What do you need to do to sleep. How to stay up all night

Try the yoga breathing exercise. It is called kapalabhati and consists in the fact that you take a normal breath and a sharp, accented exhalation. Repeat this about 10 times. This technique warms, invigorates and affects the pineal gland, which influences the so-called circadian rhythms (sleep-wake).

Chewing gum

Chew menthol gum. The main thing in it is not even a refreshing menthol, but chewing movements. So you trick the brain, which is activated, assuming that now it will be necessary to digest food. To do this, he secretes insulin, which causes a feeling of cheerfulness.


Open the windows, let in fresh air, turn on the air conditioner or fan. Warm and stuffy spaces cause a feeling of fatigue. Cold keeps the brain in tension and forces the body to activate to maintain a constant temperature necessary for the proper functioning of the organs. Thrill-seekers can try to chew on ice - few things in the world invigorate so much.

Physical training

Jump, squat, push up a couple of times from the floor. Any physical exercise with an interval of 20-30 minutes will help to disperse the blood and improve the flow of oxygen to the cells, and therefore, give additional energy to the body. The best option is a short walk. Research proves that 15 minutes of walking gives new energy for two hours of work.


Rinse your wrists with cold water. This technique allows you to quickly cool the body. It is also useful in the summer when it is very hot, or when you need to get rid of a headache caused by a high temperature.


Skip meals. The body spends a lot of energy on its digestion, so after a heavy dinner there is a feeling of lethargy and drowsiness. Light hunger invigorates.


Listen to fast, annoying music at a low volume. Music evokes a strong emotional response that engages many areas of the brain. If possible, sing along or at least shake your head to the beat. Melodious and familiar music will not work. We need something rhythmic, but unpleasant to the ear - it causes more emotions. The sound should be such that it is difficult to make out the words of the song. This will make the brain work, as it will "listen" and include attention.


Turn on bright lights. The best thing, of course, is to go outside, but if the sun has already set, then the internal clock can still be fooled by turning on all the lights in the house. The fact is that the body's circadian rhythms, among other things, react to light: when there is little light, the body thinks it's time to sleep.


Massage the crown, back of the neck, earlobes, the point between the thumb and forefinger, and the area under the knees. These points help relieve fatigue and improve blood circulation.


Activate olfactory receptors. A strong smell - pleasant or disgusting - quickly puts you on alert. In aromatherapy, such oils are usually offered to stimulate the nervous system: rosemary, eucalyptus, mint. If there is no oil nearby, you can simply inhale the aroma of coffee beans several times.


Sit in a hard chair. Any slight sensation of discomfort is good when your task is to stay awake. If you work in a chair or in bed, you will be sleepy because they are comfortable and cozy.

coffee and sleep

Drink coffee and fall asleep for 15 minutes. These are two effective techniques combined into one. The action of caffeine usually begins 20 minutes after you have drunk coffee, tea, or eaten a chocolate bar. Until this time, you can have time to recharge your batteries in a dream thanks to microsleep (it is also called a power nap). The main thing is to set an alarm and stay awake for 30 minutes, because in half an hour you will be in the stage of deep sleep, and if you interrupt it, you will feel overwhelmed.

protein diet

If you still have, then protein-rich foods (nuts, eggs), as well as vegetables and fruits. It is important to eat in small portions and at intervals of every two to three hours. Avoid sugar, because it has the opposite effect, taking energy away. Drink plenty of water. When the body is dehydrated, a person feels tired and weak.


Tickle the upper palate with your tongue. This is another fun and effective way to cheer up sharply.


Watch a funny video or argue with someone about politics. Any social activity (even participation in Internet discussions) causes excitement in the brain.

Each person may have his own reasons why he can’t sleep all night: you need to urgently do some work for your boss, study an exam, or have time to do your favorite thing, because. there just isn't enough time for it during the day. The question is not only how to stay up all night, but also how to stay awake at night and at the same time be alert and think about something. How long can you go without sleep? In fact, even one day without sleep will affect the human body. The absolute record is 11 days without sleep (listed in the Guinness Book of Records), but fatigue reaches such an extent that it will take a very long time to recover from this, and the damage to health will be noticeable.

If you know in advance that on the upcoming night you need to come up with a way to deal with sleep, you can follow a few tips during the day so that the fight against sleep is not painful at night:

  1. Sleep during the day.
    A short daytime nap of 30-40 minutes will help you stay awake at night, as your strength will be replenished.
  2. Ventilate the room
    Be sure to open the window in the evening to let fresh air into the room: the flow of oxygen will help you think more clearly.
  3. Don't Overeat Dinner
    Everyone knows that after a heavy meal, the blood rushes to the stomach, the body spends energy on its digestion, and the person is drawn to sleep. A slight feeling of hunger works in the opposite way and will help you get sleepy.
  4. An evening walk
    If you're wondering what to do to keep you awake at night, go out into the fresh air yourself before working at night: it works the same way as ventilation. This method will help you cheer up for the upcoming night.

The night seems too long, especially when the eyelids fill up, and strength and mind leave a person. To cheer up at night and stop feeling heaviness in the head, we bring to your attention a number of recommendations on how not to fall asleep, even if you are very tired, and how to overcome sleep. To begin with, create conditions in the room so that you do not want to sleep, namely:

  • Turn on a bright light: this will be a signal to your brain that it is not nighttime outside the window.
  • Take an uncomfortable position: if you create uncomfortable conditions for yourself, you will not be able to sleep. If possible, stand or walk; if not, sit on a hard chair without a back.

To cheer up and get distracted after a few hours of work, the following techniques will help:

  1. Take a contrast shower
    Alternating warm and cool water will be a good way to fight sleep. 5-10 minutes will be enough. Alternative option: washing your face with cool water or rubbing with ice cubes.
  2. Influence the receptors of smell and taste
    If you want to be in bed, urgently need to take action to stop wanting to sleep. Influencing sharp smells or tastes on your receptors, you have an exciting effect on the nervous system.
    Lighting aroma oils, brushing your teeth with mint paste, sucking on mint candies and chewing gum are well suited for this. The latter, in addition to acting on receptors, stimulates blood flow to the chewing muscles and the brain, which will allow you to stay alert for several more hours.
  3. Perform acupressure
    The method is also based on increased blood flow, which will help get rid of sleep. Impact points: earlobes, popliteal fossae, back of the neck, point between the index and thumb on the hands.
  4. Warm up
    If you've been working tirelessly for several hours, it's time to get up and set aside 5 minutes to walk around the room and stretch a little. You can perform 10 squats, torso tilts: this will promote blood flow to organs and tissues, helping to overcome drowsiness.
  5. Sleep after coffee
    Another effective way to overcome sleep is a short nap after coffee. The fact is that if you drink coffee, it penetrates into the blood and begins its stimulating effect on the nervous system not immediately, but only after 20 minutes. This time can be used to effectively relax in a short period of time. After waking up, you can not sleep for a long time.

Products for cheerfulness

During the night wakefulness, one way or another, you will want to eat. Therefore, the question naturally arises of what foods can be consumed and what to drink, so that not only do not want to sleep even more, but also which will help to cope with fatigue. Here are the top 5 foods and drinks to help you stay awake:

  1. Chocolate
    Chocolate, like coffee, contains caffeine, which has an encouraging effect on the body. It is best to use dark chocolate.
  2. Meat
    Protein has the ability to be slowly digested in the body, which means that after eating a piece of meat, you will have a feeling of satiety and energy for a long time.
  3. Spices or spicy foods
    As mentioned above, by acting on taste and olfactory receptors, they stimulate the nervous system, helping to stay awake.
  4. Water
    Drinking regular water or water with the addition of lemon juice speeds up the metabolism and refreshes the mind.
  5. Energy
    A tool that is not very healthy, but created specifically to create the effect of "vigor", which is achieved due to the high content of taurine and caffeine in them.

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to stay awake at night when needed. However, do not abuse it: neglecting a night's sleep too often can lead to serious side effects, up to hallucinations.

List of used literature:

  • Neurology. Handbook of practical doctor. D. R. Shtulman, O. S. Levin. M. "Medpress", 2008
  • National Institutes of Health. NINDS Hypersomnia Information Page (June 2008). Archived April 6, 2012. (English)
  • Poluektov M.G. (ed.) Somnology and sleep medicine. National leadership in memory of A.N. Wayne and Ya.I. Levina M.: "Medforum", 2016.

At a time when a mass of Russians suffer from insomnia, others are unsuccessfully struggling with drowsiness. I want to sleep in broad daylight literally everywhere - on the tram, at work, at home. The body weakens, the person looks tired, weakness sets in. In this state, it is difficult to perform your daily duties, especially when you have to work with people or require high concentration and attention.

Those who like to sleep, as the people say "sleep", often wake up at work, fall asleep in public transport, passing the desired stop. Everywhere they are late, they look pale, they lead a passive lifestyle. To consider such a phenomenon as the norm is by no means impossible. When drowsiness is not justified by anything, a person literally sleeps day and night, but still he wants to sleep, which means that something is definitely happening in his body. Such consequences can provoke a decrease in blood pressure, oxygen starvation, chronic fatigue, the development of pathologies of internal organs, as well as chronic lack of sleep.

While the "sleepy" is looking for free time to go to the doctor, take tests and find out the cause of this phenomenon, you need to alleviate your condition, and in order not to fall asleep at the wrong moment, resort to simple tricks.

What to do to stay awake

In order for drowsiness to recede, you need to strengthen your body, nourishing the vital forces with vitamin and mineral complexes. Get outdoors more often and eat right. Short-term drowsiness can be completely eliminated by the following actions:

  • Touch the earlobes with your hands, squeeze them slightly and massage until you feel a rush of blood. Drowsiness will pass for about half an hour, after the massage of the ear lobes can be repeated.
  • In order not to fall asleep, you need to rub your ears. Friction improves blood circulation, relieves fatigue, and, accordingly, drives away sleep.
  • A “hungry” stomach will help you stay up all night without sleep. Satiety provokes relaxation, the desire to lie down, and hunger, on the contrary, the need to eat, which means that the functions of the brain are activated on this issue, for some time you do not want to sleep.
  • Drinking tonic drinks - coffee, tea, will satisfy the feeling of hunger, make you stay awake for some time, especially if you attach a bar of dark chocolate to the tea. Hot homemade decoctions prepared on the basis of ginseng, chamomile, and licorice allow you to cheer up. Special energy drinks are sold in stores for such purposes, but they are often not allowed to be drunk.
  • A cold, contrast shower will quickly invigorate any sleepyhead.
  • In order not to fall asleep, you need to ventilate the room in which you are, go out into the fresh air, but just do not smoke, and then do not lie under the covers if you are slightly chilled.
  • Performing sedentary work, for example, working at a computer, a device, driving a car, you need to periodically, every 1.5 hours, at least for a quarter of an hour, stop the monotonous activity, get up, stretch your back, limbs.
  • When performing active activities, for example, you urgently need to complete a stand with photographs, clean the room so as not to fall asleep, turn on a movie, music.
  • Washing with cold water will help to cheer up, you can additionally brush your teeth.
  • For those who work the night shift, in order not to fall asleep at the workplace, it is advisable to talk to someone, it's good when there are colleagues nearby.
  • Click seeds, eat walnuts.
  • Chew menthol gum.
  • Quickly rub your knees with sharp movements, massage the occipital region of the head.
  • It is believed that drinking plenty of ordinary running water helps to relieve sleepiness. But drinking hot and completely activates the digestive system, awakening the body.
  • Inhaling the aromas of aromatic products allows you to cheer up, activating the sense of smell. So, in advance, when removing dust, washing the floor, drops of rosemary, eucalyptus, coniferous aroma oil are added to the water. You can sprinkle a small amount on the table lamp itself, when heated, the substance will gradually spread around the room. For the same purpose, you can sniff coffee, horseradish, ginger, adjika, hot peppers.
  • For night wakefulness, it is recommended to drink mineral water, adding a small slice of lemon, a tablespoon of honey to it. They also drink hawthorn with soda, succinic acid with coffee.

It is believed that it is especially difficult not to fall asleep from three to six in the morning. During this period, the body simply becomes exhausted, the brain literally turns off for a fraction of a second. Therefore, in order to maintain the state of wakefulness, you need to resort in turn to each method that prevents you from falling asleep.

What Not to Do

Many, trying not to fall asleep, on the contrary, do such a thing that sleep simply “chops” them, and then you can not dream of any wakefulness. So, what not to do, trying not to fall asleep:

  • smoke;
  • drink alcoholic beverages;
  • eat tightly;
  • lie in a warm room covered with a blanket;
  • be in the dark;
  • work lying down;
  • listen to a monotonous soothing melody;
  • sometimes, a person, in order to take a break from work, change activities, picks up someone's photo and starts thinking about a person, or, for example, stroking a domestic cat, after half an hour he falls asleep, this cannot be done, everything is monotonous, calm, provokes falling asleep;
  • read a book, play games, chess on the computer;
  • be in a stuffy, hot room.

Reading a book can make you sleepy

All this allows you to provoke fatigue, drowsiness, which should not be allowed. If, nevertheless, nothing helps, sleep gradually takes over, you need to turn to medicine and do Breathing exercises: get up, lower your arms down along the body. As usual, take air (inhale), as deep as possible and after a few seconds, exhale sharply. Repeat the exercise about 10 times. If dizziness is felt, less can be done.

Additionally, for every one and a half hours, you can alternately start an alarm clock and wake up, fall asleep again. This option is well suited when you need to periodically control something, follow something. If it’s impossible to keep sleep at all, since you haven’t slept for more than a day, then it’s best to take a nap for a couple of hours.

For an overtired body, such a rest will be enough to stay awake for some more time and finish what you need.

In extreme cases, you can go to a pharmacy and ask there for something more suitable, but remember that you can’t get carried away with such drugs, they have a bad effect on cardiovascular activity, the functioning of internal organs, and the brain.