provided (it is better to check the list of required documents in advance).

When applying, the Ministry will need to pay a state fee in the amount of 300 rubles or more. Upon receipt of a license - from 1000 rubles.

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More than 500 ready-to-use business plan templates in our catalog:

A high-quality selection of franchises for start-up entrepreneurs, collected by us

From this article, you can find out how a simple driver from Samara created a taxi service and earned a million dollars:

Car park

One of the most important issues is the purchase of transport. There are several options here:

1. Purchase of cars of domestic or foreign production. The Russian Gazelle will cost about 700 thousand rubles. Therefore, if you need 10 cars, then the costs will be appropriate - from 7 million rubles. If you buy foreign cars (Mercedes, Volkswagen or others), then the costs will range from 25-30 million rubles.

2. Vehicle rental (leasing) in this case, the initial costs will be reduced by 4-5 times, and the rest of the amount can be paid gradually. But here it is very important to choose a quality leasing company and favorable conditions.

3. Hiring drivers with their own transport. This option is the most attractive, because it is the owners who are fully responsible for their cars.

Business in the field of passenger transportation


Particular attention should be paid to the selection of personnel. The company must employ qualified drivers with extensive experience and the appropriate category. If the driver is hired with a car, then he must have a passport, documents for a car, insurance, a certificate from the traffic police.

There are two options for cooperation:

  • you rent a car, and work with a driver according to a work book (conclude a contract). This option is the best way out for a company that has enough equipment, but there is an acute shortage of drivers;
  • work is carried out for a percentage of the total income. At the same time, the owner of the car gets a job in the company and receives income from daily earnings (expressed as a percentage).

On average, income from one Gazelle can be from 2 thousand rubles per day.

At the same time, the owner of the transport can keep a third part for himself, and give the rest to the enterprise. At the same time, the working day should be as large as possible. As a rule - from six in the morning to eleven in the evening.

The number of staff - from 10 people: driver, accountant, manager, technician and others. The average cost of wages directly depends on the characteristics of employment. If a person is "on salary", then his wage can be from 20 thousand rubles.

Table of the potential of consumers of taxi services and other passenger transportation in Russia


To promote a business, it is necessary to conduct an advertising company.
There are several promotion options here:

Growth table of participants in the passenger transportation market in Russia

Financial part

On average, one minibus makes about 8-10 trips per day. The cost of one trip is about 20 rubles (much depends on the locality). Consequently, in a month one car with a number of passengers of 15 people can earn - from 90 thousand rubles.

From this amount, you can remove the cost of washing the car and fuel (somewhere minus 1,500 rubles).

The profit from a foreign car will be higher, because the number of seats is already 25. Therefore, the monthly income from one car will be from 150 thousand rubles.

So, the costs for a fleet of 10 cars:

  • registration costs - from 30 thousand rubles;
  • expenses for the purchase of transport - from 7 million rubles;
  • staff salary costs - from 100 thousand rubles per month;
  • garage rental - from 50 thousand rubles per month;
  • advertising - from 80 thousand rubles.

Income from ten cars - from 1.5 million rubles a month.

Net profit - from 500 thousand rubles per month.


Passenger transportation business is a promising direction. But here it is important to plan everything correctly, draw up or order a business plan and follow it clearly. Good luck.

The main task of planning passenger transportation is to ensure the most complete satisfaction of the needs of the population in movement with optimal use Vehicle.

The development of passenger transportation plans is an extremely complex task. This is explained by the fact that the mobility of the population under the influence of many reasons that cannot be easily accounted for is constantly changing and it is very difficult to determine it correctly in advance. At the same time, in order to organize the efficient operation of passenger transport with the qualitative satisfaction of the population, it is necessary to strive for the most exact definition in terms of not only the volume, structure and distance of passenger transportation, but also the trend of their change in the future, since this determines the need for locomotives, cars of various types and other vehicles, as well as investments aimed at the development and reconstruction of passenger transport.

Planning for passenger traffic differs significantly from the development of plans for freight traffic. It is based mainly on reporting data, their analysis and identification of patterns in the development of passenger traffic.

The wide use of reporting data is of particular importance in the development of current passenger transportation plans. Comparison of planned indicators with their values ​​for previous years allows you to avoid errors in the development of indicators in the annual plan. In rail transport, as a rule, most of the indicators of the passenger transportation plan, and especially for the network as a whole, change little over the years. Therefore, if it is found that the planned indicator in the preplanned year has deviated sharply from its value in previous years, it is necessary to find out the reason for such a sharp deviation. Thus, the first years of the formation of market relations in the country caused a significant decrease in the effective demand of the population for transportation, and, as a result, a large drop in the volume of passenger traffic in railway transport, which continued until the second half of 1999.

Planning according to reporting data without the use of additional methods has a significant drawback. Passenger transportation reporting reflects only the actually realized demand for transportation services. Therefore, when planning the transportation of passengers on the roads, other factors that affect the volume and structure of passenger traffic are also studied in detail. The analysis of the transport market is now becoming an important part of the planning and organization of passenger transportation. Creation of marketing subdivisions on the roads makes it possible to analyze the demand of the population for various conditions of transportation, to identify the level of unsatisfied demand, its causes and the possibility of eliminating it in the planning period. In directions where transportation is carried out parallel to railways by other means of communication, the demand of passengers for other modes of transport, the level of payment for a trip from competitors, trends in the development of transportation and other indicators are analyzed. As a result of the analysis, effective measures increasing the competitiveness of railways.

Passenger transportation is planned both in general and by type of traffic. Each type of passenger transportation has its own patterns of development. The increase in the volume of suburban traffic may be influenced by an increase in the frequency of train traffic or the opening of stopping points, a change in the mode of work and rest of the population, and the expansion of the suburban area.

Changes in the effective demand of the population, the level of competitiveness of other modes of transport, the state of the industry, Agriculture in the economic regions of the country, the development of the transport network and other factors can dramatically change the flow of passengers in long-distance travel. Therefore, when developing an annual plan, long-distance passenger transportation and their unevenness must be considered separately, analyzing them for individual regions and the most important railway lines.

When planning passenger traffic, a possible change in the income of the population, tariffs from competitors, the state of the sanatorium and resort base in the country, the consequences of ongoing measures to improve the quality of passenger traffic, the development of services and the introduction of new types of services are taken into account.

The annual passenger traffic plan is drawn up for the network as a whole and for the railways. The plan defines the following indicators: the number of passengers sent, the number of passengers carried, passenger turnover and the average travel distance. The indicators are calculated both in general and by message types.

The volume of traffic on the network is equal to the sum of the departure of passengers from the station of the network and their reception from foreign roads, and the volume of traffic on the roads is the sum of the departure of passengers from the stations of the roads and the reception from other roads.

Passenger turnover is calculated by multiplying the number of passengers carried by the average travel distance of a passenger. The average travel distance is set in the plan on the basis of reporting data, taking into account the projected change in the planned year.

When forecasting the volume of passenger traffic, the dynamics of the main macroeconomic indicators of the socio-economic development of the country is taken into account: the population, real incomes, the level of industrial production, inflationary processes, etc.

Depending on the goal, passenger traffic forecasts can be developed for different periods. In practice, it is customary to develop medium-term forecasts (for 5-7 years) and for a longer period (10 or more years).

Forecasting passenger traffic, especially for a long period, is much more difficult than current planning. After a long time, the structure of the communication network increases and changes, the country's economy changes. The needs of the population in movement acquire a different character. In this regard, the possibility of widespread use of reporting data in forecasting is reduced.

To determine the indicators of the forecast of passenger traffic, various methods are used, based on the identification of general patterns of changes in passenger traffic in the country. When developing short-term and medium-term forecasts, the extrapolation method is used, in particular, when, as a result of the analysis of traffic over past years, the rate of their change in the forecast period is established with some adjustment, reflecting the influence of various factors. However, this method does not provide the necessary accuracy of forecasting due to insufficient knowledge of the patterns of change in indicators depending on the factors influencing them. Therefore, along with the extrapolation method, other forecasting methods are also used: the method of expert assessments, analogies, and others.

The practice of developing forecasts for a long period is based mainly on the study of changes in the population in the future and changes in its transport mobility, taking into account trends in the distribution of passenger flows by modes of transport. Analysis various methods, used in forecasting traffic for a long period, shows that forecasting the volume of traffic and passenger traffic based on the transport mobility of the population provides the highest accuracy in obtaining these indicators.

Based on the predicted population and forecasting its mobility by the number of trips, the total volume of passenger traffic for the future is determined. Passenger turnover is calculated by multiplying the population by the transport mobility in passenger-kilometres.

The need for movement among the population of various social groups is not the same, which is associated with their standard of living, characteristics labor activity. Therefore, the accuracy of predicted indicators increases if they are determined by economic regions, regions and social groups of the population (urban and rural residents, students, etc.) with a detailed analysis of trends and patterns of changes in the mobility of the population in different modes of transport.

The practice of planning and forecasting passenger traffic is being systematically improved. In planning passenger transportation, scientific economic and mathematical forecasting is used based on multifactorial data using mathematical methods and computer technology. Multivariate forecasts are developed for different forecast periods.

The widespread use of computer technology in the passenger complex makes it possible to effectively use operational reporting compiled by the Express automated system in the current planning. It takes into account the number of tickets sold for trains and wagons of different categories in the directions of transportation, which is important for determining the density of passenger traffic on the lines, keeps a record of passengers transported free of charge, and provides other information necessary to identify demand for different conditions of transportation.

Marketing is of great importance in modern conditions. Passenger traffic marketing is a management system aimed at the full and effective satisfaction of the transport needs of the population.

Marketing includes:

Analysis of the state and dynamics of consumer demand in the transport services market;

Identification and study of consumer preferences;

Estimate external environment and the level of competition in the transport market;

Determination of the market capacity of transport services to the population and the market share of railway transport;

Carrying out market segmentation; identification of existing and prospective segments of the market of transport services to the population;

Development and promotion of new transport services to the population.

The result of the marketing of passenger traffic is the creation of an information and analytical base for making effective management decisions to ensure the attraction of the maximum passenger traffic to railway transport through a competitive tariff policy and the provision of transport services to the population of the required volume and quality level.

The functions of conducting marketing research in the field of passenger transportation on the railways should be assigned to the marketing departments of the passenger service directorates.

Marketing research of passenger traffic provides for a systematic analysis of the market for transport services to the population and the external environment to solve tactical and strategic tasks of managing the passenger complex of railway transport. The principal feature of the direction of marketing research of passenger transportation is the fact that the demand of the population for transport services is almost always a secondary need, which serves to satisfy needs that are more primary in nature (work, study, rest, treatment, etc.). In this regard, when analyzing the potential of the transport services market, it is obligatory to take into account changes in the primary need, depending on the level of socio-economic development of the region and the differentiation of the lifestyle of the population living in it.

The sources of information for marketing research of passenger transportation are statistical reporting data (industry and non-industry) and the results of sociological surveys (questionnaires, surveys, focus groups, etc.).

An obligatory direction of marketing research of passenger transportation is the compilation of characteristics of the market of transport services to the population.

Compilation of the transport characteristics of the region is necessary to assess and predict the transport mobility of the population.

The transport characteristic should include the following sections:

Scheme and length of communication routes in the region and directions of the main passenger flows,

Number of cities with more than 1 million people, from 500 thousand to 1 million people, from 300 to 500 thousand people, from 100 to 300 thousand people, from 50 to 100 thousand people, less than 50 thousand people,

Total population, including urban and rural,

Employed population and pensioners,

The age and sex composition of the population,

Distribution of the population by income level,

The social and professional composition of the population,

Number of day students general education schools, students of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions,

per capita money income,

Average monthly salary,

Consumer price index,

The cost of a set of 19 basic food,

Indices of the physical volume of industrial production,

Indices of the volume of agricultural production in farms of all categories,

Private car park for 1000 people and 100 families,

Number of passengers sent and passenger turnover different types transport in the region.

Based on this information, an assessment of the impact is given various factors on the amount of demand for passenger transportation, taken into account when making management decisions.

The amount of demand for passenger transportation is influenced by a large number of factors. They can be combined into 4 groups: factors of social stability, macroeconomic, intra-industry and inter-transport. These factors have varying degrees influence on the magnitude of demand and are both price and non-price in nature.

Factors of social stability affect the total demand of the population for transport services, in addition, under their influence, the directions of passenger flows can significantly change.

Macroeconomic factors determine the real solvency of the population, the structure of the consumer budget. When analyzing their impact on demand, it is extremely important to single out different budget groups to provide a wide range of transport services (in terms of quality and price). The solvency of the population can be assessed by the purchasing power coefficient, determined by the ratio of the income of the population to the cost of the minimum consumer basket. The value of the purchasing power coefficients by subjects Russian Federation shows their significant differentiation, which must be taken into account when meeting the demand of the population for passenger transportation.

The influence of intra-industry factors, especially the level of tariffs, on the magnitude of demand is the strongest. The quality of passenger transportation, which includes such characteristics as speed, comfort, travel safety and others, along with the price, determines the competitiveness of railway transport in the market and, ultimately, its attractiveness for potential passengers. The unevenness of demand over periods of time and directions is a pattern that must be taken into account when forecasting traffic volumes.

Intertransport factors take into account the nature of the transport market and the type of competition that exists on it. Depending on what type of competition a particular transport market belongs to, the work of railways should be built. In addition, the prices of competitors and the quality of the services they provide sometimes play a decisive role in the formation of demand.

To predict the demand for passenger transportation, it is necessary to create simulation models that take into account the influence of the most significant factors that allow considering various options impact of railways on the market of transport services.

The most important direction of marketing of passenger traffic is obtaining information through sociological research.

Sociological research begins with the study of the problem, the advancement of goals and hypotheses, and the construction of a theoretical model. After putting forward goals and hypotheses, a method of sociological research is chosen.

There are several methods for conducting sociological research: secondary analysis of available sociological and marketing information (official statistics published in journals, bulletins, reports, reference and other official literature) and empirical sociological research (interviews, focus groups, questionnaires, observations, experiments) .

The results of sociological research are generalized, mathematically averaged, the generalized data are presented in the form of statistical tables, patterns are derived and explained. An analytical report is compiled, including statistically processed data and conclusions. The end result of the study is the preparation of a forecast and marketing recommendations on the issues under study based on it.

Assessment of the competitiveness of railway transport in the passenger transportation market allows us to evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing policy.

The competitiveness of railway transport can be assessed in each specific direction of passenger traffic by the “price-quality” ratio. This requires information on the total cost of the trip, including costs associated with door-to-door travel, meals, bedding, and taking into account the system of discounts and benefits provided by various transport companies. In addition, based on expert assessments of specialists or sociological studies of potential passengers, the competitiveness of various modes of transport is ranked according to the level of quality of services provided. The coefficient of competitiveness of each of the modes of transport, carrying out passenger transportation in the direction under consideration, is determined by the formula:

where is the score of the i-th quality parameter (2 - preferred, 1 - acceptable, 0 - unacceptable or not taken into account),

C full - total fare, rub.,

i- quality parameter.

More competitive is the mode of transport, the coefficient of competitiveness for which is higher.

Increasing competition between modes of transport in the market of transport services to the population requires further improvement in the quality of passenger service on the railways. Non-price factors that determine consumer preferences for a particular mode of transport are of great importance. For example, according to a sociological survey, passengers consider the safety of transport, personal safety from the encroachments of criminal elements, the availability of the necessary level of comfort and service, the speed of movement, and the convenience of the schedule as very important quality characteristics.

Per last years in railway transport, along with the development of traditional types of services (issuance and delivery of travel documents, porter services, rest rooms for transit passengers, mother and child, storage rooms, etc.), service centers are being created.

The main directions of this type of activity is the provision of a wide range of services and meeting the needs of the solvent part of the population. Service centers provide an opportunity not only to purchase a train ticket, but also organize tourist transportation, book hotel rooms, offer theater tickets, legal and notary services, intercity telephone, taxi, photocopying of documents, etc.

Service centers have already been set up at 65 railway stations (in Moscow, Rostov, Kazan, Voronezh, St. Petersburg, Saratov, Novosibirsk, etc.).

Currently, a unified network of service centers is being created on Russian railways using the information base of the Express automated control system and modern means of communication. At the same time, the client railway will have the opportunity to receive a set of services when he contacts any service center, regardless of which roads will be involved in his further service.

Railways are constantly working to improve the quality of passenger service along the way. One of the ways to solve this problem is the formation of branded trains, consisting of cars of the latest years of construction, meeting modern requirements for comfort and reliability, equipped with removable equipment and high-quality bedding.

The interior design of these cars creates an atmosphere home comfort. Careful selection on a competitive basis of train crews from among the best transport workers, an increase in the types of services provided along the route made it possible to significantly improve travel conditions and increase the level of passenger service in such trains. In these trains, passengers are offered an expanded range of tea trade (coffee, tea, soft drinks, waffles, biscuits, etc.), periodicals and fiction, hygiene items and related products. Passengers are also given the opportunity to order breakfasts and hot lunches from the dining car with delivery to the car.

Currently, 103 branded category trains run on the railway network.

In the traffic St. Petersburg - Moscow, the train "Nikolaevsky Express" was prepared, in which, in accordance with the style of the era of the late 19th century, the appearance and interior of the car, the uniforms of the conductors were changed.

The range of services provided to passengers on trains is constantly expanding. So, in the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow-Vladivostok traffic, the trains are equipped with satellite radio communications, which allows the passenger to contact any city in the world.

On the Oktyabrskaya railway in the message St. Petersburg - Moscow, radio payphones are installed, allowing you to call all cities of Russia; cellular communication is installed in separate branded trains on the directions of Siberia, the Caucasus and the Volga region (Moscow - Rostov, Moscow - Omsk, Moscow - Barnaul, Moscow - Ulyanovsk, Moscow - Perm, Moscow - Tomsk).

In some branded trains (Moscow - Kirov, Moscow - Perm, Moscow - Rostov, Moscow - Omsk, Moscow - Barnaul, Moscow - Novosibirsk, Moscow - Krasnoyarsk, Moscow - Irkutsk), video systems are installed in the "SV" cars, allowing passengers to watch a movie from video library, located at the conductor of the car.

In branded trains connecting Moscow with Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Barnaul and Tomsk, libraries have been organized, children's compartments with a set of toys have been created.

Since 1996, a number of passenger trains have new form services for passengers - the opportunity to travel in a luxury carriage, which provides a set of meals, bed linen, hygiene items, newspapers and magazines, additional measures personal security, the cost of which is included in the ticket price. Currently, 169 such cars run on the roads of Russia in the trains of the formation of the Oktyabrskaya, Sverdlovsk, Kuibyshev, Volga, Gorky, Moscow, Northern, South-Eastern, Sverdlovsk, North Caucasian and West Siberian railways.

The most important direction of improving the quality of suburban transportation is the appointment of branded electric trains of increased comfort. A lot of work in this direction is being carried out by the Moscow Railway, where 8 such trains are currently running, connecting the capital with regional centers. Similar work is being carried out on the Oktyabrskaya, North Caucasian and other railways. As experience shows, transportation in high-speed and comfortable "Express" is competitive and in great demand among the population. With effective marketing, they can break even over time. In addition to the introduction of full-fledged branded electric trains, the number of routes of which is limited by the presence of sufficient and stable solvent demand of the population, it seems appropriate to include individual luxury cars in the composition of ordinary electric trains.

A lot of work is being done to improve the schedule of passenger trains and increase route speeds. To this end, appropriate measures have been developed to reduce the travel time of 37 pairs of passenger trains, priority sections of the railways have been identified, where it is necessary to increase route speeds up to 90 km/h with an average weighted technical speed of 140 km/h. A significant reduction in passenger travel time is planned to be achieved primarily on the routes Moscow - Rostov, Moscow - Adler, Moscow - Mineralnye Vody, Moscow - Smolensk - Krasnoye, Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod, as well as between the regional centers of the Trans-Siberian Railway.

The main task of planning the operation of the rolling stock in passenger traffic is to meet the country's needs for passenger traffic with high technical and economic indicators of the use of vehicles, ensuring the necessary quality and safety of passenger transportation. The quality of the development of this plan depends on the need for passenger rolling stock, operational contingent, material, energy and other resources necessary to ensure the transportation of passengers.

The planning of the work of the rolling stock in passenger traffic is carried out on the basis of the passenger traffic plan with the allocation of passenger flows in the most important directions. The immediate starting point for the development of the plan is the train schedule, drawn up in accordance with the predicted passenger flows. When drawing up the schedule, a thorough analysis of its actual implementation in the previous period is carried out in order to identify the possibility of reducing (or increasing) the need for rolling stock in the planning period.

The work plan of the rolling stock in passenger traffic consists of two sections, which establish the volume of work of the rolling stock and indicators of its use. In contrast to the plan for the operation of rolling stock in freight traffic, when planning the operation of passenger rolling stock, wagon and locomotive fleets are not directly calculated. They are calculated when drawing up the train schedule. In the rolling stock work plan, the number of the fleet is specified in order to correctly determine the total need for the supply of new cars and locomotives. This clarification is also necessary for the correct calculation of operating costs for the maintenance and service of rolling stock.

The indicators of the volume of work of the rolling stock are: car-kilometres, train-kilometres, section-kilometres, gross tonne-kilometres, locomotive-kilometres. They can be determined most accurately if the calculation is made for each train included in the schedule of the planned period. For these purposes, train routes, the frequency of their circulation, the composition of the train in cars and the gross mass of the train are written out from the schedule.

Train-kilometres are calculated using the formula:

where is the doubled distance of the train route, km;

The frequency of equipping the train in the planned period.

Car-kilometres are determined by multiplying train-kilometres by the composition of the train in carriages. When calculating, all wagons operating in passenger trains are taken into account:

where is the number of cars in the train.

Gross tonne-kilometres are calculated by multiplying train-kilometres by the gross train mass:

where is the gross mass of the train, i.e.

To determine the approximate value of work passenger cars in gross tonne-kilometres, the formula may be applied:

where is the average gross weight of the wagon, i.e.

The average gross weight of a wagon is taken according to the reported data with a certain adjustment, taking into account the change in the structure of the working fleet.

An example of calculating volumetric indicators.

A train of 15 wagons operates on a 800 km long route. The gross weight of the train is 1000 tons, the gross weight of the wagon is 66.7 tons.


1) train-km

2) car-km

3) t-km gross

The indicators of the volume of work of the rolling stock calculated for each train are summed up and their total value is obtained within the boundaries of the road or department.

The planning of the auxiliary run of locomotives is carried out according to its specific gravity in the total mileage of the reporting year. The auxiliary run includes all types of work of locomotives, except for their run at the head of trains (single run of locomotives, run in double traction, shunting work of train and specially shunting locomotives and other conditional run). To perform an auxiliary run, approximately the same operating costs are required as at the head of trains, so it is advisable to plan each type of auxiliary run separately.

Indicators of the volume of work in passenger traffic are calculated by types of messages within the boundaries of departments and along the road as a whole. If passenger traffic on the road is served by different types of traction, the calculations are performed for each of them separately in accordance with the sections of train circulation.

For motor-car traction and diesel trains, section-kilometers are additionally determined by multiplying the average number of sections in a train by train-kilometers:


where is the number of sections in the train.

To plan the costs associated with the maintenance and service of locomotives operating in passenger traffic, train-kilometers and gross ton-kilometers are also determined within the boundaries of circulation of locomotive crews, if the operation of locomotives does not coincide with the boundaries of departments or roads.

Unlike freight cars, the fleet of passenger cars is assigned to a specific road. The calculation of the park is made on the home roads. Its need depends on the volume and unevenness of traffic, the speed of movement and the population of wagons. The calculation is performed for each train, depending on the frequency of circulation, composition of the train and the turnaround time. The number of wagons required to service one train is equal to the product of the turnover of the train by the number of wagons. The total turnaround time of a train consists of the time the train travels from the starting station to the end station and back, and the time the train spends at the turnaround points. The turnaround time is determined from the moment the train departs for the flight from the home station until the next departure from the same station. So, if the train is at the formation station for 10 hours, at the turnaround station for 7 hours, and the train travel time from the starting point to the final point and back is 55 hours, then the turnaround time will be 10 + 7 + 55 = 72 hours, or 3 days. With daily circulation, the required fleet of cars for a train of 18 cars (including 13 compartment and 5 reserved seats) will be 18 3 = 54. The need for wagons by type will be determined in the following sizes: 13 3 = 39 compartments and 5 3 = 15 reserved seats. If the train leaves every other day, then the need for wagons for it will be halved.

The total demand for passenger cars on the road is equal to the sum of the number of cars needed for each train. To determine the needs of the list fleet, the wagons used for other needs and the necessary reserve are added to the working fleet. The unused wagon fleet is calculated on the basis of reporting data, taking into account the planned changes in the planning period.

The required fleet of electric train cars is calculated by dividing the car-kilometers of electric rolling stock by the average daily mileage of an electric car. The wagon fleet of diesel trains is determined in the same way.

The fleet of locomotives in passenger traffic is found similarly to the calculation of the fleet in freight traffic according to the linear mileage of locomotives and their average daily mileage:

where is the average daily mileage of the locomotive, km.

The main qualitative indicators of the use of rolling stock in passenger traffic are: the population of passenger cars, train composition in cars, local and technical speeds, car performance, average daily mileage of cars and locomotives.

The average population of a passenger car shows the number of passengers per car used for passenger transportation on average, and is determined by the formula:

where are passenger-kilometres;

car-kilometres of the passenger fleet.

When calculating the population, only the mileage of wagons in which passengers are transported is taken into account. The mileage of postal, baggage, restaurant cars and other cars is excluded.

The average composition of a train characterizes the number of cars included in passenger trains. It is calculated by dividing car-kilometres by train-kilometres:

The technical speed of a passenger train is the average speed of the train along the section, excluding stops at intermediate stations:

where is the total time spent by passenger trains on the section between technical stations, excluding stops at intermediate stations, train-hour.

Sectional speed is average speed the movement of a passenger train along the section, taking into account parking at intermediate stations.

It is calculated by the formula:

where is the total time spent by passenger trains on the section between technical stations, train-hour.

The average population of the car, the speed of trains and their composition is calculated as a whole along the road and by types of messages.

The average daily mileage of locomotives in passenger traffic is determined in the same way as in freight traffic.

The calculation of the average daily mileage of a passenger car is not provided for in the rolling stock operation plan. It is taken into account promptly according to the completed train schedules. The indicator "gross mass of the train" is also not determined. For each train separately, in accordance with the number of wagons in the composition, it is established when developing the train schedule in the form of a technical standard.

The rolling stock work plan does not provide for the calculation of all quality indicators characterizing its use in time and in terms of power. In order to identify reserves, the most effective organization rolling stock operation, it is advisable to periodically calculate a number of additional indicators. Thus, the population of a passenger car, which characterizes its use in terms of power, does not actually give a complete picture of the degree of filling of cars during the transportation of passengers. Therefore, in order to analyze the use of the wagon fleet in plans and reports, it is advisable to provide for the calculation of the wagon capacity utilization factor, determined by dividing passenger-km by seat-km:

where - place-km.

The value of this coefficient is less than one and is not the same for the types of wagons.

To assess the quality of use of passenger cars in time, the turnover of passenger trains is calculated. The rate of turnover of passenger trains is set for each direction and each train when developing train schedules. The actual value of the turnover is determined by the charts of the executed movement. The calculation of the turnover of the composition is carried out according to the formula:


where L- distance of the passenger train from the point of formation to the point of turnover, km;

Average route speed of this train in even and odd directions, km/h;

The time spent by the passenger train at the formation point from

the moment of arrival to the moment of departure, h;

The time spent by the passenger train at the turnaround point, hours

The indicator of the turnover of passenger trains is used when calculating the need for passenger trains. With its decrease, the wagon fleet required for the operation of the train on a particular route is reduced.

Based on the turnover of wagons, the average daily mileage of a particular train is calculated:

The shorter the turnover time of the train, the higher the average daily mileage of the car, all other things being equal.

The most important task of passenger transport is to ensure the high quality of transportation while fully meeting the needs of the population in movement. Required quality passenger transportation cannot be ensured without high quality operational work. At the same time, the task of improving the quality of operational work cannot be considered only from the standpoint of improving transport services for the population. This is a large reserve for improving the efficiency of the entire transport production, which makes it possible to save operating costs, free up rolling stock fleets, make the most rational use of human labor, save investments in the development and reconstruction of passenger transport.

The main indicators of the use of rolling stock in passenger traffic are: the population of cars, the composition of the train and the speed of movement (Table 22.1).

Economic efficiency of increasing the population of the car. The population of a passenger car is the most important reserve for improving the use of the car fleet. Its value in passenger traffic is approximately the same as the dynamic load in freight traffic.

1. The population of the car depends, firstly, on the size of the movement of trains and the amount of passenger traffic. Population shows the extent to which the size of the movement of passenger trains, planned according to the schedule, corresponds to the actual passenger flow.

Table 22.1

Operational indicators of the railway network for 1996 - 2004


The average composition of the train, wagons:

commuter service

long distance

Passenger car population, persons/car:

commuter service

long distance

Speed, km/h.



Scheduled passage of passenger trains, %

commuter service

long distance

When the car population is low, the trains operate half-empty, and too high population indicates the need to increase the size of train traffic in order to improve the conditions for passenger travel.

2. The population of a passenger car also depends on the structure of the car fleet included in passenger trains.

Example: there is a train of 12 cars:

a) 10 compartments and 2 SVs.

The number of seats in the train is: 10 36 + 2 18 = 396. Population - 396: 12 = 33 people/car;

b) 2 compartments and 10 SV.

The number of seats on the train is: 2 36 + 10 18 = 252.

Population - 252:12 = 21 people. / vag.

The more comfortable wagons work, the lower, under other conditions, the population of wagons.

It follows from the foregoing that in order to ensure a high population of wagons with full and high-quality satisfaction of the population in transportation, it is necessary to systematically take into account the population of wagons and regulate train flows and composition of trains depending on changes in passenger flows.

Increasing the population of a passenger car has a great economic effect. The growth of the car population with a stable passenger flow means a relative reduction in the car fleet, train and locomotive mileage. Reducing the need for rolling stock reduces investment in its development. A decrease in train work reduces the level of filling capacity and, as a result, reduces the need for investment in its development, and contributes to an increase in the speed of trains. With a decrease in the mileage of wagons and locomotives, the consumption of fuel and electricity for train traction decreases, and the contingent of conductors is released if the system for servicing wagons by them does not change.

With an increase in the volume of passenger traffic, an increase in the population of a car makes it possible to master additional passenger traffic without increasing the working fleet of cars or to master it with the same number of trains without changing the number of cars in the train.

Increasing the population of the car is the most important reserve for reducing operating costs associated with the maintenance and repair of rolling stock, the superstructure of the track, with the organization of the work of locomotive and train crews, etc.

Reduction of operating costs with an increase in the population of the car provides a significant reduction in the cost of transportation and, accordingly, with stable tariffs, an increase in profits and profitability of passenger transportation.

The growth of the car population causes an increase in the average daily runs and productivity of the car and locomotive fleet.

Efficiency of increasing train composition. An increase in the number of cars on a train means an increase in its capacity. The economic efficiency of increasing the number of passenger trains is to increase the carrying capacity of railway lines, saving capital investments and operating costs.

The size of the train composition depends on the size of the passenger traffic of the directions of the railway, which determine the frequency of train movement and the number of cars in them. In addition, the composition of the train is significantly influenced by the population of the cars. These two indicators are closely related. The problem of the population of wagons and the composition of the train should be considered in connection with the solution of questions about ways to increase the carrying capacity of the transport direction. With stable passenger flows of small sizes, the growth of the composition leads to a decrease in seat occupancy in trains, an increase in operating costs, and an increase in the cost of transportation.

Increasing the population of cars by filling empty seats in trains in such cases, on the contrary, leads to significant savings in vehicles.

The economic importance of increasing the number of trains increases in conditions where the size of the movement of passenger trains is limited by the capacity of the line. Under these conditions, the operation of passenger trains with a small number of cars means underutilization of the carrying capacity of the direction.

At the same time, the composition of the train cannot be increased to too large sizes. Its length depends on the length of the landing platforms. With a significant increase in the length of the train without lengthening the platform, the conditions for boarding and disembarking passengers worsen. At the same time, it becomes necessary to lengthen the landing platforms, as well as the receiving and departing tracks and the ways for settling trains, which requires additional investments.

Experience shows that driving trains of 20 or more cars with modern serial locomotives also does not reduce the cost of transportation, since the power of locomotives is insufficient for driving trains at high speed and for heating trains in winter. The use of dual traction in such conditions leads to underutilization of the power of the second locomotive and an increase in operating costs.

Therefore, the achievement maximum effect from an increase in the composition of a passenger train can only be ensured by lengthening the trains to sizes not exceeding the length of the boarding platforms. This provides a reduction in train mileage, the need for a fleet of locomotives. As a result, savings are achieved on the maintenance of locomotive crews, fuel and electricity for train traction, maintenance and repair of locomotives, and investments in the locomotive fleet and in the development of the network are also reduced. At the same time, the productivity of train locomotives is increasing.

The effectiveness of increasing the speed of trains. The speed of passenger trains is the most important indicator of the quality of passenger traffic. With an increase in the sectional speed in passenger traffic, the delivery of passengers is accelerated and the service for railway passengers is improved. The value of this indicator depends on many factors that equally affect the speed of freight trains: track profile, double-track or single-track line, train length, locomotive power, etc. An increase in the speed of passenger trains has a great economic effect, expressed in an increase in the carrying capacity. line capacity, lower operating costs, lower labor costs (locomotive and train crews), reduction of the required fleet of cars and locomotives, fuel and electricity costs. Accordingly, operating costs are saved.

However, the increase in speed not only provides savings, but also causes additional transportation costs. Their value depends on what measures ensure the growth of speeds. With an increase in technical speed, the costs of fuel and electricity for traction increase, the costs of maintaining the rolling stock and the superstructure of the track increase. Therefore, when calculating the overall savings from increasing the speed, it is necessary to take into account the additional costs caused by the increase in speeds. In some cases, their value is not limited only to operating costs. Thus, if the increase in speed is provided by strengthening the superstructure of the track or by introducing more powerful locomotives, the road will require additional investments.

An increase in the speed of train movement has an impact on the improvement of other indicators of the use of rolling stock. With other indicators unchanged, an increase in speed leads to an acceleration of the turnover of the train and an increase in the average daily mileage of the car, which is inversely related to the turnover of the train. The factors that determine the reduction in the turnaround time of the train, simultaneously contribute to an increase in the mileage of the car for each day of operation. The shorter the turnover time of the composition, the higher the average daily mileage, all other things being equal. However, their value is determined not only by the speed of trains, but also by the idle time of trains at home and turnover stations. This means that the factors influencing the growth of the speed of trains have a slow effect on the increase in the average daily mileage of a car and the turnover of a train.

The effect of an increase in the average daily mileage caused by an increase in the speed of movement is the release of wagon and locomotive fleets, cost savings on their maintenance, repair and depreciation, on the maintenance of locomotive and train crews, as well as a reduction in investment in locomotive and wagon fleets.

If the increase in the average daily mileage of the car and the turnover of the train is ensured by reducing downtime at the stations, then the effect increases due to savings on the maintenance and depreciation of station tracks and investments in their development.

Improving the indicators of the use of rolling stock in passenger traffic ensures the growth of labor productivity of the passenger complex contingent, increasing profits from passenger traffic.

Economic efficiency of the development of technical means in the passenger sector

The main thing in the scientific and technical policy on the passenger sector is the implementation of the Federal Program Development and production of a new generation of passenger rolling stock at Russian enterprises. In addition, a significant amount of work should ensure the improvement of the technology of the transportation process and the creation of resource-saving technologies.

Models of new generation cars are being created, designed to guarantee high traffic safety and increased comfort. The integrated system of maintenance and repair of new generation passenger cars according to their technical condition is being improved based on the introduction of hardware and software systems for in-place diagnostics and determination of the residual life of the main components and parts. A special place is given to the development automated system management of passenger transportation ACS Express. An urgent problem is the transition to the new Express-3 system, which will have much wider functionality compared to the ACS Express-2, which has been operating on the network since 1982.

The developments carried out in recent years on station automation made it possible to move on to the creation local network for railway stations, development of an automated system for the sale of suburban travel documents and registration of suburban passengers of all categories.

Work aimed at improving the planning of traffic volumes and tariffs will help improve revenues and the quality of their forecasting, as well as improve the consistency of cost and revenue planning.